Differences Between Bezier and B-Spline Curves

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Computer Graphics (CS502)

Q. List out the differences between Bezier curves and B-spline curves.

Bezier Curves B-spline Curves

It is defined by Approximating tangents on the It is defined as a linear combination of control

curve by using control points points and a B-spline basis function, the basis
function specifies the span/influence of each
control point.

The Bezier approximation provides the global The B-spline approximation provides the local
control of curve shape. If a single control control of curve shape. If a single control
point is changed, the shape of curve is point is changed, only parts of the curve lying
disturbed. under the influence of that control point are

It is a special case of a B-spline curve, where It is a generalized version of a Bezier curve

the basis function defines the span/influence that consists of Bezier curves as segments.
of each point on the entire curve.

The degree of the polynomial defining the The degree of the polynomial defining the
curve segment is one less than the number of curve segment is independent of the number
defining polygon/control points. of defining polygon/control points.

It is invariant under an affine transformation By applying an affine transformation to the

(scaling/translation/ rotation). vertices of the defining polygon, the curve
shape is affected.

It always passes through the first and last It may or may not pass through the first and
control points. last control points.

It has limited control and flexibility on the It offers more control and flexibility on the
curve. curve.

These are found in painting and drawing These are used to construct blending curves.
packages as well as in CAD applications
It can represent any polynomial curve. It cannot represent some polynomial curves,
like simple circles and ellipses.

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