(Acari, Ixodidae) Jane B. Walker, James E. Keirans, Ivan G. Horak - The Genus Rhipicephalus-Cambridge University Press (2000)

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Ticks in the genus Rhipicephalus include many im­

portant vectors of animal and human pathogens, but

many species are notoriously difficult to identify, par­
ticularly as immature stages. This reference volume
provides identification keys for adult ticks from the
Afrotropical regions and elsewhere. For the nymphs
and larvae, unique plates have been compiled in which
line drawings of the capitula of similar species are
grouped together to facilitate identification. Brief,
well-illustrated, descriptions of the known stages of
every species are given, plus information on their
hosts, distribution, and disease relationships. Tables
providing data on host/parasite relationships and dis­
ease transmission are also included, making this the
definitive reference source on this group for all those
interested in acarology, veterinary or medical para­
sitology, and entomology for many years to come.

JANE B. wALKER has spent a lifetime studying the tax­

onomy, hosts, and distribution of African ticks, par­
ticularly in the genus Rhipicephalus. Although now
officially retired, she still works as a scientist at the
Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute. She is the author
of The Ixodid Ticks of Kenya ( 1 974) and co-author of
The Ixodid Ticks of Tanzania with G.H. Yeoman
( 1 967) .

JAMES E. KEIRANS is Professor of Biology and Curator

of the U.S. National Tick Collection at the Institute of
Arthropodology and Parasitology at Georgia South­
ern University. His previous books include The Mal­
lophaga of New England Birds ( 1 967), George Henry
Falkiner Nuttall and the Nuttall Tick Catalogue ( 1 985),
Systematics and Ecology of the Subgenus Ixodiopsis
(Acari: Ixodidae; Ixodes) ( 1 992, with R.G. Robbins),
and Nymphs of the genus Ixodes of the United States
( 1 996) with L.A. Durden.

IVAN G. HORAK is Emeritus Professor of Veterinary

Ectoparasitology at the Faculty of Veterinary Science,
University of Pretoria. He is co-editor of Tick Vector
Biology: Medical and Veterinary Aspects ( 1 992) with
B.H. Fivaz and T.N. Petney.

Frontispiece. Cecil Warburton. Photo courtesy of the Master and Fellows of

Christ's College, Cambridge.
The Genus Rhipicephalus
(Acari, Ixodidae):
A Guide to the Brown Ticks of the World


Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo

Cambridge University Press

The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK

Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York

Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521480086

© Cambridge University Press 2000

This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception

and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without
the written permission of Cambridge University Press.

First published 2000

This digitally printed first paperback version 2005

A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library

Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication data

Walker, Jane B. (Jane Brotherton)
The genus Rhipicephalus (Acari, Ixodidae): a guide to the brown ticks
of the world I by Jane B. Walker, James E. Keirans, and Ivan G. Horak.
p. cm.
ISBN 0 521 48008 6 (hardback)
I. Rhipicephalus. I. Keirans, James E. II. Horak, Ivan G.
III. Title.
QL458.2.I9W337 1999
595.4'29-dc21 98-26534 CIP

ISBN-13 978-0-521-48008-6 hardback

ISBN-IO 0-521-48008-6 hardback

ISBN-13 978-0-521-01977-4 paperback

ISBN-IO 0-521-01977-Xpaperback
This contribution to our knowledge of the genus
Rhipicephalus is respectfully dedicated to the memory

( 1 8 54-1958)

In his valuable paper on this genus published in 1 9 1 2

he commented: 'The systematist has no need to
apologise for a want of definiteness the responsibility
for which lies with Nature herself.' We therefore feel
that he would be sympathetic to the 'want of
definiteness' that remains in parts of this book.

p.31. The correct date of publication for R. oreotragiWalker & Horak is 2000, not 1 999.

p.38. The correct date of publication for R. warburtoniWalker & Horak is 2000, not 1 999.

p.45. The Rocky Mountain Laboratory is in Hamilton, Montana (MT), not Massachussetts (MA).

p.408. Notes on identification. First sentence should read 'We have not seen the type series of
R. serranoi (2c)c), 5��).

Acknowledgements x Rhipicephalus armatus 75

References 81
1 Introduction 1
Rhipicephalus arnoldi 82
2 Relationships of the ticks (lxodida) and References 87
definition of the genus Rhipicephalus 3 Rhipicephalus bequaerti 88
References 4 References 91
Rhipicephalus bergeoni 92
3 Format for the accounts of individual References 95
species 5 Rhipicephalus boueti 96
Sources of information 5 References 97
Descriptions 5 Rhipicephalus camicasi 99
Hosts 8 References 1 04
Zoogeography 10 Rhipicephalus capensis 1 04
Disease relationships 12 References 1 10
Basic references 12 Rhipicephalus carnivoralis 111
4 Glossary 15 References 117
Rhipicephalus complanatus 1 17
5 Rhipicephalus species names of the world 20 References 121
References 39 Rhipicephalus compositus 121
6 Rhipicephalus species occurring in the References 1 28
Afrotropical region 40 Rhipicephalus cuspidatus 1 29
Historical review 40 References 135
References 45 Rhipicephalus deltoideus 1 36
Keys References 1 38
Key to the Afrotropical Rhipicephalus Rhipicephalus distinctus 1 38
References 145
species males 47
Key to the Afrotropical Rhipicephalus Rhipicephalus duttoni 1 46
References 1 52
species females 53
Rhipicephalus dux 1 53
7 Accounts of individual species References 1 57
occurring in the Afrotropical region 59 Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi 1 57
Rhipicephalus appendiculatus 59 References 167
References 69 Rhipicephalus evertsi mimeticus 1 69
Rhipicephalus aquatilis 72 References 1 72
References 75 Rhipicephalus exophthalmos 1 72

viii Contents

References 1 79 References 339

Rhipicephalusfollis 1 79 Rhipicephalus praetextatus 340
References 1 86 References 348
Rhipicephalusfulvus 1 86 Rhipicephalus pravus (including
References 1 92 Rhipicephalus sp. near pravus) 348
Rhipicephalus gertrudae 1 93 References 359
References 1 99 Rhipicephalus pseudolongus 360
Rhipicephalus glabroscutatum 200 References 365
References 206 Rhipicephalus pulchellus 365
Rhipicephalus guilhoni 206 References 375
References 213 Rhipicephalus punctatus (including
Rhipicephalus humeralis 214 Rhipicephalus sp. near punctatus) 376
References 221 References 381
Rhipicephalus hurti 221 Rhipicephalus sanguineus 382
References 227 References 390
Rhipicephalus interventus 230 Rhipicephalus sculptus 392
References 23 1 References 397
Rhipicephalus jeanneli 232 Rhipicephalus senegalensis 398
References 238 References 405
Rhipicephalus kochi 239 Rhipicephalus serranoi 406
References 246 References 409
Rhipicephalus longiceps 246 Rhipicephalus simpsoni 409
References 250 References 416
Rhipicephalus longicoxatus 250 Rhipicephalus simus 416
References 254 References 425
Rhipicephalus longus 255 Rhipicephalus sulcatus 427
References 263 References 433
Rhipicephalus lounsburyi 263 Rhipicephalus supertritus 434
References 269 References 439
Rhipicephalus lunulatus 269 Rhipicephalus theileri 440
References 277 References 446
Rhipicephalus maculatus 278 Rhipicephalus tricuspis 446
References 285 References 452
Rhipicephalus masseyi 286 Rhipicephalus turanicus 453
References 290 References 462
Rhipicephalus moucheti 290 Rhipicephalus warburtoni 463
References 295 References 470
Rhipicephalus muehlensi 296 Rhipicephalus zambeziensis 470
References 303 References 478
Rhipicephalus muhsamae 303 Rhipicephalus ziemanni 479
References 310 References 484
Rhipicephalus neumanni 310 Rhipicephalus zumpti 484
References 316 References 490
Rhipicephalus nitens 316
8 Host/parasite list for the Afrotropical
References 322
Rhipicephalus species 49 1
Rhipicephalus oculatus 323
Domestic animals 492
References 329
Wild animals 495
Rhipicephalus oreotragi 330
Class Mammalia 495
References 333
Birds 515
Rhipicephalus planus 333
Contents ix

Class Aves 515 Rhipicephalus ramachandrai 561

Reptiles 5 17 References 567
Class Reptilia 517 Rhipicephalus rossicus 567
Humans 517 References 573
Rhipicephalus scalpturatus 574
9 Rhipicephalus species occurring outside the References 577
Afrotropical region 519 Rhipicephalus schulzei 578
Historical review 519 References 583
R��� SW
11 Host/parasite list for the non-Afrotropical
Key to the Rhipicephalus species males occurring
Rhipicephalus species 585
outside the Afrotropical region 520
Domestic animals 585
Key to the Rhipicephalus species females occurring
Wild animals 586
outside the Afrotropical region 52 1
Class Mammalia 586
Birds 590
1 0 Accounts of individual species occurring
Class Aves 590
outside the Afrotropical region 523
Humans 590
Rhipicephalus bursa 523
References 530 12 Species groups based on the immature
Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides 531 stages 591
References 538
13 The transmission of tick-borne diseases of
Rhipicephalus leporis 539
References 543 animals and humans by Rhipicephalus
Rhipicephalus pi/ans 544 species 610
References 549 Animal diseases 61 1
Rhipicephalus pumilio 550 Human diseases 623
References 556
Rhipicephalus pusillus 556 Index 628
References 561

This book represents the combined achieve­ J.B.W. for over 10 years, drew the meticulously­
ments of a large group of people and we are most detailed illustrations of all the Rhipicephalus spe­
grateful for the time and effort that so many of cies adults and the capitula of the immature
our colleagues have expended on our behalf. stages. He also produced the final versions of all
We much appreciate the facilities and fi­ the maps as well as providing various other pro­
nancial support that have enabled us to carry out fessional services. Mr A.C. Uys assisted I.G.H.
the work. These were provided by Dr D.W. Ver­ with tick surveys; measured all stages of many of
woerd, Director, and Dr J.D. Bezuidenhout, the tick species; constructed the host/parasite list
Deputy Director, and Dr D.T. de Waal, Onder­ of the Afrotropical species, and rendered invalu­
stepoort Veterinary Institute, Republic of South able help in many other ways. We sincerely thank
Africa Q.B.W.); Dr J. H. Oliver Jr, Institute of them both.
Arthropodology and Parasitology, Georgia We were fortunate to have the services of
Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia, four skilled electron microscopists, Mr M.D.
U.S.A. Q.E.K.) , and Professor R.I. Coubrough, Corwin, Ms Pat Hill, Mr ].F. Putterill and Dr
Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University R.G. Robbins. Between them they produced
of Pretoria, Republic of South Africa (I. G.H.). hundreds of scanning electron photomicro­
The publication of this book was supported graphs of all stages of our ticks. The onerous task
in part by grants from the South African Agricul­ of printing almost all these photomicrographs
tural Research Council and the South African was carried out by Miss Heloise Heyne with
Foundation for Research Development, to commendable care and attention to detail. She
whom we are most grateful. In addition portions also mounted many of them. These photomicro­
of this work were supported by National Institute graphs form an integral and much valued part of
of Allergy and Infectious Diseases grant Al our book.
30026 to J.E.K. He was also the recipient of one In addition Miss Heyne contributed nu­
Research Fellowship from the South African De­ merous unpublished records of rhipicephalids,
partment of Agriculture, and two Research Fel­ particularly from Namibia, which we greatly ap­
lowships from the South African Agricultural preciate.
Research Council, to conduct research for this A considerable contribution was made by
publication at the Onderstepoort Veterinary In­ the four ladies who processed, and time and
stitute. again revised, the many versions of our manu­
Several of our co-workers merit our special script. The major part of this task was carried out
thanks. Mr A. Olwage, who has worked with by Mrs M. Viljoen, ably assisted by Mesdames

Acknowledgements xi

C.M.S. Lubbe, A.S. Meiring and H.M. Serfon­ Rhipicephalus species that we would otherwise
tein. We extend very warm thanks to them all for have lacked, some of them very rare, were do­
their efforts. nated by Dr J.-L. Camicas, the late Dr P.C.
I.G.H. wishes to express his thanks to the Morel, Dr R.G. Pegram and the late Dr J.A.T.
South African National Parks, the KwaZulu­ Santos Dias. Up-to-date distribution maps of R.
Natal Parks Board and the Department of Na­ appendiculatus and R. zambeziensis were pro­
ture Conservation, Namibia for making the wild vided by Dr B.D. Perry and Mr R. Kruska, to
animals which were examined in numerous sur­ whom we are most grateful. Parts of the manu­
veys available to him, and Dr H.C. Biggs, Profes­ script were reviewed by Dr L.A. Durden, Insti­
sor J. Boomker, Dr L.E.O. Braack, Dr V. de Vos, tute of Arthropodology and Parasitology, Geor­
Professor L.J. Fourie and Mr A.M. Spickett for gia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia,
help during these surveys. U.S.A., who furnished valuable comments on
We also appreciate the help we have re­ the keys, and by Dr R.G. Pegram. We thank Dr
ceived from several other colleagues. Complete Lorenza Beati who, with a small collection of R.
series of several South African Rhipicephalus zumpti, brought to light an error in our Afro­
species were reared for us by the late W.O. Nei­ tropical Rhipicephalus key. We are most grateful
tz, by Mrs M. Dunsterville and by Dr L. L6pez­ to Dr V.N. Belozerov for tracing and translating
Rebollar. The laborious task of entering field some of the data on human disease transmission
collection records into databases was carried out published in Russian for us.
by Mrs D.J. van Wyk and Ms L. Booth, and the We have been fortunate in the cooperation
calculation of the length of the scale bars on that we have always received from authorities in
several of the figures by Ms P.J. Reeve, who museums and other institutions overseas when
thereby earned our thanks. Dr M.-L. Penrith is we have sought their help. In particular we have
acknowledged with appreciation for her helpful received loans, and in some cases gifts of speci­
discussions with J.B.W. of various taxonomic mens, from Dr Anne Baker, The Natural History
problems and the derivation of some specific Museum, London; Dr M. Moritz, Museum fi.ir
names. Greatly appreciated help has also been Naturkunde der Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin;
given on many occasions to J.B.W. by Mrs A.E. Dr F. Puylaert, Musee Royal de l'Afrique Cen­
van der Walt, Mr D.G. de Klerk and Mr T.E. trale, Tervuren; Dr M. Judson, Museum Nation­
Krecek. al d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, and Dr Paula Dias,
Dr R.G. Robbins, Defense Pest Manage­ Instituto Nacional de Investiga<;:ao Veterinaria,
ment Information Analysis Center, Armed Maputo, Mozambique.
Forces Pest Management Board, Forest Glen For information on Rhipicephalus collec­
Section, WRAMC, Washington, DC, U.S.A., tions under their care we also thank Dr P.J. van
contributed important literature references to the Helsdingen, National Museum van Natuurlijke
genus Rhipicephalus which were previously un­ Historie, Leiden, The Netherlands; Dr L.S.
available to us. Other literature references were Hiregoudar, Hubli, Karnataka, India, and Dr I.
obtained for us, sometimes from obscure jour­ Lansbury, Hope Entomological Collections, The
nals overseas at very short notice, by Mr D. University Museum, Oxford.
Swanepoel and his staff in the library at the On­ For permission to utilize copyright material
derstepoort Veterinary Institute and by Mrs E. from their publications we offer our sincere
van der Westhuizen and her staff in the library at thanks to the Editor, OnderstepoortJournal of Vet­
the Faculty of Veterinary Science, Onder­ erinary Research, and the Agricultural Research
stepoort. Council, Republic of South Africa; the Entomo­
Much appreciated assistance has been re­ logical Society of America for extracts from the
ceived from a number of our other friends. Both Journal ofMedical Entomology; Kluwer Academic
reared specimens and field collections of Publishers for extracts from Systematic Parasitol-
xii Acknowledgements

ogy; the family of the late Dr P.C. Morel; the we sincerely thank Dr Tracey Sanderson (Com­
Editors, Acarologia; the Editor-in-Chief, Para­ missioning Editor: Biological Sciences), Alison
zitologicheskiy Sbornik, and Dr N.A. Filippova. Litherland (Copy Editorial Controller), Dr
Finally we should like to acknowledge in the Sharon Erzirn;:lioglu and Mrs Sandi Irvine (copy
warmest terms the support we have received editors), also Mrs Sue Tuck (Production Con­
from the staff of Cambridge University Press troller and Ms. Angela Cottingham (Indexer) for
during the production of this book. In particular all their help.

'Haba na haba hujaza kibaba'. Little by little fills series, including a study of Rhipicephalus and
up the measure! This Swahili proverb encapsu­ Rhipicentor, but neither this nor his proposed
lates the contributions made by many people, volume on the genus Hyalomma ever materializ­
starting in 1806, towards an understanding of the ed. Two years later Gertrud Theiler issued a long
genus Rhipicephalus, an important group of report in which she dealt with all the ticks known
ixodid ticks occurring mainly, but by no means to occur in Africa, including the rhipicephalids,
exclusively, in Africa. So far as we know our book together with their hosts and distribution. P.C.
represents the first completed attempt to review Morel followed this in 1969 with his valuable
this knowledge. Almost certainly G.H.F. Nuttall, thesis on all the ixodid ticks occurring in Africa,
C. Warburton, W.F. Cooper and L.E. Robinson including maps showing their distribution. The
originally intended to include the genus in their section in that study on the Rhipicephalus spp.
series of monographs on the Ixodoidea but they has been most helpful to us. We have often refer­
never managed to do so. The first part, by Nuttall red to it, especially in connection with the West
et al. on the family Argasidae, was published in African species, of which we ourselves have little
1908. Thereafter three further parts on individ­ first-hand knowledge.
ual ixodid genera appeared, by Nuttall & War­ One of us G.B.W.) has been particularly
burton (191 1 , 1 915) on Ixodes and Haema­ involved with the rhipicephalids for over 40 years
physalis, respectively, and by Robinson (1 926) and finally decided to try, with the help of her
on Amblyomma. colleagues, to consolidate available information
In 1 93 9 F. Zumpt, in the first of a series of on the genus. It has been a daunting task and,
papers entitled 'Vorstudie zu einer Revision der despite our best efforts, we are well aware of
Gattung Rhipicephalus', noted that he planned to some of the remaining shortcomings of the final
revise the genus in collaboration with Dr W. result. Wherever possible we have tried to draw
Minning. However, after publishing a key to the attention to outstanding problems and possible
known species within the genus in 1949 he ap­ mistakes in our interpretation of the existing
parently abandoned this idea. In 1960 D.R. Ar­ data. We therefore remain hopeful that our con­
thur, of King's College, London, produced the tribution will provide a useful foundation for fur­
fifth volume in the monographic series started by ther studies on these interesting ticks.
Nuttall and his colleagues in which he dealt with We start with a brief account of the rela­
the genera Dermacentor, Anocentor, Cosmiomma, tionships of the ticks and a definition of the genus
Boophilus and Margaropus. At the same time he Rhipicephalus. This is followed by an explanation
gave notice of his intention to complete the of the format used in the accounts of individual

2 Introduction

species, then a glossary, together with labelled The identification of the immature stages of
diagrams showing the essential external mor­ the rhipicephalids has always been particularly
phological features of adult rhipicephalids. The difficult because many of them are very much
last part of this introductory section of the book is alike in appearance. We have not attempted to
a list of the Rhipicephalus species names of the produce keys for their identification. Instead we
world. have included a series of plates in which line
Two major sections appear next, the first on drawings of the capitula of the nymphs and
species occurring in the Afrotropical region and larvae of morphologically similar species are
the second on those found elsewhere. Accounts of grouped together. This will facilitate direct com­
the four species that are present in both regions, parisons between them and thus, we hope, help
R. camicasi, R. evertsi evertsi, R. sanguineus and R. readers to identify them.
turanicus, feature in the Afrotropical section. The last section in the book comprises in­
Each of these sections comprises a historical re­ formation on the transmission of various patho­
view of research on the Rhipicephalus spp. re­ gens to animals and humans by Rhipicephalus
corded in the region, keys for the identification of spp.
the adults, the accounts of individual species lis­ Pertinent references are listed at appropri­
ted alphabetically, and a host/parasite list. ate points throughout the text.
Relationships of the ticks
(Ixodida) and definition of
the genus Rhipicephalus

Ticks are all obligate blood-feeding parasites of both the latter families lack a hard sclerotized
terrestrial vertebrates at some stage of their life scutum: the main feature characterizing them is
cycle. Many species are of considerable interest the leathery integument that covers their bodies.
and importance as vectors of a wide variety of Keirans (1 992) noted that: 'The family
pathogens to both humans and animals. Ixodidae is usually considered to be composed of
They are members of the phylum Ar­ approximately 13 genera . . . ', of which the ge­
thropoda, the jointed-legged animals. Although nus Rhipicephalus is one of the largest. Species in
often referred to as insects, whose adults have six this genus have the following morphological fea­
legs, they are in fact members of the class Arach­ tures in common: their hypostome and palps are
nida. This class, whose adults have eight legs, short and their basis capituli is usually hexagonal;
includes spiders and scorpions as well as the they have eyes, festoons and, in the males, adanal
order Acari, a large and diverse group to which plates. With the exception of four species, R. dux,
the ticks and mites belong. Within the Acari the R. humeralis, R. maculatus and R. pulchellus, they
suborder Ixodida encompasses the three families are inornate, i.e. the adults do not have a colour
of ticks, the Argasidae, Nuttalliellidae and pattern on the scutum, hence their common
Ixodidae. The systematics of the Ixodida were name 'the brown ticks'.
reviewed recently by Keirans (1992). In this book we recognize 7 4 Rhipicephalus
Members of the family Ixodidae, to which species and 2 subspecies. We believe, however,
the genus Rhipicephalus belongs, are character­ that further studies may show that several other
ized by having a hard sclerotized scutum. This entities whose precise status is at present uncer­
completely covers the dorsal surface of the body tain are in fact valid species. It is mainly an
in the males but is merely a smaller shield just African genus. Of the known species one, R.
behind the capitulum in the females and imma­ sanguineus, occurs practically worldwide be­
ture stages. The mouthparts of all these ticks are tween latitudes 50°N and 30°S. Sixty species
anterior in position; their eyes, when present, are have been recorded only in the Afrotropical re­
near the lateral margin of the scutum, and their gion and one, R. fulvus, appears to be confined
spiracles, which are large, are located behind to parts of north-western Africa. Two species,
coxae IV. This combination of characters readily R. turanicus and to a lesser extent R. camicasi,
distinguishes ixodid ticks from species in the are widely distributed both in Africa and further
Nuttalliellidae and the Argasidae. Members of afield. Ten species are known only from outside

4 Definition ofgenus Rhipicephalus

the Afrotropical region. One subspecies, R. REFERENCES

evertsi evertsi, which is very widely distributed in
the Afrotropical region, has apparently now also Keirans, J.E. ( 1 992) . Systematics of the Ixodida (Ar­
gained a foothold on the Arabian peninsula; gasidae, Ixodidae, Nuttalliellidae) : an overview
time will show how far it manages to spread and some problems. In Tick Vector Biology,
there. Medical and Veterinary Aspects, ed. B. Fivaz, T.
Petney & I. Horak, pp. 1-2 1 . Heidelberg:
Format for the accounts of
individual species

SOURCES OF INFORMATION the Onderstepoort Tick Collection, built up

largely by Gertrud Theiler; the Namibian Tick
The data presented in this book have been ob­ Survey Collection, by courtesy ofHeloise Heyne;
tained from many sources. A major source has the collection of the Musee Royal de l'Afrique
been the data files of the United States National Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium, including many
Tick Collection (USNTC), whose history has specimens obtained during colonial times in the
been documented by Durden, Keirans & Oliver Democratic Republic of Congo and now curated
(1996). It had its origins early in the century at the by F. Puylaert; and numerous collections from
Rocky Mountain Laboratory, Hamilton, Mon­ East Africa and South Africa accumulated by
tana, hence the prefix 'RML' to its collection J.B.W. and I.G.H. respectively.
numbers. In 1983 it was donated to the United Details of various individual collections,
States National Museum of Natural History obtained as either gifts or loans, are detailed else­
(Smithsonian Institution), where it was curated where in the text, as are literature references.
by J.E.K. Shortly afterH. Hoogstraal died in 198 6
his tick collection was also sent to the Smithsonian
Institution for incorporation into the USNTC. In DESCRIPTIONS
199 0the collection was transferred on long-term
enhancement loan from the Smithsonian Institu­ Brief descriptions are given of every available
tion to the Institute of Arthropodology and Para­ stage of all the Rhipicephalus species that are
sitology, Georgia Southern University, where it is presently regarded as valid. Explanations of their
still curated by J.E.K., assisted by L.A. Durden. It specific names are given and their synonyms, if
is the world's largest tick collection, including any, are listed. Often the descriptions, especially
over 3 00types and more than 122 5 00individual those of the nymphs and larvae, are based on
accessioned collections. laboratory-reared specimens. They are illus­
Another important source of information trated with line drawings of the adults and, in
has been material from the collections of The almost every case, with scanning electron micro­
Natural History Museum, London, loaned to us graphs (SEMs) of each of the known stages. The
by Anne Baker. These include, amongst many descriptive terms used are defined in the gloss­
others, the Nuttall Tick Collection (Keirans, ary. Some also appear on Figs 1 and 2.
1985) and the Tanzanian Tick Survey Collec­ Measurements, quoted in mm, are given
tion (Yeoman & Walker, 1967). Among other simply as guides to the size of the species under
sources from which we have obtained data are discussion. They are not statistically valid.

6 Formatfor individual species accounts

a b

:s;:=:::====-- Palps -====---""ii);

Basis capituli
V.,l;i\----- Cornua
...;..:...:>,,.---- Cervical pit
�-1----- External cervical
Cervical field
Internal cervical

c d


Porose area
Basis capituli
Cervical pit
External cervical
Cervical field
Internal cervical



Figure 1. Rhipicephalus sp. adults showing morphological features. Male: (a) dorsal view; (b) ventral view. Female:
(c) dorsal view; (d) ventral view.
Descriptions 7

Chelicera article Ill

article II

sheaths Palpal Capitulum
article I

Porose--­ capituli

Chelicera Pal pal

article IV

- Palpal
article Ill

article II

article I

Figure 2. Rhipicephalus longicoxatus female capitulum showing morphological features: (a) dorsal view; (b) ventral view.
Scale bars represent 0. 1 0 mm. SEMs by J.F. Putterill.

Sometimes it has been possible to give an idea of described in standardized terms. If, for example,
the potential range of sizes seen in a species, but the mean of the smallest and greatest measure­
in some cases very few specimens were available ments of the length of a morphological feature
to us for measurement. Rarely, for example for differs by less than 1% from the mean of the
the seldom-collected Saharan species R. julvus, smallest and greatest measurements of its width it
we have merely cited measurements from the is described as being either 'as broad as long' or,
literature. conversely, 'as long as broad'. If this difference
The differences between the length and ranges from 1 % to less than 5% it is described as
breadth of various morphological features are 'slightly broader than long' or 'slightly longer
8 Formatfor individual species accounts

than broad'. With a difference of 5% to less than tick in question, its possible relationships within
20% it is described simply as 'broader than long' the genus and comparisons with other mor­
or 'longer than broad'. When the difference is phologically similar species.
greater than 20% it is described as 'much broader
than long' or 'much longer than broad'.
One of the greatest difficulties experienced HOSTS
when attempts are made to identify
rhipicephalids is to establish the range of mor­ The common names used for domestic animals
phological variation shown by individual species. include the various breeds of each of them. Sev­
Warburton (1912) began his valuable paper on eral breeds of the same species occur in different
the genus by saying: areas and it would be impossible to list the tick
species recorded from each of these breeds sep­
'The identification of species of Rhipicephalus is likely arately. In the case of cattle, records from the two
to give more trouble than is the case with any other
species that have been described, Bos taurus and
genus of Ixodidae, for while, on the one hand, there
Bos indicus, as well as the records from all the
are few species which depart greatly from the general
breeds are listed together under the common
type, on the other hand the range of variation within
the species is extremely great. In no genus is it so
name 'cattle'.
dangerous to describe a new species from a single The scientific nomenclature for wild mam­
individual, especially if the specimen be a female'. malian hosts that we have used is based mainly,
but not exclusively, on that given by the numer­
He went on to discuss the variations seen in some ous contributors to Wilson & Reeder (1993). For
of the species and the consequent problems en­ the primate genera Cercopithecus and Papio we
countered with their identification. He regarded have followed the classification of Napier &
the following features as the most useful for Napier (1967). In most cases we have used the
identifying the males: the shape of the basis host's binomen, i.e. its generic plus its specific
capituli, including the position and precise form name, but we have gone to the subspecific level
of its lateral angles; the anterior process of coxae of classification given by Ansell (1971) for the
I; the presence or absence, and shapes, of the artiodactyl genera Alcelaphus and Damaliscus be­
various grooves and other depressions on the cause marked differences exist between the vari­
conscutum; the punctation pattern, and the ous subspecies of hartebeests. Most of the com­
shapes of the spiracles and adanal plates. He mon names that we have added for the hosts
commented that, in the females, the porose areas conform to those appearing in Corbet & Hill
and shape of the scutum are also worth noting. (1 991). Occasionally we have quoted a common
A major factor influencing this morphologi­ name from the new field guide for African mam­
cal variation is nutrition. In general some species mals by Kingdon (1 997), in which recent
are large while others are small. It has been changes in the nomenclature of African mam­
shown experimentally, though, that within a mals have been incorporated. This useful publi­
single species a great range in the size of the cation includes illustrations of many species as
adults can occur that is directly related to the well as numerous distribution maps for individ­
degree of engorgement of the immature stages. ual species or species groups. Some names for
These differences in size are usually accom­ the Palaearctic and Indian mammals have been
panied by other morphological disparities, for taken from Ellerman & Morrison-Scott (1951).
example in the shape of the basis capituli or in the For various reasons it has not always been
punctation pattern. feasible to give the host's binomen. Sometimes
Our descriptions are followed by notes on it was originally designated only in vague terms,
identification. These comprise information on e.g. 'jackal', 'wild pig', 'duiker' or 'hare'. In such
aspects such as previous misidentifications of the cases it has been impossible to determine the
Hosts 9

exact species involved. Sometimes we have been emphasized that the numbers given in these
unable to decide to which host species certain tables represent numbers of collections of a par­
tick records should be assigned when the no­ ticular Rhipicephalus species from a host, not the
menclature of a previously monotypic entity has number of individual ticks of that species on the
been emended to encompass two or more spe­ host in question. A host may have a burden of
cies. This has been the case with both several hundred ticks but this would be counted
Phacochoerus spp. (warthogs) and Potamochoerus as a single collection. These figures have been
spp. (bushpigs). These have been regarded as compiled from our own data plus information
monotypic genera by most authorities in recent from the literature. Obviously they are often ex­
years but P. Grubb (in Wilson & Reeder, 1 993) tremely conservative, particularly for the com­
has now designated two species in each. He moner rhipicephalids. In the case of some of the
considers that Phacochoerus aethiopicus presently commonest species found on cattle, for example
occurs in 'N Kenya and Somalia', and P. afri­ R. appendiculatus and R. duttoni, we have simply
canus 'outside [the] forest zone of Africa from stated that they are 'commonly parasitized' as
Senegal to Somalia, south to S Africa'. He re­ any attempt to give actual figures for these spe­
gards Potamochoerus porcus as an inhabitant of cies would be completely meaningless. For other
the rainforests of Africa from Senegal to the rhipicephalid species, though, when an author
Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly stated that collections were made from 'cattle',
Zaire) and designates as P. larvatus the species without giving any indication of the number of
occurring in 'Ethiopia, S Sudan and E Zaire animals examined or noting how many were
south to E and S South Africa, west to N Bot­ parasitized by the tick in question, we have added
swana and Angola'. only 'one' to the number of collections recorded.
We have also had problems with some re­ But if, for example, an author stated that collec­
cords from African porcupines. Basically Hys­ tions were made from cattle monthly for a year,
trix africaeaustralis occurs in the southern half of and the tick was recorded from March to Sep­
the continent, from about the level of the mouth tember, a total of 'seven' would be added to the
of the Congo River eastwards to Rwanda, number of collections recorded. We have also
Uganda, Kenya, W. and S. Tanzania and included data on the rhipicephalids collected
thence southwards. Hystrix cristata occurs in the during various long-term surveys of the parasites
northern half of the continent. In parts of cen­ of domestic and wild animals. The animals con­
tral Africa, however, these two species are sym­ cerned are listed in the introduction to the host/
patric. In addition even mammalogists some­ parasite tables. Obviously these data will con­
times confess to difficulty in distinguishing siderably increase the number of records of the
between them morphologically. In cases of particular ticks found during such surveys and
doubt, therefore, we have assigned records may give a false impression of host preference. If
merely to Hystrix sp. possible we have indicated which hosts are para­
References to other publications on African sitized by the immature stages of the ticks under
mammals that we have consulted appear in ap­ discussion.
propriate places in the text. Whenever we consider that a specific tick
For birds we have used both the scientific prefers a certain host that tick's binomen appears
and common names listed by Howard & Moore in bold under the host's name in the host/para­
(1991 ). site list.
In the host tables that are given for most For a few species there are, for various rea­
Rhipicephalus species we have tried to indicate sons, doubts about some records that have been
the importance or otherwise of each host in­ included. These are listed as 'unconfirmed'.
cluded by noting the number of collections of the Despite the shortcomings that are un­
tick in question recorded from it. It should be doubtedly inherent in these methods we trust
10 Format for individual species accounts

that our findings will be more informative than land; Afars and Issas); Egypt (United Arab Re­
simply listing the names of a tick's known hosts public); Equatorial Guinea (Spanish Guinea;
would have been. Rio Muni); Eritrea (Italian Eritrea; Ethiopia (in
part)); Ethiopia (Abyssinia); Ghana (Gold
Coast); Guinea (French Guinea; Guinee Fran­
ZOOGEOGRAPHY <;:ais); Guinea-Bissau (Portuguese Guinea;
Guinee Portugaise; Guine Portuguesa); Ivory
In the Afrotropical region the distributions of Coast (Cote d'Ivoire); Kenya (East African
the two most important rhipicephalid vectors of Protectorate; British East Africa); Lesotho
pathogens, R. appendiculatus and R. zambezien­ (Basutoland); Libya (comprising Tripolitania,
sis, have been mapped as precisely as possible. Cyrenaica & Fezzan); Malawi (Nyasaland Pro­
The locations of almost all the other tectorate); Mali (French Sudan, Sudan Fran­
Rhipicephalus species in this region are indicated <;:ais); Mauritania (Mauritanie); Morocco (Ma­
with symbols mapped on 1° squares. Occa­ roc; Spanish Morocco (in part)); Mozambique
sionally, though, it has only been possible to (Portuguese East Africa, Mo<;:ambique);
register the presence of a tick in a country, us­ Namibia (Deutsch Si.idwestafrika, South West
ing a single symbol and giving no indication of Africa); Republic of South Africa or South
the areas where it occurs. The distributions of Africa (Union of South Africa); Rwanda
species occurring outside the Afrotropical re­ (Ruanda-Urundi (in part)); Senegal (Senegal);
gion have been indicated in very broad terms Somalia (Somaliland Protectorate (British) plus
only. Italian Somaliland (Somalia)); Sudan (Anglo­
As in the case of the hosts the information Egyptian Sudan); Tanzania (German East Afri­
we present is derived partly from our own data ca; Deutsch Ostafrika; Tanganyika plus Zan­
and partly from records in the literature. zibar); Tunisia (Tunisie); Western Sahara
The current names of African countries are (Spanish West Africa; Africa Occidental Es­
shown on Map 1 . Although their boundaries panola; Rio de Oro); Zambia (Northern Rho­
have rarely been altered since colonial times the desia); Zimbabwe (Southern Rhodesia; Zim­
names of many of these countries have been babwe Rhodesia).
changed, sometimes more than once. Naturally During the colonial era the French terri­
the older names feature in the earlier literature on tories in the Afrotropical region, with the excep­
African ticks. To avoid confusion we are there­ tion of French Somaliland, were divided into two
fore listing below those current names (in bold) major groups. French West Africa (Afrique Oc­
that have been changed together with their earlier cidentale Fran<;:aise) comprised Senegal,
names (in parenthesis), and some in other Euro­ Mauritanie, Guinee Fran<;:aise, Cote d'Ivoire,
pean languages, as follows: Algeria (Algerie); Soudan Fran<;:ais, Haute Volta, Niger, Dahomey
Angola (Portuguese Congo; Portuguese West and the Trust Territory of Togo. French Equa­
Africa); Benin (Dahomey); Botswana (Be­ torial Africa (Afrique Equatoriale Fran<;:aise)
chuanaland Protectorate); Burkina Faso (Up­ comprised Tchad, Cameroun, Oubangui Chari,
per Volta; Haute Volta); Burundi (Ruanda­ Mayen Congo and Gabon. Further south in the
Urundi (in part)); Cameroon (British continent the three British territories of Northern
Cameroons; plus Kamerun, later Cameroun); Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland
Central African Republic (Ubangi Shari; were amalgamated into the Federation of Rho­
Oubangui Chari); Chad (Tchad); Congo desia and Nyasaland from 1953-1963.
(Congo Frarn;:ais; Mayen Congo; People's Re­ Authors have sometimes listed the geo­
public of Congo); Democratic Republic of graphical coordinates of localities where specific
Congo (Congo Free State; Belgian Congo; ticks have been recorded. Otherwise these coor­
Congo Belge; Zaire); Djibouti (French Somali- dinates have either been read from maps of the
Zoogeography 11




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Map 1 . Africa: political divisions.

12 Format for individual species accounts

areas concerned or obtained either from The of-date now, but we have usually had no means
Times Atlas of the World - Comprehensive Edition of revising it.
(Bartholomew & Times Books, 1992) or from
the excellent gazetteers for individual countries
produced by the United States Board on Geo­ DISEASE RELATIONSHIPS
graphic Names. (At the time of writing these
gazetteers were obtainable from the following The pathogens known to be transmitted by
address: USGS Map Sales, Box 25286, DFC, rhipicephalids have been included in the ac­
Denver, CO 80225-0046, U.S.A.). These sour­ counts of the individual tick species. We have
ces of information have rarely failed us, al­ also appended disease transmission tables at the
though it has sometimes been impossible to de­ end of this book for both animals and humans in
termine which of the coordinates for several which we have listed the diseases and the patho­
places, or farms, listed under the same name are gens that cause them, followed by details regard­
relevant in the circumstances. We have usually ing their specific tick vectors.
tried to avoid records based on single ticks, es­
pecially females, and have not included those of
ticks collected from animals at abattoirs unless BASIC REFERENCES
the origin of these animals was specifically
known. Comprehensive lists of the references concerning
When possible we have included brief notes every Rhipicephalus sp. described up to 1 969, valid or
on the general ecological conditions in the areas otherwise, and their hosts and geographical distribu­
favoured by individual tick species, particularly tion, have been compiled by Doss et al. ( 1974-1 978) .
on altitude, rainfall Oackson, 1961) and vegeta­ In these publications literature citations appear under
tion (White, 1983). the name(s) of the author(s) and date of publication.
Readers must remember that tick distribu­ Usually, but not invariably, some indication of the
tions, like those of any other living organisms, contents of the reference in question is also given.
may vary from time to time in response to When required the complete title of a reference is
changes in the distribution of their hosts and/or obtainable either from the author index of the Index­
expanding human populations. These shifts can Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology ( 1 932-
sometimes take place rapidly over large areas. In 1 982), published by the United States Department of
Africa probably the most widespread environ­ Agriculture, or from the comprehensive bibliography
mental change during approximately the last 25 published by Hoogstraal ( 1 970-1 988) .
years has been the degradation of the fragile eco­ We have listed pertinent references at the ends
system along the southern borders of the Sahel. of chapters and after each account of an individual
This has been caused by persistent drought ex­ species. These lists commonly appear in two sections.
acerbated by factors such as deforestation and References that apply mainly or exclusively to a par­
increasing cultivation. As a result the Sahel has ticular chapter or species account are given first. They
moved southwards, displacing and impoverish­ are always quoted in the preceding text and listed in
ing entire communities. There are a few refer­ full. Although they may be referred to more than once
ences, mentioned later in the text, to the effects in the book they are often relatively restricted in scope.
that this had also had on tick populations in Some, indeed, deal with only one species of
northern Senegal. Doubtless such effects are far Rhipicephalus. These specific references are usually
more widespread but they remain to be followed, after the words 'Also see the following Basic
documented. We have of necessity relied largely References (pp. 1 2-14) ', by a number of basic refer­
on the findings of Morel (1969) and his col­ ences, cited under the name(s) of their author(s) and
leagues regarding tick distribution in West Afri­ date of publication only. These basic references are
ca. This information may well be somewhat out- sometimes, but not invariably, quoted in the preced-
Basic references 13

ing text. They are always wider in scope. They are species of Ticks. University o fMaryland & United
either books, such as the mammalian checklists and States Department of Agriculture. Washington,
accounts of rainfall and vegetation mentioned above, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
or publications such as those describing the tick fauna Doss, M.A., Farr, M.M., Roach, K.F. & Anastos, G.
of a particular country or region. With the exception ( 1 978) . Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterin­
ary Zoology. Special Publication No. 3. Ticks and
of Warburton ( 1 9 1 2) , who is quoted in full later as the
Tickborne Diseases, IV. Geographical Distribution
author of three specific names, the full titles of basic
of Ticks. University of Maryland & United
references are listed once only, below.
States Department of Agriculture. Washington,
DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Aeschlimann, A. ( 1 967) . Biologie et ecologie des Durden, L.A., Keirans, J.E. & Oliver, J.H., Jr ( 1 996) .
tiques (lxodoidea) de Cote d'Ivoire. Acta The U.S. National Tick Collection: a vital re­
Tropica, 24, 28 1-405 . source for systematics and human and animal
Ansell, W.F.H. ( 1 9 7 1 ) . Artiodactyla. I n The Mammals welfare. American Entomologist, 42, 239-43.
ofAfrica: An Identification Manual, ed. J. Mees­ Elbl, A. & Anastos, G. ( 1 966) . Ixodid ticks (Acarina,
ter & H.W. Setzer, pp. 1-84. Washington, DC: Ixodidae) of Central Africa. Vol. III. Genus
Smithsonian Institution Press. Rhipicephalus Koch, 1 844. Annales du Musee
Bartholomew & Times Books ( 1 992) . The Times Atlas Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Serie in 8°, No. 147,
of the World - Comprehensive Edition. London: x + 5 5 5 pp.
Times Books, a Division of HarperCollins. Ellerman, J.R. & Morrison-Scott, T.C.S. ( 1 95 1 ) .
Clifford, C.M. & Anastos, G. ( 1 962) . Ticks. Explora­ Checklist of Palaearctic and Indian Mammals
tion du Pare National de l'Upemba. Mission G.F. 1 758-1946. London: British Museum (Natural
de Witte (1 946-1 949), Fascicule 66, 45 pp.+ 23 History) .
plates. Filippova, N .A. ( 1 997). Ixodid ticks of the subjamily
Clifford, C.M. & Anastos, G. ( 1 964) . Ticks. Explora­ Amblyomminae. Fauna of Russia and Neighbour­
tion du Pare National de la Garamba. Mission H. ing Countries. Arachnoidea. Volume IV, issue 5,
de Saeger (1 94 9-1 952), Fascicule 44, 40 pp. 436 pp. + 44 pls. St Petersburg, Russia: Nauka
Corbet, G.B. & Hill, J.E. ( 1 99 1 ) . A World List of Publishing House. [In Russian, English sum­
Mammalian Species, 3rd edn. London: Natural mary] .
History Museum Publications & Oxford Uni­ Hoogstraal, H. ( 1 956) . African Ixodoidea. I. Ticks ofthe
versity Press. Sudan (With Special Reference to Equatoria Prov­
Doss, M.A., Farr, M.M., Roach, K.F. & Anastos, G. ince and With Preliminary Reviews of the Genera
( 1 97 4) . Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterin­ Boophilus, Margaropus and Hyalomma) . Re­
ary Zoology. Special Publication No. 3. Ticks and search Report NM 005 050. 29.07, 1 1 0 1 pp.
Tickborne Diseases, I. Genera and Species of Ticks. Washington, DC: Department of the Navy,
Part 3. Genera 0-X. University of Maryland & Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.
United States Department of Agriculture. Hoogstraal, H. ( 1 970- 1 988) . Bibliography of Ticks
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing and Tickborne Diseases from Homer (about 800
Office. B. C.) to 31 December 1 984, Vols. 1-8. Cairo,
Doss, M.A., Farr, M.M., Roach, K.F. & Anastos, G. Egypt: United States Naval Medical Research
( 1 974) . Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterin­ Unit No. 3 .
ary Zoology. Special Publication No. 3. Ticks and Howard, R . & Moore, A . ( 1 99 1 ) . A Complete Checklist
Tickborne Diseases, II. Hosts. Part 1 : A-F. Part 2: of Birds of the World, 2nd edn. London: Aca­
G-P. Part 3: Q-Z. University of Maryland & demic Press.
United States Department of Agriculture. Jackson, S.P. ( 1 9 6 1 ) . Climatological Atlas of Africa.
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing [Commission for Technical Co-operation in
Office. Africa south of the Sahara (CCTA/CSA), Joint
Doss, M.A. & Anastos, G. ( 1 977) . Index-Catalogue of Project No. 1 ] . Pretoria: Government Printer.
Medical and Veterinary Zoology. Special Publica­ Keirans, J.E. ( 1 985) . George Henry Falkiner Nuttall
tion No. 3. Ticks and Tickborne Diseases, III. and the Nuttall Tick Catalogue. United States
Checklist of Families, Genera, Species, and Sub- Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Re-
14 Fonnatfor individual species accounts

search Service, Miscellaneous Publication No. Scaramella, D. ( 1 988) . Studio monografico sugli
1 438, 1 785 pp. Washington, DC: U.S. Govern­ Ixodidi e gli Argasidi della Somalia. Acta Medica
ment Printing Office. Veterinaria, 34, 9 1- 1 72 .
Kingdon, J. ( 1 997) . The Kingdon Field Guide to Afri­ Skinner, J.D. & Smithers, R.H.N. ( 1 990) . The Mam­
can Mammals. London: Academic Press. mals of the Southern African Subregion. Pretoria:
Matthysse, J.G. & Colbo, M.H. ( 1 987) . The Ixodid University of Pretoria.
Ticks of Uganda together with Species pertinent to Sousa Dias, V. ( 1 950) . Subsidios para o estudo dos
Uganda because of their Present Known Distribu­ ixodideos de Angola. Pecuaria, 2, 1 27-280
tion. College Park, MD: Entomological Society ( 1 947- 1 948) . (Reprint pp. 1-1 54) .
of America. Theiler, G. ( 1 947) . Ticks in the South African Zool­
Morel, P.C. ( 1 969) . Contribution a la Connaissance de ogical Survey Collection. Part VI. Little known
la Distribution des Tiques (Acariens, Ixodidae et African Rhipicephalids. Onderstepoort Journal of
Amblyommidae) en Ajrique Ethiopienne Continen­ Veterinary Science andAnimal Industry, 21, 253-
tale, 388 pp. + annexure cartographique, cartes 300.
1-62. DSc thesis, University of Paris. Theiler, G. ( 1 962) . The Ixodoidea Parasites of Verte­
Morel, P.C. ( 1 980) . Study on Ethiopian Ticks brates in Africa South of the Sahara (Ethiopian
(Acarida, Ixodida) . Maisons-Alfort, Paris: In­ Region). Project S 9958, 260 pp. Report to the
stitut d'Elevage et de Medecine Veterinaire des Director of Veterinary Services, Onderstepoort.
Pays Tropicaux. Mimeographed.
Moritz, M. & Fischer, S.-C. ( 1 9 8 1 ) . Die Typen der Walker, J.B. ( 1 974) . The Ixodid Ticks of Kenya. A
Arachniden-Sammlung des Zoologischen Mu­ Review of present Knowledge of their Hosts and
seums Berlin. IV. Ixodei. Mitteilungen aus dem Distribution. London: Commonwealth Institute
Zoologischen Museum in Berlin, 57, 341-64. of Entomology.
Napier, J.R. & Napier, P.H. ( 1 967) . A Handbook of Walker, J.B., Mehlitz, D. & Jones, G.E. ( 1 978) . Notes
Living Primates. London: Academic Press. on the Ticks of Botswana. Eschborn: German
Pegram, R.G. ( 1 979) . Ticks (lxodoidea) of Ethiopia Agency for Technical Cooperation, Ltd.
with Special Reference to Cattle and a Critical (GTZ).
Review of the Taxonomic Status of Species within Warburton, C. ( 1 9 1 2) . Notes on the genus
the Rhipicephalus sanguineus Group, xi + 1 69 Rhipicephalus, with the description of new spe­
pp., 1 0 tables, 36 maps & figures, 1 23 plates. M. cies, and the consideration of some species
Phil. thesis, Brunel University. hitherto described. Parasitology, 5, 1-20.
Pegram, R.G. ( 1 984) . Biosystematic Studies on the Ge­ White, F. ( 1 983). The Vegetation of Africa. A Descrip­
nus Rhipicephalus: The R. sanguineus and R. tive Memoir to Accompany the Unesco/AETFA T/
simus Groups (Ixodoidea, Ixodidae), 1 60 pp. + 90 UNSO Vegetation Map ofAfrica. Paris: Unesco.
plates. PhD thesis, Brunel University. Wilson, D.E. & Reeder, D .M. ( 1 993) . Mammal Spe­
Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 960) . Lista das carrai;:as de cies of the World - A Taxonomic and Geographic
Moi;:ambique e respectivos hospedeiros. III. Reference, 2nd edn. Washington and London:
Anais dos Servir,;os de Veterinaria e Industria Ani­ Smithsonian Institution Press.
mal de 1 953-1 954, No. 6, 2 1 3-87. Yeoman, G.H. & Walker, J.B. ( 1 967) . The Ixodid
Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 963) . Contribuii;:ao para o es­ Ticks of Tanzania. A Study of the Zoogeography of
tudo da sistematica dos Acaros da subordem the Ixodidae ofan East African Country. London:
Ixodoidea Banks, 1 894. I. Familia Ixodidae Commonwealth Institute of Entomology.
Murray, 1 877. Membrias e Estudos do Museu Zumpt, F. ( 1 949) . Preliminary study to a revision of
Zoolbgico da Universidade de Coimbra, No. 285, the genus Rhipicephalus Koch. Key to the adult
34 pp. ticks of the genus Rhipicephalus and description
Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 99 3). Some data concerning the of two new species. Mor,;ambique, No. 60, 57-
ticks (Acarina-Ixodoidea) presently known in 1 23. (The date of issue for this publication is
Mozambique. Garcia de Orta, Ser. Zool., Lisboa, given as 1 950 in Hoogstraal's Bibliography of
1 8 (1991), 27-48. Ticks and Tickborne Diseases (see above)) .

Morphological features used in descriptions of posterior to the last pair of

Rhipicephalus spp. and taxonomic and other legs.
terms. Article Distinct articulated portion
of a jointed appendage.
Accessory adanal Pair of small sclerotized Basal Closest to the origin or
plates structures lateral to the insertion.
adanal plates in males. May Basis capituli Basal portion of the
be present or absent. Also capitulum on which the
called accessory plates. mouthparts are attached; in
Adanal plates Ventral pair of large the genus Rhipicephalus the
sclerotized structures lateral basis capituli is hexagonal.
to the anus in males. Bifid Deeply cleft, forming two
Alloscutum The portion of the body long spurs. (See coxa).
wall in females and Capitulum Anterior movable portion of
immatures posterior to the the body which includes the
scutum that expands basis capituli, palps,
enormously to accomodate hypostome and chelicerae.
the large volume of blood The tick's 'head'.
ingested when these stages Caudal process Distinct projection arising
feed. posteromedially from the
Anterior Towards the front end. median posterior end of
Anterior process Referring to anterior engorged males of many
process on coxae I. When Rhipicephalus species.
seen from the dorsal surface Central field Area on the conscutum or
it is a sclerotized anterior scutum between and
projection of these coxae delimited by the internal
protruding in front of the cervical margins.
scapulae as in R. Cervical fields Areas anteriorly on the
appendiculatus. conscutum or scutum
Anus Posterior opening of the delimited by the internal
alimentary tract, situated and external cervical
ventrally and medially, margins. These fields are

16 Glossary

variously shaped, internal aspect of the adanal

depending on the species. plates.
They are often depressed Denticles Small, individual, recurved
into the scutal surface and projections or 'teeth' on the
may be flat, roughened or ventral surface of the
smooth. hypostome.
Cervical grooves See internal cervical Distal Farthest from the point of
margins. attachment or origin.
Cervical pits Paired anterior depressions Dorsal Pertaining to the back or
in the scuta of both sexes; top of the body.
vary in shape and depth. Dorsal Posterodorsal extension of
Chaetotaxy Arrangement and prolongation the spiracle.
nomenclature of setae. Dorsum The entire dorsal surface of
Chelicera Paired cutting mouthparts the body.
(pl. chelicerae) lying dorsal to the Emargination Anterior indentation or
hypostome, each excavation in the scutum
terminating in an internal between the scapulae that
(fixed) and external receives the basis capituli.
(moveable) digit. Engorged Enlargement of a tick
Clavate Clubbed; thickening following a blood meal.
gradually toward the tip as Pronounced distention is
in the alloscutal setae of R. seen in females, nymphs and
humeralis females. larvae. Males, because they
Conscutum Sclerotized plate posterior have a sclerotized
to the capitulum that covers conscutum, cannot take in
almost the entire dorsal such large blood meals as
surface of male females and immatures, and
Rhipicephalus. are therefore incapable of
Cornua Small, paired projections the same degree of
extending from the dorsal, engorgement.
posterolateral angles of the et al. [Latin] (et aliz); and others.
basis capituli. External cervical Faint or definite ridges or
Coxa (pl. coxae) Sclerotized plate on the margins punctations found
venter representing the first anterolaterally on the
leg segment to which the scutum or conscutum. May
trochanter is attached. be present or absent. Also
From anterior to posterior known as lateral carinae.
the coxae are designated by Eyes A pair of lens-like structures
Roman numerals I, II, III at the lateral margins of the
and IV. Rhipicephalus scutum. May be flat,
species adults have bifid convex or beady;
first coxae. sometimes delimited by
Coxal spurs Large or small projections grooves (orbited).
extending from the posterior Festoons Eleven uniform rectangular
margins of the coxae. areas, separated by distinct
Cusps Small points or projections grooves, located on the
extending medially from the posterior margin of the
Glossary 17

tick's body; distinct in males Internal cervical A pair of grooves or ridges

and unengorged females margins on the conscutum of males
and immatures, but difficult or scutum of females
to discern in engorged extending posteriorly from
specimens of the latter. the inner angles of the
Genital aperture External opening of the cervical pits. May be
genital organs; located continuous or interrupted,
anteriorly on the shallow or deep, faint or
ventromedian line, absent.
posterior to the basis Integument Outer covering or cuticle of
capituli. In the genus the tick's body.
Rhipicephalus only the Lapsus calami Slip of the pen.
female genital aperture has [Latin]
taxonomic value. Lateral Towards the side.
Genital apron The area within the lateral Lateral carinae See external cervical
margins of the female margins.
genital aperture. Legs Segmented appendages of
Goblets Round structures located in which nymphs and adults
the spiracle; they may be have four pairs and larvae
small and numerous or have three pairs. From
relatively large and few. anterior to posterior the
Hailer's organ Sensory structure located legs are identified by
on the subapical dorsal Roman numerals I, II, III,
surface of tarsus I. IV. The segments from
Hyaline Glassy; tending towards the proximal to distal are
transparent. designated coxa,
Hyaline flaps External projections from trochanter, femur, genu,
the lateral margins of the tibia, metatarsus, and tarsus.
female genital aperture. Macula Large sclerotized structure
Hypostome Median ventral structure of located in the spiracle of
the mouthparts that lies adult Rhipicephalus. It may
parallel to and between the be of variable size, shape
palps, ventral to the and location.
chelicerae, and is Marginal lines Lines or grooves running
immovably attached to the along the lateral margins of
basis capituli. It bears the the male's conscutum. They
recurved denticles or 'teeth' may be faint, deep, punctate
and acts as a holdfast organ. or impunctate, and delimit
Idiosoma All of the tick's body one or more festoons.
exclusive of the capitulum. (Note: a series of discrete
Incertae sedis Of uncertain taxonomic punctations does not
[Latin] position. constitute a marginal line; a
in litt. [Latin] (in letteris) in series of contiguous
correspondence. punctations does.)
Inornate Absence of a colour pattern Medial Situated in or extending
on the conscutum of males toward the median axis of
and scutum of females. the body.
18 Glossary

Median Lying in a plane that divides by Gene's organ for

the body into right and left stabilizing the egg lipids, is
halves. discharged.
Morphological Pertaining to form and Posterior Toward the rear end.
structure. Posterolateral Paired depressions lateral to
Nomen nudem Naked name. A name that grooves the posteromedian groove
[Latin] fails the rules for availability in the conscutum of almost
then in force. all male Rhipicephalus.
Orbited Descriptive term for the Posteromedian A depression situated
eyes of some species of groove slightly anterior to the
Rhipicephalus that are median festoon and
surrounded by grooves in between the posterolateral
the conscutum or scutum. grooves in almost all male
Ornamentation Enamel-like colour pattern Rhipicephalus.
that is superimposed on the Protuberance Any elevation above the
base colour of the surface.
integument in adults of the Proximal Nearest to the point of
following four species of attachment or origin.
Rhipicephalus, R. dux, R. Pseudoscutum In males the anterior portion
humeralis, R. maculatus and of the conscutum which
R. pulchellus. corresponds to the female
Ornate Definite colour pattern on scutum.
the conscutum of males and Punctations Pits in the surface of the
scutum of females of four cuticle, present on the
species of Rhipicephalus. conscutum and scutum, and
(See ornamentation). sometimes on the basis
Palps Paired articulated capituli of all Rhipicephalus
appendages located adults. These pits vary in
anterolaterally upon the number, size and depth, and
basis capituli and lying are often arranged in
parallel to the hypostome. patterns that are specifically
Article I (segment I) is characteristic.
proximal, article IV Reticulate See shagreened.
(segment IV) is distal. Rugose Roughened or slightly
Pedicel A narrow stalk-like first ridge-like in appearance.
palpal article as in R. Scapulae Anterior angles or
glabroscutatum. 'shoulders' of the
Periphery Circumference or outer conscutum or scutum that
margm. extend forwards on either
Porose areas A pair of pitted areas, side of the emargination.
usually depressed and Sclerotized Hardened in definite areas
round to oval in shape, on by the deposition or
the dorsal surface of the formation of organic or
basis capituli of female inorganic substances in the
ixodid ticks; they contain cuticle.
the openings through which Scutum Sclerotized dorsal plate
the anti-oxidant, produced posterior to the capitulum in
Glossary 19

females, nymphs and larvae. Tarsus The terminal or most distal

It covers one-third to segment of the leg.
one-half of the dorsum in Type A term used alone, or as part
unengorged specimens. of a compound term, to
Segment Distinct articulated portion denote a particular kind of
of a palp or a leg. Synonym specimen or taxon.
of article. Allotype, a designated
Sensu lato [Latin] In the broad sense. specimen of opposite sex to
Sensu stricto [Latin] In the strict sense. the holotype. Holotype, a
Seta (pl. setae) Slender hollow extensions single specimen designated
of the epidermal layer of the as the name-bearing type of
cuticle. a species or subspecies
Setiferous Usually relatively large when it was established, or
punctations punctations each bearing a the single specimen on
seta on the conscutum of which such a taxon was
males and the scutum and based when no type was
alloscutum of females and specified. Lectotype, a
nymphs. syntype designated as the
Shagreened Granular in texture; single name-bearing type
displaying a pebbled or specimen subsequent to the
gramy appearance. establishment of a nominal
'Simus' pattern Large conscutal punctations species or subspecies.
roughly arranged in four Neotype, a single specimen
longitudinal rows, like the designated as the
punctation pattern found in name-bearing type of a
R. simus. nominal species or
sp. nov. [Latin] (Species nova); new species. subspecies for which no
Spiracles Paired plates located holotype, or lectotype, or
ventrolaterally and posterior syntype(s), or prior neotype
to coxae IV in adults and is believed to exist.
nymphs; may be oval, Paralectotype, each
rounded or comma-shaped. specimen of a former
They are the external syntype series remaining
portion of the respiratory after the designation of a
system. lectotype. Paratype, each
Spurs Coxal spurs are projections specimen of a type series
from the posterior margin of other than the holotype.
the coxae; projections on the Syntype, each specimen of a
inner side are called internal type series from which
spurs; those on the outer side neither a holotype nor a
are called external spurs. lectotype has been
Spurs may also be present designated.
on the ventral posterolateral Venter Entire ventral or underside
border of the basis capituli. of the body.
Subterminal Before the end, or not quite Ventral Pertaining to the underside
attaining the end. of the body.
Stat. nov. [Latin] (Status nova); new status. Vide [Latin] See.
Rhipicephalus species names
of the world

[Numbered species names in bold are consider­ Memoires de la Societe Zoologique de France,
ed to be valid at this time] . 14: 3 61.
[Lapsus calami for R. annulatus argentinus]
Rhipicephalus anatolicum (Koch, 1844) Rhipicephalus annulatus argentinus Neumann,
Donitz, W. 1905. Sitzungsberichteder Gesell­ 1901
schaft natuiforschender Freunde zu Berlin, Memoires de la Societe Zoologique de France,
(4): 114. 14: 280.
Donitz, in discussing Koch's naming of From 160 or so specimens [sex/stage not
new Hyalomma species from different stated but 6 unknown], host not stated, Pro­
areas, mentioned the names R. hispanum, vince of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Deposi­
lusitanicum and anatolicum. The generic in­ ted in the Zoological Museum, Hamburg.
itial 'R.' before the three species names is, in [ = Boophilus microplus (Canestrini)]
all probability, a typographical error and Rhipicephalus annulatus australis (Fuller, 1899)
not a change of generic status from Hy­ Neumann, L. G. 1901. Memoires de la
alomma to Rhipicephalus. Societe Zoologique de France, 14: 280.
[ = Hyalomma anatolicum Koch] Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus australis Fuller,
Rhipicephalus annulatus (Say, 1821) 1899.
Neumann, L.G. 1897. Memoires de la Described from a number of specimens ex
Societe Zoologique de France, 10: 407, 419 cattle, Australia; 1 6, Borneo ex deer, 1 6,
(key) , figs. 37-41. Sumatra, ex buffalo in the Oudemans col­
New combination for Ixodes annulatus Say, lection; 1 <;2, Sumatra in the Zoological Mu­
1821. seum, Hamburg; 4 66, 2 nymphs, New
[ = Boophilus annulatus (Say)] South Wales, ex cattle, in the Department
Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus argentina of Agriculture, New South Wales.
(sic) Neumann, 1901 [ = Boophilus microplus (Canestrini)]
Neumann, L.G. 1904. Archives de Para­ Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus calcarata
sitologie, 8: 450. (Birula, 1894)
New combination for Rhipicephalus an­ Neumann, L.G. 1904. Archives de Para­
nulatus argentinus. sitologie, 8: 450.
[ = Boophilus microplus (Canestrini)] New combination for Ixodes calcaratus Bi­
Rhipicephalus annulatus argentinensis Neumann, rula.
1901 [ = Boophilus annulatus (Say)]

Rhipicephalus species names of the world 21

Rhipicephalus annulatus caudatus Neumann, other from l'Afrique S.-0; ± 100 66 and
1897 ¥¥ ex Bos caffer [ = Syncerus caffer] . In the
Memoires de la Societe Zoologique de France, Berlin Museum. We herein designate as
10: 413, fig. 42. lectotype 6 and paralectotype ¥ the syn­
Described from 23 n, 2 66, Miyasaki, types collected from Bos caferf [ = Syncerus
Japan ex horse, deposited in the Neumann caffer], Tangani, German East Africa
collection; 250 ¥¥, 6 66, l'Ile de France ex [Tanzania] , received 1900 from Schillings
cattle (probably), in the Natural History (Nuttall Collection 2893, Neumann
Museum, Paris; 22 ¥¥, 1 6 from 'Cayenne'; 1143) , deposited in The Natural History
1 6, 1 ¥ from Senegal in A. Railliet collec­ Museum, London (Keirans, 1985). Fur­
tion. thermore, we amend the locality designa­
[ = Boophilus microplus (Canestrini)] tion for these types to Pangani River, Ger­
Rhipicephalus annulatus decoloratus Koch, 1844 man East Africa, at Masimani Mountain
Neumann, L. G. 1901. Memoires de la (cf. ZMB 16890, syntypes, in the Zoologi­
Societe Zoologique de France, 14: 279. cal Museum, Berlin - see Moritz & Fis­
New combination for Rhipicephalus de­ cher, 1981).
coloratus Koch, 1844. 2. Rhipicephalus aquatilis Walker, Keirans
[ = Boophilus decoloratus (Koch)] & Pegram, 1993
Rhipicephalus annulatus dugesi (Megnin, 1880) Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Re­
Neumann, L.G. 1901. Memoires de la search, 60: 205, figs. 1-8.
Societe Zoologique de France, 14: 279. Holotype 6, allotype ¥, and 4 66, 2 ¥¥
Described from 4 6 6, 23 ¥¥, Morocco, ex paratypes collected from a sitatunga ( Tra­
cattle; 3 6 6, many ¥¥, Algeria, ex cattle; 2 gelaphus spekit) at Kaisho (01° 19' S, 30° 37'
¥¥, Elida, one ex deer and one ex cattle; E) , Karagwe District, Tanzania, 14 August
many ¥¥, Egypt, ex cattle. 1959, Mrs. G. Tullock, from Tanzania
[ = Boophilus annulatus (Say)] Tick collection WA99, deposited in The
Rhipicephalus annulatus microplus (Canestrini, Natural History Museum, London.
1888) Other paratypes deposited in the Onder­
Neumann, L. G. 1901. Memoires de la stepoort Tick Collection 3143i, ii, iii, and in
Societe Zoologique de France, 14: 280. the U.S. National Tick Collection [RML
Described from a number of 6 6 and ¥¥, 120946].
Argentina; Guadeloupe ex cattle; Antigua Rhipicephalus arakeriHiregoudar, 197 5
ex cattle, sheep and deer; 8 ¥¥, Mon­ Mysore Journal of Agricultural Science, 9:
tevideo, Uruguay; 3 n, Guatemala; ± 100 473, figs. 1-10.
¥¥, 15 66 Jamaica ex cattle, horses and Described from 2 66, 1 ¥, 8 nymphs, 15
dogs; many ¥¥ from Brazil, Paraguay and larvae ex Mus rattus [ = Rattus rattus],
Guatemala, in the Zoological Museum, Anand, Gujarat, India. Types: holotype 6,
Hamburg; several ¥¥ Cuba ex cattle, in the allotype ¥, 1 6, 8 nymphs, 15 larvae para­
Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington. types. The holotype and allotype deposited
[ = Boophilus microplus (Canestrini)] in the Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta.
1. Rhipicephalus appendiculatus Neumann, Depository for nymphal and larval para­
1901 types not stated. Correspondence with both
Memoires de la Societe Zoologique de France, Professor Hiregoudar and the Zoological
14: 270. Survey of India, Calcutta revealed that the
Described from 3 66, 7 n Cape Colony, types of this species could not be located.
South Africa, Lounsbury collection; 3 66, Subsequently, Professor Hiregoudar sent
of which the origin of two is unknown, the the U.S. National Tick Collection slide-
22 Rhipicephalus species names of the world

mounted specimens of R. arakeri, one slide Described from 6, ¥ [number not stated] ,
being labelled 'Paratypes'. Although much ex horses, cattle, etc, north-west to north­
overcleared, the specimens appear to be R. east Australia.
ramachandrai. [Also described as a new species in 1899,
[ = Rhipicephalus ramachandrai Dhanda] Queensland AgriculturalJournal, 4: 392].
3. Rhipicephalus armatus Pocock, 1900 [ = Boophilus microplus (Canestrini)]
Proceedings of the Zoological Society of Lon­ Rhipicephalus ayrei Lewis, 1 933
don, Pt. 1: 50, pl. III, figs. 2-2f. Parasitology, Cambridge, 25: 269, figs. 1, 2.
Described from 4 66, 2 ¥¥, Bularli, West Described from numerous 6 6, ¥¥ ex buf­
Somaliland. Type 6 and two co-types (6 falo, rhinoceros and lion, Kiagu and
and ¥) in The Natural History Museum, Mbeyo, Meru district, Mount Kenya and
London. Three co-types (2 66 and 1 '.fl) in Sianna Plains, Masai reserve, Kenya. Co­
the Hope Museum, Oxford. types sent to Imperial Bureau of Entomol­
4. Rhipicephalus arnoldi Theiler & Zumpt, ogy, British Museum (Natural History)
1949 [now The Natural History Museum, Lon­
In: Zumpt, F. 1949. Mos;ambique, (60): don] , and to The Molteno Institute for Re­
111 , figs. 32-36. search in Parasitology, University of Cam­
Described from F l generation of a ¥ ex bridge. A collection retained at the
Lepus sp. Also from wild hare, Pronolagus Veterinary Research Laboratory, Kabete,
sp., Transvaal and Cape Province, South Kenya and a collection sent to the Coryn­
Africa. Types: the F l generation of a ¥ ex don Memorial Natural History Museum,
Lepus sp., Toverwater, Murraysburg, Cape [now the National Museum] , Nairobi,
Province, South Africa, deposited in Kenya. Those syntypes sent to The Mol­
Onderstepoort Tick Collection 2793 teno Institute are now in The Natural His­
and 2845. Three ¥¥ paratypes from tory Museum, London (Nuttall 3845) see -

Pronolagus sp., Murraysburg, South Africa Keirans (1985).

are deposited in the Zoological Museum, [ = Rhipicephalus compositus Neumann]
Hamburg. Rhipicephalus beccarii Pavesi, 1883
Rhipicephalus attenuatus Neumann, 1908 Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di
Archives de Parasitologie, 12: 12, fig. 8. Genova, 20: 102.
Described from 1 ¥ holotype, ex Equus ca­ Description based on a 6 from Bogos,
ballus, Kansanshi (Congo independant) Abyssinia [Ethiopia]. Depository not
[Democratic Republic of Congo], on the stated.
River Lualaba (10° 40' south latitude). In [ = Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille)]
The Natural History Museum, London. Rhipicephalus belli Sonenshine, 199 3
[ = Rhipicephalus lunulatus Neumann] Biology of Ticks, vol. 2, p. 463. Oxford and
Rhipicephalus aurantiacus Neumann, 1907 New York: Oxford University Press. [Lap­
Notes from the Leyden Museum, 29: 90, figs. sus calami for Rickettsia bellz]
3, 4. 5. Rhipicephalus bequaerti Zumpt, 1949
Described from 5 6 6, 3 ¥¥ ex Bujfelus pum­ Mos;ambique, (60): 119, figs. 37-39.
ilus [presumably = Syncerus cajfer nanus], Described from 1 6, 1 '.fl. 'The pair at my
Liberia. In the National Museum van disposal was caught in Central Africa on
Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden. the buffalo (Syncerus cajfer Sparrm.). The
[ = ?Rhipicephalus ziemanni Neumann] tag on the 6 says that it was found in 'Lis­
Rhipicephalus australis Fuller, 1899 senji' (?).' Depository not stated. However,
Agricultural Journal of the Cape of Good types were deposited in the Institute for
Hope, 14: 3 69, 3 figs. Medical Research, Johannesburg.
Rhipicephalus species names of the world 23

6. Rhipicephalus bergeoni Morel & Balis, Description based on a single ¥ holotype

1976 ex Erinaceus collaris, Sind, Pakistan.
Revue d'Elevage et de Medecine Viterinaire Depository not stated. This specimen is
des Pays Tropicaux, 29 (nouvelle serie) : now in the Nuttall Collection (Nuttall
1 4 1 , figs. 1 a-h, 2 a-i. 1 1 03) in The Natural History Museum,
'Type' 6 [i.e. holotype] and allotype ¥ from London. The genital aperture has been re­
Hubeta, Harrar, Ethiopia. Depository not moved and mounted on a slide. See Keirans
stated. ( 1 985) .
Rhipicephalus bhamensis Supino, 1 897 [ = Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille)]
Atti delta Societa Veneto- Trentina di Scienze Rhipicephalus brevicollis Neumann, 1 897
Naturali in Padova, 2nd ser. 3: 233, pl. V, Memoires de la Societe Zoologique de France,
figs. 1-6. 10: 402, fig. 35.
Description based on a 6, Bhamo, Burma. Description based on a single ¥ holotype
[ = Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille)] from Mombas, Zanzibar [Mombasa,
Rhipicephalus bicornis (Nuttall & Warburton, Kenya] . Deposited in the Zoological Mu­
1 908) seum, Berlin.
Brumpt, E. 1 936. Precis de Parasitologie, 2: [ = Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille)]
1 1 9. Rhipicephalus brevicoxatus Morel & Mouchet,
[Lapsus calami for Rhipicentor bicornis Nut­ 1 958
tall & Warburton] Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Com­
Rhipicephalus bilenus Pavesi, 1 883 paree, 33: 94, fig. 2 f-h.
Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Description based on a 6 from Akok Bekoe,
Genova, 20: 1 02. Cameroon, and described as a 'form' of
Description based o n a 6 from Bogos, Rhipicephalus ziemanni Neumann.
Abyssinia [Ethiopia]. [ = perhaps 8. Rhipicephalus bursa Canestrini & Fan­
Rhipicephalus bursa Canestrini and Fan­ zago, 1878
zago. Fide Neumann ( 1 9 1 1 ) , Das Tierreich, A tti delta Reale Istituto Veneta di Scienze,
p. 46] Lettere ed Arte, ser. 5, 4: 1 90.
7. Rhipicephalus boueti Morel, 1957 Described from 6 and ¥ collected live on a
Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique, 'cinghiale' (wild boar). Depository not
50: 696, fig. 1 ( 1 956) . stated.
Described from 2 6 6, 3 ¥¥, ex Procavia Rhipicephalus bursa americanus Neumann, 1 897
ruficeps subsp., Agouagon, Dahomey [Be­ Memoires de la Societe Zoologique de France,
nin] . Holotype 6 deposited in the 10: 393.
Neumann Collection, Ecole Veterinaire, Two ¥¥ from Jamaica in the collection of G.
Toulouse. Allotypes 2 ¥¥ (sic), 1 6, 1 ¥ Marx, Smithsonian Institution. [These
paratypes deposited in Laboratoire Federal specimens are not in the U.S. National Tick
de l'E levage, Dakar, Senegal. Collection] .
Rhipicephalus bovis (Riley, 1 869) [ = Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille)]
Galli-Valerio, B. 1 90 1 . Bulletin de la Societe Rhipicephalus bursa pusillus Gil Collado, 1 936
Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles, Ser. 4, 37: Treballs del Museu de Ciencies Naturals de
355. Barcelona, Ser. Entomologica, 1 1 : 4.
New combination fo r Ixodes bovis Riley, Described from 2 ¥¥ ex fox, Barcelona.
1 869. Depository not stated.
[ = Boophilus annulatus (Say)] [ = Rhipicephalus pusillus Gil Collado]
Rhipicephalus breviceps Warburton, 1 9 1 0 Rhipicephalus calcaratus (Birula, 1 894)
Parasitology, Cambridge, 3: 398, fig. 3 . Birula, A. 1 895. Izvestiya Imperatorskoi
24 Rhipicephalus species names of the world

Akademii Nauk, Ser. 5, 2: 137. compositus Neumann, 1897.

? New combination for Ixodes calcaratus Bi­ [ = Rhipicephalus compositus Neumann]
rula, 1894. Rhipicephalus capensis longus Neumann, 1907
[ = Boophilus annulatus (Say)] Zumpt, F. 1942. Zeitschrift fur Parasiten­
Rhipicephalus camelopardalis Walker & Wiley, kunde, 12: 484, figs. 6-8.
1959 Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus longus
Parasitology, Cambridge, 49: 448, figs. 1 -4. Neumann, 1907.
Described from specimens collected from a [ = Rhipicephalus longus Neumann]
giraffe, Talek River, Cis-Mara area of West Rhipicephalus capensis pseudolongus Santos Dias,
Masai, Kenya. Holotype J, allotype � ex 1953
Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi, locality Memorias e Estudos do Museu Zoolbgico da
as above; deposited in The Natural History Universidade de Coimbra, (214): 5, figs. 1-
Museum, London. Paratypes in The Natu­ 3.
ral History Museum, London; Rocky Holotype J and allotype � ex Bos indicus,
Mountain Laboratory (now U.S. National Yaounde, Cameroon. Depository not
Tick Collection, Georgia Southern Univer­ stated.
sity); Onderstepoort Tick Collection 3058; [ = Rhipicephalus longus Neumann]
Veterinary Research Station, Mpwapwa, Rhipicephalus carinatus Frauenfeld, 18 67
Tanzania; in H. Hoogstraal's collection, Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Koniglichen
now in U.S. National Tick Collection Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien,
[RML 34921, 90316 - see Keirans & Clif­ 1 7 : 4 62. [Publication not seen]
ford (1984)] ; Veterinary Research Labora­ From 1 J collected on the deck of a ship in
tory, Kabete; East African Veterinary Re­ the China Sea.
search Organization, Kikuyu, Kenya. [ = Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille)]
[ = R. longicoxatus] 11. Rhipicephalus carnivoralis Walker,
9. Rhipicephalus camicasi Morel, Mouchet 1966
& Rodhain, 197 6 Parasitology, Cambridge, 56: 1, figs. 1-15a,
Revue d'Elevage et de Medecine Viterinaire 16a.
des Pays Tropicaux, 29 (nouvelle serie): Described from numerous specimens,
337, fig. 1. both wild caught and reared. Holotype J
Description based on JJ, �� from Ethiopia and allotype � from laboratory reared
and Afars and Issas [Djibouti] on cattle, series, the progeny of a � ex lioness,
sheep, camel, goat and Lepus capensis. Muguga, Kiambu District, Kenya [acces­
Holotype J and allotype � ex sheep, Randa, sion number B.S. 913]. Deposited in The
Afars and Issas [Djibouti]. Depository not Natural History Museum, London. Para­
stated. types in many institutions and collections
10. Rhipicephalus capensis Koch, 1844 including the U.S. National Tick Collec­
Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, 10: 238. tion [RML 4 6183 - see Keirans & Clifford
Described from 1 J [holotype] , Cape (1984)] .
Colony, South Africa. Deposited in the Rhipicephalus cliffordi Morel, 1965
Zoological Museum, Berlin, accession Revue d'Elevage et de Medecine Viterinaire
number ZMB 1097 - see Moritz & Fischer des Pays Tropicaux, 1 7 for 1964 (nouvelle
(1981) . serie): 637, figs. 1-4 (1965).
Rhipicephalus capensis compositus Neumann, Holotype J, allotype � ex Syncerus caffer
1905 nanus, Assagni, Ivory Coast. Depository
Archives de Parasitologie, 9: 231. not stated. (Vol. 17 of this journal com­
New subspecific status for Rhipicephalus menced publication in 1964, but the final
Rhipicephalus species names of the world 25

part containing descriptions of this species erio, Lausanne, Switzerland.

and R. moucheti was published in 1965). [ = Rhipicephalus ziemanni Neumann]
[ = Rhipicephalus pseudolongus] 14. Rhipicephalus cuspidatus Neumann,
12. Rhipicephalus complanatus Neumann, 1906
1911 Archives de Parasitologie, 10: 209, fig. 1 1.
Archives de Parasitologie, 14: 415. Described from 1 6, 4 ¥¥, ex Phacochoerus
Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus planus com­ sp., Senegal. Deposited in The Natural
planatus Neumann, 1911. [nee History Museum, London.
Rhipicephalus simus planus Neumann, Rhipicephalus decoloratus (Birula, 1894)
1907]. Velu, H. 1922. Memoires de la Societe des
13. Rhipicephalus compositus Neumann, Sciences Naturelles (et Physiques) du Maroc,
1897 2: 187.
Memoires de la Societe Zoologique de France, New combination for Boophilus calcaratus
10: 393. (Birula, 1894).
Described from 1 6 [holotype], host un­ [ = Boophilus annulatus (Say)]
known, Khartoum, Sudan. Deposited in 15. Rhipicephalus deltoideus Neumann,
the Natural History Museum, Paris. [R. 1910
compositus is a highland species; therefore, Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 53: 1 3, figs. 3-
the type locality of Khartoum is probably 7.
incorrect]. Described from 1 6, 3 ¥¥, host unknown,
Rhipicephalus confusus Santos Dias, 1956 Basutoland [Lesotho]. Depository not
Mo�mbique, (87): 2, figs. 3-5. stated. One ¥ syntype (Nuttall 2894) is in
Holotype 6 ex buffalo, Ile, Zambezia, The Natural History Museum, London -
Mozambique. Deposited in the Laboratory see Keirans (1985).
of Veterinary Pathology, Maputo, Mozam­ 1 6. Rhipicephalus distinctus Bedford, 1932
bique. One 6, 1 ¥ paratypes deposited in Report of the Director of Veterinary Services
The Natural History Museum, London. and Animal Industry, Union of South Africa,
[ = Rhipicephalus longus] (18): 523.
Rhipicephalus coriaceus Nuttall & Warburton, New name for Rhipicephalus punctatus Bed­
1908 ford, 1929 (preoccupied).
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Described from specimens on dassies (rock
Society, 14: 402, figs. 1 7-20. hyrax) at Onderstepoort and in South­
Description based on 2 6 6, 6 ¥¥, host un­ West Africa [Namibia] , also on sheep at
known, North Nyasa [Malawi]; 1 6 host Victoria West, Cape Province, South Afri­
unknown, Benguella, W. Africa [Angola] . ca. [These Victoria West specimens are
Deposited in the Nuttall Collection (Nuttall Rhipicephalus neumanni - see Walker
320e) in The Natural History Museum, (1 990)] . Depository not stated but in the
London - see Keirans (1985). Lectotype Onderstepoort Tick Collection 2488 ii, iii,
and paralectotypes designated - see lV.
Keirans & Brewster (1 981) . Rhipicephalus dugesi Neumann, 1896
[ = Rhipicephalus supertritus Neumann] Memoires de la Societe Zoologique de France,
Rhipicephalus cuneatus Neumann, 1 908 9: 1 1.
Notes from the Leyden Museum, 30: 76, figs. New combination for Ixodes bovis Riley,
2, 3. 1 8 6 9.
Described from 3 66 ex cattle, Ngomo on [ = Boophilus annulatus (Say)]
l'Ogooue, French Congo [Congo]. Deposi­ 17. Rhipicephalus duttoni Neumann, 1907
ted in the collection of Professor Galli-Val- Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitol-
26 Rhipicephalus species names of the world

ogy, 1 : 115, figs. 22, 23. 1916

Described from a single 6, ex bovine [pre­ In: Nuttall, G. H. F. & Warburton, C. 1 91 6.
sumably Bos taurns], Zambi (sic) . Deposi­ Bulletin of Entomological Research, 6: 327.
tory not stated. Neumann (1911) stated From Lower Congo; further details not
that the locality was 'Congo independant given. For hosts and collecting localities see
[Democratic Republic of Congo], Keirans (1985). Lectotype and paralecto­
(Zambu)'. types designated by Keirans & Brewster
1 8. Rhipicephalus dux Donitz, 1910 (1981).
Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft naturfor­ [ = Rhipicephalus evertsi mimeticus Donitz]
schender Freunde zu Berlin, (6) : 275, figs. 20. Rhipicephalus evertsi mimeticus
1-3. Donitz, 1910
Described from 1 6, 1 ¥ ex elephant, Denkschriften der Medizinisch-Naturwissen­
oberen Congogebiet [Democratic Republic schaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena, 16: 475.
of Congo]. Depository not stated. One 6 Described from 6 6, ex cattle, South-West
syntype is in the Zoological Museum, Ber­ Africa [Namibia] . Depository not stated.
lin [ZMB 17714] - see Moritz & Fischer Syntypes in the Zoological Museum, Berlin
(1981). - see Moritz & Fischer (1 981).
Rhipicephalus ecinctus Neumann, 1901 21. Rhipicephalus exophthalmos Keirans &
Memoires de la Societe Zoologique de France, Walker, 1993
14: 275. In: Keirans, J.E., Walker, J.B., Horak, LG.
Described from 6 6 6, origin unknown. De­ & Heyne, H. 1993. Onderstepoort Journal of
posited in the Berlin Museum. All 6 syn­ Veterinary Research, 60: 230, figs. 1-16.
type males are in the Zoological Museum, Described from laboratory-reared speci­
Berlin [ZMB 17690] - see Moritz & Fischer mens of all stages from ¥ originally col­
(1 981). lected on a farm 'Kosos 11', Karas region
[6 = Rhipicephalus maculatus Neumann] (formerly Bethanien), Namibia, c.
Rhipicephalus ellipticum Koch, 1 847 1 0.III.1970, host not stated. Holotype 6,
Uebersicht des Arachnidensystems, (4) : 135, allotype ¥ and 66, ¥¥, nymphs, and larvae
pl. 30, fig. 11 1 . paratypes deposited in Onderstepoort Tick
New combination for Rhipistoma ellipticum Collection 3144. Paratypes of all stages de­
Koch, 1 844. posited in The Natural History Museum,
[ = Haemaphysalis leachi (Audouin)] London and in the U.S. National Tick Col­
Rhipicephalus erlangeri Neumann, 1902 lection [RML 56729] .
Archives de Parasitologie, 6: 1 11. Rhipicephalus expositicius Koch, 1877
Described from a single 6 holotype ex Abhandlungen der Naturhistorischen Gesell­
horse, near the river Daroli. Depository not schaft zu Nurnberg, 6: 1 96. [Publication not
stated. seen] .
[ = Rhipicephalus simus group] [ = Haemaphysalis punctata (in part). Fide
1 9. Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi Neumann, Neumann, 1 91 1]
1897 Rhipicephalus falcatus Neumann, 1 908
Memoires de la Societe Zoologique de France, Notesfrom the Leyden Museum, 3 0: 77, fig. 4.
10: 405, fig. 3 6. Described from 3 6 6, 8 ¥¥, host unknown,
Described from 8 66, 3 ¥¥, host unknown, north of Lake Nyasa, deposited in The
Transvaal, South Africa. Deposited in the Natural History Museum, London; 4 6 6, 1
Oudemans Collection, National Museum ¥, host unknown, from Liberia, deposited
van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden. in the Leiden Museum.
Rhipicephalus evertsi albigeniculatus Warburton, [ = Rhipicephalus longus]
Rhipicephalus species names of the world 27

Rhipicephalusfiavus Supino, 1897 lection 2711 i. Type 66 and n ex Angora

Atti della Societa Veneto-Trentina di Scienze goats.
Naturali in Padova, 2nd. ser., 3: 233, pl. IV, Rhipicephalus gladiger Neumann, 19 08
figs. 5-9. Archives de Parasitologie, 12: 8, figs. 4-7.
Description based on a ¥, Prome, Burma Described from 2 66, 2 ¥¥, ex Equus ca­
[Myanmar] . ballus, Kansanshi (Congo independant)
[ = Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille)] [Democratic Republic of Congo] on the
22. Rhipicephalusfollis Donitz, 1910 Lualaba River (1 0° 4 0' south latitude). De­
Denkschriften der Medizinisch-Naturwissen­ posited in The Natural History Museum,
schaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena, 16: 481, pl. London. Also 1 6 ex Capra hircus, Pweto,
16A, fig. 3. Congo independant [Democratic Republic
Described from 2 6 6, host probably do­ of Congo]. Depository not stated.
mestic cattle, locality not stated. Depository [ = Rhipicentor bicornis Nuttall and Warbur­
not stated. Two 66 syntypes (Nuttall ton]
211 0) are deposited in The Natural History Rhipicephalus glyphis Donitz, 191 0
Museum, London - see Keirans (1985). Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft naturfor­
23. Rhipicephalusfulvus Neumann, 1913 schender Freunde zu Berlin, (6) : 278, fig. 4.
Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France, Described from 2 6 6, one from a 'Wasser­
38: 147, figs. 1, 2. schwein', Lake Tanganyika [Tanzania], the
Described from a single 6 [holotype], host other from Togo, probably on a bovine.
unknown, Matmata, south of Gabes [Tu­ Depository not stated. A pinned syntype 6
nisia] . Depository not stated. (Nuttall 21 08) from a 'Wasserschwein'
Rhipicephalus furcosum Neumann, 19 01 [most likely Potamochoerus larvatus], Lake
Memoires de la Societe Zoologique de France, Tanganyika [Tanzania] is in The Natural
14: 3 61. History Museum, London - see Keirans
Typographical error for Amblyomma fur­ (1985). The 6 from Togo is in the Zoologi­
cosum Neumann, 19 01. cal Museum, Berlin [ZMB 17734] - see
[ = Amblyomma helvolum Koch] Moritz & Fischer (1981).
24. Rhipicephalus gertrudae Feldman­ [ = Rhipicephalus lunulatus Neumann]
Muhsam, 1960 26. Rhipicephalus guilhoni Morel & Vas­
Journal ofParasitology, 46: 1 04, figs. 3-5. siliades, 1963
Described from a batch of ticks collected in Revue d'Elevage et de Medecine Viterinaire
Namaqualand. Holotype 6, allotype ¥ in des Pays Tropicaux, 1 5 for 1962 (nouvelle
Feldman-Muhsam collection. Paratypes serie): 378, figs. 7-11.
sent to Dr Theiler [OnderstepoortTick Col­ Described from a collection of ticks; ¥ holo­
lection 3137 ii. Paratypes: Namaqualand. type (gonopore slide-mounted), 6 allotype
Gen. apert. No. 144-145] . One ¥ paratype ex sheep, Mioro, Mali. Allotype and ¥ para­
[ZMB 11 01] in the Zoological Museum, type deposited in the National Museum of
Berlin - see Moritz & Fischer (1981). Natural History, Paris.
25. Rhipicephalus glabroscutaturn Du Toit, 27. Rhipicephalus haernaphysaloides Sup­
1941 ino, 1897
Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science Neumann, L.G. 1897. Memoires de la
andAnimal lndustry, 16: 115, figs. 1, 2. Societe Zoologique de France, 10: 417.
Described from all stages, ex domestic New combination for Rhipicephalus haema­
stock, Fairview District, Aberdeen, Cape physaloides niger Supino, 1897. Two 6 6, 1
Province, South Africa. Depository not ¥ syntypes (Nuttall 2963, 2965, 2971) are
stated but in the Onderstepoort Tick Col- in The NaturalHistory Museum, London -
28 Rhipicephalus species names of the world

see Keirans (1985). Rhipicephalus hispanum Donitz, 1905

Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides expeditus Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft naturfor­
Neumann, 1 904 schender Freunde zu Berlin, (4): 114.
Archives de Parasitologie, 8: 454. [See comment under Rhipicephalus
Described from 6, ¥ ex Buffelus indicus anatolicum] .
[Bubalus bubalis], China, Sumatra. 28. Rhipicephalus humeralis Rondelli, 1926
[ = Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides Supino] Zumpt, F. 1 949. Mo9ambique, (60) : 49.
Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides niger Supino, Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus pulchellus hu­
1897 meralis Rondelli, 1926.
Atti della Societa Veneto-Trentia di Scienze 29. Rhipicephalus hurti Wilson, 1954
Naturali in Padova, 2nd Ser., 3: 234, pl. V, Parasitology, Cambridge, 44: 277, figs. 1-
figs. 6-8. 6.
Described from a ¥, host unknown, Yado, Described from 66, ¥¥ ex buffalo, Karati
Burma [Myanmar] , deposited in the Genoa Forest, Naivasha, Kenya (Coll. No. 221).
Museum. Type 6 and ¥ deposited in The Natural
[ = Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides Supino] History Museum, London. Paratypes in
Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides pilans Schulze, the Onderstepoort Tick Collection 2929
1935 ii. Paratypes 2 66, 2 ¥¥ sent to Dr H.
Zumpt, F. 1940. Zeitschrift fiir Parasiten­ Hoogstraal in Cairo, are no longer present
kunde, 1 1: 675. in the Hoogstraal collection, now part of
Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus pilans Schulze, the U.S. National Tick Collection. Para­
1935. types sent to Dr J.T. Santos Dias,
[ = Rhipicephalus pilans Schulze] Mozambique.
Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides paulopunctata Rhipicephalus inermis (Birula, 1895)
Neumann, 1897 L'Insecte et !'Infection, 1 : Acarines, p. 103.
Neumann, L.G. 1904. Archives de Para­ [ = Haemaphysalis inermis Birula]
sitologie, 8: 449. Rhipicephalus? (sic) intermedius (Neumann,
Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus paulopunctatus 1 897)
Neumann, 1897. Neumann, L.G. 1901. Memoires de la
[ = Rhipicephalus pilans Schulze] Societe Zoologique de France, 10: 416.
Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides ruber Supino, Questionable combination for Phaulixodes
1897 intermedius Neumann, 1897.
Atti della Societa Veneto-Trentia di Scienze [ = Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille) fide
Naturali in Padova, 2nd Ser., 3: 234, pl. VI, Santos Dias (1 991)]
figs. 6-10. 30. Rhipicephalus interventus Walker, Pe­
Described from 6, Cj!, host unknown, Mt gram & Keirans, 1995
Mooleyit, Tenasserim; Meteleo, Thagata, Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Re­
Juva, Cago del Cadu Gianng, north-east of search, 62: 89, figs. l a, b; 2a-f.
Bomo, Burma [Myanmar] . Deposited in Described from 28 66, 69 ¥¥ collected pri­
the Genoa Museum. marily from cattle in Uganda, Tanzania,
[ = Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides Supino] Rwanda, Malawi, and Zambia. Holotype 6,
Rhipicephalus hilgerti Neumann, 1902 allotype ¥ collected at Kawoko-Masaka,
Archives de Parasitologie, 6: 1 11 . Masaka district, Uganda, 2.III.1967, J. G.
Described from 1 6 , 1 ¥ ex Canis variegatus Matthysse, deposited in the U.S. National
[Canis aureus], Abyssinia [Ethiopia]. De­ Tick Collection (RML 53849). Paratypes 2
pository not stated. 66, 7 ¥¥ data as above; 2 66, 8 ¥¥ collected
[ = Rhipicephalus praetextatus Gerstacker] at Igula village, Thimbu Gunguli, Tanzania,
Rhipicephalus species names of the world 29

31.XIl.1960, Veterinary Assistant Robert, ologicheskim Institutom Akademii Nauk

deposited in The Natural History Museum, SSSR, (26); 20, fig. 16.
London, (Tanzania Tick Collection IR/ Described by Pomerantsev (in litt.) but a
47); and 1 6, 2 n collected at Lutale, valid description and figure given from
Mumbwa, Zambia, XIl.1981, R.G. Pe­ specimens ex rabbit, Uzbekistan.
gram, deposited in the Onderstepoort Tick Rhipicephalus limbatus Koch, 1844
Collection 3144 i. Archivfur Naturgeschichte, 10: 239.
Rhipicephalus janneli Pomerantsev, 193 6 Described from 1 6, Egypt. Holotype in the
Parazitologicheskii Sbornik Institut Zoological Museum, Berlin - see Moritz &
Akademiya Nauk SSSR, 6: 15. Fischer (1981).
[Uipsus calami for Rhipicephalus jeanneli [ = Rhipicephalus sanguineus]
Neumann, 1913] Rhipicephalus linnei (sic) (Audouin, 1826)
Rhipicephalusjavanensis Supino, 1897 Koch, C.L. 1844. Archiv fur Naturges­
Atti della Societa Veneto- Trentia di Scienze chichte, 10: 238.
Naturali in Padova, 2nd Ser, 3: 233. New combination for Ixodes linnaei
A nymphal syntype (Nuttall 2955) is de­ Audouin, 1826.
posited in The Natural History Museum, [ = Unknown species]
London - see Keirans (1985). 34. Rhipicephalus longiceps Warburton,
[ = Amblyomma javanense (Supino)] 1912
31. Rhipicephalusjeanneli Neumann, 1913 Parasitology, Cambridge, 5: 11, figs. 6, 7.
Voyage de Ch. Alluaud et R. Jeanne! en Afri­ Described from 18 66, 3 ¥¥ [Nuttall 3 51]
que Orientale (1 9 1 1-1912). Resultats Scien­ ex Klipspringer Bok [Klipspringer] , Be­
tifiques. Arachnides II. Ixodidae: 31, figs. 3- nguella Hinterland, Angola and 19 6 6, 2
5. ¥¥, no host recorded, same locality. Orig­
Description based on 4 66, 5 ¥¥, host un­ inally deposited in Cambridge. Lectotype
known, Molo, Burgurett River, also 1 6, 1 ¥ and paralectotypes designated - see
Station 38, Kenya; 2 6 6 upper edge of Keirans & Brewster (1981). Collections
forest on Kilimandjaro near Bismark Hill, now in The Natural History Museum,
also 1 6 Station 71, German East Africa London.
[Tanzania]. Depository not stated. 3 5. Rhipicephalus longicoxatus Neumann,
3 2. Rhipicephalus kochi Donitz, 1905 1905
Sitzungsberichten der Gesellschaft naturfor­ Archives de Parasitologie, 9: 225.
schender Freunde zu Berlin, (4): 106. Described from 1 6, 2 ¥¥ from German
Described from 1 6, 5 n Sadani, and 3 n East Africa [Tanzania], deposited in the
Lindi, German East Africa [Tanzania] , ex Zoological Museum, Berlin. There is
cattle. Lectotype ¥ designated by Clifford et 1 ¥ paratype, accession no. ZMB 17740 in
al. (1983), deposited in the Zoological Mu­ the collection - see Moritz & Fischer
seum, Berlin, No. 8490; paralectotypes (1981).
(Nuttall 2109) deposited in The Natural Rhipicephalus longoides Zumpt, 1943
History Museum, London - see Keirans Tendeiro, J. 1952. Anais do Instituto de
(1985). Medicina Tropical, Lisboa, 9: 234.
Rhipicephalus leachi Schwetz, 1927 Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus simus longoides
Revue Zoologique Africaine, 15: 89. Zumpt, 1943.
[La,psus calami for Haemaphysalis leachz] [ = Rhipicephalus senegalensis Koch]
33. Rhipicephalus leporis Pomerantsev, 3 6. Rhipicephalus longus Neumann, 1907
1946 Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitol­
Opredeliteli po Faune SSSR, Izdavaemye Zo- ogy, 1: 117, figs. 24, 25.
30 Rhipicephalus species names of the world

Described from a single 6 [holotype] ex Bos 39. Rhipicephalus maculatus Neumann,

taurus, Kasongo, Nyasaland [Malawi]. De­ 1901
pository not stated. This specimen (Nuttall Memoires de la Societe Zoologique de France,
1460) is in The Natural History Museum, 14: 273.
London - see Keirans (1985). Described from 1 6, 2 n ex Psytalla hor­
3 7. Rhipicephalus lounsburyi Walker, 1990 rida (syn. Platymeris horrida), Cameroon,
Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Re­ deposited in the Berlin Museum. Syntypes
search, 57: 57, figs. 1-24. [ZMB 17716] in the Zoological Museum,
Described from 66, ��' NN, LL, reared Berlin - see Moritz & Fischer (1981). [The
from material originally collected at Dor­ type host listed is an assassin bug, family
drecht, Eastern Cape Province, South Afri­ Reduviidae; obviously this is incorrect].
ca. Holotype 6, allotype � No. 2820 and Rhipicephalus marmoreus Pocock, 1900
paratypes No. 2821, deposited in Onder­ Proceedings of the Zoological Society of Lon­
stepoort Tick Collection. Paratypes [RML don, Pt. 1: 50, pl. III, figs. 1- l d.
105789] deposited in the U.S. National From a single 6 specimen, holotype, Bul­
Tick Collection. arli, West Somaliland, deposited in The
Rhipicephalus lundbladi Schulze, 1939 NaturalHistory Museum, London.
Arkiv for Zoologi, 31: 2, pl. 1. [ = Rhipicephalus pulchellus Gerstacker]
Described from 1 6, ex vegetation, Paul de 40. Rhipicephalus masseyi Nuttall & War­
Serra, Madeira [Portugal] . Type [i.e. holo­ burton, 1908
type] in the Natural History Museum, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical
Stockholm. Society, 14: 404, figs. 21-26.
[ = Rhipicephalus species incertae sedis] Described from 31 66, 21 �� ex Bos caffer
38. Rhipicephalus lunulatus Neumann, [ = Syncerus caffer], Kansanshi, north-west
1907 Rhodesia [Zambia]. Depository not stated.
Archives de Parasitologie, 11: 215, fig. 1. Lectotype and paralectotypes designated -
Described from 2 6 6 ex horse, near the see Keirans & Brewster (1981). Specimens
Lualaba River, Congo Free State [Demo­ deposited in The Natural History Museum,
cratic Republic of Congo] . Deposited in London.
The Natural History Museum, London. Rhipicephalus microplus (Canestrini, 1888)
Lectotype [BM (NH) 5708; RML Canestrini, G. 1 8 90. Prospetto dell'
105707] designated by Walker et al. Acarofauna ltaliana, (4): 493.
(1 988). New combination for Haemaphysalis micro­
Rhipicephalus lusitanicum Donitz, 1905 plus Canestrini, 1888.
Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft natuifor­ [ = Boophilus microplus (Canestrini)]
schender Freunde zu Berlin, (4): 114. Rhipicephalus mossambicus Santos Dias, 1950
[See comment under Rhipicephalus Moi;ambique, (59): 137, figs. 4-6.
anatolicum] . Described from 1 6, ex buffalo, Mozam­
Rhipicephalus macropis Schulze, 193 6 bique. Deposited in the Santos Dias collec­
Zeitschriftfur Parasitenkunde, 8: 521, figs. 1, tion.
2. [ = Rhipicephalus pravus Donitz]
Description based on 66, ex dog, Aden, 41. Rhipicephalus moucheti Morel, 1965
and �� ex dog, Port Sudan. Type 6 deposi­ Revue d'Elevage et de Medecine Viterinaire
ted in the Zoological Museum, Berlin. des Pays Tropicaux, 17 for 1964 (nouvelle
Specimen lost? Not cited by Moritz & Fis­ serie): 61 5, fig. 1 (1965).
cher (1981). Holotype 6 ex Erythrocebus patas,
[ = Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille)] Cameroon; 'Plesiotype' ex cattle, Toui
Rhipicephalus species names of the world 31

(Kandi), Dahomey [Benin] . Depository search, 57: 66, figs. 26-49, 52-54.
not stated. Described from specimens collected on
42. Rhipicephalus muehlensi Zumpt, 1943 sheep and goats, Namibia. Holotype 6, al­
Zeitschrift fiir Parasitenkunde, 1 3 : 105, figs. lotype ¥ ex sheep, farm 'Soutdoringvlei',
1-4. Bethanien District, Namibia [Onder­
Described from numerous specimens ex stepoort Tick Collection 3141 i] . Paratypes
bushbuck, giraffe, roan antelope, Kondoa­ [Onderstepoort Tick Collection 3141 ii,
Irangi, Mikindani and Maliwe-See [Lake iii]. Paratypes also deposited in the U.S.
Maliwe], German East Africa [Tanzania]. National Tick Collection [RML 1198 60]
All specimens in the Berlin Museum. Holo­ and in The NaturalHistory Museum, Lon­
type [ZMB 17742] and paratypes are in the don [1990.1.18.1-4].
Zoological Museum, Berlin - see Moritz & Rhipicephalus niger Rudow, 1870
Fischer (1981). Zeitschrift fiir die Gesammte Naturwissen­
43. Rhipicephalus muhsamae Morel & Vas­ schaften Halle, 3 5 : 19.
siliades, 1965 Described from 1 6 ex Boa sp., locality and
Revue d'Elevage et de Medecine Viterinaire depository not stated.
des Pays Tropicaux, 1 7 for 1964 (nouvelle [ = species incertae sedis. A nymph]
serie) : 619, figs. 1-4 (1965). 45. Rhipicephalus nitens Neumann, 1904
Holotype ¥, allotype 6 ex cattle, Sangal­ Archives de Parasitologie, 8: 4 62.
kam, Senegal. Depository not stated. Described from 6 6 6, 12 ¥¥ ex vegetation,
Rhipicephalus neavei Warburton, 1912 Stellenbosch, Cape Colony, South Africa.
Parasitology, Cambridge, 5 : 7, figs. 2, 3. [Onderstepoort Tick Collection 2667 i. 1 ¥,
Described from specimens ex eland near Stellenbosch, Dec. 1902, Lounsbury Col­
the mouth of the Tasangazi River, lection 1456. There is no definite indication
Luangwa Valley, north-east Rhodesia that this ¥ is a type specimen] . One 6 syn­
[Zambia] . Types were deposited at the type (Nuttall 2896) is in The Natural His­
British Museum (Natural History) and tory Museum, London - see Keirans
Cambridge. Lectotype and paralectotypes (1985).
designated - see Keirans & Brewster 46. Rhipicephalus oculatus Neumann, 1901
(1981). All specimens are now in The Memoires de la Societe Zoologique de France,
Natural History Museum, London. 14: 274.
[ = Rhipicephalus kochi Donitz] Described from 2 6 6, 2 ¥¥ ex Lepus
Rhipicephalus neavei punctatus Warburton, 1912 timidus, Damaras, [Namibia], and 1 ¥ ex
Parasitology, Cambridge, 5 : 10, figs. 4, 5. cattle, Kilossa [Tanzania] . [The latter ¥ is
Described from 13 66, 8 ¥¥ ex kudu, near probably not R. oculatus, which is not now
Fort Mlangeni, Central Angoniland, thought to occur in Tanzania] . In Berlin
Nyasaland [Malawi], and 1 ¥ ex reed-buck, and Hamburg Museums. Syntype 6 and ¥
valley of the Rukuru River, northern Nyasa­ in the Zoological Museum, Berlin - see
land. Types were deposited at the British Moritz & Fischer (1981), Keirans et al.
Museum (Natural History) and Cam­ (1993) .
bridge. Lectotype and paralectotypes desig­ 47. Rhipicephalus oreotragi Walker &
nated - see Keirans & Brewster (1981) . All Horak, 1999
specimens are now in The Natural History In: Walker, J.B., Keirans, J.E. & Horak, LG.
Museum, London. 1999. The genus Rhipicephalus (Acari:
[ = Rhipicephalus punctatus Warburton] Ixodidae): A Guide to the Brown Ticks of the
44. Rhipicephalus neumanni Walker, 1990 World, pp. 3 30-333. Cambridge: Cam­
Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Re- bridge University Press.
32 Rhipicephalus species names of the world

Described from holotype 6, allotype Cfl, 66 Schulze P. 1 936. Zeitschrift fur Parasiten­
and n paratypes collected from klipsprin­ kunde, 8: 5 2 1 -7, figs. 1-6.
ger ( Oreotragus oreotragus), Sentinel Rhipicephalus piresi Santos Dias, 1 950
Ranch, 70 km west of Beit Bridge, Zim­ Mo9ambique, (62) : 1 33, figs. 1 , 2.
babwe, on 4 July 1 992. Holotype 6, allo­ Described from 1 6 ex Paraxerus cepapi
type Cfl, 6 6, CflCfl paratypes deposited in On­ auriventris from Lumasse (vicinity of
derstepoort Tick Collection 3 1 45 i, ii. Guija, Gaza district), Mozambique,
Paratypes in the U.S. National Tick Col­ 1 5 .IX. 1 947, Dr F. Pires. Depository not
lection and The Natural History Museum, stated but in the Veterinary Research Lab­
London. oratory, Maputo, Mozambique.
Rhipicephalus paulopunctatus Neumann, 1 897 [ = Rhipicephalus kochi Donitz]
Memoires de la Societe Zoologique de France, 49. Rhipicephalus planus Neumann, 1907
1 0: 397. Morel, P.C. 1 976. Etude sur les tiques
Described from 1 3, 1 Cfl, Indrapura, Su­ d'Ethiopie (Acariens, Ixodides), p. 1 56. Paris:
matra. Deposited in the Hamburg Mu­ Institut d'Elevage et de Medecine Veterin­
seum. Anastos ( 1 950) indicated that the aire des Pays Tropicaux.
types were lost, but one of us Q.E.K.) saw Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus simus planus
the holotype 6 in the Zoological Museum, Neumann, 1 907.
Hamburg in 1 99 5. [ = Rhipicephalus planus]
[ = Rhipicephalus pi/ans Schulze] Rhipicephalus planus Neumann, 1 9 1 0
Rhipicephalus perpulcher Gerstacker, 1873 Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie, 12:
Baron Carl Claus von der Decken's Reisen in 1 65, figs. 4-7.
Ost-Afrika, 3 : 469. Described from 6 66, 1 Cfl ex wild boar,
Described from 1 Cfl, Mombassa [Mombasa, l'Ivindo basin, Cameroon. Deposited in the
Kenya] . Holotype with genital aperture dis­ Natural History Museum, Paris. [Preoc­
sected out [ZMB 2373] deposited in the cupied name; nee Rhipicephalus simus
Zoological Museum, Berlin - see Moritz & planus Neumann, 1 907] .
Fischer ( 1 98 1 ) and Pegram et al. ( 1 987) . [ = Rhipicephalus complanatus]
[ = Rhipicephalus praetextatus Gerstacker] Rhipicephalus planus complanatus Neumann,
Rhipicephalus phthirioides Cooper & Robinson, 191 1
1 907 Zumpt, F. 1 943. Zeitschrift fur Parasiten­
Journal of the Linnean Society of London, kunde, 13: 1 7, figs. 1 5-17.
Zoology, 30: 35, figs. 1-4, pl. 5 (consisting Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus complanatus
of photos 1-4) . Also inset by Cooper & Neumann, 1 9 1 1 .
Robinson (published privately) : figs. 1-4 [ = Rhipicephalus complanatus Neumann]
(same as pl. 5, above), figs. 5 and 6. Rhipicephalus planus planus Neumann, 1 9 1 0
Described from 1 6, 1 Cfl [dried specimens] Zumpt, F. 1 943. Zeitschrift fur Parasiten­
ex horse, Rhodesia [Zimbabwe] . Deposi­ kunde, 1 3: 1 5, figs. 1 3, 14.
tory not stated. Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus planus
[ = Margaropus winthemi Karsch] Neumann, 1 9 1 0 .
48. Rhipicephalus pilans Schulze, 1935 [ = Rhipicephalus planus Neumann]
Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Niederliin­ Rhipicephalus plumbeus (Panzer, 1 795)
dischen Expeditionen in dem Karakorum, Neumann, L.G. 1 90 1 . Memoires de la
(1 922-1 930) : 1 80. Societe Zoologique de France, 14: 353. Also
Described in a key. Specimens from Flores, in 1 90 1 by Salmon, D.E. & Stiles, C.W.
Dutch East Indies [Indonesia] . Depository 1 7th Annual Report Bureau ofAnimal Indus­
not stated. Full description and figures in try: 4 1 9.
Rhipicephalus species names of the world 33

[ = ? Ixodes lividus Koch] Ost-Afrika, 3: 467, pl. 1 8, fig. 2.

Rhipicephalus pomeranzevi Muratbekov, 1 945 Described as a species of Dermacentor from
Byulleten' Sredne-Aziatskago Gosudarstven­ a few c) c), host not stated, Aruscha [Arusha,
nago Universiteta. Tashkent, (23) : 1 47 . Tanzania] , Uru [Tanzania] , and Lake Jipe
Described from specimens e x Lepus [Kenya/Tanzania border] . Depository not
tibetanus, Kzyl-Kum. stated. There are 3 c) c) syntypes [ZMB
[ = Rhipicephalus species - publication not 2347] deposited in the Zoological Mu­
seen. Some authors consider this taxon to seum, Berlin - see Moritz & Fischer
be a junior synonym of Rhipicephalus ( 1 98 1 ) .
leporis] Rhipicephalus pulchellus humeralis Rondelli, 1 926
50. Rhipicephalus praetextatus Gerstacker, Res Biologicae, 1: 34, fig. 1 .
1 873 Described from 1 6 c)c), host unknown,
Baron Carl Claus von der Decken's Reisen in Mogadiscio, Somalia. Depository not
Ost-Afrika, 3 : 468. stated.
Described from 1 c), Mombassa [Mom­ [ = Rhipicephalus humeralis Rondelli]
basa, Kenya] . Holotype [ZMB 2372] de­ 54. Rhipicephalus pumilio Schulze, 1935
posited in the Zoological Museum, Berlin - Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Niederlan­
see Moritz & Fischer ( 1 98 1 ) and Pegram et dischen Expeditionen in dem Karakorum, 1 :
al. ( 1 987) . 1 78, fig. 1 .
5 1 . Rhipicephalus pravus Donitz, 1910 Described from 4 c)c) , host unknown,
Denkschriften der Medicinisch-Naturwissen­ Maralbashi. Type 1 c), deposited in the Zo­
schaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena, 16: 479. ological Museum, Amsterdam.
Described from several specimens ex buf­ Rhipicephalus punctatissimus Gerstacker, 1 873
falo, giraffe and antelopes, Damaraland, Baron Carl Claus von der Decken's Reisen in
Transvaal and Massai steppe. Depository Ost-Afrika, 3 : 470.
not stated. Syntypes [ZMB 9844, 1 7668, Described from 1 ¥, Mombassa [Mom­
1 7669] in the Zoological Museum, Berlin - basa, Kenya] , deposited in the Zoological
see Moritz & Fischer ( 1 9 8 1 ) . Three c)c), 2 Museum, Berlin [ZMB 2370] - see Moritz
¥¥ syntypes (Nuttall 1 246) are in The & Fischer ( 1 98 1 ) .
Natural History Museum, London - see [ = Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille)]
Keirans ( 1 985). 55. Rhipicephalus punctatus Warburton,
Rhipicephalus pravus pravus Donitz, 1 9 1 0 1912
Santos Dias, J.A.T. 1 95 1 . Anais do lnstituto Santos Dias, J.A.T. 19 5 1 . Anais do Instituto
de Medicina Tropical, Lisboa, 8: 373. de Medicina Tropical, Lisboa, 8: 383.
Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus pravus Donitz, Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus neavei punctatus
1 908. Warburton, 1 9 1 2.
[ = Rhipicephalus pravus Donitz] [ = Rhipicephalus punctatus]
52. Rhipicephalus pseudolongus Santos Rhipicephalus punctatus Bedford, 1 929
Dias, 1953 1 5th Annual Report of the Director of Veterin­
Santos Dias, J.A.T. 1955. Boletim da ary Services, Union of South Africa, 1 : 495,
Sociedade de Estudios de Mofa,mbique, (92) : pl. III, Figs. 4B, 4D, SB.
1 1 0, fig. 2. Described from 7 c) c), 1 ¥ ex Procavia
Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus capensis capensis coombsi, near Onderstepoort. Also
pseudolongus Santos Dias, 1 953. 2 c)c), 2 ¥¥ ex dassie [rock hyrax] ,
53. Rhipicephalus pulchellus (Gerstacker, Omaruru, South-West Africa [Namibia] .
1873) Depository not stated but in the Onder­
Baron Carl Claus von der Decken's Reisen in stepoort Tick Collection 2488.
34 Rhipicephalus species names of the world

[ = Rhipicephalus distinctus Bedford] [Lapsus calami for Haemaphysalis rosea

56. Rhipicephalus pusillus Gil Collado, Koch, 1 844]
1936 58. Rhipicephalus rossicus Yakimov & Kol­
Gil Collado, J. 1 938. Broteria, Lisboa, Serie yakimova, 1911
Trimestral: Ciencias Naturais, 7: 1 02 . Archives de Parasitologie, 14: 4 1 9, figs. 1-4.
Stat. nov. fo r Rhipicephalus bursa pusillus Described from 6, ¥, host not stated, from
Gil Collado, 1 936. Government of Saratov, Russia [USSR] .
[ = Rhipicephalus pusillus Gil Collado] Depository not stated. One 6, 1 ¥ syntypes
57. Rhipicephalus ramachandrai Dhanda, (Nuttall 2897) are in The Natural History
1966 Museum, London - see Keirans ( 1 985).
Journal ofParasitology, 52: 1 025, figs. 1-17. Filippova ( 1 996) designated a neotype
Described from numerous specimens, male for Rhipicephalus rossicus and deposi­
holotype 6, allotype ¥ reared from fed ted it in the Zoological Institute of the Rus­
nymph ex Tatera indica, Mundhwa, Poona sian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg.
district, Maharashta State, India, deposited However, because syntypes exist, this neo­
in Virus Research Centre, Poona. Para­ type has no validity.
types in various institutions, including The Rhipicephalus ruber Supino, 1 897
Natural History Museum, London with 1 6 Neumann, L. G. 1897. Memoires de la
( 1 966. 1 2 .2 1 . 1 ) and 1 ¥ ( 1 966. 1 2 . 2 1 .2), Societe Zoologique de France, 10: 4 1 8.
and in the U.S. National Tick Collection Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus haemaphysalo­
[RML 47338, 1 0 1 1 24, 1 0 1 1 25 - see ides ruber Supino, 1 897.
Keirans & Cli:fford ( 1 984) ] . [ = Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides Supino]
Rhipicephalus reichenowi Zumpt, 1 943 Rhipicephalus rubicundus Frauenfeld, 1 867
Zeitschrift fur Parasitenkunde, 13: 1 9, figs. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen
1 8, 1 9. Gesellschaft in Wein, 17: 462.
Described from 1 3 6 6 ex Hystrix afri­ Described from 1 6, found on a ship,
caeaustralis, near Mikesse, German East Sonde Sea (probably the Sunda Sea) . De­
Africa [Tanzania] . Depository not stated. pository not stated.
Holotype 6 and 2 paratype 6 6 are in the [Probably Rhipicephalus sanguineus (La­
Zoological Museum, Berlin, ZMB No. treille)]
1 7687 - see Moritz & Fischer ( 1 98 1 ) . Rhipicephalus rufus (Koch, 1 844)
[ = Rhipicephalus planus] Salmon, D .E. & Stiles, C.W. 1 90 1 . 1 7th
Rhipicephalus rhipicephaloides (Neumann, 1 9 0 1 ) Annual Report Bureau of Animal Industry:
Jacob, E . 1 924. Zeitschrift fur Morphologie 4 1 9.
und Okologie der Tiere, 1 : 364. New combination for Ixodes rufus Koch,
New combination for Hyalomma 1 844.
rhipicephaloides Neumann, 1 90 1 . [ = Ixodes rzcznus (Linnaeus) . Fide
[ = Hyalomma rhipicephaloides Neumann] Neumann ( 1 90 1 ) who examined the
Rhipicephalus ricinus (Linnaeus, 1 758) types]
Marchoux, E. & Couvy, L. 1 9 1 2. Bulletin Rhipicephalus rutilus Koch, 1 844
de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique, 5 : 798. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, 10: 238.
[Probably a lapsus calami for Ixodes ricinus Described from 1 ¥, Damiette, Egypt.
(Linnaeus)] Holotype in the Zoological Museum, Berlin
Rhipicephalus rosea (Koch, 1 844) - see Moritz & Fischer ( 1 98 1 ) .
Salmon, D.E. & Stiles, C.W. 1 90 1 . 1 7th [ = Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille)]
Annual Report Bureau of Animal Industry, 59. Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille,
pl. LXXXI, figs. 1 67, 1 68. 1806)
Rhipicephalus species names of the world 35

Koch, C.L. 1 844. Archiv fur Naturges­ [ = Rhipicephalus simus Koch]

chichte, 1 0 : 238. Rhipicephalus sanguineus sulcatus Neumann,
New combination for Ixodes sanguineus La­ 1 908
treille, 1 806. [The type specimen of this King, H.H. 1 926. Sudan Government Ento­
species is apparently lost] . mology Section Bulletin, (23) : Appendix I­
[ = Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille)] II, 1 2 .
Rhipicephalus sanguineus brevicollis Neumann, Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus sulcatus
1 897 Neumann, 1 908.
Neumann, L.G. 1 904. Archives de Para­ [ = Rhipicephalus sulcatus Neumann]
sitologie, 9: 449. 60. Rhipicephalus scalpturatus Santos
Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus sanguineus (La­ Dias, 1959
treille, 1 806) . Membrias e Estudos do Museo Zoolbgico da
[ = Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille)] Universidade de Coimbra, (256) : 1 , figs. 1-
Rhipicephalus sanguineus punctatissimus Ger­ 3.
stacker, 1 873 Described from 4 66, 2 ¥¥, host not stated,
Neumann, L.G. 1 904. Archives de Para­ Umsaw, Khasi Hills, Assam [India] . Holo­
sitologie, 9 : 449. type 6 and 3 66, 2 n paratypes deposited
Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus sanguineus (La­ in the Zoological Museum, Hamburg.
treille, 1 806) . 6 1 . Rhipicephalus schulzei Olenev, 1929
[ = Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille)] Vestnik Sovremennoy Veterinarii, 5 : 1 92, pl.
Rhipicephalus sanguineus rossicus Yakimov & 1, fig. 6.
Kol-Yakimova, 1 9 1 1 Described without details on host or local­
Zumpt, F. 1 939. Zeitschrift fur Parasiten­ ity. Depository not stated.
kunde, 1 1 : 405, fig. 3 . Rhipicephalus schwetzi Larousse, 1 927
Stat. nov. fo r Rhipicephalus rosszcus Revue Zoologique Africaine, 1 5 : 2 1 4, figs. 2,
Y akimov & Kol-Y akimova, 1 9 1 1 . 3.
[ = Rhipicephalus rossicus Yakimov & Kol­ Described from 7 66, 5 ¥¥ ex Hylochoerus
Yakimova] ituriensis, Koteli (Bas-Uele) [Democratic
Rhipicephalus sanguineus sanguineus (Latreille, Republic of Congo] . Depository not stated.
1 806) [ = Rhipicephalus dux Donitz]
Neumann, L.G. 1 9 1 1 . Das Tierreich. 62. Rhipicephalus sculptus Warburton,
Acarina, p. 35. Berlin: R. Friedlander & 1912
Sohn. Parasitology, Cambridge, 5 : 1 3, figs. 8, 9.
Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus sanguineus (La­ Described from 1 1 66, 5 ¥¥ ex roan ante­
treille, 1 806) . lope, Mpalali River, Nyasaland [Malawi] , 1
[ = Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille)] 6 from the same locality and host, 3 66, 1 ¥
Rhipicephalus sanguineus schulzei Olenev, 1 929 ex zebra, S. Rukuru Valley, N. Nyasaland
Zumpt, F. 1 940. Zeitschrift fur Parasiten­ [Malawi] . Types were deposited in the Brit­
kunde, 1 1 : 677. ish Museum (Natural History) and Cam­
Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus schulzei Olenev, bridge. Lectotype and paralectotypes des­
1 929. ignated - see Keirans & Brewster ( 1 9 8 1 ) .
[ = Rhipicephalus schulzei Olenev] All specimens are now in The Natural His­
Rhipicephalus sanguineus simus Koch, 1 844 tory Museum, London.
Diaz Ungria, C. 1 957. Revista de Sanidady Rhipicephalus secundus Feldman-Muhsam, 1 952
Asistencia Social, Caracas, 22: 463. Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, 2:
Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus simus Koch, 1 92, figs. 3A, 4A, 5, 6A, 8.
1 844. Described from ¥, nymph and larva, based
36 Rhipicephalus species names of the world

on laboratory reared specimens. Deposi­ ( 1 98 1 ) and Pegram et al. ( 1 987) .

tory not stated. Rhipicephalus simus erlangeri Neumann, 1 902
[=Rhipicephalus turanicus Pomerantsev] Neumann, L.G. 1 904. Archives de Para­
63. Rhipicephalus senegalensis Koch, 1 844 sitologie, 8: 449.
Archivfur Naturgeschichte, 10: 238. Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus erlangeri
Described from ¥¥, host not stated, from Neumann, 1 902.
Senegal and Egypt. Depository not stated. [ = Rhipicephalus simus group]
Three ¥¥ syntypes in the Zoological Mu­ Rhipicephalus simus hilgerti Neumann, 1 902
seum, Berlin - see Moritz & Fischer ( 1 98 1 ) . Neumann, L.G. 1 904. Archives de Para­
64. Rhipicephalus serranoi Santos Dias, sitologie, 8: 449.
1950 Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus hilgerti
Moi;ambique, (63) : 1 43, figs. 1-3 . Neumann, 1 902.
Described from 2 66, 5 ¥¥ ex 2 Oreotragus [ = Rhipicephalus praetextatus Gerstacker]
oreotragus oreotragus, Mutuali, Nampula Rhipicephalus simus longoides Zumpt, 1 943
District, Niassa Province, Mozambique, Zeitschriftfur Parasitenkunde, 13: 1 1 , figs. 6,
23.VI.50 and 27.VII.50, Dr Antonio de 7.
Melo Serrano. Depository not stated but in Described from specimens from
the Veterinary Research Laboratory, Cameroon, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast,
Maputo, Mozambique. Gold Coast [Ghana] , Togo, French Congo
Rhipicephalus shipleyi Neumann, 1 902 [Congo] and Belgian Congo [Democratic
Archives de Parasitologie, 6: 1 1 2. Republic of Congo] . Type and paratypes
Described from 2 66, 3 n ex Hyaena sp.?, ( 16 6 6, 24 n in the Museum of Berlin and
from the Sudan. Deposited in Cambridge. in my [i.e. Zumpt's] collection) come from
One ¥ syntype (Nuttall 1 562) is in The Cameroon. Holotype [ZMB 1 7780] and
Natural History Museum, London - see paratypes [ZMB 1 7780-1 7786] in the Zo­
Keirans ( 1 985). ological Museum, Berlin - see Moritz &
[ = Rhipicephalus praetextatus Gerstacker] Fischer ( 1 98 1 ) . An additional paratype in
Rhipicephalus siculus Koch, 1 844 the Zumpt collection, South African Insti­
Archivfur Naturgeschichte, 10: 239. tute for Medical Research, Johannesburg.
Described from 2 66, 1¥ from Sicily. Syn­ There is also 1 6 paratype ex Bos taurus,
types [ZMB 1091] in the Zoological Mu­ Akra (sic), Gold Coast [Ghana] in the Zool­
seum, Berlin - see Moritz & Fischer ogical Museum, Hamburg which
( 1 98 1 ) . Neumann identified as Rhipicephalus bursa
[ = Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille)] (Neumann, 1 897. Memoires de la Societe
65. Rhipicephalus simpsoni Nuttall, 1910 Zoologique de France, 10: 393), and deter­
Parasitology, Cambridge, 3 : 4 1 3, figs. 6, 7. mined subsequently by Zumpt as
Described from 5 66, 1 1 ¥¥ ex large ro­ Rhipicephalus simus longoides.
dent, Oshogbo, S. Nigeria. Depository not [ = Rhipicephalus senegalensis Koch]
stated. Lectotype and paralectotypes desig­ Rhipicephalus simus lunulatus Warburton, 1 9 1 2
nated - see Keirans & Brewster ( 1 98 1 ) . Parasitology, Cambridge, 5 : 1 9, fig. 1 2.
Specimens i n The Natural History Mu­ Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus lunulatus
seum, London. Neumann.
66. Rhipicephalus simus Koch, 1844 [ = Rhipicephalus lunulatus Neumann]
Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, 10: 238. Rhipicephalus simus planus Neumann, 1 907
Described from 1 6, South Africa. Holo­ Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedis­
type [ZMB 1 098] deposited in the Zoologi­ chen Zoologische Expedition nach dem
cal Museum, Berlin - see Moritz & Fischer Kilimandjaro, dem Meru und den umgeben-
Rhipicephalus species names of the world 37

den Massaisteppen, Deutsch-Ostafrikas 68. Rhipicephalus supertritus Neumann,

1 905-06 (Sjostedt), 3, Abteilung 20: Arach­ 1 907
noidea, (2) : 20. Archives de Parasitologie, 1 1 : 2 1 6, figs. 2, 3 .
Described from 4 collections: 3 66, 1 ¥ ex Described from 2 6 6 ex horse, near the
Hystrix africaeaustralis, Kilimandjaro, Lualaba River, Congo Free State [Demo­
Kibonoto; 2 ¥¥, host unknown, Kiliman­ cratic Republic of Congo] . Deposited in
djaro, Kibonoto; 3 66, host unknown, The Natural History Museum, London.
Kilimandjaro; 1 6, Kilimandjaro, Steppe Rhipicephalus tendeiroi Santos Dias, 1 950
[Tanzania] . Depository not stated. Anais do Instituto de Medicina Tropical, Lis­
[ = Rhipicephalus planus Neumann] boa, 7 : 2 1 7, figs. 1 , 2.
Rhipicephalus simus senegalensis Koch, 1 844 Described from 1 6 ex Pelis leo leo,
Zumpt, F. 1 949. Mofambique, (60) : 9 1 , Mocimboa do Rovuma, Macondes, district
figs. 23, 24. of Porto Amelia, Niassa Province, Mozam­
Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus senegalensis bique, 28.III.50, L. Silveira. Depository not
Koch. stated but in the Veterinary Research Lab­
[ = Rhipicephalus senegalensis Koch] oratory, Maputo, Mozambique.
Rhipicephalus simus shipleyi Neumann, 1 902 [ = Rhipicephalus masseyi - see Santos Dias
Neumann, L.G. 1 904. Archives de Para­ ( 1 989)]
sitologie, 8: 449. Rhipicephalus tetracornus Kitaoka & Suzuki, 1 983
Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus shipleyi Tropical Medicine, 25: 2 1 0, figs. 6-23 .
Neumann, 1 902. Described from larvae, nymphs and reared
[ = Rhipicephalus praetextatus Gerstacker] adults. Immatures ex Rattus surifer, R.
Rhipicephalus simus simus Koch, 1 844 nitidus, Bandicota savilei, Mus pahari, and
Zumpt, F. 1 949. Mofambique, (60) : 90. possibly Eothenomys melanogaster and
Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus simus Koch. Anourosorex squamips, Nakhon Nayok and
[ = Rhipicephalus simus Koch] Doi Inthanon, Thailand. Deposited in the
Rhipicephalus simus tricuspis Donitz, 1 9 1 0 National Science Museum, Natural His­
Paoli, G . 1 9 1 6 . Redia, 1 1 : 28 1 , pl. 5 , figs. tory Institute, Shinjuku, Tokyo. [Unfortu­
1 2, 1 3 . nately, all adults and some of the nymphs
Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus tricuspis Donitz, and larvae of this species were lost while
1910. being sent to Dr Harry Hoogstraal in Cairo,
[ = Rhipicephalus tricuspis Donitz] Egypt for illustration. Because we do not
Rhipicephalus stigmaticus Gerstacker, 1 873 have specimens, and until additional ma­
Baron Carl Claus von der Decken's Reisen in terial becomes available, we are considering
Ost-Afrika, 3 : 469. R. tetracornus to be a species incertae sedis] .
Described from 1 6, Mombassa [Mom­ Rhipicephalus texanus Banks, 1 908
basa, Kenya] . Holotype [ZMB 2371] de­ Technical Series Bureau ofEntomology, U. S.
posited in the Zoological Museum, Berlin - Department of Agriculture, (15) : 34, pl. 5,
see Moritz & Fischer ( 1 98 1 ) . figs. 1-4.
[ = Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille)] Described from 66, ¥¥ ex dogs and horses,
6 7. Rhipicephalus sulcatus Neumann, 1 908 Texas, New Mexico and Mexico. Deposi­
Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire tory not stated. Syntypes in the U.S. Na­
Naturelle, 14: 3 52, figs. 1 , 2. tional Tick Collection [RML 2 1 579, 56742
Described from 3 6 6, 4 ¥¥, host not stated, - see Keirans & Clifford ( 1 984) ] .
from Congo [Democratic Republic of [ = Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille)]
Congo] . Deposited in the Museum of 69. Rhipicephalus theileri Bedford &
Natural History, Paris. Hewitt, 1 925
38 Rhipicephalus species names of the world

South African Journal of Natural History, 5 : sheep, Preezfontein, Free State, South Afri­
263, figs. 7-9. ca, on 1 4 October 1 993 by L.J. Fourie.
Described from 1 6 holotype, 1 partially Holotype 6, allotype ¥ and some paratypes
engorged ¥ ex Xerus capensis, Glen, Orange in the Onderstepoort Tick Collection 3 1 46
Free State, Republic of South Africa. De­ i, ii. Paratypes of all stages in the U.S. Na­
pository not stated but in Onderstepoort tional Tick Collection and The Natural
Tick Collection [2480 i. 6, ¥ (type) ex History Museum, London.
Geosciurus capensis, Glen, O.F. S., 1 5 . Rhipicephalus zambesiensis (sic) Walker, Norval &
viii.2 1 , R . Bigalke] . Corwin, 1 98 1 .
70. Rhipicephalus tricuspis Donitz, 1 906 Sonenshine, D.E. 1 993. Biology of Ticks,
Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Natuifor­ vol. 2, pp. 1 5 1 , 463. Oxford and New York:
schender Freunde zu Berlin, (5) : 1 46, figs. Oxford University Press.
7-9. [Lapsus calami for Rhipicephalus zambezien­
Described from 1 6, 1 ¥ found free in the sis]
Kalahari [Botswana] . Depository not Rhipicephalus zambeziensis Lawrence & Norval,
stated. Syntypes in Zoological Museum, 1 979
Berlin - see Moritz & Fischer ( 1 98 1 ) . Lec­ Rhodesian Veterinary Journal, 10: 28.
totype designated - see Walker et al. [ = Nomen nudum]
( 1 988) . 73. Rhipicephalus zambeziensis Walker,
Rhipicephalus turamicus Pomerantsev, 1 936 Norval & Corwin, 1981
Uzakov, U. Ya. 1 964. Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Re­
Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Veterin­ search, 48: 87, figs. 1-18, 2 1-3 1 .
arnoi Sanitarii i Ektoparazitologii, 24: 34 1 . Described from holotype 6, allotype ¥, d-6,
[Lapsus calami for Rhipicephalus turanicus ¥¥, nymphs and larvae paratypes, labora­
Pomerantsev] tory reared from a strain ex cattle, near
7 1 . Rhipicephalus turanicus Pomerantsev, West Nicholson, Gwanda District, Zim­
1936 babwe. Holotype, allotype and some para­
Parazitologicheskii Sbornik, (6) : 6 types in the Onderstepoort Tick Collection
Subgeneric group description which in­ 3 1 40 [not 3240 as appeared in the publica­
cluded Rhipicephalus turanicus Pomeran­ tion] . Other paratypes in Veterinary Re­
tsev. Depository not stated. search Laboratory, Harare, Zimbabwe;
Rhipicephalus walckenaeri (Gervais, 1 842) The Natural History Museum, London
Kratz, W. 1 940. Zeitschrift fur Parasiten­ and U.S. National Tick Collection [RML
kunde, 1 1 : 560. 1 0575 1 - see Keirans & Clifford ( 1 984) ] .
New combination for Ixodes walckenaerii 74. Rhipicephalus ziemanni Neumann, 1904
Gervais, 1 842. Archives de Parasitologie, 8: 464.
[Species incertae sedis] Described from 1 3 d'd', 1 9 ¥¥ ex cow,
72. Rhipicephalus warburtoni Walker & Cameroon. Depository not stated. One 6, 1
Horak, 1 999 ¥ syntypes (Nuttall 2898) are in The Natu­
In: Walker, J.B., Keirans, J.E. & Horak, LG. ral History Museum, London - see Keirans
1 999. The genus Rhipicephalus (Acari: ( 1 985) .
Ixodidae): A Guide to the Brown Ticks of the Rhipicephalus ziemanni aurantiacus Neumann,
World, pp. 463-470. Cambridge: Cam­ 1 907
bridge University Press. Described from Morel, P.C. & Mouchet,J. 1 958. Annales de
holotype 6, allotype ¥, 66, n, nymphs and Parasitologie, 33: 7 1 .
larvae paratypes, laboratory reared from a Stat. nov. for Rhipicephalus aurantiacus
strain established from a ¥ ex Dorper Neumann, 1 907.
Rhipicephalus species names of the world 39

[ = Rhipicephalus ziemanni Neumann] 1 90 1 , with which it has hitherto been confused

75. Rhipicephalus zumpti Santos Dias, 1950 (Acari: Ixodida: Ixodidae). Onderstepoort Jour­
Mo9ambique, (61 ) : 1 56, fig. 1 2. nal of Veterinary Research, 60, 229-46.
Described from 1 6 ex buffalo, [Syncerus Neumann, L.G. ( 1 90 1 ) . Revision de la famille des
Ixodides (4< Memoire) . Memoires de la Societe
caffer], Govuro, Mozambique, 5 .I. 50, Dr
Zoologique de France, 14, 249-372.
J.M. da Silva. Deposited in the Santos Dias
Neumann, L.G. ( 1 9 1 1 ) . Ixodidae. In Das Tierreich,
ed. F.E. Schulze, 26 Lief. xvi + 1 69 pp. Berlin:
R. Friedlander & Sohn.
Pegram, R.G., Walker, J.B., Clifford, C.M. & Keirans,
REFERENCES J.E. ( 1 987) . Comparison of populations of the
Rhipicephalus simus group: R. simus, R. praetex­
Anastos, G. ( 1 950) . The scutate ticks, or Ixodidae of tatus, and R. muhsamae (Acari: Ixodidae) . Jour­
Indonesia. Entomologica Americana (new series), nal ofMedical Entomology, 24, 666-82.
3 0, 1-144. Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 989) . Acerca da posii;iio tax­
Clifford, C.M., Walker, J.B. & Keirans, J.E. ( 1 983) . on6mica de algumas especies do genero
Clarification o f the status of Rhipicephalus kochi Rhipicephalus (Acarina - Ixodoidea) da Regiao
Donitz, 1 905 (Ixodoidea, Ixodidae) . Onder­ Afrotropical. Garcia de Orta, Serie de Zoologia,
stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 5 0 , Lisboa, 1 3, 1 07- 1 5 .
77-89. Santos Dias, J.A.T . ( 1 99 1 ) . Some data concerning the
Filippova, N.A. ( 1 996) . Designation of the neotypes ticks (Acarina-Ixodoidea) presently known in
for two species of ticks family Ixodidae. Para­ Mozambique. Garcia de Orta, Serie de Zoologia,
sitologiya, 3 0, 404-9. [In Russian] . Lisboa, 18, 27-48.
Keirans, J.E. & Brewster, B.E. ( 1 98 1 ) . The Nuttall Walker, J.B. ( 1 990) . Two new species of ticks from
and British Museum (Natural History) tick col­ southern Africa whose adults parasitize the feet
lections: lectotype designations for ticks of ungulates: Rhipicephalus lounsburyi n. sp. and
(Acarina: Ixodoidea) described by Nuttall, Rhipicephalus neumanni n. sp. (Ixodoidea,
Warburton, Cooper & Robinson. Bulletin of the Ixodidae) . Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary
British Museum of Natural History (Zoology), 41, Research, 75, 57-75.
1 53-78. Walker, J.B., Keirans, J.E., Pegram, R.G. & Clifford,
Keirans, J.E. & Clifford, C.M. ( 1 984) . A checklist of C.M. ( 1 988) . Clarification of the status of
types of Ixodoidea (Acari) in the collection of Rhipicephalus tricuspis Donitz, 1 906 and
the Rocky Mountain Laboratories. Journal of Rhipicephalus lunula.tus Neumann, 1 907
Medical Entomology, 21, 3 1 0-20. (Ixodoidea, Ixodidae) . Systematic Parasitology,
Keirans, J.E., Walker, J.B., Horak, I.G. & Heyne, H. 12, 1 59-86.
( 1 993) . Rhipicephalus exophthalmos sp. nov., a Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2- 1 4) :
new tick species from southern Africa, and re­ Keirans ( 1 985); Moritz & Fischer ( 1 98 1 ) ;
description of Rhipicephalus ocula.tus Neumann, Theiler ( 1 962) .
Rhipicephalus species
occurring in the
Afrotropical region

HISTORICAL REVIEW ment of Agriculture, Cape of Good Hope,

turned his attention to ticks and tick-borne dis­
The first rhipicephalid to be recognized was the eases. He soon established contact with two out­
cosmopolitan species Rhipicephalus sanguineus, standing authorities in Europe, L.G. Neumann
collected in France and described by Pierre in Toulouse, France, and G.H.F. Nuttall in
Andre Latreille ( 1 806) . His description was brief Cambridge, England. Neumann, who had al­
in the extreme - 'Sanguineus, punctatus, postice ready described R. compositus in 1 877 and R.
lineolis tribus impressis; dorso antico macula nulla evertsi in 1 899, based his descriptions of R. ap­
thoracica, distincta.' Translated from the Latin pendiculatus and R. nitens on Lounsbury's col­
this means: 'Blood red, punctate posteriorly with lections. By 1 9 1 1 he had described 1 9
three impressed lines; no distinct thoracic spot rhipicephalids that are still regarded as valid
anterodorsally' (M.-L. Penrith, pers. comm., from specimens obtained in different parts of
1 997) . Latreille placed this tick in the genus Africa. During this period one of the rarest and
Ixodes but Koch ( 1 844) reclassified it as a mem­ most distinctive species in the genus, R. ar­
ber of his newly erected genus Rhipicephalus, and matus, was described by RI. Pocock ( 1 900)
at the same time described three new species, R. from Harar Province in Ethiopia.
capensis, R. senegalensis and R. simus. Nearly 30 Amongst other ticks Lounsbury managed
years later A. Gerstacker ( 1 873), who studied to supply live R. appendiculatus to Nuttall for his
various arthropods collected by Baron C.C. von studies on the variations in size and morphology
der Deeken during his travels in East Africa, due to nutrition seen in this species, a remarkable
described R. praetextatus and R. pulchellus. The feat considering communications at that time.
latter, on account of the ornate scutal pattern of Many other collectors in Africa also sent ticks to
the adults, was originally regarded as a species of Nuttall. These were all carefully documented,
Dermacentor. deposited in the Nuttall collection and later do­
Towards the end of the 1 9th century and nated to The Natural History Museum, London
early in this century research on ticks rapidly (Keirans, 1 985) . Nuttall described only one
gathered momentum as these parasites became rhipicephalid himself, R. simpsoni, and a second,
increasingly recognized as important vectors of R. masseyi, with his colleague C. Warburton.
various animal pathogens. In 1 898 an Ameri­ Another three, R. longiceps, R. punctatus and R.
can, C.P. Lounsbury, who had arrived in South sculptus, were erected by Warburton ( 1 9 1 2) in a
Africa 3 years earlier to take up his appointment paper that is still extremely relevant for anyone
as Government Entomologist to the Depart- interested in this genus.

Historical review 41

During this early period the eminent Ger­ arnoldi, in 1 949, she contributed greatly to our
man taxonomist, W. Donitz, was also active and knowledge of this genus, especially by rearing
was the author of five species, R. dux, R. follis, R. and describing the immature stages of several
kochi, R. pravus and R. tricuspis, and one sub­ South African species and studying their host
species, R. evertsi mimeticus. Although neither he relationships and zoogeography. In 1 947 she
nor Neumann ever co-authored any papers with published a particularly valuable paper in which
Nuttall and his colleagues there was evidently a she collated existing information on many of the
cordial relationship between all these scientists lesser known African rhipicephalids. In 1 962 she
and they exchanged specimens and information. issued a report documenting the hosts and dis­
By 1 9 1 3, therefore, 36 Rhipicephalus spe­ tribution of all the African ticks, including the
cies, i.e. just over half of those now recognized rhipicephalids. She always maintained close con­
from the Afrotropical region, had been de­ tact with other tick workers, who relied on her for
scribed, all of them by authorities working in advice and help such as pertinent extracts from
Europe. But apart from those studied by Louns­ the literature and reference specimens of ticks.
bury and by Sir Arnold Theiler at the newly These were a great boon to those without ready
established Veterinary Research Institute at On­ access to such aids.
derstepoort, both of whom were interested pri­ Fritz Zumpt had become interested in the
marily in the life cycles and disease relationships genus Rhipicephalus during the 1 940s. While he
of South African ticks rather than their taxon­ was still in Germany he wrote eight papers on
omy, little was known about many of them. Of­ individual species and groups with the evident
ten only the hosts from which they had been aim of revising this genus later. After the Second
collected and the localities where they were World War he and his family emigrated to South
found were recorded, and sometimes not even Africa. In 1 949 he published the last of these
these basic details. Subsequently the rate at preliminary studies to his intended revision in the
which new species were erected decreased mark­ form of a key to the known species, plus a de­
edly, and most were described by scientists who scription of R. bequaerti. Thereafter he left this
were living and working in Africa even though field of study to Dr Theiler. He was for many
their origins were often elsewhere. Of these the years Head of the Department of Entomology,
first was G.A.H. Bedford, who had arrived in South African Institute for Medical Research in
1 9 1 2 from England to take up the post of Ento­ Johannesburg.
mologist at Onderstepoort, where he worked un­ Although most veterinarians and medical
til his death in 1 938. Referred to later by Gertrud authorities in Africa have not been interested in
Theiler ( 1 97 5) as 'a taxonomist par excellence', he tick taxonomy per se they have always been deep­
described several new species of ticks, among ly concerned with the various tickborne diseases
them R. distinctus and, with J. Hewitt, R. theileri. of animals and man and also realized the necess­
He also produced a valuable checklist and host ity of studying their vectors. Consequently re­
list of the external parasites, including ticks, of search on these parasites often received a high
South African mammals, birds and reptiles. He priority during the colonial era. As early as 1 907
was succeeded by R. du Toit, who described R. R.J. Stordy, the Chief Veterinary Officer of the
glabroscutatum in 1 94 1 . East African Protectorate (as Kenya was then
In 1 940 Gertrud Theiler was appointed in known), had already identified six tick-borne dis­
the Entomology Section at Onderstepoort. She eases of domestic animals there and had become
soon took over responsibility for the research on alarmed about the possible spread of African
ticks, a task that was to occupy her for over 25 Coast fever, i.e. East Coast fever (ECF) . He
years and for which she became world renowned. listed eight species of ticks occurring in the coun­
Although she was involved, with F. Zumpt, in the try, including R. appendiculatus, R. evertsi, R.
description of only one new rhipicephalid, R. pulchellus and R. simus, and gave details of the
42 Rhipicephalus species of the Afrotropical region

localities where they occurred. Work on both the is copiously illustrated and includes a number
ticks and the diseases they transmitted, especially of species that the authors thought might occur
ECF and Nairobi sheep disease, was continued in Uganda, plus keys for their identification
in Kenya, even during the First World War, by (Keirans, 1 988) .
successive researchers including T .]. Anderson, Prior to his service in Uganda, Wilson had
E. Montgomery and, a few years later, by R. worked in Malawi for some years and made valu­
Daubney and J.R. Hudson, at the Veterinary Re­ able contributions to our knowledge of the ticks
search Laboratory, Kabete. The work was given there, especially Rhipicephalus species, in which
extra impetus by the appointment in 1 930 of he was particularly interested. When he left
E.A. Lewis, who conducted investigations on Uganda he served for a short period in Kenya,
ticks and tick-borne diseases in Kenya, and also during which he described R. hurti and organized
identified some tick collections from Tanzania some valuable collections of ticks. He was suc­
and Uganda, during the following 22 years. ceeded by A.J. Wiley, who had trained originally
In general, though, fewer advances in with E.A. Lewis and consequently had much
knowledge were made in either Tanzania or experience with Kenya ticks. Sadly he died just a
Uganda during this early period. Following the few years later, in 1 959. Research on the hosts
outbreak of the First World War in 1 9 1 4 tick and distribution of ticks in Kenya has since been
collections from domestic animals in Tanzania carried out by the senior author (Walker, 1 974),
virtually ceased for almost 20 years. Thereafter, and also under the auspices of the United Na­
despite widespread recognition of the import­ tions Development Programme (PAO, 1 975).
ance of ECF in the country, only sporadic inves­ Before the Second World War the ticks
tigations were carried out until after the Second occurring in southern Somalia were studied by
World War. Finally in 1 95 5 G.H. Yeoman was Maria Tonelli-Rondelli, who described R. hu­
able to plan and, with J.P.J. Ross and T. Docker, meralis, originally as a subspecies of R. pulchellus.
conduct a well-organized tick survey covering Subsequently both she and E. Stella, amongst
the entire country (Yeoman & Walker, 1 967) . In others, extended their investigations to parts of
Uganda a tick collection that accumulated at the Ethiopia. In 1 976 R.G. Pegram reviewed the
Animal Health Research Centre during the late ixodid ticks occurring in northern Somalia, fol­
1 920s and early 1 930s was documented by lowed 2 years later by D. Scaramella, who re­
R.W.M. Mettam in his annual reports. Fortu­ corded the known tick species present through­
nately these specimens were deposited in the out this country. Afterwards Pegram turned his
Nuttall Collection, and some of Mettam's identi­ attention to the ticks of Ethiopia, which were also
fications were later emended by Keirans ( 1 985) . the subject of research during the 1 970s by the
The results of a survey by S.G. Wilson during French workers P. Bergeon, J. Balis and especial­
the late 1 940s also appeared mainly in the annual ly P.C. Morel, who had previously worked in
reports of the Uganda Veterinary Department. West Africa for many years. The review of
In 1 965, with the support of the Uganda Gov­ Ethiopian ticks by Morel ( 1 976) was originally
ernment and the United States Agency for Inter­ published in French. It was reissued in 1 980 in
national Development, J.G. Matthysse and English and we have quoted the English edition
M.H. Colbo carried out further field work to fill throughout this book.
gaps in the existing knowledge of Uganda ticks. Harry Hoogstraal, who has been described
By 1 972 their first manuscript documenting this as 'the greatest authority on ticks and tick-borne
information was completed but it was largely diseases who ever lived' (Keirans, 1 986), was
destroyed during the political turmoil in the based at the United States Naval Medical Re­
country at that time. A revised, rewritten and search Unit No. 3 (NAMRU3) in Cairo, Egypt
updated version of their work was published from 1 949 until his death in 1 986. From 1 950
only in 1 987. It is particularly useful because it onwards he served as Head of the Medical Zool-
Historical review 43

ogy Department there. In 1 956 he published his Notable contributions to our knowledge of
monograph on the ticks of the Sudan, based on West African rhipicephalids were also made be­
research he had carried out in Equatoria Prov­ tween 1 946 and 1 963 by the Portuguese scientist
ince. This book is particularly valuable for its J. Tendeiro, working mainly in Guinea, and by
detailed reviews of those ticks he included and its A. Aeschlimann, from Switzerland, who spent
comprehensive bibliography. He was not, how­ three years ( 1 959-1 961) collecting ticks in the
ever, especially interested in the rhipicephalids, Ivory Coast (Aeschlimann, 1 967) . A little earlier,
about which both he and his associate Makram records of Rhipicephalus spp. occurring in
Kaiser often consulted either Gertrud Theiler or Nigeria, particularly in the northern territories,
authorities at the Rocky Mountain Laboratory, were included in the results of a survey on cattle
Hamilton, Montana, USA, especially Carleton ticks published by K. Unsworth ( 1 952) . Further
M. Clifford. surveys, again with emphasis on the ticks in
During the colonial era West Africa, broad­ northern Nigeria, were carried out by K.L.
ly speaking, was primarily the sphere of interest Strickland ( 1 96 1 ) and by A.N. Mohammed
of a succession of eminent French scientists. ( 1 977) . More recently investigations in West Af­
Those who made initial contributions to our rica have centred on the ticks of Mali (Matthysse,
knowledge of Rhipicephalus spp. there include J. 1 980); Senegal (Gueye et al., 1 986, 1 987), and
Colas-Belcour, who studied R. fulvus in North Cameroon (Merlin, Tsangueu & Rousvoal,
Africa in 1 932; J. Rageau, who worked on the 1 986, 1 987) .
ticks of Cameroon in the early 1 950s, and R. Since the beginning of this century various
Rousselot, who had a general interest in the ticks publications have featured the Rhipicephalus spp.
recorded in the French West African territories, occurring in the Democratic Republic of Congo,
also during the 1 950s. In 1 954 P.C. Morel ar­ Rwanda and Burundi. Among these are the re­
rived to take charge of the research on entomol­ ports published by Nuttall & Warburton ( 1 9 1 6) ;
ogy and parasitology at the laboratory operating Bequaert ( 1 93 1 ); Pierquin & Niemegeers ( 1 957,
in Dakar-Hann, Senegal, under the auspices of 1 958); Theiler & Robinson ( 1 954); Clifford &
the Institute d'Elevage et de Medecine Veterin­ Anastos ( 1 962, 1 964) and Elbl & Anastos
aire des Pays Tropicaux, Paris (IEMVT) . Dur­ ( 1 966) . A useful feature of the latter work is the
ing the following 1 0 years he, together with his lists of species from this vast area recorded in the
associates P. Finelle, M. Graber, J. Magimel, J. literature and in the collections of the Musee
Mouchet and G. Vassiliades, made major contri­ Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium.
butions to the systematics of West African ticks, Until about the last 50 years little attention
to which frequent reference is made later in this had been paid to the ticks of Zambia. Both the
book, especially in Chapter 7. Particular mention checklist by Theiler & Robinson ( 1 954) and the
should be made of the study that he and Vas­ report by Matthysse ( 1 954) on the tick-borne
siliades published on the R. sanguineus group in diseases occurring there included records of vari­
1 963. Unfortunately, though, it has up to now ous Rhipicephalus spp. In 1 9 6 1 W.J. Gray de­
been impossible to integrate some of their con­ scribed his biological studies carried out on R.
clusions fully with other workers' findings, par­ evertsi on the Kafue Flats. From 1 966 to 1 973 J.
ticularly those of R.G. Pegram. In 1 965 Morel MacLeod and his colleagues M.H. Colbo and B.
returned to Alfort, Paris, as Head of the Para­ Mwanaumo, working initially under the auspices
sitology Section at the IEMVT. In 1 969 he pro­ of the FAO and later the Agricultural Research
duced a remarkable thesis, accompanied by dis­ Council (Zambia), studied tick populations in
tribution maps, on the systematics of all the ticks various parts of the country. Their findings, pub­
then known to occur in the Afrotropical region; lished in a series of papers cited under the ac­
this has been of material assistance to us during counts of individual species, provide a founda­
the preparation of this book. tion for much of our knowledge of Zambian
44 Rhipicephalus species of the Afrotropical region

ticks. From 1 980 onwards further work was car­ In 1 9 1 0 Donitz described R. evertsi mi­
ried out, still under the auspices of the FAO, by meticus from Namibia, R. follis from 'Sudafrika'
R.G. Pegram, including important taxonomic and R. tricuspis from Botswana, and discussed
and biological studies on the R. sanguineus and R. several other rhipicephalids occurring in south­
simus groups. Unfortunately, though, we have ern Africa. Ticks occurring in Botswana featured
been unable to trace any recent publications by in few publications thereafter until 1 955, when
the Zambian taxonomist, the late F. Zulu, who Santos Dias published the results of a survey by
was involved in research on Rhipicephalus spe­ Zumpt. Available records of the ticks occurring
cies, amongst others, during the 1 980s. there were consolidated by Walker, Mehlitz &
From 1 9 1 0 onwards numerous contribu­ Jones ( 1 978) and G.D. Paine added further in­
tions to our knowledge of ticks in Zimbabwe formation, following a survey that he had under­
were made by R.W. Jack, culminating in 1 942, to taken, in 1 982. In Namibia early studies on ticks
which Kate Jooste ( 1 969) and also J. MacLeod, were carried out by Trommsdorff ( 1 9 1 4) and
again working under the auspices of the FAO, Hans Sigwart ( 1 9 1 5) but little further informa­
added over 25 years later. In 1 975 a National tion became available until Santos Dias ( 1 955)
Tick Survey was instituted by RA.I. Norval published the records of a short survey conduc­
aided by several co-workers, particularly J. ted in 1 952 by Zumpt. Numerous collections,
Muchuwe, as described by Mason & Norval covering much of the country, have been made
( 1 980) . This resulted in the acquisition of much since 1 970 by J.D. Bezuidenhout and others.
valuable information on the hosts and distribu­ These have included a new species, R. neumanni
tion of the Rhipicephalus spp. occurring in that Walker, 1 990. Many unpublished records of
country. other rhipicephalids identified in these collec­
In the former Portuguese colonies of An­ tions have kindly been made available to us by
gola and Mozambique considerable attention has Heloise Heyne for inclusion in our accounts of
been paid to the tick fauna. In Angola, V.A. individual species.
Sousa Dias ( 1 950) compiled a detailed account In a short review such as this it is obviously
of the tick species present, and a number of possible to mention only a few of those respon­
collections made there subsequently have been sible for existing knowledge of African
recorded by J.A.T. Santos Dias. Despite the con­ rhipicephalids. Comprehensive references to
straints imposed by the devastating civil war in those who have contributed further information
that country further investigations have been or­ prior to 1 969 are quoted by Doss et al. ( 1 974-
ganized recently in the Huambo area, in the 1 978) . A brief note should be added about our
south of the country, by A. Gomes (see Gomes, own involvement in the acquisition of this know­
Pombal & Venturi, 1 994) . The main focus of ledge. J.B.W. has been concerned with research
attention by Santos Dias has been the ticks of on African ticks since 1 949. After training with
Mozambique. He was based at the Veterinary Gertrud Theiler she worked until 1 966 at the
School in Maputo (formerly Lourern;:o Mar­ East African Veterinary Research Organization,
ques) from 1 946 to 1 9 8 1 and published many Muguga, Kenya. She then moved to the Onder­
papers during this period, including descriptions stepoort Veterinary Institute, South Africa,
of two new species, R. serranoi and R. pseudolon­ where she took over from Dr Theiler. She has
gus. He then returned to Portugal, where he con­ been particularly involved in studies on the sys­
tinued his research at the Instituto de Investi­ tematics of the African Rhipicephalus spp. and for
ga�ao Cientifica Tropical until his retirement in over 1 0 years has been working towards a con­
1 990, though he maintained his interest in ticks solidation of information on these ticks. She has
until his death 5 years later. Additional contribu­ been the author or co-author of the following
tions to our knowledge of Mozambican ticks nine species: R. aquatilis (with J.E.K. and R.G.
were also made by J. Tendeiro. Pegram); R. carnivoralis; R. exophthalmos (with
References 45

J.E.K.) ; R. interventus (with R.G. Pegram and Gomes, A.F., Pombal, A.M. & Venturi, L. ( 1 994) .
].E.K.); R. lounsburyi; R. neumanni; R. oreotragi Observations on cattle ticks in Huila Province
sp.nov. (with I. G.H.); R. warburtoni sp.nov. (Angola) . Veterinary Parasitology, 5 1 , 333-6.
(with I.G.H.), and R. zambeziensis (with RA.I. Gray, W.J. ( 1 96 1 ) . Rhipicephalus evertsi: notes on
free-living phases. Bulletin of Epizootic Diseases
Norval and D. Corwin) .
ofAfrica, 9, 25-7.
J.E.K. has been curator of the U.S. National
Gueye, A., Mbengue, Mb., Diouf, A. & Seye, M.
Tick Collection for several years, first with the
( 1 986) . Tiques et hemoparasitoses du betail au
National Institutes of Health at the Rocky Moun­ Senegal. I. La region des Niayes. Revue d'Elev­
tain Laboratory, Hamilton, MA (with Dr Car­ age et de Medecine Viterinaire des Pays Tropicaux,
leton M. Clifford) , then at the Smithsonian Insti­ 39 (nouvelle serie), 38 1-93.
tution, Washington, DC, and currently at Gueye, A., Camicas, J.L., Diouf, A. & Mbengue, Mb.
Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA. ( 1 987). Tiques et hemoparasitoses du betail au
He and ].B.W. have collaborated on the descrip­ Senegal. IL La zone sahelienne. Revue d'Elevage
tions of R. aquatilis, R. exophthalmos and R. inter­ et de Medecine Viterinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 40
ventus and on systematic studies on other (nouvelle serie), 1 1 9-25 .
Rhipicephalus spp. Jack, R.W. ( 1 942) . Ticks infesting domestic animals
in Southern Rhodesia. Rhodesian Agricultural
I.G.H. has been involved in research on
Journal, 39, 95- 1 09.
helminths in South Africa since 1 9 6 1 and on
Jooste, K.F. ( 1 969) . The role of Rhodesia in ixodid
ticks since 1 974 when he joined the Faculty of
tick distribution in central and southern Africa.
Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria at On­ In Proceedings of a Symposium on the Biology and
derstepoort as a lecturer in Ectoparasitology. Control of Ticks in Southern Africa, convenor
After spending 5 years from 1 982 to 1 987 at the G.B. Whitehead, pp. 37-42. Grahamstown,
Tick Research Unit, Rhodes University, South Africa: Rhodes University.
Grahamstown he rejoined the staff of the Vet­ Keirans, J.E. ( 1 986) . Harry Hoogstraal ( 1 9 1 7- 1 986) .
erinary Faculty. His research has concentrated Journal ofMedical Entomology, 23, 342-3.
on the distribution, host preferences and sea­ Keirans, JE. ( 1 988) . Book review. The Ixodid Ticks of
sonal abundance of ticks in South Africa and Uganda. By John G. Matthysse and Murray H.
Namibia. Colbo. College Park, MD: Entomological So­
ciety of America. Proceedings of the Entomological
Society of Washington, 90, 398-400.
Mason, C.A. & Norval, RA.I. ( 1 980) . The ticks of
REFERENCES* Zimbabwe. I. The genus Boophilus. Zimbabwe
Veterinary Journal, 1 1, 36-43.
*Excluding authors of original descriptions, who are Matthysse, J. G. ( 1 9 54) . Report on Tick-borne Diseases.
quoted under the species concerned in Chapter Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia: Government
7. Printer. 28 pp.
Bequaert, J. ( 19 3 1 ) . Synopsis des tiques du Congo Matthysse, JG. ( 1 980) . Research and Training on Vec­
Beige. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Afri­ tor-borne Hemoparasites of Livestock and their
caine, 2 0 , 209-5 1 . Vectors in Mali. Phase L Objective 7: Survey to
Colas-Belcour, J. ( 1 932) . Contribution a l'etude de determine Species Diversity and Distribution of
Rhipicephalus (Pterygodes)fulvus Neumann et de Ticks attacking Cattle in Mali. 1 09 pp. Technical
sa biologie. Archives de l'Institut Pasteur, Tunis, Assistance Contract between the United States
2 0, 430-43. Agency for International Development and the
FAO ( 1 975) . Research on Tick-borne Cattle Diseases International Division of Texas A & M Univer­
and Tick Control, Kenya. Epizootiological Survey sity. Project AID/afr-c- 1 262.
on Tick-borne Cattle Diseases. AG:DP/KEN/70/ Merlin, P., Tsangueu, P. & Rousvoal, D . ( 1 986) .
522. Technical Report 1, 5 2 pp. Rome: United Dynamique saisonniere de !'infestation des bov­
Nations Development Programme, Food and ins par les tiques (Ixodoidea) dans les hauts
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. plateaux de l'Ouest du Cameroun. I. Etude de
46 Rhipicephalus species of the Afro tropical region

trois sites autour de Bamenda pendant un an. hecimento da fauna ixodol6gica do Sudoeste
Revue d'Elevage et de Medecine Viterinaire des Africano. Anais do Instituto de Medicina Tropi­
Pays Tropicaux, 39 (nouvelle serie), 367-76. cal, 1 2 , 75-100.
Merlin, P., Tsangueu, P. & Rousvoal, D. ( 1 987) . Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 955). Subsidios para o estudo
Dynarnique saisonniere de !'infestation des bov­ da fauna ixodol6gica da Bechuanalandia. Mem­
ins par les tiques (Ixodoidea) dans les hauts orias e Estudos do Museu Zoolbgico da Univer­
plateaux de l'Ouest du Cameroun. IL Elevage sidade de Coimbra, No. 23 1 , 1-10.
extensif traditionnel. Revue d'Elevage et de Sigwart, H. ( 1 9 1 5) . Beitrag zur Zeckenkenntnis von
Medecine Viterinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 40 Deutsch-Slidwestafrika, unter besonderer Be­
(nouvelle serie), 1 3 3-40. riicksichtigung der Funde in den Bezirken Outjo
Mohammed, A.N. ( 1 977) . The seasonal incidence of und Waterberg. Zeitschriftfur Infektkrankheit der
ixodid ticks of cattle in Northern Nigeria. Bull­ Haustiere, 16, 434-44.
etin of Animal Health and Production in Africa, Stordy, R.J. ( 1 907) . Appendix VIII. Report of the
25, 273-93. Veterinary Department. Cattle diseases. African
Morel, P.C. & Vassiliades, G. ( 1 963) . Les Coast fever. Colonial Report No. 519. East Afri­
Rhipicephalus du groupe sanguineus: especes af­ can Protectorate 1905-1906, 1 03-1 1 .
ricaines (Acariens: Ixodoidea) . Revue d'Elevage Strickland, KL. ( 1 96 1 ) . A Study of the ticks ofdomesti­
et de Medecine Viterinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 1 5 cated animals in Northern Nigeria: a preliminary
for 1962 (nouvelle serie), 343-86. to disease investigation. M.Sc. thesis, University
Nuttall, G.H.F. & Warburton, C. ( 1 9 1 6) . Ticks of the of Dublin. 1 1 1 pp.
Belgian Congo and the diseases they convey. Theiler, Gertrud ( 1 975) . Past-workers on tick and
Bulletin of Entomological Research, 6, 3 1 3-52 . tick-borne diseases in southern Africa. Journal
Paine, G.D. ( 1 982) . Ticks (Acari:Ixodoidea) i n Bot­ of the South African Veterinary Association, 46,
swana. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 72, 303-10.
1-16. Theiler, Gertrud & Robinson, Britha N. ( 1 954) . Tick
Pegram, R.G. ( 1 976) . Ticks (Acarina, Ixodoidea) of Survey VIII. - Checklists of ticks recorded from
the northern regions of the Somali Democratic the Belgian Congo and Ruanda Urundi, from
Republic. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 66, Angola, and from Northern Rhodesia. Onder­
345-63. stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 2 6, 44 7-
Pierquin, L. & Niemegeers, K. ( 1 9 5 7) . Repertoire et 6 1 + 4 maps.
distribution geographique des tiques au Congo Trommsdorff, -. ( 1 9 1 4) . Beitrag zur Kenntnis der in
Belge et au Ruanda-Urundi. Bulletin Agricole du Deutsch-Slidwestafrika verkommenden Zeck­
Congo Beige, 48, 1 1 77-224. enarten. Archiv fur Schijfs- und Tropenhygiene,
Pierquin, L. & Niemegeers, K. ( 1 958) . Tables 18, 73 1-47.
dichotomiques pour !'identification des tiques Unsworth, K. ( 1 952). The ixodid parasites of cattle in
adultes du Congo Belge et Ruanda-Urundi. Nigeria, with particular reference to the north­
Bulletin Agricole du Congo Beige, 49, 42 1-60. ern territories. Annals of Tropical Medicine and
Rageau, J. ( 19 5 1 ) . Ixodides du Cameroun. Bulletin de Parasitology, 46, 33 1-6.
la Societe de Pathologie Exotique, 44, 44 1-6. Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14):
Rageau, J. ( 1 953) . Note complementaire sur les Aeschlimann ( 1 967); Clifford & Anastos ( 1 962,
Ixodidae du Cameroun. Bulletin de la Societe de 1 964); Doss et al. ( 1974-78); Hoogstraal
Pathologie Exotique, 46, 1 090-8. ( 1 956); Keirans ( 1 985); Matthysse & Colbo
Rousselot, R. ( 1 953) . Notes de parasitologie ( 1 987); Morel ( 1 969, 1 980); Sousa Dias
tropicale. Tome IL Ixodes. 1 3 5 pp. Paris: Vigot ( 1 950); Theiler ( 1 947, 1 962); Walker, Mehlitz
Freres, Editeurs. & Jones ( 1 978); Yeoman & Walker ( 1 967) .
Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 955) . Contribui�iio para o con-
Key to the Afrotropical species males 47

KEYS 2b. Adanal plates of various shapes, but not

produced posteriorly into broadly-rounded
Those readers who have previously points; medially projecting cusps and
attempted to key species of Rhipicephalus realize accessory adanal plates present or absent
that it can be a daunting and, at times, a frustrat­ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
ing process. We have done our best to make this 3a. Spiracles each with a long, narrow dorsal
difficult task as straightforward as possible in­ prolongation. Almost exclusively a parasite
cluding, when appropriate, miscellaneous infor­ of yellow mongoose, meercat and Cape
mation on hosts and distribution within the ground squirrel in South Africa, Botswana
couplets themselves. After keying a tick to a par­ and Namibia . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. theileri
ticular species we urge the reader not only to 3b. Spiracles each with a long, broad dorsal
compare the specimen with the illustrations pro­ prolongation. Parasitic mainly on warthogs
vided under that name but also to read the full and porcupines in West Africa, from
description, hosts, sites of attachment and Senegal eastward to the Sudan . . .
zoogeography. Even if you have given a tick a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. cuspidatus
name, this does not necessarily mean you have 4a. Scapular areas of conscutum bearing a
got it right. large anterior process on each side of the
In preparing the keys we owe a considerable basis capituli. (Subgenus Pterygodes
debt to those who have travelled this road before: Neumann, 1 9 1 3) . Parasitic on the gundi
Zumpt, Pomerantsev, and Matthysse & Colbo. and some larger animals in North Africa
Because of the conservative nature of these para­ and the Sahara . . . . . . . . . . . . R. fulvus
sites, we freely admit to borrowing one or more 4b. Scapular area of conscutum not bearing a
of these authors' couplets. large anterior process on each side of the
The host preferences listed are those of the basis capituli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
adults. In several cases the immature stages pre­ Sa. Conscutum ornamented with ivory mark-
fer different hosts. ings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Sb. Conscutum lacking ornamentation . . . . 9
KEY TO THE AFROTROPICAL 6a. Ivory colouration encircling conscutal mar­
RHIPICEPHALUS SPECIES MALES gin and often much of the central area. A
common tick in dry areas in eastern Africa
These keys were constructed merely to help east of the Rift Valley . . . . . R. pulchellus
readers to identify their specimens, not to dem­ 6b. Ivory colouration not encircling conscutal
onstrate phylogenetic relationships. margin; markings restricted to scapular or
la. Small subadanal plates visible just posterior central areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
to adanal plates. (Subgenus Hyperaspidion 7 a. An ivory patch present on each scapula
Pomerantsev, 1 936) . One of the rarer spe­ (uncommonly a patch may also be present
cies, recorded most commonly from carni­ behind each eye, which rarely may extend
vores in East Africa . . . . . . . R. armatus forward to the scapular patch) . Present in
(Note: Some male specimens of R. cus­ dry areas in southern Somalia, Kenya and
pidatus have small to minute idiosomal Tanzania . . . . . . . . . . . . . R.hurneralis
plaques beneath or medial to the adanal 7b. Lacking ornamentation in scapular areas
plates, but these integumental thickenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
do not constitute subadanal plates) 8a. A variable pattern of diffuse ornamentation
lb. Subadanal plates absent . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 found on the conscutum often associated
2a. Adanal plates large, curving externally and with larger punctations. Occurring on a
extended posteriorly into broadly-rounded wide range of hosts, mainly in coastal re­
points; medially projecting cusps absent; gions from Kenya to northern KwaZulu­
accessory adanal plates absent . . . . . . . . 3 Natal, South Africa but also recorded
48 Rhipicephalus species of the Afrotropical region

sometimes from Zambia, Zimbabwe and centrally, posteriorly, or in a central pos­

Malawi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. maculatus terior trough, giving the conscutum a con­
8b. A small patch of ornamentation present an­ cave appearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5
teriorly and centrally on the conscutum 14b. Conscutum convex or flat but without a
plus a larger patch posteriorly partially sur­ concave appearance or large depressed
rounding the posterior grooves; the patches area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6

may be joined. Present in western Uganda, 15a. Conscutum length from 3.0 mm to 4.0
and in Rwanda and Democratic Republic mm; depressed from anterior margin to
of Congo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. dux festoons; adanal plates broadly triangular
9a. Eyes round, beady, deeply orbited . . . . 1 0 with concave posterior margins
9b. Eyes flat, slightly bulging or convex, but not . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. complanatus
beady and deeply orbited . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 1 5b. Conscutum length from 2.5 mm to 3.0
1 Oa. Spiracles surrounded by numerous long mm; depressed in posterior half; adanal
setae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 plates almost sickle-shaped, with broadly­
1 Ob. Long setae absent from circumspiracular rounded or convex posterior margins
area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. planus
l l a. A rather densely punctate tick with larger 16a. Adanal plates either with posterior margins
punctations marking the external cervical deeply concave between two bluntly­
margins; legs uniformly bright reddish or­ rounded cusps, or with a bluntly-rounded
ange. Very common and widely distributed internal and a sharply-pointed external
in the Afrotropical region . . . . . R. evertsi cusp; accessory adanal plates narrowly
evertsi elongate and pointed; thus giving
l lb. As in couplet 1 l a, but with saffron annula­ the adanal plates a 'tricuspid' appearance
tions on the legs. Almost exclusively in dry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
areas from south-western Democratic Re­ 16b. Adanal plates of various shapes but not
public of Congo south to Namibia and deeply concave posteriorly, and not ap­
western Botswana . . . . . . . . . . R. evertsi pearing 'tricuspid'; accessory adanal plates
mimeticus present or absent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9
12a. Conscutum smooth, shiny, almost devoid 1 7a. Pedicel of palpal article I elongate and easily
of punctations. A parasite of the lower legs visible dorsally, producing a U-shaped in­
and feet of ungulates in the Eastern and dentation in the external margin of the first
Western Cape Provinces, South Africa article. Widespread on numerous hosts in
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. glabroscutatum the Afrotropical region . . . . R. lunulatus
12b. Conscutum densely punctate . . . . . . . 1 3 1 7b. Pedicel of palpal article I visible dorsally but
13a. Adanal plates with posterior margins broad short and not producing a U-shaped inden­
and slightly convex; internal margins nearly tation in the external margin of the first
straight until they lead to small medial article . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8
points or cusps. Recorded mainly from 18a. Spiracles each with a short, broad dorsal
southern Namibia and South Africa prolongation. Parasitic on cattle and vari­
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. exophthalmos ous mostly small to medium-sized
1 3b. Adanal plates with posterior margins al­ antelopes in East and Central Africa; some­
most straight and without small medial times sympatric with R. lunulatus
points or cusps. Almost exclusively a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. interventus
parasite of hares in the drier areas of 18b. Spiracles each with a long, narrow dorsal
Namibia, Botswana and South Africa prolongation. Recorded occasionally from
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. oculatus domestic animals but more commonly
14a. Conscutum with a large depressed area from the smaller wild carnivores, and from
Key to the Afrotropical species males 49

antelopes, springhares and hares, mainly in grooves outlined by small punctations

southern Africa, more rarely further . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
north . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. tricuspis 25a. Posteromedian groove quite short, broad,
19a. Coxae of the first pair of legs exceptionally deep; posterolateral grooves small, rounded
long, deeply divided; spiracles unique in and deep. A rare West African species
shape, oval, each with a short, stubby, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. moucheti
dorsal prolongation. A large tick of 25b. Posteromedian groove long, narrow and
giraffes in Kenya and Tanzania shallow; posterolateral grooves begin at fes­
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. longicoxatus toons and extend forward as comma­
19b. Coxae of the first pair oflegs not exception­ shaped shallow grooves. A parasite of
ally long; spiracles of various shapes but not the sitatunga and sometimes other mam­
as in couplet 1 9a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 mals sharing its semi-aquatic habitat
20a. Adanal plates tending to be sickle shaped, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. aquatilis
their external and internal margins roughly 26a. Marginal lines either absent, or short and
parallel and curving around the anus merely indicated by a row of discrete punc­
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 tations, or by shagreening. Slight grooves
20b. Adanal plates of various shapes, may be may occasionally be seen in some speci-
somewhat curved, but not sickle shaped mens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 26b. Marginal lines as definite grooves, either
2 1 a. External cervical margins marked by a ces­ narrow or broad, shallow or deep, for at
sation of the punctation pattern in the cer­ least part of their length; may be formed by
vical fields . . . . . . . . . . R. pseudolongus depressions in the conscutum or by con­
2 1b. External cervical margins marked by a row tiguous punctations, and may also contain
of punctations larger than those of the cer- discrete punctations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5
vical fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 27a. Conscutum with large discrete punctations
22a. A 'simus' pattern of punctations obvious on obvious on either a smooth or a finely punc­
the conscutum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 tate background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
22b. A 'simus' pattern of punctations absent or 27b. Conscutum without large discrete puncta­
obscured because the conscutum is too tions; it may be smooth with a background
densely punctate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 of fine punctations or have a relatively
23a. Clusters of large punctations present be­ punctate background of small to medium­
tween the posterolateral grooves and the sized punctations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0
posteromedian groove. Primarily a West 28a. Conscutum with a background o f numer­
African species . . . . . . . R. senegalensis ous fine punctations and scattered rows of
23b. Clusters of large punctations lacking be­ medium-sized to large punctations; without
tween the posterolateral grooves and the clusters of large punctations posteriorly;
posteromedian groove, conscutum essen­ coxae I each with distinct anterior process
tially impunctate except for the 'simus' pat­ visible dorsally. A rare tick recorded from
tern. Widely distributed in the Afrotropical East and Central Africa on the African buf­
region in association with its preferred host, falo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. bequaerti
the greater cane rat; rarely recorded from 28b. Conscutum with large punctations on a
other hosts . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. simpsoni smooth, mostly impunctate background;
24a. Conscutum densely punctate; marginal clusters of large punctations posteriorly;
lines deep grooves composed oflarge punc­ coxae I each with only a slight anterior pro­
tations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. longus cess visible dorsally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
24b. Conscutum punctate but not densely so; 29a. Cervical pits small; posteromedian and
marginal lines slender, narrow, shallow posterolateral grooves absent or only faintly
50 Rhipicephalus species of the Afrotropical region

indicated. Present in East, Central and reened or reticulated . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

southern Africa, almost exclusively on hy­ 35b. Cervical fields and/or marginal lines not
raxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. distinctus shagreened or reticulated . . . . . . . . . . 4 1
29b. Cervical pits large; posteromedian and 36a. Basis capituli with long sharp lateral angles
posterolateral grooves small but obvious. projecting over the anterior process of
A parasite of klipspringers in southern coxae I; a single caudal process is seen in
Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. oreotragi replete specimens. A parasite of hyaenas
30a. At high magnification each conscutal punc­ and the larger wild felids, with most
tation is seen to be composed of a cluster of records to date from East Africa
closely packed fine punctations. Recorded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. carnivoralis
mainly from cattle, impala and tragelaphine 36b. Basis capituli with short, blunt lateral angles
antelopes in countries along the eastern sea­ not projecting over the anterior process of
board of Africa from Somalia south- coxae I; either no caudal process or three
wards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. muehlensi caudal processes present in replete speci-
30b. At high magnification, each conscutal mens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7
punctation is seen to be a discrete entity 37a. With smooth glossy ridges defining a
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 pseudoscutum; conscutum divided into
3 la. Adana! plates each with a medially-projec- separate raised areas by shagreened tracts;
ting cusp or point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 no caudal process in replete specimens
3 1b. Adana! plates each without a medially-pro- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. sculptus
jecting cusp or point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 37b. Without smooth glossy ridges defining a
32a. Posteromedian and posterolateral grooves pseudoscutum; conscutum not divided into
either absent or merely indicated by a slight separate areas; one or three caudal pro-
scoring on the conscutum; accessory cess (es) in replete specimens. . . . . . . . 3 8
adanal plates long and sharply pointed. 38a. Central area of conscutum densely punc­
An East African highland species tate, punctations contiguous giving the
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. jeanneli conscutum a rugose appearance; marginal
32b. Posteromedian groove long and narrow; lines deep, shagreened grooves lacking
posterolateral grooves small and rounded; punctations; three caudal processes in re­
accessory adanal plates broad and bluntly plete specimens. Most commonly parasitic
rounded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. masseyi on cattle, African buffalo and the larger
33a. Cornua short; adanal plates tend to appear antelopes, especially in Central Africa but
banana shaped. To date recorded twice with scattered records from other areas
only from rock hyraxes in West Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. supertritus
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. boueti 38b. Central area of conscutum not densely
33b. Cornua long; adanal plates either pear punctuate, or not densely punctate enough
shaped or triangular in shape . . . . . . . . 34 to give the conscutum a rugose appearance;
34a. Adana! plates pear shaped; a small tick with marginal lines with punctations; a single
a capitulum that superficially appears tri­ caudal process in replete specimens . . . 3 9
angular in shape. Almost exclusively a 39a. Lateral angles of basis capituli quite broad
parasite of red rock rabbits in southern and recurved; conscutal punctations co­
Zimbabwe and in South Africa alesce to form a roughened depressed area
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. arnoldi just anterior to the posteromedian groove.
34b. Adana! plates triangular in shape; a moder­ A parasite of cattle, the African buffalo and
ately-large tick with the typical hexagonal probably other ungulates, primarily in An­
basis capituli . . . . . . . . . . . R. ziemanni gola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. duttoni
35a. Cervical fields and/or marginal lines shag- 39b. Lateral angles of basis capituli short, only
Key to the Afrotropical species males 51

slightly recurved; conscutal punctations not anus, posterior margins broadly rounded
forming a roughened depressed area just . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. zumpti
anterior to the posteromedian groove . . 40 45b. Marginal lines outlined with small puncta­
40a. Conscutum quite densely punctate tions and extending anteriorly as a series of
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. zambeziensis punctations; adanal plates approaching the
40b. Conscutum quite lightly punctate triangular. A highland species, occurring
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. appendiculatus primarily in East Africa . . . . . . . R. hurti
(Males of R. zambeziensis and R. appendi­ 46a. The medial aspect of the conscutum (i.e.
culatus are difficult to differentiate, especial­ internal to the marginal lines and external
ly when only one or two specimens, or only cervical margins), gives the overall impres­
small specimens are available. Refer to the sion that this male is a densely and quite
descriptions, figures and distributions of evenly punctate tick regardless of the size of
these two species) . the punctations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7
41a. Posterior grooves on the conscutum com­ 46b. The medial aspect of the conscutum gives
posed of four elements; essentially two the overall impression that this male is a
posteromedian grooves and two posterolat- moderately or lightly-punctate tick regard­
eral grooves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 less of the size of the punctations . . . . . 5 2
41b. Posterior grooves three in number; one 4 7a . Anterior projection on coxae I prominent,
posteromedian groove and two posterolat­ visible dorsally, often heavily sclerotized, as
eral grooves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 in R. appendiculatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
42a. Cornua very short; two posteromedian 47b. Anterior projection on coxae I when pres­
punctate depressions and two posterolat­ ent, not prominent nor visible dorsally al­
eral aggregates of large punctations. A though a small process may be seen . . . 49
small species, collected in northern 48a. Conscutum uniformly densely punctate,
Mozambique and eastern Zambia but less so in scapular areas; most puncta­
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. serranoi tions of the same size . . . . . R. punctatus
42b. Cornua very long; all posterior grooves 48b. Conscutum more densely punctate pos­
composed of four branches which coalesce terior to the pseudoscutal area; punctations
anteriorly. A large triangular-shaped spe­ of varying sizes. Thus far found almost ex­
cies, collected originally in Lesotho clusively in the Free State Province of
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. deltoideus South Africa . . . . . . . . . . R. warburtoni
43a. Marginal lines long, reaching anteriorly al­ 49a. Cervical fields long, narrow, depressed,
most to eye level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 with both their internal and external cervi­
43b. Marginal lines short to medium in length, cal margins sharply defined. Found almost
ending well behind eyes. (If a short mar­ exclusively in the western regions of the
ginal line ends and is continued anteriorly Western Cape Province of South Africa
towards the eye merely by a series of punc­ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. capensis
tations it is still considered to be short) 49b. Limits of cervical fields not clearly defined,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 at least on the internal aspect; external cer­
44a. Conscutum heavily punctate with many vical margins usually indicated by a row of
large punctations posteriorly; broadly larger punctations or by a cessation of the
rounded posteriorly; caudal process bul- punctation pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
bous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. gertrudae SOa. External cervical margins delimited by a
44b. Conscutum moderately or lightly punc- cessation of the punctation pattern; con­
tate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 scutum covered with a dense, even pattern
45a. Marginal lines outlined by large puncta­ of medium-sized punctations that some­
tions; adanal plates scooped out posterior to times coalesce . . . . . . . . . R. compositus
52 Rhipicephalus species of the Afrotropical region

50b. External cervical margins delimited by a the conscutum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

row of larger conscutal punctations . . . 5 1 56a. Marginal lines deep, distinct, heavily punc-
5 1a. Posteromedian and posterolateral grooves tate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7
indicated by pronounced sunken areas in 56b. Marginal lines shallow, quite indistinct,
the conscutum; posterolateral grooves quite lightly punctate . . . . . . . . . . R. camicasi
broad; dorsal prolongation of spiracles nar- 57a. Dorsal prolongation of spiracles broad,
row . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. sulcatus equal to the breadth of the adjacent fes-
5 1b. Posteromedian and posterolateral grooves toons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
usually present but shallow and indistinct; 57b. Dorsal prolongation of spiracles narrow,
dorsal prolongation of spiracles broad. equal to about one-half the breadth of the
Occurs in eastern South Africa . . R. follis adjacent festoons. Almost exclusively a
52a. Anterior projection on coxae I prominent, parasite of domestic dogs around the
visible dorsally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. sanguineus
52b. Anterior projection o n coxae I, when pres­ 58a. Posterolateral grooves subcircular, not ori­
ent, not prominent, although a small pro- ginating either at, or very near the festoons;
cess may be seen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 punctations present in areas adjacent to the
53a. Posteromedian groove and posterolateral marginal lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
grooves well marked, long and narrow; 58b. Posterolateral grooves comma shaped,
adanal plates elongated posteromedially beginning at, or very near the festoons;
into extended rounded points. Found al­ punctations in the areas adjacent to the
most exclusively in the Fynbos regions of marginal lines either sparse or absent.
the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of Recorded almost exclusively in Ethiopia
South Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. nitens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. bergeoni
. . . .

53b. Posteromedian groove long and narrow; 59a. A moderately sized tick with small cervical
posterolateral grooves bluntly rounded; fields and a diffuse pattern of punctations
adanal plates not elongated posteromedially scattered over the conscutal surface
into extended rounded points . . . . . . . 54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. guilhoni
54a. Cervical fields narrow and lanceolate; inter­ 59b. A large tick with large cervical fields and a
nal cervical margins marked by rugosity, dense pattern of punctations scattered over
external cervical margins marked by a row the conscutal surface . . . . . R. turanicus
of large punctations; eyes slightly to mark­ 60a. Posteromedian groove and posterolateral
edly convex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. pravus grooves, when present, shallow and rather
54b. Cervical fields narrow, tapering, shallow; inconspicuous; palps short . . . . . . . . . 6 1
internal cervical margins marked by a slight 60b. Posteromedian groove long and narrow,
declination, external cervical margins posterolateral grooves shorter and broader;
marked by a few small punctations; eyes palps somewhat elongated. A rare species
fiat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. kochi in Namibia and Angola . . . . R. longiceps
55a. Posteromedian groove and posterolateral 61a. Adanal plates broadly curved posterior to
grooves primarily indicated as pronounced anus, but never as strongly as the curved
sunken areas in the conscutum; posterolat­ sickle-shape of those of R. senegalensis
eral grooves relatively broad, often subcir- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
cular or comma shaped . . . . . . . . . . . 56 61b. Adanal plates broad posteriorly and may be
5 5b. Posteromedian groove and posterolateral slightly concave on their inner aspect, but
grooves primarily indicated by rugosity or not strongly curved posterior to anus. Para­
punctations that may be entirely absent or sitic on the feet of sheep, goats and ante­
present as shallow grooves, the posterolat­ lopes in the southern part of Africa
eral grooves are not broad sunken areas in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Key to the Afrotropical species females 53

62a. Basis capituli twice as broad as long; cratic Republic of Congo . . . . . . . R. dux
posterior margin of basis capituli straight 3b. Scutum with a few medium-sized puncta­
to slightly sinuous between cornua tions; ornamentation semicircular pos­
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. lounsburyi teriorly, becoming thin and smokey anter­
62b. Basis capituli approximately one-third iorly. Collected from a wide range of hosts,
broader than long; posterior margin of basis mainly in coastal regions from Kenya to
capituli distinctly concave between cor- northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa but
nua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. neumanni also recorded sometimes from Zambia,
63a. Marginal lines delimit one festoon; Zimbabwe and Malawi . . . R. maculatus
posteromedian and posterolateral grooves 4a. Few clavate alloscutal setae. Present in dry
either superficial or absent . . . . . . . . . 64 areas in southern Somalia, Kenya and Tan­
63b. Marginal lines delimit first two festoons; zania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. humeralis
posteromedian groove and posterolateral 4b. Numerous clavate alloscutal setae. A com­
grooves discernible; posterolateral grooves mon tick in dry areas in eastern Africa east
either linear or slightly curved. Primarily a of the Rift Valley . . . . . . . . R. pulchellus
West African species . . . . R. muhsamae 5a. Eyes round, beady, deeply orbited . . . . . 6
64a. 'Simus' pattern of punctations present on 5b. Eyes flat, slightly bulging or convex, but not
an obvious background of fine interstitial beady and deeply orbited . . . . . . . . . . 1 0
punctations. Occurs in the southern part of 6a. Spiracles with numerous circumspiracular
Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. simus setae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
64b. 'Simus' pattern of punctations present on 6b. Spiracles without numerous circum­
a smooth shiny background without a spiracular setae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
field of fine interstitial punctations. Occurs 7 a. Legs uniformly bright reddish orange. Very
in north-eastern and eastern Africa common and widely distributed in the Af­
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. praetextatus rotropical region . . . . . R. evertsi evertsi
7b. Legs with saffron annulations. Almost
exclusively in dry areas from south-western
KEY TO THE AFROTROPICAL Democratic Republic of Congo south to
RHIPICEPHALUS SPECIES FEMALES Namibia and western Botswana
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. evertsi mimeticus
The host preferences listed are those of the 8a. Scutum relatively smooth and impunctate.
adults. In several cases the immature stages pre­ A parasite of the lower legs and feet of
fer different hosts. ungulates in the Eastern and Western
Cape Provinces, South Africa
la. Scutum with ivory ornamentation . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. glabroscutatum

lb. Scutum without ivory ornamentation . . . 5 8b. Scutum not smooth and impunctate, but
2a. Scutum dark over most of its surface, with rather extensively and densely punctate
ornamentation limited; legs not enamelled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
dorsally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 9a. Genital aperture U-shaped, the area within
2b. Scutum extensively ornamented, with small the opening bulging. Recorded mainly
dark intrusions on the scutal margins; legs from southern Namibia and South
with some dorsal enamelling . . . . . . . . . 4 Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . R. exophthalmos
3a. Scutum with a single posteromedial ivory 9b. Genital aperture V-shaped, the area within
patch, roughly triangular in shape; numer­ the opening depressed. Almost exclusively
ous small to medium-sized punctations a parasite of hares in the drier areas of
scattered over the scutum. Present in west­ Namibia, Botswana and South Africa
ern Uganda, and in Rwanda and Demo- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. oculatus
54 Rhipicephalus species of the Afro tropical region

1 Oa. Palps short, tapering markedly to pointed without a short anterolateral extension on
or very narrowly rounded apices, giving the either side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5
capitulum a distinctly triangular appear­ 15a. Basis capituli lacking cornua; scutum lon­
ance. Almost exclusively a parasite of red ger than broad, sinuous posteriorly. To
rock rabbits in southern Zimbabwe and in date recorded twice only from rock hyraxes
South Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. arnoldi in West Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. boueti
1 Ob. Palps various but not giving the capitulum a 15b. Basis capituli with cornua present; scutum
distinctly triangular appearance . . . . . . 1 1 as broad as long or broader than long . . 1 6
l l a. Palpal article I very long and narrow; 16a. Scutal punctations uniformly fine to small,
genital aperture a long, narrow U-shape. evenly dispersed; genital aperture broadly
A rare species in Namibia and Angola cup shaped . . . . . . . . . . . . R. ziemanni
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. longiceps 16b. Scutum with punctations larger than back­
1 lb. Lacking the combination of very long pal­ ground interstitial punctations, often on the
pal article I and a long, narrow U-shaped scapulae or in the area of the external cervi­
genital aperture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 cal margins; genital aperture not broadly
12a. Dorsally, alloscutum with four, broad, con­ cup shaped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7
spicuous longitudinal bands of white setae; 17 a. Poorly-developed internal spurs on coxae II
festoons also beset with setae. Almost ex­ to IV; genital aperture broadly U-shaped
clusively a parasite of yellow mongoose, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. masseyi
meercat and Cape ground squirrel in 17b. Definite internal spurs on coxae II to IV;
South Africa, Botswana and Namibia genital aperture broadly V-shaped. An East
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. theileri African highland species . . . . R. jeanneli
12b. Dorsally, alloscutum and festoons not 18a. Cervical pits broadly rounded anteriorly.
beset with longitudinal bands of white Parasitic on the gundi and some larger
setae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 mammals in North Africa and the Sahara
13a. External cervical margins of scutum not . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. fulvus
clearly defined; no declinations or definite 18b. Cervical pits various but not broadly
punctation pattern outlining their posi- rounded anteriorly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9
tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 19a. Cervical fields long and narrow because ex­
1 3b. External cervical margins of the scutum de­ ternal cervical margins tend to be straight
fined by a row of larger punctations which rather than curved; central field tends to be
may or may not be contiguous, or by a straight sided and narrow . . . . . . . . . . 20
declination from the raised lateral borders, 19b. Cervical fields and central field broad be­
or by a groove, or by a distinct cessation of cause the external cervical margins are cur­
the punctation pattern found on the cervi­ ved outward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7
cal fields, or by a combination of these char- 20a. External cervical margins marked by a dis­
acters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8 tinct sharp declination from the raised lat­
14a. Scutum smooth and glossy with a few eral borders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1
medium-sized punctations on the raised 20b. External cervical margins not marked by a
lateral margins and in the medial area; no distinct sharp declination from the raised
punctations in cervical fields; genital aper­ lateral borders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
ture U-shaped with a short anterolateral 2 1 a. Scutum appearing lightly punctate even if
extension on either side. A large tick of small to medium-sized punctations are
giraffes in Kenya and Tanzania present, especially in the central field
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. longicoxatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
14b. Scutum punctate including cervical fields; 2 lb. Scutum appearing moderately to densely
genital aperture U-shaped or V-shaped, but punctate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Key to the Afrotropical species females 55

22a. Scutal central field and cervical fields 28b. Raised borders lateral to the external cervi­
covered with small to medium-sized dense cal margins with small and medium-sized
punctations. A highland species, occurring punctations; external cervical margins out­
in East Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. hurti lined by many large setiferous punctations;
22b. Scutal central field and cervical fields with genital aperture U-shaped with hyaline
few punctations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 flaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. sulcatus
23a. External cervical margins forming a very 29a. Genital aperture with distinct hyaline
steep declination; genital aperture with a flaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. guilhoni
broadly curved posterior margin. Widely 29b. Genital aperture without distinct hyaline
distributed in the Afrotropical region in as­ flaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. camicasi
sociation with its preferred host, the greater 30a. Cornua very long, sharply pointed. A large
cane rat; rarely recorded from other hosts species, collected originally in Lesotho
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. simpsoni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. deltoideus
23b. Declination of external cervical margins dis­ 30b. Cornua short, bluntly rounded . . . . . . 3 1
tinct but not very steep; genital aperture 3 l a. Scutal punctations small to medium in size,
wide, deeply crescentic. Parasitic on the feet but uniform in depth; lateral borders anter­
of sheep, goats and antelopes in the southern ior to eyes smooth and shiny; genital aper­
part of South Africa . . . . R. lounsburyi ture with area anterior to opening bul­
24a. Scutum about as broad as long or broader ging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. kochi
than long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3 1b. Scutal punctations uneven in size and
24b. Scutum longer than broad . . . . . . . . . 27 depth; lateral borders may be smooth or
2 5a. Scutum densely punctate obscuring the punctate; genital aperture with area anter-
'simus' pattern of punctations. Occurs in ior to opening not bulging . . . . . . . . . . 3 2
eastern South Africa . . . . . . . . . R. follis 32a. Genital aperture U-shaped o r sharply
25b. Scutum moderately punctate not obscuring V-shaped with genital apron depressed
the 'simus' pattern of punctations . . . . . 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
26a. Spiracles fairly large, each with a wide and 32b. Genital aperture broadly V-shaped or U­
usually angled dorsal prolongation; shaped with genital apron bulging . . . . 3 5
genital aperture narrowly U-shaped 33a. Genital aperture U-shaped. Recorded
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. turanicus
. . almost exclusively in Ethiopia
26b. Spiracles each with a narrow and curved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. bergeoni
dorsal prolongation; genital aperture 33b. Genital aperture sharply V-shaped . . . . 34
broadly U-shaped. Almost exclusively a 34a. Areas of cervical fields shagreened, es­
parasite of domestic dogs around the pecially along the internal cervical margins;
world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. sanguineus cervical fields and central field lightly punc­
27a. Scutum quite heavily punctate especially in tate. A parasite of cattle, the African buffalo
the cervical fields and central field obscur­ and probably other ungulates, primarily in
ing the 'simus' pattern of punctations . . 28 Angola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. duttoni

27b. All areas of the scutum quite lightly punc- 34b. Areas of cervical fields not shagreened;
tate not obscuring the 'simus' pattern of cervical fields and central field quite heavily
punctations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 punctate. Found almost exclusively in the
28a. Raised borders lateral to the external cervi­ Fynbos regions of the Eastern and Western
cal margins relatively impunctate; external Cape Provinces of South Africa
cervical margins outlined by small to me­ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. nitens
dium-sized punctations; genital aperture 3 5a. Cervical fields and central field lightly
U-shaped without hyaline flaps. A rare punctate; eyes slightly . raised to distinctly
West African species . . . . . . R. moucheti convex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. pravus
56 Rhipicephalus species of the Afrotropical region

3 5b. Cervical fields and central field densely recorded from East and Central Africa on
punctate; eyes may not be flush with the African buffalo . . . . . . . R. bequaerti
scutum, but are not convex . . . . . . . . . 36 41a. Palpal article I with a stalked pedicle giving
36a. Genital aperture broadly rounded, U­ the palps a distinctly elongate appearance;
shaped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. punctatus genital aperture a very broad and shallow
36b. Genital aperture broadly V-shaped. Thus U-shape. Widespread on numerous hosts
far found almost exclusively in the in the Afrotropical region . . R. lunulatus
Free State Province of South Africa 41b. Palpal article I with a short pedicle; genital
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. warburtoni aperture a narrow U-shape with long lateral
3 7a. Coxae I each with spurs widely separated arms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
and not deeply divided; scutum smooth 42a. Spiracles each with a short, narrow, dorsal
with external cervical margins marked by prolongation; genital aperture without hya­
three or more large, deep punctations; geni­ line flaps. Recorded occasionally from do­
tal aperture very broad, crescent shaped. mestic animals but more commonly from
Parasitic mainly on warthogs and porcu­ the smaller wild carnivores, and from ante­
pines in West Africa, from Senegal east­ lopes, springhares and hares, mainly in
ward to the Sudan . . . . . . R. cuspidatus southern Africa, more rarely further
37b. Coxae I each with spurs deeply divided and north . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. tricuspis
not widely separated; scutum and genital 42b. Spiracles each with a short, broad, dorsal
aperture various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 prolongation; genital aperture with hyaline
38a. Scutal margin posterior to eyes distinctly flaps. Parasitic on cattle and various, mostly
concave and with a central posterior small to medium-sized antelopes, in East
protrusion, giving the scutum a shield and Central Africa; sometimes sympatric
shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 with R. lunulatus . . . . . . . R. interventus
38b. Scutum not shield shaped . . . . . . . . . . 43 43a. Cervical fields distinctly sunken; genital ap­
39a. Scutum smooth with external cervical mar­ erture tripartite in appearance, with a nar­
gins marked by several large punctations row, raised central area flanked on either
and a sharp declination; internal cervical side by a rounded depression . . R. planus
margins marked anteriorly by a sharp decli­ 43b. Cervical fields not distinctly sunken; genital
nation. One of the rarer species, recorded aperture various but not tripartite . . . . 44
most commonly from carnivores in East 44a. Cervical fields shagreened anteriorly and
Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. annatus external cervical margins a shagreened
39b. Scutum beset with numerous small to me­ groove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
dium-sized punctations giving it a non­ 44b. Scutum without shagreening in cervical pits
smooth appearance; external cervical mar­ and the external cervical margins not a
gins may be marked by large punctations shagreened groove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
but without a sharp declination; internal 45a. Punctations with short setae along external
cervical margins not marked anteriorly by a cervical margins; genital aperture tongue
sharp declination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 shaped without hyaline flaps
40a. Porose areas quite small, oval, about one . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. sculptus
and a half times their own diameter apart; 45b. Punctations with conspicuous long fine
external cervical margins marked by a row setae along external cervical margins; geni­
of large seriferous punctations . . . . . . . 4 1 tal aperture U-shaped with an almost
40b. Porose areas large, round, less than their straight posterior margin and hyaline flaps.
own diameter apart; external cervical mar­ Most commonly parasitic on cattle, African
gins inapparent or marked only by a faint buffalo and the larger antelopes, especially
declination in the scutal surface. A rare tick in Central Africa but with scattered records
Key to the Afrotropical species females 57

from other areas . . . . . . . R. supertritus 5 1b. Scutum impunctate except for the 'simus'
46a. External cervical margins marked exclus­ pattern and scapular punctations, and with
ively, or nearly so, by a row of discrete either very light or no interstitial puncta­
setiferous punctations; declinations ab- tions; genital aperture with hyaline flaps
sent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
46b. External cervical margins marked by con­ 52a. No, or at most, only a few interstitial punc­
tiguous punctations, a declination or other tations centrally on the scutum; genital
features, but not by a row of discrete punc- aperture with narrow hyaline flaps. Occurs
tations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 in north-eastern and eastern Africa
4 7 a . Basis capituli very broad, and very short in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. praetextatus
the antero-posterior plane; porose areas 52b. Light to moderate scattering of interstitial
small, twice or three times their own diam­ punctations centrally on the scutum; genital
eter apart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 aperture with broad hyaline flaps. Primarily
47b. Basis capituli of the normal Rhipicephalus a West African species . . . R. muhsamae
shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 53a. External cervical margins marked by a ces­
48a. Scutum about as long as broad or slightly sation of the punctation pattern, no large
longer than broad, smooth and glossy; po­ punctations or steep declination marking
rose areas very small, about three times these margins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
their own diameter apart. Present in East, 53b. External cervical margins marked by punc-
Central and southern Africa, almost exclus­ tations or a declination or both . . . . . . 5 5
ively on hyraxes . . . . . . . . . R. distinctus 54a. Porose areas three times their own diameter
48b. Scutum much longer than broad, not apart; circumspiracular area setose. Col­
smooth and glossy, but with numerous lected mainly from cattle, impala and tra­
small to medium-sized punctations; porose gelaphine antelopes in countries along the
areas small, about twice their own diameter eastern seaboard of Africa from Somalia
apart. A small species, collected in northern southwards . . . . . . . . . . . R. muehlensi
Mozambique and eastern Zambia 54b. Porose areas about one and a half
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. serranoi times their own diameter apart; circum­
49a. Porose areas small, at least twice or three spiracular area glabrous. A parasite of
times their own diameter apart; scutum lon- the sitatunga and sometimes other
ger than broad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 mammals sharing its semi-aquatic habitat
49b. Porose areas large, only one or one and a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. aquatilis
half times their own diameter apart; scutum 5 5a. Medial area of scutum internal to the exter­
about as broad as long . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 nal cervical margins densely and heavily
5 0a. Porose areas three times their own diameter punctate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6
apart. A parasite of klipspringers in south­ 55b. Medial area o f scutum not densely and
ern Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. oreotragi heavily punctate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1
50b. Porose areas twice their own diameter apart. 56a. Cervical fields well marked and depressed,
Parasitic on the feet of sheep, goats and cervical pits and especially internal cervical
antelopes in the southern part of Namibia margins shagreened; genital aperture very
and South Africa . . . . . . . . R. neumanni wide with short lateral arms and a straight
5 1 a. Scutum lightly to moderately and evenly posterior margin . . . . . R. zambeziensis
punctate medially with a background of 56b. Cervical fields without shagreening; genital
interstitial punctations; genital aperture aperture various but without a straight pos-
broadly V-shaped, without hyaline flaps. terior margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7
Primarily a West African species 57a. Palps with internal margins convex, exter­
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. senegalensis nal margins concave; internal cervical mar-
58 Rhipicephalus species of the Afrotropical region

gins not well defined . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 arms a sigmoid curve . . . . R. compositus

57b. Palps with internal margins straight sided 61a. Cervical fields broad and deep, with well­
or curved, but not convex; internal cervical defined internal and external cervical mar-
margins may or may not be well defined gins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 6lb. Cervical fields broad or narrow but only
58a. Genital aperture narrowly V-shaped slightly depressed, external but not internal
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. longus cervical margins may be well defined . . 63
5 8b. Genital aperture broadly V-shaped to U- 62a. Cervical fields shagreened anteriorly and
shaped . . . . . . . . . . . . R. pseudolongus rugose laterally because of a contiguous
(Females of these two species are difficult to row of slanted punctations along the inner
separate. R. longus is less heavily punctate edge of the external cervical margins. A
than R. pseudolongus, and its scutum is less parasite of hyaenas and the larger wild
evenly rounded posteriorly. See figs 1 09b felids, with most records to date from East
and 1 65b of these two females) Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. carnivoralis
59a. Cervical fields deeply depressed with both 62b. Cervical fields without shagreening and
internal and external cervical margins rugosity due to slanted punctations; scutum
sharply delimited; genital aperture broadly covered with small to fine scattered punc­
V-shaped without sigmoid arms or a tripar­ tations . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. complanatus
tite appearance. Found almost exclusively 63a. Scutum posteriorly broad and smoothly
in the western regions of the Western Cape rounded; cervical fields not shagreened; ex­
Province of South Africa . . . R. capensis ternal cervical margins well marked by
59b. Cervical fields not deeply depressed, exter­ either discrete or contiguous punctations
nal cervical margins well marked by either . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
punctations or a declination, but internal 63b. Scutum sinuous posteriorly; external cervi­
cervical margins not sharply delimited; cal margins declinations, not clearly out­
genital aperture either with sigmoid arms or lined by rows of punctations; cervical fields
tripartite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 shagreened . . . . . . . . R. appendiculatus
60a. External cervical margins as slight declina­ 64a. External cervical margins well marked by
tions, marked by large punctations; genital large contiguous punctations; internal cer­
aperture tripartite, central area vase shaped, vical margins poorly defined. Occurs in the
narrow, tapering hyaline flaps laterally southern part of Africa . . . . . . . R. simus
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. gertrudae 64b. External cervical margins well marked by
60b. External cervical margins with sharp decli­ large discrete punctations; internal cervical
nations and marked by small punctations; margins well defined by a declination
genital aperture a wide V-shape with lateral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. zumpti
Accounts of individual
species occurring in the
Afrotropical region

RHIPICEPHALUS APPENDICUIA TVS Posteromedian groove long and narrow,

NEUMANN, 1 90 1 posterolateral grooves short and broad, all with
finely-reticulate surfaces. Large setiferous punc­
This specific name appendiculatus, from the tations present on the scapulae, along the outer
Latin appendo meaning 'to hang', doubtless re­ margins of the cervical fields and scattered
fers to the appearance of the engorging adults. amongst numerous medium-sized punctations
medially on the conscutum. Areas surrounding
the eyes, adjacent to the marginal lines and an­
Diagnosis terior to the festoons with fine pinpoint puncta­
tions only. In small specimens the pattern of
A moderate-sized reddish-brown tick. grooves and punctations may be much reduced.
Legs increase markedly in size from I to IV.
Male (Figs J(a), 4(a) to (c)) Ventrally spiracles broadly comma shaped,
Capitulum much longer than broad, length x curving gently towards the dorsal surface.
breadth ranging from 0.69 mm x 0.56 mm to Adanal plates large, well sclerotized, tapering
0.86 mm x 0 . 7 1 mm . Basis capituli of smaller posterointernally to broadly rounded points; ac­
males much broader than long but that of larger cessory adanal plates represented by small, short
males only slightly broader than long, with very sclerotized points.
short obtuse lateral angles at about anterior
quarter of its length. Palps short, broad. Con­ Female (Figs J(b), 4(d) to ({))
scutum length x breadth ranging from 2.85 Capitulum slightly broader than long, length x
mm x 1 .85 mm to 3.67 mm x 2.43 mm; large breadth ranging from 0.72 mm x 0.75 mm to
sharp strongly-sclerotized anterior process pres­ 0.83 mm x 0.87 mm. Basis capituli with broad
ent on coxae I. In engorged specimens body wall lateral angles overlapping the scapulae; porose
expanded slightly posterolaterally and forming a areas round, well over twice their own diameter
long slender caudal process posteromedially. apart. Palps short, broad, bluntly rounded api­
Eyes marginal, almost flat, delimited dorsally by cally. Scutum longer than broad, length x
a very shallow groove and sometimes one or two breadth ranging from 1 .40 mm x 1 .32 mm to
large punctations. Cervical fields broad, de­ 1 . 59 mm x 1 . 52 mm; posterior margin sinuous.
pressed, with finely-reticulate surfaces. Marginal Eyes marginal, at widest point of scutum, almost
lines well developed, extending anteriorly nearly flat, delimited dorsally by a faint groove and
to eye level, delimiting one festoon posteriorly. sometimes a few punctations. Cervical fields

60 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Figure 3. Rhipicephalus appendiculatus [collected from calf, 'Bucklands' (farm), near Grahamstown, Eastern Cape
Province, South Africa, on 27 January 1 987 by LG. Horak] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1
mm. A. Olwage de!.

broad, depressed, slightly reticulate in places. broader internal spur; coxae II to IV each with a
Large setiferous punctations present on the short sharp external spur only.
scapulae, along the outer margins of the cervical
fields and scattered medially on the scutum, in­ Larva (Fig. 6)
terspersed with fine punctations. Ventrally geni­ Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
tal aperture shaped like the tip of a tongue. ranging from 0 . 1 29 mm x 0 . 1 4 1 mm to 0. 1 38
mm x 0 . 1 4 7 mm. Basis capituli a little over twice
Nymph (Fig. 5) as broad as long, with very short blunt lateral
Capitulum much broader than long, angles at about mid-length. Palps constricted
length x breadth ranging from 0.24 mm x 0.3 1 proximally, then widening, flattened apically.
mm to 0.28 mm x 0.34 mm. Basis capituli well Scutum much broader than long, length x
over twice as broad as long, lateral angles in breadth ranging from 0.233 mm x 0.360 mm to
anterior half of its length, short, slightly forward­ 0.246 mm x 0.373 mm, posterior margin a
ly curved; ventrally with short, blunt spurs on broad smooth curve. Eyes at widest point, almost
posterior margin. Palps short, broadly rounded flat, delimited dorsally by a faint groove. Cervical
apically. Scutum broader than long, grooves short, slightly convergent. Ventrally
length x breadth ranging from 0.55 mm x 0.64 coxae I each with a broad blunt spur; coxae II
mm to 0.58 mm x 0.70 mm; posterior margin a and III each with a broad ridge-like spur.
broad smooth curve. Eyes at widest point, about
halfway back, mildly convex and edged dorsally Designation of lectotype
by a shallow groove. Cervical fields broad, diver­ Neumann ( 1 90 1 , p. 270) described R. appendi­
gent, slightly depressed, almost reaching pos­ culatus from 3 66, 7 <f'<f' from the Cape Colony,
terior margin of scutum. Ventrally coxae I each South Africa, collected by C.P. Lounsbury; from
with a long, narrow external spur and a shorter 3 6 6, two of whose origins are unknown and one
R. appendiculatus 61

18° 24° 30° .. 3 °
6 42°
0 0
6 P"t..+------+---+---� J__ 6



0 0


35° Rhipicephalus appendiculatus

rr--- -t----+---LJ 35°
¢ Type locality
• Locality records

18° 24° 30° 36° 42° 48°

Map 2. Rhipicephalus appendiculatus: distribution (with acknowledgements to B.D. Perry and R. Kruska) .
62 Accounts of individual Afrolro-picaJ spe.cUs
R. appendicularus 63

Figure S (above). RJ1ipicephaJ.us appendU:ul.atus (B.S. 292/-, RML 66302, laboratory reared, original ':f' from a scrain
maintained at the Veterinary Research Laboratory, Kabete, Kenya, 1951 ). Nymph: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum,
ventral; (c) scuturn; (d) coxae. ScaJe bars represent 0. 10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.

Figure 4 (opposi.t.e). Rhipiceplwlu.s appendicul.aJ.11.S (B.S. 292/-, RML 66302, laboratory reared, original ¥' from ;1 strain
maintained at the Veterinary Research Laboratory, Kabete, Kenya, 1951 ) . Male: (a) capitulum, dona.I; (b) spiracle; (c)
adanal plates. Female: (d) <::apitulum, dorsal; (e) scutum; (f) genital aperture. Scale ban represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by
M.D. Corwin.
64 Accounts of individual Afrotropical 5Pe<:ies

Figure 6. Rhipicephalus appendiculatus (B.S. 292/-, RML 66302, laboratory reared, original Q from a sttain
maintained at the Veterinary Research Laboratory, Kabete, Kenya, 1951 ). Larva: (a) capiru.lwn, dorsal; (b)
capirulum, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0. l 0 mm. SEM.s by M.D. Corwin.

from South-West Africa (now Namibia), and 16890, 38 JJ, 23 Q9 from the Pangani River at
from hW1dreds of oo and \fl� taken from Bes the Mosiman.i Mountains of German East Africa
cajfer (i.e. Syncerus cajfer) by [C.G.) Schillings [Tanzania) collected in SeptembeC' 1899 by
(Berlin Museum). Lounsbury (pers. comm. t'e­ [C.G.) Schillings, and (2) ZMB 1 7697, 7 d'o on
ferred to by Neumann, 1901) regarded this spe­ 'Bos ca/fer, l 0 as a microscope slide preparation
cies as being very widely distributed in t11e Cape (no. 10) by F. Zumpl from the Pangani River,
Colony. German East Africa.
Moritz & Fischer (1981, p. 343) recorded The Nun.au Tick CoJJection, deposited in
two syncype collections of R. appendi.culatus i.o Tue Natural History Musewn, London, also con­
the Zoological Museum, Berlin: ( 1) ZMB tains S)'ll types of R. a:ppe:ndiculatus with. the fol-
R. appendiculatus 65

lowing data: Nuttall 2893 (Neumann No. 1 1 43) stages differ in the proportions of their basis
1 6, 1 ¥ from 'Bos caffer, Tangani, German East capituli and shape of their palps (compare Figs
Africa', which was received in 1 900 from [C.G.] 5 (a) and 6 (a) with 222 (a) and 223(a) , pp. 473
Schillings. Keirans ( 1 985, p. 1 207) confirmed the and 474) . Even so it can be extremely difficult,
identity of these specimens but noted that there or even impossible, to identify some individuals
was no locality named Tangani in Tanzania, as specifically because both species show such a
indicated both in Nuttall's original handwritten wide range of morphological variation. When­
catalogue and on the vial label. He suggested that ever possible it is better to examine series of
the locality might be Tangeni, located at 06.56 S, these ticks rather than rely on small samples
3 7. 36 E. Judging by the information published by only, and to take the ecological conditions of the
Moritz & Fischer ( 1 98 1 ), though, it is apparent areas where they were obtained into consider­
that the correct spelling of this locality is Pan­ ation. Although their distributions undoubtedly
gani. In the circumstances we believe that it sometimes overlap, their ecological preferences
probably refers to the Pangani River near differ markedly and they commonly occur in
Masimani Mountain (as it is now spelt), inland separate areas.
at 04. 1 3 S, 37.35 E, not to Pangani township on The morphological differences between R.
the Tanzanian coast. appendiculatus, R. duttoni and R. nitens can be
We considered that it would be preferable to seen by comparing Figs 3-6 (above) , 50-53 (pp.
select a lectotype from amongst Neumann's 1 47-50) and 1 43-1 46 (pp. 3 1 7-20) .
Tanzanian syntypes, rather than those from
either the Cape Colony or from South West Af­
rica. This would avoid any possible confusion Hosts
with either the closely-related species R. nitens,
which occurs in the Eastern and Western Cape A three-host species (Lounsbury, 1 904) . Cattle
Provinces, South Africa, or with R. zambeziensis, are the preferred domestic hosts of all stages of
which has been recorded in Narnibia. We there­ development (Yeoman & Walker, 1 967; Walker,
fore designate the 6 (Nuttall 2893; RML 1 974; Norval, Walker & Colborne, 1 982; Mat­
1 1 1 766) as lectotype and the ¥ (Nuttall 2893; thysse & Colbo, 1 987) (Table 1 ) . Many collec­
RML 1 1 1 766) as paralectotype, so mark them tions have, however, been taken from sheep and
and correct the spelling of the type locality; these goats (Walker, 1 97 4; Matthysse & Colbo, 1 987) .
specimens are on deposit in The Natural His­ Ticks have also been collected from a surprising­
tory Museum, London. ly large number of domestic dogs as well as from
various species of wild carnivores (Yeoman &
Notes on identification Walker, 1 967; Norval et al., 1 982; Horak et al.,
The measurements given above are those of 1 987) . The preferred wild hosts of all stages of
specimens from a rather small laboratory-reared development are the African buffalo, eland, vari­
series of this tick. A greater range of sizes, asso­ ous species of tragelaphine antelope and water­
ciated with variations in the morphology of this buck (Norval et al., 1 982; Horak et al., 1 983,
species, has been recorded elsewhere (Nuttall, 1 992; Horak, Boornker & Flamand, 1 99 5) .
1 9 1 3; Walker, Norval & Corwin, 1 9 8 1 ) . Smaller antelope species and hares are good
All stages o f R. appendiculatus and R. zam­ hosts of the immature stages (Clifford, Flux &
beziensis are morphologically very similar in sev­ Hoogstraal, 1 976; Norval et al., 1 982; Horak,
eral respects. The primary feature distinguishing 1 982; Horak & Fourie, 1 99 1 ) . Collections con­
the adults is the density of the punctation pat­ sisting mainly of immature ticks have also been
tern, which is usually much lighter in R. appendi­ taken from numerous Burchell's zebra and wart­
culatus than it is in R. zambeziensis (compare hog (Horak, De Vos & De Klerk, 1 984; Horak et
Figs 3 and 220, pp. 60 and 47 1 ) . The immature al., 1 988) . The small number of records from
66 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Table 1 . Hos t records o/Rhipicephalus appendiculatus

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle Commonly parasitized (including
Water buffaloes 2
Sheep 245 (including immatures)
Goats 358 (including immatures)
Camels 5
Horses 3 1 (including immatures)
Donkeys 1 7 (including nymphs)
Pigs 1
Dogs 49 (including immatures)
Cats 1 (nymphs)
Cats (feral) 2 (including larvae)
Chickens 1 ( 1 6)

Wild animals
Greater bushbaby ( Otolemur crassicaudatus) 1 (including immatures)
Vervet monkey (Chlorocebus aethiops) 7 (including immatures)
Chacma baboon (Papio ursinus) 3 (including immatures)
Papio sp. 1 (immatures)
'Baboon' 1 (immatures)
Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) 1
Side-striped jackal (Canis adustus) 3 (including immatures)
Black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) 7 (including immatures)
'Jackal' (Canis spp.) 9 (including immatures)
Hunting dog (Lycaon pictus) 2
Bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis) 2 (including immatures)
Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) 7 (including immatures)
African wild cat (Pelis lybica) 2 (immatures)
Serval (Leptailurus serva[) 3 (including 1 nymph)
Lion (Panthera lea) 2 1 (including immatures)
Leopard (Panthera pardus) 6 (including immatures)
Marsh mongoose (Atilax paludinosus) 1 ( 1 nymph)
Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon) 2 (immatures)
White-tailed mongoose (lchneumia albicauda) 26 (immatures, 1 with an adult)
Banded mongoose (Mungos mungo) 3 (immatures)
Meercat (Suricata suricatta) 2 (including larvae)
Spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta) 1 ( 1 nymph)
Striped hyaena (Hyaena hyaena) 1
Brown hyaena (Parahyaena brunnea) 12
'Hyaena' 1
Ratel (Mellivora capensis) 1 (including immatures)
Zorilla (lctonyx striatus) 3 (immatures)
African civet (Civettictis civetta) 6 (including immatures)
Small-spotted genet ( Genetta genetta) 2 (nymphs)
Rusty-spotted genet ( Genetta rubiginosa) 1 (immatures)
Large-spotted genet (Genetta tigrina) 5 (including immatures)
R. appendiculatus 67

Table 1 . (cont.)

Hosts Number of records

'Genet' ( Genetta spp.) 3 (including nymphs)

African elephant (Loxodonta africana) 2
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchelliz) 54 (including immatures)
Equus sp. 3 (including immatures)
White rhinoceros ( Ceratotherium simum) 7 (including nymphs)
Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) 4 (including immatures)
'Rhinoceros' 1 (immatures)
Yellow-spotted rock hyrax (Heterohyrax brucez) 2 (immatures)
Rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) 4 (including immatures)
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 70 (including immatures)
Forest hog (Hylochoerus meinertzhagem) 1 (immatures)
Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus) 1 7 (including immatures)
Giraffe (Girajfa camelopardalis) 1 4 (including immatures)
Impala (Aepyceros melampus) 386 (including immatures)
Coke's hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus cokiz) 1 (including 1 nymph)
Alcelaphus sp. 1 (including immatures)
Blue wildebeest ( Connochaetes taurinus) 49 (including immatures)
Tsessebe (Damaliscus lunatus lunatus) 2 (including immatures)
Blesbok (Damaliscus pygargus phillipsz) 5 (including immatures)
Lichtenstein's hartebeest (Sigmoceros lichtensteiniz) 3 (including nymphs)
Springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) 2 (including 1 nymph)
Grant's gazelle (Gazella grantz) 4 (including immatures)
Thomson's gazelle (Gazella thomsoniz) 2
Kirk's dik-dik (Madoqua kirkiz) 7 (including nymphs)
Suni (Neotragus moschatus) 1
Klipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragus) 9 (including nymphs)
Oribi ( Ourebia ourebz) 7 (including nymphs)
Steenbok (Raphicerus campestris) 6 (including nymphs)
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 78 (including immatures)
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 53 (including immatures)
Nyala ( Tragelaphus angasiz) 90 (including immatures)
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus) 3 1 (including immatures)
Sitatunga ( Tragelaphus spekiz) 1
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros) 1 88 (including immatures)
Bay duiker (Cephalophus dorsalis) 1 (including immatures)
Blue duiker (Cephalophus monticola) 1 (immatures)
Red forest duiker ( Cephalophus natalensis) 7 (including immatures)
Cephalophus sp. 2 (including immatures)
Common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia) 37 (including immatures)
'Duiker' 1 ( 1 nymph)
Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus) 5
Sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) 22 (including nymphs)
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) 47 (including immatures)
Kob (Kobus kob) 7
Lechwe (Kobus leche) 2 (including immatures)
Kobus sp. 1
68 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Table 1 . (cont.)

Hosts Number of records

Reedbuck (Redunca arundinum) 1 7 (including nymphs)

Mountain reedbuck (Redunca fulvorufula) 29 (including immatures)
Bohor reedbuck (Redunca redunca) 2 (including immatures)
Temminck's ground pangolin (Manis temminckii) 1 (nymphs)
Striped grass rat (Lemniscomys striatus) 2 (nymphs)
Brush-furred rat (Lophuromys flavopunctatus) 2 (immatures)
Swamp rat (Otomys irroratus) 5 (larvae)
Spring hare (Pedetes capensis) 3 (immatures)
South African porcupine (Hystrix africaeaustralis) 1 (including immatures)
Greater cane rat ( Thryonomys swinderianus) 3 (including immatures)
Cape hare (Lepus capensis) 1 6 (immatures, 2 with adults)
Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) 139 (immatures, 3 with adults)
Savanna hare (Lepus victoriae) 2 1 (immatures, 1 with adults)
'Hare' (Lepus sp.) 3 (immatures, 2 with adults)

Helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris) 1 1 (immatures, 2 with adults)
Long-crested helmet shrike (Prionops plwnata) 1

Humans 1 8 (including immatures)

rodents confirms that these animals are not good found here. ' As infestations increase in size the
hosts of any life stages of R. appendiculatus. The ticks spread to other parts of the ear flap but
collections from birds are more a reflection of the usually avoid those parts of the integument lying
abundance of ticks at a particular locality than of directly over the cartilage bars. Most engorged
host preference. larvae dropped from stalled cattle between 1 0:00
Burdens of adult ticks can be very large and and 1 4:00 hours, most nymphs between 1 2:00
infestations exceeding 1 000 ticks have been and 1 8 :00 hours and most adults between 06:00
counted on cattle, African buffalo, eland, nyala, and 08:00 hours (Minshull, 1 982) .
greater kudu, waterbuck and an old lion. Bur­ In regions close to the equator more than one life
dens of immature ticks, particularly larvae, often cycle can be completed annually and no clear
exceed several thousand. pattern of seasonal abundance is evident
The preferred sites of attachment of adult (McCulloch et al., 1 968; Matthysse & Colbo,
R. appendiculatus are the pinnae of the ears fol­ 1 987) . Further south only one life cycle is com­
lowed by the head. Nymphs are most commonly pleted annually and adult ticks are generally most
present on the ears, head, legs and feet, and abundant on hosts from mid to late summer
larvae on the head, dewlap, legs and feet (Baker (December to March), larvae from autumn to
& Ducasse, 1 967) . According to Yeoman & winter (April to August) and nymphs from win­
Walker ( 1 96 7) the prime site of attachment of ter to spring Ouly to October) (Wilson, 1 946;
adult ticks is the inside of the pinna, 'in particular Baker & Ducasse, 1 967; Short & Norval,
the proximal third of the upper edge, where the 1 98 1 a,b; Rechav, 1 982) . According to Short &
fringe of long hair grows. With light infestations Norval ( 1 9 8 1 a) the seasonal occurrence of the
the vast majority of R. appendiculatus will be larvae and nymphs follows the pattern set by the
R. appendiculatus 69

adults. The seasonal occurrence of adult ticks on of Theileria parva lawrencei from African buffalo
hosts may be regulated by a photoperiodically to cattle, causing Corridor or buffalo disease in
controlled diapause and these ticks can be pres­ the latter animals (Neitz, 1 955; De Vos, 1 98 1 ) .
ent on the vegetation some months before they Theileria parva bovis of cattle and Theileria
are found on animals (Rechav, 1 98 1 ) . taurotragi of eland and cattle are also transmitted
by R. appendiculatus (Fivaz, Norval & Lawrence,
1 989; Lawrence & MacKenzie, 1 980), as is Ehr­
lichia bovis of cattle (Matson, 1 967; Norval,
1 979) . It is a vector of the viruses causing
The distribution of R. appendiculatus is confined
Nairobi sheep disease and Kisenye sheep disease
to parts of eastern, central and south-eastern Af­
(Montgomery, 1 9 1 7; Bugyaki, 1 955), and of the
rica (Map 2). Records of its presence outside
virus responsible for louping ill in cattle, sheep
this region are thought to be misidentifications,
and man (Alexander & Neitz, 1 935) . It is also a
probably mostly of R. duttoni, R. nitens or R.
vector of Rickettsia conon·, causing tick- bite fever
zambeziensis. Within countries in nearly all these
in man (Yunker & Norval, 1 992) . Very large
regions its distribution is patchy, being limited
infestations with adult ticks may give rise to an
by various factors such as climate, vegetation
immuno-suppressive toxicosis in cattle, resulting
and the availability of suitable hosts. Its distribu­
in the recurrence of tick-borne diseases to which
tion in relation to that of cattle and African buf­
the animals were previously immune (Thomas &
falo, also other ticks of the R. appendiculatus
Neitz, 1 958; Van Rensburg, 1 959) . A similar
group as well as climate and vegetation, has been
toxicosis possibly occurs in wild antelope (Light­
plotted by Lessard et al. ( 1 990) .
foot & Norval, 1 98 1 ) . Very large infestations
Rhipicephalus appendiculatus is found at al­
have also caused the death of eland calves as a
titudes ranging from just above sea level to 2000
result of both acute and chronic anaemia (Lewis,
m, but there are some records of its presence
1 98 1 ) .
above 2400 m. Rainfall for the regions in which
it is most prevalent varies between 500 mm and
2000 mm annually. According to Theiler
( 1 964) it does not occur in open grasslands REFERENCES
without bush but requires tall grass interspersed
with trees or bush. It has been recorded most Alexander, R.A. & Neitz, W.O. ( 1 935). The trans­
frequently in East African bushland, woodland mission of louping ill by ticks (Rhipicephalus
and coastal mosaic; evergreen and semi-ever­ appendiculatus) . Onderstepoort Journal of Vet­
green bushland and thicket; wetter and drier erinary Science and Animal lndustry, 5, 1 5-33.
Baker, M.K. & Ducasse, F.B.W. ( 1 967) . Tick infesta­
Zambezian miombo woodland; and in undif­
tion of livestock in Natal. I. The predilection
ferentiated woodland and Afromontane vegeta­
sites and seasonal variations of cattle ticks. Jour­
nal of the South African Veterinary MedicalAsso­
ciation, 38, 447-53.
Disease relationships Bugyaki, L. ( 1 955). La 'maladie de Kisenyi' du
mouton due a un virus filtrable et transmise par
Rhipicephalus appendiculatus is undoubtedly the des tiques. Bulletin Agricole du Congo Beige, 46,
most economically important tick of the genus
Clifford, C.M., Flux, J.E. & Hoogstraal, H. ( 1 976) .
Rhipicephalus in Africa. It owes this pre-emi­
Seasonal and regional abundance of ticks
nence to the fact that it is the most efficient vector
(Ixodidae) on hares (Leporidae) in Kenya.
of Theileria parva parva, the causative organism Journal ofMedical Entomology, 13, 40-7.
of East Coast fever in cattle (Lounsbury, 1 904, De Vos, A.J. ( 1 98 1 ) . Rhipicephalus appendiculatus:
1 906; De Vos, 1 98 1 ) . It is also an efficient vector cause and vector of diseases in Africa. Journal of
70 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

the South African Veterinary Association, 52, of various large ruminant species in South Afri­
3 1 5-22. can nature reserves. Onderstepoort Journal of
Fivaz, B.H., Norval, RA.I. & Lawrence, J.A. ( 1 989) . Veterinary Research, 50, 221-8.
Transmission of Thei/,eria parva bovis (Boleni Lawrence,J.A. & MacKenzie, P .K.I. ( 1 980) . Isolation
strain) to cattle resistant to the brown ear tick of a non-pathogenic theileria of cattle transmit­
Rhipicephalus appendiculatus (Neumann) . Tropi­ ted by Rhipicephalus appendiculatus. Zimbabwe
cal Animal Health and Production, 21, 1 29-34. Veterinary Journal, 1 1, 27-3 5 .
Horak, LG. ( 1 982) . Parasites of domestic and wild Lessard, P . , L'Eplattenier, R, Norval, RA.I., Kun­
animals in South Africa. XV. The seasonal dert, K., Dolan, T.T., Croze, H., Walker, J.B.,
prevalence of ectoparasites on impala and cattle Irvin, A.D. & Perry, B.D. ( 1 990) . Geographical
in the northern Transvaal. OnderstepoortJoumal information systems for studying the epidemiol­
of Veterinary Research, 49, 85-93. ogy of cattle diseases caused by Theileria parva.
Horak, LG., Boornker,J., De Vos, V. & Potgieter, F.T. Veterinary Record, 126, 255-62.
( 1 988) . Parasites of domestic and wild animals Lewis, A.R ( 1 98 1 ) . The pathology of Rhipicephalus
in South Africa. XXIII. Helminth and ar­ appendiculatus infestation of eland Taurotragus
thropod parasites of warthogs, Phacochoerus oryx. In Proceedings of an International Confer­
aethiopicus, in the eastern Transvaal Lowveld. ence on Tick Biology and Control, ed. G.B.
OnderstepoortJoumal of Veterinary Research, 55, Whitehead & J.D. Gibson, pp. 1 5-20. Graham­
1 4 5-52. stown: Rhodes University.
Horak, LG., Boomker, J. & Flamand, J.RB. ( 1 995) . Lightfoot, C.J. & Norval, RA.I. ( 1 98 1 ) . Tick prob­
Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South lems in wildlife in Zimbabwe. I. The effects of
Africa. XXXIV . Arthropod parasites of nyalas tick parasitism on wild ungulates. South Afn'can
in north-eastern KwaZulu-Natal. Onderstepoort Journal of Wildlife Research, 1 1, 4 1-5 .
Journal of Veterinary Research, 62, 1 7 1-9. Lounsbury, C.P. ( 1 904) . Transmission of African
Horak, LG., Boornker, J., Spickett, A.M. & De Vos, V. Coast Fever. Agricultural Journal, Cape of Good
( 1 992) . Parasites of domestic and wild animals Hope, 24, 428-32.
in South Africa. XXX . Ectoparasites ofkudus in Lounsbury, C.P. ( 1 906) . Ticks and African Coast
the eastern Transvaal Lowveld and the eastern Fever. Agricultural Journal, Cape of Good Hope,
Cape Province. OnderstepoortJournal of Veterin­ 28, 634-54.
ary Research, 59, 259-73. Matson, B.A. ( 1 96 7) . Theileriosis in Rhodesia: I. A
Horak, LG., De Vos, V. & De Klerk, B.D. ( 1 984) . study of diagnostic specimens over two seasons.
Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Journal of the South African Veterinary Medical
Africa. XVII. Arthropod parasites of Burchell's Association, 38, 93-102 .
zebra, Equus burchelli, in the eastern Transvaal McCulloch, B., Kalaye, W.J., Tungaraza, R, Suda,
Lowveld. OnderstepoortJournal of Veterinary Re­ B'Q.J. & Mbasha, E.M.S. ( 1 968). A study of the
search, 5 1 , 1 45-54. life history of the tick Rhipicephalus appendi­
Horak, LG. & Fourie, L.J. ( 1 99 1 ) . Parasites of domes­ culatus - the main vector of East Coast fever -
tic and wild animals in South Africa. XXIX. with reference to its behaviour under field con­
Ixodid ticks on hares in the Cape Province and ditions and with regard to its control in Sukuma­
on hares and red rock rabbits in the Orange Free land, Tanzania. Bulletin of Epizootic Diseases of
State. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Re­ Africa, 16, 477-500.
search, 58, 261-7 1 . Minshull, J.I. ( 1 982) . Drop-off rhythms of engorged
Horak, LG., Jacot Guillarmod, A., Moolman, L.C. & Rhipicephalus appendiculatus (Acarina:
De Vos, V. ( 1 987) . Parasites of domestic and Ixodidae) . Journal of Parasito/,ogy, 68, 484-9.
wild animals in South Africa. XXII. Ixodid ticks Montgomery, E. ( 1 9 1 7) . On a tick-borne gastro-en­
on domestic dogs and on wild carnivores. On­ teritis of sheep and goats occurring in British
derstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 54, East Africa. Journal of Comparative Pathology
573-80. and Therapeutics, 30, 28-57.
Horak, LG., Potgieter, F.T., Walker, J.B., De Vos, V. Neitz, W.O. ( 1 955). Corridor disease: a fatal form
& Boornker, J. ( 1 983) . The ixodid tick burdens of bovine theileriosis encountered in Zululand.
R. appendiculatus 71

Bulletin of Epizootic Diseases of Africa, 3, Rhipicephalus zambeziensis sp.nov., a new tick

1 2 1-3. from eastern and southern Africa, together with
Neumann, L. G. ( 1 90 1 ) . Revision de la famille des a redescription of Rhipicephalus appendiculatus
Ixodides. (4< Memoire) . Memoires de la Socihe Neumann, 1901 (Acarina, Ixodidae) . Onder­
Zoologique de France, 14, 249-372. stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 48, 87-
Norval, RA.I. ( 1 979) . Tick infestations and tick­ 1 04.
borne diseases in Zimbabwe Rhodesia. Journal Wilson, S. G. ( 1 946) . Seasonal occurrence of Ixodidae
of the South African Veterinary Association, 50, on cattle in Northern Province, Nyasaland.
289-92. Parasitology, 37, 1 1 8-25 .
Norval, RA.I., Walker, J.B. & Colborne, J. ( 1 982) . Yunker, C.E. & Norval, RA.I. ( 1 992) . Observations
The ecology of Rhipicephalus zambeziensis and on African tick typhus (tick-bite fever) in Zim­
Rhipicephalus appendiculatus (Acarina, babwe. In Tick Vector Biology, Medical and Vet­
Ixodidae) with particular reference to Zim­ erinary Aspects, ed. B. Fivaz, T. Petney & I.
babwe. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Re­ Horak, pp. 1 43-7. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer­
search, 49, 1 8 1-90. Verlag.
Nuttall, G.H.F. ( 1 9 1 3) . Observations on the biology Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2- 1 4) :
of lxodidae. Part 1 . Parasitology, 6, 68-1 1 8 . Keirans ( 1 985); Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987);
Rechav, Y. ( 1 9 8 1 ) . Ecological factors affecting the Moritz & Fischer ( 1 98 1 ) ; Walker ( 1 974); Yeo­
seasonal activity of the brown ear tick man & Walker ( 1 967).
Rhipicephalus appendiculatus. In Proceedings of
an International Conference on Tick Biology and
Control, ed. G.B. Whitehead & J.D. Gibson, pp.
1 87-9 1 . Grahamstown: Rhodes University.
Rechav, Y. ( 1 982). Dynamics of tick populations
(Acari: Ixodidae) in the eastern Cape Province
of South Africa. Journal of Medical Entomology,
19, 679-700.
Short, N .J. & Norval, RA.I. ( 1 98 1 a) . Regulation of
seasonal occurrence in the tick Rhipicephalus ap­
pendiculatus Neumann, 1 90 1 . Tropical Animal
Health and Production, 13, 1 9-25 .
Short, N.J. & Norval, RA.I. ( 1 98 1b). The seasonal
acuv1ty of Rhipicephalus appendiculatus
Neumann, 1 90 1 (Acarina: Ixodidae) in the
highveld of Zimbabwe Rhodesia. Journal of
Parasitology, 67, 77-84.
Theiler, G. ( 1 964) . Ecogeographical aspects of tick
distribution. In Ecological Studies in Southern Af­
rica, ed. D.H.S. Davis, pp. 284-300. The
Hague: Dr W. Junk Publishers.
Thomas, A.D. & Neitz, W.0. ( 1 958) . Rhipicephaline
tick toxicosis in cattle: its possible aggravating
effects on certain diseases. Journal of the South
African Veterinary Medical Association, 29, 39-
Van Rensburg, S.J. ( 1 959) . Haematological investiga­
tions into the rhipicephaline tick toxicosis syn­
drome. Journal of the South African Veterinary
Medical Association, 30, 75-95.
Walker, J.B., Norval, RA.I. & Corwin, M.D. ( 1 98 1 ) .
72 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species



The specific name aquatilis, from the Latin

meaning 'living in or near water', refers to the
fact that all the collections have been made from
hosts in semi-aquatic habitats.


A large dark reddish-brown to almost black spe­


Male (Figs 7(a), 8(a) to (c))

Capitulum approximately as broad as long,
length x breadth ranging from 0.66 mm x 0.66
• -
mm to 0.85 mm x 0.82 mm. Lateral angles of
basis capituli at about anterior third of its length, r
1 8° l=o�'"---"'--<=-------l--�r--+--J'"------+----1 1 8°
Rhipicephalus aquatilis
acute. Body length x breadth ranging from 2.55
mm x 1 .66 mm to 3.20 mm x 2. 1 6 mm; anter­
* Type locality
• Locality records
ior process of coxae I not particularly promi­
nent. In engorged specimens the body wall bul­ 30 ° 36°
ges slightly posterolaterally and posteriorly,
Map 3. Rhipicephalus aquatilis: distribution. (After
forming a short blunt caudal process Walker et a/., 1 993.)
posteromedially. Conscutum with eyes mar­
ginal, flat, partially outlined by a few puncta­
Female (Figs 7(b), 8(d) to (j))
tions. Cervical pits small, slightly convergent; in­
Capitulum slightly broader than long, the
ternal cervical margins absent; external cervical
length x breadth varying from 0.82 mm x 0.83
margins marked by irregular rows of medium­
mm to 0.85 mm x 0.83 mm; porose areas small,
sized punctations. Marginal lines deep, narrow,
subcircular. Scutum ovoid in shape,
punctate, delimiting first festoons and extending
length x breadth ranging from 1 . 54 mm x 1 .46
anteriorly nearly to eyes. Posteromedian and
mm to 1 .69 mm x 1 .65 mm, broadest at eye
posterolateral grooves well defined. Lateral bor­
level. Eyes marginal, flat to very slightly raised.
ders, both anterior and posterior to eyes, smooth
Cervical pits short, deep, convergent; internal
and shiny, with a few medium-sized setiferous
cervical margins shallow, initially converging
punctations on scapulae and along external cer­
then diverging; external cervical margins as slight
vical margins; medially conscutum covered with
declinations marked by irregular rows of me­
uniformly small punctations. Legs increase very
dium-sized setiferous punctations; lateral bor­
slightly in size from I to IV. Ventrally spiracles
ders slightly raised, generally smooth and shiny
elongate, narrowing slightly as they curve to­
but with some setiferous punctations scattered
wards the dorsal surface. Adanal plates usually
on the scapulae and along the outer margins.
sickle-shaped, but in some males more straight­
Medially punctations numerous, small, uniform­
sided; accessory adanal plates sharply pointed,
ly distributed, but somewhat sparser in the anter­
well sclerotized.
ior areas of the cervical fields. Ventrally genital
aperture between coxae II, V-shaped with the
sides of the opening as gentle sigmoid curves.
R. aquatilis 73

Figure 7. Rhipicephalus aquatilis [Onderstepoort Tick Collection 3 1 43i, Tanzania Tick Collection WA/99, from si­
tatunga (Tragelaphus spekiz), Kaisho, Karagwe, Tanzania, collected on 14 August 1 959 by Mrs G. Tullock] . (a) Male,
dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del. (From Walker et al., 1 993, figs 1 & 2, with kind
permission from the Editor, Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research) .

Immature stages Table 2. Host records ofRhipicephalus aquatilis

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Notes on identification
Cattle 6
Rhipicephalus aquatilis was originally listed as
Rhipicephalus sp. III by Yeoman & Walker Wild animals
( 1 96 7) . Morphologically R. aquatilis somewhat Lion (Panthera leo) 1
resembles R. hurti (see p. 222) . These two spe­ Leopard (Panthera pardus) 1
cies, plus R. jeanneli, were included in their R. Sitatunga ( Tragelaphus spekii) 7
hurti group by Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987) .

This tick has been collected in Uganda, north­
Life cycle unknown. Only 1 5 collections of R. western Tanzania and Zambia from hosts living
aquatilis are presently known (Table 2) . The in various lakeside, swampy or seasonally inun­
sitatunga appears to be the preferred host since dated habitats (Map 3) . Its main host, the si­
the seven collections from this antelope com­ tatunga, is a semi-aquatic antelope that spends
prised 4 1 66, 34 ¥¥ ticks whereas the eight col­ most of its life in swamps with dense papyrus,
lections from the other three host species com­ Cyperus papyrus, and reed beds, Phragmites
prised only 2 J6, 8 n. mauritianus (Skinner & Smithers, 1 990) .
74 Accou,zts of individualAfrotropical sp�--ies
R. armatus 75


1 900
The specific name armatus, from the Latin
meaning 'armed', probably refers to the spines
REFERENCES that become visible on the ventral body wall of
engorged males, one under each adanal plate, as
Walker, J.B., Keirans, J.E. & Pegram, R.G. ( 1 993) . illustrated by Pocock ( 1 900: pl. III, fig. 2c) .
Rhipicephalus aquatilis sp. nov. (Acari,
Ixodidae), a new tick species parasitic mainly on
the sitatunga, Tragelaphus spekei (sic), in East Diagnosis
and Central Africa. OnderstepoortJournal of Vet­
erinary Research, 60, 205-10. A large glossy reddish-brown species.
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) :
Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987); Skinner & Smithers Male (Figs 9(a), 1 O(a) to (c))
( 1 990); Yeoman & Walker ( 1 967) . Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
ranging from 0.55 mm x 0.62 mm to 0.95
mm x 0. 99 mm. Basis capituli with acute, some­
times forwardly directed, lateral angles at about
mid-length. Palps tapering towards apices. Con­
scutum length x breadth ranging from 2 .49
mm x 1 . 53 mm to 4.41 mm x 2 . 58 mm, nar­
rower anteriorly and widening posterior to eyes;
anterior process of coxae I rather inconspicuous,
blunt. Eyes almost flat, sometimes edged dorsally
by one or two large punctations. Cervical pits
long, deep, convergent; external cervical margins
indicated by irregular rows of very large, uneven­
ly-shaped, deeply-sunken setiferous punctations.
Marginal lines similarly punctate, extending from
first festoons almost to eye level. Four broad,
deeply-punctate longitudinal grooves character­
istically present on the posterior half of the con­
scutum, comprising two short posteromedian
grooves flanked on each side by a much longer,
somewhat curved groove. A few slightly smaller,
shallower punctations scattered medially on the
conscutum. Ventrally spiracles elongatedly
Figure 8 (opposite) . Rhipicephalus aquatilis [Onder­
comma-shaped. Adanal plates broad, produced
stepoort Tick Collection 3 1 43i, Tanzania Tick Collec­ posterointemally into a long sub-bifid spine and
tion WA/99, from sitatunga ( Tragelaphus spekii), Kaisho, posteroextemally into a shorter spine, with a con­
Karagwe, Tanzania, collected on 14 August 1959 by Mrs cave posterior margin; in engorged males whose
G. Tullock] . Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates have lifted away from the ventral
adanal plates. Female: (d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scutum; body wall a short sharp spine is visible under each
(f) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs plate when these ticks are viewed from the ventral
by J.F. Putterill. (From Walker et al., 1993, figs 3-8, with side; accessory adanal plates absent.
kind permission from the Editor, OnderstepoortJournal of
Veterinary Research.)
76 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Figure 9. Rhipicephalus armatus [B.S. 908/-, RML 66303, laboratory reared, progeny of '12 collected from zorilla (lctonyx
striatus), Nairange Tseikuru, Kenya, on 9 March 1 960, byL.R. Rickman] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars
represent 1 mm . A. Olwage del.

30° 48° Female (Figs 9(b), 1 O(d) to (j))

Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
ranging from 0.68 mm x 0.79 mm to 1 .07

12° t- �-------¥;.L--+--�rr1 12°

mm x 1 . 1 6 mm. Basis capituli with acute lateral
angles at about mid-length; porose areas large, not
quite twice their own diameter apart. Palps taper­
ing abruptly to narrowly rounded apices. Scutum
broader than long, length x breadth ranging
from 1 . 34 mm x 1 . 5 1 mm to 2.23 mm x 2.35
mm, posterior margin sinuous. Eyes almost fl.at,
sometimes edged dorsally by one or two large
punctations. Cervical pits long, convergent; cer­
vical fields broad, slightly depressed, their outer
margins delimited by irregular rows of very large,
unevenly-shaped, setiferous punctations. A few
Rhipicephalus armatus slightly smaller seriferous punctations scattered
• Type locality medially and laterally on the scutum, interspersed
• Locality records with very fine punctations. Ventrally genital aper­
O Unconfirmed locality record
12· L'====:r::::===±===::1 12° ture broad, with the genital apron tucked under
30° 36° 42° 48° the straight posterior margin of the opening.

Map 4. Rhipicephalus armatus : distribution.

R. armatus 77

Table 3 . Host records o/Rhipicephalus armatus

Number of records

Hosts Confirmed Unconfirmed

Domestic animals
Sheep 1 ( 1 6 only)
Donkey 1
Wild animals
Four-toed hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris) 2
Golden jackal (Canis aureus) 2
*Black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) 2 (including nymphs)
'Jackal' 1
Hunting dog (Lycaon pictus) 2
*Bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis) 2 (nymphs)
Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) 3
*Caracal ( Caracal caraca[) 1 (nymphs)
African wild cat (Pelis lybica) 1 (nymphs)
Lion (Panthera leo) 3 2
Leopard (Panthera pardus)
Spotted hyaena ( Crocuta crocuta)
Striped hyaena (Hyaena hyaena)
Zorilla (Ictonyx striatus)
*Grant's gazelle (Gazella grantt) 1 (1 nymph only) 2
Northern pygmy gerbil ( Gerbillus sp.) 1 (1 6 only)
Cape hare (Lepus capensis) 1 2 (immatures)
*Kori bustard (Ardeotis kon) 1 ( 1 nymph only)
Humans 2 ( 1 rJ, 1 <:il only)

Note: *According to Morel ( 1 980) the identification of the nymphs from these hosts was based on their
differences from other Rhipicephalus sp. 'larvae' (sic) occurring in East Africa, especially Ethiopia; on the
presence of R. armatus adults in the places where they were collected, and on the analogies between these
nymphs and those of the related species R. cuspidatus.

Nymph (Fig. 1 1) breadth ranging from 0.57 mm x 0.62 mm to

Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth 0.64 mm x 0.69 mm, posterior margin a deep
ranging from 0.32 mm x 0.37 mm to 0.35 smooth curve. Eyes at widest point, over halfway
mm x 0.41 mm. Basis capituli over three times back, large, delimited dorsally by slight depress­
as broad as long, with acute lateral angles at ions. Cervical pits long, convergent, continuous
about mid-length projecting over the scapulae; with the long, divergent, depressed internal cer­
ventrally with posterior border broadly rounded. vical margins; these depressions almost reach the
Palps long, almost parallel-sided for most of their posterolateral scutal margins and virtually divide
length, broadly rounded apically, inclined in­ the scutum into three. Ventrally coxae I each
wards. Scutum broader than long, length x with a relatively narrow external spur and a much
78 Accounts of individualAfrotrapiro.l sf>et.'ieJ
R armatus 79

Figure 1 1 (above). Rhipi,ceph.aiUJ armatu.s (B.S. 908/-, RlvU. 66303, laboratory reared, progeny of 'i? collected from zorilla
(Icumyx striatus), Nairange Tseikuro, Keoya, on 9 M.arch 1960, by L.R. Rick.man). Nymph: (a) capirulum, dorsal; (b)
capirulum, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. Scale ban rep.resent O. lO rnro. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.

Figure IQ (<>J>Pi>$iU). Rhifri.e.ephal1L1 aNH<sL·m (B.S. 908/-, RlviL 66303, laboJ:"atory reared, progeny of 9 collected from
zorilla (laonyx ttriarus), Ntlinlnge T$eikurv, I<eoya, oo 9 Ma:rch 1960, by LR. Rickman]. Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal;
(b) :1pira,k; (<:) adanal plalc$. Female: (d) capitulum, dor$al; (e) scapular area; (l) genital aperture. Scale bars represent
0.10 mm. SeMs by M.D. Corwin.
80 Accounts of individual Afrotropical �peci.es

Figure 12. Rhipicephalus amuuus [B.S. 908/-, RML 66303, labora1ory reared, progeny of� collected from zorilla
(lctonyx striatus), Nairange Tseilruru, Kenya, on 9 March l 960, by L.R. Rickman] . Larva: (a) capirulwn, dorsal;
(b) capirulum, vencraJ; (c) scurum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm SEMs by M.D. Corwin.

broader internal spur; coxae Jl co IV each with a broader than long, length x breadth ranging from
smaU external spur only. 0.256 mm x 0.423 mm to 0.283 mm x 0.455
mm; posterior margin a broad smooth curve.
Larva (Fig. 12) Eyes at widest part of scutum, slightly convex.
Capirulum broader than long, length x breadth Cervical grooves shore, almost parallel. VenrraUy
ranging from 0.138 mm x 0.159 mm to 0.151 coxae l each with a single broad spur, coxae 11
mm x 0.170 mm. Basis capituli well over twice and III each with a smaU spur.
as broad as long with short blunt lateral angles,
posterolaterally smoothly rounded. Palps slightly Notes on identification
constricted proximally, otherwise broad, merely This species has occasionally been misidentified.
tapering slightly at their apices. Scutum much Adults in the Lewis Collection, The: Natural His-
R. armatus 81

tory Museum, London, collected from a hunting immature stages: 1 2 o f the 245 hares examined
dog (Lycaon pictus) at Benane, Kenya and listed in the Ololkisailie ( = Olorgesailie)/Magadi area
by Lewis ( 1 93 1 ) as R. simus var. lunulatus, were of Kenya were infested by a total of 70 nymphs
re-identified as R. armatus by Walker ( 1 974) . and 1 larva, a mere 2.5% of the 2809 ticks of all
However, a female in this collection from a lion stages collected from these animals (Clifford,
(Panthera lea) in the Narok area that was orig­ Flux & Hoogstraal, 1 976) .
inally identified as R. armatus was initially re­
identified as R. simus sensu lato; this is almost
certainly R. praetextatus.
Morel ( 1 980) suggested that the record of
Rhipicephalus armatus has been collected in
R. cuspidatus from Dire Dawa, Ethiopia, in Stella
north-eastern Uganda, northern and eastern
( 1 940) probably refers to R. armatus. He also
Kenya, north-eastern Tanzania and at scattered
stated that, according to Tonelli-Rondelli
points in Ethiopia and Somalia (Map 4) . These
( 1 930), R. armatus had been collected from a
are predominantly dry areas with mean annual
bushpig (Potamochoerus porcus), at Sassabe (Mt.
rainfalls ranging from about 1 00 mm to 600 mm .

Ala) , Eritrea; this is apparently a slip as we have

The vegetation is mostly Somalia-Masai Acacia -
been unable to find this record in Tonelli-Ron­
Commiphora deciduous bushland and thicket to
delli's paper.
semi-desert grassland and shrubland.
Jooste ( 1 969) recorded R. armatus in Zim­
babwe on the basis of a single female. Norval
( 1 985), who examined both this specimen and Disease relationships
another female that he had collected, noted that
they corresponded with the description given by Unknown.
Theiler ( 1 94 7) . Despite this he remained uncon­
vinced that this species occurs in Zimbabwe. We
have therefore omitted these records. REFERENCES
A comparison of the line drawing of the R.
Clifford, C.M., Flux, J.E. & Hoogstraal, H. ( 1 976) .
armatus male (Fig. 9 (a)) with that of the R.
Seasonal and regional abundance of ticks
deltoideus male (p. 1 37, Fig. 45 (a)) shows that
(lxodidae) on hares (Leporidae) in Kenya.
the general configuration of the capitulum and
Journal of Medical Entomology, 13, 40-7.
conscutum of these two species is similar in some Jooste, K.F. ( 1 969) . The role of Rhodesia in ixodid
respects. The individual punctations on R. ar­ tick distribution in central and southern Africa.
matus are, however, much larger than those on R. In Proceedings of a Symposium on the Biology and
deltoideus. Control of Ticks in Southern Africa, convenor
G.B. Whitehead, pp. 37-42. Grahamstown,
South Africa: Rhodes University.
Hosts Lewis, E.A. ( 1 93 1 ) . Report on tick survey in Kenya
Colony. Report of the Department of Agriculture,
A three-host species O.B.W., unpublished data, Kenya, for 1 930, pp. 1 5 1-62.
Norval, R.A.I. ( 1 985) . The ticks of Zimbabwe. XII.
1 96 1 ) . The majority of hosts recorded to date for
The lesser known Rhipicephalus species. Zim­
this tick are carnivores, with a tendency for the
babwe Veterinary Journal, 16, 37-43.
adults to occur on the larger species and the
Pocock, R.I. ( 1 900) . On a collection of insects and
immature stages on the smaller ones (Table 3) . arachnids made in 1 895-1 897 in Somaliland,
The largest collection from an individual animal, with description of new species. 9. Chilopoda
though, was 20 6 6, 4 <f!<f! taken from a four-toed and Arachnida. Proceedings of the Zoological So­
hedgehog. ciety of London, Part 1, 48-55, plate III, figs.
Cape hares sometimes act as hosts of the 2-2f.
82 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

Stella, E. ( 1 940) . Nuovi dati sugli ixodidi dell'Africa 1 s0 24 30° 36 °

Orientale Italiana. Rivista di Biologia Coloniale,
3, 43 1-5.
Tonelli-Rondelli, M. ( 1 930) . Ixodoidea del Museo di
Milano. Atti delta Societa Italiana di Scienzi
Naturali, e del Museo Civile di Storia Naturale,
Milano, 59, 1 1 2-24.
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) :
Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987); Morel ( 1 980); 30°
Scaramella ( 1 988); Theiler ( 1 947); Walker
( 1 974); Yeoman & Walker ( 1 967) .

36° f-r::�-------- -:-

-:- ---:-� -:- ----1-­
Rhipicepha/us arnoldi
• Type locality
& ZUMPT, 1 949 1 s0 30°

This species was named in honour of Mr Wolf­ Map 5. Rhipicephalus amoldi: distribution.
gang Arnold of Johannesburg, who collected
some of the specimens on which the original
description was based.
punctations present on the scapulae, scattered
anteriorly in the shape of a female pseudoscutum
Diagnosis and along the marginal lines, interspersed on the
pseudoscutum with medium-sized punctations;
A small yellowish to reddish-brown pear-shaped posterior to the pseudoscutum the punctations
tick. medially on the conscutum are often sparser and
finer. Ventrally spiracles elongatedly comma­
Male (Figs 1 3(a), 1 4(a) to (c)) shaped, with a long narrow dorsal prolongation.
Capitulum much broader than long, Adanal plates short, broad, almost pear-shaped;
length x breadth ranging from 0.40 mm x 0.53 accessory adanal plates short, broad.
mm to 0.49 mm x 0.62 mm. Basis capituli with
long, sharp, forwardly tilted lateral angles at about Female (Figs 1 3(b), 14(d) to (j))
anterior third of its length. Palps short, articles II Capitulum much broader than long,
and III tapering towards their rounded apices, length x breadth ranging from 0.52 mm x 0.72
inclined inwards. Conscutum length x breadth mm to 0.73 mm x 0.84 mm; from lateral angles
ranging from 1 .89 mm x 1 .22 mm to 2.24 forwards almost triangular in outline. Basis
mm x 1 .40 mm, rather thinly sclerotized; anter­ capituli with lateral angles well over halfway
ior process of coxae I not particularly prominent. back, with particularly long, divergent anterolat­
In engorged specimens the midgut caecae show eral margins; porose areas medium-sized, about
through the conscutum. Eyes almost flat, edged twice their own diameter apart. Palps tapering
dorsally by a few large setiferous punctations. even more than in the male to narrowly rounded
Cervical pits deep, convergent, continuous with apices. Scutum longer than broad, length x
the long, divergent internal cervical margins; ex­ breadth ranging from 1 . 07 mm x 0. 99 mm to
ternal cervical margins marked by rows of large 1 . 33 mm x 1 .28 mm, slightly sinuous posteriorly;
setiferous punctations. Marginal lines short. in engorging specimens the midgut caecae show
Posterior grooves often inconspicuous; postero­ through the alloscutum. Eyes almost flat, edged
median groove long, narrow; posterolateral dorsally by one or two large setiferous puncta­
grooves shorter and broader. Large setiferous tions. Cervical pits deep and convergent; cervical
R. arnoldi 83

Figure 1 3. Rhipicephalus arnoldi [laboratory reared, progeny of ¥ collected from Smith's red rock rabbit (Pronolagus
rupestris), Renosterberg, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, on 24 August 1 98 1 , by Leonie Jordaan] . (a) Male, dorsal;
(b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.

Table 4. Host records ofRhipicephalus arnoldi

Hosts Number of records

Wild animals
Caracal (c;aracal caracal) 2 (immatures)
Mountain zebra (Equus zebra) 1
Rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) 79 (immatures; only 1 with ¥¥)
Klipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragus) 1
Four-striped grass mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio) 1 (immatures)
'Field mouse' 1
Cape hare (Lepus capensis) 1
Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) 1 0 (including immatures)
'Wild hare' 2
Jameson's red rock rabbit (Pronolagus randensis) 1 2 ( 1 includes a nymph)
Smith's red rock rabbit (Pronolagus rupestris) 47 (including immatures)
Rock elephant shrew (Elephantulus myurus) 49 (immatures)
84 Accounts ofindividual Afro tropical species

R. arnoldi 8S

Figure 15 (above). Rhipicephalw arrwldi [laboratory reared, progeny of � collected from Smith's red rock rabbit
(Pronolagus rupesiris), Renosterberg, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, on 24 August 1981, by Leorue Jordaan).
Nymph: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) capiculum, venual; (c) scurum; (d) cox2e. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by
J.F. Punerill.

Figure 1 4 (of>POsite) . Rhipicephak's arnoL:Ji [laboratory reared, progeny of <;! collected from Smith's red rock rabbit
(Pronclagus rupestris), Renosterberg, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, on 24 August 1981, by Leonie Jordaan).
Mak: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) 5piraclc; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) capirulum, dorsal; (e) scapular area; (f) genital
aperture. Scale bars represent 0. 1 0 mm. SEJv1s by J.F. f'u((erill.
86 Accounts of indiv'ithw,l Afrotropicol species

fig-ure 16. Rltipiceplv.d11t arnoldi Paboratory reared, progeny of l' collected from Smith's red rock rabbit (Pro11olagus
rupmris), Renosl�rberg, Ea$l� Cape Pro�ince, South Africa, on 24 August 1981, by LeQnie Jordaan) . Larva: (a)
capirulwn, <lorsal; (t:>) capitutvm, ventral; (c) scurum; (d) coxac. Scale bars represenc 0.10 mm. SEMs by J.F.

fields long, taperlng towards their posterior ends; Nymph (Fig. 15)
exre.maJ cervical margins marked by .rows of CapiruJum much broader than long> length x
large setiferous punctations. Large setiferous breadth ranging from 0.22 mrn x 0.33 mm to
punctations scactered on che scapulae aod m.e­ 0.27 mm x 0.37 mm. Basis capituli over three
dially on the scurum, where dley are n
i cerspersed angJes in
times as broad as long, with acute LateraJ
with medium-sized punctations; a few very f ne anterior half, overlapping the scapuJae. Palps
puncmtions present anterior co the eyes. Ven­ constricted prox.imaUy, then widening, tapering
trally genital apermre U-shaped. towardstbe rounded tips, inclined inwards.
Scurum broader than Jong, lengtl1 x bceadllt
R. arnoldi 87

ranging from 0.49 mm x 0.54 mm to 0.50 Van den Heever, 1 992) (Table 4) . Infestations
mm x 0.56 mm; posterior margin broad, fairly on other hosts should be regarded as accidental.
deep. Eyes at widest point, over halfway back, There is no clear pattern of seasonal abundance
mildly convex, delimited dorsally by slight de­ for any of the life stages. This has been ascribed
pressions. Cervical pits deep and convergent ; to the warmth and humidity provided by the
cervical fields long, narrow, depressed, running preferred hosts while in their forms or refuges,
parallel to anterolateral margins of scutum. Ven­ thus creating ideal microhabitats for the year­
trally coxae I each with a long narrow external round development of this tick (Horak et al.,
spur and short, broad internal spur, coxae II to 1 99 1 ) .
IV each with mere indications of spurs.

Larva (Fig. 1 6)
Capitulum nearly as broad as long, length x
Present indications are that R. arnoldi occurs
breadth ranging from 0 . 1 43 mm x 0 . 1 4 1 mm to
only in South Africa and Zimbabwe (Map 5) . In
0. 1 6 5 mm x 0. 1 56 mm. Basis capituli well over
South Africa most collections have been made in
twice as broad as long, more or less rectangular in
the south-western Free State and in the Karoo
shape. Palps constricted proximally, then widen­
regions of the Eastern and Western Cape Prov­
ing before they taper slightly to their tips; at their
inces. All records from Zimbabwe come from the
widest point extending laterally beyond the basis
Matopos region. The vegetation of these collec­
capituli. Scutum much broader than long, length
tion sites has been described as Highveld grass­
x breadth ranging from 0.283 mm x 0.432 mm
land and various types of undifferentiated wood­
to 0.294 mm x 0.459 mm. Posterior margin
land and ofKaroo shrubland. However, the tick's
broad, fairly deep. Eyes at widest point, about
distribution within any region is patchy, being
halfway back, slightly convex. Cervical grooves
restricted to the krantzes, rocky hillsides, boul­
short, virtually parallel. Coxae each with an inter­
der-strewn koppies and rocky ravines favoured
nal spur.
by its preferred hosts. This association with a
rocky habitat is emphasized by the fact that the
Notes on identification common names of 6 of the 1 2 hosts listed in
The capituli of the adults of this small species, Table 4 include the words rock, klip (stone) or
particularly of the female, are triangular in gen­ mountain.
eral appearance. Engorging females and nymphs
are conspicuously pear-shaped.
Records of R. arnoldi from the Sudan Disease relationships
(Hoogstraal, 1 956) are now considered incor­
rect. Unknown.

A three-host species O.B.W., unpublished data,
Fourie, L.J., Horak, LG. & Van den Heever, J.J
1 98 1 ) . Although scrub hares may be infested, the
( 1 992) . The relative host status of rock elephant
preferred hosts of the adults are Jameson's and
shrews Elephantulus myurus and Namaqua rock
Smith's red rock rabbits (Norval, 1 985; Horak & mice Aethomys namaquensis for economically
Fourie, 1 99 1 ) . Rock hyraxes seldom carry adult important ticks. South African Journal of Zool­
ticks but, with rock elephant shrews and red rock ogy, 27, 1 08-1 4.
rabbits, are the preferred hosts of the immature Horak, LG. & Fourie, L.J. ( 1 986) . Parasites of domes­
stages (Horak & Fourie, 1 986; Fourie, Horak & tic and wild animals in South Africa. XIX.
88 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Ixodid ticks and fleas on rock <lassies (Procavia Male (Figs 1 7(a), 1 8(a) to (c))
capensis) in the Mountain Zebra National Park. Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth
OnderstepoortJournal of Veterinary Research, 53, ranging from 0.85 mm x 0. 78 mm to 1 .04
1 2 3-6. mm x 0.91 mm. Basis capituli with long,
Horak, L G. & Fourie, L.J. ( 1 99 1 ) . Parasites of domes­
slightly-divergent lateral angles, not extending
tic and wild animals in South Africa. XXIX.
over the small, but definite, anterior processes of
Ixodid ticks on hares in the Cape Province and
coxae I; posterior margin a concave arc between
on hares and red rock rabbits in the Orange Free
State. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Re­ prominent cornua. Palps short, broad, flattened
search, 58, 261-70. apically. Conscutum length x breadth ranging
Horak, LG., Fourie, L.J., Novellie, P.A. & Williams, from 3.53 mm x 2.52 mm to 4.44 mm x 3 . 1 0
E.J. ( 1 99 1 ) . Parasites of domestic and wild ani­ mm. In engorged males a single caudal process
mals in South Africa. XXVI. The mosaic of is seen. Eyes marginal, flat, may be edged dor­
ixodid tick infestations on birds and mammals in sally with one or more punctations. Cervical
the Mountain Zebra National Park. Onder­ fields inapparent, external cervical margins
stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 58, 1 25- poorly defined with only a few shallow puncta­
36. tions. Marginal lines merely indicated by rows of
Norval, RA.I. ( 1 985) . The ticks of Zimbabwe. XII.
shallow punctations or sometimes by puncta­
The lesser known Rhipicephalus species. Zim­
tions in a very shallow groove posteriorly near
babwe Veterinary Journal, 16, 37-43.
festoons. Posteromedian groove absent,
Theiler, G. & Zumpt, F. ( 1 949) . Description of new
species. Rhipicephalus (s. str.) arnoldi Theiler posterolateral grooves absent or as shallow
and Zumpt, n. sp. In Preliminary study to a rounded depressions. Background punctations
revision of the genus Rhipicephalus Koch. Key to on conscutum fine with a few medium-sized
the adult ticks of the genus Rhipicephalus Koch punctations often appearing in a 'simus' pattern.
and description of two new species, author F. Without magnification the conscutum appears
Zumpt, pp. 1 1 1-19. Published in: Moi;ambique, smooth and impunctate. Legs increase in size
No. 60, 57-123. from I to IV. Ventrally spiracles narrow with
Also see the following Basic Reference (p. 1 3) : Hoog­ apex of prolongation visible dorsally. Adanal
straal ( 1 956) . plates roughly triangular with the internal mar­
gin scooped out around anus, and produced into
large median cusps; accessory adanal plates
elongate, pointed.
ZUMPT, 1 949 Female (Figs 1 7(b), 1 8(d) to (j))
Capitulum slightly longer than broad, length x
Patronym in honour of Professor Joseph C. Be­
breadth ranging from 0.8 1 mm x 0.80 mm to
quaert, born in 1 886. He was entomologist for 1 .0 1 mm x 0.95 mm. Basis capituli with moder­
the Belgian Sleeping Sickness Commission, Bel­ ately-curved lateral angles; porose areas large,
gian Congo, 1 9 1 0- 1 9 1 2, and in charge of explo­ nearly twice their own diameter apart. Palps
ration work, 1 9 1 3 . Later he became Alexander
short, broad, flattened apically. Scutum broader
Agassiz Professor of Zoology, Museum of Com­ than long, length x breadth ranging from 1 .5 1
parative Zoology, Harvard University. mm x 1 .62 mm to 1 .87 mm x 2.05 mm. Eyes
about halfway back, slightly bulging. Cervical
fields broad, usually rugose anteriorly, almost
Diagnosis reaching posterolateral scutal margin; internal
cervical margins marked by a declination, exter­
A moderately large dark brown tick with a nal cervical margins marked by a declination an­
smooth lightly-punctate conscutum and scutum. teriorly. Punctations small to medium-sized,
R. bequaerti 89

Figure 1 7. Rhipicephalus bequaerti [collected from African buffalo (Syncerus caffer), Icely's farm, 01 Arabel, Kenya on 29
July 1 957 by S. F. Barnett.] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.

24 ° 30 ° 36 ° 42 ° Table 5. Host records ofRhipicephalus bequaerti

60 60 Hosts Number of records
.... !

.,- - ·-l....
·-··-··-...- ___ .,-·-, Domestic animals

,/ '@:s "-; )
Goats 2
00 •• 0
• Wild animals
' ,. , Forest hog (Hylochoerus
BURUNDI meinertzhagenz)
60 0 Bushpig (Potomochoerus
larvatus) 2
'Wild pig'
Rhipicephalus bequaerti
African buffalo (Syncerus
Type locality unknown (see text)
• Locality records ....._ . �·
. caffer) 5
12° 1 2°
'· '
Humans 1
24 ° 30 ° 36° 42°

Map 6. Rhipicephalus bequaerti: distribution.

90 Account.s of individual A/roiropical specU.s
R. bequaerti 91

shallow, evenly distributed over the scutal sur­ head, ears and body, plus several collections
face. Ventrally genital aperture broadly U­ from various wild suids (Elbl & Anastos, 1 966;
shaped with apron bulging anteriorly, and pos­ Walker, 1 974) . Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966) also cited
terior margin of the U also bulging. a large collection of 2 1 6 6, 3 <fl<fl from a human
(Table 5) .
Immature stages
Zoo geography

Notes on identification
Present indications are that R. bequaerti has a
The type 6 and <fl of R. bequaerti were recorded
discontinuous distribution from Nagichot, in the
from 'Lissenji', Central Africa. This has not been
Didinga Mountains of south-eastern Sudan,
traced; Hoogstraal ( 1 956) suggested that it might
southwards to northern Tanzania. Most records
be a misspelling of Kisenyi (now called Gisenyi),
are from eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
and central Kenya (Map 6) . Matthysse & Colbo
Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987) indicated that
( 1 987) suggested that extensive collecting in the
females of R. bequaerti may be confused with
high altitude areas of Uganda might also reveal
females of R. appendiculatus where the two spe­
its presence there.
cies are sympatric. The bulging appearance of
R. bequaerti has been found in high altitude
the genital aperture in the female of R. bequaerti
forested areas from about 1 800 m to 2500 m,
helps to differentiate this species.
with annual rainfalls ranging from c. 500 mm to
According to Morel ( 1 980, p. 1 56) a female
c. 1 500 mm.
tick 'found free between the Amboni and
Naremuru (sic) rivers ( 1 800 m, Kenya) ', listed as
R. simus planus by Neumann ( 1 9 1 3), proved on Disease relationships
re-examination to be R. bequaerti.

R. bequaerti has never been reared in the labora­
tory, but it is assumed to be a three-host species. Neumann, L.G. ( 1 9 1 3) . Ixodidae. In Voyage de Ch.
It is a rare tick that has hardly ever been recorded Alluaud et R. Jeanne! en Afrique Orientate (1 911-
in anything but very small numbers. Only a few 1 912). Resultats Scientifiques. Arachnida, II, 23-
specimens have been found on cattle and goats 35. Paris: A. Schulz.
(Rousselot, 1 9 5 1 ; Hoogstraal, 1 956; Elbl & Rousselot, R. ( 1 95 1 ) . Ixodes de l'Afrique noire. Bull­
Anastos, 1 966; Yeoman & Walker, 1 967) . Most etin de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique, 44, 307-
collections have been obtained from African buf­ 9.
faloes, on which the ticks were attached on the Zumpt, F. ( 1 949) . Preliminary study to a revision of
the genus Rhipicephalus Koch. Key to the adult
ticks of the genus Rhipicephalus and description
of two new species. Moi;ambique, No. 60, 57-
1 23 .
Figure 18 (opposite) . Rhipicephalus bequaerti [collected Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) :
from African buffalo (Syncerus cajfer), lcely's farm, 01 Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966); Hoogstraal ( 1 95 6); Mat­
Arabel, Kenya, on 29 July 1957 by S.F. Barnett] . Male: thysse & Colbo ( 1 987); Morel ( 1 980); Walker
(a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. ( 1 974); Yeoman & Walker ( 1 967) .
Female: (d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scutum; (t) genital
aperture. Scale bars represent 0 . 1 0 mm. SEMs by J.F.
92 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

RHIPICEPHALUS BERGEONI MOREL mm x 0.89 mm Basis capituli with broad lat­


& BALIS, 1 976 eral angles; porose areas large, slightly more
than their own diameter apart. Palps broad,
This species was named after Dr P. Bergeon, somewhat flattened apically. Scutum usually
who made a major contribution to our knowl­ longer than broad, length x breadth ranging
edge of Ethiopian ticks. from 1 .28 mm x 1 . 1 3 mm to 1 . 70 mm x 1 .64
mm, posterior margin sinuous. Eyes about
halfway back, almost flat, edged dorsally by a
Diagnosis few large punctations. Cervical fields broad,
slightly depressed, their outer margins indicated
A fairly large brown to reddish-brown tick. by a few large setiferous punctations. A few
setiferous punctations also present on the scap­
Male (Figs 1 9(a), 20(a) to (c)) ulae and scattered medially on the scutum, inter­
Capitulum slightly broader than long, spersed with numerous fine punctations. Ven­
length x breadth ranging from 0.56 mm x 0.57 trally genital aperture with sides of opening
mm to 0.63 mm x 0.64 mm. Basis capituli with converging to the broadly-rounded base, the
short, broad lateral angles. Palps short, broad. genital apron depressed.
Conscutum length x breadth ranging from 2.34
mm x 1 .46 mm to 2.76 mm x 1 .70 mm; anter­ Immature stages
ior process of coxae I inconspicuous. In en­ Unknown.
gorged specimens body wall expanded slightly
laterally and posterolaterally and forming a Notes on identification
short, blunt caudal process posteriorly. Eyes According to Morel ( 1 980), some specimens of
marginal, almost flat, edged dorsally by a few R. bergeoni have in the past been confused with R.
large punctations. Cervical fields inconspicuous. appendiculatus, R. supertritus and R. turanicus. He
Marginal lines long, outlined by punctations. considered that this species belongs to the R.
Posteromedian and posterolateral grooves well sanguineus group, but Pegram et al. ( 1 987) re­
developed, their surfaces shagreened. A few garded its position in this group as being some­
large setiferous punctations scattered on the what equivocal. We feel that it will be necessary
scapulae but largest and most conspicuous in to study its immature stages in order to deter­
irregular lines along the outer cervical margins; mine its real relationships within the genus.
slightly smaller setiferous punctations scattered
medially on the conscutum, interspersed with Hosts
numerous finer punctations which become
sparse to absent adjacent to the marginal lines. Life cycle unknown, but Morel ( 1 980) suggested
Legs increase slightly in size from I to N. Ven­ that it is probably a three-host species whose
trally spiracles short, broad, narrowing slightly immature stages feed on rodents. The
only where they curve gently towards the dorsal commonest hosts recorded for this species to
surface. Adanal plates with their posteroexternal date are cattle, and to a lesser extent sheep. Few
and posterointernal margins broadly rounded, collections have been made from other domestic
their internal margins curving in towards each animals, and even fewer from wild animals
other posterior to the anus; accessory adanal (Table 6) . On cattle its predilection site is the
plates short, pointed. ears, from which over 94% of the specimens in
one collection were taken.
Female (Figs 1 9(b), 20(d) to (f)) It is often associated with Amblyomma
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth variegatum in the field (Pegram et al., 1 987; De
ranging from 0.64 mm x 0.71 mm to 0.79 Castro, 1 994) .
R. bergeoni 93

Figure 1 9. Rhipicephalus bergeoni (from bovine, Dodola, Bale, Ethiopia, collected in November 1971 and donated by P. C.
Morel) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage de!.

Table 6. Host records ofRhipicephalus bergeoni


Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
ERITREA Cattle 1 04
Sheep 33
Goats 6
Horses 5

Wild animals
Striped hyaena (Hyaena
hyaena) 2
Mountain nyala ( Tragelaphus

I � �) KENYA buxtonz)
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus

0 ° Rhipicephalus bergeoni ,__ __ ,______, o·

* Type locality Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus
• Locality records
strepsiceros) 1

Map 7. Rhipicephalus bergeoni: distribution.

94 Accounts of individual Afrctrcpicai species
R. bergeoni 95

Of the 27 Ethiopian collections recorded REFERENCES

prior to 1 987, 26 were obtained between June
and September, i.e. during the rainy season. De Castro, J.J. ( 1 994) . Tick survey - Ethiopia. A survey
of the tick species in western Ethiopia, including
previous findings and recommendations for further
Zoogeography tick surveys in Ethiopia. Rome: Food and Agri­
culture Organization of the United Nations,
Apart from one large collection from cattle at AG:DP/ETH/83/023, Technical Report, 83
Damazein, eastern Sudan, R. bergeoni has been pp.
recorded only in Ethiopia (Map 7) . There it Morel, P.C. & Balis, J. ( 1 976) . Description de
occurs in the highlands and subhighlands at alti­ Rhipicephalus bergeoni n. sp. (Acariens, Ixodida)
tudes of up to 3000 m, with annual rainfalls des montagnes d'Ethiopie. Revue d'Elevage et de
ranging from about 1 200 mm to over 2600 mm, Medecine Viterinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 29
mainly in highland forest communities. Occa­ (nouvelle serie) , 337-40 .
Pegram, R.G., Keirans,J.E., Clifford, C.M. & Wfilker,
sionally it has been collected in montane grass­
J.B. ( 1 987) . Clarification of the Rhipicephalus
lands near these forests (Pegram et al., 1 987; De
sanguineus group (Acari, Ixodoidea, Ixodidae) .
Castro, 1 994) .
IL R. sanguineus (Latreille, 1 806) and related
species. Systematic Parasitology, 10, 27-44.
Disease relationships Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2- 1 4) :
Morel, 1 980; Pegram, 1 979.

Figure 20 (opposite). Rhipicephalus bergeoni [RML

1 05792 ((a), (d) and (e)), from bovine, Hubeta, Harrar,
Ethiopia, collected on 26 June 1 974 by P. C. Morel; RML
1 07629 ((b), (c) and (t)) also from bovine, Hubeta,
collected on 24 June 1 974 by P.C. More]] . Male: (a)
capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female:
(d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scutum; (t) genital aperture.
Scale bars represent 0 . 1 0 mm. SEMs by Pat Hill ( (a) and
(d)) and M.D. Corwin ((b), (c), (e) and (t)) .
96 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

RHIPICEPHALUS BOUETI MOREL, about twice their own diameter apart. Palps with
1 957 article III almost wedge-shaped, their apices nar­
rowly rounded. Scutum longer than broad,
This species was named i n memory o f D r Bouet, length x breadth of the two specimens measured
who collected the type specimens in 1 909. 1 .34 mm x 1 .27 mm and 1 . 57 mm x 1 .3 7 mm
respectively; posterior margin a deep slightly
sinuous curve. Eyes at about mid-length, almost
Diagnosis fiat, delimited dorsally by a few punctations. Cer­
vical pits convergent, continuous with short shal­
A small reddish-brown tick. low divergent internal cervical margins. A few
medium-sized setiferous punctations present on
Male (Figs 21 (a), 22(a) to (c)) the scapulae, along the external margins of the
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth cervical fields and medially on the scutum, inter­
of the two specimens measured 0.5 1 mm x 0.59 spersed with numerous fine punctations. Ven­
mm and 0.57 mm x 0.60 mm respectively. Basis trally genital aperture a wide U, with its apron
capituli with short acute lateral angles in the anter­ apparently not quite covering the opening.
ior third of its length. Palps short, broad, some­
what flattened apically. Conscutum length x Immature stages
breadth 2.60 mm x 1 .70 mm and 2.66 mm x Unknown.
1 . 7 5 mm respectively; anterior process on coxae I
inconspicuous. Body wall of the specimen illus­ Notes on identification
trated in the original description expanded These descriptions are based on adults kindly
posterolaterally and posteriorly with a single short donated to us by the late Dr P.C. Morel.
bluntly rounded caudal process. Eyes almost fiat, Hoogstraal ( 1 954) recorded R. ziemanni 1
delimited dorsally by a few punctations. Cervical male, 1 female ' . . . from behind ears of hyrax,
pits comma-shaped. Marginal lines short and Tinta-Atola, Mamfe, Cameroons . . . ' but Morel
shallow. Posteromedian groove relatively long ( 1 957) suggested that these specimens might in
and narrow, posterolateral grooves shorter and fact be R. boueti.
broader. Medium-sized setiferous punctations in
two rows rather vaguely indicating the position of
the external cervical margins and in the marginal
lines, with another four rows in the 'simus' pattern
Life cycle unknown. Only two records of this
medially on the conscutum, all interspersed with
species are known to us, both from the rock
numerous small punctations. Ventrally spiracles
hyrax, Procavia capensis (syn. Procavia latastei, P.
elongate with a long, gently-tapering dorsal pro­
ruficeps) . It is probably a specific parasite of these
longation that curves slightly only near its end.
animals (Morel & Mouchet, 1 965) .
Adanal plates curved, almost banana-shaped,
tapering to a point anteriorly and narrowly
rounded posteriorly; accessory adanal plates con­ Zoogeography
spicuous, strongly sclerotized, pointed.
Both records of R. boueti are from West Africa,
Female (Figs 21(b), 22(d) to (j)) the types from Agouagou ( = Agouagon) , Benin
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth (formerly Dahomey) , and the subsequent collec­
of the two specimens measured 0.67 mm x 0.78 tion from Mboutwa (Maroua), Cameroon
mm and 0. 79 mm x 0.87 mm respectively. Basis (Map 8) . As the rock hyrax occurs in suitable
capituli with acute lateral angles at about mid­ habitats in a broad belt right across West Africa
length; porose areas medium sized, subcircular, (Skinner & Smithers, 1 990; see also p. 1 45, under
R. boueti 97

Figure 2 1 . Rhipicephalus boueti [from rock hyrax (Procavia capensis), Maroua, Cameroon, collected in 1 959 and donated
by P.C. Morel] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.

R. distinctus) this tick is probably also more widely

distributed than these two records suggest.

.... ..... ··- .
. ....._..... ,
� ,


\\ ° Disease relationships
12 12
. r ·-· !
' .
NIGERIA Unknown.

i- ..... .........

' ·--l----
6 0 l--+7flc'=='=='=�=ol----,L:____
- --t-
{------1 60

Hoogstraal, H. ( 1 954) . Noteworthy African tick re­

Rhipicephalus boueti cords in the British Museum (Natural History)
• Type locality 1---+--<-----j 0 0 collections. Proceedings of the Entomological So­
• Locality record '1 �r:P, ciety of Washington, 56, 273-9 .
. ..1··\.-·..._ .
. /vO / Morel, P.C. ( 1 957) . Rhipicephalus boueti n. sp.
(Acarina, Ixodidae) parasites des damans du
Dahomey. Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie
Map 8. Rhipicephalus boueti: distribution. hxotique, 50, 696-700.
Morel, P.C. & Mouchet, J. ( 1 965) . Les tiques du
Cameroun (lxodidae et Argasidae) (2< note) .
Anna/es de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee,
40, 477-96.
Also see the following Basic Reference (p. 1 4) :
Skinner & Smithers ( 1 990) .
98 Accounts ofindividual Afroirop£cal species
R. camicasi 99

Figure 22 (opposite). Rhipicephalus boueti [from rock hy­ plates variable but in general also fairly narrow,
rax (Procavia capensis), Maroua, Cameroon, collected in with their internal margins scooped out pos­
1 959 and donated by P.C. Morel] . Male: (a) capitulum, terior to the anus; accessory adanal plates small,
dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) pointed.
capitulum, dorsal; (e) scutum; (f) genital aperture. Scale
bars represent 0. 1 0 mm. SEMs by J.F. Putterill.
Female (Figs 23(b)) 24(d) to ({))
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
ranging from 0.54 mm x 0.64 mm to 0.68
mm x 0.76 mm. Basis capituli with acute lateral
RHIPICEPHALUS CAM/CASI MOREL, angles at about mid-length; porose areas quite
MOUCHET & RODHAIN, 1 976 small, about twice their own diameter apart.
Palps gently rounded apically. Scutum slightly
This species was named after Dr J.-L. Camicas longer than broad, length x breadth ranging
in recognition of his contributions to knowledge from 1 . 1 0 mm x 1 .09 mm to 1 .42 mm x 1 .35
of the African Haemaphysalis species in the H. mm; posterior margin sinuous. Eyes almost flat,
leachi group. edged dorsally by a few large setiferous puncta­
tions. Cervical pits comma-shaped; cervical
fields fairly long and narrow, their outer margins
Diagnosis delimited by rather irregular rows of large setifer­
ous punctations. A few medium-sized setiferous
A moderate-sized reddish-brown tick. punctations scattered on the scapulae and others,
somewhat larger, medially on the scutum, inter­
Male (Figs 23(a)) 24(a) to (c)) spersed with numerous fine interstitial puncta­
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth tions. Ventrally genital aperture narrowly U­
ranging from 0.43 mm x 0.48 mm to 0.52 shaped, its internal flaps usually pigmented and
mm x 0.57 mm. Basis capituli with acute lateral parallel.
angles at about mid-length. Palps gently
rounded apically. Conscutum length x breadth Nymph (Fig. 25)
ranging from 1 . 72 mm x 1 .07 mm to 2.20 Capitulum much broader than long,
mm x 1 . 3 1 mm; anterior process of coxae I length x breadth ranging from 0. 1 8 mm x 0.29
bluntly rounded, inconspicuous. In engorged mm to 0.22 mm x 0.32 mm. Basis capituli
males body wall expanded laterally and about four times as broad as long, with sharp
posterolaterally, with a short bluntly rounded tapering lateral angles extending over the scap­
posteromedian protrusion. Eyes almost flat, ulae; ventrally with short spurs on the posterior
edged dorsally by a few large setiferous puncta­ margin. Palps tapering slightly to rounded api­
tions. Cervical pits comma-shaped, convergent; ces, inclined inwards. Scutum broader than
external cervical margins delimited by rows of long, length x breadth ranging from 0.43
large setiferous punctations. Marginal lines long mm x 0.47 mm to 0.48 mm x 0.55 mm; pos­
but not always well defined. Posterior grooves terior margin a smooth shallow curve. Eyes at
broad, shallow. A few medium-sized setiferous widest point, well over halfway back, long and
punctations present on the scapulae, those me­ narrow, delimited dorsally by slight depressions.
dially on the conscutum larger and more dis­ Cervical pits convergent; cervical fields long,
tinct; interstitial punctations variable, usually narrow, slightly depressed, inconspicuous. Ven­
light, becoming smaller and sparser laterally ad­ trally coxae I each with a relatively large external
jacent to the marginal lines. Ventrally spiracles spur and a much smaller broader internal spur;
relatively long and narrow, with the dorsal pro­ coxae II and III with mere indications of a spur
longation curving slightly just at its end. Adanal but none on IV.
100 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

Figure 23. Rhipicephalus camicasi (Onderstepoort Tick Collection 3037v, collected from domestic sheep, Mersa Matruh,
Western Desert, Egypt, on 9 August 1 950 by H. Hoogstraal) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1
mm A. Olwage del.

Table 7. Host records o/Rhipicephalus camicasi

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 13
Sheep 13
Goats 12
Camels 8

Wild animals
Bat-eared fox ( Otocyon
megalotis) 1
Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) 1
Grevy's zebra (Equus grevyz) 2
'Zebra' (Equus sp.) 1 Figure 24 (opposite) . Rhipicephalus camicasi (R.G. Pe­
Aardvark ( Orycteropus afer) 1 gram, series L66, laboratory reared, original CJ! collected
Warthog (Phacochoerus from a donkey, Egypt) . Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b)
africanus) 1 spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) capitulum, dorsal;
Gerenuk (Litocranius wallerz) (e) scutum; (f) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0. 1 0
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 2 mm SEMs by M.D. Corwin. (Figs (b), (c), (e) & (f)

Cape hare (Lepus capensis) 3 from Pegram et al., 1 987, figs 22-24 & 26, with kind
permission from Kluwer Academic Publishers.)
R. camicasi 101
102 Aww1ts ofin4ividual Afrotropicalspecies

t�. a


Figwc 25. Rhip�plialus camkmi (R.G. l?eg:ram, series L66, laboratory reared, original 9 collected from a donkey,
Egypt) . Nymph: (a) capitulurn, dorsal; (b) capicuh.un, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm.
SEMs by /vi.D. Corwin. {Pig.:J (:a.), (c) &. (cl) fr<1m Pegram et al., 1987, figs 18-20, with kind pennission from Kluwer
Academic Publi�licn.)

l.Arva (Fi
g. 26) smooth shallow curve. Eyes at widest part of
Capitulum much broader than long, scurum,almosrflat. Cerv1calgrooves slightly con­
length x bi:cadth ranging from O. l OS mm x vergent. Ventrally coxae I each with a broad sali­
0.130 mm to 0.111 nun x 0.137 mm. Basis ence on ics posterior border; coxae II with a mere
capituli about three times a:S br:oad as Jong wim indication of a spur; coxae III lacks a spur.
sbo.rc bluric later.tlangles. Palps broad, lheir e1net'­
nal margfr1s sightly
l convex, inclined inwards. Nous on idmtification
Scutum much broader than Jong, length x R. camicasi belongs to the R. sanguineus group
bi:eadtb ningi.og from 0.204 rnrn x 0.330 mm ro (Morel et al., 1976; Pegram et al., 1987). Some
0.223 rnm x 0.362 r:nm; postecior margin a records of this species were probably listed under
R. camicasi 103

Figure 26. Rhipicephalw camicasi (R.G. Pegram, series L66, laboratory reared, original 2 collected from a donkey,
Egypt). Larva: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c) scurum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm.
SEMs by M.D. Corwin. (Figs (a), (c) & (d) from Pegram et al., 1987, figs 15-17, with kind pennission from
KJuwer Academic PubUshers.)

R. sanguineus sensu /.a,w by Theiler ( l 962). goats and camels, are the most commonly re­
One feature that helps to distinguish R. corded hosts (Pegram et al., 1987) (Table 7). In
camicasi from R. sanguineus is the structure of its the Ycmen Arab Republic it is the commonest
mounced female genital aperrure (seep. 387 >Fig. rhipicephatid on domesticated animals (Pegram
178). et al., 1987). Rhipicephalus camicasi has> how­
ever, also been collecced from a number of wild
Hosts animals, of which zebras and Cape hares are the
most numerous (Morel et al., 1 976; Morel, 1980;
A three-host species (Pegram, 1984). Up to now Pegram et al., 1987). The hosts ofthe immature
domestic animals> particularly cattle, sheep, stages are unknown but are probably 'mouse-like
104 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

24° 30
as Somalia-Masai Acacia-Commiphora decidu­
° ous bushland and thicket, Sahel Acacia wooded
grassland and deciduous bushland, and semi­
desert grassland and shrubland. In Egypt in the
vicinity of Cairo it occurs in stone and gravel
desert regions, known locally as hamadas and
regs, incised by dry valleys or wadis.
In both Ethiopia and Somalia it is apparent­
ly most active during the dry season (Pegram et
al., 1 987) .

Disease relationships



0 00

0 Morel, P.C., Mouchet, J. & Rodhain, F. ( 1 976) . De­
scription de Rhipicephalus camicasi n.sp .

60 Rhipicepha/us camicasi
* Type locality (approximate)
6 (Acariens, Ixodida) des steppes subdesertiques
• Locality records de la plaine afar. Revue d'Elevage et de Medecine
0 Locality in country unknown
Viterinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 29 (nouvelle
30° 42°
serie), 337-40.
Pegram, R.G., Keirans,J.E., Clifford, C.M. & Walker,
Map 9. Rhipicephalus camicasi: distribution. J.B. ( 1 987). Clarification of the Rhipicephalus
sanguineus group (Acari, Ixodoidea, Ixodidae) .
IL R. sanguineus (Latreille, 1 806) and related
species. Systematic Parasitology, 10, 27-44.
rodents' (Morel, 1 980) . In both Ethiopia and
Also see the following Basic References (p. 1 2-14) :
Somalia R. camicasi appears to be most active
Morel ( 1 980); Pegram ( 1 984); Theiler ( 1 962) .
during the dry season.


Zoogeography 1 844

Rhipicephalus camicasi occurs in the north-east­ The specific name capensis is derived from 'Cape
ern corner of Africa. Its range extends from Colony', South Africa, the origin of the type 3,
northern Kenya through Ethiopia to northern plus the Latin adjectival suffix -ensis, meaning
Somalia, Djibouti, western Sudan and northern 'belonging to'.
Egypt (Map 9) . Outside Africa its presence has
been confirmed in the Yemen Arab Republic,
Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Lebanon (Pegram et Diagnosis
al., 1 987) . It also occurs in Oman.
It is found in arid and semi-arid habitats A large dark brown extremely heavily punctate
generally receiving less than 250 mm of rainfall tick.
annually. The vegetation types of the regions in
Africa in which it is present have been described
R. capensis 105

Figure 27. Rhipicephalus capensis [Onderstepoort Tick Collection 2826, RML 657 1 9, laboratory reared, progeny of �
collected on 'Aries' (farm), Klawer, Gifberge, Western Cape Province, South Africa, probably in the mid-1 940s] . (a)
Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.

Table 8. Host records ofRhipicephalus capensis

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 2
Horses 3

Wild animals
Cape fox ( Vulpes chama)
Mountain zebra (Equus zebra) 1
Bontebok (Damaliscus
pygargus dorcas) 1 36·Lr-----'-���-'--��----'-�-..,___
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 3 Rhipicepha/us capensis
Type locality Cape Colony, South Africa
Gemsbok (Oryx gazella) 2
• Locality records
Otomys sp. 2 (nymphs)
12° 1e0

Map 1 0 . Rhipicephalus capensis: distribution.

106 Accounts of individual Afror:ropic.al species
R. capensis 107

Figure 29 (above). Rhipicephalus �apensi,s (Onderstepoon Tick Collection 2824, R.ML 657 18, laboratory reared, progeny
of� collected on 'Aties' (farm), KJawec, Gifberge, Westem Cape Province, South Africa, probably in the m.id-1940s) .
Nymph: (a) capintlum, dorsal; (b) capit:ulwn, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by
M.D. Corwin.

Figure 28 (opposite) . Rhifricephal.us capensis (Onderstepoon Tick Collection 2826, RML 65719, laboratory reared,
progeny of <;:> collected on 'Aties' (fam1), Klawer, Gilberge, Western Cape Province, South Africa, probably in the
mid-1940s). Male: (a) capim.lum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scutum; (l)
genital api:rture. Scale bars represent 0.10 rrun. SE.M.s by M.D. Corwin.
108 Accounzs of ndivUiual
i Afrotropical species

Figure 30. Rhipicepha/us capemis (Onderstepoon Tick Collection 2824, RML 65718, laboratory reared, progeny of i;>
collected on 'Aries' (fann), Klawer, Gifberge, Western Cape Province, South Africa, probably in the mid-l 940sl. Larva:
(a) capirulum, dorsal; (b) capirulum, ventral; (c) scumm; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent O.lO mm. SEMs by M.D.

Male (Figs 2 7{a), 28(a) to (c)) specimens body wall greatly expanded, forming
Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth two large bulges posterolaterally plus a single
ranging from 0.63 nun x 0.58 mm co 0.84 bulbous caudal process posteromedially. Eyes
mm x 0. 79 mm. Basis capituli with shon acute slightly convex, edged dorsally by a few puncta­
lateral angles at about anterior third of its length. tions. Cervical pits comma-shaped; cervical
Palps short, broad, flattened apically. Con­ :fields long, narrow, depressed, their external
scutum length x breadth ranging from margins sharply defined by large setiferous
2.31mm x 1.65 mm to 3.60 mm x 2.42 nun; punctations. M.arginal lines long, but not quite
anterior process of coxae I small. In engorged reaching eyes, deep and lined with numerous
R. capensis 1 09

punctations. Posteromedian and posterolateral Scutum broader than long, length x breadth
grooves distinct, rugose. Large punctations, ranging from 0.67 mm x 0.78 mm to 0.72
some of them setiferous, scattered anteriorly on mm x 0.8 1 mm; posterior margin a broad
scapulae and forming a deep, extremely dense, smooth curve. Eyes at widest point, well over
partially confluent pattern medially on the con­ halfway back, delimited dorsally by slight de­
scutum. In many specimens the conscutum an­ pressions. Cervical fields well defined, long, nar­
terior to the posterior grooves is characteristically row, divergent. Ventrally coxae I each with a
a lighter, more reddish brown in colour, visible to long sharp external spur and a shorter sharp
the naked eye. Ventrally spiracles comma­ internal spur; coxae II to IV each with a small,
shaped, tapering gradually and curving gently but sharp, external spur only.
towards the dorsal surface. Adanal plates almost
pear-shaped, their internal margins slightly con­ Larva (Fig. 30)
cave posterior to the anus, then widening pos­ Capitulum much broader than long,
teriorly; accessory adanal plates small, narrow, length x breadth ranging from 0. 1 2 1 mm x
sharply pointed. 0. 1 87 mm to 0. 1 35 mm x 0. 1 96 mm. Basis
capituli over three times as broad as long, with
Female (Figs 2 7(b), 28(d) to (j)) short, bluntly-rounded lateral angles, posterior
Capitulum as broad as long, length x breadth border straight. Palps broad proximally, tapering
ranging from 0.75 mm x 0.79 mm to 0 . 9 1 for distal third of their length to rounded apices.
m m x 0.88 mm. Basis capituli with short, acute Scutum much broader than long, length x
lateral angles at anterior third of its length; porose breadth ranging from 0. 268 mm x 0.4 1 0 mm to
areas small, round, twice their own diameter 0.280 mm x 0.439 mm; posterior margin a wide
apart. Palps long. Scutum slightly broader than smooth curve. Eyes at widest part of scutum, well
long, length x breadth ranging from 1 . 54 over halfway back, mildly convex. Cervical
mm x 1 . 57 mm to 1 .88 mm x 1 .93 mm, pos­ grooves short, slightly convergent. Ventrally
terior margin mildly sinuous. Eyes slightly con­ coxae I each with a large pointed spur; coxae II
vex, edged dorsally by a few punctations. Cervi­ and III each with a short broad spur.
cal pits comma-shaped; cervical fields broad,
depressed, their external margins sharply defined Notes on identification
by large contiguous setiferous punctations. Doss et al. ( 1 97 4) list 1 89 references to R. capen­
Large punctations, some of them setiferous, scat­ sis and its subspecies from various parts of the
tered anteriorly on scapulae and forming a deep, Afrotropical region. It has been possible to review
dense, often confluent pattern medially on the only a small part of this mass of literature, and to
scutum. Alloscutum of unfed females deeply re-examine just a few of the ticks concerned,
folded. Ventrally genital aperture a wide V with a many of which probably no longer exist. In gen­
rounded base. eral we endorse the comment by Theiler ( 1 962),
in her review of the distribution of R. capensis in
Nymph (Fig. 29) South Africa, that this specific name 'appears to
Capitulum much broader than long, be a catchall for "capensis-like" ticks . . . ' Two
length x breadth ranging from 0.35 mm x 0.46 years earlier Feldman-Muhsam ( 1 960) had con­
mm to 0.39 mm x 0.48 mm. Basis capituli well tributed significantly to the solution of this prob­
over three times as broad as long, with sharply lem with her redescription of R. capensis, based
tapering lateral angles projecting over the scap­ on Koch's holotype male from 'Capland' (Zool­
ulae and also well-developed cornua; ventrally ogical Museum, Berlin, 1 097), and her descrip­
with sharp spurs on posterior border. Palps long, tion of R. gertrudae. We think that three species
narrow, almost equal in width throughout their whose adults have been confused, R. capensis
length, tapering slightly only at their tips. sensu stricto, R. follis sensu stricto (p. 1 79), and R.
110 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

gertrudae (p. 1 93), are confined to southern Afri­ Zoo geography

ca. The distributions of R. capensis and R. ger­
trudae overlap and both ticks may also be present The distribution map labelled R. capensis pub­
on the same host. In the latter case it is often lished by Theiler ( 1 950) includes under this
difficult to distinguish between the less heavily­ name the distributions of R.follis and R. gertrudae.
punctate specimens of R. capensis and the more Unfortunately many of the collections on which
heavily-punctate specimens of R. gertrudae. Theiler based her paper no longer exist. The
However, the centre of the conscutum of R. account given below is therefore based on speci­
capensis males, particularly of large, freshly col­ mens of R. capensis that we ourselves have seen.
lected or alcohol-preserved specimens, is usually The distribution of R. capensis sensu stricto
reddish brown in colour compared to the adjac­ as we see it is confined to the Western and North­
ent dark brown surface. The conscutum of R. ern Cape Provinces, South Africa (Map 1 0) .
gertrudae males is uniformly dark brown in col­ The tick has been collected from altitudes a few
our. metres above sea level to 500 m, in regions with
annual rainfall varying from 1 50 mm to 600 mm .
All these collections have been taken in Cape
shrubland (jynbos) , succulent Karoo shrubland
or bush Karoo-Namib shrubland.
A three-host species (Gertrud Theiler, unpub­
lished data, 1 942, for Onderstepoort Tick Col­
lection Nos 2824-2826 ('Aries' strain)) . Cattle Disease relationships
and horses are the only domestic hosts from
which we have seen R. capensis adults (Table 8) . Unknown.
Large animals such as the eland and gemsbok
appear to be the wild hosts most favoured by its
adults. Two adult eland bulls examined in the REFERENCES
Langebaan Nature Reserve, Wes tern Cape
Province, during February 1 990 each harboured Feldman-Muhsam, B. ( 1 960) . The South African
more than 700 R. capensis adults compared to ticks Rhipicephalus capensis Koch and R. ger­
less than 1 60 each on two adult gemsbok bulls, trudae n. sp. Journal ofParasitology, 46, 1 0 1-8.
Koch, C.L. ( 1 844) . Systematische Uebersicht i.iber
and only four and nil, respectively, on two adult
die ordung der Zecken. Archiv fur Naturges­
bontebok rams examined in the reserve at the
chichte, 10, 2 1 7-39.
same time (I.G.H., unpublished data) .
Neitz, W.O., Boughton, F. & Walters, H.S. ( 1 972) .
Although we have little concrete evidence Laboratory investigations on the life-cycle of
of this at present it appears that, as in the case of Rhipicephalus theileri Bedford & Hewitt, 1 925
the other two species referred to above, the im­ (lxodoidea: Ixodidae) . Onderstepoort Journal of
mature stages prefer rodents. Neitz, Boughton & Veterinary Research, 39, 1 1 7-23.
Walters ( 1 972, citing G. Theiler, pers. comm., Theiler, G. ( 19 5 0) . Zoological Survey of the Union of
1 97 1 ) listed R. theileri nymphs from a swamp rat South Africa. Tick Survey - Part IV. Distribu­
(Otomys sp.), Clanwilliam (Lambert's Bay), and tion of Rhipicephalus capensis, the Cape brown
from a 'bush otomys' (Myotomys sp., now re­ tick. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science
garded as a synonym of Otomys), Uniondale. and Animal Industry, 24, 7-32 + 1 map.
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) :
These nymphs (Onderstepoort Tick Collection
Doss et al. ( 1 974); Theiler ( 1 962); Walker
308 1 i, iii) have been re-identified as R. capensis
( 1 990) .
by I.G.H. and ].B.W.
R. carnivoralis 111

RHIPICEPHALUS CARNIVORAUS areas large, nearly twice their own diameter

WALKER, 1 966 apart. Palps rounded apically. Scutum longer
than broad, length x breadth ranging from 1 . 1 0
The specific name carnivoralis, from the Latin mm x 1 .05 mm to 1 .74 mm x 1 .62 mm. Eyes
carnis meaning 'flesh', refers to the fact that about halfway back, very slightly bulging, edged
adults of this species usually feed on carnivores. dorsally by a few punctations. Cervical fields well
marked, depressed, with somewhat rugose,
punctate surfaces. Large seriferous punctations
Diagnosis present on the scapulae, along the external mar­
gins of the cervical fields and scattered centrally
A moderate-sized brown to reddish-brown tick on the scutum, interspersed with fine puncta­
that in some respects strongly resembles R. ap­ tions. Ventrally genital aperture broadly U­
pendiculatus. shaped.

Male (Figs 31 (a)) 32(a) to (c)) Nymph (Fig. 33)

Capitulum slightly broader than long, length x Capitulum much broader than long, length x
breadth ranging from 0.70 mm x 0.76 mm to breadth ranging from 0.25 mm x 0.34 mm to
0.91 mm x 0.92 mm. Basis capituli with long 0.29 mm x 0.38 mm. Basis capituli nearly four
sharp lateral angles. Palps short, broad. Con­ times as broad as long, lateral angles long, taper­
scutum length x breadth ranging from 2.40 ing, forwardly tilted and overlapping scapulae;
mm x 1 .5 0 mm to 3 .66 mm x 2.36 mm; anter­ ventrally small blunt spurs sometimes visible on
ior process of coxae I large, strongly sclerotized. posterior border. Palps narrower proximally than
In engorged specimens body wall expanded distally, inclined slightly inwards. Scutum much
slightly posterolaterally and forming a single broader than long, length x breadth ranging
caudal process posteriorly. Eyes marginal, very from 0.45 mm x 0.55 mm to 0.52 mm x 0.65
slightly bulging, edged with a few large puncta­ mm; posterior margin a broad deep curve. Eyes
tions dorsally. Cervical fields broad, depressed, at widest point, a little over halfway back, slightly
with finely reticulate surfaces. Marginal lines convex. Cervical fields long, narrow, slightly de­
punctate, extending anteriorly almost to eye pressed. Ventrally coxae I each with two large
level. Posteromedian and posterolateral grooves spurs; coxae II to IV each with an external spur
well developed. Large setiferous punctations only, decreasing progressively in size.
present on the scapulae, along the external mar­
gins of and between the cervical fields, and scat­ Larva (Fig. 34)
tered medially on the conscutum, interspersed Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
with fine punctations, though these are sparse or ranging from 0. 1 1 9 mm x 0. 1 42 mm to 0. 145
absent adjacent to the marginal lines. Legs in­ mm x 0. 1 58 mm. Basis capituli over twice as
crease markedly in size from I to IV. Ventrally broad as long, with short, blunt, forwardly-tilted
spiracles elongate, comma-shaped. Adana! plates lateral angles. Palps constricted proximally, then
broad, tapering posterointernally to broadly widening markedly, apices truncated. Scutum
rounded points, posterior margins almost much broader than long, length x breadth
straight; accessory adanal plates small to absent. ranging from 0.25 1 mm x 0.40 1 mm to 0.261
mm x 0.4 1 0 mm; posterior margin a broad
Female (Figs 3 1(b)) 32(d) to (j)) deep curve. Eyes at widest point, slightly con­
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth vex. Cervical grooves short, slightly convergent.
ranging from 0 . 7 1 mm x 0.83 mm to 0.87 Ventrally coxae I each with a large triangular
mm x 0.99 mm. Basis capituli with long, sharp spur; coxae II and III each with a small triangu­
lateral angles overlapping the scapulae; porose lar spur.
1 12 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Figure 3 1 . Rhipicephalus carnivoralis [B.S. 91 3/-, paratype series, laboratory reared, progeny of <;> collected from lioness
(Panthera leo), Muguga, Kiambu District, Kenya, on 8 October 1 96 1 , by J. B. Walker] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female,
dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.

Table 9. Host records o/Rhipicephalus carnivoralis

Number of records

Hosts Confirmed Unconfirmed

Domestic animals
Cattle 3
Dogs 2

Wild animals
Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)
Lion (Panthera leo) 31
Leopard (Panthera pardus) 9 2
Spotted hyaena ( Crocuta crocuta) 3
Striped hyaena (Hyaena hyaena)
Yellow-spotted rock hyrax (Heterohyrax brucei) 2 (nymphs)
Rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) 2 (nymphs)

R. carnivoralis 1 13

24° 30 ° 36° 42°


.1· 12°

.., .\



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::::-' � -'; .
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� �rrt--+���-J----i-�L..--l 120
Rhipicephalus carnivoralis
* Type locality ZAMBIA -·
-, _i

• Locality records -.

@ ;f:,,

:: '-I_:.'=
Locality records (approximate) _

1 s 0 c:======:::I========:::I=========r====::c::::::-= · ==·=-=Z�IM�B�A�B�W�E:..:tj====t:t========f=:::::b�d18°
- ,

6° 12° 18° 24° 30°

Map 1 1 . Rhipicephalus carnivoralis: distribution.

Notes on identification From the description given by Hoogstraal

In the past R. carnivoralis has been confused with ( 1 956, pp. 637, 778) it seems likely that his
several other species in the genus. It is closest in Rhipicephalus? sp. larvae and nymphs collected
general appearance to R. appendiculatus and R. from the yellow-spotted rock hyrax (Heterohyrax
zambeziensis but the male, female and nymph of brucez) at Imatong and Imurok, southern Sudan,
R. carnivoralis are characterized by the shape of are R. carnivoralis, not R. ? distinctus. Although
their basis capituli, which has longer, sharper R. carnivoralis has not as yet been recorded from
lateral angles than either of the other two species. the Sudan it has been found in northern Uganda,
The R. carnivoralis larva also has a wider basis and its nymphs have been collected from this
capituli than the R. appendiculatus larva, but it is hyrax elsewhere. It was described only in 1 966
difficult to distinguish it morphologically from and thus would not have been known to Gertrud
the larva of R. zambeziensis. Theiler and Harry Hoogstraal 1 0 years earlier.
114 Accounis of individual Afrot1'0pical species

. ,,


. .
. .. ·1 . �


. .. . . l·
\) .
R. carnivoralis 115

Figure 33 (above). Rhipi.·ephalus carni'iJorali.s [B.S. 9 1 3/-, paracype series, laboratory reared, progeny of¥' collected from
lioness (Pamhera ko), Muguga, .Kiambu District, Kenya, on 8 October l 961, by J.B. Walker). Nymph: (a) capitulum,
dorsal; (b) capitulurn, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by J. F. Punerill.

Figure 32 (opposize). Rhipi.cephaius carnivoralis [B.S. 91 3/-, paratype series, laboratory reared, progeny of� collected from
lioness (Pantlwra leo), Muguga, Kiambu District, Kenya, on 8 October 1961, by JB. Walker). Male: (a) capitulum,
dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) capitulum, dorsaJ; (e) scutum; (f) genital aperture. Scale bars represent
0.10 rrun. SEMs by J. F. Puttcrill.
1 16 Accourus ofindividual AfroLropi"cal species

Figure 34. Rhipiaphal11s carniVC?'aliJ [E.S. 913/-, paraiype series, hibomrol)' reared, progeny of9 collected from lione&S
(Pamhera f.eo), 1\foguga, Kiambu District, Kenya, on 8 October 1961, by J.B. Walker). Larva: (a) capituJum, dorsal; (b)
capitulum, venrral; (c) scururn; (d) coxae. Scale bars represen1 0.10 mm. SEMs by J.F. Punerill .

Hosts So far the orJy known hosts of the imma­

rure stages are rwo species of rock hyrax.es, This
A three-host s pecies (\V/alker> 1966). AJm.ost ell host �ssociation probably i:efiects the fact that the
aduJts of this tick have been collected from cam.i­ large cats often l;ie up in the rocky areas that are
vores (Tab le 9). Cank are undoubct.:dly acciden� also inhabited by these hyraxes.
taJ hosts; since although many c.housands of ticks
have been collected from chese animals (e.g. over
180 000 during the Tanzania tick survey alone Zoogeography
(Yeoman & Wa.lker, 1967)), only three of these,
all males, were R. carnivCtraJi.s, each obtained With only cwo exceptions these records of R.
from a different beast. carnivoralis are from East Africa (Uganda,
R. complanatus 1 17

Kenya and Tanzania: Map 1 1 ) . Twenty-one of RHIPICEPHALUS COMPIANA TUS

the 52 known collections of adults were obtained NEUMANN, 1 9 1 1
in the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, nearly
all from lions. In 1 9 1 3 one collection (Nuttall The specific name, derived from the Latin com­
2548, originally identified as R. appendiculatus), plano meaning 'to make level', refers to the char­
was made from a leopard at Buji, on the Jos acteristically slightly concave to fiat scutum of
plateau in northern Nigeria, but it has not been the adults.
recorded there since. A single male has also been
collected from a lion in the Luangwa Valley, Synonym
Zambia (MacLeod & Mwanaumo, 1 978) . Pres­
ent indications are, though, that this tick does not planus complanatus.
occur throughout the ranges of its large carnivore
hosts in the Afrotropical region. Diagnosis
These places lie in the various types of
woodland, bushland and wooded grassland fa­ A large chestnut-brown tick with a slightly con­
voured by most of its hosts. cave to fiat moderately shiny scutum.

Male (Figs 35(a), 36(a) to (c))

Disease relationships
Capitulum slightly longer than broad,
length x breadth ranging from 0.73 mm x 0.70
Under laboratory conditions R. carnivoralis has
mm to 1 .02 mm x 0.97 mm. Basis capituli with
been shown to be capable of transmitting
acute somewhat recurved lateral angles in anter­
Theileria parva (Brocklesby, Bailey & Vidler,
ior third of its length. Palps short, broad. Con­
1 966) . Since it has so rarely been collected from
scutum length x breadth ranging from 3 .02
cattle it probably never acts as a vector of this
mm x 2.22 mm to 4.32 mm x 3 . 1 9 mm; anter­
protozoan in the field.
ior process on coxae I small, rounded. In en­
gorged specimens body wall expanded
posterolaterally and posteromedially forming up
to three smoothly rounded caudal processes, of
Brocklesby, D.W., Bailey, K.P. & Vidler, B.O.
which the middle one is the longest. Eyes fiat.
( 1 966) . The transmission of Theileria parva Cervical pits comma-shaped; cervical fields shal­
(Theiler, 1 904) by Rhipicephalus carnivoralis low and inconspicuous. Marginal lines well de­
Walker, 1 966. Parasitology, 56, 1 3-14. veloped, usually almost reaching eye level, their
MacLeod, ]. & Mwanaumo, B. ( 1 978) . Ecological inner margins rounded, lined by a few puncta­
studies of ixodid ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in Zam­ tions. Posteromedian and posterolateral grooves,
bia. IV. Some anomalous infestation patterns in when present, shallow. Small additional depress­
the northern and eastern regions. Bulletin ofEn­ ions sometimes visible. Punctations subequal, in
tomological Research, 68, 409-29. general fine, diffuse and very superficial. In many
Walker, J.B. ( 1 966) . Rhipicephalus carnivoralis sp.
specimens, though, the punctations are virtually
nov. (Ixodoidea, Ixodidae) . A new species of
absent, in which case the surface of the con­
tick from East Africa. Parasitology, 56, 1-12.
scutum has a uniformly dull shine. Adana! plates
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) :
Hoogstraal ( 1 956); Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987);
unique in shape, broad, curved, with their exter­
Walker ( 1 974); Yeoman & Walker ( 1 967) . nal margins convex and their internal margins
concave; their posterior margins also concave,
their junctions with the internal and external
margins rounded; accessory adanal plates sharp,
well sclerotized.
118 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Figure 3 5 . Rhipicephalus complanatus [lnvertebrata, Acarina: Ixodidae, Ref. No. 70.0 1 6- 70.065, collected from red river
hog (Potamochoerus porcus), Ibembo, Democratic Republic of Congo, on 6 July 1 950 by R. Fr. Hutsebaut, by courtesy of
the Musee Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1
mm. A. Olwage del.

18° 30°

Rhipicephalus complanatus • 0

Type locality lvindo basin, JJ
- -
South Cameroon (not located)
• Locality records ANGOLA ZAMB��-�J
0 Unconfirmed locality records ' Q

18° 00 18° 30°

Map 1 2. Rhipicephalus complanatus: distribution. (Based on Morel, 1 969) .

R. complanatus 119

Table 1 0. Host records ofRhipicephalus Notes on identification

complanatus This species was first described as R. planus by
Neumann ( 1 9 1 0) . The following year Neumann
Number ( 1 9 1 1 ) changed its name to R. complanatus be­
Hosts of records cause he remembered that the name planus had
already been given to a different entity, the sub­
Domestic animals
species R. simus planus, and was therefore preoc­
Pigs 4
Wild animals Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966) comment that: 'The
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 7 species is somewhat variable, primarily in the size
Forest hog (Hylochoerus
of scutal punctations which range from medium
to very large. '
Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus)
Red river hog (Potamochoerus
porcus) 35 Hosts
'Wild pig' 4
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 5 Life cycle unknown. Rhipicephalus complanatus
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus)
adults parasitize domestic and wild pigs almost
Tullberg's soft-furred mouse
exclusively. Red river hogs appear to be its pri­
(Praomys tullbergt)
mary hosts, and to a lesser extent warthogs and
Humans other suids (Table 1 0) . Other hosts are probably
accidental (Morel & Mouchet, 1 958; Morel,
1 969) .
Hoogstraal ( 1 954) recorded a female from
Female (Figs 35(b), 36(d) to {/))
a Tullberg's soft-furred mouse collected at
Capitulum slightly longer than broad,
Mamfe, in south-west Cameroon near the Niger­
length x breadth ranging from 0.9 1 mm x 0.87
ian border. This mouse, which is by far the com­
mm to 1 .03 mm x 0.98 mm. Basis capituli with
monest small murid in natural rainforest in West
acute lateral angles a little anterior to mid-length;
Africa, is recorded as far east as western
porose areas oval, just over their own diameter
Cameroon (Rosevear, 1 969; Happold, 1 987) .
apart. Scutum broader than long,
Morel & Mouchet ( 1 958) thought that it is prob­
length x breadth ranging from 1 . 50 mm x 1 . 70
ably a host of the tick's immature stages . They
mm to 1 . 73 mm x 2.07 mm; in some specimens
suggested that adults only occur on it temporar­
posterior margin broadly rounded, in others
ily, merely using it to transport them to the out­
somewhat sinuous posterolaterally. Eyes flat.
side world after moulting in its burrow.
Cervical fields broad, their external margins well
This tick's attachment sites on its hosts
defined. Punctations generally somewhat more
have not been recorded. Apart from December,
conspicuous than in the male but still subequal,
adults have been collected throughout the year.
fine and superficial.

Immature stages Zoogeography

Undescribed. Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966) list, but do
not describe, a nymph amongst the adults col­ Rhipicephalus complanatus has been recorded
lected from Potamochoerus sp., listed as a red mainly in the Democratic Republic of Congo
river hog in Table 1 0 (Musee Royal de l'Afrique and neighbouring countries just to its west.
Centrale, Collection No. T l 1 1 386) . There are also a few records from further west,
in the Ivory Coast and Liberia, and one to the
east, in western Uganda (Map 1 2) . It is largely
120 Accounts ofindividual Afrotropi.cal species
R. compositus 121

confined to dense humid tropical rainforest, sec­ Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2- 1 4) :
ondary forest and riverine forest. It may also Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966); Matthysse & Colbo
occur in the isolated patches of such forests that ( 1 987); Morel ( 1 969) .
form part of the forest/savanna mozaic. These
well-watered areas, which often include swamps
and rivers whose banks become inundated at RHIPICEPHALUS COMPOSITUS
times, are the favoured habitat of its main host, NEUMANN, 1 897
the red river hog, and also of the forest hog. It
has sometimes been collected from warthogs in­ The specific name, from the Latin meaning 'put
habiting savanna areas bordering these forests together, joined', probably refers to the fact that
(Morel & Mouchet, 1 958; Morel, 1 969) . the numerous punctations on the scutum are
often confluent.
Disease relationships
Unknown. ayrei, capensis compositus.


Rappold, D.C.D. ( 1 987) . The Mammals of Nigeria.

A large dark brown to black heavily and evenly­
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
punctate species.
Hoogstraal, H. ( 1 954) . Noteworthy African tick re­
cords in the British Museum (Natural History)
collections (lxodoidea) . Proceedings of the Ento­ Male (Figs 3 7(a), 38(a) to (c))
mological Society of Washington, 56, 273-9. Capitulum slightly broader than long,
Morel, P.C. & Mouchet, J. ( 1 958) Les tiques du length x breadth ranging from 0.67 mm x 0.69
Cameroun (lxodidae et Argasidae) . Annales de mm to 1 .02 mm x 1 .05 mm. Basis capituli with
Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee, 33, 69-1 1 1 . acute lateral angles in anterior third of its length.
Neumann, L.G. ( 1 9 1 0) . Sur quelques especes Palps short, broad, flattened apically. Con­
d'Ixodidea nouvelles ou insuffisamment connu­
scutum length x breadth ranging from 3 .06
es. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie, 9e
mm x 1 .99 mm to 4.87 mm x 3.25 mm; anter­
serie, 12, 1 6 1-76.
ior process of coxae I small. In engorged speci­
Neumann, L.G. ( 1 9 1 1 ) . Note rectificative a propos
de deux especes d'Ixodinae. Archives de Para­
mens body wall expanded posterolaterally and
sitologie, 14, 4 1 5. posteriorly, with a single short broadly-rounded
Rosevear, D.R. ( 1 969) . The Rodents of West Africa. caudal process posteromedially. Eyes slightly
London: Trustees of the British Museum convex, edged dorsally by a few punctations.
(Natural History) . Cervical pits deep, convergent. Marginal lines
long, but not quite reaching eye level, punctate.
Posteromedian and posterolateral grooves rather
small, their floors rugose. A few large seriferous
Figure 36 (opposite) . Rhipicephalus complanatus [lnvert­ punctations anteriorly on the scapulae and along
ebrata, Acarina: Ixodidae, Ref. No. 70.016-70.065, col­
the external margins of the cervical fields. Other­
lected from red river hog (Potamochoerus porcus),
wise, apart from the smooth areas surrounding
lbembo, Democratic Republic of Congo, on 6 July 1950
the eyes, adjacent to the marginal lines and the
by R. Fr. Hutsebaut, by courtesy of the Musee Royal de
l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium] . Male: (a)
festoons, the conscutum is covered with a dense,
capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: even pattern of medium-sized punctations that
(d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scutum; (f) genital aperture. are often confluent. Ventrally spiracles comma­
Scale bars represent 0. 1 0 mm. SEMs by J .F. Putterill. shaped, narrowing and curving gently towards
122 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Figure 37. Rhipicephalus compositus [B.S.334/-, RML 66305, laboratory reared, original Cf' collected from African buffalo
(Syncerus caffer), Thomson's Falls, Kenya, in c. 1951 by S.G. Wilson] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars
represent 1 mm . A. Olwage del.

the dorsal surface. Adanal plates large, broad, shiny. Medially the scutum is densely covered
their external margins almost straight, their inter­ with medium-sized punctations that are often
nal margins becoming concave posteriorly and confluent. Alloscutum of unfed females deeply
joining the smoothly rounded posterior margins folded. Ventrally genital aperture a wide V, with
in sharp points; accessory adanal plates small, the sides of the opening curving outwards from
bluntly rounded, well sclerotized. its narrowly-rounded base.

Female (Figs 3 7(b), 38(d) to (j)) Nymph (Fig. 39)

Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth Capitulum much broader than long,
ranging from 0.56 mm x 0.64 mm to 0.99 length x breadth ranging from 0.27 mm x 0.37
mm x 1 .02 mm. Basis capituli with broad lateral mm to 0.32 mm x 0.42 mm. Basis capituli near­
angles in anterior third of its length; porose areas ly three times as broad as long, with tapering
large, oval, about twice their own diameter apart. lateral angles extending over the scapulae and
Palps broad, slightly rounded apically. Scutum well-developed cornua; ventrally with bluntly­
broader than long, length x breadth ranging rounded spurs on posterior border. Palps long,
from 1 . 1 0 mm x 1 . 1 8 mm to 1 .88 mm x 2.06 narrow, equal in width for much of their length,
mm; posterior margin broadly rounded. Eyes tapering to pointed apices. Scutum as broad as
nearly halfway back, slightly convex, edged dor­ long to slightly broader than long, length x
sally by a few punctations. Cervical fields broad, breadth ranging from 0.56 mm x 0.56 mm to
sharply demarcated laterally. A few large setifer­ 0.60 mm x 0.65 mm; posterior margin a broad,
ous punctations present anteriorly on the scap­ smooth curve. Eyes at widest point, well over
ulae, otherwise the lateral borders smooth and halfway back, delimited dorsally by slight de-
R. compositus 123

° ° ° ° 42 °
18 24 30 36

I ·
Oo l---+(J_�----'1'""---�
- +-�·�
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: "2.::"-=---� � - Oo
P'1 ••
•• •

!�-:, ·,

Rhipicephalus compositus
Type locality unknown (see text) i

• Locality records
O Unconfirmed locality records

° ° ° °
18 24 30 36

Map 1 3 . Rhipicephalus compositus: distribution.

pressions. Cervical fields well defined, long, nar­ narrowly-rounded apices, inclined inwards.
row, divergent. Ventrally coxae I each with an Scutum much broader than long, length x
almost equal-sized external and internal spur; breadth ranging from 0.238 mm x 0.369 mm to
coxae II to IV each with a small blunt external 0.256 mm x 0.385 mm; posterior margin a wide
spur only. smooth curve. Eyes at widest part of scutum, well
over halfway back, slightly convex. Cervical
Larva (Fig. 40) grooves fairly short, slightly convergent. Ven­
Capitulum much broader than long, length x trally coxae I each with a large pointed spur;
breadth ranging from 0. 1 1 6 mm x 0. 1 74 mm to coxae II and III each with an indication only of
0. 1 43 mm x 0. 1 84 mm. Basis capituli well over salience on its posterior border.
three times as broad as long, with tapering blunt­
ly-rounded lateral angles, posterior border slight­ Notes on identification
ly concave; ventrally with blunt spurs on pos­ The holotype male of R. compositus is said to have
terior border. Palps broad, tapering to fairly been taken from an unknown host at Khartoum,
124 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species
R. compositus 125

Fi.gu.re 39 (above). Rltipicephalus c.ompos-itus (B.S. 334/-, RML 66305, laboratory reared, original � collected from African
buffalo (Syncei-us caffcr), Thomson's Falls, Kenya, in c. 195 l by S.G. Wilson). Nymph: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b)

capirulurn, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) co"ae. Scale bars represent 0 . 1 0 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.

Figure 38 (opposite). Rhipit.ephalus <ompositus (B.S. 334/-, RML 66305, laboratory reared, original Q collected from
African buffalo (Syncems ca/fer), Thomson's Falls, Kenya, in c. 19$1 by S.G. Wilson] . Male: (a) capitu.lum, dorsal; (b)
spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) capirulum, dorsal; (e) scurum and aUoscutum, dorsal; (f) genital aperture. Scale
bars represent 0.10 rrun. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.
126 Accounts ofindividual Afrotropical species

Figure 40. Rhipiapha/.us composiws (B.S. 334/-, RML 66305, laboratory reared, original <;:! collected from African buffalo
(Syncerus cajfer), Thomson's Falls, Kenya, in c. 1951 by S.G. Wilson). Larva: (a) capirulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum,
ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.

Sudan. Like Hoogstraal (1956) we believe that Bergeon & Balis (1 974) recorded R. com­
this is incorrect because it is a desert area that positus ld', 2lj?� from cattle at Arjo, Wollega,
is not only ecologically unsuitable for this Ethi opia, but Morel ( 1980) re-identified these
spe ies but also far from any other places where it
c ticks as atypically heavily-punctate R. simus.
is known to occur. It was described as What they really are is somewhat open to ques­
Rhipicephalus ayrei, by Lewis (l 933) and tion; specimens from Ethiopia identified as R.
identified thus by A.]. Wiley (unpublished data, simus in the past are usually referred to as R.
1930s-1950s) and S.G. Wilson (unpublished praeiextatus now, but this si not a heavily-punc­

data, 1951). This species was subsequently syn­ tate species.

onymized with R. composiws by Hoogstraal Walker ( l 974) listed two batches of ticks
(1956). from the E.A. Lewis Collection, The Natural
R. compositus 127

Table 1 1 . Host records o/Rhipicephalus History Museum, London, one from a rhinoc­
compositus (provisional list) eros, Mt. Kenya, 1 930, labelled R. sculptus?, and
the other from a buffalo, Kiago, labelled R. protu­
Number sus (a nomen nudem), that she had re-identified as
Hosts of records R. compositus.
Domestic animals Morel ( 1 969, map 42) obviously accepted
Cattle 1 49 only some of the records from the Democratic
Sheep 3 Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire) listed as R.
Goats 3 compositus by Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966), apparently
Donkeys 1 those from buffaloes in parts of the east and
Pigs 1 south of the country in Orientale, Kivu, southern
Dogs 13 Kasai and Katanga Provinces, which he plotted
Wild animals as 'Rhipicephalus compositus (buffie) '. He entered
Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) their records from the western Democratic Re­
Lion (Panthera leo) 10 public of Congo as 'Rh. clijfordi presume'. We
Leopard (Panthera pardus) have followed his interpretation of their findings
African civet (Civettictis civetta) on the distribution of these two species (see R.
Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) 4 pseudolongus, Map 48, p.36 1 , and Map 1 3,
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 7
p. 1 23) .
Forest hog (Hylochoerus
Regarding his 'Rh. compositus presume'
meinertzhagenz) 1
Morel stated: 'Dans la distribution figuree sur
Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus) 11
Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis)
carte, a cote des symboles de Rh. compositus in­
Lichtenstein's hartebeest dubitable, ont ete places, sous un autre signe, des
(Sigmoceros lichtensteiniz) Rhipicephalus representant vraisemblablement
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 72 Rh. compositus du fait de leur distribution et de
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 10 leur hotes, et rapportes dans la litterature comme
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus) 4 Rh. capensis'. We have mapped and designated
Sitatunga ( Tragelaphus spekiz) 2 these as 'Unconfirmed locality records'. Mat­
Common duiker (Sylvicapra thysse & Colbo ( 1 987), who re-examined speci­
grimmia) 1 mens from the Democratic Republic of Congo
Roan antelope (Hippotragus
near the western border of Uganda, labelled R.
equinus) 2
capensis by Elbl & Anastos, also thought they
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus)
were R. compositus.
Puku (Kobus vardoniz) 1
Nile rat (Arvicanthis niloticus) 1 (nymph)
To avoid possible confusion we have omit­
Arvicanthis sp.1 1 (nymph) ted the hosts listed for R. compositus in Elbl &
Greater creek rat (Pelomys fallax) 1 (nymph) Anastos ( 1 966) from our provisional host list
'Creek rat' (Pelomys sp.) 1 (nymph) (see Table 1 1 ) .
Jackson's soft-furred rat (Praomys Nuttall Collection 1 609, a male from
jacksonz)2 1 (larva) Potamochoerus larvatus (listed as P. porcus) at
Humans Kaporo, Malawi, collected on 6 January 1 909 by
Dr J.B. Davey and identified as R. gertrudae by
Keirans ( 1 985), has been re-identified as R. com­
Note: 1Listed as an unstriped grass mouse (Arvicanthis
abyssinicus) in Yeoman & Walker ( 1 967) . This species positus.
is now regarded as an Ethiopian endemic whose Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987) discussed the
distribution range does not extend to Tanzania. morphological differences between the adults of
2Listed as Jackson's soft-furred mouse in Walker R. pseudolongus (listed as R. clijfordz) , R. com­
( 1 974) . positus and R. longus (see R. pseudolongus, p.
128 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

360) . These species are sometimes extremely bia, where it occurs on cattle throughout the year,
difficult to separate. numbers start to increase in July, peak in Sep­
tember, and decline in January. In Uganda it has
no seasonal activity pattern.
Zoo geography
A three-host species (Theiler, Walker & Wiley,
1 956, as R. ayrez) . Cattle are the most commonly Rhipicephalus compositus has been recorded pri­
recorded hosts of R. compositus adults, which are marily in parts of East and Central Africa, with
usually attached on the escutcheon and udder or extensions further south into Zimbabwe and
scrotum. Apart from dogs, from which a number west into Angola (Map 1 3) .
of collections have been made, other domestic It occurs under a wide range of ecological
animals appear to be of little consequence as conditions at medium to high altitudes of ap­
hosts (Table 1 1 ) . Amongst wild animals the large proximately 1 200 m to 1 800 m, usually with
black African buffalo, as distinct from the smaller mean annual rainfalls of at least 700 mm to over
reddish forest buffalo, is by far its most important 1 600 mm, in various types of forest, woodland,
host, from which much greater numbers of bushland and wooded and/or bushed grassland.
adults have been recorded on individual animals It is sometimes associated with ticks in the R.
than they have on other host species. They were hurti/jeanneli complex and with R. punctatus.
attached on the ears, sternum, body, axillae,
scrotum or teats, and tail. Collections have also
Disease relationships
been obtained from a few wild carnivores, pigs
and various antelopes.
According to Wilson ( 1 953) R. compositus (listed
The few immature specimens identified as R. ayrez) can transmit Theileria parva, the cau­
thus far have been collected from rodents. Pe­
sative agent of East Coast fever of cattle. This
gram et al. ( 1 986) noted that their highest numb­
observation is thought to be based on laboratory
ers of R. compositus adults were obtained from
experiments (Chief Field Zoologist, Kenya, un­
cattle in a herd kept permanently on or adjacent
published report for 1 9 5 1 ) . Considering the
to the Kafue flood plains in Zambia. They con­
hosts of this tick's immature stages it seems ex­
tinued: 'The few recorded hosts of immature tremely unlikely that it would ever act as a field
stages of R. compositus include creek rats (Pe­
vector of this protozoan.
lomys fallax) (Walker, 1 974) which are common
on the Kafue flats, and this may contribute to the
greater abundance of adults of this species of REFERENCES
tick' . It is therefore interesting that south-western
Uganda, the only part of the country where R. Bergeon, P. & Balis, J. ( 1 974) . Contribution a l'etude
compositus has been collected, is the only area de la repartition des tiques en Ethiopie (enquete
where Delaney ( 1 975) recorded P. fallax. He effectuee de 1965 a 1 969) . Revue d'Elevage et de
also recorded the Nile rat (Arvicanthis niloticus) Medecine Viterinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 27
(nouvelle serie), 285-99.
quite commonly in Toro and Ankole Districts.
Delaney, M.J. ( 1 97 5 ) . The Rodents of Uganda. Lon­
In both Zambia and Zimbabwe R. com­
don: Trustees of the British Museum (Natural
positus adults are apparently most active in the History) .
hot dry season before the rains (September to Lewis, E.A. ( 1 933) . Rhipicephalus ayrei n.sp. (a tick)
October or November: MacLeod et al., 1 977; from Kenya Colony. Parasitology, 25, 269-72.
MacLeod & Mwanaumo, 1 978; Norval & MacLeod, J. ( 1 970) . Tick infestation patterns in the
Tebele, 1 984; Pegram et al., 1 986) . MacLeod Southern Province of Zambia. Bulletin of Ento­
( 1 970) noted that in Northern Province, Zam- mological Research, 60, 253-74.
R. cuspidatus 129

MacLeod, J., Colbo, M.H., Madbouly, M.H. & Male (Figs 41 (a), 42(a) to (c))
Mwanaumo, B. ( 1 977) . Ecological studies of Capitulum slightly longer than broad,
ixodid ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in Zambia. III . length x breadth ranging from 0.75 mm x 0.72
Seasonal activity and attachment sites on cattle, mm to 0.94 mm x 0.88 mm. Basis capituli with
with notes on other hosts. Bulletin ofEntomologi­
short blunt lateral angles in anterior quarter of its
cal Research, 67, 1 6 1-73.
length. Palps short, broad, convex medially and
MacLeod, J. & Mwanaumo, B. ( 1 978) . Ecological
apically. Conscutum flat, length x breadth
studies ofixodid ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in Zam­
bia. IV. Some anomalous infestation patterns in ranging from 2.98 mm x 2.20 mm to 3. 75
the northern and eastern regions. Bulletin ofEn­ mm x 2.65 mm; anterior process of coxae I
tomological Research, 68, 409-29. rounded, heavily sclerotized. Eyes flat. Cervical
Neumann, L.G. ( 1 897) . Revision de la famille des pits comma-shaped, convergent. Marginal lines
Ixodides. (2< Memoire) . Memoires de la Societe deep. Posteromedian and posterolateral grooves
Zoologique de France, 10, 324-420. either absent or only faintly indicated. Puncta­
Norval, RA.I. & Tebele, N. ( 1 984) . The ticks of tion pattern sparse. A few very large irregularly­
Zimbabwe. VIII. Rhipicephalus compositus. Zim­ shaped setiferous punctations along the external
babwe Veterinary Journal, 15, 3-8. cervical margins link up posterior to the eyes with
Pegram, R.G., Perry, B.D., Musisi, F.L. &
those in the marginal lines. Similar large puncta­
Mwanaumo, B. ( 1 986) . Ecology and phenology
tions are scattered on the posterior half of the
of ticks in Zambia: seasonal dynamics on cattle.
conscutum, interspersed laterally and anterior to
Experimental andAppliedAcarology, 2, 25-45.
Theiler, G., Walker,J.B. & Wiley, A.J. ( 1 956) . Ticks in the festoons with diffuse areas sprinkled with
the South African Zoological Survey Collection. smaller punctations. Several smaller punctations
Part VIII. Two East African ticks. Onderstepoort also present on the scapulae and anteromedially
Journal of Veterinary Research, 27, 83-99. on the conscutum. Ventrally spiracles long, with
Wilson, S.G. ( 1 953) . A survey of the distribution of a broad curved dorsal prolongation. Adanal
tick vectors of East Coast fever in East and plates unique in shape, broadly triangular anter­
Central Africa. Proceedings of the 1 S'h Interna­ iorly with their posteroexternal margins rounded
tional Veterinary Congress, Stockholm, 1, and their posterointernal margins produced into
1 87-90. long convergent cusps that overlap the festoons
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) :
and give this species its name; accessory adanal
Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966); Hoogstraal ( 1 956);
plates virtually absent.
Keirans ( 1 985); Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987);
Morel ( 1 969, 1 980); Walker ( 1 974); Yeoman &
Walker ( 1 967) . Female (Figs 41(b), 42(d) to (j))
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
ranging from 0.98 mm x 1 .00 mm to 1 .00
mm x 1 . 1 0 mm in the two specimens measured.
RHIPICEPHALUS CUSPIDA TUS Basis capituli with sharp, somewhat recurved lat­
NEUMANN, 1 906 eral angles at about mid-length; porose areas
large, round, about twice their own diameter
The specific name, from the Latin cuspis mean­ apart. Palps short, broad, convex medially and
ing 'point' or 'apex', refers to the characteristic apically. Scutum flat, broader than long,
shape of the elongated posterointernal angles of length x breadth ranging from 1 .79 mm x 2 . 1 4
the male adanal plates. mm to 2.24 mm x 2.46 mm in the two specimens
measured; posterolateral margins straight to
slightly sinuous. Eyes just anterior to broadest
Diagnosis part of scutum, flat. Cervical pits long, deep,
convergent; cervical fields broad, slightly de­
A moderate-sized reddish-brown tick. pressed, their external margins delimited by a few
130 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Figure 4 1 . Rhipicephalus cuspidatus (Onderstepoort Tick Collection 2967i, collected in Galual-Nyang forest, Gogrial
Toni, Bahr el Ghazal, Sudan on 24 February 1 953 by H. Hoogstraal) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars
represent 1 mm . A. Olwage del.

Table 1 2 . Host records ofRhipicephalus cuspidatus

Hosts Number of records

Wild animals
Golden jackal (Canis aureus) 1 (immatures)
'Jackal' 1
Serval (Leptailurus serva[) 1 ( 1 nymph)
Leopard (Panthera pardus) 1 (immatures)
Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon) 1 (immatures)
White-tailed mongoose (lchneumia albicauda) 1 (immatures)
Banded mongoose (Mungos mungo) 2 (nymphs)
Spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta) 2 (including nymphs)
Striped hyaena (Hyaena hyaena) 2 (including immatures)
'Hyaena' 1
Aardvark ( Orycteropus afer) 5
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 36 (including immatures)
Red river hog (Potamochoerus porcus) 1
Red-fronted gazelle (Gazella rufifrons) 1 (immatures)
Oribi ( Ourebia ourebi) 1 (immatures)
Crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata) 6 (including immatures)
Greater cane rat ( Thryonomys swinderianus) 1 (including immatures)

Double-spurred francolin (Francolinus bicalcaratus) 1 (immatures)
R. cuspidatus 131

60 00 60 1 2° 18° 24° 30° 36 °



;-- 1
• /�, •
,. .
' ·, •
1 2°

,/ �tt

' •

, /
i ·,

NIGERIA . ' •• • �
.i-·-··-· ,. •
60 60

Rhipicepha/us cuspidatus
60 Type locality Senegal
• Locality records
60 00 60 24 °

Map 14. Rhipicephalus cuspidatus: distribution. (Based in part on Morel, 1 969).

very large setiferous punctations. Several small Larva (Fig. 44)

punctations present on the scapulae and a few Capitulum slightly longer than broad, length x
others, slightly larger, between the cervical fields. breadth ranging from 0.202 mm x 0.201 mm to
Ventrally genital aperture very broad, crescentic. 0.234 mm x 0.228 mm. Basis capituli twice as
broad as long, very slightly convex laterally, pos­
Nymph (Fig. 43) terior border straight. Palps broad, slightly con­
Capitulum slightly broader than long, stricted proximally, otherwise virtually equal in
length x breadth 0.36 mm x 0.37 mm in the width throughout their length, truncated api­
only specimen measured. Basis capituli well over cally. Scutum much broader than long,
twice as broad as long, with short anteriorly­ length x breadth ranging from 0.333
placed lateral angles. Palps short, broad, trun­ mm x 0.5 1 9 mm to 0.352 mm x 0.545 mm;
cated apically. Scutum much broader than long, posterior margin smoothly curved medially,
length x breadth 0.65 mm x 0 . 8 1 mm in the straight laterally. Eyes at widest part of scutum,
only specimen measured; posterior margin halfway back, fiat. Cervical grooves almost
smoothly curved medially, slightly sinuous reaching eye level, slightly convergent. Ventrally
laterally. Eyes at widest point, fiat. Cervical pits coxae I each with a large broadly-rounded spur;
long, convergent, continuing as long, divergent coxae II and III each with a smaller spur.
cervical grooves that extend to the posterolateral
margins, thus dividing the scutum into a median Notes on identification
and two lateral areas. Ventrally coxae I each with A detailed description of the adults of R. cus­
two short stout spurs, almost equal in length; pidatus, with numerous measurements and illus­
coxae II to IV each with an external spur only. trations of the variations in the structure of the
male's adanal plates and adjacent structures, has
been given by Tendeiro ( 1 9 5 1 ) .
132 ,·kcounts of indfoidual A.frotropical species

_':'!;,, . I

R. cuspidarus 133

Figure 43 (above). Rhipicepha/us cuspidazus {collected from warthog (P}iacqch.oei'Us africa.nus), Njamena, Chad, on 1 1
November 1971 and donated by P.C. Morel]. Nymph: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c) scutum; (d)
coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by j.F. Putterill.

Figure 42 (of>Posiu). Rhipic�haltts cuspida111s (collecled from warthog (Phacoclwerus africanus), Njamena, Chad, on 1 1
November 1971 and donated by P.C. Morel]. Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d)
capitulum, dorsal; (e) scururn; (f) gen.ital apenure. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by J.F. Putterill.
13 4 Accounts ofindividual Afrotropical species

Figure 44. Rh£pi(.ef>halus cuspidatus fp.rogeny of� collected from warthog (Ph<Jeodiotruscfri«t111i.$), Si Louis, Senegal, on
27January 1964 and donated by P.C. MorelJ . Larva: (a) capirulum, dorsal; (b) capirvlt.i.m, ventral; (c) scurum; (d) coxae.
Scal e bars represent 0.10 mm. SEA4siby J.F. Pl.ltterill.

According to Hoogstraal ( l 956) this spe­ t<lry but larvae were obtained from eggs laid by
cies was listed from the Harar area, Ethiopia, by an engorge d female. Nymphs were identified by
Stella ( 1940), but he considered this record collecting engorged specimens in the field and
doubtful and it has not been included here. We keeping them alive until they moulted .into adults
know of no other records from Ethiopia. (Morel, 1956).
Morel ( 1969) regards the aardvark as the
primary host o( this tick> with other animals that
Hosts share irs burrows, especiaUy wan.hogs, acting as
secondary hosts. Porcupines and warthogs ap­
A three-host species (Morel & Mouchet, l 958). pear to be tbe usual hosts of the immature stages
It has apparently not been reared in the labora- (Table 1.2). Overall, though, there are far more
R. cuspidatus 135

records from warthogs than aardvarks. This is REFERENCES

probably because warthogs, besides being com­
moner animals, are active diurnally and are often Morel, P.C. ( 1 956) . Le Pare National du Niokola­
seen. Aardvarks, though very widely distributed, Koba. (Premier Fascicule) . XV. Tiques d'ani­
are far less common. They are active almost maux sauvages. Memoires de l'Institut Franr;ais
exclusively nocturnally and consequently are d'Afrique Noire, No. 48, 229-32 .
rarely encountered. Some collections of R. cus­ Morel, P . C . ( 1 96 1 ) . Le Pare National du Niokola­
Koba. (Deuxieme Fascicule) . V. Tiques
pidatus adults have been made just inside the
(Acarina, Ixodoidea) . (Deuxieme note) . Mem­
entrances of burrows inhabited by their hosts.
oires de l'Institut Franr;ais d'Afrique Noire, No.
The immature stages may also be found there
62, 83-90.
during the dry season (Morel & Mouchet, 1 958; Morel, P.C. ( 1 978) . Tiques d'animaux sauvages en
Morel, 1 969) . However, Morel ( 1 978) also listed Haute-Volta. Revue d'Elevage et de Medecine Vit­
numerous other hosts of this tick that do not erinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 3 1 (nouvelle serie),
inhabit burrows. 69-78.
Morel, P.C. & Finelle, P. ( 1 9 6 1 ) . Les tiques des ani­
maux domestiques du Centrafrique. Revue
d'Elevage et de Medecine Viterinaire des Pays
Tropicaux, 14 (nouvelle serie), 1 9 1-7.
Rhipicephalus cuspidatus has been recorded main­ Morel, P.C. & Graber, M. ( 1 96 1 ) . Les tiques des
ly in a band stretching nearly three- quarters ofthe animaux domestiques du Tchad. Revue d'Elev­
way across Africa between latitudes 8 °N and age et de Medecine Viterinaire des Pays Tropicaux,
1 7 °N, from Senegal on the western seaboard of 14 (nouvelle serie), 1 99-203.
the continent to the southern Sudan (Map 1 4) Morel, P.C. & Mouchet, J. ( 1 958) . Les tiques du
(Morel, 1 956, 1 96 1 ; Morel & Finelle, 1 96 1 ; Mo­ Cameroun (Ixodidae et Argasidae) . Anna/es de
rel & Graber, 1 9 6 1 ; Morel & Mouchet, 1 958, Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee, 33, 69-1 1 1 .
1 965; Tendeiro, 1 9 5 1 ) . As yet there are few re­ Morel, P.C. & Mouchet, J. ( 1 965) . Les tiques du
Cameroun. (2e note) . Anna/es de Parasitologie
cords outside this area, and the tick apparently
Humaine et Comparee, 40, 477-96.
does not follow its principal hosts throughout their
Neumann, L.G. ( 1 906) . Notes sur les Ixodides. IV.
range further eastwards and southwards in Africa.
Archives de Parasitologie, 10, 1 95-2 1 9 .
Most records of R. cuspidatus come from Stella, E . ( 1 940) . Nuovi dati sugli ixodidi dell'Africa
places at less than 1 000 m in altitude with mean Orientale Italiana. Revista di Biologia Coloniale,
annual rainfalls between 400 mm and 1 400 mm, 3, 43 1-5 .
occasionally less, in Sudanian woodland or Sahel Tendeiro, J. ( 1 95 1 ) . Ixodideos da Guine Portuguesa.
Acacia wooded grassland and deciduous bush­ Nota sobre duas carra<;as do genero
land. It has sometimes been found in areas that Rhipicephalus. Boletim Cultural da Guine Por­
experience either higher or lower rainfalls. The tuguesa, No. 24, 909-28.
conditions there are undoubtedly moderated by Tendeiro, J. ( 1 954) . Posi<;ao actual do problema da
the microhabitat in the hosts' burrows where it febre Q. Revista de Ciencias Veterinarias, 49
(350), 283-3 1 1 .
spends much of its time (Morel, 1 969) .
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2- 1 4) :
Aeschlimann ( 1 967); Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966);
Disease relationships
Hoogstraal ( 1 956); Morel ( 1 969); Theiler
( 1 947) .
According to Tendeiro ( 1 954) Coxiella burneti
has been isolated from this tick.
136 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species


NEUMANN, 1 9 1 0 Capitulum broader than long. Basis capituli over
three times as broad as long, length x breadth of
The specific name deltoideus, based on the Greek the only existing specimen 0.5 1 mm x 1 .68 mm;
letter delta, �' refers to the subtriangular shape of lateral angles at about mid-length, acute, cornua
the male. large; porose areas large, oval, deep, slightly
more than their own diameter apart. Palps short,
their apices broadly rounded. Scutum longer
than broad, length x breadth of the specimen
measured 1 . 97 mm x 1 . 77 mm; posterior mar­
A large shiny tick, dark brown posteriorly, lighter
gin sinuous. Eyes at about mid-length of scutum,
and more reddish anteromedially.
flat, edged dorsally by a few large setiferous
punctations. Cervical fields broad, slightly diver­
Male (Fig. 45(a) to (c))
gent, depressed, their external margins delimited
Total length (including the capitulum) x
by irregular rows of large setiferous punctations.
breadth 4.2 mm x 2.4 mm. Capitulum 0.7 mm
Somewhat smaller setiferous punctations present
long. Basis capituli much broader than long
on the scapulae and medially on the scutum,
(3 .5 :2), with long sharp lateral angles in the an­
interspersed with numerous fine punctations.
terior third of its length and large cornua. Palps
Ventrally genital aperture very broadly U-shaped
short and broad. Conscutum subtriangular in
with short, slightly diverging lateral arms.
shape; anterior process on coxae I inconspicu­
ous. Body wall expanded slightly laterally and
Immature stages
posteriorly. Eyes flat, delimited dorsally by punc­ k
Un nown.
tations. Cervical fields depressed, short, narrow
and somewhat divergent. Marginal lines long,
Notes on identification
punctate, almost reaching eye level anteriorly.
Neumann's original description was based on
Anteromedially the slightly raised outline of a
one male and three partly-engorged females. Of
female pseudoscutum is visible, from which two
these only one cotype female, Nuttall Collection
mildly convergent grooves extend posteriorly.
2894, donated by Neumann to G.H.F. Nuttall, is
Towards the posterior end of the conscutum
now known to exist, and the above description
each of these grooves divides and their branches,
and illustration have been based on this speci­
which are filled with confluent punctations,
men, by courtesy of The Natural History Mu­
bound three almost smooth elevated areas, each
seum, London. The description and illustrations
with a small round central pit. (These little hol­
of the male are based on those originally pub­
lows appear to represent the more usual elon­
lished by Neumann.
gated posteromedian and posterolateral
It is interesting that in two respects the male
grooves) . Large punctations present on the scap­
of R. deltoideus is apparently similar to that of R.
ulae, laterally and anteromedially on the
armatus. In both species the lateral angles of the
pseudoscutum, and along the sides of the con­
basis capituli are anteriorly placed and elongated,
scutum outside the marginal lines. Elsewhere
and both have two longitudinal grooves on the
punctations very fine. Ventrally spiracles
conscutum that bifurcate posteriorly and sur­
comma-shaped. Adanal plates also comma­
round three elevated areas in front of the fes­
shaped, their anterointernal margins slightly con­
toons. The females of these two species, how­
cave, broadly rounded posteriorly; accessory
ever, are not alike morphologically.
adanal plates well developed.
We have seen only the cotype female of R.
deltoideus. Theiler ( 1 94 7) listed several collec­
tions, all but one provisionally, but almost all
R. deltoideus 137

Figure 45. Rhipicephalus deltoideus (a) Male, dorsal; (b)

male, ventral; (c) male, spiracle, all redrawn from
Neumann ( 1 9 1 9) ; (d) female, dorsal, from Nuttall Col­
lection 2894 (ex Neumann Collection 1 72 1 ), cotype col­
lected in Basutoland, South Africa ( = Lesotho) by C.P.
Lounsbury, courtesy of The Natural History Museum,
London. Scale bar represents 1 mm . A. Olwage def.
138 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

these ticks have subsequently been re-identified. RHIPICEPHALUS DISTINCTUS

The two females from a wild hare at Palmietfon­ BEDFORD, 1 932
tein, near Richmond, Northern Cape Province,
are R. arnoldi (OP 2583i) , while the specimens The specific name distinctus, from the Latin
from various hosts in Uganda, collected by T.W. meaning 'distinguish', probably refers to the in­
Chorley, are R. turanicus (OP 2693i, 273 li & ii) . itial confusion regarding the naming of this tick.
Our attempt to borrow the collection from wild It was originally described as R. punctatus by
hares, Ishasa River, north of Rutshuru, Demo­ Bedford ( 1 929) . In 1 932, though, he proposed
cratic Republic of Congo (formerly the Belgian that, as this specific name was preoccupied by R.
Congo), on which the record in Bequaert ( 1 9 3 1 ) neavei var. punctatus Warburton, 1 9 1 2, it should
was based, was unsuccessful. It was thought to be be renamed distinctus.
in the collections of the Museum of Comparative
Zoology, Harvard University, but could not be Synonym
punctatus Bedford, 1 929 (nec Warburton, 1 9 1 2) .
A small glossy dark brown tick.
Male (Figs 46(a), 47(a) to (c))
The original collection was made in Lesotho Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
(formerly Basutoland) , at an altitude of 2 1 35 m, ranging from 0.42 mm x 0.47 mm to 0.52
but the precise locality was not recorded by the mm x 0.56 mm. Basis capituli with short acute
collector, C.P. Lounsbury. lateral angles at anterior third of its length, nar­
rowing conspicuously to straight posterior mar­
Disease relationships gin. Palps short, broad. Conscutum length x
breadth ranging from 2.05 mm x 1 .3 5 mm to
Unknown. 2.57 mm x 1 . 73 mm; anterior process on coxae I
small. Eyes almost flat, edged dorsally by a few
large setiferous punctations set in slight depress­
REFERENCES ions. Cervical pits small; external margins of cer­
vical fields merely indicated by rows of large
Bequaert, J.C. ( 1 93 1 ) . Synopsis des tiques du Congo setiferous punctations. Marginal lines short, out­
Beige. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Afri­ lined by large setiferous punctations that con­
caine, 20, 209-5 1 . tinue forwards to eye level. Posterior grooves
Neumann, L.G. ( 1 9 1 0 ) . Description de deux only faintly indicated. In general conscutum
nouvelles especes d'Ixodinae. Tijdschrift voor smooth and glossy. Medium-sized setiferous
Entomologie, 53, 1 1- 1 7 + 1 plate. punctations present on the scapulae and in a
Also see the following Basic Reference (p. 1 4) : Theiler 'simus' pattern anteromedially on the conscutum,
( 1 947) .
becoming progressively larger and more numer­
ous posteriorly. Ventrally spiracles long, narrow­
ing markedly at about mid-length and curving
gently towards the dorsal surface. Adanal plates
more or less equal in width thoughout their
length, their internal margins slightly concave
R. distinctus 139

Figure 46. Rhipicephalus distinctus (Onderstepoort Tick Collection 2794v, RML 65726, collected from an unknown host,
Kimberley District, South Africa, on 20 January 1 963 by R.C. Bigalke) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars
represent 1 mm. A. Olwage de!. (Reprinted from Walker, 1 990, figs 50 � 5 1 , with kind permission from the Editor,
OnderstepoortJournal of Veterinary Research) .

Table 1 3. Host records ofRhipicephalus distinctus

Hosts Number of records

Wild animals
Caracal ( Caracal caracal) 4 (immatures)
African wild cat (Pelis lybica) 1
Yellow mongoose ( Cynictis penicillata) 1 (nymphs)
Tree hyrax (Dendrohyrax arboreus) 1 (including immatures)
Yellow-spotted rock hyrax (Heterohyrax brucez) 10 (including immatures)
Rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) 1 5 3 (including immatures)
Procavia sp. 1 5 (including nymphs)
'Dassie' 1 2 (including nymphs)
Namaqua rock mouse (Aethomys namaquensis) 1 0 (immatures)
Swamp rat (Otomys irroratus) 1 (larva)
Bush Karoo rat ( Otomys unisulcatus) 1 (larva)
'Field mouse' 1
Spring hare (Pedetes capensis) 1 (larva)
Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) 9 (immatures)
Jameson's red rock rabbit (Pronolagus randensis) 2 (including a larva)
Smith's red rock rabbit (Pronolagus rupestris) 4 (larvae)
Rock elephant shrew (Elephantulus myurus) 7 (immatures)

Humans 1 (including a nymph)

140 Accounts of indivUiua! Afrotropical >-pec-ies
R. distinctus 141

Figure48 (ab<X.Je). Rhipceplialus

i distinctus (collected from rock hyrax(Proca'iia capmsis), Mountain Zebra National Park,
Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, in January 1981 by L.J. Fourie) . Nymph: (a) capitu.lum, dorsal; (b) capitu.lum,
ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0 . 1 0 mm. SEMs by J.F. Punerill.

Figure 47 (opposite). Rhipicephalus distinc11J.s (Onderstepoort Tick Collection 2794v, Ri\tlL 65726, collected from an
unknown host, Kimberley District, South Africa, on 20 January 1963 by R.C. Bigalke). i'v\ale: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b)
spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scutum; (I) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm.

SE.Ms by M.D. Corwin.

142 Accounts of £11diuidual Ajrcrrcpiccd species

Figure49. Rhipuphalus
i distinctfls (colle<;tcd from rock h)'T11X (J>rocavia capemis), Mountain Zebra National Park, Eastem
Cape Province, South A1nca, io J;in11;.}ry 198 J by L.J. Fouricl . Larva: (11) capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c)
scucu.m; (d) coxae. Scale bru:s repr¢$ent 0.10 rnm. SEMs by J.F. l?utterill .

posterior to the anus, smoolhly rounded small, round, about three times their own diam­
posterointemally and posteroexcernaUy; acces­ eter apan. Palps broad, long. Scutum slightly
sory adanal plates long sclerotized points. longer than broad, length x breadth ranging
from l . 3 3 mm x l . 3 1 mm to 1.61 mm x l.55
Female (Figs 46(b), 47(d) to (/)) rrun; poscerior margin slightly sinuous to
Capitulum broader than long, lengl.h x breadth smoothly rounded. Eyes at widest part of
ranging from 0.67 mm x 0.76 mm to 0.74 scurum> at about mid-length, almost flat> de­
mm x 0.83 mm. Basis capituli weU over twice as limiced dorsaUy by a few setiferous punctations in
broad as long, with broadly-rounded lateral slight depressions. Cervical pits comma-shaped,
angks overlapping the scapulae; porose areas coovergenc; cervical fields broad but only faintly
R. distinctus 143

indicated. A few medium-sized setiferous punc­ The above descriptions are all based on
tations on scapulae; external cervical margins field-collected specimens.
marked by slightly larger setiferous punctations,
of which a few are also present medially on the Notes on identification
scutum. In general scutum smooth and glossy. The adults of R. distinctus, which feed almost
Ventrally genital aperture broadly V-shaped, its exclusively on hyraxes (<lassies), morphologi­
straight sides converging to the short straight cally closely resemble those of R. neumanni,
posterior margin. which have a predilection for the feet of sheep
and goats. However, in the males there are
Nymph (Fig. 48) marked differences in the appearance of the
Capitulum much broader than long, capitula and adanal plates of these two species,
length x breadth ranging from 0 . 2 1 mm x 0.33 and in the females in the appearance of the
mm to 0.22 mm x 0.36 mm. Basis capituli four capitula (Walker, 1 990) . The immature stages
times as broad as long, with long gradually-taper­ also differ morphologically, particularly in the
ing lateral angles overlapping the scapulae; ven­ shape of their capitula (see pp. 595-598) .
trally with small sharp spurs on posterior margin. A collection of R. neumanni from sheep
Palps slender, tapering to narrowly-rounded api­ at Victoria West, Northern Cape Province,
ces, inclined inwards. Scutum broader than long, South Africa, was recorded as R. distinctus by
length x breadth ranging from 0 .47 mm x 0.5 1 both Bedford ( 1 932) and Theiler ( 1 947) . The
mm to 0 . 5 1 mm x 0.53 mm; posterior margin a record in Theiler ( 1 962) from the bushpig,
deep smooth curve. Eyes at widest point, well Potamochoerus larvatus, is based on an incorrect
over halfway back, long and narrow, delimited identification. The adults from a klipspringer
dorsally by slight depressions. Cervical pits long, ( OreiJtragus oreotragus), listed as R. simpsoni by
convergent, continuous with the long divergent Baker & Keep ( 1 970) and as R. distinctus by
internal cervical margins. Ventrally coxae I each Walker ( 1 99 1 ) , are now thought to be R. oreot­
with a long narrow external spur and a shorter ragi sp. nov. (see p. 330) .
broader internal spur; remaining coxae each with Hoogstraal ( 1 956, pp. 635-40) was doubt­
a small external spur only. ful about the specific status of a male tick which he
listed as 'Rhipicephalus ? distinctus', collected from
Larva (Fig. 49) a rock hyrax (Procavia capensis, syn. Procavia
Capitulum much broader than long, habessinica slatim) in the Sudan. So far as we know
length x breadth ranging from 0. 1 02 mm x this problem has not been investigated since. We
0 . 1 65 mm to 0. 1 1 9 mm x 0. 1 68 mm. Basis have, however, included this record because, ac­
capituli well over three times as broad as long, cording to Hoogstraal, this male differs from nu­
with broad acutely-pointed lateral angles at about merous specimens from Namibia (South West
mid-length, posterior margin slightly sinuous. Africa) that he had seen merely in the shape of the
Palps slightly constricted basally, almost im­ posteroexternal angle of its adanal plates. We do
mediately widening, then tapering to narrowly­ not think that the immature specimens that he
rounded apices, inclined inwards. Scutum much listed from the yellow-spotted rock hyrax (Hetero­
broader than long, length x breadth ranging hyrax brucez) (pp. 637, 778) belong to this species
from 0.2 1 0 mm x 0.3 1 0 mm to 0.22 1 mm x (see R. camivoralis, p. 1 1 3) .
0.362 mm; posterior margin a broad shallow
curve. Eyes at widest point, well over halfway
back, large. Cervical grooves almost reaching eye Hosts
level, slightly convergent. Ventrally coxae I each
with a large broad spur; coxae II and III each with A three-host species. All developmental stages of
a mere indication of a spur. R. distinctus are host-specific for hyraxes. They
1 44 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

1 8° 30 ° 36 °
/ ·,
.... r .. -......· .....
. .
.. ·,.
#'/ ·....

;_, , - · .- CENTRAL SUDAN



:; .
,.. ...... .. __
.. ,,,,. .: ....._
·' ·' .-··- ../
"·._. -..'\ . /

· - -' ·�·;
--.; -UGANDA
,I � �; KENYA



(_,... · ·-··- ·�

.... ··1
1 2 °1---+�---t-���---j-�����-1-�·_ ·-·=
-·= '�T--+-�-----I-


( · +swAZILAND
30 °

36 ° Rhipicephalus distinctus
• Type locality
• Locality records
0 Locality record (approximate)

1 8° 30 ° 36 ° 42 ° 48°

Map 1 5 . Rhipicephalus distinctus: distribution.

R. distinctus 145

are particularly prevalent on both species of rock Ticks have been collected from hyraxes at
hyrax, with a single record only from a tree hyrax altitudes from less than 1 00 m above sea level to
(Table 1 3) . The adults attach mainly to the face, about 2000 m; at localities with either winter,
lips, ears and neck. The former three sites are summer, or non-seasonal rainfall ranging from
probably less prone to vigorous grooming with annual totals of less than 400 mm to over 1 500
the claw-like nail of the inner toe of the hyrax's mm; and at places where snow may fall in winter,
hindfoot. or where summer temperatures can reach 39 °C.
Infestations on most hosts other than the It should be remembered, though, that this tick
various hyrax species are probably accidental. probably spends its non- parasitic phases in the
Immature ticks are, however, common on three rock refuges inhabited by the hyraxes where the
animals that share the rocky outcrops favoured temperature and humidity are relatively stable
by rock hyraxes: the Namaqua rock mouse, red (Fourie, 1 983) .
rock rabbit and rock elephant shrew (Horak et al.,
1 99 1 ; Fourie, Horak & Van den Heever, 1 992) .
In Zimbabwe Norval ( 1 985) recorded a single R. Disease relationships
distinctus male and a larva from two red rock
rabbits identified as Pronolagus ctassicaudatus. Unknown.
According to Skinner & Smithers ( 1 990) this
species does not occur in Zimbabwe whereas
Pronolagus randensis does; we have therefore lis­ REFERENCES
ted the latter as the host of these ticks.
The larvae of R. distinctus are most abun­ Baker, M.K. & Keep, M.E. ( 1 970) . Checklist of the
dant on the rock hyrax in the Eastern Cape Prov­ ticks found on the larger game animals in the
ince, South Africa from December to May, the Natal game reserves. La,mmergeyer, 12, 4 1 -7 .
nymphs from December to March and the adults Bedford, G.A.H. ( 1 929) . Notes o n some South Afri­
from August to January (Horak & Fourie, 1 986) . can ticks, with descriptions of three new species.
Apparently, therefore, there is only one life cycle 1 5th Annual Report of the Director of Veterinary
Services, Union ofSouth Africa, 493-9.
a year in this region.
Bedford, G.A.H. ( 1 932) . A synoptic check-list and
host-list of the ectoparasites found on South
African Mammalia, Aves, and Reptilia (2nd
Zoogeography edn.) . 18th Report of the Director of Veterinary
Services and Animal Industry, Union of South
Rhipicephalus distinctus occurs in various parts of Africa, 223-523.
eastern, central and southern Africa in associ­ Fourie, L.J. ( 1 983) . The population dynamics of the rock
ation with its specific hosts, the rock hyraxes hyrax Procavia capensis (Pallas, 1 766) in the
(Map 1 5) . Of these the most commonly para­ Mountain Zebra National Park. PhD thesis,
sitized species is Procavia capensis. Apparently, Rhodes University, South Africa.
though, the tick is not present throughout the Fourie, L.J., Horak, I.G. & Van den Heever, J.J.
( 1 992) . The relative host status of rock elephant
range of this hyrax, which is currently thought to
shrews Elephantulus myurus and N amaqua rock
have a wide, though patchy and discontinuous,
mice Aethomys namaquensis for economically
distribution not only in Africa but also in various
important ticks. South African Journal of Zool­
Middle Eastern countries where suitable habitat
ogy, 27, 1 08-1 4 .
is present (Skinner & Smithers, 1 990) . Within Horak, L G . & Fourie, L.J. ( 1 986) . Parasites o f domes­
their joint range the hyraxes and this tick gen­ tic and wild animals in South Africa. XIX. Ixodid
erally occur where there are outcrops of rock in ticks and fleas on rock <lassies (Procavia capensis)
the form of cliffs, rocky hillsides or piles of loose in the Mountain Zebra National Park. Onder­
boulders. stepoortJournal of Veterinary Research, 53, 1 23-6.
146 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Horak, I.G., Fourie, L.J., Novellie, P.A. & Williams, ° °

18 24
E.J. ( 1 99 1 ) . Parasites of domestic and wild ani­ ·�

mals in South Africa. XXVI. The mosaic of


ixodid tick infestations on birds and mammals in C. .../':-A../ //(' \C

the Mountain Zebra National Park. Onder­ . � /i DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC
stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 58, 1 25- /::"- r i ../ OF CONGO
36. ......
Norval, RA.I. ( 1 985) . The ticks of Zimbabwe. XII. .
The lesser known Rhipicephalus species. Zim­ 0
babwe Veterinary Journal, 16, 37-43. .
Walker, J.B. ( 1 990) . Two new species of ticks from -
southern Africa whose adults parasitize the feet •• ·
of ungulates: Rhipicephalus lounsburyi n.sp. and • ·
Rhipicephalus neumanni n.sp. Onderstepoort
Journal of Veterinary Research, 5 7, 5 7-7 5 .
Walker, J.B. ( 1 99 1 ) . A review of the ixodid ticks •• ·,,
'• ·· - - - - - , _
(Acari, Ixodidae) occurring in southern Africa. °
18 . / 18
OnderstepoortJournal of Veterinary Research, 58,
8 1-1 05.
I .
�� ... �---�--���- ·1..
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) : Rhipicephalus duttoni ·
· ·
Hoogstraal ( 1 956); Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987); ·
Type locality Zambi or Zambu,
Skinner & Smithers ( 1 990); Theiler ( 1 947, °
24 Democratic Republic of Congo - ;
1 962) .
(not located) -
• Locality records ::
° °

NEUMANN, 1 907
Map 1 6. Rhipicephalus duttoni: distribution.

This species was named in honour of the collec­

tor, Joseph Everett Dutton ( 1 876- 1 905). This cess present on coxae I. A short median caudal
young doctor made important contributions to process present on engorged specimens. Eyes
medical parasitology in Africa, including the first mildly convex, edged dorsally by a few large
discovery of trypanosomes in human blood. He punctations. Cervical fields broad and conver­
died, aged only 29, during an expedition to the gent anteriorly, becoming divergent and tapering
Congo (Democratic Republic of Congo) . posteriorly to beyond eye level, their external
margins marked by large setiferous punctations
and their surfaces shagreened. Marginal lines
Diagnosis long, almost reaching eyes. Posteromedian and
posterolateral grooves well developed, elongate.
A medium-sized dark reddish-brown tick. Large setiferous punctations present on the scap­
ulae, also medially on the conscutum (where they
Male (Figs SO(a), 51 (a) to (c)) may coalesce to form a roughened depressed
Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth patch just anterior to the posteromedian groove),
ranging from 0.53 mm x 0.5 1 mm to 0. 76 and along the marginal lines, interspersed with
mm x 0.69 mm. Basis capituli with lateral angles finer punctations. Lateral areas of the conscutum
not quite halfway back, somewhat recurved. adjacent to marginal lines almost impunctate but
Palps smoothly rounded apically. Conscutum finely shagreened in places. Ventrally spiracles
length x breadth ranging from 2. 1 7 mm x 1 .32 elongate, with a broad prolongation curving gen­
mm to 3.22 mm x 1 .98 mm; large anterior pro- tly towards the dorsal surface. Adanal plates
R. duttoni 147

Figure 50. Rhipicephalus duttoni [Protozoology Section Tick Breeding Register, Onderstepoort, No. 3258, laboratory
reared, progeny of ¥ collected at Huambo (Nova Lisboa), Angola, probably from a bovine, in November 1 968 by F.M.H.
Serrano] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage de!.

Table 14. Host records o/Rhipicephalus duttoni

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle Commonly parasitized (including
Sheep 2
Goats 1
Horses 1
Dogs 2

Wild animals
African civet (Civettictis civetta)
Impala (Aepyceros melampus) 2 (including a nymph)
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) Commonly parasitized (including
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 1
Common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia) 1 (including nymphs)
Savanna hare (Lepus victoriae) 1 (including nymphs)

Black-bellied bustard (Eupadotis melanogaster) 1
148 AcccumscifindividualAfrotropical species
R. dutton.i 149

Figure 52 (above). RhipicepJialu.s dutumi [Protozoology Section Tick Breeding Register, Onderstepoort, No. 3258,
laboratory reared, progeny of�collected at Huambo (Nova Lisboa), Angola, probably from a bovine, in November 1968
by F.M.H. Serrano). Nymph: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) capirulum, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent
0.10 mm. SEMs by J.F. Putterill.

Figure 5 1 (opp<>siu) . Rhipic.epha.Jus duuoni [Protozoology Section Tick Breeding Register, Onderstepoort, No. 3258,
laboratory reared, progeny of 9 collected at Huambo (Nova Lisboa), Angola, probably from a bovine, in November 1968
by F.M.H. Serrano]. Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) capitulum, dorsal; (e)
scurum; (f) genital aperture. Sea.le bars represent 0.10 nun. SEMs by j.F. Puttcdll.
150 Acctmncs of individual A/rotrcpical species

Figure 53. Rhipicephalus duuoni (Protoi:oology Section Tic.k Breeding Register, Onderstepoon, No. 3258, laboratory
reared, progeny of\f' coUectcd at Huambo (Nova List>o:l), Angola, probably from a bovine, in November 1968 by F.M.H.
Serrano). Larva: (a) capitulurn, dorsal; (b) capiNlum, ventral; (c) scurum; (d) co xae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm.
SEMs by J.F. Putterill.

long, narrow, inclined inwards postcromedially, Palps a little longer than those of male, smoothly
posterior margins long, slightly conciwe; 9Cces­ roun ded apically. Scutum longer than broad,
sory adanal plates absen{. length x breadth ranging from L . 3 1 mm x 1 . 1 S
nun to 1.47 mm x 1.27 nun; posterior margin
Femak (Figs 50(b), 5J(d) LO (/}) sinuous. Eyes mildly convex, edged dorsally by
Capitulum bro.ader than long, length x bi:eadlh large punctations. Cervical fields long, broad;
rangjng from 0.64 mm x 0.67 mm to 0.70 their surfaces slightly shagreened in places, es­
mm x 0. 77 mm. Basis capiruJi wich lateral angles peciaJly along the internal margins; their external
at about mid-length, acute; porose areas large, ce...-vical margins marked by rows of large setifer­
slightly more than their own diameter apart. ous puoctations. Large setiferous punctations
R. duttoni 151

present on the scapulae and scattered elsewhere 1 7 1 9 in Neumann coll., 1 8 .VI. 1 9 14. Our J more
on the scutum, interspersed with medium-sized punctate and rougher, caudal process less pro­
to fine punctations. Ventrally genital aperture truding. We call it a co-type as it is from the same
sharply V-shaped. lot as the type and was rec'd from Liverpool'.
Keirans also noted that this collection now con­
Nymph (Fig. 52) tains 1 J, 1 ¥ and 2 nymphs that were found in a
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth separate vial.
ranging from 0. 1 9 mm x 0.24 mm to 0.25 Doubts about the validity of R. duttoni as a
mm x 0.28 mm. Basis capituli nearly three times species distinguishable from R. appendiculatus
as broad as long, with flange-like, forwardly-di­ were expressed by Theiler ( 1 94 7), though she
rected lateral angles. Palps constricted basally, did not reiterate these doubts in 1 962. Other
then widening before they taper to broadly­ authors (e.g. Zumpt, 1 949; Sousa Dias, 1 9 50)
rounded apices. Scutum broader than long, regarded it as being closely related to R. appendi­
length x breadth ranging from 0.44 mm x 0.53 culatus but nevertheless distinct. In 1 9 9 1 Gomes
mm to 0.52 mm x 0.58 mm. Eyes at widest & Wouters, who carried out experiments with R.
point, over halfway back, with a shallow furrow appendiculatus, R. duttoni and R. zambeziensis,
dorsally. Cervical fields long, broad, depressed, concluded that: 'R. duttoni is a distinct well-de­
almost reaching posterolateral margins of fined species in the R. appendiculatus group'.
scutum. Ventrally coxae I each with a large exter­ Judging by morphology, we think that R.
nal and very small internal spur; coxae II to IV duttoni is most closely related to R. nitens and,
each with a small external spur only. were these two species to occur sympatrically, it
would be extremely difficult to distinguish be­
Larva (Fig. 53) tween them in field collections, especially the
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth smaller specimens. Fortunately they occur in
ranging from 0. 1 03 mm x 0. 1 1 2 mm to 0. 1 1 6 widely separated areas (see p. 1 46, Map 1 6, and
mm x 0. 1 23 mm. Basis capituli over twice as R. nitens p. 3 1 6, Map 42) . In addition there are
broad as long, with very short lateral angles. a few distinct morphological differences be­
Palps constricted proximally, then widening tween them. The larger males of R. duttoni have
markedly, apices truncated. Scutum much longer, more tapering, cervical fields than R.
broader than long, length x breadth ranging nitens, and the lateral areas of the conscutum do
from 0.245 mm x 0.363 mm to 0.26 1 not bulge so conspicuously. In the nymphs
mm x 0.398 mm. Eyes at widest point, mildly there are slight differences in the shapes of the
convex. Cervical grooves short, almost parallel. capitula. The nymph of R. duttoni has broader,
Ventrally coxae I and II with broad spurs; coxae more flange-like lateral angles to its basis
III with a smaller triangular spur. capituli than does the R. nitens nymph. The
larvae of these two species are virtually indistin­
Notes on identification guishable.
Neumann's original description of this species Two collections from the Musee Royal de
was based on a single male collected from a bov­ l'Afrique Centrale, T892 1/8927 and T8930,
ine at Zambie. This is thought to be in the Demo­ both from Zambi and labelled R. appendiculatus
cratic Republic of Congo but has not been pre­ by Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966), were re-identified as
cisely located. According to Keirans ( 1 985), R. duttoni by J.B.W.
Nuttall Collection 1 6 1 4, labelled as We ourselves have little personal experi­
'Rhipicephalus duttoni J, ¥, N's', and designated ence of R. duttoni. Consequently we have had to
COTYPE, was obtained from 'cattle, Zambu, base our account of its hosts and zoogeography
Africa, no date, Drs Dutton & Todd'. Nuttall almost exclusively on information in the litera­
noted: ' Compared with R. duttoni 1 J type N. ture. Unfortunately most references lack detail,
152 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

e.g. of the number of hosts, such as cattle, from with a relatively xerophytic type of North Zam­
which collections were made. bezian undifferentiated woodland. Further south,
in the hinterland away from the dry coastal zone,
annual rainfalls ranging from 600 mm to well over
1 200 mm may be obtained. The vegetation here is
either wetter Zambezian miombo woodland,
A three-host species (Protozoology Section Tick
dominated by Brachystegia, Julbernardia and Iso­
Breeding Register, Onderstepoort, No. 3258) .
berlinia, or Colophospennum mopane woodland.
Amongst domestic animals, cattle are probably
its commonest hosts. In a recent survey conduc­
ted by Gomes, Pombal & Venturi ( 1 994) it com­
Disease relationships
prised 8.3% of the 3864 ticks collected from
these animals. The preferred feeding site for the
This tick is an efficient vector of Corridor disease
adults on cattle is their ears, on which they may
of cattle, caused by Theileria parva lawrencei, in
be present in very large numbers (Gomes &
the field (Da Gra\:a & Serrano, 1 97 1 ) .
Wouters, 1 99 1 ) . It is apparent, therefore, that in
some parts of its range it is an important bovine
parasite, though it is impossible to give an actual
figure for the number of collections obtained REFERENCES
from cattle. Other domestic animals have rarely
been listed as hosts and we have no means of Da Gra9a, H.M. & Serrano, F.M.H. ( 1 97 1 ) . Con­
tribui9ao para o estudo da Theileriose sincerina
determining how often they really are parasitized
maligna dos bovinos, em Angola. Acta Veterin­
by this tick (Table 1 4) .
aria, Nova Lisboa, 7, 1-8.
Only a few wild hosts of R. duttoni have
Fain, A. ( 1 949) . Contribution a l'etude des Ar­
been recorded in the literature (Fain, 1 949; San­ thropodes piquers dans le territoire de
tos Dias, 1 956, 1 957, 1 983a,b) . Many others Banningville (Regions du Bas-Kwango et Bas­
probably remain to be discovered. The African Kwilu) . Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Afri­
buffalo is undoubtedly an important host be­ caines, XLII, 1 76-82.
cause of its involvement in the transmission by Gomes, A.F. & Wouters, G. ( 1 9 9 1 ) . Species identifi­
this tick of Theileria parva lawrencei to cattle in cation of Rhipicephalus duttoni in relation to the
Angola (Da Gra\:a & Serrano, 1 9 7 1 ) . Rhipicephalus appendiculatus group. Journal of
Adults of R. duttoni are active mainly dur­ Medical Entomology, 28, 1 6-18.
ing the rainy season, though they can be found Gomes, A.F., Pombal, A.M. & Venturi, L. ( 1 994) .
Observations on cattle ticks in Huila Province
throughout the year.
(Angola) . Veterinary Parasitology, 5 1, 333-6.
Neumann, G. ( 1 907) . Description of two new species
Zoogeography of African ticks. Annals of Tropical Medicine and
Parasitology, 1, 1 1 5-20.
Rhipicephalus duttoni has been recorded most Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 956) . Notes sur quelques ixod­
ides d'Angola en collection dans le Laboratoire
commonly in south-western Angola and, further
de Parasitologie de la Faculte de Medecine de
north, in the vicinity of Luanda (Map 1 6) . Its
Paris. Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie
southernmost records to date are from Enyandi
Exotique, 49, 65-8.
and Swartbooisdrif, on the north-western border
Santos Dias, J.A. T. ( 1 9 5 7) . Notas sobre a Ixodofauna
of Namibia, and its northernmost from western Angola. Boletim da Sociedade de Estudios de
Democratic Republic of Congo. It can apparently Mofa,mbique, No. 1 03, 1 57-69.
tolerate a wide range of ecological conditions. In Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 983a) . Subsidios para o con­
the Luanda area the annual rainfall ranges from hecirnento da fauna ixodol6gica de Angola. Gar­
under 400 mm to about 600 mm and is associated cia de Orta, Serie de Zoologia, Lisboa, 1 1 , 57-68.
R. dux 153

Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 983b) . Alguns ixodideos fields, and scattered medially on the conscutum
(Acarina-Ixodoidea-Ixodidae) coligidos em An­ and around the posterior grooves. These are in­
gola pelo Dr. Crawford Cabral. Garcia de Orta, terspersed with numerous smaller punctations
Serie de Zoologia, Lisboa, 1 1 , 69-76. that are quite prominent in some specimens but
more superficial in others. An ivory-coloured
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14):
Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966); Keirans ( 1 985); Sousa
pattern generally present mid-dorsally, often
Dias ( 1 950); Theiler ( 1 947, 1 962); Zumpt
consisting of a relatively small patch anteriorly
( 1 949) .
plus a larger one behind this that partially sur­
rounds the anterior ends of the posterior grooves.
These two patches may be joined, forming a
single ivory-coloured area that usually extends
from about eye-level to the anterior ends of the
The Latin term dux means 'leader, ruler, guide'
posterior grooves. Some specimens, however,
but the significance of this specific name for this
lack the colour pattern. Ventrally spiracles with a
tick is unknown.
short, broad, curved dorsal prolongation. Adanal
plates short, broad, their posterior ends curving
round smoothly towards each other; accessory
adanal plates in the form of small sclerotized

Diagnosis Female (Figs 54(b), 55(d) to (j))

Capitulum often longer than broad but in some
A large ornate rhipicephalid on which the ivory­ specimens broader than long, length x breadth
coloured ornamentation on the adult's scutum ranging from 0.86 mm x 0.95 mm to 1 .22
characteristically consists of either one or two mm x 1 . 1 9 mm. Basis capituli with short acute
patches mid-dorsally in the male and a single lateral angles; porose areas large, deep set, more
patch posteromedially in the female. than their own diameter apart. Palps with a short
narrow neck, otherwise broad, their apices trun­
Male (Figs 54(a), 55(a) to (c)) cated. Scutum broader than long, length x
Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth breadth ranging from 1 .77 mm x 2.02 mm to
ranging from 0.83 mm x 0.81 mm to 1 .25 2.02 mm x 2.42 mm; posterior margin very
mm x 1 .07 mm. Basis capituli with sharp some­ slightly sinuous. Eyes small, flat. Cervical fields
what recurved lateral angles in anterior third of well defined, broad, depressed. A few large
its length. Palps broadly rounded apically. Con­ setiferous punctations present on the scapulae,
scutum length x breadth ranging from 3.61 along the cervical margins and scattered medially
m m x 2.60 mm to 4.89 m m x 3.41 mm; anter­ on the scutum, interspersed with numerous
ior process on coxae I inconspicuous. In en­ somewhat smaller punctations; in general the
gorged males body wall bulges posterolaterally scutum is more densely punctate than that of the
and forms a broadly-rounded process postero­ male. A single ivory-coloured patch, roughly tri­
medially. Eyes small, flat. Cervical fields flat, not angular in shape, present posteromedially. Short
particularly well delineated. Marginal lines not white setae often scattered on the alloscutum,
well developed, sometimes reaching eye level but though they are easily rubbed off. Ventrally geni­
sometimes shorter, then continued anteriorly tal aperture U-shaped.
merely by rows of punctations. Posteromedian
groove long, posterolateral grooves more-or-less Immature stages
round. Large setiferous punctations present on Unknown.
scapulae, along external margins of cervical
154 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Figure 54. Rhipicephalus dux [Onderstepoort Tick Collection 2963i, collected from African buffalo (Syncerus cajfer) at
Angumu, Uele, Democratic Republic of Congo, on 5 January 1953 by M. Wanson] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal.
Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.

Table 1 5 . Host records ofRhipicephalus dux

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 2
Pigs 2

Wild animals
African elephant (Loxodonta africana) 2
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 2
Forest hog (Hylochoerus meinertzhagenz) 1
Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus) 2
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 21

Humans 1 (unattached)

Figure 55 (opposite) . Rhipicephalus dux [Onderstepoort

Tick Collection 2963i, collected from African buffalo
(Syncerus cajfer) at Angumu, Uele, Democratic Republic
of Congo, on 5 January 1 953 by M. Wanson] . Male: (a)
capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female:
(d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scutum; (f) genital aperture.
Scale bars represent 0. 1 0 mm . SEMs by J.F. Putterill.
R. du..'{ l55
156 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

1 2° 1 8° 24 ° 30 ° 36 ° 42 °
··.._. .r..... ..... _ .,,,.. :., ---, --·-....-
i .,
-( .

'-. ·-··-··


._ I
,. ·-
.. f

-··- ·-·
r �

1 f


j • KENYA �

00 1 00
GABON \ r'

, .. J•t-··.... / g !/ � REPUBLIC RWANDA

.., (j i OF CONGO '


60 -r,.,, i,
!. •
<"'1, ! '-··-· ·

'1--,.,, \

..... . ·-
. .-
ANGOLA ( ... ··-··- ·
. "\....- ·

1 2° 1 2°
' -··

- ··- ·
·-. .



Rhipicephalus dux ...... _:


¢ Type locality (approximate) _


! d
-· ·

i !
Locality records -·
· .
- . ... .

Unconfirmed locality records _:.... .
1 8° 1 8°
1 2° 1 8° 24 ° 30 ° 36 ° 42 °

Map 1 7 . Rhipicephalus dux: distribution. (Based largely on Morel, 1 969).

Notes on identification posteromedially that is ivory-coloured. In the fe­

Zumpt ( 1 942) first discussed the four ornate males of both R. humeralis and R. pulchellus al­
rhipicephalids, R. dux, R. humeralis, R. maculatus most the entire scutum is ivory-coloured. It is
and R. pulchellus, as a group. Santos Dias ( 1 962) closest in general appearance to the R. maculatus
then placed them together in his new subgenus female but its cervical fields are more definitely
Tendeirodes but we do not accept his definition of demarcated, and its scutum overall is far more
this subgenus based on ornamentation alone. punctate.
Morel ( 1 969) suggested that R. dux probably Only when its immature stages become
belongs to the R. simus group. Certainly its adults available will it be possible to determine its real
differ morphologically in several respects from relationships within the genus.
the other three ornate species. As Morel noted,
their affinities are with the R. appendiculatus
group. In the R. dux male the basis capituli is Hosts
somewhat broader in relation to its length than it
is in the other three species; the anterior process Life cycle unknown. There are few records of
of its coxae I is inconspicuous, not large and this species from domestic animals, which may
strongly sclerotized; the posterior grooves on its simply reflect their relative scarcity in most areas
conscutum are better developed, and its caudal where it has so far been collected rather than any
process is short and broadly rounded, not tail­ aversion to them as hosts. It has been recorded
like. In the R. dux female the scutum is broader in most commonly from the African buffalo, and to
relation to its length than that of either R. hu­ a much lesser extent from three species of wild
meralis or R. pulchellus, with only a small area suids (Table 1 5) . Morel ( 1 969) regarded the
R. evertsi evertsi 157

African elephant as its primary host but the infor­ Museu d e Hamburgo. Anais dos Servi�os de Vet­
mation now available to us does not support this erinaria, No. 9 for 1961, 79-98.
view. Zumpt, F. ( 1 942) . Die gefteckten Rhipicephalus-Ar­
Two adults were found on the genitalia of ten. III. Vorstudie zu einer Revision der Gat­
tung Rhipicephalus. Zeitschrift fiir Parasiten­
an African buffalo. Most collections have been
kunde, 12, 433-43.
made between May and October.
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) :
Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966); Matthysse & Colbo
Zoogeography ( 1 987); Morel ( 1 969); Theiler ( 1 94 7) .

Present indications are that R. dux occurs pri­

marily in north-eastern Democratic Republic of RHIPICEPHALUS EVER TS! EVER TS!
Congo. It has also been found in a few places NEUMANN, 1 897
further south in that country as well as eastwards
in south-western Uganda and northern Rwanda This species was named after Dr J.G. Everts,
(Map 1 7) . Apparently, therefore, it occurs most who collected the type specimens in the province
commonly in areas lying at an altitude of 500 m, then called the Transvaal, South Africa.
but sometimes much higher, with high annual
rainfalls ranging from about 1 400 mm to 1 800
mm or more, in Congolian lowland rainforest
and mosaics of this forest and secondary grass­
A medium-sized dark brown tick with reddish­
orange legs.
Morel ( 1 969, map 5 1 ) recorded it in two
areas in northern Angola. We also know of two
Male (Figs 56(a), 5 7(a) to (c))
Angolan records but cannot position either of
Capitulum as broad as long, length x breadth
them. Since together they comprise a total of
ranging from 0.63 mm x 0.63 mm to 0.75
only 4 6 6 and 3 n (Santos Dias, 1 964; RML
mm x 0.76 mm. Basis capituli with short acute
9896 1 ) we feel that its presence in that country
lateral angles in anterior third of its length. Palps
requires confirmation.
short, broad, flattened apically. Conscutum
length x breadth ranging from 2.81 mm x 1 . 78
Disease relationships mm to 3.30 mm x 2. 1 0 mm; anterior process on
coxae I sharp. Eyes beady, orbited. Cervical pits
Unknown. comma-shaped, continuous with the long diver­
gent rugose internal cervical margins. Marginal
lines long but not particularly conspicuous.
REFERENCES Posteromedian and posterolateral grooves also
shallow and inconspicuous. A few large setifer­
Donitz, W. ( 1 9 1 0) . Zwei neue Afrikanische ous punctations present anteriorly on scapulae,
Rhipicephalusarten (R. dux, R. glyphis) . in irregular lines along external cervical margins
Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschende
and scattered elsewhere on the conscutum, inter­
Freunde der Berlin, 6, 275-80.
spersed with a dense pattern of medium-sized to
Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 962) . Contribui\:iio ao estudo
fine punctations. Legs characteristically bright
da systematica do genero Rhipicephalus C.L.
Koch, 1 844 (Acarina, Ixodoidea) . Anais dos Ser­ reddish-orange in colour, their colour contrast­
vi�os de Veterinaria, No. 8 for 1960, 1-1 3 . ing strongly with the dark conscutum. Ventrally
Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 964) . Nova contribui\:iio para o spiracles club-shaped, with a long, straight, nar­
conhecimento da ixodofauna Angolana. Car­ row dorsal prolongation, surrounded by numer­
ra\:as colhidas por uma missao de estudo do ous long setae. Adanal plates almost drop-
158 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

U"\ '





Figure 56. Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi (Protozoology Section Tick Breeding Register, Onderstepoort, No. 3264,
laboratory reared, origin of strain not recorded) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A.
Olwage del.

shaped, broadly rounded posteriorly; accessory rounded by numerous long setae. Genital aper­
adanal plates bluntly pointed. ture V-shaped.

Female (Figs 56(b), 5 7(d) to (j)) Nymph (Fig. 58)

Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth Capitulum slightly broader than long,
ranging from 0.69 mm x 0.74 mm to 0.83 length x breadth ranging from 0.23 mm x 0.24
mm x 0.88 mm. Basis capituli with acute lateral mm to 0.26 mm x 0.27 mm. Basis capituli over
angles just anterior to mid-length; porose areas twice as broad as long, mildly convex laterally.
large, oval, about 1 .5 times their own diameter Palps almost parallel sided, their external mar­
apart. Palps broad, flattened apically. Scutum gins nearly straight, their internal margins some­
longer than broad, length x breadth ranging what sinuous, broadly rounded apically, shorter
from 1 .47 mm x 1 .33 mm to 1 .80 mm x 1 .57 than the hypostome. Scutum broader than long,
mm; posterior margin sinuous. Eyes at widest length x breadth ranging from 0.46 mm x 0.55
point of scutum, beady, orbited. Cervical pits mm to 0.53 mm x 0.61 mm; posterior margin
long, convergent, continuous with the long di­ concave laterally where the internal cervical
vergent rugose internal cervical margins. Large grooves reach it. Eyes at widest point, well over
setiferous punctations most evident on scapulae halfway back, slightly bulging. Cervical grooves
and scattered between cervical fields, intersper­ initially mildly convergent, becoming divergent
sed with numerous medium-sized to small punc­ and extending back to the posterolateral margins
tations. Ventrally spiracles, as in the male, sur- of the scutum, thus dividing the scutum into
R. evertsi evertsi 159

12° 12°

18° 18°

Rhipicepha/us everlsi everlsi

• Type locality Transvaal
• Locality records
0 Locality record (approximate)


Map 1 8. Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi: distribution.

three parts. Ventrally coxae I each with two short posterior margin a smooth deep curve. Eyes at
broad spurs; remaining coxae each with a blunt­ widest point of scutum, just over halfway back,
ly-rounded external spur only. slightly bulging. Cervical grooves short, almost
parallel. Ventrally coxae I each with a short broad
Larva (Fig. 59) spur; remaining coxae each with a slight ridge­
Capitulum much longer than broad, length x like salience on its posterior margin.
breadth ranging from 0. 1 73 mm x 0. 1 37 mm to
0 . 1 88 mm x 0 . 1 5 5 mm. Basis capituli over twice Notes on identification
as broad as long, almost rectangular in shape. The adults of this species are amongst the easiest
Palps more or less sausage-shaped, broadly rhipicephalids to identify, with their dark scutum
rounded apically. Scutum much broader than and contrasting reddish-orange legs. In parts of
long, length x breadth ranging from 0.3 1 3 the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of
mm x 0.398 mm to 0 . 3 2 5 mm x 0.4 1 9 mm; South Africa, though, its distribution overlaps
160 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Table 1 6. Host records o/Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 48 1 9 (including immatures)
Sheep 667 (including immatures)
Goats 303 (including immatures)
Camels 18
Horses 1 04 (including immatures)
Donkeys 26 (including immatures)
Mules 3
Pigs 3 (including nymphs)
Dogs 30 (including immatures)
Cats 1 ( 1 nymph)
Rabbits 1
Wild animals
Vervet monkey (Chlorocebus aethiops) 1 (1 larva)
Yellow baboon (Papio cynocephalus) 1
Chacma baboon (Papio ursinus) 2 (including immatures)
Papio sp. 1
Colobus monkey (Colobus sp.) 1 ( 1 larva)
Side-striped jackal (Canis adustus) 2 (immatures)
Black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) 8 (immatures)
Canis sp. 3 (including nymphs)
'Jackal' 1
Hunting dog (Lycaon pictus) 1 (nymphs)
Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) 3 (including larvae)
Caracal ( Caracal caraca[) 23 (immatures)
African wild cat (Pelis lybica) 2 (immatures)
Lion (Panthera leo) 7 (including larvae)
Leopard (Panthera pardus) 4
Marsh mongoose (Atilax paludinosus) 1 (immatures)
Slender mongoose ( Galerella sanguinea) 1 (larvae)
Banded mongoose (Mungos mungo) 1 (immatures)
Meercat (Suricata suricatta) 1 (immatures)
Aardwolf (Proteles cristatus) 1 (larvae)
Ratel (Mellivora capensis) 1 (including immatures)
African civet (Civettictis civetta) 1 (larvae)
Genetta sp. 1 (larvae)
African elephant (Loxodonta africana) 2
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchelliz) 1 70 (including immatures)
Grevy's zebra (Equus grevyz) 1 1 (including nymphs)
Mountain zebra (Equus zebra) 20 (including immatures)
'Zebra' 1 0 (including nymphs)
White rhinoceros ( Ceratotherium simum) 1
Yellow-spotted rock hyrax (Heterohyrax brucez) 2 (including nymphs)
Rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) 5 (including immatures)
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 1 9 (including immatures)
R. evertsi evertsi 161

Table 1 6. (cont.)

Hosts Number of records

Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus)

Giraffe (Gira.ffa camelopardalis) 46 (including immatures)
Impala (Aepyceros melampus) 472 (including immatures)
Red hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus caama) 1 3 (including immatures)
Coke's hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus cokii) 6 (including immatures)
Jackson's hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus jacksom) 4 (including larvae)
Black wildebeest ( Connochaetes gnou) 25 (including immatures)
Blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) 1 72 (including immatures)
'Wildebeest' 1
Tsessebe (Damaliscus lunatus lunatus) 9 (including immatures)
Topi (Damaliscus lunatus topi) 5 (including nymphs)
Korrigum (Damaliscus lunatus korrigum) 1 (immatures)
Bontebok (Damaliscus pygargus dorcas) 9 (including immatures)
Blesbok (Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi) 1 4 (including immatures)
Lichtenstein's hartebeest (Sigmoceros lichtensteinii) 5 (including immatures)
Springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) 33 (including immatures)
Grant's gazelle (Gazella grantt) 1 6 (including immatures)
Thomson's gazelle (Gazella thomsonii) 36 (including immatures)
Gerenuk (Iitocranius wal/,en) 4
Kirk's dik-dik (Madoqua kirkii) 4 (including nymphs)
'Dik-dik' (Madoqua sp.) 1
Klipspringer ( Oreotragus oreotragus) 1 (immatures)
Oribi ( Ourebia ourebi) 6 (including immatures)
Steenbok (Raphicerus campestris) 1 6 (including immatures)
Cape grysbok (Raphicerus melanotis) 1 (nymphs)
Sharpe's grysbok (Raphicerus sharpei) 1
African buffalo (Syncerus cajfer) 1 8 1 (including immatures)
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 80 (including immatures)
Nyala ( Tragelaphus angasii) 32 (including immatures)
Lesser kudu ( Tragelaphus imberbis) 1
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus) 28 (including immatures)
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros) 1 72 (including immatures)
'Kudu' 1
Blue duiker (Cephalophus monticola) 1 (immatures)
Red forest duiker ( Cephalophus nataknsis) 8 (including immatures)
Common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia) 24 (including immatures)
'Duiker' 2
Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus) 10
Sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) 37 (including immatures)
Gemsbok (Oryx gazella) 52 (including immatures)
Grey rhebok (Pelea capreolus) 6 (including immatures)
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) 24 (including immatures)
Kob (Kobus kob) 3
Lechwe (Kobus leche) 8 (including immatures)
Puku (Kobus vardonii) 2
Kobus sp.
162 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Table 1 6 . (cont.)

Hosts Number of records

Reedbuck (Redunca arundinum) 61 (including immatures)

Mountain reedbuck (Reduncafulvorufula) 25 (including immatures)
Redunca sp. 1
Smith's bush squirrel (Paraxerus cepapz) 1 (l larva)
Huet's bush squirrel (Paraxerus ochraceus) 1
Unstriped ground squirrel (Xerus rutilus)
Short-tailed pouched mouse (Saccostomus campestris) 1 (l larva)
Common fat mouse (Steatomys pratensis) 1 (immatures)
Red veld rat (Aethomys chrysophilus) 1 (immatures)
Namaqua rock mouse (Aethomys namaquensis) 1 (1 larva)
Arvicanthis sp.1 1 ( 1 larva)
Lemniscomys sp. 1 (immatures)
Spring hare (Pedetes capensis) 5 (immatures)
South African porcupine (Hystrix africaeaustralis) 1 ( 1 nymph)
Crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata) 1
Cape hare (Lepus capensis)2 136 (immatures)
Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis)2 445 (immatures)
Savanna hare (Lepus victoriae) 1 (nymphs)
Lepus sp. 69 (immatures)
'Hare' 6 (including immatures)
Smith's red rock rabbit (Pronolagus rupestris) 9 (including immatures)
Pronolagus sp. 2 (immatures)
Short-snouted elephant shrew (Elephantulus brachyrhynchus) 1 (immatures)
Rufous elephant shrew (Elephantulus rufescens) 4 (immatures)
Short-eared elephant shrew (Macroscelides proboscideus) 1 (immatures)

Reed cormorant (Phalacrocorax africanus) 2 (immatures)
Crested francolin (Francolinus sephaena) 1 (immatures)
Helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris) 7 (larvae)
White-backed mousebird ( Colius colius) 1 (immatures)
Red-capped lark ( Calandrella cinerea) 1 (including immatures)
Greater striped swallow (Hirundo cucullata) 1 (including immatures)
Brown-headed tchagra ( Tchagra australis) 2 (immatures)
Arrow-marked babbler ( Turdoides jardineiz) 2 (immatures)
Red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea) 1 (immatures)
Leopard tortoise ( Geochelone pardalis) 1 ( 1 female)

Humans 3 (including 1 nymph)

Note: 1Listed as an unstriped grass mouse by Yeoman & Walker ( 1 967).

2A few hares harboured a single adult tick each.
R. evertsi evertsi 163

with that of the related species R. glabroscutatum larvae few of these develop to nymphs (Horak,
(see pp. 200-206) and this can cause some prob­ Williams & Van Schalkwyk, 1 99 1 a) . A similar
lems with the identification of field collections. situation pertains for several antelope species.
Apart from their prominent eyes there is no mor­ Morel & Mouchet ( 1 965) state that the absence
phological resemblance between the adults of of this species on wild ungulates in West Africa
these two species but in several respects their suggests that it was introduced on domestic live­
immature stages look alike and field-collected stock from East Africa. Scrub hares are good
specimens are often difficult to separate. How­ hosts of the immature stages. They seldom har­
ever, the basis capituli of an R. evertsi evertsi bour large numbers but the translation on them
nymph is narrower and more rounded laterally of larvae into nymphs is excellent (Clifford, Flux
than that of an R. glabroscutatum nymph, with its & Hoogstraal, 1 976; Rechav, Zeederberg & Zel­
longer sharper lateral angles. The scuta of these ler, 1 987; Horak et al., 1 99 1 b) .
nymphs are similar, with long cervical grooves Although R. evertsi evertsi is widely distrib­
that reach the posterolateral margins. Propor­ uted in both southern and eastern Africa, and
tionally, though, the scutum of an R. evertsi parasitizes a great variety of hosts, adult ticks are
evertsi nymph is narrower in relation to its length seldom abundant. Individual collections exceed­
than that of an R. glabroscutatum nymph. The ing 80 ticks from cattle, horses, zebras or eland
palps and basis capituli of an R. evertsi evertsi must be considered large. Several collections ex­
larva are more-or-less parallel sided, whereas the ceeding 1 000 immature ticks have been taken
palps of an R. glabroscutatum larva are elongate from the ears of zebras (Horak, De Vos & De
oval in shape and its basis capituli narrows slight­ Klerk, 1 984; Horak et al., 1 99 1 b) .
ly posteriorly. The body of an engorged or semi­ The preferred site of attachment of adult
engorged R. evertsi evertsi larva is also nearly ticks is the peri-anal area (Hoogstraal, 1 956;
parallel sided, with a bluntly-rounded posterior Baker & Ducasse, 1 96 7), but some may also be
end, compared with the egg-shaped R. glabros­ found on the inner thigh and groin region. The
cutatum larva, which tapers towards its posterior immature stages attach mainly in the external ear
end. canals (Hoogstraal, 1 956; Baker & Ducasse,
1 96 7) . Many larvae, both alive and dead, may be
Hosts present in the fleece of woolled sheep (Horak et
al., 1 99 1 a) .
A two-host species (Theiler, 1 943; Rechav, Adult and immature R. evertsi evertsi are
Knight & Norval, 1 977) . The preferred hosts of present on host animals throughout the year. In
all stages of development are large animals such the southern regions of its distribution zone adult
as cattle, horses, zebras and eland (Yeoman & ticks are more abundant from spring to autumn
Walker, 1 967; Walker, 1 974; MacLeod et al., and the immatures tend to be more abundant
1 977; Norval, 1 98 1 ; Horak et al., 1 99 1 b) (Table from autumn to spring (MacLeod et al., 1 977;
1 6) . Both Hoogstraal ( 1 956) and Norval ( 1 98 1 ) Rechav, 1 982; Colborne, 1 988; Horak et al.,
believe that domestic equids and wild zebras may 1 99 1 a) . In the north no clear pattern of seasonal
be the pre-eminent hosts. It is the commonest abundance is evident (Kaiser et al., 1 988) .
species on donkeys in the Yemen (Pegram, Throughout its distribution range R. evertsi
Hoogstraal & Wassef, 1 982) . Many collections evertsi probably completes more than one life
have also been taken from sheep, goats, impala, cycle annually. Field observations on the en­
blue wildebeest, African buffalo and greater kudu gorged females, eggs and larvae of this tick were
(Walker, 1 9 74; Carmichael, 1 976; Norval, 1 98 1 ; carried out at Mazabuka, Zambia, by Gray
Horak e t al., 1 992; Gallivan & Surgeoner, 1 995) . ( 1 95 1 ) .
Sheep are good hosts of the adults only. Al­ On the South African Highveld the syn­
though they may harbour large numbers of chronous emergence of large numbers of adults
164 Accounts of in.di'l.Ji.dual Afrotro-pical spe.cies
R. evertsi evertsi 165

Figure 58 (aboue). Rlripicep/Jtdu:s evert.si eve11si (B.S. 250/-, RML 66306, laboratory reared, original 9 collected from
bovine, Kikuyu, Kenya, on 1 November 1950 by B. Gaithu). Nymph: (a) capirulum, dorsal; (b) capirulum, ventral; (c)
scutwn; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.

Figure 57 (opposiu). Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi (B.S. 2 50/ , RML 66306, laboratory reared, original 9 collected from

l u, Kenya, on l November 1950 by B. Gaithu). Male: (a) capirulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal places.
bovine, J.<il..'ly
Female: (d) capirulum, dorsal; (e) spiracle; (i) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.
166 Accounts ofindividual Afrotropical species

Fjgure 59. Rhi'fYicephalus evertsi evertsi (B.S. 250/-, RML 66306, laboratory reared, original � collected from bovine,
Kikuyu, Kenya, on 1 November l 950 by B. Gaithu). Larvs: (a) capirulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c) scutum; (d)
coxae. ScaJe bars represenr 0.10 m.m. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.

from overwintered nymphs can result in heavy South Africa in the south to eastern Sudan in the
burdens during spring (Horak el al., 1991 a). In north (Map 18). No collections have been made
young lambs th.is increase in infestation can re­ north of 18 °N. With.in this region it is either
sult in paralysis (Hamel & Gothe> 1978). absent or only marginally present in northern
Zambia, Malawi, southern Tanzania, eastern
and northern Kenya, southern Somalia and west­
Zoogeography ern Ethiopia. With the possible exception of low
rainfall we do not know what constraints affect its
Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi is the most wide­ distribution in these and other countries where it
spread rhipicephalid in the Afrotropical region. It occurs. Its range in Mozambique is largely un­
is prevalent in the eastern half of Africa from known because of a dearth of collections. In
R. evertsi evertsi 167

South Africa, particularly in the western regions bigemina (Buscher, 1 988) . Intrastadial trans­
of that country, the tick is not necessarily as mission of Anaplasma marginale to cattle by
densely distributed as indicated by the degree adult ticks and transstadial transmission of
square system of locality plotting that we have Ehrlichia ovina to sheep have been demonstrated
used. In the western half of the subcontinent it is experimentally (Neitz, 1 952, cited by Neitz,
sparsely distributed. 1 956; Potgieter, 1 98 1 ) . Rhipicephalus evertsi
In West Africa it is present in a band ex­ evertsi is an important vector of Borrelia theileri,
tending roughly from 1 0 °N to 1 6 °N and 1 1 °W the causative agent of spirochaetosis in cattle,
to 20 °E. As noted earlier Morel & Mouchet sheep, goats and domestic equids (Theiler,
( 1 965) suggested that it was introduced into this 1 909) . Engorging female ticks produce a toxin
region on domestic livestock from East Africa. causing paralysis, particularly in lambs and
Doubtless R. evertsi evertsi was also intro­ possibly also in young calves (Clark, 1 938;
duced into the Yemen and Saudi Arabia. Pegram Hamel & Gothe, 1 978) . This tick may also play
et al. ( 1 982) found that it was common in the a role in the transmission of the virus causing
humid highlands and subhighlands in the Yemen Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever in humans
but either rare or absent in the arid coastal plains. (Swanepoel et al., 1 983), and of Rickettsia conori,
In Saudi Arabia, Al-Khalifa et al. ( 1 987) re­ the cause of tick-bite fever in humans (Gear,
corded four collections of this subspecies from 1 954) .
indigenous cattle and sheep in Gizan Oazan) and
Asir Provinces.
Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi has been col­ REFERENCES
lected at altitudes varying from just above sea
level to approximately 2500 m, and appears to be Al-Khalifa, M.S., Hussein, H.S., Al-Asgar, N.A. &
commonest in regions receiving between 400 Diab, F.M. ( 1 987) . Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in­
mm and 1 000 mm of rainfall annually. However, festing local domestic animals in western and
in Ethiopia, De Castro ( 1 994) found that it was southern Saudi Arabia. Arab Gulf Journal of
commonly present in habitats receiving between Scientific Research, Agriculture and Biology
Science, BS, 301-19.
1 200 mm and 2600 mm of annual rainfall.
Baker, M.K. & Ducasse, F.B.W. ( 1 96 7) . Tick infesta­
Theiler ( 1 950) suggested that increasing aridity
tion of livestock in Natal. I. The predilection
limits its distribution and that the critical rainfall
sites and seasonal variations of cattle ticks. Jour­
level lies between 250 mm and 375 mm annually. nal of the South African Veterinary Medical Asso­
It occurs in woodland, bushland, wooded and ciation, 38, 447-53 .
bushed grassland, and grassland, and more rarely Buscher, G . ( 1 988) . The infection of various tick
in forest and shrubland. species with Babesia bigemina, its transmission
and identification. Parasitology Research, 74,
Disease relationships Carmichael, 1.H. ( 1 976) . Ticks from the African buf­
falo (Syncerus caffer) in Ngamiland, Botswana.
Although Lounsbury ( 1 906) showed that R. OnderstepoortJournal of Veterinary Research, 43,
evertsi evertsi can transmit Theileria parva parva
Clark, R. ( 1 938) . A note on paralysis in lambs caused
to cattle it is not regarded as an important vector.
apparently by Rhipicephalus evertsi. Journal of
It is, however, an important vector of Theileria
the South African Veterinary Medical Association,
separata of sheep Gansen & Neitz, 1 956), and of 9, 1 43-5 .
Babesia caballi and Babesia equi of domestic Clifford, C.M., Flux, J.E. & Hoogstraal, H. ( 1 976) .
equids (De Waal & Potgieter, 1 987; De Waal, Seasonal and regional abundance of ticks
1 983-88, cited by De Waal & Van Heerden, (Ixodidae) on hares (Leporidae) in Kenya.
1 994) . It is less efficient as a vector of Babesia Journal ofMedical Entomology, 13, 40-7.
168 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Colborne,J.RA. ( 1 988) . The role ofwild hosts in main­ ixodid tick infestations on birds and mammals in
taining tick populations on cattle in the south­ the Mountain Zebra National Park. Onder­
eastern Lowveld of Zimbabwe. M. Phil. disserta­ stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 58, 1 25-
tion: University of Zimbabwe. 36.
De Castro, J.J. ( 1 994) . Tick Survey - Ethiopia. A sur­ Horak, I.G., Williams, E.J. & Van Schalkwyk, P.C.
vey ofthe tick species in western Ethiopia, including ( 1991 a) . Parasites of domestic and wild animals
previous findings and recommendations forfurther in South Africa. XXV. Ixodid ticks on sheep in
tick surveys in Ethiopia. Rome: Food and Agri­ the north-eastern Orange Free State and in the
cultural Organisation of the United Nations, eastern Cape Province. Onderstepoort Journal of
AG:DP/ETH/83/023, Technical Report, 83 Veterinary Research, 58, 1 1 5-23.
pp. Jansen, B.C. & Neitz, W.O. ( 1 956). The experimental
De Waal, D.T. & Potgieter, F.T. ( 1 987) . The trans­ transmission of Theileria ovis by Rhipicephalus
stadial transmission of Babesia caballi by evertsi. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Re­
Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi. Onderstepoort Jour­ search, 27, 3-6.
nal of Veterinary Research, 54, 655-6. Kaiser, M.N., Sutherst, RW., Bourne, A.S., Goris­
De Waal, D.T. & Van Heerden, J. ( 1 994). Equine sen, L. & Floyd, RB. ( 1 988) . Population dy­
babesiosis. In Infectious Diseases ofLivestock with namics of ticks on Ankole cattle in five ecologi­
Special Reference to Southern Africa, ed. J.A.W. cal zones in Burundi and strategies for their
Coetzer, G.R. Thomson & RC. Tustin, control. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 6,
pp. 295-304. Cape Town: Oxford University 1 99-222.
Press. Lounsbury, C.P. ( 1 906) . Ticks and African Coast
Gallivan, G.J. & Surgeoner, G.A. ( 1 995) . Ixodid ticks fever. Agricultural Journal, Cape of Good Hope,
and other ectoparasites of wild ungulates in 28, 634-54.
Swaziland: regional, host and seasonal patterns. MacLeod, J., Colbo, M.H., Madbouly, M.H. &
South African Journal ofZoology, 30, 1 69-77. Mwanaumo, B. ( 1 977) . Ecological studies of
Gear, J. ( 1 954) . The rickettsial diseases of southern ixodid ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in Zambia. III.
Africa. A review of recent studies. South African Seasonal activity and attachment sites on cattle,
Journal of Clinical Science, 5, 1 58-75. with notes on other hosts. Bulletin ofEntomologi­
Gray, W.J. ( 19 5 1 ) . Rhipicephalus evertsi: notes on cal Research, 67, 1 6 1-73.
free-living phases. Bulletin of Epizootic Diseases Morel, P.C. & Mouchet, J. ( 1 965) . Les tiques du
ofAfrica, 9, 25-7. Cameroun (lxodidae et Argasidae) (2e Note) .
Hamel, H.D. & Gothe, R ( 1 978) . Influence of infes­ Anna/es de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee,
tation rate on tick-paralysis in sheep induced by 40, 477-96.
Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi Neumann, 1 897. Neitz, W.O. ( 1 956) . A consolidation of our know­
Veterinary Parasitology, 4, 1 83-9 1 . ledge of the transmission of tick-borne diseases.
Horak, I.G., Boomker,J., Spickett, A.M. & De Vos, V. OnderstepoortJournal of Veterinary Research, 27,
( 1 992) . Parasites of domestic and wild animals 1 1 5-63.
in South Africa. XXX. Ectoparasites ofkudus in Neumann, L.G. ( 1 897) . Revision de la famille des
the eastern Transvaal Lowveld and the eastern Ixodides. (2e Memoire) . Memoires de la Societe
Cape Province. OnderstepoortJournal of Veterin­ Zoologique de France, 10, 324-420.
ary Research, 59, 259-73. Norval, RA.I. ( 1 98 1) . The ticks of Zimbabwe. III.
Horak, I.G., De Vos, V. & De Klerk, B.D. ( 1 984) . Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi. Zimbabwe Veterin­
Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South ary Journal, 12, 3 1-5.
Africa. XVII. Arthropod parasites of Burchell's Pegram, RG., Hoogstraal, H. & Wassef, H.Y. ( 1 982) .
zebra, Equus burchelli, in the eastern Transvaal Ticks (Acari: Ixodoidea) of the Yemen Arab
Lowveld. OnderstepoortJournal of Veterinary Re­ Republic. 1 . Species infesting livestock. Bulletin
search, 51, 1 45-54. ofEntomological Research, 72, 2 1 5-27.
Horak, I.G., Fourie, L.J., Novellie, P.A. & Williams, Potgieter, F.T. ( 1 98 1 ) . Tick transmission of anaplas­
E.J. ( l 991b). Parasites of domestic and wild mosis in South Africa. In Proceedings of an Inter­
animals in South Africa. XXVI. The mosaic of national Conference on Tick Biology and Control,
R. evertsi mimeticus 169

ed. G.B. Whitehead & J.D. Gibson, pp. 53-6. RHIPICEPHALUS EVER TS!
Grahamstown: Rhodes University. MIMETICUS DONITZ, 1 9 1 0
Rechav, Y. ( 1 982) . Dynamics of tick populations
(Acari: Ixodidae) in the eastern Cape Province.
The subspecific name of this tick, from the
Journal ofMedical Entomology, 19, 679-700.
Greek mimetikos, meaning 'imitation', is based
Rechav, Y., Knight, M.M. & Norval, RA.I. ( 1 977) .
Life cycle of the tick Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi on the fact that in various respects it mimics both
Neumann (Acarina: Ixodidae) under laboratory the nominate subspecies R. evertsi evertsi and a
conditions. Journal ofParasitology, 63, 575-9. Hyalomma sp.
Rechav, Y., Zeederberg, M.E. & Zeller, D.A. ( 1 987) .
Dynamics of African tick (Acari: Ixodoidea) Synonym
populations in a natural Crimean-Congo hem­
evertsi albigeniculatus.
orrhagic fever focus. Journal of Medical Ento­
mology, 24, 575-83.
Swanepoel, R., Struthers, J.K., Shepherd, A.J., Diagnosis
McGillivray, G.M., Nel, H.J. & Jupp, P.G.
( 1 983) . Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in A moderate-sized dark brown tick with an­
South Africa. American Journal of Tropical nulated legs (Fig. 60) . Apart from the colour of
Medicine and Hygiene, 32, 1 407- 1 5 . their legs the adult and immature stages of this
Theiler, A . ( 1 909) . Transmission des spirelles e t des
subspecies and those of R. evertsi evertsi appear to
piroplasmes par differentes especes de tiques.
be morphologically identical.
Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique, 2,
Notes on identification
Theiler, G. ( 1 943) . Notes on the Ticks off Domestic
Attached adult ticks can easily be mistaken by
Stock from Portuguese East Africa. Esta�ao Anti­
Malarica de Louren�o Marques: Imprensa the unwary for attached Hyalomma species,
Nacional de Mocambique. which also have banded legs, utilize the same
Theiler, G. ( 1 950) . Zoological Survey of the Union of peri-anal predilection attachment site and often
South Africa. Tick Survey - Part V. Distribu­ occur in the same zoogeographical areas. An
tion of Rhipicephalus evertsi, the red tick. Onder­ examination of their mouthparts readily separ­
stepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal ates these ticks.
Industry, 24, 33-6 + 1 map.
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2- 1 4) :
Hoogstraal ( 1 956); Morel ( 1 980); Scaramella
( 1 988); Theiler ( 1 962) ; Walker ( 1 974);
Walker, Mehlitz & Jones ( 1 978); Yeoman & A two-host species. Following cattle, sheep and
Walker ( 1 967) . goats, most collections have been taken from
domestic and wild equids and from greater kudu
(Biggs & Langenhoven, 1 984; Horak, Biggs &
Reinecke, 1 984; Horak et al., 1 992) (Table 1 7) .
Ticks on domestic dogs, lion, leopard and the
chanting goshawk should be regarded as acci­
dental infestations. Probably, as with R. evertsi
evertsi, hares play a greater role as hosts of the
immature stages than is indicated by the re­
corded host spectrum.
Adult ticks attach mainly in the peri-anal
region while the majority of immatures are
located in the external ear canals. The largest
recorded burdens comprise 1 32 adults collected
170 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Figure 60. Rhipicephalus evertsi mimeticus (Protozoology Section Tick Breeding Register, Onderstepoort, No. 3349,
laboratory reared, original <j! collected from unknown host, Windhoek, Namibia in 1 97 1 ) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female,
dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage de!.

from a horse and 5 1 24 immatures from a greater We question whether it ever became estab­
kudu in Namibia (Horak et al., 1 984, 1 992) . lished in north-eastern Democratic Republic of
Adult and immature ticks are present Congo (Pierquin & Niemegeers, 1 957) and have
throughout the year and more than one life cycle therefore omitted these records from Map 1 9 . It
can probably be completed annually. Adults are appears to have been introduced more than once
most numerous on cattle in central Namibia into South Africa, probably on livestock, but it
from November to May and the immatures in remains to be seen whether it will succeed in
February and March and from May to Septem­ establishing itself in that country.
ber (Biggs & Langenhoven, 1 984) . It is found from just above sea level to
1 500 m and at localities with rainfall varying
from 1 00 mm to 400 mm annually, sometimes
Zoogeography considerably more in the northern part of its
range. The vegetation types coinciding with
Rhipicephalus evertsi mimeticus has been recorded most of its habitat are Karoo-N amib shrubland,
mainly in the drier regions of the sub-continent Kalahari Acacia wooded grassland and decidu­
to the west of the areas occupied by R. evertsi ous bushland, and Colophospermum mopane
evertsi (Map 1 9 ) . Excluding the southern regions woodland and scrub woodland. In the northern
and the Namib desert, it is present throughout parts of its distribution zone it has apparently
Namibia. It also occurs in western Democratic been recorded in wetter Zambezian miombo
Republic of Congo, western and southern An­ woodland and in a lowland mosaic of rainforest
gola, and western Botswana, where its distribu­ and secondary grassland.
tion may overlap that of R. evertsi evertsi (Paine,
1 982) .
R. evertsi mimeticus 171

Table 1 7 . Host records o/Rhipicephalus evertsi mimeticus

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 376 (including immatures)
Sheep 43 (including immatures)
Goats 50 (including immatures)
Camels 7
Horses 3 1 (including immatures)
Donkeys 13 (including immatures)
Pigs 2
Dogs 3

Wild animals
Lion (Panthera leo) 2 (including immatures)
Leopard (Panthera pardus) 1
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchelliz) 1 2 (including immatures)
Mountain zebra (Equus zebra) 24 (including immatures)
'Zebra' 1 5 (including immatures)
White rhinoceros ( Ceratotherium simum) 1
Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicomis)
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 8 (including immatures)
Giraffe ( Giraffa camelopardalis) 1 2 (including immatures)
Impala (Aepyceros melampus) 5 (including immatures)
'Hartebeest' 1
Blue wildebeest ( Connochaetes taurinus) 1 1 (including immatures)
Springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) 5 (including larvae)
Kirk's dik-dik (Madoqua kirkiz) 1 (including immatures)
Steenbok (Raphicerus campestris) 4 (including immatures)
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 2
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 6
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros) 33 (including immatures)
Common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia) 3 (including immatures)
Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus) 4 (including nymphs)
Gemsbok (Oryx gazella) 1 3 (including nymphs)
'Hare' 1

Pale chanting goshawk (Melierax canorus) 1

Disease relationships can transmit Theileria separata (as T. ovis) to

sheep. Large burdens of immature ticks in the
Potgieter, De Waal & Posnett ( 1 992) transmitted ears of goat kids in Namibia are thought to have
Babesia equi to horses by feeding immature R. resulted in damage to the facial nerves of the kids,
evertsi mimeticus on an experimentally infected leading to accumulations of feed in the cheeks of
horse and the ensuing adults on susceptible ani­ affected animals G.D. Bezuidenhout, 1 972, un­
mals. Neitz (1 972) demonstrated that this tick published data) .
172 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

60 gemsbok, kudus, giraffes and Burchell's and

Hartmann's zebras in the Etosha and Hardap
Nature Reserves, Namibia. Onderstepoort Jour­
nal of Veterinary Research, 59, 253-7.
Horak, LG., Biggs, H.C. & Reinecke, R.K. ( 1 984) .
Arthropod parasites of Hartmann's mountain
zebra, Equus zebra hartmannae, in South West
! (] Africa;Namibia. Onderstepoort Journal of Vet­
erinary Research, 51, 1 83-7.
• Neitz, W.O. ( 1 972) . The experimental transmission
• ••
• of Theileria ovis by Rhi'picephalus evertsi mi­
meticus and R. bursa. Onderstepoort Journal of

. .. . ' Veterinary Research, 39, 83-5.

18°1-----+------l(-' ·
c-' �: ;;
_,· --,, _ --'
°- '--t --;---'---i 18°
, '
Paine, G.D. ( 1 982) . Ticks (Acari: Ixodoidea) in Bot­
. .. ... ' {?
swana. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 72,
• • • • •: C? � ', 1-16.

....... '
• • • • • fe e BOTSWANA ,,- Pierquin, L. & Niemegeers, K. ( 1 957). Repertoire et
••• � •

: :
2 ° 2 ° distribution geographique des tiques au Congo

4 1-----+--- 1' %
, �
· ,.---=
,--:- \��
� 1
- '---l 4 Beige et au Ruanda-Urundi. Bulletin Agricole du
NAMIBIA : '. - ' Congo Beige, 48, 1 1 77-224.
Potgieter, F.T., De Waal, D.T. & Posnett, E.S.
30° 1---t--- ( 1 992) . Transmission and diagnosis of equine
babesiosis in South Africa. Membrias do Instituto
Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, 87, (Supplement
Rhipicepha/us evertsi mimeticus III), 1 39-42.
36° Type locality South-West Africa (Namibia) Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2- 1 4) :
• Locality records Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966); Morel ( 1 980); Santos
() Introductions Dias ( 1 983-84); Sousa Dias ( 1 950); Theiler
6' ( 1 962); Walker, Mehlitz & Jones ( 1 978) .
18° 30°

Map 19. Rhipicephalus evertsi mimeticus: distribution.


REFERENCES The specific name exophthalmos, from the Greek

meaning 'bulging eyes' refers to the shape of this
Biggs, H.C. & Langenhoven, J.W. ( 1 984) . Seasonal species' eyes.
prevalence of ixodid ticks on cattle in the Wind­
hoek District of South West Africa;Namibia.
OnderstepoortJournal of Veterinary Research, 5 1, Diagnosis
1 75-82.
Di::initz, W. ( 1 9 1 0) . Die Zecken Si.idafrikas. In Zool­ A medium-sized light brown tick that in some
ogische und Anthropologische Ergebnisse einer For­ respects resembles R. oculatus.
chungsreise im westlichen und zentralen Siidafrika
ausgefiirt in den Jahren 1 903-1 905, 4, 3
Lieferung, ed. L. Schultze. Denkschriften der Male (Figs 61 (a), 62 (a) to (c))
Capitulum slightly broader than long,
Medizinisch-Naturwissenschaflichen Gesellschaft
zu Jena, 16, 398-494, pls 1 5, 1 6a, b, & 1 7 . length x breadth ran g from 0.53 mm x 0 . 56
Horak, l.G., Anthonissen, M., Krecek, R.C. & Boom­ mm to 0.74 mm x 0.76 mm. Basis capituli with
ker,J. ( 1 992) . Arthropod parasites of springbok, short obtuse lateral angles at about anterior third
R. exophthalmos 173

Figure 6 1 . Rhipicephalus exophthalmos (Onderstepoort Tick Collection 3 1 44, RML 65729, laboratory reared, progeny of
'fl collected on farm 'Karos II', Karas Region, Namibia, in March 1 972) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars
represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del. (From Keirans et al., 1 993, figs 1 & 2, with kind permission from the Editor, Onderstepoort
Journal of Veterinary Research) .

of its length. Palps broad, smoothly rounded api­ 36 °

cally. Conscutum length x breadth ranging ---+--16'

from 2.25 mm x 1 .44 mm to 3.35 mm x 2.07

mm; sharp anterior process present on coxae I.
In engorged specimens body wall expanded 12° ·· - -

laterally and posteriorly, with an elongate caudal

process. Eyes submarginal, bulging, deeply or­
bited. Cervical pits deep; cervical fields shallow, 19

tapering posteriorly beyond eye level. Marginal

lines deep, punctate, extending anteriorly almost
to eye level. Posteromedian and posterolateral
grooves well developed. Large setiferous puncta­
tions present on scapulae, along external cervical
margins and medially on conscutum, intersper­
sed with numerous smaller punctations that are
finer and sparser adjacent to marginal lines but
sometimes denser posteriorly. Legs increase
slightly in size from I to IV. Ventrally spiracles
narrowly elongate with a long dorsal prolonga­
5' 12° 18°
tion that can often be seen from the dorsal sur­
face. Adanal plates broad, with a slightly convex Map 20. Rhipicephalus exophthalmos: distribution. (After
Keirans et al., 1 993) .
174 Accounts of i11dividud Ajrotropical spw:es
R, exophth.almos 175

Figure 63. (abuve) Rhipicepha/us exophthalmos (OndeIStepoort Tick Collection 3144, RML 65729, laboratory reared.
progeny of� coUected on farm 'Karos Il', Karas Region, Namibia, in Mm::h 1972). Nymph: (a) capituJum, dorsaJ; (b)
capitulum, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm . SEMs by M.D. Corwin. (From Keirans e1 al,
l993, figs 9-12, with kind permission from the Editor, Ondemepoort Journal of Veterinary Resea�).

Figure 62 (opposite). Rhipicephalus exo-phtltalmos (Onderstepoort Tick CoUection 3144, RML 65729, laboralory reared,
progeny of� collected on farm 'Karos Il', Karas Region, Namibia, in March 1972). Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b)
spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) capituJum, dorsal; (e) scapular area; (f) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0. I 0
mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin. (From Keiransel al., 1993, figs 3-8, with kind permission from the Editor, 011cle7'$LefJOort
Journal of Veterinary Research).
176 Accounts of individualAfrotropicaJ species

Figure 64. Rhipicephdus exophthalmos (Onderstepoort Tick CoUection 3 144, RML 65729, laboratory reared, progeny of
2 collected on fann 'Karos II', Karas Region, Namibia, in March 1972). Larva: (a) capiruJwn, dorsal; (b) capirulurn,
ventral; (c) scurum; (d) co.xae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mrn. SEMs by M.D. Corwin. (From Keirans ez al., 1993, figs
I 3-16, with kind permission from the &iitor, Onders�oort .Journal of Veterinary Re.tearch).

posterior margin leading posterointemally to a anterior third of its length; porose areas large,
small medially-directed point; accessory adanal subcircular, about twice their own diameter
plates either absent or barely indicated. apart. PaJps broad, smoothly rounded apically.
Scutum slightly longer than broad, length x
Female (Figs 61 (b), 62(d) to (j)) breadth ranging from 1.41 mm x 1.33 mm to
Capitulurn broader than long> length x breadth 1.53 mm x 1.48 mm; posterior margin slightly
ranging from 0.67 mm x 0.78 mm to 0.75 sinuous. Eyes submarginal, bulging, deeply or­
mm x 0.83 mm . Basis capituli with broad, bited. Cervical pits deep; cervical fields tapering
slightly foiwardly-directed lateral angles at about to beyond eye level, their surfaces often irregular-
R. exophthalmos 177

Table 1 8 . Host records ofRhipicephalus exophthalmos

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 39
Sheep 43
Goats 16
Horses 2
Pigs 1
Dogs 2

Wild animals
Lion (Panthera leo) 1
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchellit) 1
Warthog (Phacochoerus ajricanus) 9
Impala (Aepyceros melampus) 2
Springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) 21
Steenbok (Raphicerus campestris) 5
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 4
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros) 31
Gemsbok (Oryx gazella) 22
Grey rhebok (Pelea capreolus) 1
Mountain reedbuck (Reduncafulvorufula) 2
Namaqua rock mouse (Aethomys namaquensis)
Cape hare (Lepus capensis)
Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) 32 (including immatures)
'Hare' 20
Cape elephant shrew (Elephantulus edwardit) 3 (immatures)
Smith's rock elephant shrew (Elephantulus rupestris) 5 (immatures)
Short-eared elephant shrew (Macroscelides proboscideus) 1 (immatures)

ly ridged but sometimes smooth. Large setifer­ rounded apices. Scutum slightly longer than
ous punctations present on the scapulae, along broad, length x breadth ranging from 0.50 mm
the sharply delineated external cervical margins x 0.48 mm to 0.58 mm x 0.55 mm; posterior
and scattered medially on the scutum, intersper­ margin a deep smooth curve. Eyes bulging, par­
sed with numerous finer punctations. Ventrally tially orbited, on scutal margins immediately an­
genital aperture a broadly rounded U in shape, terior to posterolateral angles. Internal cervical
the area within the opening bulging. margins much shorter than the external margins,
which almost reach the posterolateral borders of
Nymph (Fig. 63) the scutum; cervical fields slightly depressed.
Capitulum much broader than long, length x Ventrally coxae I each with a long triangular
breadth ranging from 0.20 mm x 0.29 mm to external spur and a short triangular internal spur;
0.26 mm x 0.32 mm. Basis capituli over three coxae II to IV each with a small triangular exter­
times as broad as long; lateral angles short, acute, nal spur only.
posterior to mid-length. Palps narrow proximal­
ly, then widening before they taper to broadly
178 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Larva (Fig. 64) The record in Horak, Boomker & Flamand

Capitulum broader than long to slightly longer ( 1 99 1 ) of R. exophthalmos [identified as
than broad, length x breadth ranging from Rhipicephalus sp. (near R. oculatus)] from a red
0. 1 09 mm x 0. 1 2 1 mm to 0. 1 29 mm x 0 . 1 25 forest duiker ( Cephalophus natalensis) in north­
mm. Basis capituli about twice as broad as long; eastern KwaZulu-Natal has, upon re-examin­
lateral margins mildly convex, curving smoothly ation, proved to be R. evertsi evertsi.
to join the straight posterior margin. Palps con­
stricted proximally, then becoming somewhat
bulbous before tapering gently to bluntly­
rounded apices. Scutum much broader than
A three-host species (Theiler & Robinson, 1 953;
long, length x breadth ranging from 0. 1 02
Rechav & Knight, 1 983, both as R. oculatus) .
mm x 0.293 mm to 0 . 1 09 mm x 0 .308 mm;
Domestic and wild ruminants as well as warthogs
posterior margin a smooth, fairly shallow curve.
and hares are the preferred hosts of the adults
Eyes at widest point, bulging, rounded, slightly
(Horak et al., 1 983, 1 992a, b) (Table 1 8) . Few
orbited. Cervical grooves short, slightly conver­
immature ticks have been collected; the scrub
gent. Ventrally coxae I each with a sharply­
hare and elephant shrews appear to be their pre­
pointed triangular spur; coxae II each with a
ferred hosts (Horak & Fourie, 1 99 1 ; I.G.H., un­
broadly-rounded spur; coxae III each with a
published data) . Although adult burdens seldom
small triangular spur.
exceed 1 0 ticks, two yearling cattle examined in
the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa and two
Notes on identification
gemsbok examined in southern Namibia each
Rhipicephalus exophthalmos was described from
harboured more than 80 ticks (I.G.H., unpub­
a reared series that originated in southern
lished data) .
Namibia by Keirans & Walker in Keirans et al.
Adult ticks were most abundant on cattle in
( 1 99 3) . Previously various authors, including
the Eastern Cape Province during January
Zumpt ( 1 949) , Theiler & Robinson ( 1 953),
(I.G.H., unpublished data) and on gemsbok in
Theiler ( 1 962) and Rechav & Knight ( 1 983),
southern Namibia during November (Horak et
and probably Sousa Dias ( 1 950), had confused
al., 1 992a) .
it with R. oculatus (see pp. 323-329) . In publi­
cations by Horak and various co-workers re­
cords of R. exophthalmos on warthogs Zoogeography
(Phacochoerus africanus) in northern Namibia
were listed as R. oculatus and on several other Rhipicephalus exophthalmos has been recorded
host species in South Africa as Rhipicephalus sp. most frequently in Namibia, particularly in the
(near R. oculatus) . A comparison of the descrip­ southern parts of the country (Map 20) . The
tions and illustrations of these two species, majority of our records in South Africa come from
though, shows that distinct morphological dif­ the south-eastern regions, but the tick is probably
ferences do exist between them. In the males the commoner in the Northern Cape Province than
capitulum, punctation pattern, adanal plates, the current records indicate. In Botswana there is
and caudal appendage differ, as do the one confirmed record only, from Sekoma Pan in
capitulum, punctation pattern and genital aper­ the south. In south-western Angola, Sousa Dias
ture of the females. In the nymphs the ( 1 950) recorded what is probably this species
capitulum, especially the position of the lateral from Bocoio, in the Lobito area. Other collections
angles on the basis capituli, the scutum and the from Botswana and Angola can be designated
coxal spurs should be examined, and in the only as belonging to the R. oculatus group.
larvae the capitulum, the scutum, especially the Rhipicephalus exophthalmos is present at al­
eyes, and the coxal spurs. titudes ranging from about 200 m to 1 500 m in
R. follis 1 79

regions where the climate can generally be de­ Ixodid ticks on hares in the Cape Province and
scribed as semi-arid or arid with annual rainfall on hares and red rock rabbits in the Orange Free
varying between 1 00 mm and 500 mm. The State. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Re­
vegetation in many of these areas is semi-desert, search, 58, 261-70.
Keirans, J.E., Walker, J.B., Horak, LG. & Heyne H.
bushy Karoo-Namib shrubland or dry wooded
( 1 99 3). Rhipicephalus exophthalmos sp. nov., a
grassland and bushland. In south-eastern South
new tick species from southern Africa, and re­
Africa it is common in evergreen and semi-ever­
description of Rhipicephalus oculatus Neumann,
green bushland and thicket referred to locally as 1 90 1 , with which it has hitherto been confused
Fish River bush. (Acari: Ixodida: Ixodidae) . Onderstepoort Jour­
nal of Veterinary Research, 60, 229-46.
Rechav, Y. & Knight, M.M. ( 1 983) . Life cycle of
Disease relationships
Rhipicephalus oculatus (Acari: Ixodidae) in the
laboratory. Annals of the Entomological Society of
W.O. Neitz (cited by Keirans et al., 1 993) re­ America, 76, 470-2.
ported that a rabbit on which R. exophthalmos Theiler, G. & Robinson, B.N. ( 1 953) . Ticks in the
adults were fed became completely paralysed South African Zoological Survey Collection.
while the female ticks were feeding, but subse­ Part VII. Six lesser known African
quently recovered. Two rabbits on which F2 gen­ rhipicephalids. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterin­
eration adults of the same strain of this species ary Research, 26, 93- 1 36 + 1 map.
were fed also became paralysed. One of these Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2- 1 4) :
Sousa Dias ( 1 950) ; Theiler ( 1 962); Zumpt
rabbits recovered but the other died.
( 1 949) .

Horak, I.G., Anthonissen, M., Krecek, R.C. & Boom­
ker, J. ( 1 992a) . Arthropod parasites of spring­
bok, gemsbok, kudus, giraffes and Burchell's According to Donitz the specific name follis
and Hartmann's zebras in the Etosha and Har­ (Latin) means 'Lederbeutel' in German, i.e. a
dap Nature Reserves, Namibia. Onderstepoort leather bag or pouch.
Journal of Veterinary Research, 59, 253-7.
Horak, I.G., Biggs, H.C., Hanssen, T.S. & Hanssen,
R.E. ( 1 983) . The prevalence of helminth and
arthropod parasites of warthog Phacochoerus
aethiopicus, in South West Africa/Namibia. On­ A large, reddish-brown species.
derstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 50,
1 45-8. Male (Figs 65(a), 66(a) to (c))
Horak, I.G., Boomker, J. & Flamand, J.R.B. ( 1 99 1 ) . Capitulum as broad, or nearly as broad, as long in
Ixodid ticks and lice infesting red duikers and large specimens, but in the smallest broader than
bushpigs in north-eastern Natal. Onderstepoort long, the length x breadth ranging from 0.46
Journal of Veterinary Research, 58, 28 1-4.
mm x 0.53 mm to 0.90 mm x 0.88 mm. Basis
Horak, LG., Boomker, J., Spickett, A.M. & De Vos, V.
capituli with short lateral angles at anterior third
( 1 992b) . Parasites of domestic and wild animals
of its length. Palps somewhat flattened apically.
in South Africa. XXX . Ectoparasites ofkudus in
the eastern Transvaal Lowveld and the eastern
Conscutum length x breadth ranging from 2.08
Cape Province. OnderstepoortJournal of Veterin­ mm x 1 . 33 mm to 4.08 mm x 2.90 mm; anterior
ary Research, 59, 259-73. process of coxae I not very conspicuous. In en­
Horak, I.G. & Fourie, L.J. ( 1 99 1 ) . Parasites of domes­ gorged specimens a short, broad caudal process is
tic and wild animals in South Africa. XXIX. present. Eyes slightly convex, edged dorsally by a
180 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Figure 65. Rhipicephalus follis (Protozoology Section Tick Breeding Register, Onderstepoort, 3416, RML 65720,
laboratory reared, progeny of <;! collected from bovine, Lilystone Farm, East London, Eastern Cape Province, South
Africa, in August 1 972 by J.A.F. Baker) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.

Table 1 9 . Host records ofRhipicephalus follis

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 36
Sheep 12
Horses 6
Dogs 2

Wild animals
Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)
Caracal ( Caracal caraca[) 3 (larvae)
Mountain zebra (Equus zebra) 7
Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus) 1
Black wildebeest (Connochaetes gnou) 2
Springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) 1
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 2
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 34
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus) 3
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros)
Gemsbok (Oryx gaze/la) 6
Four-striped grass mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio) 65 (immatures)
Swamp rat ( Otomys irroratus) 1 (nymphs)
R. follis 181

12° 18° 24° 30° 36° mm to 1 .69 mm x 1 .98 mm, posterior margin
somewhat sinuous. Eyes at about mid-length,
slightly convex, edged dorsally by shallow punc­
tate grooves. Cervical pits deep, convergent; in­
ternal cervical margins convergent initially, then
diverging, becoming progressively shallower and
almost reaching posterior margin of scutum; ex­
30° ternal cervical margins outlined by large setifer­
ous punctations, almost reaching posterolateral
margins of scutum; cervical fields slightly de­
pressed. A few large setiferous punctations pres­
36° Rhipicepha/us fol/is
Type locality unknown (see text) ent on the scapulae and scattered medially on the
• Locality records scutum, interspersed with numerous smaller
0 Unconfirmed locality record
punctations. The latter vary, even among the
12° 18° 24° progeny of one female, from a dense pattern of
almost confluent, slightly angular pits to scat­
Map 2 1 . Rhipicephalus follis: distribution.
tered discrete pinpoints. Ventrally genital aper­
ture broadly V-shaped.
few large punctations. Cervical pits short, conver­
gent; internal cervical margins often short and Nymph (Fig. 6 7)
indistinct, divergent; external cervical margins Capitulum much broader than long,
indicated by a few large setiferous punctations; length x breadth ranging from 0.24 mm x 0.42
cervical fields usually slightly depressed. Mar­ mm to 0.28 mm x 0.44 mm. Basis capituli well
ginal lines long, almost reaching eye level, punc­ over three times as broad as long, with long
tate. Posteromedian and posterolateral grooves tapering lateral angles overlapping the scapulae;
usually present but often shallow and indistinct. A ventrally with short stout posterolateral spurs.
few large setiferous punctations present on the Palps broadest about mid-length, tapering to
scapulae and scattered over the conscutum, inter­ narrowly-rounded apices, inclined inwards.
spersed with numerous finer punctations which Scutum broader than long, length x breadth
increase in size posteriorly; only very fine, sparse ranging from 0.58 mm x 0.64 mm to 0.62
punctations present adjacent to marginal lines; mm x 0.67 mm; posterior margin a broad
the overall impression is of a finely but densely smooth curve. Eyes at widest point, over halfway
punctate tick. Ventrally spiracles broadly back, slightly convex, edged dorsally by slight
comma-shaped. Adanal plates broad, their inter­ depressions. Cervical pits deep, convergent; cer­
nal margins concave medially, smoothly rounded vical fields depressed, more-or-less parallel
posteroexternally and posterointernally; acces­ sided, almost reaching posterolateral margins of
sory adanal plates short and broad. scutum. Ventrally coxae I with a long, sharp
external spur and a shorter, blunter internal spur;
Female (Figs 65(b), 66(d) to (/)) coxae II to IV each with a small blunt external
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth spur.
ranging from 0 . 5 5 mm x 0.64 mm to 0.88
mm x 0. 96 mm. Basis capituli with lateral angles Larva (Fig. 68)
at about anterior third of its length, broad; porose Capitulum approximately 1 .5 times as broad as
areas oval, about 1 . 5 times their own diameter long, length x breadth ranging from 0. 1 24
apart. Palps longer than those of the male, broad­ mm x 0. 1 8 1 mm to 0. 1 32 mm x 0. 1 93 mm.
ly rounded apically. Scutum broader than long, Basis capituli over three times as broad as long,
length x breadth ranging from 0. 96 mm x 1 . 1 1 with short rounded forwardly directed lateral
182 Accounts ofindividual AfrotropicaJ species
R. follis 183

Figure 67 (above) . Rhipicephalusfollis (Protozoology Section Tick Breeding Register, Onderstepoort, 34 17, RML 6572 I ,
laboratory reared, progeny of Q collected from bovine, Lilystooe Farm, East London, Eastem Cape Province, South
Africa, in August 1972 by ].A.F. Baker). Nymph: (a) capirulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c) scurum; (d) coxae.
Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.

Figure 66 (op1><>site). Rhipi,cephalus follis (Protozoology Section Tick Breeding Register, Onderstepoort, 3417, Ri\1.L
6572 l, laboratory reared, progeny of� collected from bovine, Lilystone Farm, East London, Eascem Cape Province,
South Africa, n
i August 1972 by J.A.F. Baker) . Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d)
capitulurn, dorsal; (e) scutum; (f) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SE!Y1s by M.D. Corwin.
184 Accounts afindividual Afrotropical species

Figure 68. Rhipi.uphalm fol/is (Protozoology Section Tick Breeding Register, Onderstepoort, 3417, RML 65721,
laboratory reared, progeny of 'f! collected from bovine, Lilystone Fann, East London, Ea>tem Cape Province, South
Africa, in August 1972 by ].A.F. Baker). Larva: (a) capitulum, dor-;al; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) cox:ae.
Scale bars rept'esent 0.10 nun. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.

angles extending over the scapulae. PaJps broad spur; coxae II and Ill each with a broad salient
for about two-thirds of their length, then tapering ridge along its posterior border.
to narrowly rounded apices, their external mar­
gins almosc scraighc, inclined inwards. Scurum Notes on identificaton
over l . 5 times as broad as long; length x breadth Don.itz (1910) based his original description of
ranging from 0.245 mm x 0.380 mm to 0.255 R. follis on two syntype males, which he subse­
mm x 0.394 mm; posterior margin a wide shal­ quently sent to G.H.F. Nuttall (Keirans, 1985:
low curve. Eyes at widest part of the scutum, well Nuttall Collection 2 l 10; RML 1 1 1 463). Ac­
over halfway back. Cervical grooves shon, con­ cording to the labels accompanying them these
vergent. Ventrally coxae I each with a broad maJes were collected off an undetermined host in
R. follis 1 85

German S.W. Africa (D.S .W. Afrika, now amongst the ticks collected by Professor L.
Namibia) by P. Knuth. In his description of the Schultze and also described by Donitz ( 1 9 1 0) . In
species, though, Donitz stated: 'Vaderland: 1 962 she wrote: 'In so far as Schultze's travels
Si.idafrika' . Presumeably Professor Knuth col­ were confined to South West Africa, the possibil­
lected these ticks during his extensive study tour ity exists that the tick described by Theiler and
in 1 906-1907, when he visited many places in Robinson is not the true R. follis, but a species
both South Africa and Namibia (Knuth, closely resembling Donitz's species' . However,
1 938a,b) . Although it is now impossible to deter­ in the list of species given by Donitz ( 1 9 1 0, p.
mine from these conflicting data which is the 404) there is no asterisk against the name follis;
country of origin of these syntypes we ourselves this indicates that the types were not collected by
think, from what we know of this species' dis­ Schultze since Donitz states (p. 403) : ' . . . die
tribution, that it was South Africa. von L. SCHULTZE mitgebrachten haben ein
The R. follis syntypes, which are now in Sternchen erhalten.'
alcohol, were formerly pinned. Keirans ( 1 985) In our experience heavily punctate, field­
pointed out that the male without a pinhole in the collected adult specimens of R. follis are difficult
same vial is probably not a syntype. He suggested to separate from those of R. gertrudae. The im­
that it 'may have been added inadvertently by an mature stages closely resemble those of R. simus,
investigator comparing his specimen with the with which they may occur sympatrically on
types'. four-striped grass mice (see p . 424) . In addition,
We have based our redescription of the Neitz, Boughton & Walters ( 1 972, citing G.
male of R. follis on the two syntypes of this spe­ Theiler, pers. comm., 1 9 7 1 ) listed R. theileri
cies plus laboratory-reared males (Protozoology nymphs from a swamp rat (Otomys irroratus),
Section Tick Breeding Register, Onderstepoort, Port Alfred. These nymphs ( Onderstepoort Tick
3 4 1 6 (RML 65720), and 34 1 7 (RML 6572 1 ) ) . Collection 308 1 ii) have been re-identified as R.
These series are the progeny of two females from follis by I.G.H. and J.B.W.
Lilystone Farm, East London (32°00' S, 27°55'
E) , Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, col­
lected in August 1 972 by J.A.F. Baker and reared Hosts
by W.O. Neitz. Our redescriptions of the female,
nymph and larva are also based on specimens A three-host species (Protozoology Section Tick
from these reared series. Breeding Register, Onderstepoort, Nos. 3 4 1 6,
The re-examination of specimens in the 341 7, as R. capensis group) . The adults prefer
Onderstepoort collection labelled R. capensis large ruminant hosts such as cattle and eland but
showed that some, but not all, resemble the syn­ horses and Cape mountain zebras also appear to
types of R.follis. Gertrud Theiler herself was well be good hosts (Table 1 9) . The mean burdens of
aware that in the past more than one species had 1 1 eland, two horses and 1 4 Cape mountain
been included under the name R. capensis. In zebras examined in the Mountain Zebra Nation­
1 962 she commented: ' . . "R. capensis" appears
. al Park, Cradock, Eastern Cape Province, were
to be a catchall for "capensis-like" ticks . . . ' . Our 1 29, 1 1 5 and two ticks respectively (Horak,
findings support this statement. Knight & De Vos, 1 986; Horak et al., 1 99 1 ) . The
The species from Dordrecht, Eastern Cape immature stages prefer four-striped grass mice as
Province, described as R. follis by Theiler & hosts (I.G.H., unpublished data) .
Robinson ( 1 953) has since been described as R. In KwaZulu-Natal R.follis adults have been
lounsburyi (see p. 265) . Theiler & Robinson had collected from cattle from August to April (Baker
compared these ticks with the original descrip­ et al., 1 989) . In the Cradock region of the Eastern
tion of R. follis but had not seen Donitz's types. Cape Province the tick appears to be present
Theiler had assumed that these types were throughout the year. However, the largest numb-
186 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

ers are generally collected from August to March Horak, I.G., Knight, M.M. & De Vos, V. ( 1 986) .
(Horak et al., 1 99 1 ) . Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South
Africa. XX. Arthropod parasites of the Cape
mountain zebra (Equus zebra zebra) . Onder­
Zoogeography stepoortJournal of Veterinary Research, 53, 1 2 7-
We have recorded R. follis only in South Africa Knuth, P. ( 1 938a) . Ueber meine Studienreise nach
Afrika in den Jahren 1 906 und 1 907. Part 1 .
and Swaziland (Map 2 1 ) . As discussed earlier we
Berliner Tieriirztliche Wochenschrift, (1), 1 4-16.
do not believe that the ticks on which Donitz
Knuth, P. ( l 938b). Ueber meine Studienreise nach
based his original descriptions came from
Afrika in den Jahren 1 906 und 1 907. Part 2 .
Berliner Tieriirztliche Wochenschrift, (2), 30-2.
In South Africa the majority of collections Neitz, W.O., Boughton, F. & Walters, H.S. ( 1 972) .
have been taken from animals in hilly or moun­ Laboratory investigations on the life-cycle of
tainous terrain and it has been collected at alti­ Rhipicephalus theileri Bedford & Hewitt, 1 92 5
tudes ranging from just above sea level to c. 1 900 (Ixodoidea: Ixodidae) . Onderstepoort Journal of
m. Annual rainfall in these regions varies from c. Veterinary Research, 39, 1 1 7-23.
200 mm in the more arid western parts of the Theiler, G. & Robinson, B.N. ( 1 953). Ticks in the
tick's distribution to c. 1 000 mm in the eastern South African Zoological Survey Collection.
coastal areas. It has been found in nearly every Part VII. Six lesser known African
rhipicephalids. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterin­
vegetation type in the southern, south-eastern,
ary Research, 26, 93-136 + 1 map.
eastern, central and northern regions.
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) :
Keirans ( 1 985); Theiler ( 1 962) .
Disease relationships


NEUMANN, 1 9 1 3
The specific namefulvus, from the Latin meaning
Baker, M.K., Ducasse, F.B.W., Sutherst, R.W. & 'reddish', refers to the general colour of this tick.
Maywald, G.F. ( 1 989) . The seasonal tick popu­
lations on traditional and commercial cattle
grazed at four altitudes in Natal. Journal of the
South African Veterinary Association, 60, 95-
101. A large glossy reddish-brown tick whose males
Donitz, W . ( 1 9 1 0) . Die Zecken Si.idafrikas. In Zool­ have a unique strongly-sclerotized anterior pro­
ogische und Anthropologische Ergebnisse einer For­ cess extending forwards from each scapula.
schungsreise im westlichen und zentralen Siidafrika
ausgefiihrt in den Jahren 1 903-1 905, 3 Male (Figs 69(a), 70(a) to (c))
Lieferung, ed. L. Schultze. Denkschriften der Length x breadth overall ranging from 3.33
Medizinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft mm x l .80 mm to 5.20 mm x 3 . l O mm (Colas­
zu Jena, 16, 398-494, pls. 1 5, 1 6a, b, & 1 7.
Belcour, 1 932) . Capitulum longer than broad.
Horak, I.G., Fourie, L.J., Novellie, P.A. & Williams,
Basis capituli with short somewhat rounded lat­
E.J. ( 1 99 1 ) . Parasites of domestic and wild ani­
mals in South Africa. XXVI. The mosaic of
eral angles at anterior third of its length. Palps
ixodid tick infestations on birds and mammals in short, broad. Conscutum with a large strongly­
the Mountain Zebra National Park. Onder­ sclerotized anterior process extending forwards
stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 58, from each scapula on either side of the basis
1 2 5-36. capituli to the level of its lateral angles. Eyes
R. fulvus 187

�·. '

:i-: I,


4l. .
Figure 69. Rhipicephalusfulvus [RML I 02 1 06, HH 28405, from gundi ( Ctenodactylus gundi), Gabes, Matmata, Tunisia,
collected by P.C. Morel] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent I mm. A. Olwage de!.

30 °

··-· · -··-··-·i
���··-··- -. I' , LIBYA
24 ° r----+--L
C::J"<' !

� f
�<() i ·
-··--·-··-· -· -)
4-«} U ,-;'


Rhipicephalus fu/vus
/ _j

• Type locality ·
.. .,.G\

. _.,,
/ \
. '., /--+------1--. ·-
. -r- :�
'·· ,.:._ · · --+---1 1 2
• Locality records .) BU R KINA FASO-
· ·,- � \ __ +-----


18° 00 18°

Map 22. Rhipicephalusfulvus: distribution.

188 Acco11nts of individual Afrotropical species
R. fulvus 189

Figure 7 1 (above). Rhipicepha/us fulvus (RML 1 1 1 030, Nuttall Collection 2 158, from gundi (Cumo�ciylu.s gundi), El
Kantara, Algeria, collected on 1 4 April 1 9 13 by P.A. Bw.i:on, by courtesy of The Narural History Museum, Londonj.
Nymph: (a) capitulum, doISal; (b) capirulwn, ventral; (c) scurum; (d) coxae. Scale bars �present 0 . 1 0 mm. SEMs by
J.P. Putterill.

Figure 70 (opposiu). Rhi�halwfulvm {RML 102106, HH 28405, from gundi ( CWUJdrutylusgundt), Gabes,Matrnata,
Tunisia, coUectea by P.C. Morel]. Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracl�; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) capitulum,
dorsal; (e) scutum; (f) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by Pat Hill.
190 Awmnu of individual Afrorropii;al species

Figure 72. RJ1ip�tphalus fulvuJ (Rlv\.L I 19964, HH 84132., from gondi (Cre1u"Jaccylus gimdi), Mcdcninc, Ojcbcl
Tameghza, Tunisia,collec1edoo 29 Oc1ol>er 1 978 l>y N. Haffoudi). Uirva: (a) capituJurn, dorsal; (b) c.apirulum, vcntr.U;
(c) scurum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent O. 10 mm. SEMs by ).J?. Punerill.

large, slightly convex. Cervical fields in the form tively large group on either side of the scutal
of curved depressions, very deep 9nteriorly, be­ midline, flanked by a much smaUer gro1lp on
coming gradually sha.Uower posteriorly Md el{­ each side. A few smallerpunctations scattered on
tending to just beyond eye level. Both .marginal the scapulae and medially on the conscutum. In
lines and posterior grooves absent. A few large general appearance the conscutum is smooth and
setiferous punctations present along the exte.nlal shiny. Legs increase markedly in size from I to
margins of the cervicaJ fields aoct scattered lV. Venrrally spira cles with a long narrow almost
laterally on the conscutum bthil)d the eyes. Pos­ straight dorsal prolongation. Adanal plates
ceriody four groups of conspicuous irregularly­ unique in shape, long, widest anteriorly, then
shaped punctations present, consisting of a rela- narrowing abruptly just anterior to the festoons
R. fulvus 191

before finally expanding again into small knobs external spur, that on coxae I broadly triangular,
that project just beyond the festoons and are those on coxae II to IV decreasing progressively
sometimes visible from the dorsal surface; acces­ in size.
sory adanal plates oblong, terminating just in
front of the festoons. Larva (Fig. 72)
Length x breadth overall 0.744 mm x 0 .496
Female (Figs 69(b), 70 (d) to (e)) mm (Colas-Belcour, 1 932) . Capitulum broader
Length x breadth overall ranging from 4.00 than long, almost triangular in general shape.
mm x 2 .00 mm to 5 .00 mm x 2.80 mm (Colas­ Basis capituli about four times as broad as long,
Belcour, 1 93 2) . Capitulum broader than long. with its sharp lateral angles recurved over the
Basis capituli with lateral angles just posterior to scapulae. Palps long, their external margins prac­
mid-length, directed slightly forwards; porose tically straight, their internal margins somewhat
areas oval, nearly twice their own diameter apart. sinuous, tapering to rounded apices, inclined in­
Palps longer than those of the male, broad. wards. Scutum broader than long, its posterior
Scutum slightly broader than long, posterolateral margin a smooth shallow curve. Eyes well over
margins slightly sinuous. Eyes large, slightly con­ halfway back, somewhat convex, conspicuous.
vex, delimited dorsally by one or two large punc­ Cervical grooves short, slightly convergent. Ven­
tations. Cervical pits broadly rounded anteriorly; trally coxae I each with a large triangular spur,
cervical fields broad, slightly depressed, their coxae II and III each with a small projection on its
outer margins delimited by a few large setiferous posterior border.
punctations. A few slightly smaller punctations
scattered on the scapulae and medially on the Notes on identification
scutum, interspersed by numerous extremely The above descriptions are based in part on
fine interstitial punctations. In general appear­ those given by Colas-Belcour ( 1 932) . Neumann
ance the scutum is smooth and shiny. Ventrally ( 1 9 1 3) originally described this species as a
genital aperture a wide V-shape. member of the genus Rhipicephalus and placed it
in a new subgenus, Pterygodes (derived from the
Nymph (Fig. 71) Greek pterex, meaning a 'wing', doubtless a refer­
Length x breadth overall 1 .4 mm x 0.6 mm ence to the unique anterior extensions of the
(Colas-Belcour, 1 932) . Capitulum broader than scapulae of the male) . Morel ( 1 969), however,
long, almost triangular in general shape. Basis regarded R. fulvus as being intermediate mor­
capituli nearly three times as broad as long, with phologically between the genera Rhipicephalus
its sharply-pointed lateral angles almost in line and Hyalomma and raised Pterygodes to generic
with the slightly sinuous posterior margin and rank. He suggested that it constitutes a relic in the
overlapping the scapulae. Palps long, their ex­ Sahara from a rhipicephaline line that had not
ternal margins practically straight, their internal developed further. He felt that it probably could
margins convex, with article II about twice as not be regarded as either an 'Ethiopian' (i.e. an
long as article III, tapering at each end and in­ Afrotropical) or a Palaearctic species. Perhaps
clined inwards. Scutum elongate, narrowing more conservatively than our late colleague we
slightly just anterior to mid-length, its posterior have decided to retain R. fulvus as a member of
margin a deep smooth curve. Eyes posterior to the genus Rhipicephalus (subgenus Pterygodes)
mid-length, long, narrow, somewhat convex. but further studies may yet prove us wrong.
Cervical fields broad, slightly depressed, their The unique morphological features of the
internal margins relatively short, their external male of this interesting species make it one of the
margins more conspicuous, virtually parallel to easiest rhipicephalids to identify. So far as we
the sides of the scutum and extending posterior­ know it has never been confused with any others
ly past the eyes. Ventrally coxae each with an in the genus.
192 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

Hosts mented, R. fu lvus appears to be the only tick that

is endemic to the Saharan mountain massifs of
Its type of life cycle has not been stated by previ­ Afr and Tibesti at altitudes of 1 500 m to 3000 m
ous authors who have studied this tick. R. fu lvus in what he refers to as Saharo-mediterranean
adults parasitize sheep, goats and camels and also steppe. In this desert environment, where the
the wild Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia) . annual rainfall is often less than 50 mm, suitable
(Morel ( 1 958, 1 969) and Morel & Graber microclimates can be found only near temporary
( 1 96 1 ) referred to the moufion as the natural watercourses, along caravan routes or in areas
host of this tick but they apparently used this frequented by domestic or wild herbivores.
common name erroneously for A. lervia. The There the tick's immature stages can be found in
mouflon is the wild form of Ovis mies (syn. 0. the burrows and among the rocks where the gun­
o rientalis), which is not recorded from North dis live. In Tunisia R. fu lvus occurs in similar
Africa.) Adults have also been found on the terrain but at the somewhat lower altitudes of
gundi ( Ctenodactylus gund1) , although this rodent 500 m to 1 000 m.
is regarded primarily as the host of the immature
stages. A male was found once feeding on a
Disease relationships
human. There is also one record, stage not
stated, from a northern pygmy gerbil ( Gerbillus
campestris) .
Colas-Belcour ( 1 932) stated that the larvae
hatch in spring, and that they and recently moul­
ted nymphs occur on gundis at the end of March,
followed by engorged nymphs in April and early Colas-Belcour, J. ( 1 932) . Contribution a l'etude de
May (spring) . He said that on goats young adults Rhipicephalus (Pterygodes) fulvus Neumann et sa
occur in May, and engorged females in Novem­ biologie. Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Tunis,
ber (winter) . Subsequently Colas-Belcour & 20, 430-43.
Rageau ( 1 95 1 ) recorded both the immature Colas-Belcour, J. & Rageau, J. ( 1 95 1 ) . Tiques de Tu­
stages and adults from gundis in January (winter) nisie - Ixodines. Archives de l'Institut Pasteur du
and June (summer) . Small numbers oflarvae and Maroc, 4, 360-7 .
nymphs have also been collected from four gun­ Morel, P . C . ( 1 958) . Les tiques des animaux domes­
dis in October (autumn) (N. Haffoudi, unpub­ tiques de l'Afrique occidentale frarn;:aise. Revue
lished data, 1 978; Hoogstraal Collection nos. 84 d'Blevage et de Medecine Viterinaire des Pays
Tropicaux, 1 1 (nouvelle serie), 1 53-89.
1 32 - 84 1 35 ) . Thus, although relatively few
Morel, P.C. & Graber, M. ( 1 96 1 ) . Les tiques des
collections of this tick are known, they suggest
animaux domestiques du Tchad. Revue d'Blev­
that all stages may be active throughout much of age et de Medecine Viterinaire des Pays Tropicaux,
the year. 14 (nouvelle serie), 1 99-203.
Neumann, L.G. ( 1 9 1 3) . Un nouveau sous-genre et
deux nouvelles especes d'Ixodines. Bulletin de 'la
Zoo geography Societe Zoologique de France, 38, 1 47-5 1 .
Also see the following Basic Reference (p. 1 4) : Morel
Rhipicephalus fu lvus has been collected most ( 1 969) .
commonly in Tunisia, with a few records only
from further south in Niger and Chad (Map
22) .
Our present somewhat scanty information
indicates that this species can survive under ex­
tremely harsh conditions. As Morel ( 1 969) com-
R. gertrudae 1 93




0 0
1a 18

This species was named in honour of Dr Gertrud

Theiler ( 1 897-1 986), of the Onderstepoort Vet­ •
erinary Institute. In her day she was the doyenne 24
° • °
• 24
of African tick workers. She is remembered with •

respect and gratitude, not only for her contribu­ <..,1'

tions to our understanding of these parasites but 0

30 30•
also for her readiness to share her knowledge and
experience with others.

Rhipicephalus gertrudae
Diagnosis * Type locality
• Locality records

A moderate-sized heavily punctate reddish­

brown tick.
Map 23. Rhipicephalus gertrudae: distribution.

Male (Figs 73(a)J 74(a) to (c))

Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth breadth ranging from 2.94 mm x 1 .9 1 mm to
ranging from 0.64 mm x 0.60 mm to 0.83 3.67 mm x 2.48 mm; anterior process on coxae I
mm x 0. 72 mm . Basis capituli with short, acute small. In engorged specimens a short, bulbous
lateral angles in anterior third of its length. Palps caudal process present. Eyes slightly convex,
broadly rounded apically. Conscutum length x edged dorsally by shallow depressions with one

Figure 73. Rhipicephalus gertrudae [Onderstepoort Tick Collection 3094ii, original <;! collected from bovine, 'Schoongesig'
(farm), Schoombee, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, on 1 2 February 1 962] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal.
Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.
194 Accounts of indivi4ual Afrccropical species
R. gertrudae 195

Figure 75 (ab01J<1). Rhipiuphalus gerirudcu [Onde.rstepoort Tick Collection 3094ii, original !? collected from bovine,
'Schoongesig' (farm), Schoombee, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, on 1 2 February 1962) . Nymph: (a) capirulurn,
dorsal; (b) capirulurn, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0 . 1 0 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.

Figure 74 (QfYPosire). Rhipicephalus gertrudae (Onderstepoon Tick Collection 3094ii, 2 collected from bovine, 'Schoon­
gesig' (fann), Schoombee, Eastern Cape PrO\�nce, South Africa, on 1 2 February 1962]. Male: (a) capitulum dorsal; (b)

spiracle; (c) adanal plates Female: (d) capitu.lum, dorsal; (e)

. scutum; (f) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm.
SE.M.s by M.D. Corwin.
196 Accounts ofndiv
i dual
i Afrotropical species

Figure 7 6. RJ1ipicephalusgerrnuia.e (Onderstepoon Tick Collection 3094ii, original':;! collected from bovine, 'Schoongesig'
(farm), Schoombee, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, on 1 2 Febmary 1962). Larva: (a) capimlum, dorsal; (b)
capitulwn, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) cox:ie. SCllle bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.

or two setiferous punctations Cervical pits short, posterolaterally. These are interspersed with nu­
com.ma-shaped. Marginal lines deep, outlined by merous somewhat smaller punctations that often
large punctations posteriorly, continued anter­ run together in short lines, especially posteriorly.
iorly by irregular lines of large setiferous pWlcta­ Ventrally spiracles broad, with a short abruptly­
tions. Posteromedian groove narrow, superficial; curved dorsal prolongation. Adanal plates broad­
posterolateraJ grooves kidney-shaped, some­ ly rounded pQsteriorly, tapering towards the an­
times also inconspicuous. Large setiferous punc­ terior end; accessory adanal plates sharply
tations present on the scapulae and along the pointed, well sclerotized.
external cetvicaJ margins, also scattered ante­
romedjalJy on the conscutum, becoming denser
R. gertrudae 197

Table 20. Host records ofRhipicephalus gertrudae

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 58
Sheep 48
Goats 8
Horses 9
Dogs 3

Wild animals
Chacma baboon (Papio ursinus) 3
Black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas)
Bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis)
Cape fox ( Vulpes chama) 4
Caracal ( Caracal caraca[) 3
Leopard (Panthera pardus) 1
Mountain zebra (Equus zebra) 4
Black-faced impala (Aepyceros melampus petersz) 1
Black wildebeest ( Connochaetes gnou) 2
Bontebok (Damaliscus pygargus dorcas)
Springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) 2
African buffalo (Syncerus cajfer)
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 7
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros) 1
Gemsbok (Oryx gazella) 11
Grey rhebok (Pelea capreolus) 2
Namaqua rock mouse (Aethomys namaquensis) 8 (immatures)
Four-striped grass mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio) 1 8 (immatures)
Bush Karoo rat (Otomys unisulcatus) 1 (nymph)
South African porcupine (Hystrix africaeaustralis) 2
Cape hare (Lepus capensis) 1 (nymph)
Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) 4 (nymphs)

Humans 3

Female (Figs 73(b), 74(d) to (j)) low depressions with one or two setiferous punc­
Capitulum as broad as long, length x breadth tations. Cervical pits convergent; cervical fields
ranging from 0 .79 mm x 0 .79 mm to 0.85 slightly depressed, their external margins de­
mm x 0.85 mm. Basis capituli with acute lateral limited by a few large setiferous punctations.
angles slightly anterior to mid-length; porose Similar large punctations scattered on the scap­
areas about 1 . 5 times their own diameter apart. ulae and medially on the scutum, where they are
Palps with article III virtually wedge-shaped. interspersed with a dense pattern of somewhat
Scutum broader than long, length x breadth smaller punctations. Ventrally genital aperture
ranging from 1 .7 1 mm x 1 .73 mm to 1 .82 tripartite in appearance, with a vase-shaped cen­
mm x 2.02 mm, posterior margin mildly sinu­ tral area flanked on either side by narrow, taper­
ous. Eyes slightly convex, edged dorsally by shal- ing depressed flaps.
198 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Nymph (Fig. 75) large numbers of specimens it is these variations

Capitulum much broader than long, length x that make accurate diagnosis difficult. In the
breadth 0. 1 9 mm x 0.35 mm on the single speci­ south- western regions of its distribution heavily­
men available for measurement. Basis capituli punctate specimens of R. gertrudae must be sep­
over three times as broad as long, with sharp arated from R. capensis, with which it may occur
lateral angles projecting over the scapulae, pos­ on the same host. In the southern and eastern
terior border a long smooth curve. Palps tapering regions of its distribution lightly-punctate speci­
to narrowly-rounded apices. Scutum much mens must be distinguished from R. follis, a tick
broader than long, length x breadth 0.52 mm x which has frequently been misidentified as R.
0.66 mm; posterior margin a wide shallow curve. capensis (Theiler, 1 962; Walker, 1 99 1 ) . The fe­
Eyes at widest point, well over halfway back, male tick portrayed in Fig. 74 (e) is a lightly­
delimited dorsally by slight depressions. Cervical punctate specimen. The immature stages of
pits convergent, continuing as shallow divergent these three ticks are not only fairly similar in
grooves that reach the posterior margin of the appearance (see Figs 269-27 1 , pp. 597-599) but
scutum and divide it into three. Ventrally coxae I they all prefer rodents as hosts.
each with a long, narrow external spur and a
shorter internal spur; coxae II to IV each with a
small external spur only. Hosts

Larva (Fig. 76) A three-host species. Cattle and sheep are the
Capitulum much broader than long, length x preferred domestic hosts of adult R. gertrudae.
breadth ranging from 0 . 1 09 mm x 0 . 1 60 mm to Large antelopes such as eland and gemsbok ap­
0. 1 1 6 mm x 0. 1 77 mm. Basis capituli just over pear to be the favoured wild hosts of this stage of
three times as broad as long, with short bluntly­ development (Table 20) . Both horses and free­
rounded slightly forwardly-directed lateral ranging zebras are good hosts, and domestic dogs
angles, posterior border straight. Palps slightly and various wild carnivores may also be infested.
constricted basally, then widening before they In addition the adults seem to have an affin­
taper to rounded apices, inclined inwards. ity for primates. A troop of Chacma baboons
Scutum much broader than long, length x living in an arid environment in Namibia were
breadth ranging from 0.2 1 3 mm x 0.365 mm to particularly heavily infested (Brain & Bohrmann,
0.2 1 7 mm x 0.386 mm; posterior margin a wide 1 992) . Two adult male baboons each harboured
shallow curve. Cervical grooves short, slightly more than 400 ticks, of which the majority were
convergent. Ventrally coxae I each with a large attached to their ears. An infant carried 70 ticks,
broadly-rounded spur; coxae II with a broad, but mostly on its muzzle, hands and feet. Three cases
rather indistinct, spur; coxae III with a mere of human infestation have also been encountered
indication of a spur. in South Africa, one on the Cape Flats, Western
Cape Province, and the others near Bloemfon­
Notes on identification tein in the Free State.
In the introduction to her descriptions of R. ger­ The immature stages, which do not feed on
trudae and R. capensis Feldman-Muhsam ( 1 960) the same hosts as the adults, prefer small rodents
states: 'It appears, in fact, that if certain individ­ such as the Namaqua rock mouse and four­
ual characters are considered separately, speci­ striped grass mouse (Fourie, Horak & Van den
mens determined generally as R. capensis can be Heever, 1 992; I. G.H., unpublished data) . They
arranged in a continuous series of gradual vari­ may also be found on both Cape and scrub hares
ations. But if a complex of such variable charac­ (Horak & Fourie, 1 99 1 ) .
ters is considered as a whole, the differentiation In central Namibia and the south-western
of types is feasible.' When one is confronted with Free State, South Africa, adult ticks prefer the
R. gertrudae 1 99

warmer months from September or October to REFERENCES

February or March (Biggs & Langenhoven,
1 984; Fourie, Kok & Heyne, 1 996) . In the Biggs, H.C. & Langenhoven, J.W. ( 1 984). Seasonal
Northern Cape and Western Cape Provinces, prevalence of ixodid ticks on cattle in the Wind­
South Africa, they seemed to prefer the cooler hoek District of South West Africa/Namibia.
months and were most abundant on Dorper OnderstepoortJournal of Veterinary Research, 5 1,
sheep from May to October (Horak & Fourie, 1 75-82.
Brain, C. & Bohrmann, R. ( 1 992) . Tick infestation of
1 992) .
baboons (Papio ursinus) in the Namib desert.
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 28, 1 88-9 1 .
Zoogeography Feldman-Muhsam, B . ( 1 960) . The South African
ticks Rhipicephalus capensis Koch and R. ger­
Thus far R. gertrudae has been recorded in trudae n. sp. Journal ofParasitology, 46, 1 0 1 -8.
Namibia and South Africa (Map 23). It is found Fourie, L.J., Horak, LG. & Van den Heever, J.J.
( 1 992) . The relative host status ofrock elephant
at altitudes ranging from just above sea level to
shrews Elephantulus myurus and Namaqua rock
c. 1 800 m, in regions with winter, summer or
mice Aethomys namaquensis for economically
non-seasonal rainfall and with annual precipita­
important ticks. South African Journal of Zool­
tion varying from 200 mm to 600 mm. In the ogy, 27, 1 08-14.
eastern parts of its distribution range R. gertrudae Fourie, L.J., Kok, D.J & Heyne, H. ( 1 996) . Adult
occurs in undifferentiated Afromontane vegeta­ ixodid ticks on two cattle breeds in the south­
tion and in Highveld grassland; in the central western Free State, and their seasonal dynamics.
region of its distribution it is present in evergreen Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 63,
and semi-evergreen bushland and thicket in the 1 9-23.
south, Karoo grassy shrubland and its transition Horak, LG. & Fourie, L.J. ( 1 99 1 ) . Parasites of domes­
to Highveld as well as in Kalahari Acacia wooded tic and wild animals in South Africa. XXIX.
grassland and deciduous bushland in the centre, Ixodid ticks on hares in the Cape Province and
on hares and red rock rabbits in the Orange Free
and in a mosaic of dry deciduous forest and
State. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Re­
secondary grassland in the north; in the western
search, 58, 2 1 6-70.
section of its distribution it occurs in various
Horak, LG. & Fourie, L.J. ( 1 992) . Parasites of domes­
types of Karoo shrubland as well as in undif­ tic and wild animals in South Africa. XXXI .
ferentiated and scrub woodland, deciduous Adult ixodid ticks on sheep in the Cape Prov­
bushland and wooded grassland, and in the ex­ ince and in the Orange Free State. Onderstepoort
treme west in the Namib desert. Journal of Veterinary Research, 59, 275-83.
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) :
Theiler ( 1 962); Walker ( 1 99 1 ) .
Disease relationships

More than half of the 1 8 recorded infant mortali­

ties in a troop of Chacma baboons living in an
arid environment in Namibia appeared to be re­
lated to heavy infestations with R. gertrudae
(Brain & Bohrmann, 1 992) . Tick infestation of
an infants' muzzle had caused acute inflamma­
tion of its nose and mouth and inhibited it from
suckling, resulting in its death.
200 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species


DU TOIT, 1 94 1

The specific name glabroscutatum, from the Latin

glaber meaning 'smooth', plus scutum, refers to
the smooth shiny scuta of the adults.


A small shiny chestnut-brown species.

36° r-=-:�-----�
--- --------
--- ---- �---.--+--­ 36°
Rhipicephalus glabroscutatum
Male (Figs 77(a), 78(a) to (c)) • Type locality
• Locality records
Capitulum about as broad as long,
12° 24°
length x breadth ranging from 0.47 mm x 0.53
mm to 0.72 mm x 0.70 mm. Basis capituli with Map 24. Rhipicephalus glabroscutatum: distribution.
lateral angles at about anterior third of its length,
slightly recurved in shape. Palps bluntly rounded
apically. Conscutum length x breadth ranging ginal lines long, finely punctate, not reaching
from 2. 1 7 mm x 1 . 34 mm to 2.96 mm x 2.00 eyes anteriorly. Posteromedian and posterolat­
mm, smooth and shiny in general appearance; eral grooves present but shallow and indistinct in
anterior process of coxae I large. Eyes beady, some specimens. Large setiferous punctations
orbited. Cervical pits deep, convergent. Mar- most numerous anterior to the eyes on the scap-

Figure 77. Rhipicephalus glabroscutatum [laboratory reared, original � from greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros),
'Bucklands' (farm), near Grahamstown, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, collected in 1979 by Y. Rechav] . (a) Male,
dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.
R. glabroscutatum 201

Table 2 1 . Host records o/Rhipicephalus glabroscutatum

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 49 (including immatures)
Sheep 66 (including immatures)
Goats 6 1 4 (including immatures)
Horses 2 (including immatures)

Wild animals
Caracal ( Caracal caracal) 1 6 (immatures)
Mountain zebra (Equus zebra) 1 6 (including immatures)
Rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) 6 (immatures, 1 J)
Red hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus caama) 3 (including immatures)
Black wildebeest ( Connochaetes gnou) 9 (including immatures)
Bontebok (Damaliscus pygargus dorcas) 4 1 (including immatures)
Blesbok (Damaliscus pygargus phillipsz) 2 (including nymphs)
Springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) 1 7 (including immatures)
Steenbok (Raphicerus campestris) 2 (including immatures)
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 2 (including nymphs)
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 1 6 (including immatures)
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros) 60 (including immatures)
Common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia) 1 1 (including immatures)
Gemsbok (Oryx gazella) 6 (including immatures)
Grey rhebok (Pelea capreolus) 44 (including immatures)
Mountain reedbuck (Reduncafulvorufula) 2 1 (including immatures)
Four-striped grass mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio) 1 (larva)
Spring hare (Pedetes capensis) 2 (immatures)
Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) 68 (immatures)
Smith's red rock rabbit (Pronolagus rupestris) 6 (immatures, 1 J)

Helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris) 8 (immatures)

ulae, sparse elsewhere on the scutum, intersper­ large, twice their own diameter apart. Palps
sed with numerous very fine punctations that are more elongate than those of male, with pedicel
sometimes almost invisible. Ventrally spiracles of article I easily visible dorsally and much nar­
comma-shaped, with a short broad dorsal pro­ rower than article II, giving the palps a stalked
longation. Adanal plates broad, smoothly appearance; bluntly rounded apically. Scutum
rounded posterointernally and posteroexternally; longer than broad, length x breadth ranging
accessory adanal plates well developed. from 1 .32 mm x 1 . 1 0 mm to 1 .62 mm x 1 .42
mm; posterior margin slightly sinuous. Eyes far
Female (Figs 77(b), 78(d) to (f)) forward, beady, orbited. Internal cervical mar­
Capitulum slightly broader than long, length x gins deep and convergent anteriorly, becoming
breadth ranging from 0. 7 4 mm x 0. 7 5 mm to increasingly shallow and divergent. Large
0.85 mm x 0.9 1 mm. Basis capituli with lateral setiferous punctations mostly present on the
angles at about anterior third of its length, slight­ scapulae and along the external cervical
ly hunched in appearance, acute; porose areas margins, plus a few medially on the scutum,
202 Accounts ofrnli
i vidual Afrotropicc.J spid
R. glabroscucatum 203

Figure 79 (above). Rliipicepluil= glabn>SCVUlt1Jm (laboralory reared, original '? from greater .kudu (Tragt/,aplrw suep­
sicerus), 'Buell.lands' (farm), near Gca.hamscown, Easl�m Cap� Province, South Africa, collected in 1979 by Y. Rcchav).
Nymph; (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) <:apirulwn, ventral; (c) scutwn; (d) cox.ae. Scale bl?.rs represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by
J.f. PutterilJ.

Figure 78 (opposite). Rhipi,;ep/w.llls glabroscuuuum [laboratory reared, original !? from �ler kudu (Tragelaphus sirep.
sic.e.ros), 'Buckland&' (farm), near Grahamstown, Eastern CaJX Province, South Africa, coUected in 1979 by Y. Rechav].
Male: (a) capitulum, dors9J; (b) :;pi.rack; (c) adanal pla1es. Female: (d) capirulum, don;al; (e) scutu.m; (f) genital
aperrure. Scale bars represent 0 . 1 0 mm. SEMs by J.F. PuneriJJ.
204 Accounts of individual Afrou·opical species

Figure 80. Rhipice-phaJw glabroscucacum paboratory .reared, original � from greater 1-."Udu (Tragelaphw strepsict:ros),
'Bucklands' (farm), near Grahamscown, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, colkcced in 1979 by Y. Rechav]. Larva:
(a) capicu.lum, dorsal; (b) capitulwn, venrral; (c) scutwn; (d) coxae. Scale bars n:p1-esem 0.10 mm. SEMs by J.F.

interspersed with very fine punctations t.hat are Palps very slightly constricted proximaUy, more
sometimes virtually invisible. Ventra.lly genital or less sausage-shaped. Chelicerae and hypos­
aperture broadly V-shaped . tome project slightly beyond t.he palps. Scuturn
broader than long, length x breadth ranging
Nymph (Fig. 79) from 0.45 mm x 0.52 mm to 0.51 mm x 0.55
Capitulum much broader than long> length x mm; posterior margin a deep cwve, indented
breadth ranging from 0.24 mm x 0.30 mm to posterolatera1ly. Eyes at widest point, at about
0.27 mm x 0.33 mm. Basis capituli over three mid-length, beady, orbited. Cervical grooves
times as broad as long, with acute lateral angles at deep and convergent initially, becoming shal­
about mid-length, overlapping the scapulae. lower and divergent and extending back to the
R. glabroscutatum 205

slightly concave posterolateral margins of the and nymphs are most numerous from March to
scutum, thus dividing the scutum into three August and adults from September to February
parts. Ventrally coxae I each with two broad (Horak et al., 1 992) . One life cycle only is com­
spurs, coxae II to IV each with an external spur, pleted annually.
decreasing in size from II to N. Total burdens, including all developmental
stages, exceeding 8000 ticks have been recorded
Larva (Fig. 80) on a mountain reedbuck, 6000 ticks on a greater
Capitulum approximately as broad as long, kudu and more than 4000 on a gemsbok (I.G.H.,
length x breadth ranging from 0 . 1 47 mm x unpublished data) .
0. 1 47 mm to 0. 1 64 mm x 0. 1 59 mm. Basis
capituli over twice as broad as long, narrowing Zoogeography
posteriorly. Palps constricted proximally, then
widening before they taper to their apices. Rhipicephalus glabroscutatum occurs in South Af­
Scutum much broader than long, length x rica where, with two minor exceptions, it has been
breadth ranging from 0 . 3 0 1 mm x 0.4 1 2 mm to recorded only in the Eastern and Western Cape
0.3 1 0 mm x 0.422 mm; posterior margin a Provinces (Map 24) . These exceptions are a
deep smooth curve. Eyes at widest point, at single male and a single female tick collected from
about mid-length, slightly convex. Cervical sheep in the south-western and southern Free
grooves short, mildly convergent. Ventrally State respectively. They probably originated
coxae I each with a broad spur, coxae II and III from ticks brought in with small stock trans­
each with a broad salient ridge along its posterior located from the Eastern Cape Province. The
border. vast majority of collection sites are at altitudes
ranging from almost sea level to approximately
Notes on identification 1 900 m. Rainfall in these areas varies from ap­
Rhipicephalus glabroscutatum is closely related to proximately 200 mm to 600 mm annually, falling
R. evertsi evertsi, with which its distribution in predominantly during summer in the east and
South Africa overlaps. Apart from their beady during winter in the west of this tick's habitat.
eyes the adults of these two species differ con­ They are in various types of shrubland or in
siderably in their morphology. Their immature evergreen and semi-evergreen bushland and
stages, though, are very similar in appearance thicket (Macivor, 1 985).
and may be difficult to separate when they are The largest numbers of this tick on individ­
present together in field collections (see p. 1 57). ual animals have been found in the extreme east­
ern and the extreme western parts of its range. In
other areas where it occurs present indications
are that the infestations are smaller.

A two-host species (Du Toit, 1 94 1 ) . All stages of

development prefer ungulates: the majority of Disease relationships
collections come from goats, followed by sheep
and greater kudu (Macivor, 1 985; Horak & The presence of adult ticks, often in conjunction
Knight, 1 986) . With the exception of scrub with adult Amblyomma hebraeum, is significantly
hares, which are good hosts of the immature associated with the occurrence of foot abscesses,
stages, infestation of non-ungulate hosts appears and consequently lameness, in goats (Macivor &
to be accidental (Horak et al., 1 99 1 ) (Table 2 1 ) . Horak, 1 987) . Because the distribution of R.
More than 80% of immature and adult ticks at­ glabroscutatum overlaps the regions in which
tach on the lower legs and between and/or much of South Africa's mohair is produced this
around the hooves (Horak et al., 1 992) . Larvae is an economically important condition. Sheep
206 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

are frequently similarly affected. Despite large RHIPICEPHALUS GUILHONI MOREL

numbers of adult ticks around the hooves of & VASSILIADES, 1 963
antelopes these animals do not appear to develop
foot abscesses. This species was named in honour of Professor
M. Guilhon of the National Veterinary School,
Maison Alfort, Paris, who was regarded by P.C.
REFERENCES Morel as his first mentor.

Du Toit, R. ( 1 94 1 ) . Description of a tick

Rhipicephalus glabroscutatum, sp. nov., Diagnosis
(Ixodidae) from the Karroo areas of the Union
of South Africa. Onderstepoort Journal of Vet­ A moderate-sized fairly heavily punctate West
erinary Science andAnimal/ndustry, 16, 1 1 5-18. African member of the R. sanguineus group.
Horak, LG., Boomker, J., Spickett, A.M. & De Vos, V.
( 1 992) . Parasites of domestic and wild animals Male (Figs 81 (a), 82(a) to (c))
in South Africa. XXX. Ectoparasites ofkudus in
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
the eastern Transvaal Lowveld and the eastern
ranging from 0.54 mm x 0.60 mm to 0.65
Cape Province. OnderstepoortJournal of Veterin­
m m x 0 . 7 1 mm. Basis capituli with short acute
ary Research, 59, 259-73.
Horak, LG., Fourie, L.J., Novellie, P.A. & Williams,
lateral angles at about anterior third of its length .
E.J. ( 1 99 1 ) . Parasites of domestic and wild ani­ Palps short, broad, somewhat truncated apically.
mals in South Africa. XXVL The mosaic of Conscutum length x breadth ranging from
ixodid tick infestations on birds and mammals in 2.42 mm x 1 . 53 mm to 2.73 mm x 1 . 7 1 mm;
the Mountain Zebra National Park. Onder­ anterior process of coxae I inconspicuous. In
stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 58, 1 25- engorged specimens body wall expanded
36. posterolaterally and posteriorly, with a small ad­
Horak, LG. & Knight, M.M. ( 1 986) . A comparison of ditional bulge posteromedially. Eyes slightly
the tick burdens of wild animals in a nature raised, edged dorsally by a few large punctations
reserve and on an adjacent farm where tick con­
that may be set in a groove. Cervical fields broad,
trol is practised. Journal of the South African
somewhat depressed, their external margins de­
Veterinary Association, 57, 1 99-203.
limited by large setiferous punctations. Marginal
Maclvor, KM. [de F.] ( 1 985) . The distribution and
lines long, clearly defined, outlined by large
hosts of Rhipicephalus glabroscutatum. Onder­
stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 52, 43-6. punctations. Posteromedian groove short, taper­
Maclvor, KM. de F. & Horak, LG. ( 1 987). Foot ing anteriorly; posterolateral grooves small, oval.
abscess in goats in relation to the seasonal abun­ A few large setiferous punctations scattered on
dance of adult Amblyomma hebraeum and adult the scapulae and more-or-less in a 'simus' pattern
Rhipicephalus glabroscutatum (Acari: Ixodidae) . medially on the conscutum, interspersed with
Journal of the South African Veterinary Associ­ numerous fine punctations that are larger and
ation, 58, 1 1 3-18. more conspicuous in some specimens than in
others. Ventrally spiracles large, broad, their dor­
sal prolongations tapering and curving slightly
just at their ends. Adanal plates broad, their in­
ternal margins barely indented posterior to the
anus, their posterolateral margins smoothly cur­
ved; accessory adanal plates large, pointed, well
R. guilhoni 207

Figure 8 1 . Rhipicephalus guilhoni (from sheep, Nioro, Mali, date of collection unknown, donated by P.C. Morel) . (a)
Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scales represent 1 mm. A. Olwage de!.


........... .....
, '

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e \" SUDAN
'� ';--f''--""i�-+.�oi���-c::)Jcy,'._'!!"-
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__.j ��_!!������ c---��f--�....!;,
!. r+-��;;;;:;:;--t���---:r=:
:1 "�
;:?" --i12°
(-·(. .... .,

18° 12° 12° 1 8° 36 42°

Map 25. Rhipicephalus guilhoni: distribution. (Based largely on Morel, 1 969 and Pegram et al., 1 987b) .
208 AcwU:ll.fs of individual AjrotrofrU.Ol species
R. guilhoni 209

Figure 83 (above). Rhipicephalu.s guillumi (RML 001330, provalancc u.n.k.nown). Nymph: (a) capitulu.rn, donal; (b)
capitu.lwn, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. Scale bars rept-esem Q. l 0 mm. SEMs by M.O. Convi.ri.

Figure 82 (opposite). Rhipicephalus guilltoni (RML 00 1330, male, pro.•eruince unknown; RML 4�64 l , fem.ale collected
from sheep, nonhem Nigeria in May 1967). Male: (a) ¢apirulu.m, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adana) plates. Pemale: (d)
capitu.lwn, dorsal; (e) scurum; (f) gen.il�l apertwe. Scale bars rep,rcseot 0.10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.
210 Accounts ofindi.vidualAfrotropical species

Figure 84. Rhipicephalus g1JiU1oni (R.ML 001330, provenance unknown). Larva: (a) capirulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum,
ventral; (c) scurum; (d) cox.ae. ScaJe bars represent O.lO mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.

Female (Figs 81 (b), 82(d) to (/)) large punctations that may be set in a groove.
Capirulum broader than long, length x breadth Cervical fields broad, somewhat depressed, their
ranging from 0.60 mm x 0.71 mm to 0.75 external margins sharply defined, reaching
mm x 0.82 mm. Basis capituli with broad lateral posterolateral margins of scutum and outlined by
angles at about mid-length; porosc areas large, large setiferous punctations that sometimes be­
oval, nearly twice their own diameter apart. Palps come confluent. A few large setiferous puncta­
broad, their apices rounded. Scutum slightly lon­ tions scattered on scapulae and medially on
ger than broad, length x breadth ranging from scutum, interspersed with numerous fine inter­
1.31 mm x 1.27 mm to L59 mm x 1.55 mm; stitial punctations. Ventrally genital apertUre
posterior margin s.inuous. Eyes at about mid­ broadly V-shaped.
length, sLightly raised, edged dorsally by a few
R. guilhon.i 211

Nymph (Fig. 83)

Capitulum much broader than long,
l ength x breadth ranging fro m 0.15 nun x 0.29
nun to 0.16 mm x 0.30 mm . Basis capituli near­
ly four times as broad as long, with broad taper­
ing lateral angles overlapping the scapulae; ven­
traJly with short, somewhat inwardly-directed
spurs on posterior margin. Palps broad
prox.i.maUy, tapering to narrowly-rounded api­
ces, inclined inwards. Scurum length x breadth
ranging from 0.40 rrun x 0.45 rrun to 0. 42
mm x 0.47 mm; posterior margin smoothly cur­

ved. Eyes at widestpoint, wen over halfway back,

large, slightly convex. Cervical fields broad,
slightly depressed, divergent, with their external
margins reaching the posterolaceral margins of
the scurum. Numerous long setae present me­
dially on the scutum, between the cervical fields,
and a few on the scapulae. Ventrally coxae I each
with a relatively long external spur and a shorter
internal spur; coxae II to IV each with an external
spur only, decreasing progressively in size.

Larva (Fig. 84)

Capitu.lum broader than long, length x breadth
ranging from 0.09 rrun x 0. 10 rrun m 0 .10
mm x 0. 1 1 rrun. Basis capituli about 3.5 times as
broad as Jong, with short broad lateral angles.
Palps broad proximally, tapering to narrowly
rounded apices, inclined inwards. Scutum much
broader than long, length x breadth ranging
from 0.20 mm x 0.30 mm to 0. 2 1 mm x 0 . 3 1
mm; postt:rior margin a broad extremt:ly shallow
curve. Eyes at widest pan of scutum, far back,
slightly convex. Cervical grooves short, slightly
convergent. Ventrally coxae I each with a broad
spur; coxae II and III each with an indication
only of a spuron its posterior margjn.
The measurements of the nymph and larva
given above are quoted from Mord & Vassiliades

Figure 85 (apposit.e). Female genit:ll ape.rtures (rnoUil­

ted): (a) Rhipi<epha.l11s gui'.ihoni; (b) Rhipicephal11s S11l­
ca1;us; (c) Rhipiccphalus iuranicus. (From Pegram es al.,
198711), figs 39 & 40; ( l 987b), fig. 40, with kind per­
mission from Kluwer Acadcm.ic Publishers).
212 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Table 22. Hos t records o/Rhipicephalus guilhoni

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 20
Sheep 14
Goats 4
Camels 2
Horses 4
Donkeys 4
Dogs 4
Cats 3

Wild animals
Four-toed hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris) 3
'Jackal' (Canis sp.) 6
Pale fox ( Vulpes pallida) 1
Caracal ( Caracal caracal) 1
African wild cat (Pelis lybica) 2
Serval (Leptailurus serval) 2
Spotted hyaena ( Crocuta crocuta) 4
Zorilla (/ctonyx striatus) 2
African civet (Civettictis civetta) 1
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 6
Giraffe ( Girajfa camelopardalis)
Korrigum (Damaliscus lunatus korrigum) 1
Red-fronted gazelle (Gazella rufifrons) 2
Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus) 2
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus)
Geoffroy's ground squirrel (Xerus erythropus) 1 (nymph)
Nile rat (Arvicanthis sp.) 4 (nymphs)
'Hare' 4

Ostrich (Struthio camelus) 2
Saddle-bill stork (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis) 1
Marabou stork (Leptoptilos crumeniferus) 1
African white-backed vulture (Gyps africanus) 1
Martial eagle (Hieraaetus bellicosus) 1
Denham's bustard (Neotis denhami) 2
Arabian bustard (Ardeotis arabs) 2
R. guilhoni 213

Notes on identification (Fig. 85) Zoo geography

Pegram et al. ( 1 987a) noted that the morphologi­
cal structure of the female genital aperture of R. Rhipicephalus guilhoni has been recorded from
guilhoni is such that 'its specific validity is unlike­ Mauritania and Senegal eastwards across Africa
ly to be disputed' (Fig. 8 5 (a) ) . Pegram et al. to the Sudan and occasionally Ethiopia (Map
( 1 987b) added: 'The larva and nymph of R. 25) . There is also one record from an unspecified
guilhoni were described by Morel & Vassiliades locality in Egypt. It can, therefore, exist under
( 1 963), but Filippova ( 1 98 1 ) believed that there relatively dry conditions. It is widely distributed
is some confusion in their descriptions between in areas with 500 mm to 750 mm annual rainfall,
this species and R. turanicus.' and occurs in some places with only 250 mm to
Earlier workers on West African ticks in­ 500 mm in the southern part of the Sahel. The
cluded records of R. guilhoni under R. sanguineus vegetation in which it characteristically occurs is
sensu lato (Morel & Vassiliades, 1 963; Morel, Sudanian woodland, and to some extent Sahel
1 969; Mohammed, 1 977) . Acacia wooded grassland and deciduous bush­
This is not a species with which we are well land.
acquainted ourselves. Our accounts of its hosts In 1 980, Matthysse regarded R. guilhoni as
and distribution are based largely, but not exclus­ probably the commonest and most widely distri­
ively, on those by Morel & Vassiliades ( 1 963) buted tick on livestock in Mali. However, during
and Morel ( 1 969) . their tick survey on sheep and goats in the Sa­
helian area of Senegal, Gueye et al. ( 1 987) listed
R. guilhoni as one of the species they had not
found although it had apparently occurred there
before the prevailing drought. Earlier they had
A three-host species (Morel, 1 969) . Amongst
noted that, during the previous 1 0 years or so,
domestic animals R. guilhoni adults have been
ecological changes had been caused by persistent
recorded most commonly from cattle, also sheep,
drought, deforestation and increasing cultivation
but less frequently from other animals. They
(Gueye et al., 1 986) . These in turn had affected
have also been collected from a wide range of
tick distributions and/or variations in population
wild animals and various species of the larger
non-passerine birds (Table 22) . The immature
stages apparently feed on sciuromorph (squirrel­
like) and myomorph (rat-like) rodents. The Disease relationships
hosts' holes, in which the immature stages devel­
op, shelter them from the variations of humidity Unknown.
and temperature in the general environment.
Rhipicephalus guilhoni apparently develops
through one generation annually. The adults be­
come active during the rainy season, beginning in Filippova, N.A. ( 1 98 1 ) . [On diagnosis of species of
May to June, and persist until the cooler season the genus Rhipicephalus Koch (lxodoidea,
(December to January) , when they become rare. Ixodidae) from the fauna of the USSR and ad­
In northern Nigeria small numbers of adults were joining territories by nymphal instar] . Para­
collected from the hooves of cattle from June to zitologischeskii Sbornik, 30, 47-68. [In Russian;
September (Mohammed, 1 977) . English summary] .
Gueye, A., Camicas,J.L., Diouf, A. & Mbengue, Mb.
( 1 987) . Tiques et hemoparasitoses du betail au
Senegal. II. La zone sahelienne. Revue d'Elevage
et de Medecine Viterinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 40
(nouvelle serie), 1 1 9-25 .
214 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Gueye, A . , Mbengue, Mb., Diouf, A . & Seye, M . RHIPICEPHALUS HUMERAUS

( 1 986). Tiques e t hemoparasitoses du betail au RONDELL!, 1 926
Senegal. I. La region des Niayes. Revue d'Elev­
age et de Medecine Veterinaire des Pays Tropicaux,
The specific name humeralis, from the Latin hu­
39 (nouvelle serie), 381-93.
merus meaning 'the shoulder' or 'upper bone of
Matthysse, J.G. ( 1 980) . Research and training on vec­
tor-borne hemoparasites of livestock and their vec­ the arm', refers to the light-coloured areas on the
tors in Mali. Phase I, objective 7: Survey to deter­ scapulae of the male.
mine species diversity and distribution of ticks
attacking cattle in Mali. Technical Assistance Synonym
Contract between the United States Agency for
pulchellus humeralis.
International Development and the Interna­
tional Division of Texas A. & M. University.
Project AID/afr-c- 1 262. Diagnosis
Mohammed, A.N. ( 1 977) . The seasonal incidence of
ixodid ticks of cattle in northern Nigeria. Bull­ A moderate-sized ornate species.
etin of Animal Health and Production in Africa,
25, 273-93.
Male (Figs 86(a), 8 7(a) to (c))
Morel, P.C. & Vassiliades, G. ( 1 963) . Les
Capitulum much longer than broad, length x
Rhipicephalus du groupe sanguineus: especes af­
ricaines (Acariens: Ixodoidea) . Revue d'Elevage
breadth ranging from 0. 79 mm x 0.64 mm to
et de Medecine Viterinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 1 5 1 .04 mm x 0.80 mm. Basis capituli with very
fo r 1962 (nouvelle serie), 343-86. short, bluntly-rounded lateral angles at about an­
Pegram, R.G., Clifford, C.M., Walker, J.B. & Keirans, terior quarter of its length. Palps short, broad.
J.E. ( l 987a) . Clarification of the Rhipicephalus
sanguineus group (Acari, Ixodoidea, Ixodidae) .
I. R. sulcatus Neumann, 1 908 and R. turanicus 30° 36°
Pomerantsev, 1 936. Systematic Parasitology, 10,
Pegram, R.G., Keirans,J.E., Clifford, C.M. & Walker, SUDAN

J.B. ( 1 987b) . Clarification of the Rhipicephalus

sanguineus group (Acari, Ixodoidea, Ixodidae) .
IL R. sanguineus (Latreille, 1 806) and related
species. Systematic Parasitology, 10, 27-44. ..
......-..... ,

Also see the following Basic Reference (p. 14): Morel lU-GA���\ j
;/ � '-)
( 1 969). /

'' =-"===='=d{.g�;;;__L_.L,-IL_.-
. --L�-- 0
Rhipicephalus humeralis
• Type locality
• Locality records

30° 36°

Map 26. Rhipicephalus humeralis: distribution.

R. humc.ralis 21S

l I
Figure 86. Rhipiaphalus humeralis: ['B.S. 274/-, RML 66307, laboratory reared, progeny of � c0Ucc1ed from African
elephant (Loxodontaafricana), Macl:.innon Road, Kenya, on 3 October 1 95 I by D.L.W. Sheldrick]. (a) M.lk, dorsal; (b)
female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage dd

Conscutum length x breadth ranging from 3 . 1 2 behind each eye or, in the most ornate speci­
mm x 2 . 1 8 mm lo 4 . 1 3 mm x 2.86 mm; large mens� these may extend forwards to join the
heavily-sclerotized anterior process present on adjacent scapuJar patches. Legs increase mark­
coxae I. In engorged specimens body wall ex­ edJy i.n size from I to IV. with light-coloured
panded posterolat�aJly and forming a short mottling dorsaUy, especially oo legs lIJ and IV .
broad caudal process. Eyes marginal, almost fta� Ventrally spiracles more-o.r-less comma-shaped,
delimited by slight depressions and a few puncta­ tapering gradually towards the dorsal surface.
tions dorsally. Cervical pies deep, comma­ Adanal plates up co three times as long as broad,
shaped, continuous posteriorly with the short in­ narrowly rounded posteroimemaHy; a ccessory
distinct internal cervical margins. lvlarginal lines adanal plates absent.
merely indicated by large setiferous punctations.
Posterior grooves absent. Large setiferous punc­ Pemal.e (Figs 86{b), 87(d) to (j))
tations also present on the scapulae, and in small Capitulum sllghtly longer than broad,
clusters in the positions of the posterolateral length x breadth i:anging from 0. 78 mm x 0. 74
grooves; smaller punctations scattered medially mm to 0.95 01.Jll x 0.93 m.m. Basis capituli with
on the conscutum. The conscutum is predomi­ fairly short broad lateral angles at about anterior
nantly very dark brown in colour with a pattern third of ics length; porose areas round, slightly
of light smol-7-brown patches anteriorly. A light­ more t.hao their owo diamecer apart. Palps long,
coloured patch always appears co be present on cn.mcated apically. Scutwn lo nger than broad,
each scapula and often medially between the cer­ length x breadrh ranging from 1 .70 mm x I .62
vicaJ pits. An isolated patch may also be present mm to 2.21 mm x 2.06 mm. Eyes marginal,
216 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species
R. humeraJis 217

Figure 88 (above). R.hipicephalus hume-ralis: [B.S. 274/-, RlviL 66307, laboratory reared, progeny of <f> collected from
African elephant (Loxcdcnta africana), Mackinnon Road, Kenya, on 3 October 195 1 by D. L. W. SheldrickI. Nymph: (a)
capit:ulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm . SE.Ms by M.D. Corwin.

Figure 87 (Of>Pcsiu). Rhipicephalus humeralis: [B.S. 274/-, RML 66307, laboratory reared, progeny of¥ collected from
African elephant (LcxodonUl afrUana), Mackinnon Road, Kenya, on 3 October 1951 by D.L.W. Sheldrick). Male: (a)
capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female; (d) c:apitulum, dor.sal; (e) sc:utwn; (f) genital apernu:c. Scale::
bars represent 0.1 O nm1. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.
218 Acc.ounts of individual Afro tropical species

Figure 89. Rhipicephalus humeralis: [B.S. 274/-, RML 66307, laboratory reared, progeny of� collected from African
elephant (Loxodoma africana),t v\ackinnon Road, Kenya, on 3 October 1951 by D.L.W. Sheldrick]. Larva: (a) capituJum,
dorsal; (b) capirulum, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.

almost flat, delimited by slight depressions and a scapulae, and sometimes medially between the
few punctations dorsally. Cervical pits conver­ cervical pits. Alloscutum dark brown with a few
gent; internal cervical margins sometimes in­ stout white setae, especially posterolaterally.
dicated by slight d epressions. Largest setiferous Legs with light-coloured mottling dorsally. Ven­
p unctations present on scapulae; smaller puncta­ trally genital aperture sigmoid-shaped with large
tions scanered medially) sometimes interspersed lateral plaques.
with minute punctations. The scutum is pre­
dominantly brownish-cream with darker smoky­ Nymph (Fig. 88)
brown colouration round the eyes; this often ex­ Capitulum broader than long, length x br.e�dtb
tends anteriorly along the outer margins of the ranging from 0.27 mm x 0 . 3 1 mm to 0.32
R. humeralis 219

Table 23. Host records ofRhipicephalus humeralis

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 32
Sheep 5
Goats 5
Camels 21
Donkeys 2
Dogs 1

Wild animals
Greater bushbaby ( Otolemus crassicaudatus)
Hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas)
Black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas)
Bat-eared fox ( Otocyon megalotis)
Sand fox ( Vulpes rueppellz) 1
Lion (Panthera leo) 2
African elephant (Loxodonta africana) 28
Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicomis) 10
Somali warthog (Phacochoerus aethiopicus) 1
Warthog (Phacochoerus sp.) 2
Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus) 1
Coke's hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus cokiz) 1
Speke's gazelle (Gazella spekez)
African buffalo (Syncerus cajfer) 2
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 2
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus) 2
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus)
Unstriped ground squirrel (Xerus rutilus)

Great sparrow hawk (Accipiter melanoleucus)


mm x 0 . 3 5 mm. Basis capituli nearly three times nal spur; coxae I I to IV each with a rounded
as broad as long, lateral angles in anterior third of external spur, decreasing progressively in size.
its length, short, acute; ventrally with two short
broad spurs on posterior border. Palps broad, Larva (Fig. 89)
rounded apically. Scutum broader than long, Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
length x breadth ranging from 0.56 mm x 0.59 ranging from 0. 1 3 1 mm x 0 . 1 4 1 mm to 0. 1 35
mm to 0.63 mm x 0.66 mm; posterior margin a mm x 0. 1 54 mm. Basis capituli over twice as
broad smooth curve. Eyes at widest point, large. broad as long, very slightly convex ante­
Cervical fields broad, slightly depressed, their rolaterally. Palps broad, blunt apically. Scutum
external margins almost reaching posterolateral much broader than long, broadest over halfway
margins of scutum. Ventrally coxae I each with a back, at eye level, length x breadth ranging from
large external spur and a shorter, broader inter- 0.243 mm x 0.368 mm to 0.273 mm x 0.379
220 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

mm; posterior margin a wide curve, very slightly wards as they do in the latter species.
sinuous posterolaterally. Eyes large. Cervical Since the females and immatures of R. hu­
grooves slightly convergent initially, becoming meralis and R. pulchellus are so similar it would be
mildly divergent and almost reaching eye level. unwise to identify these stages specifically in the
Ventrally coxae I each with a triangular spur; absence of males with which they can be asso­
coxae II and III each with a broad salient ridge on ciated.
its posterior border.

Notes on identification
In the past the systematic status of R. humeralis
A three-host species (Walker, 1 957). Its most
has been confused. It was originally described by
commonly recorded domestic animal hosts are
Rondelli ( 1 926) as a subspecies of R. pulchellus
cattle and camels (Table 23). Amongst wild ani­
but was raised to specific status by Zumpt
mals it apparently has a predilection for eleph­
( 1 949) .
ants and black rhinos. It was present in every
Warburton ( 1 933) referred to 'a variety of
collection made from 1 0 elephants examined in
R. pulchellus' that he had received from the for­
two areas in Kenya. On these animals it was
mer Italian Somaliland 'in which all the white
usually found on the ears, between the front legs
markings were obsolete except patches on the
and on the tail, and once each on the trunk and
scapulae', ornamentation that is typical of R. hu­
the scrotum. On the buffalo it was found on the
meralis. He maintained that intermediate forms
in the same consignment linked these ticks with
The hosts of the immature stages have not
'full-patterned specimens' of R. pulchellus but
been recorded, but they probably feed on the
this observation has not been supported by
same animals as the adults.
those of other workers (Cunliffe, 1 9 1 3; Walker,
1 95 7) .
Rhipicephalus humeralis has also been mis­ Zoogeography
identified as R. ecinctus by several authors al­
though the latter species is actually a synonym of Rhipicephalus humeralis has been recorded from
R. maculatus (Walker, 1 95 7; Morel, 1 980) . various parts of southern Somalia (Uilenberg,
The males of R. humeralis and R. pulchellus 1 978), eastern Kenya and northern Tanzania
can easily be identified specifically (compare (Map 26) . The areas in which it occurs range
Figs 86 (a) and 1 68 (a) ) . It is much more difficult from sea level to 1 500 m in altitude, usually with
to distinguish the females and nymphs, and vir­ annual rainfalls from about 800 mm to less than
tually impossible to separate the larvae (Walker, 400 mm. These localities are primarily in
1 957). The scutum of R. humeralis females is Somalia-Masai Acacia-Commiphora deciduous
predominantly brownish-cream in colour, with bushland and thicket. Its distribution generally
darker smoky-brown ornamentation, and its sur­ overlaps that of R. pulchellus but it does not ex­
face is slightly more uneven and pitted with tend into the driest areas inhabited by the latter
rather deeper punctations than that of R. pulchel­ species, e.g. northern Kenya and northern
lus, which is smoother in texture and ivory col­ Somalia.
oured with dark grey to black ornamentation.
Rhipicephalus humeralis females also have fewer Disease relationships
white setae on their alloscutum than R. pulchellus
females (compare Figs 86 (b) and 1 68 (c) ) . The Unknown.
basis capituli of the R. humeralis nymph is some­
what broader than that of R. pulchellus, and its
lateral angles project sideways rather than for-
R. hurti 221


1 954
Cunliffe, C. ( 1 9 1 3) . The variability of Rhipicephalus
pulchellus (Gerstacker, 1 873), together with its This species was named after Lieut.-Col. R.A.F.
geographical distribution. Parasitology, 6, 204- Hurt in gratitude for the numerous collections of
1 6.
ticks that he had sent to the author.
Rondelli, M.T. ( 1 926) . Alcuni ixodidi della Somalia
Italiana. Res Biologicae, 1, 33-43.
Uilenberg, G. ( 1 978) . Report on a consultancy to
Somalia: SOM/73/006. Strengthening of Vet­
erinary Laboratory Services, 22 November to 9
A medium-sized dark brown tick.
December 1 977. Mimeographed, 1 8 pp.
Walker, J.B. ( 1 957) . Rhipicephalus humeralis Rondelli,
1 926. Parasitology, 47, 1 45-52. Male (Figs 90(a), 91 (a) to (c))
Warburton, C. ( 1 933). On five new species of ticks Capitulum slightly broader than long to slightly
(Arachnida Ixodoidea) . Ixodes petauristae, I. am­ longer than broad, length x breadth ranging
pullaceus, Dermacentor imitans, Amblyomma from 0.58 mm x 0.63 mm to 0. 77 mm x 0. 76
laticaudae and Aponomma draconis, with notes
mm. Basis capituli with acute lateral angles at
on three previously described species, Or­
anterior third of its length. Palps short, broadly
nithodorus franchinii Tonelli-Rondelli, Haema­
rounded apically. Conscutum length x breadth
physalis cooleyi Bedford and Rhipicephalus
maculatus Neumann. Parasitology, 24, 558-73. ranging from 2.49 mm x 1 .63 mm to 3 .40
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2- 1 4) :
Morel ( 1 980); Scaramello ( 1 988); Walker 24° 30°
( 1 974); Yeoman & Walker ( 1 967); Zumpt 6• L_J__ �
•---1-------L-+--+----t----7--r- s0

( 1 949) . ....... ·�----···.....

" \

o f-7''--
-- -+--il---.....J_!J ,a·
'� , ZIMBABWE \. ;
§! .
� \
BOTSWANA N ,. - ' ' - -,'

24 � ,

.1;:::Rhipicephalus :::±:===i±==,--+-+-:__-.4--J 24•
• Type locality
• Locality records
() R. hurti Ijeanneli group
O Unconfirmed locality records
24° 30° 42°

Map 27. Rhipicephalus hurti: distribution.

222 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Figure 90. Rhipicephalus hurti [collected from eland (Taurotragus oryx) near Kijabe Hill, Kenya, on 30 April 1 960 by
D.W. Brocklesby] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage de!.

mm x 2.30 mm; anterior process of coxae I plates broadly triangular, their external margins
inconspicuous. In engorged specimens body almost straight, their internal margins often
wall expanded posterolaterally and posteriorly, more concave than in the specimen illustrated
with a short broad caudal process. Eyes fiat to (Fig. 9 1 (c) ) and joining the rounded posterior
very slightly convex, edged dorsally by a few margins in blunt points; accessory adanal plates
punctations. Cervical pits deep, convergent, represented by lightly-sclerotized points.
continuous with shallow internal cervical mar­
gins. Marginal lines well defined posteriorly, be­ Female (Figs 90(b), 91 (d) to (j))
coming shallower anteriorly and finally indicated Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
merely by punctations. Posterior grooves well ranging from 0.55 mm x 0.63 mm to 0. 78
defined, rugose; posteromedian groove long and mm x 0.80 mm. Basis capituli with broad lateral
narrow, posterolateral grooves semicircular to angles in anterior third of its length; porose areas
bow-shaped. Large to medium-sized setiferous oval, nearly twice their own diameter apart. Palps
punctations present anteriorly on the scapulae, broad, rounded apically. Scutum ranging from
along the external cervical margins and marginal broader than long to longer than broad,
lines, and scattered sparsely medially on the con­ length x breadth ranging from 1 . 1 1 mm x 1 .22
scutum, especially between the cervical fields, mm to 1 .59 mm x 1 .48 mm; posterior margin
interspersed with numerous somewhat smaller slightly sinuous. Eyes fiat to slightly convex,
punctations that sometimes coalesce, especially edged dorsally by a few punctations. Cervical
near the posterior grooves. Anterior to the eyes fields slightly depressed. A few large setiferous
and adjacent to the marginal lines the conscutum punctations present anteriorly on the scapulae,
is usually almost free of punctations. Ventrally along the external margins of the cervical fields
spiracles broad, narrowing and curving slightly and scattered medially on the scutum among the
towards the dorsal surface just at the end. Adanal numerous medium-sized punctations; the lateral
R. hurti 223

Table 24. Host records ofRhipicephalus hurti

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 37
Dogs 8

Wild animals
'Jackal' (Canis sp.)
Lion (Panthera leo) 3
Leopard (Panthera pardus)
'Genet' (Genetta sp.) 1
Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) 3
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 3
Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus)
'Wild pig'
Giraffe (Gira.ffa camelopardalis) 1
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 30
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 4
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus) 9
Tragelaphus sp.
Common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia)
Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus)
'Antelope' 1
Angoni swamp rat ( Otomys angoniensis) 1 (larva)

Humans 2

areas of the scutum generally smooth and glossy. sharp external spur and a short sharp internal
Ventrally genital aperture broad, its posterior spur; coxae II to IV each with a small external
border straight, its sides somewhat angular. spur only, decreasing progressively in size.

Nymph (Fig. 92) Larva (Fig. 93)

Capitulum much broader than long, Capitulum much broader than long, length x
length x breadth ranging from 0.21 mm x 0.35 breadth (measured to two places of decimals
mm to 0.25 mm x 0.41 mm. Basis capituli four only) ranging from 0. 1 1 mm x 0. 1 8 mm to 0. 1 2
times as broad as long, lateral angles long, taper­ mm x 0. 1 9 mm . Basis capituli well over four
ing gradually to sharp points; ventrally small times as broad as long, with tapering bluntly
spurs present on posterior border. Palps slender, rounded lateral angles; ventrally with blunt spurs
tapering to narrowly rounded apices, inclined on posterior border. Palps tapering to narrowly
inwards. Scutum much broader than long, rounded apices, inclined inwards. Scutum much
length x breadth ranging from 0.46 mm x 0.53 broader than long, length x breadth ranging
mm to 0.52 mm x 0.65 mm; posterior margin a from 0.22 mm x 0.35 mm to 0.23 mm x 0.36
smooth shallow curve. Eyes at widest point, well mm; posterior margin a smooth shallow curve.
over halfway back, very slightly convex. Cervical Eyes at widest point, a little over halfway back,
pits long, narrow, convergent, cervical fields in­ slightly convex. Cervical grooves convergent.
conspicuous. Ventrally coxae I each with a long Ventrally coxae I each with a relatively narrow
224 Acccunts ofindtt.>idual Afrorropical species
R. hurti 225

Figure 92 (above). Rhipiu�pha/us himi [B.S. 716/-, RML 66308; laboratory reared, original !;? collected from bovine,
Ngorongar, near Arusha, Tanzania, on 3 1 July 1956 by G.M. Kohls and F.).W. Hampshire). Nymph: (a) capitulurn,
dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.

Figure 9 1 (opposiu). Rhipicephaius hurti (B.S. 716/-, RML 66308; laboratory reared, original <;! collected from bovine,
Ngorongar, near Arusha, Tanzania, on 31 July 1956 by G.M. Koh.ls and F.J.W. Hampshire) . Male: (a) capituJum dorsal;
(b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scutu.m and aJloscutum, dorsal; (f) genital aperture.

Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. S�b by M.D. Corwin.

226 Acc.Jums of individual Afrotrcpical fpecies

Figure 93. RJ11/>iapholu.r hurti [B.S. 716/-, R.\4.L 66308; laboratory reared, original � collected from bovine, Ngorongai,
near Anuha, Tanzaaia, on 3 1 July 1956 by G.M. Kohls and F.j.W. Hampshire). Larva: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b)
�apitulum, ve.i.trol; (-;) $CVrum; (d) -;oxae. S-;alc bars repr<:sent 0.10 mm. SEMs by M.O. Corwin.

spur; coxae U and m each with a much broader> in appearance (compare Figs 90-93 above with
but shorter, spur. those of R. jeanneli, pp. 232-238, Figs 96-99).
The behaviour of the two in the laboratory a1so
Nores on Ukmificaticn differs in that R. hw-ti is very difficult to rear and
The taxonomic problem thac 1::xists in the R. R. jeanneli very easy. Nevertheless it often re­
hurufjeanneli group has been d.iS<:ussed by sev­ mains virtually impossible, in our experience, to
eral authors (Yeoman & Walker, I 967; Morel, determine where the boundary lies between their
1969; Walker, I 974; Matthysse & Co Ibo� 1987). adults in mixed coUections that include mor­
Typical adults ofboth R. fumi and R. jea.nneli are pholog:ically intermediate forms. This group
reasonably easy to d.isri.nguish, nnd the immarure therefore remains in need of further detailed
stages o f these two species differ quite markedly study.
R. hurti 227

The re-examination of ticks from Kenya in pp. 232-238) . We regard the few records that
the E.A. Lewis Collection, The Natural History exist from further west and south in Africa with
Museum, London, that were originally identified reserve: sometimes they are based on very small
as R. bursa, R. capensis and R. kochi showed that numbers of ticks, and also appear to be in eco­
they belong to the R. hurti/jeanneli group. logically unsuitable places (Elbl & Anastos,
Another species whose appearance can be 1 966; MacLeod & Mwanaumo, 1 978; Santos
confused with that of R. hurti is R. aquatilis Dias, 1 987) . We feel that this tick's presence in
(Rhipicephalus sp. III of Yeoman & Walker, these areas requires confirmation.
1 96 7) (see pp. 72-7 5) . But, although R. aquatilis This species occurs at high altitudes, from
has been collected from cattle several times, it about 1 500 m to over 2000 m, where there is a
apparently has a predilection for the sitatunga well-distributed mean annual rainfall between
( Tragelaphus spekiz), consequently these two spe­ about 600 mm and 1 500 mm in various types of
cies generally occur in different habitats. Unfor­ Afromontane vegetation (forest, woodland,
tunately Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987) included bushland and wooded or bushed grassland) .
their records of R. aquatilis (listed as
Rhipicephalus sp. III) with those of their R. hurti
Disease relationships
Yeoman & Walker ( 1 96 7) suspected that,
in the past, ticks in the R. hurti/jeanneli group
might also have been identified as R. appendi­
culatus, a mistake that could bedevil attempts to
control the latter species.
MacLeod, J. & Mwanaumo, B. ( 1 978) . Ecological
Hosts studies of ixodid ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in Zam­
bia. IV. Some anomalous infestation patterns in
the northern and eastern regions. Bulletin ofEn­
A three-host species G.B. Walker, unpublished
tomological Research, 68, 409-29.
data, 1 960) . The only domestic animals from
Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 987) . Algumas observac;oes
which R. hurti has so far been collected are cattle
sobre a fauna ixodol6gica (Acarina, Ixodoidea)
and a few dogs. Amongst wild animals the Afri­ de Moc;ambique, com a descric;iio de uma nova
can buffalo is the most commonly recorded host, especie do genero Boophilus Curtice, 1 89 1 . Gar­
and to a lesser extent other wild bovids, mostly cia de Orta, Ser. Zool., Lisboa, 14, 1 7-26.
the larger species. Collections have also been Wilson, S.G. ( 1 954) . Rhipicephalus hurti n.sp.
made from various wild suids and carnivores (lxodoidea) from Kenya game and domestic
(Table 24) . The adults appear to have a predilec­ animals. Parasitology, 44, 277-84.
tion for their hosts' ears. They have also been Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14):
collected from the neck and hind legs of a buf­ Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966); Matthysse & Colbo
falo. ( 1 987); Morel ( 1 969); Santos Dias ( 1 960);
Walker ( 1 974); Yeoman & Walker ( 1 967).
The immature stages probably feed on ro­
dents, though the actual field evidence for this
remains a single larva collected from an Angoni
swamp rat.


Rhipicephalus hurti has been recorded in East

Africa, including Rwanda and Burundi (Map
27), usually in association with R. jeanneli (see
228 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

RHIPICEPHALUS INTER VENTUS mm to 2.36 mm x 1 .58 mm; anterior process of

WALKER, PEGRAM & KEIRANS, 1 995 coxae I small. In engorged specimens body wall
expanded posterolaterally and posteriorly. Eyes
This specific name, a Latin term meaning 'to marginal, fiat, edged dorsally by a few medium­
come between', refers to the fact that in various sized setiferous punctations. Cervical pits
respects the adults of this tick are morphologi­ comma-shaped, convergent. Marginal lines shal­
cally intermediate in appearance between those low, extending forwards to just behind eyes.
of R. tricuspis and R. lunulatus. Posteromedian and posterolateral grooves either
poorly developed or absent; when present
posteromedian groove short, narrow; posterolat­
Diagnosis erals oval to circular. A few other slight depress­
ions sometimes present anterior to posterolat­
A moderate-sized brown tick with bicuspid erals. Moderately large setiferous punctations
adanal and elongate accessory adanal plates giv­ present on the scapulae, along the outer cervical
ing a tricuspid appearance. margins and marginal lines, in a 'simus' pattern
medially on the conscutum and round the pos­
Male (Figs 94(a), 95(a) to (c)) terior grooves. Otherwise the conscutum is
Capitulum slightly broader than long, length x smooth and virtually impunctate. Ventrally spi­
breadth ranging from 0.48 mm x 0 . 5 1 mm to racles broadly comma-shaped with a rather wide
0.52 mm x 0.54 mm. Basis capituli with short, gently curving dorsal prolongation. Adanal plates
acute lateral angles in anterior third of its length. elongate, internal margins slightly indented pos­
Palps short, broad, flattened apically. Conscutum terior to the anus, posterointernal margins broad­
length x breadth ranging from 2. 1 7 mm x 1 .40 ly rounded, posteroexternal margins usually

Figure 94. Rhipicephalus interventus (RML 53849, AHRC 67 /2854, from cattle, Kawoko- Masaka, Masaka District,
Uganda, collected on 2 March 1967 byJ.G. Matthysse) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm.
A. Olwage del. (Reprinted from Walker et al., 1995, figs 1 & 2, with kind permission from the Editor, Onderstepoort
Journal of Veterinary Research) .
R. interventus 229

Table 25. Host records ofRhipicephalus interventus

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 25
Sheep 1
Dogs 2

Wild animals
Topi (Damaliscus lunatus topz)
Grant's gazelle (Gazella grantz)
Oribi ( Ourebia ourebz)
Cape grysbok (Raphicerus melanotis)
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus)

30° 42° extended into a long narrow cusp; accessory

SUDAN adanal plates long, narrow, well sclerotized.
. ---+-----i-
60 1-----1------'"'- +---¥-------j-j 60
, ... !
.. .....'·
............... . .. ,,

-,_'J,J1-L1;;ft.�:�, .

Female (Figs 94(b), 95(d) to (j))


DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC .,, ! Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth

o l----+------:i�,�
·�"-""<:/ +--
�) ranging from 0.55 mm x 0.63 mm to 0 . 7 1
O ,,,---
m m x 0.74 mm. Basis capituli with long sharp
lateral angles just anterior to mid-length; porose
areas large, more-or-less oval, about 1 . 5 times
their own diameter apart. Palps with pedicels of
articles I fairly long and narrow, giving them a
a slightly stalked appearance, palpal apices broadly
rounded. Scutum length x breadth ranging
�J ·-··-· ....

12° c----t--'�-T---�
' _...'"--
. ' from 1 .25 mm x 1 .22 mm to 1 .43 mm x 1 .46
mm, posterior margin broadly rounded. Eyes at
widest point, flat to very slightly raised, edged
dorsally with a few medium-sized setiferous
18° Rhipicepha/us interventus punctations. Cervical pits comma-shaped, con­
$ Type locality vergent; cervical fields long, broad, slightly de­
• Locality records
� R. interventus or R. lunulatus pressed, their outer margins delimited by a few
medium-sized setiferous punctations. Similar
30° 36° punctations scattered sparsely on the scapulae,
interspersed with numerous very fine puncta­
Map 28. Rhipicephalus interventus: distribution. (Based
tions. Ventrally genital aperture broadly U­
on Walker et al., 1 988, 1 995).
shaped with smooth hyaline flaps visible laterally.

Immature stages
230 ay
AccmmJS ofin&vi.dual Afrot r ·
,.ic.al f{JtCteS
R. interventus 23 1

Notes on identification lopes. It is apparently not an abundant tick: the

The male of R. interventus resembles that of R. two largest collections, both from an unspecified
tricuspis in the general shape of its capitulum but number of cattle, contain only 1 1 adults. Many
its adanal plates, with their long posteroexternal collections consist of a single adult only.
cusps and broadly rounded posterointernal mar­
gins, are more like those of R. lunulatus. Its spi­
racular plates, with their relatively short, broad
dorsal prolongations, differ in shape from those
Rhipicephalus interventus has been recorded from
of both R. tricuspis and R. lunulatus with their
scattered localities in East and Central Africa,
longer narrower dorsal prolongations.
from Uganda southwards to Malawi and Zambia
Although the female of R. interventus and
(Map 28) . It is sometimes sympatric with R.
that of R. tricuspis have similar capitula and geni­
lunulatus. Present indications are that it occurs
tal apertures the small interstitial punctations on
mainly in various types of woodland (miombo) ,
the scutum of R. interventus are generally sparser
wooded grassland and sometimes grassland. In
than they are on R. tricuspis. The R. interventus
Uganda, where it was referred to by comparison
female can easily be distinguished from that of R.
with R. lunulatus as 'the smaller upland tick of
lunulatus because the latter has longer narrower
Masaka, Ankole and Kigezi districts' (Matthysse
palps and a broader shallower genital aperture.
& Colbo, 1 987), it has been collected most com­
It has been impossible to re-examine all of
monly in dry wooded grassland dominated by
the collections featuring in the literature as R.
tricuspis sensu lato, some of which probably no
longer exist (Walker et al., 1 988, 1 995) . We have
recorded here only collections that we have con­ Disease relationships
firmed as R. interventus.

Life cycle unknown. Thirty-four collections of
R. interventus from various hosts exist at present Walker, J.B., Keirans, J.E., Pegram, R.G. & Clifford,
(Table 25), plus one taken from pasture. The C.M. ( 1 988) . Clarification of the status of
majority are from cattle, and most of the remain­ Rhipicephalus tricuspis Donitz, 1 906 and
der are from various medium-sized to small ante- Rhipicephalus lunulatus Neumann, 1 907
(Ixodoidea, Ixodidae) . Systematic Parasitology,
12, 1 59-86.
Walker, J.B., Pegram, R.G. & Keirans, J.E. ( 1 995) .
Figure 95 (opposite) . Rhipicephalus interventus (RML Rhipicephalus interventus sp. nov. (Acari:
1 1 7418, AHRC 67/3058, from cattle, W. Mako, Masaka, Ixodidae), a new tick species closely related to
Masaka District, Uganda, collected on 1 2 May 1 967 by Rhipicephalus tricuspis Donitz, 1 906 and
].G. Matthysse) . Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spi­ Rhipicephalus lunulatus Neumann, 1 907, from
racle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) capitulum, dorsal; East and Central Africa. OnderstepoortJournal of
(e) scutum; (f) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0.10 Veterinary Research, 62, 89-95.
mm. SEMs by R.G. Robbins. (Figs (a) & (c) reprinted Also see the following Basic Reference (p. 1 4) :
from Matthyse & Colbo ( 1987). Ixodid Ticks of Uganda, Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987) .
plate 1 4 1 , figs 2 & 3 as R. tricuspis, published by the
Entomological Society of America; figs (b), (d), (e) & (f)
reprinted from Walker et al., 1995, figs 2b, d, e & f, with
kind permission from the Editor, OnderstepoortJournal of
Veterinary Research).
232 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

RHIPICEPHALUS JEANNEU panded slightly laterally and posterolaterally and

NEUMANN, 1 9 1 3 forming a short broadly-rounded caudal process
posteromedially. Eyes slightly convex, edged
This species was named in honour of the collect­ dorsally by a few setiferous punctations set in
or, the distinguished French entomologist R. slight depressions. Cervical pits deep. Marginal
Jeannel ( 1 879- 1 965) . The types were obtained lines short, shallow, continued anteriorly by lines
during an expedition that he made to East Africa of medium-sized setiferous punctations.
with Ch. Alluaud in 1 9 1 1 - 1 2 . Posteromedian and posterolateral grooves, when
present, small and indistinct. A few medium­
sized setiferous punctations present anteriorly on
Diagnosis the scapulae, along the external cervical margins
and in a 'simus' pattern medially on the con­
A medium-sized reddish-brown tick. scutum and anterior to the festoons, interspersed
with numerous fine punctations. Ventrally spi­
Male (Figs 96(a), 9 7(a) to (c)) racles broad, narrowing rather abruptly and
Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth curving slightly towards the dorsal surface.
from 0 . 7 1 mm x 0.67 mm to 0.83 mm x 0.79 Adanal plates large, broad, their external margins
mm. Basis capituli with short, somewhat recur­ almost straight, their internal margins scooped
ved lateral angles in anterior half of its length. out adjacent to the anus, then meeting the broad­
Palps broad, flattened apically. Conscutum ly-rounded posterior margins in sharp points;
length x breadth ranging from 2.98 mm x 2. 1 3 accessory adanal plates large, pointed, well scler­
mm to 3 .78 mm x 2.6 1 mm; anterior process of otized.
coxae I small. In engorged males body wall ex-

Figure 96. Rhipicephalus jeanneli (B.S. 556/-, RML 66309, laboratory reared, original � collected from bovine near
Nanyuki, Kenya, in October 1 954 by J.A. Thorburn) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A.
Olwage del.
R. jeanneli 233

Table 26. Host records o/Rhipicephalus jeanneli

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 77

Wild animals
Lion (Panthera leo)
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchelliz)
Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) 4
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 10
Forest hog (Hylochoerus meinertzhagenz) 2
Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus) 6
'Wild pig' 1
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 20
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 4
Bongo ( Tragelaphus eurycerus) 2
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus) 5
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros)
Common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia)
Brush-furred rat (Lophuromysflavopunctatus) 1 (larva)
Swamp rat (Otomys sp.) 1 (nymph)
East African mole-rat ( Tachyoryctes splendens) 1 (larva)

'Spurfowl' 1

Humans 2

Female (Figs 96(b), 97(d) to (j)) broad, slightly depressed, their external margins
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth delimited by irregular rows of medium-sized
ranging from 0 . 7 1 mm x 0.78 mm to 0.92 setiferous punctations. A few similar punctations
mm x 0.95 mm. Basis capituli with acute lateral scattered anteriorly on the scapulae and between
angles at about mid-length; porose areas round the cervical fields, interspersed with numerous
to oval, about 1 . 5 times their own diameter apart. very fine punctations. Ventrally genital aperture
Palps broad, their apices somewhat flattened. small, broadly V-shaped.
Scutum broader than long, length x breadth
ranging from 1 . 37 mm x 1 .5 5 mm to 1 .87 Nymph (Fig. 98)
mm x 2.00 mm; posterior margin slightly sinu­ Capitulum much broader than long,
ous. Eyes slightly convex, edged dorsally by a few length x breadth ranging from 0.26 mm x 0.37
setiferous punctations set in shallow depressions. mm to 0.32 mm x 0.43 mm. Basis capituli over
Cervical pits long, convergent; cervical fields three times as broad as long, with long tapering
234 AC<X1unts of itu:fimdu�l Afrouorncal speci.es
R. e
j anneli 235


Figure 98 (above). Rhipiaphalusjeanneli (B.S. 556/-, Rl\1L 66309, laboratory reared, original 9 collected from bovine
near Nanyuki, Kenya, in October 1954 by ).A. Thorburn). Nymph: (a) capitulum, dorsal.; (b) capitulum. ventral; (c)
scurum; (d) coxac. Scale bars represent 0. I 0 mm. SEMs by M.D. Convin.

Figure 97 (op-posi1e). Rhipi.cephal11.s jeanneli (B.S. 556/-, RML 66309, laboratory reared, original � collected from bovine
near Nanyuki, Kenya, in October 1954 by ).A. Thorburn). Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates.
Female: (d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scapular area; (f) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by JF.
236 Accounts of individual Afrotrot>ical species

Figure 99. Rhipicephalw jeam�li (B.S. 556/-, RML 66309, laboratocy reare<i, original � collected from bovine near
Nanyu.ki, Kenya, in October 1954 by j.A. Thorburn). Larva: (a) capitulwn, dorsal; (b) capirulum, ventral; (c) scutum;
(d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.LO mm. S&Vis by M.D. Corwin.

sharply-pointed lateral angles just posterior to gent, their internal margins more sharply defined
mid-length and small broadly-rounded comu a; than their external margins. Ventrally coxae I
ventrally with smaU narrowly-rounded spurs on each with a long sharp external spur and a shorter
the posterior margin. Palps narrow, more-or-less sharp internal spur; coxae Il to IV each with a
equal in \:vidth for much of their length, tapering sharp external spur only) decreasing progressive­
distally to rounded apices, inclined inwards. ly in size.
Scunun broader than long, length x breadth
ranging from 0.58 mm x 0.69 mm to 0.65 Larva (Fig. 99)
mm x 0.74 mm; posterior margin a broad Capitulum much broader than long, length x
smooth curve. Eyes at widest point, well over breadth ranging from 0.136 mm x 0.172 mm to
halfway back, delimited dorsally by slight de­ 0.139mm x 0 . 1 8 7 mm. Basis capfrulioverthree
pressions. Cervical fields long, narrow, diver- times as broad as long, with short sharply-
R. jeanneli 237

24° ° 42° these two species, although he gave no evidence

30 36°
� to support his decision. Unfortunately his verdict
60 f-----+--�-
• -r-------i---t----F--
- ----j--j 60..
·- ··
was initially accepted uncritically by other tick
.. ...................·'·.... 1
·. . .... ....-\
_ . . workers and for about 1 7 years thereafter R.
jeanneli was identified as R. kochi. In 1 962, how­
ever, Clifford & Anastos expressed doubts re­
garding this synonymy. For one thing they
RWANDA pointed out that the female genital apertures of
BURUNDI ticks then being identified as R. kochi were not the
same as that of the type female of this species as
illustrated by Feldman-Muhsam ( 1 956) . They
therefore thought that the matter should be re­
examined. In 1 967, Yeoman & Walker formally
( ..--·-· resurrected R. jeanneli as a valid species because
¥- ""\ . ._ .
1 2 f-----t-�� .
. '--
\. )
. _.
, , ----+ 'Hr-+----+--' 12 0 .-
( they considered it was very unlikely that this
highland species would also occur in the coastal
areas where the types of R. kochi had been col­
lected. In addition they noted that the shape of
1 a0 Rhipicephalus jeanne/i
both the female scutum and the genital aperture
• Type locality
• Locality records
differ in these two species.

() R. hurti!jeanneli group A further difficulty is that, although typical
adults of R. jeanneli and R. hurti can be identified
24° 30° 42 °
reasonably easily, field collections often include
Map 29. Rhipicephalusjeanneli: distribution. specimens that in some respects are morphologi­
cally intermediate between them. This problem
pointed lateral angles, posterior margin very requires further study (see p. 226, under R.
slightly concave. Palps constricted proximally, hurtz) .
almost immediately widening, then tapering We have omitted the two records from
gradually to narrowly-rounded apices, inclined Equateur and Bandundu (formerly Leopold­
inwards. Scutum much broader than long, ville) Provinces, Democratic Republic of Congo,
length x breadth ranging from 0.257 mm x quoted by Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966) . Not only is
0.360 mm to 0.279 mm x 0.376 mm; posterior each based on a single male specimen but these
margin broad, shallow, slightly sinuous. Eyes at areas are far outside the normal habitat of this
widest point, far back, very slightly convex. Cer­ tick and are ecologically unsuitable for it.
vical grooves short, slightly convergent. Ven­ Yeoman & Walker ( 1 96 7) believed that
trally coxae I each with a sharp spur; coxae II and ticks in the R. hurti/jeanneli group have some­
III each with a slight thickening only on its pos­ times been misidentified as R. appendiculatus.
terior border. This may have led to incorrect assessments re­
garding the requirements for East Coast fever
Notes on identification control in parts of Tanzania.
In the past the taxonomy of R. jeanneli has been
confused. The main problem arose when Zumpt
( 1 943) noted that he was linking this species Hosts
provisionally with R. kochi until such time as it
could be shown that both species occurred at A three-host species O.B.W., unpublished data,
Sadani, one of the latter's type localities on the 1 955). The only domestic animals of any conse­
Tanzanian coast. In 1 949 he finally synonymized quence as hosts of R. jeanneli adults are cattle
238 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

(Table 26) . Their most commonly recorded wild thought to be based on experiments with labora­
host is the African buffalo. The wild suids are tory-bred ticks described in the unpublished re­
also favoured. Adults have a predilection for the port by the Chief Field Zoologist, Kenya, for
ears and tail brush of cattle and buffaloes. On 1 95 1 . So far as we know, though, the immature
buffaloes they have also been found round the stages of this species have never been collected
eyes and on the neck, chest, shoulder, back, axil­ from cattle under natural conditions. Conse­
lae, genitalia and legs. On a goat they attached quently we do not regard it as a field vector of this
under the tail. disease.
Only three collections of immatures have
been recorded, two larvae and a nymph, all from

Feldman-Muhsam, B. ( 1 95 6) .The value of the female

Zoo geography genital aperture and the peristigmal hairs for
specific diagnosis in the genus Rhipicephalus.
Rhipicephalus jeanneli was originally described Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, SB,
from four collections, two from Kenya, one at 300-6 + 3 plates.
Molo and the other from the Burguret River, Mt Neumann, L.G. ( 1 9 1 3) . Ixodidae. In Voyage de Ch.
Kenya, and two from Tanzania, both from Alluaud et R. Jeanne! en Afrique Orientate (1 91 1-
Kilimanjaro. Of these only the first is shown as 1 91 2). Resultats Scienti.fiques. Arachnida, II, 23-
the type locality (Map 29) . 35. Paris: A. Schulz.
This species occurs in highland areas in Schoenaers, F. ( 1 95 1 a) . Liste des tiques recoltees au
cours d'un voyage d'etudes au Congo Beige.
eastern Africa, often in association with R. hurti.
Bulletin Agricole du Congo Belge, 42, 1 1 7-22.
It has been recorded from the southernmost part
Schoenaers, F. ( 1 95 1 b) . Essai sur la repartition de la
of Sudan southwards to southern Tanzania and
theileriose bovine et des tiques vectrices, au
westwards through Rwanda and Burundi to ad­ Ruanda-Urundi, en fonction de !'altitude. An­
jacent areas in the Democratic Republic of nales de la Societe Belge de Medecine Tropicale, 31,
Congo. It is common at higher altitudes in 37 1-5 .
Rwanda (Schoenaers, 1 95 1 a,b, as R. kochz) . Wilson, S.G. ( 1 953) . A survey of the distribution of
There is one isolated record from Lubum­ tick vectors of East Coast fever in East and
bashi in southern Democratic Republic of Central Africa. Proceedings of the 1 S'h Interna­
Congo; this requires confirmation as it is an eco­ tional Veterinary Congress, Stockholm, 1, 1 87-
logically atypical area for this species. 90.
Rhipicephalus jeanneli usually occurs at alti­ Zumpt, F. ( 1 943) . Rhipicephalus aurantiacus
Neumann und ahnliche Arten. VIII. Vorstudie
tudes between 1 500 m and 2500 m, sometimes
zu einer Revision der Gattung Rhipicephalus
even higher, with mean annual rainfalls ranging
Koch. Zeitschriftfiir Parasitenkunde, 13, 102- 1 7 .
from at least 500 mm to about 1 500 mm. Char­
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2- 1 4) :
acteristically these are areas with Afromontane Clifford & Anastos ( 1 962); Elbl & Anastos
vegetation, comprising various types of forest, ( 1 966); Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987); Walker
woodland, bushland, wooded and/or bushed ( 1 974); Yeoman & Walker ( 1 967); Zumpt
grassland and grassland. ( 1 949) .

Disease relationships

According to Wilson ( 1 953) R. jeanneli will

transmit Theileria parva, the causative agent of
East Coast fever of cattle. This observation is
R. kochi 239

RHIPICEPHALUS KOCHI DONITZ, mm x 0. 79 mm. Basis capituli with acute lateral

1 905 angles in anterior third of its length. Palps short,
broad. Conscutum length x breadth ranging
This species was named in honour of Robert from 2.00 mm x 1 .20 mm to 3 . 1 5 mm x 2 . 1 0
Koch ( 1 843- 1 9 1 0) , the great German bacteriol­ mm; anterior process on coxae I large. In en­
ogist. He began his career as a country doctor gorged specimens body wall expanded
and carried out his original studies on the aetiol­ posterolaterally and forming a single caudal pro­
ogy of anthrax at home. Later he made many cess posteromedially. Eyes marginal, nearly flat,
other notable contributions to bacteriology. He edged with a few medium-sized punctations dor­
ultimately became Director of the Institute for sally. Cervical pits deep, convergent; cervical
Infectious Diseases, which was founded for him fields narrow, tapering posteriorly to just behind
in Berlin. eyes, shallow. Marginal lines well developed, ex­
tending forwards almost to eye level.
Synonym Posteromedian and posterolateral grooves well
developed. Medium-sized setiferous punctations
neavei; piresi.
present on the scapulae, along the outer margins
of the cervical fields and scattered medially on
Diagnosis the conscutum, where they are interspersed with
numerous fine punctations; lateral areas im­
A medium-sized brown to reddish-brown tick. mediately anterior and mesial to the eyes almost
devoid of punctations, smooth and shiny, and
Male (Figs J OO(a), 1 0 1 (a) to (c)) those adjacent to the marginal lines with only a
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth few very fine punctations. Ventrally spiracles
ranging from 0.50 mm x 0.55 mm to 0.70 elongate, broadly comma-shaped with a short

Figure 1 00. Rhipicephalus kochi [Collection No. TA 1 , from nyala (Tragelaphus angasiz), Pafuri, Kruger National Park,
South Africa, on 6 October 1981 by LG. Hora).(] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A.
Olwage del.
240 Accounts of ndividual
i Afi·orropical species
R. kochi 241

.Figure I 02 (abtr..>e). Rh.ipico-plwl1u kccJri (Ri\1L 1 16 144, laboratory reared, original � collected from bovine at Z.A.D.L.,
Solwezi, Zambia, in 198 l by RG. Pegram). Nymph: (a) capitulum, do�al; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c) scutum;
(d) coxae. Scale bars repr�em0.10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin. (From Clifford eial., 1983, figs 18, 19, 21 & 22, with
kind permis.5ion from. the edilor. OmkmepooriJ()umalof Veimnary Research).

Figure 101 (<>PPOsite). RhipU:ephalus lwcl1i (RML 65686, coUe:ctcd from cattle, Tabo�. Tanzania, in March 1975 by R_ J.
TatcheU). Mak (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) Rda.nal pbtes. Female: (d) capitulurn, dorsal; (e) scurum; (0
genital aperture. Scale bars repTesent0.10 nun. SE.Ms by M. D. Corwin. (F1ocn Cliffo1d 1t1al., 1983, figs 4, 7, lO, 12, 16 &
17, with kind permission from the Editor, Onderstepoort Jourr�l of V6tmnary Research) .
242 Account.s of ndividual
i Afrotropual species



. .

Figure l 03. Rhp

i cephalus
i k;,chi (RML 1 1 6l 44, laboratory reared, original 9 collected from bovine at Z.A.D.L, Solwezi,
Zambia, in 1981 by R.G. Pegram). Larva: (a) capitulum,dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c) scuturn; (d) coxae.Scale bars
represent 0. 10 mm. SE1vls by M.D. Corwin. (From Clifford cl al., 1983, figs 24, 25, 27 & 28, with kind permission from
the Editor, OndemcpooriJoumal of Vct.erinary Research).

prolongation curving towards the dorsal surface. mm x 0.93 mm. Basis capituli with broad lateral
Adanal plates broad, with internal margins hol­ angles a little anterior to mid-length; porose
lowed out posterior to anus, posterior margins as areas small, almost round, well over twice their
smooth shallow curves; accessory adanal plates own diameter apart. Palps with article l easily
represented by small sclerotized points. visible dorsally, broad and smoothly rounded
apically. Scutum longer than broad,
Female (Figs I OO(b), 10!(d) to (j)) length x breadth ranging from 1 . 3 3 mm x l.25
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth mm to 1.63 mm x 1.45 mm, posterior margin
ranging from 0.68 mm x 0.78 mm to 0.83 sinuous. Eyes about halfway back, flat, edged
R. kochi 243

Table 27. Host records o/Rhipicephalus kochi

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 1 99
Sheep 2
Goats 9
Camels 1
Horses 1
Donkeys 1
Wild animals
Lion (Panthera lea)
Leopard (Panthera pardus)
African civet ( Civettictis civetta) 1 (nymph)
African elephant (Loxodonta africana) 1
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchelliz) 3
Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) 1
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 9
Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus) 27
Giraffe (Gira.ffa camelopardalis) 2
Impala (Aepyceros melampus) 24 (including immatures)
Blue wildebeest ( Connochaetes taurinus) 1
Lichtenstein's hartebeest (Sigmoceros lichtensteiniz) 3
Kirk's dik-dik (Madoqua kirkiz) 2
Suni (Neotragus moschatus) 3
Klipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragus) 6
Oribi ( Ourebia ourebz)
Steenbok (Raphicerus campestris) 1
Cape grysbok (Raphicerus melanotis) 3
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 17
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 6
Nyala ( Tragelaphus angasiz) 8 (including nymphs)
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus) 1 7 (including nymphs)
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros) 2 1 (including nymphs)
'Kudu' 3
Red forest duiker ( Cephalophus natalensis) 3
Yellow-backed duiker ( Cephalophus silvicultor)
Common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia) 7
Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus) 6
Sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) 12
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) 1
Reedbuck (Redunca arundinum)
South African porcupine (Hystrix africaeaustralis)
Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) 20 (including immatures)
Savanna hare (Lepus victoriae) 7
Four-toed elephant shrew (Petrodromus tetradactylus) 2 (including immatures)
Black-bellied bustard (Eupodotis melanogaster)
244 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

° in shape, rectangular. Palps narrow proximally,
- ,, J '- .. ,, ....
...._.._..... \ / then widening; article III wedge-shaped. Scutum
!. "! about as broad as long, length x breadth ranging
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC I � "-) from 0.48 mm x 0.48 mm to 0.50 mm x 0 . 5 1
_ _ A_--+-hL---I
_ ___p
' ---""°"'"'-/-1-_
0 0 1--- _:_:_ _

mm. Eyes at widest point, well over halfway
back, oval, slightly convex, edged dorsally by
shallow furrows. Cervical fields long, with both
their inner and outer margins gently convex,
slightly depressed. Ventrally coxae I each deeply
cleft into a relatively narrow external spur and a
broader, more rounded internal spur; coxae II to
IV each with an external spur, decreasing pro­
gressively in size.

Larva (Fig. 1 03)

Capitulum slightly longer than broad, length x
breadth ranging from 0. 1 1 2 mm x
0. 1 08 mm to 0. 1 1 6 mm x 0 . 1 1 2 mm. Basis
capituli over twice as broad as long, lateral mar­
gins nearly straight, curving gently posteriorly to
meet the straight posterior margin. Palps con­
stricted proximally, then widening markedly be­
fore tapering to rounded apices. Scutum much
• Locality records broader than long, length x breadth ranging
° from 0.250 mm x 0.320 mm to 0.264 mm x
0.340 mm. Eyes at widest point, over halfway
Map 30. Rhipicephalus kochi: distribution. (Based largely back, oval, slightly convex and edged dorsally by
on Clifford, Walker & Keirans, 1 983, fig. 35). shallow grooves. Cervical grooves short, slightly
convergent. Ventrally coxae I each with a large
triangular spur; coxae II and III each with smaller
dorsally by shallow punctate grooves. Cervical rounded spurs.
pits convergent; cervical fields narrow, tapering
posteriorly to well beyond eye level, shallow. Notes on identification
Medium-sized setiferous punctations present on The status of R. kochi, including the confusion
the scapulae and along the outer margins of the that surrounded the use of this name for many
cervical fields; medially the scutum evenly years, was reviewed in detail by Clifford, Walker
covered with slightly smaller punctations; lateral & Keirans ( 1 983) .
areas anterior and mesial to the eyes smooth and This species was originally described by
shiny. Ventrally genital aperture V-shaped; area Donitz from 1 6, 5 n taken from cattle at Sadani
anterior to opening bulging. and 3 ¥¥, also from cattle, at Lindi, on the Tan­
zanian coast. Of these specimens only the syn­
Nymph (Fig. 1 02) type female from Sadani (Zoological Museum,
Capitulum much broader than long, length x Berlin 8490) and the male from this batch (Nut­
breadth ranging from 0.23 mm x 0.29 mm to tall Collection 2 1 09) still exist.During his revi­
0.24 mm x 0.30 mm. Basis capituli nearly three sion of the genus Rhipicephalus Zumpt ( 1 943)
times as broad as long, lateral angles broad, over­ saw the syntype female of R. kochi, which appar­
lapping scapulae; ventrally lateral angles unique ently puzzled him, and he linked it with the high-
R. kochi 245

land species R. jeanneli (see pp. 232-238) . He toed elephant shrew (Clifford et al., 1 983; Horak
suggested that, if R. jeanneli were later to be et al., 1 983, 1 995) . In most cases animals har­
found at Sadani, these two species should be bour only small numbers of adult ticks, but two
synonymized. In 1 949, without presenting any collections each exceeding 270 ticks have been
further evidence or reasons for his decision, he taken from bushpigs.
finally did synonymize these two species. Conse­ Wilson ( 1 950) found that adult R. kochi
quently the name R. kochi was used for the high­ attach most commonly to the udders and flanks
land tick by many authors for some 1 7 years of cattle. In Malawi he collected engorged fe­
thereafter. males from September to March when the at­
Earlier Theiler ( 1 947), who treated R. kochi mospheric humidity was low. In South Africa
and R. jeanneli as separate species, had already larvae were present in peak numbers on impala
remarked on the many similarities between R. during May, nymphs during August and adults
kochi and R. neavei. Unfortunately her observa­ from March to May. In Zambia and Tanzania
tions, which subsequently proved to be correct, the adults were active mainly during the wet sea­
were overlooked. In 1 956 Walker confused the son (Pegram et al., 1 986; Tatchell & Easton,
situation further by synonymizing both R. neavei 1 986) .
and R. neavei punctatus with R. pravus, a decision
that was reversed by Yeoman & Walker ( 1 967) .
At the same time these authors resurrected R.
jeanneli as the valid name for the highland spe­
Rhipicephalus kochi occurs south of the equator
in parts of eastern, central and southern Africa
Meanwhile studies by Feldman-Muhsam
(Map 30) . Records from Ghana and Uganda
( 1 95 6) , followed by Clifford & Anastos ( 1 962),
almost certainly represent other species and
led Matthysse & Colbo to compare the types of
have been omitted. It is widespread in Tan­
R. kochi and R. neavei in the late 1 960s. As
zania, Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique, but
Theiler had earlier suspected, they found these
has so far been found only in the south-eastern
species to be conspecific but as a result of the
regions of Kenya, in the Democratic Republic
turmoil in Uganda, where they had been work­
of Congo and Zimbabwe and in north-eastern
ing, they were able to publish their finding for­
South Africa.
mally only in 1 987.
Rhipicephalus kochi is found in areas that
range in altitude from a few metres above sea
level to about 1 800 m, with annual rainfalls be­
tween approximately 500 mm and 1 300 mm. It is
primarily an inhabitant of the East African
A three-host species (R.G. Pegram, unpublished
coastal mosaic as well as miombo, scrub and
data, 1 982) . Amongst its domestic hosts R. kochi
undifferentiated woodland, and deciduous bush­
adults feed most commonly on cattle (Clifford et
land and thicket.
al., 1 983) (Table 27) . Although adult ticks have
been recorded on a large variety of wild hosts
most collections have been taken from wild suids, Disease relationships
impala, African buffalo, tragelaphine antelopes,
sable antelope and hares. They have also been Rhipicephalus neavei has been identified as a vec­
collected from a bird, the black-bellied bustard tor of Theileria parva, the causative agent of East
(Clifford et al., 1 983) . The immature stages Coast fever in cattle (Lewis, Piercy & Wiley,
probably infest many of the same species as the 1 946) . This finding almost certainly refers to R.
adults do: they have been found on impala, tra­ pravus and not to R. kochi. The strain of ticks used
gelaphine antelopes, scrub hares and the four- in these transmission experiments came from the
246 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Machakos District of Kenya where R. pravus is Neumann und ahnliche Arten. Vlll. Vorstudie
common; R. kochi has not been collected there. zu einer Revision der Gattung Rhipicephalus
Koch. Zeitschriftfilr Parasitenkunde, 13, 1 02-1 7 .
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) :
Clifford & Anastos ( 1 962); Matthysse & Colbo
REFERENCES ( 1 987); Theiler ( 1 94 7); Yeoman & Walker
( 1 967) ; Zumpt ( 1 949) .
Clifford, C.M., Walker, J.B. & Keirans, J.E. ( 1 983) .
Clarification of the status of Rhipicephalus kochi
Donitz, 1 905 (lxodoidea, Ixodidae) . Onder­
WARBURTON, 1 9 1 2
stepoortJournal of Veterinary Research, 50, 77-89.
Donitz, W. ( 1 905) . Die Zecken des Rindes als Krank­
heitsi.ibertrager. Sitzungsbericht der Gesellschaft The specific name longiceps, from the Latin lon­
naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin, No. 4, 1 05- gus meaning 'long' plus New Latin ceps meaning
34 + 1 plate. 'head', doubtless refers to the female capitulum,
Feldman-Muhsam, B. ( 1 956) . The value of the fe­ which Warburton described as being 'remark­
male genital aperture and the peristigmal hairs ably long'.
for specific diagnosis in the genus Rhipicephalus.
Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, 5B, Diagnosis
300-6 + 3 plates.
Horak, LG., Potgieter, F.T., Walker, J.B., De Vos, V. A moderate-sized reddish-brown tick.
& Boomker, J. ( 1 983). The ixodid tick burdens
of various large ruminant species in South Afri­
can nature reserves. Onderstepoort Journal of
Veterinary Research, 50, 221-8.
Horak, LG., Spickett, A.M., Braack, L.E.O., Penz­
horn, B.L., Bagnall, R.J. & Uys, A.C. ( 1 995) .
Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South
Africa. XXXIII. Ixodid ticks on scrub hares in
the north-eastern regions of Northern and East­
ern Transvaal and of KwaZulu-Natal. Onder­
stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 62, 1 23- ! ZAMBIA
Lewis, E.A., Piercy, S .E. & Wiley, A.J. ( 1 946) .
Rhipicephalus neavei Warburton, 1 9 1 2 as a vec­
tor of East Coast fever. Parasitology, 37, 60-4.
Pegram, R.G., Perry, B.D., Musisi, F.L. &
Mwanaumo, B. ( 1 986) . Biology and phenology
of ticks in Zambia: seasonal dynamics on cattle.
Experimental and Applied Acarology, 2, 25-45. 24°
Tatchell, R.J. & Easton, E. ( 1 986) . Tick (Acari:
Ixodidae) ecological studies in Tanzania. Bull­
etin ofEntomological Research, 76, 229-46.
Walker, J.B. ( 1 956). Rhipicephalus pravus Donitz, 30° f-;::::===±====ti==:::;--T---j 30°
1 9 1 0. Parasitology, 46, 243-60. Rhipicephalus longiceps
Wilson, S.G. ( 1 950) . A check-list and host-list of
• Type locality
Ixodoidea found in Nyasaland, with descrip­ • Locality records
tions and biological notes on some of the
rhipicephalids. Bulletin of Entomological Re­ 18°
search, 41, 4 1 5-28.
Zumpt, F. ( 1 943) . Rhipicephalus aurantiacus Map 3 1 . Rhipicephalus longiceps: distribution.
R. longiceps 247

Figure 1 04. Rhipicephalus longiceps (RML 657 1 1 , collected on farm 'Lichtenstein Sud', near Windhoek, Namibia, in
1 974 by J. Langenhoven) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.

Table 28. Host records o/Rhipicephalus longiceps

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 2

Wild animals
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 4
Giraffe ( Giraffa camelopardalis)
Klipspringer ( Oreotragus oreotragus)
Gemsbok (Oryx gazella) 2

Male (Figs 1 04(a), 1 OS(a) to (c)) expanded laterally and posterolaterally, then ex­
Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth tends posteriorly as a broad smoothly-tapering
ranging from 0.60 mm x 0.53 mm to 0.77 caudal process. Eyes slightly convex, edged by a
mm x 0. 72 mm. Basis capituli with short obtuse few large punctations dorsally. Cervical pits con­
lateral angles at about anterior third of its length. vergent, continuous with short depressed inter­
Palps somewhat elongated, with articles II and III nal cervical margins. Marginal lines long, almost
broad. Conscutum length x breadth ranging reaching eyes, deeply punctate. Posteromedian
from 2.64 mm x 1 .6 1 mm to 3.50 mm x 2.30 groove long and narrow, posterolateral grooves
mm; a small, sharp anterior process present on shorter and broader. Punctation pattern variable.
coxae I. In engorged specimens the body wall is In some specimens large setiferous punctations
248 Acwunts of individualAfrotropical species
R. longiceps 249

scattered all over the conscutum, especially an­ Notes on identification

terior to the eyes, interspersed with numerous One species with which R. longiceps could per­
finer punctations. In other specimens the punc­ haps be confused initially is R. lunulatus, whose
tation pattern is more even. Legs increase slightly adults also have elongated capitula (see pp. 269-
in size from I to IV. Ventrally spiracle comma­ 277) . However, the palps of these two species,
shaped, narrowing towards the dorsal surface. especially article II, differ in shape. In addition
Adanal plates broadening posterior to the anus the males differ markedly in the way their body
(sometimes more markedly than in specimen il­ walls expand when they engorge and in the shape
lustrated in Fig. 1 0 5 (c) ) , smoothly rounded pos­ of their adanal plates. In the females the genital
teriorly; accessory adanal plates as sharp scler­ aperture of R. longiceps is reminiscent of a cow's
otized points. teat in shape whereas that of R. lunulatus is a wide
shallow curve.
Female (Figs 1 04(b), 1 OS(d) to (j))
Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth
ranging from 0 . 8 1 mm x 0.70 mm to 0.93
mm x 0 . 76 mm. Basis capituli with short hun­
Life cycle unknown. This is a rare tick. The
ched lateral angles at about mid-length; porose
preferred hosts of the adults appear to be suids,
areas large, approximately twice their own diam­
with four collections taken from warthogs
eter apart. Palps unique in shape, long; article I
(Horak et al., 1 983) and one from a domestic pig
long and narrow; articles II and III much
(Table 28) . The immature stages and their hosts
broader, with article II tapering to a point pos­
are unknown. Adult ticks have been present in
teriorly and article III broadly rounded apically.
collections made from January to July.
Scutum about as broad as long, length x
breadth ranging from 1 .63 mm x 1 .62 mm to
1 . 79 mm x 1 . 78 mm. Eyes about halfway back, Zoogeography
edged dorsally by large deep punctations. Cervi­
cal fields broad, shallow, their external margins All records of R. longiceps are from Angola and
strongly marked by large setiferous punctations. Namibia (Map 3 1 ) . The places in which it oc­
A few large punctations scattered elsewhere on curs range in altitude from 500 m to 1 500 m
the scutum, interspersed with numerous me­ with annual rainfalls from c. 1 00 mm to 400 mm
dium-sized to fine punctations. Ventrally genital or more. The vegetation in these areas varies
aperture a long narrow U-shape. from miombo, mopane and scrub woodland to
deciduous bushland and wooded grassland and
Immature stages the Kalahari/Karoo-Namib transition in the
Unknown. west.

Disease relationships


Figure 105 (opposite) . Rhipicephalus longiceps (RML

657 1 1 , collected on farm 'Lichtenstein Sud', near Wind­
hoek, Namibia, in 1 974 by J. Langenhoven) . Male: (a)
capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female:
(d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scutum; (f) genital aperture.
Scale bars represent 0. 1 0 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.
250 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species


Horak, LG., Biggs, H.C., Hanssen, T.S. & Hanssen, A large reddish-brown tick.
R.E. ( 1 983) . The prevalence of helminth and
arthropod parasites of warthog, Phacochoerus Male (Figs 1 06(a), 1 0 7(a) to (c))
aethiopicus, in South West Africa/Namibia. On­ Capitulum, in the three specimens measured,
derstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 50, longer than broad, length x breadth ranging
from 1 .35 mm x 1 . 1 8 mm to 1 .48 mm x 1 .24
1 45-8.
Warburton, C. ( 1 9 1 2) . Notes on the genus
mm. Basis capituli with short blunt lateral angles
Rhipicephalus, with the description of new spe­
at about anterior third of its length. Palps almost
cies, and the consideration of some species
hitherto described. Parasitology, 5, 1-20. wedge-shaped apically. Conscutum length x
Also see the following Basic Reference (p. 1 4) : Theiler breadth ranging from 4.62 mm x 2.68 mm to
( 1 947) . 4.92 mm x 2.75 mm, usually smooth and shiny
in general appearance and almost rectangular in
outline; anterior process of coxae I conspicuous.
In engorged specimens body wall greatly ex­
RHIPICEPHALUS LONGICOXA TUS panded laterally, and rather less posteriorly, so
NEUMANN, 1 905 that the posterior part of the body assumes a
characteristic smoothly-rounded shape. Eyes
This specific name is based on the fact that the large, sometimes slightly bulging. Cervical pits
coxae of the first pair of legs of the adults are more-or-less rounded; cervical fields slightly de­
exceptionally long. pressed, their surfaces smooth. Marginal lines,
when present, picked out by lines of large punc­
tations that continue forwards nearly to eye level.
Synonym Posterior grooves short, the posteromedian nar­
row, the posterolaterals broader. Punctations all
camelopardalis. shallow. A few medium-sized punctations pres­
ent on the scapulae, with larger ones scattered
along the length of the conscutum, especially on
24 ° 30° 36 ° 42°
a small area anteromedially where they are inter­
- _, <.. spersed amongst numerous smaller elements.

Many very fine inconspicuous punctations pres­
OF CONGO ,&' '-"' / KENYA ' ent elsewhere on the conscutum apart from the
Oo '��-+��
���..iP-_,,,ooa.""'"=-+���_,_+ Oo
cervical areas. Ventrally coxae I remarkably
large, elongate, deeply divided. Spiracles also
unique in shape, oval, with a short dorsal projec­
tion from one long side pointing almost straight
towards the dorsal surface; the surrounding body
wall setose. Adanal plates very broad posteriorly,
their posterointernal and posteroexternal mar­
gins smoothly rounded, tapering anteriorly; ac­
!,, ·-··-· ',.....

1 2° t-;::::==±==='=='=±ccc=='=ri±��==="�---j 12 °
Rhipicephalus longicoxatus cessory adanal plates absent.
Type locality German East Africa (Tanzania)
• Locality records Female (Figs 1 06(b), 1 07(d) to (j))
Capitulum slightly longer than broad,
24 ° 30° 36° 42 °
length x breadth of the two specimens measured
Map 32. Rhipicephalus longicoxatus: distribution. 1 .3 1 mm x 1 .24 mm and 1 .38 mm x 1 . 34 mm
R. longicoxatus 251

Figure 1 06. Rhipicephalus longicoxatus [collected from giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis), Talek River, Cis-Mara area of
western Maasailand, Kenya, in October 1 955 by E.W. Temple-Boreham, originally designated as paratypes of
Rhipicephalus camelopardalis] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.

respectively. Basis capituli with short blunt lat­ Larva (Fig. 1 08)
eral angles at about anterior third of its length; Capitulum about as long as broad, length x
porose areas small, oval, two to three times their breadth ranging from 0. 1 28 mm x 0. 1 29 mm to
own diameter apart. Palps rather long, rounded 0. 1 34 mm x 0. 1 38 mm. Basis capituli about
apically. Scutum longer than broad, length x three times as broad as long, rounded laterally,
breadth of the two specimens measured 2.61 posterior margin almost straight. Palps cone­
mm x 2.33 mm and 2.84 mm x 2.54 mm re­ shaped, tapering to narrowly-rounded apices,
spectively; usually smooth, shiny and almost egg­ inclined slightly inwards. Scutum much broader
shaped in outline. Eyes halfway back, sometimes than long, length x breadth ranging from 0.254
bulging slightly. Cervical pits oval; cervical fields mm x 0.370 mm to 0.295 mm x 0.408 mm;
long, slightly depressed, their surfaces smooth. posterior margin a broad fairly shallow curve.
Punctations shallow. A few medium-sized punc­ Eyes at widest point, over halfway back, slightly
tations grouped on the scapulae and between the convex. Cervical grooves straight, slightly con­
cervical pits; elsewhere scattered and intersper­ vergent. Ventrally coxae I each with a sharp spur;
sed with very fine punctations that may be vir­ coxae II with a shallow broadly-rounded spur;
tually invisible in some specimens. Alloscutum coxae III with a mere indication of a spur.
with scattered fine white setae that easily become
detached. Ventrally coxae I remarkably large, Notes on identification
elongate, deeply divided. Genital aperture U­ The type locality of R. longicoxatus is given
shaped, with a short anterolateral extension from merely as 'Afrique orientale allemande' (i.e.
each side. Tanzania) by Neumann ( 1 905). His original
description is not illustrated. It was doubtless
this omission that led Hoogstraal ( 1 956) to
Nymph identify entirely different ticks as R. longicoxatus
Unknown. and his interpretation of this name, supported
252 Accounts of indi.vidual Afrot1Yrpuiil species
R. longicoxarus 253

Figure 108 (aboV8). RJ1ipicephalus longicoxatus (B.S. 912/-, RML 66304, progeny of !;? collected from giraffe (Gira.ffa
camel<>parda,Ji,s) at Athi River, Kenya, on l 8 August 1961 by M.C. Round) . Larva: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum,
ventral; (c) scurum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0. 10 mm. SEMs by J,F. Pui:terill.

Figure 107 (oppothe). Rhipiuphalus /ongi,c-0xatus [Nuttill Collection 2S77d, from giraffe (Giraffa camelqpardal.i.s),
Manyoni, Tanzania, dated Kilimatinde, 14 July 1913 by Dr W. Ba.rtels, donated by The Natural History Museum,
London) Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) capirulurn and
coxac 1, ventral; (f) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0.10 nun. SEMs by J.F. Putterill.
254 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

by his well-illustrated, easily available descrip­ collections known to us were obtained. In two
tion, has naturally been followed by other cases the ticks were taken from the giraffes' ears.
workers since. Recently, though, we compared The remaining collection was made from a
the remaining paratype female of R. longicoxatus domestic dog, which is doubtless an accidental
(Zoological Museum, Berlin, ZMB 1 7 7 40) host.
with a paratype female of R. camelopardalis and
it was immediately obvious that these two enti­
Zoo geography
ties are the same. The name R. camelopardalis
therefore falls as a junior synonym of R. lon­
Thus far R. longicoxatus has been collected only
gicoxatus (NEW SYNONYMY) .
in a fairly small area in southern Kenya and
It has been possible to re-examine only six
northern Tanzania (Map 32) . It apparently does
very small samples of ticks that were identified
not occur throughout the giraffe's range in Afri­
as R. longicoxatus according to Hoogstraal's de­
ca. The places where it has been recorded lie at
scription between 1 956 and the present. Of
altitudes between about 300 m and 1 800 m with
these 1 � from Syncerus caffer, Galual-Nyang
mean annual rainfalls ranging from under 500
Forest, Bahr El Ghazal Province, Sudan (RML
mm to 750 mm in the various forms of dry
92536, H.H. 28438) appears to belong to the R.
woodland, wooded or bushed grassland and
simus group . Several other collections of small­
bush/thicket favoured by giraffes.
sized ticks from northern Somalia, plus one
from Lali, eastern Kenya, may be R. lunulatus.
However, they are atypical in that the adanal Disease relationships
plates of the males are extremely broad with
practically no indication of the usual cusps on Unknown.
their posterior margins (Hoogstraal, 1 956, p.
660, figure 274) . Further collections would be
needed to solve this problem. REFERENCES
G.H.F. Nuttall and C. Warburton accu­
rately identified the largest collection of R. lon­ Neumann, L.G. ( 1 905) . Notes sur les Ixodides - Ill.
gicoxatus known to us, 87 66, 49 �� from a Archives de Parasitologie, 9, 225-4 1 .
Walker, J.B. & Wiley, A.J. ( 1 959) . Rhipicephalus
giraffe, near Manyoni Ngogo, German East Afri­
camelopardalis n.sp. (Ixodoidea, Ixodidae), a
ca ( = Tanzania) (RML 666 1 8, Nuttall Collec­
new species of tick from East African giraffes.
tion 2577d) . Later, though, they misidentified as
Parasitology, 49, 448-53.
R. longicoxatus four specimens of R. muehlensi, a Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2- 1 4) :
species unknown to them as it was described only Hoogstraal ( 1 956) ; Keirans ( 1 985); Walker
in 1 943 (Nuttall Collection 2824, 2825a; C. Clif­ ( 1 974); Yeoman & Walker ( 1 967) .
ford, pers. comm., 29 August 1 963, to G.
Theiler; Keirans, 1 98 5).


Life cycle unknown. Larvae hatched from eggs

laid by an engorged female but died before an
attempt could be made to feed them G.B.W.,
unpublished data, 1 96 1 ) . This rare species is
apparently a specific parasite of the giraffe ( Gir­
a.ffa camelopardalis), from which nine of the ten
R. longus 255

RHIPICEPHALUS LONGUS process of coxae I inconspicuous, rounded. In

NEUMANN, 1 907 engorged specimens three caudal processes pro­
trude posteromedially. Eyes almost flat, delimited
The specific name longus (Latin) means 'long' dorsally by a few large setiferous punctations.
but the author gave no indication in his descrip­ Cervical pits deep. Marginal lines well developed,
tion as to why he gave the tick this name. long, punctate. Posteromedian groove long, nar­
row, relatively inconspicuous; posterolateral
Synonyms grooves short, broad. Large setiferous puncta­
tions present along the external margins of the
capensis longus; confusus;falcatus.
cervical fields, but those on the scapulae and in a
'simus' pattern medially on the conscutum only
Diagnosis medium-sized; the latter may be almost masked
by the smaller interstitial punctations, which are
A medium-sized dark brown tick whose males numerous and dense in some specimens but
have sickle-shaped adanal plates. sparser and shallower in others. Ventrally spi­
racles broadly comma-shaped with only a short
Male (Figs 1 09(a), 11 O(a) to (c)) gently-curved dorsal prolongation. Adanal plates
Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth broadly sickle-shaped; accessory adanal plates
ranging from 0.79 mm x 0.73 mm to 0.90 short, bluntly-rounded points.
mm x 0.83 mm. Basis capituli with short, sharply
pointed lateral angles in anterior third of its
length. Palps broad, gently rounded apically. Female (Figs 1 09(b), 1 1 O(d) to (j))
Conscutum length x breadth ranging from 3 .40 Capitulum slightly broader than long,
mm x 2.25 mm to 3 .85 mm x 2.55 mm; anterior length x breadth ranging from 0.81 mm x 0.84

Figure 1 09. Rhipicephalus longus [collected from African buffalo (Syncerus caffer), Ankole District, Uganda in c. 1957/58
by W. Longhurst] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage de!.
256 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

o' 48

o' 24

Map 33. Rhipicephalus longus: distribution. (Based partly on Morel, 1 969) .

mm to 0.95 mm x 0.96 mm. Basis capituli with tions. Alloscutum of unfed females deeply con­
broad lateral angles a little anterior to mid-length; voluted. Ventrally genital aperture almost V­
porose areas round, somewhat more than their shaped in general outline, with a noticeable con­
own diameter apart. Palps longer than those of striction towards its rounded posterior end.
the male, broadly rounded apically. Scutum
about as long as broad, length x breadth ranging Nymph (Fig. 1 1 1)
from 1 .62 mm x 1 .63 mm to 1 .92 mm x 1 .93 Capitulum much broader than long, length x
mm; posterior margin slightly sinuous. Eyes al­ breadth ranging from 0 .23 mm x 0.3 1 mm to
most fiat, delimited dorsally by a few medium­ 0.26 mm x 0.33 mm. Basis capituli over three
sized setiferous punctations. Cervical fields times as broad as long with tapering sharply­
broad, slightly depressed, their outer margins de­ pointed lateral angles projecting over the scap­
limited by rows of large and medium-sized ulae, and its posterior margin almost straight;
setiferous punctations. A few medium-sized ventrally with broadly-rounded spurs. Palps
setiferous punctations scattered on the scapulae quite narrow, more-or-less equal in width for
and medially on the scutum, where they may be most of their length, their apices broadly
almost masked by numerous interstitial puncta- rounded, inclined inwards. Scutum broader than
R. longus 257

Table 29. Host records ofRhipicephalus longus

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 85
Sheep 2
Pigs 30
Dogs 10

Wild animals
Side-striped jackal (Canis adustus) 1
Bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis) 1
Lion (Panthera leo) 1
Leopard (Panthera pardus) 1
Banded mongoose (Mungos mungo) 1
Spotted hyaena ( Crocuta crocuta) 1
African elephant (Loxodonta africana)
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchelliz) 2
Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) 1
Aardvark ( Orycteropus afer) 2
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 44
Forest hog (Hylochoerus meinertzhagenz) 3
Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus) 9
Red river hog (Potamochoerus porcus) 7
Bushpig/red river hog (Potamochoerus sp.) 2
'Wild pig'
Blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus)
Lichtenstein's hartebeest (Sigmoceros lichtensteiniz)
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 1 09
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 3
Mountain nyala ( Tragelaphus buxtonz) 1
Bongo ( Tragelaphus eurycerus) 1
Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus) 2
Sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) 4
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) 3
Cape hare (Lepus capensis) 1

Humans 2

long, length x breadth ranging from 0.44 external spur only, decreasing progressively in
mm x 0 . 49 mm to 0 . 5 1 mm x 0.55 mm; pos­ size with that on coxa IV being almost non­
terior margin a broad smooth curve. Eyes at existent.
widest point, well over halfway back, delimited
dorsally by slight depressions. Cervical fields Larva (Fig. 1 1 2)
long, narrow, slightly depressed, divergent. Ven­ Capitulum much broader than long, length x
trally coxae I each with two quite short broad breadth ranging from 0 . 1 1 0 mm x 0. 1 50 mm to
subequal spurs; coxae II to IV each with a small 0. 1 1 7 mm x 0. 1 62 mm Basis capituli about
258 Accounts of indivi.dual Afrotropical. species
R. longus 259

Figure l l l (above). Rhipiceplralu.s !011gu.s IB.S. 70l/-, R.ML 66310, )3bol1)rn:ry reared, progeny of 9 collected from
wanhog (Pluuod1oems afneanus) , in Mllruzi Covnry, LQJ)go, U2imda on 3 Jul�· 1956 by Eriasafu OkeUo]. Ny.mph: (a)
capirulum, dorsal; (b) capit:UJum, ventral; (c) scut\J.JT\; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent O. l 0 mm. SEMs by M.D. Coiwin.

Figure 1 1 0 (opp<Uil�) . Rhpie6pPlal11

i s fungus [B.S. 701/-,RML 66310, laboratory reared, progeny of� collected from
warthog (Pliacoclw!J'TUS afn'canu:>), in Maru:zi County, Lango,
Uganda on 3 July 1956 by Eriasafu Okello). Male: (a)
capiculum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plales. :Female: (d) capitu.lum, dorsal; (c) scutum 2nd alloscutum, dorsal; (I)
genital aperture. Scale bars rep�se.nt 0. I 0 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.
260 Accounts of indi'l.--idual Afrou-opical species

Figure l l 2 . Rhip·iceplwlus kmgus (B.S. 701/-, RML 66310, laboratory reared, progeny of� C<>Uected from warthog
(Phaccdwerus afria:mus), in Maruzi County, Lango, Uganda on 3 July 1956 by Eriasafu OkeUo]. Larva: (a) capirulwn,
dorsaJ; (b) capi ru.lwi1, venoal; (c) scurum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represenc O. t 0 nun. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.

3.5 times as broad as long, with bluntly pointed quite long, slightly convergent. Ventrally coxae 1
lateral angles, posterior margin slightly concave; each with a broad bluntly-rounded spur; coxae II
ventrally with well-developed bluntly rounded and III each merely slightly salient along the pos­
spurs on its posterior margin. Palps with external terior margin.
margins sinuous, tapering quice abruptly to
bluntly rounded apices, inclined inwards. Notes on identifi.cati"on
Scutum mu ch broader than long, length x In the past three of the Rhipicephalus species
breadth ranging from 0.219 mm x 0.330 mm to whose males all have sickle-shaped adanaJ plates,
0.239 mm x
0.356 mm; posterior margin a R. pseudo/.ongus, R. !ongus and R. senegalensis,
broad shallow smooth curve. Eyes at widest have often been confused. Their differentiation
point, far back, almost flat. Cervical grooves requires particular care, experience and attention
R. loogus 261

to detail, especially in the case of field collections

from areas such as western Ugande> where their
distributions wmetimes overlap (Matc.hysst &
Colbo, 1987). Their diagnostic features, besides
the sickle-shaped adanal plates of the maks> were
discussed in detail by Clifford & Anastos ( 1962),
and can be summarized as follows:

1. Rhipicephalus pseudolongus. The male co.n­

scutum and female scutum are deMely and
evenly punctate medially, and a variable
number of medium-sized to somewhat lar­
ger p\Ulctations are scattered on the scsp­
ulae. Large 'sinws'-like punctations are ab­
sent (p. 360, Fig. 165). The mounted female
genital ape:rrure is roughly V-shaped but is
much shorter and wider than that of either R.
kmgus or R. senegalensis (Pig. l 13(a)).
Nymphs of this species have defin..ice co.rnua
on their basis capituli.
2. Rhipicepha/m lcngus. The male conscurum
and female scutum are covered medially
with nurnerou:1 medium-sized to small
punctations th.at may be in.tersperse<I with
scattered larger 'simus'-like punctations. The
external margins of che cervical fields are
indicated by irregular rows of conspicuous
Larger punctations, ao.d several roedilll)'l­
sized ro large pu..n.ctations are scattered on
the scapulae (Fig. 109) . The mounted fe­
male genital apertUre is more--0r-tess V­
shaped (Fig. l 1 3 (b)). Nymphs of lb.is spe­
cies lack comu.a on their basis capiruli..
3. R.hipi.cephalus senegalensis. The male coo­
scurum and female scurum are smooth and
shiny in genera.I appearance. Medially they
have a 'simus' panem of large punctations
interspersed wjth nwnerous minute ioter­
stitiaJ punct.ations. Tbe external margins of
che cerv)caJ fields are jndica1ed by irregular

Figure l 1 3 (upposi1c). Female gell..ital a!)exrures (moun­

ted): (a) RltipiccphQ.}(tJ pswd<J/Qngu.s; (b) Rhipiuphalu.s
longuJ; (c) Rhi�phalus se11egale11si.s. (From Clifford &
Anastos, 1952, ngs I 0, Z & 8, respe<:tivc.ly, published by
ITuscirut de� Pares Nauonaux ou CoogQ ct du Rwanda).
262 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

rows of large punctations and several me­ Hosts

dium-sized punctations are scattered on the
scapulae (p. 398, Fig. 1 83) . The mounted A three-host species O.B.W., unpublished data,
female genital aperture is V-shaped and in 1 956) . On domestic animals R. longus has been
general is rather similar to that of R. longus, recorded most commonly from cattle, and to a
but the aperture tends to be somewhat wider lesser extent from pigs and dogs (Table 29) . It
and its posterior edge more broadly rounded has similar host preferences among wild animals,
(Fig. l 1 3 (c)) . Nymphs of this species lack the vast majority of collections having been ob­
cornua on their basis capituli. tained from the African buffalo and wild suids,
plus some from the larger antelopes. Apparently
other animals are only occasionally parasitized by
The identification of field collections of this tick (Santos Dias, 1 960, 1 983-84; Morel &
these ticks is often far from easy, especially as a Finelle, 1 96 1 ; Clifford & Anastos, 1 962; Morel &
wide range of punctation patterns is currently Mouchet, 1 965; Elbl & Anastos, 1 966; Yeoman
accepted for R. longus. In the more heavily punc­ & Walker, 1 967; MacLeod, 1 970; Pegram, 1 979;
tate specimens of this species the presence of the Matthysse & Colbo, 1 987) . In Uganda adults
'simus' pattern of large punctations medially on were collected throughout the year.
the scutum together with the rows of large punc­ The immature stages have been found in
tations along the external margins of the cervical rodent burrows (Morel, 1 969) .
fields are particularly important diagnostic fea­
tures that serve to distinguish it from R.
Zoo geography
pseudolongus. Clifford & Anastos ( 1 962) com­
mented that both the R. longus type male and a
R. longus is presently thought to occur in a broad
cotype male of its synonym R. falcatus are rela­
belt across Africa, from the Cameroons, Gabon,
tively heavily punctate (Santos Dias, 1 956, fig­
the Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo
ures 1 & 2 respectively) .
eastwards to western Ethiopia and thence south­
Rhipicephalus confusus was described as a
wards to Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique
new species from Mozambique by Santos Dias
(Map 33) . Norval ( 1 985) listed one record from
( 1 956, figures 3-5). Clifford & Anastos ( 1 962)
Zimbabwe but questioned whether it is really
also regarded this tick as a synonym of R. longus,
established in this country.
representing the more moderately-punctate end
Morel ( 1 969) , who discussed its ecological
of the latter's range. We have examined a numb­
preferences in detail, regarded R. longus essen­
er of specimens identified as R. confusus by San­
tially, though not exclusively, as a species occur­
tos Dias, including a paratype male from The
ring at medium altitudes of about 500 m to 1 500
Natural History Museum, London. For the pres­
m with a hot humid climate and a well-distrib­
ent we support the above decision by Clifford &
uted annual rainfall of over 1 000 mm to 1 250
Anastos, though one of us O.B.W.) has some
mm. The vegetation in much of its habitat com­
reservations, primarily because so few specimens
prises the various types of lighter forest and
identified as R. confusus are available. Santos
woodland favoured by the large black African
Dias himself was somewhat ambivalent about R.
buffalo rather than the smaller reddish sub­
confusus. In 1 960 he listed R. longus from
species of this buffalo that characteristically in­
Mozambique but did not mention R. confusus. In
habits dense forests.
1 993, however, he omitted R. longus but rein­
stated R. confusus as a valid species.
At the lightly-punctate end of its range care Disease relationships
must be taken to distinguish R. longus from R.
senegalensis. Unknown.
R. lounsburyi 263


WALKER, 1 990
MacLeod, J. ( 1 970) . Tick infestation patterns in the
southern province of Zambia. Bulletin of Ento­ This species was named in honour of C .P. Louns­
mological Research, 60, 253-74. bury ( 1 872- 1 955), the pioneer economic ento­
Morel, P.C. & Finelle, P. ( 1 96 1 ) . Les tiques des ani­
mologist in South Africa from 1 895-1 927, for his
maux domestiques du Centrafrique. Revue
remarkable contributions to our knowledge of
d'Elevage et de Medecine Viterinaire des Pays
ticks and tick-borne diseases of livestock.
Tropicaux, 14 (nouvelle serie), 1 9 1-7.
Morel, P.C. & Mouchet, J. ( 1 965) . Les tiques du
Cameroun (lxodidae et Argasidae) (2e note) .
Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee, Diagnosis
40, 477-96.
Neumann, L.G. ( 1 907) . Description of two new spe­ A relatively small shiny dark brown tick.
cies of African ticks. Annals of Tropical Medicine
and Parasitology, 1, 1 1 5-20.
Male (Figs 1 14(a), 1 1 S(a) to (c))
Norval, RA.I. ( 1 985) . The ticks of Zimbabwe. XII.
The lesser known Rhipicephalus species. Zim­ Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
babwe Veterinary Journal, 16, 37-43. ranging from 0.41 mm x 0.45 mm to 0.67
Pegram, R.G. ( 1 979) . Ticks (lxodoidea) of Ethiopia mm x 0. 71 mm. Basis capituli with lateral angles
with special reference to cattle and a critical review at about anterior third of its length, acute. Palps
of the taxonomic status of species within the flattish apically. Conscutum length x breadth
Rhipicephalus sanguineus group. M. Phil. thesis, ranging from 1 .75 mm x 1 . 2 1 mm to 2.58
Brunel University, England, 1 69 pp., 1 8 tables, mm x 1 . 71 mm; anterior process of coxae I not
40 figs., 1 23 plates. particularly prominent. Eyes about a quarter of
Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 956) . Sohre a verdadeira the way back, slightly convex, edged dorsally by a
pos19ao taxonomica de duos especies
few medium-sized punctations. Cervical pits
ixodologicas da Africa Eti6peca. Mo{:ambique,
deep, comma-shaped; external cervical margins
No. 87, 1-38 + 3 plates.
delimited by medium-sized setiferous puncta­
Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 983-84) . Subsidios para o con­
hecimento da fauna ixodol6gica de Angola. tions. Marginal lines shallow, not quite reaching
Garcia de Orta, Serie de Zoologia, Lisboa, 1 1 ,
Santos Dias, J.A.T. [ 1 99 1 ( 1 993)] . Some data con­ 18

cerning the ticks (Acarina-Ixodoidea) presently

known in Mozambique. Garcia de Orta, Serie de NAMIBIA

Zoologia, Lisboa, 18, 27-48.

Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14):
Clifford & Anastos ( 1 962); Elbl & Anastos
( 1 966); Hoogstraal ( 1 956); Keirans ( 1 985);
Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987); Morel ( 1 969); San­
tos Dias ( 1 960); Walker ( 1 974); Yeoman & 30

Walker ( 1 967) .

° H--�--�---�----,----+--
Rhipicephalus lounsburyi
• Type locality
• Locality records
° ° ° °
18 24 30 36

Map 34. Rhipicephalus lounsburyi: distribution.

264 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Figure 1 14. Rhipicephalus lounsburyi (Onderstepoort Tick Collection 2820, RML 105789, laboratory reared, progeny of
Cf' collected at Dordrecht, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, on 8 August 1 945) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal.
Scale bars represent 1 mm . A. Olwage de!. (From Walker, 1 990, figs 1 & 2, with kind permission from the Editor,
Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research) .

Table 30. Host records ofRhipicephalus lounsburyi

Number of records

Hosts Confirmed Unconfirmed

Domestic animals
Sheep 9 2

Wild animals
Caracal ( Caracal caracal)
Black wildebeest ( Connochaetes gnou) 1
Bontebok (Darnaliscus pygargus dorcas) 6
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 2
Grey rhebok (Pelea capreolus) 9
Mountain reedbuck (Reduncafulvontfula) 4
Four-striped grass mouse (Rhabdomys purnilio) 1 (nymph)
R. lounsburyi 265

eyes anteriorly. Posteromedian and posterolat­ deep curve. Eyes at widest part of scutum, edged
eral grooves present but sometimes poorly de­ dorsally by slight grooves. Cervical fields long,
fined. Punctation pattern rather inconspicuous, narrow, slightly depressed. Ventrally coxae I
with a few medium-sized setiferous punctations each with a long, sharp external spur overlapping
scattered on the scapulae and medially on the coxae II and a short sharp internal spur; coxae II
conscutum, interspersed with numerous very and III each with a sharp, but shorter, external
fine punctations that are sometimes almost invis­ spur; coxae IV each with a short blunt external
ible. Ventrally spiracles long, narrowing at about spur.
two-thirds of their length and curving gently to­
wards the dorsal surface. Adanal plates fairly Larva (Fig. 1 1 7)
broad, scooped out slightly posterior to anus, Capitulum much broader than long,
bluntly rounded posteriorly; accessory adanal length x breadth ranging from 0.08 mm x 0. 1 6
plates sharp, well sclerotized. mm to 0. 1 0 mm x 0 . 1 6 mm . Basis capituli over
four times as broad as long, broadly rounded
Female (Figs 1 14(b)) 1 1 S(d) to (j)) laterally. Palps broadest proximally, then taper­
Capitulum much broader than long, length x ing gradually to narrowly-rounded apices, in­
breadth ranging from 0.47 mm x 0.56 mm to clined inwards. Scutum much broader than long,
0.64 mm x 0.78 mm. Basis capituli with lateral length x breadth c. 0.23 mm x 0.35 mm (length
angles just anterior to mid-length, acute; porose impossible to measure in most mounted speci­
areas medium-sized, twice their own diameter mens because the posterior margin of the scutum
apart. Palps broadly rounded apically. Scutum is obscured by faecal matter); posterior margin
longer than broad, length x breadth ranging fairly deep, almost straight posterolaterally. Eyes
from 0 . 9 1 mm x 0.85 mm to 1 .46 mm x 1 .40 at widest part of the scutum, edged dorsally by
mm, posterior margin slightly sinuous. Eyes shallow grooves. Cervical grooves short, very
slightly convex, demarcated dorsally by shallow slightly convergent. Ventrally coxae each with
grooves. Internal cervical margins deeply de­ one spur, that on coxae I being the largest.
pressed and convergent initially, becoming shal­
lower and divergent; cervical fields slightly de­
Notes on identification
pressed, their external margins indicated by rows
This tick was originally described by Theiler &
of medium-sized setiferous punctations. A few
Robinson ( 1 953) as Rhipicephalus follis (see
similar setiferous punctations scattered on the
p. 1 85), an error that these authors would almost
scapulae and medially on the scutum, intersper­
certainly not have made had they seen the two
sed with numerous fine punctations. Ventrally
syntype males of the true R. follis (Nuttall Col­
genital aperture wide, deeply crescentic.
lection 2 1 1 0) . Gertrud Theiler herself later had
doubts about their finding and in 1 962 stated:
Nymph (Fig. 1 1 6)
' . . . the possibility exists that the tick described
Capitulum much broader than long,
by Theiler & Robinson is not the true R. follis
length x breadth ranging from 0.2 1 mm x 0.35
. . . ' The collections made by Horak et al.
mm to 0.21 mm x 0.37 mm. Basis capituli four
( 1 986) were at that time described as a
times as broad as long, with broad lateral angles
Rhipicephalus sp.
projecting over the scapulae; ventrally with stout,
broadly-rounded spurs on posterior border.
Palps almost parallel sided for much of their Hosts
length, then tapering to broadly-rounded apices,
inclined slightly inwards. Scutum broader than A three-host species (Theiler & Robinson, 1 953,
long, length x breadth 0.49 mm x 0.58 mm to as R. follis) . The only domestic animals from
0.57 mm x 0.60 mm; posterior margin a fairly which R. lounsburyi adults have been collected so
266 Accounts of individual A/rotropua
· l species
R lounsburyi 267

Figure 1 16 (above). R.hipicephal«s wumburyi (Onderstepoort Tick Collectio.n .2820, RlVU.. 105789, laboratory reared,
progeny of (j! collected at Dordrecht, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, on 8 August 1945). Nymph: (a) capirulum,
dorsal; (b) capiculum, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEN1s (a) & (c) by M.D. Convin;
(b) & (d) by R.G. Robbins. (From Walker, 1990, figs 15, 16, 18 & 19, with kind permission from the Editor,
Orulemepoort Joumatof Veterinary Rese,ard1.)

Figure 1 15 (opposite). Rhipicephaius lounsburyi (Onderstepoort Tick Collection 2820, RML I 05789, laboratory reared,
progeny of 'fl collected ac Dordrecht, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, on 8 August 1945). Male: (a) capiculurn,
dorsal; (b) spiracle; (<:) adanal plates. Female: (d) capirulum., dorsal; (e) scurum; (f) genital apemue. Scale bars represent
0.10 mm. SEMs (a), (b) & (c) byM.D. Corwin; (d), (e) & (f) byJ.F. Punerill. (From Walker, 1990, figs 3, 7-9, 1 1 & 13,
with kind permission from the Editor, OnderstepoortJounial of Veterinary Research.)
268 Acaitmts of ndividual
i Afrotropi.cal species

Figure 1 17. Rhipi"pliaJw lcunslmryi (Ondcmcpwrt Tick CoU«tion 2820, RML l 05789, laboratory reared, progeny of
'? collected at Dordrecht, Eastern (;;)pe :Province, South Africa, on 8 Aug\lst l 945). Larva; (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b)
capiruJum, ventral; (c) scvrum; (d) cox.ae. Scale bars represent 0. 10 mm. SEMs (a), (c) & (d) by R. G. Robbins; (b) by
M.D. Corwin. (From Walker, 1 990, figs 2l-24> w\lh kind pe:rmissioo. from the Editor, Onderstepoon)ournal of Vererinary

far are sheep (Table 30), on which they anach on iry at which adult ticks were coUected frorn bon­
the fee(, between the claws and oo the heels . tebok and grey rh.ebok (l.G.H., unpublished
They have also bee() found on one wild feline, a data).
caracal, and various antelopes. They are most
active i..o aununn, winter and early spring (April
to September) (Horak ei al .) 1986, 199t).
. Zoogeography
The only known host of the immature
st.ages is a four-striped grass mouse, from which This tick has been recorded only iJI South Africa
a single nymph was recover�d, at the same local- (M.ap 34), most commonJy in Eastern Cape
R. lunulatus 269

Province, especially in the mountainous areas of Walker, J.B. ( 1 990) . Two new species of ticks from
Barldy East, Dordrecht and Cradock Districts. southern Africa whose adults parasitize the feet
In the Western Cape it has been found near of ungulates: Rhipicephalus lounsburyi n.sp. and
Swellendam and, further north, between Clan­ Rhipicephalus neumanni n.sp. (lxodoidea,
Ixodidae) . Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary
william and Graafwater. In Kwazulu-Natal there
Research, 57, 57-75.
is an unconfirmed record from the Impendle
Also see the following Basic Reference (p. 2 1 4) :
Theiler ( 1 962) .
In the eastern part of its range, therefore,
R. lounsburyi occurs mainly in mountainous and
hilly areas with mean annual rainfalls of over RHIPICEPHALUS LUNUIA TUS
500 mm and various types of grassland vegeta­ NEUMANN, 1 907
tion. In the Western Cape, though, it has been
found in somewhat lower areas with a winter The specific name lunulatus, from the Latin lu­
rainfall regimen of approximately 500 mm an­ natus meaning 'crescent-shaped', refers to the
nually and Cape shrubland (jynbos) vegetation. crescentic posterior margins of the male's adanal

Disease relationships Synonyms

attenuatus; glyphis; simus lunulatus.

Rhipicephalus lounsburyi is not known to transmit
any pathogenic organisms, but the adults them­
selves may have a deleterious effect on sheep. Diagnosis
Gertrud Theiler (unpublished data, 1 958) com­
mented: 'Although sheep do not become lame A medium-sized dark brown tick.
the farmers contend they lose condition and in Male (Figs 1 1 8(a), 1 1 9(a) to (c))
some cases sheep have even died as a conse­ Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth
quence. Lambs also are attacked severely.' ranging from 0.50 mm x 0.48 mm to 0.64
mm x 0.58 mm. Basis capituli with lateral angles
at about anterior third of its length, acute. Palps
elongate, with pedicel of article I visible dorsally
Horak, I.G., Fourie, L.J., Novellie, P.A. & Williams, and markedly narrower than article IL Con­
E.J. ( 1 9 9 1 ) . Parasites of domestic and wild ani­ scutum length x breadth ranging from 2.36
mals in South Africa. XX.VI. The mosaic of mm x 1 .6 1 mm to 3.07 mm x 2.07 mm ; anter­
ixodid tick infestations on birds and mammals in ior process of coxae I well developed. In en­
the Mountain Zebra National Park. Onder­ gorged specimens body wall expanded
stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 58, 1 25- posterolaterally and posteriorly. Eyes marginal,
36. fiat, indistinct. Cervical pits deep, comma­
Horak, I.G., Sheppey, K., Knight, M.M. & Beuthin, shaped. Conspicuous setiferous punctations
C.L. ( 1 986) . Parasites of domestic and wild along external cervical margins, in 'simus' pattern
animals in South Africa. XXL Arthropod para­
on central conscutum (see p. 4 1 6) and around
sites of vaal ribbok, bontebok and scrub hares in
posterolateral grooves; otherwise conscutum in
the western Cape Province. Onderstepoort Jour­
general smooth and impunctate. Marginal lines
nal of Veterinary Research, 53, 1 87-97.
Theiler, G. & Robinson, B.N. ( 1 953) . Ticks in the shallow, demarcated by large punctations, al­
South African Zoological Survey Collection. most reaching eyes. Posteromedian and
Part VIII. Six lesser known African posterolateral grooves, when present, merely in­
rhipicephalids. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterin­ dicated by slight inconspicuous depressions.
ary Research, 26, 93-136 + map. Ventrally spiracles elongate, curving gently
270 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

�. �1
a .·

� �

Figure 1 1 8. Rhipicephalus lunulatus (RML 1 1 6938, laboratory reared, progeny of ¥ collected from bovine, Ruware
Ranch, Chiredzi, S. E. Zimbabwe, in the early 1 980s by J. Colborne). (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars
represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.

towards the dorsal surface. Adanal plates elon­ punctations along external cervical margins, on
gate, posterointernal margins broadly rounded, scapulae and scattered on central part of scutum,
posteroexternal margins extended into narrowly interspersed with very fine punctations. Ven­
elongated cusps; accessory adanal plates elon­ trally genital aperture a very broad shallow U­
gate triangular projections. shape.

Female (Figs 1 1 8(b), 1 1 9(d) to (j)) Nymph (Fig. 120)

Capitulum nearly as long as broad, length x Capitulum triangular in outline dorsally, much
breadth ranging from 0.59 mm x 0.66 mm to broader than long, length x breadth ranging
0.79 mm x 0.79 mm. Basis capituli with lateral from 0. 1 6 mm x 0.2 1 mm to 0. 1 8 mm x 0.22
angles at about anterior third of its length; porose mm. Basis capituli well over three times as broad
areas small, round, nearly twice their own diam­ as long, with sharp lateral angles projecting over
eter apart. Palps elongate, with pedicel of article I the scapulae, posterior border almost straight;
easily visible dorsally and markedly narrower ventrally with bluntly rounded spurs. Palps nar­
than article II, giving the palps a stalked appear­ row, tapering towards apices and inclined in­
ance. Scutum length x breadth ranging from wards. Scutum length x breadth ranging from
1 .34 mm x 1 . 39 mm to 1 . 59 mm x 1 . 59 mm. 0.48 mm x 0.32 mm to 0.50 mm x 0.36 mm;
Eyes at lateral angles, flat to slightly raised and narrowly elongate in shape, posterior margin a
edged dorsally by a few punctations. Cervical deep curve. Eyes at lateral angles, long, narrow,
grooves deep and convergent anteriorly, becom­ slightly raised. Cervical grooves short, conver­
ing shallower and divergent. Large setiferous gent; cervical fields long, narrow, indistinct. Ven-
R. lunulatus 271

° °
18 30 38° 48°


· (� - , - -·- -· -
\, r.. -

0 0
6 0 6


<r-i- 12°
12 '.-)-0


° 0 °
18 18

Rhipicephalus lunulatus
3° • Type locality
• Locality records
O Unconfirmed locality records
� R. lunulatus or R. tricuspis 36
36 00 R. /unulatus or R. interventus

° °
18° 18 30

Map 35. Rhipicephalus lunulatus: distribution. (Based on Walker et al., 1 988) .

trally coxae I each with a long bluntly-pointed much broader than long, length x breadth
external spur and a shorter bluntly-pointed inter­ ranging from 0.200 mm x 0.274 mm to 0.2 1 9
nal spur; coxae II to IV each with a small external mm x 0.282 mm; posterior margin a wide shal­
spur, decreasing in size from II to IV. low curve. Eyes at widest point, flat. Cervical
grooves short, very slightly convergent. Ventrally
Larva (Fig. 121) coxae I each with a short, broad, bluntly-rounded
Capitulum much broader than long, length x internal spur; coxae II each with a slight salient
breadth ranging from 0 . 1 1 4 mm x 0 . 1 78 mm to ridge on posterior border; coxae III unarmed.
0. 1 34 mm x 0.202 mm. Basis capituli about
four times as broad as long, with sharp lateral Notes on identification
angles overlapping the scapulae; ventrally with Rhipicephalus lunulatus was first sunk as a syn­
short blunt spurs. Palps broad basally, tapering onym of R. tricuspis by Warburton ( 1 9 1 2) , then
towards apices and inclined inwards. Scutum resurrected by Nuttall & Warburton ( 1 9 1 6) . It
272 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

Table 3 1 . Host records ofRhipicephalus lunulatus

Number of records

Confirmed or
accepted as
Hosts valid Unconfirmed

Domestic animals
Cattle 336 6
Sheep 60
Goats 22
Camels 2
Horses 8
Pigs 26
Dogs 37

Wild animals
Bat ('flying fox')
Side-striped jackal (Canis adustus) 3
Black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) 1
Jackal (Canis sp.) 2
Caracal ( Caracal caracal)
Serval (Leptailurus serval) 1 2
Lion (Panthera leo) 6
Leopard (Panthera pardus) 2
African civet ( Civettictis civetta)
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchelliz) 2
Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicomis)
Aardvark ( Orycteropus afer) 3
Warthog (Phacochoerus sp., probably P. africanus) 21 3
Forest hog (Hylochoerus meinertzhagenz)
Bushpig (Potamochoerus sp.) 13 7
Giraffe (Gira.ffa camelopardalis) 1
Impala (Aepyceros melampus) 1 2 (including 2 with larvae)
Jackson's hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphusjacksonz) 1
Lelwel hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus lelwel) 1
Blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus)
Tiang (Damaliscus lunatus tiang)
Lichtenstein's hartebeest (Sigmoceros lichtensteiniz) 2
Oribi ( Ourebia ourebz) 3
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 41
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 4
Mountain nyala ( Tragelaphus buxtonz) 1
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus) 6
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros) 8
Common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia) 4
Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus) 2 1
Sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) 1
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) 6
R. lunulatus 273

Table 3 1 . (cont.)

Number of records

Confirmed or
accepted as
Hosts valid Unconfirmed

Wild animals (cont.)

Reedbuck (Redunca arundinum)
Reedbuck (Redunca sp.)
Brush-furred rat (Lophuromys flavopunctatus)
Multimammate mouse (Mastomys sp.) 3 (nymphs)
Crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata) 1
Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) 1 (nymph)

White-faced whistling duck (Dendrocygna viduata)
Red-knobbed coot (Fulica cristata)

Humans 5

was synonymized with R. tricuspis for the second warthog and bushpig. It has also been found on
time by Theiler ( 1 94 7) . Her finding was accep­ many antelopes, especially the larger species,
ted for nearly 30 years by some tick workers in several carnivores, various other animals, two
Africa but others continued to insist that R. species of birds and occasionally on humans.
tricuspis and R. lunulatus are both distinct spe­ Nymphs have been collected from the
cies. The issue was reviewed in detail, and R. multimammate mouse and a scrub hare (Zieger
lunulatus formally re-established as a full species, et al., 1 998) .
by Walker et al. ( 1 988) . Additional information On cattle R. lunulatus adults attach primar­
that was not included in their review was pub­ ily on the legs, including the feet, and in the tail
lished by Santos Dias ( 1 983-84a, b, 1 987), Mer­ switch (Colborne, 1 985) . On bushbuck and
lin, Tsangueu & Rousvoal ( 1 987) and Horak et common duikers adults attach on the lower legs
al. ( 1 989) . Subsequently Walker, Pegram & and feet (Horak et al., 1 989) . Throughout its
Keirans ( 1 995) described a third species in this range this tick appears to be most active during
group, R. interventus (p. 228) . the rainy season. In south-eastern Zimbabwe
adult ticks are most abundant on cattle during
Hosts November and December (Colborne, 1 985) .

A three-host species (Saratsiotis, 1 977; Col­

borne, 1 985) . Rhipicephalus lunulatus adults have Zoogeography
been recorded from many species of domestic
and wild animals (Table 3 1 ) . Amongst domestic Rhipicephalus lunulatus is widespread in the
animals it has been collected most commonly Afrotropical region (Map 35) . It occurs in a
from cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and also dogs. Its variety of habitats, ranging from lowland rain
commonest wild hosts are the African buffalo, forest (Ivory Coast) to woodland and bushland,
274 Accwms of indiui.dual Afrotropical speci'es
R. lunularus 275

rlg\lr<i! 120 (above}. RJ1ipicqpf:alus /unuJatt1S (RML 1 1 6938, laboratory reared, progeny of t;l collected from bovine,
Ruware Rand•, Chiredzi, S.E. Zimbabwe, in the early 1980s by J. Colborne). Nymph: (a) c:ipitulum, dorsal; (b)
c:apiru.Jum, ventral; (c) $CUtum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by R.G. Robbins. (From Walkcr �1 al.,
1988, figs 36, }7, 39 & 40, with �d permission from Kluwer Academic Publishers.)

Figure 1 1 9 (cpposite). Rhi.piceplwlu.s lurtulaw.s (0.lilderscepoort Tick Collection 2727ii, Rlv1L 105010, collec1ed from
c&nle, Mazabuka, Zambia, 25 November J 952 by JG. Martll�se). Male: (a) capirulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal
ploies. Female: (d) capirulwn, dorsal; (e) S<:"Utum; {I) genital aperture. (Scales noc avaiJ3ble). SEJ\-is by M.D. Corwin.
{From Walker et al., 1988, figs 24, 28-30, 33 & 34, with kind permission from Kluwer Academic Publishers.)
276 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Figure 1 2 1 . Rhipicephalus lunula1us (RML 1 1 6938, laboratory �ared, progeny of� collected from bovine, Ruware
Ranch, Chiredzi, S. E. Zimbabwe, in the early 1 980s by J. Colborne). Larva: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral;
(c) scutwn; (d) cox:ae. Scak bars represent 0 . 1 0 mm. SEMs by R.G. Robbins. (Figures (a), (b) & (d) from Walker et al,
1 988, figs 42, 43 & 45, with kind permission from Kluwer Academic Publishers.)

i cluding dry Somalia-Masai Acacia-Commi­ Disease relationships
phora deciduous bushland and thicket (Somalia
and Tanzania). Most records, though, are from Rhipicephalus lunulatu.s is suspected of being a
different types of woodland. These include the vector of Babesia tt·autmanni, the cause of por­
West African Sudanian woodland, in which lso­ cine piroplasmosis, n
i West Africa (Teodeiro,
berlinia is dominant and, in central Africa, both 1952).
wet and dry types of miombo with abundant In Zimbabwe this tick has been associated
Brachysregia and Julbern(Jrdia. Ticks have also with tickparalysis in sheep and lambs in summer
been collected from animals in a habitat consist­ (Theiler, 1962, as R. tricuspis) . This syndrome
ing of mixed mountain grassland, indigenous was also reported in calves by Lawrence & Nor­
montane forest and plantations of exotic trees. val ( 1979, also as R. tricuspis), who said that,
R. lunulatus 277

although there were no published reports on this cia de Orta, Ser. Zoo/., Lisboa, 14, 1 7-26.
paralysis, it is well known to many local farmers Saratsiotis, A. ( 1 977) . Etudes sur les Rhipicephalus
and veterinarians. They observed: 'Affected ani­ (Acariens, Ixodida) de l'Ouest africain. L
mals show a typical flaccid paralysis and gen­ Realisation du cycle evolutif des tiques Rh. muh­
samae Morel et Vassiliades, 1 965 et Rh.
erally recover after the removal of the ticks. Ver­
lunulatus Neumann, 1 907. II. Etude compara­
bal reports of tick paralysis from scattered
tive des stades preimaginaux dans le complexe
localities throughout the country go back at least
Rh. simus Rh. senegalensis de l'Ouest africain.
thirty years'. Revue d'Blevage de Medecine Viterinaire des Pays
Tropicaux, 30 (nouvelle serie), 5 1-9.
Tendeiro, J. ( 1 952) . Infesta9iio natural do porco da
Guine pela Babesia trautmanni (Knut e Du
REFERENCES Toit) . Boletim Cultural da Guine Portuguesa, 7,
Colbome, J.R.A. ( 1 985). The life cycle of Walker, J.B., Keirans, J.E., Pegram, R.G. & Clifford,
Rhipicephalus lunulatus Neumann, 1 907 C.M. ( 1 988) . Clarification of the status of
(Acarina: Ixodidae) under laboratory condi­ Rhipicephalus tricuspis Donitz, 1 906 and
tions, with notes on its ecology in Zimbabwe. Rhipicephalus lunulatus Neumann, 1 907
Experimental and Applied Acarology, 1, 3 1 7-25. (Ixodoidea, Ixodidae) . Systematic Parasitology,
Horak, LG., Keep, M.E., Spickett, AM. & Boomker, 12, 1 59-86.
J. ( 1 989) . Parasites of domestic and wild ani­ Walker, J.B., Pegram, R.G. & Keirans, J.E. ( 1 995) .
mals in South Africa. XXIV. Arthropod para­ Rhipicephalus interventus sp. nov. (Acari:
sites of bushbuck and common duiker in the Ixodidae), a new tick species closely related to
Weza State Forest, Natal. OnderstepoortJournal Rhipicephalus tricuspis Donitz, 1 906 and
of Veterinary Research, 56, 63-6. Rhipicephalus lunulatus Neumann, 1 907, from
Lawrence, J.A. & Norval, RA.I. ( 1 979) . A history of East and Central Africa. OnderstepoortJournal of
ticks and tick-borne diseases of cattle in Rho­ Veterinary Research, 62, 89-95.
desia. Rhodesian VeterinaryJournal, 10, 28-40. Zieger, U., Horak, LG., Cauldwell, A.E. & Uys, A.C.
Merlin, P., Tsangueu, P. & Rousvoal, D. ( 1 987) . ( 1 998) . Ixodid tick infestations of wild birds and
Dynamique saisonniere de !'infestation des bov­ mammals on a game ranch in Central Province,
ins par les tiques (Ixodoidea) dans les hauts Zambia. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary
plateaux de l'Ouest du Cameroun. II. Elevage Research, 65, 1 1 3-24.
extensif traditionnel. Revue d'Elevage et de Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2- 1 4) :
Medecine Viterinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 40 Theiler ( 1 947, 1 962); Warburton ( 1 9 1 2) .
(nouvelle serie) , 1 33-40.
Neumann, L.G. ( 1 907) . Notes sur les Ixodides - V.
Archives de Parasitologie, 1 1, 2 1 5-32.
Nuttall, G.H.F. & Warburton, C. ( 1 9 1 6) . Ticks of the
Belgian Congo and the diseases they convey.
Bulletin of Entomological Research, 6, 3 1 3-52.
Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 983-84a) . Subsidios para o
conhecimento da fauna ixodol6gica de Angola.
Garcia de Orta, Ser. Zoo!., Lisboa, 1 1, 57-68.
Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 983-84b) . Alguns ixodideos
(Acarina - Ixodoidea - Ixodidae) coligidos em
Angola pelo Dr Crawford Cabral. Garcia de
Orta, Ser. Zoo!., Lisboa, 1 1, 69-76.
Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 987) . Algumas observa96es
sobre a fauna ixodol6gica (Acarina, Ixodoidea)
de Mo9ambique, com a descri9iio de uma nova
especie do genero Boophilus Curtice, 1 89 1 . Gar-
278 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species


NEUMANN, 1 90 1
ecinctus (in part, male) .
The specific name maculatus, from the Latin
meaning 'spotted', refers to the characteristic dif­
fuse light-coloured pattern on the scutum of the
A large ornate species with light-coloured
patches commonly present on the shiny, pre­
24° 30° dominantly dark brown, scutum of the adults.
,· .
60 1-+--�� ' · ----+-------+--+-__,, _, ,__ --+-------1 60

,,. , " ), . .. .. .\ SUDAN ETHIOPIA Male (Figs 122(a) to (c), 1 23(a) to (c))
... _ _ ....
.( .
· - l... . Capitulum much longer than broad,
- ;·-·· �--- -·· "' -�--'; ... .
_ _ ___

DEMOCRATIC i UGANDA length x breadth ranging from 0.59 mm x 0.50


REPUBLIC ;}) 1a-,, "'° ; KENYA mm to 1 . 1 3 mm x 0.92 mm. Basis capituli with
OF CONGO ,if '-" /
001-+-----....&o��==�--+---'"e.___�--.L---1 very short rounded lateral angles anteriorly, nar­

• rowing posteriorly. Palps broad, rounded api­
- -· · cally. Conscutum length x breadth ranging
� · ·-· from 2.38 mm x 1 . 90 mm to 4.54 mm x 3 .42
mm, broadly ovate in shape; sharp anterior pro­
cess present on coxae I. Eyes flat, virtually flush
with surface of conscutum. Cervical pits large,
deep; internal cervical margins sometimes, but
.... . -_ ._ .
not always, faintly indicated. Marginal lines ab­
'(Tf------t---:l--+--"--1 12° sent. Posteromedian and posterolateral grooves
ZAMB IA "-··-· usually absent but sometimes represented by
faint shallow depressions. Punctations typically
. - )
·.......... sparse; medium-sized seriferous punctations
180 �
· ..,..,�� ;:--:B::'!:
ZIM :AB:-:-;:
WE- ( ---'�f"----+----l_j 1 s o
: r--- present on scapulae, in irregular rows along ex­
'·....) ternal cervical margins and marking the positions
� l, of marginal lines, also in small clusters laterally
BOTSWANA-\., !""'
and posterolaterally, elsewhere scattered; some­
times interspersed with very fine punctations. A
diffuse pattern of creamy-coloured patches,
which is associated with some of the larger punc­
AFRICA,... ...
tations and very variable in extent, is commonly,
/ but not invariably, present. Legs increase in size
from I to IV. Ventrally spiracles comma-shaped

36°1 �---�---��
Rhipicephalus maculatus Figure 1 22 (opposite) . Rhipicephalus maculatus [collected
Type locality unknown (see text) from elephant (Loxodonta africana), Garsen, Lower Tana
• Locality records River, Kenya on 20 March 1 960 by R.A.F. Hurt] . (a)
Male, dorsal; (b) and (c) male, variations in colour pat-
30° 42° tern, after Zumpt ( 1 942); (d) female, dorsal; (e) female,
variation in colour pattern, after Zumpt ( 1 942) . Scale
Map 36. Rhipicephalus maculatus: distribution. bars represent 1 mm for (a) and (d) . A. Olwage de!.
R. maculatus 279

280 Accounts ofindi"vidual Afroiropica1 species
R. maculatus 281

Figure 124 (above). Rhipicephalu.s maculatus (B.S. 703/-, Rl\4.L 6631 l, laboratory re:i.red, original � coUected from
African elephant (Lo:xodonta africana), Maboyo, 1 2 miles west of Liwale, southern Tanzania, on $ JuJy 19$6 by B.D.
Nicholson] Nymph: (a) capiruJum, dorsal; (b) capiruJwn, ventral; (c) scutum; {d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm.

SEM (a) by P. Hill; (b), (c) & (d) by M.D. Corwin.

Figure 123 (opposiu). Rhipiceph.alus maculatus (B.S. 703/-, RlvlL 663 l l , laboratory reared, original 9 coUected from

African elepha.nt (Loxodoma afrirona), Maboyo, 1 2 miles west of Liwale, southern Tanzania, on S July 1956 by B.D.
Nicholson). Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal places. Female: (d) capiruJum, dorsal; (e) spiracle; (I)
genital apert..ire. ScaJe bars represent 0 . 1 0 mm. SE.Ms by M.D. Corwin.
282 Accounts ofndivith.tal
i Afrotropical species

Figure 125. Rhipicephalus rnacu/,aiw [B.S. 703/-, RML 663 1 1 , laboratory reared, original 2 collected from African
elephant (Loxooonta afri.cana), Maboyo, 1 2 miles west of LiwaJe, southern Tanzania, on 5 July 1956 by B.D. Nicholson) .
Larva: (a) capitulum , dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c) scunun; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by
M.D. Corwin.

with a short curved dorsal prolongation. Adanal twice their own diameter apart. Palps with article
plates elongate, almost teardrop-shaped, with I long and narrow, giving them a somewhat stal­
slight concavities adjacent to the anus; accessory ked appearance. Scutum broader than long,
adanal plates absent. length x breadth ranging from 1.39 mm x 1 . 5 5
mm to 2 . 1 8 nun x 2.49 mm. Eyes not quite
Female (Figs 122(d,e), I 23(d) to (/)) ha.lfv;ay back, flat, virtually flush with the
Capitulum slightly longer than broad, scutum. Cervical pits large, deep; internal cervi­
length x breadth ranging from 0.77 mm x 0.74 cal margins only faintly indicated. A few me­
mm to l . l 2 mm x 1 . 1 1 mm. Basis capituli with dium-sized setiferous punctations present, main­
short, broad lateral angles in anterior third of ly on scapulae and between cervical pits,
its length; porose areas medium-sized, nearly elsewhere sparsely scattered, interspersed with
R. maculatus 283

Table 32. Host records ofRhipicephalus maculatus

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 34 (including nymphs)
Sheep 1

Wild animals
Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) 2
Lion (Panthera leo) 1
Spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta) 2
African civet ( Civettictis civetta) 2 (immatures)
African elephant (Loxodonta africana) 33
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchellii) 2
White rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) 4
Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicomis) 1 2 (including immatures)
'Rhinoceros' 5 (including immatures)
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 22 (including immatures)
Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus) 20 (including immatures)
'Wild pig' 1
'Pig/hog' 3
Impala (Aepyceros melampus) 4 (immatures)
Blue wildebeest ( Connochaetes taurinus) 2
Lichtenstein's hartebeest (Sigmoceros lichtensteiniz)
Suni (Neotragus moschatus) 3 (immatures)
Oribi ( Ourebia ourebt) 1 (nymphs)
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 23 (including immatures)
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 3
Nyala ( Tragelaphus angasii) 83 (including immatures)
Lesser kudu ( Tragelaphus imberbis) 1 (nymph)
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus) 8 (including immatures)
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros) 6 (including immatures)
Red forest duiker ( Cephalophus natalensis) 1 6 (immatures)
Common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia) 6 (including immatures)
'Duiker' 1 (immatures)
Sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) 1
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) 2
Reedbuck (Redunca arundinum) 7 (including immatures)
Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) 6 (nymphs)

Water leguaan ( Varanus niloticus) 1

Humans 7
284 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

very fine punctations. Colour pattern, when Notes on identification

present, consists of a single large creamy-col­ The 6 and 2 ¥¥ on which the original description
oured patch posteromedianly; this may reach eye of R. maculatus was based were said to have been
level (see Fig. 1 22 (e)) but rarely further forward. collected from Psytalla horrida (syn. Platymeris
Alloscutum bearing a few short stout white setae, horrida) from Cameroon. This is an assassin
especially along the marginal lines and in two bug (family Reduviidae) (C.D. Eardley, pers.
small patches posteriorly. Ventrally genital aper­ comm., 1 997), not a beetle, as suggested by
ture broad, but shallow, its straight posterior bor­ Theiler ( 1 962) . This alleged host is undoubtedly
der somewhat tucked in. incorrect. We know of no record of a tick feeding
on an insect, nor has R. maculatus ever been
Nymph (Fig. 1 24) collected in this part of Africa.
Capitulum much broader than long, Zumpt ( 1 942) illustrated a range of colour
length x breadth ranging from 0.24 mm x 0.37 patterns as seen on the scuta of R. maculatus
mm to 0.32 mm x 0.42 mm. Basis capituli over adults (Fig. 1 22) .
three times as broad as long, widest anteriorly As Gertrud Theiler (pers. comm. to
where the exceptionally long sharp lateral angles J.B.W.) noted, the nymph that she had de­
project sideways over the scapulae; ventrally scribed as R. masseyi in 1 947 (p. 28 1 , fig. 3 1 ; p.
small bulges represent the ventral spurs. Palps 282, fig. 32) was in fact R. maculatus. These
narrow proximally, widening markedly towards figures actually give a better impression of this
their broad, mildly-convex apices. Scutum much nymph than do those in Theiler & Robinson
broader than long, length x breadth ranging ( 1 953), in which the lateral angles of the basis
from 0.53 mm x 0.7 1 mm to 0.64 mm x 0.75 capituli are too short. The larvae can be differ­
mm, posterior margin a broad deep curve. Eyes entiated from those of R. appendiculatus and R.
at widest point, a little over halfway back, promi­ muehlensi, with which they are often present in
nent. Cervical pits deep, convergent, continuous mixed infestations, by their broad third palpal
with the shallow, divergent internal cervical mar­ segments, the robust setae on their palps, and
gins, but external cervical margins not delimited. the wide shallow curve of the posterior margin
Ventrally coxae I each with a long sharp external of their scutum.
spur and a shorter broader internal spur; coxae II We have omitted records of R. maculatus
to IV each with an external spur only, decreasing immatures from the serval (Leptailurus serval)
progressively in size. and korrigum (Damaliscus korrigum) (Theiler,
1 962) . We were unable to trace that from the
Larva (Fig. 125) serval, while that from the korrigum came from
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth an area outside the known range of this tick so is
ranging from 0. 1 33 mm x 0. 1 40 mm to 0. 1 45 probably a misidentification.
mm x 0. 1 6 1 mm. Basis capituli well over twice
as broad as long, rounded laterally and
posterolaterally. Palps constricted proximally, Hosts
then widening markedly, apices truncated.
Scutum much broader than long, length x A three-host species (Theiler & Robinson,
breadth ranging from 0.223 mm x 0.365 mm to 1 953). Cattle are its preferred domestic hosts.
0.243 mm x 0 . 3 9 1 mm, posterior margin a wide Amongst wild animals the adults prefer large,
shallow curve. Eyes at widest point, prominent. thick-skinned species such as African elephants,
Cervical pits short, deep, slightly convergent. black and white rhinoceroses, warthogs, bush­
Ventrally coxae I each with a broadly-rounded pigs and African buffaloes (Baker & Keep, 1 970;
spur; coxae II and III each with mere indications Walker, 1 974; Horak et al., 1 983) (Table 32) .
of saliences on their posterior borders. Burdens exceeding several hundred adult ticks
R. maculatus 285

have been recorded on black rhinoceroses, bush­ R. maculatus must now be well established there
pigs and African buffaloes (Horak et al., 1 983; because a male and female have been collected
Horak, Boomker & Flamand, 1 99 1 ; I.G.H., un­ from an elephant and a nymph from the vegeta­
published data) . With the possible exception of tion (Braack et al., 1 995). In this region the alti­
elephants, the immature stages also prefer these tude is approximately 220 m, the annual rainfall
large hosts along with thicket and woodland is approximately 550 mm and the vegetation is
dwelling antelopes such as nyalas, bushbuck and undifferentiated woodland. Thus it does not dif­
various duikers (Baker & Keep, 1 970; Horak, fer substantially in these respects from the pre­
Boomker & Flamand, 1 9 9 1 , 1 995). The predi­ ferred habitat of this tick in KwaZulu-Natal and
lection site of attachment for adult ticks on the the southern regions of the Kruger National Park
African buffalo appears to be their relatively hair­ must now be included in its distribution range.
less undersides where, in South Africa, R. The distribution of R. maculatus and that of
maculatus is frequently encountered among large R. muehlensi overlap in much of their range.
numbers of adult Amblyomma hebraeum.
In north-eastern KwaZulu-Natal, South
Africa, larvae are most abundant from April to Disease relationships
October and nymphs from June to December
(Horak et al., 1 995). Adults appear to be most Unknown.
abundant from September to May.

Baker, M.K. & Keep, M.E. ( 1 970) . Checklist of the
Rhipicephalus maculatus occurs mainly in the ticks found on the larger game animals in the
coastal regions of north-eastern KwaZulu- Na­ Natal game reserves. Lammergeyer, 12, 4 1-7 .
tal, South Africa, and in Mozambique, Tan­ Braack, L.E.O., Maggs, K.A.R., Zeller, D.A. &
zania, eastern Kenya and southern Somalia Horak, LG. ( 1 995). Exotic arthropods in the
Kruger National Park, South Africa: modes of
(Santos Dias, 1 960; Ye'oman & Walker, 1 967;
entry and population status. African Entomology,
Baker & Keep, 1 970; Walker, 1 974) (Map 36) . It
3, 39-48.
has been recorded less frequently further inland
Horak, LG., Boomker, J. & Flamand, J.R.B. ( 1 9 9 1 ) .
in Zambia, southern Malawi and Zimbabwe Ixodid ticks and lice infesting red duikers and
(Morel, 1 969) . bushpigs in north-eastern Natal. Onderstepoort
It is present at altitudes from sea level up to Journal of Veterinary Research, 58, 28 1-4.
1 500 m in East Africa, and occasionally even Horak, LG., Boomker, J. & Flamand, J.R.B. ( 1 995).
higher, but seems to prefer the lower altitudes. Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South
Rainfall within its distribution range varies from Africa. XXXIV. Arthropod parasites of nyalas
500 to 1 25 0 mm annually. It is commonest in in north-eastern KwaZulu-Natal. Onderstepoort
coastal mosaic vegetation and is also encoun­ Journal of Veterinary Research, 62, 1 7 1-9.
tered in various types of woodland, deciduous Horak, LG., Potgieter, F.T., Walker, J.B., De Vos, V.
& Boomker, J. ( 1 983) . The ixodid tick burdens
bushland and thicket.
of various large ruminant species in South Afri­
A small founding population of R.
can nature reserves . Onderstepoort Journal of
maculatus was probably introduced into the
Veterinary Research, 50, 221-8.
southern Kruger National Park, South Africa, Neumann, L. G. ( 1 90 1 ) . Revision de la famille de
from north-eastern KwaZulu-Natal either with Ixodides (4e Memoire) . Memoires de la Societe
translocated rhinoceroses or with 20 nyalas Zoologique de France, 14, 249-372.
released along the Sabie River during 1 980. Theiler, G. & Robinson, B.N. ( 1 953) . Ticks in the
Despite its apparently low numbers in this park South African Zoological Survey Collection.
286 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Part VII. Six lesser known African rhipi­ Diagnosis

cephalids. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary
Research, 26, 93-1 36. A moderate-sized reddish-brown tick.
Zumpt, F. ( 1 942) . Die gefteckten Rhipicephalus-Ar­
ten. III. Vorstudie zu einer Revision der Gat­
tung Rhipicephalus Koch. Zeitschrift fiir Para­
Male (Figs 1 26(a), 1 2 7(a) to (c))
sitenkunde, 12, 433-43.
Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) :
of the four specimens measured ranging from
Morel ( 1 969); Santos Dias ( 1 960); Theiler
( 1 947, 1 962); Walker ( 1 974); Yeoman & 0.81 mm x 0.76 mm to 0.98 mm x 0.94 mm.
Walker ( 1 967) . Basis capituli with short somewhat recurved lat­
eral angles at about anterior third of its length.
Palps short, broad. Conscutum length x breadth
ranging from 3 . 1 6 mm x 2. 1 5 mm to 4. 1 3
RHIPICEPHALUS .MASSEY/ NUTTALL mm x 2.88 mm; anterior process of coxae I
& WARBURTON, 1 908 bluntly rounded. In engorged specimens body
wall bulging smoothly laterally and
This species was named in honour of the collec­ posterolaterally and forming a broad tapering
tor, Dr A. Yale Massey, of Tanganyika Conces­ caudal process. Eyes almost flat. Cervical pits
sions Ltd., Kansanshi, N.W. Rhodesia (now comma-shaped, convergent; cervical fields shal­
Zambia) . low, divergent, slightly depressed. Marginal lines
short, shallow, outlined by a few small puncta­
tions. Posteromedian groove long and narrow,
posterolateral grooves small, rounded. Addi­
tendeiroi. tional shallow rounded depressions often present

b I/
' . ' .
/ . . ',


Figure 1 26. Rhipicephalus masseyi [Nuttall Collection 246, paralectotypes collected from African buffalo (Syncerus cajfer)
at Kansanshi, Zambia, in 1907 by A. Yale Massey, by courtesy of The Natural History Museum, London] . (a) Male,
dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage de!.
R. masseyi 287

Table 33. Host records o/Rhipicephalus masseyi

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 6
Sheep 2
Dogs 1

Wild animals
Lion (Panthera lea) 5
Leopard (Panthera pardus) 2
Marsh mongoose (Atilax paludinosus) 1
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchellii) 2
Aardvark ( Orycteropus afer)
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 2
Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus) 11
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 4
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 3
Nyala ( Tragelaphus angasii)
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus) 3
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros)

° °
30 36
f_. ··. ,_

RWANDA--#- .. !
\" ·-· ':'"

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· -�
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{fl �·� - , ZIMBABWE (


, , !

Rhipicephalus masseyi ·
. ... \
° i
24 • Type locality ' °
• Locality records SOUTH /' ·i
0 Unconfirmed locality records AFRICA ·
° ° ° ° ° 42 °
12 18 24 30 36

Map 37. Rhipicephalus masseyi: distribution.

288 AcanmJ.S of VuiivU:b"zl Afroiro-pi.coJ species
R. masseyi 289

medially on the conscutum. Punctation pattern Immature stages

somewhat variable; on some specimens small Unknown.
superficial punctations are scattered over the
conscutum, interspersed with very fine puncta­ Notes on identification
tions, but on others the punctations are reduced Rhipicephalus masseyi is not always easy to recog­
and the conscutum is then smoother and shinier. nize. According to Zurnpt ( 1 943) two adults from
Ventrally spiracles broadly comma-shaped, with Songea, southern Tanzania, were misidentified
only a short slightly curving dorsal prolongation. as R. neavei ( = R. kochz) by Nuttall & Warburton.
Adanal plates short, broad, almost pear-shaped, In 1 94 7 Theiler confused the adults, in part, with
often with a small sharp, inwardly projecting those of R. muehlensi, and misidentified the
point posterior to the anus; accessory adanal nymph of R. maculatus as that of R. masseyi. She
plates short, broad, bluntly pointed. subsequently noted that in this paper figures 29 &
30 (p. 28 1 ) represent the male and female, re­
Female (Figs 1 26(b), 1 2 7(d) to (j)) spectively, of R. muehlensi, and figures 3 1 & 32
Capitulum about as broad as long, (pp. 28 1 -2) the nymph of R. maculatus (G.
length x breadth in the three specimens meas­ Theiler, pers. comm. toJ.B.W.) . Her figure 28 (p.
ured ranging from 0.83 mm x 0.82 mm to 0.95 28 1 in her paper) represents the holotype female
mm x 0.95 mm. Basis capituli with short broad ofR. attenuatus Neumann, 1 908, now regarded as
lateral angles just anterior to mid-length; porose a synonym of R. lunulatus. The specimens that
areas large, round, slightly more than their own she listed as R. masseyi in three collections from
diameter apart. Palps with a short narrow neck, northern KwaZulu-Natal were later re-identified
otherwise broad, smoothly rounded apically. as R. muehlensi (Theiler, 1 962) . We have there­
Scutum ranging from about as long as broad to fore omitted these records, which are apparently
somewhat broader than long, length x breadth those quoted by Morel ( 1 969: map 4 7), as we
ranging from 1 . 57 mm x 1 .57 mm to 1 .84 mm x know of no others from South Africa. We have
1 . 9 1 mm; posterior margin broadly rounded. also omitted Morel's record from Namibia, which
Eyes almost flat. Cervical pits comma-shaped, is believed to be incorrect, as is that from Angola
convergent; cervical fields depressed, indistinctly (Santos Dias, 1 964) .
demarcated. A few small punctations scattered C.M. Clifford (unpublished data) has
over the scutum, and sometimes along the exter­ noted that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish
nal margins of the cervical fields, interspersed the females of R. masseyi from those of R.
with fine punctations that are dense in some ziemanni when these two species are sympatric.
specimens but may be almost absent in others.
Ventrally genital aperture a short wide U-shape. Hosts

Life cycle unknown; probably three-host.

Rhipicephalus masseyi has rarely been collected,
and then in small numbers only, from domestic
animals. It apparently has a predilection for the
Figure 1 27 (opposite) . Rhipicephalus masseyi [Onder­ wild suids and some of the larger wild bovids
stepoort Tick Collection 3077i, collected from Mammal
(Table 3 3) .
No. 1 338/365-B: bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus),
A sample from a lion was taken from one of
Mabwe, Upemba National Park, Democratic Republic of
its ears (MacLeod & Mwanaumo, 1 978) . Its at­
Congo, on 1 4 January 1 949 by Mission G.F. de Witte] .
Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal
tachment sites on other hosts have not been re­
plates. Female: (d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scutum; (f) corded. Judging from the collection dates the
genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0 . 1 0 mm. SEMs by adults are active in summer, from August on­
J.F. Putterill. wards.
290 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Zoogeography ( 1 966); Morel ( 1 969); Pegram et al. ( 1 986);

Santos Dias ( 1 960, 1 993); Theiler ( 1 947, 1 962);
Thus far we have recorded R. rnasseyi only in Wilson ( 1 950); Yeoman & Walker ( 1 967) .
parts of eastern and central Africa (Map 37) .
The northernmost record is from Kondoa, in
northern Tanzania, and the southernmost from RHIPICEPHALUS MO UCHETI MOREL,
the Mossurize area in Mozambique, near the 1 965
Zimbabwe border. Nearly a third of the collec­
tions were obtained in the Upemba National This species was named after J. Mouchet, a col­
Park, south-eastern Democratic Republic of league of the author who collected the holotype
Congo, six of them from bushpigs (Clifford & male.
Anastos, 1 962) .
These collection sites are at altitudes Diagnosis
ranging from almost sea level to over 1 000 m
with mean annual rainfalls of approximately 800 A small dark reddish-brown heavily-punctate
mm to 1 400 mm, often in Zambezian miombo tick, the only species in the R. sanguineus group
woodland dominated by Brachystegia and Julber­ whose male has sickle-shaped adanal plates.
nardia, plus Isoberlinia in the wetter areas.
Male (Fig. 128(a))
Disease relationships
Capitulum in the two males measured was
Unknown. slightly broader than long, length x breadth
0.53 mm x 0.57 mm and 0.60 mm x 0.61 mm,
respectively. Basis capituli with acute lateral
angles at about mid-length. Palps short, broad,
REFERENCES rounded apically. Conscutum length x breadth
in the two males measured 2.32 mm x 1 .3 5 mm
MacLeod, J. & Mwanaumo, B. ( 1 978) . Ecological and 2.54 mm x 1 .49 mm; anterior process on
studies of ixodid ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in Zam­ coxae I inconspicuous. Eyes almost fiat,
bia. IV. Some anomalous infestation patterns in delimited dorsally by a few large punctations.
the northern and eastern regions. Bulletin of En­
tomological Research, 68, 409-29.
Nuttall, G.H.F. & Warburton, C. ( 1 908) . On a new Table 34. Host records ofRhipicephalus
genus of the Ixodoidea, together with a descrip­ moucheti
tion of eleven new species of ticks. Proceedings of
the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 14, 392- Hosts Number of records
4 1 6.
Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 964) . Nova contribuii;ao para o Domestic animals
conhecimento da ixodofauna Angolana. Car­ Cattle 1
rai;as colhidas por uma missao de estudo do Dogs 10
Museu de Hamburgo. Anais dos Servii;os de Vet­ Wild animals
erinaria de Moi;ambique, No. 9 for 1961, 79-98. Patas monkey
Zumpt, F. ( 1 943) . Rhipicephalus aurantiacus und alm­ (Erythrocebus patas) 1
liche Arten. VIII. Vorstudie zu einer Revision African civet ( Civettictis
der Gattung Rhipicephalus Koch. Zeitschrift fur civetta) 1 1
Parasitenkunde, 13, 1 02-1 7 .
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2- 1 4) :
Clifford & Anastos ( 1 962); Elbl & Anastos Note: 1].-L. Camicas (unpublished data, 1 996) .
R. moucheti 291

Figure 1 28. Rhipicephalus moucheti (Ref. no. GK8. Specimens collected from vegetation, Tabouna, Kindia area, Guinea,
in April 1 989 by O.K. Konstantinov; donated by J.-L. Camicas) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent
1 mm. A. Olwage de!.

18° 12° 18°


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j 0




··>·-.. -·· . .- \ .
... _ ·
... ,. ·-·· 4

-- ___
i· ,..
, . .; .,;
._.. �

Map 38. Rhipicephalus moucheti: distribution.
292 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

a b


\ t

\' '·
' \"· ,
' .

. �! ' '

.,.,,: :

Figure 1 29. Rhipicephalus moucheti. Nymph: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c) dorsal surface; (d) ventral
surface. (Redrawn from Saratsiotis, 1 98 1 , plate 2, by A. Olwage, with kind permission from the Editor, Acarologia.)
R. moucheti 293

\ I



' I
I' r



Figure 1 30. Rhipicephalus moucheti. Larva: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c) dorsal surface; (d) ventral
surface. (Redrawn from Saratsiotis, 1 98 1 , plate 1 , by A. Olwage, with kind permission from the Editor, Acarologia.)
294 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Cervical pits comma-shaped, convergent; cervi­ capituli nearly three times as broad as long with
cal fields shallow, their external margins de­ tapering somewhat posteriorly-directed lateral
limited by rows of large setiferous punctations. angles; ventrally with prominent triangular spurs
Marginal lines long, almost reaching eye level, on posterior border. Palps tapering to narrowly­
containing numerous large, sometimes contigu­ rounded apices, almost certainly inclined in­
ous, punctations. Posteromedian groove long, wards when at rest. Scutum about as broad as
broad, deep; posterolateral grooves much small­ long, length x breadth 0.50 mm x 0 . 5 1 mm;
er but also deep. Punctation pattern dense apart posterior margin a broad smooth curve. Eyes at
from areas adjacent to the marginal lines where it widest point, well over halfway back, long and
is finer. Large setiferous punctations scattered narrow. External margins of cervical fields said to
medially on conscutum and around posterior be well developed, but not illustrated. Ventrally
grooves, interspersed with numerous medium­ coxae I each with a narrow external spur and a
sized to fine punctations. Ventrally spiracles with somewhat broader internal spur; coxae II to IV
a long broad dorsal prolongation that curves each with an external spur only.
gently towards the dorsal surface just at the end.
Adanal plates large in relation to the size of the Larva (Fig. 130)
tick, strongly sickle-shaped, their anterior ends Capitulum 1 . 5 times broader than long,
tapered, otherwise almost equal in width length x breadth 0. 1 0 mm x 0. 1 5 mm. Basis
throughout their length, their posterior ends capituli with short acute lateral angles at about
rounded, curving towards each other and almost mid-length, posterior border very slightly con­
meeting mid-ventrally; accessory adanals long, cave. Palps with convex external margins, taper­
narrow, pointed. ing to narrowly-rounded apices, almost certainly
inclined inwards when at rest. Scutum much
Female (Fig. 1 28(b)) broader than long, length x breadth 0.20
Capitulum in the only female available to us mm x 0.36 mm; posterior margin concave
slightly broader than long, length x breadth posterolaterally. Eyes at widest part of scutum,
measuring 0.72 mm x 0.74 mm. Basis capituli about two-thirds of the way back, large. Ventrally
with lateral angles at about mid-length; porose coxae I each with a large pointed spur; coxae II to
areas quite large, about their own diameter III each with a small spur.
apart. Palps rounded apically. Scutum longer
than broad, length x breadth measuring 1 .52 Notes on identification
mm x 1 .24 mm; posterior margin sinuous. Eyes The only specimens of R. moucheti that we have
at about mid-length, almost fiat, delimited dor­ seen are 2 66, 1 � kindly donated to us by Dr
sally by a few large punctations. Cervical fields J.-L. Camicas. Our descriptions and illustrations
long, narrow, shallow, their external margins of the adults are based primarily on these speci­
strongly demarcated by numerous large, often mens. The descriptions and illustrations of the
contiguous, punctations. A few medium-sized nymph and larva are based on those given by
punctations present on the scapulae, otherwise Saratsiotis ( 1 98 1 ), who described all stages from
punctations on lateral areas of scutum fine. Me­ his laboratory-reared specimens.
dially scutum fairly heavily punctate, with the The information on the adults given by
scattered larger punctations almost masked by Saratsiotis is somewhat puzzling. He reprinted
the smaller ones. Ventrally genital aperture Morel's original description of the male verba­
widely V-shaped. tim, and appears to have based his illustrations of
the male's capitulum, its adanal and accessory
Nymph (Fig. 129) adanal plates, and its spiracle on Morel's figures.
Capitulum much broader than long, His illustration of the male's dorsal surface,
length x breadth 0. 1 7 mm x 0.28 mm. Basis though, is quite unlike Morel's in that it shows a
R. moucheti 295

very lightly-punctate tick. His description and Saratsiotis ( 1 98 1 ) noted that a careful
illustration of the female, on the other hand, search made for this tick on dogs and other ani­
show a tick with an overall pattern of large uni­ mals living in forested areas, rather than wood­
form punctations. This does not correspond with land, failed to reveal it. He regarded it as a tick
our specimen, which has punctations that are not with very specific ecological requirements.
uniform in size and do not cover the whole
scutum evenly.
Disease relationships
Both Morel ( 1 965) and Saratsiotis ( 1 98 1 )
regard this species as a member of the R. san­
guineus group, and Saratsiotis discussed in detail
the differentiation of its nymphs and larvae from
those of other species in the group. We think,
though, that it would be just as difficult, if not
more so, to distinguish its immature stages from Morel, P.C. ( 1 965) . Description de Rhipicephalus
those of R. muhsamae, as described by Pegram et moucheti n. sp. (groupe de Rh. sanguineus;
al. ( 1 987) . This species often occurs in the same Acariens, Ixodoidea) . Revue d'Elevage et de
areas as R. moucheti and its immature stages are Medecine Viterinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 1 7 for
also parasitic on rodents (see p. 303) . 1964 (nouvelle serie), 6 1 5- 1 7 .
Pegram, R.G., Walker, J.B., Clifford, C . M . & Keirans,
J.E. ( 1 987). Comparison of populations of the
Hosts Rhipicephalus simus group: R. simus, R. praetex­
tatus, and R. muhsamae. Journal ofMedical Ento­
A three-host species (Saratsiotis, 1 98 1 ) . The mology, 24, 666-82.
Saratsiotis, A.G. ( 1 98 1 ) . Etude morphologique et bi­
commonest hosts recorded thus far are domestic
ologique de Rhipicephalus moucheti Morel, 1 964,
dogs (Table 34) . Saratsiotis suggested that the
groupe de Rh. sanguineus (Acariens; Ixodoidea),
espece Africaine. Acarologia, 22, 1 5-24.
hosts of its adults are probably some of the small­
er animals, with only occasional infestations on
the larger species. Rodents are thought to be the
hosts of the immature stages.


The localities where R. moucheti has been re­

corded are spread out across West Africa from
central Guinea in the west to northern Cameroon
in the east, all at about latitude 1 0 °N. (Map 38) .
It is apparently restricted to areas at an altitude of
about 250 m, with moderate temperatures and
mean annual rainfalls ranging from around 1 000
mm to 3000 mm, in various types of humid
tropical woodland. Its adults are most active dur­
ing the second half of the rainy season, from
about July to mid-October: of the 1 4 collections
listed to date, including one from vegetation,
nine were made in September, three in August,
and one each in May and July.
296 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

RHIPICEPHALUS MUEHLENSI 3.29 mm x 2.23 mm; large anterior process

ZUMPT, 1 943 present on coxae I. In engorged specimens body
wall bulges out laterally and posteriorly into the
This species was named after Professor P. Mi.ih­ characteristic shape illustrated; a separate caudal
lens, the Director of the Bernhard Nocht-Institut process is not formed. Eyes marginal, slightly
fiir Schiffs- und Tropenkrankheiten, Hamburg, bulging, sometimes delimited dorsally by shallow
where the author was working at the time. grooves and a few small punctations. Cervical
pits deep; internal cervical margins indistinct;
external cervical margins outlined by medium­
Diagnosis sized setiferous punctations. Marginal lines
short, indistinct, sometimes continued anteriorly
A small to medium-sized chestnut-brown tick. by rows of punctations. Posteromedian groove
long and narrow, posterolateral grooves oval to
Male (Figs 131(a), 1 32(a) to (c)) round, usually separated from the festoons.
Capitulum much longer than broad, length x Punctations generally fine, usually most con­
breadth ranging from 0.60 mm x 0.53 mm to spicuous in the area corresponding to the shape
0.99 mm x 0 . 7 1 mm. Basis capituli long, with of the female scutum, sparse anterior to the eyes
inconspicuous obtuse to rounded lateral angles and adjacent to the marginal lines. Legs increase
that do not extend beyond the scapulae. Palps slightly in size from I to IV. Ventral surface,
long, their outer margins almost in line with the including the circumspiracular area and the
sides of the basis capituli, thus accentuating the adanal plates, covered with long white setae. Spi­
length of the capitulum. Conscutum length x racles compact, with only a very short dorsal
breadth ranging from 1 . 9 1 mm x 1 .26 mm to prolongation. Adanal plates broadly triangular,

Figure 1 3 1 . Rhipicephalus muehlensi [collected from impala (Aepyceros melampus), Hluhluwe Game Reserve, KwaZulu­
Natal, South Africa, on 1 0 April 1 970 by M.E. Keep] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm . A.
Olwage del.
R. muehlensi 297

° breadth ranging from 1 .3 7 mm x 1 .22 mm to
1 .67 mm x 1 .45 mm, posterior margin sinuous.
Eyes not quite halfway back, very slightly bul­
ging, sometimes edged dorsally by shallow
grooves and a few punctations. Cervical pits
deep; cervical fields shallow and indistinct, their
external margins delimited by irregular rows of
medium-sized setiferous punctations. A few
setiferous punctations present on the scapulae
and scattered medially on the scutum, intersper­
sed with numerous small punctations except on
the smooth lateral margins anterior to the eyes.
Ventrally genital aperture long, U-shaped pos­
teriorly, widening anteriorly.

Nymph (Fig. 1 33)

Capitulum much broader than long,
length x breadth ranging from 0.23 mm x 0 . 3 1
mm to 0.27 mm x 0 . 3 2 mm. Basis capituli not
quite three times as broad as long, with broad,
slightly forwardly-directed lateral angles overlap­
ping scapulae; ventrally small spurs present on
posterior margin. Palps broad, inclined slightly
inwards. Scutum broader than long, length x
breadth ranging from 0.49 mm x 0.54 mm to
0.55 mm x 0.58 mm, posterior margin a deep
smooth curve. Eyes at widest point, halfway
back, slightly bulging and edged dorsally by
Rhipicephalus mueh/ensi 1---f--_J grooves. Cervical fields fairly broad, slightly de­
* Type locality
• Locality records pressed, not quite reaching posterolateral mar­
° 0
gins of scutum. Ventrally coxae I each with a
48 so
narrow external spur and a much broader inter­
Map 39. Rhipicephalus muehlensi: distribution. nal spur; coxae II to IV each with an external spur
only, decreasing progressively in size.

extending inwards somewhat behind the anus, Larva (Fig. 134)

their posterior angles smoothly curved; accessory Capitulum slightly longer than broad,
adanal plates small. length x breadth ranging from 0. 1 28 mm x
0 . 1 26 mm to 0. 1 37 mm x 0. 1 32 mm. Basis
Female (Figs 131 (b), 1 32(d) to (f)) capituli well over twice as broad as long, with
Capitulum about as long as broad, very short blunt lateral angles; ventrally with a
length x breadth ranging from 0.68 mm x 0.69 mere indication of spurs on posterior margin.
mm to 0.83 mm x 0.83 mm. Basis capituli with Palps constricted proximally, then widening
acute lateral angles overlapping the scapulae; po­ markedly before tapering to narrowly-rounded
rose areas small, about three times their own apices. Scutum much broader than long,
diameter apart. Palps long, broadly rounded api­ length x breadth ranging from 0.247 mm x
cally. Scutum longer than broad, length x 0.371 mm to 0.264 mm x 0.390 mm; posterior
298 Acccunts of irniivi.dua.l A/rotr()fJUai $pecies
R. muehlensi 299

Figure 133 (above). Rhipicephalus mtieh./;ms,: [Protozoology Section Tick Breeding Register, Onderstepoon, No 4080, .

laboratory reared, original ':;> collected from nyala (Tragciaphtts angasi'.t), MJ..'Llzi Game Reserve, Kw:iZulu-Natnl, South
Africa, on 9 March 1993 by I.G. Hora1']. Nymph: (a) capitu.lum, dorsal; (b) capirulum, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae.
Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by J.F. Puncrill.

Figure 132 (opposite). Rhipicephalus muehknsi [Protozoology Section Tick Breeding Register, Onderstepoort, No. 4080.
laboratory reared, original � collected from nyala (Tragelaphus angasi1.) , Mkuzi Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Nat.al, South
Africa, on 9 March 1993 by I.G. Horakj . Male: (a) capituJum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d)
capitulum, dorsal; (e) scutum; (f) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SE.Ms by J.F. Putterill.
300 Accounts ofindividual Afrotropi.cal species

Figure 1 34. Rhipiaphalus muehlensi (Protozoology Scetion Tick Breeding Register, Onderstepoon, No 4080, laboratory
reared, original � colkcted from oyala (Tragelaphu.s angasii), Mkuzi Ga.me Rese1ve, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, on 9

March 1993 by I.G. Horak). Larva: (a) capitulum, dorsaJ; (b) capitu.lum, ventral; (c) scurum; (d) coxae. Scale oars
represent 0.10 mm. SE.lv1s by J.F. Punerill.

margin a broad smooth curve. Eyes at widest and Rwanda, we do not now believe that it occurs
point, well over halfway back, mildly convex. in any of these countries. One of us (J.B.W.) has
Cervical grooves short, slightly convergent. Ven­ re-examined the female from a bovine at Yei on
trally coxae I each with a large sharp triangular which Hoogsrraal (1956) based his report of its
spur; coxae II and l1l each with a broad, bluntly occurrence in the Sudan, plus another male and
rounded spur. female from a bovine at Kajo-Kaji, and regards
these merely as small, atypical specimens of R.
Notes on identification appendiculatus. Theiler & Robinson (19 54) re­
Although R. muehknsi has been reported from corded R. muehlensi from several locaLities in
the Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo Rwanda and Burundi but these specimens
R. muehlensi 301

Table 35 . Host records ofRhipicephalus muehlensi

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 53
Sheep 2
Goats 3
Dogs 1

Wild animals
Black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) 4 (immatures)
Slender mongoose ( Galerella sanguinea) 2 (immatures)
White-tailed mongoose (/chneumia albicauda) 1 (including immatures)
'Lesser mongoose' 1 (nymphs)
'Hyaena' 1 (larvae)
African elephant (Loxodonta africana) 1
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchelliz) 3 (including immatures)
Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) 6 (including immatures)
'Rhinoceros' 1 (immatures)
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 2 (including immatures)
Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus) 1 1 (including nymphs)
Giraffe ( Giraffa camelopardalis) 6
Impala (Aepyceros melampus) 1 63 (including immatures)
Lichtenstein's hartebeest (Sigmoceros lichtensteiniz) 1
Grant's gazelle (Gazella grantz) 1
Gerenuk (Litocranius wallerz) 2 (including immatures)
Suni (Neotragus moschatus) 1
Steenbok (Raphicerus campestris) 3
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 1 0 (including immatures)
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 4
Nyala ( Tragelaphus angasiz) 1 07 (including immatures)
Lesser kudu ( Tragelaphus imberbis) 5
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus) 1 5 (including immatures)
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros) 1 1 (including immatures)
Red forest duiker ( Cephalophus natalensis) 28 (including immatures)
Common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia) 6 (including immatures)
'Duiker' 7 (including immatures)
Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus) 4
Sable antelope (Hippotragus niger)
Gemsbok (Oryx gazella)
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) 2
Reedbuck (Redunca arundinum) 1 2 (including immatures)
Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) 29 (immatures)
Lepus sp. 1
302 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

apparently no longer exist. Elbl & Anastos ticks on the nyala was their ears (Horak et al.,
( 1 966) recorded it from various places in the 1 995b) .
Democratic Republic of Congo but we question Although many of both the larger and the
its occurrence there. smaller wild animals examined were infested
Nuttall and Warburton identified four with adult ticks they generally appeared to be
specimens of R. muehlensi, a species unknown to better hosts of the immature stages, with the red
them as it was described only in 1 943, as R. forest duiker and other duikers being particular­
longicoxatus. These specimens are in Nuttall Col­ ly favoured (Baker & Keep, 1 970; Horak,
lection 2824, 1 6, 1 <fl from giraffe, Negero, Afri­ Boomker & Flamand, 1 99 1 ) . Scrub hares must
ca, and Nuttall Collection 2825a, 2 66 from also be considered important hosts of immature
'Africa' (C. Clifford, pers. comm., 29 August R. muehlensi (Horak et al., 1 995a) . Not only are
1 963, to G. Theiler; Keirans, 1 985) . a large proportion of these hares infested but
The record of immature R. muehlensi from individual animals may harbour as many as 200
an African civet quoted by Theiler ( 1 962) is ticks. In addition their distribution overlaps that
probably based on that listed by Salisbury ( 1 959) of R. muehlensi.
from J.B.W. (unpublished data); the identifica­ No pattern of seasonal abundance was evi­
tion of this nymph was later corrected to R. dent on nyala examined in north-eastern
maculatus by Walker ( 1 974) . We have been un­ KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, as all stages of
able to trace Theiler's record from Smith's bush development were present in large numbers on
squirrel. We also question her record of imma­ the animals throughout the year.
ture ticks from Procavia sp.; this collection was
made from an animal in the Sudan and R. mueh­
lensi is not now thought to occur in that country. Zoo geography
Unfortunately the specimens on which the last
two records were based apparently no longer This tick is present in all African countries with
exist. an eastern seaboard from Somalia to South Afri­
ca (Map 39) . The majority of collection sites are
at altitudes ranging from sea level to approxi­
Hosts mately 1 500 m. With the exception of some
parts of its range in Somalia, where the annual
A three-host species (Salisbury, 1 959) . A com­ rainfall appears to be less than 200 mm, rainfall
paratively large number of collections have been in the major portion of this tick's distribution
taken from cattle, and a few from sheep and zone varies from 500 mm to 1 1 00 mm. Most
goats, but all these animals harboured only sites are in East African coastal mosaic vegeta­
small numbers of ticks (Table 35). The prefer­ tion, miombo or undifferentiated woodland, and
red hosts of all stages of development are impala in Acacia-Commiphora deciduous bushland and
and tragelaphine antelopes, with nyala and thicket.
bushbuck harbouring particularly large burdens The preferred hosts of R. muehlensi, namely
(Horak et al., 1 988; Horak, Boomker & Fla­ tragelaphine antelopes and various duikers, are
mand, 1 995b; Gallivan & Surgeoner, 1 995) . All browsers, while impala are mixed feeders. All
79 of the nyala examined in three game reserves these animals are found in habitats containing
in north-eastern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, thickets or various types of woodland, so within
were infested and their mean burdens com­ its overall distribution range R. muehlensi is nat­
prised 4078 larvae, 755 nymphs and 457 adult urally commoner at localities encompassing
ticks. Several of the adult male animals each these vegetation types.
harboured considerably more than 1 000 adult Except in Somalia, where only R. muehlensi
ticks. The preferred site of attachment of these is present, and in Zambia and Zimbabwe, where
R. muhsamae 3 03

only R. maculatus is present, the distribution of Zumpt, F. ( 1 943) . Rhipicephalus aurantiacus

these two ticks often overlaps. Neumann und iihnliche Arten. VIII. Vorstudie
zu einer Revision der Gattung Rhipicephalus
Koch. Zeitschriftfur Parasitenkunde, 13, 1 02-1 7.
Disease relationships Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) :
E lbl & Anastos ( 1 966); Hoogstraal ( 1 9 5 6);
Unknown. Keirans ( 1 985); Santos Dias ( 1 960); Theiler
( 1 962); Walker ( 1 974); Yeoman & Walker
( 1 967) .

Baker, M.K. & Keep, M.E. ( 1 970) . Checklist of the
ticks found on the larger game animals in the
Natal game reserves. Lammergeyer, 12, 4 1-7.
Gallivan, G.J. & Surgeoner, G.A. ( 1 995) . Ixodid ticks This species was named after Dr Brouria Feld­
and other ectoparasites of wild ungulates in man-Muhsam, of the Department of Parasitol­
Swaziland: regional, host and seasonal patterns. ogy, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, in recog­
South African Journal ofZoology, 30, 1 69-77. nition of her contributions to our knowledge of
Horak, I.G., Boomker, J. & Flamand, J.R.B. ( 1 99 1 ) . ixodid ticks, especially in the genera Hyalomma
Ixodid ticks and lice infesting red duikers and and Rhipicephalus.
bushpigs in north-eastern Natal. Onderstepoort
Journal of Veterinary Research, 58, 28 1-4.
Horak, I.G., Boomker, J. & Flamand, J.R.B. ( 1 995b) . Diagnosis
Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South
Africa. XXXIV. Arthropod parasites of nyalas A large dark brown to blackish tick.
in north-eastern KwaZulu-Natal. Onderstepoort
Journal of Veterinary Research, 62, 1 7 1-79. Male (Figs 1 35(a), l 36(a) to (c))
Horak, I.G., Keep, M.E., Flamand, J.R.B. & Boom­ Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth
ker, J. ( 1 988) . Arthropod parasites of common
ranging from 0.81 mm x 0.72 mm to 1 .00
reedbuck, Redunca arundinum, in Natal. Onder­
mm x 0.88 mm. Basis capituli with short acute
stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 55, 1 9-
lateral angles at about anterior third of its length.
Horak, LG., Spickett, A.M., Braack, L.E.O., Penz­ Palps broad, somewhat flattened apically. Con­
horn, B.L., Bagnall, R.J. & Uys, A.C. ( 1 995a) . scutum length x breadth ranging from 3 .47
Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South mm x 2.20 mm to 4. 1 4 mm x 2 . 8 1 mm; anter­
Africa. XXXIII. Ixodid ticks on scrub hares in ior process of coxae I rounded. Eyes flat, edged
the north-eastern regions of Northern and East­ dorsally by a few medium-sized setiferous punc­
ern Transvaal and of KwaZulu-Natal. Onder­ tations. Cervical pits comma-shaped, discrete.
stepoortJournal of Veterinary Research, 62, 1 23- Marginal lines long, usually enclosing two fes­
31. toons posteriorly. Posteromedian and posterolat­
Salisbury, L.E. ( 1 959) . Ticks in the South African eral grooves visible but superficial. Large setifer­
Zoological Survey Collection. Part X.
ous punctations present along the external
Rhipicephalus muhlensi. Onderstepoort Journal of
cervical margins and marginal lines; a few me­
Veterinary Research, 28, 1 2 5-32.
dium-sized punctations scattered on scapular
Theiler, G. & Robinson, B.N. ( 1 954) . Tick survey.
VIII. Checklist of ticks recorded from the Belg­ apices and in the four irregular rows comprising
ian Congo and Ruanda Urundi, from Angola, the 'simus' pattern medially on the conscutum,
and from Northern Rhodesia. Onderstepoort but interstitial punctation pattern light to absent.
Journal of Veterinary Research, 26, 447-6 1 + 3 Ventrally spiracles variable, in general comma­
maps. shaped with a short broad prolongation curving
304 AcctnJnts of individualAjroiropical rpecies

Figure 135. Rhipicephalus muhsamae [B.S.699/-, laboratory reared, progeny of 'r collected from warthog (Phaccchoerus
africanus), Maruzi County, Lango, Uganda, on 3 July 1956 by Eriasafu Okello). (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale
bars represent I mm. A. Olwage del.

te• .•. 30'

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Map 40. Rhipicephalus muhsamae'. distribution. (Based largely on Morel, 1969) .

R. muhsamae 305

Table 36. Host records of Rhipicephalus muhsamae

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 45
Sheep 2
Goats 1
Horses 2
Donkeys 1
Pigs 3
Dogs 5

Wild animals
Side-striped jackal (Canis adustus) 3
'Jackal' 2
Lion (Panthera leo) 2
Leopard (Panthera pardus) 1
Spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta) 1
'Hyaena' 2
African civet (Civettictis civetta) 4
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 11
Red river hog (Potamochoerus porcus)
'Wild pig'
Oribi ( Ourebia ourebz) 2
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 2
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus) 1
Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus) 1
Bohor reedbuck (Redunca redunca) 1
Geo:ffroy's ground squirrel (Xerus erythropus) 3 (nymphs; and adults in nest)
Nile rat (Arvicanthis niloticus) 2
Crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata) 2
'Rodent' 1 (nymphs)

Humans 3

towards the dorsal surface. Adanal plates broad, tides II and III and easily visible dorsally, apices
with internal margins posterior to the anus slight­ broadly rounded. Scutum longer than broad,
ly concave; accessory adanal plates small, length x breadth ranging from 1 . 72 mm x 1 .69
pointed. mm to 2.40 mm x 2.03 mm; posterior margin
somewhat sinuous. Eyes just anterior to
Female (Figs 1 35(b), 1 36(d) to (j)) broadest part of scutum, almost fl.at, edged dor­
Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth sally by a few medium-sized setiferous puncta­
ranging from 0.86 mm x 0.79 mm to 1 .06 tions. Cervical fields broad, slightly depressed,
mm x 0.96 mm. Basis capituli with acute lateral their external margins distinct, delimited by ir­
angles just anterior to mid-length; porose areas regular rows of large setiferous punctations.
large, oval, about 1 . 5 times their own diameter Slightly smaller setiferous punctations present
apart. Palps with article I narrow relative to ar- on the scapulae and scattered medially on the
306 Accoun/.S of individual Afrotropi.cal species
R- mu.hsamae 307

Figure 137 (above). Rhipicephalus mvhsamoc (L722, labomory re-a.red, progeny of'.f' originating from Senegal; host, date
ofcollection and collector unknown). Nymph: (a) c.;ipiru.lum, dors..al; (b) capirulum, ventral; (c) scurum; (d) coxae. Scale
bars represent 0 . 1 0 nun. SEMS by M.D. Corwin. (Figs (a), (c) & (d) from Pegram el al., 1987, figs 28-30, wilh kind
pe.rmission from the Entomologk.al Sociccy of America.)

Figure I 36 (opposiu). RJnpiuph.al.us mulzsamae (L722, laboratory reared, progeny of';? originating from Senegal; hose,
date of collection and collector unknown). Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal places. Female: (d)
capinilum, dorsal; (e) scurum; (f) genical aperrure. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin. (Figs (b), (c),
(e) & (f) from Pegram ei aJ., l 987, figs 32-34 & 36, wir.h kind permission from the Entomological �cietyof America.)
308 Accounts ofndividual
i Afrotropical species

Figure 138. Rhipicephalus muhsamae (L722, laboratory reared, progeny of 2 originating from Senegal; host, date of
collection and collector unknown). Larva: (a) capitu1Wll. dorsal; (b) capirulum. ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. Scale bars
represent 0.10 mm. SEMS by M.D. Corwin. (Figs (a), (c) & (d) from Pegram et al., 1987, figs 25-27, with kind
permission from the Entomological Society of America.)

scutum, interspersed v.�th fine interstitial punc­ mm to 0.27 mm x 0.38 mm. Basis capiruli ap­
tations that are numerous in some specimens proaching four times as broad as long, with
but sparser, or even absent, in others. Ventrally sharply-tapering lateral angles n
i posterior half>
genital aperture a narrow truncated U-shape, di­ projecting over scapulae; ventrally with short
verging markedly anteriorly; scleroti.zed margins blunt spurs on posterior margin. Palps broadest
usually wide and distinct. basally, tapering to narrowly-roW1ded apices.
Scutum broader than Jong, length x breadth
Nymph (Fig. 137) ranging from 0.50 mm x 0.57 mm to 0.57
CapituJum much broader than long, mm x 0.63 mm; posterior margin a broad
length x breadth ranging from 0. 26 mm x 0.37 smooth curve. Eyes at widest point, well ove r
R. muhsamae 309

halfway back, large, almost fiat, delimited dor­ as R. simus by Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966) may also
sally by faint depressions. Cervical fields long, prove to be R. muhsamae. So may the ticks listed
narrow, slightly sunken, divergent. Ventrally by Yeoman & Walker ( 1 967) as heavily-punctate
coxae I each with external spur slightly longer R. simus, mainly in western and south-western
and sharper than internal spur; coxae II to III Tanzania (Morel, 1 980) . Re-examination of
each with small spurs; coxae IV each with indica­ these collections is, however, essential to clarify
tions only of spurs. this situation (Pegram et al., 1 987) . (See also R.
praetextatus, p. 340, and R. simus, p. 4 1 6) .
La,rva (Fig. 1 38)
Capitulum much broader than long,
length x breadth ranging from 0 . 1 23 mm x
0. 1 75 mm to 0. 1 3 5 mm x 0. 1 92 mm. Basis
A three-host species (Morel, 1 980) . We our­
capituli over three times as broad as long, with
selves have little personal experience of this pri­
short broadly-rounded lateral angles, posterior
marily West African tick. The accompanying list
border almost straight. Palps broad, tapering
of its hosts (Table 36) has been compiled largely,
very slightly to bluntly-rounded apices, inclined
but not exclusively, from the literature, in par­
inwards. Scutum much broader than long,
ticular the publications quoted by Morel & Vas­
length x breadth ranging from 0.240 mm x
siliades ( 1 965). (Records in those papers that
0.369 mm to 0.25 1 mm x 0.394 mm; posterior
they questioned have, obviously, been omitted) .
margin a wide, very shallow curve. Eyes at widest
In 1 980 Morel summarized its host relationships
point, well over halfway back, slightly convex.
as follows: 'The preimagoes have been collected
Cervical grooves short, slightly convergent. Ven­
on Myomorpha and Sciuromorpha rodents and
trally coxae I each with a short broad spur; coxae
on hares. The host affinities of adults are exactly
II and III each with only a slight salience on their
those of Rh. simus towards available ungulate and
posterior margin.
carnivore mammals, primates, aardvarks and
Notes on identification
According to Mohammed ( 1 977), on
The nymphs and larvae of R. muhsamae differ
Fulani cattle the adults attach on the ears, neck,
slightly morphologically from those of R. praetex­
dewlap, genitalia and legs, including the hoof
tatus (p. 340, Figs 1 59, 1 60) and R. simus (p.
region. At Runka, in north-western Nigeria,
4 1 6, Figs 1 95, 1 96) but there is little to character­
adults were collected from cattle throughout
ize its adults specifically apart from the structure
most of the year. Further south, at Samaru, the
of its mounted female genital aperture (p. 42 1 ,
adults were active both in January, during the dry
Fig. 1 97 (c)) (Pegram, 1 979; Morel, 1 980; Pe­
season, and, like R. senegalensis, from May to
gram et al., 1 987) .
September, during the wet season.
According to Morel & Vassiliades ( 1 965)
R. muhsamae usually features in the earlier litera­
ture on West and Central African ticks as either Zoogeography
R. simus or R. s. simus, and occasionally as R.
senegalensis. The data on its hosts and distribu­ Rhipicephalus muhsamae has been recorded
tion that we present here are largely based on this across Africa from Senegal in the west to
finding. It is virtually impossible now to either Ethiopia in the east, with an extension south­
confirm or refute them because the present wards into western Uganda, Rwanda and
whereabouts of many of the specimens on which Burundi (Map 40) . This distribution pattern is
they were based, if they still exist, are unknown. anomalous in some respects. In West Africa,
Some of the specimens from the Demo­ where the vast majority of currently accepted
cratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda identified records lie, it occurs mainly at altitudes of less
310 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

than 1 000 m in Sudanian woodland with mean RHIPICEPHALUS NEUMANN!

annual rainfalls of 800 mm or less. At the other WALKER, 1 990
extreme, as Morel ( 1 980) noted, it has been re­
corded in Ethiopia at high altitudes near highland This species was named in honour of Professor
forest communities. Pegram, Hoogstraal & Was­ L.G. Neumann ( 1 846-1 930), of the Toulouse
sef ( 1 9 8 1 ) collected it in the 'wetter western Veterinary School in southern France. He de­
areas' of Ethiopia. In Uganda, Rwanda and scribed 1 9 species in this genus that are still
Burundi it apparently also occurs at high alti­ regarded as valid and contributed greatly to our
tudes. knowledge of ticks in general.

Disease relationships
Morel ( 1 980) quotes Tendeiro ( 1 952) as stating
A moderate-sized dark brown tick.
that R. muhsama e can be spontaneously infected
with Coxiella bumeti.
Male (Figs 139(a), 1 40(a) to (c))
Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth
ranging from 0.63 mm x 0.58 mm to 0.88
REFERENCES mm x 0.78 mm. Basis capituli with short blunt
lateral angles anteriorly, at somewhat less than a
Mohammed, A.N. ( 1 977) . The seasonal incidence of
third of its length. Palps broadly rounded api­
ixodid ticks of cattle in northern Nigeria. Bull­
cally. Conscutum length x breadth ranging
etin of Animal Health and Production in Africa,
25, 273-93. from 2.77 mm x 1 .78 mm to 3 . 52 mm x 2.2 1
Morel, P.C. & Vassiliades, G. ( 1 965). Description de mm; sharp anterior process present on coxae I.
Rhipicephalus muhsamae n.sp. de l'Ouest-Afri­ Eyes slightly bulging, edged dorsally by a few
cain (groupe de Rh. simus; Acariens, medium-sized punctations and faint depress­
Ixodoidea) . Revue d'Elevage et de Medecine Vit­ ions. Cervical pits comma-shaped, convergent.
erinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 17 for 1964 Marginal lines shallow, not reaching eye level.
(nouvelle serie), 6 1 9-36. Posteromedian and posterolateral grooves, when
Pegram, R.G., Hoogstraal, H. & Wassef, H.Y. ( 1 98 1 ) .
Ticks (Acari: Ixodoidea) of Ethiopia. I . Dis­ 12° 0
tribution, ecology and host relationships of spe­
cies infesting livestock. Bulletin of Entomological NAMIBIA

Research, 7 1 , 339-59. •

Pegram, R.G., Walker, J.B., Clifford, C.M. & Keirans, 24°r--t-----i--;---i-�---f---+--+--jl.H 24

J.E. ( 1 987) . Comparison of populations of the r'.
' \
i '
Rhipicephalus simus group: R. simus, R. praetex­ i Z ..-./

tatus, and R. muhsamae (Acari: Ixodidae) . Jour­

nal ofMedical Entomology, 24, 666-82. 30°
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2- 1 4) :
Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966); Matthysse & Colbo
( 1 987); Morel ( 1 969, 1 980); Pegram ( 1 979,
36° Lr-�--�---�� 36°
1 984); Yeoman & Walker ( 1 967) . Rhipicepha/us neumanni
• Type locality
• Locality records

12° 1 s0 30°

Map 4 1 . Rhipicephalus neumanni: distribution.

R. neumanni 311

Figure 1 39. Rhipicephalus neumanni (Onderstepoort Tick Collection 3 1 4 liii; J.D. Bezuidenhout No. 5 1 89; from sheep,
Farm 'Wegkruip' No. 1 30, Karas Region, Namibia, November 1 972, J.D. Bezuidenhout coll.) (a) Male, dorsal; (b)
female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm . A. Olwage del. (From Walker, 1 990, figs 48 & 49, with kind permission from
the Editor, Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research.)

Table 37. Host records o/Rhipicephalus neumanni

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Sheep 25
Goats 8
Horses 1

Wild animals
Black wildebeest ( Connochaetes gnou)
Springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis)
Gemsbok ( Oryx gaze/la) 1
Grey rhebok (Pelea capreolus)
Mountain reedbuck (Reduncafulvorufula)
Namaqua rock mouse (Aethomys namaquensis) 1 (nymphs)
312 Acc.oums ofindividual AjrotTopical spems
R. neuman.ni 313

Figure 1 4 1 (above). Rhipiccplw.lus neumarmi (R.i'viL 65728; J.D. Bezuidenhout 5666, laboratory reared, original !;?
collected at Keetmanshoop, Karas Region, Namibia). Nymph: (a) capiculum, dorsal; {b) capirulwn, ventral; (c) scutum;
(d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin. (From Walker, 1990, fi� 38, 39, 4 1 & 42, with kind
permission from the Editor, Onderstepoort Joumal of Veterinary Research.)

Figure 140 (opposite). Rhipicepha/us neumanni (RML 65728; J.D. Bezuidenhouc 5666, laboratory reared, original Q
collected at Keetmanshoop,Karas Region, Namibia) . Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female:
(d) capirulum, dorsal; (e) scururn; (f) genital aperrure. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin. (From
Walker, 1990, figs 26, 30-32, 35 & 36, with kind permission from the Editor, Ondersrepoorl Joumal of Ve1en:nary
314 Accounts ofndividual
i Afrotropi,cal species

Figu.re 142. Rhipiceplialu.s neumanni (RML 65728; J.D. Bezu.idenhout 5666,laboratory reared, ori,,oinal � collected at
Keccmanshoop, Karas Region, Namibia). Larva: (a) capiculwn, dorsal; (b) capirulum., ventral; (c) scucum; (d) coxae.
Scale ban repn:se.nt 0.10 mm. SEN1s by M.D. Corwin. (From Walkcr, 1990, figs 44-47, with kind penn.ission from the
Edicor, Oruierstepoort Joumal of Vete1inary Research.)

present, shallow and inconspicuous. Large rounded posteriorly, tapering towards the anter­
setiferous puncmtions present on the scapulae, ior end; accessory adanal plates represented
al ong the external cervical margin s and marginal merely by small sclerotized points.
lines, and encircling the posterolateral grooves.
Slightly smaller setiferous punctations present Female (Figs J 39(b}, J 40(d) to (j))
medially on the conscurum, together with nu­ Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth
merous minute interstitial punctations. Ventrally ranging from 0.90 mm x 0.83 mm to 1.00
spiracles long, narrowing markedly at about two­ mm x 0.92 mm, but in some specimens slightly
thirds of their length and curving slightly cowards broader than long. Basis capi tuU with sharply
the dorsal surface. Adana) plates broadly pointed lateral angles at about mid-length; po-
R. neumanni 315

rose areas small, just over twice their own diam­ tapering gradually to narrowly-rounded apices,
eter apart. Palps with article III wedge-shaped, its inclined inwards. Scutum much broader than
outer margin smoothly curved, its inner and pos­ long, length x breadth c. 0.2 1 mm x 0.34 mm;
terior margins almost straight. Scutum longer posterior margin a broad shallow curve. Eyes at
than broad, length x breadth ranging from 1 .82 widest part of scutum, slightly convex. Cervical
mm x 1 . 72 mm to 2.20 mm x 1 .98 mm, pos­ grooves short, slightly convergent. Ventrally
terior margin sinuous. Eyes just anterior to coxae I each with a broad protuberance on pos­
broadest part of scutum, slightly bulging, de­ terior border, coxae II each with only a slight
limited dorsally by a few large, setiferous puncta­ convexity on posterior border, coxae III each
tions. Cervical pits short, convergent; cervical with a straight posterior border.
fields slightly depressed, delimited along their
external margins by irregular rows of large, Notes on identification
seriferous punctations, and similar punctations Rhipicephalus neumanni adults, which have a pre­
scattered on the scapulae. A few slightly smaller dilection for sheep and goats, closely resemble
setiferous punctations present medially on those of R. distinctus, a parasite of hyraxes (<las­
scutum and numerous minute interstitial puncta­ sies) (see p. 1 38) . Both Bedford ( 1 932) and
tions scattered all over scutum. Ventrally genital Theiler ( 1 947) listed one collection of R.
aperture quite wide, with the sides of the opening neumanni from sheep at Victoria West, Northern
converging to join the straight posterior margin. Cape Province, as R. distinctus.
The measurements of the nymph and larva
Nymph (Fig. 141) quoted above were calculated from the scanning
Capitulum much broader than long, electron micrographs because the remaining un­
length x breadth c. 0.22 mm x 0.32 mm. Basis mounted specimens of this species had inadver­
capituli three times as broad as long, with sharp tently been lost.
lateral angles at about posterior two-thirds of its
length, projecting over scapulae; ventrally with
short, blunt spurs on posterior margin. Palps
broadest at about mid-length, narrower
A three-host species (Walker, 1 990) . The com­
proximally and tapering distally to sharp apices,
monest recorded hosts of R. neumanni are sheep
inclined inwards. Scutum slightly longer than
(Walker, 1 990; Horak & Fourie, 1 992), and to a
broad, length x breadth c. 0.48 mm x 0.46 mm;
lesser extent goats (Table 37), on both of which
posterior margin a deep smooth curve. Eyes at
they usually attach on the feet between the claws.
widest point, well over halfway back, long and
A single collection only exists from a horse.
narrow, delimited dorsally by slight depressions.
Single collections have also been taken from sev­
Cervical pits short, convergent; cervical fields
eral species of antelopes. The adults are present
long, narrow, divergent, inconspicuous. Ven­
from September to June, with most collections
trally coxae I each with a large external spur and a
made from February to May.
shorter internal spur; remaining coxae each with
The only known host of the nymphs is a
a small external spur only.
Namaqua rock mouse.

La,rva (Fig. 1 42)

Capitulum much broader than long, Zoogeography
length x breadth c. 0.09 mm x 0. 1 3 mm. Basis
capituli nearly three times as broad as long, with This species occurs commonly in southern
short bluntly rounded lateral angles, posterior Namibia (Walker, 1 990) . As yet a single record
border gently curved. Palps slightly constricted only (from a gemsbok) exists from further north
proximally, almost immediately widening then in the country, at Omandumba, in the north-
316 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

eastern Erongo Region. In South Africa it has RHIPICEPHALUS NITENS NEUMANN,

been recorded in Northern, Western and Eastern 1 904
Cape Provinces (Map 4 1 ) .
It is present primarily in mountainous or The specific name nitens, from the Latin nitens
hilly semi-desert areas, at altitudes from about meaning 'shining', refers to the shiny scutum of
800 m to 1 500 m, with 1 00 mm to 300 mm the adults.
rainfall per annum in summer. Most collections
have been made in bushy Karoo-Namib shrub­
land, though in South Africa a few come from Diagnosis
dwarf Karoo shrubland (Walker, 1 990) . There is
little doubt that this tick is more widespread in A medium-sized shiny dark reddish-brown spe­
the Karoo than present records indicate. cies.

Disease relationships Male (Figs 1 43(a), 144(a) to (c))

Capitulum about as broad as long, length x
Farmers report that R. neumanni adults cause breadth ranging from 0. 5 1 mm x 0. 5 2 mm to
lameness and foot abscesses in sheep because 0.76 mm x 0.74 mm. Basis capituli with lateral
they attach between the claws of the animals' angles at about anterior third of its length, short,
hooves. Up to 30% of a flock may be affected acute. Palps short, bluntly rounded apically. Con­
O.D. Bezuidenhout, pers. comm., 1 989) . scutum length x breadth ranging from 2.08
mm x 1 . 52 mm to 3.41 mm x 2.25 mm; large
anterior process present on coxae I. A short,
REFERENCES tail-like caudal process sometimes seen on en­
gorged males. Eyes slightly convex, edged dor­
Bedford, G.A.H. ( 1 932) . A synoptic check-list and sally by a few punctations. Cervical fields broad,
host-list of the ectoparasites found on South slightly depressed. Marginal lines long, outlined
African Mammalia, Aves, and Reptilia. (Second
by a few large punctations, not quite reaching
Edition) . 18th Report of the Director of Veterinary
eyes anteriorly. Posteromedian and posterolateral
Services and Animal Industry, Union of South
Africa, 223-523.
° ° °
Horak, LG. & Fourie, L.J. ( 1 992) . Parasites of domes­ 24 30 36

tic and wild animals in South Africa. XXXI .

Adult ticks on sheep in the Cape Province and in
the Orange Free State. Onderstepoort Journal of
Veterinary Research, 59, 2 7 5-83 .
Walker, J . B . ( 1 990) . Two new species o f ticks from
southern Africa whose adults parasitize the feet
of ungulates: Rhipicephalus lounsburyi n. sp. and °
Rhipicephalus neumanni n. sp. (lxodoidea,
Ixodidae) . Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary
Research, 57, 5 7-7 5 . 0�
Also see the following Basic Reference (p. 1 4) : Theiler 36
° _.----'---�
- �
� ��� +-��-l--�� uz 36
( 1 947) . Rhipicepha/us nitens �
* Type locality
• Locality records
° ° ° °
18 24 30 36

Map 42. Rhipicephalus nitens: distribution.

R. nitens 317

Figure 143. Rhipicephalus nitens [laboratory reared, original ljl collected from grey rhebok (Pelea capreolus), Bontebok
National Park, Swellendam, Western Cape Province, South Africa, in December 1 979 by LG. Horak & V. de Vos ] . (a)
Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.

Table 38. Host records ofRhipicephalus nitens

Hosts "N"umber of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 2
Sheep 87 (including immatures)
Goats 2
Dogs 2

Wild animals
Mountain zebra (Equus zebra)
Bontebok (Damaliscus pygargus dorcas) 5 5 (including immatures)
Springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) 6 (including immatures)
Grey rhebok (Pelea capreolus) 62 (including immatures)
Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) 20 (including immatures)

Helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris) 1 (larva)
318 Accounts ofindividual AjrQtropical species
R. nitens 319

Figure 145 (above). Rhipia:phalus t1itws [Protoz:oology Sect.ion Ticl<. Bf'C('.ding Rq;i:ltc:r, Ondcmcpoort, No. 3867,
laboratory reared, original 2collected f1"Qm gr<:y rhebok (l't:h.xl wprwlus), !Wotc:bokNational Pa(k, Swdkn<iam, w��l('.rn
Cape Province, South Africa, on 9 February 1988 by J.G. Horak). Nymph: (a) <apirulum,clo"31; (b) <;apirulum, ventral;
(c) scurum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0 . 1 0 mm . SEMs by J.F. Putte.Jill.

Figure 144 (opposite). Rhipiceplr.al14 ni1ens [Protoz:oology Section Tick Breeding Register, Onde.NtCPQ<>rt, No. 3867,
laboratory r�ed, original 2 colle<..-ied from gl'(:y rh<::bok (Pcka caprer:>ha), B<.mtc:bok Naoonal Park, SwcUcndam, \Vc:stcm
Cape Province, South Africa, on 9 February 1 988 by l.G. Horak). Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal
ph11es. Female: (d) capirulum, dorsal; (e) sc9puJ11r ru:e9; (0 genital aperture. Scale bars repre:sem 0. \ O mm. SB.Ms by J.F.
320 Accounts of ndi,,,idual
i Afroiropical species

Figure 146. Rhipicephalus nizens (Protozoology Section Tick Breeding Register, Onderstepoort, No. 3867, laboratory
reared, original <? collected from grey rhebok (Pe/ea capreolus), Bontebok National Park, Swellendam, Wescem Cape
Province, South Africa, on 9 February 1988 by I.G. Horak]. Larva: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulurn, ventral; (c)
scutum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by }.F. Punerill.

grooves well marked, long and narrow. A few the posterior grooves, is deeply depressed be­
large setiferous punctations present on the sc ap­ tween the two bulging lateral areas, a feature that
ulae, along the external cervical marginsand scat­ can be easily seen with the naked eye. Numerous
tered over the conscutum. Mediwn-sized punc­ fine punctati.ons scattered elsewhere on the con­
tations present medially, sometimes dense (as in scutwn. Ventrally spiracles elongate, comma­
the male illustrated here), but on other specimens shaped, with a short curved dorsal prolongation.
much sparser, separating the two broad, shiny, Adanal plates rather narrow, elongated
very finely-punctate lateral areas of the con­ posteromedially into rounded points, posterior
scutum. In some males, especially engorged margins almost straight; accessory adanal plates
specimens, this median punctate area, including absent.
R. nitens 321

Female (Figs 143(b), 144(d) to (j)) taper slightly towards the tips. Scutum much
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth broader than long, length x breadth ranging
ranging from 0.65 mm x 0.68 mm to 0.77 from 0.303 mm x 0.430 mm to 0.3 1 9
mm x 0.82 mm. Basis capituli with lateral angles mm x 0.448 mm, posterolateral margins very
at about mid-length, acute; porose areas large, mildly sinuous. Eyes at widest point, about
about twice their own diameter apart. Palps a halfway back, very slightly convex. Cervical
little longer than those of male, bluntly rounded grooves short, almost parallel. Ventrally coxae I
apically. Scutum sometimes, but not always, lon­ each with a broadly-rounded spur; coxae II and
ger than broad, the length x breadth ranging III each with broad ridge-like spurs.
from 1 .2 1 mm x 1 . 1 9 mm to 1 . 5 1 mm x 1 .48
mm, margin slightly sinuous posterolaterally. Notes on identification
Eyes slightly convex, edged dorsally by a few All stages of development are remarkably simi­
punctations. Cervical fields broad, slightly de­ lar to those of R. appendiculatus (p. 59) and R.
pressed. Large setiferous punctations present on duttoni (p. 1 46) . In fact on 20 June 1 904
the scapulae, along the external cervical margins Neumann himself wrote personally to C.P.
and scattered sparsely over the rest of the Lounsbury, who had sent the original speci­
scutum, interspersed with minute punctations on mens of R. nitens to him: 'Je vous envoie
the lateral margins and by more numerous me­ aujourd'hui deux travaux sur les Ixodides. Dans
dium-sized punctations medially. Ventrally geni­ les "Notes . . . ", j'ai decrit Rhipicephalus nitens
tal aperture sharply V-shaped. et je le regrette. Je supprime cette espece dans
mon travail d' ensemble pour "Das Tierreich" et
Nymph (Fig. 145) je la fais synonyme de Rh. appendiculatus.' We
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth have no record of any personal reply to this
ranging from 0.25 mm x 0.29 mm to 0.28 statement by Lounsbury but in 1 906 Lounsbury
mm x 0.32 mm. Basis capituli over twice as himself observed: 'The species I know as R.
broad as long, its lateral angles anteriorly placed, nitens may be popularly called "Shiny Brown
short and broad with convex anterolateral mar­ Tick". In a former report I included it under the
gins. Palps constricted basally, otherwise broad, name R. appendiculatus, but drew attention to
overlapping hypostome. Scutum broader than the fact that there were constant differences be­
long, length x breadth ranging from 0.54 tween it and the species proper. It seems
mm x 0.58 mm to 0.62 mm x 0. 70 mm. Eyes at simpler to regard the two as distinct species!'
widest point, at about mid-length, slightly con­ We agree with Lounsbury.
vex. Cervical grooves short, deep and convergent Large males of R. nitens differ from those of
initially, becoming shallower and divergent; cer­ R. appendiculatus in the shape of their shorter,
vical fields broad, but shallow and indistinct. broader basis capituli, the large bulging lateral
Ventrally coxae I each with a short broad internal scutal areas and the shape of their adanal plates.
spur and somewhat narrower external spur; Small males of R. nitens have more clearly de­
coxae II to IV each with an external spur, de­ marcated festoons than the small R. appendi­
creasing in size from II to IV. culatus males. Females of R. nitens have narrow
V-shaped genital apertures whereas those of R.
Larva (Fig. 146) appendiculatus are broadly U-shaped. The
Capitulum usually slightly longer than broad, nymphs and larvae of these two species also dif­
length x breadth ranging from 0. 1 38 mm x fer somewhat in the shape of their basis capituli
0. 1 37 mm to 0. 1 58 mm x 0. 1 54 mm. Basis (see Figs 273 and 274, pp. 603, 604) .
capituli over twice as broad as long, with mere Both Theiler ( 1 964) and later Howell,
indications of lateral angles. Palps slightly con­ Walker & Nevill ( 1 978) erroneously included the
stricted proximally, then widening before they distribution zone of R. nitens in the Eastern and
322 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Western Cape Provinces with that of R. appendi­ that these are R. nitens and think that this tick
culatus on their maps. occurs far more frequently than current collec­
However, in a footnote that was added to her tion records would seem to indicate.
paper in proof, Theiler stated: 'Present-day
( 1 963) findings suggest that this Cape macchia
tick is not the true R. appendiculatus.' We have Zoogeography
therefore added her entries for 'R. appendiculatus'
from the area now known to be occupied by R. Despite the fact that a number of authors have
nitens to our Map 42. Unfortunately, though, recorded this species in other parts of the Afro­
most of the specimens on which her information tropical region (Doss et al., 1 97 4) we believe that
from this area was based no longer exist. R. nitens occurs only in South Africa, where it is
The morphological differences between R. present in the Eastern and Western Cape Prov­
nitens and R. duttoni are discussed on p. 1 5 1 . inces (Map 42) . It is found at altitudes varying
from approximately 200 m to 800 m. Rainfall
varies around 500 mm annually, falling predomi­
Hosts nantly during summer in the east and during
winter in the west of this tick's habitat. All collect­
A three-host species (Protozoology Section Tick ion sites are in Cape shrubland (jynbos), or in the
Breeding Register, Onderstepoort, No. 3867) . proximity of this vegetation type.
Although a few adult ticks have been collected
from dogs (Horak et al., 1 987), the majority of
Disease relationships
collections come from sheep, bontebok, grey
rhebok and scrub hares (Table 38). All stages of
Stoltsz ( 1 994) has demonstrated experimentally
development are present on these hosts (Horak et
that Ehrlichia bovis is acquired by the nymph and
al., 1 986; Horak, Williams & Van Schalkwyk,
subsequently transmitted to cattle by the adults
1 99 1 ) . The single larva collected from a helmet­
of R. nitens. According to Lounsbury ( 1 906) this
ed guineafowl must be considered an accidental
species can also transmit Theileria parva (syn.
infestation. Adult ticks attach mainly around the
Piroplasma parvum) . Large infestations of R.
heads of sheep and antelopes, particularly on the
nitens, exceeding approximately 300 adult ticks,
outer ear and the lower edge of the mandible. On
appear to have led to severe loss of condition and
hares they occur on the ears. The immature
even deaths possibly due to toxicosis among
stages are predominantly present on the lower
springbok in the southern part of the Western
legs and around the feet of sheep and antelopes.
Cape Province (I.G.H., unpublished data) .
The larvae are most abundant from February to
June, nymphs from August to October, and
adults from November to February (Horak et al.,
1 986, 1 99 1 ) . It seems likely that there is only one REFERENCES
life cycle per year.
Horak, LG., Jacot Guillarmod, A., Moolman, L.C. &
With the exception of those from sheep,
De Vos, V. ( 1 987) . Parasites of domestic and
grey rhebok and bontebok, comparatively few
wild animals in South Africa. XXIL Ixodid ticks
collections of R. nitens have been made, particu­
on domestic dogs and on wild carnivores. On­
larly off the domestic livestock that are farmed
derstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 54,
intensively and extensively within this tick's dis­ 573-80.
tribution zone. Numerous ticks have, however, Horak, LG., Sheppey, K., Knight, M.M. & Beuthin,
been seen on the ears and heads of cattle and C.L. ( 1 986) . Parasites of domestic and wild
eland ( Taurotragus oryx) during the months of .
animals in South Africa. XXI Arthropod para­
peak abundance of adult R. nitens. We suspect sites of vaal ribbok, bontebok and scrub hares in
R. oculatus 323

the western Cape Province. Onderstepoort Jour­ RHIPICEPHALUS OCUIA TUS

nal of Veterinary Research, 53, 1 87-97. NEUMANN, 1 90 1
Horak, L G., Williams, E.J. & Van Schalkwyk, P.C.
( 1 99 1 ) . Parasites of domestic and wild animals
The specific name oculatus, from the Latin oculus
in South Africa. XXV. Ixodid ticks on sheep in
meaning 'eye', refers to this species' beady eyes.
the north-eastern Orange Free State and in the
eastern Cape Province. Onderstepoort Journal of
Veterinary Research, 58, 1 1 5-23.
Howell, CJ, Walker, J.B. & Nevill, E.M. ( 1 978).
Ticks, mites and insects infesting domestic animals
A large brown to dark brown tick that in some
in South Africa. 1. Descriptions and biology. [Pre­
toria] : Department of Agricultural Technical respects resembles R. exophthalmos (see pp. 1 72-
Services, Republic of South Africa (Science 1 79) .
Bulletin, no. 393) .
Lounsbury, C.P. ( 1 906) . Ticks and African Coast Male (Figs 1 4 7(a), 148(a) to (c))
Fever. Agricultural Journal, Cape Town, 28, Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
634-54. ranging from 0.70 mm x 0.81 mm to 0.87
mm x 0.99 mm. Basis capituli with acute lateral
Neumann, L. G. ( 1 904) . Notes sur les Ixodides - IL
Archives de Parasitowgie, 8, 444-64.
angles at about anterior third of its length. Palps
Stoltsz, W.H. ( 1 994) . Transmission of Ehrlichia bovis
short, broad, tapering towards their apices. Con­
by Rhipicephalus spp. in South Africa. Journal of
the South African Veterinary Association, 65, 1 5 9. scutum length x breadth ranging from 3.02
Theiler, G. ( 1 964) . XXL Ecogeographical aspects of mm x 1 .95 mm to 3.95 mm x 2.35 mm; large

tick distribution. In Ecological Studies in South­ anterior process present on coxae I. In engorged
ern Africa, Monographiae Biologicae XIV, ed. specimens the body wall bulges considerably
D .H.S. Davis, pp. 284-300. The Hague: Dr.
W. Junk Publishers.
Also see the following Basic Reference (pp. 1 3) : Doss
�· _, _ , OF CONGO
5° 1-----ff--�--t- DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC-------+--i 5°
et al. ( 1 974) .

.�·--·· ···-......

15' l-----'l---=--+-""-"""'��--'--+---i---HLl15'
CJ' '
<M - ' 1
'0 ' /§
/ � i

BOTSWANA,;,.. ·- _, fY
24 ° 1----r-T-"- - -----t--,.,1--
/- \-

35' Rhipicephalus oculatus

Q Type locality (approximate)
• Locality records
0 R. oculatus group


Map 43. Rhipicephalus oculatus: distribution. (After

Keirans et al., 1993, revised).
324 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Figure 147. Rhipicephalus oculatus [collected from scrub hare No. 39 (Lepus saxatilis), Andries Vosloo Kutlu Reserve,
Grahamstown, South Africa, on 24 November 1 986 by LG. Horak] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars
represent 1 mm . A. Olwage del. (From Keirans et al., 1 993, figs 1 8 & 1 9, with kind permission from the Editor,
OnderstepoortJournal of Veterinary Research.)

Table 39. Host records o/Rhipicephalus oculatus

Hosts Number of records

Wild animals
Mountain reedbuck (Reduncafulvorufula) 1 (larvae)
Springhare (Pedetes capensis) 2 (larvae)
Cape hare (Lepus capensis) 20 (including immatures)
Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) 1 02 (including immatures)
'Hare' 9 (including immatures)
Smith's red rock rabbit (Pronolagus rupestris) 1

Helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris) 4 (immatures)
R. oculatus 325

laterally and to a slightly lesser extent posteriorly, anterior to mid-length. Palps narrow proximally,
with only a very small pointed caudal process. then widening before they taper to rounded api­
Eyes submarginal, beady, deeply orbited. Cervi­ ces. Scutum generally broader than long,
cal pits deep; cervical fields shallow, tapering length x breadth ranging from 0.64 mm x 0.69
posteriorly beyond eye level, sometimes inappar­ mm to 0.76 mm x 0.78 mm, posterior margin
ent. Marginal lines deep, punctate, extending an­ deeply curved. Eyes beady, orbited, on scutal
teriorly almost to eye level. Posteromedian and margins immediately anterior to posterolateral
posterolateral grooves well developed, the scutal angles. Internal cervical margins much shorter
areas anterior to the posterolaterals often broadly than the ridge-like external cervical margins,
indented. Punctation pattern dense; some large which almost reach the posterolateral margins of
setiferous punctations scattered on the scapulae, the scutum; cervical fields slightly depressed.
a few along the external cervical margins and Ventrally coxae I each with a long tapering exter­
others scattered medially on the conscutum, in­ nal spur and a short triangular internal spur;
terspersed with finer punctations that are par­ coxae II to IV each with sharp tapering external
ticularly numerous medially and posteromedially spurs only.
but sparser in the indented areas of the con­
scutum parallel to the marginal lines. Legs in­ Larva (Fig. 150)
crease slightly in size from I to IV. Ventrally Capitulum slightly longer than broad, length x
spiracles narrowly elongate with a long dorsal breadth ranging from 0. 1 58 mm x 0. 1 57 mm to
prolongation. Adana} plates large, broadly tri­ 0. 1 8 1 mm x 0. 1 68 mm. Basis capituli about
angular in shape. twice as broad as long; lateral margins converg­
ing slightly posteriorly, curving smoothly to join
Female (Figs 147(b), 148(d) to (j)) the straight posterior margin. Palps constricted
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth proximally, then becoming bulbous before taper­
ranging from 0.85 mm x 0.91 mm to 0.90 ing gently to their bluntly-rounded apices.
mm x 1 .03 mm. Basis capituli with acute lateral Scutum much broader than long, length x
angles at about mid-length; porose areas subcir­ breadth ranging from 0.334 mm x 0.440 mm to
cular, about twice their own diameter apart. 0.379 mm x 0.484 mm; posterior margin a
Palps broad, smoothly rounded apically. Scutum smooth, moderately deep curve. Eyes immedi­
longer than broad, length x breadth ranging ately anterior to posterolateral scutal angles,
from 1 .62 mm x 1 . 50 mm to 1 .9 1 mm x 1 .86 large, transversely ovoid with inner sides bulging,
mm. Eyes submarginal, beady, deeply orbited. partially orbited. Cervical grooves short, parallel.
Cervical pits deep; cervical fields almost parallel Ventrally coxae I each with a moderately long,
sided, extending nearly to posterolateral margins pointed internal spur; coxae II each broadly sali­
of scutum. Large setiferous punctations present ent posteriorly; coxae III each with a moderately
on the scapulae, often along the ridge-like exter­ long pointed spur.
nal cervical margins and scattered medially
among the dense slightly smaller punctations; Notes on identification
lateral areas of scutum much more sparsely Care must be taken to differentiate R. oculatus
punctate. Ventrally genital aperture V-shaped, from R. exophthalmos, with which it was confused
the genital apron depressed. for many years (Keirans et al., 1 993), particularly
as they may be found in mixed infestations on
Nymph (Fig. 149) hares (see p. 329) . Neumann ( 1 9 0 1 ) described
Capitulum much broader than long, length x R. oculatus from 2 66, 2 SflSfl collected in Damara­
breadth ranging from 0.28 mm x 0.36 mm to land, Namibia, and 1 Sfl from a bovine at Kilossa
0.35 mm x 0.42 mm. Basis capituli about three ( = Kilosa, Tanzania) . Of these only 1 6, 1 Sfl
times as broad as long, lateral angles short, acute, from Namibia (Zoological Museum, Berlin
326 1Jro tropical species
Acco1mts oifind·tvi.dualA1; .
R. oculatus 327

Figure 149 (above). Rhipicephalw oculatus [collected from scn.ib hare No. 28 (Lepus $axaiilis), Andries Vosloo Kudu
Reserve, Graha.mstown, South Africa, on l 9 June 1986 by J.G. Horak). Nymph: (a) capitu.lum, dorsal; (b) capitulum,
ventral; (c) scurum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by J.F. Punerill. (From Keirans et al., 1993, figs
26-29, with kind permission from the Editor, Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary ReseaN;h.)

Figure 148 (of>Posite). Rhipicephaius oculatus (collected from scrub hare No. 1 2 (Lepus saxatilis), Andries Vosloo Kudu
Reserve, Grahamstown, South Africa, on 18 August 1985 by I. G. Horak.I . Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c)
adanal plates. Female: (d) capirulum, dorsal; (e) scapular area; (f) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0.10 nun. SEMs
by J.F. Punerill. (From Keirans et al., 1993, figs 20-25, with kind permission from the Editor, OmierstepoortJoumal of
Veterinary Research.)
328 Accounts ofindi.vidual Afrocropical species

Figure 1 50. Rhipic.ephalus cculatus [collected from scrub hare No. 28 (Lepus saxatilis), Andries Vosloo Kudu Reserve,
Grahamstown, South Africa, on 1 9 June 1986 by I.G. Horak). Lan'a: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) capirulum, ventral; (c)
scurum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represem 0.10 mm. SEMs by J.F. Punerill. (From Keirans et al., 1993, figs 30-33, with
kind permission from the Editor, Ondemepoort]()Umalof Veterinary Research.)

17613, 17614) still ex.ist (Moritz & Fischer, The morphological differences between R.
1981). The Kilosa specimen was probably R. oculatus and R. exophthalrrws are listed briefly on
pravus; we have no evidence that R. oculatus oc­ p. 178.
curs in East Africa. Two reports of this species
exist from western Zambia and one from Zim­
babwe (Theiler & Robinson: 1953; Theiler, Hosts
1962) but unfortunately these specimens have
apparently also been lost. Neither Norval (1985) This species has not as yet been reared in the
nor we know of any other records of R. oculatu.s laboratory. Its seasonal activity pattern indi cates
from these two countries. that it is a three-host species (Horak & Fourie>
R. oculatus 329

1 99 1 ) . Cape hares and scrub hares are the pre­ State. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Re­
ferred hosts of all stages of development (Table search, 58, 26 1-70.
39) . There are marked differences in the preva­ Horak, LG., Fourie, L.J., Novellie, P.A. & Williams,
lence of infestations on hares and Smith's red E.J. ( 1 99 1 ) . Parasites of domestic and wild ani­
mals in South Africa. XXVI. The mosaic of
rock rabbits. Only one rock rabbit out of 28
ixodid tick infestations on birds and mammals in
examined in the Mountain Zebra National Park,
the Mountain Zebra National Park. Onder­
South Africa, was infested, while 1 9 out of 26
stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 58, 1 25-
scrub hares sampled at the same locality and at 36.
the same times harboured this species (Horak et Keirans, J.E., Walker, J.B., Horak, LG. & Heyne, H.
al., 1 99 1 ) . The hares' ears are the predilection ( 1 993) . Rhipicephalus exophthalmos sp. nov., a
site of attachment for adult ticks. new tick species from southern Africa, and a
Only one life cycle per year seems probable redescription of Rhipicephalus oculatus
as each of the parasitic life stages has a discrete Neumann, 1 90 1 , with which it has hitherto been
period of seasonal occurrence. The larvae are confused (Acari: Ixodida: Ixodidae) . Onder­
most numerous from March to July, the nymphs stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 60, 229-
from May to September and the adults from 46.
Neumann, L.G. ( 1 90 1 ) . Revision de la famille de
August to December (Horak & Fourie, 1 99 1 ) .
ixodides. (4e Memoire) . Memoires de la Socihe
Zoologique de France, 14, 249-372.
Zoogeography Norval, RA.I. ( 1 985) . The ticks of Zimbabwe. XII.
The lesser known Rhipicephalus species. Zim­

There are confirmed records of R. oculatus from babwe Veterinary Journal, 16, 37-43.
Theiler, G. & Robinson, B.N. ( 1 953). Ticks in the
South Africa and Namibia plus unconfirmed re­
South African Zoological Survey Collection.
cords from Angola and Botswana (Map 43) .
Part VII. Six lesser known African
Most collections have been made at altitudes rhipicephalids. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterin­
ranging from 300 m to 800 m in semi-arid to arid ary Research, 26, 93-1 36 + 1 map.
areas with annual rainfalls of 200 mm to 500 Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14):
mm. The vegetation in these areas ranges from Moritz & Fischer ( 1 98 1 ) ; Theiler ( 1 962) .
evergreen and semi-evergreen bushland and
thicket in the south-east through semi-desert
types of montane, grassy, bushy and dwarf
Karoo shrubland and the wooded grassland and
deciduous bushland of the Kalahari to the Namib
Desert in the north-west of the tick's distribution

Disease relationships



Horak, LG. & Fourie, L.J. ( 1 9 9 1 ) . Parasites of domes­

tic and wild animals in South Africa. XXIX.
Ixodid ticks on hares in the Cape Province and
on hares and red rock rabbits in the Orange Free
330 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

RHIPICEPHALUS OREO TRAGI otized. Eyes slightly convex, delimited dorsally

WALKER & HORAK, SP. NO V. by a few medium-sized setiferous punctations.
Cervical pits deep, discrete. External margins of
This species is named after the only host from cervical fields indicated by rows of large discrete
which it has been collected thus far, the klipsprin­ setiferous punctations that continue past the eyes
ger (Oreotragus oreotragus) . and mark the positions of the marginal lines.
Posteromedian groove short, somewhat spindle­
shaped; posterolateral grooves small, round. A
Diagnosis few medium-sized setiferous punctations scat­
tered on scapulae and anteromedially on the con­
A small lightly punctate yellowish-brown tick; scutum, becoming larger and more numerous
females with a characteristically long narrow towards the posterior end of the conscutum,
scutum. Punctations always discrete. where they encircle the posterior grooves. A few
minute punctations scattered among the larger
Male (Figs JSJ(a), 152(a) to (c)) elements but in general the conscutum looks
Capitulum slightly broader than long, smooth and shiny. Ventrally spiracles broad,
length x breadth ranging from 0.44 mm x 0.45 tapering rather abruptly to a short gently-curved
mm to 0.54 mm x 0.55 mm . Basis capituli with dorsal prolongation. Adana! plates broad, their
short acute lateral angles at anterior third of its external margins slightly curved, their internal
length. Palps short, broad, almost flat apically. margins scooped out just posterior to the anus,
Conscutum length x breadth ranging from 2.02 their posterior margins smoothly rounded; ac­
mm x 1 .25 mm to 2 . 6 1 mm x 1 .62 mm; anter­ cessory adanal plates large, pointed, well scler­
ior process of coxae I fairly small but well scler- otized.

Figure 1 5 1 . Rhipicephalus oreotragiWalker & Horak, sp. nov. [Onderstepoort Tick Collection 3 145ii, paratypes, collected
from klipspringer ( Oreotragus oreotragus), Sentinel Ranch, 70 km W. of Beit Bridge, Zimbabwe, on 4 July 1 992] . (a) Male,
dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.
R. oreotragi 331

1 a0 24° 30° 36° Holotype

� \, ZIMBABWE f fy 6 collected from klipspringer ( Oreotragus oreo­
NAMIBIA Ii"- <M '··, / � tragus), Sentinel Ranch, 70 km west of Beit
BOTSWANA ' ·• /·"'"$
' 'T - /.ov
j " -\
Bridge, Zimbabwe, on 4 July 1 992, deposited in
24•,I�--+-+---+--i----�.::T Onderstepoort Tick Collection 3 1 45i.
e, •:

SOUTH AFRICI} , I - Allotype
so0 ¥, data as above.

00' Paratypes
S6'K-::�--�----"-i----i--- &"'
,j,j, ¥¥ data as above, deposited in Onder­
Rhipicephalus oreotragi <?' S60 stepoort Tick Collection 3 1 45ii; 2 ,j,j, 2 ¥¥, data
* Type locality as above, deposited in the United States National
• Locality records
Tick Collection, RML 1 22748; 2 66, 2 ¥¥, data
12° 1 a0 so0 S6° as above, deposited in The Natural History Mu­
seum, London.
Map 44. Rhipicephalus oreotragiWalker & Horak, sp. nov.:
Notes on identification
After examining the ticks collected by Dr F.
Zumpt during December 1 95 7 from a klipsprin­
Female (Figs 151(b)) 152(d) to (j)) ger in Botswana, Gertrud Theiler (unpublished
Capitulum broader than long) length x breadth data) noted that these were 'R. simus (with a
ranging from 0.50 mm x 0.56 mm to 0.67 difference) '. Later Baker & Keep ( 1 970) identifi­
mm x 0. 73 mm. Basis capituli with long acutely­ ed ticks that they had taken from a klipspringer in
pointed lateral angles just anterior to mid-length; KwaZulu-Natal as R. simpsoni. Walker ( 1 99 1 )
porose areas small, oval, three times their own thought the latter ticks could b e R . distinctus, but
diameter apart. Palps longer than those of the we now think that they are R. oreotragi (see above
male, with article III more-or-less wedge-shaped. under R. distinctus, p. 1 38) .
Scutum longer than broad, length x breadth
ranging from 1 .04 mm x 0.9 1 mm to 1 . 52
mm x 1 . 30 mm; posterior margin a deep slightly
sinuous curve. Eyes at about mid-length, slightly
Life cycle undetermined but it is assumed to be a
convex, delimited dorsally by a few medium­
three-host species. The only animals from which
sized setiferous punctations. Cervical pits long,
adult ticks have been collected are klipspringer.
convergent; cervical fields long, their internal
Collections for which the dates were recorded
margins inconspicuous, their external margins
were made during April, July, September and
indicated by long rows oflarge discrete setiferous
punctations. A few medium-sized setiferous
punctations scattered on scapulae and medially
on scutum, interspersed with numerous very fine Zoogeography
punctations. Ventrally genital aperture broadly
U-shaped. Collections have been made in Zimbabwe and
Botswana as well as in the Mpumalanga and
Nymph and larva KwaZulu-Natal Provinces of South Africa (Map
Unknown. 44) . As klipspringer appear to be the only hosts
of adult R. oreotragi its distribution is likely to be
the same as that of this animal. It will thus be
332 Accounts ofndividiwl
i Afrotropical species
R. planus 333

discontinuous and associated with rocky hills or RHIPICEPHALUS PIANUS

outcrops, gorges with rocky sides or mountain­ NEUMANN, 1 907
ous areas with krantzes, all habitats favoured by
klipspringer (Skinner & Smithers, 1 990) . The Latin word planus, meaning 'flat, level,
even', doubtless refers to the appearance of the
Disease relationships scutum, especially in the male.

Unknown. Synonym

reichenowi; simus planus.

Baker, M.K. & Keep, M.E. ( 1 970) . Checklist of the
ticks found on the larger game animals in the A moderate-sized dark reddish-brown to almost
Natal game reserves. Lammergeyer, No. 12, 4 1-
black tick whose males have a flat to slightly
concave conscutum.
Walker, J.B. ( 1 99 1 ) . A review of the ixodid ticks
(Acari, Ixodidae) occurring in southern Africa.
OnderstepoortJournal of Veterinary Research, 58,
8 1-105.
Also see the following Basic Reference (p. 1 4) : Skin­
ner & Smithers ( 1 990) .

Figure 1 52 (opposite) . Rhipicephalus oreotragi Walker &

Horak, sp. nov. [Onderstepoort Tick Collection 31 45ii,
collected from klipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragus), Sen­ Rhipicephalus planus
° * Type locality
tinel Ranch, 70 km W. of Beit Bridge, Zimbabwe, on 4
- __J
•_L_ lit�
oca_ rd s
c_ _
July 1992] . Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) -; _
'---- y�
re_ 30

adanal plates. Female: (d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scutum;

(f) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0 . 1 0 mm. SEMs
by J.F. Putterill. Map 45. Rhipicephalus planus: distribution.
334 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species


...,-·•=·v· ���

. . .., , ·


Figure 1 53 . Rhipicephalus planus [collected from warthog (Phacochoerus africanus), Langata, Kenya, on 4 October 1 955
by L.S.B. Leakey] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage de!.

Table 40. Host records ofRhipicephalus planus

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 6

Wild animals
Side-striped jackal (Canis adustus)
African elephant (Loxodonta africana) 1
Aardvark ( Orycteropus afer)
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 9
Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus) 15
'Wild pig' 1
Impala (Aepyceros melampus) 1
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 6
Common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia)
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus)
Striped grass rat (Lemniscomys striatus) 1 (nymphs)
South African porcupine (Hystrix africaeaustralis) 2
Crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata)
'Porcupine' 2
Cape hare (Lepus capensis) 1 (larvae)

Humans 4
R. planus 335

Male (Figs 153(a), 154(a) to (c)) sized setiferous punctations. Cervical fields
Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth broad, depressed, their external margins usually
ranging from 0.52 mm x 0.50 mm to 1 .00 sharp and delimited by rows of large setiferous
mm x 0.85 mm. Basis capituli with short sharp punctations. Setiferous punctations on scapulae
lateral angles at about anterior third of its length. and anteromedially on the scutum moderate­
Palps broadly rounded apically. Conscutum sized, sharp-edged, becoming larger and shal­
characteristically flat to slightly concave medially, lower, with more rounded edges, further back.
length x breadth ranging from 2 .68 mm x 1 .84 Minute interstitial punctations scattered all over
mm to 3 .65 mm x 2.60 mm; anterior process of the scutum, but sometimes barely visible. Ven­
coxae I inconspicuous. In engorged males body trally genital aperture tripartite in appearance,
wall expanded posterolaterally and forming a with the narrow central area flanked on each
short blunt caudal process posteromedially. Eyes side by a rounded depression.
almost flat, sometimes edged dorsally by a few
moderate-sized setiferous punctations. Cervical Nymph (Fig. 1 55)
pits deep, and only external margins of cervical Capitulum much broader than long and almost
fields marked by rows of punctations. Marginal triangular in general appearance,
lines long, shallow, conspicuous, their outer edges length x breadth ranging from 0.25 mm x 0.38
sharp, their inner edges rounded, picked out with mm to 0.28 mm x 0.41 mm. Basis capituli with
large setiferous punctations. Posteromedian long tapering lateral angles posteriorly, and
groove usually present but often rather indistinct; sometimes small cornua; ventrally with small
posterolateral grooves often absent, sometimes sharp spurs on posterior border. Palps long, very
just indicated. Setiferous punctations on scap­ slender, tapering to narrowly-rounded apices, in­
ulae, along external cervical margins and ante­ clined inwards. Scutum usually longer than
romedially on conscutum moderate-sized, sharp­ broad, length x breadth ranging from 0.55
edged. Medially, on the flattened to sunken area mm x 0.50 mm to 0.59 mm x 0.57 mm ; pos­
of the conscutum, the setiferous punctations are terior margin a broad smooth curve. Eyes at
larger and shallower, with more rounded edges. widest point, well over halfway back, long, nar­
Minute interstitial punctations may be present all row, delimited dorsally by shallow grooves. Cer­
over the conscutum but are usually virtually invis­ vical fields long, narrow, divergent, their internal
ible. Ventrally spiracles broad, with a short pro­ margins deeper than their external margins. Ven­
longation angled towards the dorsal surface. trally coxae I each with a relatively long narrow
Adana! plates almost sickle-shaped, their internal external spur and a shorter broader internal spur;
margins concave, their posterior margins broadly coxae II and III each with a small external spur
rounded; accessory adanal plates small, pointed. but no spur on coxae IV.

Female (Figs 153(b), 1 54(d) to (j)) Larva (Fig. 15 6)

Capitulum as broad as long, length x breadth Capitulum much broader than long, length x
ranging from 0.60 mm x 0.60 mm to 0.95 breadth ranging from 0. 1 28 mm x 0. 1 68 mm to
mm x 0.95 mm. Basis capituli with acute lateral 0. 1 34 mm x 0. 1 70 mm. Basis capituli nearly
angles at about mid-length; porose areas oval, three times as broad as long, virtually hexagonal
sometimes over twice their own diameter apart, in general shape with broad pointed lateral angles
sometimes closer together. Palps broadly over halfway back. Palps long, slender, tapering
rounded apically. Scutum broader than long, to narrowly-rounded apices, inclined inwards.
length x breadth ranging from 1 . 1 0 mm x 1 .25 Scutum much broader than long, length x
mm to 1 .70 mm x 2 .00 mm; posterior margin breadth ranging from 0.237 mm x 0.325 mm to
sinuous. Eyes about halfway back, almost flat, 0.254 mm x 0.354 mm; posterior margin a
sometimes edged dorsally by a few moderate- broad shallow curve. Eyes at widest point, well
336 Accoums of individual A/rotrcpical rpecies
R. planus 337

Figure 155 (ah<>ve) . Rhipicephakis pkmus (B.S. 720/-, labo ratory reared, strain originating from ticks collected from
humans and vegetation in forest on banks of Magumira River, north ofTengeru, near Arusha, Tanzania, in August 1956
by H. Hoogsttaal, G.M. Kohls, G. Theiler & S. Gaber). Nymph: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c)
scurum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 .mm. SEMs by J.F. Puneril.I.

Figure 154 (opposiu). Rhipicepkalus planus (B.S 720/-, Laboratory reared, strain originating from ticks collected from
humans and vegetation in forest on banks of Magum.ira River, north ofTengeru, near Arnsha, Tanzania, in August 1956
by H. HoogsttaaJ, G.M. Kohls, G. Theiler & S. Gaber) . Male: (a) capiru.lwn, dorsal; (b) spir:icle; (c) adanal plates.
Female: (d) capiculum, dorsal; (e) scurum; (f) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0 . 1 0 mm. SEMs by J.F. Putterill.
338 Accounts of individual Afrotrcpical species

Figuxe 156. Rhpicephalus

i planus (B.S. 720{-, labora(ory reared, strain originating from licks collected from humans and
vegetation in forest on banks of Magumira River, north of Tengeru, near Arusha, Tanzania, in August 1956 by H.
Hoogscraal, G.M. Kohls, G. Theiler& S. Gaber). Larva: (a) capitulwn, dorsal; (b) capiculum, ventral; (c) scurum; (d)
coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by J.F. Putterill.

over halfway back, large, almost fiat. Cervical time he sank R. reiclzenowi Zumpt, 1 943 as a
grooves shallow, extending back for about half of junior synonym of R. planus. We have examined
scutal length. Ventrally coxae I each with a large a male tick labelled 'Rhipicephalus simus planw,
triangular spur; coxae II and ITl each with a small Kilimanjaro. Meru Sjostedt 1905-06> cotype,
triangular spur. auth. det.', deposited in the Museum National
d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, and support Morel's
Notes on Uientijicatum findings regarding this species.
This species, which was originally described as Morel ( 1980) also re-identified as R. pl.anus
R. simus planus by Neumann ( 1 907), was raised two females collected from an African elephant,
to specific rank by Morel ( l 980). At the same Guranni River, Kenya, that had been listed as R.
R. planus 339

ecinctus by Neumann ( 1 922) . However, he re­ land, Somali-Masai bushland and thicket and
identified as R. bequaerti a free-living female col­ various types of woodland.
lected between the Amboni and Naromoru
Rivers, Kenya, and originally recorded as R. Disease relationships
planus by Neumann ( 1 9 1 3) .
A three-host species (Walker, 1 966, as R.
reichenowt) . The only domestic animals on which Berggren, S.A. ( 1 978) . Cattle ticks in Malawi. Veterin­
R. planus adults have been found thus far are ary Parasitology, 4, 289-97.
cattle. Amongst wild animals adults have been Clifford, C.M., Flux, ].E.C. & Hoogstraal, H. ( 1 976) .
recorded most commonly from bushpigs, wart­ Seasonal and regional abundance of ticks
(lxodidae) on hares (Leporidae) in Kenya.
hogs, African buffaloes and also porcupines
Journal ofMedical Entomology, 1 3, 40-7.
(Table 40) . The source of the record given by
Garnham, P.C.C. ( 1 957) . Trees, ticks and monkeys:
Morel ( 1 980) from hedgehogs is unknown. The
further attempts to discover the invertebrate
record from zebras quoted by Walker ( 1 966) and host of Hepatocystis kochi. Zeitschriftfiir Tropen­
Morel is now thought to refer to R. zumpti. Its medizin und Parasitologie, 8, 9 1 -6.
attachment sites on these hosts have not been Neumann, LG. ( 1 907) . Ixodidae. In Wissenschaftliche
recorded. Apart from June adults were collected Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Zoologischen Expedi­
throughout the year, especially in July and Au­ tion nach dem Kilimandjaro, dem Meru und den
gust. umgebenden Massaisteppen, Deutsch-Ostafrikas
The few records presently available indi­ 1 905-1 906 (Sjostedt), 3, Abteilung 20: Arach­
cate that the immature stages parasitize small noidea, (2), 1 7-30. Stockholm, Uppsala: Alm­
animals. Besides the two nymphs found on a qvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri-A-B.
Neumann, L.G. ( 1 9 1 3) . Ixodidae. In Voyage de Ch.
striped grass rat eight nymphs, plus a male, were
Alluaud et R. Jeanne[ en Afrique orientale (1 91 1-
collected from the refuse surrounding a nest,
12). Resultats Scientifiques. Arachnida, II, 23-3 5 .
probably that of a squirrel, and one from an
Paris: A . Schulz.
eagle's nest (Garnham, 1 957, listed as members Neumann, L.G. ( 1 922) . Acariens: Ixodidae. In Voy­
of the R. simus group) . The latter may simply age de M. le Baron Maurice de Rothschild en
have fallen from a prey animal brought to its nest Ethiopie et en Afrique Orientale Anglaise (1 904-
by the eagle. About 1 00 larvae were collected 1 905). Resultats Scientifiques, I, 1 08-2 5 . Paris:
from a Cape hare (Clifford, Flux & Hoogstraal, Imprimerie Nationale.
1 976) . Norval, RA.I. ( 1 985) . The ticks of Zimbabwe. XII.
The lesser known Rhipicephalus species. Zim­
babwe Veterinary Journal, 1 6, 37-43.
Zoogeography Walker, J.B. ( 1 966) . Rhipicephalus reichenowi Zumpt,
1 943: a re-description of the male and female
Rhipicephalus planus has been recorded in eastern and descriptions of the nymph and larva, to­
and central Africa from Ethiopia southwards to gether with an account of its known hosts and
eastern Zimbabwe (Berggren, 1 978; Norval, biology. Parasitology, 56, 457-69.
1 985) (Map 45) . The ecological conditions in Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2- 1 4) :
the different places where it has been found vary Clifford & Anastos ( 1 962); Elbl & Anastos
( 1 966); Morel ( 1 980); Santos Dias ( 1 960);
considerably (Morel, 1 980) . The altitudes range
Walker ( 1 974); Yeoman & Walker ( 1 967) .
from about 300 m up to 2200 m, with rainfalls
from some 500 mm to over 1 000 mm annually,
in montane grassland, wooded or bushed grass-
340 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

RHIPICEPHALUS PRAETEXTA TUS 4.67 mm x 3 . 1 9 mm; anterior process of coxae I

GERSTACKER, 1 873 small. In engorged specimens a single short blunt
caudal process formed. Eyes flat, sometimes
This specific name, a Latin term meaning 'bor­ edged dorsally by a few medium-sized setiferous
dered', is apparently based on Gerstacker's state­ punctations. Cervical pits comma-shaped, dis­
ment in his original description that the type male crete. Marginal lines shallow, outlined and con­
has a narrow white margin posteriorly (. . . tinued anteriorly by a few medium-sized setifer­
retrorsum anguste albo-marginato . . . ) . We be­ ous punctations. Posterior grooves, when
lieve that this is an artifact, visible only because present, inconspicuous. A few medium-sized
this tick is a dry pinned specimen. punctations present on the scapulae, along the
external cervical margins and in the 'simus' pat­
tern of four irregular rows medially on the con­
Diagnosis scutum; interstitial punctations either discrete
and minute or absent. Ventrally spiracles large,
A moderate-sized glossy brown to dark brown with a broad prolongation curving gently to­
tick. wards the dorsal surface. Adanal plates broad,
their inner margins slightly concave, their pos­
Male (Figs 1 57(a), 1 58(a) to (c)) terior margins smoothly rounded; accessory
Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth adanal plates pointed, well sclerotized.
ranging from 0.67 mm x 0.62 mm to 1 .04
mm x 0.97 mm. Basis capituli with short acute
lateral angles at about mid-length. Palps some­ Female (Figs 157(b), 1 58(d) to (j))
what flattened apically. Conscutum length x Capitulum slightly longer than broad,
breadth ranging from 2.96 mm x 2.00 mm to length x breadth ranging from 0 . 7 1 mm x 0.69

Figure 1 57. Rhipicephalus praetextatus (B.S.86/-, laboratory reared, original <i2 collected from calf, Kijabe, Kenya, on 1 7
May 1 950 by R . Stevens) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.
R. praetextatus 341

large sha llow setiferous punctalions. A few
somewhat smaller setiferous punctacions present
on the scapulae and scattered medially on the
scurum but interstitial punctations either very
Lighc or absent. Ventrally genital aperture a trun·
cated U-shape, ctiverging slightly anteri orly>
sclerotized margins absent.


· · r· Nymph (Hg. 159)
Capitulum much broad� than long> length x
breadth ranging from 0.24 mm x 0.34 mm to
0.25 mm x 0.37 mm. Basis capjtuli nearly four
times as broad as long, with long tapering lateral
angles extending over the scapulae; ventrally
with sharp, rather slender, spurs on the posterior
margin. Palp s narrow, slightly curved, almost
equal n
i width throughout their length, their api­
ces broadly rounded, inclined inwards. Scutum
broader than long, length x breadth ranging
from 0.47 mm x 0.54 mm to 0.49 mm x 0.S9
mm; posterio"t'. rn.argin a broad smooth curve.
Eyes at widest point, well over halfway back, long
and narrow, delimited dorsally by slight depress­
ions. Cervical fields long, narrow, dive�ent, in­
conspicuous. Ventrally coxae I each with two
broad bluntly-rounded spurs, almost equal in
Rhipicephaff.IS praetext3tu$
• 'Typ<11ooe.lily length; cox.ae Il to IV each with a broad shallow
• lOQl.ily (e(:Of�
4> l..Oeai!'( •e<x>rds (presumed) external spur, decreasing progressively in size.
£s.11m.o\e<I ovoratt distnllu1iM
(a!te• P�am. 1984)
Laroa (Fig. 160)
Capitu..lum much broader di.an long> le.ngth x
Map 46. Rhipicephalus praetexr.atus: distribution,
breadlh ranging from 0.1 14 mm x 0.148 mm
to 0 . 1 2 1 oun x
0.152 nun. Basis capituli over
chree times as broad as long, with shon slightly
mm to 0.97 mm x 0.92 mm . Basis capiruli with forwardly-directed Jaceral angles, poscerior mar­
acute lateral angles at abou c mid-length; porose gin almost straight. PaJps broad, tapering slight­
areas medium-sized, about 1 . 5 times their cwn ly ro their apices, extemat margins gently cur­
diameter apart. Palps with article I long, easily ved, inclined inwards. Scururo much broader
visible from the dorsal surface. Scurum slightly than lon g, length x breadth ranging from 0.219
broader than long, usually almost flat and glossy, mm x 0.356 mm to 0.223 mm x 0.370 mm;
length x breadth ranging from l .46 mm x 1.51 posterior ma.rgio a broad shallow curve. Eyes at
mm to 1 .95 mm x 1.99 mm; poscerior margin a widest point, weU over halfway back, del.icnjted
broad> fairly shallow cwve. Eyes at mid-length, dorsally by faint depressions. Cervical grooves
almost flat, edged dorsally by a few medium­ short, slightly convergent. Ventrally coxae l each
sized setiferous punccations. Cervical grooves with a smaU sharp spur, coxae II and ID each
short; cervical fields broad, onJy slightly depress­ with a small bluntly-rounded spur, that on coxae
ed, their external margins ddimited by a few m being barely discernible.
342 Accounts of indivUJual Afrotropical species
R. praetextatus 343

Figure 159 (above). Rhi/7icephalm praetex1a1us (L67, laboratory reared, original <;> collected from sheep, Egypt, date of
collection and collector unknown). Nymph: (a) capirulurn, dorsal; (b) capitulum, vencral; (c) scurum; (d) coxae. Scale
ban represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwill. (Figs (a), (c) & (d) from Pegram et al., 1987, figs 16-18, with kind
penn.ission from the Entornologjcal Society of A..rno:ri
: e11) .

Figure 158 (opposiJe). Rhipiceph.a!u.s prae1extatU$ (L67, laboratory r<:artd, original � coll�ted from sheep, Egypt, dace of
coUection and collector unknown). Male: (a) caoitulwn, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) capiculum,
dorsal; (e) scutum; <0 geoiteJ ape.rrur<:. Scale bars represel\t ().10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin. (Figure (c) from Pegram
et al , 1987, fig. 21, with kind perm.issi<)n from the El\tomologica.I Sociecy ofAmerica).
344 Account.s of ndividual
i AfrotrQf>ical species

Figure 160. Rhipiceplialus pra.e1extat11s (L6 7, laboratory reared, original � collected from sheep, Egypt, date of collection
and collector W'.known). Larva: (a) capitulwn, doI1'ai; (b) capitulum, ven11al; (c) srutum; (d) coxac. Scale barsrepresem
0.10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.

Notes on identification comprise those from Ethiopia (Pegram. 1979, as

Neumann (1897) synonym.ized R. pmetextatus R. simus; Pegram, HoogstraaJ & Wassef, 1 98 l, as
with R. simus and, as a result, it features in much R. simus; Pegram el al., 1987; Morel, 1980, as R.
of the literature on African ticks under the latter simus); Somalia (Mord, 1969; Pegram, 1 976, as
name. It was redescribed as R. sirnus (eastern R. simus); the Yemen (Pegram, Hoogscraal &
Africa) by Pegram ( 19 84), and three years later Wassef, 1982) and Uganda (Matthysse & Colbo,
the name R. praetextatus was formally resurrec­ 1987, though they note that their records could
ted for th.is taxon (Pegram et al., 1987). possibly n
i clude some of R. muhsamae) . To these
In the following account of the hosts and we bave added unconfirmed records listed as R.
distribution of R. praetextatus we have included simus from Kenya (Walker, 1974) and Tanzania
as mu ch information as possible that we present­ (Yeoman & Walker, 1967, excluding as far as
ly th.ink refers to this species. Confinned records possible records of 'very heavily punctate' speci-
R. praetextatus 345

mens from the western and south-western part of Tanzania. It has also been introduced into the
the country. See R. muhsamae, p. 303) . Yemen (Map 46) .
We have omitted from this analysis the re­ Existing information suggests that it is the
cords of R. simus listed by Hoogstraal ( 1 956) only member of the closely related trio that in­
from the Sudan, where both R. muhsamae and R. cludes R. muhsamae and R. simus occurring in
praetextatus occur, and by Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966) Kenya, Somalia and the Yemen. In a few parts of
from the Democratic Republic of Congo, where the southern Sudan, Ethiopia and western
we feel that any of these three R. simus group Uganda, though, R. muhsamae has also been re­
species may be present in different areas. corded and these two species can easily be confus­
ed. There is a further problem in Tanzania where,
mainly in the extreme western and south-western
parts of the country, Yeoman & Walker ( 1 967)
reported the presence in some collections of 'very
A three-host species (Lewis, 1 932, as R. simus) .
heavily punctate' specimens of the ticks they were
Present indications are that R. praetextatus has a
then calling 'R. simus'. Morel ( 1 980) postulated
wide range of both domestic and wild hosts
that these might also be R. muhsamae but Pegram
(Table 4 1 ) . Its adults have been recorded from
( 1 984) considered that: 'This probably conforms
many wild carnivores, especially canids, and lions
to the southern African form', i.e. R. simus sensu
and leopards, and from numerous ungulates, par­
stricto. Later Pegram et al. ( 1 987) observed: 'We
ticularly the wild suids and the African buffalo,
have seen typical R. muhsamae from Ankole Prov­
also from porcupines. The immature stages feed
ince, Uganda, which borders on both Rwanda
primarily on the smaller burrowing and nest-in­
and north-western Tanzania. We, therefore,
habiting rodents, rarely on domestic livestock.
agree with Morel's suggestion on zoogeographi­
Pegram ( 1 984, who referred to it as R.
cal grounds, but we emphasize that reexamina­
simus (eastern Africa)), noted that on cattle it
tion ofthe Tanzanian ticks is essential to settle the
commonly occurs 'in light to moderate infesta­
matter'. This problem has not as yet been resol­
tions' . The two highest counts from individual
ved, nor has it been determined exactly how far
cattle in Ethiopia were 84 and 69 ticks respective­
westwards and southwards the distribution of R.
ly, while in Tanzania the maximum single infes­
praetextatus extends. It is worth noting that its
tation on a bovine was only 28. In Egypt and the
absence from two large areas in western and
Yemen cattle and camels were evidently equally
south-eastern Tanzania may be apparent rather
favoured as hosts: the highest single infestation
than real. Both are tsetse infested and few tick
on a Yemeni camel was 68 adult ticks. On cattle
collections have been obtained from cattle there.
the tail brush and feet are the most commonly
Rhipicephalus praetextatus occurs in a wide
recorded attachment sites, but on Yemeni cattle
range of ecological conditions, from semi-arid
it often attached on other parts of the body as
habitats with a mean annual rainfall of c. 250 mm
well. Sheep and goats are less frequently infested,
through tropical and subtropical savanna to
and only by very small numbers of ticks: in Tan­
wooded highland areas with a mean annual rain­
zania the maximum single infestation on a sheep
fall of c. 1 500 mm. Wherever it occurs its adults
was only two adult ticks and on a goat four
are apparently most active during the rainy sea­

Disease relationships
Rhipicephalus praetextatus has been identified in
collections made in Egypt, Ethiopia, Somalia and Rhipicephalus praetextatus can transmit Nairobi
Uganda, and it is thought to be widespread in sheep disease virus, though it is not regarded as the
many parts of north-eastern Africa from Egypt to most important vector (Lewis, 1 949, as R. simus) .
346 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

Table 4 1 . Host records o/Rhipicephalus praetextatus

Number of records

Hosts Confirmed Unconfirmed

Domestic animals
Cattle 151 469
Sheep 52
Goats 27
Sheep & goats (pooled collections) 38
Camels 37 21
Horses 3
Donkeys 3
Dogs 4 54
Cats 1

Wild animals
Somali hedgehog (Atelerix sclateri) 1
Vervet monkey (Chlorocebus aethiops) 3
'Baboon' (Papio sp.) 2
Side-striped jackal (Canis adustus) 3
Golden jackal (Canis aureus) 2
Black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) 4
'Jackal' (Canis sp.) 11
Hunting dog (Lycaon pictus) 6
Bat-eared fox ( Otocyon megalotis) 4
Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) 6
Caracal ( Caracal caraca[) 1
African wild cat (Pelis lybica)
Serva! (Leptailurus serva[)
Lion (Panthera leo) 37
Leopard (Panthera pardus) 10
Marsh mongoose (Atilax paludinosus) 1
White-tailed mongoose (Ichneumia albicauda) 2
Spotted hyaena ( Crocuta crocuta) 8
Striped hyaena (Hyaena hyaena) 5
'Hyaena' 2 6
Aardwolf (Proteles cristatus) 4
African civet (Civettictis civetta) 8
Small-spotted genet ( Genetta genetta)
African elephant (Loxodonta africana) 12
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchelliz) 25
Grevy's zebra (Equus grevyz) 2
Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) 3
Aardvark ( Orycteropus afer) 2
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 1 42
Forest hog (Hylochoerus meinertzhagenz) 2
Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus) 11
'Wild pig' 1
R. praetextatus 347

Table 4 1 . (cont.)

Number of records

Hosts Confirmed Unconfirmed

Wild animals (cont.)

Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius)
Giraffe (Gira.ffa camelopardalis) 4
Coke's hartebeest (kongoni) (Alcelaphus buselaphus cokiz)
Blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) 3
Topi (Damaliscus lunatus topz) 3
Dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcas)
Grant's gazelle (Gazella grantz)
Thomson's gazelle (Gazella thomsoniz) 2
Steenbok (Raphicerus campestris)
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 4 52
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 9
Mountain nyala ( Tragelaphus buxtonz)
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus) 3
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros)
Red forest duiker ( Cephalophus natalensis) 2
Common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia)
Sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) 1
Gemsbok (Oryx gazella) 4
Bohor reedbuck (Redunca redunca)
Temminck's ground pangolin (Manis temminckiz)
Unstriped ground squirrel (Xerus rutilus) 1
'Ground squirrel'
Black-tailed gerbil ( Tatera nigricauda) 1 (nymphs)
'Gerbil' 1 (nymphs)
Nile rat (Arvicanthis sp.) 1 (immatures)
Striped grass rat (Lemniscomys striatus) 1 (nymphs)
Natal multimammate rat (Mastomys natalensis) 2 (immatures)
Black rat (Rattus rattus) 1
Four-striped grass mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio)
'Swamp rat' (Otomys sp.) 1 (immatures)
'Rat' 2 (immatures)
Crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata) 2
'Porcupine' (Hystrix sp.) 15
Cape hare (Lepus capensis) 2

Ticks attached to host 1 4
Ticks crawling on host 9
348 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

In Tigre Province, Ethiopia, circumstantial evi­ tatus, and R. muhsamae (Acari: Ixodidae) . Jour­
dence indicated that fairly heavy infestations of nal ofMedical Entomology, 24, 666-82.
this tick were responsible for an outbreak of tick Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) :
paralysis in cattle (Pegram et al., 1 98 1 ) . It was Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966); Hoogstraal ( 1 956);
Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987); Morel ( 1 969,
thought to be one of the chiefvectors of Rickettsia
1 980); Pegram ( 1 984); Scaramella ( 1 988);
conori, causing tick typhus in humans, in the
Walker ( 1 974); Yeoman & Walker ( 1 967) .
Nairobi area, Kenya (Reisch, McPhee & Rick­
man, 1 95 7) .


Gerstacker, A. ( 1 873) . II: Gliederthiere (Insekten,
Arachniden, Myriopoden und Isopoden) . In The specific name pravus is derived from the
Baron Carl Claus von der Decken's Reisen in Ost Latin meaning 'crooked', 'irregular' or 'de­
Afrika, in den Jahren 1 859 bis 1861. III: Wissen­ formed'.
schaftliche Theil. Abteilung 2, ed. 0. Kersten,
pp. xvi + 542, 1 8 plates. (Ticks pp. 464-70,
plate xviii) . Leipsig & Heidelberg: C.J. Win­
ter'sche Verlagshandlung.
Heisch, R.B., McPhee, R. & Rickman, L.R. ( 1 957) . A moderate-sized reddish-brown tick.
The epidemiology of tick-typhus in Nairobi.
East African MedicalJournal, 34, 459-77. Male (Figs 1 6 1 (a), 1 62(a) to (c))
Lewis, E.A. ( 1 932) . Some tick investigations in Kenya Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
Colony. Parasitology, 24, 1 75-82. ranging from 0.58 mm x 0.63 mm to 0.82
Lewis, E.A. ( 1 949) . Nairobi sheep disease. Report of mm x 0.84 mm. Basis capituli with acute lateral
the Veterinary Department, Kenya, for 1 94 7, pp. angles at about anterior third of its length. Palps
45, 5 1 . broadly rounded apically. Conscutum length x
Neumann, L.G. ( 1 897) . Revision de la famille des
breadth ranging from 2 .45 mm x 1 .38 mm to
ixodides. (2< Memoire) . Ixodinae. Memoires de
3.29 mm x 1 .89 mm; often rather narrow anter­
la Societe Zoologique de France, 10, 324-420.
iorly; anterior process of coxae I large and heavily
Pegram, R.G. ( 1 976) . Ticks (Acarina, Ixodoidea) of
the northern regions of the Somali Democratic sclerotized. In engorged specimens body wall ex­
Republic. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 66, panded laterally and forming a long tail-like
345-63 . caudal process posteromedially. Eyes convex,
Pegram, R. G. ( 1 979) . Ticks (Ixodoidea) of Ethiopia oval in shape and set obliquely, edged dorsally by
with special reference to cattle. M. Phil. thesis, medium-sized punctations that usually coalesce
University of Brunel. into a groove. Cervical pits deep, convergent;
Pegram, R.G., Hoogstraal, H. & Wassef, H.Y. ( 1 98 1 ) . cervical fields long, narrow, slightly divergent,
Ticks (Acari: Ixodoidea) of Ethiopia. I . Dis­ tapering posteriorly to points beyond eye level.
tribution, ecology and host relationships of spe­ Marginal lines well developed, long, punctate.
cies infesting livestock. Bulletin of Entomological
Posteromedian groove long, relatively narrow;
Research, 71, 339-59.
posterolateral grooves shorter and broader.
Pegram, R.G., Hoogstraal, H. & Wassef, H.Y. ( 1 982) .
Large setiferous punctations present anteriorly
Ticks (Acari: Ixodoidea) of the Yemen Arab
Republic. I. Species infesting livestock. Bulletin on the scapulae, along the external margins of the
ofEntomological Research, 72, 2 1 5-27. cervical fields and scattered medially on the con­
Pegram, R.G., Walker, J.B., Clifford, C.M. & Keirans, scutum, but absent laterally adjacent to the mar­
J.E. ( 1 987) . Comparison of populations of the ginal lines. Numerous smaller punctations pres­
Rhipicephalus simus group: R. simus, R. praetex- ent medially on the conscutum. Punctations
R. pravus 349

Figure 1 6 1 . Rhipicephalus pravus [Nuttall Collection 1 246, syntypes, collected from 'beisa oryx (Oryx beisa)', regarded
herein as a synonym of the gemsbok (Oryx gaze/la), on the southern border of the Maasai Steppe, Tanzania, donated in
April 1 9 1 1 by W. Donitz, by courtesy of The Natural History Museum, London] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal.
Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage de!.

anterior to the eyes and next to the marginal lines pits convergent; cervical fields long, narrow,
minute, often almost invisible. Ventrally spiracles slightly divergent, tapering posteriorly and almost
tapering very gently, only curving slightly at the reaching posterolateral margins of scutum. Large
end of the dorsal prolongation. Adanal plates setiferous punctations present on the scapulae,
broad, internal margin usually concave just pos­ delimiting the external margins of the cervical
terior to the anus, anterointernal angle often fields and scattered medially on the scutum, where
sharply pointed, posterointernal angle acute to they are interspersed with numerous small to
almost right-angled, posteroexternal angle minute punctations. Lateral areas of the scutum
broadly curved; accessory adanal plates, when surrounding the eyes minutely punctate in some
present, small sclerotized points. specimens, smooth and shiny in others. Ventrally
genital aperture broadly V-shaped.
Female (Figs 1 61 (b), 1 62(d) to (j))
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth Nymph (Fig. 1 63)
ranging from 0.70 mm x 0.79 mm to 0.80 Capitulum much broader than long, length x
mm x 0.88 mm. Basis capituli with acute lateral breadth ranging from 0 . 1 8 mm x 0.28 mm to
angles at about mid-length; porose areas medium­ 0.22 mm x 0.30 mm. Basis capituli over three
sized, oval, nearly twice their own diameter apart. times as broad as long, with acute lateral angles
Palps broadly rounded apically. Scutum longer projecting over the scapulae. Palps tapering
than broad, length x breadth ranging from 1 .43 gradually to smoothly-rounded apices, inclined
mm x 1 .25 mm to 1 .60 mm x 1 .44 mm; pos­ inwards. Scutum longer than broad, length x
terior margin sinuous. Eyes convex, oval, set ob­ breadth ranging from 0.49 mm x 0.44 mm to
liquely, edged dorsally by medium-sized puncta­ 0.53 mm x 0.47 mm; posterior margin a deep,
tions that usually coalesce into a groove. Cervical slightly sinuous curve. Eyes immediately anterior
350 Accounts ofindividual Afrotropical species



. . ·
• ,.
· . .. .
·. : .
.· ... .
·.•. .. : .

• ·
• . •p
R. pravus 351

Figure 163 (above). Rhipiuphal11s pravw (B.S. 1 01/-, RML 663 12, laboratory reared, progeny of� collected from sheep,
Marwa Sisal Estates, Kima, Kenya, in 1950 by W. Plowright). Nymph: (a) capi.tulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c)
scutum.; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0 . 1 0 mm. SElvlS by M.D. Corwin.

Figu.re 162 (opposite). Rhipicephalus pravus (B.S. I 01/-, RML 66312, laboratory reared, progeny of 9 collected from
sheep,Marwa Sisal Estates, Kima, Keny2, n i 1950 by W. Plowright) . Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal
plates. Female: (d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scutum; (f) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by l\'1.D.
35'2 Accounts offrulividual Afrotropical �pecies

Figure 1 64. Rhifricepha/11.r prm.11� (B.S. I 01/-,RML66312, laboratory Tea!"C'd, pogeoy

f of2 colkcted from sheep, Muwa
Sisal Estates, Ki.ma, Kenya, in 1950 by W. Plowright). I.A.rv3: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) <:;<1pieulurn, ven<ral; (c) scucuro;
(d) coxae. Scale ban represent 0. 10 mm. SEMS by M.D. Corwin.

to widest point, well over halfway back, Jong, i

larva (Fg. 164)
narrow, delimited dorsally by a marked depress­ Capirulum slightly bToader than long,
ion. Cenrical fields lon_g, narrow, slightly diver­ length x breadth ra.Jlging from 0.098 mm x
gent, their external margins curved outwards al­ 0.102 mm to 0.102 mm x 0. 1 07 mm. Basis
most parallel to the sides of the scutum and capituJj over t:wice as broad as long, narrowly
extending posteriorly nearly to its posterolateraJ rectangular ifl shape with rounded comers. Palps
margins. Ventrally coxae I each with a large somewbar bulbous proximally, then tapering
broad internal spur and a slightly smaUer nar­ rapidly to their rounded apices. Scutum broader
rower external spur; remaining coxae each wtth a than long, leogth x breadth .ranging from 0.238
pointed external spur only, decreasing progress­ mm x 0.295 mm to 0.281 mm >< 0. 3 04 mm;
ively in si.ze. posterior margin a deep smooth curve. Eyes ap-
R. pravus 353

proximately at mid-length, large, convex, edged forest areas or in other regions that appear to be
dorsally by a groove. Cervical grooves slightly ecologically unsuitable for this dry-country tick.
convergent. Ventrally coxae I each with a sharp Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987) suggested that the
spur; coxae II and III each with indications only records of R. pravus given by Elbl & Anastos
of broad shallow spurs on their posterior border. ( 1 966) in high-rainfall regions of the Democratic
Republic of Congo and Rwanda close to western
Notes on identification Uganda 'possibly refer to R. kochz'.
The R. pravus group has presented us with one of We have also omitted the records of R.
our most intractable systematic problems and, pravus from Mozambique listed by Santos Dias
although we feel that some progress has been ( 1 960) . Although we have not seen his speci­
made towards its resolution, various unanswered mens we believe that some belong to the R.
questions remain. In particular we are still unsure pravus-like species occurring in southern Africa.
about the status of the tick closely resembling R. (See below) .
pravus sensu stricto that occurs in large parts of
southern Africa.
The systematics of the East African species Hosts
in the group have largely been clarified. Walker
( 1 956) had confused the situation by sinking A three-host species (Walker, 1 956) . Adults of
both R. neavei and R. neavei punctatus as synony­ R. pravus have often been collected from cattle,
ms of R. pravus. These findings were reversed by but less frequently from sheep, goats and camels,
Yeoman & Walker ( 1 96 7), who recognized three and rarely from other domestic animals (Table
species in this group in Tanzania: R. neavei, R. 42A) . In general the adult's predilection sites on
pravus and R. punctatus. Of these R. neavei was cattle resemble those of R. appendiculatus. The
later sunk again, this time as a synonym of R. majority attach on the hosts' ears, especially in­
kochi, by Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987) . side the flap on the central area between the
Earlier Zumpt ( 1 942) pointed out that cartilage bars. There they characteristically feed
Nuttall & Warburton had sometimes identified 'standing on their heads' with their legs sticking
R. pravus as R. neavei. The re-examination of out sideways. They apparently spread more
available specimens listed as R. neavei by Lewis readily than R. appendiculatus adults to other at­
( 1 934, 1 939, and unpublished data) ; Wilson tachment sites, particularly the outside of the ear
( 1 95 1 , and unpublished data), and Wiley ( 1 953, flap and its base, the horn base, eyelids, mouth
and unpublished data) has shown that all but one commissure, neck and dewlap, brisket, abdo­
of their collections are also R. pravus, not R. men, udder, escutcheon, perineum, groin and
kochi. Unfortunately many of their collections no heels (Yeoman & Walker, 1 967) .
longer exist (Walker, 1 974); these are referred to Rhipicephalus pravus adults have also been
below as unconfirmed records. recorded from many wild animals, especially the
Like Morel ( 1 969) we have omitted the giraffe, gemsbok and various smaller antelopes
records of R. pravus from the Democratic Repub­ such as the impala, several species of gazelles and
lic of Congo, Rwanda and Burundi cited by Elbl dik-diks (Yeoman & Walker, 1 967; Walker,
& Anastos ( 1 966) . The ticks from Upemba Park 1 974; Pegram, 1 976; Pegram, Hoogstraal &
that they documented under this name were ear­ Wassef, 1 98 1 ; Matthysse & Colbo, 1 987) . Many
lier identified as Rhipicephalus sp. near pravus and of the collections from the most commonly-re­
discussed in detail by Clifford & Anastos ( 1 962) . corded wild host of both the adults and immature
One of us O.B.W.) re-examined these specimens stages of this tick, the Cape hare, and also the
at that time and we have now accepted them as R. savanna hare, were obtained during a specific
kochi sensu stricto. The remaining records listed by study of these leporids in East Africa (Clifford,
Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966) are located either in rain- Flux & Hoogstraal, 1 976) . Various species of
354 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Table 42A. Host records of Rhipicephalus pravus

Number of records

Hosts Confirmed Unconfirmed

Domestic animals
Cattle 506 200
Sheep 44 51
Goats 36 49
Camels 32 7
Horses 2
Donkeys 5
Pigs (feral) 1
Dogs 8

Wild animals
Four-toed hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris)
Heart-nosed bat ( Cardioderma cor)
Banana bat (Pipistrellus nanus)
Golden jackal (Canis aureus) 2
Black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) 4
'Jackal' 2
Bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis)
Lion (Panthera leo) 2
'Genet' (Genetta sp.) 2 (including
African elephant (Loxodonta africana) 3
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchelliz) 3
Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicomis)
Aardvark ( Orycteropus afer) 1
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 5 3
Giraffe (Gira.ffa camelopardalis) 9
Impala (Aepyceros melampus) 13 11
Coke's hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus cokiz) 1 10
Jackson's hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus jacks om)
Blue wildebeest ( Connochaetes taurinus) 1 1
Grant's gazelle (Gazella grantz) 20 4
Soemmerring's gazelle (Gazella soemmerringiz) 2
Thomson's gazelle (Gazella thomsoniz) 25 5
'Gazelle' (Gazella sp.)
Gerenuk (Litocranius wallerz) 5 4
Gunther's dik-dik (Madoquaguentherz) 6
Kirk's dik-dik (Madoqua kirkiz) 2
Silver dik-dik (Madoqua piacentiniz)
'Dik-dik' (Madoqua sp.) 1 3
Klipspringer ( Oreotragus oreotragus) 3 1
Oribi ( Ourebia ourebz) 4 (one including
a nymph)
Steenbok (Raphicerus campestris) 5 3
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 4 3
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 4 9
Lesser kudu ( Tragelaphus imberbis) 4 4
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus) 2 4
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros) 4
'Kudu' ( Tragelaphus sp.) 1
R. pravus 355

Table 42A. (cont.)

Number of records

Hosts Confirmed Unconfirmed

Wild animals (cont.)

Common duiker (Sylvicapra gn"mmia) 3
Gemsbok (Oryx gazella) 10 (one with 3
nymphs only)
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) 2
Bohor reedbuck (Redunca redunca)
Unstriped ground squirrel (Xerus rutilus)
Cape hare (Lepus capensis) 99 (including 2
Savanna hare (Lepus victoriae) 1 4 (including
'Hare' (Lepus sp.) 1 0 (including 2
Central African rabbit (Poelagus marjorita)
Short-snouted elephant shrew (Elephantulus brachyrhynchus) 2 (nymphs)
Uganda elephant shrew (Elephantulusfuscipes) 1 (nymphs)
Rufous elephant shrew (Elephantulus rufescens) 42 (immatures) 2 (immatures)
'Elephant shrew' (Elephantulus sp.) 2 (immatures plus 1 <;?)

Ostrich (Struthio came/us)
Great sparrow hawk (Accipiter melanoleucus)
Secretary bird (Sagittarius serpentarius)
Kori bustard (Ardeotis kon) 1 (nymphs)
'Shrike' 1


Humans 9

elephant shrews are also important hosts of the north-eastern Kenya than present records indi­
immature stages. cate: access to these sparsely-inhabited areas is
difficult (Walker, 1 974; Pegram et al., 1 98 1 ) . In
Tanzaniaitis presentthroughoutmany important
Zoogeography East Coast fever zones. Itis particularly likely to be
present in areas that are only marginally suitable
Rhipicephalus pravus has been recorded in parts for R. appendiculatus, where the small surviving
of eastern Africa from Ethiopia and Somalia populations of the latter species cause sporadic
southwards as far as northern Iringa District in outbreaks ofECF (Yeoman & Walker, 1 967) .
Tanzania (Morel, 1 969, 1 980) (Map 47) . In different parts of its range R. pravus has
This tick species occurs throughout north­ been recorded at altitudes varying from about
ern Somalia but is less common in the coastal areas 200 m to 2000 m with mean annual rainfalls of
(Pegram, 1 97 6) . It is probably more widely distri­ some 250 mm to over 1 000 mm A crucial factor

buted in southern Somalia, eastern Ethiopia and with rainfall is not so much the annual total but
356 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Table 42B. Host records ofRhipicephalus sp. near pravus

Number of records

Hosts Confirmed Unconfirmed

Domestic animals
Cattle 21
Goats 15
Dogs 3
Wild animals
Lion (Panthera leo) 2
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchelliz) 1
Rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) 2
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 2
Giraffe (Gira.Ifa camelopardalis) 5
Impala (Aepyceros melampus) 6
Tsessebe (Damaliscus lunatus lunatus) 2
Suni (Neotragus moschatus) 1
Oribi ( Ourebia ourebz) 2
Steenbok (Raphicerus campestris) 3
African buffalo (Syncerus cajfer)
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 4
Nyala ( Tragelaphus angasii) 1 1
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus) 3
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros) 2 2
Red forest duiker ( Cephalophus natalensis) 1
Common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia) 2
Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus) 2
Sable antelope (Hippotragus niger)
Gemsbok (Oryx gazella)
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus)
Greater cane rat ( Thryonomys swinderianus)
Cape hare (Lepus capensis)
Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) 74 (including 3
'Hare' (Lepus sp.) 19
Short-snouted elephant shrew (Elephantulus brachyrhynchus) 5 (immatures)
Rock elephant shrew (Elephantulus myurus) 1 0 (immatures)
Elephantulus sp. 1 (immatures)
Four-toed elephant shrew (Petrodomus tetradactylus) 1 (nymphs)

R. pravus 357

1 2° 1 8° 30 ° 42° 48°



.,. \..
\ _,...
i. ...__
' ·
M OO � � �-+� � � � � +- � �·
� · .
- � � +-��� ; ��--, 6°
:: +=-��--T.�---t;.,-
CA ER N j ,
>·,'-. _. -

30 °

Rhipicephalus pravus
Q Type locality (approximate) �g-"<'

36 °
• Locality records
0 Unconfirmed locality records 36 °
() Rhipicepha/us sp. near pravus
6 1 2° 1 8° 24° 30 ° 36 ° 42 ° 48 ° 54° 60 °

Map 4 7. Rhipicephalus pravus and Rhipicephalus sp. near pravus: distribution.

358 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

the length of the dry season. In some areas where Secondly, even after the separation of R. warbur­
this tick is common, such as parts of Karamoja toni sp. nov. from within this group we believe
District, Uganda, the dry season is 6 months that it may still encompass more than one spe­
long, with 50 mm rainfall or less per month, cies. Theiler & Robinson ( 1 953) unwittingly
though the annual total may exceed 1 000 mm. It highlighted this problem by including data on
is, however, absent from other parts of the coun­ both this Rhipicephalus sp. near pravus and R.
try which may experience lower mean annual warburtoni, and possibly also the R. punctatus­
rainfalls but have only a 3-month dry season like tick of Norval ( 1 985), in their paper on R.
(Matthysse & Colbo, 1 987) . In Ethiopia most pravus. Even their description of R. pravus was
adults were collected from cattle during the rainy based on specimens collected at Edenburg in the
season, and in Somalia they were also slightly central Free State, a locality at which only R.
more prevalent during the rains (Pegram, 1 976; warburtoni occurs (p. 465, Map 6 1 ) .
Pegram et al., 1 98 1 ) . In Uganda, and parts of
Kenya and Tanzania, though, no seasonal trends
in the adults' activity patterns on cattle were
noted. During the 1 967/68 survey on hares in
A three-host species. The hosts of this
Kenya the percentage of animals infested with
Rhipicephalus sp. near pravus can be assigned to
the immature stages peaked during the dry sea­
three groups: those on which only adult ticks
sons, followed slightly later by the adults. It is
occur, those on which only the immature stages
commonly, but not exclusively, found in
are found, and those which harbour both adults
Somalia-Masai Acacia-Commiphora deciduous
and the immature stages (Table 42B) . The pre­
bushland and thicket. In Tanzania it is noticeable
ferred hosts of the adults are cattle, goats and
that the southernmost point of the tick's range
various wild ruminants, particularly giraffe, im­
almost coincides with that of this vegetation type.
pala and eland (Zumpt, 1 958; Paine, 1 982;
Boomker, Horak & Ramsay, 1 994) . The hosts of
Disease relationships the immature stages only are elephant shrews
(l.G.H., unpublished data) , and those of all
In Kenya ticks identified as R. neavei transmitted stages of development are hares (Zumpt, 1 958;
Theileria parva under laboratory conditions Horak et al., 1 993, 1 995) .
(Lewis, Piercy & Wiley, 1 946) . These were al­ Adult ticks have been collected from
most certainly R. pravus as the strains used orig­ around the lips and from the cheeks and ears of
inated from Makueni and Kiboko where it is eland, the forehead, cheeks and neck of giraffe
common. It is extremely unlikely that this species and from the ears of scrub hares. Burdens of
ever acts as a vector in the field because its imma­ adult ticks seldom exceed 20, but 307 larvae and
ture stages are not known to feed on cattle. 4 7 nymphs have been taken from a single rock
elephant shrew (l.G.H., unpublished data) . No
clear pattern of seasonal abundance for any of
Rhipicephalus sp. near pravus the life stages emerged during two surveys con­
ducted on scrub hares in north-eastern South
Notes on identification
Africa (Horak et al., 1 993, 1 995) . Adult ticks
To us some of the ticks collected in the northern
were, however, present throughout the year.
provinces of South Africa and in Namibia and
Botswana strongly resemble R. pravus sensu
stricto. Nevertheless we have decided to discuss Zoogeography
them separately from the East African tick for
two reasons. Firstly, they are widely removed In southern Africa this R. sp. near pravus has
geographically from R. pravus itself, which oc­ been identified from the northern provinces of
curs in a discrete area in East Africa (Map 4 7) . South Africa, south-eastern and north-western
R. pravus 359

Botswana and northern Namibia (see Map 47) . Lewis, E.A. ( 1 934) . A study of ticks in Kenya Colony.
Unconfirmed collections that we believe belong The influence of natural conditions and other
to this entity have been recorded in southern factors on their distribution and the incidence of
Mozambique (Santos Dias, 1 960) . It has been tick-borne diseases. Part III. Investigations into
the tick problem in the Masai Reserve. Bulletin
collected at altitudes varying between 1 00 m and
of the Department ofAgriculture, Kenya, No. 7 of
1 650 m above sea level. The vegetation types in
1934, 65 pp. + 3 maps.
which it is present characterize regions with an
Lewis, E.A. ( 1 939). The ticks of East Africa. Part I.
annual rainfall of approximately 500 mm. It is Species, distribution, influence of climate,
found in miombo, Colophospermum mopane and habits and life histories. Empire Journal of Ex­
undifferentiated woodland and is also present in perimental Agriculture, 7, no. 27, 26 1-70.
deciduous bushland and wooded grassland. Lewis, E.A., Piercy, S.E. & Wiley, A.J. ( 1 946) .
Rhipicephalus neavei Warburton, 1 9 1 2 as a
vector of East Coast fever. Parasitology, 37,
Disease relationships 60-4.
Norval, RA.I. ( 1 985) . The ticks of Zimbabwe. XII.
Unknown. The lesser known Rhipicephalus species. Zim­
babwe Veterinary Journal, 1 6, 37-43.
Paine, G.D. ( 1 982). Ticks (Acari: Ixodoidea) in Bot­
swana. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 72,
Pegram, R.G. ( 1 976). Ticks (Acarina, Ixodoidea) of
Boomker, J., Horak, LG. & Ramsay, K.A. ( 1 994) . the northern regions of the Somali Democratic
Helminth and arthropod parasites of indigenous Republic. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 66,
goats in the northern Transvaal. Onderstepoort 345-63.
Journal of Veterinary Research, 6 1 , 1 3-20. Pegram, R.G., Hoogstraal, H. & Wassef, H.Y. ( 1 9 8 1 ) .
Clifford, C.M., Flux, J.E.C. & Hoogstraal, H. ( 1 976) . Ticks (Acari: Ixodoidea) of Ethiopia. I . Dis­
Seasonal and regional abundance of ticks tribution, ecology and host relationships of spe­
(Ixodidae) on hares (Leporidae) in Kenya. cies infesting livestock. Bulletin of Entomological
Journal ofMedical Enwmology, 13, 40-7. Research, 7 1 , 339-59.
Donitz, W. ( 1 9 1 0) . Die Zecken Siidafrikas. In Theiler, G. & Robinson, B.N. ( 1 953). Ticks in the
Zoologische und Anthropologische Ergebnisse South African Zoological Survey Collection.
einer Forchungsreise in westliche und zentralen Part VIL Six lesser known African
sudafrika ausgefuhrt in den Jahren 1 903-1 905, rhipicephalids. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterin­
4, 3 Lieferung. L. Schultze. Denkschriften ary Research, 26, 93- 1 36.
der Medicinisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesell­ Walker, J.B. ( 1 956). Rhipicephalus pravus Di:.initz,
schaft zu Jena, 1 6, 397-494, bls. 1 5, 1 6a, b & 1 9 1 0. Parasitology, 46, 243-60.
17. Wiley, A.}. ( 1 95 3 ) . Notes on animal diseases. XXV.
Horak, LG., Spickett, A.M., Braack, L.E.O. & Penz­ Common ticks of livestock in Kenya. East Afri­
horn, B .L. ( 1 993) . Parasites of domestic and can AgriculturalJournal, 19, 1-6.
wild animals in South Africa. XXXII. Ixodid Wilson, S.G. ( 1 95 1) . Report by ChiefField Zoologist.
ticks on scrub hares in the Transvaal. Onder­ Ticks and tick-borne diseases. Tick collections.
stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 60, 1 63- Report of the Department of Veterinary Services,
74. Kenya, for 1 951, pp. 1 - 1 0. Mimeographed.
Horak, LG., Spickett, A.M., Braack, L.E.O., Penz­ Zumpt, F. ( 1 942) . Rhipicephalus appendiculatus
horn, B.L., Bagnall, R.J. & Uys, A.C. ( 1 99 5 ) . Neum. und verwandte Arten. VI. Vorstudie zu
Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South einer Revision der Gattung Rhipicephalus Koch.
Africa. XXXIII. Ixodid ticks on scrub hares in Zeitschriftfiir Parasitenkunde, 12, 5 38-5 1 .
the north-eastern regions of Northern and East­ Zumpt, F. ( 1 958) . A preliminary survey of the dis­
ern Transvaal and of KwaZulu-Natal. Onder­ tribution and host-specificity of ticks
stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 62, (Ixodoidea) in the Bechuanaland Protectorate.
1 2 3-3 1 . Bulletin of Entomological Research, 49, 201-23.
360 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) : Table 43. Host records o/Rhipicephalus
Clifford & Anastos ( 1 962); Elbl & Anastos pseudolongus
( 1 966); Hoogstraal ( 1 956); Matthysse & Colbo
( 1 987); Morel ( 1 969, 1 980); Santos Dias Hosts Number of records
( 1 960); Scaramella ( 1 988); Theiler ( 1 962);
Walker ( 1 974); Walker, Mehlitz & Jones Domestic animals
( 1 978); Yeoman & Walker ( 1 967) . Cattle 5

Wild animals
African buffalo (Syncerus
caffer) 48
Waterbuck (Kobus
ellipsiprymnus) 1
This specific name, from the Greek pseudes 'Murid rodent' 1
meaning 'false' plus longus, draws attention to the
similarity between this species and R. longus.

Synonym Male (Figs 1 65(a), 1 66(a) to (c))

Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth
clijfordi. ranging from 0.80 mm x 0.76 mmto 1 . l O mm x
1 .00 mm. Basis capituli with acute lateral angles in
Diagnosis anterior third of its length. Palps short, broad,
slightly flattened apically. Conscutum length x
A large dark-brown to black heavily and evenly breadth ranging from 3.30 mm x 2 .00 mm to
punctate species whose males have sickle-shaped 4.38 mm x 2. 79 mm; anterior process of coxae I
adanal plates. small. In engorged specimens body wall ex-

Figure 165. Rhipicephalus pseudolongus [collected from 'buffie', presumably African buffalo (Syncerus cajfer), 'Est
Centrafrique', in 1 970, donated by P.C. More1] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A.
Olwage de!.
R. pseudolongus 361

18° 18° 24° 30°

: 0

- J - - - - - - " o rvo f NIGER

MALI - - ·
-. AD
.. �---J--r=-"' ,..,A�:FA� ·.d-----t-\_ , ----1--=-�_::::._�+------t-- - ---rL1 1 2 0
1 2° ,:ll..,R"'
u"' :KIN so "··-._, 1:o. . -_ -..--;· -·· -_
··-_ · ·� -S\.<,._ cH
; � ;�
'(���IN;) e e e:e (/ :, SUDAN
... c·--
, _ _ _ ,

e L, }. e , e
•• •• .
,- Lt/ of\'I coi>.SI/ N IGERI
• ·

' - - . CENTRAL
GH_ A_ NA � ..� A RICAN
lt- �\\J
, T +.. --+
---t----'i;:--;.-' {_ -;; ="==>-.-t----,--L-'!
---/-;ff '-.+- § ,' ' • e R F 0

I : ' � - -� - �� - - � 6-· ·
;; - •
-+- c.,,--- -1----+1

6 6
• P
, . - . - - .
LIBERIA • c5 \ •- - • o -· ' o o -�. - -.- - �,
\i , 0 o o, ,
-, o
'. 1

r_ � ... )
0o c+-- ----+------+-------t----+u-- - �
--'1"'�-+---t� ---t':c---- 00 ··

RWANDA y·· .
0 0

Rhipicephalus pseudolongus

• Type locality 0
e Locality records ANGOLA - ·,.......,
(..-··-··-j-- /

O Unconfirmed locality records l---+-----+----t-----,r--------j---- � ·-=

·-� ,-�
.. >-�
, -�r---"1
.,� , +-1
1 2°

1 8° 24° 30°

Map 48. Rhipicephalus pseudolongus: distribution. (Based largely on Morel, 1 969, as R. cliffordt) .

panded laterally and posteriorly, with three caudal 0.64 mm x 0.73 mm to 1 . 1 2 mm x 1 .03 mm.
processes protruding posteromedially. Eyes al­ Basis capituli with broad lateral angles in anterior
most fiat, delimited dorsally by shallow depress­ third of its length; porose areas large, oval, about
ions. Cervical pits deep, convergent. Marginal 1 .5 times their own diameter apart. Palps broad,
lines long, but not quite reaching eye level, punc­ almost fiat apically. Scutum varies from about as
tate. Posteromedian and posterolateral grooves broad as long to broader than long, length x
quite small, their floors rugose. A few medium­ breadth ranging from 1 .34 mm x 1 .3 3 mm to
sized setiferous punctations anteriorly on the 2. 1 4 mm x 2.39 mm; posterior margin broadly
scapulae.The areas surrounding the eyes, and rounded. Eyes about halfway back, almost fiat,
adjacentto the marginal lines and festoons, almost delimited dorsally by shallow depressions. Cervi­
smooth, otherwise the conscutum is virtually cal fields broad. A few medium-sized setiferous
covered with a dense pattern of evenly sized punc­ punctations interspersed with fine punctations
tations that often become confluent. Ventrally scattered on scapulae. Medially the scutum is
spiracles broad, with a short broad prolongation densely covered with medium-sized punctations
angled towards the dorsal surface. Adanal plates that are often confluent. Alloscutum of unfed
typically large, sickle-shaped, curving in towards females deeply folded. Ventrally genital aperture
each other posterior to the anus; accessory adanal broadly V-shaped.
plates quite large, pointed, well sclerotized.
Nymph (Fig. 1 6 7)
Female (Figs 1 65(b), 1 66(d) to (fj) Capitulum much broader than long, length x
Capitulum varies from broader than long to lon­ breadth ranging from 0.25 mm x 0.3 1 mm to
ger than broad, length x breadth ranging from 0.32 mm x 0.39 mm. Basis capituli three times
362 Accounts of individual AfrotrOf>U:al speci.es
R. pseudolongus 363

Figure 167 (a.bo-11e) . Rhipicephal:us pseudolongus (R.ML 3679&, collected from rodent nest, Garamba Park, Democratic
Republic of Congo, on 23 December 1950 by J. Verschuren). Nymph: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c)
scutum; (d) co.xae. Scale bars represent 0. 10 mm. SE.Ms by J.F. Putterill.

Figure 166 (OfrPosite). RhipU:epha!us pseudolongus [collected from 'buffle', presumably African buffalo (Syncm's c.a.ffer) ,
'Est Centrafrique', in 1970, donated by P. C. Morel). Male: (a) capirulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female:
(d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scutum; (f) genital aperrure. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by J.F. Pucteri.IJ.
364 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

as broad as long, with broad tapering lateral males of the two, and the females whatever their
angles extending over the scapulae and well-de­ size, are almost inseparable. When unmounted,
veloped cornua; ventrally with sharp spurs on even the female genital apertures of the two are
posterior margin. Palps equal in width for much virtually the same shape. Nevertheless we do not
of their length, tapering to rounded apices. think that they are synonymous.
Scutum virtually as broad as long to broader than We feel that further study is required before
long, length x breadth ranging from 0.47 mm x final decisions regarding the nomenclature of
0.5 1 mm to 0.55 mm x 0.56 mm; posterior mar­ these ticks can be made. This should include
gin smoothly curved. Eyes at widest point, in re-examination of the types of the various enti­
posterior third of the scutal length, long and nar­ ties; we have not seen these types ourselves. For
row. Cervical fields well defined, long, narrow, the present we have retained the name R.
divergent. Ventrally coxae I each with a relatively pseudolongus for the heavily-punctate ticks whose
short triangular internal spur and a longer tri­ males have sickle-shaped adanal plates, as de­
angular external spur; coxae II to IV each with a scribed by Clifford & Anastos ( 1 962) .
small triangular external spur only. Besides the R. pseudolongus males those of
R. longus and R. senegalensis also have sickle­
Larva shaped adanal plates. The differences between
Unknown. these three species, and the difficulties that can
arise when trying to separate them, have been
Notes on identification summarized earlier (see R. longus, p. 255) .
Pegram & Walker ( 1 988) outlined the history of
the name R. pseudolongus. Santos Dias ( 1 953)
originally described it as a subspecies ofR. capen­ Hosts
sis, then raised it to specific rank in 1 955, but
finally synonymized it with R. longus in 1 958. Life cycle unknown. The only domestic animals
However, Clifford & Anastos ( 1 962) re-exam­ from which R. pseudolongus adults have been
ined the holotype male of R. pseudolongus, stated obtained are cattle. The overwhelming majority
that it appeared to them to be entirely different of collections have been made from the African
from R. longus (sensu Neumann) and reinstated it buffalo (Table 43) . Morel ( 1 969) specified the
as a valid species. Morel ( 1 965) disagreed with smaller red forest buffalo (Syncerus caffer nanus)
this decision. He described a new species, R. in particular but Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987)
clijfordi, with R. pseudolongus sensu Clifford & stated that all their collections were made from
Anastos ( 1 962) as its synonym, and sank R. the larger black buffalo. Other possible hosts re­
pseudolongus sensu Santos Dias as a synonym of ferred to by Morel are the bushpig, which in this
R. longus. He based his decisions on the hosts and context is probably the red river hog
ecology as well as the morphology of these ticks (Potamochoerus porcus), and various antelopes,
as he saw them but he did not re-examine the including the waterbuck, living in the same habi­
holotype of R. pseudolongus. tat. (Matthysse & Colbo, 1 987 also quote Morel,
The situation was complicated further by 1 969 as having mentioned the warthog
Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966) , who were apparently (Phacochoerus africanus) as a host but this is ap­
unaware of Morel's findings the previous year. parently in error) .
They synonymized R. pseudolongus with R. com­ The immature stages evidently feed on ro­
positus, and there is no doubt that these two dents, and possibly macroscelids. Clifford &
species are closely related. The major difference Anastos ( 1 964) list numerous collections from
between them is that the larger R. pseudolongus rodent nests in the Garamba National Park, one
males have markedly sickle-shaped adanal plates of them from a striped grass rat's nest (Lemnis­
whereas R. compositus males do not, but runt comys striatus) .
R. pulchellus 365

In Garamba adults were found on the veg­ REFERENCES

etation throughout the year. Nymphs were col­
lected from rodent nests from December to June, Morel, P.C. ( 1 965) . Description de Rhipicephalus clif­
especially in January, though this could simply fordi n.sp. d'Afrique occidentale (groupe de Rh.
represent the period during which these nests compositus; Acariens, Ixodoidea) . Revue d'Elev­
were being excavated (Clifford & Anastos, age et de Medecine Viterinaire des Pays Tropicaux,
1 964) . The predilection sites of this tick's adults 17 for 1964 (nouvelle serie), 637-54.
Pegram, R.G. & Walker, J.B. ( 1 988) . Clarification of
on its hosts have not been recorded.
the biosystematics and vector status of some
African Rhipicephalus species (Acarina:
Zoogeography Ixodidae) . In Biosystematics of Haematophagous
Insects, ed. M.W. Service, pp. 61-76. Systema­
Rhipicephalus pseudolongus (referred to as R. clif­ tics Association Special Volume No. 37. Ox­
fordz) has been recorded from Sierra Leone east­ ford: Clarendon Press.
Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 953) . Sohre uma nova sub­
wards as far as western Uganda (Morel, 1 969)
especie de Rhipicephalus do 'Grupo capensis'
(Map 48) . He also included, as 'R. clijfordi pre­
Zumpt: R. capensis pseudolongus n. ssp. Memor­
sume', reports from the Democratic Republic of
ias e Estudos do Museu Zoologico da Universidade
Congo, mostly in the north and west of the coun­
de Coimbra, No. 2 14, 1-1 5 .
try, and seemingly extracted from the records of Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 955). A prop6sito de uma
R. compositus listed by Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966), coleq:ao de carra.;as do Sudao Anglo-Egipcio.
plus three reports from northern Angola. Algumas considera.;oes sobre o Rhipicephalus
This picture does present some anomalies. longus Neumann, 1 907. Boletim da Sociedade de
Morel ( 1 969) suggested that the distribution of Estudos de Mo�ambique, No. 92, 1 03-1 8 .
R. pseudolongus is not influenced so much by Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 958) . Notes o n various ticks
altitude, since it has been found from near sea (Acarina-Ixodoidea) in collection at some ento­
level to between 500 m and 1 000 m, as by rain­ mological institutes in Paris and London. Anais
fall. He noted that the annual rainfall in the areas do Instituto de Medicina Tropical, 15, 459-563.
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) :
where it occurs is over 1 250 mm, distributed
Clifford & Anastos ( 1 962, 1 964); Elbl & Anas­
during a period of over 6 months. While this is
tos ( 1 966); Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987); Morel
often true the records indicate that some places ( 1 969) .
are drier. According to Morel the vegetation in
the habitat favoured by its hosts is equatorial
lowland rainforest, especially the dense gallery RHIPICEPHALUS PULCHELLUS
forest and thickets along the rivers and the edges (GERSTACKER, 1 873)
of swampy areas, and various types of woodland.
Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987), however, collected it The specific name pulchellus, a Latin term mean­
only from the large black buffalo, which favours a ing 'beautiful', refers to the ornate scutal pattern
somewhat more open habitat including forest of this species, especially the male.
mosaics and woodland.

Disease relationships marmoreus.

Unknown. Diagnosis

A medium-sized to large tick whose adults have a

characteristic black-and-ivory pattern on their
366 Acanmt.s ofindividual Afrotropical species


' -�
' .
_ ,____.
.. .

'· ,-


· '.;>' Figure 168. Rhipicephalus pulchel111s (d' collected from

" BurcbeU's zebra (Eqwcs burchtili1) at J\1.ile 70 south of
Arusha on Great North Road, Tanzania, in 1956 by W.
I \..'

[ Hilton; <? from B.S. 526/-, RML 663 l3, laboratory

reared, original � collected from an unknown host at
.Kiboko, Kenya, in c. 1950 by S.G. Wilson]. (a) Male,
dorsal; (b) male, variations in colour pattern, after Cun­
liffe (1913); (c) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent l
mm. A. Olwage del.
R. pulchellus 367

and broader. A few large setiferous punctations

present on the scapulae and scattered sparsely
30° 3 6° 48°
elsewhere on the conscutum, interspersed with
numerous very fine punctations. The most con­
spicuous feature of this tick is its striking black
pattern on an ivory-coloured background. The
dark areas usually comprise two cervical patches
that are continuous anterolaterally with the dark
edging on the external margins of the scapulae;
two lateral patches, and a single large postero­
median patch anterior to the festoons. Much less
commonly the extent of these dark areas may be
either increased or reduced. Legs increase mark­
edly in size from I to IV, with light-coloured
mottling dorsally. Ventrally spiracles comma­
shaped, tapering gradually and curving gently
< towards the dorsal surface. Adana} plates broad,
� '
coming to a point posteroexternally, smoothly
rounded posterointernally; accessory adanal
plates absent.

120 11 Female (Figs 1 68(b), 1 69(d) to (f))

ce u;:
:- p • lc-;::
p'"-:- he lu�s-,_l!s.-----1-�-_J 120
: -:';;:
Capitulum slightly longer than broad, length x
• Type locality
• Locality records breadth ranging from 0.80 mm x 0.77 mm to
? Doubtful locality records 1 .02 mm x 0.98 mm. Basis capituli with broad
30° lateral angles at about anterior third of its length;
porose areas large, round, slightly more than
Map 49. Rhipicephalus pulchellus: distribution. their own diameter apart. Palps long, truncated
apically. Scutum longer than broad, length x
breadth ranging from 1 .82 mm x 1 .68 mm to
Male (Figs 1 68(a), 1 69(a) to (c)) 2.50 mm x 2. 1 7 mm. Eyes marginal, almost flat,
Capitulum much longer than broad, length x delimited by slight depressions and a few puncta­
breadth ranging from 0.84 mm x 0.69 mm to tions dorsally. Cervical pits convergent, continu­
1 .07 mm x 0.83 mm. Basis capituli with very ous with shallow divergent internal cervical mar­
short, rounded lateral angles in anterior third of gins. Large setiferous punctations present on the
its length. Palps short, broad. Conscutum scapulae and widely scattered medially on the
length x breadth ranging from 3 .44 mm x 2.29 scutum, interspersed with numerous very fine
mm to 4.61 mm x 3 . 1 4 mm; large strongly­ punctations. Scutum predominantly ivory col­
sclerotized anterior process present on coxae I. oured, with dark ornamentation between the cer­
In engorged specimens body wall expanded vical pits and extending anterolaterally along the
laterally and forming a single stout caudal pro­ external margins of the scapulae as far as the
cess. Eyes marginal, almost flat, delimited by eyes. Alloscutum dark brown; in unfed speci­
slight depressions and a few punctations dor­ mens a dense pattern of stout white setae present,
sally. Cervical pits deep, comma-shaped. Mar­ which may be shed as the tick engorges. Legs
ginal lines represented merely by rows of large with light-coloured mottling dorsally. Ventrally
setiferous punctations. Posteromedian groove genital aperture broadly U-shaped.
long and narrow; posterolateral grooves shorter
368 Aa.ounc.s ofndividual
i AfrotrQ/)ical species
R. pukhellus 369

Figure 170 (abqve). Rhipiaph.aitu p11/dr.allus (B.S. S26/-, Rt.U, 66313, laboratory reared, original \? collected from an

unknown host at K;boko, Kenya, in �. 1950 by S.G. Wilson). Nymph: (Q} capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulurn, ventral; (c)
scurum; (d) c<>xae. Scale bars represent 0. 1 0 ovn. SEMs by M..D. Corwin.

Figure I 69 (opposite). Rhipiuphalw fn'l.chellus (B.S. 526/-, RML 66313, laboratory reared, original � collected from an
u.nknown host tit Kiboko, Keny3, i.n '· 1950 by S.C. Wason) . Mak (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates.
Female: (d) capitulwn, do.n.al; (e) spi..tacle; (() gefutal apert1.1te. Scale ba.ES represen< 0.1 O mm. SE.Ms by M.D. Convin.
370 Account.S ofindimdual Afrotropicalspecies

Figure 1 7 1 . Rhipicephalus pulcheilus (B.S. 526/-, RML 66313, laboratory reared, original ? collected from ao unknown
host at Kiboko, Kenya, in c. 1950 by S.G. Wilson). Larva: (a) capitulurn, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c) scurum; (d)
coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.

Nymph (Fig. 1 70) dorsally by shallow depressions. Cervical fields

Capiculum broader than long> length x breadth broad> depressed> their external margins almost
ranging from 0.29 mm x 0.32 mm to 0.33 reaching posterolateral margins of scurum. Ven­
mm x 0.35 mm. Basis capit:uli just over 2.5 trally coxae I each with a Jong, narrow external
times as broad as long> lateral angles anteriorly i ternal spur; cox ae
spur and a shorter, broader n
plac ed, short and forwardly directed; ventrally ll to IV each with a small external spur only,
with two short broad spurs on posterior margin. decreasing progressively in size.
Palps broad, rounded apically. Scurum slighrly
broader than long, length x breadth ranging
from 0.65 mm x 0.68 nun to 0.69 mm x 0.71 Larva (Fz"g. 171)
mm; posterior margin a deep smooth curve. Eyes Capitulum about as long as broad> length x
at widest point> about halfway back, delimited breadth ranging from 0.134 mm x 0.142 mm to
R. pulchellus 371

0. 1 5 1 mm x 0. 1 5 1 mm. Basis capituli just over areas, and also on the legs. It completely covered
twice as broad as long, slightly convex laterally. the ears and perianal areas of heavily-infested
Palps broad, flattened apically. Scutum much cattle examined in Ethiopia.
broader than long, broadest over halfway back at Amongst wild animals all stages of R. pul­
eye level, length x breadth ranging from 0.272 chellus parasitize various large ungulates. They
mm x 0.401 mm to 0.289 mm x 0.423 mm; are abundant on zebras: many of the Burchell's
posterior margin a smooth shallow curve. Eyes zebras and, in Kenya, all the Grevy's zebras
large. Cervical grooves almost parallel. Ventrally examined were infested. The black rhinoceros is
coxae I to III each with an indication only of a also a favourite host, as are the larger antelopes,
spur on its posterior margin. for example the gemsbok, eland and various har­
tebeests. The smaller antelopes, such as the ga­
Notes on identification zelles and Gunther's dik-dik, may be parasitized
Rhipicephalus pulchellus was misidentified as Der­ by the immature stages only. This distinction also
macentor pulchellus by Pavesi ( 1 898) . It was de­ applies to the carnivores, with the larger species
scribed as a new species, R. marmoreus, by Po­ carrying all stages of this tick but the smaller ones
cock ( 1 900) . only the immatures. Hares sometimes act as hosts
Rhipicephalus pulchellus males, with their of the immature stages. In a detailed survey car­
unique colour pattern, are easy to identify but it ried out in the southern Rift Valley, Kenya, on the
is much more difficult to distinguish the females, Cape hare, 84 out of 1 24 of these animals exam­
nymphs and larvae from those of R. humeralis. ined at Ololkisalie ( = Olorgesailie) were infested
This problem is discussed under R. humeralis (p. by a total of 1 6 1 nymphs, 1 1 larvae of R. pulchel­
2 1 4) . The variability in the size, morphology and lus. A little further north at Akira Ranch, though,
colour patterns of field-collected specimens of R. only 2 out of 1 2 1 of these hares carried a single
pulchellus was reviewed in detail by Cunliffe nymph each. Five nymphs, eight larvae were also
( 1 9 1 3) . recorded from two savanna hares obtained in
nearby areas (Clifford, Flux & Hoogstraal, 1 97 6) .
Humans are undoubtedly far more fre­
Hosts quently infested by R. pulchellus than our records
suggest. Large numbers, particularly of the im­
A three-host species (Walker, 1 955) . mature stages, sometimes attach on the legs of
Rhipicephalus pulchellus has been recorded from people walking through long grass in areas where
an extremely wide range of both domestic and it occurs.
wild animals, especially ungulates (Table 44) . In Seasonal data on R. pulchellus from eastern
some parts of eastern Ethiopia and northern Ethiopia and northern Somalia showed that it is
Somalia it is the commonest tick on domestic most active during the rainy season. At Olol­
livestock (Pegram, 1 976, 1 979; Pegram, Hoog­ kisalie, though, the infestations of R. pulchellus
straal & Wassef, 1 98 1 ; Morel, 1 980) . immatures on hares apparently peaked during
Approximate counts made in situ on indi­ the dry seasons before and after the February to
vidual cattle in Borana District, Sidamo, May rainy period.
Ethiopia, revealed infestations of over 1 000
adults per beast. In Harar Province it often con­
stituted over 90% of the ticks obtained from cattle Zoo geography
and camels. In Tanzania, though, collections of
R. pulchellus adults from cattle were small, the Rhipicephalus pulchellus is one of the commonest
maximum single infestation being only 28 ticks. ticks occurring in the Horn of Africa, almost
On cattle, sheep and camels this tick attaches exclusively in and east of the Rift Valley, from
primarily on the ears and the underparts of the Eritrea in the north as far south as north-eastern
body, including the chest, belly, genital and anal Tanzania (Map 49) .
372 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Table 44. Host records of Rhipicephalus pulchellus

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 649 (including immatures)
Sheep 1 44 (including immatures)
Goats 1 33 (including immatures)
Camels 1 10
Horses 11
Donkeys 6
Mules 3
Pigs 5
Dogs 13

Wild animals
Somali hedgehog (Atelerix sclaten) 1
Lesser mouse-tailed bat (Rhinopoma hardwickei)
Cape serotine (Eptesicus capensis) 1
Yellow baboon (Papio cynocephalus) 1
'Baboon' (Papio sp.) 1
Black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) 3 (2 include nymphs)
Hunting dog (Lycaon pictus) 2
Bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis) 2 (nymphs only)
Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) 1
African wild cat (Pelis lybica) 2 (immatures)
Lion (Panthera lea) 7 (2 include immatures)
Leopard (Panthera pardus) 2 (includes nymphs)
Slender mongoose (Galerella sanguinea) 2
White-tailed mongoose (/chneumia albicauda) 1
Striped hyaena (Hyaena hyaena) 4 ( 1 includes nymphs)
'Hyaena' 3
Aardwolf (Proteles cristatus) 2 ( 1 with nymph only)
Small-spotted genet ( Genetta genetta) 1
Large-spotted genet ( Genetta tigrina)
African elephant (Loxodonta africana) 3
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchelliz) 4 1 (including immatures)
Grevy's zebra (Equus grevyz) 1 6 (including immatures)
'Zebra' 11
Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) 34 ( 1 includes nymphs)
Aardvark ( Orycteropus afer) 2
Warthog (Phacochoerus sp.) 19
Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus) 2
'Wild pig' 1
Giraffe ( Giraffa camelopardalis) 8
Impala (Aepyceros melampus) 13 (including immatures)
Coke's hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus cokiz) 30 (2 include nymphs)
'Kenya hartebeest' (A. b. cokii/A. b. jacksoni intergrades) 3 ( 1 includes immatures)
'Hartebeest' 2
Topi (Damaliscus lunatus topi) 5
Dibatag (Ammodorcas clarkei)
R. pulchellus 373

Table 44. (cont.)

Hosts Number of records

Wild animals (cont.)

Grant's gazelle (Gazella grantz) 1 5 (including nymphs)
Soemmerring's gazelle (Gazella soemmerringii) 7 ( 1 includes nymphs)
Speke's gazelle (Gazella spekei) 1
Thomson's gazelle (Gazella thomsonii) 1 2 (including immatures)
'Gazelle' 4
Gerenuk (Litocranius walleri) 1 0 ( 1 includes nymphs)
Gi.inther's dik-dik (Madoqua guentheri) 2 (nymphs)
Silver dik-dik (Madoqua piacentinii) 1
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 20 (1 includes nymphs)
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 33 (2 include nymphs)
Lesser kudu ( Tragelaphus imberbis) 2
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus) 1
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros) 6
'Kutlu' 2
Red forest duiker ( Cephalophus natalensis) 3 ( 1 with nymph only)
Sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) 1
Gemsbok (Oryx gazella) 38 (including immatures)
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) 6
Huet's bush squirrel (Paraxerus ochraceus) 1
Black-tailed gerbil ( Tatera nigricauda) 1
Spiny mouse (Acomys sp.) 1
Black rat (Rattus rattus)
Cape hare (Lepus capensis) 48 (immatures, mostly
Ethiopian hare (Lepus fagam)
Savanna hare (Lepus victoriae) 5 (immatures)
'Hare' 1 (nymphs only)

Ostrich (Struthio camelus)
Yellow-necked francolin (Francolinus leucoscepus)

Humans 40

There is little doubt that its absence from commented that this tick was absent from other
large parts of south-eastern Ethiopia, southern extensive collections made from domestic live­
Somalia and north-eastern Kenya merely reflects stock in Begemder. They suggested, though, that:
a lack of collections from these remote areas. 'At the northern end of the valley in Ethiopia,
However, the reasons for its apparent inability to camel caravans passing from the east coast to
extend its distribution to any significant extent western Ethiopia and the Sudan could easily carry
west of the Rift Valley remain obscure. In north­ numerous R. pulchellus west ofthe valley.' Further
ern Ethiopia Pegram et al. ( 1 98 1 ) referred to two south, in Kenya, there are only occasional records
isolated records, indicated by question marks of small numbers of this tick from west of the Rift
both on their map and ours, from west of the Rift Valley. It was suggested by Lewis ( 1 934) that this
Valley in Begemder and Gojam Provinces. They might be because major movements of both live-
374 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

stock and wild animals were up and down the been diagnosed in both Burchell's and Grevy's
valley (i.e. northwards and southwards), not zebras (Dennig, 1 965) .
across it. A.J. Wilsmore (pers. comm. to R.G. Trypanosoma theileri was found in the tis­
Pegram) questioned this; he believes there is con­ sues and haemolymph of 1 9 out of 258 R. pul­
siderable seasonal movement of Maasai cattle chellus adults from cattle near Negelli Borana,
across the Rift. It is noteworthy that R. pulchellus Sidamo Province, Ethiopia (Burgdorfer,
was not found on 1 2 Cape hares collected in the Schmidt & Hoogstraal, 1 973). Pegram ( 1 975),
Lolgorien-Kilgoris area west of the valley in who noted that T. theileri is usually regarded as
southern Kenya (Clifford et al., 1 976) . being non-pathogenic, speculated that it might
Broadly speaking R. pulchellus occurs at al­ be involved in a chronic wasting disease, char­
titudes below 2000 m, only occasionally above acterized by anaemia and known locally as
this, with annual rainfall from 1 00 mm to 800 'Luta', seen in other cattle in the same area.
mm. It is associated primarily with either Their symptoms were suggestive of
Somalia-Masai semi-desert vegetation or trypanosomiasis but neither T. vivax nor T. con­
Somalia-Masai Acacia-Commiphora deciduous golense was detected in 'several hundred exam­
bushland and thicket, though it does not occur inations' made. Pegram added that the large
throughout the extensions of the latter vegetation numbers of R. pulchellus on these cattle must
type into north-western Kenya and the western themselves have contributed to the animals'
Serengeti in Tanzania. It can apparently survive anaemia and illthrift. (A mineral deficiency was
in harsher environmental conditions than the re­ also suspected.)
lated species R. humeralis, with which it is sym­ Nairobi sheep disease virus was first re­
patric in parts of its range (see p. 2 1 4) . ported to have been transmitted experimentally
by R. pulchellus by Lewis ( 1 949) . Trans-stadial
and transovarial transmission of the virus
Disease relationships through the tick was subsequently demonstrated
by Pellegrini ( 1 950) . Epidemiological evidence
Rhipicephalus pulchellus has been associated with linking R. pulchellus with outbreaks of the disease
a wide variety of pathogenic organisms affecting in northern Somalia has subsequently been
both animals and man. documented (Edelsten, 1 97 5; Pegram, 1 97 5).
Theileria parva was transmitted by R. pul­ The gastroenteritis that it causes is aggravated by
chellus in only 1 out of the 1 4 experiments attem­ pneumonia caused by Pasteurella haemolytica.
pted by Brocklesby ( 1 965) . Earlier experiments Evidence that R. pulchellus adults collected
by Fotheringham & Lewis ( 1 93 7) gave negative in Ethiopia were naturally infected with Rickettsia
results. Since the areas where East Coast fever conori, one of the causative agents of human tick
occurs lie outside the distribution zone of this tick typhus, was presented by Philip et al. ( 1 966) .
it apparently does not act as a field vector of the The bites alone of this tick may cause problems
disease. in humans: they cause irritating inflamed sores
Schizonts of a Theileria sp., possibly T. that, if left untreated, are liable to suppurate
taurotragi, were found in the salivary glands of R. (Lewis, 1 934) .
pulchellus taken from an eland ( Taurotragus Cowdry ( 1 925) recorded a natural infec­
oryx) . Adults from the same batch of ticks trans­ tion by a Wolbachia species in the Malpighian
mitted a Theileria sp. that was neither T. parva tubules of R. pulchellus. However, recent obser­
nor T. mutans to cattle, and produced only a vations by Noda, Munderloh & Kurtti ( 1 997),
transitory parasitaemia (Brocklesby, 1 965) . who studied 'endosymbiotic bacteria from four
Schizonts identified as those of Babesia equi species of specific-pathogen-free ticks', suggest
were found in the salivary glands of R. pulchellus that the identity of this organism should be re­
adults taken from zebras (Brocklesby, 1 965). considered. Noda et al. concluded that the organ­
Naturally acquired infections of B. equi have isms they found 'are closely related to bacterial
R. pulchellus 375

pathogens transmitted by ticks', not to the Wol­ Afrika in den Jahren 1859 bis 1861. III: Wissen­
bachia spp. found in insects. schaftliche Theil. Abteilung 2, ed. 0. Kersten,
Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus pp. xvi + 542, 1 8 plates. (Ticks pp. 464-70,
of man was first reported to have been isolated plate xviii) . Leipzig & Heidelberg: C.J. Win­
ter'sche Verlagshandlung.
from naturally infected R. pulchellus taken from a
Lewis, E.A. ( 1 934) . A study of the ticks in Kenya
dead sheep in Kenya (Hoogstraal, 1 975, in litt.,
Colony. The influence of natural conditions and
quoted by Morel, 1 980) . It was later isolated
other factors on their distribution and the inci­
again from naturally infected ticks collected in dence of tick-borne diseases. Part III. Investiga­
Ethiopia (Wood et al., 1 978) . tions into the tick problem in the Masai Reserve.
Dugbe virus was also isolated from nat­ Bulletin of the Department ofAgriculture, Kenya,
urally infected R. pulchellus collected in Ethiopia No. 7 of 1934, 65 pp., 3 maps.
(Wood et al., 1 978) . Lewis, E.A. ( 1 949) . Nairobi sheep disease. Report of
the Veterinary Department, Kenya, for 1 94 7, pp.
45, 5 1 .
Noda, H., Munderloh, U.G. & Kurtti, T.J. ( 1 997) .
REFERENCES Endosymbionts of ticks and their relationship to
Wolbachia spp. and tick-borne pathogens of hu­
Brocklesby, D.W. ( 1 965) . Evidence that mans and animals. Applied and Environmental
Rhipicephalus pulchellus ( Gerstaecker, 1 8 7 3) Microbiology, 63, 3926-32.
may be a vector of some piroplasms. Bulletin of Pavesi, P. ( 1 898) . Aracnidi raccolti nel paese del
Epizootic Diseases ofAfrica, 13, 37-44. Somalia dall'ing. L. Bricchetti-Robecci. Bol­
Burgdorfer, W., Schmidt, M.L. & Hoogstraal, H. letino Scientifico, Pavia (1895-1898), an. 1 7,
( 1 973) . Detection of Trypanosoma theileri in 5(2), 37-46. (Reference not seen by authors) .
Ethiopian cattle ticks. Acta Tropica, 30, 340-6. Pegram, R.G. ( 1 975) . Ticks (Jxodoidea) of the northern
Clifford, C.M., Flux, J.E.C. & Hoogstraal, H. ( 1 976) . regions of the Somali Democratic Republic. Thesis
Seasonal and regional abundance of ticks submitted for Membership of the Institute of
(Ixodidae) on hares (Leporidae) in Kenya. Biology, London, 1 1 9 pp., 29 figs.
Journal ofMedical Entomology, 13, 40-7. Pegram, R.G. ( 1 976) . Ticks (Acarina, Ixodoidea) of
Cowdry, E.V. ( 1 925) . A group of microorganisms the northern regions of the Somali Democratic
transmitted hereditarily by ticks and apparently Republic. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 66,
unassociated with disease. Journal ofExperimen­ 345-63.
tal Medicine, 41, 8 1 7-30. Pegram, R.G., Hoogstraal, H. & Wassef, H.Y. ( 1 98 1 ) .
Cunliffe, N. ( 1 9 1 3) . The variability of Rhipicephalus Ticks (Acari: Ixodoidea) o f Ethiopia. I . Dis­
pulchellus (Gerstacker, 1 873). Parasitology, 6, tribution, ecology and host relationships of spe­
204-16. cies infesting livestock. Bulletin of Entomological
Dennig, H.K. ( 1 965) . The isolation of Babesia species Research, 7 1, 339-59.
from wild animals. Proceedings of the 1" Interna­ Pellegrini, D. ( 1 950) . La gastro-enterite emorragica
tional Congress of Parasitology, Rome, September delle pecore. Esperimenti di transmissione col
21-26, 1 964, 1, 262-3. 'Rhipicephalus pulchellus'. Bolletino della Societa
Edelsten, R.M. ( 1 97 5). The distribution and preva­ Italiana di Medicina e d' Jgiene Tropicale, 1 0,
lence of Nairobi sheep disease and other tick­ 1 64-9.
borne infections of sheep and goats in Northern Philip, C.B., Hoogstraal, H., Reiss-Gutfreund, R.J. &
Somalia. Tropical Animal Health and Production, Clifford, C.M. ( 1 966) . Evidence of rickettsial
7, 29-34. disease agents in ticks from Ethiopian cattle.
Fotheringham, W. & Lewis, E.A. ( 1 937) . East Coast Bulletin of the World Health Organisation, 35,
fever; its transmission by ticks in Kenya Colony. 127-3 1 .
Hyalomma impressum near planum P.Sch. as a Pocock, R.I. ( 1 900) . Chilopoda and Arachnida. Pro­
vector. Parasitology, 29, 504-23. ceedings of the Zoological Society of London, Part
Gersfacker, A. ( 1 873) . II. Gliederthiere (Insekten, 1, 48-55 .
Arachniden, Myriopoden und Isopoden) . In Walker, J.B. ( 1 95 5 ) . Rhipicephalus pulchellus Ger­
Baron Carl Claus von der Decken's Reisen in Ost sfacker 1 873: a description of the larva and the
376 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

nymph with notes on the adults and on its biol­ Diagnosis

ogy. Parasitology, 45, 95-8.
Wood, O.L., Lee, V.H., Ash, J.S. & Casals, ]. ( 1 978) . A medium-sized reddish-brown heavily-punc­
Crimean-Congo hemorragic fever, Thogoto, tate species.
Dugbe andJos viruses isolated from ixodid ticks
in Ethiopia. American Journal of Tropical Medi­
Male (Figs 1 72(a), 1 73(a) to (c))
cine and Hygiene, 27, 600-4.
Capitulum ranging from longer than broad to
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) :
Morel ( 1 980); Pegram ( 1 979); Walker ( 1 974); broader than long, length x breadth [based on a
Yeoman & Walker ( 1 967). paralectotype (Nuttall Collection 1 4 1 1 ) and 2
other males only] ranging from 0.55 mm x 0.52
mm to 0.59 mm x 0.63 mm. Basis capituli with
short acute lateral angles just anterior to mid­
RHIPICEPHALUS PUNCTA TUS length. Palps short, broad, rounded apically.
WARBURTON, 1 9 1 2 (INCLUDING Conscutum length x breadth ranging from 2.39
RHIPICEPHALUS SP. NEAR mm x 1 . 32 mm to 2.49 mm x 1 . 54 mm; anter­
PUNCTA TUS) ior process of coxae I large, sharp, well scler­
otized. Eyes slightly convex, delimited dorsally
The specific name, a Latin term meaning 'pitted, by shallow punctate depressions. Cervical pits
punctate', refers to the numerous punctations on convergent, continuous with shallow divergent
the male conscutum and female scutum. slightly shagreened internal cervical margins that
extend posteriorly just beyond eye level. Mar­
ginal lines long, punctate. Posterior grooves well
developed, posteromedian long and narrow,
neavei p unctatus posterolaterals shorter and broader. Medium-

Figure 1 72. Rhipicephalus punctatus [Nuttall Collection 141 1, RML 1 1 0224, paralectotypes, from greater kudu (Tra­
gelaphus strepsiceros), near Fort Mlangeni, central Angoniland ( Ncheu District), Malawi, in May 1 9 1 0 by S.A. Neave,

by courtesy of The Natural History Museum, London] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm.
A. Olwage de!.
R. punctatus 377

Table 45A. Host records of Rhipicephalus punctatus

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 56

Wild animals
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchellii) 2
Topi (Damaliscus lunatus topi)
Gerenuk (Litocranius wallen)
Kirk's dik-dik (Madoqua kirkii)
Klipspringer ( Oreotragus oreotragus) 4
Oribi ( Ourebia ourebi) 2
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros) 2
Sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) 1
Cape hare (Lepus capensis) 1
Savanna hare (Lepus victoriae) 8

sized seriferous punctations present on scapulae, cal fields long, slightly divergent. Medium-sized
along the external margins of the cervical fields seriferous punctations present anteriorly on
and scattered medially on the conscutum, inter­ scapulae, along external margins of cervical fields
spersed with numerous somewhat smaller punc­ and scattered medially on the scutum, intersper­
tations, creating an overall impression of a heav­ sed with numerous somewhat smaller puncta­
ily-punctate tick. Ventrally spiracles broad, with tions, creating an overall impression of a heavily­
the prolongation tapering gradually and curving punctate tick. Ventrally genital aperture more­
slightly just at its end. Adana! plates large, broad, or-less U-shaped, with the sides of the opening
their external and posterior margins almost diverging slightly.
straight, their internal margins virtually parallel
for much of their length, becoming divergent
posterior to the anus and joining the posterior Immature stages
margins in broadly-rounded curves; accessory Unknown.
adanal plates relatively small sclerotized points.
Notes on identification
Female (Figs 1 72(b), 1 73(d) to (/)) Rhipicephalus punctatus was described originally
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth as R. neavei punctatus by Warburton ( 1 9 1 2) , then
[based on a paralectotype (Nuttall Collection raised to specific rank by Santos Dias ( 1 95 1 ) . In
1 4 1 1 ) and 2 other females only] ranging from 1 956 Walker sankit as a synonym of R. pravus but
0 .68 mm x 0.72 mm to 0.69 mm x 0.77 mm . later realized that this was a mistake and it was
Basis capituli with acute lateral angles just anter­ reinstated as a full species by Yeoman & Walker
ior to mid-length; porose areas large, oval, about ( 1 967) . In 1 99 3 Santos Dias still listed it as a
twice their own diameter apart. Palps short, synonym of R. pravus.
broad, rounded apically. Scutum longer than It is the most heavily-punctate species in
broad, length x breadth ranging from 1 .43 the R. pravus group. The relationship between
mm x 1 .26 mm to 1 .47 mm x 1 .3 1 mm; pos­ this species and the somewhat more lightly­
terior margin slightly sinuous. Eyes slightly con­ punctate entity that has been recorded further
vex, delimited dorsally by shallow punctate de­ south in northern Mozambique, Zambia, Zim­
pressions. Cervical pits deep, convergent; cervi- babwe and Angola, referred to below as
378 AccounLs ofindividual Afrotropi..cal species
R. punctatus 379

Rhipicephalus sp. near punctatus, requires further There are also three isolated, and at present inex­
investigation. plicable, records in Tanzania from N. Maasai,
Mpwapwa and Ndandawala, Kilwa District.
Most collections have been made at alti­
tudes between about 1 200 m to 1 800 m, some­
times lower, with mean annual rainfalls ranging
Life cycle unknown; since R. punctatus belongs
from approximately 500 mm to 1 600 mm. It
to the R. pravus group it is almost certainly a
occurs in several vegetation types, from Af­
three-host species. The only domestic animals
romontane vegetation to mosaics of lowland
from which its adults have been collected thus
rainforest, secondary Acacia wooded grassland,
far, in very small numbers, are cattle. It has also
evergreen bushland and secondary grassland.
been recorded from various wild ungulates and
hares (Yeoman & Walker, 1 967; Matthysse &
Colbo, 1 987) (Table 45A) . The largest single Disease relationships
collection (9 1 adults) was taken from a sable
antelope, on which most of these ticks were at­ Unknown.
tached in the axillae and on the tail, with a few in
the mane and on the heels, but none in the ears.
Almost all the other collections from ungulates Rhipicephalus sp. near punctatus
yielded very few specimens of this tick. It occurs Notes on identification
more commonly, and in somewhat larger numb­ We have listed under this name ticks from Zim­
ers, on hares, particularly on their ears. babwe identified by Theiler & Robinson ( 1 953)
As noted above, the immature stages of R. and Theiler ( 1 962) as R. pravus and by Norval
punctatus have not been described. In Tanzania, ( 1 985) as Rhipicephalus sp. near R. punctatus. We
though, R. pravus group nymphs were found on have also included ticks from Zambia identified
six hares in association with adults of this species by MacLeod ( 1 970) , MacLeod et al. ( 1 977) and
(Yeoman & Walker, 1 967) . Probably, like the MacLeod & Mwanaumo ( 1 978) as belonging to
larvae and nymphs of other species in this group, the R. pravus group and containing both R. punc­
they will feed on elephant shrews. tatus and R. neavei (now regarded as a synonym
of R. kochi, which we have excluded from this
Zoogeography account), as well as ticks recorded as R. punctatus
by Pegram et al. ( 1 986) . The latter authors
Rhipicephalus punctatus, as envisaged here, has stated, though, that R. punctatus sensu stricto had
been recorded from south-western Uganda been confirmed in only one collection from cattle
southwards through parts of western and south­ at Solwezi, Northwestern Province. They com­
western Tanzania to Malawi and Zambia (Yeo­ mented: 'All other material referred to under this
man & Walker, 1 967; Keirans, 1 985; Pegram et name is atypically lightly punctate, being inter­
al., 1 986; Matthysse & Colbo, 1 987) (Map 50) . mediate between R. punctatus sensu stricto and the
eastern African Rhipicephalus pravus'.

Figure 173 (opposite) . Rhipicephalus punctatus [Tanzania

Tick Survey WA/80, RML 1 05012, collected from Bur­
chell's zebra (Equus burchellit), Kitangule plains,
Presumably a three-host species since it belongs
Karagwe, Tanzania, on 5 April 1 959 by Mrs G. Tullock] .
Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal to the R. pravus group. The preferred domestic
plates. Female: (d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) dorsal surface; hosts are cattle. The preferred wild hosts, while
(f) genital aperture. (Scales not available) . SEMs by including greater kudu, are chiefly small ante­
M.D. Corwin. lopes such as steenbok, grysbok and common
380 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

Table 45B. Host records o/Rhipicephalus sp. near punctatus

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 1 28
Sheep 2
Goats 2
Horses 5
Donkeys 2
Dogs 2

Wild animals
'Shrew' (Crocidura sp.) 3 (immatures)
Lion (Panthera leo) 1
Leopard (Panthera pardus) 2
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchelliz) 2
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 4
Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus) 3
Impala (Aepyceros melampus) 8
'Hartebeest' 1
Klipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragus) 1
Steenbok (Raphicerus campestris) 1 56 (including nymphs)
Sharpe's grysbok (Raphicerus sharpez) 28
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 8
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 2
Nyala ( Tragelaphus angasiz) 1
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus) 3
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros) 34
Bushbuck and greater kudu ( Tragelaphus spp.) 8
Common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia) 20
Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus) 1
Sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) 3
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus)
Natal multimammate rat (Mastomys natalensis) 1 (l larva)
Spring hare (Pedetes capensis) 1
Cape hare (Lepus capensis) 1
'Hare' 8 (including 1 nymph)
Jameson's red rock rabbit (Pronolagus randensis) 1 (l larva)

duiker (MacLeod, 1 970; Norval, 1 985) (Table to May (MacLeod, 1 970; MacLeod et al., 1 977;
45B) . Individual infestations of this tick always Pegram et al., 1 986) .
seem to be light. Adults have been collected from
the chest, abdomen and around the anus of cattle Zoogeography
(MacLeod et al., 1 977) .
In Zimbabwe adults were present through­ With the exception of the south-western border
out the year (Norval, 1 985) . In Zambia they were area and the central region this Rhipicephalus sp.
active from December and January to July or near p unctatus has been recorded throughout
August, with a peak in abundance from February Zimbabwe (see Map 50) . Most collections have
R. punctatus 381

12° 18° 30°


6° �..r---!---+----+..i_··-
-- ----t-----J 6°
AFRICAN REPUBLIC ----"i.'. -<----+-----':-+---4<'--
1 ,- , , - , - �- ·-(

- - r - - \ I' · -

-�'�GA���', J
. .. ... , .

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KENYA e:;,0

O o f---t-"------'1'"'--+--� . -="F""ct.:..:/
:1 -+-----+-+-f------I Oo
,- ---+------+--------.� -=-

GABON \ 0 ,r
I.., (\.-··./ !/
(.j !


\ '?-
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Rhipicephalus punctatus
• Type locality
• Locality records
() Rhipicephatus sp. near punctatus
rT-:::7 _..i--�1--;---71L_ ___ -l--) __j24° _

("'··...... . ./
18° 30 °
Map 50. Rhipicephalus punctatus and Rhipicephalus sp. near punctatus: distribution.

been made in the south-east of the country bor­ REFERENCES

dering Mozambique and in the west (Norval,
1 985) . In Zambia most collections come from MacLeod, J. ( 1 970) . Tick infestation patterns in the
the Southern and Central Provinces. It has been southern province of Zambia. Bulletin of Ento­
collected at localities between 400 m and 1 400 m mological Research, 60, 253-74.
above sea level and receiving between 7 50 mm MacLeod, J., Colbo, M.H., Madbouly, M.H. &
and 1 000 mm of rainfall annually. It is found in
Mwanaumo, B. ( 1 977) . Ecological studies of
ixodid ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in Zambia. III.
both wetter and drier Zambezian miombo wood­
Seasonal activity and attachment sites on cattle,
land, Colophospermum mopane woodland and un­
with notes on other hosts. Bulletin ofEntomologi­
differentiated northern Zambezian woodland. cal Research, 67, 1 6 1-73.
MacLeod, J. & Mwanaumo, B. ( 1 978) . Ecological
Disease relationships studies of ixodid ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in
Zambia. IV. Some anomalous infestation pat­
Unknown. terns in the northern and eastern regions.
382 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Bulletin of Entomological Research, 68, 409-29. Male (Figs 1 74(a), 1 75(a) to (c))
Norval, RA.I. ( 1 985). The ticks of Zimbabwe. XII. Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
The lesser known Rhipicephalus species. Zim­ ranging from 0.49 mm x 0.56 mm to 0.57 mm x
babwe Veterinary Journal, 16, 37-43. 0.63 mm. Basis capituli with acutely-curved lat­
Pegram, R.G., Perry, B.D., Musisi, F.L. &
eral angles, not overlapping scapular areas of the
Mwanaumo, B. ( 1 986) . Ecology and phenology
conscutum. Palps short, rounded apically. Con­
of ticks in Zambia: seasonal dynamics on cattle.
scutum slightly narrower anteriorly, broadening
Experimental and Applied Acarology, 2, 25-45.
Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 9 5 1 ) . Mais um Ixodideo do posterior to eyes, length x breadth ranging from
genero Rhipicephalus s. str. Koch, 1 844 para a 2.24 mm x 1 . 1 2 mm to 2.63 mm x 1 . 55 mm;
fauna de M0<;:ambique. R. punctatus Warbur­ anterior process of coxae I inconspicuous. In
ton, 1 9 1 2 . Anais do Instituto de Medicina Tropi­ engorged specimens body wall expanded
cal, Lisboa, 8, 373-90. laterally and posteriorly. Eyes marginal, very
Theiler, G. & Robinson, B.N. ( 1 953) . Ticks in the slightly bulging, edged dorsally with a few punc­
South African Zoological Survey Collection. tations. Cervical pits short, deep. In some speci­
Part VII. Six lesser known African mens the merest indication of cervical fields can
rhipicephalids. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterin­ be seen, but this condition is rare. Marginal lines
ary Research, 26, 93-1 36.
deep and punctate, delimiting the first two fes­
Walker, J.B. ( 1 956) . Rhipicephalus pravus Donitz,
toons and extending anteriorly, ending posterior
1 9 1 0. Parasitology, 46, 243-60.
to eyes. Posteromedian groove narrowly elon­
Warburton, C. ( 1 9 12). Notes on the genus
Rhipicephalus with the description of new spe­ gate, posterolateral grooves subcircular. In many
cies, and the consideration of some species males examined the posteromedian and
hitherto described. Parasitology, 5, 1-20. posterolateral grooves are larger and deeper than
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) : those illustrated in Fig. 1 74 (a) . Punctations
Keirans ( 1 985); Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987); range from scarce to numerous; usually the lar­
Santos Dias ( 1 993); Theiler ( 1 962); Yeoman & ger more robust male specimens are more dense­
Walker ( 1 967) . ly punctate, but characteristically four more-or­
less regular rows of widely-spaced punctations
are visible. This 'simus' pattern is composed of
larger and somewhat deeper punctations than
(LATREILLE, 1 806)
the background pattern of smaller interstitial
punctations covering the conscutum. Ventrally
This specific name from the Latin sanguineus
spiracles elongate throughout, each with a nar­
meaning 'of blood' or 'bloody', refers to the
row dorsal prolongation usually visible dorsally.
blood-feeding habit of this tick.
Adanal plates variable but generally elongately
Synonyms subtriangular, distinctly broad in their posterior
aspect, but occasionally truncated or rounded
becarii; bhamensis; breviceps; brevicollis; bursa posteriorly; accessory adanal plates moderately
americanus; carinatus; flavus; ?intermedius; lim­ distinct. Legs increase slightly in size from I to
batus; macropis; punctatzsszmus; rubicundus; IV.
rutilus; sanguineus brevicollis; sanguineus punc­
tatissimus; siculus; stigmaticus; texanus.
Female (Figs 1 74(b), 1 75(d) to (j), 1 78(a))
Diagnosis Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
ranging from 0.57 mm x 0.67 mm to 0.63 mm x
A medium-sized, pale yellowish-brown or red­ 0. 7 1 mm. Basis capituli with broad lateral angles;
dish-brown tick with a 'simus' pattern of puncta­ porose areas small, about twice their own diam­
tions in the male, and scalpel-shaped cervical eter apart. Palps longer than those of male, nar­
fields in the female. rowly rounded apically. Scutum longer than
R. sanguineus 383

Figure 17 4. Rhipicephalus sanguineus (collected from dog, Pretoria North, Gauteng Province, South Africa, on 21 January
1980 by D. Roos) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage de!.

Table 46. Confirmed host records ofRhipicephalus sanguineus in the Afrotropical region

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 12
Goats 3
Dogs 547 (including immatures)
Cats 1

Wild animals
'Jackal' (Canis spp.) 4
African wild cat (Pelis lybica) 1
Serval (Leptailurus serval) 1
Brown hyaena (Parahyaena brunnea) 1
Zorilla (Ictonyx striatus) 1
African civet ( Civettictis civetta) 2
Aardvark ( Orycteropus afer) 1
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus)
Giraffe ( Giraffa camelopardalis)
Gunther's dik-dik (Madoqua guentherz) 1
Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) 1

Humans 2
384 Accounts of indivUi.ual Afrotropical species

R. sanguineus 385

Figure 176 (abcve). Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Protozoology Section Tick Breeding Reg)sicr, Ondem<:poon:, No. 3265,
progeny of� collected from dog, Fon Beaufort, Eastern Cape Province, S()uth Africa, IJ) April 1970). Nymph.: (a)
capitulum, dorsal; (b) capituJum, venttal; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. ScaJe l>SJ"S represent 0.10 mm . SEMs by J.F. PuttetiJJ.

Pigure l 75 (oppcsiw) . Rhipicephalus sanguimws (J>rotozoology Section Tick Bn:cd.ing Regi:m:r, Oodemepoon.,No. �265,
progeny of � coUected from dog, Fort 'Beaufort, &mem Cape Province, South Africa, in April 1970). Male: (a)
capirulum, dorsal; (b) aelanal plates. Female: (d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scurum; {f) genital apenure. S<:ale
spiracle; (c)
t>an repr<:sent O. lQ mm. SEMs by J.P. P1.1nc.rill.
386 Acamms ofi.n.dividual Afrotropical rpecies

Figure 177. RJiipiaphahq umguiiuus (Protozoology S�tion Tick Br<;cding R<:gisccr, 0nders1epoort, No. 3 265, progeny
of� coll�tcd from dog, Pon Beaufort, Ea�tcm Cape Province, Sovth Africa, if\ April 1970). Larva: (a) co.pitulwn,
dorsal; (b) capirulum, vcno-al; (c) scv.tum; (d) co11.ae. Scale bars rcpr<:6cni O. 10 rnm. SEM� by J.F. Puttcrill.

broad, length x breadth rangi.ng from 1.28 Nymph (Fig. 1 76)

mm x 1 . 14 mm to 1.36 mm x 1 .23 mm; shield­ Capirulum much broader than long, length x
shaped with posterior margin s inuou s . Eyes at breadth rangit1.g from 0. 23 mm x 0. 3 1 mm to
lateral angles) mildly convex, usually rimmed 0.24 mm x 0.33 rn.rn. Late(al a.ogles shallowly
dorsally by a fc::w pWlctations. Cervical fields curved. Palps short, apically acute. Scutum ap­
slightly depressed, scalpel-shaped, usually beset prox.imately as tong as broad, length x breadth
with striations and some shagreening; e-xternal ranging from 0.49 mm x 0.51 mm t.o 0.54
cervical margins marked by several larger punc­ mm x 0.54 mm. Laceral margins nearly straight,
cations; a few larger punctations also present me­ posterior margin broadly rounded. Eyes ac
dially and in scapular areas. Ventrally genital ap­ widest poi.nt, slighrly convex, marked dorsally by
emi.re broadly U-shaped. a few pUl\Ctauons. Cervicul grooves short and
R. sanguineus 387

Figure 178. Female genital apel't\Jres (mounted): (a) Rhipiccphalus sanguiiuus; (b) Rhipicepiahis
J camica.si. (From Pegram
et al., 1987, .figs 38 & 39, with kind penn.ission from Kluwer Academic Publishers).

deep, scutal surface relatively m

i punctate. Ven­ have often been misidentified. Pegram el al.
trally coxae I each with two short, widely separ­ ( J 987a, b) have critically reviewed the literature
ated spurs, external longer than internal; a single on this group. They illustrated the morphology
rounded external spur, decreasing in size, on and geographical disuibutions as well as supply­
coxae II and III; coxae IV lacking spurs. ing host lists of six of these ticks, including R.
sanguineus sensu siricto. Two of these species, R.
g. 1 77)
Larva (Fi carnicasi. and R. turanictts, closely resemble R.
CapituJum much broader than long, length x sanguineus morphologically. ln general, though,
breadth ranging from 0.098 mm x 0.144 mm to the scuta of male and female R. camicasi are less
0. 1 13 mm x 0.156 mm. Basis capituli twice as punctate than those of R. sanguineus, while those
broad as long, pos(erior margin broadly curved, of R. turanicus are more punctate. In addition che
lateral angles short, blunt. Palps short> external gen.ital apertures of female R. camicasi and R.
margin mildly convex} bluntly poimed apically. turanicus are broadly V-shaped compared to the
Scurum much broader than long, length x U-shape of that of R. sanguineus. Differences in
breadth ranging from 0.2 1 1 mm x 0.370 mm to the appearance of the mounted female genitalia
0.215 m m x 0.382 mm. A few very faint punc­ of R. sanguineus and R. camicasi. are illustrated in
tations present. Eyes at widest point, large, set Fig. 178.
well over halfway back. Cervical grooves shal­ Another species in this group with which R.
low, moderately long, subparallel. Venttally sanguineus sen.su stricw may sometimes have been
coxae I each with a broad salient ridge, coxae JI confused is R. std.caws. The latter has, however, a
each with a smaU spur; coxae IJI each with the much denser and more even pWlctation pattern
slightest indication of a spur. thanR. sanguineus (compare Fig. 198>P· 427, \\'1th
Fig. 174). lls mounted female genital aperture
Notes on identification also differs from that of the R. sanguineus female
The R. sanguineus group comprises several ti.ck (compare fig. 85(b), p. 2 1 l> with Fig. 178(a)).
species. The biosystematic status of the majority In 1956> before the status of the R. san­
of them has been confused> consequently they guineus group of ticks had been clarified, Hoog-
388 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

straal stated: 'A listing of each host reported by 1 982; Koch, 1 982) . In homes and apartments,
various authors would be of no practical value'. this tick is often present around the bedding area
Pegram et al. ( 1 987b), in their publication clarify­ of pets. Upon detaching many engorged nymphs
ing the status of R. sanguineus, wrote: 'Our results and females migrate vertically providing the sur­
suggest that previously published records, which face is suitable, before moulting or egg-laying
indicate a very wide host range for this species, commences in cracks or crevices, or between
require critical re-evaluation'. Bearing this in walls and the covering wallpaper.
mind we have, in the Afrotropical region, accep­ In the Nearctic, R. sanguineus very rarely
ted the published records ofNorval, Daillecourt & bites humans (Helm, 1 952) . However, Goddard
Pegram ( 1 983), Pegram et al. ( 1 987b) and Horak ( 1 989) recorded a focus of human parasitism at
( 1 982, 1 99 5) as well as the unpublished records of four United States Airforce installations in north­
H. Heyne, I.G.H. and J.B.W. as valid. All these ern Texas and southern Oklahoma. These find­
workers were aware of the similarities between R. ings were subsequently confirmed by Carpenter,
sanguineus, R. sulcatus and R. turanicus at the McMeans & McHugh ( 1 990) .
time and were able to differentiate between the In studies conducted in both northern and
three species. Their host records are listed in southern Africa two generations of adult ticks
Table 46. have been noted in summer (Amin & Madbouly,
1 973; Horak, 1 982) . The synchronous emerg­
ence of adults in spring from over-wintered
Hosts nymphs gives rise to the first generation (Horak,
1 982; Koch & Tuck, 1 986) . In humid tropical
A three-host species. Numerous workers have zones three generations may be possible annually
studied the life history and ovipositional habits of (Aeschlimann, 1 96 7) .
this tick (Hooker, Bishopp & Wood, 1 9 1 2; Nut­
tall, 1 9 13; Patton & Cragg, 1 9 1 3; Sapre, 1 944;
Lombardini, 1 950; Achan, 1 96 1 ; Sweatman,
1 967; Sardey & Rao, 1 97 1 and others) . Depend­
Rhipicephalus sanguineus is probably the most
ing on altitude, laboratory hosts, temperature
widely distributed tick in the world. Circum­
and relative humidity at which the studies were
globally it is found approximately between the
undertaken, larvae and nymphs feed for about 4
latitudes of 50° N and 30° S, and its preference
days and females for 8. The number of eggs
for dogs has facilitated its worldwide distribution
deposited varies from 1 1 64 to almost 5000. Nut­
(Leeson, 1 9 5 1 ) . In the tropics and subtropics R.
tall's 1 9 1 3 data showed that larvae can survive
sanguineus can be found both indoors and out. In
unfed for 253 days, nymphs for 97 and adults for
colder climates it is primarily found indoors, in
as long as 568 days.
homes, apartments, kennels and any other struc­
The preferred host for all stages of develop­
tures where dogs dwell. In 1 946 Cooley listed the
ment of R. sanguineus, commonly known as the
brown dog tick from 26 states in the U.S .A. It has
brown dog tick or the kennel tick, is the domesti­
now been recorded from all 50 states. Hoogstraal
cated dog. In the Afrotropical region occasional
( 1 973) reported that R. sanguineus has never
collections have been taken from cattle, goats,
been recorded from Afghanistan; however, Le
some wild carnivores and other wild animals and
Riche et al. ( 1 988) recorded it from 1 0 out of 1 05
also humans (Table 46) . The latter hosts must,
stray dogs in Kabul. Rhipicephalus sanguineus is
however, all be considered as accidental.
rare in Japan excluding Okinawa (Inokuma,
Preferred attachment sites on dogs of the
Tamura & Onishi, 1 995).
immature stages are the legs, chest and belly with
nymphs attaching also to the ears. Adults are
found mainly on the ears, head and neck (Horak,
R. sanguineus 389

Disease relationships an epierythrocytic rickettsial parasite with both

transovarial and transstadial transmission occur­
Rhipicephalus sanguineus transmits the causative ring (Seneviratna, Weerasinghe & Ariyadasa,
agents of canine tick fever or babesiosis infec­ 1 973), and Hepatozoon canis which is transmitted
tions in dogs, Babesia canis (Shortt, 1 973) and to dogs when they ingest or bite an infected tick
Babesia gibsoni (Sen, 1 933) . The latter species (Nordgren & Craig, 1 984) .
occurs primarily in the Far East and North Afri­ The nymph to adult transmission of
ca, while B. canis is endemic in the U.S .A. and Dipetalonema dracunculoides, a filarial nematode
much, if not all, of Africa. Eaton ( 1 934) first of dogs, has been demonstrated experimentally
reported B. canis in greyhounds from Florida, (Olmeda-Garcia, Rodriguez-Rodriguez & Roja­
U.S .A. It was thought that the disease was re­ Vazquez, 1 993) . Viloria ( 1 954) reported that an
stricted to the southern states, but it is now infestation consisting of several R. sanguineus
known in the East, Middlewest and Southwest caused tick paralysis in a dog in Venezuela, but
(Ewing, 1 968) . Babesia canis can be transmitted this tick does not appear to be efficient in causing
transovarially and transstadially (Shortt, 1 973) . canine paralysis.
The listing of R. sanguineus as a vector of Babesia Various organisms pathogenic to humans
caballi and Babesia equi of horses (Enigk, 1 943) have been found in the brown dog tick. Rickettsia
probably refers to R. turanicus. rickettsi, the agent of Rocky Mountain spotted
Ehrlichia canis, the causative agent of ca­ fever; Rickettsia sibirica, the agent of Siberian tick
nine ehrlichiosis (tropical canine pancytopenia) typhus, and Rickettsia conori, the agent of
was described originally in Algeria (Donatien & boutonneuse fever, have all been isolated from
Lestoquard, 1 935) . It was later recorded from this tick (Hoogstraal, 1 967) . Parker ( 1 933) re­
the Middle East, the Orient, and numerous other ported larval to adult survival of Francisella
areas of the globe (Ewing, 1 972) . The disease is tularensis in, and transmission of the causative
transmitted by all parasitic stages of R. san­ organism of tularaemia by, R. sanguineus. How­
guineus (Groves et al., 1 975) . It is the most com­ ever, the most recent review article on tularaemia
monly reported canine infectious disease in the (Hopla & Hopla, 1 994) does not implicate R.
U.S.A., and is present wherever the brown dog sanguineus as a competent vector. In most re­
tick occurs. However, passage of an isolate of E. gions of the world R. sanguineus does not feed on
canis in cell culture apparently adversely affects humans and is consequently not considered an
its transmissibility by R. sanguineus (Mathew et important vector of the agents of RMsf, Siberian
al., 1 996) . tick typhus or tularaemia.
Rhipicephalus sanguineus has been in­ Noda, Munderloh & Kurtti ( 1 997) found
criminated in the transmission of Rickettsia rick­ symbionts in R. sanguineus whose 1 6S rDNA
ettsi, the cause of canine Rocky Mountain spot­ sequences 'were closely related to that for the
ted fever (RMsf) , but its significance as a vector Q-fever organism, C[oxiella] burnetii'.
is uncertain (Greene & Breitschwerdt, 1 990) . In the Mediterranean Littoral, Crimea,
Pure breeds appear more likely to suffer clinical northern and southern India, Burma, Malaysia,
manifestations of the disease. In dogs the usual Thailand and Vietnam R. sanguineus is the pri­
site of haemorrhage is in the mucous membranes mary vector of R. conori, the rickettsia of the
rather than in the skin, the usual site in human fievre boutonneuse group. This rickettsia is the
RMsf. Rickettsia rhipicephali, another spotted fe­ causative agent of a condition variously known as
ver group rickettsia, has also been recorded from South African, Kenyan, Crimean and Indian tick
the brown dog tick (Burgdorfer et al., 1 975, typhuses, Marseilles fever, Mediterranean spot­
1 978) . ted fever, as well as numerous other names.
Two minor canine diseases are also trans­ However, in Central and South Africa other
mitted by R. sanguineus, Haemobartonella canis, ticks, endemic animals and local environments
390 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

are involved (Philip & Burgdorfer, 1 96 1 ; Hoog­ Ewing, S.A. ( 1 968) . Differentiation of hematozoan
straal, 1 967) . parasites of dogs. Southern Veterinarian, 5, 8-
Rickettsia conori was introduced into Swit­ 1 5.
Ewing, S.A. ( 1 972) . Geographic distribution and tick
zerland in 1 976 either from southern France or
transmission of Ehrlichia canis. Journal ofMedi­
from Italy on a pet dog infested with R. san­
cal Entomology, 9, 597-8.
guineus (Peter et al., 1 984) . By the time control
Goddard,}. ( 1 989) . Focus of human parasitism by the
measures were initiated in 1 98 1 , four persons brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Acari:
associated with the dog had been diagnosed with Ixodidae). Journal of Medical Entomology, 26,
boutonneuse fever. 628-9.
Greene, C.E. & Breitschwerdt, E.B. ( 1 990) . Rocky
Mountain spotted fever and Q fever. In Infec­
REFERENCES tious Diseases of the Dog and Cat, ed. C.E.
Greene, pp. 4 1 9-33. Philadelphia : W.B. Saun­
Achan, P .D. ( 1 96 1 ) . Observation on the oviposition ders Company.
of Rhipicephalus sanguineus Latr. Bulletin of Groves, M.G., Dennis, G.L., Amyx, H.L. & Huxsoll,
Entomology, 2, 38-42. D .L. ( 1 97 5). Transmission of Ehrlichia canis to
Amin, O.M. & Madbouly, M.H. ( 1 973). Distribution dogs by ticks (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) . Ameri­
and seasonal dynamics of a tick, a louse fly, and can Journal of Veterinary Research, 36, 937-40.
a louse infesting dogs in the Nile Valley and Helm, R.W. ( 1 952) . Report of the brown dog tick
Delta of Egypt. Journal of Medical Entomology, attacking humans. Entomological News, 63, 2 1 4.
10, 295-8. Hoogstraal, H. ( 1 967) . Ticks in relation to human
Burgdorfer, W., Sexton, D.]., Gerloff, R.K., Anacker, diseases caused by Rickettsia species. Annual
R.L., Philip, R.N. & Thomas, L.A. ( 1 975) . Review ofEntomology, 12, 377-420.
Rhipicephalus sanguineus: vector of a new spot­ Hoogstraal, H. ( 1 973) . Biological patterns in the Af­
ted fever group rickettsia in the United States. ghanistan tick fauna. In Proceedings of the 3rd
Infection and Immunity, 12, 205-10. International Congress of Acarology, Prague, Au­
Burgdorfer, W., Brinton, L.P., Krinsky, W.L. & Phi­ gust 31-September 6, 1 971, ed. M. Daniel & B.
lip, R.N. ( 1 978) . Rickettsia rhipicephali, a new Rosicky, pp. 5 1 1-14. Prague: Academia.
spotted fever group rickettsia from the brown Hooker, W.A., Bishopp, F.C. & Wood, H.P. ( 1 9 1 2) .
dog tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus. In Rickettsiae The life history and bionomics of some North
and Rickettsial Diseases, ed. J. Kazar, R.A. Or­ American ticks. Bulletin. Bureau of Entomology.
msbee & N. Tarasevich, pp. 307- 1 6. Bratislava, United States Department ofAgriculture, No. 106,
CSSR: VEDA. 239 pp.
Carpenter, T.L., McMeans, M.C. & McHugh, C.P. Hopla, C.E. & Hopla, A.K. ( 1 994) . Tularemia. In
( 1 990) . Additional instances of human para­ Handbook ofZoonoses, 2nd edn, ed. G.W. Beren
sitism by the brown dog tick (Acari: Ixodidae) . & JH. Steele, pp. 1 1 3-25. Boca Raton, FL:
Journal ofMedical Entomology, 27, 1 056-66. CRC Press.
Cooley, R.A. ( 1 946) . The genera Boophilus, Horak, I. G. ( 1 982) . Parasites of domestic and wild
Rhipicephalus, and Haemaphysalis (Ixodidae) of animals in South Africa. XIV. The seasonal
the New World. National Institutes of Health prevalence of Rhipicephalus sanguineus and
Bulletin, No. 187, 54 pp. Ctenocephalides spp. on kennelled dogs in Pre­
Donatien, A. & Lestoquard, F. ( 1 935). Existence en toria North. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary
Algerie d'une Rickettsia du chien. Bulletin de la Research, 49, 63-8.
Societe de Pathologie Exotique, 28, 4 1 8-19. Horak, l.G. ( 1 995) . Ixodid ticks collected at the Fac­
Eaton, P. ( 1 934) . Piroplasma canis in Florida. Journal ulty ofVeterinary Science, Onderstepoort, from
ofParasitology, 20, 3 1 2- 1 3 . dogs diagnosed with Babesia canis infection.
Enigk, K . ( 1 943) . Die Dbertrager des Pferdepiroplas­ Journal of the South African Veterinary Associ­
mose, ihre Verbreitung und Biologie. Archiv fur ation, 66, 1 70-1 .
Wissenschaftliche und Praktische Tierheilkunde, Inokuma, H., Tamura, K. & Onishi, T . ( 1 995) . Inci­
78, 209-40. dence of brown dog ticks, Rhipicephalus san-
R. sanguineus 391

guineus, at a kennel in Okayama Prefecture. Parker, R.R. ( 1 933) . Recent studies of tick-borne dis­
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 57, 567-8. eases made at the United States Public Health
Koch, H.G. ( 1 982) . Seasonal incidence and attach­ Service Laboratory at Hamilton, Montana. Pro­
ment sites of ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) on domestic ceedings of the 5th Pacific Science Congress, 6,
dogs in southeastern Oklahoma and north­ 3367-74.
western Arkansas, USA. Journal of Medical Patton, W.S. & Cragg, F.W. ( 1 9 1 3) . A Textbook of
Entomology, 1 9, 293-8. Medical Entomology. London, Madras and Cal­
Koch, H.G. & Tuck, M.D. ( 1 986) . Molting and sur­ cutta: Christian Literature Society for India.
vival of the brown dog tick (Acari: Ixodidae) Pegram, R.G., Clifford, C.M., Walker, J.B. & Keirans,
under different temperatures and humidities. J.E. ( 1 987a) . Clarification of the Rhipicephalus
Annals of the Entomological Society of America, sanguineus group (Acari, Ixodoidea, Ixodidae) .
79, 1 1-14. I. R. sulcatus Neumann, 1 908 and R. turanicus
Latreille, P.A. ( 1 806) . Genera crustaceorum et insec­ Pomerantsev, 1 936. Systematic Parasitology, 1 0,
torum secundum ordinem naturalem in familias 3-26.
disposita, iconibus exemplisque plurimis explicata, Pegram, R.G., Keirans,J.E., Clifford, C.M. & Walker,
1, 302 pp. Paris et Argentorati. J.B. ( 1 987b) . Clarification of the Rhipicephalus
Le Riche, P.D., Soe, A.K., Alemzada, Q. & Sharifi, L. sanguineus group (Acari, Ixodoidea, Ixodidae) .
( 1 988). Parasites of dogs in Kabul, Afghanistan. IL R. sanguineus (Latreille, 1 806) and related
British Veterinary Journal, 144, 370-3. species. Systematic Parasitology, 1 0, 27-44.
Leeson, H.S. ( 1 95 1 ) . The recorded distribution of the Peter, 0., Burgdorfer, W., Aeschlimann, A. & Cha­
tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille) . Bulletin telanat, P. ( 1 984) . Rickettsia conorii isolated
of Entomological Research, 42, 1 23-4. from Rhipicephalus sanguineus introduced into
Lombardini, G. (1 950) . Osservazioni biologiche ed Switzerland on a pet dog. Zeitschrift fur Para­
anatomiche sul Rhipicephalus sanguineus Latr. sitenkunde, 70, 265-70.
(Acarina, Ixodidae) . Redia, 35, 1 73-83. Philip, C. B. & Burgdorfer, W. ( 1 96 1 ) . Arthropod
Mathew, J.S., Ewing, S.A., Barker, R.W., Fox, J.C., vectors as reservoirs of microbial disease agents.
Dawson, J.E., Warner, C.K., Murphy, G.L. & Annual Review ofEntomology, 6, 391-4 1 2 .
Kocan, K.M. ( 1 996) . Attempted transmission Sapre, S.N. ( 1 944) . Some observations on the life
of Ehrlichia canis by Rhipicephalus sanguineus history of the dog tick R. sanguineus (Latr.) at
after passage in cell culture. American Journal of Mukteswar. Indian Journal of Veterinary Science,
Veterinary Research, 57, 1 594-8. 14, 1 1 1-12.
Noda, H., Munderloh, U.G. & Kurtti, T.J. ( 1 997) . Sardey, M.R. & Rao, S.R. ( 1 97 1 ) . Observations on
Endosymbionts of ticks and their relationship to the life-history and bionomics of Rhipicephalus
Wolbachia spp. and tick-borne pathogens of hu­ sanguineus (Latreille, 1 806) under different
mans and animals. Applied and Environmental temperatures and humidities. Indian Journal of
Microbiology, 63, 3926-32. Animal Science, 41, 500-3.
Nordgren, RM. & Craig, T.M. ( 1 984) . Experimental Sen, S .K. ( 1 933) . The vector of canine piroplasmosis
transmission of the Texas strain of Hepatozoon due to Piroplasma gibsoni. Indian Journal of Vet­
canis. Veterinary Parasitology, 16, 207-14. erinary Science, 3, 356-63.
Norval, RA.I., Daillecourt, T. & Pegram, R.G. Seneviratna, P., Weerasinghe, N. & Ariyadasa, S.
( 1 983) . The ticks of Zimbabwe. VI. The ( 1 973). Transmission of Haemobartonella canis
Rhipicephalus sanguineus group. Zimbabwe Vet­ by the dog tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Re­
erinary Journal, 1 3, 38-46. search in Veterinary Science, 14, 1 1 2-14.
Nuttall, G.H.F. ( 1 9 1 3) . Observations on the biology Shortt, H.E. ( 1 973) . Babesia canis: the life cycle and
of Ixodidae. Part 1 . Parasitology, 6, 68-1 1 8. laboratory maintenance in its arthropod and
Olmeda-Garcia, A.S., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, J.A. & mammalian hosts. International Journal for
Rojo-Vazquez, F.A. ( 1 993) . Experimental Parasitology, 3, 1 1 9-48.
transmission of Dipetalonema dracunculoides Sweatman, G.K. ( 1 967) . Physical and biological fac­
(Cobbold 1 870) by Rhipicephalus sanguineus tors affecting the longevity and oviposition of
(Latreille 1 806) . Veterinary Parasitology, 47, engorged Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Journal of
339-42. Parasitology, 53, 432-45.
3 92 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Viloria, D. ( 1 954) . Paralisis por garrapatas en ca­

24° 30 ° 42 °
ninos. Revista de Medicina Veterinaria y Para­
sitologia Maracay, 13, 67-70.
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-1 3):
Aeschlimann ( 1 967); Filippova ( 1 997); Hoog­
straal ( 1 956) .
REPUBLIC ----Jc!-11----�---l--Ht--+-1 6°

WARBURTON, 1 9 1 2
- ·
1 2° i---
·· --t-='"c:�+----+><f'lf--F=--+-1--1 1 2°
This specific name, from the Latin sculptura �
meaning 'carved', refers to the pattern on the
. ,
dorsal surface of the male's conscutum.
1a0 rr==-=

-- - '·
�- �
/ �� �---+--.j 1 a0
Rhipicephalus sculptus
Diagnosis ¢ Type locality (approximate)
• Locality records

A large dark brown to blackish tick. 24 ° 30 °

Male (Figs 1 79(a), 180(a) to (c)) Map 5 1 . Rhipicephalus sculptus: distribution.

Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth
ranging from 1 . 1 0 mm x 0.96 mm to 1 .26
mm x 1 . 1 0 mm. Basis capituli with short blunt

a ,
. b

Figure 1 79. Rhipicephalus sculptus [Onderstepoort Tick Collection 2922i, collected from African buffalo (Syncerus ca.Ifer) ,
Namwala, Zambia, 22 November 195 1 , by J.G. Matthysse] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1
mm . A. Olwage del.
R. sculptus 393

Table 4 7. Host records ofRhipicephalus sculptus

Hosts Number of records

Wild animals
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchelliz) 5
Giraffe (Gira.ffa camelopardalis) 1
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer)
Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus) 1
Sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) 3
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) 1

lateral angles at about anterior third of its length. accessory adanal plates inconspicuous, sharply
Palps somewhat flattened apically. Conscutum pointed.
length x breadth ranging from 4.29 mm x 2. 98
mm to 5 .49 mm x 3.89 mm; anterior process on Female (Figs 1 79(b), 1 80(d) to (j))
coxae I conspicuous, strongly sclerotized. In en­ Capitulum slightly broader than long,
gorged specimens body wall expanded laterally length x breadth ranging from 1 .09 mm x 1 . 1 5
and posterolaterally, with a bluntly-rounded mm to 1 . 1 8 mm x 1 .23 mm. Basis capituli with
caudal process posteromedially. Eyes almost flat, blunt lateral angles in anterior third of its length;
delimited dorsally by deep punctate grooves. porose areas large, oval, not quite twice their own
Cervical fields finely shagreened anteriorly and diameter apart. Palps broad, slightly flattened
along their external margins. Marginal lines long, apically. Scutum usually slightly broader than
their outer margins sharply defined, their surfa­ long, though somewhat longer than broad in the
ces shagreened. Posteromedian and posterolat­ specimen scanned, length x breadth ranging
eral grooves all long, narrow, tapering anteriorly, from 2.22 mm x 2.29 mm to 2.43 mm x 2 . 5 1
shagreened. Posterior to the eyes glossy ridges mm; posterior margin slightly sinuous. Eyes al­
outline a distinct female pseudoscutum. Between most flat, delimited dorsally by deep punctate
this and the posterior grooves roughly shag­ grooves. Cervical fields broad, finely shagreened
reened tracts divide the conscutum into several anteriorly and along their external margins. A
separate raised areas. Large setiferous puncta­ few large setiferous punctations present on the
tions present on the scapulae, along the external scapulae, along the external cervical margins and
margins of the cervical fields and scattered scattered among the numerous smaller puncta­
amongst the more numerous smaller punctations tions medially on the conscutum. The raised lat­
on the raised medial areas of the conscutum. eral borders and posterior marginal border of the
However, the lateral areas adjacent to the mar­ scutum glossy, framing the punctate medial area.
ginal lines and the surfaces surrounding the pos­ Alloscutum with numerous short white setae, es­
terior grooves are glossy and almost free of punc­ pecially along the marginal lines. Ventrally geni­
tations. The resulting sculptured pattern on the tal aperture almost tongue-shaped, smoothly
conscutum is very characteristic of this species. rounded posteriorly.
Ventrally spiracles with a long narrow gently­
curved dorsal prolongation. Adanal plates Nymph (Fig. 1 81)
unique in shape, narrow anteriorly, becoming Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
progressively wider, their posterior margins con­ ranging from 0.30 mm x 0.35 mm to 0.36
vex and extending into short sharp points at their mm x 0.40 mm. Basis capituli about 2.5 times as
junctions with the internal and external margins; broad as long with anteriorly-placed, broadly-
394 ;
O u
AccounLS .r f t..
· u!ividual ft,otropical species
R. sculptus 395

Figure 1 8 1 (above). Rhipicephalzts sculptus lL 180. Reared specimens, progeny of 2 collected from 'hartebecst', Kafue
National Park, Zambia, in l 982 by R.G. Pegram) . Nymph: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c) scunim; (d)
coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by J.P. PutteriU.

Figure 180 (opposite) . Rhipiceplzalus sculpws [L 180. Reared specimens, progeny of� collected from 'hartebeest', Kafue
National Park, Zambia, in 1 982 by R. G. Pegram! . Male: (a) capitulwn, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d)
capirulum, dorsal; (e) scutum; (f) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by J.F. PutteriU.
396 Awums ofindividual Afrotro-picaJ specU.S

Figure 182. Rliipicephalus sculPCt·IS (L 180. Reared specimens, progeny of<j.> collected from 'hanebeest', Kafue National
Park, Zambia, in l 982 by R.G. Pegram). Larv&: (a) capirulum, dorsal; (b} capiculum, ventral; (c) scurum; (d) coxae.
Scale ba� represent 0. 10 nun. S!EMs by J.F. Puneti.11.

pointed lateral angles projecting over the scap­ with a small narrow external spur and a larger
ulae; ventrally ""ith shon blunt spun; on posterior broader internal spur; coxae II to IV each with
margin. Palps bmad, somewhiit flanened api­ progressivelysmallerexremal spurs only, that on
cally. Scuturn genenilly broader than long, rv being virtually obsolece.
length x breadth ranging from 0.62 rnm x 0.62
mm co 0.69 mm x 0.77 mm; posterior margin a Larva (Fig. 182)
deep s111ooth curve. Eyes at widest poioc, a linle Capjculum slightly broader than long, length x
overhalfway back, slightly convex and delimited breadth ranging from 0.134 mm x 0.135 mm to
dorsaUy by shallow depress.ions. Cervical fields 0 . 1 5 1 mm x O. l 58 mm. Basis capituli approxi­
broad, slightly depressed. VentraUy coxae { each macely cwice as broad as long with short bluntly-
R. sculptus 397

pointed lateral angles; junctions of the posterior voured hosts into all parts of their range, es­
and posterolateral sections of the margin pecially in southern Africa. Collections of adults
smoothly rounded. Scutum much broader than have been made in summer (November to Feb­
long, length x breadth ranging from 0.257 ruary) , during the rainy season, and also in June.
mm x 0.367 mm to 0 .272 mm x 0.379 mm; Its known collection sites lie at over 1 000 m in
posterior margin a broad smooth curve. Eyes at altitude, with mean annual rainfalls of 800 mm to
widest part of scutum, slightly raised and de­ 1 000 mm or more, in various types of woodland.
limited dorsally by shallow depressions. Cervical
grooves short. Ventrally coxae I each with a
Disease relationships
broadly-rounded spur; coxae II to III each with
progressively smaller spurs.

Notes on identification
Colbo (1 973) referred to 'large Rhipicephalus sp. REFERENCES
nymphs' that had been collected from 'Har­
tebeest' (presumably Lichtenstein's hartebeest, Colbo, M.H. ( 1 973) . Ticks of Zambian wild animals: a
Sigmoceros lichtensteinit) and 'Grysbok' (presum­ preliminary checklist. Puku, No. 7, 97-1 05.
ably Sharpes' grysbok, Raphicerus sharpet) near MacLeod, J. ( 1 970) . Tick infestation patterns in the
Ngoma in the Kafue National Park, Zambia, and southern province of Zambia. Bulletin of Ento­
suggested that they might be either R. supertritus mological Research, 60, 253-74.
or R. sculptus. We have compared some of these MacLeod, J. & Mwanaumo, B. ( 1 978) . Ecological
nymphs from Lichtenstein's hartebeest with studies of ixodid ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in Zam­
nymphs of R. sculptus that have since been reared bia. IV. Some anomalous infestation patterns in
the northern and eastern regions. Bulletin ofEn­
but do not think they belong to this species. They
tomological Research, 68, 409-29.
may be R. supertritus (see p. 434) .
Warburton, C. ( 1 9 1 2) . Notes on the genus
Rhipicephalus, with the description of new spe­
Hosts cies, and the consideration of some species
hitherto described. Parasitology, 5, 1-20.
A three-host species (R.G. Pegram, unpublished Wilson, S.G. ( 1 950) . A check-list and host-list of
Ixodoidea found in Nyasaland, with descrip­
data) . The few available records of R. sculptus
tions and biological notes on some of the
indicate that its preferred hosts are Burchell's
rhipicephalids. Bulletin of Entomological Re­
zebras and the larger species of African bovids
search, 41, 41 5-28.
(Table 4 7) . Its sites of attachment on its hosts are Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) :
unknown. Keirans ( 1 985); Santos Dias ( 1 960); Theiler
( 1 947); Wilson ( 1 950); Yeoman & Walker
( 1 967) .

To date this species has been recorded from the

Manyoni area in Tanzania southwards to parts of
Malawi and Zambia (Wilson, 1 950; Yeoman &
Walker, 1 967; MacLeod, 1 970; MacLeod &
Mwanaumo, 1 978; Keirans, 1 985) (Map 5 1) . It
would be reasonable to assume that it also occurs
in adjacent areas of southern Democratic Re­
public of Congo and parts of northern Mozam­
bique but it apparently does not follow its fa-
398 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

RHIPICEPHALUS SENEGALENSIS scutum length x breadth ranging from 3 . 1 1

KOCH, 1 844 mm x 2.00 mm to 4.3 1 mm x 2.84 mm; anter­
ior process of coxae I inconspicuous. In en­
This specific name is derived from Senegal, gorged specimens body wall expanded
where two of the type females apparently orig­ posterolaterally and forming three characteristic
inated, plus the Latin adjectival suffix -ensis caudal processes posteromedially. Eyes almost
meaning 'belonging to'. flat, edged dorsally by a few medium-sized
setiferous punctations. Cervical pits deep, dis­
Synonyms crete. Marginal lines long, punctate. Posterior
grooves indistinct; posteromedian long and nar­
longoides; simus longoides; simus senegalensis. row, posterolaterals much shorter and more-or­
less sickle-shaped. A few medium-sized setifer­
Diagnosis ous punctations scattered anteriorly on scapulae;
larger setiferous punctations present along exter­
A large reddish-brown to dark brown lightly­ nal margins of cervical fields and in a 'simus'
punctate tick. pattern medially on the conscutum, becoming
more numerous adjacent to the posterior
Male (Figs l 83(a), l 84(a) to (c)) grooves. Very fine punctations present all over
Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth the conscutum but these may be virtually invis­
ranging from 0 .72 mm x 0.64 mm to 0.98 ible in some specimens, leaving the conscutum
mm x 0.85 mm. Basis capituli with short acute smooth and shiny. Ventrally spiracles broad with
lateral angles at anterior third of its length. Palps a short somewhat narrower dorsal prolongation
short, broad, somewhat flattened apically. Con- extending almost at a right angle. Adanal plates

Figure 1 83. Rhipicephalus senegalensis (collected from roadside vegetation, Comoe National Park, Ivory Coast, on 22 to
23 September 1 990 by R. Meiswinkel) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.
R. senegalensis 399

24° 30°

Rhipicephalus senega/ensis
Type locality Senegal
• Locality records

18° 18° 24° 30°

Map 52. Rhipicephalus senegalensis: distribution. (Based on Morel, 1 969) .

broad, sickle-shaped; accessory adanal plates genital aperture with the sides of the opening
large, pointed, well sclerotized. curving outwards from its broadly-rounded
posterior margin.
Female (Figs 1 83(b), 184(d) to (j))
Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth Nymph (Fig. 1 85)
ranging from 0.72 mm x 0.69 mm to 0.95 Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
mm x 0.90 mm. Basis capituli with acute lat­ ranging from 0.28 mm x 0 . 33 mm to 0.3 1 x
eral angles at mid-length; porose areas large, 0.36 mm. Basis capituli over three times as broad
oval, about 1 .5 times their own diameter apart. as long with tapering sharply-pointed lateral
Palps broad, longer than those of male. Scutum angles in posterior half of its length projecting
about as broad as long, length x breadth over scapulae, posterior margin slightly concave;
ranging from 1 .3 1 mm x 1 .32 mm to 1 .92 ventrally with long sharp spurs on posterior mar­
mm x 1 . 92 mm; posterior margin slightly sinu­ gin. Palps tapering to rounded apices, their lat­
ous. Eyes almost flat, edged dorsally by a few eral margins slightly concave, inclined inwards.
medium-sized setiferous punctations. Cervical Scutum longer than broad, length x breadth
pits deep, convergent; cervical fields broad, ranging from 0.5 1 mm x 0.46 mm to 0.62
only slightly depressed, their external margins mm x 0.57 mm; posterior margin an almost
clearly delimited by rows of large setiferous smooth curve. Eyes at widest point, well over
punctations. A few medium-sized setiferous halfway back, elongate and slightly raised. Cervi­
punctations scattered on scapulae and between cal pits deep; cervical fields long, narrow, slightly
the cervical fields, interspersed with numerous divergent, with pronounced external margins
fine punctations, especially medially. Ventrally running parallel to the lateral margins of the
400 Accounts of indi'vidual Afrotropical species
R. senegalensis 401

Figure 185 (above). Rhipic.ephalus senegalensis (R.lv1L 36780, collected from rodent nest, Garamba Park, Democratic
Republic of Congo, on I August 1951 by J.V. Verschureo). Nymph: (a) capitulum, dorsa!; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c)
scurum; (d) coxae. ScaJe bars represent 0. 10 mm. SEMs by J.F. Putterill.

Figure 184 (f>Ppcsite). Rh.ipcephalus

i sem:galensis (collected from roadside vegetation, Comoe National Park, Ivory Coasc,
on 22 to 23 September 1990 by R. Meiswinkel) . Male: (a) capitulwn, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d)
capitulum, dorsal; (e) scutum; (f) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by J.P. Putterill.
402 Accounts of ndividual
i Afrotropical species

Figure 186. RhipiC4pltalus senegalmsis. (progeny of lj? collected from bovine, s,mgalkam, Senegal, in August 1963 and
donated by P. C. Morel). Larva: (a) capirulwn, dorsal; (b) capitulu.rn, ventral; (c) scurum; (d) coxae. Scale bSJ'S represent
0.10 mm. SEMs by J.F. Putterill.

scutum. Venrrally coxae I each with two large terior margin very slightly concave. PaJps broad,
triangular spurs; coxae II to IV each with a virtually equal in width for much of their length,
rounded external spur, decreasing progressively tapering abruptly to broadly-rounded apices, in­
in size. clined inwards. Scutum much broader than long,
length x breadth ranging from 0.205 mm x
larva (Fig. 186) 0.304 mm to 0.224 mm x 0.331 mm; posterior
Capitulum much broader than long, length x margin broad, shallow, very slightly concave
breadth ranging from 0.081 mm x 0.145 mm to posterolaterally. Eyes at widest part of scutum,
0.108 mm x 0 . 1 5 7 mm. Basis capintli well over very far back, large, flat. Cervical grooves short,
three ti.mes as broad as long with short broad convergent. Ventrally coxae I each with a broad
bluntly-pointed lateral angles, and its long pos- bluntly-rounded spur; coxae II and III each with
R. senegalensis 403

an indication only of a spur on its posterior mar­ We have taken a conservative view of the
gin. distribution of R. senegalensis and regard it as a
species occurring north of the Equator from
Notes on identification Senegal, its type locality in West Africa, east­
Vassiliades ( 1 964) has given a detailed review of wards to parts of the southern Sudan and north­
R. senegalensis, particularly its morphology and ern Uganda (Clifford & Anastos, 1 962; Morel,
biology. Unfortunately, though, neither he nor 1 969) . Further studies may show that this con­
any of us have re-examined the three syntype cept is too restricted. In the past it has also been
females of this species, one said to be from Egypt recorded from further south in the Democratic
and two from Senegal (Zoological Museum, Republic of Congo and from Kenya, Tanzania,
Berlin 1 096), listed by Moritz & Fischer ( 1 98 1 ) . Malawi and Mozambique (Hoogstraal, 1 954;
Probably no one now believes that R . senegalensis Santos Dias, 1 960; Vassiliades, 1 964; Elbl &
occurs in Egypt. Regarding this tick Hoogstraal Anastos, 1 966; Morel, 1 969; Keirans, 1 985) . It
( 1 956) noted: 'A female specimen of the R. simus was not, however, listed from Mozambique by
group from Koch's time would be difficult to Santos Dias ( 1 993) .
identify with any degree of certainty . . . ' . He
thought it had either been misidentified (page
756) or mislabelled (page 758) . We agree and, Hosts
like Vassiliades, have disregarded this record.
The synonymy of R. senegalensis is some­ A three-host species (Vassiliades, 1 964) .
what complicated (Clifford & Anastos ( 1 962) . Rhipicephalus senegalensis adults are essentially
Neumann ( 1 897) synonymized this species with parasites of ungulates (Table 48) . The most
R. simus and his finding was accepted for some commonly recorded domestic hosts are cattle,
years by other authors. Later Zumpt ( 1 943) de­ and to a much lesser extent dogs. Numerous wild
scribed what he thought was a new subspecies R. ungulates apparently act as hosts, especially the
simus longoides, though he mentioned the female warthog and African buffalo. Morel ( 1 958) also
from Senegal described by Koch ( 1 844) and cited several earlier records of R. simus that prob­
noted that it might be a synonym. In 1 949, with­ ably refer to this species from various animals,
out explanation and apparently without having including the African civet ( Civettictis civetta)
seen any of Koch's syntype females, Zumpt used and aardvark ( Orycteropus afer) . We are not cer­
the name R. simus senegalensis, with R. simus tain about this though, so these records do not
longoides as its synonym. These names appeared qualify for inclusion in the table.
widely in the literature for some years. In 1 95 5, The immature stages parasitize small mam­
though, Santos Dias stated that he regarded R. mals, especially rodents. As well as several rodent
senegalensis as a valid species and this decision, species Clifford & Anastos ( 1 964) listed all stages
which was supported by Tendeiro ( 1 959) and from rodent nests; the adults had doubtless
Clifford & Anastos ( 1 962), now prevails. moulted there from engorged nymphs that had
In more recent years increasing reliance has fed on the rodents.
been placed on specific differences in the struc­ At Sangalkam, Senegal, the adults are most
ture of the mounted genital aperture to separate active from June to August, during the rainy
the females of R. pseudolongus, R. longus and R. season. In the Niayes region, along the north­
senegalensis, as discussed in detail by Clifford & western seaboard of Senegal, they are found only
Anastos ( 1 962) . (See p. 261, under R. longus, during the rains. They become extremely abun­
Fig. 1 1 3) . Care must also be taken to distinguish dant on cattle then, particularly on their ears.
R. senegalensis females from those of R. praetex­ When the greatest numbers are present, though,
tatus (Pegram et al., 1 987) . (See p. 42 1 , under R. they may attach almost anywhere on the animal,
simus, Fig. 1 97) . including the eyelids, round the nostrils, on the
404 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Table 48. Hos t records ofRhipicephalus senegalensis

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 1 88
Sheep 7
Goats 4
Horses 5
Pigs 5
Dogs 23

Wild animals
White-toothed shrew (Crocidura sp.)
Hunting dog (Lycaon pictus)
Lion (Panthera leo)
Leopard (Panthera pardus)
Banded mongoose (Mungos mungo) 1 (nymph)
Small-spotted genet ( Genetta genetta) 1
African elephant (Loxodonta africana) 3
Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis)
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 27
Red river hog (Potamochoerus porcus) 2
'Wild pig'
Giraffe (Gira.ffa camelopardalis) 1
Kanki (Alcelaphus buselaphus major)
Lichtenstein's hartebeest (Sigmoceros lichtensteiniz)
Oribi ( Ourebia ourebz)
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 23
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx)
Bongo ( Tragelaphus eurycerus)
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus)
Bay duiker (Cephalophus dorsalis) 1
Common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia) 1
Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus) 2
Bohor reedbuck (Redunca redunca)
Giant ground pangolin (Manis gigantea) 1
Cuvier's tree squirrel (Funisciurus pyrrhopus) 1 (1 nymph)
'Gerbil' ( Taterillus sp.) 1 (immatures)
Striped grass rat (Lemniscomys striatus) 3 ( 1 3, 2 nymphs)
Crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata) 1
'Cane rat' ( Thryonomys sp.) 1 (adults, 2 nymphs)
Cape hare (Lepus capensis) 1
'Elephant shrew' (Elephantulus sp.) 1 (nymph)

White-faced whistling duck (Dendrocygna viduata) 1

Humans 2
R. senegalensis 405

lower jaw and on the shoulders, back, flanks, tail Hoogstraal, H. ( 1 954) . Noteworthy African tick re­
and feet (Vassiliades, 1 964; Gueye et al., 1 986) . cords in the British Museum (Natural History)
collections. Proceedings of the Entomological So­
ciety of Washington, 56, 273-9.
Zoogeography Koch, C.L. ( 1 844) . Systematische Uebersicht i.iber
die Ordung der Zecken. Archiv fur Naturges­
chichte, 10, 2 1 7-39.
We regard R. senegalensis primarily as a West
Morel, P.C. ( 1 958) . Les tiques des animaux domes­
African species whose distribution also extends
tiques de l'Afrique occidentale fran\:aise. Revue
eastwards through northern Democratic Repub­ d'Elevage et de Medecine Viterinaire des Pays
lic of Congo, parts of northern Uganda and the Tropicaux, 1 1 (nouvelle serie), 1 5 3-89.
southern Sudan (Hoogstraal, 1 956; Clifford & Neumann, L.G. ( 1 897) . Revision de la famille des
Anastos, 1 964; Morel, 1 969; Matthyse & Colbo, ixodides. (2e Memoire) . Memoires de la Societe
1 987) (Map 5 2) . Zoologique de France, 10, 324-420.
In West Africa it is prevalent at low alti­ Pegram, R.G., Walker, J.B., Clifford, C.M. & Keirans,
tudes, up to about 500 m, in lowland and J.E. ( 1 98 7) . Comparison of populations of the
Guineo-Congolian rainforest and mosaics of this Rhipicephalus simus group: R. simus, R. praetex­
forest and secondary grassland. It is usually tatus, and R. muhsamae (Acari: Ixodidae) . Jour­
nal ofMedical Entomology, 24, 666-82.
abundant only in places receiving a minimum of
Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 955). A prop6sito de uma
1 000 mm rainfall annually, distributed over at
cole\:iio de carra\:as do Sudiio Anglo-Egipcio.
least 5 to 6 months. It may, however, exist in
Algumas considera\:5es sobre o Rhipicephalus
some lower rainfall areas provided that the hu­ longus Neumann, 1 907. Boletim da Sociedade de
midity in the microclimate is high enough. Estudos de Mo{:ambique, No. 92, 1 03-1 8.
East of the Cameroon-Adamawa moun­ Santo Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 993) . Some data concerning the
tains, on the periphery of the Congo basin, it is ticks (Acarina - Ixodoidea) presently known in
less abundant although the climate is analagous Mozambique. Garcia de Orta, Serie de Zoologia,
to that in West Africa. However it is somewhat Lisboa, 18 for 1991, 27-48.
higher in altitude, ranging from 500 m to 1 000 Tendeiro, J. (1 959) . Sur quelques ixodides du
m. In these areas its distribution overlaps that of Mozambique et de la Guinee Portugaise. 1 . Bol­
R. longus (Morel, 1 969) . etim Cultural da Guine Portuguesa, 14(53), 2 1 -
95, figs 1-12.
Vassiliades, G. ( 1 964) . Contribution a la connais­
sance de la tique Africaine Rhipicephalus
Disease relationships
senegalensis Koch, 1 844. Annales de la Faculte des
Sciences de l'Universite de Dakar, 14, 7 1-1 04.
Specimens of R. senegalensis (syn. R. simus Zumpt, F. ( 1 943) . Rhipicephalus simus Koch und ver­
senegalensis) that were naturally infected with Q­ wandte Arten. VIL Vorstudie zu einer Revision
fever ( Coxiella burnett) were reported to have der Gattung Rhipicephalus. Zeitschrift fur Para­
been found in Guinea-Bissau (formerly Por­ sitenkunde, 1 3, 1-24.
tuguese Guinea) (Hoogstraal, 1 956) . Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) :
Clifford & Anastos ( 1 962, 1 964); Elbl & Anas­
tos ( 1 966); Hoogstraal ( 1 956); Keirans ( 1 985);
Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987); Morel ( 1 969);
REFERENCES Moritz & Fischer ( 1 98 1 ) ; Santos Dias ( 1 960);
Zumpt ( 1 949) .
Gueye, A., Mbengue, M., Diouf, A. & Seye, M.
( 1 986) . Tiques et hemoparasitoses du betail au
Senegal. 1 . La region des Niayes. Revue d'Elev­
age et de Medecine Viterinaire des Pays Tropicaux,
39 (nouvelle serie), 38 1-93.
406 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

RHIPICEPHALUS SERRANO! SANTOS scutum length x breadth in the two specimens

DIAS, 1 950 1 . 96 mm x 1 .26 mm and 2.03 mm x 1 .43 mm
respectively; anterior process of coxae I small,
This species was named after the collector of the rounded. Even in partially engorged males no
type specimens, Dr Antonio de Melo Serrano. indication of a caudal process seen. Eyes flat,
edged by a few small punctations. Cervical pits
Diagnosis comma-shaped, convergent; external margins of
cervical fields delimited by large setiferous punc­
A small reddish-brown tick. tations. Marginal lines long, deep, punctate. Pos­
terior grooves in the form of two median punc­
Male (Figs 1 87(a), 1 88(a) to (c)) tate depressions flanked on either side by an
Capitulum as broad as long to slightly longer irregularly shaped aggregation of large puncta­
than broad, its length x breadth in the two speci­ tions. On the conscutum in general punctations
mens measured 0.42 mm x 0.40 mm and 0.44 medium-sized, numerous, tending to become
mm x 0.44 mm, respectively. Basis capituli with larger, and sometimes more-or-less confluent,
short acute lateral angles in anterior half of its posteromedially. Ventrally spiracles with a long
length. Palps short, their apices rounded. Con- broad prolongation curving gently towards the

Figure 1 87 (above) . Rhipicephalus serranoi [Zumpt's Ref. No. 142, collected from klipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragus),
Chipangali, Zambia, on 28 March 1 963 by F. Zumpt] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm .

A. Olwage del.

Figure 1 88 (opposite) . Rhipicephalus serranoi [Zumpt's Ref. No. 1 42, collected from klipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragus),
Chipangali, Zambia, on 28 March 1 963 by F. Zumpt] . Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates.
Female: (d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scutum; (f) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0. 1 0 mm SEMs by J.F. Putterill.
R. serranoi 407
408 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Table 49. Host records ofRhipicephalus serranoi

Hosts Number of records

Wild animals
Leopard (Panthera pardus)
Tree hyrax (Dendrohyrax arboreus)
Yellow-spotted rock hyrax (Heterohyrax brucez)
Rock hyrax (Procavia capensis)
Klipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragus) 2

most twice their own diameter apart. Palps long,
30 ° 36°
with article I easily visible. Scutum longer than
broad, length x breadth ranging from 1 .26
) mm x 1 . 1 1 mm to 1 .42 mm x 1 .22 mm; pos­
1 2 ° i------r--'- -·=
_ +-------' terior margin a broad deep curve, very slightly
sinuous laterally. Eyes flat, edged dorsally by a
few small punctations. Cervical pits long, con­
.-· '·-...... vergent; cervical fields long, their external mar­
gins demarcated by large setiferous punctations.
A few medium-sized setiferous punctations pres­
ent on scapulae and scattered medially on the
scutum, where they are interspersed with numer­
ous evenly distributed small punctations. Ven­
trally genital aperture a broad shallow U-shape.
Rhipicephalus serranoi
., • Type locality Immature stages
• Locality records
0 Locality record
30 °
(approximate: Tete Province) r---+-.---1 30 °
Notes on identification
24° 30 ° 42 ° We have not seen the type series of R. serranoi (2
XX, 5 YY) . However, some of the specimens on
Map 53. Rhipicephalus serranoi: distribution. which our descriptions of the adults were based
were identified, and kindly donated to us, by Dr
Santos Dias. In several important respects,
dorsal surface. Adanal plates short, broad, their though, our interpretation of this species differs
posteroextemal margins almost angular, their markedly from his original description. For
posterointernal margins smoothly rounded; ac­ example, in his original illustration of the male's
cessory adanal plates sharply pointed. dorsal surface the tick's eyes are not flat but
appear to bulge; the conscutum is more densely
Female (Figs 187(b), 1 88(d) to (j)) and evenly punctate than it is in our specimens,
Capitulum broader than long, its length x and he has indicated three evenly shaped pos­
breadth ranging from 0.61 mm x 0.63 mm to terior depressions on the conscutum (the usual
0.64 mm x 0. 70 mm in the five specimens meas­ arrangement in Rhipicephalus males), not the
ured. Basis capituli with acute lateral angles at four irregularities seen in our specimens. In his
about mid-length; porose areas rather small, al- illustration of the female he shows a more densely
R. simpsoni 409

and evenly punctate tick than ours, with no clear REFERENCES

indication of the rows of large punctations along
the external cervical margins seen in our speci­ Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 950) . Mais uma nova especie de
mens. These anomalies should be remembered carra9a para a fauna de Mo9ambique. Mo�am­
by anyone trying to identify this rare tick. bique, No. 63, 1 43-5 1 .
In our experience care must be taken not to Santos Dias,J.A.T. ( 1 993) . Some data concerning the
confuse R. serranoi females with those of R. oreo­ ticks (Acarina - Ixodoidea) presently known in
Mozambique. Garcia de Orta, Serie de Zoo/,ogia,
tragi sp. nov. (p. 330) as they are very similar
Lisboa, 1 8 for 1991, 27-48.
morphologically. The males of these two species
Tendeiro, J. ( 1 959). Sur quelques ixodides du
are easier to differentiate. Present indications are
Mozambique et de la Guinee Portugaise. 1 . Bol­
that these two species do not occur in the same etim Cultural da Guine Portuguesa, 14 (53), 2 1 -
areas. 9 5 , figs. 1-12.

Life cycle unknown. Santos Dias ( 1 993) re­ NUTTALL, 1 9 1 0
garded this rare rhipicephalid as a parasite of
hyraxes (<lassies) (Table 49) . This may well be, This species was named after the collector of the
but it could also prove to be primarily a klipsprin­ type specimens, J.J. Simpson, a British entomol­
ger parasite. Four of its five known hosts, includ­ ogist who worked for a number of years in West
ing the leopard, often inhabit the same rocky Africa.
outcrops (Tendeiro, 1 959) . Leopards prey on
both the hyraxes and klipspringers.

Zoogeography A medium-sized, glossy, often lightish-brown,

To date R. serranoi has been recorded only in a
small part of north-eastern Zambia and northern Male (Figs 1 89(a), 1 90(a) to (c))
Mozambique, including Tete Province (Santos Capitulum broader than long to slightly longer
Dias, 1 993) (Map 53) . These localities are at than broad, length x breadth ranging from 0.43
altitudes between 500 m and 1 500 m with mean mm x 0.49 mm to 0.8 1 mm x 0.78 mm. Basis
annual rainfalls of ± 1 000 mm in miombo wood­ capituli with sharply-pointed lateral angles in an­
land. It must be remembered, though, that the terior third of its length. Palps short, tapering
precise conditions under which the ticks actually apically. Conscutum length x breadth ranging
live are probably moderated by the special habi­ from 2.0 1 mm x 1 .27 mm to 3 . 73 mm x 2.54
tat requrements of their hosts. mm; anterior process of coxae I small, blunt. In
engorged specimens a single short blunt caudal
Disease relationships process present. Eyes flat, edged dorsally by a
few punctations. Cervical pits short; cervical
Unknown. fields long, narrow, inconspicuous. Marginal
lines long, though not reaching eye level, outlined
by punctations. Posteromedian groove long and
slender, posterolateral grooves shorter and
broader. A few shallow medium-sized setiferous
punctations present along the external margins
of the cervical fields and in a 'simus' pattern
410 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species


•.,, > ......



- - -!';

Figure 1 89. Rhipicephalus simpsoni [OnderstepoortTick Collection 2490iii, collected from a greater cane rat ( Thryonomys
swinderianus), Yaounde, Cameroon, on 28 July 1 952 by J. Rageau] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars
represent 1 mm. A. Olwage de!.

Table 50. Host records ofRhipicephalus simpsoni

Hosts Number of records

Wild animals
Sykes' monkey ( Cercopithecus albogularis)
Royal antelope (Neotragus pygmaeus) 2
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer)
'Duiker' 2
Giant Gambian rat ( Cricetomys gambianus) 3
'Marsh rat'
African brush-tailed porcupine (Atherurus africanus) 6 (nymphs)
Lesser cane rat ( Thryonomys gregorianus) 3
Greater cane rat ( Thryonomys swinderianus) 942 (including immatures)
Cane rat ( Thryonomys sp.) 10

Yellow warbler ( Chloropeta natalensis) 1 ( 1 X)
R. simpsoni 41 1

0 0
12° 6 6 12° 30° 36°


; i
\.... ·-·

-··r -r."�) ���

·· ·

0 OF CONGO ""-----.li''-4"""'1=--4=----r-++----+-----1 0°

2 °
_-- \----- -\- -
[- --
--r----1�-i - -
j j -·
� �J f
r� _ ..

! '-··

Rhipicepha/us simpsoni
* Type locality
• Locality records

0 0 0 0
16° 12° 6 0 6 12° 16° 24° 30 36° 60°

Map 54. Rhipicephalus simpsoni: distribution.

dorsally on the conscutum, sometimes intersper­ twice their own diameter apart. Palps quite long,
sed with very fine superficial punctations, but the narrowing apically. Scutum slightly longer than
conscutum is usually smooth and shiny. Ven­ broad to broader than long, length x breadth
trally spiracles with a short broad curved dorsal ranging from 1 .03 mm x 1 . 1 4 mm to 1 .79
prolongation. Adanal plates broadly sickle­ mm x 1. 77 mm , posterior margin slightly sinu­
shaped; accessory adanal plates long, pointed ous. Eyes at mid-length, fiat, edged dorsally by a
and well sclerotized. few punctations. Cervical pits short, convergent;
cervical fields long and narrow, their external
Female (Figs 189(b), 1 90(d) to (j)) margins delimited by steep ridges with a few
Capitulum broader than long to slightly longer medium-sized setiferous punctations. A few
than broad, length x breadth ranging from 0.58 similar punctations scattered medially on the
mm x 0.64 mm to 0.88 mm x 0.87 mm. Basis scutum, sometimes interspersed with numerous
capituli with sharply-pointed lateral angles at very fine superficial punctations, but the scutum
mid-length; porose areas rounded, not quite is usually smooth and shiny. Ventrally genital
41.2 Accounts oif tr/ . . A'frc>cropical species
. d'ividual

\, _L
R. simpsoni 413

Figure 1 9 1(abwe). Rhipiccphalw simpsorti [Ondcrstepoort Tick Collection 2490\'ii.i, collected from a greater cane rat
(Thryotw111ys swinderianus), Ndumu, northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, on 22 December 1963 by J.E. DixonJ.
Nymph: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulwn, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by
).F. Puttcrill.

Figure 190 (opposiu). RhipiuphahtS simpsoni [Onderstepoort Tick Collection 2490viii, collected from a greater cane rat
( Thryonomys swini:krianus), Ndumu, northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, on 22 December 1963 by J.E. Dixon).
lvlale: (a) capirulwn, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) capirulum, dorsal; (e) SC1Jtum; (f) genital
aperture. Scale bars represent 0. 10 rrun. SEMs by J.F. Putterill.
414 Accounts ofindividual Afrotropical species

Figure 192. Rhipiaphalus simpsoni [Onderstepoon Tick Collec tion 2490vili, coU�ted from a greater cane rat (Thryon­
omys swinderianus), Ndumu, nonhem KwaZulu-Natal, South AJrica, on 22 December 1963 by J.E. Dixon) . Larva: (a)
capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0 . 1 0 mm. SEMs by J.F. Putterill.

aperture more or less U-shaped, with the sid es of posterior margin almost straight; ventrally with
the opening converging slightly towards its even­ short, blunt spurs on posterior margin. Palps
ly-curved poscerior margin. capering to quice narrowly-rounded apices, in­
l inwards. Scutum broader than Jong>
Nymph (Fig. 191) length x breadth ranging from 0.53 mm x 0.61
Capitulum much broader than long, length x mm to 0.61 mm x 0.69 rrun; posterior margin a
breadth ranging from 0.24 mm x 0.31 mm to broad smooth curve. Eyes at widest poim, well
0.29 mm x 0.40 mm. Basis capituli well over over halfway back, flat. Cervical pits convergent;
three times as broad as long) its lateral angles cervical fields long, shallow, divergent. Ventrally
long, sharp and slightly forwardJy directed, its coxae I each with a long external spur and a
R. simpsoni 415

shorter, somewhat broader, internal spur; coxae its specific host, is the greater cane rat or grasscut­
II to IV each with an external spur only, becom­ ter (Table 50) . The numerous records from this
ing progressively smaller in size. rodent can be ascribed largely to an 8-month tick
survey, involving some 2500 greater cane rats,
Larva (Fig. 1 92) conducted in Ghana (Campbell, Asibey &
Capitulum much broader than long, length x Ntiamoa-Baidu, 1 978) . In addition Aeschlimann
breadth of the only specimen measured 0 . 1 1 1 ( 1 96 7) drew attention to his records of nymphs
mm x 0 . 1 64 mm . Basis capituli over three times collected from the African brush-tailed porcu­
as broad as long, with broadly rounded lateral pine, which often occupies the same habitat as the
angles overlapping the scapulae, posterior mar­ greater cane rat. The lesser cane rat and the giant
gin mildly concave. Palps tapering to their api­ Gambian rat may also serve as hosts. Records of
ces, inclined inwards. Scutum much broader this tick from other hosts should be regarded as
than long, length x breadth 0.209 mm x 0.327 accidental infestations.
mm; posterior margin broad, shallow and sinu­ Peak numbers of adult R. simpsoni were
ous. Eyes at widest point of scutum, well over collected from greater cane rats at Swedru,
halfway back. Cervical grooves short, conver­ southern Ghana, during February and March. At
gent. Ventrally coxae I to III each with a spur, Sunyani, in west central Ghana, very few ticks
decreasing progressively in size, those on coxae were collected in January but they rose to a peak
III being very small. during March, with a gradual decline thereafter
until August when the survey ended (Campbell
Notes on identification et al., 1 978) .
The morphology of R. simpsoni was compared
with that of R. senegalensis, R. longus and R. Zoogeography
pseudolongus by Clifford & Anastos ( 1 962) . They
considered that the mounted genital aperture of The distribution of R. simpsoni is dependent
the R. simpsoni female, with its short thick lateral upon that of its preferred host, the greater cane
flaps, could be used to separate this species from rat (Map 54) . This animal occurs south of the
the others. Sahara in a broad band stretching from Gambia
Clifford & Anastos ( 1 964) described the in the west through Nigeria, the Central African
nymph of R. simpsoni from 'a single nymphal Republic, southern Sudan and Uganda to west­
skin from which a fairly fully developed female of ern Kenya and thence southwards through
this species was removed.' Our nymphs, which Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania. Further south it
were associated with adults collected in the field is found in another broad band stretching from
from a greater cane rat ( Thryonomys swin­ Angola through the southern Democratic Re­
derianus), correspond well with their description public of Congo, northern Botswana, Zambia,
and illustrations of this stage. Our description of Malawi and Zimbabwe to Mozambique and
the larva is based on specimens from the same thence through the eastern parts of South Africa
field collection as our nymphs. as far as the eastern portion of the Eastern Cape
The record in Baker & Keep ( 1 970) from a Province.
klipspringer ( Oreotragus oreotragus) was based on According to Skinner & Smithers ( 1 990) :
a misidentification (see above under R. oreotragi 'Greater canerats are specialized in their habitat
sp. nov., p. 330) . requirements and are found in reedbeds or in
areas of dense, tall grass of types with thick reed or
Hosts cane-like stems.' In the southern regions of their
distribution such associations occur in the vicinity
A three-host species (Ntiamoa-Baidu, 1 987) . Its of rivers, lakes and swamps, and greater cane rats
preferred host, which can probably be regarded as are never found far from water. In West Africa
416 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

they occur in the high forest zone but only where RHIPICEPHALUS SIMUS KOCH, 1 844
there are clearings within the forest, with a grass­
land invasion of thick-stemmed grass species. The specific name, from the Latin meaning 'flat­
Wherever there are cultivated areas they will in­ nosed, snub-nosed', presumably refers to the
vade these to feed. Throughout their range they shape of the adult's palps.
are absent from desert and semi-arid regions.
Because of their specialized habitat requirements Synonyms
greater cane rats have a patchy and discontinuous
ecinctus (in part, female); erlangeri; hilgerti; san­
distribution and there are large tracts ofcountry in
guineus simus; simus erlangeri; simus hilgerti; simus
which they are not found. Norval ( 1 985) noted
that, in Zimbabwe, they are rarely examined for
ticks. In general this is apparently true elsewhere
and R. simpsoni is probably more widely distrib­ Diagnosis
uted than present records indicate.
A large dark brown to blackish tick.

Disease relationships Male (Figs 1 93(a), 1 94(a) to (c))

Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth
Unknown. ranging from 0.66 mm x 0.60 mm to 0.84
mm x 0.77 mm. Basis capituli with acute slight­
ly-recurved lateral angles at about anterior third
REFERENCES of its length. Palps broadly rounded apically.
Conscutum length x breadth ranging from 2. 7 1
Baker, M.K. & Keep, M.E. ( 1 970) . Checklist of the mm x 1 . 7 9 mm to 3.53 mm x 2.45 mm; anter­
ticks found on the larger game animals in the
ior process of coxae I inconspicuous. In en­
Natal game reserves. Lammergeyer, No. 12, 4 1-
gorged specimens a single blunt caudal process is
formed. Eyes almost flat, edged dorsally by a few
Campbell, J.A., Asibey, E.A.O. & Ntiamoa-Baidu, Y.
( 1 978) . Rodent ticks in Ghana. In Tick-borne large setiferous punctations in shallow depress­
Diseases and their Vectors, ed. J.K.H. Wilde, pp. ions. Cervical pits comma-shaped, discrete.
68-7 4. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, Marginal lines long, usually enclosing one fes­
Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine. toon posteriorly. Posteromedian and posterolat­
Norval, RA.I. ( 1 985) . The ticks of Zimbabwe. XII . eral grooves superficial to absent. Large serifer­
The lesser known Rhipicephalus species. Zim­ ous punctations present along the external
babwe Veterinary Journal, 16, 37-43. cervical margins and marginal lines; a few me­
Ntiamoa-Baidu, Y. ( 1 987) . Rhipicephalus simpsoni dium-sized setiferous punctations scattered on
(Acari: Ixodidae) development under controlled scapular apices and in four irregular rows, refer­
conditions. Journal of Medical Entomology, 24,
red to as the 'simus' pattern, medially on the
conscutum, interspersed with numerous small to
Nuttall, G.H.F. ( 1 9 1 0) . New species of ticks (Jxodes,
minute discrete interstitial punctations. Ventrally
Amblyomma, Rhipicephalus) . Parasitology, 3,
408- 1 6. spiracles broadly comma-shaped with a short
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) : broad sharply-curved dorsal prolongation.
Aeschlimann ( 1 967); Clifford & Anastos ( 1 962, Adanal plates large, robust, almost sickle-shaped;
1 964); Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 98 7); Skinner & accessory adanal plates large, pointed, well scler­
Smithers ( 1 990) . otized.
R. simus 417

Figure 1 93. Rhipicephalus simus (L 127, laboratory reared, original Y collected from bovine, Lutale, Zambia on 4 February
1982 by R.G. Pegram) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.

Female (Figs 1 93(b), 1 94(d) to ({), 1 97(a)) the male. Ventrally genital aperture a truncated
Capitulum slightly longer than broad, length x U-shape, diverging anteriorly; narrow sclerotized
breadth ranging from 0.67 mm x 0.66 mm to margins to the genital aperture usually present.
0.92 mm x 0.87 mm. Basis capituli with short
lateral angles at about anterior third of its length; Nymph (Fig. 1 95)
porose areas medium-sized, almost twice their Capitulum much broader than long,
own diameter apart. Palps with article I narrow length x breadth ranging from 0.22 mm x 0.32
relative to articles II and III, easily visible dor­ mm to 0.25 mm x 0.35 mm. Basis capituli near­
sally, apices broadly rounded. Scutum slightly ly four times as broad as long with acute lateral
broader than long, length x breadth ranging angles overlapping the scapulae; ventrally with
from 1 .32 mm x 1 .36 mm to 1 . 77 mm x 1 .86 sharp spurs on posterior border; (these are bro­
mm; posterior margin usually rounded. Eyes at ken in the specimen shown in Fig. 1 95 (b); see
broadest part of scutum, just anterior to mid­ Fig. 1 9 5 (d)) . Palps narrow, slightly tapered api­
length, almost fiat, edged dorsally by a few large cally, inclined inwards. Scutum broader than
setiferous punctations in faint depressions. Cer­ long, length x breadth ranging from 0 .46
vical pits short, convergent; cervical fields broad, mm x 0.53 mm to 0.50 mm x 0.60 mm; pos­
slightly depressed, their external margins de­ terior margin a wide smooth curve. Eyes at
limited by irregular rows of large setiferous punc­ widest point, over halfway back, long, narrow,
tations. A few medium-sized setiferous puncta­ delimited dorsally by slight depressions. Cervical
tions scattered on scapular apices and medially pits short, convergent; cervical fields divergent,
on the scutum, where they may be masked by the long, narrow, slightly depressed. Ventrally coxae
numerous discrete interstitial punctations; the I each with a long narrow external spur and a
latter are usually more conspicuous than those of shorter broader internal spur; coxae II and III
418 Acamntr ofindivid.unl Afrotropical species

R. simus 419

Figu.re 195 (above). Rhip�halus sirnttS (L42, laboratory reared, strain originating from ticks collected from pasture,
Balmoral, Zambia, on 1 2 January 1981 by R.G. Pegram) . Nymph: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c)
scurum (d) coxae. Scale bars represcnt 0.10 mm. SEMs byM.D. Corwin. (Figs (a)& (d) from Pegram etal., 1987, figs 4
& 6, with kind permission from the Entomological Society of America.)

Figu.re 194 (opposue). Rhipict:phaJtes simus (L42, laboratory reared, strain originating from ticks collected from pasture,
Balmoral, Zambia, on l Z January 1 9 8 1 by RG. Pegram). Male: (a) capirulum, dorsal; (b) spirack; (c) adanal plates.
Female: (d) capitulwn, dorsal; (e) scutum; (f) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0.10 nun. SEMs by M.D. Corwin.
(Figs (b), (c), (e) & (t) from Pegram et al., 1987, figs 9-12, with kind permission from L!J.e Entomological Society of
420 Accounts of ndividual
i Afrotropical species

Figure 196. .f?.hipi«phaltu simus (IA2, laboratory reared, strain originating from ticks coll«:tcd from pasture, Bal.moral,
Zambia, on 12 January 1981 by R.G. Pegram). Larva: (a) capirulum, dorsal; (b) capirulum, vemral; (c) scurum; (d)
coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin. (Fig. (a) from Pegram e1 al, 1987, fig. I , with kind
pennission from the Entomological Society of America.)

each with a smal.l sharp external spur; coxae IV angles, posterior margin long, slightly sinuous .
each with a slight salience only on its posterior Palps broad, tape.ring somewhat to rounded api­
border. ces, inclined inwards. Scurum much broader
than long, length x breadth ranging from 0.213
!Arva (Fig. 1 96) mm x 0.316 mm to 0.226 mm x 0.341 mm;
Capitulum much broader than long, length x posterior margin a wide shallow curve. Eyes at
breadth ranging from 0.120 mm x 0.162 mm to widest point, about tluee-quarters of the way
0.125 mm x 0.168 mm. Basis capituli well over back, long, narrow, delimited dorsally by slight
three times as broad as long, with broad lateral depressions. Cervical grooves short, slightly
R. simus 421

convergent. Ventrally coxne I each \Vith a sharp

spur; coxae ll and IU each wi.th a broad ridg<:­
Like salience on its posterior bo:rde(.

Notes on idemificat·ion
The R. simus group, as we now undersuind it,
comprises three species: R. muJLSatnae, a primar­
ily weslem African tick thac occurs across the
continent from Senegal to Ethiopia; R. praet.ex­
tacus, an eastern African tick whose distribution
overlaps thar of R. muhsamae in tl'l.e Sudan,
Ethiopia and western Uganda, and R. sirm.1s
itself, a southern African tick wh ose ctist:ribution
may overlap with that of R. praer.ext.atus in d1e
southern part of the laner's range.
In the earlier literan.ue on African ticks
many records of these three species were lvmped
together under 1.he names R. rimus or R. sim�is
simus. In 1 965 R 1m1hsamtU wa$ described by
Morel & Vassiliades, who Listed the publicatio.ns
that chcy thought referred to th.is tick. Records of
R. praete.xtatus were, however, still included un­
der the name R. simus until 1987, when Pegram
ct al. reviewed the literature on the sroup and
differentiated these three species mo1J)holog)­
cally. Nevertheless, although these species have
now been defined precisely, )t remains difficult
for many people, ourselves included, to identify
them iodividually purely on morphologic.al
gro\lnds because the diiferences berween them at
all stages of developm.eot are slight. One of the
most important morphological features that can
b� used to di.ITe.reotiate the females is the suuc­
ture of their mounced genital aperru.res (Fig.
l 97(a) to (c)).
Up ro now ic has a1so been impossible for
anyone to re-examine and e ve n try to re-identify

Figure 197 (<>pposii<:), F'emal<: gen.ital apertures (moun­

ted): (a) Rir1'pi«piw.Jw $i/11w; (b) Rltip�pltall.l.S proc.tex­
(c) Rll:ipia-plial11s mu!t.samue. (Froni Pc:p1Un et al.,
1987, figs 37, 38 81 39, with kind pennissioo Crom the
EncomologicaJ Sociccy of Arncria.)
422 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

Table 5 1 . Host records ofRhipicephalus simus

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 642
Sheep 14
Goats 15
Horses 31
Donkeys 2
Mules 1
Pigs 3
Pigs (feral) 2
Dogs 294
Cats (feral)

Wild animals
South African hedgehog (Atelerix frontalis)
'Shrew' 1 (nymphs)
Side-striped jackal (Canis adustus) 1
Black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) 7
'Jackal' 10
Hunting dog (Lycaon pictus) 5
Cape fox ( Vulpes chama)
Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) 7
Caracal (Caracal caraca[) 5
African wild cat (Pelis lybica) 2
Serval (Leptailurus serva[) 1
Lion (Panthera leo) 29
Leopard (Panthera pardus) 6
Marsh mongoose (Atilax paludinosus) 1
White-tailed mongoose (/chneumia albicauda) 1 (nymphs)
Banded mongoose (Mungos mungo) 1
Spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta) 9
Brown hyaena (Parahyaena brunnea) 13
'Hyaena' 2
Aardwolf (Proteles cristatus)
Ratel (Mellivora capensis)
African civet (Civettictis civetta) 15
African elephant (Loxodonta africana)
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchelliz) 27
White rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) 9
Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) 4
'Rhinoceros' 1
Aardvark ( Orycteropus afer)
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 1 24
Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus) 23
Giraffe ( Girajfa camelopardalis) 8
R. simus 423

Table 5 1 . (cont.)

Hosts Number of records

Wild animals (cont.)

Impala (Aepyceros melampus) 7
Red hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus caama)
Blue wildebeest ( Connochaetes taurinus) 2
Klipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragus) 7
Steenbok (Raphicerus campestris) 2
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 56
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 19
Nyala ( Tragelaphus angasiz) 3
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus) 3
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros) 18
Common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia) 3
Sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) 4
Gemsbok (Oryx gazella)
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus)
Reedbuck (Redunca arundinum) 2
Temminck's ground pangolin (Manis temminckiz) 5
Kuhl's tree squirrel (Funisciurus congicus) 1 (immatures)
Smith's bush squirrel (Paraxerus cepapz) 1 (nymph)
Gerbil ( Gerbillurus sp.) 1 (immatures)
Bushveld gerbil ( Tatera leucogaster) 2 (immatures)
Red veld rat (Aethomys chrysophilus) 37 (immatures)
Namaqua rock mouse (Aethomys namaquensis) 6 (immatures)
Single-striped mouse (Lemniscomys griselda) 2 (nymphs)
Natal multimammate rat (Mastomys natalensis) 1 0 (immatures)
Pigmy mouse (Mus minutoides) 1 (immatures)
Groove-toothed swamp rat (Pelomys campanae) 1 (nymph)
Four-striped grass mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio) 83 (immatures)
African swamp rat (Otomys sp.) 1 (nymph)
Karoo rat (Parotomys sp.) 1 (immatures)
'Murid rodents' 5 (immatures)
South African porcupine (Hystrix africaeaustralis) 7
Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) 49 (immatures)

Reed cormorant (Phalacrocorax africanus)

Humans 27
424 AccounlS of £ndividual Afrotropical species




Rhipicephalus simus
Type locality South
• Locality records

Estimated overall distribution
(after Pegram. 1984,
amended) I
60 12° 1s· 24° 30
Map 55. Rhipiaphalm si.mus: disnibution.

the vast numbers of specimens labelled R. simus bique as the northern limits of the distribution of
sensu law deposited in various musewn collec­ R. simus.
tions. At present, therefore, we can only list the In South Africa its distribution and that of
hosts and map the distributions of these species R . folli.s overlap, particularly in the Eastern Cape
provisionally. In Democratic Republic of Congo, Province and KwaZulu-Natal. In addition large
especially, we do not know what the specimens numbers of the immature stages of these two
identified by Elbl & Anastos ( 1966) as R. simus species may occur together on the same host
really are. That aside we feel that we should ay to (I.G.H.> unpublished data). We find it nearly
give readers an indication of the hosts and impossible to separate these immature ticks> par­
zoogeography of these ticks> imperfect as some ticularly in field collections.
ofth.is information may later prove to be. For the
purpose of this book we have designated south­
ern Angola plus Zambia, Malawi and Mozam-
R. simus 425

Hosts Zoogeography

A three-host species (Norval & Mason, 1 98 1 ) . Its Rhipicephalus simus has been recorded most fre­
preferred hosts are large ruminants such as cattle quently in southern, eastern and north-eastern
and African buffalo as well as a variety of mono­ South Africa; Swaziland; eastern and northern
gastric animals (MacLeod et al., 1 977; Norval & Botswana; throughout Zimbabwe apart from the
Mason, 1 98 1 ) (Table 5 1 ) . The latter include western regions adjoining Botswana; central and
horses and dogs, large wild carnivores, Burchell's northern Namibia; south-western Angola; Zam­
zebra, rhinoceroses, warthogs, bushpigs and also bia, and throughout Malawi and southern
humans (Baker & Keep, 1 970; Norval & Mason, Mozambique (Map 5 5) . Within these countries it
1 98 1 ; Horak, De Vos & De Klerk, 1 984; Horak et has been collected at altitudes between 1 00 m and
al., 1 988) . The hosts of the immature stages are 2000 m above sea level and in regions receiving
murid rodents, among which most collections between 450 mm and 1400 mm of rainfall an­
have been taken from the red veld rat and the nually. It is most commonly encountered in veg­
four-striped grass mouse (Rechav, 1 982; Braack etation types variously described as undifferen­
et al., 1 996) . The scrub hare is also a good host of tiated woodland, scrub woodland, Zambezian
these stages (Horak et al., 1 993) . miombo woodland and wooded grassland, also in
Although this species is widely distributed East African coastal mosaic vegetation.
R. simus adults are never particularly abundant;
burdens of more than 20 ticks per host are rare.
However, collections comprising 7 1 3 and 5 2 1 Disease relationships
adult ticks have been made from a sick lion and a
sick leopard, respectively and 2 2 1 from a healthy Experimentally it has been shown that R. simus
warthog (l. G.H., unpublished data) . Infestations can transmit Theileria parva parva) Theileria
with immature ticks can number several hundred parva lawrencei) Anaplasma marginale and Ana­
on individual four-striped grass mice (I.G.H., plasma centrale to cattle (Lounsbury, 1 906; Nei­
unpublished data) . The preferred sites of attach­ tz, 1 962; Potgieter, 1 98 1 ; Potgieter & Van Rens­
ment of adults on cattle are the tail switch and burg, 1 987) . Should natural transmission via this
feet; on sheep the feet; on dogs, wild carnivores tick ever occur it is unlikely to be an important
and warthog the head and neck, and the tail of vector because its immature stages feed almost
Burchell's zebra (Baker & Ducasse, 1 967; exclusively on rodents and hares. It has also been
I.G.H., unpublished data) . shown that R. simus can transmit Babesia traut­
In South Africa and Zimbabwe the larvae of manni transovarially to splenectomized pigs (De
R. simus are most abundant from late summer to Waal, Lopez-Rebollar & Potgieter, 1 992) . Its
early winter (March to June) and the nymphs listing by Lewis ( 1 949) as a vector of the virus of
from early winter to spring Gune to September) Nairobi sheep disease probably refers to R.
(Norval & Mason, 1 98 1 ; Rechav, 1 982; Braack praetextatus. Adult ticks may produce a toxin that
et al., 1 996) . Adults are most abundant from can cause paralysis in calves and lambs (Norval
August to January or February in the southern & Mason, 1 9 8 1 ) . It has been listed as a vector of
regions of the tick's distribution (Horak et al., Rickettsia conori to humans (Gear, 1 992) .
1 987; Baker et al., 1 989) . In the central regions
this activity commences in October and extends
to March, while in the north peak abundance REFERENCES
extends from November to April (MacLeod et
al., 1 977; Norval & Mason, 1 98 1 ; Horak, 1 982; Baker, M.K. & Ducasse, F.B. W. ( 1 96 7) . Tick infesta­
Pegram et al., 1 986) . Only one life cycle per year tion of livestock in Natal. I. The predilection
seems probable. sites and seasonal variations of cattle ticks. Jour-
426 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

nal of the South African Veterinary Medical Asso­ wild animals in South Africa. XXII. Ixodid ticks
ciation, 38, 447-53. on domestic dogs and on wild carnivores. On­
Baker, M.K., Ducasse, F.B.W., Sutherst, R.W. & derstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 54,
Maywald, G.F. ( 1 989) . The seasonal tick popu­ 573-80.
lations on traditional and commercial cattle Horak, LG., Spickett, A.M., Braack, L.E.O. & Penz­
grazed at four altitudes in Natal. Journal of the horn, B.L. ( 1 993) . Parasites of domestic and
South African Veterinary Association, 60, 95- wild animals in South Africa. XXXII. Ixodid
101. ticks on scrub hares in the Transvaal. Onder­
Baker, M.K. & Keep, M.E. ( 1 970) . Checklist of the stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 60, 1 63-
ticks found on the larger game animals in the 74.
Natal game reserves. Lammergeyer, No. 12, 4 1- Koch, C.L. ( 1 844) . Systematische Uebersicht i.iber
7. die Ordung der Zecken. Archiv fiir Naturge­
De Waal, D.T., Lopez-Rebollar, L.M. & Potgieter, schichte, 10, 2 1 7-39.
F.T. ( 1 992) . The transovarial transmission of Lewis, E.A. ( 1 949) . Nairobi sheep disease. Report of
Babesia trautmanniby Rhipicephalus simus to do­ the Veterinary Department, Kenya, for 1 94 7, pp.
mestic pigs. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary 45, 5 1 .
Research, 59, 2 1 9-2 1 . Lounsbury, C.P. ( 1 906) . Ticks and African Coast
Braack, L.E.O., Horak, LG., Jordaan, L.C., Seger­ fever. Agricultural Journal, Cape of Good Hope,
man, J. & Louw, J.P. ( 1 996) . The comparative 28, 634-54.
host status of red veld rats (Aethomys MacLeod, J., Colbo, M.H., Madbouly, M.H. &
chrysophilus) and bushveld gerbils ( Tatera leuco­ Mwanaumo, B. ( 1 977) . Ecological studies of
gaster) for epifaunal arthropods in the southern ixodid ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in Zambia. III.
Kruger National Park, South Africa. Onder­ Seasonal activity and attachment sites on cattle,
stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 6 3, 1 49- with notes on other hosts. Bulletin ofEntomologi­
58. cal Research, 67, 1 6 1-73.
Gear, JH.S. ( 1 992) . Tick-bite fever (tick typhus) in Morel, P.C. & Vassiliades, G. ( 1 965) . Description de
southern Africa. In Tick Vector Biology, Medical Rhipicephalus muhsamae n. sp. de l'Ouest-Afri­
and Veterinary Aspects, ed. B. Fivaz, T. Petney & cain, (groupe de Rh. simus; Acariens,
I. Horak, pp. 1 3 5-42. Berlin, Heidelberg: Ixodoidea) . Revue d'Elevage et de Medecine Vit­
Springer Verlag. erinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 1 7 for 1964
Horak, LG. ( 1 982) . Parasites of domestic and wild (nouvelle serie), 6 1 9-36.
animals in South Africa. XV. The seasonal Neitz, W.O. ( 1 962) . Review of recent developments
prevalence of ectoparasites on impala and cattle in the protozoology of tick-borne diseases. In
in the northern Transvaal. OnderstepoortJournal Report of the Second Meeting of the FAO/OIE
of Veterinary Research, 49, 85-93. Expert Panel on Tick-borne Diseases of Livestock,
Horak, LG., Boornker,J., De Vos, V. & Potgieter, F.T. Appendix D, 34-5 . Cairo: Food and Agricul­
( 1 988) . Parasites of domestic and wild animals tural Organization of the United Nations.
in South Africa. XXIII. Helminth and ar­ Norval, RA.I. & Mason, C.A. ( 1 98 1 ) . The ticks of
thropod parasites of warthogs, Phacochoerus Zimbabwe. IL The life cycle, distribution and
aethiopicus, in the eastern Transvaal Lowveld. hosts of Rhipicephalus simus Koch, 1 844. Zim­
OnderstepoortJournal of Veterinary Research, 55, babwe Veterinary Journal, 12, 2-9.
1 45-52. Pegram, R.G., Perry, B.D., Musisi, F.L. &
Horak, LG., De Vos, V. & De Klerk, B.D. ( 1 984) . Mwanaumo, B. ( 1 986) . Ecology and phenology
Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South of ticks in Zambia: seasonal dynamics on cattle.
Africa. XVII. Arthropod parasites of Burchell's Experimental and Applied Acarology, 2, 25-45.
zebra, Equus burchelli, in the eastern Transvaal Pegram, R.G., Walker, J.B., Clifford, C.M. & Keirans,
Lowveld. OnderstepoortJournal of Veterinary Re­ J.E. ( 1 987) . Comparison of populations of the
search, 5 1 , 1 45-54. Rhipicephalus simus group: R. simus, R. praetex­
Horak, LG., Jacot Guillarmod, A., Moolman, L.C. & tatus and R. muhsamae (Acari: Ixodidae) . Jour­
De Vos, V. ( 1 987) . Parasites of domestic and nal ofMedical Entomology, 24, 666-82.
R. sulcatus 427

Potgieter, F.T. ( 1 9 8 1 ) . Tick transmission of anaplas­ Diagnosis

mosis in South Africa. In Proceedings of an Inter­
national Conference on Tick Biology and Control, A reddish-brown species with a densely evenly­
ed. G.B. Whitehead & J.D. Gibson, pp. 53-6. punctate scutum.
Grahamstown: Rhodes University.
Potgieter, F.T. & Van Rensburg, L. ( 1 987) . Tick
Male (Figs 1 98(a), 1 99(a) to (c))
transmission of Anaplasma centrale. Onder­
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 54, 5-7 .
Rechav, Y . ( 1 982) . Dynamics o f tick populations ranging from 0 .47 mm x 0.5 1 mm to 0.57
(Acari: Ixodidae) in the eastern Cape Province mm x 0.62 mm. Basis capituli with acute lateral
of South Africa. Journal of Medical Entomology, angles at anterior third of its length. Palps short,
19, 679-700. broadly rounded apically. Conscutum
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) : length x breadth ranging from 2.08 mm x 1 .27
Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966); Santos Dias ( 1 960); mm to 2.53 mm x 1 .58 mm; anterior process of
Walker, Mehlitz & Jones ( 1 978) . coxae I rounded, inconspicuous. Eyes flat, edged
dorsally by a few large setiferous punctations.
Cervical fields delimited laterally by rows oflarge
RHIPICEPHALUS SULCA TUS setiferous punctations. Marginal lines long, out­
NEUMANN, 1 908 lined by numerous large setiferous punctations.
Posteromedian groove narrow, tapering anter­
The specific name sulcatus, the Latin for 'fur­ iorly; posterolateral grooves oval; all deep with
rowed', probably refers to the conspicuous mar­ reticulate surfaces. Punctations on the scapulae
ginal lines and posterior grooves on the male's relatively sparsely distributed compared with the
conscutum. dense pattern elsewhere on the conscutum,

Figure 198. Rhipicephalus sulcatus (L40, laboratory reared, original <jl collected from pasture, Balmoral, Zambia, on 12
January 1981 by R.G. Pegram) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm . A. Olwage de!.
428 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species
R. sulcatus 429


/ > I ..
. ?

�· - � -�
- �

.� �
,/;/ .


Figure 200 (a�e) . Rlnf>icepJwlu.r sulcaius (L37, labor.nary reared, original)> collected from hare, Balmora.J, Zambi:i,on 5
January 1981 by R.G. Pegram). Nymph: (a) capirulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c) scucum; (d) co,;ae. Scale bars
represent 0.lOmm. SEMsby M.D. Corwin. (Figs (a), (c) & (d) from Pegram et al., 1987, figs 5-7, w.ithkind penn.isn sio
from Kluwer Academic Publishers).

Figure 199 (opporiu). Rhipi.cepJuilUJ su/coJus (L37, laboratory reared, original � collected from haie, Balmoral, Zambia,
on 5 January 1981 by R.G. Pegram). Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanaJ plates. FemaJe: (d) capirulum,
dorsal; (e) scutum; (f) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin. (Fjgs (b), (c), (e) & (f)
from Pegmm �t aL, 1987, figs 9- 1 1 & 13, with kind pennission from Kluwer Academic Publishers).
430 Accounts of individual ;Vrotropical speci.es

Figure 201. Rhipicephaltts sul.caws (L37, laboratory reared, original 'i? collected from hare, Balmoral, Zambia, on 5 January
1981 by R.G. Pegram). Larva: (a) capitu.lwn, dorsal; (b) capitulum, vencraJ; (c) scucum; (d) cox,ae. Seale ban repn:scnt
0.10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Convin. (Figs (a), (c) & (d) from Pegram ei al., 1987, figs 2-4, wilh kind pennission from
Kluwer Academic Pubtishers).

where the setiferous punctations are often barely Female (Figs J 98(b), 199{d) to (/), also 85{b))
distingujshable from those around them. Ven­ Capirulum broader than long, length x breadth
trally spiracles Jong, gently curved towards dorsal ranging from 0.47 mm x 0.58 mm to 0.66
surface and slightly tapered. Adanal plates elon­ mm x 0. 77 nun. Basis capituli with acute lateral
gate, their internal margins only slightly emar­ angles just anterior to mid-length; porose areas
ginate just posterior to the anus, their posterior almost round, about 1 . 5 times their own diam­
margins smoothly rounded; accessory adanal eter apart. Scutum longer than broad,
plates smaU, pointed. length x breadth ranging from 1 . 0 S rrun x 1 .01
mm to 1.41 mm x 1.27 mm; posterior margin
slightly sinuous poserolaterally.
t Eyes at mid-
R. sulcatus 431

', ,-- ,--- - ' ---·-··----

�RR.hhi��1�c;ep�h�a���s�s;uk�;a�w�s_l__��---''-----��r1�--r�-'\r---:�:::t:;:��:T"��-j--��-f���/-�1-_J �o
Type locality Congo
• Confirmed locality records (Pegram et al., 1 987)
• Locality records (sensu Pegram et al., 1 987)
() Locality records (sensu Morel, 1 969)
® R. su/catus or R. guilhoni (Morel, 1 969)
O Unconfirmed locality records
° °
30 36

Map 56. Rhipicephalus sulcatus: distribution. (Based largely on Pegram et al., 1 987 and Morel, 1 969).

length, fiat, edged dorsally by a few large setifer­ times as broad as long with broad tapering lateral
ous punctations. Cervical fields only slightly de­ angles at about mid-length extending over the
pressed, delimited laterally by rows of large scapulae; ventrally with small spurs on posterior
setiferous punctations. Scapulae slightly raised, margin. Palps tapering to slightly hunched api­
relatively less punctate compared with the dense ces, inclined inwards. Scutum broader than long,
pattern elsewhere on the scutum, where the length x breadth ranging from 0.42 mm x 0.46
setiferous punctations are often almost masked mm to 0.47 mm x 0.50 mm; posterior margin a
by those around them. Ventrally genital aperture broad smooth curve. Eyes at widest point, well
broadly U-shaped. (Also see fig. 8 5 (b) , p.2 1 1 ) . over halfway back, long and narrow. Cervical
fields long, narrow, slightly depressed, incon­
Nymph (Fig. 200) spicuous. Ventrally coxae I each with a longer
Capitulum much broader than long, length x narrower external spur and a shorter broader
breadth ranging from 0.2 1 mm x 0.30 mm to internal spur; coxae II to IV each with an external
0 . 2 1 mm x 0.32 mm Basis capituli over three
. spur only, decreasing progressively in size.
432 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Table 52. Host records o/Rhipicephalus sulcatus

Number of records

Hosts Confirmed Unconfirmed

Domestic animals
Cattle 14 5
Sheep 1 1
Goats 3 1
Dogs 33
Cats 2

Wild animals
Greater bushbaby ( Otolemur crassicaudatus)
Side-striped jackal (Canis adustus)
Golden jackal (Canis aureus)
'Jackal' (Canis spp.) 6
Cape fox ( Vulpes chama)
African wild cat (Pelis lybica)
Serva! (Leptailurus serval) 1
Lion (Panthera leo) 2
Leopard (Panthera pardus) 7
Banded mongoose (Mungos mungo) 1
African civet ( Civettictis civetla) 2 3
Rusty-spotted genet ( Genetta maculata) 1
'Genet' ( Genetta sp.) 1
Aardvark (Orycteropus afer)
Impala (Aepyceros melampus) 1
Lichtenstein's hartebeest (Sigmoceros lichtensteinii) 1
Oribi ( Ourebia ourebi)
Cape grysbok (Raphicerus melanotis)
African buffalo (Syncerus ca.ffer)
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros)
Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus)
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus)
Common fat mouse (Steatomys pratensis)
Spring hare (Pedetes capensis)
Cape hare (Lepus capensis) 3
Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) 3
Savanna hare (Lepus victoriae) 2
'Hare' 39 4
Central African rabbit (Poelagus marjorita) 1

Humans 2
R. sulcatus 433

Larva (Fig. 201) as well as hares are the preferred wild hosts
Capitulum much broader than long, length x (MacLeod, 1 970; Pegram et al., 1 987) (Table
breadth ranging from 0 . 1 07 mm x 0. 1 47 mm to 52) . Rhipicephalus sulcatus is never very abun­
0. 1 1 7 mm x 0. 1 56 mm. Basis capituli about dant: one of the largest collections from a single
three times as broad as long, lateral angles host comprises 5 1 ticks from a jackal in Zim­
broadly rounded, slightly forwardly directed, babwe (Norval, Daillecourt & Pegram, 1 983) .
posterior margin a broad smooth curve. Palps The hosts of the immature stages are un­
with external margins slightly convex, apices known.
pointed, inclined inwards. Scutum much In Zimbabwe and Zambia the seasonal ac­
broader than long, length x breadth ranging tivity of adult R. sulcatus is confined to the main
from 0.202 mm x 0.336 mm to 0.2 1 4 rainy season (November to April) (Norval et al.,
m m x 0.357 mm; posterior margin a smooth 1 983; Pegram et al., 1 987) . In Ethiopia, in the
shallow curve. Eyes at widest part of scutum, northern hemisphere, the few collections that
flat. Cervical grooves slightly convergent. Ven­ have been made also coincide with the months of
trally coxae I each with a single spur; coxae II highest rainfall Guly to September) (Pegram et
and III each with a mere indication of a spur on al., 1 987) .
its posterior margin.

Notes on identification
Rhipicephalus sulcatus and R. turanicus are two Rhipicephalus sulcatus has been recorded in west­
species in the R. sanguineus group of ticks that ern, central and southern Africa, with most col­
have been confused both morphologically and lections coming from Tanzania, Zambia, Zim­
ecologically (Pegram et al., 1 987) . In West Africa babwe and Namibia (Map 56) . Pegram et al.
in particular Morel & Vassiliades ( 1 963) in­ ( 1 987) suggested that it is restricted to ecological
cluded both these ticks within their concept of R. habitats receiving more than 500 mm of rainfall
sulcatus. This has resulted in erroneous con­ annually. Several collections from Namibia and
clusions regarding their host preferences and dis­ Botswana indicate that its rainfall requirements
tribution. may be lower. In West Africa R. sulcatus has been
While R. sulcatus can be confused with the collected in drier rainforest; in East and Central
more punctate forms of R. turanicus the less Africa in coastal mosaic and Zambezian miombo
punctate forms of the latter tick resemble R. san­ woodland; and in Namibia and Botswana in
guineus. All three feed on dogs, but whereas all woodland, wooded grassland, deciduous bush­
stages of development of R. sanguineus feed near­ land and shrubland.
ly exclusively on these animals, the adults of both
R. sulcatus and R. turanicus feed on wild carni­
Disease relationships
vores and hares as well as dogs. The hosts of the
immature stages of R. sulcatus are unknown
while those of R. turanicus feed on cats, hedge­
hogs, rodents and hares.
MacLeod, J. ( 1 970) . Tick infestation patterns in the
southern province of Zambia. Bulletin of Ento­
A three-host species (Theiler & Robinson, mological Research, 60, 253-74.
1 953) . The preferred domestic hosts of adult R. Morel, P.C. & Vassiliades, G. ( 1 963) . Les
sulcatus are dogs and possibly cattle, while Rhipicephalus du group sanguineus: especes afri­
jackals, leopards and probably other carnivores caines (Acariens: Ixodoidea) . Revue d'Elevage et
434 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

de Medecine Viterinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 15 mm x 0.83 mm. Basis capituli with short
(nouvelle serie) , 343-86. pointed lateral angles at about anterior third of its
Neumann, L.G. ( 1 908). Description d'une nouvelle length. Palps broadly rounded apically. Con­
espece d'Ixodine. Bulletin du Museum d'Histoire scutum length x breadth ranging from 3.3 1
Nature/le, Paris, 14, 352-5.
mm x 2 . 1 4 mm to 4.58 mm x 3 . 1 8 mm; anter­
Norval, RA.I., Daillecourt, T. & Pegram, R.G.
ior process on coxae I prominent, strongly scler­
( 1 983). The ticks of Zimbabwe. VI. The
otized. Body wall of engorged specimens ex­
Rhipicephalus sanguineus group. Zimbabwe Vet­
erinary Journal, 13, 38-46. panded laterally and posteriorly, exposing the
Pegram, R.G., Clifford, C.M., Walker, J.B. & Keirans, dark sclerotized ventral plaques and forming
J.E. ( 1 987) . Clarification of the Rhipicephalus three characteristic finger-like caudal processes
sanguineus group (Acari, Ixodoidea, lxodidae). posteromedially. Eyes small, flat, sometimes
I. R. sulcatus Neumann, 1 908 and R. turanicus edged dorsally by a few punctations. Cervical
Pomerantsev, 1 936. Systematic Parasitology, 1 0, fields broad, depressed, with finely-reticulate
3-26. surfaces, their external margins more-or-less de­
Theiler, G. & Robinson, B.N. ( 1 953) . Ticks in the marcated by variable numbers of large setiferous
South African Zoological Survey Collection. punctations. Marginal lines long, deep, clearly
Part VII. Six lesser known African
defined, with reticulate surfaces and only a few
rhipicephalids. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterin­
large punctations. A long narrow posteromedian
ary Research, 26, 93- 1 36 + 1 map.
groove plus two or more shorter broader
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) :
Aeschlimann ( 1 96 7); Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966); posterolateral grooves or depressions present, all
Hoogstraal (1 956); Morel ( 1 969) . with finely-reticulate surfaces. Medium-sized to
large punctations present on the scapulae and
scattered medially on the conscutum, especially
posteriorly, many of them containing unusually
NEUMANN, 1 907 long fine white setae. They are interspersed with,
and sometimes masked by, numerous smaller
The specific name supertritus, from the Latin
punctations and rugose areas. As in R. appendi­
super meaning 'above' plus the Greek tritos
culatus the lateral areas adjacent to the marginal
meaning 'one with two others', doubtless refers
lines are usually smooth or only very finely punc­
to the three finger-like caudal processes develop­
tate. Legs increase in size from I to IV, markedly
ed by engorged males. (Such a combination of
setose ventrally and usually reddish-brown. Ven­
Latin and Greek in a specific name is unusual,
trally spiracles comma-shaped with a short
and is not recommended.)
slightly-tapering dorsal prolongation curving
gently towards the dorsal surface. Adanal plates
elongate, their internal margins only mildly con­
coriaceus. cave, their posterior margins drawn out and
rounded to bluntly pointed; accessory adanal
Diagnosis plates small, pointed.

A large very dark brown tick with reddish-brown Female (Figs 202(b), 203(d) to (j))
legs. It might initially be confused with heavily­ Capitulum about as broad as long, length x
punctate specimens of either R. appendiculatus or breadth ranging from 0.72 mm x 0.75 mm to
R. zambeziensis. 0.86 mm x 0.83 mm. Basis capituli with short
broad lateral angles in anterior third of its length;
Male (Figs 202(a), 203(a) to (c)) porose areas medium-sized, subcircular, about
Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth twice their own diameter apart. Palps short,
ranging from 0. 78 mm x 0.64 mm to 0.86 broad. Scutum slightly broader than long,
R. supertritus 435

Figure 202. Rhipicephalus supertritus [Onderstepoort Tick Collection 2788iii, collected from African buffalo (Syncerus
caffer), Juba Sudan, in December 1 950 by E.T.M. Reiq]. (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm.
A. Olwage de!.

length x breadth ranging from 1 .49 mm x 1 . 5 7 with the R. appendiculatus group. Thus, although
m m to 1 .80 m m x 1 .88 mm. Eyes at widest part the immature stages of R. supertritus have not as
of scutum, sometimes edged dorsally by a few yet been reared, we agree with Colbo ( 1 97 3) that
punctations. Cervical fields very broad, diver­ they will probably resemble those of R. appendi­
gent, somewhat depressed, their surfaces finely culatus (see p. 59), as do those of R. sculptus (see
reticulate in places, especially adjacent to the ex­ p. 392) . We have examined the large engorged
ternal margins. Medium-sized to large puncta­ appendiculatus-like nymphs collected from a
tions present on the scapulae, along the external Lichtenstein's hartebeest to which Colbo refers
cervical margins and medially on the scutum, and they do not appear to us to be R. sculptus.
often containing unusually long fine white setae. They may well be R. supertritus, but it will only be
They are interspersed, especially medially, with possible either to confirm or to correct this tenta­
numerous smaller punctations. Ventrally genital tive identification once reared specimens of its
aperture a broad curve, with wide lateral flaps immature stages become available.
flanking the genital apron. We question whether R. supertritus occurs
in Kenya. The ticks recorded by Lewis ( 1 93 3)
Immature stages as R. supertritus were collected, together with the
Unknown. syntypes of R. compositus (syn. R. ayrez), from a
rhinoceros (presumably Diceros bicornis),
Notes on identification Mount Kenya on 29 October 1 930 by A.F.
Zumpt ( 1 942) included R. supertritus in his R. Ayre. One of us Q.B.W.) has seen specimens
capensis group but we think that its affinities lie from this rhinoceros labelled 'R. sculptus?' by
436 Accounis ofindividual Afrotropical species

. ·�. ·
R. supertritus 437

° Lewis and re-identified them as R. longus, a spe­
cies that has been confused with R. supertritus
elsewhere. Hoogstraal ( 1 956) referred to
Lewis's 1 933 record and it is doubtless the one
quoted by Theiler ( 1 962) and Zumpt ( 1 964) .
As we know of no other collections of R. super­
tritus from the rhinoceros we have omitted this
animal from our host list (see Table 53). The
specimens recorded by Lewis ( 1 933, 1 934)
from a lion, Sianna Plains, Maasailand, have
been re-identified as R. compositus by J.B.W.
The source of the record in Theiler ( 1 962)
from the Lambwe Valley, Nyanza, is unknown,
as is another from Ololkisailie ( = Olorgesaille)
(Gertrud Theiler, unpublished data); as we
have seen nothing to support these data they
have been omitted from Map 57.
Hoogstraal ( 1 954) identified Nuttall Col­
lection 2394 from warthog (Phacochoerus afri­
canus, listed as P. aethiopicus), Marimba, Malawi
(formerly Nyasaland), July 1 9 1 3, as R. super­
tritus. This collection was re-identified as R. com­
positus 1 6; R. longus 3 66, 2 <j?<j?, and R. simus 1 6
by Keirans ( 1 985) .
There has been controversy regarding the
identity of three collections from striped hy­
aenas, all from Alemaya, Harar, south-eastern
Rhipicephalus supertritus
, • Type locality Ethiopia (RML 97 1 69: 6 66, 4 <j?<j?; RML 97 1 70 :
s ----.-s
- --i-----/--- _J 30°
•_ Loc_ ity rec_
'---,- _ --,.,
rd_ _ 8 66, 3 ¥¥, and RML 97 1 7 1 : 1 6) . All three were
' originally identified by H. Hoogstraal and M.
Kaiser as R. supertritus. The first two ( 1 4 66, 7
Map 57. Rhipicephalus supertritus: distribution. <j?<j?) were re-identified as R. bergeoni by Morel &
Rodhain ( 1 973), a finding that was reiterated by
Morel ( 1 980) . These specimens were, however,
still listed as R. supertritus by Bergeon & Balis
( 1 974), an opinion that was upheld by Pegram
( 1 979) and that we also endorse.
Morel ( 1 980) includes 'Zululand, Natal' in
the range of this tick but we know of no records
from South Africa. It may be based on a misin­
terpretation of the information in Zumpt ( 1 964) .
Figure 203 (opposite) . Rhipicephalus supertritus [Onder­
stepoort Tick Collection 2788iii, collected from African
buffalo (Syncerus caffer) , Juba, Sudan, in December 1 950
by E.T.M. Reid] . Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spi­
racle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) capitulum, dorsal;
(e) scutum; (f) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0 . 1 0 Life cycle unknown. Amongst domestic animals
mm. SEMs by J.F. Putterill. the only hosts of R. supertritus of any conse-
438 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Table 53. Host records ofRhipicephalus supertritus

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 22
Dogs 2

Wild animals
Hunting dog (Lycaon pictus) 1
Striped hyaena (Hyaena hyaena) 3
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchelliz) 1 (1 � only)
'Zebra' 2
Rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) 1 (1 6 only)
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 1 (1 � only)
Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) 1
Coke's hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus cokiz) 1
Lichtenstein's hartebeest (Sigmoceros lichtensteinii) 1
'Hartebeest' 2
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 21
Giant eland ( Taurotragus derbianus) 1 (1 6 only)
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 8
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros) 5
Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus)
Sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) 6
South African porcupine (Hystnx africaeaustralis) 3


quence appear to be cattle. It is apparently almost On both cattle and the African buffalo its
always present in very small numbers only, predilection site is the ears: of 2 1 specimens re­
though it has been recorded as 'a significant pest corded from cattle by MacLeod et al. ( 1 977), 1 8
of cattle' in a restricted part of the Chiota and were on the ears and three on the head. In Zam­
Lupiya areas of Central Province, Zambia (Mac­ bia the adults are active from November to Jan­
Leod et al., 1 977) . The comparatively few re­ uary, during the rainy season.
cords from these animals that we have listed un­
doubtedly do not reflect their real status as hosts
(Table 5 3) . Zoogeography
Its most frequently recorded wild host is the
African buffalo, followed by some of the larger Rhipicephalus supertritus is apparently
antelopes such as the eland, greater kudu and commonest in Central Africa, especially north­
sable antelope. Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987) listed ern Zimbabwe (Norval, 1 985), parts of Zambia,
a maximum of 64 adults collected from one buf­ Malawi (Wilson, 1 950), northern Mozambique
falo. The collections from the Burchell's zebra, and southern Tanzania. There are also scattered
rock hyrax, warthog and giant eland consisted of records from various parts of East Africa, the
a single adult only in each case. northernmost being that from Eritrea (Map 57).
R. supertritus 439

It has seemingly been recorded in Angola on the Morel, P.C. & Rodhain, F. ( 1 973) . Contribution a la
basis of a single male only, collected from an connaissance des tiques (lxodina) du sud de
unknown host in the Benguella area in 1 907 and l'Ethiopie. Deuxieme partie. Bulletin de la
initially identified as R. coriaceus. Its presence Societe de Pathologie Exotique, 66, 207-1 5 .
Neumann, L.G. ( 1 907) . Notes sur les Ixodides - V .
there requires confirmation.
Archives de Parasitologie, 1 1, 2 1 5-32.
The areas in which R. supertritus has been
Norval, RA.I. ( 1 985) . The ticks of Zimbabwe. XII.
recorded range in altitude from about 750 m to
The lesser known Rhipicephalus species. Zim­
1 500 m, with mean annual rainfalls around 800 babwe Veterinary Journal, 16, 37-43.
mm to 1 200 mm, occasionally less. Quite often Wilson, S.G. ( 1 950) . A check-list and host-list of
the dry season extends for at least 3 to 5 months, Ixodoidea found in Nyasaland, with descrip­
especially in the more southerly part of its range. tions and biological notes on some of the
The vegetation is usually some type of wood­ rhipicephalids. Bulletin of Entomological Re­
land. search, 41, 4 1 5-28.
Zumpt, F. ( 1 942) . Zur kenntnis Afrikanischer
Rhipicephalusarten. V. Vorstudie zu einer Revi­
Disease relationships sion der Gattung Rhipicephalus Koch. Zeitschrift
fur Parasitenkunde, 12, 479-500.
Unknown. Zumpt, F.. ( 1 964). Parasites of the white and the black
rhinoceroses. Lammergeyer, 3 ( 1 ), 59-70.
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) :
Clifford & Anastos ( 1 962, 1 964); Elbl & Anas­
REFERENCES tos ( 1 966); Hoogstraal ( 1 956); Keirans ( 1 985);
Matthysse & Colbo ( 1 987); Morel ( 1 980); Pe­
Bergeon, P. & Balis, J. ( 1 974) . Contribution a l'etude gram ( 1 979); Santos Dias ( 1 960); Theiler
de la repartition des tiques en Ethiopie Cenquete ( 1 947, 1 962) ; Yeoman & Walker ( 1 967).
effectuee de 1 965 a 1 969) . Revue d'Elevage et de
Medecine Viterinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 27
(nouvelle serie), 285-99.
Colbo, M.H. ( 1 973). Ticks of Zambian wild animals:
a preliminary checklist. Puku, No. 7, 97-105.
Hoogstraal, H. ( 1 954) . Noteworthy African tick re­
cords in the British Museum (Natural History)
collections. Proceedings of the Entomological So­
ciety of Washington, 56, 273-9.
Lewis, E.A. ( 1 933) . Rhipicephalus ayrei n. sp. (a
tick) from Kenya Colony. Parasitology, 25, 269-
Lewis, E.A. ( 1 934) . A study of the ticks in Kenya
Colony. The influence of natural conditions and
other factors on their distribution and the inci­
dence of tick-borne diseases. Part III. Investiga­
tions into the tick problem in the Masai Reserve.
Bulletin of the Department ofAgriculture, Kenya,
No. 7 of 1934, 65 pp, 3 maps.
MacLeod, J., Colbo, M.H., Madbouly, M.H. &
Mwanaumo, B. ( 1 977) . Ecological studies of
ixodid ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in Zambia. Ill.
Seasonal activity and attachment sites on cattle,
with notes on other hosts. Bulletin ofEntomologi­
cal Research, 67, 1 6 1-73.
440 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species


This species was named in honour of Sir Arnold

Theiler ( 1 867- 1 936), the founder of the Onder­
stepoort Veterinary Institute and first Dean of
the Faculty of Veterinary Science, Onder­
stepoort. He became renowned for his research
on animal diseases in South Africa, including
several tickborne diseases of domestic animals.

36° K--�---�-,-----t----I-
Diagnosis Rhipicephalus theileri
• Type locality
• Locality records
A small broad yellowish to reddish-brown tick. 30°

Male (Figs 204(a), 205(a) to (c)) Map 58. Rhipicephalus theileri: distribution.
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
ranging from 0.50 mm x 0.55 mm to 0.66 mm; anterior process of coxae I small. Eyes flat.
mm x 0. 72 mm Basis capituli with lateral angles
. Cervical pits convergent; cervical fields with ex­
at about anterior third of its length. Palps short, ternal margins delimited by irregular rows of
broad. Conscutum length x breadth ranging large setiferous punctations but otherwise indis­
from 2.35 mm x 1 . 5 1 mm to 3.28 mm x 2.22 tinct. Marginal lines punctate, long, almost

Figure 204. Rhipicephalus theileri [Protozoology Section Tick Breeding Register, Onderstepoort, 3 1 06, laboratory reared,
original <;: collected from dog at Melville, Omaruru, Namibia on 8 February 1 960 by J.S. Brown] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b)
female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.
R. theileri 441

Table 54. Host records o/Rhipicephalus theileri

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 3
Dogs 2

Wild animals
South African hedgehog (Atelerixfrontalis)
Black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas)
'Jackal' 1 (nymphs)
Cape fox ( Vulpes chama) 1
Yellow mongoose ( Cynictis penicillata) 28 (including immatures)
Meercat (Suricata suricatta) 8 (including immatures)
'Meercat' 1 (nymph)
Temminck's ground pangolin (Manis temminckiz) 1
Smith's bush squirrel (Paraxerus cepapz) 16 (immatures)
Cape ground squirrel (Xerus inauris) 1 8 (including immatures)
Xerus sp. 8 (including immatures)
Namaqua rock mouse (Aethomys namaquensis) 1 (nymph, unconfirmed)

reaching external cervical margins. medium-sized, just over twice their own diam­
Posteromedian and posterolateral grooves may eter apart. Palps short, broad, with article III
be indicated by small depressions but sometimes wedge-shaped. Scutum broader than long,
represented merely by smooth areas on the con­ length x breadth ranging from 1 . 1 2 mm x 1 .25
scutum. Punctation pattern unique; anteriorly a mm to 1 .67 mm x 1 .87 mm. Eyes about halfway
distinct smooth shiny pseudoscutum present that back, flat. Cervical pits convergent; external cer­
is usually almost lacking in punctations apart vical margins delimited by irregular rows of large
from those along the external cervical margins; setiferous punctations; cervical fields slightly de­
posterior to the pseudoscutum punctations nu­ pressed. A few medium-sized to small puncta­
merous, small to medium-sized, finer and tions scattered on the scutum, especially on the
sparser adjacent to the marginal lines but increas­ scapulae and cervical fields, but in general the
ing in size and density posteriorly. Ventrally spi­ scutum is smooth and shiny. Alloscutum with
racle comma-shaped, tapering rapidly to a long four broad conspicuous longitudinal bands of
narrow dorsal prolongation. Adanal plates broad, white setae dorsally. Ventrally a band of white
tapering posterointernally to broadly-rounded setae fringes the posterior end of the alloscutum
points that may be visible from the dorsal surface as far forward as the spiracles, elsewhere only a
of engorged specimens, their surfaces coarsely few short inconspicuous setae are present. Geni­
punctate; accessory adanal plates absent. tal aperture a wide shallow curve.

Female (Figs 204(b), 205(d) to (f)) Nymph (Fig. 206)

Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth Capitulum much broader than long,
ranging from 0.64 mm x 0.74 mm to 0 .8 1 length x breadth ranging from 0.2 1 mm x 0.32
m m x 0. 97 mm. Basis capituli with short acute mm to 0.28 mm x 0.36 mm. Basis capituli four
lateral angles at about mid-length; porose areas times as broad as long, with short acute lateral
442 Ac.counts of individualAfrotropicaJ sp€CW$
R. theileri 443

Figure 206 (above). Rhipicephalus 1/teikri (Protozoology Section Tick Breeding Register, Onderstepoort, 3106, laboratory
reared, original i:f' collected from dog at Melville, Omaruru, Namibia on 8 February 1960 by J.S. Brown). Nymph: (a)
capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by J.F. Putterill.

Figure 205 (opposiie). Rhipicephalus theileri (PToto:zoology Section Tick Breeding Register, Onderstepoort, 3106, labora­
tory reared, original � coUected from dog at Melville, Om:u:uru, Namibia on 8 February 1960 by J.S. Brown) . Male: (a)
capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female : (d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) spiracle; (f) genital aperture. Scale
bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by J.P. Putterill.
444 Accounts of individual Afrotropical specks

Figure 207. Rhipiaphalus lfwileri (Protozoology Section Tick Breeding Register, Ondcrstepoort, 3 1 06, laboratory reared,
original ?. collected from dog at Melville, Omaru.ru, Namibia OD 8 Februasy J 960 by J.S. BrownI . Larva: (a) capitulum,
dorsal; (b) capirulum , vencra.I; (c) scurum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represem 0.10 mm. SEMs by J.F. Purcerill.

angles at about mid-length. Palps tapering some­ each with a long narrow external spur and shor­
what to broadly rounded apices. Scutum much ter broader internal spur; coxae II to IV each with
broader than long, length x breadth ranging an external spur only, decreasing progressively in
from 0.43 mm x 0.61 mm to 0.54 mm x 0.64 size.
mm. Eyes at widest point, over halfway back,
slightly bulging. Internal cervical margins con­ I.Arva (Fig. 207)
vergent initially, becoming divergent and almost Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
reaching poscerolateraJ margins of scutum, but ranging from 0 . 1 4 mm x 0 . 1 6 mm co 0 . 1 6
external cervical margins indistinct; cervical mm x 0 . 1 8 mm. Basis capiruli three times as
fields broad, slightly depressed. Ventrally coxae I broad as long, with short acute lateral angles at
R. theileri 445

about mid-length. Palps constricted proximally, ible exception of some of the wild carnivores,
then becoming somewhat bulbous before taper­ ticks on other hosts are probably accidental infes­
ing towards their tips. Scutum much broader tations.
than long, length x breadth ranging from 0.24 Although no single host species has been
mm x 0.45 mm to 0.27 mm x 0.47 mm, pos­ examined at regular intervals a pattern of sea­
terior margin shallow. Eyes at widest point, sonal abundance can be deduced from the collec­
slightly convex. Cervical grooves short, almost tion dates of ticks from the various hosts. The
parallel. Ventrally coxae I to III each with a large majority of collections made between October
triangular spur. and January contain adult ticks, while the major­
ity made between April and September contain
Notes on identification immatures.
Theiler ( 1 962) listed 'Chelonia-Tortoise' as a
host of R. theileri but later she stated that this Zoogeography
record was incorrect (G. Theiler, pers. comm.,
1 97 1 , cited by Neitz, Boughton & Walters, 1 972) . All our records of R. theileri are from South Afri­
In the same personal communication she appar­ ca, Botswana and Namibia (Map 58) . The dis­
ently also listed the rodents Otomys irroratus, tribution of this species seems to be largely de­
Otomys sp. and Myotomys (Otomys) sp. as hosts of termined by the distribution of three of its
the nymphs. However, when we re-examined preferred hosts, namely the yellow mongoose,
these ticks we found them not to be R. theileri (see meercat and Cape ground squirrel. These three
p. 1 1 0, R. capensis and p. 1 85, R. follis) . small mammals are widespread but they all pre­
We have been unable to trace the immature fer the more arid western parts of the subregion
specimens recorded from a Namaqua rock mouse (Lynch, 1 980; Skinner & Smithers, 1 990) . Even
(Aethomys namaquensis) at Okahandja, Namibia within the distribution ranges of these animals
(Theiler, 1 962; pers. comm., 1 97 1 ), or those the tick also seems to favour the arid western
from Smith's bush squirrel (Paraxerus cepapz) at regions. None of the 38 yellow mongooses
Gweru ( = Gwelo), Zimbabwe (G. Theiler, pers. examined around Ermelo (26° 3 1 ' S; 29° 59' E),
comm., 1 97 1 ) . Norval ( 1 985), makes no mention Mpumalanga, were infested, while 14 out of the
of the latter collection nor does he list R. theileri as 20 examined around Kuruman (27° 28' S;
occurring in Zimbabwe. 23 ° 26' E), Northern Cape Province, harboured
this tick (I.G.H., unpublished data) .
In Zimbabwe the yellow mongoose occurs
only in the southern part of Hwange National
Park and in the Beit Bridge area. The meercat
A three-host species (Neitz et al., 1 972) . The
and Cape ground squirrel have not been re­
preferred hosts of all stages of development are
corded there (Skinner & Smithers, 1 990) .
the yellow mongoose, meercat and Cape ground
The vegetation of the regions in which R.
squirrel (Table 54) . All three species inhabit bur­
theileri has been collected ranges from Highveld
rows and can be found together, or in a combina­
and wooded grassland through various types of
tion of any two species, in the same burrow sys­
woodland, bushland and shrubland to Karoo
tem. Each species may also occupy a burrow
grassy shrubland and the Kalahari/Karoo­
alone (Lynch, 1 980) . Only larvae and nymphs
Namib transition.
have as yet been collected from another favoured
host, Smith's bush squirrel. Although these
squirrels spend a great deal of their time foraging Disease relationships
on the ground they make their nests in hollow
trees (Skinner & Smithers, 1 990) . With the poss- Unknown.
446 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species


DONITZ, 1 906
Bedford, G.A.H. & Hewitt, J. ( 1 925) . Descriptions
and records of several new or little-known spe­ The specific name tricu spis, from the Latin tri
cies of ticks from South Africa. South African meaning 'three' plus cuspis meaning 'a point',
Journal ofNatural History, 5, 259-66.
refers to the presence ventrally in the male of two
Lynch, C.D. ( 1 980) . Ecology of the suricate, Suricata
conspicuous cusps on the posterior border of
suricatta and yellow mongoose, Cynictis penicil­
each adanal plate plus a sharp point on each
lata with special reference to their reproduction.
Memoirs of the National Museum, Bloemfontein, adjacent accessory adanal plate.
14, vii + 1 45 pp.
Neitz, W.O., Boughton, F. & Walters, H.S. ( 1 972) . Synonym
Laboratory investigations on the life-cycle of
simus tricu spis.
Rhipicephalus theileri Bedford & Hewitt, 1 925
(lxodoidea: Ixodidae) . Onderstepoort Journal of
Veterinary Research, 39, 1 1 7-22. Diagnosis
Norval, RA.I. ( 1 985) . The ticks of Zimbabwe. XII .
The lesser known Rhipicephalus species. Zim­ A medium-sized reddish-brown species.
babwe Veterinary Journal, 16, 37-43.
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) : Male (Figs 208(a), 209(a) to (c))
Skinner & Smithers ( 1 990); Theiler ( 1 947, Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
1 962) . ranging from 0.50 mm x 0.54 mm to 0.59
mm x 0.65 mm. Basis capituli with lateral angles
at about anterior third of its length, acute. Palps
bluntly rounded apically. Conscutum length x
breadth ranging from 2 . 3 1 mm x 1 .60 mm to

Figure 208. Rhipicephalus tricuspis [Onderstepoort Tick Collection 3022i, collected from a Cape fox ( Vulpes chama),
Debeete, Botswana on 20 January 1 956 by F. Zumpt] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A.
Olwage del.
R. tricuspis 447

1 8° 24 ° 30 ° 36 ° 42 °

, . ·- '··- _;
( ,�





.... .
·- i
<. .... ·· -
· ·'\....-·, - .. -·
-·· _,.. __
1 2 ° 1---+�����---t-�-i-���-r-�����t--� ·-·=�'�
j�,. - ·1 ��----\. lff-----j����+--+---"�'---..--l 1 2°
. -�.�



Rhipicephalus tricuspis
¢ Type locality (approximate)
36 ° e Locality records
O Unconfirmed locality records
WR. tricuspis or R. lunulatus
1 8° 30 ° 36 ° 48 °

Map 59. Rhipicephalus tricuspis: distribution. (From WaTh:er et al., 1 988, fig. 23, with kind permission from Kluwer
Academic Publishers.)
448 Accounts of individual Afrotropiwl species

• •

·• 1

R. tricuspis 449

Figure 210 (above). Rhipicephalus trict!Sf>is (Onderstepoort Tick Collection 2808, RML 109002, laboratory reared,
progeny of � collected from a sheep in Ptetoria North, Gauteng Province, South Africa, on 26 January 1942 by G.E.
Laurence). Nymph : (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c) scutu.m; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0 . 10 mm.
SEMs by M.D. Corwin. (From Walker et al., 1988, figs 13, 14, 1 6 & 17, with kind pcnn.ission from Kluwer Academic

i re 209 (opposite). Rhipiaphalus tricuspis (Onderstepoort Tick Collection 2808, Rlvll.. 109002, laboratory reared,
progeny of� collected from a sheep in Pretoria North, Gauteng Province, South Africa, on 26 January 1942 by G.E.
Laurence). Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) capitulum , dorsal; (e) scutum; (f)
genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0.10 nun. SEMs by M. D. Corwin. (From Walker et al., 1988, figs 1, 5-7, l 0 & 12,
witb kind permission from Kluwer Academic Publishers.)
450 Accounts of individual Afrouvpical species

Figure 2 1 1 . Rhpicephalus
i tricuspis (Onderstepoort Tick Collection 2808, R.ML l 09002, laboratory reared, progeny of�
collected from a sheep in Pretoria North, Gauteng Province, 5omh Africa, on26January L 942 by G.E. Laurence). Larva:
(a) capirulum, dorsal; (b) capirulum, ventral; (c) scurum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represenc 0.10 mm. SEMs by M.D.
Corwin. (From Walker et al, 1988, figs 19-22, with kind permission from Kluwer Academic Publishers.)

2. 90 mm x 1. 99 mm; anterior process on coxae I ginal lines as long punctate grooves delimiting
fairly small. In engorged specimens body wall first festoons and almost reaching eyes. Postero­
expanded laterally and posteriorly. Eyes mar­ median and posterolateral grooves, when presenc,
ginal, flat, edged dorsally with several medium­ relatively shallow and inconspicuous. Ventrally
sized punctations. Cervical pits deep, comma­ spiracles comma-shaped, becoming narrowly
shaped; conspicuous setiferous punctations elongated towards dorsal surface. Adanal plates
along external cervical margins and in 'simus' unique in shape, biCtJspid posreriorly; accessory
pattern on central conscuturn (see p. 416), inter­ adanal plates sharp, well sclerotized.
spersed with numerous fine punctations. Mar-
R. tricuspis 451

Table 5 5 . Host records o/Rhipicephalus tricuspis

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 10
Goats 3
Dogs 3

Wild animals
South African hedgehog (Atelerixfrontalis)
Side-striped jackal (Canis adustus) 3
Black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) 1
'Jackal' (Canis sp.) 3
Bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis)
Cape fox ( Vulpes chama)
Lion (Panthera leo)
Leopard (Panthera pardus) 1
Aardwolf (Proteles cristatus) 1
Aardvark ( Orycteropus afer) 1
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 3
Impala (Aepyceros melampus)
Steenbok (Raphicerus campestris) 17
Sharpe's grysbok (Raphicerus sharpez) 1
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros) 1
Red forest duiker ( Cephalophus natalensis) 1
Gemsbok (Oryx gazella)
Spring hare (Pedetes capensis) 11
Cape hare (Lepus capensis) 3
Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) 6
Lepus sp . 5
'Rabbit' 1

Female (Figs 208(b), 209(d) to (j)) on raised lateral borders and on central area of
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth scutum, interspersed with numerous fine punc­
ranging from 0.57 mm x 0.67 mm to 0.71 tations. Ventrally genital aperture a fairly broad
mm x 0. 79 mm. Basis capituli with lateral angles U-shape.
at about anterior third of its length, acute, tilting
forwards slightly; porose areas large, more than Nymph (Fig. 2 1 0)
their own diameter apart. Palps rounded apically. Capitulum much broader than long,
Scutum about as long as broad, length x breadth length x breadth ranging from 0. 1 3 mm x 0 . 2 1
ranging from 1 .26 mm x 1 .27 mm to 1 .50 mm m m to 0. 1 5 m m x 0 .22 mm. Basis capituli over
x 1 .4 7 mm; posterior margin sinuous. Eyes at three times as broad as long, with tapering lateral
lateral angles, almost flat, edged dorsally with angles overlapping the scapulae; ventrally with
several medium-sized punctations. Cervical well-developed spurs on posterior margin. Palps
fields slightly depressed. Large setiferous punc­ relatively short, tapering, inclined inwards and
tations along external cervical margins, scattered overlapping hypostome. Scutum about as broad
452 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

as long, length x breadth ranging from 0.48 most collections have been made from relatively
mm x 0.47 mm to 0.52 mm x 0.52 mm; pos­ small wild animals (Table 55). These include
terior margin a broad smooth curve. Eyes at various carnivores, particularly jackals and other
widest point, well over halfway back, marginal, wild canids, antelopes, mostly the smaller spe­
flat. Cervical grooves short, convergent; cervical cies, especially the steenbok, also the spring hare,
fields barely indicated. Ventrally coxae I each and hares. In southern Africa the majority of
with a long bluntly pointed external spur and a collections were made during December to
shorter broader internal spur; coxae II to IV each March (wet season) .
with a short, broadly triangular external spur, The hosts of the immature stages are un­
decreasing in size from II to IV. known; they are probably small mammals.

Larva (Fig. 2 1 1) Zoogeography

Capitulum much broader than long, length x
breadth ranging from 0.09 1 mm x 0. 1 56 mm to Most records of R. tricuspis are from southern
0.096 mm x 0. 1 70 mm. Basis capituli over three Africa, especially Botswana, the North-West and
times as broad as long, with bluntly tapered lat­ Northern Provinces of South Africa, and south­
eral angles overlapping the scapulae. Palps broad ern Mozambique (Map 59) . Collections also
basally, narrowing towards apices, inclined in­ exist from northern Namibia, Zimbabwe, west­
wards. Scutum much broader than long, ern Zambia and western Democratic Republic of
length x breadth ranging from 0.223 mm x Congo. The vast majority of these collection sites
0.3 1 2 mm to 0.234 mm x 0.335 mm; posterior are in various types of dry woodland.
margin a broad shallow curve. Eyes at widest
point, well over halfway back, flat. Cervical
grooves short, slightly convergent. Ventrally Disease relationships
coxae I each with a short broad bluntly rounded
internal spur; coxae II and III each with an in­ Statements that R. tricuspis may be involved in
dication only of a broad salient ridge on its pos­ the transmission of porcine babesiosis, caused by
Babesia trautmanni, refer to R. lunulatus.
terior margin.

Notes on identification
Since 1 9 1 2 various authors have, at different
times, applied the name R. tricuspis to three enti­
Donitz, W. ( 1 906) . Uber Afrikanische Zecken. Sit­
ties with similarly-shaped adanal plates. This zungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender
situation was reviewed in detail by Walker et al. Freunde der Berlin, 5, 143-8 + 1 plate.
( 1 988), on whose findings our present account is Walker, J.B., Keirans, J.E., Pegram, R.G. & Clifford,
based. They formally re-established R. lunulatus C.M. ( 1 988) . Clarification of the status of
as a valid species (see p. 269) and referred briefly Rhipicephalus tricuspis Donitz, 1 906 and
to a third, morphologically similar, species that Rhipicephalus lunulatus Neumann, 1 907
has since been described as R. interventus (see p. (lxodoidea, Ixodidae) . Systematic Parasitology,
228) . 12, 1 59-86.


A three-host species (Gertrud Theiler, unpub­

lished data, 1 942-43) . Adults have sometimes
been recorded from cattle, goats and dogs but
R. turanicus 453

RHIPICEPHALUS TURANICUS ior process of coxae I inconspicuous. In en­

POMERANTSEV, 1 936 gorged specimens body wall expanded consider­
ably laterally but less so posteriorly, with a small
This name probably refers to the Turan, which rounded caudal process. Eyes flat, edged dorsally
in Persian means Turkestan or, broadly speak­ by a few large setiferous punctations. Cervical
ing, the region north of the Amu-Darya (Oxus) pits comma-shaped, convergent; cervical fields
River, east of the Caspian Sea on the borders of slightly depressed, their external margins de­
Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan; '-icus' is a Latin limited by large setiferous punctations. Marginal
suffix meaning 'belonging to'. lines long, deep, outlined with numerous large
punctations. Posteromedian and posterolateral
grooves short, broad. A few large setiferous
Diagnosis punctations present on scapulae and in four
more-or-less distinct 'simus' pattern rows me­
A moderate-sized heavily punctate reddish­ dially on the conscutum, interspersed with nu­
brown tick belonging to the R. sanguineus group. merous interstitial punctations. Although the
punctation pattern varies considerably it is typi­
Male (Figs 212(a), 2 13(a) to (c)) cally relatively deep and dense. Ventrally spi­
Capitulum slightly broader than long, length x racles somewhat variable in shape but dorsal pro­
breadth ranging from 0.52 mm x 0.56 mm to longation usually as wide as adjacent festoon and
0.64 mm x 0.65 mm. Basis capituli with acute either gently curved or slightly angled. Adanal
lateral angles at about anterior third of its length. plates vary from broad and truncated to longer
Palps tapering somewhat to rounded apices. and more pointed posteriorly; accessory adanal
Conscutum length x breadth ranging from 2.34 plates well sclerotized, sharply pointed.
mm x 1 .49 mm to 2 .90 mm x 1 .95 mm; anter-

Figure 2 1 2. Rhipicephalus turanicus (Onderstepoort Tick Collection 2880viii, collected from sheep, Chirundu, Zambia,
on 1 2 April 1 952 by J.G. Matthysse). (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage de!.
454 Accounts ofindivUJuaJ A/rotropical species


Figure 213. RJtipiceplUJJw Jurauicus (LI 75, strain originating from Cyprus, ticks laboratory reared by R. G. Pegram).
Male: (a) capitUJum, dorsal; (1:>) spiracle; (c) adanal places. female: (d) c:apirulum, dorsal; (e) scapular area; (f) genital
apenure. Scale bars represent O. l 0 mm. SEMs by M. 0. Corwin. (Figs (b), (c) & (f) from Pegram et aL, 1987, figs 31, 32
& 38, with kind permission from Kluwei Academic f>i.Jb(jshers.)
R. turanicus 4SS

Figure 214. Rhipicepl1alus turam:.:Us nymphs (flgu� (a), (b) & (c): L56, s�in origi�ring from :Sal.moral, Zambia; (d).
{e) & (f): Ll75, strain originating from Cyprus; all ticks laboratory reared by R.C. Pegram). Figures (a) & (d) caplrulum,
dorsal; (b) & (e) scutum; (c) & (f) coxae. Scak l>ars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin. (From Pegram tJ aL,

1987, figs 21-26, with kind p�:.sion from K.Jvwcr Academic PuDlishc.rs.)
456 Accounts of individualAfrotropical species

Figure 215. Rhi,ncephalus 111ranicus larvae (figures (a), (b) & (c) : L56, strain originating from Balmoral, Zambia; {d), (e)
& (f): L l 7:>, strain originating from Cypru$; all tic!G laboratory reared by R.G. Pegram) . Figures (a) & (d) capitulurn,
dorsal; (b) & (e) scutum; (c) & (f) coxae. Scale bars r<:pn:scnt 0.10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Convin. (F1om Pegram el al.,
1987, flgs 1 5-20, with kind pem1ission from Kluwer Academic Publjshexs.)
R. turanicus 457



Rhipicephalus turanicus
Type locality unknown (see text)
• Locality records (Pegram et al., 1 987 & others)
() Locality records (Morel, 1 969)
0 Locality in country unknown


Map 60. Rhipicephalus turanicus: distribution in Africa, parts of southern Europe and the Middle East.
458 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Female (Figs 212(b), 2 13(d) to (f), also 85(c)) Larva (Fig. 215)
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth Capitulum much broader than long, length x
ranging from 0.56 mm x 0.67 mm to 0.72 breadth ranging from 0.097 mm x 0. 1 46 mm to
mm x 0.78 mm. Basis capituli with blunt lateral 0. 1 03 mm x 0. 1 60 mm. Basis capituli just over
angles a little anterior to mid-length; porose areas three times as broad as long, with lateral angles
oval, about twice their own diameter apart. Palps relatively sharp in African strain but more
tapering to quite narrowly-rounded apices. rounded in Mediterranean strain. Anterolateral
Scutum slightly longer than broad, length x margins of basis capituli approximately in line
breadth ranging from 1 .20 mm x 1 . 1 6 mm to with external palpal margins. Palps tapering to
1 . 53 mm x 1 .45 mm; posterior margin markedly narrowly-rounded apices, inclined inwards.
sinuous. Eyes fiat, edged dorsally by a few large Scutum much broader than long, length x
setiferous punctations. Cervical pits convergent; breadth ranging from 0.20 1 mm x 0.275 mm to
cervical fields slightly depressed, their external 0.2 1 5 mm x 0.299 mm; posterior margin a
margins sharply defined, with numerous large wide, very shallow curve. Eyes at widest point,
deep setiferous punctations. A few large setifer­ almost fiat. Cervical grooves convergent initially,
ous punctations also present on the scapulae and becoming shallow and slightly divergent. Ven­
medially on the scutum, interspersed with nu­ trally coxae I each with a large broadly-rounded
merous interstitial punctations. Punctation pat­ spur; coxae II and III each with a slight salience
tern variable but usually dense and conspicuous. only on the posterior margin.
Ventrally genital aperture small, U-shaped to
broadly V-shaped. (Also see fig. 85 (c), p. 2 1 1 ) . Notes on identification
We have included illustrations of both an African
and a Cypriot strain of R. turanicus. Until recently
it was regarded as a Palaearctic species. However,
Nymph (Fig. 214) research by Pegram ( 1 984) showed that it is also
Capitulum much broader than long, widely distributed in the Afrotropical region. Pe­
length x breadth ranging from 0. 1 5 mm x 0.28 gram et al. ( 1 987) found that there were consider­
to 0 . 1 8 mm x 0. 3 1 mm. Basis capituli over three able morphological differences, particularly in the
times as broad as long, with tapering lateral immature stages, between the African and the
angles overlapping the scapulae; ventrally with Cypriot strains ofthis tick. Nevertheless these two
short spurs on posterior margin. Anterolateral strains were completely compatible cytoplasmi­
margins of basis capituli approximately in line cally. They could therefore find no reason to
with external palpal margins. Palps tapering to continue to regard it as being of Palaearctic origin.
narrowly-rounded apices, inclined inwards. The earlier misconceptions regarding its
Scutum longer than broad, length x breadth distribution arose largely because it was confused
ranging from 0.39 mm x 0.33 mm to 0.46 with R. sulcatus by Morel & Vassiliades ( 1 963) .
mm x 0.38 mm; relatively shorter and broader Up to now the collections of R. sanguineus group
in Mediterranean than in African strain; pos­ species on which they based their findings have
terior margin a deep smooth curve. Eyes at not been re-examined and their systematic status
widest point, well over halfway back, almost fiat. re-evaluated. Consequently our knowledge of
Cervical fields long, narrow, slightly depressed, the precise distribution of R. turanicus and R.
inconspicuous. Scutal setae longer and more ob­ sulcatus as well as other species in this group in
vious in African than in Mediterranean strain. West Africa remains obscure.
Ventrally coxae I each with a slightly longer nar­ In our review of this species in Africa we
rower external spur and a shorter broader inter­ have included the ticks identified as R. turanicus
nal spur; coxae II to IV each with an external spur in the surveys of Pegram ( 1 976), Pegram, Hoog­
only, decreasing progressively in size. straal & Wassef ( 1 9 8 1 , 1 982) and Pegram et al.
R. turanicus 459

( 1 987), in J.B.W.'s East African collections, in rocco peak infestations were present on sheep
the Zimbabwean survey conducted by Norval, during April and May, coinciding with the transi­
Daillecourt & Pegram ( 1 983) (in which the ticks tion between wet and dry seasons (Ouhelli et al.,
were referred to as a Rhipicephalus sp.), and more 1 962) , while collections in Ethiopia, northern
recently in surveys conducted in Namibia and Somalia and Tanzania were made during dry
South Africa. season periods (Pegram et al., 1 987) .

Hosts Hosts of non-African ticks

The preferred domestic hosts of adult ticks are
A three-host species (Pegram, 1 984) . In view of cattle, sheep, goats, dogs and cats (Table 56B) .
its wide distribution the host records for R. Most collections from wild hosts have been taken
turanicus have been summarized in two tables. In from hedgehogs, the golden jackal, red fox and
the first its known hosts in Africa are listed and in hares. The immature stages have mainly been
the second its hosts outside Africa. collected from domestic cats, hedgehogs, several
species of rodents and the Indian hare.
Hosts ofAfrican ticks

The domestic animals from which R. turanicus Zoo geography

adults have been collected most frequently are
cattle, sheep and dogs (Table 56A) . Its favoured Although the majority of records of R. turanicus
wild hosts include jackals, lions, leopards and in Africa originate in the eastern parts of the
hares and it has also been taken from a number of continent, from Ethiopia, Sudan and the Somali
large ground-feeding birds. Apart from collec­ Republic in the north to South Africa in the
tions off scrub hares the immature stages have south, collections have also been made in Egypt
not been specifically identified from other hosts. and Morocco in north Africa; Senegal, Nigeria
Cattle apparently harbour few ticks, since and Cameroon in the west, and in Angola and
the largest numbers recorded from a single ani­ Namibia (Map 60) . Within Africa R. turanicus is
mal were 56 males and 38 females (Pegram et al., present at altitudes ranging from just above sea
1 987) . Although no individual tick counts have level to over 2000 m and in regions with annual
been done on sheep they can be particularly rainfalls ranging from 1 00 mm to 1 000 mm. It
heavily infested (Norval et al., 1 983) . More than occurs in widely differing ecological habitats. It
450 adults were collected from an ostrich in has been found in arid to semi-arid steppe and
Karamoja District, Uganda (Pegram et al., also in tropical and subtropical savanna and Af­
1 987) . The preferred site of attachment on romontane scrub vegetation. Within an undif­
sheep, goats and hares is their ears (Norval et al., ferentiated woodland habitat in South Africa it
1 983; Horak et al., 1 995) . has been collected in greater numbers from the
Most records of R. turanicus indicate that vegetation adjacent to gullies than from open
the adults are active mainly in the late rainy to grassland or more wooded subhabitats.
early dry season. In Zambia 90% of collections Outside Africa R. turanicus has been re­
were made between March and July (Pegram et corded in several of the Mediterranean countries
al., 1 986, 1 987), and in Zimbabwe 84% between and their immediate neighbours as well as in
November and April (Norval et al., 1 983) . In Afghanistan, China, India, Iran, Iraq, Nepal,
South Africa most ticks were collected from the Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, and
vegetation between February and May, from Syria. The report of R. turanicus in the Tyrol of
scrub hares between January and July, and from Austria by Sixl ( 1 972) is most likely an introduc­
dogs between December and March (Horak et tion because the ticks were collected twice from
al., 1 995; I.G.H., unpublished data) . In Mo- the same dog.
460 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

Table 5 6A. Host records of Rhipicephalus turanicus in Africa

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 81
Sheep 14
Goats 7
Camels 3
Horses 6
Dogs 51
Cats 4

Wild animals
Hedgehog (Atelerix sp.) 2
Vervet monkey ( Chlorocebus aethiops) 1
Side-striped jackal (Canis adustus) 2
Black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) 2
'Jackal' (Canis sp.) 3
Bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis) 1
Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) 3
Caracal ( Caracal caracal)
African wild cat (Pelis lybica) 5
Black-footed cat (Pelis nigripes) 1
Serva! (Leptailurus serval)
Lion (Panthera leo) 13
Leopard (Panthera pardus) 7
Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon)
Brown hyaena (Parahyaena brunnea)
Aardwolf (Proteles cristatus) 1
African civet ( Civettictis civetta) 6
'Genet' 4
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchellit) 4
Aardvark ( Orycteropus afer) 1
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 4
Grant's gazelle (Gazella granti) 3
Thomson's gazelle (Gazella thomsonii) 3
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx)
'Eland' ( Taurotragus sp.) (Equatoria, Sudan)
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros)
'Kudu' ( Tragelaphus sp.) 1
Common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia) 2
Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus) 1
Gemsbok (Oryx gazella)
Lechwe (Kobus leche)
Cape hare (Lepus capensis)
Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) 34 (including immatures)
'Hare' 13

Ostrich (Struthio came/us) 4
Marabou stork (Leptoptilos crumeniferus)
R. turanicus 461

Table 56A. (cont.)

Hosts Number of records

Birds (cont.)
Black kite (Milvus migrans) 1
White-headed vulture (Aegypius occipitalis) 1
Wahlberg's eagle (Hieraaetus wahlbergz) 1
Secretary bird (Sagittarius serpentarius) 5
Denham's bustard (Neotis denhamz) 2
Black bustard (Eupodotis afra)
Cape dikkop (Burhinus capensis)
'Dove' (Streptopelia sp.)

Puff adder (Bitis arietans)

Humans 3

Table 5 6B . Host records o/Rhipicephalus turanicus outside Africa

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 1 50 +
Water buffaloes 3
Sheep Numerous
Goats Numerous
Camels 15
Donkeys 1
Pigs 1
Dogs 1 72
Cats 44 (including immatures)

Wild animals
East European hedgehog (Erinaceus concolor) 5
West European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) 4
Desert hedgehog (Hemiechinus aethiopicus) 3
Long-eared hedgehog (Hemiechinus auritus) 9 (including immatures)
Brandt's hedgehog (Hemiechinus hypomelas) 2
Indian hedgehog (Hemiechinus micropus) 7
Common European white-toothed shrew ( Crocidura russula) 1 (immatures)
'White-toothed shrew' ( Crocidura zarudnyz) 1 (immatures)
Golden jackal (Canis aureus) 7
Red fox ( Vulpes vulpes) 13
Jungle cat (Pelis chaus) 2
Eurasian badger (Meles meles) 2
Weasel (Mustela nivalis) 1 (immatures)
Argali ( Ovis ammon) 3
462 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Table 56B. (cont.)

Hosts Number of records

Wild animals (cont.)

Gunther's vole (Microtus guenthen) 2 (immatures)
Grey hamster (Cricetulus migratorius) 7 (immatures)
Indian desert gerbil (Meriones hurrinae) 2
Libyan jird (Meriones libycus) 5 (immatures)
Persian jird (Meriones persicus) 2 (immatures)
Tristram's jird (Meriones tristramz) 1 (immatures)
Great gerbil (Rhombomys opimus) 1 (immatures)
Indian gerbil ( Tatera indica) 1 (immatures)
Broad-toothed mouse (Apodemus mystacinus) 1 (immatures)
Lesser bandicoot rat (Bandicota bengalensis) 1 (immatures)
House mouse (Mus musculus) 3 (immatures)
Short-tailed bandicoot rat (Nesokia indica) 3 (immatures)
Black rat (Rattus rattus) 3 (immatures)
'Dormouse' (Eliomys melanurus) 1 (immatures)
Cape hare (Lepus capensis) 5
Indian hare (Lepus nigricollis) 8 (including immatures)
European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) 2

Humans 13

Disease relationships REFERENCES

Achuthan, Mahadevan & Lalitha ( 1 980) have Achuthan, H.N., Mahadevan, S. & Lalitha, C.M.
demonstrated that R. turanicus can transmit ( 1 980) . Studies on the developmental forms of
Babesia canis to splenectomized dogs. It has Babesia bigemina and Babesia canis in ixodid
been listed as a vector of Babesia equi to horses ticks. Indian Veterinary Journal, 57, 1 8 1-4.
Balashov, Y.S. & Daiter, A.B. ( 1 973) . Bloodsucking
by Friedhoff ( 1 988), but four attempts by Pot­
Arthropods and Rickettsiae. Leningrad: Nauka.
gieter, De Waal & Posnett ( 1 992) to transmit
[In Russian] .
this parasite with a South African strain of R.
Berdyev, A. ( 1 980) . Ecology of Ixodid Ticks of Turk­
turanicus failed. As noted earlier, the listing of menistan and their Importance in natural focal
R. sanguineus as a vector of the other equine Diseases Epizootiology. Ashkhabad, Turkmenis­
parasite, Babesia caballi, by Enigk ( 1 943) tan: Ylym. [In Russian] .
probably also refers to R. turanicus. It has Enigk, K. ( 1 943) . Die Ubertrager des Pferdepiroplas­
been shown that R. turanicus can transmit mose, ihre Verbreitung und Biologie. Archiv fur
Babesia trautmanni transovarially to splenect­ Wissenschaftliche und Praktische Tierheilkunde,
omized pigs (Lopez-Rebollar & De Waal, 78, 209-40.
1 994) . Rhipicephalus turanicus has also been im­ Friedhoff, K. T. ( 1 988) . Transmission of Babesia. In
plicated as a vector of the agents of Q fever and Babesiosis in Domestic Animals and Man, ed. M.
Ristic, pp. 23-52. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Siberian tick typhus (Balashov & Daiter, 1 973;
Horak, LG., Spickett, A.M., Braack, L.E.O., Penz-
Berdyev, 1 980) .
R. warburtoni 463

horn, B.L., Bagnall, R.J. & Uys, A.C. ( 1 995) . of ticks in Zambia: seasonal dynamics on cattle.
Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Experimental and Applied Acarology, 2, 25-45.
Africa. XXXI II. Ixodid ticks on scrub hares in Pomerantsev, B.I. ( 1 936) . [The morphology of the
the north-eastern regions of Northern and East­ genus Rhipicephalus Koch in connection with
ern Transvaal and of KwaZulu-Natal. Onder­ the construction of a natural classification of
stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 62, Ixodoidea] . Parasitologicheskii Sbornik, 6, 5-32.
1 23-3 1 . (In Russian; English summary) .
Lopez-Rebollar, L.M. & D e Waal, D.T. ( 1 994) . Tick Potgieter, F.T., De Waal, D.T. & Posnett, E.S.
vectors of Babesia trautmanni in domestic pigs in ( 1 992) . Transmission and diagnosis of equine
South Africa. 8th International Congress ofPara­ babesiosis in South Africa. Membrias do Instituto
sitology, October 1 0-14, Abstracts, vol. 1, 23 1 . Oswaldo Cruz, 87, Supplement III, 1 39-42.
1 994, Izmir: Turkey. Sixl, W. ( 1 972) . Drie weitere Zeckenarten in Oster­
Morel, P.C. & Vassiliades, G. ( 1 963) . Les reich. Mitteilungen der Abteilungfiir Zoologischen
Rhipicephalus du groupe sanguineus: especes af­ des LandesmuseumsJoanneum, 1, 5 1-2.
ricaines (Acariens: Ixodoidea) . Revue d'Blevage Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) :
et de Medecine Viterinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 15 Filippova ( 1 997); Hoogstraal ( 1 956); Morel
(nouvelle serie), 343-86. ( 1 980); Theiler ( 1 962); Walker ( 1 974); Yeo­
Norval, RA.I., Daillecourt, T. & Pegram, R.G. man & Walker ( 1 967) .
( 1 983) . The ticks of Zimbabwe. VI. The
Rhipicephalus sanguineus group. Zimbabwe Vet­
erinary Journal, 13, 38-46.
Ouhelli, H., Pandey, V.S., Benzaouia, T. & Belkasmi,
A. ( 1 962) . Seasonal prevalence of Rhipicephalus WALKER & HORAK, SP. NO V.
turanicus on sheep in Morocco. Tropical Animal
Health and Production, 1 4, 247-8. This species is named in honour of Cecil War­
Pegram, R.G. ( 1 976) . Ticks (Acarina, Ixodoidea) of burton ( 1 854-1 958), in recognition of his re­
the northern regions of the Somali Democratic markable understanding of the difficult tax­
Republic. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 66, onomic problems in the genus Rhipicephalus.
345-63. The analysis of morphological variations seen in
Pegram, R.G. ( 1 984) . Biosystematic studies on the ge­ individual species that he wrote in 1 9 1 2 is still
nus Rhipicephalus: the R. sanguineus and R. worthy of careful study by students of this genus
sirnus groups (lxodoidea, Ixodidae) . PhD. thesis,
Brunel University, England. 1 60 pp.
Pegram, R.G., Clifford, C.M., Walker, J.B. & Keirans,
J.E. ( 1 987) . Clarification of the Rhipicephalus
sanguineus group (Acari, Ixodoidea, Ixodidae) .
I. R. sulcatus Neumann, 1 908 and R. turanicus
A medium-sized dark brown species.
Pomerantsev, 1 936. Systematic Parasitology, 1 0,
Pegram, R. G., Hoogstraal, H. & Wassef, H.Y. ( 198 1) . Male (Figs 2 1 6(a), 21 l(a) to (c))
Ticks (Acari: Ixodoidea) of Ethiopia. I . Dis­ Capitulum about as broad as long,
tribution, ecology and host relationships of spe­ length x breadth ranging from 0.59 mm x 0 . 6 1
cies infesting livestock. Bulletin of Entomological m m to 0.79 mm x 0 . 7 8 mm . Basis capituli with
Research, 71, 339-59.
short acute lateral angles at anterior third of its
Pegram, R.G., Hoogstraal, H. & Wassef, H.Y. ( 1 982) .
length. Palps short, broad, article III almost
Ticks (Acari: Ixodoidea) of the Yemen Arab
wedge-shaped. Conscutum length x breadth
Republic. I. Species infesting livestock. Bulletin
ofEntomological Research, 72, 2 1 5-27. ranging from 2.59 mm x 1 . 52 mm to 3 .46
Pegram, R.G., Perry, B.D., Musisi, F.L. & mm x 2 . 1 3 mm; anterior process of coxae I
Mwanaumo, B. ( 1 986) . Ecology and phenology prominent, well sclerotized. In engorged speci­
mens body wall expanded somewhat laterally
464 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Figure 2 1 6. Rhipicephalus warburtoni Walker & Horak, sp. nov. [Onderstepoort Tick Collection 3 1 46ii, paratypes,
laboratory reared, originating from 'j! collected from Dorper sheep (D77), Preezfontein, Free State, South Africa, on 14
October 1993 by L.J. Fourie] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.

Table 5 7. Hos t records o/Rhipicephalus warburtoni

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 26
Sheep 61
Goats 62
Dogs 2

Wild animals
African wild cat (Pelis lybica) 1
Gemsbok (Oryx gazella) 6
Namaqua rock mouse (Aethomys namaquensis) 69 (immatures)
Spring hare (Pedetes capensis) 14 (nymphs)
Cape hare (Lepus capensis) 1 2 (including immatures)
Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) 64 (including immatures)
Smith's red rock rabbit (Pronolagus rupestris) 7 (immatures)
Rock elephant shrew (Elephantulus myurus) 282 (immatures)
R. warburtoni 465

' Female (Figs 21 6(b), 21 7(d) to (j))
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
ranging from 0.52 mm x 0.59 mm to 0.75
mm x 0.82 mm. Basis capituli with broad acute
lateral angles just anterior to mid-length; porose
areas small, oval, almost three times their own
diameter apart. Palps longer and narrower than
those of the male, their apices smoothly
rounded. Scutum longer than broad,
length x breadth ranging from 1 .08 mm x 0.96
mm to 1 .5 5 mm x 1 .50 mm; posterior margin
35' H-�--��--�----,----1--
Rhipicephalus warburtoni sinuous. Eyes at about mid-length, convex, de­
* Type locality limited dorsally by punctate grooves. Cervical
• Locality records
pits convergent; cervical fields broad, divergent,
30' 35' slightly depressed, their internal margins some­
times just reaching posterolateral margins of
Map 6 1 . Rhipicephalus warburtoni Walker & Horak, sp.
scutum, their external margins delimited by
nov.: distribution.
large setiferous punctations. A few medium­
sized setiferous punctations scattered on scap­
and posteriorly and forming a long tail-like ulae and medially on scutum, interspersed with
caudal process posteromedially. Eyes convex, numerous discrete smaller punctations that are
delimited dorsally by punctate grooves. Cervical finest anterior to the eyes but larger between the
pits deep, convergent; cervical fields divergent, cervical fields. Ventrally genital aperture broadly
tapering to points posterior to eyes, their exter­ V-shaped.
nal margins delimited by irregular rows of a few
large discrete setiferous punctations. Marginal Nymph (Fig. 218)
lines well developed, extending anteriorly al­ Capitulum much broader than long,
most to eye level, punctate. Posterior grooves length x breadth ranging from 0.2 1 mm x 0.27
conspicuous; posteromedian groove long and mm to 0.22 mm x 0.29 mm. Basis capituli over
narrow, posterolaterals shorter and broader. A three times as broad as long, lateral angles at
few large conspicuous setiferous punctations about mid-length, very broad and overlapping
present on the scapulae and scattered medially scapulae, posterior margin concave. Palps nar­
on the conscutum, increasing in size and numb­ row proximally, then widening, with article III
er towards the posterior end of the conscutum, tapering to narrowly-rounded apices, inclined in­
interspersed with a dense pattern of discrete wards. Scutum slightly longer than broad,
smaller punctations that also increase in size length x breadth ranging from 0.50 mm x 0.48
posteriorly. Small shagreened areas visible mm to 0.56 mm x 0.54 mm; posterior margin
laterally on the conscutum, parallel to the mar­ broadly curved. Eyes just anterior to widest
ginal lines, and sometimes medially. Ventrally point, well over halfway back, slightly convex,
spiracles broad with a fairly short dorsal prolon­ delimited dorsally by grooves. Cervical fields
gation that curves slightly just at its tip. Adanal long, narrow, divergent, slightly depressed. Ven­
plates broad, their internal margins almost par­ trally coxae I each with a short broad internal
allel anteriorly, becoming slightly divergent pos­ spur and a longer narrower external spur; coxae
terior to the anus; their posterointernal and II to IV each with an external spur only, decreas­
posteroexternal margins smoothly rounded; ac­ ing progressively in size.
cessory adanal plates indicated by small scler­
otized points only.
466 Arnmms of individual A/rctrcpical specie$
R. warburtoni 467

Figure 2 1 8 (ab<X.Je). Rhipi,cephalu.s warburtcni Walker & Horak, sp. tWv. Paboratory reared, originating from '¥ collected
from Dorper sheep (077), Preezfontein, Free State, Somh Africa, on 14 Oc10ber 1993 by L.j. Fourie). Nymph: (a)
capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum., ventral; (c) scurum; (d) coxae. ScaJe bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by J.F. Pucterill.

Figure 217 (opposfre) . Rhtpillphalus warburt.oni Walker & Horak, sp. nov. (laboratory reared, originating from <j/ collected
from Dorper sheep (077), Preezfontein, Free State, South Africa, on 1 4 October 1993 by L.J. Fourie]. Male: (a)
capitulurn, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scutum; (f) genital aperture. Scale
bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by JP. Putterill.
468 Accounts of individualAfrotrop£cal species

Figure 219. RliipicepJk:llus warburtorri Walker & Horak, sp. 11ov. paboratory reared, originating from � collected from
Dorpcr sheep (D77), Prcczfomein, Fre1: State, South Africa, on 14 October 1993 by L.j. Fourie). Larva: (a) capitulWTI,
dorsal; (b) capitulum, vencral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represenc 0.10 mm. SEMs byJ.F. Punerill.

Larva (Fig. 2 1 9) mm x 0.356 mm to 0.281 mm x 0.372 mm;

Capitulum as long as broad, length x breadth posterior margin broadly rounded. Eyes just an­
ranging from 0.107 mm x 0.107 mm to 0 . 1 1 5 terior to widest point, about halfway back, slight­
mm x 0. 1 1 5 mm. Basis capiruli nearly 2.5 times ly concave and delimited dorsally by grooves.
as broad as long, lateral margins almost straight, Cervical grooves short, ahnost parallel. Ventrally
curving posteriorly to meet the slightly concave coxae I each with a large sharp spur; coxae Il and
posterior margin. Palps constricted proximally, HI each with more rounded spurs, that on III
then widening markedly before tapering gently to being quite small.
rounded apices. Scutum much broader than
long, length x breadth ranging from 0.276
R. warburtoni 469

Holotype shrew is the preferred host of the immature

6, laboratory reared, progeny of Cf> collected from stages (Fourie, Horak & Van den Heever,
Dorper sheep (D 77), Preezfontein, Free State, 1 992); 282 out of 287 elephant shrews exam­
South Africa, on 1 4 October 1 993 by L.J. Fourie, ined in the Free State were infested, and 958
deposited in Onderstepoort Tick Collection larvae and 22 nymphs were collected from a
3 1 46i. single animal.
The predilection sites of attachment of
Allotype adult R. warburtoni on very young Angora goat
Cf>, data as above. kids are the head and ears (Fourie, Horak & Van
Zyl, 1 99 1 ) . During the first few weeks of their
Paratypes lives these kids lie-up while their dams are feed­
66, Cf>Cf>, nymphs, larvae, data as above, deposited ing. This, coupled with the fact that the ticks
in Onderstepoort Tick Collection 3 1 46ii; 3 6 6, 3 actively quest for their hosts from the ground
Cf>Cf>, 1 0 nymphs, 1 0 larvae, data as above, deposi­ (Fourie et al., 1 993), could account for the large
ted in the United States National Tick Collec­ numbers attaching to their heads and ears. On
tion, RML 1 22749; 3 66, 3 Cf>Cf>, 1 0 nymphs, 1 0 older goats the ticks are found on the neck and
larvae, data as above, deposited in The Natural brisket as well as the head and ears (Fourie et al.,
History Museum, London. 1 99 1 ) . On scrub hares the adults attach to the
Notes on identification The larvae of R. warburtoni are most abun­
This tick is one of three closely-related species dant on rock elephant shrews from December to
included under the name R. pravus by Theiler July and the nymphs from April to October
( 1 962) . It also features in the South African lit­ (Fourie et al., 1 992) . Adults are most abundant
erature under the following names: as an atypical on goats and cattle from September or October
strain of R. appendiculatus occurring in the to February (Fourie & Horak, 1 9 9 1 ; Fourie, Kok
Fauresmith region of the Free State (Theiler, & Heyne, 1 996) .
1 949); as an R. pravus-like tick (Fourie, Horak &
Marais, 1 988a, b); as an R. punctatus-like tick
(Fourie & Horak, 1 990); and as R. punctatus in Zoogeography
several publications on the ticks of the Free State
by Fourie & Horak and their co-workers. Rhipicephalus warburtoni has been found only in
the Free State and Northern Cape Province,
South Africa (Map 6 1 ) . Here it has been col­
lected at altitudes varying from 1 200 m to
1 600 m, with annual rainfall, which occurs main­
A three-host species (L.J. Fourie, unpublished
ly in summer, ranging from c. 200 mm to 600
data, 1 99 5). Although cattle, sheep and goats all
mm. It occurs in Highveld grassland, Kalahari
serve as hosts of adult R. warburtoni (Table 5 7),
Acacia wooded grassland and in the transition
its relative abundance on goats exceeds that on
from Karoo shrubland to Highveld. Within these
the other domestic animals (Fourie & Horak,
regions the tick and its preferred hosts are most
1 99 1 ) . The preferred wild host of all stages of
commonly associated with hilly habitats with
development is the scrub hare. On two farms in
vegetation cover.
the south-western Free State 46 out of 50 scrub
hares examined were infested with a total of
1 1 85 ticks. Twelve out of 34 Cape hares on the Disease relationships
same farms carried 52 ticks, and seven out of 28
Smith's red rock rabbits harboured only 1 1 ticks Paralysis has been reported in heavily-infested
(Horak & Fourie, 1 99 1 ) . The rock elephant young Angora goat kids in the south-western
470 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

Free State during the period of peak adult tick Ixodid ticks on hares in the Cape Province and
abundance (Fourie et al., 1 988a) . This paralysis on hares and red rock rabbits in the Orange Free
is reversible provided the ticks are removed prior State. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Re­
to the symptoms becoming too severe. search, 58, 261-70.
Theiler, G. ( 1 949) . Zoological Survey of the Union of
South Africa: Tick Survey. Part III. Distribution
of Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, the brown tick.
REFERENCES Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and
Animal Industry, 22, 269-84 + 1 map.
Fourie, L.J. & Horak, LG. ( 1 990) . Parasites of cattle in Also see the following Basic Reference (p. 1 4) : Theiler
the south western Orange Free State. Journal of ( 1 962) .
the South African Veterinary Association, 61, 27-
Fourie, L.J. & Horak, LG. ( 1 99 1 ) . The seasonal activ­ RHIPICEPHALUS ZAMBEZIENSIS
ity of adult ixodid ticks on Angora goats in the WALKER, NO RVAL & CORWIN, 1 98 1
south western Orange Free State. Journal of
the South African Veterinary Association, 62 ,
This specific name is derived from the Zambezi,
1 04-6.
one of the major river valleys where this tick is
Fourie, L.J., Horak, LG. & Marais, L. ( 1 988a).An
undescribed Rhipicephalus species associated
commonly found, plus the Latin suffix -ensis
with field paralysis of Angora goats. Journal of meaning 'belonging to'.
the South African Veterinary Association, 59,
47-9. Synonym
Fourie, L.J., Horak, LG. & Marais, L. ( 1 988b) . The
zambeziensis Lawrence & Norval, 1 979 (nomen
seasonal abundance of adult ixodid ticks on
nudum) .
Merino sheep in the south western Orange Free
State. Journal of the South Afn'can Veten'nary
Association, 59, 1 9 1-4. Diagnosis
Fourie, L.J., Horak, LG. & Van den Heever, J.J.
( 1 992) .The relative host status of rock elephant
A moderate-sized dark brown tick whose adults
shrews Elephantulus myurus and Namaqua rock
closely resemble those of R. appendiculatus in
mice Aethomys namaquensis for economically
general appearance but are more heavily punc­
important ticks. South African Journal of Zool­
ogy, 27, 1 08-14. tate.
Fourie, L.J., Horak, LG. & Van Zyl, J.M. ( 1 99 1 ) . Sites
of attachment and intraspecific infestation den­ Male (Figs 220(a), 221 (a) to (c))
sities of the brown paralysis tick (Rhipicephalus Capitulum longer than broad, length x breadth
punctatus) on Angora goats. Experimental and ranging from 0.62 mm x 0.60 mm to 0.85
AppliedAcarology, 1 2, 243-9. mm x 0.76 mm. Basis capituli with short sharp
Fourie, L.J., Kok, D.J. & Heyne, H. ( 1 996) . Species lateral angles at anterior third of its length. Palps
composition and seasonal dynamics of adult short, broad, with slightly flattened to gently
ixodid ticks on two cattle breeds in the south­ rounded apices. Conscutum length x breadth
western Free State. OnderstepoortJournal of Vet­
ranging from 2.65 mm x 1 .70 mm to 3 .60
erinary Research, 63, 1 9-23.
mm x 2.40 mm; anterior process of coxae I
Fourie, L.J., Snyman, A., Kok, D.J., Horak, LG. &
large, heavily sclerotized. In engorged specimens
Van Zyl, J.M. ( 1 993) . The appetence behaviour
of two South African paralysis-inducing ixodid body wall expanded posterolaterally and a tail­
ticks. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 1 7, like caudal process formed posteromedially. Eyes
92 1-30. marginal, almost fiat, delimited by a shallow
Horak, LG. & Fourie, L.J. ( 1 99 1 ) . Parasites of domes­ groove and a few large punctations dorsally. Cer­
tic and wild animals in South Africa. XXIX. vical fields broad, depressed, with finely shag-
R. zambeziensis 471

Figure 220. Rhipicephalus zambeziensis (Onderstepoort Tick Collection 3 140ii, paratypes, laboratory reared, progeny of
'i2 collected from bovine, Driehoek Ranch, near West Nicholson, Zimbabwe, in 1 976 by R.A.I. Norval) . (a) Male, dorsal;
(b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage de!.

reened surfaces. Marginal lines well developed, Female (Figs 220(b), 221 (d) to (j))
extending anteriorly almost to eye level. Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
Posteromedian groove long and narrow, ranging from 0.60 mm x 0.70 mm to 0.83
posterolateral grooves shorter and broader, all mm x 0.95 mm. Basis capituli with broad lat­
with finely shagreened surfaces. Large setiferous eral angles in anterior third of its length; porose
punctations present on the scapulae, along the areas oval but sometimes slightly irregular in
external margins of the cervical fields, in the shape, about twice their own diameter apart.
marginal lines and scattered medially on the con­ Palps broad, blunt apically. Scutum usually as
scutum, where they are interspersed between nu­ broad as long, length x breadth ranging from
merous medium-sized punctations. Individual 1 .25 mm x 1 .25 mm to 1 .7 1 mm x 1 .7 1 mm;
punctations usually discrete but sometimes so posterior margin sinuous. Eyes about halfway
dense that they coalesce in places, giving the tick back, marginal, almost flat, delimited dorsally by
a somewhat rugose appearance. Minute pin­ quite a deep groove with a few large puncta­
point punctations scattered laterally on the con­ tions. Cervical fields broad, depressed, surfaces
scutum, adjacent to the marginal lines. Legs in­ slightly shagreened in places, especially along
crease markedly in size from I to IV. Ventrally the internal margins. Punctation pattern dense.
spiracles elongate with a tapering slightly curved Large setiferous punctations scattered on the
dorsal prolongation. Adanal plates long, narrow, scapulae, along the external margins of the cer­
tapering posterior to the anus to narrowly­ vical fields, where they sometimes coalesce, and
rounded posterointernal angles; accessory adanal scattered medially on the scutum amongst the
plates represented merely by very small scler­ numerous medium-sized punctations which
otized points. may also coalesce in places. Fine pin-point
472 Acccu11ts of m
. d.ivid«al Afrotropiwl s-p«:ies
R. zambeziensis 473

Figure 222 (above). Rhipicephalus zambeziensis (Onderstepoon Tick Collection 3 ! 40ii, laboratory reared, progeny of 9.
collected from bovine, Driehoek Ranch, near West Nicholson, Zimbabwe, in 1976 by R.A.l. N<>rval) . Nymph: (a)
capirulum, dorsal; (b) capituJum, ventral; (c) dorsal surface; (d) coxae. Scale bars represem 0.10 mm. SEMs by M.D.
Corwin. (From Walker et al., 1981, figs 21-23 & 25, w1th kind pennission from the Editor, Ond£rstepoort.Jo11mal of
Veterinary Research.).

Figure 221 (op-posiu). RJ1ipi.ceplzalus zambezumsis (Onderstepoort Tick Collection 3140ii, laboratory reared, progeny of�
collected from bovine, Driehoek Ranch, near West Nicholson, Zimbabwe, in 1976 by R.A.I. Norval). Male: (a)
capiruJwn, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) capicuJum, dorsal; (e) scutum; (f) genital aperture. Scale
bars represent 0. 10 mm. SEMs by M.D. Corwin. (From Walker et al., 1981, figs 5, 9, l 0, l l , 1 3 & 15, with kind
permission from the Editor, On.dersupoon]ournal of Veicrinary Research).
474 Acc<>unts of individualAfrotropical species

Figure 223. Rhipicephalus zambezensis

i (Onderstepoort Tick Collection 3 I 40ii, laboracory reared, progeny of <i' collected
from bov.ine, Driehoek Ranch, near West Nic.holson,Zimbabwe,.in 1976 by R.A.I. Norval). Larva: (a) capjru.lum,dorsaJ;
(b) capitulum, venual; (c) dorsal surface; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent O. IO mm. SE.Ms by M.D. Corwin. (Prom
Walker et al., 1981, figs 27-29 & 3 1 , with kind permission from the Editor, Onders1epoo11.J<mrnat of Veterinary Research).

punctations present anterior to the eyes. Vcn­ nun to 0.23 mm x 0.32 mm. Basis capituli over
traUy genital aperrure wide, almost rectangular, three times as broad as long, lateral angles at
its posterior margin straight, then curving for­ about mid-length, long, tapering, sharply
wards laterally. pointed; ventrally bluntly-rounded spurs present
on posterior border. Palps broad, tapering to
Nymph (Fig. 222) rounded apices. Scutum broader than long,
Capitu.lwn much broa der than long, length x breadth ranging from 0.47 mm x 0.56
length x breadth ranging from 0.21 mm x 0.31 mm to 0.53 mm x 0.63 mm; posterior margin a
R. zambeziensis 475

Table 58. Host records ofRhipicephalus zambeziensis

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 254 (including immatures)
Goats 2
Horses 6
Dogs 13
Cats 3 (immatures)

Wild animals
Vervet monkey ( Chlorocebus aethiops) 1 (nymph)
Black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) 2 (including immatures)
Hunting dog (Lycaon pictus) 3 (including immatures)
Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) 5 (including immatures)
Lion (Panthera leo) 2 1 (including immatures)
Leopard (Panthera pardus) 1 2 (including immatures)
Marsh mongoose (Atilax paludinosus) 1 (immatures)
Slender mongoose ( Galerella sanguinea) 1 (nymph)
White-tailed mongoose (Jchneumia albicauda) 2 (immatures)
Banded mongoose (Mungos mungo) 2 (immatures)
Spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta) 3 (immatures)
Brown hyaena (Parahyaena brunnea) 1
African civet ( Civettictus civetta) 3 (including immatures)
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchelliz) 4 (including nymphs)
White rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) 1 (nymph)
Aardvark ( Orycteropus afer) 1
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 40 (including immatures)
Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus) 2
Giraffe (Gira.ffa camelopardalis) 3
Impala (Aepyceros melampus) 249 (including immatures)
Blue wildebeest ( Connochaetes taurinus) 1 4 (including immatures)
Klipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragus) 1 (nymph)
Steenbok (Raphicerus campestris) 1 (nymph)
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 1 9 (including immatures)
Eland ( Taurotragus oryx) 9 (including nymphs)
Nyala ( Tragelaphus angasiz) 2 (nymphs)
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus) 1 3 (including immatures)
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros) 1 1 7 (including immatures)
Common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia) 3 (nymphs)
Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus) 1
Sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) 7
Smith's bush squirrel (Paraxerus cepapz) 1 (immatures)
Spring hare (Pedetes capensis) 1 (nymph)
South African porcupine (Hystrix africaeaustralis) 1
Cape hare (Lepus capensis) 1 (nymph)
Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) 272 (immatures)

Helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris) 1 5 (immatures)

Humans 1 (nymph)
476 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

1 2° 1 8° 24° 30 ° 36 ° 42 °
GABON J � 'IC ··.....
<S /
,- _f·L-·./
(j : .,_

5° 1----+-�����+-1-��---t-�- OF CONG0 ���--+<-11-���-+��-f-ll�-1---�-----J 6 °
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/ ·-··- -�_,..... .l
° -j- - ��� --i--
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-· j�' � � + .�·--··-
12 1-----+����� ---t j - +-
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1 8° 1 8°

�'1' i\ ....... . ,
.,· !

j / /' ·
f, + swAZILAND
(. . __.....

,.. .....

30 °

36 ° Rhipicephalus zambeziensis 0
¢Type locality
• Locality records

1 2° 1 8° 24° 30 ° 36 ° 42 ° 48 °

Map 62. Rhipicephalus zambeziensis: distribution (with acknowledgements to B.D. Perry & R. Kruska) .

broad smooth curve. Eyes at widest point, Larva (Fig. 223)
slightly convex, edged dorsally by a shallow Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
groove. Cervical fields long, narrow, depressed. ranging from 0. 1 1 5 mm x 0. 1 33 mm to 0. 1 1 9
Ventrally coxae I each with a long, tapering ex­ mm x 0. 1 4 1 mm. Basis capituli over twice as
ternal spur and shorter, broader internal spur; broad as long, lateral angles at about mid-length,
coxae II to IV each with a small sharp external short, sharp, slightly forwardly directed. Palps
spur only. broad, truncated apically. Scutum much
broader than long, length x breadth ranging
R. zambeziensis 477

from 0.230 mm x 0.353 mm to 0.242 impala 79.9% attach to the muzzle, 4.8% to the
mm x 0.372 mm; posterior margin a wide, head and only 0.8% to the ears (Matthee, 1 996) .
smooth curve. Eyes at widest point, slightly con­ On greater kudu the nymphs prefer the lower
vex, edged dorsally by a shallow groove. Cervi­ legs and feet, with 8 1 .4% attaching here com­
cal grooves short, slightly convergent. Ventrally pared to 9.2% on the head and ears (Horak et al.,
coxae each with a single spur, those on coxae I 1 992) .
being the largest and sharpest while those on In the southern Kruger National Park,
coxae II and III are smaller and blunter. South Africa, larvae are most abundant on the
vegetation and on impala, greater kudu and the
Notes on identification scrub hare during May to September, nymphs
Prior to its description as a new species in 1 9 8 1 during August to October and adults on impala
R. zambeziensis was designated merely as and greater kudu during February and March
Rhipicephalus sp. II by Yeoman & Walker (Horak et al., 1 992, 1 993; Spickett et al., 1 992) .
( 1 967), MacLeod ( 1970), MacLeod et al. Adult ticks are also most abundant on cattle in
( 1 977), MacLeod & Mwanaumo ( 1 978), and Zimbabwe during the latter 2 months (Colborne,
Walker, Mehlitz & Jones ( 1 978) . 1 988) .
The morphological differences between R.
zambeziensis and R. appendiculatus are discussed Zoogeography
on p. 65. Although typical specimens of these
two species, especially the immature stages, are Existing records of R. zambeziensis are from
reasonably easy to differentiate, both can exhibit Tanzania southwards to parts of Zambia, Zim­
such wide ranges of morphological variation that babwe, Angola, Namibia, Botswana, Mozam­
it is virtually impossible to identify all the individ­ bique and South Africa (Map 62) . It is often
uals present in field collections, especially in found in the great river valleys and adjacent low­
mixed infestations. lying areas of these countries, including the
Ruaha, Luangwa, Kafue, Zambezi, Cunene and
Sabi/Limpopo systems. Most areas where this
tick occurs therefore lie at altitudes below 900 m,
but in Angola it is present above 1 600 m. Mean
A three-host species (Walker, Norval & Corwin,
annual rainfalls over much of its preferred habi­
1 98 1 ) . The preferred hosts of all stages of devel­
tat range between 400 and 700 mm, sometimes
opment are cattle, impala and greater kudu (Nor­
even less. In the southernmost regions of its dis­
val, Walker & Colborne, 1 982; Horak et al., 1 992)
tribution range R. zambeziensis is most frequently
(Table 58) . Several carnivore species can be in­
encountered in Colophospermum mopane wood­
fested and lion in particular can harbour large
land and scrub woodland. It is also present in
burdens of adult ticks. The scrub hare is a prefer­
Zambezian miombo woodland as well as various
red host of the immature stages (Horak et al.,
types of undifferentiated woodland. In Tanzania
1 993) . Although warthog are frequently infested
it occurs in Somalia-Masai Acacia-Commiphora
they usually harbour only fairly small numbers of
deciduous bushland and thicket.
immature ticks. The helmeted guineafowl must
be regarded as an accidental host: the larvae and
nymphs recovered from this bird reflect the abun­ Disease relationships
dance of ticks in the environment and not host
preference (Horak et al., 1 99 1 ) . It has been shown experimentally that R. zam­
O n cattle 68. 9% of adult R. zambeziensis beziensis can transmit Theileria parva parva to
may attach to the ears, with 1 1 . 9% attaching to cattle from nymph to adult, and Theileria parva
the remainder of the head ( Colborne, 1 988) . On lawrencei, Theileria parva bovis and Theileria
478 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

taurotragi from larva to nymph and nymph to Seasonal activity and attachment sites on cattle,
adult (Lawrence, Norval & Uilenberg, 1 983) . In with notes on other hosts. Bulletin of Entomo­
Zimbabwe the tick is believed to be a vector of logical Research, 67, 1 6 1-73.
T. parva lawrencei in the field (Lawrence et al., MacLeod, J. & Mwanaumo, B. ( 1 978) . Ecological
studies of ixodid ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in
1 983) . Rhipicephalus zambeziensis can also ex­
Zambia. IV. Some anomalous infestation pat­
perimentally transmit Ehrlichia bovis to cattle
terns in the northern and eastern regions. Bull­
from larva to nymph and from nymph to adult;
etin ofEntomological Research, 68, 409-29.
transovarial infection, however, failed (Stoltsz,
Matthee, S. ( 1 996) . The effectiveness of a live-sampling
1 994) . technique for estimating arthropod parasite popu­
lations on impala (Aepyceros melampus) . M.Sc.
thesis, University of Pretoria, South Africa.
REFERENCES Norval, RA.I., Walker, J.B. & Colborne, J. ( 1 982) .
The ecology of Rhipicephalus zambeziensis and
Colborne, J.RA. ( 1 988) . The rol,e of wild hosts in Rhipicephalus appendiculatus (Acarina,
maintaining tick populations on cattle in the Ixodidae) with particular reference to Zim­
south-eastern Lowveld of Zimbabwe. M.Phil. the­ babwe. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Re­
sis, University of Zimbabwe. search, 49, 1 8 1-90.
Horak, l.G., Boomker, J., Spickett, A.M. & De Vos, Spickett, A.M., Horak, LG., Van Niekerk, A. &
V. ( 1 992) . Parasites of domestic and wild ani­ Braack, L.E.O. ( 1 992) . The effect of veld­
mals in South Africa. XXX. Ectoparasites of burning on the seasonal abundance of free-liv­
kudus in the eastern Transvaal Lowveld and ing ixodid ticks as determined by drag-samp­
the eastern Cape Province. Onderstepoort Jour­ ling. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Re­
nal of Veterinary Research, 59, 259-73. search, 59, 285-92.
Horak, l.G., Spickett, A.M., Braack, L.E.O. & Penz­ Stoltsz, W.H. ( 1 994) . Transmission of Ehrlichia bovis
horn, B .L. ( 1 993) . Parasites of domestic and by Rhipicephalus spp. in South Africa. Journal of
wild animals in South Africa. XXXII. Ixodid the South African Veterinary Association, 65, 1 59.
ticks on scrub hares in the Transvaal. Onder­ Walker, J.B., Norval, RA.I. & Corwin, M.D. ( 1 98 1 ) .
stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 60, 1 63- Rhipicephalus zambeziensis sp. nov., a new tick
74. from eastern and southern Africa, together with
Horak, l.G., Spickett, A.M., Braack, L.E.O. & Will­ a redescription of Rhipicephalus appendiculatus
iams, E.J. ( 1 99 1 ) . Parasites of domestic and Neumann, 1 90 1 (Acarina, Ixodidae). Onder­
wild animals in South Africa. XX.VII. Ticks on stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 48, 87-
helmeted guineafowls in the eastern Cape Prov­ 1 04.
ince and eastern Transvaal Lowveld. Onder­ Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) :
stepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 58, 1 3 7- Walker, Mehlitz & Jones ( 1 978); Yeoman &
48. Walker ( 1 967) .
Lawrence, J.A. & Norval, RA.I. ( 1 979) . A history of
ticks and tick-borne diseases of cattle in Rho­
desia. Rhodesian Veterinary Journal, 10, 28-40.
Lawrence, J.A., Norval, RA.I. & Uilenberg, G.
( 1 983) . Rhipicephalus zambeziensis as a vector
of bovine Theileriae. Tropical Animal Health
and Production, 15, 39-42.
MacLeod, J. ( 1 970) . Tick infestation patterns in the
southern province of Zambia. Bulletin of Ento­
mological Research, 60, 253-74.
MacLeod, J., Colbo, M.H., Madbouly, M.H. &
Mwanaumo, B. ( 1 977) . Ecological studies of
ixodid ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in Zambia. ill .
R. ziemanni 479

RHIPICEPHALUS ZIEMANN! Palps broad, relatively long, rounded apically.

NEUMANN, 1 904 Conscutum length x breadth ranging from
2.36 mm x 1 .63 mm to 3.50 mm x 2.44 mm;
This species was named after Dr Hans Ziemann anterior process of coxae I inconspicuous. In
( 1 865-1 939), who collected the type specimens. engorged specimens body wall expanded some­
He was a German medical doctor who worked in what posterolaterally and tapering to a broadly­
the German Colonial Service and was stationed rounded caudal process posteromedially. Eyes
in Cameroon for several years. He made a special fiat. Cervical pits slightly convergent, continuous
study of malaria there. with the faintly indicated internal cervical mar­
gins. Marginal lines ranging from short and in­
Synonyms conspicuous to virtually absent and merely
. . indicated by punctations. Posterior grooves shal­
aurantiacus; brevicoxatus; cuneatus; zzemannz
low, the posteromedian long, the posterolaterals
round to kidney-shaped. Punctations small, ex­
tremely numerous; those on the scapulae, on the
Diagnosis lateral borders posterior to the eyes and on the
festoons finer and sparser, those medially on the
A large finely punctate reddish-brown tick. conscutum usually slightly larger, densely and
evenly distributed. Ventrally spiracles broad,
Male (Figs 224(a), 225(a) to (c)) with a very short broad prolongation curving
Capitulum slightly broader than long, length x towards the dorsal surface. Adanal plates large,
breadth ranging from 0.62 mm x 0.63 mm to widening markedly posterior to the anus, their
0.90 mm x 0.93 mm. Basis capituli with short posterior margins almost straight; accessory
acute lateral angles just anterior to mid-length. adanal plates as small sclerotized points only.

Figure 224. Rhipicephalus zwmanni [Onderstepoort Tick Collection 2889iv, collected from African buffalo (Syncerus
caffer), Angumu, Uele, Democratic Republic of Congo, received 5 January 1 953 from Dr Wanson] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b)
female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage de!.
480 Accounts of individual Afroiropical species
R. ziemanni 481

Table 59. Host records ofRhipicephalus ziemanni

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 17
Sheep 1
Goats 4
Pigs 2
Dogs 8

Wild animals
'Monkey' 1
Serval (Leptailurus serva{) 1 ( 1 J only)
Leopard (Panthera pardus) 4 ( 1 with 1 nymph (presumed))
'Otter' 3
African civet (Civettictis civetta) 2
African elephant (Loxodonta africana) 1 (1 ¥ only)
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 3
Red river hog (Potamochoerus porcus) 8
'Wild pig' 1 (1 ¥ only)
Okapi ( Okapia johnstonz) 2 (2 JJ, 2 ¥¥)
Royal antelope (Neotragus pygmaeus) 2
Oribi ( Ourebia ourebt)
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 13
Bongo ( Tragelaphus eurycerus) 2
Bushbuck ( Tragelaphus scriptus) 14
Tragelaphus sp. 1
Bay duiker (Cephalophus dorsalis) 2
Maxwell's duiker (Cephalophus maxwellz) 1
Blue duiker (Cephalophus monticola) 1
Black duiker ( Cephalophus niger) 3
Banded duiker ( Cephalophus zebra) 1
Duiker ( Cephalophus sp.) 1
African brush-tailed porcupine (Atherurus africanus) 2 (both including 1 nymph (presumed))


Figure 225 (opposite) . Rhipicephalus ziemanni [Onder­

stepoort Tick Collection 2889iv, collected from African
buffalo (Syncerus cajfer), Angumu, Uele, Democratic Re­
public of Congo, received 5 January 1 953 from Dr Wan­
son] . Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal
plates. Female: (d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scutum; (f)
genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0. 1 0 mm. SEMs by
J.F. Putterill.
482 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

1 8° 30°





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- -�
·'�v;t---11 2°
1 2°
Rhipicephalus ziemanni r-··-··-

Type locality Cameroon ANGOLA

..... ··;.....
• Locality records _

0 Unconfirmed locality records

:: ==l:::==
::=: ===t======t::::::=�:� - ·,I
�-E �..�.=
= '::±:::=J 6°
1 8° 1 2° 6° 0° 6° 1 2° 1 8° 24° 30°

Map 63. Rhipicephalus ziemanni: distribution. (Based largely on Morel, 1 969, including R. aurantiacus).

Female (Figs 224(b), 225(d) to (j)) Immature stages

Capitulum slightly broader than long, Undescribed.
length x breadth ranging from 0.88 mm x 0.91
mm to 0.98 mm x 1 .00 mm. Basis capituli with Notes on identification
short broad lateral angles just anterior to mid­ In his illustration of the R. cuneatus male, now
length; porose areas large, round, about 1 .5 times regarded as a synonym of R. ziemanni, Neumann
their own diameter apart. Palps broad, long, ( 1 908) showed the scapulae as being markedly
rounded apically. Scutum length x breadth elongated. He apparently incorporated the anter­
ranging from 1 .59 mm x 1 .59 mm to 1 .80 ior processes of the coxae as part of the tick's
mm x 1 . 70 mm; posterior margin slightly sinu­ dorsum in his drawing (Clifford & Anastos,
ous. Eyes fiat. Cervical pits slightly convergent; 1 962) . The scapulae of the R. ziemanni male are,
cervical fields broad, but their margins very in­ as usual, merely rounded apically.
distinct. Punctations small, densely distributed, As noted earlier, Morel ( 1 957) suggested
finest on the scapulae and cervical fields, me­ that the two R. ziemanni adults listed from a
dially slightly larger. Ventrally genital aperture hyrax by Hoogstraal ( 1 954) might be R. boueti
more-or-less U-shaped. (see p. 96) . In view of this uncertainty though,
R. ziemanni 483

and in the absence of any other reports of R. quently on the small forest buffalo, on ungulates
ziemanni from hyraxes, we have omitted Hoog­ such as the bongo and the 'potamochere' (doubt­
straal's record from our host list. less in this case the red river hog) and sometimes
The systematic position of R. aurantiacus is on carnivores, but not on duikers. The attach­
uncertain at present. Zumpt ( 1 943) described it ment sites of R. ziemanni adults on their hosts
as a distinct entity, separate from R. ziemanni, have not been recorded.
though he noted that he could not distinguish the Three nymphs have been listed, but not
females of these two species. Theiler ( 1 94 7) also described, one from a leopard and two from
treated R. aurantiacus as a separate species. Mo­ African brush-tailed porcupines (Morel &
rel & Mouchet ( 1 958), however, listed it as a Mouchet, 1 958; Aeschlimann, 1 967) . We regard
'form' of R. ziemanni (with R. cuneatus as its these identifications as provisional.
synonym), the others being their 'forme typique
ziemanm� and their 'forme brevicoxatus' . In 1 9 5 9
Tendeiro synonymized R. aurantiacus with R.
ziemanni, as did Theiler ( 1 962), but Morel
Rhipicephalus ziemanni has been recorded from
( 1 963) referred to it as a separate species again, a
southern Senegal across the continent to the
position that he maintained in 1 969, saying it was
western slopes of mountains in the Kivu area,
'une espece meconnue' .
eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (Morel,
Morel ( 1 969) considered that R. ziemanni
1 969) (Map 63) . The climate where it occurs is
belongs to the R. sanguineus group, but did not
characteristically equatorial, with mean annual
amplify this statement. We question it.
rainfalls of more than 1 500 mm falling during a
We ourselves have little experience of R.
period of over 7 to 8 months. Morel regarded it
ziemanni. For the present we have followed
as the most typical rhipicephalid occurring in the
Theiler ( 1 962) and included R. aurantiacus as
humid equatorial forests of West and Central
its synonym. Further study, including examin­
Africa. Its distribution also extends into nearby
ation of the types of R. aurantiacus, may later
patches of forest and mosaics of forest and wood­
prove this decision to have been wrong. We
land, and into the higher altitude woodlands and
have therefore noted below some of the distinc­
subtropical woodlands of the Katanga area in the
tions that Morel ( 1 969) made between these
Democratic Republic of Congo.
two species.
Morel emphasized that, judging by its hosts
and their behaviour, it occurs in what he de­
scribes as the areas of firmer ground in dense
forest, i.e. the drier parts. In his view this distin­
guishes R. ziemanni from R. aurantiacus, which
Life cycle unknown. Existing records indicate
he says is typically found on animals living in
that R. ziemanni adults will readily infest cattle,
wetter places along rivers and in swamps.
and also dogs, given the opportunity (Table 59) .
Aeschlimann ( 1 967) regarded the larger forest
antelopes, such as the bongo and bushbuck, as its Disease relationships
favourite hosts. He felt that fewer of the numer­
ous smaller antelopes he had examined, such as Unknown.
the royal antelope and various duikers, were
parasitized by this tick. Morel ( 1 969) stated that
it would infest practically all ungulates and carni­
vores living in the forest and adjacent woodlands,
and occasionally humans and monkeys. He
noted that R. aurantiacus was found most fre-
484 Accounts of individual Afro tropical species

24° 3 0° 36

Hoogstraal, H. ( 1 954) . Noteworthy African tick re­ ANGOLA

cords in the British Museum (Natural History)

collections. Proceedings of the Entomological So­ ·
ciety of Washington, 56, 273-9. 0

Morel, P.C. ( 1 957) . Rhipicephalus boueti n. sp.

(Acarina Ixodidae) parasites des damans du
Dahomey. Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie
Exotique, 50, 696-700.
Morel, P.C. ( 1 963) . La reserve naturelle integral du
Mont Nimba. II. Tiques (Acarina Ixodoidea) .
Memoires de l'lnstitut Fran�is d'Afrique Noire,
No. 66, 33-40.
Morel, P.C. & Mouchet, J. ( 1 958) . Les tiques du
Cameroun (lxodidae et Argasidae) . Annales de Type locality Mozambique
• Locality records
Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee, 33, 69-1 1 1 .
Neumann, L.G. ( 1 904) . Notes sur les ixodides. IL 12 18.

Archives de Parasitologie, 8, 444-64.

Map 64. Rhipicephalus zumpti: distribution.
Neumann, L.G. ( 1 908) . Notes sur les ixodides. VIL
Notesfrom the Leyden Museum, 30, 73-9 1 .
Tendeiro, J . ( 1 959) . Sur quelques ixodides du
Mozambique et de la Guinee Portugaise. 1 . Bol­
Male (Figs 226(a), 22 7(a) to (c))
etim Cultural da Guine Portuguesa, 14 (53), 2 1-
95 + 1 2 photographs. Capitulum about as broad as long,
Zumpt, F. ( 1 943) . Rhipicephalus aurantiacus length x breadth ranging from 0.56 mm x 0.56
Neumann und ahnlichen Arten. VIII. Vorstudie mm to 0.93 mm x 0.88 mm. Basis capituli with
zu einer Revision der Gattung Rhipicephalus short lateral angles in anterior third of its length.
Koch. Zeitschriftfur Parasitenkunde, 1 3, 1 02-1 7 . Palps broadly rounded apically. Conscutum
Also see the following Basic References (pp. 1 2-14) : length x breadth ranging from 2.44 mm x 1 .58
Aeschlimann ( 1 967); Clifford & Anastos mm to 4.02 mm x 2.89 mm; anterior process of
( 1 962); Elbl & Anastos ( 1 966); Morel ( 1 969); coxae I inconspicuous. In engorged males body
Theiler ( 1 947, 1 962) . wall expanded posterolaterally and forming a
short broadly-rounded caudal process
posteromedially. Eyes almost flat, edged dorsally
RHIPICEPHALUS ZUMPTI SANTOS by a few punctations. Cervical pits comma­
DIAS, 1 950 shaped; cervical fields inconspicuous, their ex­
ternal margins delimited by an irregular pattern
This species was named in honour o f D r F. of medium-sized setiferous punctations. Mar­
Zumpt ( 1 908- 1 985), in recognition of his con­ ginal lines fairly short, shallow, outlined by large
tributions to our knowledge of the genus setiferous punctations. Posteromedian groove
Rhipicephalus. long, narrow; posterolateral grooves small,
round; all shallow and inconspicuous. Small
round shallow depressions sometimes present
Diagnosis medially on scutum. Medium-sized setiferous
punctations scattered on scapulae and anteriorly
A large dark-brown to black tick whose male on scutum, becoming larger and more conspicu­
conscutum is flat to slightly concave with a rather ous posteriorly on the conscutum, especially
dull surface. around the posterior grooves. Interstitial puncta-
R. zumpti 485

Figure 226. Rhipicephalus zumpti [collected from bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus), Adelaide, Eastern Cape Province,
South Africa, on 4 May 1 972 by R. Joubert] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage

tions virtually absent. Ventrally spiracles with fine interstitial punctations that are some­
comma-shaped, with a short broad smoothly times more conspicuous than those in the male.
curved dorsal prolongation. Adanal plates short, Ventrally genital aperture tongue-shaped.
broad, their internal margins concave posterior
to the anus, their posterior margins smoothly Nymph (Fig. 228)
rounded; accessory adanal plates as small scler­ Capitulum much broader than long,
otized points. length x breadth ranging from 0.26 mm x 0.39
mm to 0.30 mm x 0.45 mm. Basis capituli over
Female (Figs 226(b), 227(d) to (/)) three times as broad as long with tapering lateral
Capitulum slightly broader than long, angles projecting posteriorly over the scapulae;
length x breadth ranging from 0.70 mm x 0.72 ventrally with short spurs on posterior margin.
mm to 0.96 mm x 1 .0 1 mm. Basis capituli with Palps slender, tapering to narrowly-rounded api­
short acute lateral angles at about mid-length; ces, inclined inwards. Scutum broader than long,
porose areas large, round, just more than their length x breadth ranging from 0.55 mm x 0.61
own diameter apart. Scutum broader than long, mm to 0.60 mm x 0.64 mm; posterior margin a
length x breadth ranging from 1 .32 mm x 1 .38 broad smooth curve. Eyes at widest point, well
mm to 1 .87 mm x 2. 1 0 mm; posterior margin a over halfway back, long and very narrow. Cervi­
broad smooth curve. Eyes almost flat, edged dor­ cal fields long, narrow, shallow, divergent. Ven­
sally by a few punctations. Cervical fields broad, trally coxae I each with a relatively long external
shallow, their external margins delimited by me­ spur and a shorter broader internal spur; coxae II
dium-sized to large setiferous punctations. A few to III each with a very small external spur; coxae
medium-sized punctations scattered on the scap­ IV each virtually without a spur.
ulae and between the cervical fields, interspersed
486 Accounts of indiui.dual Afrotropical specieJ
R. zumpti 487

Figure 228 (�). Rlripiaphalw zrm1pti (laborawry reared, progeny of adults collected from vegetation n
i Tsitsikama
Forest, Eastern Cape Province, S<Juth Africa, in 1993 by L McKay) . Nymph: (a) capinllum, dorsal; (b) capitulum,
ventraJ; (c) scurum; (d) coxae. Saik baa1 represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by J.F. Punerill.

Figwe 227 (cwosi.u). Rhi.piceplus.zumpu

u.u (1abora1ory �ared, progeny of adults collected from vegetation in Tsitsikama
forcit, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, in ) 993 by I. Mc.Kay). Male: (a) c.apitulum, dorsal; (b) sp\nicle; (c) adanal
places. Female: (d) capirulum, dorsal; (e) scutum; (i) genital a.pcnure, Scale bars represent OJ 0 mm. SEMs by J.F.
488 Accounts of individual Afrotropic.al species

Figure 229. Rhipicephalus zump&i (laboratory reared, progeny of adults collected from vegetation in Tsitsikama Forest,
Eastern Cape Provi.n.:e, South Africa, in 1993 by I. McKay). Larva: (a) capituJwn, dorsal; (b) capituJum, vt:rural; (c)
scurum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 nun. SEMs by J.F. Purcerill.

Larva (Fig. 229) 0.356 mm to 0.284 mm x 0.380 mm; posterior

Capitulum much broader than long, length x margin a smooth shallow curve. Eyes at widest
breadth ranging from 0.133 mm x 0.178 mm to pan of scutum, well over halfway back, almost
0.141 mm x 0.191 nun. Basis capiruli almost flat. Cervical grooves shon, slighcly convergenc.
hexagonal in shape, over three times as broad as Ventrally coxae I each with a sharp triangular
long with short bluntly-rounded lateral angles. spur; coxae Il each with a small spur; coxae DI
Palps narrow, their external margins very slightly each virtually without a spur.
convex, tapering to narrowly-rounded apices, in­
clined inwards. Scutum much broader than long,
length x breadth ranging from 0.257 mm x
R. zumpti 489

Table 60. Host records o/Rhipicephalus zumpti

Number of records

Hosts Confirmed Unconfirmed

Domestic animals
Dogs 5

Wild animals
Lion (Panthera leo)
African civet ( Civettictis civetta) 1
Burchell's zebra (Equus burchelliz) 1
Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicomis) 1
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) 3
Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus) 9 2
Lichtenstein's hartebeest (Sigmoceros lichtensteiniz) 1
Oribi ( Ourebia ourebz) 1
Steenbok (Raphicerus campestris) 1
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 1
Nyala ( Tragelaphus angasiz) 1
Greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros)
Common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia)
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) 2
South African porcupine (Hystrix africaeaustralis) 1

Humans 1

Notes on identification hosts Oooste, 1 969; Horak, Boomker & Fla­

All stages of R. zumpti and R. planus are very mand, 1 99 1 ; Gallivan & Surgeoner, 1 995) . Four
much alike morphologically (see p. 3 33) . The out of the five infested dogs lived on rural prop­
adults of R. zumpti also fairly closely resemble erties on which bushpigs were also present
those of R. simus, with which they have been (l.G.H., unpublished data) . The comparatively
recorded sympatrically on dogs and bushpigs. large number of monogastric host species from
Rhipicephalus zumpti can be differentiated by the which R. zumpti adults have been collected sug­
dish-like shape of the large punctations on its gests that they have host preferences similar to
conscutum or scutum and the flat to slightly those of adult R. simus.
concave conscutal surface that is particularly evi­ The preferred sites of attachment of the
dent in large males. tick's adults and their seasonal abundance are
unknown. The hosts of the immature stages are
Hosts also unknown but are probably murid rodents.

A three-host species (Protozoology Section Tick

Breeding Register, Onderstepoort, No. 9039) . Zoogeography
Cattle and dogs are the only known domestic
hosts of the adults (Table 60) . Bushpigs and Rhipicephalus zumpti has been recorded in
possibly also warthogs are their preferred wild Mozambique (Santos Dias, 1 960), eastern Zim-
490 Accounts of individual Afrotropical species

babwe (as R. reichenowz) Gooste, 1 969; Norval, REFERENCES

1 985) and the eastern lowveld of Swaziland
(Gallivan & Surgeoner, 1 995) as well as in east­ Baker, M.K. & Keep, M.E. ( 1 970) . Checklist of the
ern and southern South Africa (Baker & Keep, ticks found on the larger game animals in the
1 970; Horak et al., 1 99 1 ) (Map 64) . Natal game reserves. Lammergeyer, No. 12, 4 1-7.
It occurs at altitudes from just above sea Gallivan, G J. & Surgeoner, G .A. ( 1 99 5) . Ixodid ticks
level up to c. 1 500 m and in regions receiving and other ectoparasites of wild ungulates in
between 500 mm and 1 000 mm of rainfall an­
Swaziland: regional, host and seasonal patterns.
South African Journal ofZoology, 30, 1 69-77.
nually. Several localities at which it has been
Horak, LG., Boomker, J. & Flamand, J.R.B. ( 1 99 1 ) .
collected, either from the vegetation or from host
Ixodid ticks and lice infesting red duikers and
animals, are situated in forested regions or are bushpigs in north-eastern Natal. Onderstepoort
associated with tracts of densely-wooded vegeta­ Journal of Veterinary Research, 5 8 , 28 1-4.
tion. These forested or wooded areas lie within Jooste, K.F. ( 1 969) . The role of Rhodesia in ixodid
vegetation types classified as coastal mosaic, tick distribution in central and southern Africa.
evergreen and semi-evergreen bushland and In Proceedings of a Symposium on the Biology and
thicket, miombo or Colop hospermu m mopane or Control of Ticks in Southern Africa, convenor
undifferentiated woodland, or undifferentiated G.B. Whitehead, pp. 37-42. Grahamstown,
Afromontane vegetation. South Africa: Rhodes University.
Norval, RA.I. ( 1 985) . The ticks of Zimbabwe. XII.
The lesser known Rhipicephalus species. Zim­
Disease relationships babwe Veterinary Journal, 16, 37-43.
Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 950). Contribui\:iio para o con­
Unknown. hecimento da fauna ixodol6gica de Mo\:am­
bique. Moi;ambique, No. 61, 1 1 3-70.
Also see the following Basic Reference (p. 1 4) : Santos
Dias ( 1 960) .
Host/parasite list for the
Afrotropical Rhipicephalus

Unless otherwise stated the records in the host/ elephant shrew hosts. We are confident that the
parasite checklist refer to adult ticks. The numb­ same will apply for R. punctatus and R. sp. near
er in brackets appearing after a tick's name repre­ punctatus once additional collections of their im­
sents the number of collections made from the mature stages have been made.
host species under which it is listed. It has been Numerous surveys on the seasonal abun­
difficult to determine the exact number of re­ dance of ixodid ticks have been conducted within
cords for R. fulvus. Consequently where the the distribution range of the genus Rhipicephalus.
name of this tick appears in the host/parasite list In these surveys long series of various species of
it is followed by ( + ) which indicates that it has domestic and wild animals have frequently been
been collected from a particular host species. examined. In addition large numbers of 'sought
When a tick's name appears in bold type after' wild animal species have been shot by
this indicates that the animal under which it is hunters and their carcasses made available for the
listed is a preferred host of the adults. However, collection of ticks. The many collections taken
when the hosts of the immature stages are entire­ from animals from these two sources may make
ly unrelated to those of the adults the names of the number of records of certain tick species
these ticks also appear in bold type under the from particular hosts seem disproportionately
names of the preferred hosts of their immature large and thus give a false impression of host
stages. These ticks are R. follis, R. gertrudae and preference. Such collections have been made
R. simus. When more collections of their imma­ from domestic cattle, sheep, goats and dogs and
ture stages have been made we feel sure that the from wild caracal, lion, brown hyaena, Burchell's
same will apply for R. compositus, R. lounsburyi, zebra, mountain zebra, rock hyrax, warthog,
R. lunulatus, R. muhsamae, R. neumanni, R. bushpig, giraffe, impala, blue wildebeest, bon­
planus, R. praetextatus, R. senegalensis and R. tebok, springbok, Thomson's gazelle, steenbok,
zumpti, and perhaps other species too. Sharpe's grysbok, African buffalo, eland, nyala,
Despite the fact that the immature stages bushbuck, greater kudu, red forest duiker, com­
of R. pravus, R. sp. near pravus and R. warbur­ mon duiker, gemsbok, grey rhebok, reedbuck,
toni are found on hares, on which their adults mountain reedbuck, red veld rat, four-striped
also occur, they undoubtedly have a preference grass mouse, spring hare, greater cane rat, Cape
for elephant shrews. The names of these ticks hare, scrub hare, savanna hare, Smith's red rock
are also typed in bold under their respective rabbit and the rock elephant shrew.

492 Host/parasite listfor Afrotropical Rhipicephalus

The host groupings under which the tick R. planus (6)

collections are recorded in the host/parasite R. praetextatus ( 1 5 1 ; 469, unconfirmed)
checklist follow the same sequence as those in the R. pravus (506; 200, unconfirmed)
host record tables accompanying the individual R. sp. near pravus (2 1 )
tick species accounts, namely domestic animals, R. pseudolongus (5)
wild animals, birds, reptiles and humans. R. pulchellus (649, including immatures)
R. punctatus (56)
R. sp. near punctatus ( 1 28)
D OMESTIC ANIMALS R. sanguineus ( 1 2)
R. senegalensis ( 1 88)
Bos indicus/taurus Cattle R. simus (642)
R. appendiculatus (commonly para- R. sulcatus ( 1 4; 5, unconfirmed)
sitized, including immatures) R. supertritus (22)
R. aquatilis (6) R. theileri (3)
R. bequaerti (3) R. tricuspis ( 1 0)
R. bergeoni ( 1 04) R. turanicus (8 1 )
R. camicasi ( 1 3) R. warburtoni (26)
R. capensis (2) R. zambeziensis (254, including imma­
R. carnivoralis (3) tures)
R. compositus ( 1 49) R. ziemanni ( 1 7)
R. duttoni (commonly parasitized, includ­ R. zumpti ( 1 , unconfirmed)
ing immatures)
Bubalus bubalis Water buffaloes
R. dux (2)
R. appendiculatus (2)
R. evertsi evertsi (48 1 9, including imma­
tures) Ovis aries Sheep
R. evertsi mimeticus (376, including im- R. appendiculatus (245, including imma-
matures) tures)
R. exophthalmos (39) R. armatus ( 1 )
R. follis (36) R. bergeoni (33)
R. gertrudae (58) R. camicasi ( 1 3)
R. glabroscutatum (49, including imma- R. compositus (3)
tures) R. duttoni (2)
R. guilhoni (20) R. evertsi evertsi (667, including imma­
R. humeralis (32) tures)
R. hurti (3 7) R. evertsi mimeticus ( 43, including imma-
R. interventus (25) tures)
R. jeanneli (77) R. exophthalmos (43)
R. kochi ( 1 99) R. follis ( 1 2)
R. longiceps (2) R. fulvus ( + )
R. longus (85) R. gertrudae (48)
R. lunulatus (336; 6, unconfirmed) R. glabroscutatum (66, including imma-
R. maculatus (34, including nymphs) tures)
R. masseyi (6) R. guilhoni ( 1 4)
R. moucheti ( 1 ) R. humeralis (5)
R. muehlensi (53) R. interventus ( 1 )
R. muhsamae (45) R. jeanneli ( 1 )
R. nitens (2) R. kochi (2)
Domestic animals: horses, etc 493

Sheep (cont.) R . neumanni (8)

R. longus ( 2) R. nitens (2)
R. lounsburyi (9; 2, unconfirmed) R. praetextatus (27, unconfirmed)
R. lunulatus (60) R. pravus (36; 49, unconfirmed)
R. maculatus ( 1 ) R. sp. near pravus ( 1 5)
R. masseyi (2) R. pulchellus (1 33, including immatures)
R. muehlensi (2) R. sp. near punctatus (2)
R. muhsamae (2) R. sanguineus (3)
R. neumanni (25) R. senegalensis (4)
R. nitens (87, including immatures) R. simus ( 1 5)
R. praetextatus (52, unconfirmed) R. sulcatus (3; 1 , unconfirmed)
R. pravus (44; 5 1 , unconfirmed) R. supertritus ( 1 )
R. pulchellus ( 1 44, including immatures) R . tricuspis (3)
R. sp. near punctatus (2) R. turanicus (7)
R. senegalensis (7) R. warburtoni (62)
R. simus ( 1 4) R. zambeziensis (2)
R. sulcatus ( 1 ; 1 , unconfirmed) R. ziemanni (4)
R. theileri ( 1 )
R . turanicus ( 1 4) Sheep and goats (pooled collections)
R. warburtoni (6 1 ) R. praetextatus (38)
R. ziemanni ( 1) Camelus dromedarius Camels
R. appendiculatus (5)
Capra hircus Goats R. camicasi (8)
R. appendiculatus (358, including imma- R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 8)
tures) R. evertsi mimeticus (7)
R. bequaerti (2) R. fulvus ( + )
R. bergeoni (6) R. guilhoni (2)
R. camicasi ( 1 2) R. humeralis (2 1 )
R. compositus (3) R. kochi ( 1 )
R. duttoni ( 1 ) R. lunulatus (2)
R . evertsi evertsi (303, including immatures) R. praetextatus (37; 2 1 , unconfirmed)
R. evertsi mimeticus (50, including imma- R. pravus (32; 7, unconfirmed)
tures) R. pulchellus ( 1 1 0)
R. exophthalmos ( 1 6) R. turanicus (3)
R. fulvus ( + )
R. gertrudae (8) Equus caballus Horses
R. glabroscutatum (6 1 4, including im- R. appendiculatus (3 1 , including immatures)
matures) R. bergeoni (5)
R. guilhoni (4) R. capensis (3)
R. humeralis ( 5) R. duttoni ( 1)
R. jeanneli ( 1 ) R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 04, including imma­
R . kochi (9) tures)
R. longus ( 1 ) R. evertsi mimeticus (3 1 , including im-
R . lunulatus (22) matures)
R. maculatus ( 1 ) R. exophthalmos (2)
R . muehlensi (3) R. follis (6)
R. muhsamae ( 1) R. gertrudae (9)
494 Host/parasite listfor Afrotropical Rhipicephalus

Horses (cont.) R. bergeoni ( 1 )

R. glabroscutatum (2, including imma- R. complanatus (4)
tures) R. compositus ( 1 )
R. guilhoni (4) R. dux (2)
R. jeanneli ( 1 ) R. evertsi evertsi (3, including nymphs)
R. kochi ( 1 ) R. evertsi mimeticus (2)
R. lunulatus (8) R. exophthalmos ( 1 )
R. muhsamae (2) R. jeanneli ( 1 )
R. neumanni ( 1 ) R . longiceps ( 1 )
R . praetextatus (3, unconfirmed) R. longus (30)
R. pravus (2) R. lunulatus (26)
R. pulchellus ( 1 1 ) R. maculatus ( 1 )
R. sp. near punctatus (5) R. muhsamae (3)
R. sanguineus ( 1 ) R. praetextatus ( 1, unconfirmed)
R. senegalensis (5) R. pulchellus ( 5)
R. simus (3 1 ) R. senegalensis (5)
R. supertritus ( 1 ) R. simus (3)
R . turanicus (6) R. ziemanni (2)
R. zambeziensis (6)
Pigs (feral)
Equus asinus Donkeys R. pravus ( 1 )
R. appendiculatus ( 1 7, including nymphs) R. simus (2)
R. armatus ( 1 ) Canis familiaris Dogs
R. camicasi ( 1 ) R. appendiculatus (49, including immatures)
R. compositus ( 1 ) R. armatus ( l ; 1 , unconfirmed)
R. evertsi evertsi (26, including imma­ R. carnivoralis (2)
tures) R. compositus ( 1 3)
R. evertsi mimeticus ( 1 3, including im- R. duttoni (2)
matures) R. evertsi evertsi (30, including immatures)
R. exophthalmos ( 1 ) R. evertsi mimeticus (3)
R . gertrudae ( 1 ) R. exophthalmos (2)
R . guilhoni (4) R. follis (2)
R. humeralis (2) R. gertrudae (3)
R. kochi ( 1 ) R. guilhoni (4)
R. muhsamae ( 1 ) R. humeralis ( 1 )
R . praetextatus (3; 1 , unconfirmed) R. hurti (8)
R. pravus (5) R. interventus (2)
R. pulchellus (6) R. jeanneli ( 1 )
R. sp. near punctatus (2) R . kochi ( 1 )
R. simus (2) R . longicoxatus ( 1 )
Mules R . longus ( 1 0)
Equus caballus x E. asinus
R. lunulatus (3 7)
R. evertsi evertsi (3)
R. masseyi ( 1 )
R. pulchellus (3)
R . moucheti ( 1 0)
R. simus ( 1 )
R. muehlensi ( 1 )
Sus scrofa Pigs R . muhsamae (5)
R. appendiculatus ( 1 ) R. nitens (2)
Wild animals: Chiroptera 495

Dogs (cont.) WILD ANIMALS

R. praetextatus (4; 54, unconfirmed)
R. pravus (8; 1 , unconfirmed) CLASS MAMMALIA
R. sp. near pravus (3)
R. pulchellus ( 1 3) Order Insectivora
R. sp. near punctatus (2)
R. sanguineus (547, including imma- Family Erinaceidae
tures) Atelerix albiventris Four-toed hedgehog
R. senegalensis (23) R. armatus (2)
R. simus (294) R. guilhoni (3)
R. sulcatus (33; 1 , unconfirmed) R. pravus ( 1 )
R. supertritus (2)
Atelerixfrontalis South African hedgehog
R. theileri (2)
R. simus ( 1 )
R. tricuspis (3)
R. theileri ( 1 )
R. turanicus (5 1)
R. tricuspis ( 1)
R. warburtoni (2)
R. zambeziensis ( 1 3) Atelerix sclateri Somali hedgehog
R. ziemanni (8) R. praetextatus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
R. zumpti (5) R. pulchellus ( 1 )
Pelis catus Cats Atelerix sp. Hedgehog
R. appendiculatus ( 1 , nymphs) R. turanicus (2)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , nymph)
R. guilhoni (3) Family Soricidae
R. praetextatus ( 1 ) Crocidura spp. White-toothed shrews
R. sanguineus ( 1) R. sp. near punctatus (3, immatures)
R. simus (1) R. senegalensis ( 1)
R. sulcatus ( 1 ; 2 , unconfirmed)
R. turanicus (4) 'Shrew'
R. zambeziensis (3, immatures) R. simus ( 1 , nymphs)

Cats (feral)
R. appendiculatus (2, including larvae) Order Chiroptera
R. simus ( 1 )
Family Rhinopomatidae
Rhinopoma hardwickei Lesser
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 )
mouse-tailed bat
R . sp. near pravus ( 1 )
R. pulchellus ( 1)
R. appendiculatus ( 1 6) Family Megadermatidae
Cardioderma cor Heart-nosed bat
R. pravus ( 1 )

Family Vespertilionidae
Eptesicus capensis Cape serotine
R. pulchellus ( 1)
Pipistrellus nanus Banana bat
R. pravus ( 1 )
496 Host/parasite listfor Afrotropical Rhipicephalus

'Bat' Colobus sp. Colobus monkey

R. lunulatus ( 1 ) R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , larva)

Order Primates Family Hominidae

Gorilla gorilla Gorilla
Family Galagonidae R. appendiculatus ( 1 )
Otolemur crassicaudatus Greater bushbaby
R. appendiculatus ( 1 , including immatures) Order Carnivora
R. humeralis ( 1 )
R . sulcatus ( 1 , unconfirmed) Family Canidae
Canis adustus Side-striped jackal
Family Cercopithecidae R. appendiculatus (3, including immatures)
Cercopithecus albogularis Sykes' monkey R. evertsi evertsi (2, immatures)
R. simpsoni ( 1 ) R. longus ( 1 )
Chlorocebus aethiops Vervet monkey R. lunulatus (3)
R. appendiculatus (7, including immatures) R. muhsamae (3)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , larva) R. planus ( 1 )
R. praetextatus (3, unconfirmed) R . praetextatus (3, unconfirmed)
R. turanicus ( 1 ) R. simus ( 1 )
R . zambeziensis ( 1 , nymph) R. sulcatus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
R. tricuspis (3)
R. turanicus (2)
R. ziemanni ( 1 )
Canis aureus Golden jackal
Erythrocebus patas Patas monkey
R. armatus (2)
R. moucheti ( 1 )
R. cuspidatus ( 1 , immatures)
Papio cynocephalus Yellow baboon R. praetextatus (2, unconfirmed)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 ) R. pravus (2)
R . pulchellus ( 1 ) R. sulcatus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
Papio hamadryas Hamadryas baboon Canis mesomelas Black-backed jackal
R. humeralis ( 1 ) R. appendiculatus (7, including immatures)
Papio ursinus Chacma baboon R. armatus (2, including nymphs; 1 , uncon-
R. appendiculatus (3, including immatures) firmed)
R. evertsi evertsi (2, including immatures) R. evertsi evertsi (8, immatures)
R. gertrudae (3) R. gertrudae ( 1 )
R. humeralis ( 1 )
Papio sp. Baboon
R . lunulatus ( 1 )
R. appendiculatus ( 1, immatures) R. muehlensi (4, immatures)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 ) R. praetextatus (4, unconfirmed)
R . praetextatus (2, unconfirmed) R. pravus (4)
R. pulchellus ( 1 ) R. pulchellus (3, including nymphs)
'Baboon' R. simus (7)
R. appendiculatus ( 1 , immatures) R. theileri ( 1 )
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 ) R . tricuspis ( 1 )
R . turanicus (2)
R. zambeziensis (2, including immmatures)
Wild animals: Carnivora 497

Canis spp. R. sulcatus ( 1 , unconfirmed)

R. appendiculatus (9, including immatures) R. theileri ( 1 )
R. evertsi evertsi (3, including nymphs) R. tricuspis ( 1 )
R. guilhoni (6)
Vulpes pallida Pale fox
R. hurti ( 1 )
R. guilhoni ( 1 )
R. lunulatus (2)
R. praetextatus ( 1 1 , unconfirmed) Vulpes rueppelli Sand fox
R. sanguineus (4) R. humeralis ( 1 )
R. sulcatus (6; 1, unconfirmed)
R. tricuspis (3) Family Felidae
R. turanicus (3) Acinonyxjubatus Cheetah
R. appendiculatus (7, including immatures)
R. armatus (3)
R. armatus ( 1 )
R. camicasi ( 1 )
R. cuspidatus ( 1 )
R. carnivoralis ( 1 )
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 )
R. compositus ( 1 )
R . muhsamae (2)
R. evertsi evertsi (3, including larvae)
R. pravus (2)
R. follis ( 1 )
R. simus ( 1 0)
R. maculatus (2)
R. theileri ( 1 , nymphs)
R. praetextatus (6, unconfirmed)
Lycaon pictus Hunting dog R. pulchellus ( 1 )
R. appendiculatus (2) R. simus (7)
R. armatus (2) R. turanicus (3)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , nymphs) R. zambeziensis (5, including immatures)
R. praetextatus (6, unconfirmed)
Caracal caracal Caracal
R. pulchellus (2)
R. armatus ( 1 , nymphs)
R. senegalensis ( 1 )
R. arnoldi (2, immatures)
R. simus (5)
R. distinctus (4, immatures)
R. supertritus ( 1 )
R. evertsi evertsi (23, immatures)
R. zambeziensis (3, including immatures)
R. follis (3, larvae)
Otocyon megalotis Bat-eared fox R. gertrudae (3 )
R. appendiculatus (2, including immatures) R. glabroscutatum ( 1 6, immatures)
R. armatus (2, nymphs; 1, unconfirmed) R. guilhoni ( 1 )
R. camicasi ( 1 ) R. lounsburyi ( 1 )
R . gertrudae ( 1 ) R. lunulatus ( 1 )
R. humeralis ( 1 ) R. praetextatus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
R. longus ( 1 ) R. simus (5)
R. praetextatus (4 , unconfirmed) R. turanicus ( 1 )
R. pravus ( 1 )
Pelis lybica African wild cat
R . pulchellus (2, nymphs)
R. appendiculatus (2, immatures)
R. tricuspis ( 1 )
R. armatus ( 1 , nymphs)
R . turanicus ( 1 )
R. distinctus ( 1 )
Vulpes chama Cape fox R. evertsi evertsi (2, immatures)
R. capensis ( 1 ) R. guilhoni (2)
R. gertrudae (4) R. praetextatus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
R. simus ( 1 ) R. pulchellus (2, immatures)
498 Host/parasite list for Afrotropical Rhipicephalus

African wild cat (cont.) R. sulcatus (2; 1 , unconfirmed)

R. sanguineus ( 1 ) R. tricuspis ( 1 )
R. simus (2) R. turanicus ( 1 3)
R. sulcatus ( 1, unconfirmed) R. zambeziensis (2 1 , including immatures)
R. turanicus (5) R. zumpti ( 1 )
R. warburtoni ( 1 )
Panthera pardus Leopard
Pelis nigripes Black-footed cat R. appendiculatus (6, including immatures)
R. turanicus ( 1 ) R. aquatilis ( 1 )
R. armatus ( 1 )
Leptailurus serval Serval
R. carnivoralis (9; 2 , unconfirmed)
R. appendiculatus (3, including 1 nymph)
R. compositus ( 1 )
R. cuspidatus ( 1 , nymph)
R. cuspidatus ( 1 , immatures)
R. guilhoni (2)
R. evertsi evertsi (4)
R. lunulatus ( 1 ; 2, unconfirmed)
R. evertsi mimeticus ( 1 )
R. praetextatus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
R. gertrudae ( 1 )
R. sanguineus ( 1 )
R. hurti ( 1 )
R . simus ( 1 )
R. kochi ( 1 )
R. sulcatus ( 1 )
R. longus ( 1 )
R. turanicus ( 1 )
R. lunulatus (2)
R. ziemanni ( 1 , 1 6 only)
R. masseyi (2)
Panthera leo Lion R. muhsamae ( 1 )
R. appendiculatus (2 1 , including immatures) R. praetextatus ( 1 0, unconfirmed)
R. aquatilis ( 1 ) R. pulchellus (2, including nymphs)
R. armatus (3; 2 , unconfirmed) R. sp. near punctatus (2)
R. carnivoralis (3 1 ) R. senegalensis ( 1 )
R. compositus ( 1 0) R. serranoi ( 1 )
R. evertsi evertsi (7, including larvae) R. simus (6)
R. evertsi mimeticus (2, including imma- R. sulcatus (7)
tures) R. tricuspis ( 1 )
R. exophthalmos ( 1 ) R. turanicus (7)
R. humeralis (2) R. zambeziensis ( 1 2, including immatures)
R. hurti (3) R. ziemanni (4, one with 1 nymph (pre­
R. jeanneli ( 1 ) sumed))
R. kochi ( 1 )
R. longus ( 1 ) Family Herpestidae
R. lunulatus (6) Atilax paludinosus Marsh mongoose
R. maculatus ( 1 ) R. appendiculatus ( 1 , nymph)
R. masseyi (5) R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , immatures)
R. muhsamae (2) R. masseyi ( 1 )
R. praetextatus ( 1 ; 37, unconfirmed) R. praetextatus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
R. pravus (2) R. simus ( 1 )
R. sp. near pravus (2) R. zambeziensis ( 1 , immatures)
R. pulchellus (7, 2 including immatures)
R. sp. near punctatus ( 1 ) Cynictis penicillata Yellow mongoose
R. senegalensis ( 1 ) R. distinctus ( 1 , nymphs)
R. simus (29) R. theileri (28, including immatures)
Wild animals: Carnivora 499

Galerella sanguinea Slender mongoose R. guilhoni (4)

R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , larvae) R. longus ( 1 )
R. muehlensi (2, immatures) R. maculatus (2)
R. pulchellus (2) R. muhsamae ( 1 )
R. zambeziensis ( 1 , nymph) R. praetextatus (8, unconfirmed)
R. simus (9)
R. zambeziensis (3, immatures)
Herpestes ichneumon Egyptian mongoose
R. appendiculatus (2, immatures) Hyaena hyaena Striped hyaena
R. cuspidatus ( 1 , immatures) R. appendiculatus ( 1 )
R. turanicus ( 1 ) R. armatus ( 1 )
R. bergeoni (2)
Ichneumia albicauda White-tailed
R. carnivoralis ( 1 )
R. cuspidatus (2, including immatures)
R. appendiculatus (26, immatures, only 1
R. praetextatus (5, unconfirmed)
with an adult)
R. pulchellus (4, including nymphs)
R. cuspidatus ( 1 , immatures)
R. supertritus (3)
R. muehlensi ( 1 , including immatures)
R. praetextatus (2, unconfirmed) Parahyaena brunnea Brown hyaena
R. pulchellus ( 1 ) R. appendiculatus ( 1 2)
R. simus ( 1 , nymphs) R. sanguineus ( 1 )
R. zambeziensis (2, immatures) R. simus ( 1 3)
R. turanicus ( 1 )
Mungos mungo Banded mongoose
R. zambeziensis ( 1 )
R. appendiculatus (3, immatures)
R. cuspidatus (2, nymphs) 'Hyaena'
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , immatures) R. appendiculatus ( 1 )
R. longus ( 1 ) R. armatus ( 1 )
R . senegalensis ( 1 , nymph) R. carnivoralis ( 1 )
R. simus ( 1 ) R. cuspidatus ( 1 )
R. sulcatus ( 1 , unconfirmed) R. muehlensi ( 1 , larvae)
R. zambeziensis (2, immatures) R. muhsamae (2)
R. praetextatus (2; 6, unconfirmed)
'Lesser mongoose' R. pulchellus (3)
R. muehlensi ( 1, nymphs) R. simus (2)
Suricata suricatta Meercat R. supertritus ( 1 )
R. appendiculatus (2, including larvae)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , immatures) Family Protelidae
R. theileri (8, including immatures) Proteles cristatus Aardwolf
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , larvae)
'Meercat' R. praetextatus (4, unconfirmed)
R. theileri ( 1 , nymph) R. pulchellus (2, including a nymph)
R. simus ( 1 )
Family Hyaenidae R. tricuspis ( 1 )
Crocuta crocuta Spotted hyaena R. turanicus ( 1 )
R. appendiculatus ( 1 , nymph)
R. armatus ( 1 ) Family Mustelidae
R . carnivoralis (3) 'Otter'
R. cuspidatus (2, including nymphs) R. ziemanni (3)
5 00 Host/parasite listfor Afrotropical Rhipicephalus

Mellivora capensis Ratel R. pravus (2, including nymphs)

R. appendiculatus ( 1 , including immatures) R. sulcatus ( 1 )
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1, including immatures)
R. simus ( 1 )
R. simus ( 1 )
Ictonyx striatus Zorilla R . turanicus (4)
R. appendiculatus (3, immatures)
R. armatus ( 1 )
Order Proboscidea
R. guilhoni (2)
R. sanguineus ( 1 ) Family Elephantidae
Loxodonta africana African elephant
Family Viverridae R. appendiculatus (2)
Civettictis civetta African civet R. dux (2)
R. appendiculatus (6, including immatures) R. evertsi evertsi (2)
R. compositus ( 1 ) R. humeralis (28)
R. duttoni ( 1 ) R. kochi ( 1 )
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , larvae) R . longus ( 1 )
R. guilhoni ( 1 ) R. maculatus (33)
R. kochi ( 1 , nymph) R. muehlensi ( 1 )
R. lunulatus ( 1 , unconfirmed) R. planus ( 1 )
R. maculatus (2, immatures) R. praetextatus ( 1 2, unconfirmed)
R. moucheti ( 1 ) R. pravus (3)
R. muhsamae (4) R. pulchellus (3)
R. praetextatus (8, unconfirmed) R. senegalensis (3)
R. sanguineus (2) R. simus ( 1 )
R. simus ( 1 5) R. ziemanni ( 1 , 1 ¥ only)
R. sulcatus (2; 3, unconfirmed)
R. turanicus (6)
Order Perissodactyla
R. zambeziensis (3, including immatures)
R. ziemanni (2)
R. zumpti ( 1 ) Family Equidae
Equus burchellii Burchell's zebra
Genetta genetta Small-spotted genet R. appendiculatus ( 54, including immatures)
R. appendiculatus (2, nymphs) R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 70, including imma­
R. praetextatus ( 1 , unconfirmed) tures)
R. pulchellus ( 1 ) R. evertsi mimeticus ( 1 2, including
R. senegalensis ( 1 ) immatures)
R. exophthalmos ( 1 )
Genetta rubiginosa Rusty-spotted genet R. jeanneli ( 1 )
R. sulcatus ( 1 , unconfirmed) R. kochi (3)
Genetta tigrina Large-spotted genet R. longus (2)
R. appendiculatus (5, including immatures) R. lunulatus (2)
R. pulchellus ( 1 ) R. maculatus (2)
R. masseyi (2)
Genetta spp. R. muehlensi (3, including immatures)
R. appendiculatus (3, including immatures) R. praetextatus (25, unconfirmed)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , larvae) R. pravus (3)
R. hurti ( 1 ) R. sp. near pravus ( 1 )
Wild animals: Hyracoidea 501

Burchell's zebra (cont.) Diceros bicornis Black rhinoceros

R. pulchellus (4 1 , including immatures) R. appendiculatus (4, including immatures)
R. punctatus (2) R. compositus (4)
R. sp. near punctatus (2) R. evertsi mimeticus ( 1 )
R. sculptus (5) R. hurneralis ( 1 0)
R. sirnus (2 7 ) R. hurti (3)
R. supertritus ( 1 ) R. jeanneli (4)
R. turanicus (4) R. kochi ( 1 )
R. zambeziensis (4, including nymphs) R. longus ( 1 )
R. zumpti ( 1 ) R. lunulatus ( 1 )
R. rnaculatus ( 1 2, including immatures)
Equus grevyi Grevy's zebra
R. muehlensi (6, including immatures)
R. camicasi (2)
R. praetextatus (3, unconfirmed)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 1 , including nymphs)
R. pravus ( 1 ; 1 , unconfirmed)
R. praetextatus (2, unconfirmed)
R. pulchellus (34, 1 includes nymphs)
R. pulchellus ( 1 6, including immatures)
R. senegalensis ( 1 )
Equus zebra Mountain zebra R. sirnus (4)
R. arnoldi ( 1 ) R. zumpti ( 1 )
R. capensis ( 1 )
R. evertsi evertsi (20, including imma­
R. appendiculatus ( 1 , immatures)
R. maculatus (5, including immatures)
R. evertsi rnirneticus (24, including
R. muehlensi ( 1 , immatures)
R. simus ( 1 )
R. follis (7)
R. gertrudae (4)
R. glabroscutatum ( 1 6, including imma­ Order Hyracoidea
R. nitens ( 1 ) Family Procaviidae Hyraxes, dassies

Equus spp.
Dendrohyrax arboreus Tree hyrax
R. appendiculatus (3, including immatures)
R. distinctus ( 1 , including immatures)
R. camicasi ( 1 )
R. serranoi ( 1 )
Heterohyrax brucei Yellow-spotted rock
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 0, including nymphs)
R. evertsi rnirneticus ( 1 5, including im­
R. appendiculatus (2, immatures)
R. carnivoralis (2, nymphs)
R. pulchellus ( 1 1 )
R. distinctus ( 1 0, including immatures)
R. supertritus (2)
R. evertsi evertsi (2, including nymphs)
R. serranoi ( 1 )
Family Rhinocerotidae
Ceratotheriurn sirnurn White rhinoceros Procavia capensis Rock hyrax
R. appendiculatus (7, including nymphs) R. appendiculatus (4, including immatures)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 ) R. arnoldi (78, immatures; 1 with lj?lj?)
R. evertsi mimeticus ( 1 ) R. boueti (2)
R . maculatus (4) R. carnivoralis (2, nymphs)
R. sirnus (9) R. distinctus ( 1 53, including immatures)
R. zambeziensis ( 1 , nymph) R. evertsi evertsi (5, including immatures)
502 Host/parasite listfor Afrotropical Rhipicephalus

Rock hyrax (cont.) R. exophthalmos (9)

R. glabroscutatum (6, immatures, 1 ,j) R. guilhoni (6)
R. sp . near pravus (2) R. humeralis (2)
R. serranoi ( 1 ) R. hurti (3)
R . supertritus ( 1 ) R. jeanneli ( 1 0)
R. kochi (9)
Procavia sp.
R. longiceps (4)
R. distinctus ( 1 5, including nymphs)
R. longus (44)
R. lunulatus (2 1 ; 3, unconfirmed)
R. distinctus ( 1 2, including nymphs)
R. maculatus (22, including immatures)
R. masseyi (2)
Order Tubulidentata R. muehlensi (2, including immatures)
R. muhsamae ( 1 1 )
Family Orycteropodidae R. planus (9)
Orycteropus afer Aardvark (Antbear) R. praetextatus ( 1 ; 42, unconfirmed)
R. camicasi ( 1 ) R. pravus (5; 3, unconfirmed)
R. cuspidatus (5) R. sp. near pravus (2)
R. longus (2) R. pulchellus ( 1 9)
R. lunulatus (3) R. sp. near punctatus (4)
R. masseyi ( 1 ) R. sanguineus ( 1 )
R. planus ( 1 ) R. senegalensis (27)
R. praetextatus (2, unconfirmed) R. simus ( 1 24)
R. pravus ( 1 ) R. supertritus ( 1 )
R. pulchellus (2) R. tricuspis (3 )
R. sanguineus ( 1 ) R. turanicus (4)
R. simus ( 1 ) R. zambeziensis (40, including immatures)
R. sulcatus ( 1 , unconfirmed) ) R. ziemanni (3)
R. tricuspis ( 1 ) R. zumpti (3)
R. turanicus ( 1 )
R. zambeziensis ( 1 ) Hylochoerus meinertzhageni Forest hog
R. appendiculatus ( 1, immatures)
R. bequaerti ( 1 )
Order Artiodactyla
R. complanatus ( 1 )
R. compositus ( 1 )
Family Suidae
R. dux ( 1 )
Phacochoerus aethiopicus Somali warthog
R. jeanneli (2)
R. humeralis ( 1 ) R. longus (3)
R. lunulatus ( 1 )
Phacochoerus africanus Warthog
R. praetextatus (2, unconfirmed)
R. appendiculatus (70, including immatures)
R. camicasi ( 1 ) Potamochoerus larvatus Bushpig
R. complanatus (7) R. appendiculatus ( 1 7, including immatures)
R. compositus (7) R. bequaerti (2)
R. cuspidatus (36, including immatures) R. complanatus ( 1 )
R. dux (2) R. compositus ( 1 1 )
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 9, including immatures) R. dux (2)
R. evertsi mimeticus (8, including imma- R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 )
tures) R. follis ( 1 )
Wild animals: Artiodactyla 503

Bushpig (cont.) Family Giraffidae

R. humeralis ( 1 ) Giraffa camelopardalis Giraffe
R. hurti ( 1 ) R. appendiculatus ( 1 4, including imma­
R. jeanneli ( 6) tures)
R. kochi (27) R. compositus ( 1 )
R. longus (9) R. evertsi evertsi (46, including imma­
R. lunulatus ( 1 3; 7, unconfirmed) tures)
R. maculatus (20, including immatures) R. evertsi mimeticus ( 1 2, including imma-
R. masseyi ( 1 1 ) tures)
R. muehlensi ( 1 1 , including nymphs) R. guilhoni ( 1 )
R. planus ( 1 5) R. hurti ( 1 )
R. praetextatus ( 1 1 , unconfirmed) R. kochi (2)
R. pulchellus (2) R. longiceps ( 1 )
R. sp. near punctatus (3) R. longicoxatus (9)
R. simus (23) R. lunulatus ( 1 )
R. zambeziensis (2) R. muehlensi (6)
R. zumpti (9; 2, unconfirmed) R. praetextatus (4, unconfirmed)
R. pravus (9)
Potamochoerus porcus Red river hog
R. sp. near pravus (5)
R. complanatus (35)
R. pulchellus (8)
R. cuspidatus ( 1 )
R. sanguineus ( 1 )
R. longus (7)
R. sculptus ( 1 )
R. muhsamae ( 1 )
R. senegalensis ( 1 )
R. senegalensis (2)
R . simus (8)
R. ziemanni (8)
R. supertritus ( 1 )
Potamochoerus sp. R . zambeziensis (3)
R. longus (2)
Okapiajohnstoni Okapi
'Wild pig' R. ziemanni (2)
R. bequaerti ( 1 )
R. complanatus (4)
Family Bovidae
R. hurti ( 1 )
Aepyceros melampus Impala
R. jeanneli ( 1 )
R. appendiculatus (386, including imma-
R. longus ( 1 )
R. maculatus ( 1 )
R. duttoni (2, including a nymph)
R . muhsamae ( 1 )
R. evertsi evertsi (4 72, including immatures)
R. planus ( 1 )
R. evertsi mimeticus (5, including imma-
R. praetextatus ( 1 ; 1 , unconfirmed)
R. pulchellus ( 1 )
R. exophthalmos (2)
R. senegalensis ( 1 )
R. kochi (24, including immatures)
R. ziemanni ( 1 , 1 ¥ only)
R. lunulatus (8, including 2 with larvae)
'Pig/hog' R. maculatus (4, immatures)
R. maculatus (3) R. muehlensi ( 1 63, including immatures)
R. planus ( 1 )
Family Hippopotamidae R. pravus ( 1 3; 1 1, unconfirmed)
Hippopotamus amphibius Hippopotamus R. sp. near pravus (6; 1 , unconfirmed)
R. praetextatus ( 1 ) R. pulchellus ( 1 3, including immatures)
5 04 Host/parasite listfor Afrotropical Rhipicephalus

Impala (cont.) R. sculptus ( 1 )

R. sp. near punctatus (8) R . supertritus (2)
R. simus (7)
Connochaetes gnou Black wildebeest
R. sulcatus ( 1)
R. evertsi evertsi (25, including immatures)
R. tricuspis ( 1 )
R. follis (2)
R. zambeziensis (249, including imma­
R. gertrudae (2)
R. glabroscutatum (9, including immatures)
Aepyceros melampus petersi Black-faced R. lounsburyi ( 1 )
impala R . neumanni ( 1)
R. gertrudae ( 1 )
Connochaetes taurinus Blue wildebeest
Alcelaphus buselaphus caama Red R. appendiculatus (49, including immatures)
hartebeest R. evertsievertsi ( 1 72, including immatures)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 3, including immatures) R. evertsi mimeticus (1 1 , including imma-
R. glabroscutatum (3, including immatures) tures)
R. simus ( 1 ) R. kochi ( 1 )
Alcelaphus buselaphus Coke's hartebeest
R. longus ( 1 )
R. lunulatus ( 1 )
cokii (kongoni)
R. appendiculatus ( 1 , including 1 nymph) R. maculatus (2)
R. evertsi evertsi (6, including immatures) R. praetextatus (3, unconfirmed)
R. humeralis ( 1 ) R. pravus ( 1 ; 1 , unconfirmed)
R . praetextatus ( 1 , unconfirmed) R. simus (2)
R. zambeziensis ( 1 4, including immatures)
R. pravus ( 1 ; 1 0, unconfirmed)
R. pulchellus (30, 2 include nymphs) 'Wildebeest'
R. supertritus ( 1 ) R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 )
Alcelaphus buselaphusjacksoni Jackson's Damaliscus lunatus lunatus Tsessebe
hartebeest R. appendiculatus (2, including immatures)
R. evertsi evertsi (4, including larvae) R. evertsi evertsi (9, including immatures)
R. lunulatus ( 1) R. sp. near pravus (2)
R. pravus (1)
Damaliscus lunatus topi Topi
Alcelaphus buselaphus 'Kenya hartebeest' R. evertsi evertsi (5, including nymphs)
cokii xjacksoni R. interventus ( 1 )
R. pulchellus (3, including immatures) R. praetextatus (3, unconfirmed)
Alcelaphus buselaphus Lelwel hartebeest R. pulchellus ( 5)
lelwel R. punctatus ( 1 )
R. lunulatus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
Damaliscus lunatus tiang Tiang
Alcelaphus buselaphus major Kanki R. lunulatus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
R. senegalensis ( 1 )
Damaliscus lunatus korrigum Korrigum
Alcelaphus sp. R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , immatures)
R. appendiculatus ( 1 , including immatures) R. guilhoni ( 1)

'Hartebeest' Damaliscus pygargus dorcas Bontebok

R. evertsi mimeticus ( 1) R. capensis ( 1 )
R. pulchellus (2) R. evertsi evertsi (9, including immatures)
R. sp. near punctatus ( 1) R. gertrudae ( 1 )
Wild animals: Artiodactyla 505

Bontebok (cont.) R. praetextatus (1, unconfirmed)

R. glabroscutatum (4 1 , including imma­ R. pravus (20; 4, unconfirmed)
tures) R. pulchellus ( 1 5, including nymphs)
R. lounsburyi (6) R. turanicus (3)
R. nitens (55, including immatures)
Gazella rufifrons Red-fronted gazelle
Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi Blesbok R. cuspidatus ( 1 , immatures)
R. appendiculatus (5, including immatures) R. guilhoni (2)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 4, including immatures) Gazella soemmerringii Soemmerring's
R. glabroscutatum (2, including nymphs) gazelle
Sigmoceros lichtensteinii Lichtenstein's R. pravus (2)
hartebeest R. pulchellus (7, 1 includes nymphs)
R. appendiculatus (3, including nymphs) Gazella spekei Speke's gazelle
R. compositus ( 1 ) R. humeralis ( 1 )
R . evertsi evertsi ( 5, including immatures) R. pulchellus ( 1 )
R. kochi (3)
Gazella thomsonii Thomson's gazelle
R. longus ( 1 )
R. appendiculatus (2)
R. lunulatus (2)
R. evertsi evertsi (36, including immatures)
R. maculatus ( 1)
R. praetextatus (2, unconfirmed)
R. muehlensi ( 1 )
R. pravus (25; 5, unconfirmed)
R . senegalensis ( 1 )
R. pulchellus ( 1 2, including immatures)
R . sulcatus ( 1 ; 1 , unconfirmed)
R. turanicus (3)
R. supertritus ( 1)
R. zumpti (1) 'Gazelle'
R. pravus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
Ammodorcas clarkei Dibatag
R. pulchellus (4)
R. pulchellus ( 1)
R. sulcatus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
Antidorcas marsupialis Springbok Litocranius walleri Gerenuk
R. appendiculatus (2, including 1 nymph) R. camicasi ( 1 )
R. evertsi evertsi (33, including immatures) R. evertsi evertsi (4)
R. evertsi mimeticus (5, including larvae) R. muehlensi (2, including immatures)
R. exophthalmos (2 1 ) R. pravus (5; 4, unconfirmed)
R. jollis ( 1 ) R. pulchellus ( 1 0, 1 includes nymphs)
R . gertrudae (2) R. punctatus ( 1 )
R. glabroscutatum ( 1 7, including imma­
tures) Madoqua guentheri Gunther's dik-dik
R. neumanni ( 1 ) R. pravus ( 6)
R. nitens ( 6, including immatures) R. pulchellus (2, nymphs)
R. sanguineus ( 1 )
Gazella dorcas Dorcas gazelle
Madoqua kirkii Kirk's dik-dik
R. praetextatus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
R. appendiculatus (7, including nymphs)
Gazella granti Grant's gazelle R. evertsi evertsi (4, including nymphs)
R. appendiculatus (4, including immatures) R. evertsi mimeticus ( 1 , including imma-
R. armatus ( 1 , nymph; 2, unconfirmed) tures)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 6, including immatures) R. kochi (2)
R. interventus ( 1 ) R. pravus (2)
R . muehlensi ( 1 ) R. punctatus ( 1 )
5 06 Host/parasite list for Afrotropical Rhipicephaius

Madoqua piacentinii Silver dik-dik Raphicerus campestris Steenbok

R. pravus ( 1 ) R. appendiculatus (6, including nymphs)
R. pulchellus ( 1 ) R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 6, including immatures)
R. evertsi mimeticus (4, including imma-
Madoqua spp. 'Dik-dik'
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1)
R. exophthalmos (5)
R. pravus ( 1 ; 3, unconfirmed)
R. glabroscutatum (2, including immatures)
Neotragus moschatus Suni R. kochi ( 1 )
R. appendiculatus ( 1 ) R. muehlensi (3)
R. kochi (3) R. praetextatus (1, unconfirmed)
R. maculatus (3, immatures) R. pravus (5; 3, unconfirmed)
R. muehlensi ( 1 ) R. sp. near pravus (3; 1 , unconfirmed)
R. sp. near pravus ( 1 , unconfirmed) R. sp. near punctatus (1 56, including
Neotragus pygmaeus Royal antelope R. simus (2)
R. simpsoni (2) R. tricuspis ( 1 7)
R. ziemanni (2) R. zambeziensis ( 1 , nymph)
R. zumpti (1)
Oreotragus oreotragus Klipspringer
R. appendiculatus (9, including nymphs)
Raphicerus melanotis Cape grysbok
R. arnoldi ( 1 )
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , nymphs)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , immatures)
R. interventus ( 1)
R. kochi (6)
R. kochi (3)
R. longiceps ( 1)
R. sulcatus ( 1 )
R. oreotragi (4)
R. pravus (3; 1 , unconfirmed)
Raphicerus sharpei Sharpe's grysbok
R. punctatus (4)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 )
R. sp. near punctatus ( 1 )
R. sp. near punctatus (2 8)
R. serranoi (2)
R. tricuspis ( 1)
R. simus (7)
R. zambeziensis ( 1 , nymph)
Syncerus caffer African buffalo
Ourebia ourebi Oribi R. appendiculatus (78, including imma-
R. appendiculatus (7, including nymphs) tures)
R. cuspidatus ( 1 , immatures) R. bequaerti (5)
R. evertsi evertsi (6, including immatures) R. complanatus (5)
R. interventus ( 1 ) R. compositus (72)
R. kochi ( 1 ) R. duttoni (commonly parasitized, includ­
R. lunulatus (3) ing immatures)
R. maculatus ( 1 , nymphs) R. dux (2 1 )
R. muhsamae (2) R. evertsi evertsi ( 18 1, including imma-
R. pravus (4, including 1 nymph) tures)
R. sp. near pravus (2, unconfirmed) R. evertsi mimeticus (2)
R. punctatus (2) R. follis (2)
R. senegalensis ( 1 ) R. gertrudae (1)
R . sulcatus ( 1 ; 1 , unconfirmed) R. glabroscutatum (2, including nymphs)
R. ziemanni ( 1) R. humeralis (2)
R. zumpti ( 1) R. hurti (30)
Wild animals: Artiodactyla 507

African buffalo (cont.) R. longus (3)

R. jeanneli (20) R. lounsburyi (2)
R. kochi ( 1 7) R. lunulatus (4)
R. longus ( 1 09) R. maculatus (3)
R. lunulatus (4 1 ) R. masseyi (3)
R. maculatus (23, including immatures) R. muehlensi (4)
R. masseyi (4) R. praetextatus (9, unconfirmed)
R. muehlensi ( 1 0, including immatures) R. pravus (4; 9, unconfirmed)
R. muhsamae (2) R. sp. near pravus (4; 1 , unconfirmed)
R. planus (6) R. pulchellus (33, 2 include nymphs)
R. praetextatus (4; 52, unconfirmed) R. sp. near punctatus (2)
R. pravus (4; 3, unconfirmed) R. senegalensis ( 1 )
R. sp. near pravus ( 1 , unconfirmed) R. simus ( 1 9)
R. pseudolongus (48) R. supertritus (8)
R. pulchellus (20, 1 includes nymphs) R. turanicus ( 1)
R. sp. near punctatus (8) R. zambeziensis (9, including nymphs)
R. sculptus ( 1)
Taurotragus sp. 'Eland' (Equatoria, Sudan)
R. senegalensis (23)
R. turanicus ( 1)
R. simpsoni ( 1)
R. simus (56) Tragelaphus angasii Nyala
R. sulcatus ( 1 ) R. appendiculatus (90, including imma-
R. supertritus (2 1 ) tures)
R . zambeziensis ( 1 9, including immatures) R. evertsi evertsi (32, including immatures)
R. ziemanni ( 1 3) R. kochi (8, including nymphs)
R. zumpti ( 1 ; 1 , unconfirmed) R. maculatus (83, including immatures)
R. masseyi ( 1)
Taurotragus derbianus Giant eland R. muehlensi (1 07, including immatures)
R. supertritus ( 1) R. sp. near pravus ( 1 ; 1 , unconfirmed)
Taurotragus oryx Eland R. sp. near punctatus ( 1 )
R. appendiculatus (53, including imma- R. simus (3)
tures) R. zambeziensis (2, nymphs)
R. camicasi (2) R. zumpti ( 1 )
R. capensis (3) Tragelaphus buxtoni Mountain nyala
R. compositus ( 1 0) R. bergeoni (3)
R. duttoni ( 1) R. longus ( 1)
R. evertsi evertsi (80, including imma- R. lunulatus ( 1)
tures) R. praetextatus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
R. evertsi mimeticus (6)
Tragelaphus eurycerus Bongo
R. exophthalmos (4)
R. jeanneli (2)
R. follis (34)
R. longus ( 1)
R. gertrudae (7)
R. senegalensis ( 1 )
R. glabroscutatum ( 1 6, including imma-
R. ziemanni (2)
R. humeralis (2) Tragelaphus imberbis Lesser kudu
R. hurti (4) R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 )
R. jeanneli (4) R. maculatus ( 1 , nymph)
R. kochi (6) R. muehlensi ( 5)
508 Host/parasite listfor Afrotropica! Rhipicephalus

Lesser kudu (cont.) R. jeanneli ( 1 )

R. pravus (4; 4, unconfirmed) R. kochi (2 1 , including nymphs)
R. pulchellus (2) R. lunulatus (8)
R. maculatus (6, including immatures)
Tragelaphus scriptus Bushbuck
R. masseyi ( 1 )
R. appendiculatus (3 1 , including imma-
R. muehlensi (1 1 , including immatures)
R. praetextatus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
R. bergeoni ( 1 )
R. pravus (4)
R. complanatus ( 1 )
R. sp. near pravus (2; 2, unconfirmed)
R . compositus (4)
R. pulchellus (6)
R. evertsi evertsi (28, including immatures)
R. punctatus (2)
R. follis (3)
R. sp. near punctatus (34)
R. humeralis (2)
R. simus ( 1 8)
R. hurti (9)
R. sulcatus ( 1 )
R. interventus ( 1 )
R. supertritus (5)
R. jeanneli (5)
R. tricuspis ( 1 )
R. kochi ( 1 7, including nymphs)
R. turanicus ( 1 )
R. lunulatus (6)
R. zambeziensis ( 1 1 7, including imma­
R. maculatus (8, including immatures)
R. masseyi (3)
R. zumpti ( 1 )
R. muehlensi ( 1 5, including immatures)
R. muhsamae ( 1 )
R. praetextatus (3, unconfirmed)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 )
R. pravus (2; 4, unconfirmed)
R. kochi (3)
R. sp. near pravus (3, unconfirmed)
R. pulchellus (2)
R. pulchellus ( 1 )
R . sp. near punctatus (3) Tragelaphus spp.
R. senegalensis ( 1 ) R. hurti ( 1 )
R. simus (3) R. pravus ( 1 )
R. zambeziensis ( 1 3, including immatures) R. sp. near punctatus (8)
R. ziemanni ( 1 4) R. turanicus ( 1 )
Tragelaphus spekii Sitatunga R. ziemanni ( 1 )
R. appendiculatus ( 1 )
R. aquatilis (7) Ammotragus lervia Barbary sheep
R. compositus (2) R. fulvus ( + )

Tragelaphus strepsiceros Greater kudu Cephalophus dorsalis Bay duiker

R. appendiculatus ( 1 88, including imma- R. appendiculatus ( 1 , including immatures)
tures) R. senegalensis ( 1 )
R. bergeoni ( 1 ) R. ziemanni (2)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 72, including immatures)
R. evertsi mimeticus (33, including imma- Cephalophus maxwelli Maxwell's duiker
tures) R. ziemanni ( 1 )
R. exophthalmos (3 1 )
R. follis ( 1 ) Cephalophus monticola Blue duiker
R. gertrudae ( 1 ) R. appendiculatus ( 1 , immatures)
R. glabroscutatum (60, including imma­ R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , immatures)
tures) R. ziemanni ( 1 )
Wild animals: Artiodactyla 509

Cephalophus natalensis Red forest duiker R. zumpti ( 1 )

R. appendiculatus (7, including immatures)
R. evertsi evertsi (8, including immatures)
R. appendiculatus ( 1 , nymph)
R. kochi (3)
R. evertsi evertsi (2)
R. maculatus ( 1 6, immatures)
R. jeanneli ( 1 )
R. muehlensi (28, including immatures)
R. maculatus ( 1 , immatures)
R. praetextatus (2, unconfirmed)
R. muehlensi (7, including immatures)
R. sp. near pravus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
R. oculatus ( 1 )
R. pulchellus (3, including a nymph)
R. pravus ( 1 )
R. tricuspis ( 1 )
R. simpsoni (2)
Cephalophus niger Black duiker R. tricuspis ( 1 )
R. ziemanni (3)
Hippotragus equinus Roan antelope
Cephalophus silvicultor Yellow-backed R. appendiculatus (5)
duiker R. compositus (2)
R. kochi ( 1 ) R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 0)
R. evertsi mimeticus (4, including nymphs)
Cephalophus zebra Banded duiker
R. guilhoni (2)
R. ziemanni ( 1 )
R. hurti ( 1 )
Cephalophus spp. R. kochi (6)
R. appendiculatus (2, including immatures) R. longus (2)
R. ziemanni ( 1 ) R. lunulatus (2; 1, unconfirmed)
R. muehlensi (4)
Sylvicapra grimmia Common duiker
R. muhsamae ( 1 )
R. appendiculatus (37, including imma-
R. sp. near pravus (2)
R. sp. near punctatus ( 1 )
R. compositus ( 1 )
R. sculptus ( 1 )
R. duttoni ( 1 , including nymphs)
R. senegalensis (2)
R. evertsi evertsi (24, including immatures)
R. sulcatus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
R. evertsi mimeticus (3, including imma-
R. supertritus ( 1 )
R. turanicus ( 1 )
R. glabroscutatum ( 1 1 , including imma-
R. zambeziensis ( 1 )
R. hurti ( 1 ) Hippotragus niger Sable antelope
R. jeanneli ( 1 ) R. appendiculatus (22, including nymphs)
R. kochi (7) R. evertsi evertsi (3 7, including immatures)
R. lunulatus (4) R. kochi ( 1 2)
R. maculatus (6, including immatures) R. longus (4)
R. muehlensi (6, including immatures) R. lunulatus ( 1 )
R. planus ( 1 ) R. maculatus ( 1 )
R. praetextatus ( 1 , unconfirmed) R. muehlensi ( 1 )
R. pravus (3) R . praetextatus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
R. sp. near pravus (2, unconfirmed) R. sp. near pravus ( 1 ; 1 , unconfirmed)
R. sp. near punctatus (20) R. pulchellus ( 1 )
R. senegalensis ( 1 ) R. punctatus ( 1 )
R . simus (3) R. sp. near punctatus (3)
R. turanicus (2) R. sculptus (3)
R. zambeziensis (3, nymphs) R. simus (4)
510 Host/parasite list for Afrotropical Rhipicephalus

Sable antelope (cont.) R. planus ( 1 )

R. supertritus (6) R. pravus ( 1 ; 2 , unconfirmed)
R. zambeziensis (7) R. sp. near pravus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
R. pseudolongus ( 1 )
Oryx gazella Gemsbok R. pulchellus (6)
R. capensis (2) R. sp. near punctatus ( 1 )
R. evertsi evertsi (52, including immatures) R. sculptus ( 1 )
R. evertsi mimeticus ( 1 3, including nymphs) R. simus ( 1 )
R. exophthalmos (22) R. sulcatus ( 1 )
R. follis (6) R. zumpti (2)
R. gertrudae ( 1 1 )
R. glabroscutatum (6, including imma- Kobus kob Kob
tures) R. appendiculatus (7)
R. longiceps (2) R. evertsi evertsi (3)
R. muehlensi ( 1 )
R. neumanni ( 1 ) Kobus leche Lechwe
R . praetextatus (4 , unconfirmed) R. appendiculatus (2, including immatures)
R. pravus ( 1 0, 1 with nymphs only; 3, un- R. evertsi evertsi (8, including immatures)
confirmed) R. turanicus ( 1 )
R. sp. near pravus ( 1 )
R. pulchellus (38, including immatures) Kobus vardonii Puku
R. simus ( 1 ) R. compositus ( 1 )
R. tricuspis ( 1 ) R. evertsi evertsi (2)
R. turanicus ( 1 )
R. warburtoni (6) Kobus spp.
Pelea capreolus Grey rhebok R. appendiculatus ( 1 )
R. evertsi evertsi (6, including immatures) R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 )
R. exophthalmos ( 1 )
R . gertrudae (2) Redunca arundinum Reedbuck
R. glabroscutatum (44, including imma- R. appendiculatus ( 1 7, including nymphs)
tures) R. evertsi evertsi (6 1 , including immatures)
R. lounsburyi (9) R. kochi ( 1 )
R. neumanni ( 1 ) R. lunulatus ( 1 )
R. nitens (62, including immatures) R. maculatus (7, including immatures)
R. muehlensi ( 1 2, including immatures)
Kobus ellipsiprymnus Waterbuck R. simus (2)
R. appendiculatus (47, including imma-
tures) Reduncafulvorufula Mountain reedbuck
R. compositus ( 1 ) R. appendiculatus (29, including imma-
R. evertsi evertsi (24, including immatures) tures)
R. guilhoni ( 1 ) R. evertsi evertsi (25, including immatures)
R. humeralis ( 1 ) R. exophthalmos (2)
R. kochi ( 1 ) R. glabroscutatum (2 1 , including imma-
R. longus (3) tures)
R. lunulatus (6) R. lounsburyi (4)
R. maculatus (2) R. neumanni ( 1 )
R. muehlensi (2) R. oculatus ( 1 , larvae)
Wild animals: Rodentia 511

Redunca redunca Bohor reedbuck Xerus erythropus Geoffroy's ground

R. appendiculatus (2, including immatures) squirrel
R. muhsamae ( 1 ) R. guilhoni ( 1 , nymph)
R . praetextatus ( 1 , unconfirmed) R. muhsamae (3, nymphs; adults in nest)
R. pravus ( 1 )
Xerus inauris Cape ground squirrel
R. senegalensis ( 1 )
R. theileri ( 1 8, including immatures)
Redunca spp.
Xerus rutilus Unstriped ground squirrel
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 )
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 )
R. lunulatus ( 1 )
R . humeralis ( 1 )
'Antelope' R. praetextatus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
R. hurti ( 1 ) R. pravus ( 1 )
R. interventus ( 1 )
Xerus sp.
R . lunulatus ( 1 )
R. theileri (8, including immatures)

'Ground squirrel'
Order Pholidota
R. praetextatus ( 1 )

Family Manidae
Family Muridae
Manis gigantea Giant ground pangolin
Cricetomys gambianus Giant Gambian rat
R. senegalensis ( 1 )
R. simpsoni (3)
Manis temminckii Temminck's ground
Saccostomus campestris Short-tailed
pouched mouse
R. appendiculatus ( 1 , nymphs)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1, larva)
R. praetextatus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
R. simus (5) Steatomys pratensis Common fat
R. theileri ( 1 ) mouse
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , immatures)
R. sulcatus ( 1 )
Order Rodentia
Gerbillurus sp. Southern pygmy gerbils
Family Sciun"dae R. simus ( 1 , immatures)
Funisciuris congicus Kuhl's tree squirrel
Gerbillus campestris Northern pygmy
R. simus ( 1 , immatures)
Funisciuris pyrrhopus Cuvier's tree R. fulvus ( + )
Gerbillus sp. Northern pygmy gerbils
R. senegalensis ( 1 , 1 nymph)
R. armatus ( 1 , 1 6)
Paraxerus cepapi Smith's bush squirrel
Tatera leucogaster Bushveld gerbil
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , larva)
R. simus (2, immatures)
R. simus ( 1 , nymph)
R. theileri ( 1 6, immatures) Tatera nigricauda Black-tailed gerbil
R. zambeziensis ( 1 , immatures) R. praetextatus ( 1 , nymphs, unconfirmed)
R. pulchellus ( 1 )
Paraxerus ochraceus Huet's bush squirrel
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 ) Taterillus sp. Taterilline gerbils
R. pulchellus ( 1 ) R. senegalensis ( 1 , immatures)
512 Host/parasite listfor Afrotropical Rhipicephalus

'Gerbil' R. lunulatus ( 1 )
R. praetextatus ( 1 , nymphs, unconfirmed)
Mastomys natalensis Natal
Acomys sp. African spiny mice multimammate rat
R. pulchellus ( 1 ) R. praetextatus (2, immatures, uncon­
Aethomys chrysophilus Red veld rat
R. sp. near punctatus ( 1 , larva)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , immatures)
R. simus ( 1 0, immatures)
R. simus (37, immatures)
Mastomys sp. Multimammate mice
Aethomys namaquensis Namaqua rock
R. lunulatus (3, nymphs)
R. distinctus ( 1 0, immatures) Mus minutoides Pigmy mouse
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1, larva) R. simus ( 1 , immatures)
R. exophthalmos ( 1 )
Pelomys campanae Groove-toothed
R. gertrudae (8, immatures)
swamp rat
R. neumanni ( 1 , nymphs)
R. simus ( 1 , nymph)
R. simus (6, immatures)
R. theileri ( 1 , nymph, unconfirmed) Pelomys fallax Greater creek rat
R. warburtoni (69, immatures) R. compositus ( 1 , nymph)

Arvicanthis niloticus Nile rat Pelomys sp. Groove-toothed swamp rats

R. compositus ( 1 , nymph) R. compositus ( 1 , nymph)
R. muhsamae (2)
Praomysjacksonii Jackson's soft-furred rat
Arvicanthis spp. Nile rats R. compositus ( 1 , larva)
R. compositus ( 1 , nymph)
Praomys tullbergi Tullberg' s soft-furred
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , larva)
R. guilhoni (4, nymphs)
R. complanatus ( 1 )
R. praetextatus ( 1 , immatures, uncon­
firmed) Rattus rattus Black rat
R. praetextatus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
'Marsh rat'
R. pulchellus 1
R. simpsoni ( 1 )
Lemniscomys griselda Single-striped
R. praetextatus (2, immatures, uncon­
R. simus (2, nymphs)
Rhabdomys pumilio Four-striped grass
Lemniscomys striatus Striped grass rat
R. appendiculatus (2, nymphs)
R. arnoldi ( 1 , immatures)
R. planus ( 1 , nymphs)
R. follis (65, immatures)
R. praetextatus ( 1 , nymphs, unconfirmed)
R. gertrudae ( 1 8, immatures)
R. senegalensis (3; 1 3, 2 nymphs)
R. glabroscutatum ( 1 , larva)
Lemniscomys sp. R. lounsburyi ( 1 , nymph)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , immatures) R. praetextatus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
R. simus (83, immatures)
Lophuromysflavopunctatus Brush-furred
rat 'Field mouse'
R. appendiculatus (2, immatures) R. arnoldi ( 1 )
R. jeanneli ( 1, larva) R. distinctus ( 1 )
Wild animals: Rodentia 513

Otomys angoniensis Angoni swamp rat Family Hystricidae

R. hurti ( 1 , larva)
Atherurus africanus African brush-tailed
Otomys irroratus Swamp rat porcupine
R. appendiculatus (5, larvae) R. simpsoni (6, nymphs)
R. distinctus ( 1 , larva) R. ziemanni [2, both including 1 nymph
R. follis ( 1 , nymphs) (presumed)]

Hystrix africaeaustralis South African

Otomys unisulcatus Bush Karoo rat
R. distinctus ( 1 , larva)
R. appendiculatus ( 1 , including immatures)
R. gertrudae ( 1 , nymph)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , nymph)
R. gertrudae (2)
Otomys spp.
R. kochi ( 1 )
R. capensis (2, nymphs)
R. planus (2)
R. jeanneli ( 1 , nymph)
R. simus (7)
R. praetextatus ( 1 , immatures, uncon­
R. supertritus (3)
R. zambeziensis ( 1 )
R. simus ( 1 , nymph)
R. zumpti ( 1 )

Paratomys sp. Hystrix cristata Crested porcupine

R. simus ( 1 , immatures) R. cuspidatus (6, including immatures)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 )
Tachyoryctes splendens East African R. lunulatus ( 1 )
mole-rat R. muhsamae (2)
R. jeanneli ( 1 , larva) R. planus ( 1 )
R. praetextatus (2, unconfirmed)
'Murid rodents' R. senegalensis ( 1 )
R. pseudolongus ( 1 )
R. simus (5 , immatures) Hystrix sp.
R. praetextatus ( 1 5, unconfirmed)

Family Pedetidae 'Porcupine'

Pedetes capensis Spring hare R. planus (2)
R. appendiculatus (3, immatures)
R. distinctus ( 1 , larva) Family Thryonomyidae
R. evertsi evertsi (5, immatures) Thryonomys gregorianus Lesser cane rat
R. glabroscutatum (2, immatures) R. simpsoni (3)
R. oculatus (2, larvae)
R. sp. near punctatus ( 1 ) Thryonomys swinderianus Greater cane
R. sulcatus ( 1 ) rat
R. tricuspis ( 1 1 ) R. appendiculatus (3, including immatures)
R . warburtoni ( 1 4, nymphs) R. cuspidatus ( 1 , including immatures)
R. zambeziensis ( 1 , nymph) R. sp. near pravus ( 1 )
R. simpsoni (942, including immatures)

Family Ctenodactylidae Thryonomys spp. Cane rat

Ctenodactylus gundi Gundi R. senegalensis ( 1 , including nymphs)
R. fulvus ( + , including immatures) R. simpsoni ( 1 0)
514 Host/parasite list for Afrotropical Rhipicephalus

'Rodent' R. lunulatus ( 1 , nymph)

R. muhsamae ( 1 , nymphs) R. maculatus (6, nymphs)
R. muehlensi (29, immatures)
R. nitens (20, including immatures)
Order Lagomorpha R. oculatus ( 1 02, including immatures)
R. sp. near pravus (74, including imma-
Family Leporidae tures; 3, unconfirmed)
Lepus capensis Cape hare R. sanguineus ( 1 )
R. appendiculatus ( 1 6, immatures, 2 with R. simus (49, immatures)
adults) R. sulcatus (3)
R. armatus ( 1 2, immatures) R. tricuspis (6)
R. arnoldi ( 1 ) R. turanicus (34, including immatures)
R . camicasi (3) R. warburtoni (64, including immatures)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 36, a few with adults) R. zambeziensis (272, immatures)
R. exophthalmos ( 1 )
R . gertrudae ( 1 , nymph) Lepus victoriae Savanna hare
R. longus ( 1 ) R. appendiculatus (2 1 , immatures, 1 with
R. oculatus (20, including immatures) adults)
R. planus ( 1 , larvae) R. duttoni ( 1 , including nymphs)
R. praetextatus (2, unconfirmed) R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , nymphs)
R. pravus (99, including immatures; 2, R. kochi (7)
unconfirmed) R. pravus ( 1 4, including immatures; 1 ,
R. sp. near pravus ( 1 ) unconfirmed)
R. pulchellus (48, immatures, mostly R. pulchellus (5, immatures)
nymphs) R. punctatus (8)
R. punctatus ( 1 ) R. sulcatus (2, unconfirmed)
R. sp. near punctatus ( 1 )
R . senegalensis ( 1 ) Lepus spp.
R . sulcatus ( 1 ; 3 , unconfirmed) R. appendiculatus (3, immatures, 2 with
R. tricuspis (3) adults)
R. turanicus ( 1 ) R. evertsi evertsi (69, immatures)
R . warburtoni ( 1 2, including immatures) R. muehlensi ( 1 )
R. zambeziensis ( 1 , nymph) R. pravus ( 1 0, including immatures; 2,
Lepusfagani Ethiopian hare R. sp. near pravus ( 1 9; 1 , unconfirmed)
R. pulchellus ( 1 ) R. tricuspis (5)

Lepus saxatilis Scrub hare 'Hare'

R. appendiculatus ( 1 39, immatures, 3 with R. arnoldi (2)
adults) R. evertsi evertsi (6, including immatures)
R. arnoldi ( 1 0, including immatures) R. evertsi mimeticus ( 1 )
R. distinctus (9, immatures) R. exophthalmos (20)
R. evertsi evertsi (445, a few with adults) R. guilhoni (4)
R. exophthalmos (32, including imma- R. oculatus (9, including immatures)
tures) R. praetextatus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
R. gertrudae (4, nymphs) R. pulchellus ( 1 , nymphs)
R. glabroscutatum (68, immatures) R. sp. near punctatus (8, including 1
R. kochi (20, including immatures) nymph)
Birds 515

'Hare' (cont.) Elephantulus rufescens Rufous elephant

R. sulcatus (39; 4, unconfirmed) shrew
R. turanicus ( 1 3) R. evertsi evertsi (4, immatures)
R. pravus (42, immatures; 2, uncon­
Poelagus marjorita Central African rabbit
firmed, immatures)
R. pravus ( 1 )
R . sulcatus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
Elephantulus rupestris Smith's rock
Pronolagus randensis Jameson's red elephant shrew
rock rabbit R. exophthalmos (5, immatures)
R. arnoldi ( 1 2, including a nymph)
R. distinctus (2, including a larva) Elephantulus spp.
R. sp. near punctatus ( 1 , larva) R. pravus (2, immatures plus 1 Cjl)
R. sp. near pravus ( 1 , immatures)
Pronolagus rupestris Smith's red
R. senegalensis ( 1 , nymph)
rock rabbit
R. arnoldi (4 7, including immatures) Macroscelides proboscideus Short-eared
R. distinctus (4, larvae) elephant shrew
R. evertsi evertsi (9, including immatures) R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , immatures)
R. glabroscutatum (6, immatures, 1 with 1 6) R. exophthalmos ( 1 , immatures)
R. oculatus ( 1 )
R. warburtoni (7, immatures) Petrodromus tetradactylus Four-toed
Pronolagus sp. elephant shrew
R. evertsi evertsi (2, immatures) R. kochi (2, including immatures)
R. sp. near pravus ( 1 , nymphs, uncon­
'Rabbit' firmed)
R. tricuspis ( 1 )

Order Macroscelidea

Family Macroscelididae
Elephantulus Short-snouted
brachyrhynchus elephant shrew
Order Struthioniformes
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , immatures)
R. pravus (2, nymphs)
Family Struthionidae
R. sp. near pravus (5, immatures)
Struthio camelus Ostrich
Elephantulus edwardii Cape elephant R. guilhoni (2)
shrew R. pravus ( 1 )
R. exophthalmos (3, immatures) R. pulchellus ( 1 )
R. turanicus (4)
Elephantulusfuscipes Uganda elephant
R. pravus ( 1 , nymphs)
Order Pelicaniformes
Elephantulus myurus Rock elephant shrew
R. arnoldi (49, immatures) Family Phalacrocoracidae
R. distinctus (7, immatures) Phalacrocorax africanus Reed cormorant
R. sp. near pravus ( 1 0, immatures) R. evertsi evertsi (2, immatures)
R. warburtoni (282, immatures) R. simus ( 1 )
516 Host/parasite listfor Afrotropical Rhipicephalus

Order Ciconiiformes Order Galliformes

Family Ciconiidae Family Phasianidae

Ephippiorhyncus senegalensis Saddle-bill Francolinus bicalcaratus Double-spurred
stork francolin
R. guilhoni ( 1 ) R. cuspidatus ( 1, immatures)

Leptoptilos crumenijerus Marabou stork Francolinus leucoscepus Yellow-necked

R. guilhoni ( 1 ) francolin
R . turanicus ( 1 ) R. pulchellus ( 1 )
Francolinus sephaena Crested francolin
Order Anseriformes R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , immatures)
Francolinus sp. 'Spurfowl'
Family Anatidae R. jeanneli ( 1 )
Dendrocygna viduata White-faced whistling
duck Numida meleagris Helmeted guineafowl
R. lunulatus ( 1) R. appendiculatus ( 1 1 , immatures, includ-
R. senegalensis ( 1) ing 2 with adults)
R. evertsi evertsi (7, larvae)
R. glabroscutatum (8, immatures)
Order Falconiformes R. nitens ( 1 , larva)
R. oculatus (4, immatures)
Family Accipitridae R. zambeziensis ( 1 5, immatures)
Milvus migrans Black kite
R. turanicus ( 1 )
Order Gruiformes
Aegypius occipitalis White-headed vulture
R. turanicus ( 1 ) Family Rallidae
Fulica cristata Red-knobbed coot
Gyps africanus African white-backed
R. lunulatus ( 1)
R. guilhoni ( 1 )
Family Otidae
Melierax canorus Pale chanting goshawk Neotis denhami Denham's bustard
R. evertsi mimeticus ( 1) R. guilhoni (2)
R. turanicus (2)
Accipiter melanoleucusGreat sparrow hawk
R. humeralis ( 1 ) Ardeotis arabs Arabian bustard
R . pravus ( 1 ) R. guilhoni (2)

Hieraaetus bellicosus Martial eagle Ardeotis kori Kori bustard

R. guilhoni ( 1 ) R. armatus ( 1 , 1 nymph)
R. pravus ( 1 , nymphs)
Hieraaetus wahlbergi Wahlberg's eagle
Eupodotis afra Black bustard
R. turanicus ( 1 )
R. turanicus ( 1 )
Family Sagittariidae Eupodotis melanogaster Black-bellied
Sagittarius serpentarius Secretary bird bustard
R. pravus ( 1) R. duttoni ( 1 )
R. turanicus (5) R. kochi ( 1 )
Humans 517

Order Charadriiformes Family Ploceidae

Quelea quelea Red-billed quelea
Family Burhinidae R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , immatures)
Burhinus capensis Cape dikkop
R. turanicus ( 1)
Order Columbiformes
Family Columbidae
Streptopelia sp. 'Dove' Order Chelonii
R. turanicus ( 1 )
Family Testudinidae
Geochelone pardalis Leopard tortoise
Order Coliiformes R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , female)

Family Coliidae 'Tortoise'

Colius colius White-backed mousebird R. pravus ( 1 , unconfirmed)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , immatures)

Order Squamata
Order Passeriformes
Family Viperidae
Family A laudidae Bitis arietans Puff adder
Callandrella cinerea Red-capped lark R. turanicus ( 1 )
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , including immatures)
Family Varanidae
Family Hirundinidae Varanus niloticus Water leguaan
Hirundo cucullata Greater striped swallow R. maculatus ( 1)
R. evertsi evertsi ( 1 , including immatures)

Family Laniidae HUMANS

Prionops plumata Long-crested helmet
shrike Humans
R. appendiculatus ( 1 ) R. appendiculatus ( 1 8, including imma-
'Shrike' tures)
R. pravus ( 1) R. armatus (2)
R. bequaerti ( 1)
Tchagra australis Brown-headed tchagra R. carnivoralis (1)
R. evertsi evertsi (2, immatures) R. complanatus ( 1 )
R . compositus ( 1)
Family Timaliidae R. distinctus ( 1 , including a nymph)
Turdoides jardineii Arrow-marked babbler R. dux ( 1 , unattached)
R. evertsi evertsi (2, immatures) R. evertsi evertsi (3, including 1 nymph)
R. fulvus ( + )
Family Sylviidae R. gertrudae (3)
Chloropeta natalensis Yellow warbler R. humeralis ( 1)
R. simpsoni ( 1 , 1 6) R. hurti (2)
518 Host/parasite listfor Afrotropical Rhipicephalus

Humans (cont.) R. pulchellus (40)

R. jeanneli (2) R. sanguineus (2)
R. longus (2) R. senegalensis (2)
R. lunulatus (5) R. simus (27)
R. maculatus (7) R. sulcatus (2, unconfirmed)
R. muhsamae (3) R. supertritus ( 1 )
R. praetextatus ( 1; 4, unconfirmed, attached R. turanicus (3)
to host; 9, unconfirmed, crawling on R. zambeziensis ( 1 , nymph)
host) R. ziemanni ( 1 )
R. pravus (9) R. zumpti ( l ; 1 , unconfirmed)
R. sp. near pravus ( 1 )
Rhipicephalus species
occurring outside the
Afrotropical region

HISTORICAL REVIEW of his widow, G. Serdyukova. These specimens

were taken from a hare in Uzbekistan.
The description of Rhipicephalus sanguineus by Paul Schulze worked alone in Rostock,
Pierre Latreille ( 1 806) early in the nineteenth Germany, for most of his career. He was essen­
century was followed much later in the same tially an 'armchair taxonomist', not visiting the
century by that of R. bursa. This tick, which is major tick collections or collaborating with other
common in the Mediterranean region, was col­ tick taxonomists. Tick names authored by
lected from a wild boar and described by Pro­ Schulze, including those at the generic, sub­
fessor Giovanni Canestrini and F. Fanzago in generic, specific, subspecific and infraspecific
an 1 878 monograph on Italian Acari. In 1 897, levels, and combinations thereof, number well
also in Italy, Supino described two junior syn­ over 800. However, most of these names are now
onyms of R. sanguineus (R. bhamensis and considered junior synonyms. He described four
R. fiavus) . He also described R. haemaphy­ species of Rhipicephalus, two of which, both de­
saloides, an important and widespread ecto­ scribed in 1 935, are still considered valid: R.
parasite of large mammals from Afghanistan pilans collected from an unknown host on Flores
and the Indian subcontinent to south-east Asia Island, Indonesia, and R. pumilio collected from
and Indonesia. an unknown host at Maralbashi (now Pach'u),
In 1 9 1 1 , Professor V .L. Yakimov and his Sinkiang Province (now Xinjiang) , China.
wife Nina Kol-Yakimova of St. Petersburg, The Spanish entomologist and museum
Russia, while working in the laboratory of Pro­ conservator, J. Gil Collado described R. pusillus
fessor L.G. Neumann at Toulouse, France, de­ as a subspecies of R. bursa in 1 936. The two
scribed R. rossicus collected from dogs in the female specimens were collected from a fox in
governmental district of Saratov. Two other Barcelona. Two years later he raised R. pusillus to
Russian tick workers each described a single specific rank.
species of Rhipicephalus. Dr. N.O. Olenev, of Jaime Augusto Travassos Santos Dias, who
the Museum of the Russian Academy of was a native of Mozambique, spent most of his
Sciences in St. Petersburg, described R. schulzei life there working on trypanosomiasis and many
in 1 929 but gave no details of the host or local­ other parasitic diseases. Almost all of his tick
ity. In 1 948, Dr. B.I. Pomerantsev of the Zool­ work centred on species found in sub-Saharan
ogical Institute of the U.S. S.R. Academy of Africa, but in the 1 950s he made a tour outside
Sciences produced a description of R. leporis, Africa to several museums containing significant
published posthumously through the assistance tick collections. At the Zoological Museum in

520 Non-Afrotropical Rhipicephalus species

Hamburg, Germany he found and described R. KEY TO THE RHIPICEPHALUS

scalpturatus, a very rare species found in northern SPECIES MALES OCCURRING
India and Nepal but never yet recovered from a OUTSIDE THE AFROTROPICAL
host animal. REGION
In 1 966, the Indian entomologist, Vijai
Dhanda of the Virus Research Centre in Poona, 1 a. Adanal plates sickle-shaped . . . . . . . . . 2
described R. ramachandrai, a parasite of the In­ 1 b. Adanal plates variable but not sickle-
dian gerbil in Maharashtra State, India. shaped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Two other highly respected tick workers 2a. Conscutum smooth with conscutal setae
have contributed greatly to our knowledge of the small, inapparent. Primarily a parasite
genus Rhipicephalus. Brouria Feldman-Muhsam of domestic and wild ungulates from
at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and Car­ Pakistan eastward to Indonesia
leton M. Clifford at the Rocky Mountain Labora­ . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. haemaphysaloides
tory in Hamilton, Montana. In a series of articles, 2b. Conscutum irregular with conscutal setae
published initially with S. Adler and culminating conspicuous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. pilans
in one published in 1 9S6 on a number of 3a. A very large male with legs increasing
Rhipicephalus spp., Feldman-Muhsam demon­ markedly from I to IV; cervical fields deep,
strated the value of the female genital aperture for relatively narrow, curved troughs; posterior
the identification of ixodid tick species (Adler & body margin indented at central festoon.
Feldman-Muhsam, 1 946, 1 948; Feldman-Mu­ Recorded from the lowland areas of Nepal
hsam, 1 9S l , 1 9S6) . Clifford & Anastos ( 1 962), and northern India . . . . . R. scalpturatus
concentrating on the genus Rhipicephalus, 3b. Lacking this combination of male charac-
showed in a series of 23 illustrations of both ters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
mounted and unmounted preparations of female 4a. Entire conscutal area punctate, densely so
genital apertures that this technique is almost in posterior one-third, less so centrally;
indispensable for the specific determination of marginal lines distinct, composed of large
many female African Rhipicephalus. deep punctations extending anteriorly from
festoon I to cervical pits; festoons poorly
delineated. Primarily a parasite of the In­
REFERENCES dian gerbil in India and Nepal
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. ramachandrai
Adler, S. & Feldrnan-Muhsam, B. ( 1 946) . The differ­ 4b. Lacking this combination of characters
entiation of ticks of the genus Hyalomma in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Palestine. Refuah Veterinarith, 3, 9 1-4.
Sa. Numerous circumspiracular setae sur­
Adler, S. & Feldman-Muhsam, B. ( 1 948) . A note on
rounding each spiracle . . . . . . . R. bursa
the genus Hyalomma Koch in Palestine. Para­
Sb. Spiracles without numerous circum­
sitology, 39, 95-1 0 1 .
Feldman-Muhsam, B. ( 1 95 1 ) . The value ofthe female
spiracular setae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
genital aperture for specific diagnosis in the gen­ 6a. Length of conscutum less than 2.0 mm.
era Amblyomma and Dermacentor. Bulletin of the Primarily a parasite of the European
Research Council ofIsrael, 1, 1 64-5. rabbit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R.pusillus
Feldrnan-Muhsam, B. ( 1 956) . The value ofthe female 6b. Length of conscutum greater than
genital aperture and the peristigmal hairs for 2.0 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
specific diagnosis of the genus Rhipicephalus. 7a. Adanal plates narrow posteriorly; their
Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, SB, length about three times their breadth . . 8
300-6. 7b. Adanal plates broad posteriorly; their
Also see the following Basic Reference (p. 1 3 ) : length about two to two and a half times
Clifford & Anastos ( 1 962) .
their breadth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0
Key to non-Afrotropicalfemales 521

8a. Marginal lines shallow, quite indistinct and 2b. Scutum greater than 1 .0 m m in length
lightly punctate . . . . . . . . . . R. camicasi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
8b. Marginal lines deep, distinctly punctate . 9 3a. Genital aperture with lateral arms flaring
9a. Dorsal prolongation of spiracles broad, outward anteriorly . . . . . . . . . . R. pilans
equal to breadth of adjacent festoon 3b. Genital aperture with lateral arms not flar­
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. turanicus ing outward anteriorly . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
9b. Dorsal prolongation of spiracles narrow, 4a. Genital aperture bro,aply U-shaped with
equal to about one-half the breadth of bulging genital apron. Recorded from the
the adjacent festoon. Primarily a para­ lowland areas of Nepal and northern India
site of domestic dogs worldwide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. scalpturatus
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. sanguineus 4b. Genital aperture broadly or narrowly U­
1 Oa. Spiracular plates with a broad dorsal pro­ shaped, but without a bulging genital
longation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. rossicus apron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S
1 Ob. Spiracular plates with a narrow dorsal pro­ Sa. Scutum with external cervical margins
longation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 not marked by a series of larger puncta-
1 la. Adanal plates with small, medially-directed tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
cusps. A parasite of a wide variety of mam­ Sb. Scutum with external cervical margins
mals in southern Russia, Turkmenistan, marked by a series of larger punctations
Tajikistan, Kashmir and Mongolia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. pumilio 6a. Genital aperture narrowly U-shaped. Pri­
1 1 b. Adanal plates without small, medially­ marily a parasite of wild and domestic un­
directed cusps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 gulates from Pakistan eastward to In-
1 2a. Marginal lines delimit no, or only the first, donesia . . . . . . . . R. haemaphysaloides
festoons; spiracles small, each with a very 6b. Genital aperture broadly U-shaped. A
long, narrow dorsal prolongation. Primarily parasite of a wide variety of mammals in
a parasite of the Tolai hare in Kazakhstan, southern Russia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Iran Kashmir and Mongolia . . . . . R. pumilio
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. leporis 7a. Genital aperture narrowly U-shaped, with
1 2b. Marginal lines delimit first two festoons; slight pigmented hyaline flaps laterally
spiracles narrowly elongate, dorsal prolon­ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. camicasi
gation slightly narrower than the macular 7b. Genital aperture narrowly or broadly U­
area. Primarily parasitic on sousliks shaped, but without slight pigmented hya­
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. schulzei line flaps laterally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
8a. Scutum rounded posteriorly . . . . . . . . . 9
8b. Scutum sinuous posteriorly giving it a
KEY TO THE RHIPICEPHALUS shield shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1
SPECIES FEMALES OCCURRING 9a. Scutum greater than 1 .S mm in length
OUTSIDE THE AFROTROPICAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. rossicus
REGION 9b. Scutum less than 1 . S mm in length . . . . 1 0
1 Oa. Palps pointed apically; cervical fields
1a Spiracles surrounded by numerous circum­ rugose; scapulae punctate. Primarily para-
spiracular setae . . . . . . . . . . . . R. bursa sitic on sousliks . . . . . . . . . . R. schulzei
1 b. Spiracles not surrounded by numerous cir­ 1 Ob. Palps rounded apically; cervical fields
cumspiracular setae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 smooth, not rugose; scapulae impunctate.
2a. Scutum less than 1. 0 mm in length. Primar­ Primarily a parasite of the European
ily a parasite of the Indian gerbil in India rabbit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. pusillus
and Nepal . . . . . . . . . R. ramachandrai 1 l a. Genital aperture broadly U-shaped . . . 1 2
522 Non-Afro tropical Rhipicephalus species

1 1 b. Genital aperture narrowly U-shaped worldwide . . . . . . . . . . R. sanguineus


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. turanicus 1 2b. Cervical fields and scapulae smooth, quite

1 2a. Cervical fields with striations and shagreen­ impunctate. Primarily a parasite of the Tol­
ing; scapulae with a few large punctations. ai hare in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan,
Primarily a parasite of domestic dogs Afghanistan and Iran . . . . . . . R. leporis
Accounts of individual
species occurring outside
the Afrotropical region

RHIPICEPHALUS B URSA lines long and narrow, impunctate, delimiting

CANESTRINI & FANZAGO, 1 878 first festoons, and almost reaching eyes.
Posteromedian groove narrow, shallow and
The specific name bursa, from Middle Latin usually inconspicuous; posterolateral grooves
meaning a 'pouch' or a 'purse made of skin', broadly-oval shallow depressions. Ventrally spi­
refers to the bloated pouch-like appearance of an racles elongate in anteroposterior axis, each with
engorged female of this tick species. a short, narrow dorsal prolongation; circum­
spiracular setae present. Adanal plates large,
Synonym pointed anteriorly, broadly rounded posteriorly
with cusps or pointed prominences on their in­
ternal margins; accessory adanal plates absent or
present as very small, light-brown, sclerotized
Diagnosis points.

A large, light brown species. Female (Figs 230(b), 231 (d) to ({))
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
Male (Figs 230(a), 231(a) to (c)) ranging from 0.70 mm x 0.77 mm to 0.94
Capitulum usually slightly broader than long, mm x 1 .05 mm. Basis capituli with broad lat­
length x breadth ranging from 0.66 mm x 0 .71 eral angles at about the anterior third of its
m m to 0.88 m m x 0.88 mm. Basis capituli with length; porose areas large, about 1 .5 times their
short acute lateral angles in the anterior third of own diameter apart. Palps longer than those of
its length. Palps short, broad. Conscutum nar­ male, with pedicel of article I easily visible dor­
rower anteriorly, broadening posterior to eyes, sally. Scutum broader than long, length x
length x breadth ranging from 1 .55 mm x 1 .02 breadth ranging from 1 .4 1 mm x 1 .44 mm to
mm to 3.34 mm x 2 .26 mm; the light tan body 1 .82 mm x 1 .98 mm, posterior margin sinuous.
wall expanded laterally and posteriorly in en­ Eyes at lateral angles, slightly bulging, not edged
gorged specimens. Eyes marginal, slightly bul­ with punctations. Internal cervical margins
ging, not edged with punctations. Cervical pits short, deep, convergent; cervical fields narrow,
deep, then extending as very shallow troughs slightly sunken; external cervical margins slight­
just posterior to eyes. Punctations numerous, ly raised, not marked by punctations. Puncta­
fine, evenly distributed over scutal surface, a few tions on scutal surface fine with a few larger
larger punctations in scapular areas. Marginal punctations laterally. Ventrally spiracles with

524 Accounts of individual non-Afrotropical species

Figure 230. Rhipicephalus bursa [RML 1 20344; HH 851 14, collected on domestic bovine, Los Barrios, Cadiz, Spain,
May 26, 1 978 by L. E. Hueji] . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage de!.

Table 6 1 . Host records ofRhipicephalus bursa

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 40
Sheep 91
Goats 3 5 (including immatures)
Camels 1
Horses 10
Donkeys 1
Dogs 1

Wild animals
Mountain gazelle (Gazella gaze/la)
Argali ( Ovis ammon) 2
Wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) 7 (immatures)
Garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus) 1 (immatures)
European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) 3

Humans 2
R. bursa 525

Rhipicepha/us bursa
O Type locality (approximate)
• Approximate distribution
° 0
30 so

Map 65. Rhipicephalus bursa: distribution.

526 Accounts of indv z.du.al ncn-Afrotropical species
R. bursa 527

Figure 232. Rhi.pic.ephalus bursa (RML 85335; HH 8 l549, collected on domestic sheep, Karamlase, Mosul, [raq,
December 14, 1965 by]. Robsonj. Nymph: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae.
bars represent 0.01 mm. SEMs by P. Hill.

Figure 231 i ). Rhipfr.ephal.us bursa [RML 120344; HH 851 14, collected on Bos ra11rvs, Los Barrios, Cadiz, Spain,
May 26, 1978 by L. E. Hueli) . Male: (a) capirulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) capituJum, dorsal;
(e) spiracle; (f) genital aperrure. Scale bars represent 0. 10 mm. SEMs by P. Hill.
528 Account.s ofindividual non-Afrotropical species

Figure 233. RJripiaphaJus bursa [RM.L 85335; HH 81549, coUected on domestic sheep, K.aramlase, Mosul, Iraq,
December 14, 1965 byJ. Robson). Larva: (a) capirulwn, dorsal; (b) capirulum, ventral; (c) scurum; (d) coxae. Scale bars
represem 0.10 nun. SEMs by P. Hill.

ci.rcumspiracular setae as in male. Genital aper­ long, length x breadth ranging from 0.51
ture narrowly V-shaped with the base of me V mm x 0.66 mm to 0.59 nun x 0.72 mm, pos­
rounded, not pointed. terior margin a wide, fairly shallow curve. Eyes at
widest point, well over halfway back, marginal,
Nymph (Fig. 232) very slightly bulging. Cervical grooves deep in­
CapiruJwn broader than long, length x breadth itially, becoming shallower and diverging to the
ranging from 0.28 mm x 0.30 mm to 0.31 posterolaceral margins of the scurum. Ventrally
mm x 0.36 nun . Basis capiruli with. broadJy­ coxae l each with a long narrow external spur and
rounded lateral angles, post erior margin slightly a shorter, broader internal spur; coxae II to IV
convex, cornua absent. Palps as long as hypos­ each with an external spur only .
tome, cylindrical. Scurum much broader than
R. bursa 529

Larva (Fig. 233) on the dorsal outer surface as well as in the peri­
Capitulum slightly broader than long, length x anal and inguinal regions of these animals. In
breadth ranging from 0. 1 32 mm x 0. 1 37 mm to northern Spain adults are present on sheep from
0 . 1 44 mm x 0 . 1 46 mm. Basis capituli twice as July to September (Estrada-Pena, Dehesa & San­
broad as long, with rounded lateral angles, pos­ chez, 1 990), and in Turkey during June and July
terior margin convex. Palps cylindrical, about the (Gi::iksu, 1 969) . In Israel they are present from
same breadth throughout their length. Scutum April to July and the immatures from October to
much broader than long, length x breadth February (Yeruham et al., 1 996) . Only one life
ranging from 0.262 mm x 0.356 mm to 0.303 cycle a year is completed.
mm x 0.404 mm. Eyes at widest point, fiat to
very slightly raised. Cervical grooves short, par­
Zoo geography
allel to slightly convergent. Ventrally coxae I each
with a broad spur; coxae II and III each with a
The entire Mediterranean, Adriatic and Aegean
broad salient ridge on its posterior margin.
basins, including their islands and the North Af­
rican countries of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia
Notes on identification account for most records of this tick (Map 65) . It
A tick with a superficially but densely punctate has not been recorded from Egypt but quite re­
appearance and circumspiracular setae obvious cently R. bursa was found in Libya (Beesley &
in both males and females. Zumpt ( 1 942) found Gabaj, 1 99 1 ) . It is also present in Portugal in­
a great variability in the size and shape of the cluding the Machico area of Madeira (Torres de
punctations, adanal plates and shape of the spi­ Almeida, 1 995) which is the westernmost extent
racles in the adult offspring from a single female. of its range. Feldman-Muhsam ( 1 953) found
In addition, larvae from the same female can that R. bursa, although present in Israel, was not
have scuta of greatly differing shapes (Feldman­ common. In Syria, Liebisch & Zukari ( 1 978)
Muhsam, 1 953) . Beati et al. ( 1 998), using a encountered R. bursa infrequently and only in the
phylogenetic tree based on mitochondrial south-western arid and semi-arid part of the
1 2SrDNA gene sequences, found that species of country. It occurs in Switzerland, Bulgaria,
Boophilus clustered with the R. bursa group of Romania, northern Iraq, northern Iran, Azer­
ticks. They suggested that there may not be a baijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and
justification for Boophilus being a separate tick Ukraine. Thus in the Palearctic region it is gen­
genus from Rhipicephalus. erally found between the latitudes of 3 1 ° to 45°
North (Yeruham et al., 1 985). Rhipicephalus
bursa prefers grassy slopes and low to medium
altitude mountain slopes as well as certain modi­
fied steppe and semi-desert environments
A two-host species (Enigk, 1 943) of which im­
(Hoogstraal & Valdez, 1 980) .
matures and adults infest the same hosts. Cattle,
Records of R. bursa from various countries
sheep, goats and other domesticated animals are
in sub-Saharan Africa, Mexico, Venezuela,
now the primary hosts of this tick (Table 6 1 ) .
Uruguay, Haiti, Cuba, Timor and Xinjiang,
Wild ungulates were the original hosts (Hoog­
China are either misidentifications or accidental
straal & Valdez, 1 980) . Rhipicephalus bursa will
also feed on the wood mouse, rabbits and occa­
sionally humans. It has a predilection for drop­
ping from the host at night (Yeruham et al., Disease relationships
1 995b) .
Adult ticks attach mainly on the inner sur­ It has been demonstrated that R. bursa can
face of the ears of sheep but can also be present transmit Babesia bigemina, Babesia bovis and
530 Accounts of individual non-Afrotropical species

Anaplasma marginale to cattle (Brumpt, 1 93 1 ; Beesley, W.N. & Gabaj, M.M. ( 1 99 1 ) . New records
Sergent et al., 1 93 1 ) ; Babesia caballi and Babesia for Rhipicephalus bursa, Boophilus microplus, B.
equi to horses (Markov, Kurchatov & Dzasokov, decoloratus and Hypoderma lineatum from
Libya. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 5,
1 940, cited by Neitz, 1 956; Enigk, 1 943); and
Babesia motasi, Babesia ovis, Theileria separata,
Brumpt, E. ( 1 93 1 ) . Transmission d'Anaplasma mar­
Anaplasma ovis and possibly Ehrlichia ovina to
ginale par Rhipicephalus bursa et par Mar­
sheep (Rastegaidf, 1 933; Donatien & Les­ garopus. Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et
toquard, 1 937; Markov & Abramov, 1 970; Comparee, 9, 4-9.
Neitz, 1 972) . In a study on B. ovis in Israel, Canestrini, G. & Fanzago, F. ( 1 878) . Intorno agli
Yeruham et al. (l 995a) showed that morbidity acari italiani. Atti della Reale Istituto Veneta di
and mortality in sheep flocks occurred about 2 Scienze, Lettere ed Arte, ser. 5, 4, 69-208.
weeks after detection of adult R. bursa on the Darwish, M. & Hoogstraal, H. ( 1 98 1 ) . Arboviruses
animals, and no clinical cases of babesiosis were infecting humans and lower animals in Egypt: a
found when the pre-imaginal stages of R. bursa review of thirty years of research. Journal of the
were active. Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fe­ Egyptian Public Health Association, 5 6, 1-1 1 2 .
Donatien, A. & Lestoquard, R . ( 1 937) . Etat actual
ver virus has been isolated from this tick in
des connaissance sur les rickettsioses animales.
Greece and Kirgizia (Antoniadis & Casals,
Archives de l' /nstitut Pasteur d' Algerie, 15, 1 42-
1 982), and Thogoto virus in Sicily (Albanese et
87, 6 pls.
al., 1 972) . However, Darwish & Hoogstraal Enigk, K. ( 1 943) . Die Ubertrager der Pferdepiroplas­
( 1 98 1 ) consider that Thogoto isolates from Italy mose, ihre Verbreitung und Biologie. Archiv fur
represent a separate virus in the Thogoto sero­ wissenschaftliche und praktische Tierheilkunde,
group. It is also known to cause paralysis in 78, 209-40.
sheep (Anonymous, 1 984) . Estrada-Pena, A., Dehesa, V. & Sanchez, C. ( 1 990) .
The seasonal dynamics of Haemaphysalis punc­
tata, Rhipicephalus bursa and Dermacentor mar­
ginatus (Acari : Ixodidae) on sheep of Pais
REFERENCES Vasco (Spain) . Acarologia, 31, 1 7-24.
Feldman-Muhsam, B. ( 1 953) . Rhipicephalus bursa in
Albanese, M., Bruno-Smiraglia, C., Di Cuonzo, G., Israel. Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel,
Lavagnino, A. & Srihongse, S. ( 1 972) . Isola­ 3, 20 1-6.
tion of Thogoto virus from Rhipicephalus bursa Goksu, K. ( 1 969) . Bio-ecological studies of
ticks in western Sicily. Acta Virologica, 1 6, 267. Rhipicephalus bursa Canestrini and Fanzago,
(Letter to the editor) . 1 877 (sic) (Acarina: Ixodoidea) under field and
Anonymous ( 1 984) . Ticks and Tick-borne Disease laboratory conditions. Ankara Universitesi Vet­
Control. A Practical Field Manual. Volume 1 . eriner FakUltesi Dergisi, 16, 295-3 1 2 . [In Tur­
Tick Control. Rome: Food and Agriculture Or­ kish; English summary] .
ganization of the United Nations. Hoogstraal, H. & Valdez, R. ( 1 980) . Ticks
Antoniadis, A. & Casals, J. ( 1 982) . Serological evi­ (Ixodoidea) from wild sheep and goats in Iran
dence of human infection with Congo-Crimean and medical and veterinary implications. Fiel­
hemorrhagic fever virus in Greece. American diana: Zoology, New Series, No. 6, 1-16.
Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 31, Liebisch, A. & Zukari, M. ( 1 978) . Biological and
1 066-7 . (Brief communication) . ecological studies on ticks of the genera
Beati, L., Tasmandjan, A., Keirans, J.E. & Raoult, D. Boophilus, Rhipicephalus and Hyalomma in Syr­
( 1 998) . Phylogenetic relationships of hard-tick ia. In Tick-borne Diseases and their Vectors, ed.
species belonging to the genera Rhipicephalus J.K.H. Wilde, pp. 1 5 0-62. Edinburgh: Edin­
and Boophilus based on mitochondrial burgh University Press.
1 2SrDNA gene sequences. Program and Ab­ Markov, A.A. & Abramov, I.V. ( 1 970) . Results of a
stracts, 4 7th Annual Meeting, American Journal twenty years' observation on repeated cycles of
of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 59, 2 1 0-1 1 .
R. haemaphysaloides 531

Babesia ovis in forty-four generations of Zumpt, F . ( 1 942). Die Variationsbreite der Nach­
Rhipicephalus bursa. Trudy Vsesoyuznogo In­ kommen eines Weibchens von R. bursa Can. u.
stituta Eksperimental'noy Veterinarii, 38, 5-14. Fanz. IV. Vorstudie zu einer Revision der Gat­
[In Russian; translation 1 636, NAMRU-3, tung Rhipicephalus. Zeitschrift fur Parasiten­
Cairo] . kunde, 12, 444-50.
Neitz, W.O. ( 1 956) . Classification, transmission and
biology of piroplasms of domestic animals. An­
nals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 64, RHIPICEPHALUS
56-1 1 1 .
Neitz, W.O. ( 1 972) . The experimental transmission
of Theileria ovis by Rhipicephalus evertsi mi­
meticus and R. bursa. Onderstepoort Journal of The specific name haemaphysaloides, from the
Veterinary Research, 39, 83-5. Greek genitive, haimatos meaning 'blood', plus
Rastega"ieff, E.F. ( 1 933). Zur Frage der Ubertrager the Greek genitive physalidos meaning 'a blad­
der Schaf-piroplasmosen in Azerbaidschan der', refers to the bloated, bladder-like, blood­
(Transkaukasien) . Archiv fur Wissenschaftliche engorged abdomen of females of this tick.
und Praktische Tierheilkunde, 67, 1 76-86.
Sergent, E., Donatien, A., Parrot, L. & Lestoquard, Synonyms
F. ( 1 93 1 ) . Transmission hereditaire de Pirop­
lasma bigeminum chez Rhipicephalus bursa. Per­ haemaphysaloides expeditus; haemaphysaloides
sistence du parasite chez des tiques nourries sur niger; haemaphysaloides ruber; ruber.
des chevaux. Bulletin de la Sociece de Pathologie
Exotique, 24, 1 95-8.
Torres de Almeida, V. C. ( 1 995) . Sohre as areas de Diagnosis
ocorrencia <las especies da familia Ixodidae
conhecidas na Ilha da Madeira. Revista do Sin­ A large, brown species, with sickle-shaped adanal
dicato Nacional dos Medicos Veterinarios, 5, 36- plates in the male.
Yeruham, I., Hadani, A., Galker, F. (Kronthal), Male (Figs 234(a), 235(a) to (c))
Mauer, E., Rubina, M. & Rosen, S. ( 1 985) . Capitulum slightly longer than broad, length x
The geographical distribution and animal hosts
breadth ranging from 0.76 mm x 0.72 mm to
of Rhipicephalus bursa (Canestrini and Fanzago,
0.89 mm x 0.88 mm. Basis capituli with acute
1 877) (sic), in Israel. Revue d'Elevage et de
lateral angles at about anterior third of its length.
Medecine Viterinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 38
(nouvelle serie), 1 73-9. Conscutum narrower anteriorly, broadening
Yeruham, I., Hadani, A., Galker, F. & Rosen, S. posterior to eyes, length x breadth ranging from
( 1 995a) . A study of an enzootic focus of sheep 3 . 1 8 mm x 2.20 mm to 3.88 mm x 2.61 mm.
babesiosis (Babesia ovis, Babes, 1 892) . Veterin­ Body wall slightly expanded laterally in engorged
ary Parasitology, 60, 349-54. specimens; in partially engorged specimens the
Yeruham, I., Hadani, A., Galker, F. & Rosen, S. middle festoon protrudes as a caudal process; in
( 1 996) . The seasonal occurrence of ticks (Acari fully engorged specimens, the first two festoons
: Ixodidae) on sheep and in the field in the on either side protrude as do the middle three
Judean area of Israel. Experimental and Applied festoons. Eyes marginal, flat, not edged dorsally
Acarology, 20, 47-56.
with punctations. Cervical pits deep, short.
Yeruham, I., Hadani, A., Galker, F. (Kronthal),
Scutal surface smooth with scattered, shallow,
Rosen, S. & Gunders, A. ( 1 995b) . The daily
medium-sized punctations. Marginal lines ap­
distribution and circadian rhythm of detach­
ment of engorged Rhipicephalus bursa ticks pear as long, punctate grooves delimiting first
from lambs and rabbits. Medical and Veterinary two festoons, and ending well before eyes.
Entomology, 9, 445-7. Posteromedian groove long, broad and deep,
ending in a bulbous depression posteriorly;
532 Accounts of individual non-Afrotropical species


Figure 234. Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides (RML 9 1 868; HH 8 1 556, collected on vegetation around corn fields and the
Trisuli River bank, Syaburbensi, Rasuwa, Nepal, June 30, 1 970 by R. M. Mitchell) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal.
Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.

posterolateral grooves circular, comma, or tear­ tively impunctate. Ventrally genital aperture nar­
drop-shaped, shallower than posteromedian rowly U -shaped.
groove. Ventrally spiracles comma-shaped,
broad throughout their length. Adana) plates
sickle-shaped; accessory adanal plates weakly de­ Nymph (Fig. 236)
veloped, small sclerotized points. Capitulum much broader than long, length x
breadth ranging from 0.22 mm x 0.32mm to
Female (Figs 234(b), 235(d) to (f)) 0.27mm x 0.36 mm. Basis capituli three times
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth as broad as long with sharply pointed lateral
ranging from 0.86 mm x 0.90 mm to 0.96 angles; posterior margin straight, then becoming
mm x 1 .05 mm. Basis capituli with lateral angles concave posterolaterally over scapulae; cornua
not markedly curved; porose areas small, subcir­ present but small; ventrally spurs on posterior
cular, about 1 . 5 times their own diameter apart. margin. Palps relatively short, tapering over hy­
Scutum about as long as broad, length x breadth postome. Scutum longer than broad, length x
ranging from 1 .68 mm x 1 .65 mm to 1 .90 breadth ranging from 0.45 mm x 0.43 mm to
mm x 1 .92 mm, posterior margin sinuous. Eyes 0.55 mm x 0.46 mm. Eyes at posterolateral
at lateral angles, fiat, yellowish, elongate, not angles, well over halfway back, marginal, fiat.
edged with punctations. Internal cervical mar­ Cervical grooves short, convergent; cervical
gins short, convergent; cervical fields slightly de­ fields narrow, shagreened, barely indicated. Ven­
pressed, scalpel-shaped, a few irregular puncta­ trally coxae I each with two sharply-pointed
tions along external cervical margins. Raised subequal spurs, the external narrower; coxae II to
lateral borders and central area of scutum rela- IV each with a single, small external spur.
R. haemaphy-Saloides 533

45 ° 60 ° 75 ° 90 ° 1 05 ° 1 20 ° 1 35 °

Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides
• Type locality
• Approximate distribution
0 Unconfirmed locality record

45 ° 60 ° 75 ° 90 ° 1 35 °

Map 66. Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides: distribution.

Larva (Fig. 237) Notes on identification

Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth Males of R. haemaphysaloides have sickle-shaped
ranging from 0. 1 22 mm x 0. 1 58 mm to 0 . 1 60 adanal plates and small, inconspicuous conscutal
mm x 0. 1 77 mm. Basis capituli about 2 . 5 times setae. Females of this species have a narrow U­
as broad as long; posterior margin distinctly shaped genital aperture and sparse alloscutal
convex, lateral margins tapering slightly anter­ setae. This tick resembles R. pilans which has long
iorly towards palps. Palps short, exterior mar­ scutal and alloscutal setae, and R. sanguineus
gins convex, about same length as hypostome. which, in the male, does not have sickle-shaped
Scutum broader than long, length x breadth adanal plates and, in the female has a broad
ranging from 0.283 mm x 0.346 mm to 0.328 U-shaped genital aperture. Kadarsan ( 1 97 1 ) sep­
mm x 0.373 mm. Eyes at widest point, ap­ arated larval specimens of R. haemaphysaloides
proximately halfway back, flat to very slightly from R. pilans by noting that the former had palps
bulging. Cervical grooves very slight and shal­ that are bluntly pointed and a basis capituli as
low. Ventrally coxae I each with a broadly­ wide as the anterior margin of the scutum, while
rounded spur; coxae II and III each with a small the latter species had acutely-pointed palps and a
rounded spur. basis capituli wider than the anterior margin ofthe
534 Accounts ofindividual non-Afrotropical species
R. haemaphysaloides 535

Figure 236 (ah<>Ve). Rhipic.ephaJus haemaphysoJoides (R J\U .. 84781; HH 82526, collected on greater bandicoot rat

(Ba11dico1a indica), University Hospital, Chingmai, Thailand, January 1972 by M. KJiks). Nymph: (a) capirulum, dorsal;
(b) capiculum, ventral; (c) SC\Jtum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represenc 0 . 1 0 mm. SEMs by P. Hill.

Figure 235 (()pposize). Rhipiaphaltts haemaphysak>ides (RML 91868; HH 81 556, collected on vegetation aTound com
fields and the Trisuli River bank, Syaburbensi, Rasuwa, Nepal,June 30, 1970 by R. M. Mitchell). Male: (a) capitulum,
dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) capitulum, do�al; (e) scutum; (f) genital aperrure. Scale bars represenc
0. 10 mm. SEMs by P Hill.
536 Accounts ofindividual tWn-Afrotropical species

Figure 23 7. Rhip�phalus ham1apltysaunths (RML 91868; HH 8 1 5 56, collected on vegetation around com fields and the
Trisuli River bank, Syaburbcnsi, Rasuwa, Nepal, June 30, 1970 by R.M. Mitchell). Llin•a: (a) capiculum, dorsal; (b)
capirulum, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by P. Hill.

Hosts between 4448 and 6540 eggs. Ismail et al. (1 982)

found that the life cycle varied between 166 and
A three-host species Gagannath, Alwar & 2 1 2 days at a temperature ranging from 23.9°C
Lalitha, 1972). In the first study of the life cycle to 28.9 °C, and that a single femaJe deposited
of R. haemaphysaloides, Jagannath et al. (1972) 3779 eggs over 19 days.
found that the life cycle took from 77 to 1 L 2 days Ungulates account for most collections of
and that 1 0 females kept al[ 37 °C laid between this tick. It will feed on all domestic livestock, as
1 102 and 4972 eggs. Gill & Bhattacharyulu well as wild sheep, goats and pigs (Table 62). In a
(1981) found that the life cycle took from 72 to srudy of ticks in Maharashtra Stace, India,
107 days at 27 °C to 33 °C and 75% to 85% Geevarghese & Dhanda (1995) recorded 591
relative hwnidity (RH), and that females laid adulc R. ha.emaphysaloides on 1438 cattle, 1 5 4 on
R. haemaphysaloides 537

Table 62. Host records ofRhipicephalus haemaphysaloides

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 11
Water buffaloes 2
Sheep 5
Goats 8
Camels 2
Horses 4
Donkeys 2
Pigs 4
Dogs 6

Wild animals
House shrew (Suncus murinus) 2 (immatures)
Golden jackal (Canis aureus) 3
Dhole (Guan alpinus) 1
Asian golden cat ( Catopuma temminckiz)
Leopard (Panthera pardus) 2
Tiger (Panthera tigris)
Spotted deer (Axis axis)
Sambar ( Cervus unicolor) 2
Indian muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak) 3
Nilgiri tahr (Hemitragus hylocrius) 1
Himalayan tahr (Hemitragusjemlahicus) 1
Common goral (Naemorhedus sumatraensis) 1
'Marmot' (Marmota sp.) 1
Indian gerbil ( Tatera indica) 1 (immatures)
Greater bandicoot rat (Bandicota indica) 1 (nymph)
Indian bush rat ( Golunda elliotz) 1 (immatures)
Little Indian field mouse (Mus booduga) 4 (immatures)
House mouse (Mus musculus) 1 5 (immatures)
Indian brown spiny mouse (Mus platythrix) 1 (immatures)
Mus saxicola 1 (immatures)
Blandford's rat (Rattus blandfordi) 3 (immatures)
Black rat (Rattus rattus) 8 (immatures)
Indian hare (Lepus nigricollis) 1
'Hare' (Lepus sp.) 1

Crow pheasant (Centropus sinensis) 1 (immatures?)
Oriental yellow-eyed babbler ( Chrysomma sinense) 1 (immatures?)

Humans 9
538 Accounts of individual non-Afrotropical species

900 water buffaloes, 3 1 3 o n 1 065 sheep, and 406 causative agent of theileriosis, transstadially from
on 1 785 goats. Preferred attachment sites were the larval stage to the nymph and to the adult
the ears, but the axilla and inguinal areas were also (Bhattacharyulu, Chaudheri & Gill, 1 97 5).
utilized. It will also parasitize monkeys and hu­
mans. Rodents are the primary hosts for imma­
tures, which will also feed on shrews. Geevar­ REFERENCES
ghese & Dhanda ( 1 995) listed a total of965 larvae
and 300 nymphs of R. haemaphysaloides parasitiz­ Anastos, G. ( 1 950) . The scutate ticks, or Ixodidae, of
ing the following hosts: the Indian gerbil, Indian Indonesia. EntomologicaAmericana, 30(n.s.), 1-
bush rat, Blandford's rat, black rat, little Indian 1 44.
field mouse, Indian brown spiny mouse and Mus Bhat, H.R, Naik, S .V., Ilkal, M.A. & Banerjee, K.
( 1 978) . Transmission of Kyasanur Forest dis­
saxicola, as well as the following birds, the oriental
ease virus by Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides
yellow-eyed babbler and crow pheasant.
ticks. Acta Virologica, 22, 24 1-4.
Mitchell ( 1 979) listed 1 6 species of mam­
Bhattacharyulu, Y., Chaudheri, RP. & Gill, B.S.
malian hosts for this tick in Nepal, and Robbins et ( 1 97 5 ) . Transstadial transmission of Theileria
al. ( 1 997) recorded a single female R. haema­ annulata through common ixodid ticks infesting
physaloidesfrom the endangered Asian golden cat. Indian cattle. Parasitology, 71, 1-7 .
Geevarghese, G . & Dhanda, V . ( 1 995) . Ixodid ticks of
Maharashtra state, India. Acarologia, 36, 309-1 3 .
Zoo geography
Gill, H.S. & Bhattacharyulu, Y. ( 1 9 8 1 ) . Note on lab­
oratory studies on the life history of
Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides is distributed in Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides Supino, 1 89 7
the lowlands from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, (Acarina: Ixodidae) . Indian Journal of Animal
India and Sri Lanka eastward throughout conti­ Science, 51, 901-2.
nental Southeast Asia to Taiwan and the In­ Ismail, S., Nadchatram, M., Ho, T.M. & Ra­
donesian islands of Sumatra Utara and Sulawesi jamanickam, C. ( 1 982) . The life cycle of
(Anastos, 1 950; Kadarsan, 1 9 7 1 ; Kolonin, Rhipicephalus h. haemaphysaloides (Acarina:
1 992) (Map 66) . This tick has also recently been Ixodidae) under laboratory conditions.
recorded from the Lao People's Democratic Re­ Malayan Nature Journal, 35, 73-5.
Jagannath, M.S., Alwar, V.S. & Lalitha, C.M. ( 1 972) .
public (Petney & Keirans, 1 996; Robbins et al.,
Study on the life-history of Rhipicephalus haema­
1 997) . The single record from Luzon in the Phi­
physaloides Supino, 1 897 (Acarina: Ixodidae) .
lippines (Pippin, 1 966) needs verification. For
Indian Journal ofAnimal Science, 42, 847-60.
many years R. haemaphysaloides was considered Kadarsan, S. ( 1 97 1 ) . Larval ixodid ticks of Indonesia
to have a distribution in the northern portion of (Acarina: Ixodidae). PhD thesis: University of
the Oriental region, with R. pilans occupying the Maryland, College Park, 1 82 pp.
southern portion of this region. However, this Kolonin, G.V. ( 1 992) . The fauna of ixodid ticks
allopatric distribution has been questioned by (Acarina, Ixodidae) of vertebrate animals in
Kadarsan ( 1 97 1 ) with the finding of R. haema­ Vietnam, In Zoological Research in Vietnam, ed.
physaloides on Sulawesi where R. pilans is also V.E. Sokolov, pp. 242-76. Moscow: Science.
known to occur. [In Russian] .
Mitchell, RM. ( 1 979) . A list of ectoparasites from
Nepalese mammals, collected during the Nepal
Disease relationships ectoparasite program. Journal of Medical Ento­
mology, 16, 227-33.
In the laboratory, R. haemaphysaloides has been Petney, T.N. & Keirans, J.E. ( 1 996) . Ticks of the
shown to be a competent vector of Kyasanur genera Boophilus, Dermacentor, Nosomma and
Forest disease virus (Bhat et al., 1 978) . However, Rhipicephalus (Acari: Ixodidae) in South-east
Asia. Tropical Biomedicine, 13, 73-84.
it was unable to transmit Theileria annulata, a
R. leporis 539

Pippin, W.F. ( 1 966) . Scientific note. An addition to Synonym

the tick fauna of the Philippines. PhilippineJour­
nal of Science, 94, 395. ?pomeranzevi.
Robbins, R.G., Karesh, W.B., Rosenberg, S., Schon­
walter, N. & Inthavong, C. ( 1 997) . Two note­
worthy collections of ticks (Acari: Ixodida:
Ixodidae) from endangered carnivores in the
A small, light to reddish-brown species.
Lao People's Democratic Republic. Entomologi­
cal News, 108, 60-2.
Supino, F. ( 1 89 7) . Nuovi Ixodes della Birmania. Male (Figs 238(a), 239(a) to (c))
(Nota preventiva) . Atti della Societa Veneto­ Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
Trentia di Scienze Naturali in Padova, 2nd Ser, 3, ranging from 0.55 mm x 0.62 mm to 0.62
230-8. mm x 0.69 mm. Basis capituli with short, acute
lateral angles at the anterior third of its length.
Palps short, broad. Conscutum narrow anterior­
ly, broadening posterior to eyes, length x
RHIPICEPHALUS LEPORIS breadth ranging from 2.53 mm x 1 .34 mm to
POMERANTSEV, 1 946 2.80 mm x 1 .74 mm. Body wall expanded
laterally and posteriorly with festoon VI slightly
The specific name leporis is derived from the protruded in engorged specimens. Eyes marginal,
Latin lepus, genitive leporis, meaning 'belonging very slightly raised from conscutal surface, edged
to the hare'. dorsally with two or three small punctations.

Figure 238. Rhipicephalus leporis (RML 7468 1 ; HH 30542, collected on red fox ( Vulpes vulpes), 8-1 1 km west of Herat,
Afghanistan, September 1 9, 1 965 by the Street Expedition) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1
mm. A. Olwage del.
540 AccormLS of inditJidual non-Afrorropical spedes
R. leporis 541

Figure 240 (abe>Vc). Rhipic.ephalu.s lepcri.s (RML 7468 1; HH 30542, coUected on red fox ( Vulpes vulpes), 8-1 1 km west of
Herat, Afgh.anista.n, September 19, 1965 by the Street Expedition). Nymph; (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum,
venttal; (c) scururn; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by P. Hill.

Figure 239 (cppcsiJ.e). Rhipiaphalus lepcri.s (RML 7468 1 ; HH 30542, collected on red fox ( Vulpes vulpes), 8-1 1 km west
of Herat, Afghanistan, September 19, 1965 by the Street Expedition). 1\fale: (a) capirulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c)
adanal places. Female: (d) capiruJum, dorsal; (e) scapular area; (I) genital apercure. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SE.Ms
by P. Hill.
542 Accounts of individual non-Afrotropical species

Table 63 . Host records ofRhipicephalus leporis

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Goats 1
Dogs 2

Wild animals
Desert hedgehog (Hemiechinus aethiopicus) 2
Long-eared hedgehog (Hemiechinus auritus) 3
Brandt's hedgehog (Hemiechinus hypomelas) 2
Golden jackal (Canis aureus) 3
Red fox ( Vulpes vulpes) 6 (including nymphs)
Steppe polecat (Mustela eversmanniz) 1
Great gerbil (Rhombomys opimus) 1
Cape hare (Lepus capensis) 5
Tolai hare (Lepus tolaz) 1 2 (including immatures)
'Hare' 3

30 ° 45 ° so
75° 90 °
posteriorly. Marginal lines narrow, shallow,
punctate, usually not delimiting first festoons and
ending well before eyes. Posteromedian groove
elongate, narrow; posterolateral grooves semicir­
cular, not as deep as posteromedian groove. Ven­
trally spiracles small, compact each with a very
long, narrow dorsal prolongation. Adanal plates
tear-drop-shaped, slightly concave medially with
rounded posterior margins; accessory adanal
plates represented by small almost translucent
l--!---c-1-+�....-=---+----'<+--+---1 15° hyaline points.

Female (Figs 238(b), 239(d) to (j))

0• Rhipicepha/us /eporis o Capitulum much broader than long,
• Type locality
length x breadth ranging from 0.56 mm x 0.66
• Approximate distribution
0 Unconfirmed locality record mm to 0.65 mm x 0.80 mm. Basis capituli with
30 ° 75 °
short bluntly-pointed lateral angles at about one
45° so
90 °
half of its length; porose areas small, subcircular,
Map 67. Rhipicephalus leporis: distribution. almost twice their own diameter apart. Palps
short, broad. Scutum longer than broad,
length x breadth ranging from 1 .26 mm x 1 . 1 7
Cervical pits short, deep, comma-shaped to mm to 1 . 5 1 mm x 1 .43 mm, posterior margin
slightly convergent; external cervical margins in­ sinuous giving the scutum a shield-like shape.
dicated by a short row of medium-sized setiferous Eyes at lateral angles, fiat to very slightly raised,
punctations; an indication of punctations in a with or without edging punctations. Internal cer­
'simus' pattern on central conscutum, intersper­ vical margins convergent then divergent; cervical
sed with numerous fine punctations especially fields depressed, scalpel-shaped, external cervi-
R. leporis 543

cal margins relatively steep, edged with large (Table 63). The U.S. National Tick Collection
punctations; raised lateral borders with a few contains specimens from dogs, the golden jackal
punctations. Ventrally genital aperture broadly and Brandt's hedgehog.
U-shaped. In Turkmenistan R. leporis parasitizes the
Tolai hare in all months of the year except De­
Nymph (Fig. 240) cember (Afanaseva & Sapozhenkov, 1 965).
Only two specimens available for measurements.
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth Zoogeography
ranging from 0.23 mm x 0.27 mm to 0.25
mm x 0.30 mm. Basis capituli more than three Rhipicephalus leporis is known from Kazakhstan,
times as broad as long with sharply-pointed lat­ Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Iran (Hoog­
eral angles; posterior margin straight, then be­ straal, 1 973; Arsen'eva & Neronov, 1 980) ( Map
coming concave posterolaterally over scapulae, 67). Reports of this tick species in Iraq are con­
cornua absent; ventrally with small spurs on its sidered tentative identifications (Shamsuddin &
posterior margin. Palps short, tapering over hy­ Mohammad, 1 988) .
postome, external margins straight throughout
most of their length. Scutum much broader than
long, length x breadth ranging from 0.44 Disease relationships
mm x 0.54 mm to 0.46 mm x 0 . 5 5 mm. Eyes at
posterolateral angles, well over halfway back, Unknown.
marginal, slightly raised. Cervical grooves short,
parallel to slightly convergent; cervical fields
broad, only slightly indicated. Ventrally coxae I REFERENCES
each with two very small pointed spurs; coxae II
and III each with a minute external spur; coxae Afanaseva, O.V. & Sapozhenkov, Yu.F. ( 1 965) . Data
on the ixodid ticks of the hare Lepus in Turk­
IV each without spurs.
menia. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoy
SSR, 4, 9 1-2. [In Russian] .
Larva Arsen'eva, L.P. & Neronov, V.M. ( 1 980) . Ticks -
Unknown. ectoparasites of wild and domestic animals in
Afghanistan. Meditsinskaya Parazitologiya,
Notes on identification Moskva, 49, 37-42. [In Russian, English trans­
Males of R. leporis superficially resemble males of lation T 1 553, NAMRU-3, Cairo] .
R. pumilio, but the small compact spiracles with Hoogstraal, H. ( 1 973) . Biological patterns in the Af­
ghanistan tick fauna. In Proceedings of the 3rd
their extremely narrow dorsal prolongations and
International Congress of Acarology, Prague, Au­
the tear-drop shaped adanal plates separate them
gust 31 - September 6, 1 971, ed. M. Daniel & B.
from R. pumilio. The smaller-sized scutum with
Roziky, pp. 5 1 1-14. Prague: Academia.
large punctations on the external cervical mar­ Pomerantsev, B.I. ( 1 946) . Les tiques (Ixodidae) de la
gins separates females of R. leporis from those of faune de l'URSS et des pays limitrophes. Op­
R. pumilio. redeliteli po Faune SSSR, Izdavaemye Zoologi­
cheskim Institutom Akademii Nauk SSSR, (26),
1-28. [In Russian, French title] .
Shamsuddin, M. & Mohammad, M. K. ( 1 988) . Inci­
dence, distribution, and host relationships of
Presumed to be a three-host tick. The primary some ticks (lxodoidea) in Iraq. Journal of the
host of R. leporis is the Tolai hare, on which all University ofKuwait (Sciences), 15, 321-9.
stages will feed. Other hosts include hedgehogs, Also see the following Basic Reference (p. 1 3) :
medium-sized carnivores and the Cape hare Filippova ( 1 997) .
544 Accounts of individual non-Afrotropical species

105° 1 35° 150°

1 935 30°f---+----+---+-">--1---+--" 30°

The specific name, from the Latin, pil, pilus

meaning 'hair', refers to the distinctive short
white setae found on this species.


haemaphysaloides pilans; haemaphysaloides

paulopunctata; paulopunctatus.


A medium-sized, dark brown species. 300 Rhipicephalus pi/ans

• Type locality
Male (Figs 241 (a), 242(a) to (c)) • Approximate distribution

Capitulum longer than broad to slightly broader 1 20 °

than long, length x breadth ranging from 0.69

Map 68. Rhipicephalus pilans: distribution.
mm x 0.65 mm to 0.87 mm x 0.88 mm. Basis

. .

b '



Figure 24 1 . Rhipicephalus pilans 6' ( RML 9488 1; HH 8 1 785, collected o n common palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphro­
ditus), Lampung Selatan, Sumatra, Indonesia, June 1 1 , 1971, by H. Hoogstraal, P.F.D. Van Peenan and S. Gaber) . C;2
(RML 9487 5; HH 8 1 778, collected on vegetation, Lampsing, Lampung Selatan, Sumatra, Indonesia, June 8, 1 9 7 1 , by
H. Hoogstraal and S. Gaber) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.
R. pilans 545

Table 64. Host records ofRhipicephalus pilans

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 5
Water buffaloes 12
Horses 8 (including immatures)
Pigs 4
Dogs 6 (including immatures)

Wild animals
Lesser moonrat (Hylomys suillus) 1 (immatures)
Sulawesi white-toothed shrew (Crocidura nigripes) 2 (immatures)
House shrew (Suncus murinus) 2
Leschenault's rousette (Rousettus leschenaulti) 1 (immatures)
Tiger (Panthera tigris) 1
Common palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus)
Timor deer ( Cervus timorensis) 2 (including immatures)
Sambar ( Cervus unicolor) 1
Greater bandicoot rat (Bandicota indica) 2 (immatures)
Sulawesi rat (Bunomys penitus) 1 (immatures)
Oriental spiny rat (Maxomys bartelsiz) 2 (immatures)
Chestnut rat (Niviventerfulvescens) 1 (immatures)
Ricefield rat (Rattus argentiventer) 3 (immatures)
Polynesian rat (Rattus exulans) 24 (immatures)
Rattus tanezumi 3 (immatures)
Malaysian field rat (Rattus tiomanicus) 2 (immatures)
'Rat' (Rattus sp.) 2 (immatures)
Humans 2

capituli with short, acute lateral angles in the very conspicuous; posteromedian groove a deep
anterior third of its length. Palps short, broad. trough, posterolateral grooves deep and comma­
Conscutum narrower anteriorly, broadening shaped. Ventrally spiracles elongate in the ante­
posterior to eyes, length x breadth ranging from roposterior plane, each with a short broad dorsal
2.63 mm x 1 .63 mm to 3.50 mm x 2.46 mm. prolongation. Adanal plates narrow anteriorly,
Body wall only slightly expanded laterally and broad posteriorly with relatively straight pos­
posteriorly in engorged specimens with a small terior margins, distinctly concave medially with
bulbous caudal protrusion. Eyes marginal, flat, small pointed cusps; accessory adanal plates
usually edged dorsally with a few small puncta­ sharply V-shaped sclerotized points.
tions. Cervical pits deep, short, slightly converg­
ing to comma-shaped. Numerous large, deep, Female (Figs 241 (b), 242(d) to (j))
setiferous punctations scattered over conscutum Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
giving the surface a pilose, irregularly roughened ranging from 0.65 mm x 0.74 mm to 0.79
appearance. Marginal lines deep, punctate, de­ mm x 0.89 mm. Basis capituli with lateral angles
limiting first festoons and extending almost to at about the anterior third of its length; porose
eyes. Posteromedian and posterolateral grooves areas small, suboval, almost twice their own
546 Accounts of individual non-Afrotropical species
R. pilans 547

Figure 243 (ab<>ve). RJ1ipiceplzalus pi/ans (RML 120345; HH 840 1 1 , coUected on greater bandicoot rat (Bandiccia. indi
Sunter,Jakana,Java, [ndonesia, November23, 1 976, byJ. D. M.). Nymph: (a) capirulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventra.l;
(c) scurum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by P. Hill.

Figure 242 (qpposi�). Rhipiceplzaltls pilans J (RML 120339; HH 81781, collected on vegetation in disturbed original
forest, Lampung Tengah, Sumatra, Indonesia, June I 0, 1971, by H. Hoogstraal and S. Gaber). Male: (a) capirulum,
dorsal; (b) spiracle; (e) adanal plates; femaJe: (RM.L 94873; HH 81 572, coUected on domestic pig, Loho Liang VaUey,
Komodo lsland, Indonesia, March 27, 1970, by W. Au1fenberg), (d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scurum; (l) genital apenure.
Scale bars represent 0.10 mm, SEMs by P. Hill.
548 Acccunc..s ofindividual rwn-Afroiropical species

Figure 244. Rhipi.cephalus {A/ans (RML 94929; HH 82608, collected on Timor deer (Cerous cimorensis), Uranga, Lake
Lindu, Sulawesi, lndonesia, December 4, 1972). Larva: (a) capirulum, dorsal; (b) capirulum, ventral; (c) scutum; (d)
coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by P. Hill

diameter apart. Scurum slightly longer than smaller on raised lateral borders. Alloscutal sur­
broad to slightly broader than long, length x face pilose. Ventrally genital aperture U-shaped
breadth ranging from 1 .40 mm x 1.35 mm to with lateral arms curving outward at the top.
1 .62 mm x 1 .67 mm, posterior margin sinuous.
Eyes a1 lateral angles, flat to slightly raised, edged Nymph (Fig. 243)
dorsally with a few punctations. Internal cervical CapituJwn much broader than Jong,
margins relatively steep declinations, convergent length x breadth ranging from 0.23 mm x 0.31
then divergent; cervical fields sunken, roughly nun to 0.30 mm x 0.35 nun. Basis capiruli over
scalpel-shaped, with several medium-sized to 2.5 times as broad as long with tapering lateral
large setiferous punctations along cheir excernal angles overlapping the scapulae; comua absent
margins and on the central scutal area, fewer and to very slightly indicated; ventrally with spurs on
R. pilans 549

posterior margin. Palps elongate, tapering, exter­ it from a tiger (Table 64) . Immatures have been
nal margin distinctly concave. Scutum longer collected from horses, dogs and rats (Kadarsan,
than broad, length x breadth ranging from 0.43 1 97 1 ) .
mm x 0.41 mm to 0.53 mm x 0.43 mm. Eyes at
widest point, well over halfway back, flat, out­
lined with a few small setiferous punctations.
Cervical fields barely indicated. Ventrally coxae I
Rhipicephalus pilans has been recorded from the
each with two subequal sharply-pointed spurs,
Philippines and the Indonesian islands of Sumatra
the external spur slightly longer; coxae II to IV
Selatan, Java, Bawean, Madura, Kalimantan,
each with a single small external spur.
Sulawesi, Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Sumba,
Komodo, Flores, Sawu, Roti, Timar and Alar
Larva (Fig. 244) (Anastos, 1 950; Kadarsan, 1 9 7 1 ) (Map 68) .
Capitulum much broader than long, length x
breadth ranging from 0.097 mm x 0. 1 28 mm to
0. 1 27 mm x 0.205 mm. Basis capituli over three Disease relationships
times as broad as long, posterior margin slightly
concave; lateral angles irregular, tapering. Unknown, but this tick was probably the species
Scutum much broader than long, length x that was the basis for complaints of bites and
breadth ranging from 0.200 mm x 0.262 mm to distress of United States troops at the time of
0.332 mm x 0.392 mm. Eyes at widest point, reoccupation of the Philippine island of Mindoro
in early 1 945 (Kohls, 1 950) .
over halfway back, flat. Cervical grooves short,
shallow, slightly convergent. Ventrally coxae I
each with a broadly-rounded spur, coxae II and
III each with a small spur close to the coxal REFERENCES
Anastos, G. ( 1 950) . The scutate ticks, or Ixodidae, of
Indonesia. Entomolog£ca Americana, 30 (n.s.),
Notes on identification 1 - 1 44.
Although R. pilans was mentioned in a key by Kadarsan, S. ( 1 97 1) . Larval ixodid ticks of Indonesia
Schulze ( 1 935) the full description of this species (Acarina: Ixodidae). PhD thesis: University of
only appeared a year later (Schulze, 1 936) . Maryland, College Park. 1 82 pp.
Rhipicephalus pilans is closely related to, and has Kohls, G.M. ( 1 950) . Ticks (Ixodoidea) of the Philip­
sometimes been considered to be a subspecies of, pines. National Institutes of Health Bulletin, No.
R. haemaphysaloides (Zumpt, 1 940, 1 943) . How­ 192, 1-28.
ever, we consider it a valid species. In addition to Schulze, P. ( 1 935) . Acarina: Ixodoidea. Wissenschaft­
liche Ergebnisse der Niederlandischen Expeditionen
being a darker brown and somewhat larger tick
in dem Karakorum (1 922-1 930), 1, 1 78-86.
than R. haemaphysaloides, R. pilans has numer­
Schulze, P. ( 1 936) . Zwei neue Rhipicephalus und eine
ous, deep scutal pits bearing thick white setae.
neue Haemaphysalis nebst Bemerkungen iiber
Males of R. pilans have a furrowed and sculptured Zeckenarten aus verschiedenen Gattungen.
appearance because of irregular scutal indenta­ Zeitschriftfur Parasitenkunde, 8, 521-7.
tions not found on males of R. haemaphysaloides. Zumpt, F. ( 1 940) . Zur Kenntnis der ausserafrikanis­
chen Rhipicephalusarten. IL Vorstudie zu einer
Revision der Gattung Rhipicephalus Koch. Zeit­
Hosts schriftfur Parasitenkunde, 1 1, 669-78.
Zumpt, F. ( 1 943) . Rhipicephalus simus Koch und ver­
Presumed to be a three-host tick. Cattle, water wandte Arten. VIL Vorstudie zu einer Revision
buffaloes, horses, pigs, dogs, as well as deer are der Gattung Rhipicephalus Koch. Zeitschrift fur
hosts of the adults, and Zumpt ( 1 943) recorded Parasitenkunde, 13, 1-24.
550 Accounts of individual non-Afrotropical species


1 05

1 935

The specific name p umilio, from the Latin, pum­

• •
ilius meaning 'diminutive', 'dwarfish', refers to •

the small size of this species. •


A small to medium-sized light brown tick.

Male (Figs 245(a), 246(a) to (c))

Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
ranging from 0.57 mm x 0.58 mm to 0.65
mm x 0.75 mm. Basis capituli with acute lateral
angles at about the anterior third of its length. Rhipicephalus pumilio
Palps with gently-curved external margins lead­ • Type locality r-----+----+-_, 1 s
• Approximate distribution
ing to acute bluntly-tipped apices. Conscutum
° 0 °
very slightly narrower anteriorly, thereafter 45 eo 1 05

about the same breadth throughout its length,

length x breadth ranging from 2.30 mm x 1 .2 1 Map 69. Rhipicephalus pumilio: distribution.
mm to 3.05 mm x 1 .45 mm . Body wall slightly
expanded laterally in engorged specimens. Eyes

Figure 245. Rhipicephalus pumilio (RML 98604; HH 3 1 277, collected on a rabbit, Bornova field, Izmir, Turkey, May 4,
1 967 by Garrett) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.
R. pumilio 551

marginal, flat, edged dorsally by a few puncta­ sent. Palps short, tapering, external margins
tions. Cervical pits deep anteriorly, then very straight. Scutum broader than long, length x
shallow, wedge-shaped. Only the barest indica­ breadth ranging from 0.47 mm x 0.49 mm to
tion of cervical fields shown by slight depress­ 0.50 mm x 0.53 mm. Eyes marginal, large,
ions, not delimited by punctations along their slightly bulging, well over halfway back. Internal
internal margins, a few punctations usually pres­ cervical margins converging then diverging; ex­
ent along external cervical margins; remainder of ternal cervical margins a slight declination; cervi­
conscutum lightly punctate giving a smooth ap­ cal fields narrowly scalpel-shaped. Ventrally
pearance. Marginal lines narrow, shallow, de­ coxae I each with a long pointed external spur
limiting first festoons and ending well behind the and a shorter, more rounded internal spur; coxae
eyes. Posteromedian and posterolateral grooves II and III each with a single, short external spur;
shallow and inconspicuous; posterolaterals sub­ coxae IV each without spurs.
circular. Ventrally spiracles narrow throughout,
leading to a narrowly-elongate dorsal prolonga­ Larva (Fig. 248)
tion. Adanal plates large, subtriangular, with Capitulum much broader than long, length x
straight posterior margins and small internal breadth ranging from 0. 1 1 4 mm x 0 . 1 54 mm to
cusps medially posterior to anus; accessory 0 . 1 22 mm x 0 . 1 6 7 mm. Basis capituli over three
adanal plates prominent, elongate sclerotized times as broad as long, posterior margin straight.
points. Palps broad basally, narrowing slightly towards
their apices. Scutum much broader than long,
Female (Figs 245(b), 246(d) to (j)) length x breadth ranging from 0.234 mm x
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth 0.324 mm to 0.260 mm x 0.341 mm. Eyes at
ranging from 0.67 mm x 0.76 mm to 0.72 widest point, well over halfway back. Cervical
mm x 0.82 mm. Basis capituli with pointed lat­ grooves short, shallow, convergent.
eral angles; porose areas small, subcircular,
slightly more than their own diameter apart.
Notes on identification
Scutum longer than broad, length x breadth
The presence of internal cusps on the adanal
ranging from 1 .40 mm x 1 . 33 mm to 1 .56
plates helps to separate males of this species from
mm x 1 .48 mm, posterior margin sinuous. Eyes
those of R. schulzei. The female capitula of the
at lateral angles, almost flat, edged dorsally with
two species are also morphologically distinct.
rather deep punctations. Internal cervical mar­
Zahler et al. ( 1 997) found that R. pumilio and R.
gins converging then diverging; cervical fields
rossicus possessed identical DNA sequences in
very slightly sunken internally, more deeply
the target gene investigated, and suggested cross­
sunken externally giving external cervical mar­
breeding experiments to see whether these two
gins a steeper declination; without punctations
species are conspecific.
along external cervical margins. Small to me­
dium-sized punctations scattered on central area
of scutum, finer and less numerous on raised Hosts
lateral borders. Ventrally genital aperture broad­
ly U-shaped. Presumed to be a three-host species with a devel­
opmental cycle of 1 year. The host range of R.
Nymph (Fig. 247) pumilio is quite wide. Adults feed chiefly on
Capitulum much broader than long, length x hares, especially the Tolai hare, and hedgehogs,
breadth ranging from 0.2 1 mm x 0.3 1 mm to but also on larger-sized rodents, wolves, jackals,
0.25 mm x 0.32 mm. Basis capituli over gazelle, domestic mammals and humans (Table
three times as broad as long with concave lateral 65) . Nymphs and larvae prefer gerbils, hares and
angles not overlapping the scapulae; cornua ab- hedgehogs. Pomerantsev ( 1 950) lists hosts in
552 Accounrs ofindividual non-Ajro1ropi.cal species
R. pwnilio 553

Figure 247 (above). Rhipicephalus jnlmilio (RML 98604; HH 31277, collected on a rabbit., Bomova field, Izmir, Turkey,
May 4, 1967 by Garrett). Nymph: (a) capitu.lum, dorsal; (b) capitulurn, ventral; (c) scuturn; (d) coxae. Scale bars
represent 0. 1 0 mm. SEMs by P. Hill.

Figure 246 (opposite). Rhipicephalus pumilio (RML 98604; HH 3 1 277, collecced on a rabbit, Bomova field, Izmir,
Turkey, May 4, 1967 by Garren). Male: (a) capirulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) capiculum,
dorsa.J; (e) scurum; (f) genital aperrure. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by P. Hill.
554 Accounts of individual ncn-Afrotropical species

Figure 248. Rhipicepltalus pumilio (RML 98604; HH 3 1 277, coUecced on a rabbit, Bomova field, Izmir, Turkey, May 4,
l 967 by Garren). Larva: (a) capiruJum, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c) scucum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10
mm. SEMs by P. Hill.

order of preference for adult R. pumilio as hares, Zoogeography

hedgehogs> dogs> canle> camels, humans, pigs>
jackals> rabbits, goats, gazeUe and horses. This tick is found throughout southern Russia
In China adults are most active from April including Daghestan, and in Kazakhstan, Uz­
to June, and the immatures have cwo peaks of bekistan> Tajikistan (Tadzhiskistan) and Turk­
activity, the first in April and the second in July menistan .in regions with lakes and rivers in bi­
and August (Teng & Zaijie, 1991). In the former otopes from desert plains to mid-mountainous
USSR adults are parasitic from April to the l ast tenito.ries (Voltsit, 1982) (Map 69). Balashov
days of August, nymphs from May to August, (1 972) considered th.is species to favour humid
and larvae in July (Pomerantsevl 1950). habitats along river valleys, oases and foothills,
R. pumilio 555

Table 65. Host records o/Rhipicephalus pumilio

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 2
Dogs 2

Wild animals
Long-eared hedgehog (Hemiechinus auritus) 2 (immatures)
Brandt's hedgehog (Hemiechinus hypomelas) 1
Golden jackal (Canis aureus)
Wolf (Canis lupus)
Red fox ( Vulpes vulpes)
Polecat (Mustela putorius) 1
Marbled polecat ( Vormela peregusna) 1
Asian wild ass (Equus hemionus)
Goitred gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa)
Mid-day gerbil (Meriones meridianus) 1 (immatures)
Tamarisk gerbil (Meriones tamariscinus) 1 (immatures)
Great gerbil (Rhombomys opimus) 1
Tolai hare (Lepus tolai) 8 (including immatures)
Yarkand hare (Lepus yarkandensis) 1 (immatures)
'Rabbit' 1

Humans 2

but in contrast Pomerantsev ( 1 950) considered it rus of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever in

to be a desert species. It has been found on sheep Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, have been re­
and goats at an altitude of 2 1 00 m to 2300 m in viewed by Hoogstraal ( 1 979) . In 1 99 1 a new
the Mountain-Badakhshan district of the West spotted fever group rickettsia causing Astrakhan
Pamirs (Voltsit, 1 986) . Beyond the borders of fever was described (Tarasevich et al., 1 99 1 ) .
the former Soviet Union, it is known from the The rickettsia is similar if not identical to the
Karakorum Mountains of Kashmir, the Bachu agent of Israeli tick typhus and to Rickettsia
area of Xinjiang Autonomous Region (Huang & conori, the agent of Mediterranean tick typhus,
Teng, 1 980), and Inner Mongolia Autonomous except that both the Israeli and Astrakhan agents
Region (south-western Mongolia), China. lack the tache noire symptoms of R. conori infec­
tions (Eremeeva et al., 1 994) . In Russia, R. pum­
ilio has been incriminated as the vector of the
Disease relationships
Astrakhan agent (Eremeeva et al., 1 994; Galim­
zyanov et al., 1 996).
The disease agents found in R. pumilio, including
Francisella tularensis, Coxiella burneti, and the vi-
556 Accounts of individual non-Afrotropical species

REFERENCES Zahler, M., Filippova, N.A., Morel, P.C., Gothe, R. &

Rinders, H. ( 1 997) . Relationship between spe­
Balashov, Yu. S. ( 1 972). Bloodsucking Ticks (Ixodoidea) cies of the Rhipicephalus sanguineus group: a
- Vectors ofDiseases ofMan and Animals. Lenin­ molecular approach. Journal ofParasitology, 83,
grad Department, Leningrad: Nauka Pub­ 302-6.
lishers, 1 967, (Published in 1 968) . [Translation Also see the following Basic Reference (p. 1 3) :
T500, NAMRU-3, Cairo] . Published by the En­ Filippova ( 1 997) .
tomological Society of America, 1 972.
Eremeeva, M.E., Beati, L., Markova, V.A., Fetisova,
N.F., Tarasevich, I.V., Balayeva, N.M. & RHIPICEPHALUS PUSILLUS GIL
Raoult, D. ( 1 994) . Astrakhan fever rickettsiae: COLLADO, 1 936
antigenic and genotypic analysis of isolates ob­
tained from human and Rhipicephalus pumilio The specific name pusillus, from the Latin mean­
ticks. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and ing 'very small', 'weak', refers to the small size of
Hygiene, 51, 697-706.
this tick species.
Galimzyanov, K.M., Rasskazov, N.I., Altukhov, S.A.
& Mesnyankin, A.P. ( 1 996) . Primary effect and
course characteristic of new tick-borne rickett­
siosis - Astrakhan fever. TerapevticheskiiArkhiv, bursa pusillus.
68, 77-9. [In Russian] .
Hoogstraal, H. ( 1 979) . The epidemiology of tick­
borne Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in Diagnosis
Asia, Europe, and Africa. Journal of Medical
Entomology, 15, 307-4 1 7. A small light brown species of the R. sanguineus
Huang, C.-A. & Teng, K.-F. ( 1 980). Ticks from group lacking cervical fields in the male.
Hashi and neighbouring districts, Xinjiang. Acta
Entomologica Sinica, 23, 93-5. [In Chinese] .
Pomerantsev, B.I. ( 1 950) . Ixodid ticks (Ixodidae) .
Fauna SSSR, Paukoobraznye, n.s. (4 1 ), 4 (2),
224 pp. [In Russian, English translation by Elbl,
A. and edited by Anastos, G. The American
Institute of Biological Sciences, Washington,
DC, 1 99 pp.]
Schulze, P. ( 1 935). Acarina: Ixodoidea. Wissenschaft­
liche Ergebnisse der Niederlandischen Expeditionen
in dem Karakorum, 1, 1 78-86.
Tarasevich, I.V., Makarova, V., Fetisova, N.F.,
Stepanov, A., Miskarova, A., Balayeva, E. &
Raoult, D. ( 1 99 1 ) . Astrakhan fever: new spot­
ted fever group rickettsiosis. Lancet, 337, 1 72-3 .
Teng, K.-F. & Zaijie, J. ( 1 99 1 ) . Economic Insect Fauna
of China, fasc. 39, Acari: Ixodidae. Beijing:
Science Press. [In Chinese] .
Voltsit, O.V. ( 1 982) . The first finding of the tick
15°e-r� ---- � -- -�-.,__ __ -l---_ 15°
Rhipicephalus pumilio P. Sch., 1935 (Ixodidae) Rhipicephalus pusil/us
in the western Pamirs. Parazitologiya, Lenin­ • Type locality
grad, 16, 242-3. [In Russian, translation T l 760, • Approximate distribution
NAMRU-3, Cairo] .
Voltsit, 0. V. ( 1 986) . New data on the fauna of ixodid 30 °
ticks from the West Pamirs. Parazitologiya,
Leningrad, 20, 483-4. [In Russian] . Map 70. Rhipicephalus pusillus: distribution.
R. pusillus 557

Figure 249. Rhipicephalus pusillus rS (RML 97206; HH 30360, collected on European rabbit ( Oryctolagus cuniculus), Cota
Donata, Spain, June 26, 1 965 by Allen, received from the Hon. Miriam Rothschild; <fl (RML861 76; HH 82622, collected
on vegetation, Bouches-du-Rhone, Salin-de-Bacon, France, June 29, 1 954, received from Institut Pasteur) . (a) Male,
dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage de!.

Table 66. Host records o/Rhipicephalus pusillus

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Pigs (feral) 2
Dogs 3

Wild animals
Algerian hedgehog (Atelerix algirus) 1
'Hedgehog' 1
Red fox ( Vulpes vulpes) 5
Weasel (Mustela nivalis)
Muskrat ( Ondatra zibethicus)
House mouse (Mus musculus)
'Orchard rat' 1
Dormouse (Eliomys melanurus) 1
European rabbit ( Oryctolagus cuniculus) Many (including immatures)
558 Accounts of individual non-AfrotropU:al species
R. pusillu s 559

Figure 251 (above). Rhipiapltalus pusillus (RML 97205; HH 30359, collected on European rabbit (Oryctolagus
amiculus), Cota Donata, Spain, June 25, 1965 by Allen. received from the Bon. Miriam Rothschild). Nymph: (a)
capirulum, dorsal; (b) capirulum, vcnttal; (c) scutum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represenr 0.10 nun. SEMs by P. Hill.

Figure 250 (<>t>Posir.e). Rhipicephalus pu$illus O' (RML 97206; HH 30360, collected on European rabbit (Orye10/ag11s
cu11icul11.s) , Cota Donata, Spain,June 26, 1965 by Allen, received from the Hon. Miriam Rothschild); <j! (RML86 I 76; HH
82622, collected on vegetation, Bouches-du-Rhone, Salin-de-Bacon, France, June 29, 1954, received from Institut
Pasteur). Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanal pl.ates; female: (d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scutum; (f) genital
aperrurc. Scale bars represent 0. I 0 mrn. SEMs by P. Hill.
560 Accounts of individual non-Afrotropical species

Male (Figs 249(a), 250(a) to (c)) scutum. Ventrally genital aperture small and U­
Capitulum broader than long to slightly longer shaped.
than broad, length x breadth ranging from 0.40
mm x 0.43 mm to 0.49 mm x 0.48 mm. Basis Nymph (Fig. 251)
capituli broadly curved posterolaterally, but in Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
some specimens very shallowly curved, not ranging from 0.23 mm x 0.28 mm to 0.25
overlapping scapular areas of conscutum or the mm x 0.29 mm Basis capituli about three times

short anterior process of coxae I. Palps short, as broad as long; lateral angles sharp, extending
rounded apically. Conscutum much longer than over scapulae. Palps not constricted basally,
broad, length x breadth ranging from 1 .50 tapering only at apex. Scutum longer than broad
mm x 0.90 mm to 1 .76 mm x 1 .05 mm. Eyes to as broad as long, length x breadth ranging
fiat to very mildly convex, usually not edged from 0.39 mm x 0.35 mm to 0.42 mm x 0.42
dorsally by punctations. Cervical fields absent. mm. Eyes at widest point, well over halfway
Marginal lines quite short, shallow and punctate, back, very slightly convex. Cervical fields long
ending well posterior to eye level, delimiting one and narrow, depressed, reaching posteriorly to
or two festoons, occasionally one festoon on one eye level. Ventrally coxae I each with a large
side and two festoons on the other in the same internal and external spur; coxae II to IV each
specimen. Scapular areas and areas lateral to with a small external spur only.
marginal lines relatively free of punctations,
otherwise with many medium-sized punctations Larva
scattered over entire conscutum. Posteromedian Unavailable for study.
groove short, posterolateral grooves irregular
depressions tending towards the subcircular.
Notes on identification
Ventrally spiracles elongate, narrowing only
A tick belonging to the R. sanguineus group. Us­
slightly from macula to dorsal prolongation,
ing gas chromatography of cuticular hydrocar­
which is just visible from above. Adanal plates
bons of the four Rhipicephalus species found in
long, narrow, curved inwards posteromedially,
Spain, Estrada-Pena, Estrada-Pena & Peir6
posterior margin slightly concave; accessory
( 1 99 1 ) were able to differentiate R. pusillus from
adanal plates absent.
R. bursa, R. sanguineus and R. turanicus.

Female (Figs 249(b), 250(d) to (j))

Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth Hosts
ranging from 0.53 mm x 0.60 mm to 0.57
mm x 0.64 mm Basis capituli with lateral angles
. Presumed to be a three-host tick. The European
at about mid-length, acute; porose areas small, rabbit is the primary host of R. pusillus, but it is
about twice their own diameter apart. Palps also found feeding on the red fox (Estrada-Pena
slightly longer than those of male, rounded api­ et al., 1 992), and on dogs and feral pigs (Table
cally. Scutum longer than broad, length x 66) . In Portugal, in addition to the above men­
breadth ranging from 1 .02 mm x 0.92 mm to tioned hosts, Caeiro & Simoes ( 1 9 9 1 ) have
1 . 1 6 mm x 1 .05 mm; in some specimens the found this tick on deer, hedgehogs, genet, weasel,
posterior margin is sinuous. Eyes mildly convex, orchard rat and muskrat. In Morocco, Blanc,
edged dorsally with a few punctations. Cervical Delage & Ascione ( 1 962) recorded R. pusillus (as
fields scalpel-shaped, narrowly elongate but dis­ R. sanguineus) from the Algerian hedgehog, and
appearing posterior to eye level; external cervical Morel & Vassiliades ( 1 963) recorded it from the
margins marked by several larger punctations. garden dormouse and the house mouse. The
Scapular areas smooth, impunctate; numerous latter authors consider any animal that visits rab­
small punctations centrally and posteriorly on bit warrens to be a potential host for this tick.
R. ramachandrai 561

Zoogeography Gallo, C., Rilli, S. & Sobrero, L. ( 1 977) . Rhipicephalus

pusillus Gil Collado in Italia. Rivista di Para­
The original distribution of the European rabbit, ssitologia, 38, 89-9 1 .
including the Iberian peninsula and Morocco in Gil Collado,]. ( 1 936) . Acaros ixodoideos de Cataluna
y Baleares. Treballs del Museu de Ciencies Natu­
north-west Africa, encompasses the tick's dis­
rals de Barcelona, Ser. Entomologica, 1 1, 1-8.
tribution. It is also found in southern France and
Manilla, G. ( 1 99 1 ) . Nuove osservazioni faunistiche e
in Italy, including the islands of Sicily and Ustica
biologiche sulle zecche d'Italia (Acari:
(Gallo, Rilli & Sobrero, 1 977), and Tunisia (Is­ Ixodoidea) (Nata V) . Atti della Societa Italiana
land of Zembra) (Map 70) . Recent collections in di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia
Italy have extended the range of this tick to San Naturale di Milano, 131, 433-52.
Martino, Mal di Ventre and the Island of Serpen­ Morel, P.C. & Vassiliades, G. ( 1 963) . Les
tara (Manilla, 1 99 1 ) . Rhipicephalus du groupe sanguineus especes afri­
caines (Acarines, Ixodoidea) . Revue d'Elevage et
de Medecine Viterinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 1 5
(nouvelle serie), 343-86.
Disease relationships

Antibodies to Rickettsia conori and Rickettsia

slovaca were detected in 78. 9% of European rab­ RHIPICEPHALUS RAMA CHANDRA!
bits collected in Tuscany and parasitized by R. DHANDA, 1 966
pusillus (Ciceroni et al., 1 988) .
The specific name ramachandrai is a patronym
for Dr T. Ramachandra Rao of the Virus Re­
search Centre, Poona.

Blanc, G., Delage, B. & Ascione, L. ( 1 962) . Etude

epidemio-ecologique de la foret du Cherrat. Ar­
chives de l'Institut Pasteur Maroc, 6, 223-92. arakeri.
Caeiro, V.M.P. & Simoes, A.L. ( 1 99 1 ) . Ixodoidea da
fauna silvestre em Portugal continental. In­
teresse do seu conhecimento. Revista Portuguesa so

de Ciencias Veterinarias, 86, 20-30.

Ciceroni, L., Pinto, A., Rossi, C., Khoury, C.,
Rivosecchi, L., Stella, E. & Cacciapuoti, B. l-+____,....,__--+-----+--�.--j

( 1 988) . Rickettsiae of the spotted fever group
associated with the host-parasite system Oryc­
tolagus cuniculus/Rhipicephalus pusillus. Zentrab­
latt fiir Bakteriologie und Hygiene, Series A, 269,
2 1 1- 1 7 .
Estrada-Pena, A., Estrada-Pena, R . & Peir6, J.M.
( 1 99 1 ) . Differentiation of Rhipicephalus ticks
(Acari : Ixodidae) by gas chromatography of
cuticular hydrocarbons. Journal of Parasitology,
78, 982-93. Rhipicepha/us ramachandrai 0
Estrada-Pena, A., Osacar, J.J., Gortazar, C., Calvete, 1s
• Type locality
C. & Lucientes, J. ( 1 992) . An account of the • Approximate distribution >--+----+---+
ticks of the northeastern of Spain (Acarina: s o0

Ixodidae) . Anna/es de Parasitologie Humaine et

Comparee, 67, 42-9. Map 7 1 . Rhipicephalus ramachandrai: distribution.
562 Accounts of individual non-Afrotropical species

Figure 252. Rhipicephalus ramachandrai (RML 1 0 1 1 24; HH 30307, collected on Indian gerbil ( Tatera indica), Stud farm,
Manjiri, Poona, Maharashtra, India, March 1 7, 1 964, received from Virus Research Centre, Poona) . (a) Male, dorsal;
(b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage del.

Table 67. Host records o/Rhipicephalus ramachandrai

Hosts Number of records

Wild animals
B engal fox ( Vulpes bengalensis)
Jungle striped squirrel (Funambulus tristriatus)
Indian desert gerbil (Meriones hurrianae) 2 (immatures)
Indian gerbil ( Tatera indica) 34 (including immatures)
Lesser bandicoot rat (Bandicota bengalensis) 2
S and-coloured rat (Millardia gleadowz) 2 (immatures)
Soft-furred field rat (Millardia meltada) 2 (immatures)

Diagnosis punctations dorsally. Palps short, broad. Con­

scutum much longer than broad, length x
A small, light brown, heavily-punctate species breadth ranging from 1 .74 mm x 1 .0 1 mm to
with some darkening when preserved in alcohol. 2.05 mm x 1 .26 mm; broadest at level of spi­
racles. Eyes marginal, small, flat, indistinct.
Male (Figs 252(a)) 253(a) to (c)) Scapular area anterior to eyes raised due to sunk­
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth en punctate cervical pits. Entire scutal area punc­
ranging from 0.35 mm x 0.42 mm to 0.42 tate, densely so in posterior one-third, less so
mm x 0.47 mm. Basis capituli with several centrally anterior to posteromedian and
R. ramachandrai 563

posterolateral grooves. Marginal lines distinct, internal; a single external spur decreasing in size
composed of large deep punctations extending on coxae II to IV.
anteriorly from festoon I to cervical pits. Fes­
toons poorly delineated. Legs do not increase in Larva (Fig. 255)
size from I to IV. Ventrally spiracles elongate, Capitulum much broader than long, length x
relatively broad throughout without a narrow breadth ranging from 0 .088 mm x 0. 1 1 4 mm to
dorsal prolongation. Adanal plates large, tear­ 0 .096 mm x 0 . 1 28 mm . Basis capituli twice as
drop-shaped with inner margins slightly con­ broad as long, posterior margin convex, lateral
cave, posterior margins broadly rounded; acces­ angles bluntly rounded. Palps broad, conical,
sory adanal plates small, bluntly rounded. blunt apically. Scutum much broader than long,
length x breadth ranging from 0. 1 80 mm x
Female (Figs 252(b), 253(d) to (j)) 0.263 mm to 0.2 1 7 mm x 0.292 mm. Eyes at
Capitulum much broader than long, length x widest point, flat, not easily discernible, set well
breadth ranging from 0.32 mm x 0.46 mm to over halfway back. Cervical grooves as slight,
0.43 mm x 0.53 mm Basis capituli with mod­
short indentations in the scutal surface. Ventrally
erately long, sharp lateral angles extending over coxae I each with a short triangular spur; coxae II
the anterior processes of coxae I; porose areas and III each with short ridge-like spurs.
small, superficial, not depressed into the surface
of the basis capituli. Palps short, rounded api­
Notes on identification
cally. Scutum approximately as broad as long,
The small size of both the male and female of R.
length x breadth ranging from 0.64 mm x 0.61
ramachandrai and the heavily punctate appear­
mm to 0.87 mm x 0.87 mm. Eyes at widest
ance of the male scutum easily separates this
point, flat, edged with several punctations, some
species from all other Rhipicephalus species on
of which are deep. Cervical fields well marked
the Indian subcontinent.
externally by a declination and punctations.
Hiregoudar ( 1 975) described Rhipicephalus
Several large setiferous punctations scattered
arakeri and mentioned that his new species 're­
over the scutum, interspersed with fine puncta­
sembles closely R. ramachandrai in most respects
tions. Ventrally genital aperture broadly U­
but differs from it in having many large puncta­
tions and the setiferous setae on the ventral aspect
ofpalpal segment I, two in male and four in female
Nymph (Fig. 254)
insteadofthree in R. ramachandrai'. The holotype
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
and allotype of his new species were deposited in
ranging from 0.25 mm x 0.30 mm to 0.35
the Zoological Survey oflndia. These specimens
mm x 0.37 mm Lateral angles of capitulum
could not be located, but Dr Hiregoudar kindly
shallowly curved, tips of scapulae usually visible;
sent one ofus 0.E.K.) two slides ofR. araken·from
ventrally with prominent triangular spurs on pos­
his personal collection; one containing 2 SilSil, the
terior margin (damaged in Fig. 254(b)) . Palps
other, labelled 'paratypes', contained 1 o and 1
narrower distally than proximally, external mar­
nymph. These slide-mounted ticks had been
gins straight to mildly concave. Scutum slightly
over-cleared, but examination of the specimens
longer than broad, length x breadth ranging
has led us to the conclusion that R. arakeri is a
from 0.5 1 mm x 0 .49 mm to 0.57 mm x 0.54
junior subjective synonym of R. ramachandrai.
mm; posterior margin broadly U -shaped. Eyes at
widest point, set well over halfway back, flat.
Cervical fields long, very narrow, the inner mar­ Hosts
gins often difficult to see. Alloscutum with nu­
merous long white setae dorsally. Ventrally coxae From collection data presented by Dhanda
I each with two large spurs, external longer than ( 1 966) this is undoubtedly a three-host tick.
564 Accoums of individual 1Wn-Afrotropical species
R. ramachandrai 565

Figure 254 (above). Rhip�halus ra111adiandrai (RML 7 67 45; HH 80172, collected on Indian gerbil (Tatera in.di.ca),
Changa Manga Forest, Lahore, Pakistan, date unknown, R. Traub). Nymph: (a) capiruJwn, dorsal; (b) capitulum,
ventral; (c) scurum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0 . 1 0 mm. SEMs by P. Hill.

Figure 253 (awosiu). Rhipiuphalus ramachandrai o (RML I 07 l34; HH 83834, collected on Indian gerbil (Tazera
indiro), Malir Cantonment, Karachi, Pakistan, October 2 l, 1976, S. Telford);� (RML 76745; HH 80 l 72, collected on
Indian gerbil (Tatera indiro), Changa Manga Forest, Lahore, Pakistan, April 1969, Z. B. Mirza). Male: (a) capitulum,
dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanaJ pl.ates; female: (d) capirulwn, dorsa.l; (e) scurum; (l) genital aperrure. Scale bars represent
O. lO mm. SEMs by P. Hill.
566 Accounts ofindividual non-Afrocropical species

Figure 255. Rhipicephalus ramachandrai (RML 1 0 1 1 24; HH 30307, collected on Indian gerbil (Taura indica), Srud fann,
Manjiri, Poona, Maharashrra, India, March 17, 1964, recejved from Virus Research Cenu-e, Poona). Larva: (a)
capitulum, dorsal; (b) capirulum, ventral; (c) scurum; (d) coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by P. Hill.

Rhipicephalits ramachandrai was originally de­ furred field rat (Kaul et al., 1978) (Table 67).
scribed from the Indian gerbil, and all stages of Unpublished U.S. National Tick Collection re­
the tick can be found in the rodent's burrow; a cords show that it is also ectoparasitic on the
highly unusu.aJ ecologi cal relationship in the ge­ Bengal fox, Indian desert gerbil, lesser ban­
nus Rhipi,cephalus. In a survey of ticks in the dicoot rat and sand coloured rat.

state of Maharashta, India, Geevarghese &

Dhanda (1 995) found R. ramacluuuirai only on
the Indian gerbil. Mitchell (1979) also collected Zoo geography
it from the same host in Nepal. Additional
published records are from the jungle striped Rhipicephalus ramachandrai is found in Kar­
squirrel (Miranpuri & Gill, 1983) and the soft- nataka, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajast:han and Ut-
R. rossicus 5 67

tar Pradesh, India; Sind, Pakistan; and Bah­ S.M. & Guttikar, S.N. ( 1 978) . Ectoparasitic ar­
wanipur, Nepal (Map 7 1 ) . The most recent col­ thropods of birds and mammals from Rajasthan
lections of this tick are from the Chitoor District State, India. Indian Journal of Parasitology, 2,
of Andhra Pradesh, India (Saxena, 1 997) . 1 9-25 .
Miranpuri, G.S. & Gill, H.S. ( 1 983) . Ticks of India.
Edinburgh: Lindsay & Macleod.
Disease relationships Mitchell, RM. ( 1 979) . A list of ectoparasites from
Nepalese mammals, collected during the Nepal
On the alluvial plain of the Indus river, 2 1 km ectoparasite program. Journal of Medical Ento­
east of Lahor, Pakistan, Manawa virus was iso­ mology, 16, 227-33.
Saxena, V.K. ( 1 997) . Ixodid ticks infesting rodents
lated from vulture (Gyps bengalensis) nests in­
and sheep in diverse biotopes of southern India.
fested with the argasid tick, Argas abdussalami
Journal of Parasitology, 83, 766-7.
(data summarized by Karabatsos, 1 985) . Eight­
een of the 1 9 ticks tested contained the ar­
bovirus. Hoogstraal ( 1 973) reported that con­
trary to the characteristic pattern of viruses
from ticks parasitizing birds in restricted areas,
Manawa virus was also isolated from R. rama­
The origin of the specific name rossicus is un­
chandrai and R. turanicus near Lahore. As the
known; perhaps from the Latin russus meaning
pathogenicity of this virus has not been deter­
'reddish', or Italian rosso meaning 'red'.
mined we have excluded it from the tables of
animal and human diseases transmitted by
. .
sanguzneus rosszcus.


Dhanda, V. ( 1 966) . Rhipicephalus ramachandrai sp. n.

A moderate-sized, light to medium-brown tick of
(Acarina: Ixodidae) from the Indian gerbil, Tat­
the R. sanguineus group.
era indica (Hardwicke, 1 807) (Rodentia:
Muridae) . Journal of Parasitology, 52, 1 025-
31. Male (Figs 256(a), 25 7(a) to (c))
Geevarghese, G. & Dhanda, V . ( 1 995) . Ixodid ticks of Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
Maharashtra state, India. Acarologia, 36: 309- ranging from 0.74 mm x 0.81 mm to 0.83
1 3. mm x 0.87 mm. Basis capituli with broad lat­
Hiregoudar, L.S. ( 1 975) . On Rhipicephalus ticks of eral angles projecting over the slightly protrud­
Gujarat, together with a description of a new ing anterior process of coxae I; paired depress­
species - Rhipicephalus arakeri from a common ions in the basis may be seen in some specimens
Indian rat. Mysore Journal of Agricultural in the position of the porose areas of the female.
Science, 9, 473-9. Palps short, broad. Conscutum length x
breadth ranging from 3.27 mm x 2. 1 0 mm to
Hoogstraal, H. ( 1 973). Viruses and ticks. In Viruses
and Invertebrates, ed. A.J. Gibbs, pp. 349-90.
3.50 mm x 2.30 mm. In engorged specimens
Amsterdam and London: North Holland Pub­
the body wall expands laterally posterior to the
lishing Co.
Karabatsos, N. (ed.) ( 1 985) . International Catalogue eyes; a short blunt caudal process may protrude.
of Arboviruses including certain other Viruses of Eyes marginal, flat, may or may not be edged
Vertebrates, 3rd edn. San Antonio, TX: Ameri­ with a few small dorsal punctations. Cervical
can Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. fields inapparent; cervical grooves as shallow
Kaul, H.N., Mishra, A.C., Dhanda, V., Kulkarni, depressions extending posteriorly to eye level.
568 Accounts of individual non-Afrotropical species

Figure 256. Rhipicephalus rossicus (RML 1 02337; HH 28603, collected from an unknown host in the former USSR, specific
locality, date and collector unknown) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b) female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm . A. Olwage del.

Table 68. Host records ofRhipicephalus rossicus

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 8
Goats 1
Camels 1
Horses 2
Dogs 3

Wild animals
East European hedgehog (Erinaceus concolor)
Serotine (Eptesicus serotinus) 1 (immatures ?)
European water vole (Arvicola terrestris) 1
'Rodents' Several records (immatures)
Pallas' s pika ( Ochotona pallasz) 2
European rabbit ( Oryctolagus cuniculus) 1

Humans 2
R. rossicus 569

Rhipicephalus rossicus
• Type locality
• Approximate distribution

° ° ° °
30 45 60 75

Map 72. Rhipicephalus rossicus: distribution.

Marginal lines shallow punctate troughs delimit­ Female (Figs 256(b), 257(d) to (f))
ing first festoons and becoming less obvious as Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
they extend anteriorly to just posterior of eye ranging from 0.79 mm x 0.86 mm to 0.99
level. Conscutum appears impunctate and mm x 1 . 1 0 mm. Basis capituli with broad lateral
smooth except for depressed posteromedian angles not overlapping the scapulae; porose areas
and posterolateral grooves; a few large puncta­ circular, deep set, about as broad as their dis­
tions in cervical areas and a poorly-developed tance apart. Palps short, broad. Scutum slightly
'simus' pattern of punctations present on a back­ longer than broad to slightly broader than long,
ground of evenly-distributed fine punctations. length x breadth ranging from 1 .53 mm x 1 .5 1
Posteromedian groove broad, deep; posterolat­ mm to 1 . 94 mm x 2.00 mm. Eyes about halfway
eral grooves deep, subcircular. Legs increase back, flat to very slightly bulging, edged dorsally
slightly in size from I to IV. Ventrally spiracles by a few punctations. Cervical fields scalpel
elongate, each with a broad dorsal prolongation; shaped, with ridge-like elevations running anter­
goblet cells uniformally fine with only a few lar­ ior to posterior; slightly depressed with raised
ger cells near the macula. Adanal plates very external cervical margins usually marked by a
large, broad posteriorly with medial projections; few larger punctations. Remainder of scutum not
accessory adanal plates, elongate, narrowly V­ markedly punctate. Ventrally genital aperture
shaped. broadly U-shaped.
570 Accounts ofindividual 1um-Afrotropical speci.es
R. rossicus 571

Figure 257 (opposite) . Rhipicephalus rosszcus (RML racles, and relatively impunctate scuta in both
1 02335; HH 28601 , collected from Pallas's pika the male and female, and small circular deep set
(Ochotonapallasz), Kazakhstan,June 28, 1 953, C. Hoare) . porose areas in the female, all of which help to
Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c) adanalplates. separate it from R. sanguineus. Yakimov ( 1 923)
Female: (d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scutum; (t) genital presented a chart as an aid for separating R.
aperture. Scale bars represent 0. 1 0 mm. SEMs by P. Hill.
rossicus from R. sanguineus. A neotype male for
R. rossicus has been designated by Filippova
( 1 996) , who deposited it in the Zoological Insti­
tute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St.
Nymph (Fig. 258) Petersburg. However, because syntypes exist,
Capitulum much broader than long, this neotype has no validity. Zahler et al. ( 1 997)
length x breadth 0.26 mm x 0.36 mm. Lateral found that R. pumilio and R. rossicus possessed
angles of capitulum very acute, posterior to mid­ identical DNA sequences in the target gene in­
length; cornua absent; tips of scapulae usually vestigated, and suggested cross-breeding ex­
visible; posteriorly-directed spurs ventrally on periments to see if these two species are con­
capitulum. Palps roughly cylindrical, apices specific.
bluntly rounded. Scutum broader than long, We had no nymphs available for study. The
length x breadth 0.50 mm x 0.55 mm; pos­ above description of this stage is based on those
terior margin very broadly U-shaped. Eyes at by Feider ( 1 965) and Filippova ( 1 98 1 ) .
widest point, set in posterior third of scutum.
Cervical fields long and narrow, internal margins
often difficult to see. Numerous feathered setae
on the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the allo­
A three-host tick, with a life cycle that takes 2 to 3
scutum. Coxae I each with two moderate spurs,
years to complete. Adults are parasitic on domes­
external spur longer than internal; a single exter­
tic animals, hedgehogs and occasionally humans
nal spur, decreasing in size, on coxae II to IV,
(Table 68) . Immatures feed on hedgehogs, ro­
coxal spur IV often absent.
dents and hares in lowlands and mountain
steppes. Adults are active in the warmer months
Larva (Fig. 259)
with a maximum activity peak in May to June.
Capitulum much broader than long, length x
Larvae appear at the same time as adults in April
breadth ranging from 0. 090 mm x 0 . 1 6 7 mm to
and also peak in May to June with a possible
0. 1 1 0 mm x 0. 1 75 mm Basis capituli three
second peak in August. A nymphal peak on ro­
times as broad as long, with bluntly-rounded
dents occurs in June to July.
lateral angles, posterior margin slightly convex.
Palps pointed apically, external margins straight.
Scutum much broader than long, length x Zoogeography
breadth ranging from 0.235 mm x 0.329 mm to
0.258 mm x 0.378 mm, posterior margin broad­ Rhipicephalus rossicus is known from the District
ly curved. Eyes at widest point, flat. Cervical of Tomasz6w Lubelski, Poland (Dutkiewicz &
grooves short, slightly convergent. Ventrally Siuda, 1 969), and from Romania, Bulgaria, and
coxae I each with a large, blunt triangular spur; the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt (Feldman-Muh­
coxae II each with a small spur; no obvious spur sam, 1 960) , to western Kazakhstan, in lowland
on coxae III. areas and on mountain steppes (Map 72) . It has
also been recorded recently in Xinjiang Province,
Notes on identification China (Yu, Ye & Gong, 1 997) .
A member of the R. sanguineus group.
Rhipicephalus rossicus has broadly-elongate spi-
572 Accounts of individual non-Afrotropical species

·-......_ .. _
,..,,,-- .. ./
\. . '

f r'-
i \

' ' ,


Figure 258. Rhipicephalus rossicus. Nymph: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulum, ventral; (c) scutum; (d) coxae.
(Redrawn from Filippova, 1 98 1 , figs 9-1 2, by A. Olwage, with kind permission from the author and from the
Editor-in-Chief, Parazitologicheskiy Sbornik, of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences) .
R. rossicus 573

Figure 259. Rllipic<plialus rossicus (RML I 02338; HH 30766, eoUccted from a hol'3e, Sckhcar, Odessa, Ukraine,JW'le 8,
1934, t"Cceived from M.V. Pospelova-Shcrom). Larva: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) capitulwn, ventral; (c) scururn; (d)
coxae. Scale bars represent 0.10 nun. SEMs by P. Hill.

Disease relationships borne virus, survives experimemally in R. rosscus

from the larval to the adult stage and is irregularly
Rhipicephalus rossicus is a vector of the virus of transmitted transovarially to the F1 generation
Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (Kon­ (Hoogstraal, 1 979).
draten.ko et al., 1970; Watts et al., 1988). It i s also
a well-known vector of Francisella tularensis
(Borodin, Samsonova & Koroleva, 1958; REFERENCES
Borodin et al., l 965). Cox-iella burneti has also
been isolated from this tick species (Hoogstraal) Borodin, V.P., Samsonova, A.P. & Koroleva, A.P.
1979). West Nile virus, usually a mosquito- (1958). Two cases of allergic .reaction in per-
574 Accounts of individual non-Afrotropical species

sons inoculated against tularemia, resulting Watts, D.M., Ksiazek, T.G., Linthicum, K.J. &
from bites by infected ticks of the species Hoogstraal, H. ( 1 988) . Crimean-Congo hemor­
Rhipicephalus rossicus. Journal of Microbiology, rhagic fever. In The Arboviruses: Epidemiology
London, 29, 1 827-9. and Ecology, vol. 2, ed. T.P. Monath, pp. 1 77-
Borodin, V.P., Spitsin, N.A., Samsonova, A.P., Ko­ 222. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Inc.
roleva, A.P., Ermolova, N.D. & Chunikhin, Yakimov, V. L. ( 1 923) . A propos du Rhipicephalus
V .P. ( 1 965) . Contribution to further study of sanguineus et Rhipicephalus rossicus. Parasitology,
natural ravine-steppe type tularemia focus in 15, 256-7.
Volgograd Oblast. In Materialy Nauchno Prak­ Yakimov, L. & Kol-Yakimova, N. ( 1 9 1 1 ) . Etude des
ticheskoy Konferentsii Tularemia, ed. G.V. Kor­ Ixodides de Russie. Archives de Parasitologie, 14,
nilova, pp. 1 4-16. Omsk: Ministerstvo 4 1 6-23.
Zdravookhraneniya RSFSR . Yu, X., Ye, R.-Y. & Gong, Z.-D. ( 1 997) . The Tick
Dutkiewicz, J. & Siuda, K. ( 1 969) . Rhipicephalus ros­ Fauna of Xinjiang. Urumqi, China: Xinjiang
sicus Yakimov and Kol-Yakimova - a genus and Scientific, Technological and Medical Publish­
species of tick new to the fauna of Poland. Frag­ ing House.
menta Faunistica, 15, 99- 1 05. [In Polish with a Zahler, M., Filippova, N.A., Morel, P.C., Gothe, R. &
Russian and German summary] . Rinders, H. ( 1 997) . Relationship between spe­
Feider, Z. ( 1 965) . Fauna Republicii Populare Romane. cies of the Rhipicephalus sanguineus group: a
Arachnida, vol. 5, Jase. 2. Acaromorpha, Supra­ molecular approach. Journal ofParasitology, 83,
familia Ixodoidea. Bucharesti: Editura Aca­ 302-6.
demiei Republicii Populare Romane. Also see the following Basic Reference (p. 1 3) : Filip­
Feldman-Muhsam, B. ( 1 960). The ticks of Sinai. pova ( 1 997) .
Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, Section
B: Zoology, 9B, 57-64.
Filippova, N.A. ( 1 98 1 ) . Diagnosis of species of the RHIPICEPHALUS SCALPTURA TUS
genus Rhipicephalus Koch (Ixodoidea,
Ixodidae) of the USSR fauna and neighboring
countries according to the nymphal instar. Para­
The specific name scalptu ratus, from the Latin
zitologicheskii Sbornik Zoologicheskogo Muzeya
Akademii Nauk SSSR, 30, 47-68. [In Russian; scalptura meaning 'a cutting' or 'engraving', 'an
NIH Library translation NIH-87-349] . engraved figure', refers to the sculptured appear­
Filippova, N .A. ( 1 996) . Designation of the neotypes ance of the male conscutum.
for two species of ticks family Ixodidae. Para­
sitologiya, 30, 404-9. [In Russian] .
Hoogstraal, H. ( 1 979) . The epidemiology of tick­
borne Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in
Asia, Europe, and Africa. Journal of Medical A large, light brown tick with the male con­
Entomology, 15, 307-4 1 7 . scutum distinctly grooved.
Kondratenko, V.F., Blagoveshchenskaya, N.M., Bu­
tenko, A.M., Vishnivetskaya, L.K., Zarubina, Male (Figs 260(a), 261 (a) to (c))
L.V., Milyutin, V.N., Kuchin, V.V., Novikova, Only a single male specimen was available for
E.N., Rabinovich, V.D., Shevchenko, S.F. & measurement. Capitulum slightly broader than
Chumakov, M.P. ( 1 970) . Results of virological long, length x breadth 0.79 mm x 0.82 mm.
investigation of ixodid ticks in Crimean hemor­
Basis capituli with long slightly curving lateral
rhagic fever focus in Rostov Oblast. In Crimean
angles not concealing the large apical process of
Hemorrhagic Fever, ed. M.P. Chumakov, pp.
coxae I; posterior margin of basis short and
29-35. Materialy III Oblastnoy Nauchno-Prak­
ticheskoy Konferentsii, Rostov-na-Donu, May straight between long triangular cornua. Palps
1 970. [In Russian, Translation T524, short, broad. Conscutum length x breadth 3.45
NAMRU-3, Cairo] . mm x 1 . 95 mm. Eyes marginal, slightly bulging.
Cervical fields in the form of deep relatively
R. scalpturatus 575

Figure 260. Rhipicephalus scalpturatus (RML 1 07652; HH 83652, collected by sweeping long dense grass vegetation near
Lake Rover, Sukla Phanta Reserve, Kanchanpur, Nepal, November 1 1 , 1 974, C. Dietrich Schaaf) . (a) Male, dorsal; (b)
female, dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm. A. Olwage de!.

narrow curved troughs; surface between external

60° 75 ° 9 0° 1 05°
cervical margins and eyes raised. Marginal lines
deep, extending anteriorly to eye level. A few
moderately-large punctations scattered over
30° 1---+----+---4 30° scutal surface. Conscutum broadens posterior to
eyes, indented at central festoon. Posteromedian
groove broad, deep and long, extending to cen­
tral festoon; posterolateral grooves as irregular
depressions on either side of posteromedian
groove, not well defined. Legs increase markedly
in size from I to IV. Ventrally spiracles very large
and broad throughout their length, extending
from just posterior to coxae IV to festoons I.
Adanal plates elongate, triangular, extending
slightly medially posterior to anus but without
posterointemal points, posterior margins almost
Rhipicephalus scalpturatus straight; accessory adanal plates elongate rods.
1 5° • Type locality >-------<--< 1 50
• Approximate distribution Female (Figs 260(b), 261 (d) to (j))
Only a single specimen was available for
60° 75 ° 9 0° 1 05 °
measurement. Capitulum broader than long,
Map 73. Rhipicephalus scalpturatus: distribution. length x breadth 0.77 mm x 0.84 mm. Basis
capituli with broad lateral angles not overlapping
576 Accounts of individual non-Afrotropical species
R. scalpturatus 577

scapulae; porose areas large, longer in the ante­ Hoogstraal & Rack ( 1 96 7), and Miranpuri & Gill
roposterior axis. Palps short, broad. Scutum lon­ ( 1 983) . One additional collection in the U.S.
ger than broad, length x breadth 1 .57 National Tick Collection is from sweeping veg­
mm x 1 .43 mm Eyes about halfway back, very
. etation in long dense grass near Lake Rover,
slightly bulging, edged dorsally with a few small Sukla Phanta Reserve, Kanchanpur, Nepal. Im­
punctations. Cervical fields broad, elongate, de­ matures are unknown and adults have never been
pressed between raised internal and external cer­ collected from an animal.
vical margins, surface striated. Punctations rela­
tively few, shallow, giving the scutum an
impunctate appearance. Ventrally genital aper­
ture broadly U -shaped with a bulging genital
Rhipicephalus scalpturatus is known only from
grassy hill environments in Assam, India and the
Nepal terai (Map 73) .
Nymph and La,rva
Disease relationships
Notes on identification
Males of R. scalpturatus are very large ticks with a Unknown.
conspicuously grooved conscutum that is in­
dented at the central festoon, and legs increasing
markedly in size from I to IV. Females are also REFERENCES
very large ticks with a broadly U-shaped genital
aperture with a bulging genital apron. Hoogstraal, H. & Rack, G. ( 1 967) . Ticks (Ixodidae)
collected by Deutsche Indien-expedition, 1 95 5-
1 958. Journal ofMedical Entomology, 4, 284-8.
Hosts Miranpuri, G.S. & Gill, H.S. ( 1 983). Ticks of India.
Edinburgh: Lindsay & Macleod.
Presumed to be a three-host tick. Rhipicephalus Santos Dias, J.A.T. ( 1 959). Notas Ixodol6gicas. VI.
scalpturatus was originally described from mu­ Descrii;:iio de um novo subgenero e de uma nova
seum specimens in the Zoological Museum, especie de Rhipicephalus (Acarina, Ixodoidea)
Hamburg, Germany by Santos Dias ( 1 959), who da Regiao Oriental. Memorias e Estudos do Mu­
erected the monotypic subgenus Pomerantzevia seu Zoologico da Universidade de Coimbra, (256) :
for this species. The only collection data avail­
able was that the host was unknown and the
collection locality was given as the Khasi Hills,
Umsan, Assam. (Umsan was a typographical er­
ror for Umsaw) . This collection was cited by

Figure 261 (opposite) . Rhipicephalus scalpturatus (RML

1 07652; HH 83652, collected by sweeping long dense
grass vegetation near Lake Rover, Sukla Phanta Reserve,
Kanchanpur, Nepal, November 1 1, 1 974, C. Dietrich
Schaaf) . Male: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b) spiracle; (c)
adanal plates. Female: (d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scutum;
(f) genital aperture. Scale bars represent 0. 1 0 mm. SEMs
by P. Hill.
578 Accounts of individual non-Afrotropical species


1 929

The specific name schulzei is a patronym in hon­

our of Professor Dr Leopold Ernst Paul Schulze
( 1 887-1 949), German tick researcher, Professor
at the University of Rostock, and among the
founders and publishers of the journal Zeitschrift
fur Parasitenkunde. He died of a heart attack
while at his desk writing a monograph summariz­
ing all of his tick research.


sanguineus schulzei.
0° Rhipicephalus schulzei
Type locality unknown
Diagnosis • Approximate distribution

30° 45° 60° 75 ° 90°

A small, light brown, lightly-punctate tick.
Map 74. Rhipicephalus schulzei: distribution.
Male (Figs 262(a), 263(a) to (c))
Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
ranging from 0.47 mm x 0.55 mm to 0.54

Figure 262. Rhipicephalus schulzei c) (RML 49397, collected from an unknown host and locality in the former USSR,
1932, W.W. Sceknew); ':fl (RML 1 02322; HH 29327, collected on large-toothed souslik (Spermophilusfulvus), near the
Caspian Plains, Kazakhstan, June 20, 195 1 , by Galuzo and received from C.A. Hoare) . (a) Male,dorsal; (b) female,
dorsal. Scale bars represent 1 mm . A. Olwage del.
R. schulzei 579

Table 69. Host records o/Rhipicephalus schulzei

Hosts Number of records

Domestic animals
Cattle 1
Sheep 1
Goats 1

Wild animals
Steppe polecat (Mustela eversmanniz) 2
Red-cheeked souslik (Spermophilus erythrogenys) 1
Large-toothed souslik (Spermophilusfulvus) 3
Little souslik (Spermophilus pygmaeus) 7 (including immatures)
Tien Shan souslik (Spermophilus re/ictus) 4
Long-tailed souslik (Spermophilus undulatus)
Great jerboa (Allactaga major)
Thick-tailed jerboa (Stylodipus telum)
Social vole (Microtus socialis)
Eversmann's hamster (Allocricetulus eversmanm) 1
Common hamster (Cricetus cricetus)
Mid-day gerbil (Meriones meridianus)
Tamarisk gerbil (Meriones tamariscinus)
Great gerbil (Rhombomys opimus) 2
House mouse (Mus musculus) 1


mm x 0.6 1 mm. Basis capituli with short broad elongate, dorsal prolongation slightly narrower
lateral angles extending over the slightly pro­ than macular area of spiracle. Adanal plates
truding anterior process of coxae I. Palps short, rounded posteriorly, tapering posteromedially to
slender, external margins slightly curved. Con­ a broad curve without cusps; accessory adanal
scutum length x breadth ranging from 2.20 plates elongate, narrowly V-shaped.
mm x 1 .26 mm to 2.45 mm x 1 .52 mm. Eyes
marginal, flat, may or may not be edged dorsally Female (Figs 262(b)J 263(d) to (j))
with a few small punctations. Cervical fields Capitulum broader than long, length x breadth
only sketchily indicated and not depressed, a few ranging from 0.58 mm x 0.66 mm to 0.64
punctations present in the area of the external mm x 0. 76 mm. Basis capituli with long sharp
cervical margins. Marginal lines punctate, de­ lateral angles overlapping the scapulae; porose
limiting first two festoons, ending well posterior areas small to moderate in size, less than twice
to eye level. Posteromedian groove short and their own diameter apart. Palps pointed apically,
narrow, posterolateral grooves subcircular; all external margins straight. Scutum slightly longer
grooves well developed. Conscutum relatively than broad, length x breadth ranging from 1 . 1 2
impunctate, punctations most obvious ante­ mm x 1 .09 mm to 1 .36 mm x 1 .3 1 mm. Eyes
rolaterally. Legs increase in size only very slight­ about halfway back, flat, edged dorsally with a few
ly from I to IV. Ventrally spiracles narrowly fine punctations. Cervical fields scalpel-shaped,
580 Acumnts .r
o . di.fJdual
i • J spec'Us
R. schulzei 581

Figure 264 (a.hove). Rhipicephalus schulzei (RML 1 1 8120, coUected on little soustik. (Spermqphilus pygmaeus), southem
shore of Aral Sea, Russia, date and collector unknown, received from G.V. Kolonin). Nymph: (a) capitulum, dorsal; (b)
capitulum, ventral; (c) scucum; (d) cox.ae. Scale bars represent 0.10 mm. SEMs by P. Hill.

Figure 263 (opposit.e). Rhipicep/uJlus rcltul.zei (RML I 02324; HH 29419, collected on great gerbil (Rhombomys opimus),
Gur-Yev, Kazakhstan, date and collector unknown, received from M. Pospelova-Shtrom). Male: (a) capiculum, dorsal;
(b) spiracle; (c) adanal plates. Female: (d) capitulum, dorsal; (e) scurum; (t) genital aperrure. Scale bars represent 0.10
rrun. SEMs by P. Hill.
582 Accounts of individual non-Afroiropical species

Figure 265. Rhipicephalus schulzei (RML 5 1 582, collected on linle souslik (Spem1�hilus pygmae11s), Western Kazakh­
stan, June 22, 1931, from the collection of Dr Paul Schulze). Larva: (a) capirulum, dorsal; (b) capirulum, ventral; (c)
scutum; (d) CO)(ac:. Scale: bars rcpn::senc 0.10 nun. SEMs by P. Hill.

depressed, rugose; raised external cervical mar­ not overlapping scapulae in specimen examined.
gins not always marked by punctations. Back­ Palps poimed apically, external margins very
ground of very fine punctations over entire slightly convex. Scutum slightly broader than
scutum gjves it a smooth impunctate appearance. long, length x breadth 0.51 mm x 0.53 mm.
Ventrally genital aperture U-shaped and short. Eyes more than halfway back, slightly bulging.
Scutal margin recedes markedly posterior to
Nymph (Fig. 264) eyes. Cervical grooves slightly diverging, cervical
Only one specimen available for measurement. fields inapparent. Venually coxae I each with
Capirulum broader than long, length x breadth two well-developed spurs; coxae II to IV each
0.26 mm x 0.28 mm. Basis capiruJi 2.5 times as with an excemaJ spur, decreasing progressively
broad as long, lateral angles moderately acute, in size.
R. schulzei 583

Larva (Fig. 265) Zoo geography

Capitulum much broader than long, length x
breadth ranging from 0. 1 2 mm x 0. 1 5 mm to Rhipicephalus schulzei is a xerophytic species
0. 1 3 mm x 0. 1 6 mm. Basis capituli three times found in semi-desert and dry steppe habitats. It is
as broad as long, with diverging sharply-pointed present in southern Russia in the areas of eastern
lateral angles. Palps constricted proximally, Transcaucasia, the northern areas of the Terek
pointed apically, external margins slightly con­ River in Daghestan, and in the Astrakhan Oblast,
vex. Scutum much broader than long, the Aral Sea area of western Kazakhstan, and
length x breadth ranging from 0.20 mm x 0.34 Uzbekistan (Pomerantsev, 1 950; Nyalkovskaya,
mm to 0.24 mm x 0.36 mm; posterior margin 1 966) (Map 74) It has recently been reported in
broadly curved. Eyes at widest point, slightly Xinjiang Province, China (Yu, Ye & Gong,
bulging. Cervical grooves short parallel troughs. 1 997) .
Ventrally coxae I each with a large triangular
spur, coxae II each with a small triangular spur, Disease relationships
coxae III each with a posterior thickening, but no
obvious spur. Little is known of the disease relationships of this
tick. Being a burrow inhabitor and rarely para­
Notes on identification sitizing humans, R. schulzei is probably not an
A species closely related to R. pumilio, but differs important vector of any human pathogen. How­
in the male in not having internal cusps on the ever, Nelzina et al. ( 1 960) showed that by rub­
adanal plates, and in the female in the configur­ bing ticks or their faeces containing the plague
ation of the capitulum. bacillus into the skin of guinea pigs, they were
able to transmit the disease. Consequently R.
schulzei could be a maintenance vector for one or
Hosts more tickborne diseases.

A three-host species. All life stages inhabit the

burrows of its hosts, which are various species of
sousliks, the primary host being the Tien Shan
souslik, but it will feed on other small hosts and
Nelzina, E.N. & Danilova, G.M. ( 1 960) .
on their predators (Table 69) . Pomerantsev Rhipicephalus schulzei 01. (Ixodidae) - a burrow
( 1 950) lists the primary host as the little souslik, inhabiting parasite of susliks. Meditsinskaya
followed by the large-toothed souslik, common Parazitologiya, Moskva, 29, 291-300. [In Rus­
hamster, Eversmann's hamster, great gerbil, sian, English summary] .
house mouse, cattle, sheep, goats, camels, dogs Nelzina, E.N., Pylenko, M.S., Chudesova, V.P.,
and humans. Larval emergence occurs from Kondrashkina, K.I. & Bykov, L.T. ( 1 960) .
May to August; nymphs during July and August; The role of Rhipicephalus schulzei in natural
adults in July. The pattern of seasonal abundance foci of plague. (Communication 1 . Localiz­
suggests a life cycle extending over two years. ation of Bacillus pestis in the tick body) . Medit­
sinskaya Parazitologiya, Moskva, 29, 202-7. [In
Nelzina & Danilova ( 1 960) studied the life cycle
Russian, English translation T 1 2 1 , NAMRU-
of R. schulzei and concluded that there are two
3, Cairo.]
phases in the annual cycle of both the tick and its
Nyalkovskaya, S.A. ( 1 966) . Rhipicephalus schulzei 01.
host. The first phase is when the ticks are active in Daghestan. In Tezisy Dokladov Pervoe
from April to July and the second is a non-active Akarologicheskoe Soveshchanie, ed. B.E. By­
'hibernating' phase from August to March; these khovsky, pp. 1 38-9. Moscow and Leningrad:
phases correspond to the periods of activity and Akademiya Nauk SSSR. [In Russian, English
hibernation of its souslik host. translation T385, NAMRU-3, Cairo.]
5 84 Accounts of individual non-Afrotropical species

Olenev, N.O. ( 1 929) . The study of the Ixodoidea of tute of Biological Sciences, Washington, DC,
our country. Vestnik Sovremennoy Veterinarii, 5, 1 99 pp.]
1 9 1 -3. [In Russian] . Yu, X., Ye, R.-Y. & Gong, Z.-D. ( 1 997) . The Tick
Pomerantsev, B.I. ( 1 950) . Ixodid ticks (Ixodidae) . Fauna of Xinjiang. Urumqi, China: Xinjiang
Fauna SSSR, Paukoobraznye, n.s. (4 1 ) , 4 (2), Scientific, Technological and Medical Publish­
224 pp. [In Russian; English translation by A. ing House.
Elbl, edited by G. Anastos. The American Insti- Also see the following Basic Reference (p. 1 3) :
Filippova ( 1 997) .
Host/parasite list for the
Rhipicephalus species

Unless otherwise stated the records in the host/ Buba/us bubalis Water buffaloes
parasite checklist refer to adult ticks. The numb­ R. haemaphysaloides (2)
er in brackets appearing after a tick's name repre­ R. pilans ( 1 2)
sents the number of collections made from the R. turanicus (3)
host species under which it is listed. When a
tick's name appears in bold type this indicates Ovis aries Sheep
that the animal under which it is listed is a prefer­ R. bursa (9 1)
red host of the adults. Large numbers of domes­ R. haemaphysaloides (5)
tic cattle, sheep and dogs as well as Indian gerbils R. pumilio ( 1 )
and Tolai hares have been examined for ticks R. schulzei ( 1)
within the distribution range of the non-Afro­ R. turanicus (many)
tropical Rhipicephalus species. The numbers of
Capra hircus Goats
collections from these animals could give a false
R. bursa (35, including immatures)
impression of host preference.
R. haemaphysaloides (8)
The host groupings under which the tick
R. leporis ( 1 )
collections are recorded in the host/parasite
R. pumilio ( 1 )
checklist follow the same sequence as those in the
R. rossicus ( 1)
host record tables accompanying the individual
R. schulzei ( 1 )
tick species accounts, namely domestic animals,
R. turanicus (many)
wild animals, birds and humans.
Came/us dromedarius Camels
R. bursa ( 1 )
DOMESTIC ANIMALS R. haemaphysaloides (2)
R. pumilio ( 1 )
Bos indicus/taurus Cattle R. rossicus ( 1 )
R. bursa (40) R. schulzei ( 1 )
R. haemaphysaloides ( 1 1) R. turanicus ( 1 5)
R. pilans (5)
R. pumilio (2) Equus caballus Horses
R. rossicus (8) R. bursa ( 1 0)
R. schulzei ( 1 ) R. haemaphysaloides (4)
R . turanicus ( 1 50 + ) R. pilans (8, including immatures)

586 Host/parasite listfor the non-Afrotropical Rhipicephalus

Horses (cont.) Erinaceus europaeus West European

R. pumilio ( 1 ) hedgehog
R. rossicus (2) R. turanicus (4)

Equus asinus Donkeys Hemiechinus aethiopicus Desert hedgehog

R. bursa ( 1 ) R. leporis (2)
R. haemaphysaloides (2) R. turanicus (3)
R. pumilio ( 1 )
Hemiechinus auritus Long-eared hedgehog
R . turanicus ( 1)
R. leporis (3)
Sus scrofa Pigs R. pumilio (2, immatures)
R. haemaphysaloides (4) R. turanicus (9, including immatures)
R. pilans (4)
Hemiechinus hypomelas Brandt's
R. pumilio ( 1)
R. turanicus ( 1 )
R. leporis (2)
Pigs (feral) R. pumilio ( 1)
R. pusillus (2) R. turanicus (2)

Hemiechinus micropus Indian hedgehog

Canis familiaris Dogs
R. turanicus (7)
R. bursa ( 1 )
R. haemaphysaloides (6) 'Hedgehog'
R. leporis (2) R. pusillus ( 1)
R. pilans (6, including immatures)
R. pumilio (2) Hylomys suillus Lesser moonrat
R. pusillus (3) R. pilans (l, immatures)
R. rossicus (3)
R. schulzei ( 1) Family Soricidae
R. turanicus ( 1 72) Crocidura nigripes Sulawesi white­
toothed shrew
Pelis catus Cats
R. pilans (2, immatures)
R. turanicus (44, including immatures)
Crocidura russula Common European
white-toothed shrew
WILD ANIMALS R. turanicus ( 1 , immatures)

Crocidura zarudnyi 'White-toothed shrew'

R. turanicus (l, immatures)

Order Insectivora Suncus murinus House shrew

R. haemaphysaloides (2, immatures)
Family Erinaceidae R. pilans (2)
Atelerix algirus Algerian hedgehog
R. pusillus ( 1 )
Order Chiroptera
Erinaceus concolor East European
hedgehog Family Pteropodidae
R. rossicus ( 1) Rousettus leschnaulti Leschnault's rousette
R. turanicus (5) R. pilans ( 1 , immatures)
Wild animals: Artiodactyla 587

Family Vespertilionidae Mustela nivalis Weasel

Eptesicus serotinus Serotine R. pusillus ( 1 )
R. rossicus ( 1 , immatures?) R . turanicus ( 1 , immatures)
Mustela putorius Polecat
Order Carnivora R. pumilio ( 1)
Vormela peregusna Marbled polecat
Family Canidae R. pumilio ( 1)
Canis aureus Golden jackal
R. haemaphysaloides (3) Family Viverridae
R. leporis (3) Paradoxurus herrnaphroditus Common
R. pumilio ( 1 ) R. pilans ( 1) palm civet
R. turanicus (7) 'Genet'
Canis lupus Wolf R. pusillus ( 1 )
R. pumilio ( 1 )
Order Perissodactyla
Cuon alpinus Dhole (Red dog)
R. haemaphysaloides ( 1 ) Family Equidae
Equus hemionus Asian wild ass
Vulpes bengalensis Bengal fox R. pumilio (1)
R. ramachandrai ( 1 )
Order Artiodactyla
Vulpes vulpes Red fox
R. leporis (6, including nymphs)
Family Cervidae
R. pumilio ( 1 )
Axis axis Spotted deer
R . pusillus (5)
R. haemaphysaloides ( 1)
R. turanicus ( 1 3)
Cervus tirnorensis Timor deer
Family Felidae R. pilans (2, including immatures)
Catopurna ternrninckii Asian golden cat Cervus unicolor Sambar
R. haemaphysaloides ( 1) R. haemaphysaloides (2)
R. pilans ( 1)
Pelis chaus Jungle cat
R. turanicus (2) Muntiacus rnuntjak Indian muntjac
R. haemaphysaloides (3)
Panthera pardus Leopard
R. haemaphysaloides (2)
R. pusillus ( 1)
Panthera tigris Tiger
Family Bovidae
R. haemaphysaloides ( 1 )
Gazella gazella Mountain gazelle
R. pilans ( 1 )
R. bursa ( 1 )

Family Mustelidae Gazella subgutturosa Goitred gazelle

Meles rneles Eurasian badger R. pumilio ( 1 )
R. turanicus (2) Hernitragus hylocrius Nilgiri tahr
R. haemaphysaloides ( 1)
Mustela eversrnannii Steppe polecat
R. leporis ( 1 ) Hernitragusjernlahicus Himalayan tahr
R. schulzei (2) R. haemaphysaloides ( 1 )
588 Host/parasite listfor the non-Afrotropical Rhipicephalus

Naemorhedus sumatraensis Common goral Cricetus cricetus Common hamster

R. haemaphysaloides ( 1 ) R. schulzei ( 1 )

Ovis ammon Argali Cricetulus migratorius Grey hamster

R. bursa (2) R. turanicus (7, immatures)
R. turanicus (3)
Meriones hurrianae Indian desert gerbil
R. ramachandrai (2, immatures)
Order Rodentia R. turanicus (2)

Family Sciuridae Meriones libycus Libyan jird

Funambulus tristriatus Jungle striped R. turanicus (5, immatures)
R. ramachandrai ( 1 ) squirrel
Meriones meridianus Mid-day gerbil
Marmota sp. 'Marmot' R. pumilio ( 1 , immatures)
R. haemaphysaloides ( 1 ) R. schulzei ( 1 )

Spermophilus erythrogenys Red-cheeked Meriones persicus Persian jird

R. schulzei ( 1 ) souslik R. turanicus (2, immatures)
Spermophilusfulvus Large-toothed souslik Meriones tamariscinus Tamarisk gerbil
R. schulzei (3) R. pumilio ( 1 , immatures)
Spermophilus pygmaeus Little souslik R. schulzei ( 1 )
R. schulzei (7, including immatures) Meriones tristrami Tristram's jird
Spermophilus relictus Tien Shan souslik R. turanicus ( 1 , immatures)
R. schulzei (4)
Rhombomys opimus Great gerbil
Spermophilus undulatus Long-tailed R. leporis ( 1 )
R. schulzei ( 1 ) souslik R. pumilio ( 1 )
R . schulzei (2)
Family Dipodidae R. turanicus ( 1 , immatures)
Allactaga major Great jerboa
Tatera indica Indian gerbil
R. schulzei ( 1 )
R. haemaphysaloides ( 1 , immatures)
Stylodipus telum Thick-tailed jerboa R. ramachandrai (34, including imma­
R. schulzei ( 1 ) tures)
R. turanicus ( 1 , immatures)
Family Muridae
Arvicola terrestris European water vole Apodemus mystacinus Broad-toothed
R. rossicus ( 1 ) R. turanicus ( 1 , immatures) mouse
Microtus guentheri Giinther's vole Apodemus sylvaticus Wood mouse
R. turanicus (2, immatures) R. bursa (7, immatures)
Microtus socialis Social vole
Bandicota bengalensis Lesser bandicoot rat
R. schulzei ( 1 )
R. ramachandrai (2)
Ondatra zibethicus Muskrat R. turanicus ( 1 , immatures)
R. pusillus ( 1 )
Bandicota indica Greater bandicoot rat
Allocricetulus eversmanni Eversmann's R. haemaphysaloides ( 1 , nymph)
R. schulzei ( 1 ) hamster R. pilans (2, immatures)
Wild animals: Lagomorpha 589

Bunomys penitus Sulawesi rat Rattus sp. 'Rat'

R. pilans ( 1 , immatures) R. pilans (2, immatures)

Golunda ellioti Indian bush rat 'Orchard rat'

R. haemaphysaloides ( 1 , immatures) R. pusillus ( 1 )

Maxomys bartelsii Oriental spiny rat

Family Gliridae
R. pilans (2, immatures)
Eliomys melanurus 'Dormouse'
Millardia gleadowi Sand-coloured rat R. pusillus ( 1)
R. ramachandrai (2, immatures) R . turanicus ( 1 , immatures)

Millardia meltada Soft-furred field rat Eliomys quercinus Garden dormouse

R. ramachandrai (2, immatures) R. bursa ( 1 , immatures)

Mus booduga Little Indian field mouse 'Rodents'

R. haemaphysaloides (4, immatures) R. rossicus (several records, immatures)

Mus musculus House mouse

Order Lagomorpha
R. haemaphysaloides ( 1 5, immatures)
R. pusillus ( 1 )
Family Ochotonidae
R . schulzei ( 1 )
Ochotona pallasi Pallas's pika
R . turanicus (3, immatures)
R. rossicus (2)
Mus platythrix Indian brown spiny mouse
R. haemaphysaloides ( 1 , immatures) Family Leporidae
Lepus capensis Cape hare
Mus saxicola
R. leporis (5)
R. haemaphysaloides ( 1 , immatures)
R. turanicus (5)
Nesokia indica Short-tailed bandicoot rat
Lepus nigricollis Indian hare
R. turanicus (3, immatures)
R. haemaphysaloides ( 1)
Niviventerfulvescens Chestnut rat R. turanicus (8, including immatures)
R. pilans ( 1 , immatures)
Lepus tolai Tolai hare
Rattus argentiventer Ricefield rat R. leporis ( 1 2, including immatures)
R. pilans (3, immatures) R. pumilio (8, including immatures)

Rattus blandfordi Blandford's rat Lepus yarkandensis Yarkand hare

R. haemaphysaloides (3, immatures) R. pumilio ( 1 , immatures)

Rattus exulans Polynesian rat Lepus spp . 'Hare'

R. pilans (24, immatures) R. haemaphysaloides ( 1 )
R . leporis (3)
Rattus rattus Black rat
Oryctolagus cuniculus European rabbit
R. haemaphysaloides (8, immatures)
R. bursa (3)
R. turanicus (3, immatures)
R. pusillus (many, including immatures)
Rattus tanezumi R. rossicus ( 1)
R. pilans (3, immatures) R . turanicus (2)

Rattus tiomanicus Malaysian field rat 'Rabbit'

R. pilans (2, immatures) R. pumilio ( 1 )
590 Host/parasite listfor the non-Afrotropical Rhipicephalus


CLASS AVES R. bursa (2)

R. haemaphysaloides (9)
Order Cuculiformes R. pilans (2)
R. pumilio (2)
Family Cuculidae R. rossicus (2)
Centropus sinensis Crow pheasant R. schulzei ( 1 )
R. haemaphysaloides ( 1 , immatures?) R. turanicus ( 1 3)

Order Passeriformes

Family Timaliidae
Chrysomma sinense Oriental yellow-eyed
R. haemaphysaloides ( 1 , immatures?)
Species groups based on
the illllla
l ture stages

The oft-quoted saying 'a picture is worth a thou­ though, our placing of individual species in this
sand words' is particularly apt when applied to group or that may be regarded as questionable,
the immature stages of ticks of the genus e.g. the inclusion of R. armatus in the R. appendi­
Rhipicephalus. Their identification to species culatus group. Apart from the few entities pres­
level is especially difficult as several of them are ently consigned to the 'ragbag' of the miscellan­
so similar in appearance. For this reason we have eous group, the species that we have found most
not attempted to produce keys for their identifi­ difficult to identify and to group are those with
cation. Instead we have included a series of fig­ more-or-less pointed palps, i.e. particularly those
ures in which line drawings of the capitula of presently included in the R. simus, R. follis and R.
nymphs and larvae of morphologically similar capensis groups. We feel that these are the groups
species have been grouped. In some contentious whose composition is most likely to be revised in
cases, but not all, we have been influenced by the the future.
morphology of the adults in deciding on our Another important characteristic that is ap­
groupings. The diagnostic characters on the parently group-related in this genus is the host
capitula of the various species within a group are relationships of the various species. In general
easily visible in these figures and should assist the 'pointy-palp' nymphs and larvae feed on
readers to identify them. In addition brief de­ small mammals, including rodents, not on the
scriptions of these characters have been given for hosts utilized by the adults. There is also some
each group as well as summaries of the geo­ evidence that they may be very specific in their
graphic distributions of the individual species. choice of small mammal hosts. Immatures of the
The classification proposed now represents pravus group apparently favour various species
a revision and extension of that initially sugges­ of macroscelids, the elephant shrews, though the
ted by Walker ( 1 96 1 ) . We do not, however, wish immature stages of R. kochi have been collected
to give readers the impression that we regard the from the same large mammals as the adults. Nu­
present groups as being immutable. Some do merous nymphs and larvae of both the appendi­
appear to be naturally well founded, e.g. the R. culatus and evertsi groups usually feed on the
evertsi group, comprising R. bursa, R. evertsi and same hosts as the adults, though occasional
R. glabroscutatum. These three species are not specimens have been collected from small mam­
only very much alike morphologically at the im­ mals. It is noteworthy that African hares and
mature stage but they are the only species in the rabbits, i.e. the leporids, serve as hosts of the
genus at present known to have a two-host, immature stages of species from nearly all the
rather than a three-host, life cycle. In other cases, groups in the genus.

592 Species groups based on the immature stages

These host preferences are important when THE AFROTROPICAL

the potential of different species of Rhipicephalus RHIPICEPHALUS SANGUINEUS
as vectors of various pathogenic organisms is GROUP
being considered.
Future studies of our 'groups' could pro­ This group includes the following species (Fig.
vide a firmer basis for the erection of subgenera. 266) :
The nominate subgenus Rhipicephalus en­
R. camicasi: north-eastern corner of Africa, Ye­
compasses the majority of Rhipicephalus species
men Arab Republic, Saudi Arabia, Jordan
worldwide, but the subgenera Digeneus, Pom­
and Lebanon.
erantzevia and Pterygodes may, indeed, be valid.
R. guilhoni: East to West Africa between 6 °N
To this date, however, the erection of subgenera
and 1 8 °N.
has been based on characters found in adult ticks
R. sanguineus: worldwide, between approximate­
only. Without the inclusion of immature charac­
ly 50 °N and 30 °S.
teristics we question their validity.
R. sulcatus: widespread in West, East, Central
The illustrations comprising the various
and southern Africa.
species groups have been arranged alphabeti­
R. turanicus: mainly in North, East and southern
cally, commencing with those of the nymphs.
Africa, and in the Mediterranean countries,
Whenever a species within the group is particu­
Europe, Russia and India.
larly well-known the group has been named after
this species. In the two cases in which no well­
known species is present the group has been Nymphs
named after the species illustrated first alphabeti­
cally. (a) Basis capituli with pointed lateral angles
The Afrotropical species groups are pres­ from mid-length to two-thirds back.
ented in the following sequence: R. sanguineus, (b) Palps tapering, apices narrowly to fairly
R. simus, R. follis, R. capensis, R. pravus, R. appen­ broadly rounded, inclined inwards.
diculatus, R. evertsi and a group containing spe­
cies that we are unable to place comfortably in
any of the other groups. For the species occur­
ring outside Africa the R. sanguineus group is
(a) Basis capituli with pointed lateral angles at
presented first followed by the R. haemaphysal­
about mid-length.
oides group. (b) Palps tapering, apices narrowly rounded to
pointed, inclined inwards.


Walker, J.B. ( 1 9 6 1 ) . Some observations on the

classification and biology of ticks belonging to
the genus Rhipicephalus, with special reference
to the immature stages. East African Medical
Journal, 38, 232-8.

Figure 266 (opposite) . The Afrotropical Rhipicephalus

sanguineus species group: capitula of nymphs (N) and
larvae (L) .
R. sanguineus group 593

R. camicasi N. R. guilhoni N. R. sanguineus N.

R. sulcatus N. R. turanicus N. (Zambia)

R. camicasi L. R. guilhoni L. R. sanguineus L.

R. sulcatus L. R. turanicus L. (Zambia)

594 Species groups based on the immature stages


This group contains the following species (Figs This group comprises the following species (Figs
26 7 and 268) : 269 and 270) :
R. distinctus: East, Central and southern Africa. R. follis: southern and eastern southern Africa.
R. muhsamae: mainly West Africa. R. gertrudae: Namibia and south-western and
R. planus: East Africa and eastern Central Africa. central South Africa.
R. praetextatus: north-eastern to East Africa. R. hurti: high altitude areas in south-western
R. senegalensis: from West Africa to Uganda in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda.
the east, mainly between 0° and 1 2 °N. R. jeanneli: high altitude areas in Kenya, Tan­
R. simpsoni: West, East and Central Africa south­ zania, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi.
wards to eastern southern Africa. R. lounsburyi: south-eastern and south-western
R. simus: southern Africa excluding the more South Africa.
arid western regions. R. lunulatus: widely distributed in the Afrotropi­
R. zumpti: Mozambique southwards to eastern cal region.
South Africa. R. neumanni: southern Namibia, Northern and
Western Cape Provinces, South Africa.
R. tricuspis: western Democratic Republic of
Congo, central southern Africa.
(a) Basis capituli with sharply pointed lateral
angles; posterolateral margins usually con­ Nymphs
cave over scapulae, posterior margin typi­
cally straight; ventrally spurs on posterior (a) Basis capituli with long sharp lateral angles
margin. overlapping scapulae; cornua may or may
(b) Palps long with external margins straight to not be present; ventrally well-developed
mildly curved, tapering, inclined inwards. spurs on posterior margin.
(b) Palps slender, tapering, apices narrowly
rounded (somewhat broader in R. jeanneli
and R. lounsburyt), inclined inwards.
(a) Basis capituli hexagonal, at least three times
as broad as long; rounded to pointed lateral Larvae
angles at about mid-length.
(b) Palps tapering, inclined inwards. (a) Basis capituli hexagonal, sharply pointed to
bluntly rounded lateral angles at about mid­
(b) Palps broad proximally, tapering to nar­
rowly rounded apices (broader in R. ger­
trudae), inclined inwards.
R. simus group 595

R. distinctus N. R. muhsamae N. R. planus N.

R. praetextatus N. R. senegalensis N. R. simpsoni N.

R. simus N. R. zumpti N.

Figure 267. The Rhipicephalus simus species group: capitula of nymphs (N) .
596 Species groups based on the immature stages

· - - - - -· -- ·-·-..

R. distinctus L. R. muhsamae L. R. planus L.


R. praetextatus L. R. senegalensis L. R. simpsoni L.

R. simus l. R. zumpti l.

Figure 268. The Rhipicephalus simus species group: capitula of larvae (L) .
R. follis group 597

R. follis N. R. gertrudae N. R. hurti N.

R. jeanneli N. R. /ounsburyi N. R. lunulatus N.

R. neumanni N. R. tricuspis N.

Figure 269. The Rhipicephalus follis species group: capitula of nymphs (N) .
598 Species groups based on the immature stages

R. fol/is L. R. gertrudae L. R. hurti L.

R. jeanneli L. R. lounsburyi L. R. tunulatus L.

R. neumanni L. R. tricuspis L.

Figure 270. The Rhipicephalus fol/is species group: capitula of larvae (L) .
R. capensis group 599


This group contains the following species (Fig. This group encompasses the following species
271): (Fig. 272) :
R . capensis: south-western South Africa. R. arnoldi: south-western Zimbabwe and central
R. compositus: mainly East and Central Africa South Africa.
from Kenya in the north to Zimbabwe in R. exophthalmos: mainly Namibia and southern
the south. South Africa.
R. longus: across Africa approximately between R. kochi: south-eastern Kenya, Tanzania and
6 °N and 1 2 °S. Central Africa southwards to north-eastern
R. pseudolongus: West Africa eastwards to South Africa.
Uganda. R. oculatus: southern Namibia and southern and
central South Africa.
R. pravus: East Africa
R. warburtoni: Free State Province, South Africa.
(a) Basis capituli with long sharp lateral angles
overlapping scapulae; cornua present Nymphs
(somewhat reduced in R. longus); well-de­
veloped spurs on ventral posterior margin. (a) Basis capituli hexagonal, three times as
(b) Palps slender, tapering gradually, inclined broad as long; dorsally cornua, and ven­
inwards. trally spurs, absent.
(b) Palps constricted proximally, becoming
broader then tapering slightly to rounded
(a) Basis capituli hexagonal, lateral angles at
about mid-length, bluntly pointed. Larvae
(b) Palps broad proximally, tapering to broadly
rounded apices, inclined inwards. (a) Basis capituli quadrangular.
(b) Palps constricted proximally, internal mar­
gins straight and external margins convex
giving the palps a more-or-less bulbous ap­
pearance, tips broadly rounded.
600 Species groups based on the immature stages

R. capensis N. R. compositus N. R. longus N.

R. pseudolongus N.

R. capensis L. R. compositus L. R. longus L.

Figure 271. The Rhipicephalus capensis species group: capitula of nymphs (N) and larvae (L) .

Figure 272 (opposite). The Rhipicephalus pravus species

group: capitula of nymphs (N) and larvae (L) .
R. pravus group 601

R. arnoldi N. R. exophthalmos N. R. kochi N.

R. oculatus N. R. pravus N. R. warburtoni N.

R. arnoldi L. R. exophthalmos L. R. kochi l.

R. ocutatus L. R. pravus L. R. warburtoni L.

602 Species groups based on the immature stages


This group comprises the following species (Fig.
This group comprises the following species (Figs 275) :
273 and 274) :
R. bursa: Mediterranean countries.
R. appendiculatus: East and Central Africa south­ R. evertsi (includes subspecies evertsi and mi­
wards to eastern southern Africa. meticus) : widespread in the Afrotropical re­
R. armatus: dry areas in eastern Uganda, Kenya, gion
Somalia and Ethiopia. R. glabroscutatum: Eastern and Western Cape
R. carnivoralis: mainly Kenya, Uganda and Tan­ Provinces, South Africa.
R. duttoni: almost exclusively western Angola.
R. humeralis: south-eastern Somalia and Kenya
and north-eastern Tanzania.
(a) Basis capituli with hypostome longer than
R. maculatus: eastern East and southern Africa.
palps; dorsally cornua, and ventrally spurs,
R. muehlensi: eastern Kenya and Tanzania south­
wards to north-eastern South Africa.
(b) Palps cylindrical, not constricted proximal­
R. nitens: southern to south-western South Afri­
R. pulchellus: mainly east of the Rift Valley from
Eritrea southwards to north-eastern Tan­ Larvae
R. sculptus: Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia. (a) Basis capituli quadrangular; dorsally cor­
R. zambeziensis: mainly south-western Tanzania, nua and ventrally spurs absent.
southern Zambia, Zimbabwe, northern (b) Palps cylindrical.
Namibia, south-eastern Botswana and
northern South Africa.


(a) Basis capituli hexagonal; lateral angles

sharp, anterior to mid-length, pointing
either forwards or sideways; cornua absent;
ventrally short spurs or indications of spurs
on posterior margin.
(b) Palps constricted proximally, broad, apices
bluntly rounded.


(a) Basis capituli quadrangular to hexagonal

with short lateral angles.
(b) Palps broad with bluntly rounded apices.

Figure 273 (opposite). The Rhipicephalus appendiculatus

species group: capitula of nymphs (N) .
R. appendiculatus group 603

R. appendicu/atus N. R. armatus N. R. carnivoralis N.

R. duttoni N. R. humeralis N. R. maculatus N.

R. muehlensi N. R. nitens N. R. pu/chellus N.

R. sculptus N. R. zambeziensis N.
604 Species groups based on the immature stages

R. appendiculatus L. R. armatus L. R. carnivoralis L.

R. duttoni L. R. humeralis L. R. maculatus L.

\ ------

R. muehlensi L. R. nitens L. R. pulchellus L.

R. sculptus L. R. zambeziensis L.
R. evertsi group 605

\ I \ ________,/
R. bursa N. R. evertsi evertsi N. R. glabroscutatum N.


R. bursa L. R. evertsi evertsi L. R. g/abroscutatum L.

Figure 27 5 (above) . The Rhipicephalus evertsi species group: capitula of nymphs (N) and larvae (L) .

Figure 274 (opposite). The Rhipicephalus appendiculatus

species group: capitula oflarvae (L) .
606 Species groups based on the immature stages


There are a few species that we have been unable GROUP
to assign satisfactorily in our minds to any of the
foregoing groups (Fig. 276) . These are: This group includes the following species (Figs
277 and 278):
R. cuspidatus: extending from West Africa to
Sudan. R. camicasi: Yemen Arab Republic, Saudi Ara­
R. longicoxatus: southern Kenya and northern bia, Jordan, Lebanon and the north-eastern
and central Tanzania. corner of Africa.
R. theileri: central Namibia, northern Botswana, R. leporis: Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan and
north-western, northern and central South Turkmenistan.
Africa. R. pumilio: southern Russia, Turkmenistan,
R. fulvus: north-eastern Algeria, Tunisia, Niger Tajikistan, Kashmir and Mongolia.
and Chad. R. pusillus: western Mediterranean countries.
R. rossicus: eastern Europe, Sinai Peninsula,
We have considered placing R. cuspidatus
western Kazakhstan and Xinjiang Prov­
in the R. evertsi group and R. theileri in the R.
ince, China.
appendiculatus group but decided against it. Fu­
R. sanguineus: worldwide, between approximate­
ture research will show whether this and other
ly 50 °N and 30 °S.
decisions we have made on the species groupings
R. schulzei: southern Russia.
are taxonomically and evolutionarily defensible.
R. turanicus: Mediterranean countries, Europe,
Russia, India and in North, East and south­
ern Africa.


(a) Basis capituli hexagonal, lateral angles at

about mid-length, pointed; with the excep­
tion of R. pusillus, which has slight cornua,
posterior margin straight.
(b) Palps with external margins straight to
mildly convex, tapering gradually to rapid­
ly, apices narrowly to bluntly rounded, in­
clined inwards.


(a) Basis capituli hexagonal, lateral angles ob­

tuse and bluntly rounded to acute and nar­
rowly pointed, at about mid-length or
slightly more forward.
(b) Palps tapering, apices narrowly rounded to
pointed, inclined inwards.

Figure 276 (opposite) . The Rhipicephalus species not

placed in a group: capitula of nymphs (N) and larvae (L) .
Other Afrotropical species 607

R. cuspidatus N. R. cuspidatus L.

\, 'I

R. longicoxatus L.


R. theileri N. R. theileri L.

R. fulvus N. R. fulvus L.
608 Species groups based on the immature stages

R. camicasi N. R. leporis N. R. pumifio N.

R. pusillus N. R. rossicus N. R. sanguineus N.

R. schufzei N. R. turanicus N. (Cyprus)

Figure 277. The non-Afrotropical Rhipicephalus sanguineus species group: capitula of nymphs (N) .

R. camicasi L. R. pumilio l. R. rossicus L.

R. sanguineus L. R. schulzei L. R. turanicus L. (Cyprus)

Figure 278. The non-Afrotropical Rhipicephalus sanguineus species group: capitula of larvae (L) .
Other Afrotropical species 609

R. haemaphysaloides N. R. pi/ans N. R. ramachandrai N.

R. haemaphysa/oides L. R. pi/ans L. R. ramachandrai L.

Figure 279. The Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides species group: capitula of nymphs (N) and larvae (L) .

(a) Basis capituli hexagonal, pointed to bluntly
This group encompasses the following species rounded lateral angles at about posterior
(Fig. 279) : third of its length, comua present dorsally
and spurs ventrally.
R. haemaphysaloides: South-east Asia and In­ (b) Palps slender, external margins concave,
donesia. tapering, apices narrowly rounded, inclined
R. pilans: the Philippines and Indonesia. inwards.
R. ramachandrai: India, Nepal and Pakistan.
The morphological disparity between the Larvae
larvae of this group compared with the uniform
appearance of the nymphs suggests that some of (a) Basis capituli quadrangular to hexagonal,
the specimens have perhaps not been correctly lateral angles obtuse to acute, posterior
matched either with each other or with the adults. margin convex to concave.
(b) Palps broadly cylindrical to broadly conical
with bluntly rounded apices.
The transmission of
tick-borne diseases of
animals and humans by
Rhipicephalus species

The format of the tables given below is based on

those compiled by Neitz ( 1 956a, b) and Walker
( 1 97 4) . Further information is given in Hoog­
straal ( 1 967, 1 973, 1 979), Yunker ( 1 970),
Friedhoff ( 1 988) and Coetzer, Thomson & Tus­
tin ( 1 994) . No attempt has been made to cite all
the references to studies on the transmission by
the different Rhipicephalus spp. vectors of the
organisms or conditions listed; such an undertak­
ing lies outside the scope of this work. Usually
only the first or an early account of the trans­
mission of an organism or condition by a particu­
lar Rhipicephalus sp. is quoted, unless this is very
incomplete. In such cases additional references
are given.

Notes to Table 70

* Indicates the most important vector, if known.

t Indicates laboratory transmission, sometimes in splenectomized animals subject to very high tick
infestations. Such vectors could be of little or no importance in the field.
L, larva.
N, nymph.
A, adult.
E, egg.


Table 70. Transmission of tick-borne diseases of animals

Acquisition [x] and transmission [ )] of

Disease and Animals Number
causative agent affected Tick vectors of hosts L N A E L N A References

East Coast fever Cattle, African * R. appendiculatus 3 X - ) Lounsbury ( 1 904,

Theileria parva buffalo X - ) 1 906), Lewis
parva ( 1 943), De Vos
( 1 98 1 )

t R. capensis 3 X-) Lounsbury ( 1 906)

t R. carnivoralis 3 X-) Brocklesby, Bailey &

Vidler ( 1 966)

t R. compositus 3 X - ) Wilson ( 1 9 5 1 )
(listed as R. ayrei, X-)
see p. 1 28)

R. evertsi evertsi 2 X-X - ) Lounsbury ( 1 906)

t R. jeanneli 3 Stages involved not stated Wilson ( 1 953)

t R. nitens 3 X - ) Lounsbury ( 1 906)

t R. pravus (listed as 3 X - ) Lewis, Piercy &

R. neavei, see p. 358) X - ) Wiley ( 1 946)

t R. pulchellus 3 X - ) Brocklesby ( 1 965)

t R. simus 3 X - ) Lounsbury ( 1 906)

R. zambeziensis 3 X - ) Lawrence, Norval &

Uilenberg ( 1 983)

Table 70. (cont.)

Acquisition [x] and transmission [ )] of

Disease and Animals Number
causative agent affected Tick vectors of hosts L N A E L N A References

Corridor disease Cattle, African * R. appendiculatus 3 X-) Neitz ( 1 955), De

Theileria parva buffalo X-) Vos ( 1 98 1 )
R. duttoni 3 Stages involved not stated D a Gra\:a & Serrano

t R. simus 3 X-) Neitz ( 1 962)

* R. zambeziensis 3 X-) Lawrence, Norval &

X-) Uilenberg ( 1 983)

Zimbabwe theileriosis * R. appendiculatus 3 X-) Matson & Hill

Theileria parva bovis Cattle ( 1 967), Fivaz,
Norval & Lawrence
( 1 989)

R. zambeziensis 3 X-) Lawrence, Norval &

X-) Uilenberg ( 1 983)

Benign bovine Eland, cattle R. appendiculatus 3 X-) Lawrence &

theileriosis X-) MacKenzie ( 1 980)
Theileria taurotragi
R. pulchellus 3 X-) Brocklesby ( 1 965)

R. zambeziensis 3 X-) Lawrence, Norval &

X-) Uilenberg ( 1 983)

Ovine theileriosis Sheep R. bursa 2 X-X-) Neitz ( 1 972)

Theileria separata
(as Theileria ovis)

* R . evertsi evertsi 2 X-X-) Jansen & Neitz

( 1 956), Uilenberg &
Schreuder ( 1 976)

t R. evertsi mimeticus 2 x X-) Neitz ( 1 972)

Bovine babesiosis Cattle R. bursa 2 X-X-) Brumpt ( 1 93 1 ),

Babesia bigemina x ) -) - ) Sergent et al. ( 1 93 1 )

t R. evertsi evertsi 2 x Buscher ( 1 988)

Bovine babesiosis Cattle R. bursa 2 X-X-) Sergent e t al. ( 1 945,

Babesia bovis cited by Neitz,
1 956a)

Equine babesiosis Horses, donkeys, t R. bursa 2 X-X-) Enigk ( 1 943)

Babesia caballi mules

R. evertsi evertsi 2 X-) De Waal &

Potgieter ( 1 987)

t R. turanicus (listed 3 X-) Enigk ( 1 943)

as R. sanguineus, see x
p. 462)

Equine babesiosis Horses, donkeys, R. bursa 2 X-X-) Kurchatov &

Babesia equi mules, zebras Markov ( 1 940, cited
(Now called Equine by Neitz, 1 956a)
theileriosis and
Theileria equi. This * R. evertsi evertsi 2 X-X-) Theiler ( 1 906), De
is controversial. See Waal ( 1 983-88,
the last three cited by De Waal &
references on p. Van Heerden, 1 994)
R. evertsi mimeticus 2 X-X-) Potgieter, D e Waal
& Posnett ( 1 992)

t R. turanicus (listed 3 X-) Enigk ( 1 943)

as R. sanguineus, see X-)
p. 389)

Table 70. (cont.)

Acquisition [x] and transmission [ )] of

Disease and Animals Number
causative agent affected Tick vectors of hosts L N A E L N A References

Porcine babesiosis Pigs, warthog, R. lunulatus 3 Stages involved not stated Tendeiro ( 1 952)
Babesia trautmanni bushpig

t R. simus 3 x ) -) De Waal,
Lopez-Rebollar &
Potgieter ( 1 992)

t R. turanicus 3 x ) -) Lopez-Rebollar &

De Waal ( 1 994)

Ovine and caprine Sheep, goats R. bursa 2 X-X-) Rastega"ieff ( 1 9 3 3)

Babesia motasi

Ovine and caprine Sheep, goats * R. bursa 2 X-X-) Rastega"ieff ( 1 933),

babesiosis x ) Buscher, Friedhoff
Babesia ovis & El-Allawy ( 1 988)

Canine babesiosis Dogs R. sanguineus 3 X-) Christophers

Babesia canis X-) ( 1 907), Shortt
x ) - ) - ) ( 1 936), Liebisch &
Gillani ( 1 979)

t R. turanicus 3 Stage in which infection Achuthan,

acquired not stated Mahadevan &
Lalitha ( 1 980)

Canine babesiosis Dogs, wolf, jackal, t R. sanguineus 3 X-) S e n ( 1 933)

Babesia gibsoni fox

Canine Dogs t R. sanguineus 3 X - ) These infected adult ticks Nordgren & Craig
hepatozoonosis fed to dogs ( 1 984)
Hepatozoon canis

Malignant bovine Cattle R. bursa 2 X - X - ) Brumpt ( 1 9 3 1 )


R. evertsi evertsi 2 X-) Intrastadial transmission Potgieter ( 1 98 1 )

by adult ticks

R. simus 3 X - ) x ) Theiler ( 1 9 1 2) ,
X - ) Potgieter ( 1 98 1 )

X-) Intrastadial transmission

by adult ticks

Benign bovine Cattle R. simus 3 X - ) Potgieter & Van

anaplasmosis Rensburg ( 1 987)
Anaplasma centrale

Ovine and caprine Sheep, goats R. bursa 2 X - X - ) Rastegaleff ( 1 933)

Anaplasma ovis

Canine Dogs t R. sanguineus 3 X - ) Seneviratna,

haemobart- x ) - ) Weerasinghe &
onellosis Ariyadasa ( 1 973)
Haemobartonella canis

Bovine ehrlichiosis Cattle * R. appendiculatus 3 X - ) Matson ( 1 967),

Ehrlichia bovis Norval ( 1 979)

t R. nitens 3 X - ) Stoltsz ( 1 994)

t R. zambeziensis 3 X - ) Stoltsz ( 1 994)

X - )

Table 70. (cont.)

Acquisition [x] and transmission [ )] of

Disease and Animals Number
causative agent affected Tick vectors of hosts L N A E L N A References

Ovine ehrlichiosis Sheep t R. bursa 2 Tick emulsion injected into sheep Donatien &
Ehrlichia ovina Lestoquard ( 1 937)

t R. evertsi evertsi 2 X -X - ) Neitz ( 1 952, cited

by Neitz, 1 956b)

Canine Dogs * R. sanguineus 3 X-) ) - Groves et al. ( 1 975)

ehrlichiosis X-)
Ehrlichia canis

Rocky mountain Dogs R. sanguineus 3 Stages involved not stated Greene &
spotted fever Breitschwerdt
Rickettsia rickettsi ( 1 990)

Nairobi sheep Sheep, goats * R. appendiculatus 3 X-) X -- ) Montgomery

disease X-) ( 1 9 1 7), Daubney &
(Bunyaviridae) Hudson ( 1 931),
Davies & Mwakima
(1 982)

R. hurti or R. 3 X-) Daubney & Hudson

jeanneli (listed as R. ( 1 934)
bursa, see p. 227)

Probably R. 3 Stages involved not stated Lewis ( 1 949)

praetextatus (listed
as R. simus, see
p. 425)

* R. pulchellus 3 X-) Pellegrini ( 1 950)

x ) -)

Kisenye sheep Sheep R. appendiculatus 3 X- ) Bugyaki ( 1 9 5 5)


Louping ill Sheep, cattle t R. appendiculatus 3 X - ) Alexander & Neitz

(Flaviviridae) X-) ( 1 935)

Spirochaetosis Cattle, sheep, goats, * R. evertsi evertsi 2 X - X - ) Theiler ( 1 909)

Borrelia theileri horses, donkeys, x

Filarid Dogs t R. sanguineus 3 X - ) Olmeda-Garcia,

nematodosis Rodriguez-
Dipetalonema Rodriguez &
dracunculoides Rojo-Vazquez
( 1 993)

Tick paralysis Sheep R. bursa 2 ) Anonymous ( 1 984)

Lambs R. evertsi evertsi 2 Clark ( 1 938),

Hamel & Gothe
( 1 978)

Dogs (facial R. evertsi evertsi 2 Norval ( 1 98 1 )


Rabbits R. exophthalmos 3 Neitz ( 1 970, cited

by Keirans et al.,
1 993)

Calves, lambs R. lunulatus (as R. 3 Theiler ( 1 962),

tricuspis) Lawrence & Norval
( 1 979)
Table 70 . (cont.)

Acquisition [x] and transmission [ )] of

Disease and Animals Number
causative agent affected Tick vectors of hosts L N A E L N A References

Tick paralysis Cattle R. praetextatus (as 3 Pegram, Hoogstraal

(cont.) R. simus) & Wassef ( 1 98 1 )

Dogs R. sanguineus 3 Viloria ( 1 954)

Calves, lambs R. simus 3 Norval & Mason


Goat kids R. warburtoni (as R. 3 Fourie, Horak &

pravus group) Marais ( 1 988)

Tick toxicosis Cattle, antelope R. appendiculatus 3 ) Thomas & Neitz

( 1 958), Van
Rensburg ( 1 959),
Lightfoot & Norval
( 1 98 1 )

Springbok R. nitens 3 I.G.H. (unpublished


Note: * Indicates the most important vector, if known.

t Indicates laboratory transmission, sometimes in splenectomized animals subject to very high tick infestations. Such vectors could be of little or no
importance in the field.
L, larva.
N, nymph.
A, adult.
E, egg.
Animal diseases 619

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Alexander, RA. & Neitz, W.O. ( 1 935). The trans­ disease: natural and experimental transmission
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622 Transmission of tick-borne diseases by Rhipicephalus

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ninos. Revista de Medicina Veterinaria y Para- tional Veterinary Congress, Stockholm, 1, 287-90.

Table 7 1 . Transmission of tick-borne diseases of humans

Number Mode of infection or isolation of

Disease and causative agent Tick vectors of hosts causative agent References

Tick typhus R. appendiculatus 3 Injection of tick emulsion, and Pijper & Dau ( 1 934) , Gear
Rickettsia conori rickettsiae isolated from ticks ( 1 954)

R. evertsi evertsi 2 Rickettsiae isolated from ticks Gear ( 1 954)

R. pulchellus 3 Antibodies to R. conori in Philip et al. ( 1 966)

guinea-pigs after tick feeding

R. pusillus 3 Antibodies to R. conori detected in Ciceroni et al. ( 1 988)

European rabbits parasitized by R.

R. sanguineus 3 Stage to stage biological Roberts & Tonking ( 1 933),

transmission Neitz, Alexander & Mason
( 1 94 1 )

Probably R. praetextatus (as 3 Injection of tick emulsion Reisch, McPhee & Rickman
R. simus) ( 1 957)

Rocky mountain spotted R. sanguineus 3 Rickettsiae isolated from ticks Hoogstraal ( 1 967)
Rickettsia rickettsi

Siberian tick typhus R. sanguineus 3 Rickettsiae isolated from ticks Hoogstraal ( 1 96 7)

Rickettsia sibirica
R. turanicus 3 Rickettsiae isolated from ticks Berdyev ( 1 980)

A tick typhus or fever R. pusillus 3 Antibodies to R. slovaca detected in Ciceroni et al. ( 1 988)
Rickettsia slovaca European rabbits parasitized by R.

Astrakhan fever R. pumilio 3 Rickettsiae isolated from ticks Etemeeva et al. ( 1 994)
Rickettsia sp.
Table 7 1 . (cont.)

Number Mode of infection or isolation of

Disease and causative agent Tick vectors of hosts causative agent References

Q-fever R. bursa 2 Rickettsiae isolated from ticks Babudieri ( 1 959)

Coxiella burneti
R. cuspidatus 3 Rickettsiae isolated from ticks Tendeiro ( 1 954)

R. pumilio 3 Rickettsiae isolated from ticks Hoogstraal ( 1 979)

R. rossicus 3 Rickettsiae isolated from ticks Hoogstraal ( 1 979)

R. sanguineus 3 Injection of tick faeces, and stage Smith ( 1 94 1 )

to stage biological transmission

R. senegalensis (as R. simus 3 Rickettsiae isolated from ticks Hoogstraal ( 1 956)


R. turanicus 3 Rickettsiae isolated from ticks Berdyev ( 1 980)

Probably R. praetextatus (as 3 Injection of tick emulsion Heisch ( 1 960), Heisch et al.
R. simus) ( 1 962)

Plague R. schulzei 3 Rubbing ticks or their faeces into Nelzina et al. ( 1 960)
Yersinia pestis the skin

Lyme disease R. bursa 2 Spirochaetes isolated from ticks Georgieva et al. ( 1 993)
Borrelia burgdorferi
R. sanguineus 3 Spirochaetes isolated from ticks Georgieva et al. ( 1 993)

Tularaemia R. pumilio 3 Bacteria isolated from ticks Hoogstraal ( 1 979)

Francisella tularensis
R. rossicus 3 Bacteria isolated from ticks Borodin, Samsonova &
Koroleva ( 1 958)

R. sanguineus 3 Survival of causative organism in Parker ( 1 933)

ticks from larval to adult stage

Crimean-Congo R. bursa 2 Virus isolated from ticks Antoniadis & Casals ( 1 982)
haemorrhagic fever

R. evertsi evertsi 2 Virus isolated from ticks Swanepoel et al. ( 1 983)

R. evertsi mimeticus 2 Nymphs inoculated and Shepherd et al. ( 1 989)

transmitted virus as adults

R. pulchellus 3 Virus isolated from ticks Wood et al. ( 1 978)

R. pumilio 3 Virus isolated from ticks Hoogstraal ( 1 979)

R. rossicus 3 Virus isolated from ticks Kondratenko et al. ( 1 970)

R. sanguineus 3 Virus isolated from ticks Hoogstraal ( 1 979)

R. schulzei 3 Virus isolated from ticks Smirnova et al. ( 1 99 1 )

R . turanicus 3 Virus isolated from ticks Hoogstraal ( 1 979)

Dugbe virus R. pulchellus 3 Virus isolated from ticks Wood et al. ( 1 978)

Thogoto virus R. bursa 2 Virus isolated from ticks Albanese et al. ( 1 972)
R. sanguineus 3 Virus isolated from ticks Filipe & Calisher ( 1 984)

Kyasanur Forest disease R. haemaphysaloides 3 Stage to stage transmission of the Bhat et al. ( 1 978)
(Flaviviridae) virus to laboratory rodents

Louping ill R. appendiculatus 3 Stage to stage transmission of the Alexander & Neitz ( 1 935)
(Flaviviridae) virus to sheep

West Nile virus R. bursa 2 Virus isolated from ticks Hoogstraal ( 1 979)

R. rossicus 3 Virus survived experimentally in Hoogstraal ( 1 979)

ticks from the larval to the adult

R. turanicus 3 Virus isolated from ticks Hoogstraal ( 1 979)

626 Transmission of tick-borne diseases by Rhipicephalus

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in western Sicily. Acta Virologica, 16, 267. graphical regions. Infectology, 30, 38-40. [In
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erinary Science and Animal Industry, 5, 1 5-33. Medical Journal, 37, 1 04.
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Page references to species under the Rhipicephalus entry in bold are the primary references.
Page references to hosts in bold refer to host/parasite lists.
Page references in italics refer to maps.

aardvark 1 00, 1 30, 1 34, 1 35, 257, 272, R. longus 257, 262 Ammodorcas clarkei see dibatag
287, 334, 346, 354, 372, 383, 403, R. lunulatus 272, 273 Ammotragus lervia see Barbary sheep
422, 432, 45 1 , 460, 475, 502 R. maculatus 283, 2841 285 anaemia 69
aardwolf 1 60, 346, 372, 422, 4 5 1 , 460, R. masseyi 30, 287 Anaplasma
499 R. muehlensi 301 centrale 425, 6 1 5
Abyssinia see Ethiopia R. muhsamae 305 marginale 1 67, 425, 530, 6 1 5
Acari 3 R. planus 334, 339 ovis 530, 6 1 5
Accipiter melanoleucus see sparrow hawk, R. praetextatus 345, 347 Anglo-Egyptian Sudan see Sudan
great R. pravus 354 Angola 1 0, 25, 44
Acinonyx jubatus see cheetah R. pseudolongus 360, 364 R. complanatus 1 1 8
adder, puff 46 1 , 5 1 7 R. pulchellus 3 7 3 R . compositus 123, 1 28
Aegypius occipitalis see vulture, R. sculptus 393 R. distinctus 144
white-headed R. senegalensis 403, 404 R. duttoni 50, 55, 146, 1 52, 602
Aepyceros melampus see impala R. simpsoni 4 1 0 R. dux 156, 1 57
Aethomys R . simus 423, 425 R. evertsi evertsi 15 9
chrysophilus see rat, red veld R. sp. near pravus 356 R. evertsi mimeticus 1 72
namaquensis see mouse, Namaqua rock R. sp. near punctatus 380 R. exophthalmos 1 73, 1 78
Afars and Issas see Djibouti R. sulcatus 432 R. longiceps 29, 52, 54, 246, 249
Afghanistan R. supertritus 50, 56-7, 438 R. longus 256
R. haemaphysaloides 5 1 9, 538 R. zambeziensis 475 R. lunulatus 2 71
R. leporis 543, 606 R. ziemanni 48 1 R. masseyi 287
R. turanicus 4 5 9 R. zumpti 39, 489 R. pseudolongus 361, 365
Africa Occidental Espanola see Westem Alcelaphus buselaphus R. simus 424, 425
Sahara caama see hartebeest, red R. sp. near pravus 357
African buffalo 22, 24, 506-7, 6 1 1 , cokii see hartebeest, Coke's R. sp. near punctatus 381
612 jacksoni see hartebeest, Jackson's R. sulcatus 431
R . appendiculatus 64-5, 67, 68, 69 lelwel see hartebeest, Lelwel R. supertritus 439
R. bequaerti 49, 56, 89, 91 major see kanki R. tricuspis 44 7
R. complanatus 1 1 9 Algeria 1 0, 2 1 R. turanicus 457, 459
R. compositus 12 7, 1 28 R . bursa 529 R. zambeziensis 4 76, 477
R. duttoni 50, 55, 147, 1 52 R. fulvus 187, 606 R. ziemanni 482
R. dux 1 54, 1 56, 1 57 R. turanicus 45 7 Anourosorex squamips 37
R. evertsi evertsi 1 6 1 , 1 63 Allactaga major see jerboa, great antelope
R. evertsi mimeticus 1 7 1 All.ocricetulus eversmanni see hamster, roan 3 1 , 35, 67, 1 27, 1 6 1 , 1 7 1 , 2 1 2,
R. follis 1 80 Eversmann's 223, 243, 257, 272, 3 0 1 , 305, 356,
R. gertrudae 1 97 Amblyomma 380, 393, 404, 432, 438, 460, 475,
R. glabroscutatum 201 furcosum 27 509
R. humeralis 2 1 9 h.ebraeum 205, 285 royal 4 1 0, 481, 483, 506
R. hurti 223, 227 helvolwn 27 sable 67, 1 6 1 , 243, 245, 257, 272,
R. jeanneli 233, 238 javanense 29 283, 301, 347, 356, 373, 377, 379,
R. kochi 243, 245 vanegatum 92 380, 393, 423, 438, 475, 509-10

Index 629

antelope sp. 33, 48, 49, 50, 52, 55, Benin 10 R. senegalensis 399
56-7, 65, 69, 1 28, 223, 229, 2 3 1 , R . boueti 2 3 , 96, 97 R. simpsoni 411
273, 5 1 1, 6 1 8 R. cuspidatus 131 R. sulcatus 431
Antidorcas marsupialis see springbok R. lunulatus 2 71 Burma 23, 27, 28
Apodemus R. moucheti 3 1 , 291 R. sanguineus 389
mystacinus see mouse, broad-toothed R. senegalensis 3 99 Burundi 10, 43
sylvaticus see mouse, wood R. simpsoni 41 1 R. appendiculatus 61
Arachnida 3 R. sulcatus 431 R. bequaerti 89
Ardeotis R. ziemanni 482 R. compositus 123
arabs see bustard, Arabian biometrics 5-8 R. evertsi evertsi 15 9
kori see bustard, kori Bitis arietans see puff adder R. hurti 221, 227
argali 46 1 , 524, 588 blesbok 67, 1 6 1 , 20 1, 505 R. interventus 22 9
Argas abdussalami 567 Boa 31 R. jeanneli 237, 238, 594
Argasidae 3 bongo 233, 257, 404, 48 1, 483, 507 R. kochi 244
Argentina 20, 2 1 bontebok 1 05, 1 1 0, 1 6 1 , 1 97, 201, 264, R. longus 256
Arvicanthis niloticus see rat, Nile 268, 3 1 7, 322, 504-5 R. lunulatus 2 71
Arvicola terrestris see vole, European Boophilus 529 R. muhsamae 304, 309, 3 1 0
water annulatus 20, 2 1 , 23, 24, 25 R . planus 333
ass, Asian wild 5 5 1, 587 calcaratus 25 R. praetextatus 341
Astrakhan fever 555, 623 decoloratus 2 1 R. punctatus 381
Atelerix microplus 20, 2 1 , 22, 30 R. sulcatus 431
albiventris see hedgehog, four-toed Borneo 20 R. supertritus 43 7
algirus see hedgehog, Algerian Borrelia R. turanicus 45 7
frontalis see hedgehog, South African burgdorferi 624 R. ziemanni 482
sclateri see hedgehog, Somali theileri 1 67, 6 1 7 bush squirrel
Atherus africanus see porcupine, African Bos Huet's 1 62, 373, 5 1 1
brush-tailed cajfer see African buffalo Smith's 162, 423, 44 1 , 445, 475, 5 1 1
Atilaxpaludinosus see mongoose, marsh indicus see cattle bushbaby, greater 66, 2 1 9, 432, 496
Australia 20, 22 taurus see cattle bushbuck 508
Austria, R. turanicus 459 Botswana 1 0, 44 R. appendiculatus 67
Axis axis see deer, spotted R. appendiculatus 61 R. bergeoni 93
Azerbaijan, R. bursa 529 R. distinctus 144 R. complanatus 1 1 9
R. evertsi evertsi 15 9 R. compositus 127
babbler R. evertsi mimeticus 48, 53, 170, 1 72 R. evertsi evertsi 161
arrow-marked 1 62, 5 17, 590 R. exophthalmos 1 73, 1 78 R. follis 1 80
Oriental yellow-eyed 537, 538 R. lunulatus 2 71 R. humeralis 2 1 9
Babesia R. oculatus 48, 53, 323 R . hurti 223
bigemina 1 67, 529, 6 1 3 R. oreotragi 331 R. interventus 229
bovis 529, 6 1 3 R. simus 424, 425 R. jeanneli 233
caballi 1 67, 389, 462, 530, 6 1 3 R. sp. near pravus 357, 359 R. kochi 243
canis 389, 462 R. sulcatus 431, 433 R. lunulatus 272, 273
equi 1 67, 1 7 1 , 374, 462, 530, 6 1 3 R. theileri 47, 54, 440, 445, 606 R. maculatus 283, 285
gibsoni 389 R. tricuspis 38, 447, 452 R. masseyi 287
motasi 530, 6 1 4 R. zambeziensis 4 76, 477, 602 R. muehlensi 3 1 , 3 0 1 , 302
ovis 530, 6 1 4 boutonneuse fever 389, 390 R. muhsamae 305
trautmanni 276, 425, 452, 462 bovine babesiosis 6 1 3 R. praetextatus 347
baboon see also Babesia bigemina; Babesia bovis R. pravus 355
chacma 66, 1 60, 1 97, 1 98, 1 99, 496 bovine ehrlichiosis 615 R. pulchellus 3 73
Hamadryas 2 1 9, 496 see also Ehrlichia bovis R. senegalensis 404
yellow 160, 372, 496 Brazil 21 R. simus 423
baboon sp. 8, 66, 1 60, 346, 372, 496 British Cameroons see Cameroon R. sp. near pravus 356
badger, Eurasian 46 1 , 587 British East Africa see Kenya R. sp. near punctatus 380
Bandicota Bubalis bubalis see water buffalo R. zambeziensis 47 5
bengalensis see rat, lesser bandicoot buffalo 20, 25, 28, 30, 33 R. ziemanni 48 1, 483
indica see rat, greater bandicoot see also African buffalo; water buffalo bushpig 9, 27, 143, 502-3, 6 1 4
savilei 37 buffalo disease 69 R. appendiculatus 67
Basutoland see Lesotho Bulgaria R. bequaerti 89
bat 272, 496 R. bursa 529 R. complanatus 1 1 9
banana 354, 495 R. rossicus 5 7 1 R. compositus 127
heart-nosed 354, 495 Bunomys penitus see rat, Sulawesi R. dux 1 54
lesser mouse-tailed 372, 495 Burhinus capensis see dikkop, Cape R. evertsi evertsi 1 6 1
Bechuanaland Protectorate see Botswana Burkina Faso 10 R. follis 180
Belgian Congo see Democratic Republic R. cuspidatus 131 R. humeralis 2 1 9
of Congo R. evertsi evertsi 159 R . hurti 223
benign bovine anaplasmosis 615 R. guilhoni 207 R. jeanneli 233
benign bovine theileriosis 612 R. lunulatus 2 71 R. kochi 243, 245
see also Theileria taurotragi R. muhsamae 304 R. longus 257
630 Index

bushpig (cont.) Canis R. schulzei 579, 583

R. lunulatus 272, 273 adustus see jackal, side-striped R. senegalensis 403, 404
R. maculatus 283, 284, 285 aureus see jackal, golden R. simus 422, 425
R. masseyi 287, 290 familiaris see dog R. sp. near pravus 356, 358
R. muehlensi 3 0 1 lupus see wolf R. sp. near punctatus 379, 380
R . planus 334, 339 mesomelas see jackal, black-backed R. sulcatus 432, 433
R. praetextatus 346 Capra hircus see goat R. supertritus 50, 56-7, 438
R. pulchellus 3 72 caprine anaplasmosis 615 R. theileri 441
R. simus 422, 425 caprine babesiosis 614 R. tricuspis 451, 452
R. sp. near punctatus 380 see also Babesia motasi; Babesia ovis R. turanicus 459, 460, 461
R. zambeziensis 475 caracal 77, 83, 1 39, 1 60, 180, 1 97, 20 1 , R. warburtoni 464, 469
R. zumpti 489 2 1 2, 264, 268, R. zambeziensis 38, 475, 477-8
bustard 272, 346, 422, 460, 497 R. ziemanni 38, 481, 483
Arabian 2 1 2, 5 1 6 Caracal caracal see caracal R. zumpti 489
black 461, 5 1 6 Cardioderma cor see bat, heart-nosed Central African Republic 10
black-bellied 147, 243, 245, 5 1 6 cat 66, 1 60, 2 1 2, 346, 383, 422, 432, R . appendiculatus 61
Denham's 2 1 2, 4 6 1 , 5 1 6 459, 460, 461, 475, 495, 586 R. complanatus 1 1 8
kori 77, 3 5 5 , 5 1 6 Asian golden 537, 538, 587 R . cuspidatus 131
black-footed 460, 498 R. evertsi evertsi 15 9
Calandrella cinerea see lark, red-capped jungle 46 1, 587 R. longus 256
camel 493, 585 Catopuma temminckii see cat, Asian golden R. lunulatus 2 71
R. appendiculatus 66 cattle 8, 9, 20, 2 1 , 22, 24, 25, 36, 43, R. muhsamae 304
R. bursa 524 492, 585, 6 1 1-13, 6 1 5, 6 17-18 R. pseudolongus 361
R. camicasi 24, 1 00, 1 03 R. appendiculatus 65, 66, 68, 69 R. senegalensis 399
R. evertsi evertsi 1 60 R. aquatilis 73, 227 R. simpsoni 41 1, 4 1 5
R. evertsi mimeticus 1 7 1 R. bequaerti 89, 91 R . sulcatus 431
R. fulvus 1 92 R. bergeoni 92, 93, 95 R. ziemanni 482
R. guilhoni 2 1 2 R. bursa 524, 529, 530 Centropus sinensis see pheasant, crow
R. haemaphysaloides 537 R. camicasi 24, 1 00, 1 03 Cephalophus
R. humeralis 2 1 9, 220 R. capensis 105, 1 1 0 dorsalis see duiker, bay
R. kochi 243 R. carnivoralis 1 1 2, 1 1 6 maxwelli see duiker, Maxwell's
R. lunulatus 2 72 R. compositus 127, 128 monticola see duiker, blue
R. praetextatus 345, 346 R. duttoni 26, 50, 55, 147, 1 5 1 , 1 52 natalensis see duiker, red forest
R. pravus 353, 354 R. dux 1 54 niger see duiker, black
R. pulchellus 371, 372 R. evertsi evertsi 1 60, 1 63, 167 silvicultor see duiker, yellow-backed
R. pumilio 5 5 1 , 5 5 5 R. evertsi mimeticus 26, 169, 170, 1 7 1 zebra see duiker, banded
R. rossicus 568 R. exophthalmos 1 77, 1 78 Ceratotherium simum see rhinoceros,
R. schulzei 579, 583 R. follis 27, 1 80, 185 white
R. turanicus 460, 461 R. gertrudae 1 97, 1 98 Cercopithecus albogularis see monkey,
Camelus dromedarius see camel R. glabroscutatum 201 Syke's
Cameroon 1 0, 23, 24, 32, 36, 43 R. guilhoni 2 1 2, 2 1 3 Cervus
R. boueti 96, 9 7 R . haemaphysaloides 536, 537 timorensis see deer, Timor
R. complanatus 1 18, 1 1 9 R. humeralis 2 1 9, 220 unicolor see sambar
R. cuspidatus 131 R. hurti 223, 227 Chad 10
R. evertsi evertsi 15 9 R. interventus 28, 48, 56, 229, 2 3 1 R . cuspidatus 131
R. guilhoni 207 R. jeanneli 233, 237-8 R. evertsi evertsi 15 9
R. longus 256, 262 R. kochi 29, 243, 244, 245 R. fulvus 18 7, 1 92, 606
R. lunulatus 271, 284 R. longiceps 24 7 R. guilhoni 207
R. maculatus 30 R. longus 30, 257, 262 R. lunulatus 2 71
R. moucheti 3 1 , 291, 295 R. lunulatus 272, 273, 276 R. muhsamae 304
R. muhsamae 304 R. maculatus 283, 284 R. senegalensis 399
R. pseudolongus 361 R. masseyi 287 R. sulcatus 431
R. senegalensis 399 R. moucheti 3 1 , 290 cheetah 66, 77, 1 00, 1 1 2, 1 27, 1 60, 1 80,
R. simpsoni 4 1 1 R. muehlensi 50, 57, 3 0 1 , 302 283, 346, 372,
R . sulcatus 43 1 R. muhsamae 3 1 , 305, 309 422, 460, 475, 497
R . turanicus 457, 459 R. nitens 3 1 7, 322 chicken 66, 495
R. ziemanni 38, 482 R. oculatus 3 1 China 28
cane rat 404, 4 1 0, 51 3 R. pilans 545, 549 R. pumilio 5 1 9, 555
greater 49, 55, 68, 1 30, 356, 4 1 0, R. planus 334, 339 R. rossicus 5 7 1 , 606
4 1 5- 1 6, 5 1 3 R. praetextatus 345, 346, 348 R. schulzei 583
lesser 4 1 0, 4 1 5, 5 1 3 R. pravus 353, 354, 358 R. turanicus 459
canine babesiosis 614 R. pseudolongus 360, 364 Chlorocebus aethiops see monkey, vervet
see also Babesia canis; Babesia gibsoni R. pulchellus 3 7 1 , 372, 374 Chloropeta natalensis see warbler, yellow
canine ehrlichiosis 616 R. pumilio 5 5 1 , 555 Chrysomma sinense see babbler, Oriental
canine haemobartonellosis 615 R. punctatus 377, 379 yellow-eyed
canine hepatozoonosis 615 R. rossicus 568 civet
canine tick fever 389 R. sanguineus 383, 388 African 66, 1 2 7, 147, 1 60, 2 1 2, 243,
Index 631

272, 283, 290, 302, 305, 346, 383, R. complanatus 1 18, 1 1 9 R. pulchellus 374-5, 6 1 1-12, 6 1 6,
403, 422, 432, 460, 475, 481, 489, R. compositus 123, 1 27 623, 625
500 R. cuspidatus 1 3 1 R. pumilio 555, 623, 624-5
common palm 545, 587 R. duttoni 26, 146, 1 5 1 , 1 52 R. pusillus 5 6 1 , 623
Civetticus civetta see civet, African R. dux 26, 48, 53, 156, 1 57 R. ramachandrai 567
Colius colius see mousebird, white-backed R. evertsi evertsi 15 9 R. rossicus 573, 624-5
Colobus see monkey, colobus R. evertsi mimeticus 48, 53, 1 70, 1 72 R . sanguineus 389-90, 6 1 4-18, 623-5
Congo 1 0, 25, 36 R. hurti 221 R. schulzei 583, 624-5
R. complanatus 1 18 R. interventus 22 9 R. senegalensis 405, 624
R. evertsi mimeticus 1 72 R. jeanneli 237, 238 R. simus 425, 6 1 1-12, 6 1 4- 1 5, 6 1 8
R. longus 256, 262 R. kochi 244, 245 R . tricuspis 452
R. lunulatus 271 R. longus 256, 262 R. turanicus 462, 6 1 4, 623-5
R. pseudolongus 361 R. lunulatus 30, 2 71 R. warburtoni 469-70, 6 1 8
R. sulcatus 431 R. masseyi 287, 290 R . zambeziensis 477-8, 6 1 1 - 1 2, 6 1 5
R. ziemanni 482 R. muhsamae 304 see also individual diseases
Congo Fram;:ais see Congo R. planus 333 distribution 3-4, 1 0- 1 2
Congo Free State see Democratic R. praetextatus 341, 345 see also individual countries
Republic of Congo R. pseudolongus 361, 365 Djibouti 10
Connochaetes R. senegalensis 399, 403, 405 R . camicasi 24, 1 04, 104
gnou see wildebeest, black R. simpsoni 41 1, 4 1 5 R. praetextatus 341
taurinus see wildebeest, blue R . sulcatus 37, 431 R. pravus 357
coo� red-knobbed 273, 5 1 6 R. supertritus 37, 437 R. pulchellus 36 7
cormorant, reed 1 62, 423, 5 1 5 R. tricuspis 447, 452, 594 dog 2 1 , 30, 37, 494-5, 586, 6 1 4- 1 8
Corridor disease 69, 1 52, 6 1 2 R. ziemanni 482, 483 R . appendiculatus 6 5 , 66
see also Theoleria parva lawrencei Dendrocygna viduata see whistling duck, R. armatus 77
Cote d'Ivoire see Ivory Coast white-faced R. bursa 524
Coxiella burneti 1 3 5, 3 1 0, 389, 405, 5 5 5, Dendrohyrax arboreus see hyrax, tree R. carnivoralis 1 1 2
573, 624 Dermacentor 33, 40 R. compositus 1 27, 128
Cricetomys gambianus see rat, giant pulchellus 3 7 1 R. duttoni 1 4 7
Gambian Deutsch Ostafrika see Tanzania R. evertsi evertsi 1 60
Cricetulus migratorius see hamster, grey Deutsch Stidwestafrika see Namibia R. evertsi mimeticus 1 69, 1 7 1
Cricetus cricetus see hamster, common dhole 537, 587 R. exophthalmos 1 77
Crimean tick typhus 389 dibatag 372, 505 R. follis 180
Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever Diceros bicornis see rhinoceros, black R. gertrudae 1 97, 1 98
1 67, 375, 530, 555, 574, dik-dik R. guilhoni 2 1 2
624 Gunther's 354, 3 7 1 , 373, 383, 505 R . haemaphysaloides 537
Crocidura Kirk's 67, 1 6 1 , 1 7 1 , 243, 354, 377, R. humeralis 2 1 9
nigripes see shrew, Sulawesi 505 R . hurti 223, 227
white-toothed silver 354, 373, 506 R. interventus 229
russula see shrew, common European dik-dik sp. 1 6 1 , 353, 354, 506 R. jeanneli 233
white-toothed dikkop, Cape 46 1, 517 R. kochi 243
Crocuta crocuta see hyaena, spotted Dipetalonema dracunculoides 389, 617 R. leporis 542, 543
Ctenodactylus gundi see gundi disease relationships 1 2 R. longicoxatus 254
Cuba 21 R. appendiculatus 69, 6 1 1-12, 6 1 5-18, R. longus 257, 262
Cuon alpinus see dhole 623, 625 R. lunulatus 272, 273
Cyprus, R. turanicus 458 R. bursa 529-30, 6 1 2- 1 7, 624-5 R. masseyi 287
Cyrenaica see Libya R. carnivoralis 1 1 7, 6 1 1 R. moucheti 290, 295
R. compositus 1 28, 6 1 1 R. muehlensi 301
Dahomey see Benin R. cuspidatus 1 35, 624 R. muhsamae 305
Damaliscus 8 R. duttoni 1 52, 6 1 2 R. nitens 3 1 7, 322
lunatus R . evertsi evertsi 1 67, 6 1 1 , 6 1 5- 1 7, R. pilans 545, 549
korrigum see korrigum 623, 625 R. praetextatus 346
lunatus see tsessebe R. evertsi mimeticus 1 7 1 , 625 R. pravus 354
tiang see tiang R. exophthalmos 1 79, 6 1 7 R. pulchellus 372
topi see topi R. gertrudae 1 99 R. pumilio 5 5 1 , 555
pygargus R. glabroscutatum 205-6 R. pusillus 557, 560
dorcas see bontebok R. haemaphysaloides 538, 625 R. rossicus 5 1 9, 568
phillipsi see blesbok R. jeanneli 238, 6 1 1 R. sanguineus 52, 55, 383, 388,
dassie see hyrax sp. R. kochi 245-6 389-90
deer 20, 2 1 R. lounsburyi 269 R. schulzei 579, 583
spotted 537, 587 R. lunulatus 276-7, 6 1 4, 6 1 7 R. senegalensis 403, 404
Timor 545, 587 R. muhsamae 3 1 0 R. simus 422, 425
deer sp. 557, 560 R. neumanni 3 1 6 R. sp. near pravus 356
Democratic Republic of Congo 1 0, 22, R. nitens 322, 6 1 1 , 6 1 5, 6 1 8 R. sp. near punctatus 380
27, 35, 36, 43 R . pilans 549 R. sulcatus 432, 433
R. appendiculatus 61 R. praetextatus 345-8, 6 1 6, 6 1 8, 624 R. supertritus 438
R. bequaerti 89, 9 1 R. pravus 358, 6 1 1 R. theileri 441
632 Index

dog (cont.) ovina 167, 530, 6 1 6 Equatorial Guinea 10

R. tricuspis 4 5 1 , 452 eland 3 1, 507, 6 1 2 R . ziemanni 482
R. turanicus 459, 460, 46 1 , 462 R . appendiculatus 65, 67, 68, 69 equine babesiosis 613
R. warburtoni 464 R. camicasi 1 00 see also Babesia caballi; Babesia equi
R. zambeziensis 475 R. capensis 10 5, 1 1 0 Equus
R. ziemanni 48 1 , 483 R. compositus 1 27 asinus see donkey
R. zumpti 489 R. duttoni 147 burchellii see zebra, Burchell's
donkey 494, 586, 6 1 3, 6 1 7 R. evertsi evertsi 1 6 1 , 1 63 caballus see horse
R . appendiculatus 66 R. evertsi mimeticus 1 7 1 grevyi see zebra, Grevy's
R. armatus 77 R. exophthalmos 177 hemionus see ass, Asian wild
R. bursa 524 R. follis 1 80, 185 zebra see zebra, mountain
R. camicasi 100 R. gertrudae 197, 1 98 Erinaceus
R. compositus 127 R. glabroscutatum 20 1 collaris 23
R. evertsi evertsi 160, 1 63 R. humeralis 2 1 9 concolor see hedgehog, East European
R. evertsi mimeticus 1 7 1 R. hurti 223 europaeus see hedgehog, West European
R. exophthalmos 1 7 7 R. jeanneli 233 Eritrea 10
R . gertrudae 1 97 R. kochi 243 R. camicasi 1 04
R. guilhoni 2 1 2 R. longus 257 R. evertsi evertsi 15 9
R. haemaphysaloides 537 R. lounsburyi 264 R. praetextatus 341
R. humeralis 2 1 9 R. lunulatus 272 R. pravus 35 7
R . kochi 243 R. maculatus 283 R. pulchellus 367, 3 7 1 , 602
R. muhsamae 305 R. masseyi 287 R. supertritus 437, 438
R. praetextatus 346 R. muehlensi 301 Erythrocebus patas see monkey, patas
R. pravus 354 R. nitens 322 Ethiopia 1 0, 22, 23, 28, 42
R. pulchellus 372 R. praetextatus 347 R. armatus 40, 76, 8 1 , 602
R. pumilio 5 5 1 R. pravus 354 R. bergeoni 23, 52, 55, 93, 95
R. simus 422 R. pulchellus 371, 373, 374 R. camicasi 24, 1 04, 104
R. sp. near punctatus 380 R. senegalensis 404 R. evertsi evertsi 159, 1 66, 167
R. turanicus 46 1 R. simus 423 R. guilhoni 207, 2 1 3
dormouse 462, 557, 560, 589 R. sp. near pravus 356, 358 R . longus 256, 262
garden 524, 589 R. sp. near punctatus 380 R. lunulatus 271
dove sp. 46 1 , 5 17 R. supertritus 438 R. muhsamae 304, 3 1 0, 421
Dugbe virus 375, 625 R. turanicus 460 R. planus 333, 339
duiker R. zambeziensis 475 R. praetextatus 341, 344, 345, 348,
banded 48 1 , 509 eland, giant 438, 507 42 1
bay 67, 404, 48 1 , 508 elephant, African 26, 66, 67, 1 54, 1 57, R. pravus 355, 357, 358
black 48 1 , 509 1 60, 2 1 9, 220, 243, 257, 283, 284, R. pulchellus 367, 3 7 1 , 372, 374, 375
blue 67, 1 6 1 , 481, 508 285, 3 0 1 , 334, 338, 346, 372, 404, R. sulcatus 431, 433
common 67, 127, 147, 1 6 1 , 1 7 1 , 201, 422, 48 1, 500 R. supertritus 43 7
223, 233, 243, 272, 273, 283, 3 0 1 , elephant shrew R. turanicus 457, 459
334, 347, 355, 356, 380, 404, 423, Cape 1 77, 5 1 5 Eupodotis
460, 475, 489, 509 four-toed 243, 245, 5 1 5 afra see bustard, black
Maxwell's 48 1 , 508 rock 8 3 , 87, 1 39, 1 4 5 , 356, 3 5 8 , 464, melanogaster see bustard, black-bellied
red forest 67, 1 6 1 , 178, 243, 283, 469, 5 1 5
3 0 1 , 302, 347, 356, 373, 45 1 , 509 rufous 1 62, 3 5 5 , 5 1 5 Pelis
yellow-backed 243, 509 short-eared 1 62, 1 77, 5 1 5 catus see cat
duiker sp. 67, 1 6 1 , 233, 283, 285, 3 0 1 , short-snouted 1 62, 3 5 5 , 356, 5 1 5 chaus see cat, jungle
302, 324, 355, 4 1 0, 4 5 1 , 481, 483, Smith's rock 1 77, 5 1 5 leo see lion
509 Uganda 355, 5 1 5 lybica see wild cat, African
elephant shrew sp. 355, 356, 358, 404, nigripes see cat, black-footed
eagle 591 Fezzan see Libya
Martial 2 1 2, 5 1 6 Elephantulus filarid nematodosis 6 1 7
Wahlberg's 4 6 1 , 5 1 6 brachyrhunchus see elephant shrew, Florida 389
East African Protectorate see Kenya short-snouted foot abscesses 205-6
East Coast fever (ECF) 4 1-2, 69, 1 28, edwardii see elephant shrew, Cape fox
238, 245, 355, 3 74, 661 juscipes see elephant shrew, Uganda bat-eared 66, 77, 1 00, 1 97, 2 1 9, 257,
see also Theileria parva parva myurus see elephant shrew, rock 346, 354, 372, 45 1, 460, 497
Egypt 1 0, 2 1 , 29, 34 rufescens see elephant shrew, rufous Bengal 562, 566, 587
R. camicasi 1 04, 104 rupestris see elephant shrew, Smith's Cape 1 05, 1 97, 422, 432, 44 1, 451,
R. guilhoni 207, 2 1 3 rock 497
R. praetextatus 341, 345 Eliomys pale 2 1 2, 497
R. rossicus 57 1 melanurus see dormouse red 459, 46 1 , 542, 5 5 1 , 557, 560, 587
R. senegalensis 36, 403 quercinus see dormouse, garden sand 2 1 9, 497
R. turanicus 457, 459 Eothenomys melanogaster 37 fox sp. 23, 5 1 9, 6 1 4
Ehrlichia Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis see stork, France 21
bovis 69, 322, 478, 6 1 5 saddle-bill R . pusillus 5 6 1
canis 389, 6 1 6 Eptesicus capensis see serotine, Cape Francisella tularensis 389, 555, 573, 624
Index 633

francolin Geochelone pardalis see tortoise, leopard R. sanguineus 383, 388

crested 1 62, 5 1 6 Georgia, R. bursa 529 R. schulzei 579, 583
double-spurred 1 30, 5 1 6 Geosciurus capensis 38 R. senegalensis 404
yellow-necked 373, 5 1 6 gerbil R. simus 422
Francolinus black-tailed 347, 373, 5 1 1 R. sp. near pravus 356, 358
bicalcaratus see francolin, bushveld 423, 5 1 1 R. sp. near punctatus 380
double-spurred great 462, 542, 5 5 1 , 579, 583, 588 R. sulcatus 432
leucoscepus see francolin, yellow-necked Indian 34, 438, 462, 520, 537, 562, R. supertritus 438
sephaena see francolin, crested 566, 588 R. tricuspis 45 1 , 452
French Guinea see Guinea Indian desert 462, 562, 566, 588 R. turanicus 459, 460, 46 1
French Somaliland see Djibouti mid-day 5 5 1 , 579, 588 R. warburtoni 464, 469
French Sudan see Mali northern pygmy 77, 1 92, 5 1 1 R. zambeziensis 475
Funambulus tristriatus see squirrel, jungle southern pygmy 5 1 1 R. ziemanni 48 1
striped Tamarisk 5 5 1 , 579, 588 Gold Coast see Ghana
Funisciurus gerbil sp. 347, 404, 423, 5 1 1-12, 5 5 5 Golunda ellioti see rat, Indian bush
congicus see tree squirrel, Kuhl's Gerbillus campestris see gerbil, northern goral, common 537, 588
pyrrhopus see tree squirrel, Cuvier's pygmy gorilla 66, 496
gerenuk 1 00, 1 6 1 , 301, 354, 373, 377, Gorilla gorilla see gorilla
Gabon 10 505 goshawk, pale chanting 1 69, 1 7 1 , 5 1 6
R . complanatus 1 18 German East Africa see Tanzania Greece, R. bursa 5 3 0
R. longus 256, 262 Ghana 1 0, 36 ground squirrel
R. pseudolongus 361 R. evertsi evertsi 15 9 Cape 38, 47, 54, 44 1 , 445, 5 1 1
R. sulcatus 431 R. lunulatus 2 71 Geoffroy's 2 1 2, 305, 5 1 1
R. ziemanni 482 R. muhsamae 304 unstriped 1 62, 2 1 9, 347, 355, 5 1 1
Galerella sanguinea see mongoose, slender R. senegalensis 399 ground squirrel sp. 347, 5 1 1
Gambia R. simpsoni 411, 4 1 5 grysbok
R. cuspidatus 131 R . sulcatus 431 Cape 1 6 1 , 229, 243, 432, 506
R. evertsi evertsi 1 5 9 R. ziemanni 482 Sharpe's 1 6 1 , 379, 380, 451, 506
R. lunulatus 2 71 Girajfa camelopardalis see giraffe Guadeloupe 2 1
R. sulcatus 431 giraffe 24, 3 1 , 33, 49, 54, 67, 1 27, 1 6 1 , Guinea 1 0, 43
Gazella 1 7 1, 2 1 2, 223, 243, 247, 254, 272, R. complanatus 1 18
dorcas see gazelle, dorcas 3 0 1 , 302, 347, 353, 354, 356, 358, R. evertsi evertsi 15 9
gazella see gazelle, mountain 372, 383, 393, 404, 422, 438, 475, R. moucheti 291, 295
granti see gazelle, Grant's 503 R. senegalensis 3 99
rufifrons see gazelle, red-fronted goat 27, 52, 493, 585, 6 1 4- 1 8 R. simpsoni 4 1 1
soemmerringii see gazelle, R . appendiculatus 6 5 , 66 R . sulcatus 431
Soemmerring's R. bequaerti 89, 9 1 R. ziemanni 482
spekei see gazelle, Speke's R . bergeoni 93 Guinea-Bissau 10
subgutturosa see gazelle, goitred R. bursa 524, 529 R . cuspidatus 131
thomsonii see gazelle, Thomson's R. camicasi 24, 1 00, 1 03 R. lunulatus 2 71
gazelle R. compositus 1 27 R. moucheti 291
Dorcas 347, 505 R. duttoni 147 R. muhsamae 304
goitred 5 5 1 , 587 R. evertsi evertsi 1 60, 1 63, 1 67 R. senegalensis 399, 405
Grant's 67, 77, 1 6 1 , 229, 3 0 1 , 347, R. evertsi mimeticus 1 69, 1 7 1 R. sulcatus 431
354, 373, 460, 505 R . exophthalmos 1 77 R. ziemanni 482
mountain 524, 587 R. fulvus 1 92 guineafowl, helmeted 68, 1 62, 201, 3 1 7,
red-fronted 1 30, 2 1 2, 505 R. gertrudae 1 97 322, 324, 475,
Soemmerring's 354, 373, 505 R. glabroscutatum 201, 205 477, 5 1 6
Speke's 2 1 9, 373, 505 R. guilhoni 2 1 2, 2 1 3 gundi 47, 1 92, 5 1 3
Thomson's 67, 1 6 1 , 347, 354, 373, R. haemaphysaloides 537, 538 Gyps
460, 505 R. humeralis 2 1 9 africanus see vulture, African
gazelle sp. 353, 354, 371, 373, 432, 505, R . jeanneli 233, 238 white-backed
555 R. kochi 243 bengalensis 56 7
gemsbok 1 05, 1 1 0, 1 6 1 , 1 7 1 , 1 7 7 , 1 78, R. leporis 542
1 80, 1 97, 1 98, 2 0 1 , 205, 247, 3 0 1 , R. longus 257 Haemaphysalis
3 1 1 , 3 1 5, 347, 353, 355, 356, 371 , R. lounsburyi 55 inermis 28
373, 423, 4 5 1 , 460, 464, 5 1 0 R. lunulatus 272, 273 leachi 26, 29
genet R. maculatus 283 microplus 30
large-spotted 66, 372, 500 R. muehlensi 301, 302 punctata 26
rusty-spotted 66, 432, 500 R. muhsamae 305 rosea 34
small-spotted 66, 346, 372, 404, 500 R. neumanni 3 1 , 57, 143, 3 1 1 , 3 1 5 Haemobartonella canis 389, 6 1 5
genet sp. 67, 223, 354, 422, 432, 460, R. nitens 3 1 7 hamster
500, 557, 560 R. praetextatus 345, 346 common 579, 583, 588
Genetta R. pravus 353, 354 Eversmann's 579, 583, 588
genetta see genet, small-spotted R. pulchellus 3 72 grey 462, 588
rubiginosa see genet, rusty-spotted R. pumilio 5 5 1 , 5 5 5 hare
tigrina see genet, large-spotted R. rossicus 568 Cape 5 14, 589
634 Index

hare (cont.) R. sp. near pravus 356, 358 R. evertsi evertsi 1 60, 1 63
R. appendiculatus 68 R. sp. near punctatus 380 R. evertsi mimeticus 1 70, 1 7 1
R. armatus 77, 8 1 R. sulcatus 432, 433 R . exophthalmos 1 77
R. arnoldi 83 R. tricuspis 49, 56, 451 R. follis 180, 1 85
R. camicasi 24, 1 00, 1 03 R. turanicus 459, 460 R. gertrudae 1 97, 1 98
R. evertsi evertsi 1 62 hartebeest R. glabroscutatum 201
R. exophthalmos 1 77 Coke's 67, 1 6 1 , 2 1 9, 347, 354, 372, R. guilhoni 2 1 2
R. gertrudae 1 97, 1 98 438, 504 R . haemaphysaloides 537
R. leporis 542, 543 Jackson's 1 6 1 , 272, 354, 504 R. jeanneli 233
R. longus 257 Kenya 372, 504 R. kochi 243
R. oculatus 324, 329 Lelwel 272, 504 R. lunulatus 30, 272
R. planus 334, 339 Lichtenstein's 67, 1 27, 1 6 1 , 243, 257, R. muhsamae 305
R. praetextatus 34 7 272, 283, 3 0 1 , 397, 404, 432, 438, R. neumanni 3 1 1 , 3 1 5
R. pravus 353, 355, 358 489, 505 R. pilans 545, 549
R. pulchellus 371, 373, 374 red 1 6 1 , 201, 423, 504 R. praetextatus 346
R. punctatus 377 hartebeest sp. 8, 67, 1 7 1 , 371, 372, 380, R. pravus 354
R. senegalensis 404 393, 438, 504 R. pulchellus 3 72
R. sp. near pravus 356 Haute Volta see Burkina Faso R. pumilio 5 5 1 , 555
R. sp. near punctatus 380 hedgehog R. rossicus 568
R. sulcatus 43 2 Algerian 557, 560, 586 R. sanguineus 383
R. tricuspis 45 1 Brandt's 46 1 , 542, 543, 5 5 1 , 586 R. senegalensis 404
R. turanicus 460, 462 desert 461, 542, 586 R. simus 422, 425
R. warburtoni 464, 469 East European 461, 568, 586 R. sp. near punctatus 380
R. zambeziensis 475 four-toed 66, 77, 8 1 , 354, 495 R. supertritus 37, 438
Ethiopian 373, 5 14 Indian 46 1 , 586 R. turanicus 460, 462
Indian 459, 462, 537, 589 long-eared 46 1 , 542, 5 5 1 , 586 R. zambeziensis 475
savanna 68, 147, 1 62, 243, 353, 355, Somali 346, 372, 495 human hosts 5 17-18, 590, 623-5
3 7 1 , 373, 377, 432, 5 14 South African 422, 44 1 , 4 5 1 , 495 R. appendiculatus 68, 69
scrub 5 14 West European 46 1 , 586 R. armatus 77
R. appendiculatus 68 hedgehog sp. 459, 460, 495, 543, 555, R. bequaerti 89, 9 1
R. arnoldi 83 557, 560 R . bursa 524, 529
R. distinctus 1 39 Hemiechinus R. carnivoralis 1 1 2
R. evertsi evertsi 1 62, 163 aethiopicus see hedgehog, desert R. complanatus 1 1 9
R. exophthalmos 1 77, 1 78 auritus see hedgehog, long-eared R. compositus 12 7
R. gertrudae 1 97, 1 98 hypomelas see hedgehog, Brandt's R. distinctus 1 39
R. glabroscutatum 201 , 205 micropus see hedgehog, Indian R. dux 1 54
R. kochi 243, 245 Hemitragus R. evertsi evertsi 1 62, 1 67
R. lunulatus 273 hylocrius see tahr, Nilgiri R. fulvus 1 92
R. maculatus 283 jemlahicus see tahr, Himalayan R. gertrudae 1 97, 1 98
R. muehlensi 3 0 1 , 302 Hepatozoon cams 389, 6 1 5 R. haemaphysaloides 537
R. nitens 3 1 7, 322 Herpestes ichneumon see mongoose, R. humeralis 2 1 9
R. oculatus 324, 329 Egyptian R . hurti 223
R. sanguineus 383 Heterohyrax brucei see rock hyrax, R. jeanneli 233
R. simus 423, 425 yellow-spotted R. longus 257
R. sp. near pravus 356, 358 Hieraaetus R. lunulatus 273
R. sulcatus 432 bellicosus see eagle, martial R. maculatus 283
R. tricuspis 45 1 wahlbergi see eagle, Wahlberg's R. muhsamae 305
R. turanicus 459, 460 Hippopotamus amphibius see R. pilans 545
R. warburtoni 464, 469 hippopotomus R. planus 334
R. zambeziensis 475, 477 hippopotomus 347, 503 R. praetextatus 34 7
spring 49, 56, 68, 1 39, 162, 2 0 1 , 324, Hippotragus R. pravus 355
380, 432, 45 1 , 452, 464, 475, 5 1 3 equinus see antelope, roan R. pulchellus 371, 372, 374-5
Tolai 542, 543, 5 5 1 , 555, 589 niger see antelope, sable R. pumilio 5 5 1 , 555
Yarkand 5 5 1 , 589 Hirundo cucullata see swallow, greater R. rossicus 568, 571
hare sp. 5 14-15, 537, 589, 591 striped R. sanguineus 383, 388, 389
R. appendiculatus 65, 68 hog R. schulzei 579, 583
R. arnoldi 22, 83 forest 67, 89, 1 1 9, 1 2 1 , 127, 1 54, R. senegalensis 404
R. evertsi evertsi 1 62 233, 257, 272, 346, 502 R. simus 423, 425
R. evertsi mimeticus 1 69, 1 7 1 red river 1 1 9, 1 2 1, 1 30, 257, 305, R. sp. near pravus 356
R . exophthalmos 1 77, 1 78 364, 404, 48 1 , 503 R. sulcatus 432
R. guilhoni 2 1 2 horse 2 1 , 22, 26, 27, 32, 37, 493-4, R. supertritus 438
R. leporis 542 585-6, 6 1 3 , 6 1 7 R. turanicus 46 1 , 462
R. oculatus 3 1 , 48, 324 R . appendiculatus 66 R. zambeziensis 47 5
R. praetextatus 34 7 R. bergeoni 93 R. ziemanni 48 1 , 483
R. pravus 355 R. bursa 524, 530 R. zumpti 489
R. pulchellus 371, 373 R. capensis 1 05, 1 1 0 hunting dog 66, 77, 8 1 , 1 60, 346, 372,
R. punctatus 3 79 R. duttoni 147 404, 422, 438, 475, 497
Index 635

hyaena R. ziemanni 482 R. senegalensis 403

brown 66, 383, 422, 460, 475, 499 Ixodes 40 R. simpsoni 411, 4 1 5
spotted 66, 77, 1 1 2, 1 30, 2 1 2, 257, annulatus 20 R. sulcatus 431
283, 305, 346, 422, 475, 499 bovis 23 R. turanicus 45 7
striped 66, 77, 93, 1 1 2, 1 30, 346, 372, calcaratus 20, 24 Kenyan tick typhus 389
437, 438, 499 linnaei 29 keys
hyaena sp. 36, 50, 58, 77, 1 1 2, 1 30, lividus 33 Afrotropical species 47-58
3 0 1 , 305, 346, 372, 422, 438, 499 ricinus 34 females 53-8
Hyaena hyaena see striped hyaena rujus 34 males 47-53
Hyalomma 1 69, 1 9 1 sanguineus 3 5 non-Afrotropical species 520-2
anatolicum 20 walckenaerii 3 8 females 521-2
rhipicephaloides 34 Ixodida 3 males 520-1
Hylochoerus Ixodidae 3 Kirgizia, R. bursa 530
ituriensis 3 5 Kisenye sheep disease 69, 6 1 7
meinertzhageni see hog, forest jackal kite, black 46 1 , 5 1 6
Hylomys suillus see moonrat, lesser black-backed 66, 77, 1 60, 1 97, 2 1 9, klipspringer 29, 32, 36, 50, 57, 67, 83,
hyrax, tree 1 39, 145, 407, 5 0 1 272, 3 0 1 , 346, 354, 372, 422, 44 1 , 143, 1 6 1 , 243, 247, 3 3 1 , 354, 380,
hyrax sp. 50, 5 7 , 1 43-5, 3 1 5, 409 45 1 , 460, 475, 496 407, 409, 423, 475, 506
see also rock hyrax golden 77, 1 30, 346, 354, 432, 459, kob 67, 1 6 1 , 510
Hystrix 46 1 , 496, 537, 542, 543, 5 5 1 , 587 Kobus
africaeaustralis see porcupine, South side-striped 66, 160, 257, 272, 305, ellipsiprymnus see waterbuck
African 334, 346, 422, 432, 45 1 , 460, 496 kob see kob
cristata see porcupine, crested jackal sp. 66, 77, 1 30, 2 1 2, 223, 272, leche see lechwe
305, 346, 354, 383, 422, 432, 433, vardonii see puku
Ichneumonia albicauda see mongoose, 44 1 , 45 1 , 452, 459, 460, 497, 6 1 4 korrigum 1 6 1 , 2 1 2, 284, 504
white-tailed Jamaica 2 1 , 23 kudu
Ictonyx striatus see zorilla Japan 21 greater 508
immuno-suppressive toxicosis 69 R . sanguineus 388 R. appendiculatus 67, 68
impala 50, 57, 67, 147, 1 6 1 , 1 63, 1 7 1 , jerboa R. bergeoni 93
1 77, 243, 245, 272, 283, 3 0 1 , 302, great 579, 588 R. evertsi evertsi 1 6 1 , 163
334, 353, 354, 356, 358, 372, 380, thick-tailed 579, 588 R. evertsi mimeticus 1 69, 1 70, 1 7 1
423, 432, 45 1 , 475, 477, 503-4 jird R . exophthalmos 1 77
black-faced 1 97, 504 Libyan 462, 588 R. follis 1 80
India 2 1 Persian 462, 588 R. gertrudae 1 97
R. haemaphysaloides 5 1 9, 536, 538 Tristram's 462, 588 R. glabroscutatum 201, 205
R. ramachandrai 34, 520, 566-7, 606 Jordan, R. camicasi 104, 592, 606 R. jeanneli 233
R. sanguineus 389 R. kochi 243
R. scalpturatus 35, 520, 577 kanki 404, 504 R. lunulatus 272
R. turanicus 459, 592, 606 Kashmir, R. pumilio 606 R. maculatus 283
Indian tick typhus 389 Kazakhstan R. masseyi 287
Indonesia R. bursa 529 R. muehlensi 301
R. haemaphysaloides 5 1 9, 538, 606 R. leporis 543, 606 R. praetextatus 34 7
R. pilans 32, 5 1 9, 549, 606 R. pumilio 555 R. pravus 355
Iran R. rossicus 5 7 1 , 606 R. pulchellus 3 7 3
R. bursa 529 R. schulzei 583 R. punctatus 377
R. leporis 543, 606 Kenya 1 0, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 37, 41-2 R. simus 423
R. turanicus 4 5 9 R. appendiculatus 61 R. sp. near pravus 356
Iraq R. armatus 76, 8 1 , 602 R. sp. near punctatus 379, 380
R. bursa 529 R. bequaerti 89, 9 1 R. sulcatus 432
R. leporis 543 R . camicasi 1 04, 1 04 R. supertritus 438
R. turanicus 45 9 R. camivoralis 24, 1 1 3, 1 1 7, 602 R. tricuspis 4 5 1
Israel, R. bursa 529, 530 R. compositus 123, 600 R . turanicus 460
Israeli tick typhus 5 5 5 R. distinctus 144 R. zambeziensis 475, 477
Italian Eritrea see Eritrea R. evertsi evertsi 159, 1 66 R. zumpti 489
Italian Somaliland see Somalia R. humeralis 47, 53, 214, 220, 602 lesser 1 6 1 , 283, 3 0 1 , 355, 373, 507-8
Italy R. hurti 28, 221, 594 kudu sp. 3 1 , 1 6 1 , 243, 355, 373, 460,
R. bursa 530 R. jeanneli 29, 237, 238, 594 508
R. pusillus 561 R. kochi 244, 245, 600 Kyasanur Forest disease virus 538, 625
Ivory Coast 1 0, 24, 36, 43 R. longicoxatus 49, 54, 250, 254, 606
R. complanatus 1 18, 1 1 9 R. longus 256 Lao People's Democratic Republic, R.
R. cuspidatus 131 R. lunulatus 271 haemaphysaloides 538
R. evertsi evertsi 15 9 R. maculatus 47-8, 53, 278, 285 lark, red-capped 1 62, 5 1 7
R. lunulatus 271, 273 R. muehlensi 297, 602 Lebanon, R. camicasi 104, 592, 606
R. pseudolongus 361 R. planus 333, 338, 339 lechwe 67, 1 6 1 , 460, 5 1 0
R. senegalensis 399 R. praetextatus 33, 341, 344, 345, 348 leguaan, water 283, 5 1 7
R. simpsoni 4 1 1 R. pravus 246, 355, 357, 358 Lemniscomys
R . sulcatus 43 1 R. pulchellus 367, 3 7 1 , 372-4, 375 griselda see mouse, single-striped
636 Index

Lemniscomys (cont.) R. muhsamae 305 temminckii see pangolin, Temminck's

striatus see grass rat, striped R. praetextatus 345, 346 ground
leopard 498, 587 R. pravus 354 Margaropus winthemi 32
R. appendiculatus 66 R. pulchellus 372 marmot 537, 588
R. aquatilis 73 R. senegalensis 404 Marseilles fever 389
R. annatus 77 R. simus 422, 425 Mastomys natalensis see rat, Natal
R. carnivoralis 1 1 2, 1 1 7 R. sp. near pravus 356 multimarnmate
R. compositus 1 27 R. sp. near punctatus 380 Mauritania 1 0
R. cuspidatus 1 3 0 R. sukatus 432 R. cuspidatus 131
R . evertsi evertsi 1 60 R. tricuspis 45 1 R. evertsi evertsi 15 9
R. evertsi mimeticus 1 69, 1 7 1 R. turanicus 459, 460 R. guilhoni 207, 2 1 3
R. gertrudae 197 R. zambeziensis 475, 477 R. muhsamae 304
R. haemaphysaloides 537 R. zumpti 489 Maxomys bartelsii see rat, Oriental spiny
R. hurti 223 Litocranius walleri see gerenuk measurements 5-8
R. kochi 243 Lophuromys flavopunctatus see rat, Mediterranean spotted fever 389
R. longus 257 brush-furred Mediterranean tick typhus 555
R. lunulatus 272 louping ill 69, 6 1 7, 625 meercat 47, 54, 66, 1 60, 44 1, 445, 499
R. masseyi 287 Loxodonta africana see elephant, African Meles metes see badger, Eurasian
R. muhsamae 305 Lycaon pictus see hunting dog Melierax canorus see goshawk, pale
R. praetextatus 345, 346 Lyme disease 624 chanting
R. pul,chellus 372 Mellivora capensis see rate!
R. senegalensis 404 Macroscelides proboscideus see elephant Meriones
R. serranoi 407, 409 shrew, short-eared hurrinae see gerbil, Indian desert
R. simus 422, 425 Madeira, R. bursa 529 libycus see jird, Libyan
R. sp. near punctatus 380 Madoqua meridianus see gerbil, mid-day
R. sulcatus 432, 433 guentheri see dik-dik, Gunther's persicus see jird, Persian
R. tricuspis 45 1 kirkii see dik-dik, Kirk's tamariscinus see gerbil, Tamarisk
R. turanicus 459, 460 piacentinii see dik-dik, silver tristrami see jird, Tristram's
R. zambeziensis 475 Malawi 1 0, 25, 3 1 , 42 Mexico 37
R. ziemanni 48 1 , 483 R. appendiculatus 61 Microtus
Leptailurus serval see serval R. compositus 123, 1 27 guentheri see vole, Gunther's
Leptoptilos crumeniferus see stork, Marabou R. evertsi evertsi 15 9, 166 socialis see vole, social
Lepus R. hurti 221 Millardia
capensis see hare, Cape R. interventus 28, 229, 23 1 gleadowi see rat, sand-coloured
fagani see hare, Ethiopian R. jeanneli 237 meltada see rat, soft-furred field
nigricollis see hare, Indian R. kochi 244, 245 Milvus migrans see kite, black
saxatilis see hare, scrub R. longus 30, 256, 262 mole-rat, East African 233, 5 1 3
tibetanus 3 3 R. lunulatus 2 71 Mongolia, R . pumilio 606
timidus 3 1 R. maculatus 48, 53, 278, 285 mongoose
victoriae see hare, savanna R. masseyi 287 banded 66, 1 30, 1 60, 257, 404, 422,
yarkandensis see hare, Yarkand R. praetextatus 341 432, 475, 499
Lesotho 10 R. punctatus 379, 381 Egyptian 66, 1 30, 460, 499
R . deltoideus 25, 5 1 , 55, 1 3 8 R. sculptus 35, 392, 397, 602 lesser 3 0 1
Liberia 22, 2 6 R. senegalensis 403 marsh 66, 1 60, 287, 346, 422, 475,
R. complanatus 1 1 8, 1 1 9 R. simpsoni 41 1, 4 1 5 498
R. pseudolongus 361 R. simus 424, 425 slender 160, 3 0 1 , 372, 475, 498-9
R. simpsoni 4 1 1 R. sulcatus 431 white-tailed 66, 1 30, 3 0 1 , 346, 372,
R . ziemanni 482 R. supertritus 437, 438 422, 475, 499
Libya 10 R. turanicus 457 yellow 47, 54, 1 39, 44 1 , 445, 498
R . bursa 529 Malaysia, R. sanguineus 389 monkey
lion 22, 37, 498 Mali 1 0, 43 colobus 1 60, 496
R. appendiculatus 66, 68 R. cuspidatus 131 patas 3 1 , 290, 496
R. aquatilis 7 3 R. evertsi evertsi 15 9 Syke's 4 1 0, 496
R. annatus 77, 8 1 R. guilhoni 27, 207, 2 1 3 vervet 66, 160, 346, 460, 475, 496
R. carnivoralis 24, 1 1 2, 1 1 7 R . lunulatus 2 71 monkey sp. 481, 483, 496, 538
R. compositus 1 27 R. muhsamae 304 moonrat, lesser 545, 586
R. evertsi evertsi 1 60 R. senegalensis 399 Morocco 1 0, 2 1
R. evertsi mimeticus 1 69, 1 7 1 R. simpsoni 41 1 R. bursa 529
R . exophthalmos 1 7 7 R. sulcatus 431 R. pusillus 560, 561
R. humeralis 2 1 9 malignant bovine anaplasmosis 615 R. turanicus 457, 459
R. hurti 223 see also Anaplasma marginale morphological features 3, 5-8
R. jeanneli 233 mammalian hosts 8-9 glossary 1 5- 1 9
R. kochi 243 see also individual hosts morphological variation 8
R. longus 257 man see human hosts moufion 1 92
R. lunulatus 272 Manawa virus 567 mouse
R. maculatus 283 Manis African spiny 373, 5 1 2
R. masseyi 287, 289 gigantea see pangolin, giant broad-toothed 462, 588
Index 637

common fat 1 62, 432, 5 1 1 Naemorhedus sumatraensis see goral, nyala 67, 68, 1 6 1 , 243, 283, 285, 287,
field 83, 1 39, 5 1 2 common 3 0 1 , 302, 356, 380, 423, 475, 489,
four-striped grass 83, 1 80, 1 85, 1 97, Nairobi sheep disease 42, 69, 345, 374, 507
1 98, 201, 264, 268, 347, 423, 425, 425, 6 1 6 mountain 93, 257, 272, 347, 507
512 Namibia 1 0, 34, 44 Nyasaland Protectorate see Malawi
house 462, 5 3 7 , 5 5 7 , 560, 579, 583, R. appendiculatus 64
589 R. distinctus 25, 144 Ochotona pallasi see pika, Pallas's
Indian brown spiny 537, 538, 589 R. duttoni 146, 1 5 2 okapi 48 1, 503
little Indian field 537, 538, 589 R . evertsi evertsi 1 5 9 Okapia johnstoni see okapi
multimammate 273, 5 1 2 R . evertsi mimeticus 26, 48, 5 3 , 170, Oklahoma, R. sanguineus 388
Namaqua rock 1 39, 145, 1 62, 1 77, 1 7 1 , 1 72 Oman, R. camicasi 1 04
197, 198, 3 1 1 , 3 1 5, 423, 44 1 , 445, R. exophthalmos 26, 48, 53, 1 73, 1 78, Ondatra zibethicus see muskrat
464, 5 1 2 600 Onderstepoort Tick Collection 5
pygmy 423, 5 1 2 R. gertrudae 27, 1 93, 198, 1 99, 594 Oreotragus oreotragus see klipspringer
short-tailed pouched 1 62, 5 1 1 R. longiceps 52, 54, 246, 249 oribi 67, 1 30, 1 6 1 , 229, 243, 272, 283,
single-striped 423, 5 1 2 R. neumanni 3 1 , 57, 310, 3 1 5-16, 305, 354, 356, 377, 404, 432, 48 1 ,
Tullberg's soft-furred 1 1 9, 5 1 2 594 489, 506
wood 524, 529, 588 R. oculatus 3 1 , 48, 53, 323, 325, 329, Orycteropus afer see aardvark
mousebird, white-backed 1 62, 5 1 7 600 Oryctolagus cuniculus see rabbit, European
Mayen Congo see Congo R. simus 424, 425 Oryx gazella see gemsbok
Mozambique 1 0, 25, 30, 32, 37, 44 R. sp. near pravus 357, 359 ostrich 2 1 2, 355, 373, 459, 460, 5 1 5
R. appendiculatus 61 R. sulcatus 431, 433 Otocyon megalotis see fox, bat-eared
R. confusus 262 R. theileri 47, 54, 440, 445, 606 Otolemur crassicaudatus see bushbaby,
R. distinctus 144 R. tricuspis 447, 452 greater
R. evertsi evertsi 159, 1 66 R. turanicus 457, 459 Otomys
R. hurti 221 R. zambeziensis 65, 4 76, 477, 602 angoniensis see swamp rat, Angoni
R. kochi 244, 245 Namibian Tick Survey Collection 5 irroratus see swamp rat
R. longus 256, 262 Natural History Museum collections, unisulcatus see rat, bush Karoo
R. lunulatus 2 71 London 5 otter 48 1 , 499
R. maculatus 2 78, 285 Neotis denhami see bustard, Denham's Oubangui Chari see Central African
R. masseyi 287, 290 Neotragus Republic
R. muehlensi 297 moschatus see suni Ourebia ourebi see oribi
R. planus 333 pygmaeus see antelope, Royal ovine anaplasmosis 6 1 5
R. senegalensis 403 Nepal ovine babesiosis 6 1 4
R. serranoi 36, 5 1 , 57, 407, 409 R. haemaphysaloides 538 see also Babesia motasi; Babesia ovis
R. simpsoni 411, 4 1 5 R. ramachandrai 566, 567, 606 ovine ehrlichiosis 616
R . simus 424 R. scalpturatus 520, 577 see also Ehrlichia ovina
R. sp. near pravus 357, 359 R. turanicus 459 ovine theileriosis 612
R. sp . near punctatus 381 Nesokia indica see rat, short-tailed see also Theileria separata
R. sulcatus 431 bandicoot Ovis
R. supertritus 437, 438 New Mexico 37 ammon see argali
R. tricuspis 44 7 New South Wales 20 aries see sheep
R. turanicus 457 Niger 10
R. zambeziensis 4 76, 477 R. cuspidatus 131 Pakistan 23
R. zumpti 39, 484, 489, 594 R. evertsi evertsi 15 9 R. haemaphysaloides 538
mule 1 60, 372, 422, 494, 6 1 3 , 6 1 7 R. fulvus 187, 1 92, 606 R. ramachandrai 567, 606
Mungos mungo see mongoose, banded R. guilhoni 207, 2 1 3 R. turanicus 45 9
Muntiacus muntjak see muntjac, Indian R . muhsamae 304 pangolin
muntjac, Indian 537, 587 Nigeria 43 giant ground 404, 5 1 1
Mus R. carnivoralis 1 13, 1 1 7 Temminck's ground 68, 347, 423,
booduga see mouse, little Indian field R. cuspidatus 131 44 1 , 5 1 1
minutoides see mouse, pygmy R. evertsi evertsi 1 59 Panthera
musculus see mouse, house R. guilhoni 207 leo see lion
pahari 37 R. lunulatus 2 71 pardus see leopard
platythrix see mouse, Indian brown R. muhsamae 304, 309 tigris see tiger
spiny R. pseudolongus 361 Papio
rattus see rat R. senegalensis 399 cynocephalus see baboon, yellow
saxicola 537, 538 R. simpsoni 36, 4 1 1, 4 1 5 hamadryas see baboon, Hamadryas
Musee Royal de l'Afrique Centrale R. sulcatus 431 ursinus see baboon, chacma
collection, Tervuren, R. turanicus 457, 459 Paradoxurus hermaphroditus see civet,
Belgium 5, 43 R. ziemanni 482 common palm
muskrat 557, 560, 588 Niviventerfulvescens see rat, chestnut Paraguay 21
Mustela Northern Rhodesia see Zambia Parahyaena brunnea see hyaena, brown
eversmannii see polecat, steppe Numida meleagris see guineafowl, paralysis 276-7, 348, 389, 469-70, 530,
nivalis see weasel helmeted 6 1 7- 1 8
putorius see polecat Nuttall Tick Collection 5, 40, 42 Paraxerus
Myanmar see Burma Nuttalliellidae 3 cepapi 32
638 Index

Paraxerus (cont.) South African 68, 1 62, 1 97, 243, 334, red veld 1 62, 423, 425, 512
see also bush squirrel, Smith's; bush 423, 438, 475, 489, 513 ricefield 545, 589
squirrel, Smith's porcupine sp. 9, 34, 37, 47, 56, 1 34, sand-coloured 562, 566, 589
auriventris 334, 339, 345, 347, 513 short-tailed bandicoot 462, 589
ochraceus see bush squirrel, Huet's porcupine piroplasmosis 276 soft-furred field 562, 566, 589
Pasteurella haemolytica 3 74 Portugal 30 striped grass 68, 334, 339, 347, 364,
Pedetes capensis see hare, spring R. bursa 529 404, 5 12
Pelea capreolus see rhebok, grey R. pusillus 560 Sulawesi 545, 589
Pelomys Portugese Congo see Angola see also cane rat; swamp rat
campanae see swamp rat, Portugese East Africa see Mozambique rat sp. 347, 512, 545, 549, 589
groove-toothed Portugese Guinea see Guinea-Bissau rate! 66, 1 60, 422, 500
fallax see rat, greater creek Portugese West Africa see Angola Rattus
People's Republic of Congo see Congo Potamochoerus argentiventer see rat, ricefield
Petrodromus tetradactylus see elephant larvatus see bushpig blandfordi see rat, Blandford's
shrew, four-toed porcus see hog, red river exulans see rat, Polynesian
Phacochoerus Praomys rattus see rat, black
aethiopicus see warthog, Somali jacksoni see rat, Jackson's soft-furred tanezumi 545
ajricanus see warthog tullbergi see mouse, Tullberg's tiomanicus see rat, Malaysian field
Phalacrocorax africanus see cormorant, soft-furred Redunca
reed Prionops plumata see helmet shrike, arundinum see reedbuck
Phaulixodes intermedius 28 long-crested fulvorufula see reedbuck, mountain
pheasant, crow 537, 538, 590 Procavia capensis see rock hyrax redunca see reedbuck, Bohor
Philippines Pronolagus reedbuck 3 1 , 68, 1 62, 243, 273, 283,
R. haemaphysaloides 538 randensis see rock rabbit, Jameson's red 301, 423, 5 1 0
R. pilans 549, 606 rupestris see rock rabbit, Smith's red Bohor 68, 305, 347, 355, 404,
pig 494, 503, 586, 6 1 4 Proteles cristatus see aardwolf 511
R . appendiculatus 66 Psytalla horrida 30, 284 mountain 68, 162, 1 77, 20 1 , 205,
R. bergeoni 93 puff adder 461, 5 1 7 264, 3 1 1 , 324, 5 1 0
R. complanatus 1 1 9 puku 1 27, 1 6 1 , 510 Republic o f South Africa see South Africa
R. compositus 1 27, 1 28 Rhabdomys pumilio see mouse,
R. dux 1 54 Q-fever 389, 405, 462, 624 four-striped grass
R. evertsi evertsi 1 60 see also Coxiella bumeti rhebok, grey 1 6 1 , 177, 1 97, 201, 264,
R. evertsi mimeticus 1 7 1 Quelea quelea see quelea, red-billed 268, 3 1 1 , 3 1 7, 322, 5 1 0
R. exophthalmos 1 77 quelea, red-billed 1 62, 5 1 7 rhinoceros
R. haemaphysaloides 537 black 67, 127, 1 7 1 , 2 1 9, 220, 223,
R. jeanneli 233 rabbit 29, 1 60, 1 79, 356, 45 1 , 495, 5 15, 233, 243, 257, 272, 283, 284, 285,
R. longiceps 247, 249 551, 589, 591, 6 1 7 3 0 1 , 346, 354, 3 7 1 , 372, 404, 422,
R. longus 257, 262 Central African 355, 432, 5 1 5 489, 5 0 1
R. lunulatus 272, 273 European 462, 524, 529, 557, 560, white 67, 1 60, 1 7 1 , 283, 284, 422,
R. maculatus 283 561 , 568, 589, 623 475, 5 0 1
R. muhsamae 305 see also rock rabbit rhinoceros sp. 22, 67, 283, 3 0 1 , 422,
R. pilans 545, 549 Raphicerus 425, 501
R. praetextatus 346 campestris see steenbok Rhinopoma hardwickei see bat, lesser
R. pravus 354 melanotis see grysbok, Cape mouse-tailed
R. pulchellus 372 sharpei see grysbok, Sharpe's Rhipicentor bicomis 23
R. pumilio 5 5 1 , 555 rat 2 1 , 37 Rhipicephalus 3, 6, 9, 40-5
R. pusillus 557, 560 black 347, 373, 462, 5 12, 537, 538, (species in bold are valid species)
R. senegalensis 404 589 anatolicum 20
R. simus 422, 425 Blandford's 537, 538, 589 annulatus 20
R. turanicus 46 1 , 462 brush-furred 68, 233, 273, 5 12 argentina 20
R. ziemanni 48 1 bush Karoo 1 39, 1 97, 5 1 3 argentinensis 20
pika, Pallas's 568, 589 chestnut 545, 589 argentinus 20
Pipistrellus nanus see bat, banana giant Gambian 4 1 0, 4 1 5 , 5 1 1 australis 20
plague 624 greater bandicoot 537, 545, 588-9 calcarata 20-1
Poelagus marjorita see rabbit, Central greater creek 127, 128, 5 12 caudatus 2 1
African Indian bush 537, 538, 589 decolaratus 2 1
Poland, R. rossicus 571 Jackson's soft-furred 1 27, 5 12 dugesi 2 1
polecat 5 5 1 , 587 Karoo 423 microplus 2 1
marbled 5 5 1 , 587 lesser bandicoot 462, 562, 566, 588 appendiculatus 9 , 10, 40, 4 1 , 5 1 , 58,
steppe 542, 579, 587 Malaysian field 545, 589 59-69, 91, 92, 1 1 3, 1 5 1 , 227, 237,
porcine babesiosis 614 marsh 4 1 0, 5 1 2 284, 32 1-2, 353, 355, 435, 469, 477,
see also Babesia trautmanni Natal multimammate 347, 380, 423, 592, 602, 603, 604, 6 1 1-12, 6 1 5-18,
porcupine 51 2 623, 625
African brush-tailed 4 1 0, 4 1 5 , 481, Nile 127, 2 1 2, 305, 347, 5 12 appendiculatus group 5 9 1 , 602, 603-4
483, 5 1 3 orchard 557, 560 aquatilis 2 1 , 44, 45, 49, 57, 72-5,
crested 1 30, 1 62, 273, 305, 334, 347, Oriental spiny 545, 589 227
404, 5 1 3 Polynesian 545, 589 arakeri 2 1-2, 5 6 1 , 563
Index 639

armatus 22, 40, 47, 56, 75-81, 5 9 1 , evertsi group 5 9 1 , 592, 602, 605 maculatus 3, 26, 30, 48, 53, 1 56,
602, 603, 604 exophthalmos 26, 44, 45, 48, 53, 220, 278-85, 289, 302, 602, 603,
arnoldi 22, 4 1 , 50, 54, 82-7, 1 38, 172-9, 325-8, 600, 601, 6 1 7 604
600, 601 expositicius 26 marmoreus 30, 365, 3 7 1
attenuatus 22, 269, 289 falcatus 26-7, 255, 262 masseyi 3 0 , 3 7 , 40, 5 0 , 54, 284,
aurantiacus 22, 39, 479, 483 fiavus 27, 382, 5 1 9 286-90
australis 20, 22 follis 27, 4 1 , 44, 52, 55, 1 09, 1 1 0, microplus 30
ayrei 22, 1 2 1 , 1 26, 435, 6 1 1 179-86, 265, 594, mossambicus 30
beccarii 22, 382 597, 598 moucheti 25, 30-1, 49, 55, 290-5
belli 22 follis group 591, 592, 594, 597-8 muehlensi 3 1 , 50, 57, 254, 284, 285,
bequaerti 22, 4 1 , 49, 56, 88-91, 339 fulvus 3, 7, 27, 43, 47, 54, 186-92, 289, 296-303, 602, 603, 604
bergeoni 23, 52, 55, 92-5, 437 49 1 , 606, 607 muhsamae 3 1 , 53, 57, 295, 303-10,
bhamensis 23, 382, 5 1 9 furcosum 27 344, 345, 49 1, 594, 595, 596
bicornis 23, 27 gertrudae 27, 5 1 , 58, 1 09-10, 1 85, neavei 3 1 , 239, 245, 289, 353, 376,
bilenus 23, 523 193-9, 49 1, 594, 597, 598 379, 6 1 1
boueti 23, 50, 54, 96-8, 482 glabroscutatum 27, 41, 48, 53, 1 63, punctatus 3 1 , 33, 245, 353, 377
bovis 23 200-6, 591, 602, 605 neumanni 25, 31, 44, 45, 53, 57,
breviceps 23, 382 gladiger 27 143, 310-16, 49 1, 594, 597, 598
brevicollis 23, 382 glyphis 27, 269 niger 3 1
brevicoxatus 23, 479 guilhoni 27, 52, 55, 206-13, 592, nitens 3 1 , 40, 52, 55, 65, 69, 1 5 1,
bursa 23, 36, 5 1 9, 520, 5 2 1 , 523-30, 593 3 1 6-22, 602, 603, 604, 6 1 1 , 6 1 5,
5 9 1 , 602, 605, 612-17, 624-5 haemaphysaloides 27-8, 5 1 9, 520, 618
americanus 23, 382 5 2 1 , 53 1-8, 549, 609, 625 oculatus 3 1 , 48, 5 3 , 1 72, 1 78, 323-9,
pusillus 23, 34, 5 1 9, 556 expeditus 28, 5 3 1 600, 601
calcaratus 24 niger 27, 2 8 , 5 3 1 oreotragi 3 1-2, 45, 50, 57, 143,
camelopardalis 24, 250, 254 paulopunctata 28, 544 330-3, 407
carnicasi 3, 24, 52, 55, 99-104, 387, pilans 28, 544 paulopunctatus 28, 32, 544
5 2 1 , 592, 593, 606, 608 ruber 28, 34, 5 3 1 perpulcher 3 2
capensis 24, 40, 5 1 , 58, 104-10, 1 8 5, haemaphysaloides group 592, 609 phthirioides 32
1 98, 600, 601 , 6 1 1 hilgerti 28, 36, 4 1 6 pilans 28, 32, 5 1 9, 520, 5 2 1 , 533,
compositus 24, 121 hispanum 20, 28 538, 544-9, 609
longus 24, 255 humeralis 3, 28, 33, 42, 47, 53, 1 56, piresi 32, 239
pseudolongus 24, 33 214-20, 371, 602, 603, 604 planus 32, 34, 37, 48, 56, 333-9,
capensis group 591, 592, 599, 600 hurti 28, 42, 5 1 , 55, 73, 22 1-7, 237, 489, 491, 594, 595,
carinatus 24, 382 238, 594, 597, 598 596
carnivoralis 24, 44, 50, 58, 1 1 1-17, (Hyperaspidion) 47 planus 32, 1 1 9
602, 603, 604, 6 1 1 inermis 28 complanatus 25, 32, 1 1 7
clijfordi 24-5, 1 27, 360, 365 intermedius 28, 382 planus 32
complanatus 25, 32, 48, 58, 1 1 7-21 interventus 28-9, 45, 48, 56, plumbeus 32
compositus 22, 24, 25, 40, 5 1 , 58, 228-31, 273, 452 (Pomerantzevia) 577, 592
121-8, 364, 365, 435, janneli 29 pomeranzevi 33, 539
437, 49 1 , 599, 600, 6 1 1 javanensis 2 9 praetextatus 32, 33, 36, 37, 40, 53,
confusus 25, 255, 262 jeanneli 29, 50, 54, 73, 226-7, 57, 8 1 , 1 26, 309, 340-8, 403, 421,
coriaceus 25, 434 232-8, 245, 594, 597, 425, 491, 594, 595, 596, 6 1 6, 6 1 8,
cuneatus 25, 479, 482 598, 6 1 1 623-4
cuspidatus 25, 47, 56, 8 1 , 129-35, kochi 29, 3 1 , 32, 4 1 , 52, 55, 237, pravus 30, 33, 41, 52, 55, 245-6,
606, 607, 624 239-46, 353, 591, 600, 601 328, 348-58, 377, 379,
decoloratus 2 1 , 25 leachi 29 469, 491, 600, 601, 6 1 1
deltoideus 25, 5 1 , 55, 8 1 , 136-8 leporis 29, 33, 5 1 9, 521, 522, pravus 33
(Digeneus) 592 539-43, 606, 608 pravus group 591, 592, 600, 60 1
distinctus 25, 34, 41, 50, 57, 138-45, limbatus 29, 382 pseudolongus 25, 33, 44, 49, 58,
3 1 5, 594, 595, 596 linnei 29 1 27, 260-2, 360-5, 403, 4 1 5, 599,
dugesi 25 longiceps 29, 40, 52, 54, 246-9 600
duttoni 9, 26, 50, 55, 65, 69, 146-52, longicoxatus 7, 24, 29, 49, 54, (Pterygodes) 47, 1 9 1 , 592
32 1-2, 602, 603, 250-4, 302, 606, 607 pulchellus 3, 30, 33, 40, 41, 47, 53,
604, 6 1 2 longoides 29, 398 1 56, 220, 365-75, 602, 603, 604,
dux 3, 26, 35, 4 1 , 48, 53, 1 53-7 longus 24, 25, 27, 30, 49, 58, 1 27, 6 1 1 , 6 1 2, 6 1 6, 623, 625
ecinctus 26, 220, 278, 338-9, 4 1 6 255-62, 364, 403, 405, 4 1 5, 437, humeralis 28, 33, 2 1 4
ellipticum 2 6 599, 600 pumilio 3 3 , 5 1 9, 5 2 1 , 543, 550-5,
erlangeri 26, 36, 4 1 6 lounsburyi 30, 45, 53, 55, 1 85, 5 7 1 , 583, 606, 608, 623-5
evertsi 40, 4 1 , 43, 602 263-9, 49 1, 594, 597, 598 punctatissimus 33, 382
albigeniculatus 26, 1 69 lundbladi 30 punctatus 25, 31, 33, 40, 5 1, 56,
evertsi 4, 26, 48, 53, 157-67, 178, lunulatus 22, 27, 30, 36, 48, 56, 23 1 , 353, 358, 376-9, 469,
205, 602, 605, 6 1 1 , 6 1 3, 6 1 5- 1 7, 249, 254, 269-77, 49 1
623, 625 289, 452, 49 1, 594, 597, 598, 6 14, 6 1 7 punctatus 33-4, 1 3 8
mimeticus 26, 41, 44, 48, 53, lusitanicum 20, 3 0 pusillus 2 3 , 34, 5 1 9, 520, 521,
169-72, 602, 6 1 3, 625 macropis 30, 382 5 56-61, 606, 608, 623
640 Index

Rhipicephalus (cont.) tendeiroi 37, 286 R. aquatilis 72

ramachandrai 22, 34, 520, 5 2 1 , tetracornus 3 7 R. bequaerti 89
561-7, 609 texanus 37, 382 R. compositus 123
reichenowi 45, 333, 338 theileri 38, 4 1 , 47, 54, 1 1 0, 1 85, R. dux 48, 53, 156, 1 57
rhipicephaloides 34 440-5, 606, 607 R. evertsi evertsi 15 9
( Rhipicephalus) 5 92 tricuspis 37, 38, 41, 44, 49, 56, 23 1 , R. hurti 221, 227, 594
ricinus 34 27 1-3, 446-52, R. interventus 28, 229
rosea 34 594, 597, 598 R. jeanneli 237, 238, 594
rossicus 34, 35, 5 1 9, 5 2 1 , 555, turamicus 38 R. longus 256
567-73, 606, 608, 624-5 turanicus 3, 36, 38, 52, 55, 92, 1 38, R. lunulatus 2 71
ruber 34, 5 3 1 2 1 3, 387, 388, 433, 453-62, 5 2 1 , R. muhsamae 304, 309, 3 1 0
rubicundus 34, 382 567, 592, 5 9 3 , 606, 608, 6 1 3, 6 1 4, R. planus 333
rufus 34 623-5 R. praetextatus 341
rutilus 34, 382 walckenaeri 3 8 R. pseudolongus 361
sanguineus 3, 22-4, 27-30, 33-7, 40, warburtoni 38, 45, 5 1 , 56, 358, R. sulcatus 431
43, 44, 52, 55, 1 03, 2 1 3, 382-90, 463-70, 49 1 , 600, 601, 6 1 8 R. ziemanni 482
433, 5 1 9, 5 2 1 , 522, 533, 5 7 1 , 592, zambesiensis 3 8
593, 606, 608, 6 1 3- 1 8, 623-5 zambeziensis 1 0, 38, 45, 5 1, 57, 65, Smxostomus campestris see mouse,
brevicollis 35, 382 punctatissimus 35, 69, 1 1 3, 1 5 1 , short-tailed pouched
382 470-8, 602, 603, 604, 6 1 1 , 6 1 2, Sagittarius serpentarius see secretary bird
rossicus 35, 567 615 Sahel 12
sanguineus 35 ziemanni 23, 25, 38, 39, 50, 54, 96, sambar 537, 545, 587
schulzei 35, 578 289, 479-83 Saudi Arabia
simus 35, 4 1 6 aurantiacus 38-9, 479 R. camicasi 1 04, 592, 606
sulcatus 3 5 zumpti 39, 5 1 , 58, 339, 484-90, 491, R. evertsi evertsi 16 7
sanguineus group 592, 593, 606, 608 594, 595, 596 R. turanicus 4 5 9
scalpturatus 35, 520, 52 1 , 574-7 Rhipistoma ellipticum 26 scutum 3
schulzei 35, 5 1 9, 5 2 1 , 555, 578-83, Rhombomys opinus see gerbil, great secretary bird 355, 461, 516
606, 608, 624-5 Rickettsia Senegal 1 0, 1 2, 2 1 , 43
schwetzi 35, 1 5 3 belli 22 R. cuspidatus 25, 47, 56, 131, 1 3 5
sculptus 35, 40, 5 0 , 5 6 , 392-7, 435, conori 69, 1 67, 348, 374, 389-90, R . evertsi evertsi 159
602, 603, 604 425, 555, 5 6 1 , 623 R. guilhoni 207, 2 1 3
secundus 3 5-6 rhipicephali 389 R. muhsamae 3 1 , 304, 309, 421
senegalensis 29, 36, 37, 40, 49, 52, rickettsi 389, 6 1 6, 623 R. senegalensis 36, 399, 403
57, 260-2, 309, 364, 398-405, 4 1 5, sibirica 389, 623 R. sulcatus 431
491, 594, 595, 596, 624 slovaca 5 6 1 , 623 R. turanicus 457, 459
serranoi 36, 44, 5 1, 57, 406-9 Rio de Oro see Western Sahara R. ziemanni 482, 483
shipleyi 36, 3 7 Rio Muni see Equatorial Guinea serotine 568, 587
siculus 36, 382 rock hyrax 23, 25, 33, 50, 54, 67, 83, Cape 372, 495
simpsoni 36, 40, 49, 55, 143, 87, 96, 1 1 2, 1 1 6, serval 66, 1 30, 2 1 2, 272, 284, 346, 383,
409-16, 594, 595, 596 1 39, 143, 145, 1 60, 201, 356, 407, 422, 432, 460, 481, 498
simus 26, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 44, 53, 438, 501-2 sheep 2 1 , 52, 492-3, 585, 6 1 2, 6 1 4- 1 8,
58, 1 26, 1 85, 309, yellow-spotted 67, 1 1 2, 1 1 3, 1 39, 625
344-5, 403, 4 1 6-25, 437, 489, 49 1 , 1 60, 407, 501 R. appendiculatus 65, 66, 69
5 94, 595, 596, 6 1 1-12, rock rabbit R. armatus 77
6 1 4- 1 5, 6 1 8 Jameson's red 50, 54, 83, 87, 1 39, R. bergeoni 92, 93
erlangeri 36, 4 1 6 145, 380, 5 1 5 R. bursa 524, 529, 530
hilgerti 3 6, 4 1 6 red Smith's 50, 54, 83, 87, 1 39, 145, R. camicasi 24, 1 00, 1 03
longoides 29, 36, 398, 403 1 62, 201, 324, R. compositus 1 2 7
lunulatus 36, 8 1 , 269 329, 464, 469, 5 1 5 R. distinctus 2 5
planus 25, 32, 36-7, 9 1 , 1 1 9, 333, Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMsf) R. duttoni 147
338 389, 6 1 6, 623 R. evertsi evertsi 1 60, 1 63, 1 66, 1 67
praetextatus 28 Romania R. evertsi mimeticus 1 69, 1 7 1
senegalensis 37, 398, 403 R. bursa 529 R. exophthalmos 1 77
shipleyi 37 R. rossicus 571 R. follis 1 80
simus 37, 4 1 6 rousette, Leschenault's 545, 586 R. fulvus 1 92
tricuspis 37 , 446 Rousettus leschenaulti see rousette, R. gertrudae 1 97, 1 98
simus group 5 9 1 , 592, 594, 595-6 Leschenault's R. glabroscutatum 2 0 1 , 205
sp. near pravus 353, 356, 357, 358-9, Ruanda-Urundi see Burundi; Rwanda R. guilhoni 27, 2 1 2, 2 1 3
491 Rulica cristata see coot, red-knobbed R. haemaphysaloides 537, 538
sp. near punctatus 379-8 1 , 491 Russia R. humeralis 2 1 9
stigmaticus 37, 382 R. pumilio 555, 606 R. interventus 229
sulcatus 35, 37, 52, 55, 387-8, R. rossicus 34, 5 1 9 R. jeanneli 233
427-33, 458, 592, 593 R. schulzei 583, 606 R. kochi 243
supertritus 25, 37, 50, 56-7, 92, R. turanicus 459, 592, 606 R. longus 257
397, 434-329 Rwanda 1 0, 43 R. lounsburyi 55, 264, 268
( Tendeirodes) 1 56 R. appendiculatus 61 R. lunulatus 272, 273, 276
Index 641

R. maculatus 283 600 Stylodipus telum see jerboa, thick-tailed

R. masseyi 287 R. distinctus 25, 144, 145 Sudan 1 0, 30, 36, 43
R. muehlensi 301, 302 R. evertsi evertsi 26, 159, 167 R. appendiculatus 61
R. muhsamae 305 R. evertsi mimeticus 1 70, 1 72 R. bequaerti 89, 9 1
R. neumanni 3 1 , 57, 143, 3 1 1 , 3 1 5, R. exophthalmos 48, 53, 1 73, 1 78, 1 79, R . bergeoni 93, 9 5
316 600 R . camicasi 1 04, 104
R. nitens 3 1 7, 322 R. follis 52, 55, 181, 1 86 R. compositus 25, 123
R. praetextatus 345, 346 R. gertrudae 1 93, 198, 1 99, 594 R. cuspidatus 47, 56, 131, 1 35, 606
R. pravus 353, 354 R. glabroscutatum 27, 48, 53, 200, R. distinctus 143, 144
R. pulchellus 371, 372, 374, 375 205, 602 R. evertsi evertsi 159, 166
R. pumilio 5 5 1 R. kochi 244, 245, 600 R. guilhoni 207, 2 1 3
R . schulzei 579, 583 R. lounsburyi 30, 55, 263, 268-9, 594 R. jeanneli 237, 238
R. senegalensis 404 R. lunulatus 2 71 R. lunulatus 2 71
R. simus 422 R. maculatus 47-8, 53, 278, 285 R. muhsamae 304
R. sp. near punctatus 380 R. muehlensi 297, 302, 602 R. praetextatus 341, 345, 421
R. sulcatus 4 3 2 R. neumanni 57, 143, 310, 3 1 6, 594 R. pravus 357
R. theileri 441 R. nitens 3 1 , 52, 55, 65, 316, 322, 602 R. pseudolongus 361
R. turanicus 459, 460, 461 R. oculatus 48, 53, 323, 329, 600 R. senegalensis 399, 403, 405
R. warburtoni 38, 464, 469 R. oreotragi 331 R. simpsoni 411, 4 1 5
R. ziemanni 481 R. simpsoni 411 R . sulcatus 431
sheep, Barbary 1 92, 508 R. simus 36, 424, 425 R. supertritus 43 7
shrew R. sp. near pravus 357, 358 R. turanicus 457, 459
common European white-toothed R. sulcatus 431 Sudan Fran�ais see Mali
461, 586 R. theileri 38, 47, 54, 440, 445, 606 Sumatra 20, 28, 32
house 537, 545, 586 R. tricuspis 44 7, 452 Suncus murinus see shrew, house
Sulawesi white-toothed 545, 586 R. turanicus 457, 459 suni 67, 243, 283, 301, 356, 506
white-toothed 404, 461, 495, 586 R. warburtoni 38, 5 1 , 56, 465, 469, Suricata suricatta see meercat
see also elephant shrew 600 Sus scrofa see pig
shrew sp. 380, 422, 495 R. zambeziensis 4 76, 477, 602 swallow, greater striped 162, 5 1 7
shrike, long-crested helmet 68, 5 1 7 R. zumpti 484, 490, 594 swamp rat 68, 1 1 0, 1 39, 1 80, 1 85, 233,
shrike sp. 355 South African tick typhus 389 347, 423, 5 1 3
Siberian tick thyphus 389, 462, 623 South West Africa see Namibia Angoni 223, 227, 513
Sicily 36 Southern Rhodesia see Zimbabwe groove-toothed 423, 5 1 2
R. bursa 530 Spain 23 Swaziland
R. pusillus 5 6 1 R. bursa 529 R. appendiculatus 61
Sierra Leone 36 R. pusillus 5 1 9 R. follis 181, 1 86
R. lunulatus 271 Spanish Guinea see Equatorial Guinea R. maculatus 2 78
R. pseudolongus 361, 365 Spanish Morocco see Morocco R. muehlensi 29 7
R. senegalensis 399 Spanish West Africa see Western Sahara R. simus 424, 425
R. ziemanni 482 sparrow hawk, great 2 1 9, 355, 5 16 R. zumpti 484, 490
Sigmoceros lichtensteinii see hartebeest, Spermophilus Switzerland
Lichtenstein's erythrogenys see souslik, red-cheeked R. bursa 529
sitatunga 2 1 , 49, 57, 67, 73, 1 27, 227, fulvus see souslik, large-toothed R. sanguineus 390
508 pygmaeus see souslik, little Sylvicapra grimmia see duiker, common
Somalia 10, 30, 33, 42 Tien Shan see souslik, relictus Syncerus caffer see African buffalo
R. armatus 76, 8 1 , 602 undulatus see souslik, long-tailed Syria
R. camicasi 104, 1 04 spirochaetosis 16 7, 6 1 7 R. bursa 529
R. evertsi evertsi 159, 166 spotted fever 389, 555, 6 1 6, 623 R. turanicus 459
R. humeralis 47, 53, 214, 220, 602 springbok 67, 1 6 1 , 1 7 1 , 177, 1 80, 1 97,
R. lunulatus 271, 276 201, 3 1 1 , 3 1 7, 322, tahr
R. maculatus 2 78, 285 505, 6 1 8 Himalayan 537, 588
R. muehlensi 50, 57, 297, 302 spurfowl 233, 5 16 Nilgiri 537, 587
R. praetextatus 341, 344, 345 squirrel, jungle striped 562, 566, 588 Taiwan, R.haemaphysaloides 538
R. pravus 355, 357, 358 see also ground squirrel; tree squirrel Tajikistan, R.
pumilio 555, 606
R. pulchellus 367, 371, 372, 374 Sri Lanka Tanganyika see Tanzania
R. turanicus 457, 459 R. haemaphysaloides 538 Tanzania 10, 27, 34, 37, 42
Somaliland Protectorate see Somalia R. turanicus 459 R. appendiculatus 2 1 , 61, 64-5
souslik Steatomys pratensis see mouse, common R. aquatilis 2 1 , 72, 73
large-toothed 579, 583, 588 fat R. armatus 76, 8 1
little 579, 583, 588 steenbok 67, 1 6 1 , 1 7 1 , 177, 201, 243, R . bequaerti 89, 9 1
long-tailed579, 588 301, 347, 354, 356, 379, 380, 423, R. camivoralis 1 13, 1 1 6, 1 1 7, 602
red-cheeked 579, 588 4 5 1 , 452, 475, 489, 506 R. compositus 123
Tien Shan 579, 583, 588 stork R. distinctus 144
South Africa 10, 41, 44 Marabou 2 1 2, 460, 5 1 6 R. evertsi evertsi 159, 1 66
R. appendiculatus 2 1 , 60, 61 saddle-bill 2 1 2, 516 R. humeralis 47, 53, 214, 220, 602
R. amoldi 22, 50, 54, 82, 87, 600 Streptopelia see dove sp. R. hurti 221, 594
R. capensis 24, 5 1 , 58, 104, 1 05, 1 1 0, Struthio came/us see ostrich R. interventus 28, 29, 229
642 Index

Tanzania (cont.) tortoise sp. 355, 517 R . pumilio 5 5 5

R. jeanneli 29, 237, 238, 594 toxicosis 69, 6 1 8 R. schulzei 583
R. kochi 29, 244, 245, 600 Tragelaphus
R. longicoxatus 29, 49, 54, 250, 2 5 1 , angasii see nyala Varanus niloticus see leguaan, water
254, 606 buxtoni see nyala, mountain Venezuela, R. sanguineus 389
R. longus 256 eurycerus see bongo Vietnam, R. sanguineus 389
R. lunulatus 271, 276 imberbis see kudu, lesser vole
R. maculatus 2 78, 285 scriptus see bushbuck European water 568, 588
R. masseyi 287, 289, 290 spekii see sitatunga Gunther's 462, 588
R. muehlensi 3 1 , 297, 602 strepsiceros see kudu, greater social 579, 588
R. oculatus 3 1 tree squirrel Vormela peregusna see polecat, marbled
R. planus 333 Cuvier's 404, 5 1 1 Vulpes
R. praetextatus 341, 344, 345 Kuhl's 423, 5 1 1 bengalensis see fox, Bengal
R. pravus 355, 357, 358 Tripolitania see Libya chama see fox, Cape
R. pulchellus 33, 367, 3 7 1 , 374, 602 Trypanosoma theileri 374 pallida see fox, pale
R. punctatus 379, 381 tsesebe 67, 1 6 1 , 356, 504 rueppelli see fox, sand
R. sculptus 392, 397, 602 tularaemia 389, 624 vulture
R. senegalensis 403 see also Francisella tularensis African white-backed 2 1 2, 5 16
R. simpsoni 41 1, 4 1 5 Tunisia 10 white-headed 461, 5 1 6
R . sulcatus 431, 433 R . bursa 529
R. supertritus 43 7, 438 R. fulvus 27, 187, 1 92, 606 warbler, yellow 4 1 0, 5 17
R. turanicus 45 7, 45 9 R. turanicus 45 7 warthog 9, 364, 502, 6 1 4
R. zambeziensis 4 76, 477, 602 Turdoides jardineii see babbler, R. appendiculatus 6 5 , 67
Tanzanian Tick Survey Collection 5 arrow-marked R. camicasi 1 00
Tatera Turkey, R. bursa 529 R. complanatus 1 1 9
indica see gerbil, Indian Turkmenistan R. compositus 12 7
leucogaster see gerbil, bushveld R. bursa 529 R. cuspidatus 25, 47, 56, 1 30, 1 34-5
nigricauda see gerbil, black-tailed R. leporis 543, 606 R. dux 1 54
Taurotragus R. pumilio 555, 606 R. evertsi evertsi 1 60
derbianus see eland, giant typhus 374, 389, 555, 623 R. evertsi mimeticus 1 7 1
oryx see eland see also Rickettsia conori R. exophthalmos 1 77, 1 78
Tchad see Chad R. guilhoni 2 1 2
Tchagra australis see tchagra, Ubangi Shari see Central African Republic R. humeralis 2 1 9
brown-headed Uganda 42, 261 R. hurti 223
tchagra, brown-headed 1 62, 51 7 R. appendiculatus 61 R. jeanneli 233
Texas 37 R. aquatilis 72, 73 R. kochi 243
R. sanguineus 388 R. armatus 76, 8 1 , 602 R. longiceps 247, 249
Thailand 37 R. bequaerti 89, 9 1 R. longus 257
R. sanguineus 389 R . camivoralis 1 13, 1 1 6, 602 R. lunulatus 272, 273
Theileria R. complanatus 1 1 8, 1 1 9 R. maculatus 283, 284
annulata 538 R. compositus 123, 1 27, 1 28 R. masseyi 287
parva R. dux 48, 53, 156, 1 5 7 R. muehlensi 301
bovis 69, 477, 6 1 2 R. evertsi evertsi 15 9 R. muhsamae 305
lawrencei 69, 1 52, 425, 477-8, 6 1 2 R. hurti 221, 594 R. planus 334, 339
parva 69, 1 1 7, 1 28, 1 67, 238, 245, R. interventus 28, 229, 2 3 1 R. praetextatus 346
322, 358, 374, 425, 477 R. jeanneli 237, 594 R. pravus 354
separata 1 67, 1 7 1 , 530, 6 1 2 R. longus 256, 262 R. pulchellus 3 72
taurotragi 69, 374, 477-8, 6 1 2 R. lunulatus 271 R. sanguineus 383
Thogoto virus 625 R. muhsamae 304, 309, 3 1 0 R. senegalensis 403, 404
Thryonomys R. planus 333 R. simus 422, 425
gregorianus see cane rat, lesser R. praetextatus 341, 344, 345, 42 1 R. sp. near pravus 356
swinderianus see cane rat, greater R. pravus 357, 358 R. sp. near punctatus 380
tiang 272, 504 R. pseudolongus 361, 365, 600 R. supertritus 438
tick paralysis 276-7, 348, 389, 469-70, R. punctatus 379, 381 R. tricuspis 45 1
530, 6 1 7- 1 8 R. senegalensis 399, 403, 405, 594 R. turanicus 460
tick toxicosis 618 R. simpsoni 411, 4 1 5 R. zambeziensis 475, 477
tick typhus 374, 389, 555, 623 R . sulcatus 43 1 R. ziemanni 48 1
see also Rickettsia conori R . supertritus 43 7 R. zumpti 489
tick-bite fever 69, 1 67 R. turanicus 45 7, 45 9 warthog, Somali 2 1 9, 502
537, 545, 549, 587
tiger Ukraine, R. bursa 529 water buffalo 28, 66, 461, 492, 537, 538,
Togo 1 0, 27, 36 United Arab Republic see Egypt 545, 549, 585
R. senegalensis 399 United States National Tick Collection water vole, European 568, 588
R. simpsoni 4 1 1 5 waterbuck 65, 67, 68, 1 27, 1 6 1 , 2 1 2,
R . sulcatus 43 1 Upper Volta see Burkina Faso 2 1 9, 243, 257, 272, 283, 3 0 1 , 334,
R. ziemanni 482 Uruguay 2 1 355, 356, 360, 364, 373, 380, 393,
topi 1 6 1 , 229, 347, 372, 377, 504 Uzbekistan 29 423, 432, 489, 5 1 0
tortoise, leopard 1 62, 5 1 7 R. leporis 519 weasel 46 1, 5 5 7 , 560, 587
Index 643

West Nile virus 573, 625 R. lunulatus 2 71 R. zambeziensis 475

Western Sahara 10 R. maculatus 48, 53, 278, 285, 302-3 R. zumpti 489
whistling duck, white-faced 273, 404, R. masseyi 30, 287 Grevy's 1 00, 1 60, 346, 3 7 1 , 372, 374,
516 R. planus 333 501
wild boar 23, 32, 5 1 9 R. praetextatus 341 mountain 8 3 , 1 05, 1 60, 1 7 1 , 1 80,
wild cat, African66, 77, 1 39, 1 60, 2 1 2, R. punctatus 379, 381 1 85, 1 97, 201, 3 1 7, 501
346, 372, 383, 422, 432, 460, 464, R. sculptus 392, 397, 602 zebra sp. 35, 1 00, 1 03, 1 60, 1 63, 1 7 1 ,
497-8 R. serranoi 5 1, 57, 407, 409 198, 372, 438, 5 0 1 , 6 1 3
wildebeest R. simpsoni 41 1, 4 1 5 Zimbabwe 1 0, 32, 44
black 1 6 1 , 1 80, 197, 201, 264, 3 1 1 , R . simus 424, 425 R. appendiculatus 61
504 R. sp. near pravus 357 R. armatus 81
blue 67, 1 6 1 , 1 63, 1 7 1 , 243, 257, 272, R. sp. near punctatus 379, 380, 381 R. amoldi 50, 54, 82, 87, 600
283, 347, 354, 423, 475, 504 R. sulcatus 431, 433 R. compositus 123, 1 28, 600
wildebeest sp. 1 6 1 , 504 R. supertritus 397, 437, 438 R. distinctus 144, 145
Wolbachia 374-5 R. tricuspis 447, 452 R. evertsi evertsi 15 9
wolf 5 5 1 , 5 5 5, 587, 6 1 4 R. turanicus 457, 459 R. hurti 221
R. zambeziensis 4 76, 477, 602 R. kochi 244, 245
Xerus Zanzibar see Tanzania R. longus 256, 262
capensis see ground squirred, Cape zebra R. lunulatus 271, 273, 276
erythropus see ground squirrel, Burchell's 500-1 R. maculatus 48, 53, 278, 285,
Geoffroy's R. appendiculatus 65, 67 302-3
rutilus see ground squirrel, unstriped R. evertsi evertsi 1 60 R. muehlensi 297
R. evertsi mimeticus 1 7 1 R. oreotragi 32, 331
Yemen R. exophthalmos 1 77 R. planus 333, 339
R. camicasi 1 03, 1 04, 592, 606 R. jeanneli 233 R. simpsoni 411, 4 1 5, 4 1 6
R. evertsi evertsi 1 63, 1 67 R. kochi 243 R . simus 424, 425
R. praetextatus 344, 345 R. longus 257 R. sp. near pravus 357
Yersinia pestis 624 R. lunulatus 272 R. sp. near punctatus 379, 380, 381
R. maculatus 283 R. sulcatus 431, 433
Zaire see Democratic Republic of Congo R. masseyi 287 R. supertritus 437, 438
Zambia 1 0, 3 1 , 43-4 R. muehlensi 301 R. theileri 445
R. appendiculatus 61 R. praetextatus 346 R. tricuspis 44 7, 4 5 2
R. aquatilis 72, 73 R. pravus 354 R. turanicus 457, 459
R. camivoralis 1 1 3, 1 1 7 R. pulchellus 371, 372, 374 R. zambeziensis 38, 476, 477, 478,
R. compositus 123, 1 28 R. punctatus 377 602
R. distinctus 144 R. sculptus 393, 397 R. zumpti 484, 489-90
R. evertsi evertsi 159, 1 63, 1 66 R. simus 422, 425 Zimbabwe theileriosis 612
R. hurti 221 R. sp. near pravus 356 see also Theileria parva bovis
R. interventus 28, 29, 229, 2 3 1 R. sp. near punctatus 380 zoogeography 1 0-12
R. kochi 244, 245 R. supertritus 438 see also individual species
R. longus 256, 262 R. turanicus 460 zorilla 66, 77, 2 1 2, 383, 500

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