3skey: Trusted and Reliable Digital Identity Solution

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SWIFT Secure Signature Key – a multi-bank
and multi-network personal digital identity
and reliable In response to demands from its The different authentication methods
clients, SWIFT, in partnership can be replaced by a single device
digital identity with the banking community,
and process, allowing corporates and
banks cut costs and improve operational
solution developed a multi-bank personal efficiencies.
digital identity solution. The
solution, usable on the SWIFT 3SKey benefits
network but also on proprietary
— Lower costs
networks or the internet, allows
Benefits for corporates corporates to sign financial Many financial institutions operate a PKI
and issue their own certificates. In the
 ulti-bank signing solution built on messages and files sent to their 3SKey scheme, SWIFT becomes the
industry standards banks, using a single signing certification authority and issues the
 ecurity based on latest device. It also offers banks a credentials.
cryptographic technology cost-effective way to implement — Efficiency gains
 educed complexity and cost by secure authentication on 3SKey offers a more effective
using single device and process electronic banking services authentication mechanism. The solution
by using a shared, reliable makes transactions processing more
Benefits for banks and trusted Public Key seamless by enabling a single credential
for personal authentication, but also
Interoperability without reliance on Infrastructure (PKI). in the area of electronic bank account
other banks
management (account opening and
Enhanced customer service Today, financial institutions are facing a mandate management), across banks.
Opportunity to reduce investment growing number of digital transactions. — Reduced risks
in proprietary solutions Such digital exchanges create new
3SKey is a secure solution that uses
challenges and risks related to verifying
the latest cryptographic technology,
messages and authenticating corporate
thereby reducing risks associated with
representatives. Banks are required to
verify the identity of the individual and the
integrity of the received message. This
— X.509 V3 certificates
process takes time and leads to high
— RSA keys of 2048 bits
operational costs and risks.
— SHA 256 digest calculation
At the same time, banks and their — PKCS #7 formatted signatures
corporate clients cope with a wide
variety of personal signing mechanisms,
which are costly and difficult to use and
The 3SKey token maintain.
Today Tomorrow

Bank A Bank A

Corporate Fax Bank B Corporate Proprietary Bank B

Bank C Bank C
— Multi-Bank
— No uniform mechanism — Multi-Application
— Different system per bank — Multi-Network
— Costly & difficult to maintain — Multi-Country

The corporate view

— Global interoperability 3SKey step-by-step Corporate Bank

Banks can offer interoperability with other A closer look at the 3SKey solution step- Applications Applications
banks whilst maintaining the registration by-step:
process under their own control. Banks
1. SWIFT issues credentials on USB 3SKey Developer Toolkit
therefore do not need to rely on the
tokens using SWIFT PKI
registration activity and/or PKI of each
other. 2. Tokens are distributed by 3SKey 3SKey
subscribed banks to corporate end- 3SKey 3SKey Certificate
— Standardised Tokens Portal Revocation
Check Facility
The 3SKey solution and certificates
3. Corporate end-users activate their
are built on commonly used industry
token through the 3SKey web portal SWIFT PKI Infrastructure
standards for easy and rapid integration
in applications whilst ensuring maximum 4. An anonymous certificate is generated
The 3SKey components
security. on the 3SKey token
5. The user registers credentials with a
first bank which performs the identity Financial institutions interested in the 3SKey
3SKey components solution can find additional information on
control and associates the person with
To enable 3SKey for your applications, the certificate www.swift.com.
SWIFT provides the following
components: 6. The user can now start using the Corporates wishing to learn more about
3SKey token to sign data or on-line 3SKey can go to www.3skey.com.
— 3SKey Tokens: Qualified USB devices banking services which will verify the
holding the secure keys for signing. For more information please contact your
SWIFT account manager or visit
— 3SKey Portal: Secured web service to 7. Subsequently the corporate www.swift.com
manage 3SKey certificates (activation, representative can register and use the
revocation, renewal, recovery). same 3SKey token with other banks
— 3SKey Certificate Revocation List: 8. When needed, the end-user or its
At any time, users can revoke their administrator can access the 3SKey
3SKey certificate. Financial institutions portal to manage its certificate
consult a central directory to check the
revocation status of 3SKey certificates.
SWIFT partners play an essential
— 3SKey Developer Toolkit: role in adopting the 3SKey signature
Specifications and software libraries to in their applications and ensuring
56036 - SEP 2010

ease and limit the integration effort to interoperability.

support 3SKey in bank and corporate
SWIFT © 2010

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