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STATEMENT OF: DATE/TIME: January 25,2008

I have read (or have had read to me) the preceding statement, and it is the truth to the best of my
knowledge. lfully understand that if I make a statement that is untrue and which is intended 10
mislead a law enforcement officer in the performance of his duty or function, I will have
committed the crime of False Statement in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, and will
be in violation of section 53a-157b of the General Statutes of Connecticut.


Subscribed and sworn to before me

day of 20 08

In accordance with C. G.S section 1-24.



.<)TATEAIENT OF: DATE/TIlvIE: January 25. 2008

I ,DOB 12/1/1987 .OF

New Haven, CT

make thefollowing statement. without unlawful fear, threat or promise, knowing that it may he
used in court. I will testify to it ifnecessary.

I was with ~from October 31,2007- January 13,2008. DUling that time I advertizedon
Craigslist and posted my pictures. Sometimes I used a picture of a different girl. I used the names:
Candycummalotand Magic. The advertisement was to have a good time with a girl. I lived
apartment in Rocky Hill, Connecticut wit ho also posted pictures on Craj~
She used the names Sasha, Monic Ange an Denise Deepthroat. Taft and I fought a lot,
because I used to sleep in~ rooHi. But then he had her train me on bow to dress so I could get
more money out of the guys he me have sex with. I had to watch her have sex with guys to learn
about how to have sex with the guys.

l wore Tafts' clothes. r worked foefor four days and then he took me shopping for my own
clothes. At first I only did three dates a day then it was five dates a day and then even and more a
day. I gave him all money, which was $1,000 a day. I registered the room's using a fake Id that_
gave me. The name on the 10 was, Loretta Fiddler, the date ofbirtb was September 23, 1984. The
street address on the ID was in Ansonia, Connecticut.

SOJ11etjl1lcs~lrove me ir~\Ve would do outcalls together. An outcall

is when Twe~ the guys bouse or at a hotel. When he took me out he dropped me out at the house
and would sit outside in his car. 011e car he would drive was an •••
windows and he has a~the back of the place.

He fold i1 fiiend or
mine.'._. .lliat he move.'(~out O~i.ppartl1lent. l;ut J don '( bcl ieve it. I-lc wanted
me [0 recrun gHls. He told me to ccdl up Iny tncnd"'but I didn [ to get her involved. One
lime i didc,dletnd,.. .. who is.s sisterand is 17 or I() YC;lrs old and her aunt




~l went to his house in Rocky Hill. I tol~\lb~t he made me do with guys a!1dtold her
that he wanted her to d.a It too.. He told me Sh~ .. boouthim and Taft when she was 1.) years old.
Courtney called him ~nd T called him ~nd Daddy.

"auld force me to have sex with the guys. He had a group of friends that he charged alesser
amount to have sex with me, than the guys ham Craigslist. One of his friends was a photographer,
he took naked pictures ofme~rl and another guys girl. When I told him that I didn't want
to have sex, he said you know ....••... w-ould happen One time he said to me that he would cut my
face, he also choked me.

Igot away from __ hen Iwas at the E~C' a lodge in West Haven. Icalled a friend,-.-
and her cousin "came and got me.. . ame and fed me put me in a hotel room and I just
slept. He took me to my Mom's house. Ito d my Mom what happened. Then I went to the New
Haven Police Department.

-""'ould do "e", dust and we both did wet. I smoked "wet" in the apartment and did "e" on my
Birthday. I did coke a few times. He gave it to me to keep me up. Whenever I did a shift and I was
tired so he gave me coke to keep me up.

The rates for sex were.S 300 an hour for an out call, 250.00 for an hour for an in call (at a hotel)
and $150 for an outcall for a halfhour. In order to make sure the guys were not cops they would have
to touch themselves to prove they are not a cops. Or strip naked and leave. The guys would leave
the money on the dresser. At the beginning of the sex act I would let them know it was on my O\\1n
will and make it known that this is an act of companionship by agreeing to this you are not an
enforcer of the law or any type of the law. He 'would be outside or in another room.

1 also worked at two strip clubs. The purpose of the club were to have sex. The guy would buy a
ticket for $l 00.0 to go into a booth and have sex. The name of the clubs were Electric Blue,
Springfield and Cheaters was in Rhode Island.

An'")thl:r.Sl? who has girls is•••. bJclCl~.rr01l1 new Haven.just released

from Fill tor murder, he has ~l:tme~ She's 23 year old.

C>lSENO: __ ' _

STATEA1ENTOF DATE/TlAIE: January 25,2008

Another associate is _is a Hispanic male who is 25 years old, he is from New Haven
He has two girls from New Haven~and _they used t.o Jive on Howard Street.
_as picked u.p from the streets in Rhode Isl~ll1d. __ liltlOks
like she 1S 15 or 16 years
Old. There's another guy who has a girl and he lives wi1'hlllllt.

~und a girl named ~ Hartford, she was in a house and some guy he knew
in Hartford found her. He tried to turn her out. He said he was going to take her
to the casino in Atlantic City and promised her money. Asked what she would do for
money, At first she wanted to have sex then she got scared and wanted to go home. After she had
sex with a guy she got scared and ran out the hotel room in a sheet and the cops came. She said she
had been kidnaped. He told the cops that he was helping~et off drugs and that.r was
just mad. That happened in December. I was afraid to talk to the cops when I got there, He had
checked into the hotels in his name. Some of the hotels in Atlantic City were: Caesars, Trump,
Econo Lodge. There was another girl who would come in and out of the picture.

He said he wanted to go to South Carolina. It is like a reunion. 11 girls or so go every 4 or

6 months. He takes his two cars, and all the other guys have cars. He is not a gang member.
No tattoos.

He has pre-paid credit cards and debit cards that he keeps in his wallet. Every day I gave him
1000,00 every day, I gave him 50,000 in four months. He said he owns a house in New York and has
an office for an escort service in Hartford. He told me that if I stay with him for three years I'd be
set for life, J knew it was a lie, just to get me to work. He told me I always had to smile when I
worked. He wanted me to get his name tattooed on me but I didn't. .C.Ql!I!!.1eyhas his name, Fever
:f't1)~ back,
,J C_.. c\, "',\,~ t (
Since 1 got away from ~mcone threw a rock \~ith a naked picture of me in a bathtub
threw ~th.ers hO,U,ss~e,' w ,lIe,'1l IS where I was staymg. I am scared tune he
killed ~rahbit in front of me.

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