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Course Title: French Written Expressions & Comprehension-II

Credit Units: 2 S W CREDIT
Course Code: FREN115 1 - - 2 2

Course Level:UG/PG- SEM-6

Course Objectives:
To train students in advanced grammar, conversational classes through dialogues, different expressions with basic verbs learnt

Functional knowledge of previous level. (level-5)

Course Contents/Syllabus:
Weightage (%)
Module I: Rohan’s Birthday 20

Revision of all the important topics of previous modules

Introduction to connecting words “Relative Pronouns”
Joining sentences by using relative pronoun “Qui & Que”
Joining sentences by using relative pronoun “où and dont”
Descriptive text using all the relative pronouns and exercises.
Module II: Cause & Consequence 10

Cause and consequences

All the different expressions of “Cause & Consequence” with examples
Text and exercises on different “Cause &Consequence”
Types of “conjunctions” with examples
Descriptive text and exercises on Conjunctions
Module III: At the barber’s 10

Doing an activity / getting work done

Conjunction of verb Faire (to do/to make), expressions with Faire, Faire + Infinitive
Descriptive text on the verb “faire”
Exercises with the verb “ faire”
Dialogue at the barber’s

Module IV: Feelings 20


Expressing feelings
Conjugation of verb “avoir” and all types of expressions with avoir
Various examples of the same and exercises in the form of sentence making
Expressing State
Conjugation of verb “être” and different expressions with “être”
Various examples and exercises in the form of sentence making
Module V: At the Doctor’s 40

Conversation between a Doctor and a Patient (dialogue writing)

Parts of the human body (vocabulary)
Dialogue at the pharmacy
Health Issues
Social Security in France
Introduction of simultaneous actions
Formation and usage of “ le participe présent”
Formation and usage of “gérondif”

Student Learning Outcomes:

Students will express themselves through dialogues by using different expressions, advanced grammar and vocabulary.
Pedagogy for Course Delivery:
Communicative, interactive Lectures, including project work, role play, dialogue writing and practice exercises.

Assessment/ Examination Scheme:

Theory L/T (%) Lab/Practical/Studio (%) End Term Examination

100 NA 60

Theory Assessment (L&T):

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term
Components (Drop CT Viva/presenatin H.A Attendance

Weightage (%) 10 15 10 5 60

Text & References:

Christine Andant, Catherine Metton, Annabelle Nachon, Fabienne Nugue, A Propos - A1, Livre de l'élève et Cahier d'exercices

Campus 2
Larousse French – English – French Dictionary

Additional Reading:
Apprenons le français.
Webster’s French for verbs.
Mon livre de francais (3and 4)

Any other Study Material:

Notes prepared by French language faculty members

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