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Name. Date Period SCORE /80 AP HumanGeography CHAPTER 7 Ethnicities 1, Notes 126 (Thorough notes must be taken on all slides. If you are absent for lecture, you must get notes from textbook) (-1 each slide) 2. Vocabulary _ Ns (1 point each) 3. Chapter Questions 39 (1 point cach) TOTAL SCORE 780 2b 6/7/2016 ‘Chapter 7 Lecture ~] The Cultural Landscape Ethnicities Where Are Ethnicities Distributed? 7a + Ethnicity is identity with a group of people who share the cultural traditions ofa particular homeland or hearth. Examples? |+ Race is identity with a grcup of peopie who share a biological ancestor. Examples? Whore Are Ethnicities Distributed? 711 Every 10 years, the U.S. Bureau of the Census ‘conducts an enumeration of the population ~Its survey ienies mal otis. IAT 6/7/2016 “Distribution of Ethnicities inthe United States 774 Ethnic groups may lve in particular regions and particular communities within cities and states. Regional Scale «Hispanic: Custeresin fo, + Afiean amarcans:Clisteracn te + Aion Americans: Custoredin he Distribution of Ethnicities in the United Statos 7A [> Ett oroups may ve in ’ prtcule regions and particular Why Do Ethnicities Have Distinctive 72, Distributions? mT 6/7/2016 Why Do Ethnicities Have Distinctive 7.21 Distributions? Forced Migration rom Atica ™ Diferert European couries aequres saves om varius regions ct Alea, tn sot them to he Ameroas "Examples? Y Why Do Ethnicities Have Distinctive 72. Distributions? Migration front Het Anoaney sanyo ot Latn America & Asia Why Do Ethnicities Have Distinctive 722 Distributions? | Internal Migration of Afican Americans African Americans have displayed two distinct Intemal migration pattems in the United States ‘uring the twentieth century mT AT 6/7/2016 Why Do Ethnicitios Have Distinctive, Distributions? intemal Migration oF Atican Americans ~InteratonaL gration Fe ses, rot ean rca anc he al Suh ‘Sgt eet ear, wr sae Why Do Ethnicities Have Distinctive Distributions? Internal Migration of African Americans ‘eattoneet er bcs Eee monmgin nee Earle? FIGURE7-20 ETHNIC POPULATION CHANGE IN 722] DDETROTT detwean TEGO anc 2010 be wnte population ‘of Devt deeines rom 1.7 mafon 100,000 day, ‘nhereas re Atscan American popuaton ereased Fon 500,000 600,000 ke —~ 6/7/2016 Why Do Ethnicities Have Distinctive >>, Distributions? |" Segregation by Ethnicity end Race U.S. Supreme Cout up @ Lousiana aw that requires backs & whos to ide in separate rahway care. Why Do Ethnicities Have Distinctive 725 Distributions? [> South Africa Apartheid ~ White doscondnts om Helland enacied legal eytem Intended to segregates people alec apartald — Newsom baby wae classed as being one of four ces: ~Aporheidtaweregesoain 1001. ASL TWEE | 6/7/2016 Why Do Ethnicities Have Distinctive 737 Distributions? | Nationalities in North America = Distinguishing between naionaliy, ethnicity, and 269 i the Unites States: Why Do Ethnicities Have Distinctive 7a2 Distributions? |; Ethnic Competition Ethnic Competition ir ze Lebanon . 7 Neary alt Lebanese ‘onal meshes analy ‘Setcercas vor the ancien Phoonioane. + Lebanr'eMusimeconsier = bemsever -=Diversty in Lebanon atthe == surface appears to be more lemme 540222 “than otin, BEES men Why Do Ethnicities Have Distinctive 7.3 Distributions? . nes i "Etc nana Seuss thie i rope srt + aero a tr Linge, ll 6/7/2016 ‘Why Do Ethnicities Have Distinctive Distributions? Dividing 2 — Why Do Ethnicities Have Distinctive Distributions? | Dividing Ethnicities Dividing the Kurds among Nationalities + Whoate the Kids? = Why Do Ethnicities Have Distinctive 734 Distributions? + Ethnic Diversity in Western Asia mT 6/7/2016 Why Do Ethnicities Have Distinctive Distributions? [> EUinic Diversity in Westerrasia | a Wy Do Ethnicities Engage in Ethnic 741 [Powerful etic group forcibly removes a less power ‘one In order fo create an ethically region. 2 Why Do Ethnicities Engage In Ethnic 7, Gloansing and Genocide? Ethnic Cleansing in the Balkans In recent years, etic cleansing has occurred in portions o formar Yugoetavia. ~Hatasescomie we = 6/7/2016 Why Do Ethnicities Engage In Ethnic 7a Cleansing and Genocide? + Ethnic cl Winy Do Ethnicities Engage in Ethnic 7. Cleansing and Genocide? | Ethnic Cleansing & Genocide in Sub-Saharan africa % ‘Why Do Ethnicities Engage in Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide? 744 |- Ethnic Cleansing & Genocide in Central Africa ~Bwanda * enced nvohing Hut murdering hundreds ot ‘ousanes of Tutsi Bogan. Song * Confit bebveen Hutu and Tulse ld ins 6/7/2016 Why Do Etnies Engage Ii Ethnic xa ‘Cleansing and Genocide’ 10 ‘AP Human Geography Name Mr. Grenz Chapter 7 (pp. 224-257) Date Period _ Ethnicities Vocabulary Utilize the chapter readings, the textbook glossary, index or key terms section at the back of the chapter to help you identify, define, describe, or explain the following vocabulary terms. Key Issue 1: Where Are Ethnicities Distributed? (pp. 227-231) Key Issue 2: Why do Ethnicities Have Distinctive Distributions? (pp. 232-237) Key Issue 3: Why do Conflicts Arise Among Ethnicities? (pp. 238-245) Key Issue 4: Why do Ethnicities Engage in Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide? (pp. 246-255) Key Issue 1: Where Are Ethnicities Distributed? (pp. 227-231) 1. Ethnicity — 4, Racist— Key Issue 2: Why do Ethnicities Have Distinctive Distributions? (pp. 232-237) 5, Triangular Slave Trade ~ 6. Sharecropper— 7. Blockbusting ~ 8. Apartheid — Key Issue 3: Why do Conflicts Arise Among Ethnicities? (pp. 238-245) 9. Nationality - 10. Nationalism — 11. Centripetal Force - Key Issue 4: Why do Ethnicities Engage in Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide? (pp. 246-255) 12. Ethnic Cleansing — 13, Balkanized~ 14. Balkinization ~ 15. Genocide ~ ‘AP Human Geography Name Mr. Grenz Chapter 7 (pp. 224-257) Date Period Ethnicities Reading Questions Utilize the chapter readings and thoroughly answer the following questions. Although complete sentences are not necessary, thoughtful, intelligent, thorough answers are required. Key Issue 1: Where Are Ethnicities Distributed? (pp. 227-231) Key Issue 2: Why do Ethnicities Have Distinctive Distributions? (pp. 232-237) ey issue 3: Why do Conflicts Arise Among Ethnicities? (pp. 238-245) Key Issue 4: Why do Ethnicities Engage in Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide? (pp. 246-255) KEY ISSUE 1: Where Are Ethnicities Distributed? (pp. 227-231) (Answer this) 1. Learning Outcome 7.1.1: identify and describe the major ethnicities in the United States. 2. Pause and Reflect Question 7.1.1: How would you answer the census question about yourself? 3. Learning Outcome 7.1.2: Describe the distribution of major ethnicities among states and within urban areas, 4, Pause and Reflect Question 7.1.2: Where are the principal clusters of ethnic minorities found in your ‘community? 5. ical \n: 7.1: A century ago European immigrants to the United States had much stronger ethnic ties than they do today, including clustering in specific neighborhoods. Discuss the rationale for retaining strong ethnic identity in the United States 2s opposed to full assimilation into the American nationality identity? 6, GOOGLE EARTH 7.1: Oldtown Mall in Baltimore is in a predominantly African American neighborhood. At Google Earth’s ground-level view, does the mall look busy or quiet? KEY ISSUE 2: Why do Ethnicities Have Distinctive Distributions? (pp. 232-237) (Answer this) 7. Learning Outcome 7.2.1: Describe the patterns of forced and voluntary migration of African Americans, Hispanic ‘Americans, and Asian Americans to the United States. 8. Pause and Reflect Question 7.2.1: How do most Hispanics travel to the United States now? How do most Asian ‘Americans reach the United States? 9. Learning Outcome 7.2.2: Describe the patterns of African Americans within the United States. 10. Pause and Reflect Question 7.2.2: Referring to Figure 7-20, which figure is higher in Detroit since 1950: the increasing number of African Americans or the decreasing number of whites? 11. Learning Outcome 7.2.3: Explain the laws once used to segregate races in the United States and South Africa. 12. Pause and Reflect Question 7.2.3: Which Detroit museum should take priority for the city’s limited investment funds—the Detroit Institute of Arts or the Museum of African American History? Explain why. 13. Thinking Geographically Question 7.2: Despite the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision that racially segregated ‘school systems are inherently unequal, most schools remain segregated, with virtually none or virtually all, ‘African American or Hispanic pupils. As long as most neighborhoods are segregated, how can racial integration in schools be achieved? 14, GOOGLE EARTH 7.2: Mthatha (known until 2004 as Umtata), South Africa, isa city in one of the homelands established during apartheid. in Google Earth's ground-level view, what is the race of nearly al of the people? KEY ISSUE 3: Why do Conflicts Arise Among Ethnicities? (pp. 238-245) (Answer this) 15. Learning Outcome 7.3.1: Explain the difference between ethnicity and nationality. 16. Pause and Reflect Question 7.3.1: If Scotland becomes an independent country, how would the arrangement of, nationalities in the British Isles change? 17. Learning Outcome 7.3.2: Identify and describe the principles ethnicities in Lebanon and Sri Lanka. 18, Pause _and Reflect Question 7.3.2: What country borders Lebanon on the South? What conflict has been ongoing in that country as described in Chapter 6? 19. Learning Outcome 7.3.3: Describe how eth more than one nationality. ties in South Asia and among the Kurds have been divided among 20, Pause and Reflect Question 7.3.3: Refer ahead to Figure 7-34 on the next page. What is the largest ethnicity in Pakistan? 21. Learning Outcome 7.3.4: Identify and describe the principle ethnicities in western Asia. 22, Pause and Reflect Question 7.3.4: How do the ethnic complexities of Western Asia make it difficult to set up stable democratic governments? 23, Thinl raphically Question7.3: Ethnicities around the world seek the ability to be the majority in control of countries. What are some obstacles to multiple ethnicities sharing power in individual countries? 24, GOOGLE EARTH 7.3: Fly to Given, Turkey to avillage inhabited by Kurds. Turn on borders and labels; how far is ‘Given from Syria? From Iraq? KEY ISSUE 4: Why do Ethnicities Engage in Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide? (pp. 246-255) (Answer this) 25. Learning Outcome 7.4.1: Describe the process of ethnic cleansing. 26. Pause and Reflect Question 7.4.1: What is an example of another country that is inhabited primarily by people of Slavic ethnicity? 27. Learning Outcome 7.4.2: Explain the concept of balkanization. 28, Pause and Reflect Question 7.4.2:.In which regions within Bosnia and Herzegovina did Serbs gain most of their territory? 29, Learning Outcome 7.4.3: Identify the principle episodes of genocide in northeastern Africa. 30. Pause and Reflect Question 7.4.3: Which countries with ethnic conflicts described in Key Issues 3 and 4 have US. troops been sent to try to restore the peace? 31. Learning Outcome 7.4.4: identify the principle episodes of genocide in central Africa. 32, Pause and Reflect Question 7.4.4: Referring to Figure 7-50, are there any countries in Africa where the boundaries match those of ethnicities? 33. Thinking Geographically Question7.4: Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, once was home to concentrations of many ethnic groups. In retaliation for ethnic cleansing by the Serbs and Croats, the Bosnian ‘Muslims now in control of Sarajevo have been forcing other ethnic groups to leave the city, and Sarajevo is now inhabited overwhelmingly by Bosnian Muslims. Discuss the challenges to restoring Sarajevo as a multiethnic city. 34. GOOGLE EARTH 7.4: Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina, was heavily damaged during ethnic cleansing and since rebuilt. In ground-level view and 3D, pan around the mosque; what other religious structures are visible in 3D within 500 meters of the mosque? ew, ions 35. Give some examples from your personal experience that demonstrates the difference between race and ethnicity. 36, List some genetically inherited traits that are usually not associated with race. Why do you think these traits are not used to define race, and skin color so often is? 37, Support the argument “every ethnicity should have its own state.” Now criticize this argument from a ‘geographic perspective. 38, If two conflicting groups have different religions, should the conflict be termed “religious” or “ethnic?” Does the distinction matter? 39. Briefly research and summarize an ethnic conflict not mentioned in the text. Why does ethnic cleansing continue to happen? What can we do to prevent it?

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