Vertigozorbing LTD Risk Assessment For Body - Zorbing & Bumper Football

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 LTD  Risk  Assessment  for  Body-­‐Zorbing  &  Bumper  Football  

Hazard   Risk   Who  is  Affected?   Risk  Controls?   Severity  of   Likelihood   Overall   Actions  to  be  taken?  
Risk?   of  Risk?   Risk?  
Ground   Injury  due  to  Body-­‐Zorb   Participant   Flat  Ground  free  from  Glass,   1   2   1   Assessment  prior  to  
Conditions   being  damaged  for   stones  etc.….   Zorbing  commencing  
therefore  becomes  
deflated.  Bruises,  Cuts  &  
Abrasions  from  surface.

Faulty   Injury  to  body,  due  to   Team   All  Equipment  checked   2   1   1   Zorbing  equipment  
Equipment   breaking  and  hitting   before  session.   replaced  when  necessary
participant,  e.g  bruises  
cuts  and  abrasions

Misuse  of   Misuse  of  equipment   Team   Staff  Member  to  brief   5   3   4   Rule  must  be  displayed  for  
Equipment   leading  to  injuries.   everyone  on  how  to  get  in   any  new  participants  
(Impact  injuries). side  the  Zorb  correctly,   should  they  join.  
including  the  fastening  on   Instructions  must  be  given  
straps. to  individuals  for  getting  
in  an  out  the  balls,  ie  Staff  
must  place  participants  in  
Making  sure  that  
the  zorbs  individually  to  
participants  are  aware  of  the  
show  them  how  to  get  in  
rule  board.
safely,  how  to  tighten  
Staff  to  remain  vigilant  
during  every  session

Zorbs   Zorbs  deflation  during  use   Participant   Staff  member  to  ensure  the   4   1   1   Zorbs  are  checked  during  
Zorbs  are  remained  fully   sessions,  inflated  or  
inflated. removed  if  necessary.  
Zorbs  safety  checks  
carried  out  at  beginning.  

Zorbs   Incorrect  fitting  of  the   Participant   Staff  member  to  stay   5   3   4   Staff  member  to  instruct  
zorbs,  I.e.  Upside  Down,   vigilant,  and  to  keep  an  eye   individuals  to  how  to  get  
Back  to  front,  or  straps   on  everyone  in  the  Zorbs.   in  the  Zorb  correctly,  rule  
not  tight  enough. Making  sure  to  there  best   board  to  be  displayed
ability  that  people  are  safe.
Head  can  become  closer  
to  the  opening  of  the  Zorb.  

Incorrectly fitted Body

Zorb leading to
muscular- skeletal

Zorbing   Collision  with  other   Participant   Staff  to  ensure:  the  group   4   3   3   To  make  sure  people  are  
Collisions   participants  whether  in  a   (participants)  are  behaving   aware  of  the  safety  of  
  Zorb  or  not,  causing   in  a  safe  manner. getting  in  an  out  of  the  
  concussion,  bruises  or   Zorb
Staff  to  brief  participants  
about  the  awareness  of   Spectators  or  participants  
  colliding  with  smaller   waiting  to  Zorb,  to  not  
individuals  (weight   approach  the  Zorbs.  
difference). Participants  that  are  
Zorbing  to  be  told  to  stay  
clear  of  spectators.    
  Staff  to  remain  vigilant  at  all  
  Staff  to  ensure  that  the  rule    
  of  (Not  bumping  into  the    
  unaware  is  enforced).    
Staff  member  to  in
rule  board  to  be  d

Cleanliness   Zorbs  becoming  dirty   Team   Zorbs  regularly  cleaned   1   2   1   Zorbs  are  cleaned  when  
(weekly),  after  and  before   required,  taken  out  of  
every  session  they  are   action  if  required.    
cleaned  with  Detol,  bacteria  

Injuries   Objects  to  be  removed   Participant   Ensure  the  rule  board  is   1   1   1   NONE  
from  falling   (ie  watches...) visible.
onto  object

Risk  Assessment  Carried  Out  by  Dominic  J  Schrader,  Amended  on  1st  April  2014.  
Risk  Level  Severity  1=minor  2=serious  3=major.  Likelihood  1=unlikely  
2=possible  3=likely  Risk  (1=low  9=high)

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