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1.Consider and respectful care

A poor and rich patient will received same treatment and benefits from the hospital and staff.

2. Relevant, current and understandable information concerning diagnosis, treatment ,risk involved,
medically reasonable alternative benefits needed to make informed consent

Patient asking for her treatment plan. the doctor will give the detailed information to the patient.

3. Make decision regarding his plan of care, in case of refusal, he is entitled to other appropriate care
and service or be trandsferred to another hospital.

4. Reasonable continuity of care when appropriate and be informed of other care when hospital. care is
no longer appropriate.

A patient is requesting for a transfer to manila for healthier and advance management. The doctor will
follow the patient.

5. be informed of hospital policies and practices that relate to patient care

Before admission the patient and relative will be informed about the policies and rules and regulation of
the hospital and signed also with the informed consult.

6. have an advance directive (such as living will) concerning treatment or designating a surrogate

A dying patient requesting for a no resuscitation if he/she will have an arrest on the hospital the patient
will sign a will stating his/her want with proper notation.

7. confidentiality of communication and records

A victim of rape was reached to the Hospital for proper examine and documentation. Documentation
are kept properly and without a letter from the judge the document can never be release

8.every consideration if his privacy such an in case discussion, consultation and treatment

A patient request to doctor not to give any information regarding his/her diagnoses. The doctor will not
disclose any information except to the relative of the patient as for request of the patient

9. review his record concerning his medical care and have these explained to him except when restricted
by law.

A patient with HIV asked his/her doctor to explain the call of plan she/he will received.

10. consent or decline to participate in experimental research affecting his care.

A patient has a rare condition that the Hospital wants to use healthier their experiment but the patient
refuse and sign a waiver not to be in any experiment. The hospital cannot touch the patient because of
the refuse consult.
Utilitarian Ethics

 like what happen today. Implementing a lockdown due to COVID 19 pandemic, many are
affected but its for the good of
 an HIV positive patient to be well monitored and restricted this is not to spread the virus to
many ,this is not to discriminate but to avoid transfer of virus.

Deontological Ethics

 A patient with a contagious disease will not be discriminated and be treated fairly same as a
 A patient was brought to the hospital should not refuse for treatment because of that reason
because they can be sued for referring treatment if anything bad happen to the patient.

An elderly female patient hospitalized for dementia is asked to participate in a clinical study testing a
new drug designed to slow progress of the condition. She has periods of time, when she is quite lucid, it
is during such a period that the trial was explained to her and she signed the informed consent form
However, when the investigator meets with her again to begin the study, she stares at him blankly,
seemingly not remembering anything about it.

1. What should we do?

a. In tat she signed the consent when she appeared to understand, and given that she might
benefit from the clinical trial,he should go forward with the study.
b. Perhaps there is a surrogate who could give a valid consent for her participation
c. Given her vulnerability, he should cancel the previously signed document

*the consent was given when the patient is in has lucid state and that she understand what will happen
to her. But to make things clearto everybody make a surrogate/relative with a sound mend and body
validate the consent

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