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Institución Educativa “GONZALO JIMÉNEZ DE QUESADA”

Reconocimiento Oficial de los Niveles de Educación Preescolar /Transición,

Educación Básica Primaria y Secundaria Media Académica, mediante la
Resolución No. 4242 de agosto 12 de 2016, emanada de la
Secretaria de Educación y Cultura del Departamento del Tolima

Nivelación inglés Sierra Guzmán Bayrón

Passive Voice Exercises

 Change the following sentence from active voice to passive voice. (cambie las siguientes oraciones de
voz pasiva a voz activa)

1. They have offered him a good job.

Rta. A good job has been offered to him.
2. They will repair my car by next week.

Rta. My car will be repaired next week

3. You haven’t answered to my question yet.

Rta. My question hasn’t been answered yet.

3. Settlers built this town in 1802.

Rta. This town was built by settlers in 1802.

5. They are repairing the church bells today.

Rta. Church bells are being repaired today.

 Read and answer the following questions using passive voice. (Lea y responda las siguientes
preguntas usando voz pasiva)

Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. Voters elected John F. Kennedy to Congress in 1946.
Lincoln was elected president in 1860. Voters elected Kennedy president in 1960. Both men were
particularly concerned with civil rights. Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.
Lincoln was shot on a Friday. Someone shot Kennedy on a Friday. Lincoln was shot in the head. The
gunman shot Kennedy in the head. Lincoln's secretary was called Kennedy. Kennedy's secretary was called
Lincoln. Lincoln was assassinated by a Southerner. A Southerner assassinated Kennedy. Lincoln was
succeeded by a Southerner named Johnson. A Southerner named Johnson succeeded Kennedy. Andrew
Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in
1908. John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839. Lee Harvey Oswald, who
Institución Educativa “GONZALO JIMÉNEZ DE QUESADA”
Reconocimiento Oficial de los Niveles de Educación Preescolar /Transición,
Educación Básica Primaria y Secundaria Media Académica, mediante la
Resolución No. 4242 de agosto 12 de 2016, emanada de la
Secretaria de Educación y Cultura del Departamento del Tolima

Nivelación inglés Sierra Guzmán Bayrón

assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939. Both assassins were known by their three names and both names
are composed of fifteen letters. Lincoln was shot at a theatre named “Ford”. The gunman shot Kennedy in a
car called a “Lincoln” that the company Ford made. Booth ran from the theatre and was caught in a
warehouse. Oswald ran from a warehouse and the police caught him in a theatre. Booth was assassinated
before his trial. Someone assassinated Oswald before his trial. And finally, a week before Lincoln was shot,
he was in Monroe, Maryland. A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe!

1. On which day of the week were both presidents killed?

Rta. The presidents were killed on a Friday
2. Who killed Kennedy?
Rta. Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald.
3. What was the name of the presidents that succeeded both Kennedy and Lincoln?
Rta. Kennedy and Lincoln were succeeded by presidents named Johnson.
4. Where was Lincoln a week before his death?
Rta. Linconl was in Monroe Maryland a week before his death.
5. Who was born in 1908?
Rta. Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908.
6. When was Kennedy elected?
Rta. Kennedy was elected in 1960.
7. Where was Lincoln shot?
Rta. Linconl was shot in the head.
8. What issue were both presidents involved with?
Rta. Both presidents were involved with civil rights.

Indirect speech exercises

 Write these sentences in indirect speech, changing words where necessary. (Escribe estas oraciones
en discurso indirecto, cambia las palabras que sean necesarias)

Example: “I’ll see you tomorrow”, she said. = She said that you would see me tomorrow.

1. “My parents are arriving tomorrow”, she said.

Institución Educativa “GONZALO JIMÉNEZ DE QUESADA”
Reconocimiento Oficial de los Niveles de Educación Preescolar /Transición,
Educación Básica Primaria y Secundaria Media Académica, mediante la
Resolución No. 4242 de agosto 12 de 2016, emanada de la
Secretaria de Educación y Cultura del Departamento del Tolima

Nivelación inglés Sierra Guzmán Bayrón

Rta. She said her parents are coming tomorrow.
2. “We visited her this morning” they said.

Rta. They said they visited her this morning.

3. She said, “We went swimming today.”

Rta. She said they went swimming today.

4. “We’ll see her next summer” they said.

Rta. They said they’d see her next summer.

5. “I really like this furniture”, she said.

Rta. She said she really liked this furniture.

6. “I met her about three months ago”, he said.
Rta. He said he met her about three months ago.

 Imagine that you meet a famous person in the street and that you keep a short conversation with
him/her. Write it down using Reported speech to tell to a friend what happened. (80 – 100 words).
(imagina que conociste a un Famoso en la calle y que tuvieron una corta conversación con el/ella.
Escribe usando discurso indirecto para decirle a un amigo lo que paso. 80 a 100 palabras).

I’m very happy, yesterday I met Megan Fox and we talked for a moment. I told her that I really liked her
performance in the film Transformers and she told me that it was also one of her favorite roles; I asked
her why she was visiting Colombia and she told me that she was working on a new Netflix project. But
the best of all was that we took a photo, I told her I would tag her on Instagram and she told me that she
would share it on her social networks as well, that she had liked me very much and that she was happy
to be in Colombia enjoying our people and our culture.

Estoy muy feliz, ayer conocí a Megan Fox y hablamos un momento. Le dije que me gustaba mucho su
actuación en la película Transformers y ella me dijo que también era uno de sus papeles favoritos; le
pregunte el motivo de su visita a Colombia y me dijo que estaba trabajando en un nuevo proyecto de
Netflix. Pero lo mejor de todo fue que nos tomamos una foto, le dije que la etiquetaría en Instagram y
me dijo que la iba a compartir en sus redes sociales también, que yo le había agradado mucho y que se
sentía feliz de estar en Colombia disfrutando de nuestra gente y nuestra cultura.
Institución Educativa “GONZALO JIMÉNEZ DE QUESADA”
Reconocimiento Oficial de los Niveles de Educación Preescolar /Transición,
Educación Básica Primaria y Secundaria Media Académica, mediante la
Resolución No. 4242 de agosto 12 de 2016, emanada de la
Secretaria de Educación y Cultura del Departamento del Tolima

Nivelación inglés Sierra Guzmán Bayrón

 Make a video or audio reporting an event in your street, town or country, at least 1min 30seg.
(Haz un video o audio en el que reportes un evento en tu calle, pueblo o país).

The decline in the Colombian economy caused by the Covid-19 is being mitigated thanks to the opening of
trade in December, as it is a time when people buy gifts and other things. But this situation generates an
increase in the crowds of people, so they increase the chances of spreading this disease. The only solution
proposed by the government has been to make citizens aware of self-care, given that the country’s economy
could go under if a new quarantine were established by the end of the year.

La baja en la economía Colombiana provocada por el Covid-19 está siendo mitigada gracias a la apertura del
comercio en el mes de diciembre, ya que es una época en la que las personas compran regalos y otras cosas.
Pero esta situación genera un aumento en las aglomeraciones de personas, por lo que incrementan las
probabilidades de contagio de esta enfermedad. La única solución planteada por el gobierno ha sido
concientizar a los ciudadanos sobre el autocuidado, dado que la economía del país se podría ir abajo en caso de
establecer una nueva cuarentena para fin de año.

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