Evidencia 1: Dialogue "Evaluating Product and Service: Cristian David Reíta Aragón

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Evidencia 1: Dialogue “Evaluating product and service”

Cristian David Reíta Aragón

Servicio Nacional De Aprendizaje - Sena

International Business
File 1966040
1 Elabore un diálogo en inglés de dos personas, en el cual evalúe el proceso de gestión de la
empresa en la que trabaja, o de una empresa que conozca, para hacerlo tenga en cuenta lo

Cristian: Good afternoon Laura

Laura: Good afternoon Cristian

Cristian: Laura the reason for the meeting is to talk about business processes

Laura: Yes, I have completed the report to present to the board of directors.

Cristian: perfect, we hear you

Laura: The first process that I am going to explain is the commercial on, the findings and
performance at the commercial level.

Cristian: When does it say at a commercial level you mean sales and commercial agents?

Laura : Yes, Cristian.

Laura : I am going to expose the commercial process, which contains 5 elements.

• Commercial process

• Client request analysis

• Production

• Delivery of the product or service

• Post-sales

Cristian : Very well, was the delivery of the product and after sales not included in the last

Laura : no sir, the previous person does not file the report.

Laura: The evaluation was carried out taking into account the following indicators.

• Business process: in which a customer requests a service or product from the organization

• Analysis process of the request from the client: in which it is studied what needs to be delivered,
how to deliver it and when the client needs it.

• Production process: in which the service or product to be delivered to the customer is prepared.

• Product / service delivery process: in which the service or product is delivered to the customer

• Post-sale process: in which support is offered for doubts, suggestions, complaints or claims that
may exist once the service / product has been delivered.
Cristian : Laura, taking into account the definition of each of the indicators, then does a rating
have to be assigned to the indicators?

Laura : of the commercial process, 4 more processes are deployed, which were evaluated with
20% each.

Cristian : Laura, if we had had this process established before, we would have had better results in
the organization.

Laura : Accordingly, the results would have been different because there is something
implemented, the head of the commercial area explained the assessment instrument.

Cristian: perfect Laura, I agree with the evaluation instrument that will be taken into account, it
only remains to be socialized in the board of directors for approval.

Laura: I remain pending to attend the meeting.

Cristian : Laura, have a nice day.

Laura : equally.

2 Realice un glosario de términos basado en el material complementario mencionado, con los

términos que le hayan sido útiles en la creación del diálogo, este debe estar compuesto del
término y su definición en inglés; si lo considera necesario, puede utilizar el diccionario
monolingüe online de su preferencia.


1. Business: Occupation, activity or work that is carried out to obtain a profit, especially that
which consists of carrying out commercial operations, buying and selling goods or services.
2. Findings: Results Recommendation is the action and consequence of recommending
(suggesting something, giving advice).
3. Request: Document in which something is formally requested.
4. Claims: It is a request, a demand that one person raises before another with the aim of
solving a specific problem.
5. Doubts: Hesitation or lack of determination in the face of various possibilities of choice
about beliefs, news or facts.
6. Customer: Person who uses the services of a professional or a company, especially the
one that does it regularly.

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