Mil Answer Week 1 N 2

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Quarter 2

Task 2
1. C
2. C
3. W
4. C
5. W
Task 3
1. D
2. A
3. C
4. C
5. D

Task 3
1. Correct
2. Wrong
3. Correct
4. Wrong
5. Correct
Task 4
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. A

TOPIC 1: citizen joirnalism

Citizen journalism can empower ordinary people to be journalist. It can promote new form of
media journalism. However, it can also pose problems such like inaccurate information and
unconventional format. In order to avoid such problems, we must validate and check the
accuracy of the information before posting.
TOPIC 2: The internet as tourism support

The internet can empower local tourism through establishing websites. It can help develop
marketing and advertisement. However, the Internet can also pose issues or problems to local
tourism. Some examples of these are bug/viruses and fraudulent websites. In order to
maximize the power of the internet to promote local tourism, we must monitor social media
sites and report suspicious websites.
TOPIC 3:phising
The internet can empower banking through using personal computer or mobile phone. It can
have positive developments in business transactions, secure partnership, and communication.
However, the internet can also pose issues or problems to online banking or commerce. Some
examples of the problems are leakage of information and breach of security. In order to
maximize the power of the internet to promote and improve online banking or commerce we
must be wary of emails, spam and notices.
1. the cartoon depicts how political pressure heavily rely and manipulate the media in
influencing the truth given to the public.
2. yes, because every country has media as its watchdog to the government and help people
participate to political processes even sometimes such practices are not being fulfilled by the
media itself due to who is being affected. Philippines is no exemption.
3. yes, media has its own weaknesses that can be taken as a challenge and use it as an
opportunity to improve the public’s view to media for instance, its credibility.

Media is crucial today, our life will stay deficient without its influence and power. The impact of media
has become so influential today since it can without much of a stretch beneficially impact individual as
well as detrimental, whether being exposed to reality or hide their own reality. As a generation being
exposed to innovations and technology, presently, we live under the intensity of media as a way of
communication, connecting to the world and everybody around us, a form of entertainment throughout
the day, and a source of information that sharpen knowledge to different events on the environment.

As the saying goes “Whoever control the media, control the mind”, since time immemorial, the media
has exerted a noticeable impact on the attitudes and mindsets of the general public and is a reflection of
society. It often gives filters to certain issues making you think of a certain way or style which is a
problem to some. Media gives people freedom to express and to communicate, however, media users
go lengths to abuse such privilege. In the wrong hands and intentions, media has the tendency to
manipulate news that is being given to the audience causing a stir to the public’s opinion conquering the
mind and heart of the people. In just one click, fake news, ideals and inappropriate images and posts are
being spread affecting lives, shaping ways of thinking due exposure to such virtual environment and
exposing majority to confusion. The problem with the majority is that we get indeed news to media
without thinking twice of the information being given and the action being presented to huge platforms.
It is important for an individual to cite sources, search deeper before arriving to such conclusions instead
of being fed of biased and altered information. Media has the influence to change a life or worse
anonymously ruin it that’s why we should be mindful to how we act and use media in a rightful way.

To sum up the power of media to our lives is immense. Therefore, as responsible media user, we should
be literate enough and use media with caution when being exposed to such platforms and be discerning
and critical to the truth and fraudulence. We have this huge responsibility and should be held
accountable of our actions. The youth of today have a voice like we never have before. We should be
well- aware of the power of media has and use it to fight against prejudices, injustices and other social
issues. Media has its own purpose and should be taken it well and wisely regardless whether traditional
or technology.

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