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Lesson Plan in Christian Living Education 11

Name of Teacher: Sr. Christine C. Daga, O.P

Learning Area: Christian Living Education

Quarter: 1

I. Objectives:

At the end of the session the students are expected to:

 Identify the significant events of the story

 Define the meaning and symbols of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit
 Arrange the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit chronologically

II. Subject Matter

A. The Coming of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost)

 Reading Skills

Note the significant of the events

 Elaborate the significant event of the Pentecost

 Describe oneself how to become a gift to others

Writing skill

 Writing a reflection


 Bible (Acts 2: 1-13 The Coming of the Holy Spirit)

 Graphic Organizers
 Power point presentation
 Video clip

III. Procedure

First Prong

A. Pre – reading Activities

1. Introduce to the students the meaning of “Pentecost” and the “Seven gifts of the Holy
a. Pentecost is a very important event for on this day the Church was born. The Holy Spirit
showered the apostles with gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude,
knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord.
b. Wisdom is the first and highest gift of the Holy Spirit because it is the perfection of
the theological virtue of faith. Through wisdom, we come to value properly those
things which we believe through faith. The truths of Christian belief are more
important than the things of this world, and wisdom helps us to order our
relationship to the created world properly, loving Creation for the sake of God, rather
than for its own sake.
c. Understanding is the second gift of the Holy Spirit, and people sometimes have a hard
time understanding (no pun intended) how it differs from wisdom. While wisdom is the
desire to contemplate the things of God, understanding allows us to grasp, at least in a
limited way, the very essence of the truths of the Catholic faith. Through understanding,
we gain a certitude about our beliefs that moves beyond faith.
d. Counsel, the third gift of the Holy Spirit, is the perfection of the cardinal
virtue of prudence. Prudence can be practiced by anyone, but counsel is supernatural.
Through this gift of the Holy Spirit, we are able to judge how best to act almost by
intuition. Because of the gift of counsel, Christians need not fear to stand up for the
truths of the Faith, because the Holy Spirit will guide us in defending those truths.
e. Fortitude is both a gift of the Holy Spirit and a cardinal virtue. Fortitude is ranked as the
fourth gift of the Holy Spirit because it gives us the strength to follow through on the
actions suggested by the gift of counsel. While fortitude is sometimes called courage, it
goes beyond what we normally think of as courage. Fortitude is the virtue of the martyrs
that allows them to suffer death rather than to renounce the Christian Faith.
f. Knowledge, is often confused with both wisdom and understanding. Like wisdom,
knowledge is the perfection of faith, but whereas wisdom gives us the desire to judge all
things according to the truths of the Catholic Faith, knowledge is the actual ability to do
so. Like counsel, it is aimed at our actions in this life. In a limited way, knowledge allows
us to see the circumstances of our life the way that God sees them. Through this gift of
the Holy Spirit, we can determine God's purpose for our lives and live them accordingly.
g. Piety, the sixth gift of the Holy Spirit, is the perfection of the virtue of religion. While we
tend to think of religion today as the external elements of our faith, it really means the
willingness to worship and to serve God. Piety takes that willingness beyond a sense of
duty so that we desire to worship God and to serve Him out of love, the way that we
desire to honor our parents and do what they wish.
h. Fear of the Lord, and perhaps no other gift of the Holy Spirit is so misunderstood. We
think of fear and hope as opposites, but the fear of the Lord confirms the theological
virtue of hope. This gift of the Holy Spirit gives us the desire not to offend God, as well as
the certainty that God will supply us the grace that we need in order to keep from
offending Him. Our desire not to offend God is more than simply a sense of duty; like
piety, the fear of the Lord arises out of love.

2. Motivation

 Video presentation
 The students will share their insights about the video in relations to their faith

3. Motive Questions

“What is Pentecost?”

“On the day of Pentecost, why are the apostles live together in one place?

“How can we be a gift to others?


“Pentecost Day is the Church was born 50 days after Jesus resurrection, commemorates the
descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they
were in Jerusalem.

B. During Reading

The teacher will use the Directed Reading Thinking Activity

 1st paragraph (Chapter 2: 1- 4) – What happened to the apostles and followers of

Christ on the day of Pentecost
 2nd paragraph (Chapter 2: 5-14) – Why are they not afraid anymore to spread and
proclaim the word of Christ throughout the world


C. Post Reading Activities

1. What do you call the descent of the Holy Spirit?
2. What are the reactions of the Jews when they heard the apostles spoke different
languages and why?
3. Which of the apostles that you like most and why?
4. How the apostles spread the good news throughout the world?
2. Engagement Activities

The students will group into three. Each group will have a corresponding activity and choose a
representative to present their output in front and will discuss and summarize what they
learned from their lesson and how they can apply these learning to our society’s present

Group 1 (Wisdom & Understanding) – Through your own experiences. Make two or three
sentences that express your wisdom and understanding.

Group 2 (Counsel & Fortitude) - Present an issues of the youth now current situation that
relatable to the gift of counsel and fortitude.

Group 3 (Knowledge, Piety & Fear of the Lord) – As a youth today how would you express your
knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord as “Beloved, Gifted, and Empowered of the Holy Spirit”.


The Transfer Stage

Do you feel the presence of the Holy Spirit everyday in your life? Do you feel joy / sad
when you share the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit to others? Make a reflection in printed
in one short bond paper with Calibri font and 12 font size and normal space.

IV. Evaluation

Define the following words. Write your answer on the space provided.

________________1. It helps us to know the will of God in different circumstances in life. Its
contrary is stubbornness.

________________ 2. It helps us to respect the majesty of God and to be scared of sin. It is

contrary is wickedness.

________________ 3. It is the perfection of faith, but whereas wisdom gives us the desire to
judge all things according to the truths of the Catholic Faith.

________________ 4. When the _______ arrived they were together in one place.

________________ 5.It takes that willingness beyond a sense of duty so that we desire to
worship God and to serve Him out of love, the way that we desire to honor our parents and do
what they wish.
________________ 6. It is the virtue of the martyrs that allows them to suffer death rather
than to renounce the Christian Faith.

________________ 7. It allows us to grasp, at least in a limited way, the very essence of the
truths of the Catholic faith.

_________________ 8. It is a very important event for on this day the Church was born.

_________________ 9. It is the first and highest gift of the Holy Spirit because it is the
perfection of the theological virtue of faith.

10 – 15. How can you become a gift to others? Why? Express your opinion / thoughts
through your own words.

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