Session6: Integration of Learned Values: Our Lady of Fatima University Veritas Et Misericordia

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Valenzuela City • Quezon City •Antipolo City • Cabanatuan • Pampanga

Veritas et Misericordia

Name: Danan Niphey M. Date: Sept 28, 2020

Program: BSN Section: 3A

Session6: Integration of Learned Values


Students are given an activity integrating the topics from session 1 – 5. This will serve as their prelim

Week 1 and 2
Our Lady of Fatima University’s mission and vision are two of the most significant
strides toward making an effective program. Progressed nicely, they provide clearness
and guidance for a school. A sloppy vision or mission can help lead to proceeding with
clashes, and a school that experiences issues distinguishing needs. The vision helps
people understand how you hope others will view you, and describes some of your
highest priorities. Also, for the Core Values and Graduate Attributes, it will only make a
student do much better in the the present and for the future to be more successful in
their life. The school’s history is also important because understanding and knowing
more information about your school gives you knowledge and sense of responsibility as
a student at Our lady of Fatima University, it also enables us to develop a much greater
appreciation for our current school today.

Week 3
The human body continually creates and changes all through the human life cycle, and
food gives the fuel to those changes. The significant phases of the human life cycle
incorporate pregnancy, earliest stages, the baby years, youth, pubescence, more
seasoned youthfulness, adulthood, middle age, and the senior years. Appropriate
nourishment and exercise guarantee wellbeing and health at each phase of the human
life cycle. Life stages profoundly affect a human’s physical and mental capacities.Life
stages also govern the sorts of behaviors that a human is capable of performing. Goal
setting is the process by which we achieve these goals. The importance of the goal-
setting process should not go unappreciated, according to Locke (2019) “Every person’s
life depends on the process of choosing goals to pursue; if you remain passive you are
not going to thrive as a human being.” As a young person, I have always believed
setting goals is a pathway to success. Without goals, I find myself daydreaming instead
of working towards my purpose in life. In this regard, effective goal setting has been my
Valenzuela City • Quezon City •Antipolo City • Cabanatuan • Pampanga

Veritas et Misericordia

driver in recent years. It pilots my day to day activities as well as motivates me to live a
fulfilling life.

Week4 and 5
Groups are so in-sync during the performing stage that it seems to happen naturally.
But, don’t be fooled. The most effective and high-functioning teams are cultivated.
Throwing a group of talented people together doesn’t mean that they will form a great
team. The point of having a team is to work together. Each person plays a part and has
something to contribute. When one person fails to complete a task, the rest of the group
suffers. It is important to instill this sense of responsibility in a group. But, you may still
need to remind and motivate members to be productive. In 1965, a psychologist named
Bruce Tuckman said that teams go through 5 stages of development: forming, storming,
norming, performing and adjourning. The stages start from the time that a group first
meets until the project ends. Tuckman didn’t just have a knack for rhyming. (Although, it
does make the stages easier to remember.) Each is aptly named and plays a vital part
in building a high-functioning team. Forming, this is where individuals come together for
the first time, with the objective of working towards a common goal. Since it is the first
phase of team development, most members are initially engaged, polite and positive. In
a practice, this stage may involve team members avoiding conflict and controversy
because they are more concerned with gaining the acceptance of their fellow members
rather than achieving the team’s goal. Storming, this stage is characterized by testing
boundaries as members attempt to establish their preferred roles. This is when conflict
can first arise, stemming from different personalities, opinions and values between
members which can manifest as power struggles. This is the most delicate stage of the
team development process – where teams are most susceptible to failure or dissolution.
That’s why a foundation of trust is so important. Norming, this stage marks the
development of the team’s mission, values and goals. By establishing these agreed-
upon norms, teams are able to set guidelines for appropriate and inappropriate
behaviour. They also provide a sense of identity for the team, allowing members to feel
aligned and connected to the goals of the group. Performing, the performing stage is the
most valuable to team success in a practice. At this stage, teams are ideally producing
great results, working cohesively and optimizing each member’s strengths. They are
able to produce quality work without significant friction. Emphasis is strong toward
accomplishment of team goals and members being focused on what is best for the
Valenzuela City • Quezon City •Antipolo City • Cabanatuan • Pampanga

Veritas et Misericordia

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