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GE 1 Activity #1

Ditan, Deseree, O.


1. Behind My Name: The Meaning and History

During senior high days, it might take an hour for me to write and explained

what the history behind my name. However, the story behind my name is as simply

as me. I asked my mom about then they spoke these “It’s because I’m not able to

think what’s suitable rather wanted name for you ,the nurse who assisted during

my labour she wrote down “Deseree” in that paper. At first, for me as my

perspective people might think that it’s just a nothing and non-sense. However, my

name would be the most cherish girl in the eyes of my parents. They’d always told

me that I’m one of the most precious baby they’ve ever had. After the long run,

from infant up to now my name has put a mark into my parent’s heart. I’m always

being loved by them, even sometimes they used to shout at me as if I’d made

mistake. Therefore, I believe that’s part of and a process too for me grow as woman

need to be mature enough. A name that a parents would be proud in every

achievements, also in every little thing I did.

2. My Philosophy on the Self

One of my favourite philosophy that gives me the motivation and hold me and keep

moving forward. According to Martin Luther King Jr., "If you can't fly then run, if you can't

run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving
forward”. Like so many of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s quotes, this message enlighten me about

the choices I made in life which matters. This message can impact people for generations to

come. Life is so unpredictable. For me, no matter how hard life it may be, keep moving. We

all face situations that we didn’t choose, but we can choose to respond in a way that keeps

us moving forward and striving for a better life. When you make better choices, you will live

a better life. So choose well. Then, keep moving forward. And this is the philosophy of my


3. My Multifaceted Self

I admit that I’m a multifaceted person that builds up my personality. I defy stereotypes

also falling into them perfectly. For a long time, knowing myself as an extroverted and

introvert person. Hence, I 'm not sure if that is an actual thing. But the more I think about it,

I am inclined to believe that it is. An extroverted introvert person is the best of both worlds

were enjoying both social and being in group settings. Therefore, needed to have personal

time or we called it “me time”, to ourselves with no problems by admitting it. I feel as

though that is the complete description of myself. In my more extroverted moments, when

I feel most comfortable, I am talkative and outspoken. I get along with others also being

comfortable with my own self.

4. Potential & Passion: My Life Purpose

As a person, this question is one of the most surprisingly significant needs to

emphasize particularly our life purpose. I could say in my case, my purpose is to fully define

and see myself as God wants me to see. For all of my talents, ability, skills by using this as

my armour and shield to perform for God’s glory. Additionally, to love the unlovable, help
those in need in times of crisis and etc. I get along with myself and as my hobby to sing, I

believe this is the way God wants me to build and pursue which dream I’d wanted from the

very first.

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