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Guidelines for Host Families/ Caretaker on the Farm

This Farm belongs to Jesus Spiritually and must be treated accordingly.

Everything in or on the Farm is to be treated as sacred in a sacred space.

Do no harm to yourself. Do no harm to others. Do no harm to the property.

The Host family/ caretaker will be required to sign a hold harmless contract with the material owners of
the property.

The Host family/ Caretakers are not employees of the material farm owners. There is a yearly “rental”
contract that is in play. Rent is greatly reduced in exchange for the caretaking of the farm and ministry
services by the Host family/ caretaker.

If something needs done. Then something needs done. Do it.

The care of living creatures takes priority. They cannot feed or water themselves. They are not in the
wild here. They are captive and under stewardship. The gardens are under the same captivity. They are
not in their “natural” habitats. In the winter months, food and water must be always plentiful, to include
bedding straw for the animals to keep warm. All animals must be secured at night. We have coyotes and
other wild animals.

The grounds, out building, gardens, pens, studio, classroom, and house must be kept neat and tidy. This
farm is a model on the behalf of our Holy Family and must be kept up as such.

If funds are needed, contact the material owners of the property to secure the funding for repairs or
updates. Creative fund raising may be required.

The Host Family and/ caretaker of the property is responsible for outreach projects, retreats, bible
studies, book studies, fund raisers, workshops, and retreats at the farm. At least one activity should be
scheduled and populated each month of the year. The website and social media should be kept up

The farm market/ zero waste stand cannot be open on Sundays or Holy days. Stand accounts and re-
ordering are the responsibility of the Host Family/ Caretakers. Licensing and tax records are to be up to
date and remain in the black. State guidelines for the sale and production of any artisan food creation/
marketing is to be ensured.

The farm practices “works” of charity as needed.

Catholicism is ensured on the farm.

This property is blessed and should be re-blessed each epiphany by a Priest. Purposeful sinful actions are
to be discouraged, reparations paid, and penance embraced.

The Host family/ Caretakers are required to be practicing and not “practical” Catholics. Involvement in
the local Parish and the Local Diocese is required. Frequent Sacraments and prayer life are expected.
There is no smoking, recreational drug use, or intense recreational alcohol consumption on the property
or in the facility buildings. Coitus, on property, is reserved only to the Sacramentally Married Hosts for
the purposed of raising children for God.

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