Essay. Wonder - PD 2020

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Student: Pantoja, Florencia Silvina

Subject: Discursive Practices II

Essay: “Wonder”
Bullying, how to stop it

Student: Pantoja, Florencia Silvina

Subject: Discursive Practices II
Teacher: Chaile Gricelda
I.E.S N°6- Perico
Year: 2020
Student: Pantoja, Florencia Silvina
Subject: Discursive Practices II


Bullying is unwanted and aggressive behaviour among school aged children

which can have serious consequences on individual students and the school climate as
a whole. I strongly believe that preventing bullying requires that both schools and
parents get involved. This situation is experienced by the principal character of this
film, Auggie.

To begin with, bullying is any behaviour that is initiated by one or more

students against a victim or victims which causes physical or psychological
intimidation. These bad behaviours can be classified into direct (such as teasing,
theatening and stealing) and indirect (such as rumor speading and social isolation)
which are carried out by Auggie’s classmates because of his illness.

Although he was raised by his parents who always gave him inconditional love
and support as well as the most important thing they made him love and accept
himself for who he is, these actitudes do not have his classmates forward him. For
example, during the film we can see how his Auggie’s classmates treat him as a
monster who has a plague and if someone of them gather with him, he or she will got
sick. Futhermore, they made him feel alone, insecure and deppressed due to his
apprearance. Despite the fact that they do not treat him very well, Auggie teaches
them that the most valuable thing in a person is not his or her physical appearance but
his or her values such us respect, emphaty, tolerance and equality.

Contrary to what most people believe, the bullying can be hurtful to everyone
involved and both parents and teachers must pay attention to each situation where
these bad hevarious are being developed. It is not easy to stop it, but with a lot of
effort it can be prevented in order students feel in a positive climate where all of them
are accepted and respected for who they are.
Student: Pantoja, Florencia Silvina
Subject: Discursive Practices II

Taking everything into account, both teachers and parents must pay attention,
teach and get involved to prevent their child is being bullied or has bullied someone
else and as a result set up healthy friendships.

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