BNS Learning Diary 3

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Name: Manasvi Deshpande

PGDM No: 19148

Session 1

In this class we had an exercise on Business negotiation. A case study was given, and I
played a role of the buyer according to the case details my target was to buy the required
things for 18,500
''The deal was done for Rs.12,000. Deal was to buy 3 items which together costs around
Rs.14,000 initially. As a buyer I just kept my last price to purchase to Rs.10,000 leaving the I
was very much interested in buying the Piano as it was a necessary. The price which was
suggested for the piano was 7500 and because it was tuned recently as I buyer I decided to
purchase it and was also made by a well-known maker, The discount given on the Desk was
Rs 500 Because on online platforms we can get many varieties of Wooden desk at Rs.2500
and since it had some scratches and stains, I purchased it for 3000. Since the carpet was
brought from Greek, I purchased the carpet. The total deal was made for Rs. 10000 as a final
 Learnt to get a basic knowledge on negotiations.

With Tesco moving away from its core business of grocery retailing and focusing on
globalization, what do you think should be the changes the future roadmap of CRM has in
store for the company?
 Integrated CRM dashboard where all the information from all the different businesses
of Tesco can be found at one place.
 Making use of the retail CRM database to provide customer with services from the
new verticals of Tesco.
 Tesco can integrate their telecommunication business with other business by proving
the customer having loyalty cards a special tariff for telephone plans.
 Continue with the loyalty program and try to be the cost leader in the market.
 As the company is going global keeping all their strategy in place they should
adopt glocal strategy (Glocal strategy” refers to the idea of “think global, act
Name: Manasvi Deshpande
Session 2&3
Session 2:
In the last session we saw that how other groups went ahead with their negotiation and in the
activity many interesting facts were known to us. Like bundling the products and selling, free
servicing provided by the seller in order to close the deal etc. So this discussion helped us
understand different perspectives of buyers and sellers. There were import deal breakers we
came across they were returning the goods within the specified time, services like cleaning
Session 3:
In session 3 we got some points on from Ma’am regarding the case study the following are
some of the learnings.
 In any negotiation there are some specific needs of the people so identifying it will
help us to break a better deal
 No one in the process of negotiation will give all the information so we never know
what information the other party is not sharing.

Session 4-5:
In session 4 we learnt about:
1. BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement). By knowing the BATNA we
can understand weather to go ahead with the proposed deal or look for a better
alternative from another supplier. This will help us in making a better decision. Both
buyers as well as sellers will have their own BATNA.
2. Reservation Price: This is the minimum price set by buyer and seller below which
they are not willing to go ahead with the deal. If any party is asking for less than the
reservation price, then the other party will walk away from the deal.
3. ZOPA (Zone of Possible Agreement): ZOPA is a range where both parties agree with
the quoted price and the deal takes place. It is a win-win situation for both the parties.
In session 5 we learnt:
 We learnt that taking a position in negotiation might not always be good.
 We must create a Win-Win situation negation is not about getting the better deal but
also to make sure that other party also gains from the deal is very important.
 Improving is the interest is very important by improving our BATNA.
Session 6-7
In session 6&7 we learnt about the goals and objectives:
 Here we saw how to achieve our goals and objectives through negations
 While negotiating we should also have clear goals in our mind, we should decide on
what factors we are ready to compromise and what we want for the compromise we
have done.
 It is very helpful in negotiation if we know the information about the other party this
will help us put forward a better deal.

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