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Chronology November 16, 1969-February 15, 1970

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 24, No. 2 (Spring, 1970), pp. 178-202
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 03/03/2012 09:36

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November 16, 1969-February 15, 1970

Arab IsraeliConflict The Israeli police broke up a demonstrationof

500 youths marchingon the Arab section of Acre.
1969 Nov. 23: Israelipolice in Acre twice broke up gangs
Nov. 16: Two Israeli ships at Elath were damaged of Jewish residentsattemptingto storm the Arab
by explosives. Both Fath and Egyptian military section of the city. Violence followed the arrest
spokesmenclaimed credit for the alleged sabotage. of 10 Arab residents with 3 policemen and 4
Nov. 17: Israel reported her jets striking artillery civilians injured.
positions in Jordan manned by Jordanian,Syrian Nov. 24: A UAR spokesmansaid that jets had struck
and Iraqi units, at guerrillapositions south of the Israeli supply bases at al-Qantarahand missile
Sea of Galilee and at an Egyptian radar base in sites at Pelusium. Israelreportedthe strikessaying
Jordan at Mazar. 1 civilian was wounded and 2 trucks damagedat
Nov. 18: A UAR military spokesmansaid comman- Pelusium and no damageoccurredat al-Qantarah.
dos had attackedal-'Arish,setting fuel depots on The Central Office for the Boycott of Israel
fire and bombardingthe military governor'sresi- warnedthat boycottregulationswould be enforced
dence.Israelreportedthe raid,sayingthat 5 Israelis against any companywhich explored for or pur-
were wounded in the attack. chased crde and minerals from occupied Arab
The Gaza militarycourt sentenced6 Bedouin to territory.
imprisonmentto from 2 to 20 yearsfor belonging Nov. 25: Israeli officialsannouncedthe arrest of a
to a spy ring and passing military intelligence to former Jordanianintelligence officer and reported
Egypt. key figure in guerrilla organizations.
Nov. 19: UAR spokesmanIsmat 'Abd al-Majidsaid No-. 26: Israel announced her jets attacking long
that although war with Israel was being discussed range artillerybatteriesnear Kufr Asad in Jordan
as "inevitable,"the problem could be solved by with all planes reported safe. Baghdad Radio
implementation "as a whole" of the 1967 UN reportedthe attack saying Iraqi troops had come
Security Council resolution. under attackand had downed 2 Israeli jets.
Three Israelis were wounded in an ambush After Israeli jets attacked Egyptian positions
north of Gaza. A curfew was imposed on the along the central and southern sectors of the
Jabaliyyarefugee camp and on Beit Hanun. Canal, Egyptian planes attackedpositions east of
An Arab threw a grenadeat an Israeli bank in Isma'iliyyah and al-Qantarah.Egypt denied an
Khin Yuinis killing an Arab and wounding 5 Israeli reportthat 2 Egyptianplanes were downed.
others. US Assistant Secretaryof State Joseph Sisco
Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan warned said that "some progress has been achieved" in
that security authoritieswould take strictermeas- the 4 power talks, but that "fundamentaldiffer-
ures if terrorist activities continue in the Gaza ences remain"and said the Soviet attitude "raises
and al-'Arish areas. doubts regarding its willingness to play an actively
Nov. 20: Je'usalemRadio reportedthat securityforces constructiverole" in the Middle East.
had discovered"last week" 2 sabotagegroups in Nov. 27: The UAR newspaperal-Jumhi-riyyahre-
east Jerusalemand Hebron and arrested20 men. ported a note from Foreign Minister Mahmdd
The UN Social,Humanitarianand CulturalCom- Riyad to US Secretaryof State William Rogers
mittee condemnedthe Israeli policy of "collective rejecting"the principle of a piecemealsettlement"
and area punishment"in the occupied territories. and said that any acceptablepeace proposal must
Nov. 22: A UAR spokesmansaid that 60 commandos deal with the Middle East as a whole.
attacked Israeli armored units 3 miles into the A Jordanian tossed a hand grenade into the
Sinai Peninsula destroying3 tanks and killing an IsraeliEl Al officein Athens,wounding 15 people.
unspecifiednumber of Israelis with a loss of 3 The PopularFront for the Liberationof Palestine
soldiers. Israel reported the attack saying 30 (PFLP )confirmedthe Jordanian'smembershipin
Egyptians landed north of Isma'iliyyah and at- the PFLP.
tacked,wounding 2 Israelis. Nov. 28: The US mission to the UN announcedthat
Two Israeli Arabs were killed when their car, the 4 powers would resume consultationsin New
carryingexplosives, blew up in Acre. York on December 2.

The Jewush Observerpublished statements by solution for the Middle East.
Israeli Foreign Minister Eban that the Arabs in The InternationalRed Cross supervisedan ex-
the occupied territories representeda politically change of 2 Israeli prisoners for 58 Egyptian
consciouscommunitywhich would not be satisfied prisoners.
with merely economic and social gains and said Dec. 7: The captainof a Japanesevessel said Israeli
"we cannot accept an ideology of collective or boats had fired at his ship while it was on an
environmentalpunishment." internationalroute south of Aqabah. Israel said
Nov. 30: The UAR reported a commandounit at- her vessels had set off explosive charges to warn
tacking a fortified position at al-Shatt, killing a a Japanesecargo ship from strayinginto Elath.
large number of Israelis and destroying military Dec. 8: Israeli jets struck at alleged guerrilla bases
vehicles. Israel reportedher troops repulsing the near al-Shunahin Jordan after shelling from the
attack. area.
Israel reportedher jets attackingmilitary posi- Syria began an hour long artillery and tank
tions along the centraland southernsectorsof the clash in the Jawlan area in which Syria reported
Canal. A UAR spokesmansaid the jets were driven destroying4 bulldozersand inflictingover a dozen
off by anti-aircraftfire. casualties. Israel reportedthe clash, saying that 2
Dec. 1: The Egyptian newspaperal-Mussawarpub- machineswere damagedand no casualtiesreported.
lished an editorial criticizing the November 27 An Egyptianmilitary spokesmansaid that 250
grenade attack saying that such acts of violence Egyptiansoldiers had occupiedIsraeli positions in
abroadmight turn public opinion againstthe Arabs. the northernsectorof the Canal,destroyedmilitary
Dec. 2: Representativesof the 4 powers issued a installationsand returnedsafely. Israel described
joint statementsaying that the Arab Israeli con- the report as "morale-boostingfantasy."
flict "must not be permitted to jeopardizeinter- Al-Ahnim accused the US of an international
national peace" and warned that the situation in crime in supplying Israel with "mighty mouse"
the area was becoming "increasinglyserious and rockets which reportedlyhurl metal darts over a
urgent." wide area and said the Egyptian government
Arab commandos struck near Massada in the would protest to the UN Human Rights Com-
Jawlin area (Golan Heights) attacking 3 Israeli mission.
vehicles with grenadesand gun fire and wounding Dec. 9: US Secretaryof State Rogers said US policy
2 Israelis. in the Middle East "is and will continue to be a
Dec. 3: Israel reporteda 2 to 3 hour clash by her balanced one" and outlined US policy on key
commandoswith guerrillas in the Arqub region elements of the 1967 SecurityCouncil resolution
with 1 Israeli killed and 5 wounded and 12 guer- including a peace agreementleading to "a lasting
rillas killed and "manymore" wounded. Lebanon peace, . . . sustained by a sense of security on
reported the "airborneraid" saying "our artillery both sides" and recognizedpolitical borderswhich
positions shelled the enemy forces until they with- "should not reflect the weight of conquest." He
drew" from the village of Ayta al-Sha'b. said "therecan be no lasting peace without a just
Israeli Defense Minister Dayan was reportedto settlement"of the refugeeswho have "a new con-
have met with Arab officials in Gaza and em- sciousness"which "needs to be channeled away
phasized that the existing curfew would remain from bitterness"and, on the questionof Jerusalem,
in effect until they could maintain peace there. said "we cannot accept unilateral actions by any
Dec. 4: Speakingbefore the UN, US Representative party to decide the final status of the city." The
Joseph Johnson critcizedboth the Arabs and the city should be a "unifiedcity" with free accessfor
Israelis for using "violent" language in the UN all faiths and nationalities.
and said the internationalcommunitywould not Al-Nahir publishedwhat it said was a 10 point
tolerate"extremism"of either side. The US would peace plan submitted by the US to Egypt as a
not accept any solution which ignored the wishes basis for a UAR-Israelipeace settlement. The set-
of the Palestinianrefugees but "the free choice" tlement would be reached using the "Rhodes"
of the refugees was limited by the "legitimatein- formula and would include a timetable for Israeli
terests"of Israel. withdrawal from Egyptian territory, freedom of
In separate incidents in Gaza, a grenade was navigationfor Israeli ships throughthe Suez Canal
thrown at an Israeli patrol with Israelis,shooting and the Straitsof Tiran and fair conditions for a
at the assailant, killing a passerby. Another at- refugee settlement. The final settlement would
tack on an Israeli patrol ended with one suspected include secureand recognizedbordersand security
guerrilla killed and another wounded. arrangementswhich could include demilitarized
Dec. 5: Syriareleasedthe 2 Israelisheld since August zones.
29 in exchangefor 13 Syrianmilitarypersonnel. Israeli Chief of Staff Bar-Lev said that the
Dec. 6: UAR spokesmanMajidsaid the US was help- demolition of houses was an effective deterrent
ing an "aggressive"country and said there were which had proved itself and said that according
"not even remnants of hope" for a non-violent to objective calculationsthere was no danger of

a general war breaking out. in response to a reportedsharp increasein bom-

Dec. 10: Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Yigal Allon bardments of Israeli settlements, with 10 Arab
said that "no part of the Old City is closed to soldiers killed and 10 wounded.
Jewish settlement." Dec. 22: The New York Times publisheda summary
The UN General Assemblyadopteda resolution of an American proposal for a Jordanian-Israeli
expressing "grave concern" that the denial of peace settlementto be reachedunder UN Special
Palestinianrefugee rights "has been aggravatedby RepresentativeGunnarJarring'sauspices. Included
the reported acts of collective punishment, ar- were provisions for Israeli withdrawal, allowing
bitrary detention, curfews, destruction of homes "for alterationsbased on practicalsecurityrequire-
and property, deportation and other repressive ments," for agreementon Jerusalem"recognizing
acts" and directing attention to the "continuing that the city should be unified with free traffic
critical financial position" of the UN Relief and through all parts of it and with both countries
Works Agency (UNRWA). sharing in civic and economic responsibilitiesof
Dec. 11: Syria reporteda clash in the Jawlan area city government,"for a Jordanianaffirmationthat
saying Israeli jets launchedattacksagainstmilitary the Straitsof Tiran and the Suez Canal were in-
targetsnear Damascusbut Syrianaircraft"stopped ternationalwaterways,and for the establishment
the enemy aircraft from reaching their targets." of an internationalcommissionby Jarring "to de-
Israel said her planes were patrolling the border termine the choice of each refugee on returning
when approachedby Syrian aircraft. to Israel."
Pledges totalling $13,878,786 were made by UN Secretary-General U Thant said the 4 pow-
41 countriesfor UNRWA. ers "genuinelywant to facilitatethe work" of Jar-
Dec. 12: IsraeliPrime MinisterGolda Meir criticized ring and said he felt they would "come to some
Rogers' December 9 speech saying the US was substantive agreement regarding the guidelines
"moralizing"on the subjectof peace and said that under which AmbassadorJarringcan operate."
major powers "cannot make peace on behalf of A Swiss court sentenced3 Palestine Liberation
the Arabs." Organization (PLO) members to 12 years im-
Dec. 14: An Israeli spokesmansaid 1 soldier was prisonmentfor their machinegun attackin Zurich
killed, 1 wounded and 1 taken prisoner when an last February.An Israeliguard was acquittedof a
Egyptianreconnaissancepatrol ambushedan army murdercharge under extenuatingcircumstances.
vehicle. Egypt reported the incident saying that Dec. 23: Israelannouncedone of its commandounits
1 Israeli was capturedand 5 killed when a patrol crossedthe Red Sea and shelled an Egyptiannaval
crossedthe Canal. base at Safagawith the unit reportedsafe. Egypt
Writing in Pravda, Vladimir Mikhailov said denied the report.
that Rogers had tried to present US policy as Israeli jets attackedpositions across the Jordan
"balanced"but that the US would "fail to conceal River south of the Sea of Galilee.
the evident facts" of US support for Israel in its The Israeli military command said that Arab
"aggressive actions" and its "stubborn attempts guerrillasfired rockets from Jordan and Lebanon
to annex the seized territories." on the Israeli settlement Qiryat Shmona with no
Dec. 16: Two Israelisoldierswere killed by Egyptian casualtiesreported.
artilleryfire while trying to assist a civilian bull- US State Department spokesman Robert Mc-
dozer also hit by artilleryfire. Closkeysaid that the Soviet responseto US peace
Dayan said that Israeli authoritieshad demol- proposals, as relayed by Soviet AmbassadorDo-
ished 516 dwellings in occupied areas since the brynin, was "not constructivelyresponsiveto our
June war as punishment for suspected terrorist October28 formulations."
activity. The PFLPsaid it would halt Israeli construction
Dec. 17: The military governor of Gaza and the of a road linking Israel with the Jawlan area
northernSinai coast imposed a night curfew along saying the road was meant for strategicuse and
the Mediterraneancoast until further notice and was partof Israel'splans for annexationof the area.
banished 6 Arab leaders in Gaza, accusing them Dec. 24: Three hundred merchantsin Gaza signed
of aiding commandos. a letter saying the irresponsibleacts of terrorists
Israel announced her jets had bombed and had inflicted casualtiesupon peaceful citizens and
strafed Egyptianpositions across the Canal in re- createdeconomic hardshipsfor the merchantsand
taliation for the deathsDecember 16 of 2 soldiers told the local militarycommanderthey would hire
and a civilian. a watchman to guard against a recurrenceof
Dec. 19: Israelannouncedher commandoshad crossed grenade attacks.
the Canal north of al-Balah, had fired rockets Dec. 25: Israel announcedher jets had launchedan
"against an Egyptian Army camp" in the area 8 hour attack on Egyptian positions along the
and returnedsafely. Canal,destroyingall ground-to-airmissile sites be-
Dec. 21: Israeli jets bombed and strafed Iraqi and ing rebuilt and denied an Egyptianreport that 4
Jordanianarmypositionsinside Jordanfor 5 hours Israeli planes were downed in the attack.

Dec. 26: Israelissued a communiquesaying her com- no 4 power talks were scheduled,"we are prepared
mando units had attacked an Egyptian position to resume them."
at Ras Gharib and had demolishedthe naval post A Fath spokesmansaid that "certainArab states"
and captured4 Egyptianprisoners. Egypt reported had told his organizationthat they were willing
the raid as abortive and said 2 Egyptians were "to receive back" Jews who emigrated to Israel
killed and 4 missing. and now wish to returnto their countriesof origin.
Dec. 27: Dayan warned Lebanon that its villages Israeli jets made two raids 8 miles from the
would be destroyedif Arab guerrillasused them Lebaneseborder injuring 9 civilians.
as bases for operationsagainst Israel. Contributionsto UNRWA of $297,777 and
An American tourist was killed when com- $15,000 were reported from Saudi Arabia and
mandos ambusheda sight-seeingbus near Hebron. Greece respectively.
Dec. 28: The Kuwayti al-Ra'i -'Anmconfirmedthat Jan. 3: The LebaneseArmy reported its units had
Kuwayt will pay ilOm in addition to the aid killed 3 Israeli soldiersduring a raid on the Leba-
paid under the KhartuimSummit arrangement. nese village of Qala. Israelis blew up several
Israeli Minister of Tourism Moshe Kol said he buildings and captured21 Arab prisoners before
would recommend that the Jerusalem-Hebron- withdrawing.
Beershebaroad not be used for tourists and said An Egyptianmilitaryspokesmanannouncedthat
it would be wise for buses traveling in occupied a commandounit crossedthe Canaland ambushed
areas to carryarms. an Israeli military vehicle, killing or wounding
Israeli jets attacked Egyptian positions in the its 5 occupants.
southernsector of the Canal. Egypt said its forces Israeli General Herzog said Israeli commandos
had downed 2 jets. had removed a Soviet anti-aircraftradar system
Israeli jets hit reportedguerrillapositionsin the from Ras Gharib on December26.
BaysanValley from which shelling on Israeli vil- Jan. 4: Israel reported a clash at al-Qantarahin
lages was thought to emanate. which 2 EgyptianMIGs were destroyed20 miles
Dec. 29: Israel said her planes bombed a Jordanian inside Egyptianterritory.Egypt reportedthe clash
radarstation at 'Ajlun east of the JordanRiver. saying an Israeli plane had been downed.
Dec. 30: The JerusalemCentralCourtorderedMichael Three of the LebanesecapturedJanuary3 were
Rohan committed to a mental asylum for an in- released.
definite period. The court ruled he was not pun- Jan. 6: Israel reportedthat Egyptiancommandoshad
ishable for his deed because he had acted under landed on the East Bank of the Canal near Port
an uncontrollablepathologicalimpulse. Tawfiq but were repulsed by Israeli fire, leaving
Dec. 31: An Israeli watchmanfrom the Israeli set- 9 Egyptian commandoskilled.
tlement Metullahwas abductedby Arab guerrillas Israel reportedan Egyptianair attackby 4 jets
across the Lebanese border when he discovered north of al-Qantarah,causing no damage.
them laying explosive charges and mines. Israeli jets attacked positions in Lebanon on
The Israeli town of QiryatShmona came under Mt. Hermon, reportedlyguerrillabases and supply
heavy rocket attack from Lebanon. routes.
Jan. 7: Israel reportedher jets had bombed 3 Egyp-
tian military camps at Dahshur, Inshas and Tall
1970 al-Kabir. Egypt said her jets and anti-aircraftfire
Jan. 1: Israeli Minister of Information Galili said had driven the Israeli jets back across the Canal.
Israel would have to take action if the Lebanese Jan. 8: JordanianKing IHusaynsaid that "we are
border was to be "wide open to terroristinfiltra- still committedto work for peace based on right
tion and shelling" and said such action would be and justice"but that "we will not take any uni-
aimed at "forcing the Lebanese authorities to lateral step nor will we give in to settlement
adopt precautionarymethodsagainstthe terrorists." that does not return all the Arab territory and
UAR President Nasir said Egypt would put a restoreall the usurpedrights."
million men under arms and would struggle until Israel reportedher jets had shot down 3 Syrian
victory was achieved. He said the US peace pro- MIG-21s as they approachedthe Jawlan area. A
posals' aim was "to divide the Arabs" and said Syrian spokesman reported the clash saying her
"we seek peace and not surrender." pilots had downed 2 Israeli Mirages.
Jordan said that Israeli jets had knocked out Jan. 9: Israeli Ambassadorto the UN Tekoah said
the East Ghor Canal during raids on Irbid and Israel would not permit a 3 member UN com-
military installationsopposite the Negev in which mittee to inquire into the observanceof human
11 people were killed. rights in occupiedterritory,saying the group was
An Arab was killed and 4 wounded when a biased against his country.
grenade was tossed into a crowd in the Dabarrah Israelimilitaryauthoritiesreportedthat 24 Arab
Squarein Jerusalem. terrorists had been captured and 2 large arms
Jan. 2: The US State Department said that while caches discoveredin the occupiedWest Bank.

Israel reported her jets had attackedtargets in telephone pylons between Port Suez and Cairo
the northernsector of the Canal and in Lebanon. and that a second unit had attackedan administra-
Lebanon reported the raid, calling it one of the tive center at Ras Zafarinah.
heaviest ever on Mt. Hermon with 6 Lebanese Jan. 18: Israelreportedher jets raidingmilitarytargets
wounded. including the Huckstep military installation and
Jan. 10: Israel reported her missiles had destroyed a weaponsdepot at Jebel Hof. Egypt reportedthe
2 bombers during an Egyptian raid on the Sinai raids saying the Israeli planes missed their targets
Peninsula at Ras Sudr in which 1 Israeli was and that 1 Israeli Skyhawkhad been downed.
wounded. Egypt said her planes had destroyed Jan. 19: An Israeli Army spokesman said that at
an Israeli anti-aircraftmissile site in the attack. least 586 saboteurswere killed during 1969.
Jan. 11: Israelsaid she "wouldbe preparedto discuss Jan. 20: Al-Ahram reported that Egyptian defense
an exchange of prisonerswith the LebaneseGov- forces killed at least 10 Israeli frogmen attempting
ernment provided Lebanon assures Israel of the to swim across the Canal near Isma'iliyyahon
release of the watchman"capturedJanuary3. January18. Israel denied the report.
Jan. 12: The Israeli military command announced Jan. 21: US Deputy Assistant Secretaryof State
that her jets had attackedEgyptianmilitarytargets Rodger Davies said that since the December 23
in the northernsector of the Canal. Russian rejection, progress had been made for a
An Israeli taxi passed over a mine detonating Russian reconsiderationand said "if we can get
it near a refugee camp in Gaza. The driver was the Arabs to acceptthe obligations of peace, then
killed and 3 Arabswounded. we can get the Israelis to accept territorial ad-
Jan. 13: The New York Times published the Soviet justments."
reply of December23 to US proposalsfor a peace An Israelimilitaryspokesmansaid armoredunits
settlement. The note called US proposals "one- completed an operation against Arab guerrillas
sided" and said they "cannot facilitate ways of near al-$afi in Jordan, capturing arms and am-
resolving the Middle East situation." The note re- munition. The units encounteredno resistanceand
jected the use of the Rhodes formula "in view suffered no casualties or damage in the attack.
of the sharp differences which have recently Jordan reported the attack saying that a Saudi
emerged in the interpretation"of it and said the battalion and commandosfought with Jordanian
proposals mentioned nothing new on the "key troops in the 24 hour battle which killed 7 Arabs
question of the settlement," Israeli withdrawal and wounded 13. The Palestine Armed Struggle
from occupied territories. Command (PASC) reportedthat 2 Israeli tanks
US State Department spokesman McCloskey were destroyed.
said the US continues "'to feel that the Rhodes King Husayn said he welcomed US peace pro.
formula is the best arrangementby which the posals as a "step forward"but cautionedthat "if
parties might come together" and said the pub- there is a solution it has got to be a general solu-
lished version of the Soviet note appearedto be tion, not a piecemealone."
"an accuratetranslation." Jan. 22: US State DepartjnentspokesmanMcCloskey
An Israeli military spokesmansaid her jets had said that, in a meeting with Soviet Ambassador
attackedan Egyptian Army base south of Cairo Dobrynin, US Assistant Secretaryof State Sisco
and one at Tall al-Kablir.Egypt reported Israeli "pointed out the shortcomings"of the December
air penetration to within 9 miles of Cairo but 23 Soviet note and warned there was no point to
said the jets were driven off by Egyptiandefenses. continuing 2 power talks unless Russia adopted a
Jan. 14: UAR spokesman Majid called the Israeli more flexible attitude.
air attackson Cairo futile effortsto achieve "politi- Israel announcedthat a task force had captured
cal and psychologicaleffects"and said they were the Egyptianisland of Shadwanafter 6 hours of
"clearproof that Israel is laboring under a severe fighting in which 10 Egyptiansand 3 Israeliswere
state of nervousnessand tension." killed and 2 Egyptiantorpedoboats sunk 10 miles
Jan. 16: IsraeliPrime MinisterMeir warnedLebanon south of the island. An Egyptianmilitary spokes-
to returnthe kidnappedwatchmanor Israel would man said thatat least 30 Israelisoldierswere killed
bring about his release. The Lebanese Foreign or wounded and 2 Israeli planes downed in the
Ministry said the watchmanwas not on Lebanese attack.
soil and the governmenthad had nothing to do Jan. 23: Israel reportedthat its task force withdrew
with his capture. from Shadwan after the 30 hour operation in
An Israeli plane was downed by Egyptiananti- which the outpost was completelyneutralizedas a
aircraft fire during a raid on an Egyptian radar military base. All its installationswere reported
stationat Bir Udayb. Israel said that the pilot had destroyed and its military equipment removed.
been seen bailing out and denied an Egyptian Seventy Egyptians were reported killed and 62
report that 2 additional planes were downed. taken prisoner. Egypt said that 80 Egyptianswere
Jan. 17: An Israeli Army spokesmanreported that killed, wounded or missing in the fighting and
a commando unit had destroyed electricity and estimatedIsraeli casualtiesat 50 dead or wounded.
Four Israeli planes struck at targets near Cairo, Jan. 31: Israel said that Egyptian commandoshad
attackingan Armycampnearthe InternationalAir- crossed the Canal at night and laid an ambush
port and others south of Cairo. north of Ismai'iliyyah.An Israeli patrol clashed
Iraqi Defense MinisterTakhitisaid that a plane- with the unit, throwing it back to the Canal with
load of arms for the Palestinianguerrillas would 2 Israelis wounded in the exchange. Egypt said
arrive in Beirut the next day. the unit ambushedan Israeliarmoredpatrolkilling
Jan. 24: Dayansaid that becauseEgyptwantedneither all Israeli patrol members and destroying their
peace nor a returnto the cease fire, "all of Egypt vehicles.
is the battlefield." Feb. 1: Israel reportedhitting 3 Syrian tanks and 3
Jan. 25: US PresidentNixon sent a message to the military positions in a clash in the Jawlin area.
Jewish Conferencesaying the US was "prepared Syria said 1 Israeli plane was downed and 5
to supply military equipmentnecessaryto support Israelitanksdestroyed.
the efforts of friendly governments,like Israel, to Feb. 2: The New York Times reported statements
defend the safety of their people" and said that by "highly placed informants"that the USSR had
the US would prefer "restraint"in arms shipments warnedthe US of its plans to immediatelyincrease
to the area but the US is "maintainingcareful its arms shipmentsto the UAR.
watch on the relative strengthsof the forces there, Israeli and Syrian forces clashed over a 19
and we will not hesitateto providearmsto friendly mile area in the Jawlan area in a 4 hour tank
states as needed." and artillery battle. Israel reported one of its
Israel reported disabling a 120 ton Egyptian planes downed. Syria reported downing 4 Israeli
"auxiliaryship used to carry men and supplies." planes and destroying3 Israeli tanks and several
The UAR accused Israel of attacking a civilian military positions.
freighter. A UAR spokesman said that Israeli planes
The Lebanesegovernmentsaid that 2 Lebanese dropped time bombs in the residential area of
were killed and 2 wounded by Israeligunfire near Manaqbad,causing 31 casualties.
Bint Jubayl. Feb. 3: Egypt reportedher jets attackingIsraeli posi-
Egypt reported her commandos destroying an tions in the Sinai Peninsula,bombing bunkersand
Israeli radarstation in the Sinai Peninsula. Israel artillerypositionsnorthof al-Qantarahand reported
describedthe report as "pure imagination." a commandounit crossing the Canal and firing
Saudi Arabia said that its gunners stationed rockets at Israeli positions. Israel denied the re-
south of the Dead Sea had downed 2 Israeli jets ported landing and said that the "hit and run"
in a raid on the area. jet raid had only slightly damaged an Israeli
Jan. 27: Pravda published an article warning that position.
the situation in the Middle East was "inflamed" Syria reportedits armed forces had fought with
and called for a peace formula which would in- Israel February2 "to show that all Arab fronts
clude Israeli withdrawalfrom all occupied terri- with the enemy are one."
tory and the establishmentof a "just and reliable Mrs. Meir said that "the moment the Arabs
peace. decide that the cease-fireis binding on both sides
Jan. 28: US State DepartmentspokesmanMcCloskey then there will be no more bombing on our part."
said there was "urgent need for scrupulousres- Feb. 4: PresidentNasir said he would "have to go
toration"of the cease fire in the Middle East by to the Soviet Union" for arms if the US supplied
both Israel and the Arabs. Phantomsto Israel and said "we have to work for
Dayan said that the targets of an Israeli jet a peaceful solution, but we have to establish our
raid near Cairo were army camps at Ma'di and military force."
Dahshur. UAR spokesmanMajid said 3 Egyptis Feb. 5: The New York Times published reports of
were killed, 12 woundedand 3 buildings destroyed a reply by Nixon to a letter from Kosygin of
in the attack. January 31. Nixon repeated US efforts to en-
Jan. 29: Syria reported that a formation of Syrian courageobservanceof the cease-firelines, expressed
aircrafthad flown over Haifa, breakingthe sound willingness to begin talks on limitation of arms
barrierand doing much damage. Israel said only deliveriesto the area and called for a more favor-
1 Syrian plane overflew Haifa and reported that able Soviet responseto US peace proposals.
Israeli jets had overflown Damascus, Homms, A spokesmanfor U Thant said he would "in
Hamma, Latakiaand Aleppo, breaking the sound principle . . . favor an arms embargo in the
barrier. context of the Middle East situation."
Jan. 30: Nixon said US policy was neither pro-Arab Egypt said a commando unit had crossed the
nor pro-Israeli but pro-peace and said the US Canal and ambushed an Israeli armored column
would "considerthe Israeli arms requests to the south of Port Said, destroying 2 tanks and 2
extent that we see . . . that they need additional armoredcars. Israel reported that fierce fighting
arms." The US decision to supply arms "will be acrossthe Canal followed an Egyptianambush in
made within the next 30 days." which 4 Israelis were killed.

Feb. 6: Izvestia said the situation in the Middle a warning to UNTSO Head Odd Bull that some
East "is fraught with extremely serious conse- of the bombs dropped were timed to explode in
quences" and said the situation "demands that 24 hours and should be defused.
all governmentsinterestedin restoringa just peace US Acting Secretaryof State Elliot Richardson
in the Middle East take the most urgent measures" said the US deplored"this attack,which apparently
induding 4 power talks "to put an end to the has resulted in considerableloss of life and in-
military escalationof Israel against the UAR and juries. Neither can we disregard the tragic loss
other Arab states." of life and injury to civilians resulting from re-
Israel reported that her jets had sunk a 700 newed attacks by terrorists against civilian pas-
ton minelayerwith a crew of 80 in the Gulf of sengers traveling in internationalair transports."
Suez. Egypt said the sunken craft was a 120 ton US Ambassadorto the UN CharlesYost called
supply craft and that the crew had been rescued. for 4 power discussionson arms limitation for
Israel reported that an Israeli naval vessel was the Middle East and declaredthat the 4 powers
sunk in Elath harbor,apparentlyby sabotage. No should make a joint appeal for an immediate
casualtieswere reported. restorationof the cease-fire.
Israel reporteda jet attackon Egyptianmilitary Tass published an Izvestia editorial warning
positions at Tall al-Kabirand Ganakla. that "firmsteps" should be taken "to help relieve
Feb. 7: The New York Times quoted "high official the growing tension and prompt Israel to heed
sources" as saying that the administrationhad the voice of reason" and cautioning against the
decided to sell Israel new aircraftand other war belief that "time is workingfor the aggressorsand
materiel. The US State Department denied the those supportingthem."
report. The Rumanianweekly Lumeapublisheda state-
Feb. 8: Israel reported her jets attacking military ment by a Secretaryof the Grand National As-
targets at Inshas and Helwan and reporteddown- sembly stressingRumania's"constructive"posture
ing 2 MIG-21s. Egypt reported the raid saying in the search for a Middle East settlement and
the jets had wounded 12 civilians at Helwan and offering the country'sincreasedcooperationwith
said 1 Israeli jet had been downed. all partiesinvolved.
FormerIsraeli Prime Minister Ben Gurion said Feb. 13: U Thant orderedHead of UNTSO Odd Bull
that PresidentNasir must be replacedif there is to return to New York for urgent consultations.
to be peace in the Middle East and said Nasir's Israel reported that her anti-aircraftfire had
"position is becoming more and more critical." downed 1 of 6 Egyptianbombersstriking at the
He called US supplies of arms to Israel "decisive." central and northern sectors of the Canal, with
A PLO spokesmansaid that commandoleader no Israeli casualtiesreported.
Yasir 'Arafit would lead a 7 man delegation on Feb. 14: Two Arabs were killed and 2 wounded
a week's visit to the USSR, beginning February9. in Gaza when Israeli troops opened fire on a
Feb. 9: All 12 of the East JerusalemArabs elected suspectedcommando.
to municipal committees announced their resig- The US increasedits contributionto UNRWA
nations. by $1m to $23.2m.
An Israeli military spokesman reported dog- Feb. 15: Israel reportedher jets attackingEgyptian
fights between Egyptian and Israeli planes over artillery positions in the northern sector of the
the Canal in which 1 Egyptianplane was downed Canalwith all planesreportedsafe.
and 1 Israeli plane downed and its pilot taken
Feb. 10: Three Arabs launched a grenade attack General
on a bus and a lounge at the Munich airport.
The attackwas thoughtto be an attempton Dayan's 1969
son's life.
Thirty-fourArabs were wounded in a grenade Dec. 7: The IndustrialDevelopment Centre for the
explosionin Khin Yunis. Arab Countries ended a 10 day conference in
Feb. 11: An Egyptian military spokesman said an Cairoaftertalks on the establishmentof specialized
infantry company crossed the Canal, occupied a industrial institutes.
fortified position and ambushedan armored col- Dec. 16: The Organizationof PetroleumExporting
umn, with at least 20 Israelis killed or wounded Countries (OPEC) ended a 3 day meeting in
and 2 captured. Qatar for talks on "a number of issues, notably
Feb. 12: In an Israeli jet raid on a suburbof Cairo participation, the production programme and
a bomb was dropped on a scrap metal plant at Algeria's negotiations with the French govern-
al-Khanka,killing 70 civiliansand woundingmany ment."Nadim Pichahchi was named Chairmanof
more. Israel describedthe attackas aimed at mili- the Board of Governors for 1970.
tary installations and said one plane may have Dec. 20: The opening session of the Arab summit
"inadvertently"hit a civilian target. Dayan sent conferencein Rabat was postponedfor a day.

Dec. 22: The confereesat the Rabat summit agreed be named by his government. The conference
to set up a fact finding committee of Iraq and expressedsupport for Algeria and Libya in their
Algeria to investigate the Saudi-South Yemeni upcoming price negotiations on oil.
disputeover the Wadi'ih area. Feb. 2: The Arab EconomicUnity Councilended a 5
The Kuwayti al-Siyasahpublished a statement day meeting in Cairo after adopting resolutions
by the Acting Secretary-General of the Organiza- including one calling on Arab states to transfer
tion of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries imports from countriessupplying Israel with arms
(OAPEC) that the Organizationwas planning to to countriessupportingthe Arab cause.
constructa giant dry dock in the Arabian Gulf Feb. 3: Iraq, Syria and the UAR signed a protocol
to provide repair services for tankersof all sizes. in Cairo agreeing to establish a permanentcom-
Dec. 23: UAR President Nisir, commando leader mission for economiccoordinationand integration
'Arafatand Secretary-General of the Arab League among the countries.
Hassuinahwalked out of a session of the Rabat Feb. 9: A 3 day meeting of the "confrontationcoun-
Conferenceafter a discussion on additional con- tries" of the UAR, Syria, Jordan,Iraq and Sudan
tributions for the Arab conflict with Israel. ended in Cairo after "affirminganew" their deter-
Kuwayt reportedly refused to increase payments mination to liberate "violatedArab territory"and
to Arab countries,Saudi Arabia, to increasepay- assertingthat "the Arab nation refuses to see its
ments by more than ?50m and Libya,by more than resources and wealth being exploited into as-
i1Om. sistanceand weaponsfor Israel."
The second Conference on Development and Feb. 11: Leadersof Libya,the UAR and Sudanopened
Trade Exchangeended a week's session in Cairo their second meeting in Cairo.
afterrecommendingthe establishmentof an African Feb. 12: The Kuwayti Oil Ministry confirmedthat
commonmarketand increasedeconomicand finan- Algeriahad appliedfor membershipin the OAPEC.
cial cooperation.
Dec. 24: The closing session of the 3 day Rabat
summitwas boycottedby the Syrian,South Yemeni Afghanistan
and Iraqi delegations. Speaking on the boycott,
MoroccanKing Hasan said it was the result of 1969
"doctrinal divergencies" and did not represent Nov. 17: The KabulTimesannouncedthe new Cabi-
divergencies of purpose. net as follows:
Dec. 27: The Egyptian,Sudaneseand Libyan heads Nur AhmedEtemadi:PrimeMinister
of state ended a 3 day meeting in Tripoli after Abdulla Yaftali: First Deputy Premier
agreeing to hold regular meetings and coordinate Abdul Kayeum: Second Deputy Premier and
military, political and economic activities against Minister of Education
Israel. Khan Mohammed: Defense
Dec. 28: The Regional Cooperationfor Develop- M. BasheerLodin: Interior
ment (RCD) MinisterialCouncil ended a 2 day Abdul Wahid Sorabi: Planning
meeting in Tehran after reviewing progress of Abdul SatarSeerat: Justice
its projects in member countries. MohammedAkbar Omar: Commerce
Dec. 30: A Turkish-ArabChamber of Commerce MohammedAman: Finance
was established to promote trade and economic MahmoudHabibi: Information& Culture
relations. MohammedAzeem Geran: Communication
EbrahimMajid Seraj: Public Health
1970 AmanullahMansouri:Mines & Industry
Jan. 7: The national oil companiesof Iraq, Algeria, Abdul Hakim: Agriculture& Irrigation
Libya and the UAR announcedtheir decision, at The Ministerswithout Portfolioare ShafiqaZiayee
the end of a 3 day meeting in Baghdad,to "co- and Ghulam Ali Aeen.
ordinatetheir activitiesin all fields of the national Nov. 26: A delegationof the Soviet-AfghanFriend-
oil and gas industry . . . particularlyas regards ship Society arrived on a visit.
the unificationof their attitudesto foreign monop- Dec. 16: Algeria agreed to establish diplomatic re-
olist companiesexploiting Arab resources." lations with the countryat the ambassadoriallevel.
Jan. 13: The foreign ministers of the UAR, Libya Dec. 17: A Soviet trade delegation arrivedfor talks
and Sudan ended a 3 day meeting in Cairo as on a price and exchangeof commoditiesprotocol.
called for in the December 27 agreement. Dec. 25: A Soviet militarydelegationled by Defense
Jan. 15: The French bank Credit Lyonnais signed Minister Grechko arrived for an official visit.
an agreementin principle to set up a French-Arab
Jan. 16: Decisions of the DecemberOPEC meeting 1970
were announced.The budgetwas set at $1,308,572 Jan. 7: US Vice President Spiro Agnew ended a
and the Secretary-General would be a Libyan, to 2 day official visit.

Jan. 21: The USSR signed a protocol for the export Jan. 31: President of Mali Moussa Traore ended a
of 2.5 billion cubic meters of Afghani naturalgas 2 day visit
in 1970. Feb. 6: Syrian PresidentAtas; ended a 5 day official
Jan. 26: Defense Minister Khan Mohammedbegan visit after agreeing on expanded cooperationin
an officialvisit to the US. oil, technicalassistanceand culture.

(See also General, Afghanistan,Libya,
Saudi Arabia, Tunisia) (See also Turkey)
1969 1969
Nov. 17: The state oil company SONATRACHan- Nov. 20: Presidentof the Cypriot House of Repre-
nounced the discovery of new layers of oil and sentativesGlafcosCleridessaid he was not inclined
gas at Oued Noumer with an estimatedproduction to continue negotiations with President of the
of 4m cubic meters of gas daily. Turkish CypriotCommunalChamberRauf Denk-
Nov. 22: El-Moudjahidpublished planned increases tash within the framework of the inter-Cypriot
in the agriculturalsection of the 4 year plan with talk.
earnings in that sector expected to increase by Nov. 21: PresidentMakariosexpressedhis "absolute
about ? 59.3m. confidence"in Cleridesand said he had asked that
Nov. 24: A Frenchdelegationbegan negotiationson Clerides continue with the talks. Clerides an-
the financial provisions of the 1965 Franco- nounced that, at President Makarios'request, he
Algerian agreementwith talks expected to center would continue with the talks.
on Algeria's demand for an upward revision of Nov. 24: The Police Constable in Limassol was
tax referenceprices on oil. wounded in an ambush.
Dec. 4: A delegationled by Foreign MinisterBoute- Nov. 25: Denktash said what the Turkish side was
flika ended a 4 day visit to Mauritania. seeking through the inter-Cypriottalks was not
Dec. 17: Tunisia signed a 20 year treatyof brother- to dominate Greek Cypriot life but to cooperate
hood and cooperationproviding for equal treat- to maintain securityand propertywhile maintain-
ment of citizens of both countries, the establish- ing their rights.
ment of a joint committee to implement border Dec. 1: The inter-Cypriottalks resumed, with dis-
agreementsand settle border problems, the estab- cussion on procedurefor upcoming talks.
lishment of a mixed chamber of commerce to Dec. 4: The House of Representativespassed a bill
regulate and promote trade and an agreement enabling the Interior Minister, with the Council
on cooperationin fuel, gas and power. of Ministers'approval,to use the National Guard
Dec. 18: South Yemeni Foreign Minister 'Ali Silim for internal security purposes when he judges it
al-Baydended a 3 day visit. necessary.
Dec. 30: The country'sbudgetfor 1970 was reported Dec. 11: The UN SecurityCouncil voted to extend
at ? 926.7m with the developmentbudget set at the UN Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) for 6
? 551.4m. months.
Dec. 12: Two explosions occurredat British bases
1970 at Akrotiri.
Jan. 9: North Vietnam signed a trade agreement A strong explosion occurredin Limassol.
with the country. Dec. 14: InteriorMinisterKomodhromossaid Greek
West GermanChancellorWilly Brandtended a Cypriots would continue to struggle with faith
2 week private visit. to open the road "whichwill lead us to the desired
Jan. 13: The OfficialGazetteannouncedthat Minister goal of our struggle,union of Cypruswith mother
of InteriorAhmed Medeghriwas assumingrespon- Greece."
sibility for the Ministry of Industryand Energy. Dec. 15: Cleridessaid that Komodhromos'December
Jan. 20: Governmentsourcessaid that 'Abd al-Salam 14 speech did not reflect the government'sviews.
was away from his portfolio of Industry and Dec. 18: The 1970 budget of ? 27.6m was sub-
Energy "for reasons of health." mitted to the House of Representatives.The de-
The USSR signed an agreementproviding for velopment budget was set at ? 13.058m and a
a 130m rouble rise in trade in 1970. surplusof ? 3.6m will be transferredto the coun-
Jan. 21: PresidentBoumediennesigned a decreepro- try's permanentfund.
mulgating the 4 year plan to "consolidate"the Dec. 19: Bomb explosions occurredin Nicosia and
socialist economy and "reinforce"economic inde- Limassol.
pendence. The mean annual GNP growth rate Dec. 20: The British High Commissionerprotested
was set at 9% with the investmenttotal for the to the Foreign Ministry over recent bomb in-
plan set at Ds 26.4m. ddents.

Dec. 24: The World Bank announcedit had agreed Jan. 26: Clerides and Denktash met for talks on
to lend $5m to help expandelectricpowerfacilities. judicial authority for the island.
Jan. 29: The House of Representativespassed the
1970 January15 draft bill on detention.
Jan. 7: Twenty men of the National Front raided Jan. 30: Iran contributed $4,000 toward the
the village of Omadhos and seized over 1,000 UNFICYP, it was reported.
weapons belonging to the National Guard. Feb. 15: A Bulgarian trade delegation arrived for
Jan, 8: The police force began an operationto collect talks on a 5 year trade and paymentsagreement.
arms and ammunition from civilians.
Jan. 10: The Council of Ministers decided to pass
emergency legislation making possible the arrest Iran
and detention without trial of persons for at least
3 months on the strength of a Supreme Court (See also General, Cyprus,Iraq, Turkey)
Jan. 13: Komodhromossaid that 75% of the regis- 1969
tered weapons in the country had been collected Nov. 16: A spokesmanfor the InternationalFairs
and that as soon as collectionof registeredweapons and Exhibitions Corp. said that business trans-
was complete, the police would begin collecting acted at the Second Asian InternationalFair in
illegally held arms. Tehran in October amountedto $25m.
Jan. 14: Clerides said the bill proposed January 10 Nov. 18: The IranianOil Explorationand Producing
had been abandoned because it was contraryto Co. announced that oil had been discovered at
the Human Rights Conventionand said the Coun- Sarkan Lurestan, in southwest Iran, testing at
cil of Ministerswould considera new bill on "pre- 17,000 b/d.
ventative custody." Nov. 21: Hungarian President Pal Losonczi, lead-
Jan. 15: Police were placed on full alert to prevent ing an economic and political delegation, ended
incidents on the anniversaryof the pro-enosis a 6 day visit and announcedthat bartertrade be-
plebiscite of 1950. tween the 2 countrieswould be steppedup.
The Council of Ministersapproveda draft bill Nov. 29: CzechoslovakPresident Ludvic Svoboda
providing that in cases where there is reasonable ended a 5 day visit.
grounds to believe that a crime of violence will Dec. 14: Ten people were executed, convicted of
be committed,the judge may issue a court arrest using Army vehicles to smuggle large quantities
warrantand the period of detention may exceed of opium into Iran from Turkey.
3 months. Dec. 16: Poland signed a 5 year trade and payments
Jan. 16: An explosion occurred behind a British agreement to exchange goods worth $45.5m in
club in Famagusta,causing no casualties. 1970/71.
Komodhromoscalled on all people in possession Dec. 19: The ruler of Ra's al-Khaymahbegan a 6
of arms to surrenderthem within 10 days. day official visit for talks with the Shah and
President Makarios ended a 2 week visit to government officials.
Tanzania,Zambia and Kenya. Dec. 20: Prime Minister Abbas Hoveida arrived in
Jan. 17: Three bomb explosions occurred in the Moscowfor talks with Soviet PremierKosygin.
Nicosia area.
PresidentMakariosended a day'svisit to Greece 1970
for talks with Prime Minister Papadopoulos. Jan. 7: A consortium of French companies was
Jan. 18: Makariosended a meeting in Rome with awardeda ?40m contractto build the Reza Shah
former Greek King Constantine. Great Dam on the KarunRiver, it was announced.
Makarios said that if the inter-Cypriottalks Jan. 20: The Shah and EmpressFarahbegan a visit
fail, "I do not think another procedurewill have to Englandand Switzerlandfor a medicalcheck-up
greater chances of success" and said that the and a vacation.
Greek Cypriots"will never cease to be united in Jan. 22: The governmentnotified the Iraqi ambas-
spirit with Greece." sador and 4 of his staff they were to leave the
Unofficial reports said that govemment forces countrywithin 24 hours. All Iraqi consulateswere
had prevented an attempt on Makarios'life. closed and Iraqi consular officers expelled. Ex-
A harbor station in Limassol was raided and plaining the action, the Foreign Minister accused
blown up. the ambassadorand his staff members of "inter-
Jan. 25: Clerides said that both Greece and Turkey fering in the internal affairs of Iran."
believed that Cyprus should be an independent The ruler of Sharjahended a 6 day visit for
state, allowing unity while providing for Turkish talks thought to cover the proposedGulf federa-
minority rights, and said the government would tion, demarcationof the continentalshelf and ex-
take strict security measuresagainst underground pansion of trade.
activities. Jan. 30: Troops rescued 1,063 people and recovered

43 bodies from the January29 avalanchesin the Dec. 18: INOC and the Hungarian state company
Elburz Mountains. Komokomplexsigned a general cooperationagree-
Feb. 8: Prime MinisterHoveida presentedthe 1970/ ment including granting INOC $15m credit for
71 budget to the Parliament,and said the increase equipmentand technical services.
of almost 50% in defense was necessarybecause Dec. 19: The Voice of Iraqi Kardistanreportedthat
of Iraqi provocationsand the critical situation in its forces had shot down 2 Air Force MIG-17s in
the Middle East and the Gulf. the first week of December.
Feb. 15: India signed an agreement under which Dec. 29: A law was issued requiringall Palestinians
Iranian petrochemicalswould be barteredfor In- residingin the countryto pay 39%of their salaries
dian industrialproducts. to the Palestine Fund.
The New York Times quoted "qualified in-
formants"from Baghdad as saying that a high
Iraq level government delegation was ready to meet
with Kurdish leader Barazaniif he were willing
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Iran, to confer.
Lebanon,Libya, Persian Gulf, South Yemen, Dec. 30: Changesin the provisionalconstitutionwere
Turkey,Yemen) announced including the abolition of the post
1969 of Deputy Premier and an amendmentchanging
Nov. 17: Membershipof the Revolution Command weekly Cabinetmeetings to meetings convenedby
Council (RCC) was expanded with members of the President.
the Council to include: President Bakr, $alih Dec. 31: The following new ministers were an-
Mahdi 'Ammish, Hardan al-Takriti, Hammad nounced:
ShihTb, Sa'd-unGhaidan, Sidam Husayn Takrtfi, 'A-iz Sharif: Justice
'Abd al-Karim Shaykhli, 'Abdallah al-Sallam al- Sa'd 'Abd al-Baqi: Education
Slmarrd'i, 'Izzat Mustafa, Shafiq al-Kamali, 'Abd Suad Khalil Isma'il: Higher Educatio-n
al-Khaliq al-Samarra'i,SalaLh'Umar 'Ali, Murtada Hamid al-Jubunri: Culture and Information
Hadithi, 'Izzat Khiirl and Taha Jazriwi. Mawlud Kaimil:Agriculture
Nov. 22: Spain agreed to build a $5.5m pipe plant, 'Izzat IbrThimal-Duri: AgrarianReform
with the cost to be covered by Spanish credit. Sa'duin Hamadi: Oil and Minerals
Repaymentwill be in crude. Ahmad 'Abd al-Sattaral-Juwari:State for Pres-
Nov. 25: BaghdadRadio announcedthat full diplo- idential Affais
matic relations would be established with the Rashid al-Rifi'i: State
Provincial Revolutionary Government of South 'Abdallah al-Sall-umal-Samarra'i:State
Nov. 27: The Beirut weekly al-Sayyadreportedthat
6 people includingformerInteriorMinisterRashid 1970
Muslih were sentencedto death for spying for the Jan. 5: LebaneseMinister of Interior Junblat ended
US CIA. Former Premier Bazzaz was acquitted a 2 day visit for talks on economic and political
of spying charges but sentenced to 15 years im- issues.
prisonmentfor conspiringagainstthe government. Le Monde reported that 200 tons of "muni-
Dec. 4: Czechoslovakiasigned a protocol on a wide tions" were shipped from Franceon January3 in
ranging oil-for-goods barter deal under which an Iraqi cargo ship.
Czechoslovakiawill build a 70,000 b/d refinery Jan. 10: The Ministryof Affairsof the North autho-
at Basrah and supply other industrial plant in rized the use of amountsallocatedin the 1969/70
exchange for crude. budget for the constructionof houses and roads
The Ir'aqiNews Agency reported that oil had in the northernprovinces.
been discoveredin the Anarag Province. Jan. 12: Le Figaro reportedthe arrival "a few days
Dec. 8: The Kurdishradio announcedthat its forces ago" in Paris of an arms purchasingmission to
attackedIraqi Army camps in two assaults "last negotiatea contractfor 50 Mirages. The Foreign
week" killing 25 Iraqi soldiers and wounding Ministry denied the report.
many others. Jan. 13: INOC announcedthat the Frenchoil group
Dec. 9: Chief of Staff Shihib ended a 10 day official ERAP had discoveredoil in commercialquantities
visit to the USSR for talks with officialson "ques- in the Tayib region.
tions of mutual interest." Jan. 18: The Foreign Ministry announcedit would
Education Minister al-Sattar al-Juwari ended close its embassyin Switzerlandin protest against
brief visits to Saudi Arabia and South Yemen the convictionby a Swiss courtof 3 Arabsinvolved
saying his mission had been "highly successful." in the February1969 Zurich indident.
Dec. 16: BaghdadRadio reported2 agreementswith Jan. 21: The RCC issued a communiquesaying that
the USSR to survey the Shatt al-'Arabcanal and on the night of January20, "a traitorous,malicious
build a ship yard in the country. group, in collusion with foreign elements" at-
tempted to overthrowthe government. All mem- done by Kenting of Canada. A Kenting spokes-
bers of the plot were arrested. man said his firm had merely "loaned"the drilling
Baghdad Radio announced that 16 people, in- rig to Midbar, Ltd.
cluding 11 Army officers,2 police officersand 3 Nov. 26: Governor of the Bank of Israel David
civilians were executed in connectionwith the at- Horowitz said that the state'sforeign currencyre-
tempted coup. serveswould fall by more than $200m and warned
Jan. 22: The government,chargingIraniandiplomats against permitting an increase in the balance of
with meddling in its internal affairs,ordered the payments deficit.
expulsion of the Iranian ambassadorand 4 em- Nov. 30: PresidentShazarsaid he had granted Mrs.
bassy officials. The Iranianconsulatesin Baghdad, Meir an additional10 days to form a new govern-
Kerbala and Basrah were closed. ment becauseof difficultyin forming a coalition.
The Iraqi radio announcedthat 8 Army officers Dec. 11: The new Cabinet under Prime Minister
and 3 civilians were executedfor their part in the Meir was announcedas follows:
attempted coup. Yigal Allon: Deputy Premier and Education
Jan. 24: A 3 man special court said that the last Moshe Dayan: Defense
3 of the plotters in the attempted coup were Abba Eban: Foreign Affairs
executed. Pinhas Sapir: Finance
The government reportedlyoffered amnesty to Zeev Sharef: Housing
all Kurdish tribesmenwho participatedin insur- Joseph Almogi: Labor
rection in the north. Israel Galili: Minister without portfolio
Deputy Premier Takriti said that talks with Shlomo Hillel: Police
Barazani"to lay down a final peace formula"had Yaacov Shimshon Shapira: Justice
begun. Shimon Peres: Minister without portfolio
Jan. 26: INOC signed an agreementwith the Ceylon Chaim Gvati: Agriculture
Petroleum Corp. to supply Iraqi crude beginning MenachemBegin: Minister without Portfolio
in 1972. Joseph Saphir: Tradeand Industry
Jan. 28: Le Monde Weekly reported that Kurdish Ezer Weizmann: Transport
leader Jala Tala'bgnihad been sent into exile. ElimelechRimalt: Post
Feb. 5: INOC concludedan oil-for-goodsbarterdeal Chaim Landau: Development
with the Italian firm Cosint. Ayeh Leon Dulzin: Minister without portfolio
Le Monde reported that the Iraqi government Moshe Chaim Shapiro: Interior
had requestedand would receiveTurkishmediation Joseph Berg: Social Welfare
in its dispute with Iran. Zerah Warhaftig: Religious Affairs
Feb. 11: Oil MinisterSa'd-unHamadiannouncedthat Moshe Kol: Tourism
the countrywould build a 750 mile pipeline from Israel Barzilai: Minister without portfolio
the Rumaylahfields to the Mediterranean. Victor Shemtov: Minister without portfolio
Feb. 12: Hamidi announced the cancellation of AP reported an official British rejection of an
Article 3 of Law #80 underwhich the government Israeli request to buy British Chieftain tanks in
could allocate other lands as reserve to the IPC view of the arms balance in the area.
group whose concession areas had been expro- Dec. 15: In presentingthe new Cabinetto the Knesset,
priated. Prime Minister Meir emphasized the need for
more immigrationand the intention to intensify
Israel "the establishmentof security outposts and per-
manent settlementson the soil of the homeland."
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict,General) She called for the development of Jerusalem to
1969 "consolidateits unification"and said that Israel's
Nov. 19: Prime Minister Golda Meir appealed to credo was "this time only a true peace."
world governmentsto "employthe full weight of Dec. 16: Foreign Minister Eban met with US Sec-
their influence"in assistingSoviet Jews to emigrate retary of State Rogers in Washington for talks
to IsraeL "relatedalmost exclusivelyto our respectivepoints
Nov. 21: The Middle EastEconomicSurveyreported of view" on the Arab Israelisituation.
Israel's plans to drill off the west coast of the Dec. 20: Mrs. Meir announced that the Cabinet
Sinai Peninsula. The operation is reportedly being would meet on December 22 to discuss "recent
handledby a US firm,King Resources,Inc., through developments in Israel-Americanrelations" and
a British affiliate,Midbar,Ltd. that Ambassadorto the US Itzhak Rabin would
Nov. 24: Chairmanof King ResourcesJohn King return to the country for consultations.
predicted that drilling would start soon on both Ebanmet with BritishForeignSecretaryMichael
land and sea off the Sinai Peninsula but denied Stewart in London for talks on the Middle East
that his company would actually carry out the situation.
drilling in the Gulf of Suez which would be Dec. 21: Temporaryappointmentswere announced

giving Agriculture Minister Gvati the Health with Israeli agriculturaland industrialexperts.
portfolio and Minister without portfolio Peres the Jan. 18: The ministerial committee on the state
Immigrant Absorption portfolio. budget decided to reduce the 1970/71 develop-
Dec. 26: The French news agency disclosed that ment budget by I? 250m and requestedall min-
5 gunboats built for Israel had left Cherbourg istries to cut their development budgets by at
"clandestinely"early December 25. The French least 15%.
Defense Ministrysaid the gunboatshad been sold Jan. 23: The High Court decided by a 5 to 4 vote
to a Norwegian commercialconcern,Starboatand that an Israelicould registerhis childrenas Jewish
Weill S.A., and that, becausethey were unarmed, by nationalityrather than religion, even though
the vessels were not consideredmilitary craft. their mother was non-Jewish.
Dec. 27: The Norwegian Foreign Minister protested Jon. 25: An explosion occurredat a military dock
to the French embassyin Oslo that no company in Elath, killing 18 soldiers and wounding 42.
named Starboatand Weill existed and the gun- An Army spokesmansaid the explosionwas "with-
boats had no right to fly the Norwegian flag. out any doubt" accidental.
Dec. 28: A Finance Ministry spokesman said that The National Religious Party said it would re-
FinanceMinisterSapirwould not acceptconditions sign from the governmentcoalition unless a law
of the IMF on an additionalloan of $45m saying was introducedin Parliamentreversingthe High
that the size of the loan did not warrant such Court'sJanuary23 decision.
conditions and that the IMF did not take into Jan. 27: The Chief RabbinateCouncil issued a ban
accountthe country'sproblemssuch as its defense against the signing by anyone of any document
expendituresand its absorptionof immigrants. certifying that someone was Jewish when, under
L'RxPresspublished a statementby Mrs. Meir Jewish law, he was not.
denying that the Cabinet would prepare a new The Swiss governmentannouncedthat a ship-
peace plan saying it was useless because "none ment of aircraft parts found aboard an El Al
of our Arab neighbors are preparedto consider airliner during a stopover in Geneva had been
one" and said "with the new Cabinet barely seized under laws governing the exporting of war
formed, it would be absurd to begin by fruit- materiel.
lessly dividing the country." Feb. 1: Representativesof the ManufacturesAsso-
Dec. 30: El Al will open a new service to Ethiopia ciation and the Histadrut signed an agreement
on January8, it was reported. giving workers 4% raises on their gross salaries
Dec. 31: The gunboats arrived in Kishon Harbor. in interest bearing bonds and tax-free cash in-
The Frenchgovernmentsuspended2 defenseof- creasesamountingto 4% of the first $200 of their
ficials involved in the gunboat affair and asked monthly salariesto compensatefor the rise in the
Israel for the recall of its arms purchasingagent cost of living. Employerswill buy bonds valued
in the country,Adm. MordechaiLimon. at 4% of their payroll.
Feb. 2: Two people were killed and severalwounded
in an explosion in a factory north of Tel Aviv.
1970 Feb. 9: The Swiss government announced that a
Jan. 1: The Foreign Ministry issued a statementon shipment of radar parts being sent to Israel had
the French actions saying "the Government does been seized "provisionally"under laws governing
not consideras justifiedany action implying criti- the exportingof war materiel.
dsm of Israelor its representatives." Feb. 10: The Knesset passed the first reading of a
Jan. 5: Finance Minister Sapir said that the coun- bill acceptingthe rabbinicaldefinitionof a "Jew"
try's direct defense budget for 1970 will be about in civil legislation. Includedwas a clauseentitling
?500m, about 40% of the total budget. non-Jewishspouses,children and grandchildrenof
Jan. 9: The US Israel Bond Organizationreported Jewish immigrantsto the benefits under the Law
that $159,041,750 in bonds were sold in the US of Return.
and abroadin the past year. A 15 man Rumaniandelegationended a week's
Jan. 11: The government approved an order re- visit for talks on economic and scientific co-
quiring importers to deposit 50% of the value operation.
of all imported goods for six months after the Feb. 12: The WashingtonPost reportedIsraeli news-
goods are taken out of customs. paperaccountsof proposalsby Eban in a February
Jan. 14: Eban said that France "has become, with 8 Cabinet meeting for a new Israeli political
the Soviet Union, the most active element in up- initiative to restorethe cease-firewith Egypt. The
setting the balance of security" in the Middle proposal were reportedly rejected.
East and said "the answeris to look to the United Mrs. Meir said she wanted to "stress that the
States for equipment and loans and to increase Cabinet discussionsare secret and that the things
our self sufficiency." that have been published in several newspapers
Jan. 16: An economic delegation ended a week's are not at all correct"and said there were "no
visit to Ethiopiafor talks on providingthe country differencesof opinion at all in the Cabinet."
Feb. 13: The EEC reached an agreementwith the needs in the West, we will turn somewhereelse."
government, effectve upon approval of the EEC Jan. 17: The Cabinet approved the 1970 budget
Council of Ministers, providing for an eventual with total revenue set at JDs 88.4m and defense
45% reductionon industrialand agriculturalim- allotted JDs 42m.
ports from Israel while Israel would eventually Jan. 18: Minister of National EconomySami Judah
grant tariff cuts on industrial imports from EEC announced agreement in principle with Iran to
countriesby from 10-25%. expand trade in industrialproductsand raw ma-
Feb. 15: The government said that the oil storage terials.
tank at Ashkelon was filling normally with oil Feb. 2: Prime Minister Talhuiniended a 9 day of-
from the Ashkelon-Elathpipeline which had been ficial visit to West Germany during which West
completed in December. Germany agreed to make about ?7m worth of
Eban began a 3 day officialvisit to The Nether- credit availableto the country.
lands. Feb. 4: UAR War MinisterMuhammadFawzi ended
a 3 day visit.
Jordan Feb. 10: The governmentannouncedsecurity meas-
ures on commandoactivitywithin the countryin-
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict,Kuwayt, cluding prohibitions against carrying arms in
Libya, Morocco,UAR) towns, against demonstrationsand unauthorized
1969 publications and all political party activity and
Nov. 19: The government approved the appoint- requiredthat all carshave licenseplates,all dtizens
ment of a Soviet military attache in Amman. have identity cards and all weapons stockpilesbe
Nov. 20: The Chairmanof the Natural Resources surrenderedwithin 2 weeks.
Authorityreportedthat a consortiumof West Ger- Ten commandogroups formed The Emergency
man firms, Deminex, was joining the Yugoslav Unified Command to deal with the government
INA in exploring for oil in the country. securitymeasures. The Commandsaid that meas-
Nov. 22: Prime Minister Bahjat al-Talhiini won a ures "weremeant to push the countryto the verge
vote of confidencein the House of Representatives of civil war" and said that the return of normal
34 to 6. conditions in the country depended on the gov-
Dec. 14: Talhiini describedthe USSR as "a faithful ernment'srescindingthe measures.
friend" and said there was no doubt that relations Government troops were stationed around
between the 2 countries "will become better and Amman.
better." Feb. 11: The Command said it would resist with
Dec. 15: Zayd Rifa'i was appointed Chief of the force any attemptto enforcethe securitymeasures.
Royal Cabinet. Fath reporteda clash between governmentand
Dec. 17: Turkish President Cevdet Sunay ended a commando forces with several Jordaniansoldiers
3 day state visit after affirmingTurkish "friend- wounded.
ship and support" for its "Arab brothers"and The New York Times quoted "high officials"as
opposing "the use of force as a means of imposing saying that a Pakistaniregiment had moved into
unilateral solutions." the country.
Dec. 18: The governmentannouncedreceipt of the Feb. 12: Eight commandoswere killed in a clash
Kuwayti aid installmentof JDs 1.156m. last night between soldiers and commandos fol-
Dec. 19: The government received JDs 1.156m as lowing an attempt by the Popular Front for the
a Saudi installment of aid. Liberation of Palestine to hold a meeting in a
Dec. 21: Amman's security court sentenced 14 Jor- suburbof Amman.
danians including Taki al-Din Nabahini to sen- King Husaynand commandogroups reachedan
tences rangingfrom death to 2 yearsimprisonment agreement providing for the "freezing" of gov-
for conspiracyto overthrow the government. ernment security measuresand the end by com-
mandos of provocationsthat could cause tension.
1970 They agreed to begin discussionson their differ-
Jan. 1: A Russian friendship delegation arrived on ences and said that all their "energies shall be
a 4 day visit. mobilized in our battle of destiny."
Jan. 6: King Ilusayn ended a 2 week private visit The government received the Libyan aid pay-
to London. ment of Ds 2,216,583.
Jan. 8: King .Iusayn said that although the Rabat
conference achieved some positive results, the Kuwayt
"maximumlevel of common Arab action" would
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict,General,Jordan)
have to be decided at the "front-line" states'
summit. 1969
Jan. 14: Husaynreassertedhis intentionto armJordan Nov. 17: An Interiot Ministr spokesman denied
with weapons and said "if we cannot meet our reports that the new residencelaws were respon-

sible for the country'seconomicstagnationand said Feb. 11: Akhbir al-Yawmreportedthat the UN De-
"the doors of Kuwaytare wide open for merchants velopment Programme will provide $637,000
and businessmen desiring to visit the country" worth of aid to establish an industrial training
and "our frontier authoritiesand embassiesabroad center.
have been instructedto facilitatethe issue of entry Feb. 13: A 5 man Rumaniandelegationled by Foreign
visas to merchantsand expedite commercialtrans- Trade MinisterCornel Burticaended a 5 day visit
acions." for talks on improving trade relations.
Nov. 29: Seventeenpeople were given sentencesrang-
ing from 1 to 7 years for trying to overthrowthe
government. Lebanon
Dec. 12: Pakistan signed an agreement with the (See also Arab Israeli Conflict, Iraq, Syria, UAR)
KuwaytFertilizersCompanyfor the supply of $5m
worth of urea to Pakistan. 1969
Dec. 17: Akhbaral-Kuwaytreportedthat India signed Nov. 19: Prime Minister designate Rashid Karami
a $3.7m barteragreement. announced the formation of a 4 man "national
Dec. 18: Saudi Arabia signed a supplementalagree- committee"to help form a new Cabinetinduding
ment on the partitionof the mainlandof the neutral $abni Hamadah, Pierre al-Jumayyil,Kanail Jun-
zone. blat and Henri Firt'awn.
Dec. 26: Pakistani Minister of CommerceAhsanul Nov. 20: A military spokesmanreporteda clash be-
Haque ended a 5 day visit. tween Army troops and commandosin Nabatiyah,
Dec. 28: The Daily News quoted an "officialsource" with 3 guerrillas killed and 6 wounded and 6
as saying the government had promised an addi- soldiers wounded. The statement said the clash
tional ilOm in aid to the UAR and Jordanat the began when about 100 guerrillas opened fire on
Rabat Summit. the Army post at Nabatiyah and was an attempt
Dec. 29: Al-Siyisahreportedthat Kuwayt'sadditional by "suspiciouselements"to undermine the Cairo
aid payment was a contribution and not to be agreement.
regardedas an annual payment. Nov. 25: A new Cabinetwas formed as follows:
Rashid Karimi: Prime Minister and Finance
1970 Fu'id Ghusni: Deputy Premierand Posts, Tele-
Jan. 3: Yugoslav CommerceMinister Izzet Zobovic graphs & Telephones
began a 4 day visit for talks on expanding bi- 'Adil 'Usayrin: Justice
lateral trade. Majid Arsilan: National Defense
Jan. 8: KuwaytRadio reportedan EastGermanagree- Kamil Junblat: Interior
ment to establish commercial relations and ex- Pierre al-Jumayyil:Public Works
change representativeswith the country. Nasim Majdalani:Foreignand ExpatriateAffairs
Al-Siydsah quoted a "highly placed official Khatchik Babkian: Tourism
Kuwayti source"as saying that "Kuwaytis ready SulaymanFranjiyyah:Economy
to cut off oil supplies to the West if the other Maurice al-Jumayyil:Planning
Arab oil producing countries are willing to act 'Uthman al-Dana: Information
in consort with it." Rafiq Shahin: Social Affairs
Jan. 12: Commandoleader Yasir 'Arafatended a 2 Yusuf Abu Khatir: Education
day visit for talks with the Crown Prince. Anwaral-Khatib:Waterand Power
Jan. 19: Finance Minister 'Atiqi said the new state 'Abd al-LadifZayn: Agriculture
budget totalled about Ds 300m, with Ds 65m Habib Mutran: Health
allotted for "Arabsteadfastness." Nov. 26: The decree of December 1968 placing the
Jan. 23: The Middle East EconomicSurvey reported country's security forces at the disposal of the
that a parliamentarycommittee approved a draft Army was repealed.
law authorizing the government to apply an ac- Nov. 27: The National LiberationParty decided to
celerated schedule for tax payments by oil com- withdrawfrom the Cabinet although the decision
panies in the country. will not be implementedimmediately.
Jan. 26: Al-Ra' al-'Am was suspendedfor 10 days Dec. 1: The Beirt Court of Appeals handed down
for violating the press law, reportedlyfor its criti- a decision saying that a statementof religious af-
cism of an editorial in al-Ahrim by Muhammad filiationwas no longer requiredon Lebaneseiden-
Haykal. tity cards.
Feb. 2: Kuwayt Radio reported an agreement by Dec. 4: In a policy statementbefore the Chamberof
the Kuwayt Flour Mills Co. on 20% capital Deputies, Prime Minister Karami promised eco-
participationin the projectedBahrayniFlour Mills nomic, social and fiscal reforms and called for
Co. and an agreementbetween the 2 countriesto more effective tax collection. He welcomed the
work for the establishmentof a Kuwayti-Bahrayni Rabat conference,hoping it would lead to a clos-
bank. ing of the ranks against Israel and emphasized
that Lebanon'ssovereignty would "remain com- reportedal-$i'iqahoffice. The demonstrationswere
plete, covering all parts of the country." reportedly by citizens against the opening of a
Dec. 5: The Ministry of Interior announcedrestric- commandooffice near villages.
tions on funeralsof guerrillaskilled in actionunder After meeting with the Internal SecurityCoun-
which guerrilla organizations will have to ask cil, Minister of Interior Junblit said that com-
government authorities for a funeral permit, all mandos must leave the towns of Nabatiyah and
processionswill be escorted by Lebanesesecurity Hasbayyahand said "Lebanonsupports the com-
men and no armed men will be allowed to par- mandos but the commandosmust rememberthat
ticipate. they have agreed to stay away from inhabited
Dec. 6: The governmentwon a vote of confidence places so that they may not unnecessarilyexpose
in the Chamberof Deputies. women and old men to harm."
Dec. 9: Minister of Agriculture'Abd al-Latif Zayn Jan. 18: A dynamiteexplosion in a Jewish school in
said that while the Green Plan for southernLeba- Beirut shatteredhundredsof windows and injured
non had been interruptedbecause of a shortage several patients at a nearby hospital. An Internal
of credit, the governmenthad a "specialinterest" Security spokesman said the explosion was the
in the Plan and it would be resumed under the work of a criminal and was designed to defame
1970 budget. Lebanon.
Dec. 13: JordanianPrime Minister Talhuni ended a The UAR signed a new tradeprotocolproviding
3 day private visit. that the UAR will annuallybuy at least $250,000
Dec. 16: The EEC agreed to make 15,000 tons of worth of Lebanesesupplies in exchange for UAR
wheat available. commodities.
Dec. 19: PresidentHili, accompaniedby the Prime Jan. 19: Junblit said that, after a meeting with com-
Minister and the Ministersof Foreign Affairs and mando leader 'Arafat, "commandoshave agreed
Defense, ended a 3 day visit to France for talks that responsibilityfor law and order in the refu-
with PresidentPompidou which were called "suc- gee camps is that of the Lebaneseauthorities."
cessful." Jan. 27: Iraqi Minister of Defense Takriti ended a
Dec. 31: Al-Amal reported that Interior Minister 5 day visit for talks which he called "satisfactory."
Junblat had informed the Parti Populaire Syrien, Jan. 28: The Chamber of Deputies approved the
the Arab Nationalist Movement, the Ba'th Party, ?Leb 827,665,000 1970 general budget.
the CommunistParty, the Tachnekand the Hent- Feb. 13: Members of the country's9 trade unions
chak that they could resume operations in the announced they would go on a general strike
country. March 4 if their demandsfor better health insur-
ance coverage and higher wages were not met.
Jan. 4: Minister of Public Works Jumayyil wrote LibyanArabRepublic
in al-Amal that Lebanonmust now "turn to our
(See also General, Jordan, Sudan)
brothersthe commandosand ask them to eliminate
their presence" from the country because it 1969
threatens"to bring destructionto Lebanon." Nov. 18: Sudanese Council Chairman Numayrl
Jla. 7: The Cabinet removed Commanderin Chief ended a 2 day visit with a communiquecalling
of the Armed Forces Bustani and named his suc- on the Arab states to mobilize their economies
cessoras Brig. GeneralJean Nujaym. "to become an influential world force in the
Jan. 8: Interior Minister Junblat announced that service of the fateful struggle."
agreement was reached in which the guerrillas Nov. 19: The AgricultureMinister announcedplans
would refrain from shooting across the border designed to stop the migration of farm workers
into Israel, that they would not establish camps to the cities and increase agriculturalproduction.
closer than 500 yards from villages and that they Nov. 27: The Finance Minister ordered the re-
would halt military training of other Palestinians moval of the September 1 banking restrictions
in refugee camps. except those concernedwith transfer of currency
Jan. 9: A TWA airliner en route from Paris to and bearer'ssavings accounts.
Rome was hijacked to Beirut. Nov. 30: The RevolutionCommandCouncil (RCC)
Jan. 12: Prime Minister Karami announced a lifted the curfew imposed September1.
?Leb lOOm plan to "fortify"villages along the Dec. 3: The RCC acceptedthe resignationof Min-
southern border. Villagers will be provided with ister of EducationMustafaBin 'Amirand appointed
weapons and trained by the Army and emergency Ahmad Rajab Fayturto replace him.
medical supplies provided. He also announcedthe Dec. 9: An Algerian delegationled by Foreign Min-
country'sdecision to ask for Arab assistancefor ister Bouteflika ended a 5 day visit after an-
the defense plans. nouncing agreements to set up joint companies
Jan. 15: Demonstrationsoccurredin the villages of for cooperation in the exploration, exploitation
Nabatiyah and Hasbayyahafter the burning of a and marketingof oil.

Dec. 10: The RCC announcedthat the government 'Umar 'Abdallahal-Muhayshland 1st Lt. Muham-
had foiled a counter-revolutionary "plot" to over- mad Abu Bakr al-Muqaryif.
throw the governmenton December 7. The plot, Libya agreed to establish relations with Mauri-
motivated by "egotism,""hidden foreign hands" tania and Somalia.
and the belief that the first of September "was Jan. 12: JordanianChief of Staff Hayiri ended a
the beginning of a series of military coups," in- 2 day visit.
cluded the Defense and Interior Ministers and Jan. 15: The RCC appointedAbuiBakr Yunis Jibir
military men. as Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces.
Dec. 11: The government announced that a court Jan. 16: The RCC acceptedthe resignationof Prime
martial would be held for those accusedof trying Ministeral-Maghribiand announcedthe following
to overthrowthe government. Cabinet:
The RCC announceda constitutionunder which Mu'ammaral-Qadhdhifi: Prime Minister and
the RCC would be the "highestauthority"in the Defense
country. The RCC will appoint a Council of 'Abd al-Salim Jallud: Vice Premier, Interior
Ministersand is empoweredto proclaimwar, con- and Local Government
clude treaties and declaremartial law and a state Bashir al-Hawwadi: Education and National
of emergency. Under the constitution, the state Guidance
"aims at materializingsocialismby applying social 'Umaral-Muhayshi:Economy,Industry
justice" and "public ownership is the basis to Muhammadal-Muqaryif:Housing and Public
evolve and develop the society." However, "the Buildings
unexploiting private ownership is guaranteedand Silih Buwaysir: Unity and Foreign Affairs
will not be expropriatedsave in accordancewith 'Umar Ramadin: Communications,Works
the law."Freedomof opinion is guaranteed"within Muhammadal-Jadi: Justice
the limits of the people's interest and the prin- Miftah al-Usti 'Umar: Health
ciples of the Revolution." Jum'ahShurayhah:Agricultureand Agricultural
Dec. 13: Britain agreed to withdraw all its forces Reform
from the countryby March 31, 1970. 'Izz al-Din al-Mabrfik:Petroleumand Minerals
Dec. 16: The South Yemeni Foreign Minister ended 'Abd al-'Ati al-'Ubaydi:Laborand Social Affairs
a 2 day visit. MuhammadHulayyil al-Rabi'i: Treasury
Dec. 23: The US and Libya issued a joint com- The RCC decreedthe formationof the National
munique announcingagreementthat all American Defense Council to include the Ministers of De-
forces and equipment would be withdrawnfrom fense and Interior,the Intelligence Service Chief,
Wheelus base by June 30, 1970. and Army Chief of Staffand membersof the RCC
Dec. 29: The British Aircraft Corp. announced it and be chaired by the RCC Chairman.
had cancelled a ?100m contract with Libya for Jan. 20: The Petroleumand Minerals Minister met
an aerial defense networkfollowing Libya'srefusal with representativesof the 22 oil exporting com-
to make payments on contracts negotiated with panies in the country to begin negotiations on
the Idris government. raising the posted price of crude.
UAR PresidentNasir ended a 5 day visit. Jan. 21: FrenchDefense Minister Michel Debre an-
nouncedthe sale of combataircraftto Libyawould
1970 include the delivery over the next 4 years of 50
Mirage jets, 30 Mirage III interceptorsand 20
Jan. 5: Iraqi Minister of State al-Samarra'ibegan a trainer reconnaissanceplanes.
4 day visit Jan. 24: Agence FrancePresse quoted "authoritative
Jan. 7: FrenchspokesmanLMoHamon confirmedthat circles"as saying that reportsof Egyptianpartici-
his government was engaged in negotiations for pation in armsnegotiationswith Francewere "pure
"cooperationin all fields." fiction."
Jan. 9: Agence PrancePresse quoted official sources Jan. 25: Minister of Economy 'Umar al-Muhayshi
saying that a Libyan arms mission had signed announcedthe 1970 developmentbudgetwill total
an agreementwith GeneraleAe'ronautiqueMarcel ?559m.
Dassault for the purchaseof about 50 Mirage jet Jan. 27: An Algerian oil delegation ended a 4 day
fighter planes. visit for talks on cooperationbetween the 2 coun-
Jan. 10: Members of the RCC were announcedas tries on oil problems and coordinationin the 2
follows: Col. Mu'ammaral-Qadhdhafi,Chairman, countries' demands for an increase in the tax
Capt. 'Abd al-SalamJalliad,Capt. Mukhtar'Abdal- referenceprices.
lih al-Qarawi,Capt. Bashir al-Saghiral-Hawwadi, Jan. 31: Greek officialssaid that 112 Libyanswere
Capt. 'Abd al-Mun'im al-Tahir al-Hfini, Capt. being trained at the Greek Air Force Academy
Mustafl al-Kharriibi, Capt. al-Khuwayldi al- and that about 120 Libyan pilots had graduated
Hamidit, Capt. Muhammad Najm, Capt. 'Awad from the school over the last 4 years.
'A1l Hamzah,Capt. Abu Bakr Yunis Jibir, 1st Lt. Feb. 7: AP reported the denial by Libyan officials
of an Israeli report that al-Qadhdhafihad been Meknes, Fez and Taza areas after 2 weeks of
injured in an assassinationattempt 2 weeks ago. torrential rain ended January 15 and said the
Feb. 10: The first session of the Special Military Red Crescentwas running out of supplies.
Court was held, trying 30 men including the Jan. 22: King Hasansaid Moroccanswould contribute
former Defense Minister Hawwaz and former In- up to ?1.6m to the PalestineLiberationOrganiza-
terior Minister Muisa Ahmad, for plotting the tion through indirect taxes on such items as
armed overthrowof the government. cigarettesand tobacco.
Feb. 12: A French delegation led by Director of Jan. 23: King Hasanannouncedthat the recentfloods
Economic Affairs in the Foreign Ministry Jean had left 150,000 hectaresof cultivatedland under
Pierre Brunet ended a 5 day visit for talks on water, resulting in a ?12.5m loss of agricultural
"possible avenues of French cooperation with products.
Libya." Jan. 26: Italian Foreign Minister Aldo Moro ended
a 5 day visit for talks which "confirmed"the
Morocco countries' wish to "strengthen the traditional
friendship between them and to explore ways in
(See also General, Syria) which cooperationcould be developedin all fields."
1969 Feb. 8: King Hasan ended a week's "private"visit
to Francefor talks in which PresidentPompidou
Nov. 16: President of the World Bank Robert
McNamaraended a visit to the country after sign- promisedcontinuedand increasedFrench aid and
ing agreementsgranting$60m in loans and saying cooperation.
that he looked forwardto "substantialexpansion" US Secretaryof State William Rogers met with
of IBRD lending to the country. Foreign MinisterBoutalebfor what was described
Nov. 18: Cuba signed a trade and paymentsagree- as a friendly talk about the Moroccan economy
ment under which 300,000 metric tons of Cuban and the forthcoming appointment of a US am-
raw sugar will be bought over the next 3 years. bassadorto the country.
Nov. 21: Police seized the day's issue of L'Opinion, Feb. 15: Spain extraditedto Moroccan officials in
reportedlyfor its editorial criticizing the lack of MadridMohammadAjar and Ahmed Ben Geloun
freedom of the press in the country. who had been sentencedto death in absentia by
Dec. 13: The IMF agreed to make a stand-bycredit Moroccan judiciary. Spain also handed over to
of $25m availableto the countryover the next year. Syrian authorities4 Moroccanswho were holding
Dec. 16: It was announcedin Paris that the 2 coun- Syrianpassportsand who, together with Ajar and
tries had agreed to reestablishdiplomaticrelations Geloun, were arrestedin Januaryby Spain at the
on the ambassadoriallevel. request of the Moroccanauthoritiesfor plotting
Dec. 20: Canada agreed to lend $4.4m to finance to overthrowthe Moroccangovernment.
a land survey of 630,000 hectares.
Syria agreed to reestablishdiplomatic relations
with the country.
(See also General, Jordan, Kuwayt)
Jan. 2: Le Monde reported the announcementby 1969
Finance Minister Mamoun Tahiri that the 1970 Nov. 19: The AID signed a $20m loan agreement
budget would be ?244.3m, with ?96.5m alloted under which more than 200,000 tons of American
for investment. fertilizers will be supplied to Pakistani farmers.
Jan. 5: The French AmbassadorClaude Lebel pre- Nov. 21: One person was killed in Karachi when
sented his credentialsto King Hasan. police opened fire on demonstratingworkers.
Jan. 6: Jordanian Chief of Staff 'All Ahmad al- Nov. 23: The New York Times reportedgovernment
Hayiai began a private visit to the country. actions "this week" induding the arrest of 78
Jan. 12: Tunisian Minister of Foreign AffairsHabib people including local leaders in Hyderbad for
BourguibaJr. ended a 2 day official visit. going on a hunger strike demandingthe division
Jan. 14: The World Bank announcedits approvalof of West Pakistan into 4 provinces and the an-
a $15m loan to provide foreign exchange for a nouncement by the Election Committee of its
development finance company, Banqae Nationale "final"decision to print election lists in Urdu in
poNrle De'veloppementtconomique. West Pakistan and Bengali in East Pakistan.
Jan. 16: A delegationled by Ministerof the Interior Nov. 26: PresidentYahya will visit the USSR next
Oufkir ended a 4 day visit to Mauritaniawith Spring, it was announced.
the announcementthat diplomaticrelationswill be Nov. 28: President Yahya announced that general
established between the countries at the ambas- elections will be held on October 5, 1970, on
sadoriallevel. the basis of "one man, one vote," to elect a Na-
Jan. 17: The InternationalRed Cross said that over tional Assembly which, within 120 days, will
100,000 people were homeless in the Kenitra, form a new constitution or be dissolved. The

Presidentalso announcedthat West Pakistanwill clashesbetweenSindhisand othergroupsand burn-

be split into 4 provinces: Sind, the Punjab, the ing and looting in several sections of the city.
Northwest Frontier and Baluchistan. Officialssaid that 16 were injuredand 20 arrested.
Nov. 29: Twenty-threepeople were arrested,charged Jan. 31: The governmentannouncedthe resignation
with an attempt on former Foreign Minister Ali of Marshal Nur Khan as Governor of West
Bhutto'slife. Pakistan.
Dec. 7: PresidentYahya announcedhis decision to Feb. 7: The governmentannouncedthat the country
have 303 governmentofficialstried before military will begin its 4th 5 year plan in July.
tribunalson chargesof corruptionand malpractice. Feb. 8: Japanagreed to provide $3m worth of credit
Dec. 9: The USSR signed an agreement changing for the purchaseof "developmentgoods."
the patternof goods exchanged,with Pakistanim- Feb. 11: The IDA announcedit will lend the gov-
porting 10% more raw materialsfrom the USSR ernment $20m, who will relend the proceeds of
and exporting 59%more manufacturedgoods. the loan to the IndustrialDevelopment Bank of
Dec. 13: IDA approved a credit of $800,000 to Pakistan.
finance the foreign exchange costs of engineering
services for the East Pakistan Water and Power PersianGulf
Development Authority.
Dec. 20: An Indian official spokesmancharged that (See also General, Iran, Kuwayt, Pakistan)
East Pakistaniborderforces fired acrossthe border 1969
at Bamangola. The Defense Ministry denied the Nov. 19: The US OccidentalPetroleumCorp. signed
report. an agreementwith Umm al-Qaywayngetting ex-
Dec. 21: PresidentYahya issued guidelinesfor politi- clusive drilling rights for oil in a 775 square
cal activityin the countryincludingthe prohibition mile offshoreconcessionarea.
of the use of force or the offer of monetarygain Nov. 26: The Popular Front for the Liberationof
in seeking support for the views of any political the OccupiedArabianGulf issued a communique
party, safeguardingthe independenceof the press, reportinga clash with 2 British ships at Rakhyut
radio and television, and making provision for during which one of the ships was severely
keeping order during campaigningfor the October damaged. The Front reportedhitting one of the
elections. British planes called in as reinforcement.
Dec. 22: The Chief Martial Law Administratoran- Dec. 8: The Trucial States Development Council
nounced the cancellation,effective January 1, of met in Shajahfor talks on the upcoming budget.
the regulation banning public meetings and pro- Dec. 13: BahraynRadio reportedthat talks between
cessionsof a political nature. the rulersof Qatarand Abu Dhabi on the proposed
Dec. 26: Foreign SecretaryM. S. Yusuf ended a 6 Federationwere successful.
day visit to the USSR. The UN General Assembly voted to deplore
continued British presence in Muscat and Oman.
1970 Dec. 18: The Bank Melli Iran opened a branch in
Jan. 1: A letter from Ayub Khan dated December Qatar.
22 was made public in which he delegatedall his Dec. 20: It was reported that the Ruler of Dubai
powers and responsibilitiesas the Presidentof the agreed to grant BDs 2.5m to the Trucial States
PakistaniMuslim League to Fazlul Adir Chowd- Development Council in 1970.
Jan. 12: Poland signed an agreement to exchange 1970
115m rupeesworth of goods in 1970. Jan. 6: The Buttes Gas and Oil Co. announcedthat
Jan. 18: About 350 people were injured in Dacca it and the Clayco Petroleum Corp. had been
when fighting broke out during a political rally awardedoil explorationrights in 770 squaremiles
when a Jam'at-i-Islamispeakercriticizedthe poli- in Dubai.
cies of left wing parties. Jan. 7: QatarorderedTiger Cat anti-aircraftmissiles
Jan. 20: Eighty people were arrestedin connection worth nearly ilm from a British firm, it was
with the January 18 violence in which 4 people reported.
were killed and over 400 wounded. Jan. 15: Commandoleader 'Arafat ended a 4 day
Jan. 21: A Japanesedelegationled by Deputy Foreign visit to the Gulf, meeting with governmentleaders
Minister Shinshaku Hogen ended a 2 day visit in Dubai, AbuiDhabi and Qatar.
for talks on increasing cooperation in the com- Jan. 19: The ruler of Bahraynannouncedthe coun-
mercial, technical and cultural fields. try's first Cabinet, to be called the Council of
Jan. 22: The Ruler of Abu Dhabi ended a 3 day visit. State, as follows:
The USSR firm Yazpromexportagreed to co- Shaykh Khalifah bin Salman: President
operate with the PakistaniSteel Mills Corp. in a Shaykh Hamad bin 'Isa Al Khalifah: Defense
study on the Karachi steel mill project. Shaykh Muhammad bin Mubarak: Foreign
Jan. 26: The Army was called out in Hyderbadafter Affairs
Sayyid Yudsufal-Shirawi:Finance Times said that the Saudi Army had driven the
MuhammadJabir al-Ansari: Information South Yemenis backover 7 miles from the post of
Ahmad al-Umran: Education al-Wadi'ah.
'Al Fakhroo: Health Dec. 6: Minister of State al-Saqqaf said that oil
Shaykh 'AbdallUh bin Khalid Al Khalifah: revenues which determine external aid depended
Municipalitiesand Agriculture upon a continuedflow of oil through Tapline and
Ustadh Jawad Salim Al Urayidh: Labor and that "if the pipelines are blown up again we shall
Social Affairs be obliged to reduce our aid."
Shaykh Khalid bin MuhrammadAl Khalifah: Dec. 7: Ministerof Defense Sultin bin 'Abd al-'Aziz
Justice said the countryhad resumed aid to the Yemeni
The new Council of State will replace the Royalists after a Yemeni air raid on Najran on
Council of Administration. November 14. He also said the governmenthad
Jan. 22: A Japaneseeconomic delegationarrivedon authorized its forces on the southern frontier
a 3 week visit for talks on participationin Qatari to pursue the enemy acrossthe "de facto border"
industrial projects and development. into South Yemen if that Army resumedits attack.
Feb. 9: The Ruler of Dubai ended a 2 day visit to Dec. 9: The US Tenneco Oil Co. reported that in-
Abut Dhabi for talks with Shaykh Zayd on the dications of a "prolific gas-condensatediscovery"
importanceof strengtheningfriendshipbetweenthe were made 10 miles off the Saudi coast at the
countries. head of the Red Sea.
An Iraqi goodwill delegation arrived in Qatar.
Feb. 10: The ruler of Dubai arrived in Qatar for 1970
talks reportedly on the proposed Federation. Jan. 15: King Faysal met with Tunisian President
Feb. 15: The Sunday Times (London) published Bourguiba in Paris for talks.
"reliable reports" of an attack by the Popular The governmentsaid it had carriedout 2 raids
Front for the Liberationof the OccupiedArabian on Yemen on January 14 in retaliation for the
Gulf "some weeks ago" on an airstrip at Salalah November 14 Yemeni raids.
which was reportedly "so accurate"that British Jan. 18: King Faysalended a 2 week visit to France.
RAF personnel "narrowlyescaped death" and the Reuters reported the discovery of new water
base had to be reinforcedby other British military reserves near Riyad, reportedlysufficient for the
personnel. city's needs for the next 15 years.
Jan. 27: A delegation from the Algerian SONA-
Saudi Arabia TRACH arrived for a week's visit for talks on
increasedcooperationbetween SONATRACHand
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict,General,Jordan, Petromin.
Kuwayt, South Yemen, UAR, Yemen) Feb. 5: Ukazreportedthat the newly formedSupreme
1969 AgriculturalBoardwill preparea 5 year develop-
Nov. 17: The daily al-Madina reported that the ment programto expand cultivatedareas and in-
CommunicationsMinistry was studying expansion crease agricultural productivity.
of the ports of al-Jubayl,Tarut and Qatif.
Nov. 18: Ministerof State for Foreign Affairs'Umar
al-Saqqif said the governmentwould maintain its South Yemen
financialaid, as agreed on at the 1967 Khartum
(See also General,Algeria,Libya,Saudi Arabia,
Conference, under all but the most compelling
circumstances. Sudan, Syria,UAR, Yemen)
Nov. 20: A UAR delegation led by EconomyMin- 1969
ister Zaki ended a visit for talks on increasing Nov. 18: The PresidentialCouncil was reportedto
bilateral trade. have decided to encouragelocal capital and "give
Nov. 26: Jiddah Radio said that South Yemeni the same facilities to foreign capital if it will
forces had captured the post at al-Wadi'ah and work in the development field."
said the country was "determinedto get its ter- Nov. 25: AP reportedthat governmenttroops "have
ritory back."The fate of the 26 Saudi guards at been placed on alert along borders amid reports
the post was unknown. of a possible attack by Saudi Arabian-backed
Dec. 1: The government announced its forces had mercenaries."
retaken al-Wadi'ih post. Nov. 26: Minister of Culture and Guidance 'Abd
Dec. 2: A military spokesmansaid that the Royal al-BariQisim said Saudi forcessupportedby Saudi
Air Force had carried out 2 raids on South aircraft attempted to occupy a position at al-
Yemeni positions destroying6 ammunitiontrucks Wadi'ah.
and 4 armored vehicles, with no Saudi casualties Nov. 27: Chairmanof the PresidentialCouncil Silim
suffered. 'All Rubaya announcedthe nationalizationof 36
Dec. 3: "Militarysources"quoted by The New York foreign firms operatingin the countryto "liberate

the economy from foreign domination." Share- Anis Hasan Yahya: Economyand Commerce
holders and owners of the firms will be com- MuhammadSulaymin Nasir: Agricultare and
pensated by 20 year bonds bearing 2% interest Land Recla-mation
annually. IHaydarAbu Bakr al-'AYtts:Public Works and
Aden Radio reported a resolution making Transport
FinanceMinister Mahmud'Abdallih 'Ashish Vice 'Adil Mahfuz Khalifah: Justice and Waqfs
Premier for Financial and Economic Affairs. 'Abd al-'Aziz al-Dili'i: Health
The government said that fighting was con- A new PresidentialCouncil was announcedin-
tinuing in al-Wadi'ah area. In 2 Saudi attacks, cluding 'Abd al-Fattah Isma'il, Muhammad 'All
both repulsed, 60 Saudis were reported killed. Haythamand Salim 'Ali Rubaya.
Nov. 29: The National Liberation Front's (NLF)
GeneralCommandannounceda year'sextensionof 1970
its term of office and pledged that revolutionary Jan. 5: The GeneralCommandof the NLF announced
popular councils would be formed throughoutthe the formationof a new NLF ExecutiveCommittee
country. A provisionalconstitutionfor the country to include members of the Presidential Council
would be introducedin 1970. and Mah.mud'Abdallah'Ashish,Muhammad$lil
Nov. 30: Council ChairmanRubaya said that fight- 'Awlaqi, 'Ali Salim al-Bayd and 'Abdallah al-
ing between Saudi and South Yemen troops was 'Amiri.
continuing with Saudi aircraft bombing South The General Commandof the NLF announced
Yemeni forces near al-Wadi'ih. the names of the "elements of the pre-22 June
Dec. 1: The governmentreportedkilling, wounding action"who hampered"all the revolutionarysteps
or capturing 30 Saudis in border dashes since that the revolution could have implemented"had
November 26. been dismissed.
Dec. 2: The government reported that her forces Jan. 8: Aden Radio reported the establishmentby
had downed 2 Saudi planes and destroyedSaudi the Agriculture Ministry of an agriculturalde-
convoys at al-Wadi'ah. Saudi Arabia denied the velopment fund "to improve the status of the
report. farmer and implement as many agriculturalde-
Dec. 3: Aden Radio reported the end of a 3 day velopmentplans as possible for increasingagricul-
visit by Yemeni Ministerof Informationand Unity tural production."
Affairs Nu'min. Jan. 23: FLOSY leader Maq!wi signed a statement
Dec. 5: Governmenttroops pulled out of what Saudi announcingthe resignationsof 'Abdallih al-Asnaq
Arabia claimed as its territory. and MuhammadSalam Basindwa "in the interest
Dec, 6: Aden Radio reportedthat 18 foreign senior of unity" and calling for the unificationof "all
staff members of 7 nationalizedbanks had been honorable national and progressiveforces in the
dismissed. South."
Dec. 11: The General Commandof the NLF ended Jan. 26: East Germanyagreed to provide aid under
a 10 day meeting with a statementincluding reso- an executive program on cultural and scientific
lutions to preparethe armedforces and the people cooperation.
for the defense of the revolution and to provide Jan. 27: Aden Radio reportedthe receiptof Sudanese
for the formationof popularcouncils of the NLF. food aid of 2,000 tons of cereals.
Dec. 16: 'Ali Ahmad Antar was appointedComman- Feb. 2: A 5 man Chinese delegationarrivedto con-
der in Chief of the Army, replacing'Ali 'Abdallah duct an economic survey of the country.
Maysiri, and 'Abdallah MuhammadSadi was ap- Feb. 5: Aden Radio reportedthat Saudi Arabia had
pointed Chief of Staff. banned overflightsby the country'sairline Basco
Dec. 27: Two Soviet warshipsarrivedon an unofficial en route to Kuwayt.
visit to Aden. Feb. 7: Agence FrancePresse reporteda Soviet offer
of a 7m rouble loan and 5.5m roubles of aid.
Dec. 30: The General Command of the NLF an-
Feb. 9: An Iraqi delegation led by RCC member
nounced the dismissalof 20 membersof the NLF
including former President Sha'bi and former $ahih 'Umar al-'Ali ended a 2 day visit after
agreeingto lend ?3m to consolidateeconomicand
Premier Faysal 'Abd al-Latif.The following min-
technical relations.
isters were announced:
Feb. 15: A nationality law was issued providing
'Abdallahal-'Amir: Culture and Guidance
Mahmuid'Abdallah'Ashish: Deputy Prime Min- equalitybetweenNorth Yemeni and SouthYemeni
ister and Pinancialand AdministrativeAffairs citizens in acquiring the country'scitizenship.
'Ali Salim al-Bayd:Poreign Affairs
'All Nassar Hasani: Defense
(See also General,Libya, South Yemen, UAR)
Muhammad $lih 'Awlaqi: Labor and Social
Affairs 1969
MuhammadSilih Yafa'i: Interior Nov. 19: A Yugoslav trade delegation ended a 5
'Abdallah 'Abd al-Razzaq:Education day visit after signing an agreementproviding for
bilateraltradeworth $4m annually. 1969
Nov. 24: Sudan News reported that, after meeting Nov. 16: Minister of Industry Marwan Habbish
with Minister of Communicationsand Tourism ended a 2 week visit to North Korea after signing
MahmuidKhatib, a World Bank official said a a protocol providing for expanded bilateraltrade.
Bank loan would be availablefor Sudan Railways Nov. 21: PresidentAtasi endeda 5 day visit to Poland
to increase its capacityand improve its facilities. for talkson the MiddleEastand economicrelations.
Sudan News reported the Revolution Com- Nov. 26: Minister of Information Hamud al-Kab-
mand Council (RCC) approval of the Imports bani said the country had given "vast" amounts
Registration Act providing that the Ministry of of military aid to the Republicansin Yemen.
Supply and Internal Trade keep a record of all Dec. 1: Minister of AgricultureMuhammadSayyid
imports and be empoweredto suspend or cancel Talib ended a visit to the USSR and said Russia
the registrationof any dealer. had offered "all the help Syria needs" in agricul-
Nov. 27: RCC ChairmanNumayri announced that tural development.
the USSR agreed to grant the governmenta ?4m Dec. 3: Eight people were found guilty of conspiring
loan and free technical aid for development to reconstitutethe banned Parti Populaire Syrien
projects,especiallythe irrigationscheme at Rahad and were sentencedto from 1 to 21 months im-
on the Blue Nile. prisonment.
Numayri announceda Libyanagreementto loan Dec. 13: South Yemeni Foreign Minister 'All Salim
?Sud 7.25m for developmentprojects. al-Baydended a day'svisit to meet with President
Dec. 4: Minister of Interior Hamadallahsaid that Atasi.
securityforceshad arrestedmany formerpoliticians Dec. 17: LebaneseInterior Minister KamAlJunblit
and retiredarmy officersbecauseof "certainactivi- began a short private visit for talks with govern-
ties by these persons against the present regime." ment officals.
Dec. 8: AP reportedthat about 15 people had been Dec. 21: The government'sdecision to resume full
arrested"over the weekend"on suspicion of anti- diplomaticrelationswith Morocco"at the end of
government activities and about 60 people had the present summit"was announced.
been taken into custodyover the past 5 days. Dec. 31: North Vietnamsigned a tradeand payments
Dec. 12: The government announcedit had foiled agreementwith the country.
an attempt "by imperialism and the Muslim
brothers" to overthrow the government. South
Yemeni Defense Minister 'Awlaqi ended a 4 day 1970
Jan. 3: The Cabinet approved the 1970 general
visit for talks with officialson his country'sdispute
with Saudi Arabia. budget set at ?Syr 2.78 billion.
Dec. 14: The RCC acceptedthe resignationof the Jan. 8: MENA publishedan interviewin which Min-
government'sambassadorto the UAR, Ahmad al- ister of Economy 'Abd al-H1alImKhaddAmsaid
Dardiri Ismi'iL that during forthcomingtalks with the UAR, he
would present a draft agreement for the estab-
1970 lishment of joint industries "and the realiza-
Jan. 2: UAR President Nasir ended a 2 day visit tion of economic integration between the two
for talks with RCC ChairmanNumayri. countries."
Jan. 6: Jordan signed a cultural agreement calling Jan. 24: Under a government decree all industrial
for exchangesin "culture,literatureand art." firms not previouslynationalizedwere taken over
Jan. 7: The UAR signed an agriculturalagreement by the government.
on cooperationin agricultureand livestock. Bulgaria agreed to loan $15m for agricultural
Jan. 9: The Middle East Economic Digest reported projectsand plants.
that former Health Minister Ahmad Zayn Abdin
had been sentencedto 10 years imprisonmentfor
corruptionand abuse of his ministerialrights.
Jan. 13: Defense MinisterKhalid Hasan 'Abbis said (See also Algeria,Morocco,SaudiArabia)
that an attempted coup had been foiled by the
Jan. 18: Economy Minister Ahmad Sulayman an- Nov. 16: Tunis Radio reporteda Presidental order
nouncedthat the governmentwould take measures granting amnestyto 80 political prisonerson the
to revise laws governing the country'scommerce occasionof the Presidentialand legislativeelections.
to "develop the Sudaneseeconomy and liberateit Nov. 17: President Bourguibaarrived in Paris for
from foreign domination." medical treatment.
Nov. 21: French Foreign Minister Maurice Schum-
SyrianArabRepublic man, on the second of a 3 day visit, said France
had agreed to "substantiallyincrease"aid for the
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict,General, country's4 year plan, that the 2 countrieswould
Algeria, Morocco,UAR) increase cooperation in all fields and that both

countriesagreedon the need for a just and lasting 1969

peace in the Middle East Nov. 21: President Sunay ended a 10 day state
No.v. 22: Italy granted the government?10m in aid visit to the USSR with a joint communiquesaying
for the current4 year plan. the talks were conductedin "frankness,sincerity
Nov. 26: The World Bank approveda $1Om loan and an atmosphereof understanding"and that the
to a development finance company to provide 2 countries "will search the possibilities of sign-
funds for loans and investmentin tourist and in- ing a long term trade agreement."
dustrial enterprises. Nov. 27: President of the Turkish Cypriot Com-
Dec. 19: The Middle EastEconomicDigest published munal ChamberRauf Denktash ended a visit to
a "recent"statementby the governorof the Central the countryfor talks with governmentleaders.
Bank Hedi Nouira saying the country rejected Dec. 1: Minister of Finance Mesut Erez presented
state controlled planning with no freedom of the 1970 budget of $3.2 billion to the National
choice,no initiativeand little responsibility.While Assembly. Defense was allotted $528m, with the
Tunisia would not rigidly control the economy, budget defcit of $64.4m to be coveredby internal
it would, however, lay down broad planning borrowing.
outlines. A Foreign Ministry spokesman announced a
Dec. 23: The National Assemblyapprovedthe 1970 CommunicationsMinistryorder banning from the
budget of ?112.7m, with ?31.5m allotted for edu- country planes carrying Communist military aid
cation. to Arab countries.
Dec. 27: The Ministry of National Education was Dec. 9: A delegationfrom the IranianNIOC ended
merged with the Ministry of Youth and Sports, a visit after signing a preliminaryagreementto
with the Minister of Youth and Sports assuming establish a joint NIOC-TPAO venture to build
responsibilityfor the new portfolio. and operate the proposed Ahwaz-Iskenderum
Dec. 29: The National Assemblyratifieda bill amend- pipeline.
ing the constitution,conferringthe powers of the Turkish Foreign Minister Caglayangilended a
President,in case of his illness, incapacity,resig- meeting with EEC representativesand said he was
nation or death, on the Premierfor the remainder returning to Turkey with a trade and payments
of the President'sterm. offerwhich the governmentwould have to consider.
The IMF granted the countrya stand-bycredit Dec. 19: ThirteenAmericanservicemenwere injured
of $7.5m in foreign exchange for 1970. and 31 demonstratorsarrestedafter students pro-
tested the arrivalin Izmir of 5 ships from the US
1970 Sixth Fleet.
Jan. 9: An Algerian delegationled by Foreign Min- Dec. 21: PresidentSunay ended a 5 day state visit
ister Bouteflikaended a 6 day visit. to Ethiopia.
West German ChancellorWilly Brandt ended
a 2 week private visit which included talks with 1970
Prime Minister Ladgham and Foreign Minister Jan. 5: CommerceMinisterAhmet Dalli resignedfor
Bourguiba Jr. health reasons with Minister of State Titrek as-
Jan. 14: Prime Minister Ladghamannounceda re- suming the portfolio.
organization of the General Trades Union and Students hijacked over 30 buses in Ankara in
the appointment of a new Secretary-General for protest over a cancellationof reduced-farepermits
the Union, Habib Ashour, becauseof a "malaise" for students.
in the organizationbrought about by demandsby Jan. 9: The Middle East EconomicDigest reported
mine workers and railway men for higher wages a US agreementto give 400 F-100 jet interceptor
and less hours. planes as part of a military agreement between
Jan. 18: PresidentBourguibaorderedamnestyfor 31 the countries.
political prisonerson the 15th anniversaryof the Jan. 18: Minister of AgricultureErtem announced
revolution. World Bank aid of $80m to develop livestock
Jan. 24: Foreign Minister BourguibaJr. ended a 6 farming.
day visit to Belgium. Jan. 22: The New York Times reporteda decision
Feb. 5: The Councilof Ministersdecidedon measures by the Interior Ministry on stricter measures to
to be submittedto the National Assembly,includ- cut down on opium smuggling on ships bound for
ing fixing the prices of all essentialproductswith Europe including the establishmentof narcotics
these productsalso liable to direct taxation. control units at the ports of Trebizond and
Feb. 11: US Secretaryof State Rogers ended a 3 Samsum.
day visit after talks with government leaders. Jan. 24: Prime MinisterDemirel defendedUS mili-
tary presencein the countrysaying "nothing that
Turkey will harm our independenceand sovereigntywill
ever come from the existence of these establish-
(See also General, Cyprus,Iran, Iraq, Jordan) ments."

Jan. 26: A British-Germanconsortium, Cleveland Shelepin welcomedan Egyptiandelegation led by

Bridge Engineering Co. and Hochtief, signed a Anwar Sadat in Moscow and pledge the Palestine
contract with government officials for the con- organizationsthe supportof the "Sovietpeople."
structionof a bridge acrossthe Bosphorus. Dec. 11: JordanianPrime MinisterTalhfini ended a
Feb. 3: Iraqi Minister of Interior 'Ammash arrived 4 day private visit for talks with Nair.
in Ankarafor a "brief"visit Dec. 15: MENA quoted Economy Minister Hasan
Feb. 10: The Yugoslav Minister of Energy ended a 'Abbis Zaki as saying that all issues involving
week's visit after signing an agreementto increase Saudi nationals'propertyconfiscatedby the UAR
the countries'industrialand technicalcooperation. had been settled.
Feb. 11: The government's1970 budget was voted Dec. 18: Nisir met with Saudi King Faysalin Cairo
down 214 to 224 with 41 membersof the govern- for talks on the upcoming Rabat Summit.
ment party voting against it. Dec. 20: Nisir announcedthe reestablishmentof the
Feb. 14: Prime Minister Demirel resigned and was post of Vice Presidentand appointedAnwar Sadat
asked by President Sunay to form a new gov- to fill it.
United ArabRepublic Jan. 9: The USSR signed a protocolincreasingmutual
trade for 1970 by $46m to $391m.
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Jordan, The Middle East Economic Srrvey reported a
Kuwayt,Lebanon,Libya,Saudi Arabia,Sudan,Syria) statementby Minister of Oil 'Azlz Sidqi that the
Nasr Petroleum Co. and the Suez Co. had been
1969 moved from Suez to Masturud.
Nov. 16: SudaneseCouncilChairmanNumayriended Jan. 15: The Libya News Agency reportedpayment
a 6 day visit for talks "reviewingthe currentphase by Libya of ?L 5.3m as its aid installment.
of the Arab struggle." A Syrian Ba'th Party delegation led by former
Nov. 17: The UAR signed a contractfor delivery Prime Minister Yuisuf Zu'ayyin ended a 5 day
to the USSR of cold-rolled sheet steel produced visit for talks with Nisir.
at Helwan. J1n. 20: JordanianForeignMinisterRifa'i ended a 6
The centenaryof the opening of the Suez Canal day visit.
was observed. Jan. 23: "Reliable reports" in Beirut said that 4
Nov. 25: Poland signed a trade and paymentsagree- Army officers had been executed and up to 12
ment providing for a 10% rise in the exchange given long prison terms in connection with the
of goods. Israeli captureof ShadwanIsland.
Nov. 28: US Deputy Assistant Secretaryof Defense Editor of al-Ahrim Haykal published details of
Robert Pranger arrived for a day's visit for talks the Israeli seizure of a radar station saying that
with ForeignMinisterRiyad. such losses should not be kept secret.
The London FinancialTimes reportedthat "ex- J1n. 30: The New York Times published reports
ploratory contacts"were made on November 25 from Beirut that Nisir had secretly flown to the
and 26 with the EEC on the possibility of con- USSR "last week" for talks with Soviet leaders.
cluding a preferentialtrade agreement. Feb. 1: Lebanese Prime Minister Karami ended a
Dec. 1: East Germany signed a protocol increasing day's visit for talks with Na,siron "necessarypro-
bilateral trade. cedures to be taken to defend our country from
Al-Ahraimreported that the consortium Socea Israel'srepeatedaggression."
which was awarded the contract for the Suez- Feb. 2: The Chinese news agency Hsinhua disclosed
Mediterraneanpipeline had made arrangements a letter from Chinese Premier Chou En-Lai to
with France, Italy and West Germany for 75% Nisir expressing Chinese support for the Arab
of the foreign exchange costs of the project. struggle against Israel.
Dec. 4: Al-Ahnim reported a budget surplus of Feb. 3: The CentralCommitteeof the ASU approved
LE 8.3m in 1968/69 and said there was a LE 23m a plan for all volunteer citizens' war committees
surpluson currentaccount. to deal with war damageand casualties.
Dec. 6: AP published an al-Ahra-mreport that the Feb. 12: JordanianPrime Minister Talhuiniarrived
government had formally protested to the US, for a short private visit.
Canadaand Britain for allowing companiesfrom
the 3 countries to participatein Israeli plans to Yemen
explore for oil in the Gulf of Suez.
Dec. 8: South Yemeni Defense MinisterMuhammad (See also Saudi Arabia, South Yemen)
Salih 'Awlaqi ended a 4 day visit for talks with
President Nasir over his country's dispute with 1969
Saudi Arabia. Nov. 28: A delegation including Minister of State
Dec. 10: USSR member of the Central Committee Yahya Jaghmanended a 5 day visit to West Ger-

many after signing 4 technical agreements and serting its "sinceredesire to establish its relations
an agreement by West Germany to provide with Saudi Arabia" and, commenting on Saudi
DM 25m, DM lOm of which will be immediately chargesof a Yemeni plane attack,said that if the
available as commodity aid. atack occurred,it was "certainlya mistake."
Dec. 6: A South Yemeni delegation led by Local Feb. 5: Council PresidentIryini announcedthe fol-
Government Minister 'Arl Nassar Hasani ended lowing ministerial appointments:
a 3 day visit for talks on the South Yemeni clashes Muhsin al-'Ayni:Premierand Foreign Affairs
with Saudi Arabia. 'Abd al-Salim $abra: Deputy Premier for Do-
Dec. 19: The Middle East EconomicDigest reported mestic Afairs
Soviet aid to the country to develop the port of MuhammadSa'id al-'Atiar:Deputy Premierand
al-Hudaydahand to help build a railway,a hospital Economy
and schools. Ahmad 'Abduh Sa'id: Deputy Premier for
Dec. 29: An Iraqi delegation led by Minister of Finance,Development and Service
Cultureand Guidance'Abdallih al-Srmarr6'iended Ahmad al-Rahlami:Interior
a day's visit. 'Abd al-Karimal-Ansi: PresidentialAffairsand
Dec. 31: The New York Times published reports National Council
from Aden that fighting had resumed between Muhammadal-Junayd:Agriculture
Republicansand Royalists outside of Sada. Yahya Mansur:Local Administration
'Art al-Samman:Jastice
'Ali al-'Amri: Waqts
1970 Muhammadal-Ansi: Communications
Jan. 10: The Royalist MutawakkiliteRadio reported 'Abd al-Karimal-Arafi:Treasury
that members of the "National Unity Front"had 'Abdallih Hamran: Informatin and Unity
destroyeda customsbuilding in San'a'and caused Affairs
explosions in a military camp nearby. Ahmad Jibir Aqil: Education
Jan. 17: San'7 Radio reportedthat Republicanforces $Ilih al-Ashwal:Public Works
had launched attacks at Royalist positions west $ilih Muhsin: Health
of Sada. The World Food Programmeagreed to provide
Jan. 31: The government announced that money $730,000 to droughtstrickenareasof the country.
changers,shipping agents and import-exportcon- Feb. 9: A World Bank delegation arrived to study
cernsmust apply to the CurrencyControlAuthority the country'sdevelopmentpotential.
for permits to deal in foreign currency. Feb. 12: San' Radio broadcast an interview in
Feb. 1: MENA reported that President Iryini had which Prime Minister 'Ayni spoke of the need to
accepted the resignation of Prime Minister Qur- eliminate "reactionaryand sectarianremnants"and
shlimi and appointed Deputy Premier $abra as said that economic policy would be focused on
actingPremier. development,budgetaryproceduresand reviewing
Feb. 3: The Foreign Ministry issued a statementas- sources of revenue.

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