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Ronielyn L.


1. How does culture shape people's perception of reality?

● Culture shapes people's perception of reality by shaping our view of the
world. Culture also shows how humans determine the way they act towards
others and themselves without even having a critical awareness of what
they do. Since the culture encourages individualism, people in these
culture's are said to be challenged in their ability to understand someone
else's point of view.

2. What is the main difference between instinct and culture?

● An instinct is a set behavior that does not have to be learned and which is
set in motion in response to an instinct-driven action. Instinct exists across
a wide range of human and non-human species. While culture it is the
system of symbols that allows people to give meaning to experience. In
addition it is the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual
achievement regarded collectively.

3. How does Philippine culture view women and the LGBT?

● Philippine culture view women and LGBT as an inadequate and considered
as the weakest sex. Also women and the LGBT experience discrimination
and have limited legal rights within the Philippine culture.

4. Why is a change in culture important in achieving gender equality?

● Change in culture is important in achieving gender equality because it will
update or change the old beliefs or norms an individual has most
especially if the new culture accepts everyone's diversities not only in
gender. By this, an individual will learn to accept or "love" a person
regardless of what diversity it has.

5. Why are sexism and discrimination associated with culture and

● Sexism and discrimination associated with culture and rationalities
because it based on our sex or gender, especially against woman and girls.
We live in a patriarchal society men are still seen as dominant leaders.

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