Tactics For Print Advertisement

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Tactics for print advertisement

Six strategies to improve print advertising (and

how to achieve them)
Today, careful attention should be made to getting the most out of new forms of communication such as
online interaction and email blasts and take advantage of how they relate to the reliable printed
Are you wondering how to improve your complete advertising plan? Through experience, we uphold that
cookie-cutter marketing is not the key. We must take a broad view of your business, your budget, your
consumer, your potential customer.
Unless you are seasoned in the communication arts field, you may not have heard of David Ogilvy. The
following snippets include six “opinions” from his book titled Ogilvy on Advertising. Decades later, many of
Ogilvy’s opinions still carry validity, although there are exceptions to the rules.

1. Headlines
 On the average, five times as many people read the headlines as read the body copy. The
headlines that work best are those that promise the reader a benefit.
 On the average, ads with news are recalled by 22% more people than ads without news.
 One study reports that headlines with more than ten words get less readership than short
headlines. On the other hand, another study of retail ads found that headlines of ten words sell
more merchandise than short headlines. Conclusion: If you need a long headline, go ahead
and write one, and if you want a short headline, that’s all right, too.
 Some headlines are “blind.” They don’t say what the product is, or what it will do for them. They
are about 20% below average in recall.

2. Illustrations and Photography

 The subject of your illustration is all important. If you don’t have a remarkable idea for it, not even
a great photographer can save you.
 Photographs that work hardest are those that arouse the reader’s curiosity.
 When you don’t have a story to tell, it is often a good thing to make your package the subject of
your illustration.
 It pays to illustrate the end-result of using your product. “Before” and “after” photographs seem to
fascinate readers.
 Photographs attract more readers than drawings, are more believable and better remembered.
 Keep your illustrations as simple as possible with the focus of attention on one person [or product].
Crowd scenes don’t pull.
 Don’t show human faces enlarged bigger than life size. They seem to repel readers.
 Historical subjects bore the majority of readers.
 Do not assume that subjects which interest you will necessarily interest consumers.
 When you use a photograph of a woman, men ignore your ad. [Arrow’s note—we’re not too sure
about that one, Mr. Ogilvy.]
 Color ads cost more than black and white, but on the average, they are 100% more memorable
resulting in a good bargain.
 When the client moans and sighs, make his logo twice the size. If he still should prove refractory,
show a picture of his factory. Only in the gravest cases should you show the clients’ faces. [ha!]

3. Body Copy
 Pretend you are writing each of your readers a letter on behalf of your client—one human being to
another, second person singular.
 It pays to write short sentences and short paragraphs and to avoid difficult words.
 Copy should be written in the language people use in everyday conversation.
 Tell your reader what your product will do for him or her and tell it with specifics.
 Avoid analogies… that they are widely misunderstood.
 Stay away from superlatives like “Our product is the best in the world,” Gallup calls this “Brag and
Boast.” It convinces nobody.
 If you include a testimonial in your copy, you make it more credible.
 For a great many products, long copy sells more than short. I believe, without any research to
support me, that ads with long copy convey the impression that you have something important to
say, whether people read the copy or not.

4. Layout
 KISS—an acronym for Keep It Simple, Stupid. Readers look first at the illustration, then at the
headline, then at the copy. So, put these elements in that order—illustration at the top, headline
under the illustration, copy under the headline. This follows the normal order of scanning from top
to bottom. If you put the headline above the illustration, you are asking people to scan in an order
which does not fit their habit.
 On the average, headlines below the illustration are read by 10% more people than headlines
above the illustration. But, please do not put the headline at the bottom, under the copy.
 More people read the captions under an illustration than read the body copy, so never use an
illustration without putting a caption under it. Your caption should include the brand name and the

5. Posters
 Your poster should deliver your selling promise not only in words, but also pictorially.
 Use the largest possible type.
 Make your brand name visible at a long distance.
 Use strong, pure colors.
 Never use more than three elements in your design.

6. Typography
 [Some] advertising agencies usually set their headlines in capital letters. This is a mistake. …
capitals retard reading. They have no ascenders (b, d, h, k, 1, t) or descenders (g, j. p, q, y) to
help you recognize words and tend to be read letter by letter.
 Another way to make headlines hard to read is to superimpose them on your illustration.
 Another mistake is to put a period at the end of headlines. Periods are also called full stops,
because they stop the reader dead in his tracks. You will find no full stops at the end of headlines in
 Yet another common mistake is to set copy in a measure too wide or too narrow to be legible.
People are accustomed to reading newspapers which are set about 40 characters wide.
 What typefaces are easy to read? Those that people are accustomed to reading, like the Century
family, Caslon, Baskerville, and Jenson. The more outlandish the typeface, the harder it is to read.
 San serif faces like this are particularly difficult to read. Serifs help the eye pick up the shape of
the letter. [Note: when designing for websites, the opposite is true. Usually san serif faces are
easier to read on a computer screen.]
 If you have to set long copy, there are some typographical devices that increase readership.
1. A subhead of two lines, between your headline and your body copy, heightens your reader’s
appetite for the feast to come.
2. If you start your body copy with a drop initial, you increase readership by an average of
3. Limit your opening paragraph to a maximum of 11 words.
4. After two or three inches of copy, insert a cross-head, and thereafter, throughout. Make
some of them interrogative to excite curiosity.
5. Copy set flush left, ragged right, increases readership.
6. Set key paragraphs in bold face or italic.
7. Help the reader into your paragraphs with arrow heads, bullets or numbers.
 What size type should you use?

6 point type and too small to read.

14 point and too big.

11 point and about right.
 If you use extra leading between paragraphs you increase readership by an average of 12%.

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