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I have been involved with English since I was about 13 because my sister was studying English

back then and used to teach me everything she learned during the classes as soon as she
would get home and also because that was when I started developing my passion for music
and listening to music was a big and important part of my routine at the time. From that time
on, I’ve never spent a day without having any some kind of contact with the language.
That being said, I started Letras - Português/ Inglês in 2010 not because of English, but
because of Literature. At the time, I did not have any plans in becoming an English teacher, but
iIt turned out that the more I worked with English, the more my love for it would increase. It
took some time to reach the conclusion that I would focus only oin my ELT career, but it
happened in 2015.
My last job experience wasn’t the best and it had meI was stuck in disappointment and
discouragement the whole time I worked there, . However, but since June, which was when I
resigned from itmy previous workplace, I feel my energy and love for being a teacher have
been renovatedreignited.
I know the challenges I have ahead and I am aware that there are is a lot to be improved and I
have to find ways to make up for the lost time, . that’s That is why I choose Celta CELTA to be
my first big step to be the teacher I’m now sure I want to be and towards I what I see myself
doing for a long time.

During my course at university, I had a subject in which we shouldwhere we had to talk about
the connection between art and community and one of the final parts of it included planning
and organizing an event.
Since I live in Pernambuco, most of our discussions were region-wise, so me and my group and
I had the opportunity to plan a Coco (a type of dance) pocket show with discussions. The
professor gave us some weeks to prepare everything we needed, so we were able to find
ourselves pretty involved in the planning, setting up everything, etc.
Throughout the process, we could see everything take form and it turned out to be an even an
emotional experience as we could see how fragile this type of art and tradition is nowadays. By
the end of the semester, we had an entire week of events organized by the whole class and
the all the students were invited to attend to it. The entire experience was poetic and it came
out to be an amazing one when every night, students would sit on the grass outside, listen to
music, talk about art forms and tradition and also feel connected with their cultural
background in a as way they might never felt before.
Not only tThe teacher were was not only able to teach us about art and community, but also
how to make get students involved in something and how productive that can be. Since then,
I’ve always tried to find ways to encourage students to produce something, even the tiniest
possible thing, and it is always a very successful teaching experience.

My names’ name is Jacques and I’m I am studying with you in your saturday Saturday
morning class from 9.30 to 12.30. I’m writing this letter to introduce myself to you and to tell
you why am I am here, in Norwich, learning English? . As you already know (from my accent
if nothing more!), I was born near to Toulouse in southern France, although actually, I feel
as if I’m from Nice as I’ve been living there since I was a child. I’m twenty-four years old,
single and I haven’t gotdon’t have any children. I still live with my parents in a nice flat in the
city centrecentre, about ten minutes from the main square, station and market area. It’s a
cosmopolitan, lively, large city with plenty to do and lots of green areas where we can relax,
get some fresh air and meet with our friends. My father’s now retired but my mother and
grandmother both continues to work part-time in at the nearby hospital.

I’m a Taxitaxi-driver and am learning English for my job. I speak a little of Italian, and French
of course, but in my work, I’ve I have to talk to a lot of tourists with much a lot of different
accents, so during this course, I’d I would like lots of speaking and listening practice, please. I
tryed tried to learn English at school but. D despite taking classes twice a week, I didn’t
manage to be able to speak anything. I hope I’m more luckyier this time.

I’ve been in Brighton for three months now and feel as if I’m making a reasonable progress,
but my main problem is being able to join into a conversation with native speakers. They
speak so quickly! A and all the words seem to run together. ! Why are you British so hard to
understand. ? I never have this problem in my language!

So far, I’m really enjoying life in Norwich. It’s so much fun! I love coming to your classes, too
and thought think you’re an extremely excellent teacher. You’re funny, you explain things
very well and obviously want us to succeed. I know I don’t usually do the homework, not
because I don’t like the exersisesexercises you give us or because I don’t think their they are
necessary, but because I’m very busy as I have to work at MacdonaldsMcDonald’s every day
to pay for my stay here. Sorry! I’ll try doing more from now on.

1. Being patient and finding ways to transmit patience to students, since the process of
acquiring a second language takes time.

2. Being studious and curious. The more one researches about teaching, the more this
person concludes that there are plenty of things that can and must be improved in order to
become a good teacher and as this profession it demands willingness and curiosity.

3. Being easily adaptable is extremely important since a teacher must not only must be able
to work with people from different backgrounds, ages and objectives, but also to work in
different schools, places and, in general, diverse kinds of contexts.

I reckon I can deal with it well, since I am aware that planning and preparing lessons demand
a lot of time and thinking and also because planning (every lesson) has been part of my job
for about 5 years. That is the part of a teacher’s job that I particularly enjoy doing it.

I have always thought that practicing practising something at the same time that you’re
learning about somethingit is precious, so it should not be a problem. I think it will be
productive in every way.

This certainly is something I don’t think I’ll have problems with, because I’m not part of a
teachers team anymore and one of the downsides of working alone is the lack of feedback
from other teachers. and I know that during CeltaCELTA, specifically, l’ll l will have plenty of
constructive feedback gave given by very competent professionals.
Honestly, I know it will be a challenge, since the writing part of my routine is very concise,
because it comes down to writing lesson plans and emails. That being said, I can deal with it
and I am open to spending some time editing my texts and thinking about how to achieve a
good result in the written assignments.

I have worked almost non-stop for the last ___ years in different kinds of jobs, and all of
them demanded punctuality and meeting deadlines and f. For these reasons, I can tell I am
used to it, I know how important they are, and I will do my best to keep it up.

Since English is my second language, I know this it can be effortful to know every single detail
and have these concepts entirely internalized, but needless to say, I like studying English and
studying about grammar, lexis and phonology will always be a pleasant task whenever

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