The Importance of Menu Variety Experienc

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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, September 2019, Vol. 10, No.

09  99

The Importance of Menu Variety Experience for

Public Health Sustainability at Higher Education Institution

Sarimah Ismail1*, Normah Kadir1, Arif Kamisan Pusiran2, Irina Safitri Zen3, Aqeel Khan1
1SeniorLecturer, School of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Johor Bahru, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia, 2Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Business, Economics and
Accountancy, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 3Senior Lecturer, Department
of Urban and Regional Planning, Kuliyyah Architecture and Environmental Design, International Islamic
University Malaysia (IIUM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The importance of menu variety from the perspective of public health has lacked of discussion in the
literature in comparison to the profit perspective of a foodservice business. This paper reports finding of
a research on the importance of menu variety for the sustainability of public health at higher education
institution (HEI) from students perspective. Direct observation towards food displayed on the buffet counter
of the cafeterias and interview sessions with students were conducted to identify attributes of menu variety
as constructs for a survey research. Complete set of 375 questionnaires were collected among students as
customer of 20 food outlets at 11 cafeterias of the HEI. Validity value of the questionnaire was 0.98, that
analysed by Rasch Development Model. Survey data was analysed using discriptive statistics. Overall mean
value for menu variety attributes was 1.97 and standard devition, 0.656, which at the moderate level. This
study suggested for the cafeteria food providers, customers and the HEI food autorithy to ensure high level
of menu variety is offered to sustain public health of the HEI, customer satisfaction and long tender period
of the cafeterias as a food provider.

Keywords: Menu variety attribute, higher education institution cafeteria, direct observation, sustainability,
Research University.

Introduction of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point and

to sutsain quality menu variety for public health. The
Among 20 public universities in Malaysia, five of
mismanagement in food, plates for serving and washing
them have recognized as Research University (RU). The
may cause a severe effect on the public health of HEIs.
Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education is targeting to
increase number of international students from 100,000 Food, service, staff, ambience, price and location
in year 2019 to 250,000 by year 2025 across the HEIs are among customer satisfaction determinants of food
to enhance international success and recognition of service found from research conducted across the globe.
academic research and training¹. The increment number One of the food attributes that bring the customers to
of student intake signs the heavier role of cafeterias at the patronize a restaurant/ cafeteria is menu variety. The
HEIs as a place of selling foods and as a body to taking menu variety has been debated in the literature for
care of students health. The big challenges are to fulfil decades due to its strong contribution in generating
diverse need of the students, to meet the requirement revenue for the restaurant/cafeteria². However, the
important role of menu variety to public health received
Corresponding Author** less attention. Since student intakes are increasing by
Sarimah Ismail year (both local and international students), and they
School of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and are are worry about their food intake while they are
Humanities, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Johor away from home, therefore, a research was conducted
Bahru, Skudai, Johor, Malaysia to identify menu variety offered at the HEI for the
e-mail: sustainability of public health.
1852  Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, September 2019, Vol. 10, No. 09

Methodology: A preliminary study was conducted All research instrument have been verified by two
to identify menu variety attributes for survey research senior university lecturers in the field of Food Service
constructs. The study was started with serial direct Management. Overall validity value of the questionnaire
observations toward food displayed on buffet counter of were 0.98 (for item validity) and 0.90 (for individual
20 food outlets at 11 cafeterias of a RU. The observations validity). Complete set of 375 questionnaires were
took place at three main meal times of breakfast (from collected among students as customer cafeterias. Data
7.00am to10.00am), lunch (from 11.00am to 3.00pm) and of the pilot study was analysed by Rasch Development
dinner (from 5.00 to 9.00pm). Data of the observation Model and assisted by Winstep version 3.72 computer
were written in the field note. This followed by software. Validity value that more than 0.80 is in the
interview sessions with customers of the cafeterias that range of high validity and the research instrument is
selected randomly among students of the RU. Interview suitable to be used for data collecting³.
questions addressed was assisted by interview protocol.
Saturation of data showed sample size of the interview Result
was 20 students while the observation took place for Among 12 menu variety attributes, three of them
three weeks. Findings of the preliminary study found 12 were rated at high level (daily menu themes, various
attributes of menu variety. They were variety in terms ´buffet` service menu and menu consists of various
of daily menu theme, menu type (buffet and a’la carte), nutrients). Seven attributes rated at moderate level
international menu, local menu, trendy menu, main were various menu for a’ la carte, international menu,
food ingredient, balance nutrition, sensory evaluation local menu, menu with various cooking method, menu
(food feature/ look, taste/ flavour and temperature) and with various main ingredients, menu with various taste/
cooking method. Those attributes were later on been flavour and menu with various look/ feature. Two
used as research construct for item development of attributes that rated at low level were menu with various
survey research instrument of quentionnaire. temperature and trendy menu (Table 1).

Table 1 Level of menu variety according to attributes

No. Attributes of Menu Variety Mean Standard Deviation Level of menu variety
1. Various daily menu themes 2.36 0.676 High
2. Various ´buffet` service menu 2.47 0.700 High
3. Various nutrient 2.47 0.498 High
4. Various ‘A la carte’ menu 2.31 0.662 Moderate
5. Various international menus 2.26 0.655 Moderate
6. Various local menus 1.99 0.742 Moderate
7. Various cooking method 1.94 0.618 Moderate
8. Various group of main ingredients 2.30 0.590 Moderate
9. Various taste/ flavour 1.95 0.746 Moderate
10. Various look/ feature 2.29 0.662 Moderate
11. Various temperature 1.60 0.622 Low
12. Various trendy menu 1.60 0.622 Low
Overall Mean 1.97 0.656 Moderate

Discussion and lunch, all cafeterias promote menu variety of

cooked foods to provide freedom for students to
The importance of 12 menu variety attributes toward
have choice to choose and adopting buffert service
public health are discussed according to sub-themes as
to offer fast service and avoiding long queue.
However, those variety of foods were stereotype
(a) Variety of Menu: Realising students having short and repeatedly everyday as well as similar between
period of time during peak meal hours of breakfast one food outlet to another. The a’la carte menu only
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, September 2019, Vol. 10, No. 09  1853

available late in the afternoon for tea break and the same food over and over again are likely to be
dinner. The study also found only small number of less healthy than those who eat a variety of food.
food outlets offer trendy menu. Menu with various Since 80% of students at the RU of study are local
theme ranging from traditional local menu according students, those fattening food will contribute to the
to ethnic and culture, different daily theme, a’la carte increment of obesity statistics in Malaysia. A study
menu, international menu, pasta, salad, sandwiches, conducted by 6 also found the similar finding that
bread, fresh fruit, stew, dairy products, soup and university cafeterias have prepared ready cook food
menu for special need like vegetarian with different that served at buffet counter but the food choice
group of main ingredients to provide holistic balance focuses on Malay ethnic group.
nutrients are available only at a few cafeterias with
The best diet should have a little bit of everything
very limited choice.
of main group of ingredient to provide balance diet.
Menu variety was found as a key factor in attracting The food variety promotes greater bacterial diversity
and reflecting the need, expectation and satisfaction in the gut to keep body weight. Having variety of
of customers ² visiting a cafeteria. It affects food choice is seen as marketing strategy to attract
performance of food service industry 4. Through customers attention besides awareness that there is
menu variety students are able to have variety of no single food contains all of the essential nutrients
nutrient for the body to function correctly and having in the optimum amount as the body need to keep
choice to choose according to their preference. The healthy apart from breastmilk for babies. Knowing
fulfiling customers’ preference and expectation will this, the cafeteria food providers is suggested to sell
make them happy and having possibility for them variety menu with alternate different item in each
to repeat purchase through repeat visit. The repeat major groups of food ingredient: fruit, vegetables,
purchase promises increment in profit². grains, low-fat dairy, lean protein and unsaturated
fat to provide variety and sufficient nutrients as
The students of today require lots of healthy menu
the body needs. Number of menu that contains of
variety that consistent with current market trend
high complex carbohydrate, protein, saturated fat
to satisfy their taste buds. The new trend of food
and cholesterol should be replaced with menu with
however, requires skilled chef to incorporate
healthier main ingridients like diary products, fruits
quality attributes of a food to produce healthy and
and vegetables that consist of high vitamin, minerals
well-balanced meals. This study suggests for the
and fiber.
cafeterias to employ qualified chef and kitchen
staff that equiped with various food knowledge and (c) Variety of Food Taste/ flavour: Majority of
skills. students rated food variety sold at the cafeteria at
moderate level. The food taste of spicy, salty, sweet,
(b) Variety of Main Ingredient: Finding of this study
soury are consistent with Malay food taste. Since
showed that although menu offered are variety
Malaysia is a multiracial country that consists of
like having noodles, snack, rice, dessert, salad and
three major races which are Malay, Chinese and
vegetables, but most of them were Malay food
Indian besides as a RU that having big number of
orientation that sinoname with rice, flour, red meat,
international students, therefore, the cafeteria food
fish, chicken and green leafy as well as rhizome-
providers is required to aware toward the needs of
based vegetabes as main ingredients. They were
various food taste of Chinese and Indian students
cooked with chillie, soya sauce and coconut milk.
as well as international students with various
These make the foods look red and oily, having hot
nationality. Thus, menu variety that fulfill the need
and spicy taste.
of these students with heterogenous background
Those food ingredients are rich with high calorie should be offered.
nutrients that take long time to digest. Taking
The foods sold were also found mixed with
high complex carbohydrate, protein, saturated
artificial food flavour. This study suggests for the
fat and cholesterol food items for long term will
cafeteria food providers to use natural flavor that
lead to obesity, diabetese as well as silent killer
is free from artificial food elements (like artificial
of cardiovascular diseases like heart attack and
additives, preservatives, food coloring, flavor,
hypertention. Research5 claimed people who eat
and genetically modified organism etc.) that may
1854  Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, September 2019, Vol. 10, No. 09

harm body health. Natural food that is associated the food safe to be eaten and prolong shelf life of the
with freshness, organic and local produced food is food. However, this study found low rate for serving
perceived healthier because it is natural from the food at the right food temperature. This situation
perspectives the way the food has been grown, how happened might be because of four reasons. First,
the food has been produces and processed as well as many cafetarias displayed dishes that suitable for
the properties of the final product7. lunch early in the morning to fulfill the need of
customers who taking heavy meal for breakfast
In food business, the sensory characteristic of food
(skip lunch meal). The buffet counter that is not
(the feature/ look, taste/ flavour, aroma and texture)
fixed with food warmer system to control dishes
influences customers choice and making decision
temperature above 60ºC and the dishes has been left
either to buy or not to buy the food8. The sense of
in the room temperature (32ºC) for more than four
taste drives customers appetite and protect them
hours after been cooked will expose the dishes to
from poisons and steer them towards the right food
bacterias like Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella
groups and away from the wrong ones9. A study
enteritis, Escherichia coli, Campylobacter to grow.
conducted by Department of Statistics Malaysia¹
These bacterias grow rapidly and produce heat
found the effect on taste toward food demand
resistant toxin in ‘Danger Zone’ (between 4ºC and
is very strong and high statistically significant.
Therefore, understanding why students purchase
some foods but not others is the utmost importance Second, low awareness of customers toward the
for marketing strategy, advertising, attracting the importance of right food temperature and negative
students to repeat purchase and for planning of new impact to body health if disobey this guideline.
menu variety development. Third, lacking of knowledge and or bad attitude of
kitchen staff and cafeteria food providers about this
(d) Variety of Food Nutrition: Menus variety offered
matter until been portrayed into their bad practices.
by the cafeterias are loaded with food items that
Fourth, Malaysian food is well known with hot
contains of large amount of complex carbohydrate,
and spicy taste. Eating the food at unsuitable food
protein and fat. Some cafeterias sell fresh fruit and
temperature in hot and humid 32°C atmosphere is
healthier salad as an option. However, they are less
not really matter to the customers.
varied and flavourful. Besides bad eating habit,
the domination of unhealthy food available may To improve food temperature and keeping the food
contribute to weight gain after one year of studies of safe, food termometer should be used, buffet counter
the students. should be fixed with food warmer to ensure foods
displayed are above 60ºC and both kitchen staff and
Since 95% of student accommodation at the RU
cafeteria food providers should be trained about this
are not allow the students to cook, this means the
matter. Health and safety training play big role in
students have to choose the unhealthy food until end
influencing good kitchen staff practices¹².
of their study period at the university or until end of
business tender of the cafeterias with the university. (f) Variety of Cooking Method: Different cooking
Thus, the cafeterias should provide menu variety method gives different impact to food in various
for balanced and healthy diet. A balanced, adequate way: taste, digestion, introduce variety in meals,
and variety menu provides nutrients for the body to presentation, texture, aroma, packaging, nutrient,
function correctly; for the body organs and tissues destroy micro-organism, appetite and increase
works effectively; avoid disease, infection, fatigue consumption¹³. Finding of this study shows the
poor performance; and protecting human body cafeterias applied unhealthy cooking method
against non communicable diseases especially particularly frying (both deep and sghallow frying
obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, some cooking methods) to cook majority of food items.
types of cancer and skeletal conditions. Poor diet The deep frying cooking method that using cooking
lead to body growth and development problem, oil provides additional fat to the food and gives
poor academic performance and persist them with negative impact to body health like obesity and
bad eating habit for the entire lives¹¹. heart diseases. The negative impact become worse
if the recycle cooking oil is used in other cookings.
(e) Food Temperature: Understanding the role of
temperature in food manufacturing can help to keep
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, September 2019, Vol. 10, No.  1855

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