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Dr David Hawkins ...

Forum: Spiritual Discussions

Topic: Shameless Plug: DNA Shakti: Become Your True Self
Subject: Re: Shameless Plug: DNA Shakti: Become Your True Self
Posted by: angel
Posted on: 2007/3/7 5:16:15

I find it very difficult to explain DNA Shakti because it kinda just is. It needs a new way of seeing

A little over a year ago I read a book by Kishori Aird called - DNA DEMYSTIFIED, Volume 1: A
Practical Guide To Reprogramming The 13 Helixes At Zero Point. In this book the author gives
precise commands for making changes to the DNA. I felt, however, that she didn't take the process
far enough. I would make sense to correct all faulty programs, not just the obvious ones (like say you
assume you have a program for diabetes because you are diabetic) and mend all the faulty genes
etc. But when I tried to do this I quickly discovered that using her methods it would take several
lifetimes of constant work!

So I set about finding a faster method. I created something that I could put in all the processes and
then run quickly. This something I called DNA Shakti. In a way it is like a repositery, somewhere in
the ethers that contains lots of processes, that you can access. In another way it is an intelligence
that can choose the best way to work on any individual using all the processes available. Over the
months I added more and more potentials to DNA Shakti, making it as comprehensive as possible.

Although DNA Shakti does work on the physical, it's emphasis has come to be on spiritual growth or
development. I guess this is simply because that is where my own main interest lies. And because it
underlies everything else. In my opinion the most valuable part of DNA Shakti is the Clearing

When one is attuned to DNA Shakti, it immediately starts making repairs and improvements. It then
gives you the necessary 'programs' to run the clearing attunement for yourself whaenever you wish. I
have found this an amazing tool for releasing and surrendering. You know that thing where you need
to release something but don't know how? I you ask someone then they say 'just do it'? You try to
just do it, but it's still there. Well the clearing attunement will do it for you. Eventually, if you run it
frequently, it will clear away everything!

I have been careful to make sure that DNA Shakti will not go against free will, will not cause any
harm and will not work too fast for anyone to cope with. Nevertheless it does work very fast and
propels the willing person along the path.

There are a few FAQs you can read at if you

haven't already. DNA Shakti also comes with a short manual that gives you a flavour of how you can
use it and then you can experiment.

Hope this helps. 2009/11/22 16:03:32 / Page 1



PS If anyone would like to calibrate DNA Shakti I would be grateful to hear your result. I make it
really high but then I obviously have a vested interest that could skew the result! 2009/11/22 16:03:32 / Page 2

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