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Assessment Workbook 2

CHC33015 Certificate III in

Individual Support

Compliant Aged Care

V1.7 Produced 23 April 2020

Copyright © 2016 Compliant Learning Resources. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system other than
pursuant to the terms of the Copyright Act 1968 (Commonwealth), without the prior written permission of
Compliant Learning Resources
Version control & document history

Date Summary of modifications made Version

Version 1 final produced following assessment

02 June 2016 1.0

Added ‘ethical’ in Knowledge Assessment, Part 1,

23 August 2016 1.1
question 3.

Modifications on the following:

16 September - Reworded Knowledge Assessment Part 1:
Question 3 1.2
- Added response field for Project 2: Self-
Reflection Task 2 ‘Sources of information’

Modifications on the following:

3 October 2016 1.3
Contextualised content to individual support.

2 February 2017 Removed guidance on Case Study – Case 2 Question 6 1.4

25 August 2017 Added url to hyperlink 1.5

11 September added parameter to question in case study 2 role play

2018 task

23 April 2020 Updated the Case Study 2, Scenario 1 Injury Form 1.7

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This is an interactive table of contents. If you are viewing this document in Acrobat,
clicking on a heading will transfer you to that page. If you have this document open
in Word, you will need to hold down the Control key while clicking for this to work.

WHAT IS COMPETENCY BASED ASSESSMENT...................................................4
THE DIMENSIONS OF COMPETENCY...............................................................6
REASONABLE ADJUSTMENT......................................................................... 7
THE UNIT OF COMPETENCY.........................................................................9
ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS....................................................................10
ASSESSMENT METHODS.............................................................................11
RESOURCES REQUIRED FOR ASSESSMENT......................................................11
ASSESSMENT WORKBOOK COVER SHEET......................................................12
IMPORTANT REMINDER.............................................................................13
KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT.........................................................................13
Part 1: Ethical and legal requirements for direct client care...............................................................13
Part 2: Safe work practices for direct client care.................................................................................33
PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT...........................................................................47
Instructions to Student........................................................................................................................ 47
Part 1: Case Study Assessment............................................................................................................. 47
Part 2: Project Assessment.................................................................................................................. 47
CASE STUDIES......................................................................................... 48
Case 1: The Case of Anna Bentley........................................................................................................ 48
Case 2: The Case of Dennis Kyle.......................................................................................................... 56
WORKBOOK CHECKLIST............................................................................73

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The questions in this workbook are divided into two categories.
These questions are all in a short answer format. The longer questions requiring
creative thought processes are covered in the case studies assessment. You must
answer all questions using your own words. However you may reference your
learner guide to complete this assessment.


The features of a competency based assessment system are:
 It is focused on what learners can do and whether it meets the criteria
specified by industry as competency standards.

 Assessment should mirror the environment the learner will encounter

in the workplace.

 Assessment criteria should be clearly stated to the learner at the

beginning of the learning process.

 Assessment should be holistic. That is it aims to assess as many

elements and/or units of competency as is feasible at one time.

 In competency assessment a learner receives one of only two outcomes

– competent or not yet competent.

 The basis of assessment is in applying knowledge for some purpose. In

a competency system, knowledge for the sake of knowledge is seen to be
ineffectual unless it assists a person to perform a task to the level
required in the workplace.

 The emphasis in assessment is on assessable outcomes that are clearly

stated for the trainer and learner. Assessable outcomes are tied to the
relevant industry competency standards where these exist. Where such
competencies do not exist, the outcomes are based upon those identified
in a training needs analysis.

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Definition of competency
Assessment in this context can be defined as:
 The fair, valid, reliable and flexible gathering and recording of evidence
to support judgement on whether competence has been achieved. Skills
and knowledge (developed either in a structured learning situation, at
work, or in some other context) are assessed against national standards
of competence required by industry, rather than compared with the
skills and knowledge of other learners.


Developing and conducing assessment, in an Australian vocational education and
training context, is founded on a number of basic conventions:

The principles of assessment

 Assessment must be valid

o Assessment must include the full range of skills and knowledge

needed to demonstrate competency.

o Assessment must include the combination of knowledge and skills

with their practical application.

o Assessment, where possible, must include judgements based on

evidence drawn from a number of occasions and across a number of

 Assessment must be reliable

o Assessment must be reliable and must be regularly reviewed to

ensure that assessors are making decisions in a consistent manner.

o Assessors must be trained in national competency standards for

assessors to ensure reliability.

 Assessment must be flexible

o Assessment, where possible, must cover both the on and off-the-job

components of training within a course.

o Assessment must provide for the recognition of knowledge, skills

and attitudes regardless of how they have been acquired.

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o Assessment must be made accessible to learners though a variety of
delivery modes, so they can proceed through modularised training
packages to gain competencies.

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 Assessment must be fair and equitable

o Assessment must be equitable to all groups of learners.

o Assessment procedures and criteria must be made clear to all

learners before assessment.

o Assessment must be mutually developed and agreed upon between

assessor and the assessed.

o Assessment must be able to be challenged. Appropriate

mechanisms must be made for reassessment as a result of

The rules of evidence (from Training in Australia by M Tovey, D Lawlor)

When collecting evidence there are certain rules that apply to that evidence. All
evidence must be valid, sufficient, authentic and current;
 Valid

o Evidence gathered should meet the requirements of the unit of

competency. This evidence should match or at least reflect the type
of performance that is to be assessed, whether it covers knowledge,
skills or attitudes.

 Sufficient

o This rule relates to the amount of evidence gathered It is imperative

that enough evidence is gathered to satisfy the requirements that
the learner is competent across all aspects of the unit of

 Authentic

o When evidence is gathered the assessor must be satisfied that

evidence is the learner’s own work.

 Current

o This relates to the recency of the evidence and whether the evidence
relates to current abilities.


The national concept of competency includes all aspects of work performance, and
not only narrow task skills. The four dimensions of competency are:

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 Task skills

 Task management skills

 Contingency management skills

 Job role and environment skills

Adapted Reasonable Adjustment in teaching, learning and assessment for learners
with a disability - November 2010 - Prepared by - Queensland VET Development
Reasonable adjustment in VET is the term applied to modifying the learning
environment or making changes to the training delivered to assist a learner with a
disability. A reasonable adjustment can be as simple as changing classrooms to be
closer to amenities, or installing a particular type of software on a computer for a
person with vision impairment.
Why make a reasonable adjustment?
We make reasonable adjustments in VET to make sure that learners with a disability
 the same learning opportunities as learners without a disability
 the same opportunity to perform and complete assessments as those without a
Reasonable adjustment applied to participation in teaching, learning and
assessment activities can include:
 customising resources and assessment activities within the training package
or accredited course
 modifying the presentation medium learner support
 use of assistive / adaptive technologies
 making information accessible both prior to enrolment and during the course
 monitoring the adjustments to ensure learner needs continue to be met.
Assistive / Adaptive Technologies
Assistive / adaptive technology means ‘software or hardware that has been
specifically designed to assist people with disabilities in carrying out daily activities’
(World Wide Web Consortium - W3C). It includes screen readers, magnifiers, voice
recognition software, alternative keyboards, devices for grasping, visual alert
systems, digital note takers.

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Reasonable adjustment made for collecting candidate assessment evidence must not
impact on the standard expected by the workplace, as expressed by the relevant
Unit(s) of Competency. E.g. If the assessment was gathering evidence of the
candidates competency in writing, allowing the candidate to complete the
assessment verbally would not be a valid assessment method. The method of
assessment used by any reasonable adjustment must still meet the competency

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The units of competency specify the standards of performance required in the
This assessment addresses the following unit(s) of competency from CHC33015
-Certificate III in Individual Support.

CHCLEG001 - Work legally and ethically

1. Identify and respond to legal requirements
2. Identify and meet ethical responsibilities
3. Contribute to workplace improvements

HLTWHS002 - Follow safe work practices for direct client care

1. Follow safe work practices for direct client care
2. Follow safe work practices for manual handling
3. Follow safe work practices for infection control
4. Contribute to safe work practices in the workplace
5. Reflect on own safe work practices

For complete copies of the above units of competency:

Download them from the TGA website:

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The assessment requirements specify the evidence and required conditions for
Each unit of competency can be unbundled to reveal three key assessment

1. Performance Evidence
- describes the sub tasks that make up the element of the unit
2. Knowledge Evidence
- describes the knowledge that must be applied in understanding the tasks
described in the elements
3. Assessment Condition
- describes the environment and conditions that assessments must be
conducted under

The associated assessment method in this kit covers all of these components as
detailed in the matrix to follow:
Units of


Assessment Activities

Written Questions  

Case Studies  

Project Assessment  

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1. Written questions
- Written assessments to test students’ understanding of underpinning
knowledge, concepts and/or theories relevant to the units of competency
included in this subject
2. Case Studies
- Detailed scenarios and simulated environments providing all necessary
information required to complete relevant tasks and activities
3. Project Assessment
- Independent practical assessment tasks relevant to the workplace


Student will need access to:
- A video recorder to document completion of a role play activity
- A volunteer to play the role of a care facility supervisor

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TITLE: Compliant Aged Care Practice

FIRST AND SURNAME:      Arthika Thayaparan

PHONE:      0405141650


Please read the Candidate Declaration below and if you agree

to the terms of the declaration sign and date in the space
By submitting this work, I declare that:
 I have been advised of the assessment requirements, have been
made aware of my rights and responsibilities as an assessment
candidate, and choose to be assessed at this time.
 I am aware that there is a limit to the number of submissions that I
can make for each assessment and I am submitting all documents
required to complete this Assessment Workbook.
 I have organised and named the files I am submitting according to
the instructions provided and I am aware that my assessor will not
assess work that cannot be clearly identified and may request the
work be resubmitted according to the correct process.
 This work is my own and contains no material written by another
person except where due reference is made. I am aware that a false
declaration may lead to the withdrawal of a qualification or
statement of attainment.
 I am aware that there is a policy of checking the validity of
qualifications that I submit as evidence as well as the
qualifications/evidence of parties who verify my performance or
observable skills. I give my consent to contact these parties for
verification purposes.

Name :      Signature:       Date:      

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The First Aid unit is a pre-requisite for vocational placement.
It is to be completed at another RTO provider of your choice.
See Workbook 7 for details.


The knowledge assessment is divided into two parts:

1) Ethical and legal requirements for direct client care
2) Safe work practices for direct client care

Part 1: Ethical and legal requirements for direct client care

1. Briefly explain how the following legal and ethical considerations are applied in
organisations providing care services:
Guidance: Provide examples where necessary e.g. specific legislation, codes of practice which
are relevant to the legal and ethical considerations listed.

a) children in the      Australia has legislation in force as safeguards for

workplace children. In complying with
them, aged care service providers must have
organisational policies and
procedures in place to ensure the health, safety, and
well being of children
visiting the workplace and those interacting with care
workers or other
personnel in the workplace. 

b) codes of conduct      Aged care facilities would typically include in their

organisational policies and
procedures a standard code of conduct for aged care
Codes of conduct in the aged care sector may cover,

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but not limited to, the
following: respect professionalism privacy health and
safety financial matters and conflicts ethics
integrity) In residential care, this includes the Guide
to Ethical Conduct we have
previously discussed

c) codes of practice      Aged care facilities are required to comply with the
codes of practice set out
by the industry, local and national government for
aged care, and other
relevant legislation.
Care workers are required to comply with a code of
practice to achieve the
standards set out by the industry for aged care.

d) complaints management      Service providers are required to have a system for

handling complaints. The
system should be readily accessible, confidential,
prompt, and fair. The system
should also be well-publicised within the service.
Organisations will typically have systems in place to
allow complaints
management to:
• allow many issues to be dealt with quickly and
• enhance on-going relationship between the service
provider and the
care recipient, their family and representatives
• contribute to continuous improvement in the service

e) continuing professional      Organisations must include mandatory education

education (e.g. fire training) and may
offer other opportunities for continuing professional
education for their

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Continuing professional education is key to ensuring
care workers are able to
provide the best care for their clients; it also ensures
that they keep their skills
and knowledge relevant and updated.

f) discrimination      Strict policies and procedures are in place to ensure

the organisation is
compliant to relevant anti-discrimination laws (e.g.
policies on access and
Care workers are expected and required to provide the
same high-quality and
safe service without discrimination to the care
recipient's age , gender , race , social status, etc

g) dignity of risk      

h) duty of care    Aged care facilities and workers have duty of care to
fulfil to their clients. Duty
of care is a legal obligation of aged care facilities and
care workers to avoid
acts of omission (failing to act) that are likely to
endanger clients and others.  

i) human rights:      Care workers are required to abide by the Universal

Universal declaration of Declaration of
human rights
Human Rights, as they are incorporated into relevant
industry standards

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and legislations. The Universal Declaration of Human
Rights are
. acknowledged in Australia's Act e.g. Disability
discrimination act 1992.

j) human rights:      Human rights are fundamentally based on human

relationship between needs. Example: All
human needs and
human beings essentially need food, water, clothing,
human rights
and shelter to
survive. As these are basic necessities to survive, all
human beings must
have access to them.

k) ) human rights:      − Person-centered approach to care and planning

frameworks, approaches
− Consumer directed care
and instruments used in
the workplace − Policy and procedures e.g. complaints
− Receiving client feedback
− Service standards or accreditation standards
− Continual improvement

l) informed consent      Care workers must provide clients with sufficient

information for provision of
care so the client can consent to something they fully
understand. Consent
may be implied, verbal and written.
Not giving the client opportunity to provide informed
consent may constitute

m) mandatory reporting      Mandatory reporting means mandated or required

by the law. This includes
mandatory reporting procedures for:
▪ suspected cases of abuse
▪ suspected cases of neglect
▪ WHS incidents

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▪ emergency incidences
▪ Health concerns and other relevant change's in
client's health condition, etc.

n) practice standards      

o) practitioner/client      There are boundaries set in the care worker client

boundaries relationship, and both
must respect and adhere to this. Care workers must
always maintain a
professional working relationship with their clients
and must never go beyond
this. A care worker violates this when he/she become
too involved in a client's personal matters (e.g. family,
financial, etc.), or the care worker enters into a
romantic relationship with a client.

p) privacy, confidentiality      The privacy and confidentiality of all personnel in

and disclosure the aged care sector, the
clients, the workers, and supervisors, must always be
respected and upheld at
all times.
This includes disclosing information only on and for
the right grounds and
purposes (e.g. when the person has given consent,
complying with other legal
obligations, etc.).
The care worker, in the earlier example we used, has
violated this when he/she careless left a client's
progress report in view for everyone to see
compromising his/ her client's right to privacy ,

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confidentiality, and dignity.

q) policy frameworks      A care worker must have an idea on how policies,
procedures, and other
workplace documents are formed in the policy
framework. The illustration
below explains how organisational policies and
procedures, guidelines, and
other workplace documents are derived from the
relevant legislation:Legislation Statues and
Policy and procedures Guidelines Workplace

r) records management      In completing, maintaining, storing, workplace

records, care workers must
comply with privacy laws, and adhere to legal and
ethical considerations for
privacy, confidentiality and disclosure, care workers
must adhere. As part of
this, the organisation must have procedures and
protocols must ensure the safety of client's as well as
employees personal information.

s) rights and  -Employers

responsibilities of:
Employee rights include but are not limited to:
- workers
- employers - Leave entitlements
- clients - Protection from discrimination and sexual
Guidance: Provide at least harassment in the workplace
two (2) examples of rights
and responsibilities for - Right to work in a safe environment
each. Employee responsibilities include but are not limited
- Take reasonable care of the health and safety of
- Report any unsafe work practices, accidents or

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Examples of employer responsibilities include but are
not limited to providing:
− Adequate emergency services
− Safe equipment and machinery
− Safe enter and exit from the
− A safe work environment
− Appropriate safety equipment
* Worker
- use equipment provided for health or
safety purposes
- obey reasonable instruction that the
employer may give in relation to health
or safety at work
- comply with any policy that applies at
the workplace published or approved
by the Minister after seeking the advice of the
Advisory Committee
- ensure that the employee is not, by the consumption
of alcohol or a drug,
in such a state as to endanger the employee's own
safety at work or the
safety of any other person at work

* client
Workplace regulations will typically include
provisions that will require employees to
follow prescribed manual handling procedures, and to
regularly assess these
procedures to ensure the safety of the employees and

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the clients. This assessment
typically includes:
- Risk identification
- Risk assessment
- Risk control
Policies and procedures have been developed to
minimise or eliminate the health
and safety risks caused by hazardous manual handling
and slips, trips and falls.
Examples include but are not limited to:
- Transferring people safely
- Repositioning people in bed
- Transferring people from beds and chairs
- Transferring people from toileting and bathing
- Assisting people who have fallen

t) industrial relations      

legislation relevant to
employment conditions
of role

u) work health and safety      

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2. Briefly explain the consequences if the following legal and ethical
considerations are breached:

a) children in the      May put children at risk


b) codes of conduct      May put the individual support worker or the care
facility in legal liability, and the
clients and/or individual support workers at risk.

c) codes of practice e      May put the clients, individual support worker,

and/or care facility at risk. There may
be safety risks causing negligence and legal liabilities
may follow.

d) complaints      The organisation will be in breach of the following

management rights of the care recipients:
• to be treated with respect and accepted as an
individual, and to have their
individual preferences taken into account and treated
with respect
• freedom of speech
• complain and take action to resolve disputes
• have access to advocates and other avenues of

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• be free from punishment, or well-founded fear of
punishment, in any form
for taking action to enforce their rights.
The organisation may undergo investigation and
receive sanctions as necessary.

e) continuing      Continuing professional education ensures that

professional education individual support workers and care
facilities remain updated with the most current skills
and technologies that facilitate best practice . Not
engaging in continuous professional education may
put client's
health and safety at risk

f) discrimination      The Commonwealth Government and the state and

territory governments have
introduced laws to help protect people from
discrimination and harassment. Breach
would put the individual support worker and the care
facility in legal liability.

g) dignity of risk      Breach would mean violation of the client's right to

make choice and take risks.

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h) duty of care      If a professional is found to be in breach of their
duty of care, they can be sued for

i) human rights      Litigation and/or dismissal. Care Facilities may

lose their license to operate and
Individual support workers may face relevant legal

j) informed consent      Lack of consent may constitute assault and the

person could be places at serious
risk of harm or injury.

k) mandatory reporting      Failing to report certain cases may have legal

implications as reporting documents
are typically considered as legal documents. Failing to
report critical issues will also
mean responsible bodies will not be able to address
issues accordingly.

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l) practice standards      Failure to adhere to practice standards may put the
care facility and the care worker at risk for legal
liability it may also put the client's safety at risk
practice standards are put in place to minimise and/or
eliminate these risks.

m) practitioner/client      Litigation and/or dismissal. For example, if a care

boundaries worker becomes too close with
the client, issues of conflict of interest may arise.

n) privacy, confidentiality policies.

and disclosure
the care worker may face legal charges for breach of
privacy and confidentiality
information about a client (such as those that the
client chooses not to be disclosed),
     Litigation and/or dismissal. For example, if a care
worker discloses private

o) policy frameworks      Failure to adhere to policy frameworks may put the

care facility and the care worker
at risk for legal liabilities , it may also put the client's
safety at risks as policy
frameworks are put in place to minimise and/or
eliminate these risks.

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p) records management      Failure to adhere to records management policies
may result in applicable
disciplinary actions as prescribed by the
organisational policies/procedures. This may
include suspension, discharge from employment or
termination of contractor status.

q) rights and      Failure to uphold rights and responsibilities of

responsibilities of workers, employers and/or clients may
workers, employers
result to corresponding legal liabilities.
and clients

r) industrial relations      Failure of organisations to comply with industrial

legislation relevant to relations legislations may result to
corresponding legal liabilities
conditions of role

s) specific legislation in      Failure of organisations to comply with legislation

the area of work – relevant to area of work may result
objectives and key
to corresponding legal liabilities. This may include
suspension of license to operate.

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t) work health and safety      Failure of workers to comply with policies and
procedures relevant to work health and safety may on
put the client's and other client staff's health and
safety at risk. this may cause legal actions relating to
negligence of duty of care.

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3. Briefly explain how legal and ethical considerations can impact individual
workers who work in community services and in the health care context.

4. Briefly explain the similarities and differences that may exist between legal and
ethical frameworks.

a) similarities      Although the two have different meanings, they are the
same in a sense. For one,
legal and ethical frameworks are both made bases in making
decisions about aged
care matters, including how organisational policies and
procedures are made in a
care facility.
A. It can be both legal and ethical
B. It can be legal but unethical
C. It can be ethical but illegal
D. It can be both illegal and unethica

b) differences      ▪ In legal framework, determination of legal course of

action is determined by
the law. Legalities are based on finite set of standards and
rules outlined by
government bodies.

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▪ In ethical framework, determination of ethical course of
action is determined
by the individual. Ethics may be influenced by our belief
systems (religion),
social expectations, the law etc.

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5. Briefly explain the interrelationship differences that may exist between legal
and ethical frameworks.

     ▪ In legal framework, determination of legal course of action is determined by

the law. Legalities are based on finite set of standards and rules outlined by
government bodies.
▪ In ethical framework, determination of ethical course of action is determined
by the individual. Ethics may be influenced by our belief systems (religion),
social expectations, the law etc.

6. List two examples of legal issues that commonly arise in an individual support
Guidance: Provide responses which are only relevant to the work role of an
individual support worker.

a) ▪ inadequate access by residents to medical and care records


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 I must always act in a professional, competent and ethical manner and i need to be
familiar with laws, rules, standards and regulations relevant to the community
services industry. These protect the right of both individuals and workers . I also
ensure high-quality and safe services are provided.

b) List one legal consideration you have to address in responding to the given

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vulnerability of older people to consumer fraud

c) List one ethical consideration you have to address in responding to the given

     ▪ Absence of clear directives from the family that forces the Aged Care
facilities to make decisions, especially relevant to: hospitalisation,
intrusive/invasive intervention, etc.

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9. Answer the following question based on the scenario described below:
Joshua Black is a resident at Lotus Compassionate Care. While supporting
him with his bath, you noticed rashes all over his arms and torso. You asked
him when it appeared and he casually told you not to worry about it. He
explained that Mary, the new staff, didn’t know he was allergic to ibuprofen
and gave him some for his arthritis. He said the young lady looked really
worried so he told her not to worry about it because he’s had it before and
it’s nothing serious.
Mary is also an Individual support worker like yourself, and is not
authorised to give medication to clients.
Briefly explain how you will respond to the situation described above.
Guidance: Take note of your legal and ethical responsibilities as an Individual
support worker.

a) Briefly explain how you will respond to the situation described above.
Guidance: Take note of your legal and ethical responsibilities as an Individual
support worker.

I will consult my co worker and my supervisor than I will make sure that my client
will be okay, I will also ask my supervisor to see my client if he is really okay.
And I will make sure with my supervisor if it's fine for me to look after him.
I'll work not only with sufficient awareness of my client's and my care facility rights
and responsibilities but also working in accordance with these rights and
responsibilities; and most importantly to work within the scope of my role and
responsibilities outlined in the Job Description.

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b) List one legal consideration you have to address in responding to the given

     negligence of duty of care

c) List one ethical consideration you have to address in responding to the given

It was not ethical for Mary to give medication while she was not authorised to give
medication to clients

10. Provide an outline how workplace policies, procedures and protocols are/should
be developed and reviewed. Provide a brief explanation for each step.

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Guidance: There is a range of acceptable answers for this question; however you
must include in your explanation development processes to ensure all policy
requirements are covered, including but not limited to consultation and mechanisms
for input.


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Part 2: Safe work practices for direct client care

11. Briefly explain how the following state/territory legislations relevant to

individual support impact workplace regulations.

a) state/territory WHS      Workplace regulations will typically include

authorities provisions to meet specific duties under
the WHS Acts, and other procedural or
administrative requirements to support the
WHS Act. These may include but not limited to:
▪ requiring licences for specific activities and the
keeping of records
▪ requiring employees to undergo/have undergone
training and/or certification
prior to performing specific tasks
▪ reporting protocols that are in accordance with
specific provisions from the
▪ National police check
▪ Mandatory training e.g. fire safety

b) rights and      An employer must ensure all employees and

responsibilities of clients are, while at the centre, safe
employers from injury and risks to health. So typically,
Guidance: workplace regulations will include
include duty of care
provisions that promote and maintain
▪ a safe environment
▪ adequate facilities
▪ availability and access to relevant information,
instruction, training and
supervision as are reasonably necessary to ensure
that each employee and
client is safe from injury and risks to health
▪ policy and procedure

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c) rights and      Employees must take reasonable care to avoid
responsibilities of adversely affecting the health or safety of self or
any other person (co-workers or clients) through
include duty of care an act or omission at work. Workplace
regulations will typically include provisions
requiring employees to:
- use equipment provided for health or
safety purposes
- obey reasonable instruction that the
employer may give in relation to health
or safety at work
- comply with any policy that applies at
the workplace published or approved
by the Minister after seeking the advice of the
Advisory Committee
- ensure that the employee is not, by the
consumption of alcohol or a drug,
in such a state as to endanger the employee's own
safety at work or the
safety of any other person at work

d) hazardous manual tasks    Workplace regulations will typically include

provisions that will require employees to
follow prescribed manual handling procedures, and
to regularly assess these
procedures to ensure the safety of the employees
and the clients. This assessment
typically includes:
- Risk identification
- Risk assessment
- Risk control  

e) infection control     Workplace regulations will typically include

policies and procedures that include:

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- hand hygiene and cough etiquette
- the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
- the safe use and disposal of sharps
- routine environmental cleaning
- incorporation of safe practices for handling blood,
body fluids and secretions
as well as excretions 

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12. Briefly explain how the following state/territory legislations relevant to
individual support impact codes of practice.
Guidance: Provide examples to support your response.

a) state/territory WHS      State/territory WHS authorities approve codes of

authorities practice to have legal effect in a

b) rights and      They must exercise due diligence to ensure the

responsibilities of organisation complies with its health
employers and safety duties. This duty relates to the strategic,
Guidance: structural, policy and key
include duty of care
resourcing decisions that is, how the place is run.
Due diligence includes taking
reasonable steps to:
− acquire and keep up to date knowledge on work
health and safety matters
− understand the nature and operations of the work
and associated hazards
and risks
− ensure the organisation has, and uses,
appropriate resources and
processes to eliminate or minimise risks to work
health and safety
− ensure the organisation has appropriate processes
to receive and consider
information about work-related incidents, hazards
and risks, and to
respond in a timely manner
− ensure the organisation has, and implements,
processes for complying

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with their duties and obligations (for example
reports notifiable incidents,
consults with workers, complies with notices,
provides appropriate training
and instruction and ensures HSRs receive training
entitlements), and
− verify the provision and use of the relevant
resources and processes

c) rights and      While at work, workers must take reasonable

responsibilities of care for their own health and safety and
that of others who may be affected by their actions
or omissions. They must also:
include duty of care
- comply, so far as they are reasonably able, with
any reasonable
instruction given by the organisation to comply with
WHS laws, and
- cooperate with any reasonable policy or procedure
of the organisation
relating to health or safety at the workplace that has
been notified to

d) hazardous manual tasks      Specific codes of practice relevant to hazardous

manual tasks are developed in
different states/territories. You may access the
WHS Code of Practice for Hazardous
Manual Tasks, for reference.

e) infection control      Expected Outcome 4.7 of the Standards and

Guidelines for Residential Aged Care
Services requires facilities to have an effective
infection control program. Relevant
codes of practice would typically include policies
and procedures which provide for:

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− incident reporting mechanisms which are used
and acted upon
− equipment fit for the purpose intended, well
maintained and staff
− trained in its use
− management and staff involvement in identifying
and resolving infection
− control risks
− the identification of sources of infectious waste
and appropriate disposal
− surveillance programs

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13. Briefly explain how the following state/territory legislations relevant to
individual support impact industry standards.
Guidance: Provide examples to support your response.

a) state/territory WHS      Workers in aged care, have a higher than average

authorities chance of being seriously injured
at work, as such state/territory WHS authorities put
in place industry standards that
would address this risk. This includes but is not
limited to:
▪ Transferring people safely
▪ Repositioning people in bed
▪ Transferring people from beds and chairs
▪ Transferring people from toileting and bathing
▪ Assisting people who have fallen

b) rights and      Examples of employer rights include but are not

responsibilities of limited to:
employers − Developing own policies and procedures/code of
Guidance: conduct
include duty of care
− Securing confidential company files
− Expect loyalty from employees
− Expect reasonable care to be taken by all
− Expect employees to be accountable for money or
resources in their
Examples of employer responsibilities include but
are not limited to providing:
− Adequate emergency services
− Safe equipment and machinery
− Safe enter and exit from the
− A safe work environment

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− Appropriate safety equipment

c) rights and      The following employee rights and

responsibilities of responsibilities are applicable in the aged care
include duty of care Employee rights include but are not limited to:
- Leave entitlements
- Protection from discrimination and sexual
harassment in the workplace
- Right to work in a safe environment
Employee responsibilities include but are not
limited to:
- Take reasonable care of the health and safety of
- Report any unsafe work practices, accidents or

d) hazardous manual tasks      Policies and procedures have been developed to

minimise or eliminate the health
and safety risks caused by hazardous manual
handling and slips, trips and falls.
Examples include but are not limited to:
- Transferring people safely
- Repositioning people in bed
- Transferring people from beds and chairs
- Transferring people from toileting and bathing
- Assisting people who have fallen

e) infection control Policies and procedures have been developed to

minimise and/or eliminate the risk
of infection within an aged care environment.
Relevant principles and standards
provided by the government are used to develop
internal policies and procedures relevant to
infection control     

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14. Consider a typical Care facility.
a) Identify three examples of hazards commonly found in Care facilities. Include at least one specific hazard relating to
manual tasks, infection control and general personal safety.
b) List two possible harmful effects that may be caused by each hazard identified.
c) List two strategies to minimise the risks posed by each hazard identified.

Hazard Possible harmful effects Strategies to minimise risk

1. Behaviour. 1 #They can be in angry mood and trow 1# Be aware how they feel when u go in
things at me. Be ready or prepared for any actiosy
# when they are mad they can harm me.

2. # They can trip over the things that's on 2# Make sure nothing on the floor, clean
2. Slip and Falls.
the floor. properly
# In the bathroom or shower they can Hold them when the go and come out the
slip, especially when is wed. shower, or when they walk.

3 # You can hurt your mussels or back 3# Lifting the way u don't hurt your self
3. Moving and handling equipment such pain from lifting heavy.
Use helps from others, don't do
as beds, Mattresses trolleys and # You can drop it on your leg.
everything by yourself.

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15. Briefly outline the typical workplace procedures for hazard identification.

  Slips, trips or falls

Manual handling injuries
Skin contact with cleaning products and sanitisers may cause irritation or

16. List three examples of basic home fire safety considerations when working in a
home-based environment.

a) ▪ Check Smoke Alarm

b) ▪ Prepare or Revisit Fire Escape Plan

c) ▪ Install special alarms for hearing impaired


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a) aged people disabilities such as in ability to walk    

b)      those aged 65 years and above


     page 70


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b) Having clutter and obstetrical in front of fire exits


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20.Complete the table below by outlining the prescribed placement, installation
and maintenance of a smoke alarm in the home.
Guidance: You may refer to the provisions specific to your home state/territory.

State/Territory      victory

     Since 1 August 1997, Victorian law states that

What are the legal
smoke alarms (complying with Australian
responsibilities of
Standards AS3786) must be installed in all homes,
homeowners to install
units, flats and townhouses. It is the responsibility
working smoke alarms in
of all owners and landlords to install working smoke
their homes?

     Smoke alarms should be located in the centre of

the ceiling. If it cannot be located here it should be
What is the prescribed
located 300mm from any cornice or wall. Smoke
placement of smoke alarms
alarms should be located 300mm - 500mm from
within a house?
the ceiling. Smoke alarms should be located 500mm
- 1500mm from the highest point.

Test your smoke alarm every month to ensure the

battery and the alarm sounder are operating. Hold
What are the testing and down the test button until you hear a loud alert
maintenance requirements tone, then release. Use a broom handle if you
for smoke alarms? cannot reach, but be careful you do not damage the
smoke alarm. You may need to press the button
again to turn off the alarm.     

21. List three examples of risks to Individual support workers’ personal safety when
working in a home-based environment.

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22. List three common sources of infection and ways to minimise the transfer of
infection within the care facility.

How to minimise their transfer within

Sources of infection
the care facility

a)      page 80 a)      

b)       b)      

c)       c)      

23. List two examples of practices to minimise musculoskeletal injuries to self as

support worker and to clients.
Guidance: At least one response should refer to the self and at least one should refer
to the clients.

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24. Consider a typical Care facility and answer the questions that follow.

a) List two examples of emergency procedures typically implemented in care




b) List two examples of WHS policies and procedures typically implemented in

care facilities.
Briefly describe the WHS policies and procedures that you have identified.


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Instructions to Student

This section of this workbook covers the assessment of your skills relevant to the
performance evidence requirements included in Subject 2.
This assessment is completed using simulated tasks based on given case study
scenarios. You will not need access to a workplace or a care facility to complete
these tasks.
This practical assessment will assist your completion of the assessment activities
relevant to the requirements of the units covered in this workbook:

Assessment Activities

Part 1: Case Study Assessment

 Case Study: Anna Bentley
 Case Study: Dennis Kyle

Part 2: Project Assessment

 Project 1 – Identify legal requirements and ethical
 Project 2 – Self-reflection

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Case 1: The Case of Anna Bentley

This is Anna and her daughter Julia.

Anna is 82 years old and has been a
resident of Lotus Compassionate care for
two years. Julia is Anna’s only child.
Although Julia did not like the idea of her
mother living in a home, Anna convinced
Julia that it was the best for both of them.

Julia is 36 years old and has never been married. Anna believes that she is the only
reason why Julia has not settled down yet. Anna believes her daughter shouldn’t be
spending all of her free time taking care of her mother. She wants Julia to live a life
of her own.
Apart from Anna’s arthritis which makes it difficult for her to move around, Anna’s
mind and body is very healthy for her age.

Scenario 1:

Anna has been recently diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. Having caught the
cancer at an early stage, the doctor advised Anna to consider having a mastectomy
and chemotherapy. Anna refused the surgery and treatment fearing how risky and
difficult it will be at her age.
Anna made arrangements to make sure she will be ready if her condition worsens.
Although she has never needed a substitute decision-maker (SDM), Anna
appointed her sister-in-law, Cynthia, as her SDM should one be needed.
Anna also signed a refusal of treatment certificate (advanced care directive), which
includes a do-not-resuscitate order. Anna has asked the centre and her sister not to
let Julia know of her cancer and her decision not to have the treatment.
Rose, an individual support worker, has been providing care for Anna since she
moved to the centre. She has become really good friends with both Anna and Julia.
She thinks Anna is making a mistake by not taking the treatment.

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1) Identify two (2) potential ethical dilemmas that Rose might encounter in the
given scenario.



Scenario 2:

Rose learned that she was included in Anna’s will. In the event of Anna’s death,
Rose will be receiving a monetary token of gratitude for her services. Rose is
currently going through a financial crisis and thinks the money she will receive
from Anna will help her considerably.
She decided that she will find a way to make Anna have the surgery and the
treatment. She believes her decision to do this is justified because she really
believes that Anna has a good chance of beating cancer; and in case Anna does not
make it through the surgery or the chemotherapy, then she will be able to receive
the money from Anna.

2) Identify the conflict of interest in the given scenario.

Guidance: Consider your own emotional involvement as the carer in the given
scenario. Consider also the personal interests of the other parties involved (Anna and


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Scenario 3:

Rose told you about her condition—the money she will receive from Anna’s will,
and the financial struggles she is currently having.
Rose plans to tell Julia about Anna’s condition, and convince her to talk to Anna
and convince her to have the surgery and chemotherapy.
Rose asks for your advice.

3) What advice will you give Rose?


4) cc
Guidance: you must identify one actual breach and one potential breach

Potential breach:      

Actual breach:      

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Role Play Task

The aim of this role playing activity is to allow you to demonstrate your skills in:
 Recognising potential breaches and reporting these breaches according to
organisational procedures
 Recognising potential ethical issues and dilemmas and discuss to
appropriate person

You will be playing the role of a care worker working in Lotus Compassionate Care.
For the purpose of this assessment, the organisational protocol requires all staff to
report to the supervisor any identified potential breach of client directives

To complete this task, you will need access to:

- a video recorder
- a volunteer:
• one (1) volunteer to play the role of your supervisor

With a volunteer (to play the role of your supervisor), simulate a conversation to
report the potential breach of client directives. Refer to your responses from Case
Study 1, Question 4.
To document your completion of this task and to allow your assessor to evaluate
your performance, you are required to submit a video recording of this role play
conversation. The video must not be longer than three (3) minutes.
Save your video file using the filename: Subject 2-RP1
Take note that your assessor will be evaluating you against the following criteria:

Assessor checklist
(for assessor’s use only, please leave this section blank)

1) Did the candidate report both the potential and actual Choose an item.
breaches described in the given scenario?

2) Did the candidate discuss with the supervisor other potential

ethical issues and dilemmas involved in the situation? Choose an item.

Guidance: include potential and actual conflicts of interest you

have identified

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Scenario 4:

Despite your advice, Rose decides to go through with her plan. Not knowing how
Julia found out about her condition, Anna files a complaint against Lotus
Compassionate Care for breach of privacy and confidentiality.
Lotus has launched a full investigation to determine who provided Julia the
confidential information.

5) Identify at least one unethical conduct described in the scenario.

     Rose violating Anna's right to patient autonomy .

6) You know it was Rose who breached the confidentiality agreement. What
will you do?

     I approach Rose and advice her to come forward and tell the truth , that way she
can explain her self better. If this fails , then i report to my supervisor .

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Follow-up Questions

7) Identify how the investigation by Lotus Compassionate Care could have been

     If Rose had reported her conflict of interest to the management when she first
noticed it, the investigation by Lotus compassionate care could have been avoided.

8) Review Lotus Compassionate Care’s Policies and Procedures by clicking

here. (
(username: learner password: studyhard)

Are there any provisions or protocols regarding what must be done when an
employee breaches the client’s confidentiality?


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9) Create an email to your supervisor. In your email, suggest two (2) protocols
for Lotus Compassionate Care on what to do should a scenario like Rose’s
happen again.
Guidance: There is no need to send an actual email to address provided

Subject:      Suggestions For Protocols For Breach Of Confidentiality

Good day ma'am ,
I found that there are no protocols in place for cases of breach of confidentiality
following the case of the care worker Rose. In a bid to get the organisation better
prepared for such an occurrence in the future, i did a little research and found 2
protocols commonly employed in cases of confidentiality breach, and i would like
to suggest them to you.
Based on the seriousness of the offence, the length of employment , and the
employee record, either of the following could be done:
* A verbal or written warning.
* Suspension or employment termination.
Thank you for your consideration .

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Case 2: The Case of Dennis Kyle

Dennis Kyle has been a resident of Lotus Compassionate Care for over a year.
Dennis has arthritis, which makes it difficult for him to move around. He is 72
years old.
Before his stay at Lotus Compassionate Care, Dennis was being cared for by his
wife Sheryl. Sheryl passed away two years ago.
Their only son, John, was involved in a car accident years ago and is confined to a
wheelchair. John is being cared for by his children in Ireland, where Dennis
originally came from before moving to Melbourne 40 years ago to marry Sheryl.
Because of these conditions, Dennis was placed in Lotus Compassionate Care.

Scenario 1:
To make him feel as comfortable as possible, John put Dennis in a private suite at
Lotus Compassionate Care. He is given everything he needs, and he has so far been
happy at the home.
Tanya Pereira, the carer who works with Dennis, helps him with his daily morning
routine. She helps him up from bed and prepares his shower. While Dennis is in
the shower, Tanya tidies up his room.
One morning, as Tanya was helping Kyle get up from bed, carrying his legs towards
the edge, she felt sharp pain in her lower back. She could not stand upright and
had to call on you, another care provider who happened to pass by Dennis’ room,
to assist her.

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1) Looking at the picture of Dennis and Tanya in the previous page, identify
two manual handling hazards that Tanya and Dennis face daily.

     * Repetitive bending to assist Dennis.

* Lack of manual handling equipment such as hoists or rails.

2) Who would be the appropriate person to contact to address Tanya’s

Guidance: There is no need to mention names.

     My supervisor would be the appropriate person to contact .

3) Following Lotus Compassionate Care’s relevant policies and procedures,

complete the incident report form provided below.
Consider industry standard protocol when filling out details.
Guidance: You may use the current date and use any time in the morning.

1. Workplace details

Location: Lotus Compassionate Care

Supervisor: Rachel Allcot Contact phone: 6122 XXXX


2. Incident details

Day:       Date:       Time:      

Report completed by:      

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3. Type of incident (indicate which is applicable)

Personal injury Staff Customer Child

Name of person injured:      

Part of Body Injured (if relevant):      

Nature of injury sustained:
Abrasions, scrapes
Broken bone/fracture
Other (please specify):      

Injury caused by:

Assault Slips, trips, and falls Manual handling Other:      

4. Response to incident (indicate which is applicable)

First aid treatment administered (please specify what/by whom etc.):      

Medical treatment administered (please specify where/by whom etc.):      

Assistance sought:       Ambulance Police Counsellor

5. Other information

Who witnessed the incident? (please use full name, details of staff’s job title where applicable, and
telephone number/s):

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NOTE: Be specific. Describe in detail what actually happened, stating the facts in a clear and
precise manner. Include exact location of incident, factors involved and any other details that may
be beneficial. A drawing of the centre layout, identifying where the incident occurred, would be

6. Other information

This report was compiled by (full name, title and contact telephone): On (date/time):

This report is a true and accurate summary of the incident that occurred (please sign):

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4) Write an email to your supervisor, Rachel Allcot, about what happened to
Tanya and why it happened. Suggest policies and procedures on how to
prevent a similar incident from happening again.
a. Write your email in the space provided. Do not exceed 200 words.
b. Fill out the hazard report form that follows to attach to your email.
Guidance: There is no need to send an actual email.
You may use the current date when filling out the form.

To Rachel Allcot <>

From Your email address



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Name:       Date:      
Description of hazard:
(Include area and task involved, and any equipment, tools, people involved. Use
sketches if necessary)
To be completed by the person identifying the hazard

Suggested actions:
(List any suggestions you have for reducing or eliminating the problem e.g.
redesign, use of mechanical devices, training, etc.)

Report to (name): Rachel Allcot

Position: Supervisor

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Scenario 2:
You have taken over as Dennis’ care provider while Tanya is recovering from her
back injury.
One day, you notice Dennis is sneezing and sniffling.

5) According to the Lotus Compassionate Care handbook*, should you apply

infection control measures when handling Dennis? Briefly explain your


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6) Write an email to your supervisor, Rachel Allcot, about Dennis’ current
condition and if certain measures should be applied.
Write your email in the space provided.
Guidance: There is no need to send an actual email.

To Rachel Allcot <>

From Your email address



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Role Play Task

The aim of this role playing activity is to allow you to demonstrate your skills in:
 Following workplace procedures for at least one simulated emergency
 Apply infection control e.g. PPE

You will be playing the role of a care worker working in Lotus Compassionate Care,
responding to the emergency situation described below.
To complete this task, you will need access to:
- a video recorder
- a volunteer:
• one (1) volunteer to play the role of Dennis

Dennis’ sneezing was particularly bad one day. As he was having his breakfast, he
sneezed hard and accidentally knocked his glass of water over. The glass broke,
cutting his hand in the process. He has sustained several small cuts and one deep
cut in the palm of his hand. He is bleeding.

To document your completion of this task and to allow your assessor to evaluate
your performance, you are required to submit a video recording of this role play
situation, including how you would respond to this emergency. The video must not
be longer than three (3) minutes.
Save your video file using the filename: Subject 2-RP2
Take note that your assessor will be evaluating you against the following criteria:

Assessor checklist
(for assessor’s use only, please leave this section blank)

1) Did the candidate apply first aid? Choose an item.

2) Did the candidate call for help? Choose an item.

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As a care worker you are required to comply with all the legal requirements and
ethical responsibilities relevant to your work role. This project will assess your
knowledge and skills to ensure you are prepared to take on this aspect of your role
in a real life care environment setting.
Project 1 will require you to identify these relevant legal requirements and ethical
responsibilities through a set of written questions and tasks.

Task 1
Review the different legal requirements that apply to Care Workers. Select three that
you find most useful and relevant to your role as a Care Worker. Complete the
table below.
Guidance: Name the legislation and/or identify the section in the legislation from where
the you have accessed the legal requirement you identified. Write your response here
under the ‘Source/s’ column of the table below.

How does this

Legal requirement requirement apply to you Source/s
as a Care worker?



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Task 2
Aside from understanding the different legal requirements you must comply with, it
is also important that you know the scope and nature of your own legal rights and
responsibilities as a care worker. This helps ensure that you not only protect your
clients, but also yourself.
Review your legal rights and responsibilities as a care worker, and complete the table
(1) List three legal rights of care workers and describe how they apply to the scope
of your role
(2) List three legal responsibilities of care workers and describe how they apply to
the scope of your role

Legal Rights of a Care Worker

List three legal rights of Explain how these rights apply to the scope of your
care workers role as a care worker




Legal Responsibilities of a Care Worker

List three legal

Explain how these responsibilities apply to the scope
responsibilities of care
your role as a care worker

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Task 3
Review the different ethical requirements that apply to Care Workers.
a) Select two that you find most useful and relevant to your role as a Care
Worker. Complete the table provided below.
b) List two sources of information about these ethical responsibilities

How does this requirement apply to you as a Care

Ethical requirement



Sources of information


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Page 76 © Compliant Learning Resources

Task 1
What signs do you notice in yourself when you are stressed and fatigued?
a. List two (2) signs you notice when you are stressed and when you are
b. List two (2) ways you cope with these conditions.

Signs I am stressed Signs I am fatigued

a)       a)      
b)       b)      

How I cope with stress How I cope with fatigue

a)       a)      
b)       b)      

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Task 2
How do you maintain currency on safe work practices in regards to workplace
systems, equipment, and processes in your own work role? List two (2) responses.
List down three (3) specific sources of information you have referred to.

Ways to maintain currency on sae work practices:


Sources of information:

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Task 3
How do you ensure non-judgemental practice in your work role?
List two (2) values that you apply at work, and briefly explain how you apply these
to keep a non-judgemental attitude.

Values How these are applied



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When you have completed assessing this workbook, review the candidate’s
assessment against the checklist below:
The candidate has completed all the assessments in the
Knowledge Assessment
 Ethical and legal requirements for direct client care
 Safe work practices for direct client care
Practical Assessment
 Case Study 1
 Written Tasks
 Role Play Video Recording
 Case Study 2
 Written Tasks
 Role Play Video Recording
 Project 1
 Project 2

Candidates must achieve a satisfactory result to ALL assessment tasks to be
awarded COMPETENT for the units relevant to this cluster.

To award the candidate competent in the units relevant to this subject, the
candidate must successfully complete all the requirements listed above according
to the prescribed benchmarks.

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Well done for finishing this workbook. We hope that what you learn with
us will open up new path ways of success in your life. At Inspire
Education, we continually strive to improve our courses and heighten the
learning experience for you. One way we do this is by seeking feedback.
Your experience is important to us and we are very keen to hear any
suggestions or complaints you may have. Click on the button below to let
us know what you think of us and our course.


End of Document

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