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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación

Course: English B1+
Code: 900004

Activity guide and Evaluation rubric – Task 2: Writing Production

1. Task description

Type of task: Collaborative

Evaluation moment: Intermediate Unit 1
Highest score of the task: 90 points
Task starts on: Monday, February
Task ends on: Tuesday, March 9, 2021
15, 2021

With this task, you are expected to achieve the following learning
outcome: The student will be able to write and create a well-detailed curriculum
vitae in English based on his/her professional profile and the career he/she is
currently studying with the purpose of getting prepared for a job interview.

For this task, keep in mind:

- Read diligently the information about Collaborative work considered at UNAD
- The participations or contributions shared in the forum within the last 3 days
before closing the task or out of time, will be graded under average or low level.
- Weekly, your tutor will let you know which stage you must complete to fulfill all
the necessary requirements of this task.
- This task 2 represents the first part of all the Production tasks suggested in this
course -Task 2, Task 4 and Task 5- which are connected together to be developed.
Task 2 is an integral part to help you improving your professional career so you
have the opportunity of taking advantage of actual job opportunities in your real
life. You can read about this, here:

This task consists of: 4 stages and all of them are required to create your
professional profile in English to complete your curriculum vitae.

1.1. Enter the Learning Environment and participate in the forum: CREATING MY
CURRICULUM VITAE and introduce yourself, state what you are studying, if
you are working and what your professional goals are. Use a minimum of 100
words in English for this part. This stage will help you also to complete the
stage 3 to create your curriculum vitae.

1.2. Then, reply on the forum to one of your e-mates’ participation by giving your
opinion on his/her professional path. The opinion stated has to be written in
English according to the level you are enrolled in and it has to be meaningful
and elaborated. Use a minimum of 70 words to provide your opinion.

To know how to express opinions, it is suggested to check and do the

exercises of the Online content: module 11, lesson 9 and 10. This stage will
help you to know on the dynamic when opinions are communicated.

2. Watch the following video and use your own experience to answer in English to
one of the upcoming questions:

Each student of the Collaborative group has to select only one question (It cannot
be repeated) to write a complete answer using a minimum of 50 words in English
to reply to it. Every question has to be answered by one student and, all the 5
questions have to be replied. This stage will help you to get prepared to present
the job interview.

2.1 Have you ever had a job interview? Tell about it.

(Answer of 50 words in English) __________________________

2.2 What is the main purpose of the video?

(Answer of 50 words in English) __________________________

2.3 Mention three suggestions the speaker gives to someone preparing for an
interview: (Answer of 50 words in English)

1. ___________________________________



2.4. Why is “verbal communication” important, according to the speaker?

(Answer of 50 words in English) __________________________

2.5. List 3 suggestions you would give someone who is preparing for a job
interview: (Answer of 50 words in English)

1. ___________________________________



3. Each student has to download the template and based on it, write and complete
it in English your professional profile:

The information you provide, must be uploaded to the

Writing Forum in English for further feedback from
your e-tutor and e-mates. Do not attach any files.
Upload the information directly. This draft will be
taken into account in the evaluative rubric, as it is the
basis for the oncoming stages.

*Colors and style of the professional format can be

customized by the student.

This stage will help you to complete your C.V. in

English and get close to have good working

4. After receiving proper feedback, you will work with the members of the group
you were assigned to.

In group, create ONE Wix page in which you will collect each student’s professional
information: Curriculum Vitae template. Please, do not include personal information
such as phone, address, photos, etc. because of privacy and personal data
protection policy. It will look like this. Take a look at the following sample, so you
can have a model:

4.1. Each student will upload his/her curriculum vitae on one Wix page with the
corrections suggested by the tutor.
4.2. The Wix link must be shared in the Writing forum. (One link per group).

The group must consolidate and submit in a PDF format document, the following
information from the evidence of the participation in the Collaborative forum:

1. Cover with information of full names, code, academic program and number
of collaborative group, among others.
2. Screenshot of each student, sharing personal information. Stage 1, part 1.1.
3. Screenshot of each student, giving opinions to one e-mate´s participation.
Stage 1, part 1.2.
4. Screenshot of each student, answering to the question selected. Stage 2.
5. Screenshot of each student, sharing the curriculum viate. Stage 3.
6. The Wix link created by the group in the information required. Stage 4.

Only one PDF document per group must be uploaded in the Evaluation

For the development of the task consider that:

In the Initial Information Environment, you must: check the agenda out to
verify the opening and closing dates of the task.

In the Learning Environment, you must: check out and study the Online
Content (Level B1 from module 7 to module 12). Enter the forum and participate
in the development of Individual and Collaborative tasks.

In the Evaluation Environment, you must: Upload one PDF format document
with all the information required.

Evidences of individual work:

- Screenshot of each student, sharing personal information. Stage 1, part 1.1.

- Screenshot sharing the professional profile. Stage 3.

Evidences of Collaborative work: The group work evidences to submit are:

- Screenshot of each student, giving opinions to one e-mate. Stage 1, part 1.2.
- Screenshot of each student, answering to the question selected. Stage 2.
- The Wix link created by the group. Stage 4.

2. General Guidelines for the development of evidences to submit

For Collaborative evidences, consider the following:

• All members of the group must participate with their contributions in the
development of the task.

• Read the information about Collaborative work considered at UNAD

• In each group a single member will be chosen to submit the requested

product in the environment indicated by the teacher.

• Before submitting the requested product, students should check that it meets
all the requirements mentioned in this activity guide.

• Only the members of the group that participated with contributions during
the time assigned for the task should be included as authors of the submitted

• The participations or contributions shared in the forum within the last 3 days
before closing the task or out of time, will be graded under average or low

Please, keep in mind that all individual or collaborative written products must
comply with the spelling rules and presentation conditions defined in this activity

Regarding the use of references, consider that the product of this activity must
comply with APA style.

In any case, make sure you comply with the rules and avoid academic
plagiarism. You can review your written products using the Turnitin tool found
in the virtual campus.

Under the Academic Code of Conduct, the actions that infringe the academic
order, among others, are the following: paragraph e) Plagiarism is to present as
your own work all or part of a written report, task or document of invention
carried out by another person. It also implies the use of citations or lack of
references, or it includes citations where there is no match between these and
the reference and paragraph f) To reproduce, or copy for profit, educational
resources or results of research products, which have rights reserved for the
University. (Acuerdo 029 - 13 de Diciembre de 2013, artículo 99).

The academic penalties students will face are:

a) In case of academic fraud demonstrated in the academic work or evaluation,

the score obtained will be zero (0.0) without any disciplinary measures being
b) In case of proven plagiarism in academic work of any nature, the score
obtained will be zero (0.0), without any disciplinary measures being derived.

3. Evaluation rubric

Type of task: Collaborative

Evaluation moment: Intermediate Unit 1
The highest score in this task is 90 points

First High level: The student introduces and shares all the
evaluation information required in stage 1.1 in the Collaborative forum.
Participation The student selects one student´s participation and provide a
Assessment complete and meaningful opinion of 70 words in English on
his/her professional path with good grammar in the forum.

The contributions are posted according to the schedule.

Development If your work is at this level, you can get between 20 points
of Stage 1 and 25 points.
work) Average level: The student introduces and shares some of the
information required in stage 1.1 in the Collaborative forum.

The student selects one student´s participation and provide a

basic opinion on his/her professional path with some grammar
mistakes and less of 70 words in English in the forum.

If your work is at this level, you can get between 12 points

This criterion and 19 points.
represents 25
points of the Low level: The student does not introduce and share the
total of 90 information required in stage 1.1 in the Collaborative forum.
points of the
task. Or the student does not provide an opinion on his/her e-mate´s
professional path in the forum. The contributions are posted out
of the schedule.

The student does not participate in this task.

If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points
and 11 points.

High level: The student answers in English to one of the

questions suggested in stage 2 using a good grammar and a
Second minimum of 50 words.
criterion: The student shares and provides directly (no files attached), in
Content the Writing forum, his/her professional profile in English well-
Assessment structured with the required in the stage 3.
The contributions are posted according to the schedule.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 35 points
and 45 points.

Average level: The student answers in English to one of the

Development questions suggested in stage 2 with some grammatical
of Stage 2 – 3 mistakes.
work) The student shares and provides directly (no files attached), in
the Writing forum, his/her professional profile in English
according to the required in the stage 3 with some mistakes.

If your work is at this level, you can get between 20 points

and 34 points.

This criterion Low level: The student answers to one of the questions in
represents 45 English suggested in stage 2 with grammatical mistakes and less
points of the of 50 words.
total of 90
Or the student does not share and provide in the Writing forum
points of the
his/her professional profile in English. The contributions are
posted out of the schedule.

The student does not participate in this task.

If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points

and 19 points.

Third High level: The group creates the Wix page with all students´
evaluation professional information: Curriculum Vitae and, shares the link
criterion: in the Writing forum with all the requirements of the stage 4.
Assessment The contributions are posted according to the schedule.

If your work is at this level, you can get between 10 points

and 13 points.
of Stage 4 Average level: The group creates the Wix page with some of
(Collaborative the students´ professional information: Curriculum Vitae and,
work) shares the link in the Writing forum (Stage 4).

The contributions are posted according to the schedule.

This criterion If your work is at this level, you can get between 9 points
represents 13 and 6 points.
points of the
total of 90 Low level: The group creates the Wix page but it is not
points of the included all the students´ professional information or it is not
task. developed this stage. The contributions are posted out of the
The student does not participate in this task.

If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points

and 5 points.

High level: The final document is consolidated by the group in
a PDF format document and delivered in the Evaluation
Environment according to the 6 items requested in the
“Collaborative work Consolidation”.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 6 points
and 7 points.
Average level: The final document is consolidated by the group
and submission
in a PDF format document and delivered in the Evaluation

work) Environment but it does not have all the 6 items requested in
the “Collaborative work Consolidation”.

If your work is at this level, you can get between 5 points

and 3 points.
This criterion
represents 7 Low level: The final document is not consolidated by the group
points of the in a PDF format document and it is not delivered in the
total of 90 Evaluation Environment.
points of the
task. The student does not participate in this task.

If your work is at this level, you can get between 2 points

and 0 points.


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