Basic Well Logging - CHAPTER 4

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Qualitative Interpretation

6 Caliper 16 1.95 RHOB 2.95 0.2 MSFL 2000

Lithology 0
0.45 NPHI 0.15 0.2 LLS 2000
0.2 LLD 2000





Base Shale Line HIGH PERM. ZONE





General Log responses
Quick Look (Semi Quantitative Interpretation)

Sw ≤ 50%, Shr≥50%
Vsh ≤ 30%
Archie Equation

Formation Water Resistivity

Tortuosity Factor and

Cementation Exponent
a Rw
Sw =n ´
F m
Saturation Exponent

Effective Porosity Uninvaded Zone Resistivity

Example 1
Using the neutron-density cross plot for f = 1.0, estimate
the true porosity for the following log readings.

N = 0.20
b = 2.50 g/cm3
Example 2 (Sonic-Neu X-Plot)
•Using the sonic-neutron crossplot, estimate the true porosity for the
following log readings. Neutron and sonic log readings are from a
formation containing limestone and dolomite. In addition, estimate the
percentage of limestone and dolomite in the formation.
• N = 20% Dt = 70 sec/ft
Work Flow of Quantitative Log Interpretation

1- Fundamental Parameter Determination

of Temperature Gradient

2- Shale Volume Model.

3- Porosity Model

4- Water Saturation Model

5- Cut-off and reservoir Summation.

6- Recommendation and Final Well Report


it is important to determine the temperature opposite each level examined in order

to take this influence into account in the quantitative interpretation of the log
measurements since the temperature influences resistivities as well as the
density of fluids, the hydrogen neutron index, the sonic transit time in fluids, etc. .

Formation temperature varies

with depth, and it is necessary
therefore either to have a
continuous measurement
(temperature well logging) or to
know the temperature at two
given depths and to inter-or
G = ( BHT
-ST )  100

Where G is Geothremal gradient

F.T = S.T  [(G/100 )  Formation Depth]
Geothermal gradient is the rate of increasing
temperature with respect to increasing depth in the
Earth 's interior it is 22.1°C per km of depth (1°F per 70
feet of depth) in most of the world.

FT = ST  ( TD )FD
Where:- FT is the formation temperature.
ST is the mean annual surface temperature.
BHT is the bottom hole temperature.
FD is the formation depth or the depth of the level.
TD is the total depth of the well.

Find The Temperature gradient if

the S.T = 70 F, BHT=210 F, and
T.D= 9600 ft, & Then Calculate
The Fm. Temp @ 7800 ft
Work Flow of Quantitative Log Interpretation

1- Fundamental Parameter Determination

of Temperature Gradient

2- Shale Volume Model.

3- Porosity Model

4- Water Saturation Model

5- Cut-off and reservoir Summation.

6- Recommendation and Final Well Report


Most sands contain some shale or clay.

The effect of this is to:-
*Reduce the effective porosity.
*Lower the permeability.

The way of shaliness affects a log reading depends on the proportion of shale
and its physical properties. For several logging tools such as resistivity, sonic
and SP, it is depend on the way of the shale is distributed in the formation, other
logs such as GR, CNL and FDC are not affected by the way of shale is
The Nature of Shale
Shale is a mixture of clay minerals and sit laid down in a very low-energy
environment, principally by settlement from still water. Silt consists of fine
particles, mostly silica, with small amounts of carbonates and other non
clay minerals. The solids of a typical shale may consists of about 50%
clay, 25% silica, 10% feldspar, 10% carbonates, 3% iron oxide, 1%
organic material and 1% other material. The shale may also contain 2 -
40% water by volume. It is the clay component of the shale that affects
logs in abnormal ways. Clay is comprised of crystalline clay minerals.
These are hydrous aluminum silicates of the general formula X (Al2o3), Y
(SiO2), Z (OH), which contains small amounts of other elements such as
magnesium, potassium, iron and titanium. Clay minerals are classified
into specific groups according to their crystal-structure. Those of concern
in sedimentary rocks are montmorillonite, illite, kaolinite, chlorite and
mixed-layer minerals.
a) Laminated Shale:- These are thin beds or streaks of shale deposited between
layers of reservoir rocks (sand or limestone). The effective porosity and
permeability of the shale are essentially zero

b)Structural Shale:- Structural shales are grains or nodules of shale forming part of
the solid matrix along with the quartz or other grains. Laminar and structural shales
are essentially of depositional origin. The shale are replaced matrix

c)Dispersed Shale:- the shale particles are dispersed in pore space, clays of this
category adhere to the rock grains, either coating them or partially filling the pore
spaces . Permeability is considerably reduced,

Vshale = VLam + VDis + VStr = Vsilt + Vclay

Clay distribution in Shaly Sands
Determination of Shale Volume (Vsh)

A) Single-Curve Clay Indicators

1- Spontaneous Potential log (SP)

The percentage
of shale will be :
SPlog - SPshale / SPsand – Spshale

2-Gamma Ray Log (GR)

(Ish)GR = (GR-GRcl) / (GRsh-GRcl)


GR= reading in the zone of interest

GRcl = a minimum reading in clean sands or carbonates.
GRsh= maximum reading in nearby 100% shale
(Ish)GR will vary from zero in clean sand to 1.0 in shale.
3-Resistivity log
1/ b
Vsh   Rsh Rt 
 

Rsh : resistivity reading in front shale
Rt : resistivity of the uninvaded zone
b : is constant which equal 1

4-Neutron Log (ØN)

Vsh 
ØNlog is the neutron reading in the zone of interest
ØNsh is the neutron reading in adjacent thick shale beds.
B)Double-Curve Clay Indicators:-
1. Neutron and Density Logs (ØN & ØD )

 Ø Ø
Vsh  N D
 Ø

ØN is the neutron porosity

ØD is the density porosity
ØNsh is the neutron porosity in front of shale bed
ØDsh is the density porosity in front of shale bed
Shale Volume Correction:-
The values of shale content previously obtained are normally higher than the
actual volumes of shale. Therefore, a correction, by one of the following
formulae is needed to obtain optimum value of Vsh.
At first, the volume of shale content obtained from the single curve clay
indicators (SP, GR, Rt and ØN) are corrected through the following formulae:

Vsh = 1.7  3.38  (X  0.7)2 (Clavier et al., 1971)

Vsh = 0.5X
1.5  X
(Steiber, 1973)
Determination of clay minerals:
Work Flow of Quantitative Log Interpretation

1- Fundamental Parameter Determination

of Temperature Gradient

2- Shale Volume Model.

3- Porosity Model

4- Water Saturation Model

5- Cut-off and reservoir Summation.

6- Recommendation and Final Well Report

Sand 55

1- Porosity From Sonic Log L.S. 49

Dol. 44

Δtlog  Δtma Anhy. 52

Øs = Wyllie et al. (1956):

Salt 67

Δtf  Δtma Gypsum 50

∆t fluid

Fresh mud 189

Saline mud 185

Oil 0.9
Gas 0.7
(2) Porosity From Density Log
P Matrix
ØD = ρmat  ρb Sand 2.65
ρmat  ρf L.S. 2.71
Dol. 2.87
Anhy. 2.96
Salt 2.165
Dry Shale 2.78
Wet Shale 2.59

P Fluid
(3)Porosity From Neutron Log Gas 0.2
Oil 0.8
ØN = ØNlog - Vsh ØNsh Water 1
(4) Combined Neutron-Density logs

ØN-D = ( ØN + ØD ) /2

(5) Estimation of total and effective porosities

The total porosity (ØT) is determined by averaging the values of ØN and ØD or by the
above equation (ØN-D) for clean and shaly formations.
The effective porosity (Øe) can be determined using the total porosity (ØT) through
the general equation:

Øe = ØT (1-Vsh)
Work Flow of Quantitative Log Interpretation

1- Fundamental Parameter Determination

of Temperature Gradient

2- Shale Volume Model.

3- Porosity Model

4- Water Saturation Model

5- Cut-off and reservoir Summation.

6- Recommendation and Final Well Report

Saturation of any given fluid in a pore space is the ratio of the volume of that fluid
to the pore space volume. For example, a water saturation of 10% means that 1/10
of the pore space is filled with water; the balance is filled with something else (oil,
gas, air, etc. - a pore cannot be “empty”). As for porosity, saturation data is often
reported in percentage units but is always a fraction in equations.

Porosity is the capacity of the rock to hold fluids.

Irreducible water saturation is the minimum water saturation obtainable in a

rock. Water is usually the wetting fluid in oil or gas reservoirs, so a film of water
covers each pore surface.

The water saturation in the flushed zone (Sxo) is the ratio of free water in the
flushed zone, to effective porosity, which is assumed to be the same porosity as in the
uninvaded zone
1- Water Saturation from Archie’s equation

The water saturation (Sw) in the uninvaded zone is calculated through

Archie’s equation (1942) in clean zones:-

1/ n
 a Rw 
Sw =  m 

 Ø R t 
Also, water saturation (Sxo) in the flushed zone is calculated using Archie’s equation:-

1/ n
 a R  where

Sxo =  m mf 
Sw = water saturation of uninvaded zone
Sxo = water saturation of flushed zone
Rw = formation water resistivity
 xo 
Rt = resistivity of uninvaded zone
Rxo = resistivity of the flushed zone
Rmf = resistivity of mud filtrate
n = Saturation exponent and is equal to 2.0
a & m = These values are varied according to the
and equal to the formation factor (F).
Ø = formation porosity
Determination of hydrocarbon Saturation

The determination of the uninvaded zone and flushed zone water

saturations (SW and Sxo) facilitates the differentiation between the
hydrocarbon saturations.
The total hydrocarbon saturation (Sh) are calculated from the relation:-
Sh = 1-Sw

These hydrocarbons are normally differentiated into movable and residual

hydrocarbons (Shm and Shr). The residual hydrocarbon (Shr) is determined
from the relation:
Shr = 1-Sxo

The movable hydrocarbon (Shm) is determined from the following equation:-

Shm = Sh-Shr

The Recovery Factor (RF ): is determined from such relation: RF = Shr / Sh

T.D = 9600 Ft. RHOB_CL = 2.78

S.T = 70 F. DT_mat = 55

B.H.T=210 F. DT_fLuid = 189

DEN MATRIX = 2.65 DT_Clay = 70

FLUID DENS = 1.10 PHI.N.CL= 0.38

RMF @ ST = 0.090 PHI. D. CL=0.35

GR_MAX= 200. R.CL = 1

GR_MIN= 50. A=1, m=2, n=2

From To Rd Rs Rxo Phi. N Den GR DT

7800 7801 47 37.6 8.7 0.15 2.5 55 66
7801 7802 5 4.5 4 0.10 2.5 65 79
Work Flow of Quantitative Log Interpretation

1- Fundamental Parameter Determination

of Temperature Gradient

2- Shale Volume Model.

3- Porosity Model

4- Water Saturation Model

5- Cut-off and reservoir Summation.

6- Recommendation and Final Well Report


Reservoir Summation

•Cut-off Curves used •Cut-off Values

–Vcl –30
–Phi-Eff. –10%
–SW –50%

Reservoir Summation Mnemonics

•Gross : All the zone of interest Top –Bottom.

•Gross Reservoir :Exclude Shale and Silt (Vcl)
•Net Reservoir: Good Porosity Reservoir to Fill w/fluid
•Net Pay: Producing Sand-LS-DOL
•Net/Gross: Net Res / Gross % (Common)
•Net/Gross: Net Pay / Gross %
Work Flow of Quantitative Log Interpretation

1- Fundamental Parameter Determination

of Temperature Gradient

2- Shale Volume Model.

3- Porosity Model

4- Water Saturation Model

5- Cut-off and reservoir Summation.

6- Recommendation and Final Well Report

For Oil For Gas
N = 7758 * ø * (1-Sw)*H*A G = 43560 * ø * (1-Sw)*H*A


N = initial oil in place, stb. N = initial gas in place, scf.

Ø = effective porosity, fraction Ø = effective porosity, fraction
Sw = intial water saturation, fraction Sw = intial water saturation, fraction
H = Productive interval thichness. Ft. H = Productive interval thichness. Ft.
A = Drainage area, acres. A = Drainage area, acres.

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