CASE STUDY 2 (Hill + Knowlton Strategies)

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CASE STUDY 2 (Hill + Knowlton Strategies)

1. Based on the case regarding the H&K ethics scandals in the 1990s, it was inappropriate because it
was unethical and violated the PRSA Code of Ethics (Regina Luttrell & Jamie Ward, 2018). Other
than that, the reason is as the reputable PR and communication related consultation, H&K need to be
more careful while identifying the client’s problem. Regarding an unethical job to take, the company
should consider making a decision on taking a job that has been paid for and should be more
responsible for the company's reputation. In this case, H&K violated the code of ethics in PRSA
which gives a big impact to H&K’s reputations. From the phenomenon, the company’s reputation has
plummeted after taking this case. The company has no transparency and accountability in the action
that they took, it can be seen from faked testimonies from the daughter of Kuwaiti ambassador who
was trained to behave in front of the camera. Then, bad working conditions in the company's
environment by making faked several testimonies. Due to these scandals, it shows that H&K do not
respect the environment and also was taking disadvantageous procedures through faked testimonies.
Other than that, H&K was also violated regarding human rights issues. As a reputable advertising
brand company, H&K must prioritize the interests of stakeholders by prioritizing company values,
because job is not only about the money or transactions.

2. In any kind of situation faced by the company, we need to stick with integrity, honesty, and fairness.
Especially, as a reputable PR and communication company, we must have a high corporate integrity
referring to the PRSA Code of Ethics and also give a fulfillment of the implicit and explicit promises
made to H&K’s stakeholders. Through any decision we made, it needed to be consistent and
disciplined in ethical norms and values following the ethical codes of PRSA. We should emphasize
code of ethics and also believe in the integrity of our professional values (Regina Luttrell & Jamie
Ward, 2018). Ethical business behavior of the company needs to fulfill society’s expectations based
on the law and acceptance behavior based on the standard that society has made. There are six
statements in fulfilling professional ethical values (Regina Luttrell & Jamie Ward, 2018). First,
advocacy where the company serves the public interest by acting as responsible advocates for those
who represent. Second, honesty where the company follows and adheres to standards of truth in
advancing the interest of the people which the company represents and in communicating with the
society. Third, expertise on taking responsibility using specialized knowledge and experience and
building mutual understanding, credibility, and relationships among various institutions and public.
Fourth, independence where the company is accountable for what actions they took and providing
objective counsel to the clients. Fifth, loyalty where the company is faithful for those company's
representatives. Last but not least, sixth is fairness where the company plays fairly to the employees,
clients, the media, vendors, competitors, and general public. We need to respect the right of free
expressions from all of the opinions and support.
CASE STUDY 5 (Volkswagen: #boycottvw)
1. In order to repair the reputation of the company, as communication manager, there will be
several strategies and tactics to regain the public's trust (Pearse, 2010). Reputation restoration
measures in this case focus on marketing communication activities effectively in the post-
crisis period. In an effort to improve corporate image, effective communication is needed in
the formation of strategies and tactics to tackle corporate scandal cases (Morgan & Hunt,
1994, p. 22). The following are the strategies and tactics that will be used:
 Strategies:
a. Restore the image of the brand with concepts such as apologies. The terms of
apologies refers to justification of a position or opinion explained for untoward behavior
from crisis. 
b. Create a marketing campaign to reduce the negative impact of the crisis which
was a company’s mistake to targeted customers who are going to start questioning about
their cars and the resale values. 
c. Advertise on the official account of VW by using the technique of relationship
marketing which refers to all marketing activities in order to establish, develop, and
maintain the company’s successful relational exchanges.
d. The CEO message consists of emissions issues and how the company is trying to
deal with the situation quickly and appropriately. The message from the CEO containing
the company's confidence in overcoming the crisis.
e. Build more trust and confidence to improve and develop the company in order to
overcome the scandal and shows that the executives of the company are working very
hard to regain brand reputation.
f. Creating a positive impact on customer trust through buying back all defective
cars as the company’s corrective action strategy.
 Tactics:
a) Make a company’s statement of a confession for the wrongdoing by making an apology
to justify unanticipated behavior which could relate to public emotions.
b) Initiated marketing campaigns in many marketing activities, such as social media posts,
TV advertisements, YouTube videos, and also the redevelopment of services and
c) Advertising its campaign to get emotional interactions, practical movement, and logical
categories which could give big impact and make strong links between their customers
and their valued cars.
d) Publish company’s annual report which included the message from CEO to stakeholders.
It shows very clearly that the company were working really hard to solve the crisis for
retaining investors an sees the issue as a top-priority 
e) Create a future long-term strategy as one of the company’s corrective actions with an
objective for the group to become an integral part of the modern transportation industry
f) Announcing the decision to buy back all defective cars through all communication
channels and assumed it gives an impact to all stakeholders.
CASE STUDY 6 (New Zealand: Made With Care)

1. As shown from the New Zealand campaign, it shows that the businesses in the country would have a
great excellence reputation through the message of their claim which serves the safe, tasty, premium
quality, and nutritious food and beverage products. In fact, New Zealand is one of the successful
countries that has beaten Covid-19 that made this country labeled as the ‘safe country’. Investing in
the businesses would be a perfect choice to make. The business shows that they have great social
responsibility, not only for the people but also the environment and the community which leading to
great corporate reputation quotient. The core values of the brand itself shows that they will be
protecting and caring for all of the elements in the world, such as people, place, and planet. They also
caring for others and showing respect, kindness, hospitality, and kindness. The impression of its
campaign brings interest to investing in the country. The brand messages and the whole campaign
itself shows that it would be a great investment to take a chance, especially with the positive global
perception and sentiment which can be the strength of the businesses to enhance the demand of its

2. Indonesia is a country that is widely seen as the economic giant of the future (Wahyoe
Boediwardhana, 2019). National strength of Indonesia is focused on the manufacturing and tourism
The Focus on Internal Strength of Indonesia
o Manufacturing Industry: The manufacturing industry growth is one of the main sources of
Indonesia's economy that relies on natural resources. Indonesia is well-known as a rapidly
industrializing country which gives very positive opportunities for foreign investors doing
investment in Indonesia’s manufacturing. The shows an optimistic effort in achieving growth rate
on increasing employment by improving the climate of ease of business and investment.
 Key Messages: 
- Growth in manufacturing (7% average annual growth forecast 2016 - 2020)
- #1 in Asia for industry (Indonesia’s GDP in industry is high)
- Size of workforce (15+ million employment in the manufacturing sector)
- Track record ($76 billion manufacturing FDI in Indonesia)
 Video Campaign: The video showcase demonstrates Automation and Digitization for Making
Indonesia 4.0 by showing energy-saving products that are automation and digitization to
increase the efficiency of operating costs for manufacturing businesses in Indonesia.
o Tourism Industry: Indonesia’s tourism industry has grown rapidly. The government in Indonesia
aims to transition to digital which tourists can rely on their gadgets and technology to explore
new destinations or places in Indonesia. We create technology-friendly places and
accommodations to help global tourism explore new places just through their gadget. Other than
digital transition, we also designate some top-priority destinations for tourist attractions.
 Key Messages: 
- Beautiful countryside (natural landscapes can be found across the country)
- Interesting cultures & historical remnants (Major cultural destinations which also offers
developed recreational)
 Video Campaign: The video showcases top destinations of the most beautiful and magnificent
attractions in Indonesia’s super-priority tourist destinations. The video also aims to boost the
creative and tourism economy amid the COVID-19 and shows strict health protocols.
CASE STUDY 7 (Kodak: Live Forever)

1. Kodak used brand marketing strategies which focused for their brand reputation and
entrepreneurial marketing. Based on the tactics they used, Kodak is wanted to improve customer
satisfaction, focused on their customer experience, personalized their customer interactions,
excellent content marketing, delivered customer support in world-class, and using social listening
tools to respond to all of the comments on social media. These strategies help Kodak to compete
with their competitors to gain customers trust and business while maintaining a positive brand
reputation business successes. It also helps the brand effectively deliver and maintain great
customer experiences and satisfy both customers and employees. Kodak tries to increase their
engagement through social media which is one of the importance of engaging their audience on
social media. As a result, Kodak received a huge amount of new customers and also brings back
the old customer as an active loyal customer.

2. Kodak will be the foremost photography brand if they create new innovation and transformation.
Nowadays, brand reputation builds from the brand identity and image itself. It has to be a strong
identity, image, and also can keep up with the dynamic changes in today's competition. Through
keeping up with the new digital era, Kodak should reshape their business by adding the new
innovative product and services. This will help the brand to maintain customer loyalty and get
new customers. In addition, there are four additional strategies i would suggest to strengthening
Kodak’s reputation:
a. Looking forward to the digital technology photography industry. Managing Kodak’s
traditional film business to digital plans. Tactics:
b. Leading the distributed output through digital platforms. Digital photography helps
customers much easier to view or share photos. Tactics: Integrated camera’s display and
sharing photos through digital technology.
c. Growing the digital photography business. Tactics: Acquire with other aligned companies
to boost digital photography business, which in this case is to boost Kodak EasyShare-
One (ESO) wireless digital camera.
d. Expanding the digital image services. Tactics: Expanding the product and services stand
that could print the photos directly from customers’ phone and also acquiring companies
that have online services in digital.
Through innovation and transformation with a great market of research will help Kodak to launch
their new and innovative product which emphasizes the niche market. The suggestions and tactics
above will help the brand to receive a strong reputation. Essentially, the strong brand image and
identity will help Kodak to leverage their brand to create completely new opportunities for the

CASE STUDY 2 (Hill + Knowlton Strategies)

Petre, Silviu. (2016). The Hill and Knowlton Affair and the Marketization of the First Gulf War. A
Polanyian Perspective. Scientific Research and Education in the Air Force. 18. 635-648.

Luttrel, R., & Ward, J. (2018). A Practical Guide to Ethics in Public Relations. Elizabeth Swayze.
Rowman & Littlefield.

CASE STUDY 5 (Volkswagen: #boycottvw)

Wang, Yijing & Wanjek, Louisa. (2018). How to Fix a Lie? The Formation of Volkswagen’s Post-
crisis Reputation Among the German Public. Corporate Reputation Review. 21. 10.1057/s41299-018-

Hassan, Almoatazbillah. (2019). Evaluating the Marketing Communication Strategy of Volkswagen

in Post-Crisis Period: Application of Image Repair Theory. International Journal of Marketing
Studies. 11. 87. 10.5539/ijms.v11n2p87.

CASE STUDY 6 (New Zealand: Made With Care)


INDONESIA. International Journal of Business and Society, 19 (2). pp. 295-312.

Desk, New. (2020, February 25). Indonesia to focus on manufacturing, tourism and investment to
revive the economy. The Jakarta Post.

CASE STUDY 7 (Kodak: Live Forever)

Swain, Gabriel. (2018, December 11). Brand reputation management: 10 best practices. Agile CRM.

Rogers, Charlotte (2018, December 19). From skate to streetwear: Kodak plans to bring back its
consumer brand in a ‘big way’. Marketing Week.

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