CIUTI 2011 Forum - Programme

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Tentative Program


May 21st and May 22nd 2011

It’s sustainable economy that matters!

Economic development and the role of professional
language service providers

Saturday, May 21st 2010

09:00 Opening Ceremony
Chair: JIN Li (BFSU, Beijing)
09:10 Hannelore LEE-JAHNKE (President of CIUTI)
09:20 CHEN Yulu (President of BFSU)
09:30 LI Zhaoxin President of TAC)
09:40 Krystyn Marty (Minister, Representative of Switzerland)
9:50 Frans de Laet (Secretary General of FIT)
10:00 Benoît KREMER (President of AIIC)

Plenary Session (Keynotes)

Chair: WANG Lidi (BFSU, Beijing)

10:30 Martin FORSTNER (Secretary General of CIUTI): The Importance of China’s

Strategic Partnership Policy for Translation and Interpreting Studies
11:00 CHEN Yulu (President of BFSU): China’s Economic Development and its People-
to-people Exchanges with other Countries
11:30 Shaaban M. SHAABAN (Under-Secretary-General, UN, New York): Global
Strategic Partnership Policy and its Effect on the Translation and
Interpreting Industry and Professional Organizations – the United Nations

12:00 – 14:00 Lunch break

Plenary Session

Chair: Hannelore LEE-JAHNKE (CIUTI)

Changing Times, Unchanging Values in a Multipolar World?

14:00 ZHONG Weihe (President, Guandong University of Foreign Studies): Going

global: Training of Translators and Interpreters in China
14:30 Rytis MARTIKONIS (Director General, DG Translation, European
Commission): To be unilingual or multilingual, that is the question: The
case of the EU

15:00 Coffee Break

15:30 – 17:30 Sections A, B, C and D

Section A

The double link: economy and translation studies

Chair: ZHANG Wen (BISU)

15:30 CHAI Mingjiong (SISU): The role of translators and interpreters in China’s
cultural exchanges with other countries

15:50 MAO Sihui (Macau polytechnique): China and Latin America

16:10 Olga EGOROVA (Astrakhan University): Central Asia and China

16:30 Gilbert FONG (Hong Kong Hangseng College of Management):

16:50 Mark SHRINER (CLS Communication Asia Pacific Pte Ltd): Cultural
Differences in the Translation Industry

17:10 Detlef KOTTE (UNCTAD, Geneva): China in the changing world economy
17:30 END

Section B

The world enterprises: To undervalue translation is to mismanage economy

Chair: Frank PEETERS (ARTESIS, Antwerp, Belgium)

15:30 HUANG Rengang (Deputy Director General, WTO Affairs Dept. MOC):
Economy Trade and multilateral trade negotiations
15:50 Doris ALBISSER (CLS Communication AG, Zürich, Switzerland): Keep fit to
grow in an evolving global language landscape
16:10 François MASSION (DOG, Germany): Beyond translation: Globalization issues
in the product life cycle
16:30 John GEANEY (HP Services, Geneva, Switzerland): Communication challenges
in deploying large scale global projects
16:50 Genevieve AUROI-JAGGI (University of Geneva, Switzerland): On the
importance of continuous training
17:10 Chris DURBAN (Paris): Controlling the narrative: How top-notch translations
help buyers master their market
17:30 END

Section C
New Demands for professional organisations

Chair: YANG Ping ( TAC)

15:30 HUANG Changqi (TAC): Training of Trainers: the China Experience

15:50 Wolfram BAUR (Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer, Germany):

Translators as experts for international communication in specialized fields

16:10 Mirko SILVESTRINI (President of EUTAC): European translation companies

facing new challenge

16:30 Frans DE LAET (Secretary General, International Federation of

Translators): Ongoing Challenges for the International Federation of
Translators: FIT's Strategic Planning Process

16:50 Michael CROOK (Institutes of Linguistics, UK): Legal translator training: the
need for modules focussing on industry skills to provide career guidance and
options for professionals

17:30 END

Section D

On the development of translation studies in China

Chair: LIU Shusen (Peking U)

15:30 BAO Chuanyun (Monterey, USA): Developing best practices – a case study of
training the trainers program in China

15:50 WANG Lidi (BFSU): New developments in T & I training at GSTI-BFSU

16:10 LIU Heping (Beijing Languages University): Characteristics of the Developmental

Ability in Translation and Translation Teaching

16:30 WANG Lifei (University of International Business and Economics, Beijing):


17:30 END
Sunday, May 22 2011

Plenary Session

Where Culture Matters: Business between East and West

Chair: CHAI Mingjiong (SISU)

09:10 JIANG Yonggang (Executive Secretary General of TAC): On the development of

China’s translation industries

09:30 CHENG Shuaihua (Programme Officer – Strategic Analysis & China/Asia

International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, Geneva):
Communication strategy of internationalization of Chinese business

10:00 Coffee Break

10:30 – 12:30 Sections E, F, G and H

Section E

Research in Translation and Interpreting Studies

Chair: Peter HOLZER (Innsbruck, Austria)

10:30 MU Lei (Guandong Foreign Studies University): Analysis of research theses of

MTI students in China

10:50 Arnt Lykke JAKOBSEN (Research Center Copenhagen): Keylogging and

eyetracking as methods for understanding translation processes

11:10 Annegret STURM (University of Geneva, Switzerland): ToM and translation: an

interdisciplinary study

11:30 Caroline LEHR (University of Geneva, Switzerland): Emotions in translation –

an explorative empirical investigation

11:50 Discussion

12:10 END

Section F

On Quality Management and Certification

Chair: HUANG Changqi (TAC)

10:30 CHEN Jin (Xiamen University): Washback of Interpreting Accreditation Tests on

Interpreting Learning in China

10:50 LAI Sharon (Taiwan Normal University): Translation and Interpretation

Competence Examinations in Taiwan: since 2007

11:10 Peter A. SCHMITT (University of Leipzig, Germany): Quality Management in T

& I Training and Practice – A Holistic Perspective

11:30 Uwe Muegge (Monterey, USA): A new Approach to teaching collaborative

Translation in the Classroom

11:50 Discussion

12:10 END

Section G

On the Training of Trainers

Chair: LIU Heping ( BLCU )

10:20 Nikolay GARBOVSKIY / Olga KOSTIKOVA / Olga ZHARKOVA (Lomonosov

Moscow State University): Training Chinese-Russian Translators and
10:50 Sylvie VANDAELE (Montreal, Canada): Challenging Homes’ map of translation
studies: What means research in specialized translation?

11:10 Frieda STEURS (Lessius/KULeuven, Belgium): Terminology and knowledge

management: Challenges in multilingual business communication

11:30 Hannelore LEE-JAHNKE (CIUTI President, University of Geneva): From

Novices to Experts: Does this also apply for trainers?

11:50 Discussion

12:10 END

Section H

New Perspectives for Translation and Interpreting Services

Chair: Paul PAUWELS (Lessius, Belgium)

10:30 Maurizio VIEZZI (University of Trieste, Italy): Legal translation and court

10:50 REN Wen (Sichuan University): From the Booth to the Field: Recent
Development in Simultaneous Interpreting

11:10 Danielle D’Hayer (London Metropolitan University, UK): Moving towards a

(virtual) community of practice for Public Service Interpreters

11:30 J-C KWAK (Hankuk University, Seoul): Training Interpreters for New Political

11:50 Discussion

12:10 END

12:20 – 14:00 Lunch Break

14: 00 – 15:00 Sections J, K, L

Section J

Bridging the Language Gap Between East and West

Chair: FENG Yihan (CNU )

14:00 Marie MERIAUX-BRISCHOUX (ISIT/Paris, France): An ideal model of training

in two cultures

14:20 Edward VICK (EVS Translations GmbH, Germany): The arrogance of English

14:40 Rafael GUZMÁN (University of Granada, Spain): A proposal of teaching

Russian-Spanish legal and administrative translation
15:00 END
Section K

Training in and for different cultures

Chair: ZHOU Ming (BFSU )

14:00 Galina ELIZAROVA (Herzen State University Sankt Peterburg, Russia):

How do “a translator” and “a cultural mediator” get along?

14:20 Clare DONOVAN (ESIT/Paris, France): Forty years of training

translators and interpreters with Chinese

14:40 Silvana SIMOSKA (Kyrill & Method University, Skopje): Training in and for
different cultures: The case of Macedonia

15:00 END

Section L

To meet new academic and professional challenges: Life Long Learning

Chair: LIANG Ying (BFSU)

14:00 Marc ORLANDO (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia): How smart pens
can work with and for you
14:20 Susan XU (SIM University Singapore): Accrediting Professional Interpreters:
The ‘Uniquely Singapore’ Model


15:00 END

15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break

Plenary Session

The European Union and China’s International Cooperation

Chair: WANG Enmian (UIBE)

15:30 Marco BENEDETTI (Director General, DG Interpretation, European

Commission): DG SCIC’s role in EU-China relations

16:00 Olga COSMIDOU (Director General, DG Interpretation and Conferences,

European Parliament): The role of Conference Interpretation in a political
environment such as the European Parliament

16:30 – 17:00 Closing Ceremony

Closing Ceremony

Chair: WANG Lidi (BFSU)

16:30 JIN Li (Vice President of Beijing Foreign Studies University)

16:45 Hannelore LEE-JAHNKE (President of CIUTI): To open your mind to translation

is opening your mind to the world

17:00 END

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