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Name Number 1,10,19,28,37,46,55,64,73,82,91and100

Number 1 as a Name Number.

a) Name number 1 people are remembered for a long time
b) They get great success, popularity and fame.
c) They turn to be very helpful for others.
d) They make great actors and leaders
e) They are beneficial in the social field
Name Number 1 is a very strong number. Number 1 is for Sun and mostly people with
name number 1 shine and do well in their career provided their psychic and destiny
number are not very bad. Number 1 gives leadership qualities to individuals. I suggest
to avoid Number 28 for using as a name number. Recently, the Indian actor Ajay
Devgan changed his name to Ajay Devgn, i.e. he made made from 28 to 27. The best
name numbers seen are 37 and 46.
Name Number 19
A very good name, you have smooth success in life. You have excellent leadership
qualities, but it might make you egoistic at times. You will do well in any profession,
you are suggested to choose profession which is the most suited to you according to
your date of birth.
Famous Brands/Names with Number 19: Citibank, Total, Target, Amy Adams, ICICI
Bank, NDTV
Name Number 28
You might be doing well now but the success may not remain for long. You might have
to start a fresh again. You might suffer losses due to bad influence. You are suggested
to change your name number as soon as possible. An extra H, E, N in your name can
do wonders for you.
Famous Brands/Names with Number 28: Akshay Kumar, Katrina Kaif
Name Number 37
You are extremely fortunate. Your name number is one of the best. Also it is the same
as Paul Walker. You will do well in any profession. You are attracted to the opposite
sex, you live a life full of luxuries. If for some reason you are struggling now, it will end
very soon. Try to use your full name as your signature.
Famous Brands/Names with Number 37: Astra Zeneca, American Idol, China Mobile,
Merrill Lynch, Bill Clinton, Julia Roberts, Michael Dell, Michael Caine, Jamie Foxx,
Richard Pratt, Sean Penn, Avril Lavigne, Sheryl Crow, Paul Giamatti, Michael Mann,
Saif Al Ghurair, Tata Motors, Sunil Gavaskar, Anil Kapoor
Name Number 46
You share the same number as a lot of successful people on earth. Your numbers say
you have excellent leadership qualities and once you decide you make things happen.
You don’t have to worry about much in life, just be honest and with age you will get
everything you desire. Try to use your full name as your signature. For some people
this number brings success late in life.
Famous Brands/Names with number 46: NR Narayanamurthy, Subhash Chandra,
Kumar Mangalam Birla, Mohammed Rafi, Shahid Kapoor, Jack Nicholson, Chris
Cooper, Holly Hunter, John Travolta, Gwen Stefani, Peter Jackson, Mark Zuckerberg,
Vladimir Putin , Nicolas Sarkozy, Abigail Johnson, Albert Einstein

Name Number 55
Your name is best suited to you if you are a businessman. You are confident,
courageous and will attain good success in life. You are highly knowledgeable and will
use it for earning money. Even if you are into service, you are suggested to have a
small business of your own.
Famous Brands/Names with number 55: Royal Dutch Shell, France Telecom,
Standard Chartered, George Washington, Forest Whitaker, Charlize Theron,
Catherine Keener, Suleiman Kerimov, Sergei Popov, Boris Berezovsky, Kiran
Mazumdar Shaw, Mahesh Bhupathi
Name Number 64
You will always get favours from government. Your number is very fortunate. You have
a never die spirit and this will keep you going even in adverse situations. You are
suggested to retain your current name number and all your worries will disappear with
Famous Brands/Names with number 64: Conoco Phillips, Penelope Cruz, Renee
Zellwegger, Jennifer Connelly & Deepika Padukone
Name Number 73
Honesty is the best policy, should be the approach of your life. If you are honest you
succeed in life, if not you will lose everything. Your number is a highly fortunate one.
You are best suited as a manager as you possess excellent managing qualities.
Name Number 82
Life might be a struggle in the initial age, but with time all will be fine. This number will
give you success after struggle, but it will be a permanent one. Everything earned in
life will be there with you till you die.
Name Number 91
You have strong determination and have frequent journeys. You will make money
through travelling. Your name is a fortunate one. You will get plenty of wealth and your
life will be very luxurious. You are advised to stick to the current name number.
Name Number 100
Even though your name is capable of giving success in all efforts, it will not offer many
opportunities. There will be plenty of money. This number implies a long comfortable
life, without any major achievements.

Name Number 2, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74, 83, 92

Number 2 as a name number is not great. They have to struggle a lot in life. Few
characteristics are
1) They are very political
2) They lack consistency
3) This number is good for export and import business
4) Also good for herbal business and pharmaceuticals
5) If in good harmony with psychic and destiny number, it can help in brining name
and fame.
Number 2 is for Moon. Number 2 is excellent as a psychic number but that too for
males. India’s biggest superstars Amitabh Bachchan and Shahrukh Khan are psychic
number 2. It is not really suggested to keep your Name Number as 2. However, certain
creative people have this name number can retain it if they are doing well in career.
Number 2 brings gentleness. The nature of 2 is like the planet Moon, cold and fast
moving. Number 2 people have more changes in life than any other number.
Name Number 11
You will come up in life by your sheer faith in God. In short it is the key for your success.
There may be unforeseen dangers and obstacles in life. You are liable to be let down
by your family and friends. Not a very strong number for smooth career and success.
Suggested to change the name number.
Name Number 20
Your name represents a drumbeat heralding triumph or victory. If you are in the
medical profession, this number is the best for you. If you go to satisfy your selfish
motives, this number works against you. This number has some spiritual power, but
to be on the safer side you are suggested to change it.
Name Number 29
Your name number can take you to court to settle disputes. You can get involved in
scandals due to opposite sex. If you are not honest you might lose huge amount of
money. Things might change for you overnight and can ruin everything you earned
throughout your life be it name, fame or money. Suggested to change.
Name Number 38
Your name suggests you will be honest, peace loving and gentle. This number is good
for name and fame but only with the help of an influence. You are a diplomat and can
come out of situations with ease. At times you might get cheated by people, which
might put you into trouble. Suggested to change the number.
Famous Names/Brands with Name Number 38: Giorgio Armani, David Beckham,
Barbra Streisand, Marc Anthony, Ellen Page, Peter Weir, Alfred Mann, Louis Bacon,
Madhuri Dixit
Name Number 47
You will always be concerned about your progress and will not rest till you achieve
your goals. You are lucky and fortunate but it has been seen that people with your
number rise slow in life. With age you will lose your eyesight. To get your career more
aggressive you should change your number to a more fortunate one.
Famous Names/Brands with Name Number 47: Christina Aguilera, Peter Kellog,
Charles Munger, Simon Cowell, George Soros, Naomi Campbell, Pablo Picasso,
Jawaharlal Nehru
Name Number 56
You have strong intuition power, which is the key to your success. You will perform
well if your work is related to research, analysis or occultism. It is not a very fortunate
number for people into business or sports or media. This number is slow in giving
Name Number 65
You should avoid this name if you are born on 9, 18 and 27th. This number may lead
to accidents, cuts and bruises often. Marriage life will be good. This name will give you
smooth progress but often obstacles will be there in daily life. Suggested to be
Name Number 74
You will get more and more religious with your age. You might run short of money
often. Your number is good for spiritual people, not a good number for people into
business or service. Worries will never leave you in your life, suggested to change to
a more fortunate number.
Name Number 83
You are always worried about something or the other. You may reach to great heights
but life will not be smooth. Delays and obstacles are a part of your life. People might
find you a diplomatic person, which might turn negative for you with time. Suggested
to change to a more fortunate number.
Name Number 92
Your name is a spiritual one. You will be bent towards spirituality, especially if you are
born on 7, 16 or 25th. If you are into business, you are suggested to change the number
as it might bring you unexpected losses. Stay away from legal disputes. Suggested to
change your name number.

Name Number 3,12,21,30,39,48,57,66,75,84,93

1) Number 3 as a name number is good but not the best.

2) Number 3 gives stability but it makes people struggle a lot to rise in their career.
3) They are often known as Jack of all and master of none
4) If in harmony with psychic and destiny, it gives them the quality of leadership
Number 3 is for Jupiter, the planet for prosperity, knowledge and stability. An excellent
name number but gives slow success. But the success would last longer. Strongly
recommended for people to use Name Numbers 21, 30 and 39. However 30, may
bring leal troubles.
Name Number 12
You possess naturally the ability to attract people by your power of speech. You will
sacrifice your lives for the welfare of others, which is a weakness for you. An addition
G, L or S in your name can do wonders for you and can make you socially more
Name Number 21
Your name is fortunate. You are a bit self centred and concerned about your own
happiness and matters profitable to you. You are clever and can come out of any
situation easily. You will struggle hard in early days, but once successful, it will remain
throughout your life.
Famous Brands/Names with Name Number 21: Allianz, Walmart, Aegon, Canon,
Wyeth, Oracle, Ray Dolby, Jerry Yang, Saad Hariri & AR Rahman
Name Number 30
You share the same number as Will Smith. A fortunate number for name, fame and
status but will always be stuck with legal troubles. You might also get into legal problem
because of your life partner if you are born on 10 th. Suggested to add a G, L or S in
your name to make life smooth.
Famous Brands/Names with Name Number 30: Wachovia, MetLife, Eli Lilly & Co, Will
Smith, Diane Lane, Hilary Swank, Rajiv Gandhi
Name Number 39
You share the same number as richest people on this planet. You are lucky in terms
of acquiring inherited wealth. For personal growth and development, this number is
not very fortunate. It gives you a smooth life but to rise really high you are suggested
to change your name number.
Famous Brands/Names with Name Number 39: Microsoft, Prudential, News Corp,
Ronald Reagan, Angela Merkel, Hilary Duff, Jason Reitman, Kate Winslet, Celine
Dion, Martina McBride, George Kaiser, Richard Marriot, Lindsay Lohan, Arundhati
Roy, Vikram Pandit, Preity Zinta, Mukesh Ambani

Name Number 48
Your name number can bring obstacles in your daily life. You will succeed in life at a
later age. You will face opposition very frequently. You should not attempt to do things,
which is beyond your capacity. Your number is not the best, so a change can make
your life much better.
Name Number 57
Your number gives victory or success in the beginning, but brings about gradual
downfall and loss of interest in the end. Life, which progresses at a very swift pace,
will grind to a halt all of a sudden. You might achieve success in the beginning but
later on everything gets ruined.
Name Number 66
Your number denotes dynamism and oratorical skills, perfection in the fine arts,
patronage from the government authorities and also a comfortable life. Your name
number is fortunate for all aspects of life. You will be attracted to hollywood and you
tend to spend a lot on luxuries.
Famous Brands/Names with Name Number 30: Credit Suisse Group, Johnson &
Johnson, Samsung Electronics, Liliane Bettencourt, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Al
Saud, Mahendra Singh Dhoni
Name Number 75
Success might come to you all of a sudden if you are in the field of art. For business
people this number gives very slow progress so you are suggested to get the number
changed to a more powerful number. Numbers 1 or 5 will be good depending on your
date of birth.
Name Number 84
Your name number brings struggles and worries. If the date of birth is 4 or 8, this name
will make you worse. Sudden changes and accidents in life might ruin all your hard
work. Addition of one of the alphabets B, K or R can make things better; still you are
suggested to consult a professional numerologist.
Name Number 93
Your name is good for earning fame and money. It is a fortunate number, especially if
you are born on 3rd, 6th or 9th. You will be remembered even after your death. This
number can also bring you overnight success if you are an artist.

Name Number 4,13,22,31,40,49,58,67,76,85,94

1) Not good as a name number

2) For females, trouble in relationships
3) For males, can be entangled in scams
4) Lack of trustworthy friends
5) Should avoid stock market
Number 4 is for Rahu or Dragon’s head. Number 4 is one of the most unstable
numbers according to Numerology. At times it makes people millionaire overnight and
at times it millionaires become beggars overnight. Although some of the Number 4′s
may give positive results but it is advisable to avoid Number 4. Men might get into
financial troubles with Number 4 while women might have trouble in their personal life.
Also health becomes demanding at times.
Name Number 13
Your name number is would bring struggle and sudden changes in your life. You will
be always troubled because of too much indulgence to opposite sex. You are
suggested to avoid gambling and black marketing. You might get into legal problems
on the 31st year of your life. You are strongly suggested to change your name number
to have a smooth life.
Name Number 22
It is a fortunate number only if it is compatible with your date of birth. This number can
drag you to speculation, drinking and over indulgence to opposite sex. You are
suggested to avoid speculation as you might lose money, which would never come
back from the same source.
Name Number 31
For you, stock market is a big no. If you break law, you will get involved into legal
trouble. You may lose money due to women and speculation. You are suggested to
change the name number immediately. Year 37th onwards life will get better. At some
point of time you might become very rich but the success will not remain for long.
Famous Names/Brands with Name Number 31: Pfizer, Munich Re and BAE Systems,
Tom Hanks, Tim Robbins, Robert Bass, David Ross, Shabana Azmi, Sanjay Gandhi,
TN Seshan, Ramalinga Raju, Asha Bhosle
Name Number 40
You might earn honour and wealth initially. Later on they may vanish. Life might
change suddenly. You are suggested to stay away from stock market as it may bring
legal trouble to you. 40th year might be a disaster. You are strongly suggested to get
your name number changed.
Famous Names/Brands with Name Number 40: Harshad Mehta, Ketan Parekh,
Suresh Nanda, Paris Hilton, Heidi Montag, Jack Abramoff
Name Number 49
Initially you might reach the pinnacle of success. You will get money, fame and
everything you desire of. But you might have a tragic end. Either your life ends abruptly
or in one blow all the hard work can get ruined which would never come back.
Suggested to change the name number.
Name Number 58
Your name number is very strong and is capable of taking you to great heights
especially if you are born on 4, 13, 22 or 31 of any month. It might give you sudden
money and progress but this will not be long lasting. Everything earned might go in
vain. Suggested to change the name number.
Name Number 67
Your life will be full of problems if you are born on 8, 17 or 26. Obstacles will always
remain a part of your life. For others also there will be problem in one area of life be it
marriage, money or health. You might earn wealth in abundance, but in one stroke
your health may fall or you might lose all your wealth.
Name Number 76
You might get popular, might have wealth in abundance. But the number of your name
will not give you permanent success. Problems will keep on arising in one-way or the
other. This number is good for material possessions in life. If you make money through
wrong means, everything will be lost. Suggested to change the number
Name Number 85
A good name number if you are not born on 4, 13, 22, 31, 8, 17 or 26. Success might
come the hard way but it will be very well deserved and long lasting. Don’t get bothered
about the delays in your life, once earned it will remain with you for your life. Still you
have options of going for a better number.
Name Number 94
A fortunate name. You will do good for the society, will get fame and plenty of comforts.
Health may be a bit demanding after 49th year. You might be accident-prone if you are
born on 9th, 18th, or 27th. Your name will be remembered even after your death.

Name Number 5,14,23,32,41,50,68,77,86,95

a) One of the best name numbers. In fact number 41 is seen to cure a lot of diseases
as well.
b) Popular: People with name number 5 become popular in their own group or
c) Positive
d) Best name number for business people
e) Successful
Number 5 is for Mercury. It is one of the best name numbers possible in Numerology
be it, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50 or 59. This number is perfect for a business man as it gives
the speed of thinking and aggression to be a leader. One of the worlds most successful
business man Dhirubhai Ambani’s name number is 41. 41 is one of the best numbers
possible in numerology.
Name Number 14
Your name number is excellent. You will be surprised that the number of your name
and the number of the word ‘GOD’ is same. You are excellent in decision-making as
you are fast, but at times you might take wrong decision in haste. You will do well in
business and consulting work as you have good command over your language.
Name Number 23
Your name number is one of the best numbers possible in numerology. You will do
excellent in business. If your date of birth supports your name number you will reach
to great heights by the age of 41. This number gives you permanent success and
money remains with you throughout your life.
Famous Brands/Names with Name Number 23: Boeing, Swiss Re, La Farge, Toshiba,
Ed Harris, Rahul Bajaj, Ratan Tata, Vijay Mallya
Name Number 32
Your name is extremely fortunate. You talk a lot and you impress people. You are fast
in decision-making. You don’t follow the concept of think and act, rather act thinkingly.
You will rise high in life and success will come easy to you. You will always get 100%
results to your hard work.
Famous Brands/Names with Name Number 32: Gazprom, Jim Walton, Kim
Kardashian, Anil Kumble, Sabeer Bhatia

Name Number 41
You share the same name number as Dhirubhai Ambani and George Bush. You will
do well in consultation and business. You are a great speaker and can attract masses.
Throughout your life you will not have to worry much about money, but yes health will
be demanding after the age of 50. Always keep using your current name.
Famous Brands/Names with Name Number 41: Ralph Lauren, Cargill MacMillan,
PetroChina, BHP Billiton, George Bush, Richard Nixon, Steven Jobs, Ross Perot,
Nicole Kidman, Rachel Weisz, Angelina Jolie, Faith Hill, Norah Jones, Nicole Richie,
Forrest Mars, Dhirubhai Ambani
Name Number 50
Your name number is the same as Sachin Tendulkar, Matthew Hayden and Roger
Federer. You will excel if you are in sports and teaching. You speak well and have a
good command over your language. Your mind works fast but sometimes you tend to
think negative. If you are in the field of arts, an extra A, I, J or Y in your name can give
you success fast.
Famous Brands/Names with Name Number 50: Mercedes Benz, General Electric,
Sanofi Aventis, Roche Holding, Spencer Pratt, Annette Bening, Paul Greengrass,
Sachin Tendulkar, Sunil Bharti Mittal
Name Number 59
You will excel in the research field. You can be an excellent writer. Humour is the key
for your success. You are an excellent entertainer. Your success will be permanent.
You will run after money and you will get it. You can make people smile even in their
bad times. People around you will always like you.
Name Number 68
Your name is fortunate to an extent. If you always stick to honest means you will have
a smooth and successful life. You may fall prey to greed, which might ruin your life
and success. You will do well in business and creative field. You are advised to keep
your pace slow in life to have a lasting success.
Name Number 77
Your name is excellent. You have the power of clairvoyance, which will always help
you in decision-making. You will shine more in the overseas countries. After a certain
age, travelling abroad might become a part of your curriculum. You have faith in God,
which makes your numbers all the more powerful.
Name Number 86
Your name is fortunate but success comes after struggle, delays and obstacles. But
once earned, the wealth and honour will stay with you. You are a good entertainer and
you will earn good name in society. Health might become a bit demanding after the
age of 41.
Name Number 95
Your name suggests you will have a disciplined life combined with daring events and
honour. You will be successful in trade and achieve distinction. By trading in a variety
of new things, you will amass wealth. You are excellent orator and will become popular
in your line of business

Name Number 6,15,24,33,42,51,60,69,78,87,96

1) Number 6 is one of the best name numbers.

2) It is best suited for entertainment industry.
3) It gives magical powers for occult sciences.
4) Lucky name number but if not compatible with date, can defame the native.
5) Suited for all kinds of artists, designers and people in the entertainment industry.
Number 6 is for Venus and one of the best numbers in Numerology. Also it is my
favourite may be because I am born on 24th. Number 6 brings people in limelight in
no time. India’s biggest superstar Shahrukh Khan’s name number is 42. People into
entertainment industry are strongly suggested to use name number 6 for their brands
and for themselves. To read more interesting stuff about Number 6 read Lecture for
Number 6 and you will understand the power of Number 6.
Name Number 15
Your name suggests that you are materialistic to a certain extent. Your name is
excellent if you are an artist or in media. You will attain fame, wealth and all round
distinction in life if your date of birth is not 8th, 17th or 26th. 33rdyear of your life will be
excellent for you.
Famous Brands/Names with Name Number 15: Dell, Alcoa
Name Number 24
Your name is excellent especially if you are born on 3rd, 6th or 9th of any month. Your
name suggests that you are a romantic person and you like spending money. You like
to be in the limelight and will always maintain a good social reputation. If you are in
some field of art, your name is excellent for you. You are likely to have a love marriage.
Famous Brands/Names with Name Number 24: Toyota, Denso, Carl Icahn, Fergie,
Wipro, Anil Ambani
Name Number 33
Your name number is one of the best possible numbers of numerology. It is the number
of goddess of Wealth. You will never have shortage of money in life. If for some reason
you have now, after the 33rd year of life all problems will disappear and you will live life
like a kind. You will be always surrounded with beautiful women in your life. Your
number is also the same as Adam Sandler, one of the most famous Hollywood Actors.
Famous Brands/Names with Name Number 33: Chevron, Axa Group, Verizon,
Unilever, Walt Disney, Caterpillar, BNP Paribas, Mel Gibson, Dixie Chicks, Sissy
Spacek, Marisa Tomei, Sean Combs, Hillary Swank, Laura Linney, Indira Gandhi,
Homi Bhabha
Name Number 42
Your name number is the same as the number of Shahrukh Khan. This number is
capable of taking you to great heights but after hard work. Years 33 and 42 will be
good and important for you. For some people this number gives best results after
42nd year of age. This number gives permanent success and it is suggested not to
change this number.
Famous Brands/Names with Name Number 42: Bank of America, Charles Schwab,
Goldman Sachs, Nissan Motor, Elton John, Tiger Woods, Helen Mirren, Don Cheadle,
Heath Ledger, Britney Spears, Meryl Streep, Jon Bon Jovi, Michael Jordan, Shah
Rukh Khan, Leander Paes, Amartya Kumar Sen

Name Number 51
Your name suggests that you might get sudden success. Those who are not known in
society can become famous overnight with a new venture. It is one of the most
powerful name numbers of numerology. You will accumulate wealth in abundant. This
number also gives grave warnings. You are suggested not to get into disputes.
Famous Brands/Names with Name Number 51: Berkshire Hathaway, Lockheed
Martin, Nelson Mandela, Colin Powell, Margaret Thatcher, Roman Abramovich,
Roberto Benigni, Oprah Winfrey, Mikhail Gorbachev, Michelle Williams, Benazir
Bhutto, Deepak Chopra
Name Number 60
Your number signifies peace, prosperity, appreciation of fine arts, a balanced state of
mind and wisdom. You are skilled conversationalists who can put forth very logical
arguments. Your family life will be happy and idealistic. Your name number is
Famous Brands/Names with Name Number 60: Steven Spielberg, Viggo Mortensen,
Carrie Underwood, Philip Anschutz, Sheldon Adelson
Name Number 69
Your name suggests that you will be like an uncrowned king in any business or
profession you are involved in. You will overtake others and retain their position safely
by your own efforts. You will enjoy a good social status throughout your life. If your
date of birth is not favourable you might be successful in your life in the later half.
Name Number 78
You have spiritual power. You might attain name and fame in the spiritual field. You
are fond of spending money and will enjoy a successful career. 44th year might create
some health trouble. You might experience delays and obstacles in your career but as
your name number is good you will enjoy permanent success.
Name Number 87
You have spiritual power. You might attain name and fame in the spiritual field. You
are fond of spending money and will enjoy a successful career. 44th year might create
some health trouble. You might experience delays and obstacles in your career but as
your name number is good you will enjoy permanent success.
Name Number 96
Your name suggests that you are romantic, enjoy a good social reputation and will
amass wealth in abundance. Your name is the best if you are born on 6th or 9th of any
month. 33rd year of your life will be excellent and things might change for better and
thereafter you will remain successful throughout your life. If you are a teenager, it is
the time for fun as you will always be surrounded with the opposite sex.

Name Number 7,16,25,34,43,52,61,70,79,88,97

1) Number 7 as a name number suits few people

2) This number needs to be used carefully as a name number as the result can be
negative as well.
3) Suitable in the field of art and literature: This number is one of the best number for
someone in the field of art and literature.
4) Originality in thinking: As discussed earlier this number brings originality. But a
person with Number 7 as a psychic or destiny number should never use this number.
Too many 7′s create problems.
Number is for Ketu or Dragon’s tail. I have always emphasized a lot on the Number 7.
Without a Number 7 it is difficult for anyone to reach at the top of his/her profession.
Please note I am mentioning at the top. Famous examples are Sachin R Tendulkar, L
N Mittal, Bill Gates, Shahrukh Khan. 7 has to be present either as a psychic, destiny
or name number. More than one 7 creates problems. Number 7 is a highly spiritual
number and people with a positive 7 will get spiritual power. Also people with one 7
are God fearing and are interested in occult sciences. It is suggested to consult a
professional numerologist before using this number as the name number as it can give
negative results as well. Number 7 does not suit everyone.
Name Number 16
Your name is good is you are in the creative field. You have good research skills. In
relationships you tend to be a bit dominating, although if other numbers are favourable
you will enjoy a good marriage life. 25th and 34th year will bring some change in career
and social acceptability.
Famous Names with Number 16: Sony, Nokia, Japan, Tibet
Name Number 25
Your name number is the same as for Aishwarya Rai. You are a person with analytical
bent of mind. Your mind changes frequently. If your date of birth is 2nd or 5th, you will
do excellent in a research job. If your date of birth is 4 th, 13th, 22nd or 31st you are
strongly suggested to change your name number. You will be spiritually inclined.
Famous Names with Number 25: Nestle, Fortis, Pepsi, Comcast, Apple, Nomura, Bill
Gates, Bill Murray, Aishwarya Rai, L N Mittal
Name Number 34
Your name suggests some spiritual powers. You are suggested to retain your current
name if your date of birth adds up to 2 or 7. Else you are suggested to change your
name number especially if you are not into creative or analysis work. Your name might
bring problems in promotion and business, as it is not one of the best name numbers.
Famous Names with Number 34: McDonald’s, Rudi Giuliani, Judi Dench, Adrian
Brody, Alec Baldwin, Paul Haggis, Ryan Gosling, Sam Mendes, Kirk Kerkorian, Tony
Gilroy, Azim Premji, Yuvraj Singh, Armaan Ebrahim
Name Number 43
Your name number is the same as a lot of successful actors. Your name suggests you
have some spiritual power but this number will bring some health problems. Some
indigestion problems are expected. You have the power of thinking out of the box,
which will help you throughout your life.
Famous Names with Number 43: Salman Rushdie, Taslima Nasreen, Amitabh
Bachchan, Aung San Suu Kyi, Hansie Cronje, Mary-Kate Olsen, Robert Mugabe, Adolf
Hitler, Hrithik Roshan

Name Number 52
A fast thinker with inclination towards spirituality. If you are born on 7th, 16th or 25th you
tend to be very reserved although you will have super natural powers when it comes
to creativity and thinking out of the box. People might face a bit of trouble in reaching
you as you would talk less. Retain your current name as it shows progress.
Famous Names with Number 52: Julianne Moore, Morgan Freeman, George Benson
Name Number 61
Your name is good is you are in the creative field. You have good research skills. In
relationships you tend to be a bit dominating, although if other numbers are favourable
you will enjoy a good marriage life. 25th and 34th year will bring some change in career
and social acceptability.
Name Number 70
Your name suggests you are highly spiritual. You are creative and will do excellent in
any field of art. If you are not in any profession involving creativity and thinking, you
should try and change your name number to a more suitable one by consulting a
professional numerologist.
Name Number 79
You are an active thinker. In your old age you will be more inclined towards spirituality.
Try to avoid alcohol and drugs as this might make your mind work negative. You will
do well in business, especially in work involving making strategies as you have the
power of thinking out of the box.
Name Number 88
Your name can take you anywhere in life, towards any extreme. It is one of the most
risky numbers in numerology. You are suggested to change your name number asap
if you are born on 4th, 8th, 13th, 17th, 22nd, 26th or 31st of any month. You will get
annoyed with delays in your life.
Name Number 97
You are an active thinker. In your old age you will be more inclined towards spirituality.
Try to avoid alcohol and drugs as this might make your mind work negative. You will
do well in business, especially in work involving making strategies as you have the
power of thinking out of the box.

Name number 8,17,26,35,44,53,62,71,80,89,98

1) Not good as a name number

2) Makes people lonely and unliked by friends and relatives
3) They have good chances of going through law suits
4) They are good planners
5) They get involved in scandals
6) They have to face a lot of delays and obstacles in life
Name Number 8 is the only number other than Number 4 which should be avoided as
a Name Number. People with psychic, destiny or name number 8 have to suffer in life
at least once. There are some successful people with Number 8 as their name number
but there is something common seen among most of them that they have a very strong
Saturn placed in their horoscopes. Also seen that 8 does excellent to people with
Number 5 as their psychic or destiny. To be on the safer side Number 8 should be
avoided as a name number, also people with Number 8 as their psychic or destiny
should use 5 as their name number.
Name Number 17
Life will be full of delays. You might lose everything you gained at some point of time.
Year 35th and 44th might create trouble if you keep using this name. 44th year might
bring some health problems. You are strongly suggested to change your name number
with the help of a professional numerologist.
Name Number 26
If you are born on 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st, 8th, 17th or 26th, you are suggested to change
your name number as soon as possible. Your life will not be smooth with this name.
Delays in everything will form a part of your life. Beware of 26 th year, a bad change is
Famous names with Name Number 26: Renault, Barack Obama, Larry Page, Mark
Cuban, Salma Hayek, Jude Law, Mariah Carey, Sania Mirza
Name Number 35
Your life might get better after the 35th year. Although there will be a problem in one of
areas-marriage, business or health, which might get serious with age. You should try
and avoid number 4 and 8 as much as possible. These numbers if they come by
chance might be good, but do not go and choose these numbers for any work. You
are suggested to change your name number.
Famous names with Name Number 35: Citigroup, Julie Christy, Nick Nolte, Sammy
Ofer, Kofi Annan, John McCain, Paul Allen, Nicolas Cage, Ben Kingsley, Tom Cruise,
Dinesh Kartik, Rahul Dravid
Name Number 44
Your name number is the same as Michael Jackson. Initially you might become big. A
lot of celebrities carry this name number. Everything gained will be lost eventually.
This number can also bring sudden death. You are suggested to change the name
number as soon as possible to get permanent success as everything earned might get
Famous names with Name Number 44: HSBC Holdings, Exxon Mobil, Morgan
Stanley, Richard B Cheney, Hillary Clinton, Helmut Kohl, Michael Jackson, Tilda
Swinton, Paul Newman, George Argyros, Julian Schnabel, Pramod Mahajan

Name Number 53
Life will not be smooth. Time might get better in the 2 nd half i.e. after 35, still mental
peace will never be there. To make life better you are suggested to change your name
number, which would bring stability in your life. Money earned through dishonest
means will always be lost.
Famous names with Name Number 53: Hewlett Packard, American Express, Carlo
Benetton, Antonio Banderas, Samantha Morton, George Mitchell, Clint Eastwood,
Imelda Staunton, Phillip Frost, Virender Sehwag, Laloo Prasad Yadav, Lehman
Name Number 62
If you are born on 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st, 8th, 17th or 26th, you are suggested to change
your name number as soon as possible. Your life will not be smooth with this name.
Delays in everything will form a part of your life. Beware of 26th year, a bad change is
Name Number 71
Your name is ok but not very beneficial for long-term. To avoid this you are suggested
to change your name number to a more beneficial one. You will be inclined towards
spirituality as well. Do not try to earn money through dishonest means, as it will be lost
and can earn a bad name for you.
Name Number 80
44th year of life might bring health problems or even a surgery. Obstacles in life are
expected. Delays will always be a part of your life especially if you are born on 8 th,
17th or 26th. Try to avoid number 8 as much as possible. Also you are suggested to
change your name with the help of a professional numerologist.
Name Number 89
An accident-prone name especially if you are born on 9th, 18th or 27th. Not a very good
name number for smooth progress in life. You have a lot of energy for your career, but
it gets wasted towards the wrong side. A change in name will remove these problems
from your life. Also try to control your anger and uneven temperament.
Name Number 98
An accident-prone name especially if you are born on 9th, 18th or 27th. Not a very good
name number for smooth progress in life. You have a lot of energy for your career, but
it gets wasted towards the wrong side. A change in name will remove these problems
from your life. Also try to control your anger and uneven temperament.

Name Number 9,18,27,36,45,54,63,72,81,90,99

1) Frank
2) Expressive
3) Creative
4) Independent
5) Strong will and determination
6) Helps bear the hardship and opposition of life
7) Makes people grow
8) Brings honour, prestige and recognition
Number 9 is good as a name number, 27 and 36 being the best. But still it is not as
good as numbers like 1, 5 and 6.
Number 9 is for Mars and Mars is a fiery planet. Number 9 is the best number for
people in sports as it gives a lot of energy to the native. People with psychic or destiny
as 9 should avoid 9 as a name number as it makes the individual accident prone.
Number 9 is also for destruction, no wonder Mumbai, Sri Lanka, Kashmir, Srinagar
and Gujarat are all 9 and all these places are disturbed either because of terrorist
attacks or natural disasters.
Name Number 18
Your name number is not one of the best numbers. You will be accident-prone if you
are born on 9th, 18th or 27th. You have a lot of energy in yourself and will be hard
working. Try to channelize your energies in the right direction. You are suggested to
change your name number, if possible, as it is not one of the best numbers.
Famous Names with Name Number 18: Myanmar, Nigeria, Kashmir, Sri Lanka,
Gujarat, Mumbai
Name Number 27
Your name number is good. Your life will be good and smooth if your name number is
compatible with your date of birth. You are hard working and full of energy. Slight
problem is expected in relationship due to your hot temperament. Try to keep your
calm for a smooth personal life.
Famous Names with Name Number 27: Bob Marley, Nina Wang, Madonna, K.P Singh,
Govinda, PT Usha
Name Number 36
A very fortunate number especially if you are born on 3rd, 6th or 9th. Your number is the
same as Chris Tucker. You will succeed in life with your own effort and hard work. You
become accident-prone if you are born on 8th or 9th. If that is the case try to change
your name number to suit your date of birth. You also might have blood pressure
problems in the later part of your life.
Famous Names with Name Number 36: Carrefour, Naomi Watts, Matt Dillon, Mark
Wahlberg, Joel Coen, Sonia Gandhi, Naresh Goyal, Rahul Khanna
Name Number 45
You can earn a fortune even if you are born with nothing. If you are born on 4 th, 13th,
22nd or 31st try to avoid stock market. You will make your career with your own efforts.
You can work hard, but the key is to channelize your energies in the right direction.
Famous Names with Name Number 45: Deutsche Bank, Enzo Ferrari, Russel Crowe,
Cate Blanchett, Eddie Murphy, Gordon Getty, Alfred Nobel, Queen Latifah, Vinod
Gupta, Baichung Bhutia

Name Number 54
You are a quick thinker and at the same time hard working. Your name number is the
same as Warren Buffet. Changes in life are expected frequently. If your date of birth
is not 8th, 17th or 26th the changes will be positive. 27thyear of your life will be beneficial
for you. 54th might bring a fortune. Success will be permanent if you’re not born on 4th,
13th, 22nd or 31st, else you are suggested to change your name number.
Famous Names with Name Number 54: Barack Hussein Obama, Tommy Lee Jones,
Pamela Anderson, Jeffrey Bezos, Venkatesh Prasad, Ashwini Nachappa, Joshna
Chinappa, Viswanathan Anand, Warren Buffet
Name Number 63
A very fortunate number especially if you are born on 3rd, 6th or 9th. You will succeed
in life with your own effort and hard work. You become accident-prone if you are born
on 8th or 9th. If that is the case try to change your name number to suit your date of
birth. You also might have blood pressure problems in the later part of your life.
Name Number 72
Your name number is good. Your life will be good and smooth if your name number is
compatible with your date of birth. You are hard working and full of energy. Slight
problem is expected in relationship due to your hot temperament. Try to keep your
calm for a smooth personal life.
Name Number 81
You will be accident-prone if you are born on 9th, 18th or 27th. You have a lot of energy
in yourself and will be hard working. Try to channelize your energies in the right
direction. Try to keep your temper in control. You are suggested to change your name
number, if possible, as it is not one of the best numbers.
Name Number 90
Your name shows you have a lot of positive energy. You just need to channelize it in
the right direction. You are hard working and will reach your goals, also success will
be permanent. Years 27th and 36th will be good for you. Avoid speed while driving
especially on 9th, 18th or 27th of any month.
Name Number 99
You will do very well in sports involving high-energy requirement. You are very active
and will do well in marketing jobs. If you are in business you will do well. Years 27 th and
45th will be lucky and might bring some positive change in your life. Your name is a bit
accident prone so you have to be careful.

Good Numbers: 21, 30, 39, 48 and 66

Avoid Numbers: 57 and 75

Good Numbers: 14, 23, 32, 41, 50 and 59

Avoid Numbers: 68 and 77 do not suit everyone.

Good Numbers: 15, 24, 33, 42, 51 and 69

Avoid Numbers: 51 only for politicians and people in army

When Does 59 or 95 Suit You

Life path numerology tells you that 59 or 95 is a Lucky Name Number.

It suits well if your Life Path No. is 5.

It also suits you if your day no. is 5.
It is best in case you have a 5 & 9 or 9 & 5 combinations in your birth.

For all others, 59 may or may not be appropriate. It must be found by expert vibration

Qualities Of No. 68 or 86

Number 68 is powerfully influenced by three numerology numbers 6, 8, & 5.

You get 5 when you add 6 & 8.

Therefore, you are ruled by Venus in Number 6.

Your life is influenced by Saturn in Number 8, and
your over all life is guided by Mercury in No. 5.
Venus gives you plus points, but Saturn gives you bad luck and failures.
Life Path Numerology for 68 afflicts you with sufferings.

If your Name is in 68, you will face a lot of failures.

Name Number 77

Life path numerology for 77 can't be understood when you learn about name numerology for No. 7.

As 7 is unlucky for rich life, you may think that the Two sevens in No. 77 will make you very poor.

When you have No. 9 in your life path numerology, 77 will not give you success. That is what
happens if you are born with a Day No. 9 or Life No. 9. It has been repeatedly proved that 7 and 9 do
not coexist. If there's no enmity from 9, you can have your business name in 77. It makes your
business earn more profits with less efforts as if by Invisible Divine Help.

Contrary to this thought, 77 is a good number that confers Good Luck and Prosperity.

As such numerology for 41 implies that you are ruled by Rahu and Sun within this number. It adds up
to 5 when you add 4 and 1. Therefore, ultimately you are ruled by Mercury, assisted by Rahu and
When you add 32, you obtain No. 5. This number is ruled by Mercury. Therefore, in addition to the
good effects of Jupiter and Moon, you have the predominant influence of Mercury in your name.

Afflicted 23

Even if your name's in 23, if it has evil vibes, it'll affect you. You live in poverty & sufferings. You fail
in your goals. You fail if your name parts have 4, 8, or 9. Numerology free readings confirm this.

You must be careful about persons with 4, 8, or 9. Life path numerology says that they'll harm you. It
also applies to business numerology. If your clients have 4, 8, or 9, exercise great caution in dealing
with them.

Beware Of Number 6

Name numerology meanings warn you that 6 is not good for your happiness. Avoid 6. Do not mix
with a girl with number 6. Avoid any partners with 6. Do not have your Business Names in 6.

Name Numerology supports it. 3 is Jupiter. He's the Guru of Gods. 6 is Venus. He's the Guru of
Demons. There's an eternal enmity between the two. Like it's between The Gods and Demons.

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