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ZA is a retired military officer who served during the administration of Pres. FM. Years later, ZA was
being investigated by the PCGG for violation of Anti-Graft Act in relation to E.O. 1 and 2 authorizing
PCGG to recover ill-gotten wealth of the former Pres. FM’ s “subordinates and close associates” …
“during his administration”.
Does the PCGG have jurisdiction to investigate ZA the former military officer based on the above-cited
facts ? Reason.

Article 2180 of the Civil Code states :
“Lastly, teachers or heads of establishments of arts and trade shall be liable for damages caused
by their pupils and students or apprentices so long as they remain in their custody “
applies to all schools, academic as well as non-academic.
EE, a student of F College caused injury to schoolmate GG inside the school auditorium, while
submitting a Chemistry project on a weekend. The family of EE then sued GG, the school F College, the
principal, the Dean of Students and the Chemistry teacher.
Decide who should be the proper person/s liable for the injury caused to EE based on the above-
mentioned facts. Discuss briefly.

The Revised Penal Code provides that the action for serious oral defamation prescribes in six months. If
the criminal act was committed on January 1, 2020, when is the last day to file a valid information ?

What is hodge-podge legislation ? Discuss its validity with reason.

What construction should be given to Amnesty proclamations ? Reason.

On Feb 20, 1996, Facundo executed a deed of donation for a house and lot in Greenhills, in favor of
Petra, his live-in partner. On March 28, 2002 Facundo and Petra got married. Facundo died on
September 13, 2002. Corazon, the only sister of Facundo questioned the validity of the donation citing
the ban on donation between spouses during marriage in Article 133 of the Civil Code.
Is Corazon correct ? Briefly discuss with reason.

What is the Plain-meaning Rule ?

What does it mean when “a general law and a special law are in pari materia” ?
What is the consequence in its applicability ? Does one prevail over the other ? Reason.


P.D. 772 penalizes squatting and similar acts.

Its preamble states :
“Whereas …. squatting is still a major problem in urban communities all over the country …”
Further into the decree, it mentions :

“Sec. 1 Any person who, with the use of force, intimidation or threat, or taking advantage of
the absence or tolerance of the landowner, succeeds in occupying or possessing the property of
the latter against his will for residential, commercial or other purposes, shall be punished by … “

Mariano did enter into, occupy and cultivate a portion of the grazing land occupied, possessed and
claimed by owner Victor. Victor files a case against Mariano based on the above cited P.D. 772.
Decide with reason whether or not Mariano should be penalized under P.D. 772.

a.) Distinguish statute from statute law
b.) Discuss briefly “what is within the spirit of the law is within the law “

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