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Technology and Livelihood Education



 Explain the basic concepts in cookery.
 Discuss the relevance of the course.
 Explore opportunities for cookery as a career.

Activity 1
Directions: Identify what is being asked in the following statements. Choose your answer from the
box and write it on the space provided. Copy these in your TLE notebook.

Food stylist Improve cooking skills

Executive Chef Caterer Promote self esteem

Sales coordinator Start a culinary career

Restaurant manager Cookery Restaurant Cook

Food writer How of cooking

____________1. The skill or activity of preparing and cooking food.

___________2. Helps you build self – esteem and confidence knowing that you can now start and
then complete a task like cooking
___________3. This is considered to be the art in food preparation.
___________ 4. Gives you an opportunity to attend different culinary classes and short culinary
training program.
___________ 5. Responsible for representing and advertising the restaurant.
____________6. Writes articles and blogs for food industry journals and other publications.
____________7. Help make decisions on menus and day to day offerings.
____________8. Tasked to manage and lead the restaurant operations.
____________9. Cooks and prepare foods that have the responsibility to make large amounts of
food for events and parties.
____________10. Oversees the daily operations of restaurant and hotel kitchens

Activity 2

Direction: Draw/cut a picture of a CHEF/COOK and paste it inside the box. List down
after the numbers provided the 5 important traits of a chef/cook to become successful.
Work with creativity.






Criteria Poor Fair Good Excellent

2 5 7 10

Neatness of sign Less than 70% 70-79% 80-89% signs 90-100% signs
signs can be signs can be can be easily can be read
easily read easily read read easily

Color Choice Less use of Uses colors rarely Uses colors Uses colors
colors severally appropriately

Knowledge Less than 70% 70-79% eye 80-89% eye 90-100% eye
gained Eye catching catching signage catching signage catching signage
Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

PECs TLE_PECS7/8-00-1
Activity 1
Read the short story and answer the given questions. Write your answer in your TLE

James grew up in a poor family where he learned the importance of hard work.
When he was in high school, he sold newspapers and cigarettes to help pay for his
James learned he was good at woodworking in his TLE classes, and realized he
wanted to make it his profession someday. After high school, he was not able to go on to
college because of lack of money. Instead, he was obliged to work in a furniture company.
The company where he worked closed when James was 20, and he found himself
suddenly out of job. Instead of applying in another company, he decided to start his own
furniture business. He raised money from his savings and through loans.
To save his limited capital, James did not hire any help. He budgeted his money
very carefully, spending most of it on good tools and materials. He worked long hours
creating clever designs for his furniture, and looking for better ways to build them. James
started selling his designs to hotels, restaurants, and resorts. They liked his work so much,
and soon, orders began pouring in and his business grew.
Today, James is the owner of one of the most successful furniture companies in the
Guide Questions: Read and understand the questions carefully. This time, you are going
to cut and post at least 2 pictures from old magazines or newspapers as you answer to
the given question.
1. What are the characteristics that helped James succeed?
2. How did James acquire his trait of being hardworking?
3. What did he discover during his TLE classes in high school?


Directions: Fill in the blanks with the missing word/s to complete each statement. Choose
your answer/s from the box below. Write your answer in your TLE notebook.
Culinary class Strengths Managing Planning tool
Hot and delicious Not within Article and blogs
Plan New information Skill/activity

1. Cookery is a_____________ of preparing and cooking food.

2. Simplest way to start culinary career is to attend _____________.
3. Chef’s task is to oversee a restaurant‘s kitchen by_____________ other members of
the food preparation team.
4. The challenge of the caterer is to keep food_____________ while serving many guests
at the same time.
5. Food Writer writes_____________ for food industry journals and other publications.
6. Successful entrepreneurs always stick to the___________ and fight the temptation to
do what is unimportant.
7. Entrepreneur updates themselves with_____________ about her customers, the
market, suppliers, and competitors.
8. _____________ are positive and controllable factors that contribute to the favourability
of a business opportunity.
9. The SWOT Analysis began its life in the ‘70s as a_____________ for analyzing a
professional project or business venture.
10. Opportunities are positive factors that are_____________ the control of the business

What I Can Do

Directions: Create a business idea that relates with a career choice in cookery. From the
business idea that you created write two strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and
threats. You will be guided to the following questions for each feature. Write your answer
in your TLE notebook.

Strengths Opportunities

1. Why do people praise or like 1. What jobs can you offer from
your business?. your business?
2. What achievements are you 2. What are the advantages of
proud of from your business? your business achievements?

Weaknesses Threats

1. What business resources are 1. What are your business

you lack in or need more? competitors?
2. What are negative feedbacks of 2. What new business resources
your business? are you lack in?


Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on your TLE notebook.
1. He/she oversees the daily operations of restaurant and hotel kitchens.
A. Restaurant Manager
B. Restaurant Cook
C. Front Office Agent
D. Executive Chef
2. This refers to the preparation of food with the application of art and science.
A. Technology

B. Cookery
C. Industrial Arts
D. Practical Arts
3. The main task of a restaurant manager
A. Make decisions on menus and day to day offerings.
B. Manage, lead and supervise the restaurant operations.
C. Cooks and prepare large amount of food for events and parties.
D. Prepares the food for photography in books and other publications
4. A businessman who takes time to listen to the advice, suggestions, and
recommendations of fellow entrepreneurs is called_____________.
. A. responsible
B. willing to listen
C. committed
D. hard working
5. A successful entrepreneur who ventures new business ideas. This
characteristic is called_____________.
A. initiative
B. risk taker
C. opportunity seeker
D. committed
6. The bread and butter of the business not only for you but also for your
A. Profit oriented
B. Takes initiative
C. Risk taker
D. Opportunity seeker
1. These are the two elements of internal environment.
A. Strength and threats
B. Opportunities and threats
C. Weaknesses and strengths
D. Weaknesses and threats
2. In the acronym SWOT, S stands for_____________.
A. Star
B. Stress

C. Social
D. Strength
3. What are the factors that SWOT analysis considers?
A. The internal factors only
B. The external factors only
C. Both internal and external factors
D. None of the above
4. These are the importance of cookery EXCEPT
A. Promote self esteem
B. Making money
C. Start culinary career
D. Improve cooking skills
5. The following are undesirable traits of chefs EXCEPT
A. They discourage employees creativity.
B. They do things the way they were taught and do not change.
C. They are knowledgeable about many different foods and techniques.
D. They do not allow employees to provide input on decision in the work place.
6. Knows how to handle unusual events that may happen in the business which
include problems in managing the workers, problems on the delivery of goods and
services, and the problems on demand and production. You must be patient in
dealing with these uncertainties.
A. Goal oriented
B. Hard working
C. Copes with uncertainty
D. Committed
7. An individual who would like to engage in any business must possess a strong faith
in his / her ability and capabilities in dealing with the different problems that she
might encounter in running a business.
A. Persistence
B. Hardworking
C. Self - confidence
D. Committed
8. Which of these statements is true about SWOT Analysis?
A. Specifying the objective of the business venture

B. Identifying the external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve
the objective
C. Identifying the internal factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve
the objective
D. All of these
9. Identify which of the examples is a Weakness.
A. The place is quite expensive.
B. Have a supportive parent.
C. Good in public speaking.
D. Lack stress management skills.

Additional Activities

Self – assessment Test

Using the Entrepreneurial Assessment, evaluate your potentials as a future food
entrepreneur. Can you become a successful food entrepreneur?
Directions: Answer honestly and write the letters only in your TLE notebook
1. Are you innovative?
a. I am open – minded to new methods of improving food I will offer.
b. I will not try new methods of preparing my food offerings.
2. Are you creative?
a. I will exert effort to develop my imagination in food preparation.
b. I will not exert much effort to develop my imagination in food
3. Are you concerned about the preservation of the environment?
a. I am willing to do my share in the preservation of the environment by
practicing environment management service (EMS).
b. I will not do my share in the preservation of the environment.

4. Are you efficient?
a. I will closely supervise the preparation of food to be served.
b. I will just let other employees do the job.
5. Do you possess good human relations?
a. I enjoy the company of people and am a team player.
b. I do not enjoy the company of the people.
6. Are you hardworking?
a. I believe that success comes from hard work by putting time and
effort for the business.
b. I tend to avoid too much work.
7. Are you healthy?
a. I exercise regularly and eat healthful foods.
b. I do not eat a balance diet and I do not exercise regularly.

8. Are you organized?

a. I make plans before doing things.
b. I do not make plans ahead of time.
9. Are you optimistic/cheerful?
a. I have a positive attitude towards work.
b. I am pessimistic by nature.
10. Are you quality conscious?
a. I always aim for excellence in my undertakings.
b. I get tired of looking for ways of improving the quality of whatever I

Each a answer is equivalent to 10 points.

Each b answer is equivalent to 5 points.

85 – 100 - points – You have strong entrepreneurial characteristics.

71 – 84 – You have weaknesses that need improvement.
50 – 70 - The commitments of an entrepreneur are hard for you at this time

Answer Key

What I Know What’s More 1 What’s More 2

What’s More 3 What I have Learned Assessment



Commercial Cooking 10,20,30 Curriculum Guidelines a Practical and

Applied Art
Corazon M. Simisim.Technology and Livelihood Education Cookery 9,
The Library Publishing House , INC.
Dr. Cristina a. Villanueva. Effective Technology and Home Economics,
Adriana Publishing Co.,INC.
Learning Module Cookery 9
K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood
Education Learning Module

Internet Sources

Bautista, Gilbert. “Module 1 Pe Cs.” LinkedIn SlideShare, August 6, 2014.

Guthrie, Georgina. “A Comprehensive Guide to Creating Your Personal SWOT Analysis.”

Cacoo, May 1, 2020.


“Lesson 1.” T.L.E Learning Module. Accessed June 28, 2020. https://gltnhs-

nagaRAJU, m. “Interactive Teaching Techniques & SWOT Analysis.” LinkedIn

SlideShare, January 14, 2013.


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