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CHAPTER 1 Project Background

1.1 Introduction

The rapid growth of technology has contributed a lot to the continuous progress of all

classes of industry. However, some sectors today seem to be left behind in adapting the use of

different methods to allow progress on their part Nowadays, business people define the

applications and problems to be solved by the computer. Unfortunately, this potential has not

been fully recognized or even adequately realized in some business. It is because users may not

fully understand the capabilities and limitations of modem computer technology.

Without us noticing it, our world has been innovated by technology in all possible ways

this millennium. People have been replaced by robots, tasks have been made easier by different

software, and newly developed technologies have been updated even before it has been

introduced to most of the world, and much more, faster than our imagination could catch. These

innovations aim to better utilize the existing resources and maximize their uses to be able to

bring out new or better products or results.

Computers have been used by different institutions to improve their services like

enrollment in every school. In terms of accessibility and convenience. computerized system has

been proven to be of great help to citizens, employee, students, teachers and even parents.

1.2 Project background and Context

The core function of this study is to offer a detailed reliable and secured keeping of all

data Barangay Resident Record Management hope to enhance the way of managing, issuing,

certificate and keeping all the resident confidential records. This system facilities Barangay

management by enabling the client Barangay to maintain their resident records as complete and

up to date as possible and as easily accessible for verification, monitoring and Reference

purposes based on the available resident census data kept by the client Barangay Data Provided

by this in the form of comprehensive report are invaluable for planning program implementation

and related purposes. Barangay is aspiring to adopt technological ways in accomplishing

responsibilities to create change in the lives of people. It means replacing human efforts with

machines to keep track of the advances of the technology.

1.3 Project purpose and Description

The study for Barangay Residents Record Management System is develop to enhance the

way of managing, issuing certificate and keeping all the residents confidential records. This

system facilitates Barangay management by enabling the client Barangay to maintain their

resident records as complete and up-to-date as possible and as easily accessible for verification,

monitoring and reference purposes based on the available residents’ census data kept by the

client Barangay.

1.4 Main Objectives

The main goal of the study is to develop a Barangay Resident Record

Management and Certificate Issuance. To automate in order to produce efficient

and accurate reports and proper automated file management. To make an

automated system to easily find the records so that it is accurate, complete,

accessible and usable. To provides detailed information about the residents and

easily updates resident’s profile. Provides backup database of all record and

issue certificates/permits and other related records.

1.5 Specific Objectives

1. To develop a system that will have different level of access which is dependent on

the tasks assign to the user. The barangay chairman and secretary can add new

users, view active users, deactivate users and view unused accounts.

2. To develop a system that will record barangay resident’s demographic


3. To develop a system that will allow residents to request documents (barangay

certificate, certificate of indigency, etc.) online and receive updates on the status

of their request via email.

4. To develop a system that will record complaints and report incidents online,

attached necessary evidence and receive alerts on the status of their complaints

through email.

5. To develop a system that will generate summary reports.

1.6 Scope and Limitations

The study will focus in Management Information System in Barangay Central, Diliman

Quezon City wherein the researchers aim to perform an appropriate method which is the concept

of Database.

The study will be conducted at the Barangay in Central Diliman Quezon City since this is

the place that the researchers aim for the research to took in place as well the information can be

collected and accessible on the Barangay Hall.

The Barangay of Central is still facing some problems, base of personal experience and

collecting information by using interview can help and influence the computerized system that

we will develop.

The System Software that will be made is only be made exclusive for the Barangay

Officials to avoid data breaching, changes and data theft.

Thus, this will help the community that have difficulties in issuing and keeping their data


1.7 Definition of terms

Computerization – To put something into a form that a computer can use.

Innovativeness – Having new ideas about how something can be done.

Community – This term refers to a group of people living in a particular are.

Computer – An electronic machine that can store and work with large amount of information.

Data – Raw facts representing the events occurring in organizations or the physical environment

before they have been organized and arranged into a form that people can understand and use.

Database – A collection of pieces of information that is organized and used on a computer.

Information System – It is an organization collected facts and data about a specific subject. It is

the system of person, data records and activities that process the data and information in a given

organization including manual or automated process.

Information – Knowledge that you get about someone or something: facts or details about a


Management Information System – Collect, records, process, reports and or converts data into

a usable form.

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