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Quantum Leap Advantage

Over financing a company who is motivated to sell or get rid of, as life or death motivated to sell.
Example: Company price $100k, you over finance $125k for yield term and negotiated interest
while seller becomes the bank. Overall plan is to purchase and set up exit tragedy insourcing
capital to repeat.

To get this done you’ll you need obtain your extended dream team. Which would be your
accountants and your lawyers. Which will navigate deals. You’ll always will try to get 100%
owner finance. The portion of the seller is called equity, when you talk to the banks. And then is
a numbers game, you keep cracking through the funnels.

Sources of Capital

Angel Networks
General Resources
Credit Cards
Crowd Funding
Commercial Banks
Investment Forums
Minorities and Women
Online Resources
Publications and Software
VC’s and Private Equity
Hedge Funds
Venture Capitalists

Due Diligence Before Purchasing Company

Last 3 years of tax returns

Last 3 years of financials, if tax returns and financials are not 10% of each other then move to
another company. Don’t even bother moving forward.
Banks will fund if cash flow is around 6 times more.

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