Pea Starch: Composition, Structure and Properties - A Review

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Starch/Stärke 54 (2002) 217–234 217

Wajira S. Ratnayakea, Pea Starch: Composition, Structure and Properties

Ratnajothi Hoovera,
Tom Warkentinb – A Review
Recently, pea has developed into a major protein crop in Western Canada. In the
a search for new food protein resources, small commercial facilities in Canada have en-
Department of Bio-
chemistry, Memorial gaged in manufacturing protein concentrates from pea by air classification or wet
University of Newfound- milling techniques. However, the major products from these processes are either crude
land, St. John’s, N. F., or refined pea starches. Pea starch has been utilized almost exclusively for industrial
Canada application. A major factor, which has an adverse effect on the widespread utilization of
b Crop Development pea starch in food industry, it its high extent of retrogradation. This review summarizes
Centre, University of the present knowledge on composition, structure and physiochemical properties of
Saskatchewan, smooth and wrinkled seeded pea starches with a view to providing suggestions for
Saskatoon, SK, Canada needed research to improve the utilization of pea starches in the food industry.

Keywords: Pisum sativum; Pea starch; Composition; Structure; Physicochemical


1 Introduction
Cultivated peas have been classified into two types: (1)
garden peas (Pisum sativum ssp. hortense), and (2) field
peas (Pisum sativum ssp. arvense) [1]. Field pea is a crop
plant whose utilization can be traced back to Neolithic
times [2].

Peas are cultivated in many regions of the world, as an

animal feed and human food. The relative advantages of
this crop are: (1) it can be easily harvested using machin-
ery, (2) it is a valuable break-crop in a rotation which is
Fig. 1. World field pea production [Total: 11 704 701 m.t.
dominated by cereals such as oats, barley, etc. Therefore,
(adapted from [5]).
pea is considered to be one of the most important grain
legumes [3, 4]. Under poor soil conditions, legume crops,

Review Article
such as pea, play an important role in soil fertility im- peanuts and dry beans. The total world dry pea produc-
provement due to their ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen tion is 11,704,701 m.t. (Fig. 1) [5].
Peas are produced in almost all countries in the world.
Pea starch is mainly available as a by-product of protein Canada is the largest producer (~25% of total world pro-
extraction. Therefore, it is considered to be a relatively duction) and the largest exporter (40% of total world ex-
cheap source of starch compared to corn, wheat and ports) of field pea in the world [6]. More than half of the to-
potato starches. Pea starch is mainly used in industrial tal Canadian pea production is exported as seed without
applications, but not much in food applications due to its further processing. In Canada, field pea is not utilized on
poor functional properties. a large scale in industry. About 10% is used as planting
seed, whole or split seeds are used in stews, soups and
2 World and Canadian Production of Peas canned food, hulls are used in high fiber breads and the
majority is used in animal feed [6, 7]. The largest use of
Field pea (also called dry pea) ranks fourth in terms of the field pea in Europe and North America is in the compound
world production of food legumes below soybeans, feed industry, whereby whole seeds are ground and
mixed with ground cereal seeds to produce feeds. The
largest use of field pea in Asia and South America is for
human consumption, whereby whole or split seeds are
Correspondence: Ratnajothi Hoover, Department of Bio-
chemistry, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s,
boiled and then eaten. The proportion of world field pea
N. F., Canada, A1B 3X9. Fax: +1-709-737-4000, e-mail: production, which is processed into protein, starch, and fiber fractions, is very small at present.

© WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, 69451 Weinheim, 2002 0038-9056/2002/0606-0217 $17.50+.50/0

218 Ratnayake et al. Starch/Stärke 54 (2002) 217–234

3 Taxonomy and Nomenclature whereas a mutant gene at the rb locus decreases amy-
lose content but has no influence on granular shape or
The species Pisum sativum L. is identified by many differ- amylopectin structure. The presence of mutations at ei-
ent trivial names. It is known as: pea, dry pea, and field ther or both the r and rb loci gives rise to four different pea
pea in the United Kingdom and North America, “Batani” genotypes (RRRbRb, rrRbRb, RRrbrb, and rrrbrb) which
in India, “Erbse” in Germany, “Ater” in Ethiopia, “Pois” differ in the content and composition of starch [18]. Fol-
in France, “Takarmany borso” in Hungary, and “Pisello” in lowing a back-crossing program [19, 20], lines which are
Italy [8]. near isogenic except for genes at the r and rb loci have
been produced.
In the species P. sativum L., two different seed pheno-
types exist, namely, smooth (with a smooth seed surface; Wrinkled peas, which are homozygous recessive at the r
also called field pea in North America) and wrinkled pea locus (i. e., rr) have a reduced starch level, about 65–75%
(wrinkled seed surface). The two types are genetically dif- of that seen in the round seed [21, 22]; in addition, the
ferent and produce characteristic starches with different amylose content is in the range 30–40% in the round
granular morphologies and characteristics. The seeds of form, but is higher (60–76%) [23] in wrinkled peas. The
the smooth pea are entirely or almost entirely smooth and amylose content of the developing wrinkled pea seeds is
sometimes more or less strongly dented. In contrast, the already high at the initial stages [21] and increases further
seed surface of wrinkled pea seeds shows numerous, towards the end of the seed development. At the later
fairly sharp wrinkles, which are continued on the cotyle- stages of seed development, fissures appear in the starch
dons under the seed coat [9]. Borowska et al. [10] report- granules [24] and the soluble starch synthase becomes
ed three different cotyledon colors: i.e. yellow, yellow- entrapped at the cracks while maintaining amylose syn-
green, and green. They further reported that the color of thesis [21]. The granules, therefore, become richer in
the seeds within a variety may depend on the degree of amylose at their central parts compared to the surface
maturity and storage conditions, and the irregular pig- layers.
mentation in a given lot of seeds from a single-stage har-
vest may also be due to the presence of seeds differing in Starch branching enzyme (SBE) is a transglycosylase in-
ripeness. volved in amylopectin synthesis. In wrinkled pea and
round pea seeds, the activity of many of the starch
Pea is classified as shown below [11–13]: biosynthetic enzymes are similar. However, the activity of
Class Dicotyledon SBE in wrinkled pea is only 14% of that seen in round pea
Order Rosales seeds [25]. Smith [25] reported that the r lesion in wrin-
Family Leguminosae kled pea (genotype rr) is associated with the absence of
Sub-family Papilionoideae one isoform of SBE. Edwards [22] proposed that the re-
duction in SBE activity in mutant wrinkled pea seeds, de-
The botanical nomenclature of pea is confusing. The creases starch content by lowering the ability of starch
species Pisum sativum L. is known as field pea, garden synthase to generate linear α 1→4 glucosyl chains. Un-
pea, green pea, yellow pea, smooth pea and wrinkled der optimal in vitro conditions, in which a suitable primer
pea, etc. In earlier literature, field pea and garden pea such as amylopectin or glycogen is added, starch syn-
were classified as P. sativum ssp. arvense and P. sativum thase activity in the wrinkled pea becomes equivalent to
ass. hortense. However, it was later shown that differ- that found in the wild type [26].
ences between the two sub-species were artificial, be-
cause of their cross-fertility [13]. This review concentrates Wang et al. [27] have isolated 30 new mutants which have
on Pisum sativum L. (both smooth and wrinkled seeded wrinkled seeds and changes in the content and composi-
cultivars) starch. tion of the starch, compared with the wild type round
seeded parent line. The effect of mutations at six inde-
pendent loci on starch and amylose content are present-
4 Pea Mutants
ed in Tab. 1. Hedley et al. [17] have speculated that a
Genes at the two loci, r and rb in peas have also shown to wide range of natural pea starches can be produced by
influence the composition and the starch content within manipulating the genes at the r and rb loci.
the pea seed [14, 15]. The R gene (at the r loci) and the
Rb gene (at the rb loci) encode for starch branching en- 5 Extraction of Pea Starch
zyme I and ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase, respective-
ly [14, 16]. Hedley et al. [17] have shown that a mutant The isolation of starches from peas is difficult, owing to
gene at the r locus reduces amylose and starch content the presence of insoluble flocculent proteins and fine
and changes granule shape and amylopectin structure, fiber, which decreases sedimentation and co-settles with
Starch/Stärke 54 (2002) 217–234 Pea Starch: Composition, Structure and Properties 219

the starch to give a brownish deposit [28, 29]. Pea starch- the actual starch content is much higher than that was de-
es are isolated using techniques such as pin milling and termined after wet extraction and purification, which is
air classification [28–32]. Air classification is the most normally 30–35% [31]. Therefore, the laboratory starch
commonly used commercial method for pea starch isola- isolation efficiency, in wet extraction, does not normally
tion. The process requires a very high degree of particle exceed ~75%. Although wet milling is used commonly in
size reduction (achieved by pin milling) in order to sep- laboratory starch isolation processes, the commercial ap-
arate the starch granules from the protein matrix. The ma- plications of the procedure are very limited due to eco-
jor fraction from the air classification process is the low- nomic and environmental limitations [35].
protein starch fraction, which is separated from the fine
protein fraction during the process. The starch concen-
6 Proximate Composition
trate contains about 65% of starch [33]. Residual protein
associated with air classified field pea starch granules is The yield of pure starch, protein content and ash content
derived from protein bodies, agglomerates, chloroplast of field pea starches range from 35–40%, 0.52–0.70%,
membrane remnants (which enclose the starch granule) and 0.01–0.07%, respectively [31, 37–40]. The corre-
and from a water-soluble fraction which is presumably de- sponding values for wrinkled pea range from 18–22%,
rived from the dehydrated starch [29]. Re-milling and re- 0.34–0.46%, 0.01–0.02%, and 0.01–0.08%, respectively
classifying the starch fraction remove most of the protein [28, 37, 40–43]. Generally, legume starches are charac-
bodies and agglomerates while water washing results in terized by a high amylose content (24–65%) [40]. Normal
removal of most of the remainder of the attached protein pea (smooth pea) and wrinkled pea starches differ mainly
[29]. The above purification procedure results in a protein in their amylose/amylopectin ratios and by the presence
content of 0.25% in the washed starch. Tyler et al. [32] re- of an intermediate material of low molecular weight in the
ported that the suitability of pin-milling and air-classifica- latter. The amylose content of smooth pea, pea mutants
tion as a method of starch extraction could be assessed and wrinkled pea starches range from 33.1–49.6%,
by determining the protein separation efficiency (PSE). 8–72%, and 60.5–88%, respectively (Tab. 1). Colonna
PSE has been shown to be influenced by seed hardness and Mercier [23] reported the presence of a branched in-
and by the amount of reduced protein that cannot be sep- termediate fraction of low molecular weight (Mn = 25,100)
arated from the starch granule by milling. The above au- in both smooth (0.4%) and wrinkled pea starches. The
thors [32] reported a PSE of ~60% for field pea starch. widely varying amylose contents for smooth and wrinkled
pea starches might be due to different methods used for
The purity of starch obtained by wet milling is higher than
amylose determination (see footnote in Tab. 1), cultivar
that obtained by air-classification. Repeated filtration
differences [44], and to the physiological state of the seed
through polypropylene screens (20 and 70 µm) combined
[45]. Matters and Boyer [21] reported that smaller gran-
with alkaline treatment (0.02% NaOH) causes substantial
ules of smooth pea starch contained more amylose than
reduction in the protein content of wet process extracted
larger ones and the that the amylose of smaller granules
pea starch [30]. Smooth pea starch could be extracted in
has a higher average molecular weight. The above
high yields (93.8–96.7%) from its flour, after protein ex-
authors showed that the amylose content of pea starch
traction at pH 9 using different sieving (200–60 µm) and
increased during the later stages of seed development.
washing conditions [34]. The starches were found to be
Synthesis of smaller granules have been found to occur
contaminated mainly by cell wall polysaccharides (less
only during the later stages of seed development [46].
than 4%). The protein content in the starch ranged from
This would then explain the reason for the higher amylose
content of smaller granules.
Meuser et al. [35] developed a process to extract starch
from wrinkled peas. This involved the steeping of wrinkled 7 Granule Size and Microscopic
pea seeds in warm water, followed by hulling using rubber Appearance
rollers (to separate hulls from cotyledons), gentle particle
size reduction of the cotyledons and high-pressure disin- The sizes and shapes of pea starch granules reported in
tegration of the screened out protein/starch fraction sus- the literature are summarized in Tab. 2. The granule size
pended in the process water. This process enabled up to of normal pea (smooth pea) starch is variable and ranges
89% of the starch present in the wrinkled peas to be ex- from 2–40 µm. Most of the granules are oval, although
tracted with a residual protein content of around 1%. spherical, round, elliptical and irregularly shaped granules
are also found. When observed under a scanning elec-
Gujska et al. [36] reported that the total starch content of tron microscope, the surfaces of pea starch granules
field pea was ~43% on whole seed basis and ~50% when appear smooth with no evidence of any fissures or com-
it was determined on dehulled flour. This suggests that pound granules (Fig. 2). Bertoft et al. [46] reported the
220 Ratnayake et al. Starch/Stärke 54 (2002) 217–234

presence of cracked and compound granules in smooth granules with diameters ranging from 15–30 µm and
pea starch. They also observed two distinct populations in small granules with diameters ranging from 2–8 µm). Mu-
the size distribution of smooth pea starch granules (large tation at the r locus affects pea starch granule morpholo-
gy through the appearance of compound granules, while
Tab. 1. Amylose content of pea starches. a mutation at the rb locus has no effect [47]. Wrinkled pea
starch appears to be a mixture of simple and compound
Source* Amylose content [%]** granules, the latter being composed of 3–10 sub-units
Smooth pea1, 2, 3, 4, 5 33.1 – 48.8 fused together [42]. Large granules of wrinkled pea are
cracked and composed of 4–6 loosely associated pieces
Pisum sativum6 in a ring formation with a diameter ranging from 17–30 µm
Genotype: 32.7 [48]. The surfaces of the wrinkled pea starch granules are
RR RbRb 65.1 smooth with no evidence of any fissures or pinholes
Rr RbRb 23.0 (Fig. 2). The granules of smooth pea are generally larger
RR rbrb 49.0 in size compared to those of wrinkled peas [48, 49].
Rr rbrb

Genotype:7 8 Structure of Amylose and Amylopectin

RR RbRb 38
RR rbrb 31 The two major components of starch are amylose and
rr RbRb 72 amylopectin. Amylose, the minor component, consists
rr rbrb 55 mainly of α-(1→4) linked D-glucopyranosyl residues.
However, a slight degree of branching [9–20 α-(1→6)
Pea mutants8 branch points per molecule] has been reported in amy-
Wild type 30 lose from various starch sources. The side chains range
r 65 in length from 4 to over 100 [50, 51]. The extent of branch-
rb 23
ing has been shown to increase with the molecular size of
rug3 12
amylose [52]. Evidence of the occurrence of branching
rug4 33
rug5 43 points in amylose is its incomplete conversion into mal-
lam 8 tose by β-amylase. The extent of β-amylolysis varies from
73 to 95%, depending on the method of extraction and the
Wrinkled pea11, 12, 13, 14 60.5 – 88 source of amylose [50]. The molecular weight of amylose
* Names given by the corresponding author(s).
varies between 105–106 Da [50, 53]. The formation of he-
** In many instances, the amylose content of starches have been lical complex between amylose and iodine gives rise to
determined by colorimetric procedures without prior defatting the typical deep blue color of starch dispersions stained
and/or by not taking into account the iodine complexing ability with iodine and forms the basis for quantitative determi-
of the long external amylopectin chains. nation of amylose content [54, 55]. Amylose also forms a
1Barron et al. [148], 2Conde-Petit et al. [149], 3Biliaderis et al.

[80], 4Colonna and Mercier [24], 5Czuchajowska et al. [150],

V-helix complex with the hydrocarbon portion of mono-
6Bogracheva et al. [18], 7Lloyd et al. [47], 8Bogracheva et al. [67], glycerides and fatty acids [56].
9Vasanthan and Bhatty [146], 10Ratnayake et al. [31], 11Colonna

and Mercier [23], 12Biliaderis et al. [80], 13Praznik et al. [151], The physicochemical characteristics of pea amyloses are
14Vose [152].
summarized in Tab. 3. Smooth pea amylose generally
Tab. 2. Granular characteristics of pea starches.
Source* Granular shape and appearance Granule size

Smooth pea1–5 large granules are oval or spherical with internal fissures and Large: d = 22.9–30.4 µm
some large granules are compound 2–40 µm6

small granules are round or oval4 d = 5–20 µm
Wrinkled pea6–7 a mixture of simple and compound granules ~10–40 µm
(3–10 individual sub-units)6
granules are composed of 4–6 loosely associated pieces 17 – 30 µm
in a ring formation7.
1Ratnayake et al. [31], 2Barron et al. [148], 3Davydova et al. [39], 4Bertoft et al. [46], 5Gujska et al. [84], 6Colonna et al. [42], 7Bertoft et al.

* name given by the author(s).

d = mean diameter.
Starch/Stärke 54 (2002) 217–234 Pea Starch: Composition, Structure and Properties 221
A B shows a higher limiting viscosity number (h), average de-
gree of polymerization (DPn), number average molecular
weight (Mn) and degree of branching than amylose from
wrinkled pea. Amyloses from other legume starches have
not been well characterized and the reported values for
iodine affinity (IBC), β-amylolysis, DPn and η are in the
range 16–22, 79–86.9, 1000–1900 and 136–280, respec-
tively [40]. Therefore, it is difficult to make a meaningful
comparison of characteristics between pea amylose and
other legume amyloses.

Amylopectin is the major component of field pea starch

with a Mw (weight average molecular weight) of the order
107–109 Da [57]. Amylopectin is composed of linear
chains of (1→4)-α-D-glucose residues connected through
(1→6)-α-linkages (5–6%). The average size of the unit
chains of amylopectin is 20–25 [58]. Amylopectin mole-
cules have been shown to contain several distributions of
chains (A, B and C) which differ in their chain length [59,
60]. The A chains (unbranched) are linked to B chains and
do not carry any other chains. The B chains (B1–B4) car-
ry one or more A chains and/or B chains; and the C chain,
which contains the reducing end of the molecule. The
chain length of A and B1 chains and that of B2–B4 are
14–18 and 45–55, respectively. The molar ratio of short to
long chains is influenced by the starch source and varies
between 3:1 to 2:1 [58]. The branch points in the amy-
lopectin molecule are not randomly distributed [53]. They
are clustered and the adjacent linear segments form thin
crystalline lamellar domains have a width of 5–7 nm. The
three-dimensional structure of amylopectin is not yet
known. Most of the currently accepted models favor a
cluster type organization in which crystalline arrays of
double-stranded helices alternate with amorphous re-
gions of dense branching chains.

The β-amylolysis limit of amylopectin (55–60%) is less

Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrographs of native pea than that of amylose since the activity of β-amylase is
starch. (A) smooth pea [A1 = × 250, A2 = × 2000, A3 = × sterically hindered by the branch points in amylopectin
5000], (B) wrinkled pea [B1 = × 250, B2 = × 2000, B3 = × [59, 60]. Furthermore, iodine does not form a stable com-
5000]. (Ratnayake and Hoover – unpublished data). plex with amylopectin (due to short length of the unit

Tab. 3. Physicochemical characteristics of pea amylose.

Starch source IBC1 η [mL/g]2 DPn3 M 4n M 5w β-Amylolysis Branch points
[%] per molecule
Smooth pea 18.8–19.2 180–264 1300–1400 170000 N/A 81.6–86.9 3.2
Wrinkled pea 17.9–19.2 136–172 1000–1100 125000 1288000 79–85 2–3
1Iodinebinding capacity (mg of I2 bound per 100 mg of polysaccharide).
3Average degree of polymerization.
4Number average molecular weight.
5Weight average molecular weight.
6Ratnayake et al. [31]. 7Biliaderis et al. [37, 38, 86], Colonna et al. [34]; Colonna and Mercier [24].
8Banks and Greenwood [153], Biliaderis et al. [37, 38, 86], Colonna and Mercier [24], Praznik et al. [151].
222 Ratnayake et al. Starch/Stärke 54 (2002) 217–234

Tab. 4. Physicochemical characteristics of pea amylopectins.

Source Iodine affinitya Average branch Branch points Molecular DPwe β-Amylolysisa
CLb per moleculec weightd [%]
Smooth pea 1.28 22–24.2 – 80.6 x 106 – 96–97
Wrinkled pea 5.26 34 8.2 19.4 x 106 6195 98
CL = chain length. DPw= weight average degree of polymerization (of debranched amylopectin).
a Biliaderis et al. [38]. d Colonna and Mercier [24].
b Ratnayake et al. [31], Biliaderis et al. [38]. e Praznik et al. [152].
c Praznik et al. [152].

chains). This results in the formation of a purple color with Tab. 5. Physicochemical characteristics of the intermedi-
a λmax at 530 nm. Calorimetry studies have provided indi- ate fraction of wrinkled pea and smooth pea amy-
rect evidence for interaction between amylopectin and lopectins.
lipids [61]. Several atypical types of amylopectin have Source IBC1 η 2 [mL/g] β-Amylolysis
been reported [62, 63]: (1) high molecular weight amy-
lopectin with A and B chains 5–15 glucose residues Wrinkled pea3 8.7–9.5 19 69–79
longer than normal, (2) amorphous amylopectin with sim- Smooth pea4 1.2 –5 –5
ilarly extended A and B chains that elute from GPC 1 Iodine binding capacity (mg of I2 bound per 100 mg of poly-
columns with amylose, and (3) normal amylopectin, which saccharide).
2 Intrinsic viscosity.
contain very long chains (CL 85–180) with infrequent 3 The intermediate fraction constitutes 18.9% of the original
branching. Amylopectins of types 1 and 2 (above) occur in
starch (Colonna and Mercier [24]).
several legume starches [62], and a third type has been 4 The intermediate fraction constitute 0.4% of the original starch
reported in sweet potato starch [63]. (Colonna and Mercier [24]).
5 Not detected.
The physicochemical properties and the distribution of the
chain lengths of amylopectin from smooth pea starch are
summarized in Tab. 4. Amylopectin from smooth pea shown to be similar to that of wrinkled pea amylopectin
starch generally exhibits a higher intrinsic viscosity (η) [68]. However, the fine structure of the clusters of the in-
and a higher weight average molecular weight (Mw) than termediate material is different and depends on the mo-
amylopectin from wrinkled pea. α-Amylase hydrolysis of lecular size.
smooth pea starch and its β-limit dextrin have shown that
amylopectin consists of clusters of defined sizes that are 9 Crystallinity and Polymorphic
regularly interconnected [64]. Amylopectin structure of Composition of Pea Starches
starches from pea mutants (r and rug5) has been shown
[65, 66] to differ from the wild type pea. The presence of X-ray diifractometry has been used to reveal the pres-
mutation at the r locus reduces the proportion of chains ence and characteristics of crystalline structures of starch
with DP of about 22 and 45, whereas a mutation at the granules [69–72]. Most legume starches exhibit a ‘C’ type
rug5 locus increases the proportion of chains with DP 15. [30, 34, 39, 67, 73] diffraction pattern, which is intermedi-
In addition, starch from rug5 mutant contains a high pro- ate between the A type (cereal) and the B type (tuber).
portion of long chains (DP > 1000). These chains were Bogracheva et al. [74] and Buléon et al. [75] reported that
found to be absent in starch from the wild type [65–67]. all granules from wild type pea starches contain both A
Bogracheva et al. [67] reported that the amylopectin chain and B polymorphs and that the B polymorphs are
distribution for the crystalline parts of starch from the r arranged centrally with the A polymorph located peripher-
and rug5 mutants differed from the wild type and from all ally within the granules. However, wrinkled pea starch has
the other known starches. been shown to exhibit a ‘B’ type X-ray pattern with peaks
that are both broad and weak [42].
Colonna and Mercier [23] reported the presence of a
branched intermediate fraction (Tab. 5) (18.9%) of low The type of crystalline polymorph is determined mainly by
molecular weight (Mn = 25 100) in wrinkled pea starch. the chain length (CL) of amylopectin (A type CL < 19.7, B
This branched intermediate contains the same short (S, type CL ≥ 21.6, and starches exhibiting CL between 20.3
DP = 15) and long (L, DP = 45) linear chains as amy- and 21.3 exhibit A, B, or C type patterns) [76]. Other fac-
lopectin, but the S/L ratio was 3.6 in contrast with 9.6 for tors influencing polymorphism are growth temperature
wrinkled pea and 8.1 for smooth pea amylopectins. The [77] and presence of alcohols and fatty acids [78]. Pea
unit chain profile of the intermediate material has been starches exhibit a weak peak at 5.6° 2θ (characteristic of
Starch/Stärke 54 (2002) 217–234 Pea Starch: Composition, Structure and Properties 223

Tab. 6. Crystallinity and polymorphic composition of pea

Source Crystallinity [%] B polymorph [%]
Smooth pea 18.9–36.5 12.0–49.0
Pea (mutants)1:
rrRbRb 16 73
RRrbrb 30 43
rrrbrb – 92
Pea (mutants)2:
Wild type 20 45
r3 19 73
rb 27 43
rug3 17 37
rug4 23 39
rug5 20 52
lam 22 69
1 Starches from four lines that are near isogenic except for
genes at r and rb loci.
2 Mutants those are near isogenic to the wild type except for

genes at the r, rb, rug3, rug4, rug5 and lam loci. rb, rug3 and
rug4 encodes enzymes which affect the supply of substrate
during starch biosynthesis, whereas lam, rug5 and r encode
enzymes which directly affect the starch biosynthesis pathway.
* Adapted from Ratnayake et al. [31], Bogracheva et al. [19], and
Bogracheva et al. [67].
3 No ’A’ polymorphs were detected in starch from this mutant.

polymorphs [67] (Fig. 3). The proportion for B polymorph

ranges from 12 to 49% among normal pea starches,
whereas the corresponding range for mutant peas is
37–92% (Tab. 6).
Fig. 3. X-ray diffraction patterns of starches from different
pea mutants. (a) wild-type, (b) rug4, (c) rb, (d) rug3, (e) The degree of crystallinity in smooth pea starches is in the
lam, (f) r, and (g) rug5 [67 – with permission from Elsevier range 18.9–36.5% (Tab. 6), whereas in mutant peas, the
Science]. corresponding range is 16–30%. The degree of crys-
tallinity of wrinkled pea starch has not been reported.
B type polymorphs) [74], strong peaks at 17.9° 2θ (char- However, the intensities of the peaks (B type pattern) are
very low, suggesting a low degree of crystallinity [43].
acteristic of A type polymorphs) and 17.0° 2θ (character-
Colonna et al. [42] attributed the weak X-ray pattern either
istic of both A and B type polymorphs) [74]. The position
to an inherently low degree of order or to excessively
(2θ angle) of the small peak, which is characteristic of
small crystallites. In contrast to smooth pea starches,
the ‘B’ polymorph could lie anywhere between 5 and 6°
wrinkled pea starch granules do not exhibit a Maltese
gonimeter angle and different authors have reported
cross under polarized light, demonstrating that the crys-
different 2θ angle locations for this specific peak (5.4°
tallites in the granules are not organized in spherulites
[73], 5.45° [31], 5.5° [42, 75], 5.6° [74], 5.75° [39], or 5.8°
[34]. Colonna et al. [34] reported that wrinkled pea starch
[79]). It seems that the exact position of the “B-peak” in shows a lower extent of amylose leaching, a weaker B
the diffractogram depends on the instrumental settings type X-ray pattern, a higher crystalline/amorphous phase
and the experimental conditions. Large differences have ratio and a lower extent of lintnerization (between the 10th
been observed in the X-ray intensity of the “B-peak” (2θ and 42nd day) than potato starch. This led the authors to
5–6o) for different cultivars of smooth pea starches [39], postulate that the amylose contribution to crystallinity is
suggesting the presence of different proportions of B type higher in wrinkled pea than in potato starch. Furthermore,
polymorphs in these starches. Studies on wild type and similarities in the elution patterns (on Sephacryl 2000) of
mutant pea starches has shown that the peaks number 7 37 and 43% lintnerized wrinkled pea starch indicated that
and 10 are characteristic only of the A polymorph, where- the crystalline phase is homogenous in wrinkled pea
as peaks number 1, 4 and 9 are characteristic only for B starch. Biliaderis et al. [38] have suggested that the amy-
224 Ratnayake et al. Starch/Stärke 54 (2002) 217–234

lose in wrinkled pea starch could contribute to granule

crystallinity in the retrograded form. The specific granule
structure caused by this crystallinity is believed to be the
reason for the high gelatinization transition temperatures,
high resistance to acid hydrolysis and low swelling power
of wrinkled pea starch [80]. Bertoft et al. [48] reported that
crystallites of wrinkled pea starch are made up of small
chain segments of 50–300 D-glucosyl residues of amy-
lose. They also postulated that the low degree of crys-
tallinity of wrinkled pea starch might be due either to a low
degree of crystalline order or to excessively small crystal-

10 Physicochemical Properties
10.1 Swelling power and solubility
When starch is heated in excess water, the crystalline
structure is disrupted (due to breakage of hydrogen
bonds) and water molecules form hydrogen bonds to the
exposed hydroxyl groups of amylose and amylopectin.
This causes an increase in granule swelling and solubility.
Swelling power and solubility provide evidence of the
magnitude of interaction between starch chains within the
amorphous and crystalline domains. The extent of this in-
teraction is influenced by the amylose/amylopectin ratio,
and by the characteristics of amylose and amylopectin in
terms of molecular weight distribution, degree of branch-
Fig. 4. Swelling patterns of pea starches (▲ – smooth
ing, length of branches and conformation of the mo- pea, ■ – wrinkled pea, ● – normal maize, ▼ – amylo-
lecules. Amylose-lipid complexes have been shown to re- maize) [25 – with permission from Pergamon Press].
strict swelling and solubilization [56].
teraction between closely packed amylose chains and/or
Legume starches exhibit a wide variation in swelling pow-
to higher content of amylose-lipid complexes [43].
er (SP) and solubility. At 90 °C, the SP and solubility are in
the range 11–26 and 8–25%, respectively, and in addition,
they exhibit rapid increases in SP and solubility within 10.2 Gelatinization
certain temperature ranges (60–90 °C) [40]. Hoover and
Sosulski [30] postulated that this might be due to melting Starch, when heated in the presence of excess water, un-
of the crystallites, which may involve a solvation-assisted dergoes an order to disorder phase transition called gela-
helix to coil transition of their chains. This in turn would re- tinization over a temperature range characteristic of the
sult in a gain in enthalpy that would off-set the hydrogen starch source. This phase transition is associated with the
bonding occurring in the crystalline regions leading to in- diffusion of water into the granule, water uptake by the
creased swelling and solubility. The swelling and solubili- amorphous background region, hydration and radial
ty patterns of smooth and wrinkled pea starches are pre- swelling of the starch granules, loss of optical birefrin-
sented in Figs. 4 and 5. The swelling and solubility pro- gence, uptake of heat, loss of crystalline order, uncoiling
files of pea starch are similar to those reported for other and dissociation of double helices (in the crystalline re-
legume starches. The swelling factor of smooth pea gions) and amylose leaching [56, 85–88]. Jenkins [88]
starches ranges from 4 to 27 in the temperature range showed, by means of small angle neutron scattering stud-
50–95 °C [31, 81]. These values are significantly lower ies, that the mechanisms proposed by Evans and Hais-
than those reported for beach pea, mung bean, and lentil mann [87], Blanshard [89] and by Biliaderis et al. [90]
starches [31, 82, 83]; but higher than that of pinto bean were not compatible with his results, but were in agree-
[43]. Gujska et al. [84] reported that the swelling power ment with the gelatinization mechanisms proposed by
and solubility of smooth pea starch were higher than Donovan [85]. According to Jenkins [88], gelatinization in
those of pinto and navy beans. The lower swelling power excess water is primarily a swelling driven process. This
of wrinkled pea starch could be attributed to extensive in- swelling acts to destabilize the amylopectin crystallites
Starch/Stärke 54 (2002) 217–234 Pea Starch: Composition, Structure and Properties 225

Fig. 5. Swelling-solubility curves of smooth pea starch

Fig. 6. Bimodal DSC thermogram (RRRbRb) of pea
(1.4% w/w) at heating rate 1.5 °C/ min. Samples were
starch (1.3% volume fraction in 6 M KCl). To = onset tem-
held at constant temperatures for 30 min. [39 – with per-
perature, TIP and TIIP = peak temperatures of peak I and
mission from Elsevier Science].
II, respectively, and TC = conclusion temperature. Shaded
area under the curve corresponds to the transition en-
within the crystalline lamellae, which are ripped apart thalpy [19 – with permission from Oxford University
(smaller crystallites are destroyed first) during the Press].
process. This process occurs rapidly for an individual
crystallite, but over a wide range for the whole granule. es with amylopectin content. This suggests that ∆H val-
The same mechanism occurs in conditions of limiting wa- ues should preferably be calculated on an amylopectin
ter, however, under these conditions, there is insufficient basis.
water for gelatinization to proceed to completion. At high-
er temperatures, the remaining crystallites simply melt. Tester [96] postulated that the extent of crystalline perfec-
Kofler hot stage microscope [91] and differential scanning tion is reflected in the gelatinization temperature. The
calorimetry (DSC) have been widely used to study the gelatinization and swelling properties are controlled in
gelatinization parameters of legume starches. Kofler hot part by the molecular structure of amylopectin (unit chain
stage microscopy is limited by the subjective nature of the length, extent of branching, molecular weight, and poly-
observations (loss of birefringence) and only temperature dispersity), starch composition (amylose/amylopectin ra-
measurements are obtained. Differential scanning tio, lipid complexed amylose chains, and phosphorus
calorimetry measures the gelatinization transition temper- content), and granule architecture (crystalline/amorphous
atures: onset (To), mid-point (Tp), conclusion (Tc) and the ratio) [96]. Some of the reported gelatinization parame-
enthalpy (∆H) of gelatinization (Fig. 6). Noda et al. [92] ters of starches of smooth pea, wrinkled pea and pea mu-
have postulated that the DSC parameters are influenced tants are summarized in Tab. 7. During pea starch gela-
by the molecular architecture of the crystalline region, tinization, disruption of crystallites begins from the hilum
which corresponds to the distribution of amylopectin short area. It then spreads quickly through the central part of
chains (DP 6–11) and not by the proportion of crystalline the granule where the B polymorphs are arranged. This
region, which corresponds to the amylose/amylopectin causes the central part of the granule to swell. However,
ratio. The above authors showed that a low To, Tp, Tc and the crystallites of the A polymorphs, which are situated in
∆H reflect the presence of abundant short amylopectin the outer part of the granule are not disrupted at this
chains. The enthalpic transition has been shown to be stage, but are disrupted only at a higher temperature [74].
due primarily to the loss of double helical order rather Smooth pea starches with a higher content of the B-poly-
than the loss of crystallinity [93]. However, Tester and morph have been shown [39] to exhibit a higher ∆H. This
Morrison [94] postulated that ∆H reflects the overall crys- was attributed to difference in packing energy between A
tallinity (quality and amount of crystallites) of amylopectin. and B polymorphs (B > A). However, smooth pea starch,
Gernat et al. [95] stated that the amount of double helical with a higher content of A polymorphs, exhibits higher
order in native starches should be strongly correlated to gelatinization temperatures. Starches from wild type pea
the amylopectin content and granule crystallinity increas- and mutants (rb, rug3, rug4 and lam) exhibit a narrow
226 Ratnayake et al. Starch/Stärke 54 (2002) 217–234

Tab. 7. Gelatinization parameters of pea starches.

Source** Transition temperatures [°C] Enthalpy (∆H) [J/g]
To Tp Tc
Smooth pea1,3 55–61.4 60–67.5 75–80 14.1–22.6
Commercial native pea starch4 58.2 65.6 80.8 8.9
Pea mutants5
Wild type * 61.8 * 10.8
r * 52.5–60.0 * 2.4
rb * 66.1 * 12.6
rug3 * 70.0 * 7.5
rug4 * 65.4 * 9.8
rug5 * 49.0–57.0 * 5.1
lam * 58.6 * 6.8
Wrinkled pea genotypes6
RRRbRb * 60.95a * 16.7
RRrbrb * 65.05a * 57.3
rrrbrb * 76.15a * 3.8
Wrinkled pea7 117 133 138 2.9
1Ratnayake et al. [31], 2Biliaderis et al. [86], 3Davydova et al. [39], 4Yook et al. [154], 5Bogracheva et al. [67], 6Bogracheva et al. [19],
7Colonna et al. [42].
* not available.
** name give by the author(s).
a peak I.
b peak II.

cooperative peak on gelatinization [97]. The peak temper- tion of an amylose matrix gel and the subsequent slow in-
ature (Tp) and the enthalpy of gelatinization of these crease in gel firmness to reversible crystallization of amy-
starches range from 58.6–70 °C and 6.8–12.6 J/g, re- lopectin. During retrogradation, amylose forms double-
spectively. However, pea starch mutants from the r and helical associations of 40–70 glucose units [101, 102],
rug5 lines show a very small wide peak or no peak during whereas amylopectin crystallization occurs by associa-
gelatinization. The Tp and ∆H of these starches range tion of the outermost short branches (DP = 15) [100]. The
from 49–60 °C, and 2.4–5.1 J/g, respectively (Tab. 7). The retrograded starch, which shows a B-type X-ray diffrac-
differences between the mutant groups probably reflect tion pattern [103], contains both crystalline and amor-
differences in amylopectin structure. phous regions. The extent of retrogradation of smooth
pea starch (monitored by changes in amylopectin crystal-
lization during storage at 6 °C for 4 days) in comparison to
10.3 Retrogradation
cereal and tuber starches is presented in Tab. 8. It has
Starch granules when heated in excess water above their been revealed that the extent of retrogradation (moni-
gelatinization temperature, undergo irreversible swelling, tored by changes in enthalpy of retrogradation) of smooth
resulting in amylose leaching into the solution. In the pea starch is in between that of potato and cereal starch-
presence of sufficient starch concentration, this suspen- es (potato > cereal) [104]. This difference in retrograda-
sion will form an elastic gel on cooling. The molecular in- tion among the starches was attributed to differences in
teractions (mainly hydrogen bonding between starch average amylopectin chain length [104]. DSC studies on
chains) that occur after cooling are called retrogradation. four smooth pea cultivars have also shown that recrystal-
These interactions are found to be time and temperature lization of amylopectin is influenced by its structure [31].
dependent. X-ray diffraction and shear modulus studies [105] on dif-
ferent starch sources showed that the initial rates of de-
Starch gels are metastable and non-equilibrium systems. velopment and stiffness of gels followed the order:
Therefore, they undergo structural changes during stor- smooth pea > maize > wheat > potato, while the long term
age [98]. Miles et al. [99] and Ring et al. [100] attributed increase followed the order: smooth pea > potato > maize
the initial gel firmness during retrogradation to the forma- > wheat. The latter process was found to be more impor-
Starch/Stärke 54 (2002) 217–234 Pea Starch: Composition, Structure and Properties 227

Tab. 8. Gelatinization (∆Hgel.) and retrogradation enthal- amylase from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens [46]. This is at-
pies of the starch after storage for 2 (∆H2) and 4 days tributed to the higher apparent amylose content in small-
(∆H4) at 6 °C (J per g amylopectin). er granules. Scanning electron micrographs show no evi-
Starch source ∆Hgel. ∆H2 ∆H4 dence of enzyme hydrolysis on many of the smaller pea
starch granules (solubilized up to 3%), whereas some
Pea 20.8 12.5 12.5 small granules and large granules are extensively de-
Wheat 17.5 8.1 9.8 graded and surface erosion is restricted to a few granules
Rye 15.8 7.3 8.7 [46].
Normal-amylose 15.6 10.3 10.6 Wrinkled pea starch granules are more susceptible to
Waxy 15.7 10.6 11.1 attack by α-amylase than granules of smooth pea starch
High-amylose 16.1 12.5 13.1 [48]. Scanning electron micrographs have revealed that
Waxy maize 17.6 12.3 13.0 several of the larger granules (17% solubilized) were
fragmented, but some were intact. Small granules and
Normal-amylose granule fragments that had been solubilized (20%) show
(Desiree) 22.1 13.3 12.9 no evidence of enzyme attack. Analysis of dextrins
Normal-amylose (Sephadex G-50) solubilized at different stages of hydrol-
(Prevalent) 23.9 13.6 14.4 ysis has shown that the rate of solubilization of wrinkled
High-amylopectin 19.7 13.6 13.5 pea starch proceeds through specific parts of the granule
Fredriksson et al. [104] (with permission from Elsevier Science). where the starch is found in layers representing specific
physical states [48]. The above authors postulated that
the initial attack was on non-crystalline amylose (which
tant at high starch concentration. Data from X-ray and results in the formation of large dextrins). At later stages,
shear modulus investigations [105] measure recrystalliza- shorter amylose chain stubs protruding from more crys-
tion of both amylose (influenced by content, chain length talline parts, or retrograded amylose are attacked by
and amount of lipid complexed amylose chains) and amy- α-amylase. The final stage represents the complete dis-
lopectin (influenced by average chain length, proportion appearance of the chain stubs.
of short chains and degree of branching), whereas DSC
[104] measures only amylopectin recrystallization. This
would then explain the observed difference in the order of 10.5 Acid hydrolysis
retrogradation among cereal, tuber and legume starches Starches from all sources exhibit a two-stage solubiliza-
[104, 105]. tion [31, 80, 112] pattern when subjected to acid hydroly-
sis (2.2 M HCl at 35 °C). A relatively fast hydrolysis (cor-
10.4 Enzymatic hydrolysis responding mainly to the degradation of the amorphous
region) during the first 5–8 days is followed by a slow rate,
Digestibility of native starches among and within species corresponding mainly to the degradation of the crystalline
have been attributed to the interplay of many factors such region (Fig. 7). Smooth pea [31, 43] and wrinkled pea [42,
as starch source [106], granule size [107], amylose/amy- 43] starches are hydrolyzed to an extent of 37–44% and
lopectin ratio, extent of molecular association between 30%, respectively, by 2.2 M HCl in 15 days. The above
starch components [30], degree of crystallinity [106, 108], differences in hydrolysis suggest that starch chains within
amylose chain length [109], presence of amylose-lipid the amorphous and crystalline domains of wrinkled pea
complexes [110] and the amount of B polymorphs in C starch are more closely associated than in field pea starch.
type starches [31]. Native legume starches are more di-
gestible than potato or high amylose maize starch, but
10.6 Rheology
less digestible than cereal starches [30, 106, 108]. Al-
though there are many reports on the enzymatic hydroly- The Brabender Viscoamylograph and rotational viscome-
sis of legume starches [40, 46, 48, 105, 111] there is a ters are used to examine the rheological properties of
dearth of information on the in-vitro digestibility of pea starches. Compared with cereal starches, information on
starches. It is difficult to compare the reported data on the rheological behavior of pea starches under well-de-
smooth pea starches, mainly due to differences in en- fined flow regimes is limited. Our understanding of the
zyme concentration and time of hydrolysis. Smooth pea rheology of pea starches originates mainly from studies
starch was hydrolyzed by porcine pancreatic α-amylase using the Brabender Viscoamylograph (BVA), in which
to the extent of 67 and 71.4% in 24 h [106] and 5 h [111], measurements are made under non-laminar flow condi-
respectively. In smooth pea starch, smaller granules are tions, and in addition, the starch paste is subjected to both
more resistant than larger granules to hydrolysis by α- thermal and mechanical treatment, thus making it difficult
228 Ratnayake et al. Starch/Stärke 54 (2002) 217–234

Fig. 7. Acid hydrolysis pattern of native smooth pea

starch by 2.2 M HCl (adapted from [31]).

to relate viscous behavior to only one of these parame- Fig. 8. Pasting characteristics of different starches (mea-
ters. There is thus a need to extend the use of rheometers sured by Brabender Viscoamylograph). (1) normal corn
(in which thermal treatments are separated from shear ef- (7.5%), (2) high-amylose corn (10%), (3) smooth pea
fects) to investigate the rheology of gelatinized pea starch (7.5%), and (4) wrinkled pea (10%) [25 – with permission
suspensions under well defined flow regimes and to com- from Pergamon Press].
pare these results with those obtained from BVA. variations and shear is influenced by the type of cross-
The pasting properties of pea starches are significantly in- link. The cross-linked starches that are used in the food
fluenced by genetic effects (depending on the variety or industry contain about 1 cross-link per 100 to 3000 anhy-
cultivar) [31, 39]. In the BVA, field pea starch shows the droglucose units. Most of the studies on starch cross-link-
absence of peak viscosity, increasing viscosity during the ing have been carried out on corn [113–117], wheat
holding period (at 95 °C) and a high setback (Fig. 8). The [117–119], rice [120], and tapioca starches [121]. The in-
pasting curve of native pea starch is typical of those of formation available on cross-linked pea starches is insuf-
other legume starches [40]. The pasting behavior of field ficient to conclude their potential commercial usefulness
pea starch could be explained based on the molecular in the industry. Hoover and Sosulski [124] reported that
characteristics of the starch components. Ratnayake et cross-linking of smooth pea starch with phosphorus oxy-
al. [31] reported that the gel-forming tendency of pea chloride decreased peak viscosity but increased the de-
starches (during cooling cycle) is greatly influenced by the gree of positive setback in pasting studies. At low levels of
chain length of amylose and the proportion of DP 6–12 cross-linking, the viscosity of cross-linked field pea starch
chains of amylopectin. A smaller amylose chain length was more uniformly high during the heating and cooling
and a lower proportion of DP 6–12 branch chains of amy- cycles.
lopectin would lead to a low setback and a low viscosity at
the end of the cooling cycle [31]. Cationization
10.7 Modified pea starches Cationized starches are used as wet end additives in the
10.7.1 Chemical modification paper manufacture to improve paper strength and to de-
crease the biological oxygen demand of paper mill efflu- Cross-linking
ents; increase size retention and speed paper production,
Cross-linked starches are widely used in the food industry as well as increase filler pigment or dye retention [123,
mainly as thickeners where a high and stable viscosity is 124]. Cationic starches are produced mainly from maize,
needed. Food grade starches have been cross-linked us- waxy maize, potato and wheat with varying degrees of
ing phosphorus oxychloride, sodium trimetaphosphate, substitution and by a variety of cationizing reagents con-
sodium tripolyphosphate, epichlorohydrin, a mixture of taining the imino, amino, phosphonium, ammonium and
adipic and acetic anhydrides and a mixture of succinic an- sulfonium groups. Cationic starches made from potato
hydride and vinyl acetate. Cross-linking reinforces the hy- starch are superior in certain paper applications because
drogen bonds in the granule with covalent bonds (ether the combination of natural phosphate groups with the de-
linkages, phosphodiester linkages, and organic ester link- rivatized cationic groups contributes amphoteric proper-
ages). The degree of susceptibility of starch towards pH ties to the starch [125, 126].
Starch/Stärke 54 (2002) 217–234 Pea Starch: Composition, Structure and Properties 229

Cationization (DS 0.02) of pea starch with 3-chloro-2-hy- Heat-moisture treatment (HMT)
dropropyltrimethylammonium chloride reduces pasting
Heat-moisture treatment of starches at restricted mois-
and gelatinization temperatures, increases peak viscosity
ture levels (18–30%) and high temperature (100 °C) for
and setback on cooling [125]. Cationization was found to
16 h has been shown to alter the structure and physico-
promote rapid granule dispersion at low pasting tempera-
chemical properties of cereal, legume and tuber starches
tures [125], yielding a molecular dispersion of amylose
[81, 128–136]. Tuber starches are more susceptible to
and amylopectin on heating to 95 °C. On cooling, the gel
HMT than cereal and legume starches [81, 131, 134].
structure was formed and no syneresis occurred upon
Hoover and Manuel [81] reported that HMT (100 °C, 16 h,
storage for 7days at 4 °C and –15 °C [125]. Cationic pea
30% moisture) of wrinkled pea and smooth pea starches
starch improves paper strength more than cationic or am-
decreased amylose leaching (wrinkled pea > smooth
photeric corn starch [125].
pea) and granular swelling (smooth pea > wrinkled pea).
X-ray diffraction intensities increased in wrinkled pea, but Hydroxypropylation decreased in smooth pea starch. Both degree of acid
hydrolysis and susceptibility towards α-amylase in-
A major factor, which has an adverse effect on wide- creased (smooth pea > wrinkled pea) on HMT [81]. The
spread utilization of pea starches in the food industry, is above authors postulated that an interplay of factors such
their high amylose content. The association between long as: (1) amylose content, (2) lipid-amylose complexes, (3)
amylose chains and between the outer branches of amy- arrangement of amylose chains within the amorphous do-
lopectin in cooked starch pastes leads to extensive ret- mains and (4) interactions between amylose-amylose
rogradation that results in cloudiness and syneresis, es- and amylose-amylopectin chains influence the observed
pecially when pea starch gels are subjected to repeated changes in physicochemical properties of wrinkled pea
freeze-thaw cycles. The degree of syneresis seen in na- and field pea starches. It is also likely that HMT could in-
tive pea starch gels would be unacceptable in most food fluence the rheological characteristics and retrogradation
products. Retrogradation in field pea starch has been pre- properties of pea starches.
vented by introduction of hydroxypropyl ester groups
[127]. Pea starch derivatized in this manner had a higher 10.7.3 Resistant pea starch
paste viscosity, paste clarity and a marked reduction in
the extent of syneresis when compared to its unmodified Starch plays an important role in the human diet. Not all
counterpart [127]. starch in the diet is digested and absorbed in the small
intestine [137, 138]. Englyst et al. [139–141] introduced
the term “resistant starch (RS)” for the starch residue left
10.7.2 Physical modifications after hydrolyzing starch first with 2 M sulfuric acid and
then by incubating the residue with α-amylase and pullu- Annealing lanase. Resistant starch can be classified as: (a) RS1 –
physically inaccessible starch which is entrapped within
Annealing is a process whereby a material is held at a whole or partly milled grains or seeds, (b) RS2 – crys-
temperature somewhat lower than its melting tempera- talline regions (mainly B type) of native starch granules
ture, which permits molecular reorganization to occur and and retrograded amylopectin, and (c) RS3 – retrograded
a more organized structure of lower free energy to form. amylose [138, 140]. The physiological effects of starch
The physical aim of annealing is to approach the glass depend on the rate and extent of starch digestion in the
transition temperature, which enhances molecular mobili- small intestine [138]. It has been reported that the amy-
ty without triggering gelatinization [89]. Hoover and lose content in starch has an effect on the extent of starch
Manuel [43] reported that annealing (75% moisture, 55 °C, digestion in the small intestine. Increased amylose levels
24 h) of wrinkled pea (85% amylose) [43] and smooth appear to lower the rate of glucose delivery to blood, pro-
pea starches (43% amylose) [43], decreased granular moting a lower glycemic index. Long-term consumption of
swelling, amylose leaching (wrinkled pea > field pea), and high amylose starch positively affect and reduce glucose
the gelatinization temperature range. However, gela- and insulin responses to lower triglyceride concentra-
tinization transition temperatures, enthalpy (data avail- tions, compared to high-amylopectin starches in healthy
able only for smooth pea), and susceptibility towards and hyperinsulinemic humans [142]. Wursh [143] report-
α-amylase (smooth pea > wrinkled pea) increased on an- ed that native starch from pea was more slowly digested
nealing, whereas changes to crystallinity were only mar- than starches from other sources such as beans and
ginal. These changes were attributed to increased inter- lentils. This was attributed to differences in starch granu-
action among starch chains and to starch chain realign- lar swelling (pea > beanslentils). Compared to rice starch
ment during annealing [43]. (100 – in arbitrary units), the rates of digestion of yellow
230 Ratnayake et al. Starch/Stärke 54 (2002) 217–234

pea (32) and green pea (52) starch are very slow [143]. [10] J. Borowska, R. Zadernowski, J. Borowski, W. K. Swiecicki:
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[12] B. F. Bland: Crop Production: Cereals and Legumes, Acad-
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et al. [147] reported that, during processing and storage, ing your three “r“s or four, or five. Seed Sci. Res. 1991, 1,
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sis of the seed, in Peas: Genetics, Molecular Biology and
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11 Directions for Future Research tional, Wallingford, 1993, pp. 83–120.

Structure-property relationships for native smooth pea [16] M. K. Bhattacharyya, A. M. Smith, Y. H. N. Ellis, C. Hedley,
C. Martin: The wrinkled seed character of peas described
and wrinkled pea starches have been well established.
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However, the influence of structural modification (by an- gene encoding starch branching enzyme. Cell 1990, 60,
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