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SALMORIN BSN 3F February 6, 2021


The First School of Nursing in the Philippines, 1906
Jaro, Iloilo City 5000

CESocSci4a- The Entrepreneurial Mind (Nursing


Activity 3
Direction: Go out in the field and look around particularly in the health care milieu. Look
for three (3) problems in your environment that you believe is a problem worth solving. A
problem worth solving is a problem that could serve as an opportunity and could be
converted into a business venture. Then from the three (3) select one (1) and try to fill out
the table below.

The Identified Problems Opportunity from each Possible Customers

and their contexts Problem
1. Lack of a home first aid kit 1. My potential customers will
and inaccurate first-aid 1. The opportunity that I may be the residents of our
treatment may aggravate an acquire from this problem is municipality especially
injured or ill person's that I can develop first-aid kits members of the household.
condition. that can be assembled,
packaged, and sold to retailers
on a wholesale basis. This
problem can be my means to
put up a retailing business and
help the community be
prepared in case of

2. A plan to start organic 2. Malnourished individuals

2. Malnourished individuals
vegetable farming that who are undergoing
who don't have access to
provides various high-yield overnutrition and
proper nutrition because of
crops used as ingredients for undernutrition. People who
poverty and poor eating habits
feeding programs. Also, I could may experience obesity,
open a clinic that provides excessive weight loss, fatigue,
dietary and nutritional and mood changes or develop
information. vitamin and mineral
3. Inadequate health care
system that may lead to 3. Establishing a clinic in 3. Residents of our
absence of barangay and remote areas of our municipality who are living in
barrio hospitals/clinics. municipality. This clinic will distant barangays.
provide primary health care to
the community in an
affordable way.

The Problem/s Coming from What jobs to be done What jobs are currently
the Customers here? being done here?

The customer's problem Thorough research regarding Annually our barangay

is that they have minimal this problem will be a great officials attend a first-aid
medical kit for an unforeseen help. seminar provided by our local
emergency, and some government and health unit.
admitted that they could not One of the points that need to This seminar will assist the
afford to have a complete perform is gathering data on officials and help disseminate
home first-aid kit. Also, they how many family households accurate information to the
stated that they don't have an in the barangay do not own a members of households in
established knowledge and home first aid kit. each barangays.
skills on how to perform first Identifying what everyday
aid accurately. emergencies they are
encountering; and how they
manage these health

After that, we could plan out

what first-aid instructions, and
affordable yet high quality
medical supplies to place
inside the kit.

Monthly follow up seminar for

officials and residentials from
professional first-aid

How is the customer Target Market Size Defend why this problem
addressing the problem? Estimation is worth solving

Most of them address the 500-1,000 residents of the This lack of a first aid kit
problem by approaching the municipality of Cabatuan or in each household is worthy of
officials and municipal health ratio of 1 first-aid kit: 1 solving because emergency
unit. They also opt for herbal household. health crises may occur
alternatives and information anytime and unexpectedly.
on the internet in case of That is why having a complete
emergency. Some residence reserved home first aid kit with
stated that they call the accurate health instructions
attention of their neighbors will help the family enhance
who are health care their knowledge and skills to
professionals for help. provide life-saving assistance
during an unforeseen
situation. This also could help
in giving necessary aid before
medical help arrives, saving
lives, alleviate suffering and
promote recovery.

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