PR2 Guideline Chapter2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
City Schools Division of Tabuk


Effect of Insufficiency on the Academic Performance of Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics Students


[Write Names here.] [Writes assigned tasks here.] [Write actual contribution.]
Cadatal, Klydee
Daluping, Dianne
Dinulong, Happilyn

1. Use this front page for every chapter that you will be passing stipulating the chapter
number, title, names of members, their assigned tasks and their actual contribution.
2. Use the following format:
Paper size: short (8.5’x11’)
Font: Arial
Font Size: 11
Margin: 1’ all sides
Spacing: Double space
3. Good luck.
Research Design- I only allowed DESCRIPTIVE STUDY. So you have to defend why
descriptive design is the best for your study. Tip: Look for the STATEMENT OF THE
PPROBLEM (purpose).
Population and Locale of the Study- Who are your respondents? How do you select
them? Tip: Review Sampling Method.
Data Gathering Instrument- Since all of you either adapted/adopted [please see the
difference] of a questionnaire, please check how was this written in the study where you
took your own. Mention the studies where the questionnaire has been used.
Data Gathering Procedure- How do you plan to gather the data? Online survey is
more likely to be done given the situation. How is your plan?
Treatment of Data- If you used scales, please put how to interpret the scale. An
example is given below:
1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Agree, 4-Strongly Agree
Follow computation: Interval should be the highest number minus the lowest number
divided by the number of choices.
Interval=(4-1)/4= 0.75
Treatment of Data should be:
1.00-1.75 -Strongly Disagree
1.76-2.50 -Disagree
2.51-3.25 -Agree
3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree
Data Analysis- What computations will you be using to analyze the data? Will you be
using arithmetic mean? Weighted mean? T-test? F-test? Pearson? Chi square? Please
read about this and you shall find out what analyses you shall be using.
Please delete all in red ink. These are just instructions.
Research Design
Population and Locale of the Study
Data Gathering Instrument
Data Gathering Procedure
Treatment of Data
Data Analysis

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