Penjelasan Tentang Magnetite Exfoliation Issue

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PT PLN (PERSERO) & UNIT INDUK PEMBANGUNAN Vill UNIT PELAKSANA KONSTRUKSI PEMBANGKIT JAWA BALI 2 Ds Bunton Kecamatan Adipala, Cilacap, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia Telp : (0282) 5259904 " Fax_: (0282) 5269903 No. OM /REN.05.02/UPK PJB 2/2016 24 Februari 2016 - Ref. No 63/1 50/1P/2016 Lampiran 4 (Satu) Set, Perihal Penjelasan Tentang Magnetite Kepada Exfoliation issue Yth. Bp. Arif Amiruddin Kepala Divisi Manajemen Proyek INDONESIA POWER KANTOR PUSAT Jl. Jend, Gatot Subroto Kav. 18 Jakarta 12950 Sehubungan dengan surat dari Indonesia Power Kantor Pusat nomor 63/150/IP/2016 tanggal 22 Januari 2016 perihal tersebut diatas, dengan ini kami sampaikan jawabsn dari CNTIC mengenai magnetite exfoliation issue. Rekomendasi tentang issue tersebut berasal dari vendor boiler BWBC, jike masih terdapat sesuatu hal yang perlu di diskusiken perihal boiler PLTU 2 Jawa Tengah, pihak vendor BWBC akan mengirimkan delegasi teknis untuk membahas masalah tersebut diatas, Demikian kami sampaikan, atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya diucapkan terima kasih. ‘Tembusan tePT IP UJP JATENG 2 ADIPALA 2. CNTIC CNTIC CONSORTIUM Guides crac & PROJECT PLTUG 2 (1X660MW) JATENG DESA BUNTO. KEC ADIPALA KAB. CILACAP. JAWA TENGAH 53271 Post Code:53271 Tel:0282-5269908 Fax: 0262-5259908 Date: February 20, 2016 Reference No.: 16L/PLN/30/ADPL/08{ Mr, Sukahar Project Manager PLN (Persero) UPK PJB 2 Adipala, Cilacap SUBJECT: Operation Recommendation of Tube O) Dear Mr. Sukahar, We have been in receipt of your letter No.052/KON.01.02/UPK PJB 2/2016 and IP letter No. 63/150/1P/2016 about tube magnetite exfoliation. CNTIC pays great attention to this issue and contact the boiler manufacturer BWBC. Attached please find the recommendation from BWBC. The attachment one is operating recommendation of oxide exfoliation control for high temperature superheater and reheater. The attachment two is excerpted from the BWEC manual book explaining about oxide exfoliation. The attachment three is recommended spare parts list. If any detail discussion need to be held by PLN, BWBC will arrange technical delegation from China to site for discussion and communication about this issue. Thank you for your consistent support. fargo Luo Yi Deputy Project Manager China National Technical Import & Export Corporation For and on behalf of CNTIC Consortium Attachment one: operating recommendation of oxide exfoliation control for high temperature superheater and reheater (4 pages) Attachment two: a part of BWBC manual book (2 pages) Attachment three: recommended spare parts list (1 page) ay Babcock & Wilcox Beijing Company Ltd i ERE A To: China National Technical Imp & Exp. Corp. i ERERAG From: Babcock & Wilcox Beijing Company Ltd. Wr SPER SSE: a: SPREVABREABTR RENEE SELES: EK | Rof. fle No.: Sub: Operating Recommendation vf Oxide | Exfoliation Contral For High Temperature | ‘Superheater And Reheater Operating Recommendation of Oxide Exfoliation Control For High Temperature Superheater And Reheater 1. Oxide exfoliation in supercritical pressure boi With the development of supercritical and ultra-supercritical boiler technology, steam temperatures have risen and more stainless steel is being included in boller designs. The occurrence of 1D oxide exfoliation problems in stainless tubes has become a problem worldwide, Austenitic stainless stee! exfoliates due to the differential in the Coefficients of expansion between the base metal and the oxide layer. Once the oxide layer reaches a critical thickness It will flake off upon cooling of the unit io low temperatures. The oxide exfoliation comes off in flakes and particles that settle in bends on coo! down. if not foo severely plugged, steam flow, upon start up, will Blow ‘out the accumulated scale. Ifthe tube is substantially plugged, the steam flow may be blocked which may lead to tube failure early in operation. At normal cooling rates, the outer oxide layer exfoliates if thick enough, and an inner oxide layer remains attached. At very fast cooling rates (beyond O&M recommended), the oxide exfoliates in thick enough layers that the inner oxide layer is also removed. This results In more spalied material to plug the tube bends, and with tube IDs left with no protective oxide layer. 2. Effect of Feedivater Treatment Method There is a high sisk of excessive spalling upon changing from All Volatile Treatment (AV1) to Oxygenated Water Treatment (OWT). The oxide layer can grow thicker while running AVT. After a switchover to OWT and the resulting hematite layer formation, the critical spalling thickness for the oxide layer is reduced to that of OWT. During the next shutdown the result is much more exfoliation thah would be expected ff there was no water treatment change. | | | | | eo Mi (@ Ak HE EAB BLE + BUR LE A IBA & Babcock & Wilcox Beijing Company Ltd. Change from AVT to OWT very early in the life of the SH/RH, before the oxide layer has an opportunity to grow significantly, often around 6 months maximum on AVT, Which varies by project. 3.Managing oxide exfoliation during operation and ongoing maintenance recommendation (1) Shut down more frequently eariy in life of the boiler (oxidation rates are known to be greatest early in life and reduce with time). Special shut-down & restart recommendations: ‘Shutting the unit down at recommended intervals can allow a controlled amount of exfoliate to spall off, thus avoiding blocking the tube during restart. In this situation, the tube has the highest probability of clearing of exfoliate during thé restart. Normal shutdown procedures should be followed and the unit can be restarted once the high temperature superheater pendants have cooled to 150C as determined by monitoring steam temperature, either main steam temperature or individual tube thermopcouples. An outage interval can be recommended to manage the growth and shedding of exfoliate until the unit has sufficiently seasoned. Based on an initial start with no unplanned outages, the recommendation for the first outage is 3 months, Since it is unlikely that the new unit will start and run without any forced outages for this period of time, the analysis should be revisited upon the first forced outage. The Tecommended maximum interval until the next preemptive outage can be advised based on actual operating data once the unit is in service. Exfoliate accumulation should be determined based on inspection (RT and/or magnetic inspection and selected cut and clean inspection) of the high temperature superheater and reheater banks during the first several planned outages until actual operating experience confirms inspections are no longer required. B&WBC can provide the next recommended outage interval, based on ongoing operational history. In order to provide this recommendation, BBWC needs to know for each outage that the unit experiences, the date thet the unit starts up and reaches temperature and the date that the outage begins, refer to the table below. The ‘ongoing log of outage starts and stops is necessary for the predictive analysis. {Unit Main Reheated | Outage inspection Startup | steam | Steam | Begin | Outage Cause related with {Date | Temp. °C | Temp. °C | Date Exfoliation tT | 1 1 i ao ie LHEHAR- RRB AA g Ges Babcock & Wilcox Beijing Company Ltd. T i i (2) During boiler start-up and shutdown, the steam temperature change rate should not exceed 111 deg.C per hour. The spray water shall be used as less as possible to diminish the oxide exfoliation in tubes. (8) The gas temperature deviation from side to side leaving the furnace should be minimized by tuning the burners to prevent the local high temperature occurred in the superheater and reheater banks. The superheater and reheater tube metal should be continuously monitored not to exceed the alarm limits at any time and should be kept as lower as possible. (4) Keeping the exfoliate that collects during the shutdown as dry as possible can make clearing the tubes during the restart easier. Special operational procedures such as placing the superheater and reheater under a vacuum could be developed by the plant. The application of a turbine bypass may allow the operator to apply a vacuum to the superheater and reheater section during shutdown. (5) Inspect the return bends of Secondary SH inlet and outlet banks’ and pendent RH outlet banks for potential pluggage using magnets, and RT surveys during outages to determine whether cut-and-clean is necessary, During the shutdown period, inspection of the lower superheater and reheater bends ‘an provide. valuable information concerning the amount of exfoliate that has collected in the bends. Both radiographic testing (RT) and the use of strong permanent ‘magnets to test for the existence of large amount of exfoliant within the bends have been used. The magnatic pull can be used because in these cases the bends of these high temperature superheaters and reheaters are non-magnetic austentic stainless steel, while the exfoliation has ferritic properties. The Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) methods should also be used in areas of the superheater and reheater where there are transitions in ID between like materials or at dissimilar metal welds. Both of these methods, especially the use of a magnet, can be very subjective. Thus, normally there will be the need of cut selected bends to directly observe the existence oP, ig) LR EHA RRA AMARA a § fe Babcock & Wilcox Beijing Company Ltd. ‘of exioliant and help validate the NDE methods tf the NDE indicates the superheater and reheater tube has a potential blockage of more than 50%, which has been validated by previous tube cutting and exfoliation ‘sampling, it is recommended the tube section be cut off and cleaned. Exfoliant particulates will cause erosion of steam and/or water pipings downstream of the boller, such as drains, valves, pipe elbows, and other piping, which could result in Piping failures, causing injuries or death of persons in the area on account of steam bums. Inspect drains, valves, pipe elbows, and if applicable turbine bypass components frequently and replace any which fall below minimum thickness (6) Suggestions during boiler restart During startup outlet leg thermocouples should be continuously monitored, As the startup progresses and load increases, significant variations in temperatures from average may indicate blocked tubes. Reducing the bulk steam temperature set point has been found to reduce the temperatures of individual tubes with partial blockages. Reducing the bulk steam temperature set point is recommended when starting up and raising load until blockages clear. The operator should continue to raise boiler load at a steady pace. Oxide is more readily flushed out under the force and velocity of higher steam flows. As load increases more tubes will clear, so it is preferable to push boiler load toward the maximum as soon as practical. Avoid “hold” or other pauses unless absolutely necessary for other plant equipment. If after attaining full load on the boiler significant temperature variations exist in the outlet leg thermocouples, the boiler should be shut down and the tube with the significant temperature Variations should be cleaned of obstructions, Failure to clear obstructions could result in tube failures. Arotacknut te 7. Oxide exfoliation control for high temperature Superheater and Reheater 7.1 Oxide exfoliation in supercritical pressure boiler With the development of supercritical and ultra-supercritical boiler technology, steam temperatures have risen and more stainless steel is being included in boiler designs, The ocourrence of ID oxide exfoliation problems in stainless tubes bas become a problem worldwide.’ Austenitic stainless steel exfolietes due to the differential in the cotfficients of expansion between the base metal and the oxide layer, Once the oxide layer reaches a critical thickness it will flake off upon cooling of the unit to low temperatures. The oxide exfoliation comes off in flakes and particles that settle in ends on cool down. Ifnot too severely plugged, steam flow, upon start up, will blow ‘out the accumulated scale, Ifthe tube is substantially plugged, the steam flow may be blocked which may lead to tube failure early in operation. At normal cooling rates, the outer oxide layer exfoliates if thick enough, and sn inner oxide layer remains attached. At very fast cooling rates (beyond O&M recommended), ‘the oxide exfoliates in thick enough layers that the inner oxide layer is also removed. This results in more spalied material to plug the tube bends, and with tube IDs left with no protective oxide layer. ‘7.2 Effect of Feedwater Treatment Method ‘There is a high risk of excessive spalling upon changing from All Volatile ‘Treatment (AVT) to Oxygenated Water Treatment (OWT). ‘The oxide layer can grow thicker while running AVT. After a switchover to OWT and the resulting hematite layer formation, the critical spalling thickness for the oxide layer is reduced to thet of OWT. During the next shutdown the result is much more exfoliation than would be expected if there was no water treatment change. Recommendation: Change from AVT to OWT very early in the life of the SH/RH, before the oxide layer ‘has an opportunity to grow significantly, often around 6 months maximum on AVT, which varies by project. 73 Managing oxide exfoliation during operation and ongoing maintenance recommendation (1) Shut down more frequently early in life ofthe boiler (oxidation mates are known to ‘be greatest early in life and reduce with time). Special shut-down & restart recommendations: Shutting the unit down at recommended intervals can allow a controlled amount of ‘exfoliate to spall off, thus avoiding blocking the tube during restart. In this situation, the tube has the highest probability of clearing of exfoliate during the restart. Normal shutdown procedures should be followed and the unit can be restarted once the high temperature supetheater pendants have cooled to 150C es determined by ‘monitoring steam temperature, either main sleain temperature ot individual tube thermopcouples. An outage interval can be recommended to manage the growth and shedding of exfoliate until the unit has sufficiently seasoned, Based on an initial start with no unplanned outages, the recommendation for the first outage is six months. Since it is unlikely that the new unit will start and run without any forced outages for this petiod of time, the analysis should be revisited upon the first forced outage. The recommended maximum interval until the next preemptive outage can be advised based on actual operating data once the unit is in service, Exfoliate accumulation should be determined based on inspection (RT and/or magnetic inspection end selected cut and clean inspection) of the high temperature superheater and reheater banks during the first sevérel planned outages until actual operating experience confirms inspections are no longer required. B&WBC can provide the next recommended outage interval, based on ongoing ‘operational history. In order to provide this recommendation, B&WBC needs to know for each outage that the unit experiences, the date that the unit starts up and reaches temperature and the date that the outage begins, refer to the table below. ‘The ongoing log of outage starts and stops is necessary for the predictive analysis, [Unit “T “Main” [Reheated | Outage | TP Inspection ‘Startup: steam © Steam ! Begin | Outage Cause related with | Date Temp. ‘C . Temp. ‘C ! Date | Exfoliation (2) Consider mini-steam blows during startups using the turbine bypass system, {@) Monitor tube temperatures using thermocouples during startups. (@) Inspect the retum bends for potential pluggage using magnets, and/or RT surveys during outages to determine whether cut-and-clean is necessary. i Attachment thee Recommended Spare Parts List: ttem_| Description Size Material Quantity 4 Retum bend (R=35) 51x4.5 [| SA-213TP347H__ [25 2 Retum bend (R=105) D51x4 SA-213TP347H__| 25 |

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