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College of Nursing
NURSING CARE PLAN Excellent (4) Good (3) Needs Improvement (2) Poor (1)

1. Assessment Includes subjective, objective Includes subjective, objective All included data are pertinent Lacks significant pertinent
and historical data that support and historical data that support and supports the nursing assessment data.
actual or risk for nursing actual or risk for nursing diagnosis, however it is very
diagnosis and does not include diagnosis but also includes data few. Includes data that do not support
the nursing diagnosis.
data that are not related to not related to nursing diagnosis.
nursing diagnosis.

2. Nursing Diagnoses The nursing diagnosis selected The nursing diagnosis selected The nursing diagnosis selected The nursing diagnosis selected is
reflects the accurate reflects the accurate partially interprets the inappropriate for the case of the
interpretation of the subjective interpretation of the subjective subjective and objective data patient. It also does not follow
and objective data analyzed. It and objective data analyzed but analyzed. It also does not follow the correct format as instructed.
also follows the correct format does not follow the correct the correct format as
as instructed. format as instructed. instructed.

3. Ratioanalization for The rationale contains The rationale comprehensively The rationale gives scientific The rationale does not explain
Nursing diagnosis comprehensive scientific gives reasoning for the reasoning, but is not the nursing diagnosis. It is also
reasoning that identifies why the formulation of the Nursing comprehensive in explanation is not supported with references.
diagnosis was made. Varied and diagnosis but is not supported not clear to support the nursing
appropriate references reflect with references. diagnosis.
the student's pursuit of the best
explanation of the nursing The rationale is also not
supported with references.
diagnosis made for the patient.

4. Goal of Care Goal statement is case specific, Goal statement is patient or Goal statement is problem Goal does not reflect for the
measurable attainable, realistic family oriented but one of the specific but it is not patient or problem identified
and time bound (SMART). It is S.M.A.R.T. characteristics is family oriented and does not
also patient or family centered. missing. have measurable criteria or a
target date or time.

5. Interventions All interventions listed are One or two of the interventions Three or more of the There are less than five

28 = 98
27 = 96
26 = 94
25 = 92
24 = 90
23 = 88
22 = 86
21 = 84
20 = 82
19 = 80
18 = 75

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