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Republic of the Philippines

Cavite State University

Imus Campus
Cavite Civic Center Palico IV, Imus, Cavite
(7 (046) 471-66-07




A Research Study Presented in partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in BusinessResearch

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Submitted by:









January 27, 2021


The researchers are using this opportunity to express their deepest

gratitude to everyone who supported them throughout the Business Research


The researchers are thankful for their aspiring guidance, valuable

criticism, and friendly advice during the Business Research Study.

First and foremost, to Almighty God for giving endless blessings

throughout the process of their research study, by providing and granting

them the opportunity the capability to accomplish this study successfully.

To Dr. Alfe M. Solina, their business research adviser, for trusting

them, offering valuable advices, and giving support during the whole period of

the study, and especially for the patience and guidance during the writing

process of the manuscript.

To the family of the researchers, for their sympathetic ear, love and

encouragement and most especially for giving them financial support

throughout the research.

To the respondents who share their time and effort in collaboration for

answering the questionnaires without any hesitation.

Lastly,to their good friends, classmates, for those joyful gatherings and

sleepless nights and all their support, and for imparting their knowledge during

the making of this study.




TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………… 1

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................. 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS……...................................................................... 3

INTRODUCTION……................................................................................. 8

Statement of the Problem................................................................ 10

Objective of the Study...................................................................... 12

Significance of the Study................................................................. 14

Time and Place of the Study............................................................ 15

Scope and Limitation of the Study................................................... 15

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………… 16

Definition of Terms…………………………………………………… 17


Reason why people shop online……………………………………… 21

Local shoppers and their shopping behavior……………………….. 21

Foreign shoppers and their shopping behavior……………………… 22

Factors affecting online shopping behavior…………………………. 25

Effect of COVID-19 to online shopping behavior…………………… 28

Factors that affect consumer’s buying decision…………………… 31

Products that people buy online........................................................ 34

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY…………………………………………… 35

Research Design…………………………………………………… 35

Hypotheses………………………………………………………….. 36

Participants of the Study…………………………………………… 36

Research Instruments……………………………………………… 36

Likert Scale……………………………………………………….…. 37

Statistical Treatment…………………………………………….…. 38

Research Procedure…………………………………………….…. 38

Data Analysis…………………………………………………….…. 40

RESULT AND DISCUSSION……………………………………………... 46

Significant Research result and discussion……………………… 46


Summary…………………………………………………………..… 52

Conclusion……………………………………………………..….…. 56

Recommendation……………………………………………………. 59

REFERENCES…………………………………………………………….… 61

APPENDICES…………………………………………………………….…. 63



1 Conceptual Framework …………………………………………… 16

2 Availability of Online Shop 24/7 …………………………………… 40

3 Ability to compare prices to different seller ………………….. 41

4 Best Prices (Sales Discount/Promo) ………………………….. 41

5 Saves Time ………………………………………………………….. 42

6 Greater Variety/Selection of products/services …………………… 42

7 Convenience of not going to shopping stores ……………………. 43

8 Free shipping offers ………………………………………………43

9 Easy to Different Online Stores ………………………………………44

10 Availability of products that are not only outside the country ………45

11 Avoidance from crowded stores during this Pandemic ………………45

12 Percentage distribution of respondents (residents of Imus, Cavite)

according to age ………………………………………………………46

13 Percentage distribution of residents in Imus, Cavite

according to sex ……………………………………………………… 47

14 Percentage distribution of residents in Imus, Cavite

according to civil status ……………………………………………… 47

15 Percentage distribution of residents in Imus, Cavite

according to educational attainment ……………………………… 48

16 Percentage distribution of residents in Imus, Cavite

according to monthly income ………………………………………. 48

17 Frequency and percentage distribution of residents

in Imus, Cavite according to sources of income ………………………. 49

18 Frequency and percentage distribution of residents

in Imus, Cavite according to familiarity with online

shopping platform/s ………………………………………………………. 50

19 Frequency and percentage distribution of residents

in Imus, Cavite according to source of knowledge
with online shopping platform/s ………………………………………. 50

20 Frequency and percentage distribution of residents

in Imus, Cavite according to online shopping
platform/s used ……………………………………………………….. 51

21 Frequency and percentage distribution of residents

in Imus, Cavite according to frequency of purchases
through online shopping platform/s ……………………………….. 51

22 Frequency and percentage distribution of products

purchased through online shopping platform ……………………….. 52

23 Frequency and percentage distribution of preferred

mode of payment for products purchased through
online shopping platform …………………………………………………53

24 Frequency and percentage distribution of the factors

why respondents prefer to buy through online
shopping platform ……………………………………………………….. 53


Appendix No. Page

1 Sample Survey Form …………………………………… 64



With the eruption of COVID-19, this shift in buyer behaviour has greatly

accelerated, prompting businesses to reach even their most loyal brick-and-

mortar consumers in the digital space. This massive challenge is

unprecedented and has forced organizations to formulate novel solutions to

adapt to the new normal (Carnevale and Hatak 2020). As a result, various

types of businesses are forced to find ways to reach homebound consumers

to re-introduce their markets. That consumers embrace new digital platforms

in their sequestered lifestyles, their daily routines and habits are transforming

the space of online shopping (Bucko, Lukáš and Martina 2018).

Prior to the pandemic, the Philippines ranked low in e-commerce

compared to other Southeast Asian countries like Singapore or Malaysia. We

were not as e-commerce savvy as our SE Asian counterparts. But the

pandemic accelerated our shift to the online economy.

The e-commerce monitor said that among the SEA countries, the

Philippines experienced the highest increase in the terms of shopping app

utilization (53 percent), as well as online spending (57 percent). 

Online shopping is the easy solution for a busy life in today’s world. In

the past decade, there has been a massive change in the way of customer’s

shopping behaviour. Despite consumers’ continuation to buy from a physical

store, the users or buyers feel very convenient to online shopping. Online

shopping saves crucial time for modern people because they get so busy that

they cannot or are unwilling to spend much time shopping. Unlike those in

physical stores, the goods in online storesare described through text, with

photos, and with multimedia files. Many online storesprovide links for much

extra information about their product. On the other hand, some online

consumers are adventurous explorers, fun seekers, shopping lovers, and

some are technology muddlers,hate waiting for the product to ship.

Consequently, online consumer behavior (user action during searching,

buying, using products) became a contemporary research area for an

increasing number of researchers to understand this unique nature of online


Online shopping is becoming a well-accepted way to purchase a

variety of products and services. For online shoppers, an online interactive

hypertext environment enables them to search and control information;

alteration in the traditional mass media environment in which the sender of

messages largely controls what will be seen and heard as well as shift of

control in favor of the receiver for customization of information, and quick

comparative analysis among competing products/services.


The study generally aims to determine the reasons behind the increase

of online shopping on consumer purchasing behavior during the community

quarantine in Imus City, Cavite. Specially, the study sought to answer the

following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Personal Profile

a. age;

b. sex;

c. civil status;

d. source of income

1.2 Highest Educational Background

a. less than high school graduate;

b. high school graduate;

c. bachelor/associate degree;

d. college graduate/professional degree; and

e. vocational

2. What are preferred products to online shopping on consumer purchasing

behavior during community quarantine in Imus City, Cavite.

a. food products;

b. health and beauty products;

c. fashion products;

d. household products; and

e. others

3. What are the perceived to online shopping on consumer purchasing

behavior during community quarantine in Imus City, Cavite in terms of:

a. platform;

b. service;

c. price;

d. quality of the product; and

e. product availability

4. Is there a significant relationship between preferred products in online

shopping on consumer purchasing behavior during community quarantine in

Imus City, Cavite to their profile?

5. Is there a significant relationship in the perceived to online shopping on

consumer purchasing behavior during community quarantine in Imus City,

Cavite in terms of:

a. platform;

b. service;

c. price;

d. quality of the product and

e. product availability


The study generally aims to determine the effects of online shopping to

consumer purchasing behavior during the community quarantine in Imus city,

Cavite. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:

1. Identify the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Personal Profile

a. age;

b. sex;

c. civil status; and

d. source of income

2. Determine the preferred products to online shopping on consumer

purchasing behavior during community quarantine in Imus City, Cavite.

a. food products;

b. health and beauty products;

c. fashion products;

d. household products; and

e. others

3. Determine the perceived to online shopping on consumer purchasing

behavior during community quarantine in Imus City, Cavite in terms of:

a. platform;

b. service;

c. price;

d. quality of the product; and

e. product availability

4. Test if there is a significant relationship between the preferred products in

online shopping on consumer purchasing behavior during community

quarantine in Imus City, Cavite to their profile.

5. Test if there is a significant relationship in the perceived to online shopping

on consumer purchasing behavior during community quarantine in Imus

City, Cavite in terms of:

a. platform;

b. service;

c. price;

d. quality of the product and

e. product availability?


Online selling is the most preferred way of purchasing items

nowadays.There are numerous advantages and benefits in using online

shopping which include customer convenience and faster transaction. The

study will be a great help to the:

Future researchers. This study will serve as their basis to start their


Buyers. This study will serve as their source for their future endeavors to

learn new things.

Economy. This study has a potential to add a higher value to business and


E-commerce. This study helps the potential online seller and buyer to

understand the effectiveness of the internet in terms of customer

convenienceand sales profitability.

Entrepreneurs. This will serve as their guide to gain and understand the

importance of online selling.


The study entitled perceived increase of online shopping on consumer

purchasing behavior during the community quarantine in Imus City, Cavite.

The researcher will begin their study by gathering information through an

online survey on participants and will be completed on January 2021.


The study will focus on consumer purchasing behavior. The scope of

the study includes the demographic profile of participants; preferred purchase

products on online shopping; and the perceived purchasing behavior on

online shopping. Through this study, the researcher will get some related

information from the website online. The research is limited to consumer

purchasing behavior during community quarantine in Imus City, Cavite.

The researcher will use primary data to conduct the study; primary

refers to the questionnaire or some point of their opinion that will be given by

the researcher. The supporting data, published books, and online books will

be used as the references of the study.




The conceptual framework of the study shows the purchasing behavior

of individual online buyer in Imus City, Cavite. The independent variables are

the demographic profile of online buyers in terms of their age, sex, civil status,

and source of income. To measure the purchasing behavior of the individual

online consumer, the researcher used a survey question about perceived

behavior on online shopping. The dependent variable is the reason behind the

increase of online shopping on consumer purchasing behaviorwhich

measures the behavior of consumers purchasing products.

Behavior.The way a person behaves or acts on a certain occasion.

Buyer. A person who is buying something or who intends to buy it.

Consumer.A person who purchases goods and services for personal use.

Delivery. The act of taking goods, letters, parcels, etc. to people's houses or

places of work.

Economy.The wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in

terms of the production and consumption of goods and services.

E-commerce. Activities that relate to the buying and selling of goods and

services over the internet.

Entrepreneur. A person who organizes and operates a business or

businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.

Internet. A network of global exchanges – including private, public, business,

academic and government networks – connected by guided, wireless and

fiber-optic technologies.

Mobile phone. A wireless handheld device that allows users to make and

receive calls and to send text messages, among other features.

Online. Computer or device connected to a network (such as Internet) and

ready to use (or be used by) other computers or devices.

Process. A series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end.

Profile. A short article giving a description of a person or organization.

Purchasing.The process a business or organization uses to acquire goods or

services to accomplish its goals.

Seller. An individual or entity who exchanges any good or service in return for


Shipping. The process of transporting an item, usually through the mail.

Shipping is a very basic, common way of getting an item from one place to

another, or from one person to another.

Shopping. The activity of looking for things to buy.

Technology. Science or knowledge put into practical use to solve problems

or invent useful tools.



The extensive literature review has been conducted to gain deeper

understanding of research about the reason behind the increase of on-line

shopping on consumer purchasing behavior during the community quarantine

in Imus, Cavite. The review clarifies and simplifies the dominant dimension

consumers consider when they make any online purchase decision. Following

this, the major theoretical gap related to understanding what and why

consumers do, and do not purchase using the Internet is explored with

respect to the theories of retail change and consumer behavior theory with

particular reference to the buying decision process. More specifically, the

study examined the interrelationships among quality, value, satisfaction, and

loyalty when consumers choose to shop online.

Online shopping indicates electronic commerce to buy products or

services directly from the seller through the Internet. Internet-based or Click

and Order business model has replaced the traditional Brick and Mortar

business model. More people than before are using the web to shop for a

wide variety of items, from house to shoes to airplane tickets. Now people

have multiple options to choose.

According to a survey conducted by Rakuten Insight in the Philippines,

63 percent of the respondents stated that they increased their online

purchases because of a closure of all non-essential businesses as of May

2020. At the same time, the respondents wanted to minimize their time

outside of the house and practiced social distancing.

With consumers resorting more to online shopping amid pandemic

restrictions, entrepreneurs have embraced the digital phenomenon for online

shopping even more. E-commerce websites such as Lazada and Shopee are

at the forefront of these online shopping platforms with expected surges in

sales revenues in millions of pesos. Technology has already transformed

online business transactions into an infinite marketplace where conducting

business has become more convenient and efficient for both vendors and

vendees. The COVID-19 pandemic has made this marketplace a more

obvious necessity (Areola 2020).



In 2015, an eCommerce study by Visa found that Filipino consumers

shopped online for the following reasons: (1) convenience of not having to go

to and line up at brick-and-mortar stores (58%); (2) better prices compared to

brick-and-mortar shops (47%) and exclusive/better deals (46%).

Even traditional Filipino shopping habits are carried over to the digital

world – the convenience of online shopping allows 63 percent of Filipinos to

compare prices of items without needing to visit physical stores. Filipino

consumers also favor e-commerce sites, which store their payment details,

citing faster checkouts for their orders (58 percent) (Torres, 2015).

While Filipinos still predominantly use cash for everyday transactions,

Visa’s eCommerce study reveals that 65 percent of respondents prefer to use

payment cards when shopping online, while 35 percent still prefer cash on

delivery and another 34 percent select bank transfers, highlighting the strong

confidence towards using payment cards.

An earlier study on consumer behavior highlights the preference of

Filipino online shoppers towards local online retailers (80 percent) for faster

deliveries (62 percent) and less risk of lost orders (55 percent). Forty three

percent of respondents are concerned with delivery times while 45 percent

consider payment security when shopping for their items in overseas


Tomlinson said that Filipino consumers value products and services

that make their lives more convenient. Thus, it comes as no surprise that they

see the accessibility that online shopping provides.



The e-commerce sector has seen a boom in the Asian region in the

recent years. India, a South Asian country, had the fastest growing online

retail market in 2019. The number of digital buyers across the country was

estimated to be approximately 330 million in 2020. The figure suggests that

almost 71 percent of internet users in the region will have purchased products

online for the mentioned time period. The sector is driven by personalized

advertisements, attractive discounts, quick delivery and return infrastructure

and a high penetration rate of smartphones. This retail ecosystem combined

with the comfort of being at home and getting all your choices delivered to

your doorstep has turned the tables for the e-commerce sector quite

significantly. (Number of digital buyers in India 2014-2020 published by

Statista Research Development, Aug. 15, 2016)


Both male and female respondents assured that there are specific

reasons for choosing online shopping. 38.75% respondents (26.25% male,

12.5% female) mentioned saving time is their primary reason for choosing

online shopping and about 29.38% of the interviewees prefer online shopping

because of availability of the varieties of products. Nearly, 19% of the

respondents prefer online shopping because product comparison is much

easier for online shopping and 13.13% choose for a comfortable reason.

Time-saving and available varieties of products are the main grounds for

shopping online. All these four factors motivate an online shopper to buy over

the Internet. Therefore, companies should design strategies and develop

varieties of products to attract and retain online shoppers. These findings also

confirm the findings of Gong et al. (2013) and Hoque et al. (2015), where the

respondents are found to adopt e-commerce for its usefulness. (Consumer

buying behavior towards online shopping: An empirical study on Dhaka city,

Bangladesh by Rahman, Islam, Esha et al., 2018)


Mobile retail e-commerce sales are also particularly strong in South

Korea. In 2019, the share of mobile transaction value accounted for around

64.5 percent of total online transaction value. Mobile shopping has become a

popular way to pass time. When asked about situations in which mobile

shoppers use mobile shopping apps in 2019, around 45.5 percent of

respondents stated that they used them when they are bored. The same

survey found that around 37.2 percent of mobile shoppers had around four to

six mobile shopping apps installed on their smartphone. (Waldeck, 2020)


Research by We Are Social, and Hootsuite reveals that 71 per cent (76

million) of the country’s total population of 107.3 million people are active

Internet users. Of that number, 70 per cent have purchased a product or

service online in the past month. The majority of Filipinos who shop online are

between the ages of 18 to 31 – members of Gen Z and Millennials who are

tech-savvy and prolific social media users. More women (12%) shop online

than men (8%) do, even if fewer women have credit cards. The research

states that most Filipino online shoppers have middle-range incomes.


(Millennial Online Shopping Habits – Statistics and Trends by L. Ross,

2020) Millennial spending in US is estimated to account for 30% of total retail

sales by 2020 and millennials now make more than 54% of their purchases

online. 81.3% of them said that they shop online at least once a month. Based

on the study, millennials prefer buying online because they can run

comparisons on products and prices. Furthermore, 8 out of 10 millennials

never buy anything without first reading a review. US millennials find it easier

to chat to a retailer via digital communication as opposed to visiting a physical

location. 53% of them prefer to seek out details online rather than talk to store

staff when they are in a shop.


According to the study about “Exploring the Characteristics of

Millennials in Online Buying Behavior” by Nartea, Santos and Goyenechea

(2019), these are the factors affecting online shopping behavior:

1. Sales Promotion

Online promotions such as discounts, contests, giveaways, premiums

and free shipping are the factors that millennials are considering in shopping

online. Among the factors of online promotions, free shipping has the highest

weighted mean of 3.32, discounts fall in between the factors under sales

promotion with weighted mean of 3.05, and premiums has the lowest

weighted mean of 2.87. Consumers are strongly price sensitive which affects

their buying behavior. For that reason, online retailers offer marketing cues

such as free deliveries, special discounts and free returns to attract markets.

Consumers more often visit sites that display discount coupons and similar


2. Advertisement

Among the forms of advertisement, out-of-home media advertising got

the highest weighted mean of 2.78 which implies that people most of the time

are out of their home so outdoor advertising is the most effective type of

advertisement to incorporate marketing communication. Online or internet

advertising (2.76) is another effective technique that most companies are

using at present. Internet users found online advertising as informative but

less entertaining and do not encourage consumers to purchase the product.

3. Social Environment

Media and technology, political and legal, peers, community and family

are some of the social environments that affect online buying behavior.

Today, media and technology (3.9) influence the behavior of the

millennials. The generation opts and prefers technology where speed of

communication is important. Thus, when bored, they possibly go for impulsive

buying or shopping. It is also noted that millennials more often download the

applications related to online shopping and do likes and follows in social

media (e.g. Facebook and Twitter).

4. Feedback

Customer feedback is a critical aspect in the online business because it

creates and demands trust from purchase/ selection to delivery/ receipt of the

product. Store’s reputation is the primary concern of the respondent in online

buying. Testimonies and reviews also influenced their buying behavior as it

adds value to the store reputation.

5. Logistics

Online shoppers want to guarantee that their purchased items are

delivered in good conditions, on time and with assurance that the item can be

returned once defective. The result of the study shows that consumers are

particular when it comes to the delivery system of online stores. That is why

they prefer to shop from stores who have tracking applications. Study

stresses that product quality and delivery service are the offline characteristics

of online shopping. It is one of the critical aspects that online shopping is

concerned due to complaints particularly on product specifications. Bothshall

satisfy the customer to maintain their loyalty and reduce the risk of cost due to

replacements of goods.

6. Payment Process

Online shoppers prefer cash-on-delivery when online shopping (3.36)

and not to “payment first” system due to bogus or frauds (3.25). Respondents

also purchase online to shops with secured credit card payment system (2.98)

and they are not into online payment because they are concerned about fraud

and hacking (2.92). Online shoppers do not prefer to use credit or debit cards

while shopping from online stores. The electronic payment system has

emerged various problems including security, reliability, scalability, anonymity,

privacy, efficiency, and convenience.



The COVID-19 pandemic poses serious downside risks to the growth

of the local economy. Safety measures implemented to suppress the outbreak

also subsequently undermine the economic activities in the country. The

Luzon-wide Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) could result in a loss of

Php 298 Billion to Php 1.1 Trillion gross added value, equivalent to 1.5% to

5.3% of the GDP. These losses are expected to displace 61,000 to 1 million

individuals, according to the National Economic and Development Authority


According to a survey conducted by Rakuten Insight in the Philippines,

63 percent of the respondents stated that they increased their online

purchases because of a closure of all non-essential businesses as of May

2020. At the same time, the respondents wanted to minimize their time

outside of the house and practiced social distancing.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) projected that the GDP growth of

the Philippines will plummet to 2.0% in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The enhanced community quarantine measures of the government affected

domestic demand and disrupted the sectors of Tourism, Trade, and

Manufacturing. On the other hand, ADB expects that the Philippines will

strongly recover in 2021 with an estimated GDP growth of 6.5%, under the

assumption that COVID-19 will be contained this coming June.

Consumers now give more attention to the importance of online

shopping, increasing health awareness (and interest in products that maintain

well-being), stockpiling of shelf-safe products, and prioritization of infection

containment products, such as alcohols, hand soaps, face masks, and

aerosol disinfectants.

Online delivery platforms are keeping the sector of food and beverages

afloat while lessening the gap in mobility. The Digital Shoppers for Brand

Growth research ofKantar implies that Fast-Moving Consumer Goods firms

(FMCGs) should strengthen their internet footprint. The said firm revealed

that “digitally-enabled shoppers” accounts for 75% of FMCG sales in the

country, with a spending worth of PhP38,000 for FMCG goods per year, which

is PhP7,000 more than a consumer with no internet access. Maybank expects

that there will be a surge in online users for food delivery services in ASEAN

countries, with only a 5.5% penetration rate for food delivery service in the

Philippines in 2019. The bank also noted that the e-commerce penetration is

also relatively low in the country compared to 30% in South Korea and China

and 13% in the United States.

During the Luzon lockdown, GrabFood Philippines stated that its

drivers’ earnings increased by 30% to 40% and disclosed that Filipinos are

ordering about 20% more than the usual. LazMart, one of the service arms of

Lazada, also commented that in the first two weeks of the implementation of

the Luzon lockdown, the demand for shelf-safe products such as rice, instant

noodles, and personal and cleaning items increased drastically. Consumers’

pulse is more focused on necessities; thus households are more likely to

purchase items that will support basic living rather than luxuries that are not

necessarily needed during this pandemic.

These sudden changes in consumer behavior pressure manufacturers

to produce more to satisfy the growing demand for disinfectant items, and

other necessities. For instance, San Miguel Corporation increased its

production of 70% ethyl alcohol to 100,000 liters per day to serve the needs of

the medical industry and the country.


According to the latest report by IPSOS, there are jumps in e-

commerce shopping in India (55%), China (50%), Italy (31%), and Vietnam

(56%). This new habit of consumers is going to last for decades for the e-

commerce industry.


“Consumers move towards digital” by Aneesh Reddy explained that

due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the way we work, as well as the way we used

to shop and communicate with people, has totally changed. People are only

going out to buy essential items from the retail stores yet, they are still worried

to go out to buy essential goods because they are constantly worried about

getting infected with the COVID-19. Reddy said that according to Trifecta, due

to a cheaper 4G network and constantly increasing consumer wealth, Indian

E-commerce is expected to grow to US$200 billion by 2026. But these

projections were based on the pre-COVID 19. But as COVID-19 hit India, the

surging demand of e-commerce for the past few months is so high that the e-

commerce industry could hit $200 billion much earlier.(Reddy, 2020)


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the popularity of online shopping has

been increased around the world. Concerns about safety led many South

Koreans to an increased use of online shopping services. A survey found that

around 57.4 percent of respondents reported that they increased their online

shopping compared to their shopping behavior before the pandemic. Leading

products increasingly bought online during the pandemic were food and



These factors can be summarized into four categories—convenience,

information, available products and services, and cost and time efficiency.

1. Convenience and Availability of online shops 24/7

Empirical research shows that convenience of the internet is one of the

impacts on consumers’ willingness to buy online (Wang et al., 2005). Online

shopping is available for customers around the clock compared to traditional

stores as it is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (Hofacker, 2001; Wang et

al., 2005). Research shows that 58 percent chose to shop online because

they could shop after-hourswhen the traditional stores are closed and 61

percent of the respondents selected to shop online because they want to

avoid crowds and waiting lines, especially in holiday shopping (The Tech Faq,


Consumers not only look for products, but also for online services.

Some companies have online customer services available 24 hours.

Therefore, even after business hours, customers can ask questions, get

necessary support or assistance, which has provided convenience to

consumers (Hermes, 2000).

Some customers use online channels just to escape from face-to-face

interaction with salespeople because they are pressured or uncomfortable

when dealing with salespeople and do not want to be manipulated and

controlled in the marketplace (Goldsmith and Flynn, 2005; Parks, 2008). This

is especially true for those customers who may have had negative

experiences with salespersons, or they just want to be free and make

decisions by themselves without the salespersons' presence.

2. Information

The internet has madedata accessing easier (Wang et al., 2005).

Given that customers rarely have a chance to touch and feel the product and

the service online before they decide, online sellers normally provide more

product information that customers can use when making a purchase (Lim

and Dubinsky, 2004). Customers put the weight on the information that meets

their information needs (Keency’s, 1999). In addition to getting information

from its website, consumers can also benefit from products’ reviews by other

customers. They can read those reviews before they decide.

3. Available products and services

E-commerce has made a transaction easier than it was and online

stores offer consumers benefits by providing more variety of products and

services that they can choose from (Lim and Dubinsky, 2004; Prasad and

Aryasri, 2009). Consumers can find all kinds of products which might be

available only online. Most companies have their own websites to offer

products or services onlinewhether they already have their front store or not.

Many traditional retailers who sell certain products only make them available

online to reduce their retailing costs or to offer customers with more choices of

sizes, colors, or features. Boccia Titanium, for instance, has stores in many

states but not in Connecticut. The company offers a website to reach and to

fulfill the needs of Connecticut customers to order online.Similarly, Yves

Rocher, a French company, does not have a front store in the U.S. It offersa

website so that U.S. customers can just add products they want into the

online shopping cart and the product will be shipped to their house. Moreover,

online shopping sometimes offers good payment plans (Amin, 2009) and

options for customers. Customers can decide their payment date and amount

(Anonymous, 2009) in their own preference and convenience.

4. Cost and time efficiency

Because online shopping customers are often offered a better deal,

they can get the same product available at a store at a lower price (Rox,

2007). Since online stores offer customers with a variety of products and

services,it gives customers more chances to compare prices from different

websites and find the products with lower prices than buying from local

retailing stores (Lim and Dubinsky, 2004). Some websites, Ebay for example,

offer customers auction or best offer options, so they can make a good deal

for their product. It also makes shopping a real game of chance and treasure

hunt and makes shoppingfun and entertaining (Prasad and Aryasri, 2009).

Again, since online shopping can be anywhere and anytime, it makes

consumers’ life easier because they do not have to be stuck in the traffic, look

for a parking spot, wait in checkout lines or be ina crowded store (Childers et

al., 2001). As such, customers often findshops from the website that are

offering convenience which can reduce their psychological costs (Prasad and

Aryasri, 2009).


Based on “Consumer buying behavior towards online shopping: An

empirical study on Dhaka city, Bangladesh” by Rahman et al., 2018, 33.75%

of the respondents preferred apparels (21.88% male and 11.87% female) and

accessories 32.49% (19.37% male and 13.12% female). 20% (16% male and

7% female) of the respondents preferred online ticketing. About 11.88% of the

interviewees preferred healthcare and fitness products and only 1.88%

respondents preferred books.

Apparels, accessories, and online ticketing are the three main

categories that are bringing about online shopping culture among online

shoppers. Online shopping tends to grow in the coming years as consumers

want to buy more in the future.




The research design is the blueprint for fulfilling objectives and answering

questions. It summarizes the essentials of research design as an activity and

time-based plan. It provides a framework for specifying the relationship among

the study variables. (Cooper & Schindler, 2010).

The study was conducted to synthesize the reasons behind the increase

of use of online shopping platforms on consumer purchasing behavior during the

implementation of community quarantine in Imus City, Cavite. To be able to

gather the necessary data, the researcher will use the qualitative descriptive

research design method.

Descriptive research design was chosen as it would help in portraying an

accurate profile of an event, persons or even situations. (Robson, 2002). It is

based on recorded data, indicating the reasons why consumers buy online. It

would help the study to expand the information and to identify certain information

that would benefit both sellers and buyers. The qualitative approach analyzes

and evaluates the content of the books, journals, reports, bibliographies, and

other instructional materials. All these will help in the processing of the data and

the formulation of conclusions.


Ho1: Safety and convenience are the main reasons why the respondents

prefer to order online.

Ho2: More than 50% of the respondents order food online.

Ho3: 80% of the respondents prefer to shop online because of better prices.


This research was conducted from the 24 th to 26th of January 2021

using a questionnaire with Likert scale 1-5 (strongly disagree to strongly

agree). The participants of the study are individuals residing in Imus City,

Cavite who purchased online during the community quarantine. The

researchers only selected thirty-three (33) respondents from the population.


A research questionnaire was employed to gather data from the

focused respondents. A self-made survey questionnaire was generated to

assess the respondents using Google Forms and reviewed by the

researchers to validate its appropriateness in relation to its objectives to make

sure it is simple and unbiased. Survey questionnaire is a set of questions

used in a survey; and a type of data gathering method that is utilized to

collect, analyze and interpret the different views of a group of people from a

particular population. Google Forms is a web-based app used to create forms

for data collection purposes.


The survey questionnaire contains Likert scale. The Likert Scale was

one of the most reliable ways to measure the opinions, perceptions and

behaviors of the online consumers. The items were rated through the

utilization of the adjectival rating. 

Numerical Value                              Adjectival Rating

                                1                                                Strongly Agree 

                                2                                                     Agree

                                3                                                    Neutral

                                4                                                   Disagree

                                5                                               Strongly Disagree


Since the method of using the Likert Method gave the researchers a

universal method of collecting data, the statistical treatment that will be used

to achieve accurate information and measurement are Percentage and

Frequency count.

1. Percentage

This is to determine the fraction of data over the total number of the



% = (given / chosen data ÷ total population) x 100

Where in:

% = percentage of

100 = constant value (to convert from decimal to percentage)

2. Frequency

To determine the number of occurrences a choice or an answer has

been selected in the survey. The frequency results will be reflected through

either a bar graph or pie chart.


1. Sources of Data

The study will use primary data which will be acquired through survey

questionnaires using google form. The primary data will be gathered from the

online consumers itself. This study will also use secondary data which will be

acquired from published books, published thesis papers, blogs, journals and

internet sites.

2. Sampling Technique

Random sampling technique was employed in this study in which each

sample has an equal probability of being chosen from the sampling process. 

3. Data Gathering

The survey forms will be distributed to the respondents to answer

completely through google forms. The google form will automatically record

and generate the results of the respondents’ answers. Based on the

generated response, the researchers will conduct data analysis. This method

allows the researcher to study traits and characteristics that are noted for

each subgroup, which will lead to a better understanding of the responses

from the survey.


Out of the thirty-three (33) respondents, below graphs display their

selection for each item.

1. Availability of Online Shop 24/7

Figure 2

From the data gathered, the figure shows the percentage of the

participants according to the availability of online shops 24/7. Out of 33

respondents, 60% answered that they strongly agree, 36% that they agree

and the remaining 3% that they strongly disagree. The result implies that the

respondents prefer to shop online due to its availability 24/7 which is

considered as one the advantage of online shopping compare to the


2. Ability to compare prices to different seller.

Figure 3

It can be gleaned in the figure that out of 33 respondents, 48%

answeredthat they strongly agree, 39% agree, 10% are neutral and the

remaining 3% strongly disagree in the ability to compare prices to different

seller as their reason as to why they purchase online.

3. Best Prices (Sale Discount / Promo)

Figure 4

The figure 4 displays the respondent’s answer if they consider best

prices (sales discount/promo) as their reason to purchase online. The result

shows that out of 33 respondents, 48% agree that best prices (sales

discount/promo) affect their decision on buying online. 33% strongly agree

and 12% are neutral. Both disagree and strongly disagree garnered 3% votes

from the respondents which implies that respondents who choose disagree

and strongly disagree don’t care much on their item purchase price.

4. Saves Time

Figure 5

Most respondents agreed that they are saving time with purchasing

online. The remaining 2 selected neutral and strongly disagree each. It goes

to show that the majority is precise on this aspect.

5. Convenience of Not Going to Shopping Stores

Figure 6

Convenience is important to consumer nowadays especially this

pandemic and is the backbone of e-commerce and a huge reason that online

shopping has boomed over the last few years (Smart Insight, 2020). The data

gathered shows how convenience of not going to shopping stores affect the

behavior of the respondents in shopping online as it reveals that 70% of 33

respondents answered that they strongly agree and 21% agree that they

considered this factor, and the remaining 9% answered that they are neutral.

6. Greater Variety / Selection of Products/Services

Figure 7

According to the graph, the number of responses from Strongly Agree

to Strongly Disagree are observed to be in descending order with Strongly

Agree as the most selected (15 counts).Respondents can review and

compare dozens of stores and greater variety of products/services online.

7. Free Shipping Offers

Figure 8

As presented in the figure 3.7, out of 33 respondents, 33% answered

that they strongly agree, 42% agree, and 18% are neutral in considering free

shipping offers as their reason in buying online. Both disagree and strongly

disagree garnered 3%. Most of the respondent agree that free shipping offers

affect their buying behavior but there are some that doesn’t see it as the main

reason of shopping online.

8. Easy Access to Different Online Stores

Figure 9

From the data gathered, the figure shows the percentage of the

participants’ response in considering the easy access to different online stores

affecting their online buying behavior. Among their response, strongly agree

garnered the highest percentage of 51%; Next, 36% respondents agree; 6%

answered that they are neutral; 3% disagree and the remaining 3% strongly

disagree that free shipping offers are important for them to purchase online.

9. Avoidance from Crowded Stores During this Pandemic

Figure 10

75% of the respondents selected Strongly Agree, 18% Agree, and 6%

are Neutral. People may have a single view on this as the Pandemic really

discourages people from getting into crowded places.

10. Availability of Products that are only available outside the country.

Figure 11

Not all products that the consumer prefer to buy are located in one traditional

store. For that reason, the availability of products that are only available outside the

country is considered by the researcher as one of the reasons why consumer buy

online. The result of the research shows that 51% of the 33 respondents answered

that they strongly agree; 36% agree; 9% are neutral, and the remaining 3%

answered that they strongly disagree



Significant Research Results and Discussion

This chapter tackles the results and discussion of the methods outlined

in the previous chapter. The researchers selected a sample of 33 individuals

residing in Imus, Cavite. On this representative sample, a survey was carried

out to identify the demographic profile and the results presented in herein

tables to wit:

Figure 12 Percentage distribution of respondents (residents of

Imus, Cavite) according to age

Figure 12 shows the distribution of the participants according to age.

Out of the 33 selected residents of Imus, Cavite, 16 (48.5%) answered to be

between 19 to 30 years old – the highest frequency observed. Eight (8)

participants (24.2%) are between 41 to 50 years old while seven (7) or 21.2%

are between 31 to 40 years old. On the other hand, only 2 respondents (6.1%)

are 18 years old or below – the lowest frequency perceived. No participants

answered to be above 50 years old.

Figure 13 Percentage
distribution of
residents in Imus, Cavite according to sex

Figure 13 above shows the frequency and percent distribution of the

participants according to sex. Out of the 33 respondents, the highest

frequency observed was that of female at 20 (60.6%). On the other hand,

there were only 13 male respondents or 39.4% of the total.

Figure 14 Percentage distribution of residents in Imus, Cavite

according to civil status

Figure 14 shows the percent distribution of the respondents according

to civil status. Out of the 33 selected residents of Imus, Cavite, the single and

married are equally distributed at 15 respondents each (45.5%) while 3

respondents (9.1%) answered that they are separated. No participant

answered to be a widow/ widower.

Figure 15 Percentage distribution of residents in Imus, Cavite
according to educational attainment

Figure 15 above shows the percentage distribution of the respondents

according to the educational attainment. The data shows that out of the 33

selected respondents, 19 (57.6%) answered to be college graduates – the

highest frequency observed. The same is followed by respondents being in

college level (9 or 27.3%), those with post-graduate studies (3 or 9.1%), and

in senior high school (2 or 6.1%). No respondents answered to be in the

elementary, junior high school, or a vocational school graduate.

Figure 16 Percentage distribution of residents in Imus, Cavite

according to monthly income

Figure 16 shows the percentage distribution of the participants based

on monthly income. Out of the 33 respondents, 9 or 27.3% of the respondents

answered to have a monthly income of P10,000 or below. Fifteen (15) or

45.5% have monthly income ranging from P10,001 to P30,000. This is the

highest frequency observed. Three (3) respondents (9.1%) have monthly

income of P30,001 to P40,000. The lowest frequency was that of monthly

income range of P40,001 to P50,000 at 3.0% or 1 respondent. Five (5) or

15.2% of the respondents logged in to have more than P50,000 monthly


Figure 17 Frequency and percentage distribution of residents in

Imus, Cavite according to sources of income.

Figure 17 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the

respondents according to their sources of income. Out of the 33 respondents,

25 or 75.8% identified salary as their source of income. Eleven (11) or 33.3%

has other sources such as savings, allowances, investments, etc. Business (8

respondents or 24.2%) and Self-employment or practice of one’s profession

or skills (3 or 9.1%) are the other identified sources of income. No respondent

answered pension as their source of income. It can also be gleaned that

based on the collected data, 23 respondents have a single source of income

while 10 respondents have multiple sources of income.

Figure 18 Frequency and percentage distribution of residents in

Imus, Cavite according to familiarity with online
shopping platform/s

Figure 18 above shows that most of the respondents are familiar with

Lazada and Shopee with 97% familiarity – the highest frequency observed,

while only 4 or 12.1% of the respondents are familiar with Deal Grocer, the

lowest observed frequency. As shown in Figure 4.8 below, 32 or 97% of the

respondents were able to know of these online shopping platforms through

social media advertisements (highest frequency) and 12 or 36.4% were from

print ads and/or billboards (lowest frequency).

Figure 19Frequency and percentage distribution of residents in
Imus, Cavite according to source of knowledge with
online shopping platform/s

Figure 19 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of residents

in Imus, Cavite according to the online shopping platform/s they used in

purchasing. The figure shows that Lazada and Shopee are the two platforms

most commonly used by the respondents at 93.9% (31) and 78.8% (26) while

Zalora and other online shopping platforms (not mentioned above) logged the

lowest at 2 each or 6.1%.

Figure 20 Frequency and percentage distribution of residents in

Imus, Cavite according to online shopping platform/s

Figure 21 Frequency and percentage distribution of residents in
Imus, Cavite according to frequency of purchases
through online shopping platform/s

Fifteen (15) or 45.5% of the respondents purchase through an online

shopping platform on a monthly basis while 39.4% (13) purchases twice to

thrice per month as shown in Figure 4.10 above. Four (4) or 12.1% of the

respondents purchase through an online shopping platform on a weekly basis

while only one (1) purchases almost every day.

Figure 22 Frequency and percentage distribution of products

purchased through online shopping platform.

Figure 22 above shows that Food (51.5%), Home/Living,

Sports/Fashion/Lifestyle (both 48.5%) and Health/Beauty (45.5%) products

are the most commonly purchased products/items by the respondents while

Figure 4.12 below shows that 84.8% prefers to pay on cash upon delivery of

the product while others pay through e-wallet (51.5%), credit or debit card

(30.3%), and over-the-counter bank payment (3%), cryptocurrency (3%), and

other modes of payment (3%)

Figure 23 Frequency and percentage distribution of preferred
mode of payment for products purchased through online
shopping platform.

Figure 24 Frequency and percentage distribution of the factors

why respondents prefer to buy through online shopping

Figure 24 above shows that respondents prefer to buy online due to its

convenience (84.8% or 28 respondents). While the others responded that

they preferred online platforms for safety reasons (66.7%), for the price

(66.7%), and due to product availability (63.6%). Customer service as a factor

for respondents’ preference to buy using online shopping platforms only

logged 7 or 21.2% of the respondents.



This chapter presents the summary, or the research work undertaken,

the conclusions drawn, and the recommendations made as the outcome of

this study. This study was conducted to ascertain the reasons behind the

increase of online shopping on consumer purchasing behavior during the

community quarantine in Imus City, Cavite.


The study entitled “The Increase of Online Shopping on Consumer

Purchasing Behavior during the community quarantine in Imus City, Cavite”.

Nowadays, online shopping is more convenient for consumers than traditional

shopping. Instead of going out to buy goods, e-commerce does a great job of

providing a suitable tool to shop even at home. With the eruption of COVID-

19, the shift in buyer behavior has greatly accelerated, prompting businesses

to reach even their most loyal brick-and-mortar consumers in the digital


The study conducted to (1) Identify the demographic profile of the

online consumers in Imus City, Cavite in terms of: Personal Profile: age; sex;

civil status; highest educational attainment; monthly income and source/s of

income. (2) Determine the purchasing behavior in terms of which online

shopping platforms they are familiar with; how did they know about these

online shopping platform/s; online shopping platform they usually use; how

often do they purchase through the online shopping platform during the period

of community quarantine; what products do they usually purchase from their

preferred online shopping platform; the factor/s why they prefer to buy online

and; preferred mode of payment. (3) Establish the reasons behind online

shopping of consumers. (4) Test if there is a significant relationship between

the preferred products in online shopping on consumer purchasing behavior

during community quarantine in Imus City, Cavite to their profile. (5) Test if

there is a significant relationship in the increase of online shopping on

consumer purchasing behavior during community quarantine in Imus City,


The participants of the study are the individual online consumers in Imus

City, Cavite. The gathered information was collected by the researcher

through an online survey instrument.

The result showed that young adults (19-30 years old) and mostly

female, more often purchase online.It also revealed that single and married

are equally inclined to buy online. Those who purchase online are mostly

college graduates with monthly income ranges from P10,001 to P30,000

whose income comes from employment salary. They are mostly familiar with

Lazada and Shopee and have known these platforms through social media.

The online consumers mostly purchase using Lazada, pay through cash on

delivery and more often buy monthly. They mostly consume food, home and

living, and sports fashion and lifestyle products. The major factor why they

prefer to buy online is convenience.


Based on the findings, the study determined the profile of the

individual online consumers in Imus City, Cavite. Results of the study found

out that out of 33 individual online consumers in Imus City, Cavite, 28

individuals, representing 84.85%, answered convenience as to the factor

why they prefer to buy online which is one of the advantages online

shopping offers since online consumers can shop from wherever they are

located as long as they have smartphones with internet connection in their


The study also revealed that next to convenience, 66.7% of the

respondents considered safety and price in buying online during this

pandemic. During the community quarantine period, many businesses

momentarily stopped operations while safety regulations are being

implemented. Most Filipinos are not required to go outside during the period.

With that, the respondents believe that it is safe to buy online to avoid the

crowd and avoid getting infected by the virus. Also, price plays a vital role in

consumer buying behaviors since it defines the value of the product the

customer is willing to pay. Based on the findings of the study, it was

established that convenience is the main reason why online consumers

prefer to order online. It was also recognized that safety and price are the

next reasons why the respondents prefer to order online. However, it was

demonstrated that almost80% of the respondents prefer to shop online

because of better prices.

Food, as one of the necessities of every individual in a society to

survive, garnered the highest frequency as the product that the respondent

usually purchases from their preferred online shopping platform. Among all

the respondents, 17 purchase food products online to satisfy their family’s

needs during the pandemic – 9 of which are married. Moreover, 16

respondents – 9 out of 16 are young adults and 11 are females – have

chosen Sports, Fashion and Lifestyle products, which signifies that life is not

only about satisfying basic physiological needs but also includes expressing

oneself through fashion and keeping in style to societal trends. Based on the

abovementioned findings, the study revealed that there is a significant

relationship between the preferred online products and the buying behavior

of the consumer based on their demographic profile.

The result exhibited that 96.97% of the respondents are familiar with

Shopee and Lazada where 96.97% have known online shopping platforms

through social media ads. The Philippines has one of the highest numbers of

social networking sites users across Southeast Asia and Filipinos spends

almost four hours using social media. Most of the online shopping platform

take advantage of this and use social media as one of its advertising tools.

In addition, Lazada, one of the largest and most popular online shopping

destinations, accumulated 31 out of 33 responses as the online shopping

platform individuals usually utilize when purchasing online.

The effect of social media and the need for safety and basic

necessities are the highest contributor of the increasing number of online

shoppers. The result showed that consumer perceived the benefit of online

shopping to their health and safety amidst this pandemic and consider the

conveniency of the online shopping platforms to order products that satisfy

their needs and wants. Consumer behaviors are now greatly affected by the

emerging technology and social trends such sports, fashion, and lifestyle

product trends. As a result, consumer tend to take advantage of our

technology and buy online.


Based on the findings and conclusions drawn, the recommendations

are the following:

The researchers suggest that consumer should take advantage

of the effectiveness and convenience of using online shopping platform

during this pandemic. Consumer should understand the benefit of this new

and emerging concept of purchasing online. Online shopping has the

potential of becoming a dominant alternative shopping channel in the near

future that cannot be easily challenged by the conventional retailing method.

Furthermore, consumers should be wary before purchasing online – reading

carefully the product specifications, payment method, delivery method – so as

to maximize their shopping experience.

The researchers also propose that existing and aspiring sellers need to

improve their online selling tactics such as, the title and specifications of the

product must be clear, accurate and not misleading. Sellers should also focus

on their quality assurance so as to affirm the consumers that they will be

receiving products that are of best quality, packed securely, correct and within

or beyond their expectation. Sellers must also focus on customer service.

They should be responsible enough especially if the product they have

delivered is incorrect or defective and should hold accountability to their


The researchers advise online shopping platforms to create a secure

place that would benefit both the buyer and seller. Product reviews

surveillance should be implemented to ban sellers who have poor reviews due

to incorrect or defective products, poor packaging, and bad customer service.

Scam buyers should also be monitored since some are just ordering for fun

such as entering incorrect addresses, canceling orders, and not showing up.

Thus, it will promote trust and encourage consumers to purchase more

products online and boost sellers to transact more.

For the future researchers, who aim to go on with the study, the

authors suggest conducting interviews to consumers to understand more their

buying behavior and to further seek the reason why traditional consumer shift

to online shopping. The researcher also recommends conducting follow up

studies to validate the results and expound the study.


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Appendix 1. Sample Survey Form


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