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FIN701 Financial Management

This information is proprietary to Dr. Lynn Kendall.  Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing
and sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

FIN 701, Financial Management

LSUS School of Business
Summer 2020, AP1

Course Professor
Name: Dr. Lynn Kendall
Title: Visiting Professor
Office hours: Via email only, this is a 100% online class. I try to respond to all emails within 24 hours. If you
have not gotten a response within that time, please email me again. Please note that I will
check email over the weekend.

Course Description
The study and application of advanced financial knowledge for managerial decision-making.

Course Outcomes
1. Learning Outcomes
This course attempts to give you a more in-depth knowledge of the financial management topics,
including capital budgeting analysis, cost of capital and capital structure analysis, corporate payout policy,
and working capital management. The primary goal for this course is to solidify your understanding of
financial management and broaden your understanding of applying the finance concepts in practices.

Course Structure
This course is 100% online and is delivered through Moodle. The regular course week runs from Monday
(12 a.m.) to Sunday (11:59 p.m.) except for Week 7. Week 7 ends on Saturday at midnight for all LSUS
MBA classes. All times are based on Central Standard Time. Only one Module will be available at a time.
For the purposes of this course, 11:59 PM is considered “midnight” due to Moodle settings. If you see the
word “midnight”, it means 11:59PM Central time.

1. Textbook
There is no textbook required for FIN 701. Course notes are provided under “Online lecture material” and
other supplemental materials will be provided in “Supplemental Readings for this Module”.
2. Other Resources
Each week in Moodle I will have additional resources listed, “Important additional resources and videos”.
Under this item each week there will be helpful “how-to” videos and other resources that will help you
master the week’s materials.
3. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Financial calculator
A financial calculator is highly recommended for this course because students score substantially better
using a calculator than performing the calculations longhand.  A used calculator meeting course
expectation may be available on eBay.  Some companies may rent financial calculators for a few dollars
per week.  However, it is more cost effective to purchase it outright. Students who do not use an
allowable financial calculator will need to compute the calculations longhand and will not be extended
This information is proprietary to Dr. Lynn Kendall.  Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing
and sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

additional time.

TI BA II Plus or TI BA II Plus Professional calculator are the models that I recommend highly. HP 12c or HP
10bII Plus are also examples of acceptable models. In all cases, it is up to the student to master their
calculator. There are extensive videos online (YouTube is great). Note that all course materials will be
based on TI BA II Plus. Instructional videos are all for the TI BA II Plus. If you choose to use an alternative
financial calculator, it is up to you to develop proficiency with that calculator. Not allowed for use during
the ProctorU exams: Graphing, scientific or programmable calculators, Excel, and financial calculator apps
on your smart phone are NOT ALLOWED.

Course Expectations and Policies

Students are required to complete all course-related activities including reading the class notes,
read/view the important additional resources/videos, completing tests on time, and responding to several
discussion questions throughout the semester. Your online activity will be monitored. Moodle
automatically maintains a log of when you open documents and when you post to discussion boards. It
maintains the full text of all your postings.

Academic Honesty
Academic honesty and integrity lie at the heart of any educational enterprise. Students are expected to
do their own work and neither to give nor to receive assistance during quizzes, examinations, and take-
home assignments. Deliberate violations of academic integrity (plagiarism, cheating, and
misrepresentation of information) and fabrication are not tolerated. Actions outlined in the LSUS Student
Handbook under Academic Misconduct will be followed for incidents of academic misconduct. All
students at LSUS are required to review Understanding Plagiarism, the university guide to defining,
understanding, and avoiding plagiarism. This booklet is available electronically at the following link.

Special Accommodations
LSUS is committed to making students with disabilities full participants in its programs, services, and
activities. University policy calls for reasonable accommodations to be made for students with disabilities
on an individual and flexible basis. However, it is the responsibility of the students to make their needs
known. If you have a documented disability that impacts your academic work and for which you require
accommodations, please see me or the Coordinator of Services to Students with Disabilities (ADM 227,
Phone 318-797-5365) so that such accommodations may be arranged.

Class Communication
As email is the primary means of communication, it is vital that you check your official school email at
least once every day. I will send out updates and other information at times and if you do not check your
email, you may well be missing something important to you.
Particularly with respect to “where do I?” “how do I?” type questions about the course, start with the FAQ
and Vital Information link on the course Getting Started section. Your academic coaches should be the
first line of approach for course questions related to discussion grades, assignment grades. Content
questions should come to me by email. I will respond within 24 hours and if this is a question that would
benefit the entire class, I will post the question and answer under the “FAQ” part of the course. You must
This information is proprietary to Dr. Lynn Kendall.  Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing
and sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

indicate FIN 701 and your last name in the subject line, otherwise normal response times cannot be
guaranteed, a response will be delayed. Don’t forget salutation and signature: Professional emails include
salutation and subject line. I check my email several times a day and on a limited basis over weekends.
Weekend emails may take more than 24 hours for a reply.

Class Communication (Netiquette)

The instructor reserves the right to manage a positive learning environment and thus will not tolerate
inappropriate conduct in the course. Dialogue postings deemed inappropriate will be deleted from
dialogue threads. For example, comments or postings that openly chastise or criticize classmates will be
removed. Due to privacy laws, topics of a private nature, such as grades, should not be discussed openly
in the threaded dialogues. Email your instructor instead. All LSUS students, whether enrolled in a regular
or online course, are responsible for behaving in a manner consistent with LSUS Code of Student Conduct.

Technology Prerequisites
A financial calculator is highly recommended for this course. See specific requirements above.

This course will require a personal computer (PC or Mac, no Chromebook, no phone), webcam with
microphone (internal or USB), Internet connectivity, knowledge of the internet, and knowledge of email.
Some students have chosen to purchase a computer which meets these requirements, specifically for
exams. Additional information about the specific technical requirements necessary for online learning at
LSUS will be available in the Getting Started section of Moodle. For non-PC users, it is your responsibility
to ensure that all files submitted are PC compatible so that they can be accessed for grading. Computer,
power, ISP, or related failures not directly caused by Moodle will not be accepted as excuses for missed
exams, late assignments, or other neglected activities. Because technology failures are not uncommon, it
is strongly recommended that you submit assignments well in advance of the deadline, allowing yourself
time to correct technology and other failures without missing a deadline. Technical support issues with
Moodle should be directed to Information Technology Services. ITS can be reached by phone at 318-797-
5221 or by email at

Originality and Copyright

All work done in this FIN 701 course should be your own original work. LSUS maintains a university license
agreement for Turnitin, an online text matching service. Turnitin may be used in this course to evaluate
the originality of your work, along with other techniques to evaluate authorship rights.

The materials on this course website are used in compliance with U.S. Copyright, including a good faith
application of fair use. Additionally, these materials are only for the use of students enrolled in this
This information is proprietary to Dr. Lynn Kendall.  Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing
and sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

Grading and Evaluation

Assignments Percent
Exams (6) 60%
Practical Application Assignments (2) 20%
Discussion Questions (4) 20%
Total 100%

MODULE EXAMS: Timed module exams occur weekly. Module exams may contain multiple-choice and
true/false questions; exams for Modules 1-6 (Module 6 is for weeks 6 & 7 of the course) will cover
material only on that specific module and each is worth 10% of your grade. The exams will be multiple
choice questions that consist of conceptual and quantitative questions. For each exam, only one attempt
is allowed. Each exam will be available for the last 3 days of the module.

Test material will be derived from reading assignments (Lecture Material, Instructor Videos, and Practice
Problems) and class discussions (Roughly half of test questions will be derived from practice problems, a
calculation question in the practice problems may appear as a concept question on an exam, and vice
versa). All exams are closed notes tests and will be proctored using the record and review service
ProctorU (see below). During a proctored exam, you must be in a private setting by yourself, and the
following items are not allowed: course materials, course notes, sunglasses, hats, music, additional
computer/TV screens, or other distractions/devices that involve outside assistance. Outside assistance of
any kind and copying/sharing questions in any format are strictly prohibited and will be considered a
violation of the LSUS Code of Student Conduct, MBA Honor Code, and copyright law. The instructor will
not administer individual make-up exams. Exceptions will only be made for those unable to take an exam
during its scheduled time and have a university sanctioned excuse.

Exam Aids that are Allowed:

 After you have verified your identity, you must show the front and back of your one blank sheet of
scratch paper and of your 5.5 X 8.5 (or smaller) index card, and your financial calculator (TI BA II Plus
or Professional or similar) to the camera before answering any exam questions. NOTE: A calculator
app on your smart phone or using Excel is NOT ALLOWED.
 See an example of a formula sheet would be something like this (handwritten!): 
o QR=[(CA-Inv)/CL]
o See in MOODLE: FAQ/Exam-Equation sheet for more information
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and sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.


All exams in the MBA program will be proctored using ProctorU.  You are strongly encouraged to review
the ProctorU Resources page in the Getting Started section of each Moodle course prior to taking any
assessment.  Below is a summary.

ProctorU Pretest: A pretest is required before you can take your first proctored assessment.  The
purpose of this ProctorU Pretest is to ensure that all students are aware of the Proctored Test Protocols
prior to taking a proctored exam.  Completion of the pretest with a grade of 100% is required.  Students
who have not taken an assessment using ProctorU are expected to complete the ProctorU Practice Exam
prior to their first proctored assessment. This ProctorU Practice Exam simulates a proctored assessment,
is located in the MBA Resource Center Moodle course, and is available for scheduling through ProctorU.

Test Entry:  ProctorU requires a live ID check and live room scan.  Students must have a government
issued form of identification with a picture.  If appearance has changed, the student may be asked to
supply a second form of picture identification.  The first time a student begins a ProctorU exam in the
MBA program, the student will be asked to authenticate themselves by answering general questions from
public data.  This initial authentication process will occur during the first proctored assessment the
student takes in any MBA course.  The authentication process for subsequent assessments will only
require the live ID check and live room scan.

Students are strongly encouraged to pre-schedule their assessment well in advance of the time desired.
Students should expect up to 30 minutes of authentication process procedures to begin every exam.
Connecting to a proctoring representative for the authentication process of every exam may take up to 10
minutes plus the actual authentication process for every exam may take up to 20 minutes, if students
have pre-scheduled their assessment. Students who choose not to pre-schedule their assessment should
allocate a minimum of one hour to access a proctor, which will be added to the time described above.

Last Access vs. Close Time:  The last time students will be allowed to login to access and take an exam
with ProctorU in Moodle is based on the length of the exam plus 30 minutes.  The last access time allows
students time to complete the live ID check and live room scan and then have the full amount of time to
complete the exam.  ProctorU will prevent entry into an exam after the last time to enter (length of the
exam plus 30 minutes). For example, if an exam lasts for 30 minutes, students must log into ProctorU and
Moodle no later than 60 minutes before the test end time to access and take the exam.

The close time for the exam indicates a final time the exam must be completed in Moodle.  The close
time is NOT the same as the last access time.  At the designated close time for the exam (final time to
complete the exam), Moodle will submit any open exams and close the exam at that point in time. 
Students are responsible for understanding the difference between the last access time and the close
time of each exam in the MBA program. 

No Return Policy
At LSUS, a major value associated with our MBA Program is AACSB accreditation, which means that
we exhibit the highest standards of academic excellence and integrity. The No Return policy states
that professors will not provide review options for individual quizzes, assessments, or exams.
This information is proprietary to Dr. Lynn Kendall.  Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing
and sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

Professors will share general results, but graded tests will not be returned. In addition, professors will
review quiz and exam results to ensure question quality and overall question performance.

DISCUSSIONS: Over Modules 1-6 there will be a four (4) discussion question that require your
participation. These discussions require that you post your initial response based on class readings and
research from other sources by Thursday at midnight each week. In addition, you must post a
comment/critique to another student’s answer by Sunday at midnight. This participation portion of the
grade applies to all discussion questions. Participation is worth a total of 20% of your term grade. In order
to receive full participation points, you must complete your initial post and replies by the deadlines listed
here. A cursory initial post or an “I agree” type of response will earn 0 points. Please see the Rubric in
Moodle for more detail on this graded element. Be sure to review the “Welcome” and “Getting Started”
section of the course for the following: “Discussion Grading Rubric”, “APA Guidelines”, and “What is a
credible source” before the first discussion.

You are expected to craft and post a well thought-out response based on your class readings and research
from other sources. It is best to respond to the discussion question after reading the assigned course
material(s) and/or article(s). To earn full points for each discussion, each student will have to submit their
own answer in the discussion thread, as well as respond to another student’s answer (To see other
classmate’s posts, you must wait 30 minutes until your editing time has elapsed).

PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: Over Modules 1-6 there will be a two (2) “Practical Application” assignments
that will be based on the material covered in that specific module. These assignments are INDIVIDUAL
EFFORTS and will require a combination of problem solving and essay/short answer. Assignments we be
during modules when there is not a discussion question to address. Each assignment will have specific
directions which will allow you to practice that week’s material. Submissions will be in MS Word, using
the template provided. Assignments are to be submitted to the appropriate assignment Dropbox by
Sunday night at midnight. Group work, whether it is two persons or more, is strictly prohibited and will be
considered a violation of the LSUS Code of Student Conduct and MBA Honor Code.

In determining the final course grade, the following scale is used:
90% - 100% = A
80-89.99% = B
70-79.99% = C
60-69.99% = D
Below 60% = F

Mandatory Accreditation Day

All accelerated online programs in the College of Business at LSUS now include an 8th module to collect
required assurance of learning data. This module is set aside specifically for assurance of learning, and
no course-related activities can be performed after the closing time on Saturday, as set by your
Professor. This day of data collection will not influence your grade in the course and must be
administered after the conclusion of the course content. Therefore, an online assessment will be
available on the Monday of the 8th week. Your participation is necessary for us to maintain our top
This information is proprietary to Dr. Lynn Kendall.  Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing
and sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

tier business accreditation. This does not affect the structure of your course, and your only action item
is to login to Moodle on Monday of the 8th week and complete the 30 minute assurance of learning

Extra Credit Policy: There is no extra credit in the class, unless specifically highlighted in an
assignment. There are 6 exams, 2 problem assignments (practical applications) and 4 discussions, the full
course grade is based on the same items for all students. I will never provide individual students with
“special” extra credit options. Please do not ask for extra credit to help boost your grade “so I can get that
B that I need”.

Late Work Policy: Late submissions are not accepted. If an assignment, such as a Practical Application
is due on Sunday night, submission on Monday is not accepted and will receive a score of zero.
Discussions close each Sunday at midnight and the all Moodle exams close at 11:59PM, midnight (Central
time). Review the above section on ProctorU. The final access time for any exam is the allowable time for
the exam plus 30 minutes. If you try to access the exam after the access time cutoff (10 :30 PM Central on
last day of exam availability window), you will be unable to take the exam and will receive a score of 0.

Course Outline, Summer 2020, AP1

Module Start End Topics Assignments
M1 May 11 May 17 Graded Discussion 1
Introduction, financial statements
Exam 1, due Sunday at midnight
  & ratio analysis
M2 May 18 May 24 Time value of money Practical Application 1
      Exam 2, due Sunday at midnight
M3 May 25 May 31 Bonds (interest rates/yield curve) Graded Discussion 2
 and Stocks Exam 3, due Sunday at midnight
M4 June 1 June 7 Risk/return and capital budgeting Practical Application 2
      Exam 4, due Sunday at midnight
M5 June 8 June 14 Cost of capital/raising capital Graded Discussion 3
    Exam 5, due Sunday at midnight
Leverage and capital structure
Graded Discussion 4 (initial post due
M6 June 15 June 27 AND
by 6/18 and reply 6/21).
Dividends and payout policy
Weeks 6 & 7 Exam 6, due Saturday 6/27 at
Required online assessment on
June 29 June 29 Mandatory Accreditation Day
Monday, June 29. This is not graded.
*** Note the early end to Week 7 of the course:
  Saturday 6/27/2020

Additional Course Information

Syllabus Subject to Change: While information and assurances are provided in this course
syllabus, content may change in keeping with new research and literature and that events
This information is proprietary to Dr. Lynn Kendall.  Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing
and sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

beyond the control of the instructor could occur. Students will be informed of any substantive
occurrences that will produce syllabus changes.

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