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Scattering of slow electron from hydrogen

atom in non-ideal classical plasmas: Zero-

energy resonances
Cite as: Phys. Plasmas 28, 023506 (2021);
Submitted: 06 December 2020 . Accepted: 24 January 2021 . Published Online: 12 February 2021

Biswajit Das, and Arijit Ghoshal


Stability and collision dynamics of electron–proton in dense semi-classical hydrogen plasma

Physics of Plasmas 27, 103509 (2020);

Hydrogen negative ion density measurement by laser photodetachment and the effect of H
recombination on the walls
Physics of Plasmas 28, 023505 (2021);

Referee acknowledgment for 2020

Physics of Plasmas 28, 029801 (2021);

Phys. Plasmas 28, 023506 (2021); 28, 023506

© 2021 Author(s).
Physics of Plasmas ARTICLE

Scattering of slow electron from hydrogen atom

in non-ideal classical plasmas: Zero-energy
Cite as: Phys. Plasmas 28, 023506 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0039727
Submitted: 6 December 2020 . Accepted: 24 January 2021 .
Published Online: 12 February 2021

Biswajit Das and Arijit Ghoshala)

Department of Mathematics, Burdwan University, Golapbag, Burdwan 713 104, West Bengal, India

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:

The scattering of slow electrons from the hydrogen atom embedded in non-ideal classical plasma has been investigated by using the effective
range theory. A pseudopotential, which has been derived from a solution of Bogolyubov’s hierarchy equations, is used to represent the inter-
actions among the charged particles in plasma. A detailed study is made on the effects of non-ideality of plasma on the scattering dynamics
for a wide range of the non-ideality parameter. In particular, the zero-energy resonance phenomenon has been studied in detail by evaluating
the singlet scattering length. It is found that the scattering length suffers significant changes when the non-ideality parameter approaches its
critical value.
Published under license by AIP Publishing.

I. INTRODUCTION the screened interaction can be described adequately by the

Over the past few years, a number of attempts have been made to Debye–H€uckel potential of the form (in a.u.),
acquire better understanding regarding various properties of non-ideal er=rD
plasmas (NIPs).1–19 The motivation, to a great extent, is attached to VDH ðrÞ ¼ ; (1)
proper explanation of the evolution of planets and stars whose cores
are considered to be in the state of NIP.20–26 Moreover, the physics of where rD ¼ ð0 kB Te =ne e2 Þ1=2 is known as the Debye length. Its recip-
NIPs plays important roles in the interpretation of various phenomena rocal l (¼ 1=rD ) is usually called the plasma screening parameter. The
associated with inertial fusion,27 x-ray free electron laser,28 exploding Debye–H€ uckel model of effective potential (1) corresponds to a pair
wires,29 condensed matter,30 and plasma physics.14 NIPs can be correlation approximation.
explored experimentally by using high-power lasers, shock wave com- However, with increasing density, inter-particle interactions
pression method, and ion accelerators.13 Theoretically, non-ideality grow up, which leads to the increase in NI of plasma. Under these cir-
(NI) of plasma is usually measured by a dimensionless quantity, called cumstances, multi-particle correlation effects resulting from the simul-
the non-ideal plasma parameter, c. In terms of density ne and temper- taneous interaction of a large number of particles play an essential role
in the proper description of plasma. Taking into consideration the
ature Te, it is given by c ¼ ðe2 =4p0 kB Te Þð0 kB Te =ne e2 Þ1=2
screening effect and the collective events, the effective interaction
¼ e2 =4p0 rD kB Te , where e is the electronic charge, 0 is the permittiv-
potential between two charged particles in a classical NIP can be
ity of the free space, kB is the Boltzmann constant, and rD is the Debye
obtained in closed form by solving sequentially the chain of
length. If c ¼ 0, the plasma is called an ideal plasma (in strict sense).1
Bogolyubov equations.6 That pseudopotential or effective potential,
In that case, the separation of plasma particles is large enough so that
which describes the static interaction between two charged particles q
plasma particles move undisturbed along straight paths. This is an ide-
and q0 at a distance r apart, is of the form (in a.u.)
alized situation. In practice, c can be made small enough by reducing
h pffiffi
the density so that inter-particle interaction is much less than the
qq0 10 þ cðe c r=rD  1Þð1  e2r=rD Þ er=rD
kinetic energy of the thermal motion. In the weak limit of c (c  1), VðrÞ ¼ ; (2)
the plasma is called weakly coupled plasma (WCP).2 For such plasmas, 10½1 þ f ðcÞ r

Phys. Plasmas 28, 023506 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0039727 28, 023506-1

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Physics of Plasmas ARTICLE

where f ðcÞ is known as the correction function. The values of f ðcÞ are from hydrogen atoms, the cotangent of the S wave phase shift d0 can
known for a discrete set of values of c within 0–4.5.6 The above pseu- be expressed in powers of the incident electron momentum ki as47,48
dopotential describes appropriately the screened interaction potential
in classical NIPs for 0  c  4. Note that it reduces to the ki cotðd0 Þ ¼  þ r0 ð2 þ k2i Þ þ oðk4i Þ þ    ; (4)
Debye–H€ uckel potential in the form of Eq. (1) for the weak limit of c. 2
So far, a good number of studies have been made on classical NIPs by where  is connected with the difference in the ground state energy of
using the above pseudopotential.7–19 It is worthy to mention here that H (EH) and ground state energy of H (EH  ) as
the pseudopotential (2) describes the particle interactions in a non- pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
degenerate classical plasma and does not include the effects of quan-  ¼ 2ðEH  EH  Þ; (5)
tum degeneracy. In order to include the quantum effects of diffraction and r0 is constant having the dimension of length, known as the
and symmetry inherent in a semi-classical plasma, it is necessary to “effective range.” Equation (4) can be used to obtain phase shift at low
consider a new model of particle interaction.31,32 energies for which terms of order of k4i can be neglected. In that case,
In this paper, we concentrate mainly on the non-ideality of Eq. (4) reduces to
classical plasmas with ne 2 2:7  ½1023  1026  m3 and Te 2
½1  10 104 K so that c 2 ½0:0; 4:0 approximately. In particular, we 1
ki cotðd0 Þ ¼  þ r0 ð2 þ k2i Þ: (6)
focus on partially ionized hydrogen plasma (PIHP). Our objective is to 2
study the effects of NI of plasma on the scattering of electrons from At sufficiently low energies (ki ! 0Þ, also called the zero-energy, scat-
hydrogen atoms at low incident energies. In particular, our endeavor tering takes place predominantly at the S wave, and it is homoge-
will be to study zero-energy scattering in detail. The scattering of elec- neous and isotropic. In this case, scattering can be described
trons from atoms plays an important role in calculating the various conveniently by the scattering length, defined by
physical properties of a partially ionized dense plasma, such as trans-
port and thermodynamical and optical properties.33 As stated above, tan ðd0 Þ
as ¼  lim : (7)
NIPs exist naturally in various astrophysical objects and are widely ki !0 ki
used in different technical applications. Valid data on transport, ther-
At zero-energy, “as ” gives the scattering amplitude, so the differen-
modynamical, optical, and other properties of dense NIPs are required tial cross section and the total cross section are, respectively, given by
for a correct description of the processes in these systems.32 a2s and 4pa2s . Moreover, for an attractive potential, the scattering
In vacuum, electron scattering from hydrogen atom at low inci- length with a positive sign points toward the existence of bound states
dent energies has been studied extensively. In particular, the scattering of the underlying composite system.51 The scattering length can be
length has also been calculated accurately.34–42 In comparison to computed accurately by using Eq. (6). In order to calculate the phase
vacuum, studies on electron–hydrogen collisions in plasmas using fully shift or scattering length by using (6), we require knowing three quan-
quantum mechanical calculations are relatively small.43–46 In this tities, namely, r0, EH  and EH.
paper, we use the effective range theory (ERT)47,48 to study the effects The effective range “r0” can be obtained from the knowledge of
of non-ideality of PIHP on the dynamics of low-energy electron– the ground state wave function W1s ð~ r 1 ;~ r 12 Þ of H and its asymp-
r 2 ;~
hydrogen scattering. totic form, u1s ð~
r 1 ;~ r 12 Þ, at large distances as47
r 2 ;~


Let ~r 1 and ~
r 2 denote the coordinates of two electrons relative to
the proton (assumed to be at rest), and ~ r 12 ¼ ~r 1 ~
r 2 . With this
description, the non-relativistic Hamiltonian of the e–H system
embedded in PIHP, wherein the interactions among the charged par-
ticles are represented by the effective potential in the form of Eq. (2), is
given by (in a.u.)

1 1 er1 =k er2 =k
H ¼  r21  r22  gðr1 ; cÞ  gðr2 ; cÞ
2 2 r1 r2
er12 =k
þ gðr12 ; cÞ ; (3)
where gðr; cÞ ¼ ½10 þ cðe cr=k  1Þð1  e2r=k Þ=½10f1 þ f ðcÞg.
As proposed above, we use the effective range theory (ERT) to study
the effects of NI of plasma on the low-energy electron scattering from
hydrogen atom. ERT is an effective method for computing scattering
phase shifts at low incident energies. It uses the knowledge of the ana-
lytic properties of scattering amplitude and is based on the infinite
expansion of the cotangent of the phase shift in powers of incident
FIG. 1. K(r), as given by Eq. (11), as a function of r.
energy for a certain class of potentials.49 For the scattering of electrons

Phys. Plasmas 28, 023506 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0039727 28, 023506-2

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Physics of Plasmas ARTICLE

TABLE I. Singlet S wave phase shifts (in radian) in e–H collisions in vacuum (l ¼ 0 and c ¼ 0) for different values of ki (in a.u.). The row corresponding to  represents scat-
tering length. A: Results of the effective range theory of Ghoshal and Ho,43 B: Variational results of Schwartz,37 C: Results obtained by using optical potential (without the use of
projection operators) method, including the effects of polarization with the Shertzer and Temkin cutoff function by Bhatia,36 D: Results of the method of polarized orbitals by
Temkin and Lamkin,38 E: Variational results of Messay and Moiseiwitsch,39 F: Results of post-adiabatic approximation by Klar and Klar,40 G: Results of the adiabatic method (in
hyperspherical coordinates) by Lin,41 H: Results of the complex-correlation Kohn T-matrix method by Bhatia and Temkin.42

ki (a.u.) Present A B C D E F G H

0.0 6.008 77 6.139 5.965 6.000 92 5.8

0.1 2.565 56 2.553 2.553 2.553 72 2.583 2.484 2.585 2.513 2.553 58
0.2 2.098 53 2.076 2.0673 2.066 99 2.114 2.003 2.093 1.983 2.066 78
0.3 1.749 75 1.720 1.6964 1.698 53 1.750 1.649 1.735 1.568 1.698 16
0.4 1.488 57 1.455 1.4146 1.415 61 1.469 1.425 1.433 1.242 1.415 40
0.5 1.288 32 1.253 1.202 1.201 12 1.251 1.250 1.209 0.989 1.200 94
0.6 1.131 16 1.096 1.041 1.041 10 1.095 1.059 0.784 1.040 83
0.7 1.005 34 0.971 0.930 0.930 94 0.931 0.618 0.931 11

W1s ð~
r 1 ;~ r 12 Þ ! u1s ð~
r 2 ;~ r 1 ;~ r 12 Þ
r 2 ;~
r0 ¼ 2 u21s ðr; 0; rÞ  W21s ðr; 0; rÞ dr: (8)  r1 
e er2
0 ¼C /1s ð~ r 2Þ þ /1s ð~
r 1Þ ; (9)
r1 r2
For the weakly bound ground state of H, u1s ð~
r 1 ;~ r 12 Þ can be rep-
r 2 ;~ where /1s denotes the ground state wave function of H, and C is a con-
resented as35 stant to be determined. With such a representation of u1s , r0 is given by
TABLE II. Singlet S wave phase shifts (in radian) in e–H collisions along with the ground state energies of H–1 (EH  in a.u.) and H (EH in a.u.) in classical PIHP for various
densities (in m3) and temperatures (in K) at different values of incident electron momentum ki (in a.u.). rD (in a0) and c are, respectively, the Debye length and non-ideality
parameter at the corresponding temperature and density. The row corresponding to  stands for singlet scattering length.

ne ¼ 2:7  1023

Te 104 2  104 5  104 8  104 105

c 0.125 821 66 0.044 484 67 0.011 253 83 0.005 560 58 0.003 978 83
rD 250.970 411 60 354.925 759 84 561.186 900 68 709.851 519 68 793.638 125 97
EH  0.475 520 97 0.505 760 33 0.520 836 55 0.523 780 03 0.524 652 28
EH 0.450 320 93 0.479 022 37 0.493 356 74 0.496 164 47 0.496 998 50
0.00 5.903 27 6.010 60 5.999 24 6.021 26 5.994 01
0.05 2.850 13 2.844 54 2.845 00 2.843 88 2.845 23
0.20 2.131 79 2.103 26 2.101 53 2.096 95 2.101 62
0.50 1.365 86 1.303 50 1.295 05 1.286 79 1.293 92
0.75 1.034 72 0.968 13 0.958 56 0.950 31 0.957 18
ne ¼ 2:7  1024

Te 104 2  104 5  104 8  104 105

c 0.397 883 02 0.140 672 89 0.035 587 74 0.017 584 11 0.012 582 17
rD 79.363 812 60 112.237 380 14 177.462 879 92 224.474 760 27 250.970 411 60
EH  0.388 810 35 0.466 149 16 0.506 609 32 0.515 391 81 0.518 059 64
EH 0.367 827 06 0.441 213 86 0.479 686 63 0.488 063 55 0.490 614 14
0.00 5.895 84 5.941 68 6.000 87 6.102 08 6.032 62
0.05 2.851 52 2.848 27 2.844 99 2.839 91 2.843 34
0.20 2.168 03 2.126 43 2.104 04 2.084 01 2.095 75
0.50 1.490 26 1.359 05 1.303 32 1.268 58 1.286 11
0.75 1.187 06 1.028 21 0.967 62 0.933 22 0.949 92

Phys. Plasmas 28, 023506 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0039727 28, 023506-3

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1 1 X
r0 ¼  : (10) /1s ð~
r 2Þ ¼ Cl0i eai r2 r2li ; (13)
 4pC 2
So, ultimately, we require determining the constant C to obtain r0.
Setting r1 ¼ r12 ¼ r and r2 ¼ 0 in Eq. (9), we find that the expression where Cl0i and ai, respectively, stand for the expansion coefficient and
re W1s ðr; 0; rÞ0 remains constant for a wide range in the asymptotic
0 r non-linear variational parameter. Expansion of the wave functions
region. Let us define (12) and (13) and calculational procedures have been discussed in
detail in our previous works.16,17 The phase shift, thus obtained, is a
KðrÞ ¼ rer W1s ðr; 0; rÞ (11)
singlet for obvious reason.
so that K(r) remains constant for a wide range in the asymptotic
region. We recognize this constant as C. Upon substituting C in III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Eq. (10), we obtain r0. Using 715 numbers of terms in the wave function (12), we have
It now remains to determine the ground state wave function and been able to obtain EH  , correct up to eight places of decimal. EH  and
energy of H and H embedded in PIHP. This is accomplished by solv- other parameters have been reported in our previous work.17
ing the corresponding Schr€odinger equation within the framework of
Conversely, we have found that 150 terms are required to be used in the
the Rayleigh–Ritz variational principle. In the case of H, we employ a
wave function (13) to obtain convergent result for EH, correct up to four-
trial function of the form
teenth places of decimal.16 The quantities EH  and EH yield  according
N1 to the formula (5). We have used quadruple precision arithmetic
W1s ð~
r 1 ;~ r 12 Þ ¼
r 2 ;~ Cl1i mi ni eaðr1 þr2 Þ r1li r2mi r12
þ ðr1
r2 Þ; (12) throughout the computation. The overall uncertainty in the reported
i¼1 results lies within 5%. The correction coefficient f ðcÞ in the pseudopo-
where Cl1i mi ni ’s are the expansion coefficients and a is a non-linear tential (2) is calculated quite accurately for 0  c  4:0 by utilizing the
variational parameter. For H, we utilize the following trial wave function: discrete values of f ðcÞ, as given in Ref. 6 in a cubic interpolation scheme.

TABLE III. Singlet S wave phase shifts (in radian) in e–H collisions along with the ground state energies of H–1 (EH in a.u.) and H (EH in a.u.) in classical PIHP for various
densities (in m3) and temperatures (in K) at different values of incident electron momentum ki (in a.u.). rD (in a0) and c are, respectively, the Debye length and non-ideality
parameter at the corresponding temperature and density. The row corresponding to  stands for singlet scattering length.

ne ¼ 2:7  1025

Te 104 2  104 5  104 8  104 105

c 1.258 216 58 0.444 846 74 0.112 538 31 0.055 605 84 0.039 788 30
rD 25.097 041 16 35.492 575 98 56.118 690 07 70.985 151 97 79.363 812 60
EH  0.234 330 78 0.363 131 21 0.466 784 43 0.490 464 22 0.498 109 97
EH 0.220 827 05 0.342 952 64 0.441 423 75 0.464 001 77 0.471 307 75
0.00 5.074 73 5.875 85 5.892 38 5.995 82 6.013 83
0.05 2.896 71 2.852 79 2.850 64 2.845 32 2.844 37
0.20 2.457 99 2.180 71 2.132 77 2.107 39 2.102 43
0.50 2.356 09 1.530 81 1.365 99 1.312 52 1.301 51
0.75 2.434 90 1.239 78 1.034 49 0.977 57 0.966 05
ne ¼ 2:7  1026

Te 104 2  104 5  104 8  104 105

c 3.978 830 17 1.406 728 90 0.355 877 39 0.175 841 11 0.125 821 66
rD 7.936 381 26 11.223 738 01 17.746 287 99 22.447 476 03 25.097 041 16
EH  0.106 501 65 0.191 115 21 0.364 024 89 0.423 011 53 0.442 136 02
EH 0.099 715 99 0.179 318 42 0.342 925 12 0.399 044 35 0.417 275 32
0.00 4.698 17 5.316 83 5.984 97 6.029 41 5.978 28
0.05 2.928 07 2.886 50 2.847 04 2.844 10 2.846 47
0.20 2.758 89 2.460 04 2.149 78 2.116 91 2.120 19
0.50 2.895 17 2.406 88 1.451 27 1.352 32 1.348 83
0.75 2.965 15 2.502 92 1.140 79 1.023 45 1.017 74

Phys. Plasmas 28, 023506 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0039727 28, 023506-4

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Physics of Plasmas ARTICLE

The ground state wave function W1s ð~ r 1 ;~ r 12 Þ consisting of 715

r 2 ;~ 0.416 252, and 0, respectively.17 From Fig. 2, we notice that the scatter-
numbers of terms is then used in the expression of K(r), as given in ing length remains positive for l and c lying within their respective
Eq. (11), to obtain the constant, C. In Fig. 1, the asymptotic behavior critical values. However, as c approaches cc (or l approaches lc), the
of K(r) with respect to the coordinate r is shown. From this figure, we scattering length starts blowing up so as to become divergent at the
notice that K(r) remains constant in a wide range of r. This constant is
recognized as the value of C. Having obtained C and , the effective
range r0 is obtained from Eq. (10). So, we can now use the formula (6)
to obtain phase shifts or scattering length.
In Table I, we put up our present results of singlet S wave phase
shifts for e–H collisions in vacuum along with the corresponding
results obtained by using some other reliable calculations.36–43 From
this table, we observe that our present results are in good agreement
with the results of other calculations. Furthermore, the phase shift
decreases with increasing incident electron momentum within the
range that we consider in the present paper. In this connection, it is to
be mentioned that Omarbakiyeva et al.33 calculated the phase shifts
for e–H scattering in partially ionized dense plasma by considering the
e–H interaction on the basis of scattering data. They graphically repre-
sented the shift for different electron densities at various temperatures.
For the free-atomic system, their reported result for the phase (5.965)
is in close agreement with our present result.
The 1 S scattering length and phase shift for various temperatures
and densities within the ranges ½1  10  104 K and 2:7
½1023  1026  m3 are presented in Tables II and III. Ground state
energies of H and H are also presented in those tables. We notice
that the scattering length stays positive everywhere within the said
ranges. Moreover, the change in the scattering length with varying
temperature or density is not monotonous. It does not present an
increasing pattern or a decreasing pattern. However, the change in the
scattering length with varying density is noticeable at low tempera-
tures, whereas the change in the scattering length with varying temper-
ature is considerable for high densities. Table IV shows the scattering
length for various plasma screening strengths and non-idealities. We
note that for a given c; the scattering length increases with increasing
screening strength. However, for a given screening strength, the
change in the scattering length is mild, when c varies from 0 to 0.25. It
is to be noted that the effective scattering area increases with increasing
screening strength due to the increase in the first Bohr radius. This
leads to the increase in the scattering cross section, as well as the scat-
tering length.
It is interesting to study the behavior of 1 S scattering length,
when l and c approach their respective critical values lc and cc (values
of l and c beyond which there exists no bound states of H). Figure 2
shows the behavior of the scattering length, when l and c approach lc
and cc, respectively. It is to be noted that for lc ¼ 0.6 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0,
and 1.173 840, cc is given by 2.943 723, 1.810 911, 1.161 095, 0.690 811,

TABLE IV. Singlet scattering length (in a.u.) in e–H scattering under PIHP.

l (in a1
0 )

c 0.0 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.60

0.00 6.008 77 6.175 91 6.582 81 7.918 65 8.986 14

FIG. 2. (a) Variation of the singlet scattering length (in a.u.) in the e–H scattering under
0.10 5.964 14 6.072 86 6.602 75 7.940 78 8.917 57 WCP (c ¼ 0) as a function of plasma screening strength, l (in a1 0 ). Variation of the sin-
0.25 5.935 27 6.043 59 6.609 09 8.064 88 8.491 23 glet scattering length (in a.u.) in the e–H scattering under PIHP as a function of non-ideality
parameter c for (b) l ¼ 1.0 a1 1 1 1 1
0 , 0.9 a0 , 0.8 a0 , and (c) l ¼ 0.7 a0 , 0.6 a0 .

Phys. Plasmas 28, 023506 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0039727 28, 023506-5

Published under license by AIP Publishing
Physics of Plasmas ARTICLE

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Phys. Plasmas 28, 023506 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0039727 28, 023506-6

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