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"A physician without a knowledge of

astrology has no right to call himself a

physician" - Hippocrates


by Peter Morrell

Astrology as applied to medicine has very ancient roots, for example in India, China and Egypt, but it
reached its fullest flowering in Europe in the late medieval and early modern periods, c1450-1700. The
influence of astrology also entered European medicine from the Arab countries. Basically it is no
exaggeration to say that astrology dominated everything during that period and thus many systems of
knowledge depended upon it, were symbiotic with it, or made reference to it in their worldview. In the
case of medicine, astrologers assigned signs of the zodiac to rule over parts of the body, planets to rule
over organs and systems, and planets to rule over diseases and drugs. Thus the whole system is one of
observation and interpretation based upon a complex system of given Rulerships.

This is clearly shown by Dygges in his 1555 manuscript:

Briefly the organs of the body are ruled as follows:

Brain and Nerves by Mercury [and Uranus]

Respiratory by Mercury

Heart by the Sun

Arteries by Mars

Veins by Saturn

Kidneys by Venus
Liver by Jupiter

Digestive system by Venus

Muscles by Mars

Reproduction by Venus and Mars

Endocrine system by Neptune and Uranus

Testes by Pluto

Ovaries by the Moon

Skin by Saturn

Teeth Nails and Hair by Mars

Bones and Skeleton by Saturn

The character of diseases given to the planets include: heart and spine disorders by the Sun; cuts,
injuries and bruises as well as fevers and inflammations with redness and heat by Mars; liver disorders
by Jupiter; diseases of expansion and excess by Sun or Jupiter; menstrual and mammary complaints and
dropsies [fluid retention] by Moon; urinary complaints by Venus; diseases of decline, collapse, wasting,
blockages and contraction by Saturn; poisonings by Saturn; tremors, neuroses, insanity by mercury,
digestive disorders by Venus
Medical Astrology

Taking the Signs first, they are connected in this way with the body

Aries : Head and face, the eyes.

Taurus : The neck, ears, throat, larynx, tonsils.

Gemini : The arms, shoulders, muscles and bones in these, the lungs (including the trachea and bronchi),
and the hands.

Cancer : Stomach, breasts, solar plexus, diaphragm, upper part of the liver.

Leo : The heart, spine and spinal parts.

Virgo : The intestines, alimentary canal, lower part of the liver.

Libra : Kidneys, loins, appendix, lumbar vertebrae and the skin generally.
Scorpio : The organs of reproduction, bladder, gall, colon and rectum.

Sagittarius : The hips, thighs and the sciatic nerves.

Capricorn : The knees, joints of the body and the hair.

Aquarius : The lower leg (calves and ankles), the teeth and the circulation of the blood.

Pisces : The feet and toes.

The Planets govern parts corresponding with the Signs they rule and in which they have their exaltation.

The physiological side, in relation to the Signs, is as follows :-

Aries : The brain faculties and the distribution of mental and physical energy.

Taurus : Recuperative forces.

Gemini : The breathing and those things connected.

Cancer : Nutrition.

Leo : Distribution of vital forces and especially through the blood.

Virgo : Processes of assimilation and absorption.

Libra : The liquid processes of the body.

Scorpio : Procreation and reproduction.

Sagittarius: The senses, malady as studied through the nerves.

Capricorn : Processes of preservation and reserve of energy.

Aquarius : The circulation and eliminative processes.

Pisces : Perspiration and the lymphatic processes generally.

Diseases which pertain to the various signs are as follows

Aries : Headaches, fevers, neuralgia, eye troubles, eruptions and inflammations, wounds and accidents.

Taurus : Diseases which particularly attack the throat.

Gemini (n): Bronchial complaints, consumption, nerve diseases, pneumonia and pleurisy, asthma and
Cancer : Affections of the digestion.

Leo : Heart trouble, poor circulation and similar troubles

Virgo : Digestive troubles and complaints to do with intestines generally.

Libra : Kidney affections and afflictions to the spine.

Scorpio : Diseases of the parts already mentioned as belonging to the Sign.

Sagittarius : Gout, rheumatism, sciatica, accidents.

Capricorn : Skin complaints and diseases affecting the parts of the Sign.

Aquarius : Accidents to the ankles and complaints affecting that part of the body; varicose veins, blood
poisoning and some nervous diseases.

Pisces : Influenza, colds, diseases accompanied by mucous discharges and similar complaints.

[after Lyndoe, pp.328-9]

Characteristics of the Diseases of the Signs

Aries The energies are often in excess of the nervous and mental balance, and most ill-health has its
origins in such things as violent exertion and outbursts of anger. The Aries person should seek poise at all
Taurus : Over-indulgence and too much comfort lie at the roots of most disorders, but there is also a
tendency to brood over troubles which lends force to any passing ailments.

Gemini : Nervous reactions and restlessness, form the basis.

Cancer : Usually complaints originate in the emotions through some mental irritant, cause nervous
reactions and general lessening of vitality. It has been said that nine times out of ten the Cancerian is
hurt in health more by others than by himself.

Leo : Nearly all afflictions tend to arise from over-exertion of some kind.

Virgo : There is a tendency to upsets of the digestive organs from nervous causes, producing acidity and
other troubles.

Libra : Troubles arise usually from nervous exhaustion of some kind.

Scorpio : Breaking down of the resistance through worrying and interaction of others upon the

Sagittarius : Restlessness often causes the trouble; the folks under this Sign are peculiar to accidents and

Capricorn : Disease is frequently rooted in inhibitions.

Aquarius : Nervous causes, usually, based on the highly sensitive nature.

Pisces : Over-heating of the mind with possibly fancied injuries from others, plus much sensitiveness
physical and mental, form the basis for most complaints.

[after Lyndoe, 1938]

Plants associated with the Planets:


Food-stuffs-Rice, honey and aromatic herbs, as used for flavouring.

Flowers - Marigold, sunflower, peonies, etc.

Trees-The bay, walnut and palm.


Food-stuffs-Cabbage, melons, cucumbers, pumpkins, turnips, mushrooms, lettuce, watercress.

Flowers-Mostly night-growing varieties.

Trees-Traditionally, those which are mostly rich in sap, e.g. Maple and Sycamore.


Food-stuffs-Many seed-bearing plants; carrots, parsley, the majority of nuts.

Flowers-The wilder varieties.

Trees-Hazel, walnut, and other nut-bearing trees.

Food-stuffs-Gooseberry and other berries, wheat, and most of the spices.

Flowers-Daffodil, goldenrod, violet, rose, lily, etc.

Trees-Apple, pear, peach, fig, almond, ash, cypress and most of the vines.

Mars :

Food-stuffs-Practically all the "hot" foods, such as ginger, and peppers, and those of strong taste such as
the onion, garlic, etc. Hops are also under Mars.

Flowers-The unusual and rather coarser bright flowers.

Trees-Holly, fir (?) and all thorn-bearing trees, or bushes.


Food-stuff-Vegetables such as sage, leeks; asparagus; rhubarb; mints; and fruits such as strawberries and
the currants.

Flowers-The daisies and similar flowers.

Trees-Lime, birch, mulberry, ash, oak, birch.


Food-stuffs-Most vegetables, such as potatoes, etc.; parsnips, spinach and barley.

Flowers-Very few known to be associated, but the various bushes when in flower are thought to be so

Trees-Pine, yew, willow, elm.

URANUS and NEPTUNE are similar to Venus and the Moon, respectively.

[After Lyndoe, 1938, pp.337-8]

Some examples of medicinal plants ruled by the planets, as given in Culpeper, are as follows:

Sun - Chamomile, Rosemary, Eyebright

Moon - Willow, Watercress, Poppy, Cucumber, White Roses

Mercury - Caraway, Lavender

Venus - Coltsfoot, Woodsage, Alder, Elder, Wild Thyme

Mars - Bryonia, Hops

Jupiter - Cinquefoil, Hyssop, Red Roses, Henbane

Saturn - Comfrey, Ivy, Hemlock, Belladonna

On Planetary Influences On Health:

"The Vital spirit hath its residence in the heart, and is dispersed from it by the Arteries; and is governed
by the influence of the Sun. And it is to the body, as the Sun is to the Creation: as the heart is in the
Microcosm, so is the Sun in the Megacosm: for as the Sun gives life, light, and motion to the Creation, so
doth did heart to the body; therefore it is called Sol Corporis, as the Sun is called Cor Coeli, because their
operations are similar.

Inimical and destructive to this virtue, are Saturn and Mars. The Herbs and Plants of Sol, wonderfully
fortify it.

Natural] The natural faculty or virtue resides in the liver, and is generally governed by Jupiter, Quasi
Juvans Pater; its office is to nourish the body, and is dispersed through the body by the veins.

From this are bred four particular humours, Blood, Choler, Flegm and Melancholy.

Blood is made of meat perfectly concocted, in quality hot and moist, governed by Jupiter It is by a third
concoction transmuted into flesh, the superfluity of it into seed, and its receptacle is the veins, by which
it is dispersed through the body.

Choler is made of meat more than perfectly concocted; and it is the spume or froth of blood: it clarifies
all the humours, heats the body, nourishes the apprehension, as blood doth the judgment. It is in quality
hot and dry; fortifies the attractive faculty, as blood doth the digestive; moves man to activity and valour:
its receptacle is the gall, and it is under the influence of Mars.

Flegm is made of meat not perfectly digested; it fortifies the virtue expulsive, makes the body slippery, fit
for ejection; it fortifies the brain by its consimilitude with it; yet it spoils apprehension by its antipathy to
it. It qualifies choler, cools and moistens the heart thereby sustaining it, and the whole body, from the
fiery effects which continual motion would produce. Its receptacle is the lungs, and is governed by
Venus, some say by the Moon, perhaps it may be governed by them both, it is cold and moist in quality.

Melancholy is the sediment of blood, cold and dry in quality' fortifying the retentive faculty, and
memory; makes men sober solid, and staid, fit for study; stays the unbridled toys of lustful blood, stays
the wandering thoughts, and reduces' them home to the Centre: its receptacle is in the spleen,: and it is
governed by Saturn.
Of all these humours blood is the chief, all the rest are superfluities of blood; yet are they necessary
superfluities, for without any of them, man cannot live.

Namely; Choler is the fiery superfluities, Flegm, the Watery. Melancholy, the Earthly.' [Culpeper's
Complete Herbal, 1643, p.300]

On the one hand these Rulerships seem to be given as dogmas, on the other a certain logic can be
perceived to underpin them. The characteristic features of the diseases or organs resonate with the
features of the planets which rule them. Examples include the fluids ruled by the Moon or redness and
heat by Mars. Thus, although the Rulerships are like fixed dogmas, they can be viewed as revealing an
underlying logical pattern too.
In ancient times, knowledge of the specific and general effects of medicinal compounds on health was
very poorly understood compared with today, and was often based on the shape, colour, taste and
texture of the material, before they were actually used medicinally. This was often referred to as the
"doctrine of correspondences" [or "doctrine of signatures"]: a system which assumed that the Almighty
had inscribed in the plants of the earth secret signs and features whereby their medicinal virtues could
be ascer-tained by Man. Examples include yellow flowering plants for liver com-plaints, red and peppery
herbs for fevers and haemorrhages, etc.

"Lily of the under the dominion of mercury, and there-fore strengthens the brain, recruits a
weak memory and makes it strong again." [Culpeper, 1652, p.149]

Yet Convallaria [Lily of the Valley] has very few brain or 'mercur-ial' symptoms at all and is mainly used
for heart conditions [ruled by Leo]. Drugs at that time were mainly employed on the basis of what today
looks like a form of speculation and guesswork.

For centuries, the medicinal qualities of a drug were decided by astrologi-cal considerations, such as
reference to planetary rulers. For example, fruits, nuts and other nutritious or sweet-scented plants were
deemed to be ruled by Venus; reddish and peppery plants by Mars; yellow or orange plants by Jupiter;
dark, poisonous and bitter herbs were ruled by Saturn; silvery, white and watery [succulent] plants came
under the Moon's rulership [see Culpeper].

"Paracelsus was also a firm believer in the doctrine of signatures, and in illustration of it explained every
single part of St. John's Wort [Hypericum perforatum] in terms of this belief "...the holes in the leaves
mean that this herb helps all inner and outer orifices of the skin...the blooms rot in the form of blood, a
sign that it is good for wounds and should be used where flesh has to be treated." [Griggs, 1981, p.50]

Most of the Herbal Materia Medica was, therefore, compiled by trial and error. Herbs were used on the
basis of tradition, a semi-mythical method, stretching back in time before recorded history. This was the
case in nearly all cultures on earth.

Yet a surprising number of these herbal 'guesses' were apparently confirmed by the homeopathic
provings. Examples include Chelidonium [Yellow Poppy] for liver complaints, Euphrasia [Eyebright] for
eye complaints and Pulmonaria [Lungwort] for bronchitis. Presumably these properties were originally
discovered from their clinical use rather than from 'signatures'.

'Hahnemann definitely rejected [the law of signatures]... in his Materia Medica Pura we read under
Chelidonium... '…the ancients imagined that the yellow colour of the juice of this plant was an indication
(signature) of its utility in bilious diseases... the importance of human health does not admit of any such
uncertain directions for the of medicines. It would be criminal frivolity to rest contented with such
guesswork at the bedside of the sick.' ? [Hahnemann quoted in Hobhouse, pp.137-8]

Most modern medical writers also regard all this astrology as bunk:

'Although early nineteenth century botanic medicine reveals little direct evidence of the 'doctrine of
signatures' that had lain behind traditional herbalism, and that had expressed [as in the writings of
Paracelsus] an interpenetrative holistic cosmology, indirect links are to be found in the literature's
references to astrology, and in the pervasive quasi-hermetic references to vital force.' [Cooter, p.66]

'It was a distinct advance, also, to divorce therapeutics from the astrological lore with which it had been
long encumbered. The rationalism of medieval medicine could and did pass over at times into what
appears to our modern eyes as mere superstition and mysticism; and the respect paid to astrology as
late as the last half of the seventeenth century is an excellent example of this. One finds a royal physician
in Paris solemnly proclaiming, in 1663, that astrology is absolutely essential to medical practice; and as
late as 1688, another authority of that city published a book to defend the same thesis [Lussauld,
'Apologie pour les Medecins', Paris, 1663] After about 1700, medical authorities paid less and less
attention to such occult matters; no doubt because the development of Newtonian astronomy led most
educated men to repudiate astrology altogether.' [Shryock, pp.59-60]

Unfortunately for Shryock and his ilk, this argument very conveniently, and somewhat embarrassingly,
ignores the fact that Newton himself was an ardent student of the occult, including astrology!

'Newton was also a keen student of alchemy; and he left a remarkable manuscript on the prophecies of
Daniel and on the Apocalypse, a history of creation, and some tracts.' [Chamber's, p.1077]
When once asked by a Fellow of the Royal Society why he believed in astrology and other such arrant
nonsense he is reputed to have retorted: 'Well, Sir, I have studied the matter, and you clearly have not!'.

However, Shryock goes on:

'The general repudiation of astrology was significant, in that it indicated rejection of quasi-supernatural
elements in medicine. This was necessary, as in all other fields, if the way was to be cleared for a truly
'natural' science.' [Shryock, 1936, p.60]

And again:

'The chief accomplishment of the eighteenth-century thinkers...was the rejection of superstition and a word they cleared the way for the beginnings of a real social science - a service analogous
to that performed by those who had earlier eliminated alchemy from chemistry, and astrology from
medicine.' [Shryock, 1936, p.140]

'Immensely popular at the time was astrological medicine which was prescribed by physician and quack
alike. It was dominated by the ancient belief that human destiny was ruled by the stars, an attitude
integral in the primitive approach to natural phenomena. In spite of its obvious pagan origins this
doctrine has been tolerated by the Church and in the sixteenth century it still played a prominent role in
medical thought. A curious extract from a letter of advice written by a physician in 1581 indicates the
influence of this doctrine among medical 'scientists' of the day:

'On Friday and Saturday, the sign of the Zodiac shall be in the heart, on Sunday and Tuesday, in the
stomach, during which time it will be safe dealing with physic preservative...' ' [Maple, 1968, pp.63-4]

'Dr. John Dee [1527-1608], occultist, physician and astrologer, was yet a further example of the
remarkable characters who then graced the upper ranks of quackery... besides acting as a medical
adviser to Queen Elizabeth he was a dedicated necromancer and is reported to have conversed with a
newly-resurrected corpse. His influence over the Queen was considerable and she actually sent her
personal physician to attend him when he was ill...' [Maple, p.69]
'Dee... wrote numerous works on logic, mathematics, astrology, alchemy, navigation,... but died in
poverty... his eldest son, Arthur [1579-1651] was also an alchemist...' [Chamber's, p.399]

Regarding the origins of the Black Death in

'When the learned physicians of the Medical Faculty in Paris looked for astrological confirmation... they
found it: 'on 20 March 1345, at 1pm, there occurred a conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars in the
house of Aquarius...notoriously caused death and disaster...pestilence in the air...and calculated to draw
up evil vapours from earth and water...' '[in Griggs, 1981, p.30]

'Fracastorius [1483-1553] denied that Syphilis was introduced by Columbus...but was vague about its
origins. It is carried by 'disease seeds' [semina morbum], is transmitted by contact [contages] or
contagion, but is due ultimately to malign or poisonous astrological influences - the same combination of
Mars and Saturn which had earlier brought the Black Death.' [Coulter, Vol. II, p.464]

In Paracelsan medicine, as Coulter notes, diseases '...are subject to astrological influence.' [Coulter, Vol.
II, p.33]. Causes of disease are unquestioningly arrayed as to include '...poisons, unhealthy food, witches'
spells, epidemic and astrological influences ['the blas of the stars'], etc...' [ibid., p.36]. Sydenham also
speculated upon the array of unhealthy influences upon the human organism: '..the air is tainted, or
whether the atmosphere be changed by some alterations induced by some peculiar conjunction of any
of the heavenly bodies...' [ibid., p.199]. His theory of the human 'constitution' 'thus owed something to
astrology and something to the corpuscular theory.' [ibid., p.200]. But Hahnemann, the founder of
homeopathy rejected outright this ancient approach to medical science:

'He has also rejected a priori methods relying on chemistry, botany, signatures, astrology, or physics...'
[ibid., p.356].

The planets represent forces or energies at loose in the world; diseases are likewise represented by
energies; thus a parallel became delineated and the one came to represent the other in this system.
Diseases came to be seen and depicted very much as manifestations of these planetary energies. They
shared the same qualities and attributes and thus could substitute for one another easily. This
constitutes one of the fundamental foundations of medical astrology.

The method of the medical astrologer was first to cast a chart for the patient's birth and another for the
patient's disease or its approximate time of onset. From looking at these the astrologer could then
determine any excess or deficient planetary energies which lay at the bottom of the problem. And a
general prognosis could also be made at this stage. In effect the patient's problem is translated into
astrological language and then its course and cure figured out from there.

Drugs used were also classified under different planets and so excess energies could be cooled and
neutralised by employing an appropriate drug; likewise deficient energies could be boosted by
employing a drug which was known to stimulate that organ or system into better functioning. Drugs used
were mainly of botanic origin but some minerals were also employed. The whole system attempts to
harmonise and regularise the body functions by addressing certain organs and systems which are not
working correctly. It is very like Acupuncture, Ayurveda and Chinese herbal medicine in its overall
approach, in which a similar 'harmonisation of functioning' is the central therapeutic objective.

Yet medical astrology soon became debased. It is a complex system which requires a great deal of time
and thought to treat someone properly. By taking shortcuts and trimming the system, some bogus
practitioners hoped to speed it up. This caused a debasement of the original system and thus it fell into
disrepute along with astrology generally after the 1750s. Which is not to say that it didn't work or that it
was useless, or that it was utterly without a rational basis.

Chamber's Biographical Dictionary, 1996, Chamber's, London

Cooter, 1988, Studies in the History of Alternative Medicine, St. Martin's Press, New York

Coulter, Harris, L, 1975, Divided Legacy, in 3 volumes, Washington

Culpeper, Nicholas, 1643, The Complete Herbal, London

Dygges, Andrew, 1555, A Prognostication, Manuscript on Medical Astrology, London

Griggs, Barbara, 1981, Green Pharmacy A History of Herbal Medicine, Jill Norman and Hobhouse, London

Hobhouse, Rosa M, 1933, Life of Hahnemann, Harjeet, India

Lyndoe, Edward, Complete Practical Astrology, Putnam, London

Maple, Eric, 1968, Magic Medicine and Quackery, London

Shryock, Richard H, 1936, The Development of Modern Medicine, Univ. Pennsylvania Press, USA

The 12 Houses In Vedic Astrology

By Gaurav Mandal -April 14, 2019

Medical Astrology is that branch of Astrology dealing with Health. The

12 Signs of the Zodiac are linked to the Twelve Limbs of the body. The
Ascendant rules the Head and the 12th House, the Feet. The Law of
Correspondences of Classical Philosophy has another term “The
Doctrine of Signatures”. This doctrine states that objects – animate and
inanimate – are governed by planets and Classical Astrology has taken
this concept beyond “The Law of Cause and Effect” and has defined it as
Archetypal or Psychological.

Reflections of the intrinsic qualities of the planets can be seen in

people, plants, animals & minerals. All that we see, touch, consume &
harvest has a correspondence. By knowing our own planetary signature,
we can consume those materials which correspond to our planetary
signature and thus a healthy balance can be maintained. (In my
horoscope, Jupiter is posited in Cancer and hence powerful in positional
as well as directional strength. If I am afflicted by any sort of disease,
the escape route is the Jupiterian Way – viz consuming more vegetables
and fruits, as he rules fruits and vegetables. If I do that, I will be
implementing what the Great Seers said long ago “Naturopathic food is
medicine and medicine is food” )!

Since the Zodiacal Signs represent the Five Elements (Ether, Fire, Air,
Earth & Water), the ancient astrological savants assigned everything in
the Universe to a planetary ruler, and considered all as the
manifestation of the Elemental Five and their respective qualities – hot
and dry, cold and dry, hot and humid, cold and humid. Jupiter rules
“Kapha” and the Sun “Pitta” (the three humors of Ayurveda). These
elements were understood in a physical & metaphysical sense, as per
the principle “As Above, So Below”. Many body constitutions are
defined in Ayurveda. The Phlegmatic (predominance of Kapha), the
Bilious ( preponderance of Pitta) & the Windy (predominance of Vata).
There are 4 types of Body Constitution in Western Holistic Medicine –
Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric and Melancholic.

Ayurvedic Therapy

The Seven Planets correspond to the Three humours (Doshas) in


In the Ayurvedic Model, the Seven Revolving Heavens are classified thus
(Vatam Pittayutha Karothi Dinakrith)

Jupiter: Kapha

Sun: Pitta

Moon: Vata & Kapha

Mars: Pitta

Mercury: Pitta, Vata & Kapha

Venus: Vata & Kapha

Saturn: Vata
The seven planets correspond to the Seven Gross Tissue – elements
(dhatus) thus

Jupiter: Fat

Saturn: Veins &

Mars: Bone Marrow

Sun: Bones

Moon: Blood

Mercury: Skin

Venus: Seminal Energy

By analysing the horoscope, the astrologer can discern the badly placed
planet and the corresponding Dhatu which has caused the problem and
can prescribe Ayurvedic remedial measures (“Dushthithasyadi
Dhatustho Rogeenam Roga Eeryatham”)

Medical Astrology’s perspective about the 12 Houses of the Zodiac

First House: Head

Second House: Face

Third House: Throat

Fourth House: Heart

Fifth House: Place beneath the heart

Sixth House: Stomach

Seventh House: Generative Organ

Eighth House: Upper Thigh

Ninth House: Thigh

Tenth House: Knee

Eleventh House: Calf

Twelfth House: Feet

If the 6 H is afflicted, there can be digestive tract disorders. Natural

malefics in the 6 H may create hyperacidity and gas trouble. Affliction
either to the 7th house means disorders of the digestive tract,
hyperacidity and gas trouble (Papa Saptamagah Tadodara Ruja). The
same holds good for the 6 H (Papa Shashtagatha Tadodararuja). If the 6
H or the 7 H is afflicted, one should be very careful about the body’s
acidity level. The body’s PH value should be kept at 7. Anything less
than 7 is dangerous. The 80% alkaline nature of the body should be kept
up & acidity should not be above 20%. The best foods to be taken are
Vedic Foods, which are low acidity, low cholesterol diet.The Acidity –
Alkalinity ratio should be kept at 80% -20%. That ratio can be
maintained if you consume 100 grams fruits and 300 grams vegetables
daily and avoid non-natural food. Natural foods are alkaline and non-
veg basically acidic. From experience, it can be discerned that not only
malefic planets bring in problems from enemies, but also problems to
the stomach (Pape Shashtopagathe Vrina Bhayaschora Satru Peeda

If the 12 H is afflicted by malefic planets, there can be affliction to the

feet. We have seen many a patient suffering from 12 H affliction and
which manifests as problems on the feet.

Similarly, 4 H affliction means trouble to the Heart. I knew one patient

with heart problem who had the North Node in the Fourth. He had a
heart surgery. The North Node in the Heart region in the horoscope had
effectuated this problem.

There are some astrologers who take this from the Horoscope of the
Cosmic Man, that is from His Ascendant Aries. This method also yields
results but from our experience, we follow the dictum of Natal
Astrology that it is the Ascendant of the native which is the head and
the Descendant the stomach region. I know many an astrologer who
follow this from Aries Asc & if a malefic is posited in Virgo, in the 6 H of
the Kalapurusha (Cosmic Man), he predicts stomach problems for the
native. (Kalanarasya Avayavath Purushanam Kalpayeth). Or if a malefic
is posited in Taurus, he predicts wounds on the face for the native.

Affliction to any house indicates affliction to the corresponding part of

the body. North Node – or any other malefic – in the Sixth is indicative
of stomach trouble & ulceration. Fourth house affliction means that the
heart is afflicted and first house affliction means that the head is
afflicted. (Pape Lagnagathe Parajaya Bhaya Siroruja)

The planets correspond to the different systems of Man thus

Sun: The Bone System

Moon: The Circulatory System

Mars: The Muscular System

Mercury: The Veins

Venus: The Reproductive System

Jupiter: The Digestive System

Saturn: The Excretory System

edic Astrology- It is Hindu/Indian astrology and is called Vedic astrology since it is originated from the
“Vedas”. It is the study of planets, moon, sun, stars according to one’s horoscope. With the belief that
their movements have an impact on our body and surroundings.

It includes 12 zodiac signs i.e., Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius,
Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. Along with that, there are five elements in the nature. Earth (Bhumi), water
(Jala), fire (Agni), air (Vaayu) and sky (Aakash) as mentioned in the Vedas.

The astrologers keep these elements into consideration while checking a person’s horoscope.

Meaning of Houses in Vedic Astrology

Houses in Vedic Astrology defines and divides the exact areas of a person’s life depending on his
horoscope which is found out on the basis of a person’ accurate time and location and date of birth.
Different houses govern different areas of life which you will find out about further in the next section.

Houses in Vedic Astrology

In astrology, the 12 houses just like 12 zodiac signs create the foundation for one’s life. Together they
form a 360° angle as the whole birth chart has 12 equal sections comprising each house.
However, they’re not the same as the zodiacal wheel. All these houses links with a different sign. Each
one represents a specific component of your life.

1st House-

First House, also known as ‘Lagna’ or ‘Ascendant’. It’s the house of self since it represents you, the way
you look. Basically, your physical personality which includes physical appearance, temperament, nature,
body frame, childhood, health, ego and their sense to self.

It affects your life choices, sense of knowing your strengths, weaknesses. Along with your likes, dislikes
and the way you might wish others to perceive through your opinions, attitude and viewpoints.

The mains parts depicted by the 1st house are the head and the face. It includes complexion, forehead,
hair, brain etc. If your 1st house is weak, you may face problems like headache, acne, scars and mental
illness. This house corresponds with Aries energy.

1st House-

2nd House-

The second house is often referred to as the house of possessions. It signifies Dhana or Income which
includes the finances, the belongings that you own, your possessions like car, furniture, investments etc.
Using your possessions including your non-material things to the fullest also falls under the 2nd house’s
realm. This house matches with Taurus.

The body organs ruled by 2nd house include tongue, teeth, eyes, mouth, nose, facial bones, upper neck
and bones etc. Also, the second house does not only limits the material holdings. It also comprises of the
intangible things like one’s voice. For example, if a feminine planet like Venus sits in the second house of
a person’s Kundali, his/her voice would be very appealing and melodious.

Priyanka Chopra would be a great example of that. Our expert astrologers have checked her horoscope
and found out that Mercury is there in its own house and is sitting with Venus which is the lord of
Ascendant making her a great singer.
3rd House-

The Third house relates to Gemini. It governs the mental inclination of a person and their ability to
memorize. This house also relates to journeys, brothers, sisters, neighbors, interests, habits, mental
intelligence and communication.

It rules over different modes of communication, such as media, television, telephone, radio, writing,
editing, etc. All sorts of professions related to communication are included in this dominion.

The body parts third house rules include legs, hands, arms, shoulders, collar bones, lungs, and nervous
system. Imbalances in the nervous system, problems of the respiratory canal, shoulder pain, fracture in
the collar bone and impartial deafness. Problems like these mainly arise out of a weak third house in
your natal chart.

3rd House-

4th House-

The fourth house in Vedic astrology relates to Cancer. It rules your houses as well as your roots, land, real
estate matters, vehicles and your relation with your mother. This house is also called Bandhu Bhava in
Vedic astrology as it is quite associated with the domestic happiness of a person.

The body organs governed by the fourth house are stomach breasts and digestive organs. And it may
result in coronary problems, lung disorder, and physical ailment in breasts, chests and so on if the 4th
house is weak in your horoscope.

5th House-

The fifth house in Vedic Astrology, also known as Putra Bhava is the house of creativity, playfulness, joy,
pleasure, and romance. It signifies your mental intelligence, your capability to create and innovate. The
fifth house corresponds to Leo’s energy, the fifth sign in the Zodiac cycle. Since Jupiter signifies this
house, which also relates to fortune, good luck, learning, and optimism.

The body parts that the fifth house rules over include Heart, upper and middle back, stomach, pancreas,
and spine. If the fifth house is weak in your horoscope, it may cause heart problems, spinal cord
disorders, acidity, diarrhea, stone in gall bladder, etc.

Plus if the house is oppressed by an air sign like Gemini or Aquarius, it may lead to mental illness or

6th House-

This house corresponds mainly to your health, wellness, and your daily life routine. Surely the body
you’re born with comes under the first house but the choices that you make on a daily basis, that affects
your body are found in the 6th house.

6th house in Vedic Astology

6th House is also known as Ari Bhava. Ari means ‘Enemy’ and hence this house also relates to debts,
obstacles, enemies, and difficulties. However, a person having Rahu sat in the 6th house in his birth chart
is nearly impossible to defeat. It corresponds with Libra Energy.

This house rules the body parts like waist, lower abdomen, kidney, navel, small intestine, the upper part
of the large intestine, appendix, etc. A weak 6th house may cause sicknesses like constipation,
appendicitis, hernia and even psychiatric problems.

7th House-

The 7th house (descendent) sits directly across from the first house (Ascendant). This house is also
known as Yuvati Bhava. It’s the house of your spouse/partner. It is also the house of all kinds of
partnerships including business partnership and also deals with the darker side of your relationships, the
partnerships you form. Planets moving through the Seventh House help you close deals, securing the
bonds by signing contracts and making things official.

As this house is ruled by Libra sign, planet Venus is the natural significator of this house that also signifies
love, romance, and sexuality.

It governs various body parts including Kidneys, ovaries and the lower half of the back.
8th House-

8th house, also known as Randhra Bhava, rules over death, longevity and sudden events like Lottery. It is
also related to wealth. Sudden losses, gains, the share of properties fall under the 8th house realm. If
Saturn is sitting in the 8th house of one’s birth chart, the chances are that the person will inherit paternal

This house is also the house of mysteries and transformations. It can bring depression, chronic illness,
miseries, lack of mental peace, imprisonment etc to the person affected. However on a positive note, the
native may have strong intuitive skills and such people can also master the fields of psychology,
astrology, mathematics, and paranormal activities. Several various body parts governed by this sign
include pelvic bones and external sexual organs.

9th House-

Truth, principles, dreams, and intuitions all define the ninth house. Since this house is also known as
Dharma Bhava in Vedic astrology, it deals with your religious instincts, immigration, good karma, dharma,
ethics, higher learnings, one’s inclination towards good deeds and charity. The 9th house corresponds
with Sagittarius energy which is signified by Jupiter that makes this house the house of luck, fortune, and

9th House In Vedic Astrology

The various parts of the body under control of this house are thighs, thigh bones, bone marrow, left leg,
and arterial system.

if you have a strong 9th house in your birth charts, there are high chances of travel, higher learning, and
foreign settlement.

10th House-

10th house, also known as Karma Bhava, deals with the kind of work you do, the profession you are in,
your prestige, your reputation, etc. your area of occupation is defined by the planetary positions in this
house. this house corresponds with the Capricorn energy and ruled by Saturn. if Saturn is in harmony
with other planets in your natal chart, this planet can become the most powerful ally.

Different body parts ruled by this house are knees, kneecaps, bones, and joints. A weakness of the 10th
house may cause health-related problems like broken knees, inflammation of joints, weakness in the
body and skin allergies, etc.
11th House-

Labha Bhava in Vedic astrology is the house of prosperity. ‘Labha’ means gains. It’s a strong indicator of
wealth and income, gain in name, fame, and money, and also plays a role in determining what brings you
profits. 11th House in Vedic astrology governs your social circle, your friends, acquaintances, your well-
wishers and your relation with your elder brother.

11th House relates to Aquarius and Sun is the natural significator of this House. Body parts that this
house governs include ankle, right leg, shin bone, left ear, and left arm. A native with weak 11th house in
their native chart may have to face problems of low productivity of blood, pain in legs, fracture in the
lower part of the body, etc.

12th House-

Being the last house, the 12th house in Vedic astrology represents the ending of your life cycle and the
beginning of your spiritual journeys. it is also called the house of unconscious, self- undoing, and
imprisonment. A weak 12th house may give the native detachment from people like separation from
their partner, parents, friends, and neighbors.

12th House in Vedic Astrology

The detachment can also be in the form of death. Mostly it governs the intangible things. Things like
intuitions, dreams, secrets, and emotions because this house corresponds with Pisces energy and is
ruled by Neptune planet.

The twelfth house takes care of the body organs like the left eye, feet, and lymphatic system.

Each planet has a different effect on your natal chart depending on what house they reside in

Science of the ‘Occult’

Why Vegetarianism Is Preferred in Spirituality?

There are many benefits to being vegetarian. If you run a search on Google, you will find plenty of
research available on this topic. Otherwise, the world would not take to it so promptly. A few decades
ago, vegetarian food was not available in Berlin and many parts of Europe. Today, Berlin is the vegan
capital of Germany. Veganism has grown exponentially in Europe, America, and India.

If you look back, some of the greatest thinkers of this world, like Einstein, have been vegetarian. If you
take a stock of how many great scientists and thinkers on this planet were vegetarian, you will find a
large number of them were. So, somewhere, being vegetarian has a connection with the way the mind
A vegetarian diet enhances mental refinement

According to our ancients, vegetarian food is important, especially for people doing mental work. If you
are doing only menial work, it is okay to be on a non-vegetarian diet. But if you are intellectual, and want
to have a more refined thinking and a subtler experience, then you need to tweak your diet accordingly.
And such a diet must not just be vegetarian, but it is also preferable to avoid pungent, stale, and old
food. Such is a dietary prescription for someone who wants a heightened consciousness.

A vegetarian diet keeps your system attuned to nature

Even in the Bible, on one of the lost scrolls, there is a lot of talk about being vegetarian. But over time,
for whatever reason, it has been shoved aside. So, the choice to be vegetarian or not is yours. I am not
saying you cannot do meditation if you are not a vegetarian. But the most preferred diet is vegetarian,
since it keeps your system attuned to your own nature.

The human body is made for a vegetarian diet

Our immediate ancestors, the monkeys, are vegetarians. There is a substance called Talvin in our saliva,
which is only present in the saliva of herbivores. If you were meant to be carnivorous, your teeth and
enzymes would be different. Talvin, which is only found in herbivorous animals, would not be in your

A horse is vegetarian; have you ever seen it eating meat? Elephant, the most powerful among animals, is
vegetarian. Do you see, the most domesticated animals are all vegetarians – mostly! Yes, cats would eat
rats, and dogs are different, but look at cows, sheep, etc.

You should look into the mechanics. Our human system is made for vegetarianism! Vegetarian animals
have long intestines, which is not the case for carnivorous animals. Your intestine is taller than you; you
have a 6-foot-long intestine, all coiled up. If you were meant to be carnivorous, your intestine would
have been half the size, only 3 feet long. All this indicates somewhere that the diet most suited for you is
vegetarian. See Less

Science of the ‘Occult’

Reduce Weight By Balancing These Planets

If you are meeting your old friend after years, the first thing perhaps he will tell you, “hey you put on so
much weight” or “you have reduced a lot man, you are looking cool.” In other words its nothing but
putting more focus on Lagna. As Lagna talks about our body constitution, outlook etc.

Obesity is nothing but high fat content in body which is the mother of many diseases. Obesity can bring
depression in life too which can again lead you to over eating.

Planets For Obesity :

ᴥᴥJupiter : Obviously Jupiter comes first in mind when it comes to overweight. Jupiter is the planet of
expansion; it signifies Fats in our body.

ᴥᴥVenus: It is the planet of comfort and luxury. If Venus is too strong in horoscope or most of your
planets are in Venus nakshatra, it may make you foodie, over indulgent in drinking.

Nakshatra For Obesity :

ᴥᴥUttar Bhadrapad Nakshatra : Specially if this nakshatra is in Lagna or Moon it can give large body with
broad shoulder, short in height . They put on weight very easily though it is Saturn nakshatra.

ᴥᴥPushya : Not all the Pushya people are bulky, but they have medium stature and with age put on
weight quite quickly if not taken care of.

Planets for Weightloss:

ᴥᴥSaturn : This is the planet for shrinking which is exact opposite to Jupiter. Mostly Saturnine people are
skinny. Thats why maximum Aquarius people are tall and slim. So association of Saturn with most of the
planets or Saturn in 5/6th house can give slim Waist.
ᴥᴥMars : Though this planet has nothing to do with fats or over eating, but burning fats depends on it.
Doing vigorous exercise, creating body heat by regular exercise is all the effect of Mars. So definitely
slimming down or burning fats depends on powerful Mars.

Astro tips for Weight Loss :

For slimming you need to activate malefic Saturn who can shrink your body. But inducing Saturn power is
surely a risky task. Stop your meal when you will two third 2/3 of your stomach is full. It will keep you
hungry for while time after all Huger belongs to Saturn.

Another Malefic planet is Mars which we should not give much power, so to create positive Martian
energy in life fix a time in your everyday schedule for

In other words Reducing weight is nothing but bringing balance between Saturn & Mars energy in life.

Never have cold meal, have warm meal and warm water too that will create the warmth of Mars in your

Avoid wearing gold if you are obese, even though Jupiter is benefic in horoscope.

Do not wear Yellow sapphire, that can even give you Thyroid problem if Jupiter is already giving you

If Jupiter is in 8th house that can give tendency for over eating and it will be hard to sustain hunger. But
Jupiter is the planet of optimism and hope so you just cant stop Jupiterian energy in your life. So the best
part is to show gratitude in life. Be grateful to God for whatever He gave you or for your looks, that’s
when slowly Jupiter may stop inducing its expansive energy in you.

Mercury is the only Slim fit planet, who is well aware of nutrition. So intake more green substance
everyday that can make your Mercury wiser, keep you evergreen with your zeal high.
Tune your life with the Mercurian slogan ‘Go Green.’

Never make any sin related to food, like taking away food from anyone, distributing or selling food with
adulteration. You may have obesity in next life; or who knows in this life doctor may prescribe you not to
have your favorite food anymore. See Less

Soror Onyx


School Of The Holy Science

Medical astrology according to Dr. Rudolf Sklenar

On using the astrological birth chart as a diagnostic tool

Rudolf Sklenar MD was a German physician and general practitioner who not only successfully treated
cancer patients[1] but who as a dedicated student of astrology, applied with equal success astrological
considerations in his medical practice. While details of Dr. Sklenar's approach to medical astrology can be
consulted in the book Astro-Medizin als Lebenshilfe (roughly: Help From Astro-Medicine)[2] [some
translated excerpts of this book can be found under On the moon's transit through the zodiac signs and
the best times for surgery and taking medications], the following summary aims to outline the rationale
behind Dr. Sklenar's inclusion of his patients' astrological birth chart in both their diagnosis and

A person's birth chart shows that individual's "destined" ("written in the stars") susceptibility to
certain physical or mental diseases and thus provides an early diagnostic tool. If used and consulted
early, the chart can help prevent the onset of serious diseases which is of particular importance for those
at risk of developing cancer or heart disease.

A person's birth chart can confirm or invalidate the diagnoses established by other means, including
the Scheller blood test for cancer, iridology and conventional tests such as the EKG all of which Dr.
Sklenar used.

Read more:

Hetep and Welcome!


I am not a medical doctor, nor do I have a license to "Practice Medicine and nor do I Want one ... as it is
practiced today" ... I am a natural herbal nutritional consultant according to the natural laws of nature
and that which we call the creator, who placed these healing plants and herbs here on earth for the
healing and health of nations.

Rev. 22:2 "The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations"

And God said, “See I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth and
every tree whose fruit yields seed to you it shall be food. (Genesis 1:29).

* however keep in mind that ... today ... not all seeds, herb or plant are made by "God" or Creator... or
the cause or the All ... however way you'd like to refer to that energy / force responsible for all Life. So
not ALL seeds/plants/herbs are natural or are Alkaline, only those seeds/plants/herbs grown NATURALLY
in nature are Al - Ka -line or Electric. Anything made by man or in a laboratory are hybrid, Gmo
(Genetically Modified), artificial ... Acidic simulances (simulations) of so called "Food! ... Those
simulations of food are death and will therefore render the body in a state of sickness and death.

Even Honorable Elijah Muhammad of the NOI ... said, "Eat to Live" ... "Let Food Be Your Medicine"

GOD SAID, Ezekiel 47:12:

And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat,
whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit
according to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the FRUIT THEREOF


Genesis 1:29

29 And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth,
and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.

GOD SAID, Revelation 22:1-5:

1 And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God
and of the Lamb.

2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare
twelve manner of fruits , and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the
healing of the nations.

3 And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants
shall serve him:

4 And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads. (Peter? Pineal/Penial?)

5 And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God
giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.

This information has not been evaluated as "medical" cures. but rather as "nature's cures" It represents
information on herbs as used traditionally only. Although every effort has been made to ensure that
information is accurate, please note that some information may be outdated and are constantly being
updated by various offspring of Dr. Sebi's Teachings. The information presented is meant for nutritional
benefit and as an educational starting point only, and not as a substitute for personal consultation with a
qualified healthcare professional rather to be used in tandem with those services.

With Respect ... I Th'Ankh You ... Bows in Humility, Love and in Peace.🙏

Now to Continue ...

Last year I dealt a little bit with women on the issue of Fibroid Tumors, today I'd like to share with you,
brothahs in particular, some information relative to the prostate gland.

It's been a growing concern of mine around some of the issues concerning men developing problems
with the prostate at very young ages, some are not even aware that they may be in the beginning stages
of prostatitis especially many of your young adult men who might believe they’re too young to have
issues with their prostate! There are a number reasons why this issue with the prostate should be a
growing concern ... both from a physical and spiritual perspective.

On the physical, the overuse or over active uses of the sexual energy. The problem with this is that men
are starting to get sexually active from a very early age these days. Over stimulation via pornography,
fetishes, masturbation, and the "conquer sexually all the woman I can" syndrome, as I call it. Not only
that ... did you know some underwear contain carcinogenic fibers and chemicals in the fabric, such as
dyes??? and of course the food and diet ... But what they don't realize is what those unhealthy
practices do to the body, specifically the stress it puts on the prostate.

Now on the spiritual side of things, The knowledge of how sexual energy works has never been taught to
the male youth nor to the female either for that matter, but currently we're dealing with the men ... The
sexual energy NEEDS to be circulated or redirected throughout the body via certain sacred sexual
techniques, such practices as Tantra for example, not going into that right now, just in mentioning ... so if
you are interested in learning more about "Tantra" feel free to research it ... perhaps you might want to
incorporate the techniques of "Tantra" into your sexual practice in conjunction with everything else
being discussed here relevant to health and healing ... So just as the river needs to flow and circulate
through the body of Gaia or earth, so does the sexual energy need to circulated through the body, and in
turn that sexual energy can be used to fortify various organs and systems in the body. If that sexual
energy has no place to go ... and is stuck there in the genitals... a concentration of the energy (focused
thoughts, practices, sexual stimulation of all kinds is prevalent in this society, so there is an over
stimulation of that portion of the body, excessively) it is stored there as energy build up, that energy
begins to solidify, and hardens in to what is experienced ... as various issues of the genitalia and sexual
organs, whether it manifests as prostate issues in men, STDs or fibroid tumors, ovarian issues, cysts in
women ... etc. we must also remember that Dis-Ease starts on the spiritual level... meaning, each one
of us have what it is called an energetic field which surrounds us and can be scientifically measured, best
known as our electro/magnetic fields of energy, esoterically referred to as our Aura. When disease is
prevalent in the body, the initial manifestation begins with our auric field, before it even manifests as a
physical dis-order or dis-ease. Everything good or bad begins in the invisible realm of spirit, one only
needs to provide the right conditions towards the manifestation of that thing, whether good or bad, ...
negative or positive, dis-ease or good health. All things exist as "potential" energy, for example the new
house you may want, it exists in the invisible realm of potential energy, one needs only provide the
conditions in which to bring it forth. but the same is true for that which we call the negative states or
even dis-ease. When we provide the conditions or create the "IN-vironment for the bringing about of a
dis-ease or dis-order, meaning the wrong foods we eat, coupled with worry, stress and so on, it will then
have the necessary ingredients or conditions through which to express itself or manifest. But it all begins
in the realm of the unseen, the invisible realm of spirit. You see? Ok ... let's move on.

See Below Images provided illustrating the ability to measure the auric field of a healthy body vs. an
unhealthy auric field (electro/magnetic field)of the body.

The dents or holes measured in the auric field is indicative of perhaps someone who has unhealthy
habits, such as smoking, drug use, poor diet, depression, anxiety disorders, low vibration activities or
behaviors ... etc. The image is illustrating the breaking down or depletion of the various bodies, ...
spiritual, emotional and finally the physical state, manifesting ultimately as a damaged physical diseased
ridden body or an imbalance or blockage due to perhaps emotional trauma and or "Bad habits" ... etc.

The Emotional Body

When the Auric field or (electro/magnetic fields) are damage they resonate on the various levels of the
"Emotional body" as the colors we see in our auras, or spectrum of lights we refer to as the "Rainbow"
the abundance of color or the lack thereof of color, or the varying degrees of certain color in our Aura
(Emotional Body) will indicate whether dis-ease or dis- order is prevalent in the body or mind, that is
how it is registered or perceived when viewing the "Emotional body" in a state of imbalance or decay.

The Spirit Body:

The holes or pockets in the Aura indicates the depletion or break down of our spirit body ... indicative of
the loss of vital energy, or life force. (Vitality or Life) all of which, as I mentioned previously can be
scientifically measured! This is NOT "Spookism." The body is Electrical! which again can be measured,
and so therefore it needs to be fed Electrical or Alkaline food in order to sustain it, in other words ... it
needs to be fed life or life giving food , in order to create the "CONDITIONS necessary for vitality and
vibrancy ... LIFE! ... to simply LIVE.

Now I'd like to remind you, that these herbs, are electrical, grown naturally in nature and while very
potent, powerful and effective, if you have not or are not adhering to a diet conducive to the healing you
are looking for, ... the herbs are not a stand alone remedy and you will not, nor should you expect to
receive the results you're looking for using these herbs ... period! You must have a comprehensive
therapeutic healing process in place! This is NOT one of those quick band-aid remedies, or fast food
medicine we're all accustomed to ... where everything has to be quick and on the spot, especially if the
dis-ease your suffering from is chronic! True healing does NOT work that way! The years we've spent
abusing ourselves through how we've been "taught" to eat and trusting our health to people called
"Health Care Providers"... "Doctors or physicians" who fill us up on poisonous, toxic chemicals/drugs we
call "medicine", which is a misnomer ... has had detrimental consequences on our health today .... So
we need to be patient with ourselves now ... forgive ourselves ... learn compassion and Love for
ourselves and in doing so ... heal ourselves while on this journey ... LOVE and PATIENCE is the number 1
rule! You are really gonna need it. Be patient with yourself and the healing process.


Elimination of foods that are known to be Acidic and Toxic to the body ... meats, (blood and mucus), rices
and potatoes, Artificial food in general, known GMO's, Hybrid food, sugars etc... Simply follow the Dr.
Sebi's recommended food list to help guide you along the way.

Cleanse and Detox

Fasting utilizing herbal therapeutic teas, plants and herbs

conscious breathing techniques ... Meditation, relaxation practices, whatever your spiritual discipline of
choice might be, now would be the time to fully integrate it into your new lifestyle.

According to Ethan Huff of Natural News

Exposure to bisphenol A (BPA), a common plastics chemical, is causing various reproductive and sexual
problems in men, according to a recent study published in the journal Human Reproduction. Funded by
the federal government, the study revealed that BPA is detected in the urine of roughly 93% of the U.S.
population, a staggering figure when considering the immense harm the chemical inflicts on the body.

A compound that is found in thousands of everyday consumer products from canned food liners and
plastic drinking bottles to composite dental fillings, BPA is an extremely harmful chemical that is difficult
to avoid. Despite efforts by some manufacturers of reusable drinking containers, baby bottles, and
certain health-food products to remove BPA from their products, a great majority of packaged and
processed food on the market today still contains this chemical.

Study findings revealed that Chinese males exposed to BPA in their workplaces were four times as likely
to suffer from erectile dysfunction and seven times as likely to suffer with improper ejaculation
compared to workers at facilities where there was no BPA. De-Kun Li, a scientist at the Kaiser Foundation
Research Institute, observed that sexual dysfunction began to occur only months after new workers were
exposed to BPA in the workplace.

All of the above... coupled with the abundance of previous posts I've uploaded here on this page will
help make this transitional journey easier. 🙏 Take your time sift through anything on this page that's not
relevant, and I apologize for the extraneous information. but, nevertheless ... the information is here,
simply take your time and take what you can use and leave the rest ... And as always

Th'Ankh You for stopping in!

Respectfully I Bow in Humility, Love and In Peace ... Hetep!


Sebi | Electro Cell: Subject of Healing 2 BELOW!






Revelation 22:2 - In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, [was there] the tree of
life, which bare twelve [manner of] fruits, [and] yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree
[were] for the healing of the nations.


Geneisis 1:11 - And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees
bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.” And it was so.

Psalm 51:7 - Purge me with hyssop (Hyssop is an Herb!), and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be
whiter than snow.
Exodus 15:26 - Saying, “If you will diligently listen to the voice of the Lord your God, and do that which is
right in his eyes, and give ear to his commandments and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the
diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, your HEALER.”

1 Corinthians 3:27 - If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and
YOUR ARE THE TEMPLE! (No concrete or metal or brick building you go to find "GOD"... called a
"Church", The voice and spiritual essence of God exists within you!

John 10:34 - "Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?"

"ancient Hermetic precept states: “Know ye not that ye are gods.” “One of the pillars of the Ancient
Mysteries” and a “persistent message of man’s own divinity” in many ancient texts, including the Bible.
Therefore .. the "TEMPLE" exists within you, and all that we need for the maintenance of this Sacred
Temple .. can be found .. .naturally .. .within NATURE ... Electric ... Alkaline natural (not man made in a
laboratory) plants and herbs. [Sidebar] now to continue ...

Leviticus 7:23 - “Speak to the people of Israel, saying, You shall eat no fat, of ox or sheep or goat. The fat
of an animal that dies of itself and the fat of one that is torn by beasts may be put to any other use, BUT

All Sacred Texts reference to natural healing and herbs ... There is NOT one that does not!


I claim NO RELIGION! ... It is my conviction and attempt to adhere to the natural teachings of NATURE
AND the UNIVERSE ... which is GOD!

SUFFERING, NO DIS EASE ... THEN HERE'S YOUR CHANCE ... There is not one of us that does know of
someone, whether ourselves or a loved one that does NOT suffer from some dis- order or dis-ease.

OF LIVING SPEAKS TO US EVERYDAY! ... WE SIMPLY DON'T LISTEN! Here on THIS page .... if you take the



Soror Onyx

FOODS, (meats, processed or hybrid foods etc) ... CAN ONLY PROMOTE DIS-EASE AND ULTIMATELY ...

Hetep and Greetings,

Obey the laws given to us all in our most sacred of Texts, the "Bible", concerning the usage of plants and
herbs both in our diets and for their uses for healing ... it is replete throughout the "Bible" and clearly


Revelation 22:2 - In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, [was there] the tree of
life, which bare twelve [manner of] fruits, [and] yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree
[were] for the healing of the nations.


Geneisis 1:11 - And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees
bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.” And it was so.

Psalm 51:7 - Purge me with hyssop (Hyssop is an Herb!), and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be
whiter than snow.

Exodus 15:26 - Saying, “If you will diligently listen to the voice of the Lord your God, and do that which is
right in his eyes, and give ear to his commandments and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the
diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, your HEALER.”
1 Corinthians 3:27 - If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and
YOUR ARE THE TEMPLE! (No concrete or metal or brick building you go to find "GOD"... called a
"Church", The voice and spiritual essence of God exists within you!

John 10:34 - "Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?"

"ancient Hermetic precept states: “Know ye not that ye are gods.” “One of the pillars of the Ancient
Mysteries” and a “persistent message of man’s own divinity” in many ancient texts, including the Bible.
Therefore .. the "TEMPLE" exists within you, and all that we need for the maintenance of this Sacred
Temple .. can be found .. .naturally .. .within NATURE ... Electric ... Alkaline natural (not man made in a
laboratory) plants and herbs. [Sidebar] now to continue ..

Leviticus 7:23 - “Speak to the people of Israel, saying, You shall eat no fat, of ox or sheep or goat. The fat
of an animal that dies of itself and the fat of one that is torn by beasts may be put to any other use, BUT

All Sacred Texts reference to natural healing and herbs ... There is NOT one that does not!

I look forward to being your servant and reservoir for health conscious knowledge and information.

I want to start by introducing to you the subject of what it means to adhere to an Alkaline Electric
Lifestyle and regimen. I am Sure that by now, many of you are wondering just what is this! Rest assured,
I can almost guarantee many of you who initially run across this information, will at first, turn away and
dismiss this most invaluable body of knowledge, not realizing you will be walking away from some of the
most important pieces of information you will have ever come across.

I am simply here to help save lives, to afford you the opportunity to live a quality life, as so many of us
deserve. A brief disclaimer: I am not apart of any medical institution, nor have I been trained in the area
of "Modern Medicine", I am an ordinary individual just like you. I have, however, spent many years
studying, researching and APPLYING much of what I have found over the years to my "Self", friends and
loved ones. My aim: To Be able to share the knowledge of HEALING with as many people as I can in an
attempt to revolutionize the world with this knowledge, humbly ... as my tiny contribution and in my
own way.

Now I know at first this may sound a bit foreign to most of you reading this post, but this post will
probably be, if taken seriously, a LIFE changing moment for you, literally! Allow me to begin by defining
what it is I am presenting here today, ALKALINITY, and what it means to you and your HEALTH, and how
knowing this, could potentially save your LIFE.

When I was initially introduced to the knowledge of an Alkaline "Diet" ( and I use that term loosely, it is
actually a LIFESTYLE,and a change of mindset) it was some years ago, I was still dabbling in other areas
of study at the time, and while I had already been introduced to the idea of vegetarianism, and the
wealth of information surrounding that subject, presented by some of your most infamous scholars on
the subject at that time, such as the likes of Dr. Llaila O. Afrika, (African Holistic Health), Queen Afua with
her ( Heal Thyself) and Honorable Elijah Muhammad of the Nation of Islam with his book titled (Eat To
Live) among so so many others, too many to list, but these were some of the most popular and well
known at that time, and not to say that the information they were providing was not and had not helped
many, it had, BUT, the knowledge of food, plants and herbs had not been taken far enough! It was
through this gentleman, spiritual brothah, scholar and servant to the world, Dr. Sebi, that the plenitude
of teachings and knowledge of Healing was afforded to us!

Dr. Sebi, one of the most compassionate visionaries of our modern day! With his ceaseless, tireless, field
work, research and investigations into the healing properties of plants and herbs, came up with the
solution ... THE answer to many of the ailments and dis-ease that plague the planet today! Dr. Sebi, held
the deep set conviction that there was but ONE disease that plagues humanity today, NOT many, it's but
1! and that is the compromising of the mucus membrane! Once understood, he then set out to create a
myriad of compounds, tonics and various other treatments via his knowledge of various indigenous
herbs and plants from places around the world such as in remote areas of Africa, Mexico, and various
other places collecting and cataloging their properties, their PH levels etc and ultimately built the Usha
Center in Hondoras in order to not only heal, but actually cure dis-eases such as lupus, blindness,
diabetes, high blood pressure, AIDS, CANCERS, SUBSTANCE ABUSE ect. and soooo many others, from the
most simplest of diseases/ailments and illnesses such as skin disorders, mental disorders, etc. to the
most CHRONIC AND POTENTIALLY FATAL. Through Dr. Sebi .. there was finally ... HEALING on the horizon
through his INTRACELLULAR cleansings .. and the key to it all ... was the important knowledge of
returning the body to it's natural Alkaline/Electric State! "No Dis-ease can exist within an Alkaline
Environment!" Dr. Sebi. So what is ALKALINITY?? Here's what Dr. Sebi has to say below:


Alkaline is the English synonym for basic, since Bronsted Lowry acid - base theory of 1923 the term alkali
in chemistry was restricted to those salts containing alkali earth metal elements especially for soluble
bases. Alkalis are known to have pH (potential of hydrogen) greater than 7 that dissolve in water such as
bicarbonate. pH is a measurement of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution: the lower the pH the more
acidic the solution, the higher the pH the more alkaline. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 0 thur 6.9
being acidic,7 being neutral, and 7.1 through 14 alkaline. For example stomach juice has a pH of 1.5,
wine 3.5, garlic 3.9, beer 4.4, cow's milk 6.5, distilled water 7, blood 7.4, pancreatic juice 8.8, soap 9.1,
and baking soda added to water 12.

All chemical processes have an ideal pH at which they are most efficient. For example the body functions
best with an internal chemistry being alkaline. When this balance is compromised many problems can
occur. Our cells die at pH 3.5. The blood is even more specific: if blood is at pH 7.4, it is normal, but if it's
just below pH 7.2 that creates serious illness or death.

Our bodies produce lactic acid and carbon dioxide through movement. Since our bodies do not
manufacture alkalinity, we must supply the alkalinity from an outside source to keep our bodies alkaline.
Ideally there is adequate amount of alkalinity in the diet to do this. However, if there is not, the body
must extract alkaline from the organs, tissue, and bones to neutralize the acid. This causes the body to
become acidic, and thus diseased.

Dr. A. Szent-Gyorgy stated, "The body is alkaline by design but acidic by function". Every living cell within
our body creates metabolized waste which is acid. The nutrients from our food are delivered to each cell
and they burn with oxygen to provide energy for us to live. The burned nutrients are called metabolized
waste. Whether you eat the best of foods or the worst, all foods generate metabolized waste. Foods are
classified as alkaline or acid, based on the oxidized remains of our food and the amount and quality of
the waste products it produces. Alkaline food produces very little waste and acidic foods produces large
amounts of waste, the more acid the more metabolic waste. Most of our cells go through metabolism
and these old dead cells also become waste products.

Our body will discharge this waste through urine, bile, and perspiration. The problem is that our body
can’t get rid of 100% of the waste it produces which causes an over load of toxicity. With out proper
elimination of these acid waste these waste products become solid wastes, such as, micro toxins, toxins,
fungus, bacteria, mucus etc. and, unknown to us they accumulate and build up in our blood, organs, and
tissue. This accumulation of non-disposed waste product of cellular disorganization and metabolized acid
waste within our body accelerates the depletion of minerals and other nutrient, causes disease, and
stimulates the aging process. Eating and drinking alkaline foods and water helps our bodies to remove
and neutralize acid wastes and make it easier for the body to dispose of them. The reduction of acid
wastes retards the aging process maybe even reversing it. Alkaline foods and water consumed regularly
reduces the metabolic acid wasted build up, allowing a natural and healthy environment. Meats, dairy
products, sugar and starches are enemies of the human body. Meat produce uric acids, dairy produces
lactic acids, and starches produce carbonic acids. As well, It is vitally important that we distinguish the
difference between food and synthetics. Most of corporate plant foods are either hybrids or genetically
modified, therefore deeming them un-natural and acidic. These hybrids white and brown rice, white red
and orange carrots, corn, potatoes, garlic, beans, soy, wheat, wheat grass, barley, and yams, to name a
few are high in starch and un-natural sugars, making them enemies of the body.

Just remember: All man made foods is un-natural and acidic. As Dr.Sebi states, "If God didn't make it,
don't take it."

99% of the food available to us today are hybrids, high in starch and sugar and carry traces of cyanide
poison. 50% of these hybrids are more detrimental than others.



I am Dr. Sebi, founder of Dr. Sebi's Research Institute. At this time, I would like to take this opportunity to
give you a brief synopsis of how our premise and methodology achieves successful results in eradicating
This brief, but concise illustration will reveal our premise and methodology to be consistent. According to
Western medical research, diseases are the result of the host being infected with a "germ", "virus", or
"bacteria." Under this approach, in treating these "infestations", inorganic, carcinogenic chemicals are

Our research immediately uncovers flaws in their premise through basic deductive reasoning. By
consistently utilizing the same premise and methods, they have consistently yielded ineffective results.
In essence, in the 400-year tradition of the European philosophy of medicine, their approach in treating
disease has yet to produce any cures

In contrast, as we examine an African approach to disease, it diametrically opposes the present Western
approach. Specifically, the African Bio-mineral Balance refutes the germ/virus/bacteria premise. Our
research reveals that all manifestation of disease finds its genesis when and where the mucous
membrane has been compromised. For example, if there is excess mucus in the bronchial tubes, the
disease is Bronchitis; if it is in the lungs, the disease is Pneumonia; in the pancreatic duct, it is Diabetes;
in the joints Arthritis. All of the African Bio-mineral Balance compounds are comprised of natural plants;
which means its constitution is of an alkaline nature.

This is important - and instrumental in our success in reversing pathologies - because disease can only
exist in an environment that is acidic; thus it is inconsistent to utilize inorganic substances when treating
disease because they are of an acid base. Only consistent use of natural botanical remedies will
effectively cleanse and detoxify a diseased body, reversing it to its intended alkaline state.

Our system of nutrition goes even further. In addition to removing the accumulations of years of toxins,
the African Bio-mineral Balance replaces depleted minerals and rejuvenates damaged cell tissue eroded
by its acidic, diseased state. The primary organs of elimination are the skin, liver, gall bladder, lymph
glands, kidneys and the colon. Eventually the body can even break down the weakest organs due to their
inability to dispel the influence of toxins. The colon is the most important organ and must be cleansed by
detoxifying before any disease can be reversed. If the colon is the only organ cleansed and detoxified the
other major organs will be left toxic, thus leaving disease in the body.

It is with Dr. Sebi's intra-cellular detoxifying cleanse that each cell in the body will be purified. The body
will then rebuild and rejuvenation can take place.

Hopes this knowledge serves you.

Soror Onyx


BELOW ARE TWO VIDEOS: HOMEMADE- Baby Sebi- Creating Our Own Compounds (Part One) -
Downloaded from

Where To Buy Herbs, Secret Ingredients & Measurements - Downloaded from






Allspice/Pimienta Gorda/Pimento/Jamaican pepper – (leaf and dried fruit as tea and spice)


Blue vervain


Burdock (root)/Bardana/Gobo – (iron fluorine)

Cablote/Caulote/Guazuma Ulmifolia/West Indian Elm – (bark, fruit, leaf, seed)

Cancansa/Cansasa/Red Willow Bark

Cannabis/Hemp – (flower, leaf, seed, stem)

Cardo Santo/Blessed Thistle/Holy Thistle

Cascara Sagrada/Sacred Bark



Condurango – (vine bark)


Cordoncillo Negro

Dandelion (root)

Drago/Dracaeana Draco/Dragon Tree – (bark and leaf)

Elderberry – (berry and flower)




Guaco (root)/Mikania


Hoodia Gordonii/Kalahari Cactus

Hombre Grande/Quassia/Bitter Wood


Iron root/Minnieroot/Feverroot/Snapdragon

Kalawalla – (fern native to South America)

Lily of the Valley (flower)

Lirio (lily)


Marula – (bark, fruit, leaf, kernel, nut)

Milk Thistle



Oak Bark

Ortiga/Stinging Nettle (leaf)

Pavana/Croton (seed) – (East Indian shrub)

Red Clover (flower)

Red Raspberry (leaf)

Rhubarb (root)

San Pedro Cactus

Santa Maria/Sage

Sensitiva/Shameplant/Dead and Wake

Soursop (leaf)

Shepherds Needle

The Duck/Flying Duck Orchid/Caleana Major

Tila/Linden (flowers)



Yarrow/Queen Anne’s Lace

Yellowdock (root)

Yerba Mate(root and stem)

Below is a list of places online that herbs can be sourced from. At the moment this is just part of the
information as I will continue to add to the list – both online and local stores / herbs farms where you
can access herbs.

When buying look at the seller’s ratings and customers’ feedback.

Just Ingredients Ground

herbs, botanical herbs UK BASED

Seasoned Pioneers Ground herbs UK BASED

Herbs of Mexico Ground herbs, leaves, bark USA BASED

Herb Affair Herbs, spices USA BASED

Starwest Botanicals Organic, Whole, Cut, CS,

Dried, Blended, Wholesale, Bulk USA BASED

Mountain Rose Herbs Bulk herbs, spices, products USA BASED

Frontier Herbs Herbs, spices, teas USA BASED

Living Earth Herbs Organic Bulk Herbs, Teas, Essential Oils,
Flower Essences, Salves, Tinctures and More USA BASED

San Francisco Herbs Co. Herbs,

spices, teas USA BASED
Western Botanicals Bulk herbs, essential oils,
capsules, extracts USA BASED

Growers Exchange Medicinal herb

plants USA BASED

Real Foods Herbs(limited), essential oils, many other products of interest

Monterey Bay Spice Company Herbs, spices, teas,


Oregon’s Wild Harvest

Bulk herbs, teas, spices USA BASED

The Herb Patch Herb plants UK BASED

Norfolk Herbs Herb plants UK BASED

Richters Plants, dried herbs, seeds, CANADA BASED

Strictly Medicinal Seeds Seeds, dried herbs USA BASED

Mountain Valley Growers Organic herbs, vegetables and

perennials USA BASED

Companion Plants Live plants and seeds USA BASED

Burpee Herb seeds, plants USA BASED

Bulk Herb Store

Azure Herbs, oils


Woodland Herbs Herbs, teas, tinctures UK


Star Child Herbs, oils


Herbie’s Herb Bulk herbs CANADA BASED

BDS Natural Products Herbs. Spices USA BASED

Sun Organic Farm very little herbs but a reasonable range of organic

Pacific Botanicals Herbs, spices USA BASED

Herbalcom Bulk herbs USA BASED

Oganic Herb Trading UK BASED

Organic Matters Herbs, teas, oils and more CANADA BASED

Healthy Supplies Herbs, spices and more UK BASED

Nuts Not a large number of medicinal herbs but they have
other foods of interest UK BASED

Herbal Haven Dried herbs

Pestle Herbs UK BASED

Kalyx Herbs USA BASED

Tropilab Seeds, some herbs & spices

YELLOWDOCK (see below links)




ORTIGA (NETTLE / STINGING NETTLE) (the below and other shops)




(list of their herbs link



Contribo is of the Aristolochia family. It is also known as birthwort, dutchman, dutchman’s pipe, duck
flower. It is more readily found as full plant or seed. I have only been able to these two links.
Herbs as astrological remedies

The role of plants in Indian society is indispensable. We cannot limit the study of Indian plants based on
their remedial values alone but we should also consider it from a holistic view for us to realize their
importance in the entire spectrum of the country. Plants are used as a herbal remedy for treating a weak
planet in a person's horoscope. The interest to study the medicinal and the remedial features of plants

which were practiced during the ancient civilization is coming back again not only in India and China but
also in the Western World like USA and Africa. It is a wise decision when we try to identify our planetary
positions in our natal chart and then work accordingly

It is essential to know which planet is good or bad and their positions with the help of an astrologer. Also
the astrologers may help us to identify the way in which the planets are going to affect our life.

When the planets are positioned well in our birth chart then they are termed as good planet whereas
when it is placed in the wrong place they are the bad planets.

The good planets will help us to aspire in all the endeavours we do. But when a planet is in the wrong
place it is sure to bring unfavorable problems in an individual's life.

According to Vedic astrology all the nine planets govern different types of energy and minerals in a
person's body and there are certain specified herbs which are said to act as a remedy for these malefic
planets thereby helping the affected to come out of stressful, uncomfortable and painful situations.From
the study of Vedic astrology it is predicted that all the planets are divided into auspicious planets and
inauspicious planets. Not all people can go in for gemstones remedy for it is heavy on the pockets and
for such people the sages and saints of ancient Vedic astrology have assigned with roots of some herbs
which could be used to please the planets and also to cure the diseases associated with the concerned

According to Vedic astrology all the nine planets govern different types of energy and minerals in a
person's body and there are certain specified herbs which are said to act as a remedy for these malefic
planets thereby helping the affected to come out of stressful, uncomfortable and painful situations.From
the study of Vedic astrology it is predicted that all the planets are divided into auspicious planets and
inauspicious planets. Not all people can go in for gemstones remedy for it is heavy on the pockets and
for such people the sages and saints of ancient Vedic astrology have assigned with roots of some herbs
which could be used to please the planets and also to cure the diseases associated with the concerned

When we are using the recommended herb for a remedial measure we cannot use it just like that but
instead will have to invite the herb first. The native has to go the plant and request him to come to his
home to fulfill his desire. Once this is done the planted herb has to be worshipped by lighting diya in
front of the herb. The most appropriate date for uprooting the herb is during the Ravi-Pushya


The solar energy of Sun is increased by spicy and fiery herbs. Mostly plants with heart shaped leaves are
highly beneficial for a weak Sun. Some of the spicy and fiery herbs include cayenne, black pepper, dry
ginger, long pepper, cardamom, saffron, calamus, bayberry and cinnmon. Some of the other plants are
Angelica, Bay Laurel, Bergamot, Carrot, Cedar, Frankincense, and Juniper berry, Lime, Mandarin, Neroli,
Motherwort, Ginger, Orange and Rosemary. All these plants help in better functioning and circulation of
the heart. There are some plants like Calendula and St. John's Wort which turn towards Sun for their
growth which are proved to be benefic for the malefic Sun. The root of Baelmool or Bent can also be tied
in a pink cloth and worn around the native's neck, arm, and waist or kept in the pocket. This can be done
at the time of sunrise on a Sunday which corresponds to Kritika, Uttarphalguni, and Uttarshada
Nakshatras. Some of the oil which is favorable for the planet Sun is camphor, cinnamon, eucalyptus and
saffron oil which are highly stimulating.


The plants which are favorable for a weak Moon are those mostly with little white or pale yellow flowers,
juicy or moon-shaped leaves. Plants living by a water body like Peppermint and Watercress are also
considered to be effective for a weak Moon. Night blooming flowers like Camphor, Chamomile,
Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Labdanum, Lemon, Mugwort, and Myrrh which have the properties to affect the
subconscious activities are also suggested by astrologers. The root of khirni can also be tied in a white
cloth and worn around the native's neck, arm, and waist or kept in the pocket arm. This can be done
during the night on a Monday which corresponds to Rohini, Hasta, Sharawan nakshtra. Some of the
demulcent ones like marshmallow, slippery elm, comfrey root, Solomon's seal, Shatavari, white musali,
bala and rehmannia are highly influential for a weak Moon. The demulcent should be mainly taken along
with milk decoctions. White flowers like jasmine, gardenia, lotus and lily can be added to sandalwood oil
and applied on the heart.


The planet Mars symbolizes aggressive soul being the pioneer. Most of the herbs which are favorable for
Sun are also considered to be good to an extent for Mars too. Some of the common herbs include
cinnamon, saffron, cayenne and black pepper, but all these has to be taken only blended with tonics like
ginseng, astragalus,ashwagandha, guggul or myrrh. Generally plants with thorns and prickles are
associated with Mars. Some of the plants with prickles which can be used as astro-remedy are milk
thistle and nettle. To enhance the weak Mars the other common herbs which are required include
turmeric, garlic, onions,asafetida, Basil, Black pepper, Carrot, Coriander, Cumin, Ginger, Pennyroyal, Petty
grain, Pine, Rue, Sassafras and some bitter herbs like gentian, golden seal and Echinacea. Plants which
are grown under adverse conditions are also recommended for weak Mars.


All the plants with hairy and fuzzy leaves are said to be good for those with weak Mercury. The plants
doing good for the nervous system like skullcap, gotu kola, bhringaraj (eclipta), skullcap, passionflower,
betony, jatamansi, zizyphus, camomile, mint, sage and lavender are also recommended for malefic
Mercury. Basil is said to be highly favorable for Mercury because Lord Vishnu is the ruling God. Good oils
with mild aroma and mind-calming properties are recommended and they include mint, wintergreen,
eucalyptus, cedar, thyme, sandalwood, plumeria (frangipani), lotus and sage. The astrologers
recommend people with weak Mercury to tie the root of vidhara or Bharangi in a green cloth and either
to wear it in the neck, arm, and waist or could be even kept in the pocket. This can be done at the time
of sunrise on Wednesday or any other day corresponding to Mercury like Ashlesha, Jyestha, and Rewati
nakshtra. Some of the other herbs are Anise, Caraway, Clary Sage, Dill, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Lavender,
Lemongrass, Narcissus, Peppermint, Sage, Spearmint, Storax, Thyme and Wintergreen.

Jupiter the planet of expansion is represented by large edible plants like Burdock and Centaury. Herbs
that promise a positive energy in mind are recommended for a weak Jupiter. Most of the tonic herbs like
ashwagandha, bala, licorice, ginseng and astragalus are suggested to be taken along with milk decoctions
or clarified butter or herb jellies. Nuts like almonds, walnuts, cashews and sesame seeds are also good to
enhance a malefic Jupiter. Ghee, sesame and almond oil can also be included in the herbal remedy for
Jupiter. A person with a weak Jupiter can tie the root of turmeric or banana plant in a yellow cloth and
either tie it around neck, arm, and waist or keep it in the pocket. The appropriate time to do this is on
Thursdays at the time of sunset. This can be carried out even on the constellations of Jupiter like
Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purvabhadrapad which falls on a Purnima.Bay Laurel, Bergamot, Cedar, Clove,
Hyssop, Melissa, Nutmeg, Saffron, Sage, Sandalwood are the other common herbs recommended for the
planet Jupiter.


The planet Venus represents beauty. So any plant with beautiful flowers and fruits with bright colours,
sweetness and fragrance is associated with Venus. Rose, Saffron, Jasmine, Lotus, Lily, Iris, Balsam de
Peru, Bois de Rose, Cardamom, Cypress, Geranium, Lavender, Marjoram, Myrtle, Oak moss, Palma Rosa,
Patchouli, Sandalwood, Thyme, Marshmallow, Raspberry, Vervain and Violet are recommended for a
malefic Venus. Herbs like Burdock, Vervain and Sage which control over-eating is also good for Venus.
Some of the other recommended herbs in the form of tonic are shatavari, white musali, amalaki, aloe
gel, rehmannia dang gui and red raspberry. A person with a weak Venus can tie the root of pomegranate
or Sarponkha, or Arand plant in a white cloth and either tie it around the neck, arm, and waist or keep it
in the pocket. The appropriate time to do this is on Fridays during noon. This can be carried out even on
the constellations of Venus like Bharni, Poorvaphalguni and Poorvashada.


Saturn is the planet of aging and those with knobby qualities and the perennials with annual rings and
woody plants which have a long life like Mullein and Kava Kava are associated with Saturn. Some of the
most common herbs which are used as a remedy for the weak Saturn includes myrrh, frankincense,
guggul, ashwagandha, shilajit, haritaki, comfrey root, clary sage, cypress, eucalyptus, fir, myrrh, oak
moss, patchouli, spikenard and vetiver. Aroma oils like sandalwood, frankincense, cedar and juniper are
also recommended for weak Saturn. Ayurvedic formula Triphala is specific for Saturn, as it cleanses all
waste materials and also tonifies the deeper tissues. A person with a weak Saturn can tie the root of
Bichoobuti in a black cloth and either tie it around the neck, arm, and waist or keep it in the pocket. The
appropriate time to do this is on Saturdays during evening. This can be carried out even on the
constellations of Saturn like Pushya Anuradha and Uttarbhadarpad.


Some of the recommended herbs for a weak Rahu are camphor, bayberry, sage and eucalyptus. Also
some soothing fragrances like sandalwood, lotus and frankincense is suggested by the astrologers.
However the best herb for Rahu is Calamus.A person with a weak Rahu can tie the root of Shwet
chandan mool in a rosary and either tie it around the neck, arm, and waist or keep it in the pocket. The
appropriate time to do this is on Wednesdays or Saturdays during sunset. This can be carried out even
on the constellations of Rahu like Aadra, Swati and Shatbhisha.


Ketu is also subtle just like Rahu. The most common herbs recommended for a weak Ketu are sage,
calamus, bayberry, wild ginger, gotu kola, bhringaraj, skullcap, passion flower and juniper. Plants with
penetrating aromas like camphor, cedar, myrrh and frankincense do well for a malefic Ketu. A person
with a weak Ketu can tie the root of Ashwagandha in a black or a yellow cloth and either tie it around the
neck, arm, and waist or keep it in the pocket. The appropriate time to do this is on Thursdays during
sunrise. This can be carried out even on the constellations of Ketu like Ashwani, Magha and Mool. See

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