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MSSV : HS130031
There are many great people in the world, from creating things useful for humans such as
Alexander Grahamb bell telephone, Edward Jenner's life-saving vaccines to those who have
created miracles in music like Mozart, Bethoven, or Leenin who laid the foundations for the
birth of socialism. They are truly great people to the entire people of the world, but for me, who
have the ability to connect, discover the hidden of others are extremely talented people. And I
would like to talk about a person I really admire about leadership style the way he manages
people : Steve Jobs
Steve Paul Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) was a computer designer, executive
and innovator, as well as an all-around role model for many people in both their businesses and
their personal lives. As the cofounder of Apple Computers and former CEO of Pixar Animation
Studios, he revolutionized the computer and animation industries, amassing a fortune worth
$10.2 billion at the time of his death. Jobs always exerted his control over every aspect of the
business in the quest for perfection But it was his control combined with his ability to articulate
his vision and bring staff, investors and customers along on the journey - plus the lessons learned
in a major career setback - that made it work. The results: indisputable. Steve Jobs has built a
spirit of mutual respect among the managers and employees at the company. Jobs leadership
spanned many styles from charismatic hero through to autocratic almost dictatorial in tone,
however the charismatic side of his leadership always seemed to persevere with the often quoted
jobs reality distortion field whereby the seemingly impossible seem possible. Jobs quickly
brought Apple to the top brand in the world not only because of product quality but also by
professional staff. As a strict leader at work, he create an environment for employees to unleash
their talents as the best experts in the field. So how did he do it ?


II.1. Charismatic and tranformation leadership

Jobs’ personality and behavior made him a heroic leader with extraordinary capabilities. Just
by his charisma, he could make people do whatever he wished to. He had a vision for each
initiative he started and also took a lot of risk.
Steve‘s charismatic personality has pulled Apple through crises, periods of change, and
evencompelled employees to work 90-hour weeks in order to meet seemingly impossible
deadlines. His charisma, conviction, and dominating influence also caused him to be fired from
Apple when he adamantly refused to change the course he believed Apple needed to go. After
his ouster from Apple, he risked all his Apple-earned-money into establishing Next Computers.
He further invested a great deal in Pixar too. Jobs emphasized the importance of teamwork to his
employees. Though he made the final decision on product designs, he knew that the right people
would be a company's greatest asset. "That’s how I see business," he said. "Great things in
business are never done by one person; they’re done by a team of people." Jobs exhibited a
behavior which was extra-ordinary, beyond normalcy. He acted as per his impulses in a totally
unconventional way. This makes it difficult lot of times to categorize him with a particular
leadership attribute. Steve Jobs was always confident about his proposals and even in crisis
situations. He saw a lot of failures but never gave up and rose to power again and again. He had a
salesman‘s enthusiasm for the product, an evangelist‘s bible thumping passion, a zealot‘s
singularity of purpose, and a poor kid‘s determination to make his business a success and he got
all that he wanted finally.
Along with being a charismatic leader, Jobs was also a transformation leader. He facilitated a
complete transformation within the company, then within the industry and eventually
transformed the whole world. The vision and core values that he possessed were very clear and
he aligned the efforts of everyone towards that direction for a unified purpose.
He not only created but also successfully sustained the culture of innovation that maximized the
human potential and thereby the organizational capabilities.completion and, by all means, ensure
their employees complete work on time. Jobs admitted that there will be an incredibleamount of
up to 100 individuals reporting directly to him. He was perceivedas autocratic on the leadership.
The fact that so many individuals reported to him directly was representative forhis will and
eagerness to hold all the strings in his hands. Total control was certainly the basis forthis
leadership.This approach helps employees maximize their resources and not be distracted in the
working process. Unlike most businesses, Steve Jobs's policy allows its employees the freedom
to correct their mistakes without going through any formalities. Therefore, sometimes the most
outstanding results bring bold personal impression of the staff.

II.2. Path – Goal Theory

If you are a loyal Apple user, you will not forget the new product launches hosted by Steve.
He came onstage in a casual outfit of dark jeans and a collars - a style that has become iconic of
Steve. His demeanor, decisive, and especially masterful of rhetoric, has the ability to appeal to
even the most demanding listeners. But for his employees how Steve Jobs have behaved from the
behavior of leader. About directive leader, the most important thing for Jobs was the work. That
would be his sole focus and point of consideration until accomplished. So Jobs' subordinates
always know what they need to do to get the job done. Steve Jobs don’t have a supportive. An
ordinary director will call on the employee to contribute a good idea so the leader will listen and
choose the best idea. Meanwhile, Steve had absolute faith in his own opinion, even to the point
of obsession. He controls every aspect of a product - Steve is known to be perfectionist, and the
final decisions come mostly from his ideas. But the employees under Jobs are treated equally,
regardless of positions or departments because for Jobs, talent is the most important thing, you
are the best expertest in your field, not him. About Achievement Oriented: He would always set
challenging goals for himself and his employees. He once asked his team when would be their
new computer ready, they replied ‘1 year’. Impulsively, using his reality distortion field, he
ended the discussion saying that they would launch it within 6 months.


Steve Jobs was an unconventional leader. His leadership style wasn't the stuff of university
textbooks - he wasn't known for his consultative or consensus building approach. He demanded
excellence from his staff and was known for hisblunt delivery of criticism. Jobs exerted his
control over every aspect of the business in the questfor perfection. Employees were recruited
into the company as specialists andput into roles that made the most of their specific strengths
and abilities.I think the difference in leadership between Steve Jobs and other business or social
leaders is his spirituality, whatever little there was. It is never covered in conventional
leadership, MBA courses or anything of the sort .Steve jobs is a classic example of where a
singular purpose and dedication to an ideal have paid dividends so that are the reason the world
mourns the passing of Steve Jobs and wonder what he could have done if he would still be
around for another fewdecades.

 Butcher, Lee (1987). Accidental Millionaire: The rise and fall of Steve Jobs at Apple.
Paragon House.

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