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August Rush GENRE: romance, young adult, realistic fiction (mainstream fiction)

Romance: This movie is about talking about Lyla Novacek and Louis Connelly’ romance or love
relationship which become the core of story’s problem and pervades the love.

Young adult: this movie has protagonist character in the rage 12-16 age range.

Realistic fiction: The story is about the imaginative writing and the story is about real people living. The
story is about the journey Evan Taylor who struggle to find his parents. This kind of story sometimes
happens in reality when orphan children are willing to find their biological parents even they have to
fight many things.

2. 3 main characters of novel and reason

Bastian : Protagonist, Round and dynamic

Bastian plays as main character of the novel, the reader of this novel will emphasize his character since
the plot start and move from his problems. His character also developed from the beginning of story
until the story end still relate to Bastian. Even the book of he read tells us fantastia world condition, but
still the writer relates the story of that book to reality life of Bastian real world condition. His character
was also drawn in detailed as the chubby boy that was bullied at school till he became braver, confident,
had a thirst for everything and in the end he used to be arrogant and gradually loses his memories.

Atreyu: Protagonist and Round

Atreyu also has position as main character of the story of the book which Bastian reads. The story of the
novel also tells us about how he manage to save Fantastia from The Nothing. His character also well
developed, thus reader could see his motivation of his all his action. Such as 10 years old brave boy who
has positive influence even he also help Bastian to find his way back home.

Gmork: Antagonist, Flat Character, stereotypes

Gmork is the main antagonist of the story because he against Atreyu (protagonist of the book). His
mission is to track down and kill Atreyu. He also has flat character which only reveals one or two traits
such as the servant of the power (the Manipulators) behind The Nothing, has Speed Fangs and like to
lurking in the dark. His character also stereotypes because we know him from what he do.

Carl Conrad Coreander: supporting character, Static, Flat

His character are in one dimensional- only one side can be seen as the one who does not like child and
has been to Fantastica and returned. His character is stay the same till the end of story.

Falkor (German: Fuchur): static, flat

Falkor character is not very developed in the story as the kind dragon and his character stay the same
throughout the story.

3. Climax of the neverending story is

The climax of the story is when Bastian refuse to go back to his reality and cost his memory. On the
day of the Bastian coronation, Atreyu returns with an army. They storm the Tower, successfully
delaying the coronation. Atreyu was afraid that Auryn is poisoning Bastian. In the final battle,
Bastian stabs Atreyu with his sword, and he falls to his death from the Tower.

4. Tone of climax in the novel : The neverending story

The tone

Serious, fear, Suspenseful


a. “War, sire!” cried the faun. “Atreyu has gathered a host of rebels and is on his way here with
three armies. They demand that you give up AURYN. If you will not, they mean to take it by
force.” The rousing music and the shrill cries of jubilation gave way to a deathly silence. Bastian
turned pale

b. The night of the battle was starless, full of smoke and flames. Fallen torches, overturned
censers, and shattered lamps had set the Tower on fire in many places. The fighters cast eerie
shadows. Weapons clashed and battle shouts resounded. Everywhere, through the flames and
the darkness, Bastian searched for Atreyu. “Atreyu!” he shouted. “Atreyu, show yourself! Stand
up and fight! Where are you?”

5. Conflict in the film Augush rush is when

The conflict in this film belongs to internal conflict (when august should make decision). Evan Taylor
causes conflict of the major characters in the film. It make him feel anxiety. The proof is when he should
decide to follow his fake father (Maxwell Wallace, a.k.a. "Wizard") or to continue rehearsal his concert.
This internal conflict of Evan take place inside on Evan’s mind.

6. Mood of resolution of the neverending story

Eveidence : Tell me, Argax, what must I do?” “Find a wish that will take you back to your world.” After a
long silence Bastian asked: “Argax, can you tell me how many wishes I have left?” “Not very many. In my
opinion three or four at the most. And that will hardly be enough. You’re beginning rather late, and the
way back isn’t easy. You’ll have to cross the Sea of Mist. That alone will cost you a wish. What comes
next I don’t know. No one in Fantastica knows what road you people must take to get back to your
world. Maybe you’ll find Yor’s Minroud, that’s the last hope for people like you. But I’m afraid that for
you it’s, in a manner of speaking, too far. Be that as it may, you will, just this once, find your way out of
the City of the Old Emperors.” “Thanks, Argax,” said Bastian. The little gray monkey grinned. “Goodbye,
Bastian Balthazar Bux.”

The neverending story use third person omniscient POV. The writer comment on some the character’
inner thought.

7. August rush take place in

The major geographical setting is in Washington Square North, Greenwich Village, Manhattan or on the
streets of New York. Where the environment of the film shows that the place is in big city while
everyone are busy with their own business. Even in park people are back and forth sometimes spend
their time to listen the music of busker.

8. Topic of August Rush :

Conviction : august has conviction on finding his parents through music

2. TOPIC: love, friendship, , prestige, careless, regret.

Friendship : From the opening scene, the friendly relationship between Angel and Zara is shown.

Challenge : From scene 1 when the students got bored, one of the students, Yoselyn, asked to play the
truth or dare challenge. (Yoselyn: That's what I'm about to say! Truth or dare. Who's in?)

Prestige : From scene 2 when Angel initially refused the challenge because he had a phobia, but because
of an invitation from his friends and also his prestige, Angel finally accepted the challenge. (Angel: Okay.
I'll do it. It's better than getting a bullet scar. My mom will freak out.)

Careless : From scene 2 when Angel is locked up in a narrow space there is a mysterious hand, turn off
the lamp and lock the door from the outside and make Angel suffocate and eventually die.

Regret : From scene 12 when Chris regrets Angel's death due to his carelessness.

(Chris writes a letter for Angel on his notebook.

Dear Angel, I was once your hero and I desire to be your hero again. But I was wrong. My decision is all
wrong even since the beginning. Just to have thought I could be a hero is already a terrible idea...)

3. THEME : Implied theme- From the Door Knock script we can learn that don't play stupid games and
also don't hypnotize or force someone to do something that could endanger him (phobia in certain

4.TYPE OF PLOT: Circular, because in the story there are several scenes that tell flashbacks like the
previous scene



-Exposition: It is when Zara and Angel walk along the way and talk about the movie project their
classrom have

-Stimulation: Angel, who is in doubt of joining the movie project, finally join her classmates for staying in
a house as the movie project starts

-Rising Action: Someone starts a truth or dare challenge for killing their boredom

-Conflict: Evie pulls out a revolver and shocks everyone

-Complication: Everyone do the "shot or dare" challenge. Some of them are frightened.

-Climax: Angel chooses the dare instead of the shot. She locks herself in a dark room as everyone asks.
Then she runs out of breath, and dies and everyone blames each other.


-Falling Action: The days after Angel's death get blue. Everyone is sad. Angel's classmates hold a death

-Resolution: Chris regret everything he does that leads to Angel's death. He ask forgiveness to Angel's
mother. Then he dies.


- Historical period: Millenial age. It's because they was playing today's game and was using social media
such as instagram

- Geography: It takes place at a campus, camp house, park, and cafeteria

- Culture/social context:

The story doesn't show some explicit elements but must people are centrist. Furthermore, they used
some crass language s to communicate with friends. For instance, "Shut it u Jerk"


Reason: A story of a group school teenagers working on film prohect. This happens in everyday life. It
describes a close and desirable community/society

8. POINT OF VIEW: The omniscient

Reason: The narrator is outside the story and can tell everything that is going in the minds of all

"The tenses in anger's face is slowly fading as she talks about the bothering things in her mind"

"Evie then leave the room. The crowd awwing in pain, Xavier is disappointed his face turns red from


There are 11 characters in this story:

1. ANGEL: Protagonist

Angle plays as main character in the story, the reader will emphasizes to her character since she is the
victim of the guilty game in the story. Her characters also developed from the beginning of story until
the story end still relate to her name.

2. CHRIS: Protagonist

Chris has main character position in the story. The story also almost mainly about him as the character
who become hero and also murder of the pity girl- Angel.

3. EVIE: Antagonist, Dynamic, Round

- Antagonist, Evie plays as antagonist because she against the protagonist character of the story –

- Dynamic, Evie’s character was well developed from the one who does not like Xavier, Ordering
the dangerous shoot and dare game, then the story surprisingly tells us that she likes Chris, her feeling
was reversed when Chris likes Angel, finally she try to kill Chris.

- Round character, her chacacter and personality in this story is understandable turn to the
attitude she has. We know her well from the plot of story. Sometimes she is friendly, looks happy, sad,
or grumpy.

4. BEN: Flat, static

Ben has character flat means not very developed in the story. Only one side the reader sees ban
character- Good one, Caring.

5. DANIELLA: Antagonist, stereotype

Daniella seems to against of protagonist character, she always try to push the protagonist individual
mental. Daniella character also does not change until the end of the story.

6. ZARA: Flat, static

The reader of the story will assume that her in the dialog shows one side character, that she is caring to
angle condition.

7. XAVIER: Flat, static

Xavier character does not develop, since the reader only know that Xavier like to Evie.

8. VIOLET: Flat, static

Violet has character that the reader only learns little from the dialog violet has, then the information of
her character is little.

9. YOSELYN: Static

Reader see only one side of Yoselyn character as cheerful friend, reader also only learn little about her

10. MS. WRIGHT: Flat, static

Her character stay the same as informative person and reader knows little about her.

11. ANGEL'S MOTHER: Flat, static

Reader only knows that is good mother who do not easy to forgive someone hurt her daughter, then
only one character appears from the dialog he has- good mother.


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