National Officers Academy: Mock Exams For CSS-2021 December Mocks Criminology

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National Officers Academy

Mock Exams for CSS-2021

December Mocks
i. Part-I is Compulsory
Objective― PART-I

1. _____ theories contend that the interaction of the law-abiding behavior?

individual with the social environment can yield a. anomie b. frequency
powerful explanations of crime that can be observed. c. duration d. intensity
a. Psychological b. Biological
c. Sociological d. All of the above 8. Sutherland contended that young people learn from
deviant others the attitude that breaking the law is
2. _____ theorized that cities develop in concentric desirable and techniques for_____.
circles, growing toward outer areas. a. studying b. escaping from prison
c. breaking the law d. none of the above
a. Clifford Shaw b. Ernest Burgess
c. Henry McKay d. None of the above 9. _____ is a field of psychology that focuses on the
study of behavior that is observed rather than the
3. _____ used the model of the fluid and changing unconscious.
nature of the growing city to address juvenile a. Behaviorism b. Psychology
delinquency. c. Psychiatry d. Social learning
a. Ernest Burgess and Ferdinand Tönnies
b. Clifford Shaw and Ernest Burgess 10. This avoidance of disagreeable events is called
c. Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay _____.
d. Robert Sampson and William Julius Wilson a. negative reinforcement
b. differential reinforcement
4. Matza suggests delinquents show some commitment c. positive reinforcement
to mainstream values by: d. operant conditioning
a. strategies of blame avoidance
b. techniques of neutralization 11. Which is not one of Merton’s five modes of
c. responsibility denial adaptation?
d. focal concerns a. innovation b. ritual
c. retreat d. non-conformity
5. Collective efficacy occurs at the intersection of two
contextual features of a neighborhood: informal social 12. The rewarding of one behavior and not another, or
control and _____. the rewarding of one behavior and punishment of
a. anomie b. social cohesion another, is called _____.
c. Gemeinschaft d. Gesellschaft a. differential reinforcement b. differential association
c. collective efficacy d. operant reinforcement
6. _____ contended that social disorganization creates
different norms based on social position that alter how 13. Crimes such as gambling and drug possession have
people view their communities. been created by legislative order to maintain and
a. Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay protect the "fabric" of society. Laws relating to such
b. Ernest Burgess crimes are considered:
c. Robert Sampson and William Julius Wilson
d. Edwin Sutherland a. Actus delicti. b.Mala prohibitum.
c. Mala in se. d. Stare decisis.
7. Which is not one of the four factors that Sutherland
states affects the difference between law-breaking and
14. _____ deviance is the label that is placed on the available to people of color in North America.
delinquent or offender once he or she is caught at a. Left realism b. Critical race theory
breaking the law. c. Feminist criminology d. Racial criminology
a. Secondary b. Tertiary
c. Primary d. Partial 18. _____ begin to engage in antisocial behavior at an
early age and continue to commit acts that harm others
15. Elijah Anderson states that in disadvantaged throughout their lives.
neighborhoods, both _____ families and _____ a. Adolescent-limited offenders
families vie for respect in the street. b. Life-course persistent offenders
a. poor; rich b. upper-class; lower-class c. Juvenile delinquents
c. decent; street d. all of the above d. Serial killers

16. In Marxist theory, _____ is the belief that the 19. Radical theories are also called _____.
arrangement of the bourgeoisie owning the means of a. conflict b. Marxist
production and the proletariat working for the interests c. critical d. all of the above
of the bourgeoisie is legitimate.
a. false consciousness b. left realism 20. Left realism contends that the idealism of _____
c. postmodern criminology d. false realism criminology sacrifices the interests of impoverished
people for the interests of lower-class offenders.
17. _____ focuses on how racial issues have a. Marxist b. integrated
determined the quality of justice that has been c. feminist d. peacemaking

Best of Luck for CSS-2021

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