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Pola hidup sehat bagi seseorang sangatlah penting, dapat meliputi makanan 4 sehat 5 sempurna,

kebersihan lingkungan dan berolahraga dengan rutin. Seiring dengan kemajuan zaman dan kesibukan
seseorang, pola hidup sehat tidak begitu diperhatikan. Mengkonsumsi makanan yang mengandung
banyak protein dan alkohol dapat memacu meningkatnya kandungan asam urat dalam darah sebagai
penyebab utama penyakit gout artritis. Masyarakat pada umumnya menganggap gout artritis adalah
penyakit sepele karena tidak menimbulkan kematian. Rasa sakit yang timbul bisa sangat mengganggu
dan membatasi aktivitas kegiatan sehari-hari. (Moningka & Tamunu, 2010)

Moningka, L., & Tamunu, E. N. (2010). Efektifitas Penggunaan Modul Penderita dan Modul Keluarga
Terhadap Kepatuhan Diit Penderita Gout Artritis. 3, 473–481.

Across the globe, both the risks associated with COVID-19 to staffand patients and the reduction in
demand for services dur- ing lockdowns have significantly influenced the medical imag- ing landscape.
Staff particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 (including older staff, those with health issues, those with dia-
betes, and those with ethnicity risks) may have required rede- ployment, changes to job function, or
leave from work [1]. Conversely, some staffmay have been redeployed into the front line of COVID-19
management to assist in resource-depleted sites. While working from home was an option for some
med- ical, management, and reception staff, most staff in diagnostic imaging cannot perform their
duties from home. (Currie, 2020)

Currie, G. M. (2020). A Lens on the Post-COVID-19 “New Normal” for Imaging Departments. Journal of
Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 51(3), 361–363.

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