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Week Six Assignments (Weekly Checklist) NNU10


1. Week Six Required Reading: Gonzalez, Chapters 34-36 (39 pages); Jenkins, Chapters 6, 7, and
8 (70 pages) Total pages required for Week Six reading - 110 pages. NOTE: total combined
required reading for the course - approximately 1015 pages. 

2. Reading Assignment One - based on the reading of the Gonzalez text, Chapters 34-36. Write a
300 word analysis and reflection statement on this assigned reading. "Analysis and reflection"
implies that this statement is to be more than mere summary. 
DUE DAY ONE (Monday). 

3. Reading Assignment Two - based on the reading of Jenkins, all chapters of the text. Write 300
word analysis and reflection statement on the assigned reading from the Jenkins text based
on TWO of the following questions. IMPORTANT NOTE to students: all four questions below
are designed to be sweeping, broadly-stated questions to encompass the student's reading of and
reflection on the text:
     a. In a number of ways, Jenkins book is about, in his words, the "power of the book" with
obvious reference to the inspired scriptures. He develops this theme on many levels throughout
the book, with particular emphasis on the subject in Chapter 2. With broad brush strokes,
dialogue with Jenkins on this theme as you have come to understand it as a result of your reading
and reflection on this provocative book.
     b. Another significant emphasis of Jenkin's book is what he refers to as "the global south." In
completing this question, think about a series of questions - what is meant by the global south;
what are unique characteristics of the global south geographically and in terms of how this sector
of the globe believes and practices the Christian faith; or, what distinguishes the global south
from the global north; what does Jenkins identify as trends in the global south and what insights
are to gained from such an analysis; and so forth.
     c. Jenkins, as reflected in the chapter titles of the text, concentrates on a number of contrasts
in Chapters 3-8 - old and new; poor and rich; good and evil; and so forth. Select ONE of these
contrasting dichotomies and dialogue with Jenkins as to the content of his analysis and
     d. This is the contextualization question should you choose to accept it. Jenkins book is highly
suggestive and instructive for the global church of Jesus Christ as it proceeds into the 21st
century. Complete this particular question with these things in mind. What does a study of this
text suggest, for example, for missionary strategies, for learning from the Body of Christ in the
global south, for addressing seismic shifts or far-reaching trends as they arise, and so forth.
DUE DAY THREE (Wednesday).

4. NOTE ON STUDENT RESPONSES: students are NOT to submit all their Student Responses
in just one or two days of the week. They are to be submitted throughout each week of the course
in response to colleague assignments, professor's lectures, and class discussion. A basic "rule of
thumb" is to submit at least two response notes on four different days of the week. However, in
certain weeks of the course I may designate a specific day (or days) of the week in which Student
Responses will be the primary focus of the student's work online.
Week Six Assignments (Weekly Checklist) NNU10
Student Responses: throughout the week, submit responses of 75-100 words in length on four
different days of the week in response to colleague assignments, professor's, and/or general class
discussion for a total of 8 Student Responses each week. 

5. Primary Source Material Analysis: as mentioned above, THE PRIMARY SOURCE

that you may devote more time to completing your Core Competency Project. 

6. Weekly Summary and Contextual Integration: students will submit a Weekly Summary and
Contextual Integration Statement of 300 words in length that will serve as a "wrap-up" to the
weekly focus and discussion. This summary must also include critical reflection (analysis) and
integration to the context of ministry. The distinct purpose of this assignment is to integrate your
weekly learning to your current ministry context or assignment. If you are not currently engaged
in a ministry assignment, then integrate your weekly learning to your anticipated ministry
context. Your weekly summary will be structured around the three major learning objectives
(headings) of KNOWING (what did I learn?), BEING (how has my spiritual life or journey been
shaped?), and DOING (when, where, and how can I use this information in the context of
ministry?). Again, this summary should NOT be a duplication of material presented in other
assignments for the week but a reflection on new lessons learned from your study and their
application to the context where you now serve.
DUE DAY SIX (Saturday). 

7. Core Competency Project: a major requirement of this course - a research and reflection paper
- is the Core Competency Project. Please read carefully the following details and directions for
this assignment:

a. The CC Project will be due on Day Seven (7) of Week Six of the course.

b. It will be 1500-2000 words in length (approximately 6-8 pages).

c. It will follow the formatting expectations required by the NNU Online Masters Program.

d. In completion of this assignment, students will consult 6-8 bibliographic sources in addition to
the course texts.

e. It will greatly strengthen your work to consult and incorporate "primary" sources into your
paper but the degree and the manner to which this is done will depend largely upon your selected
alternative and the subject of your paper.

NOTE: please look at the Assignments section (Core Competency Project) under Course
Information for additional information on this assignment.

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