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Vydyuthi Bhavanam, Pattom ,Thiruvananthapuram

KSEB/TRAC/Power restrictions/2012-13 Dated 30.04.2012

Sub: Extension of Power restrictions to LT consumers-reg

Read: 1. KSERC Order dated 26th April 2012 in OP No. 21/2012 dated 13/4/2012
filed by the KSE Board .
2. B.O (FM).896/2012 (KSEB/TRAC/LT restriction) dated 30/4/2012

The Board vide Order read above has decided to implement the Orders of
Kerala Electricity Regulatory Commission (KSERC) dated 26/4/2012 as detailed
below, in OP No. 21/2012 dated 13/4/2012 filed by the KSE Board, with regard to
the extension of power restriction to LT Consumers.
(i) LT-II, LT-IV Industrial, LT-VI (A), (B) & (C), LT-VII (A), (B) & (C)
category consumers are eligible to consume energy up to 90% of the
average consumption at normal tariff. i.e., for these categories,
quota for power restrictions shall be 90% of base average
(ii) For Domestic Consumers, quota under normal tariff shall be 300 units
per month.
(iii) Consumption above the limit will be charged at the rate of Rs.10/-per
(iv) Fuel Surcharge will not be made applicable for excess consumption
charged at the high rate.
(v) There shall be no restriction on maximum demand.
(vi) The restrictions on LT consumers shall be effective from 26-4-2012 up
to 31-5-2012.
(vii) For estimating the base average consumption, base year may be taken
as 2011-12 i.e., months of April 2011 to March 2012.
(viii) New LT consumers other than domestic category, who have started
operation from January 2012, the base average consumption, shall be
fixed as 105kWh/kW of connected load. However, for new consumers
under ToD system the base average consumption shall be 200kWh/kVA
of contract demand.
(ix) Existing LT consumers (prior to 1-1-2012) who did not have adequate
consumption or nil consumption in any period between April 2011 to
March 2012, the base average shall be worked out similar to the
method followed for HT-EHT consumers. However, if such average is
below 105 units/kW, the norm of 105 units/kW of connected load shall
be applied and quota shall be fixed accordingly.
(x) The Board may constitute a Grievance Redressal Committee at the
Circle level consisting of Senior Officers for addressing all genuine

complaints regarding fixation of quota so as to settle the grievances in
a time bound manner without causing hardship to the consumers.
(xi) The Licensees other than KSEB shall follow the same principles as
above in fixing the quota for power restrictions. Additional revenue
from consumers for excess consumption billed at higher rates shall be
transferred to KSEB promptly on a monthly basis.
(xii) All licensees including KSEB shall indicate the quota, excess
consumption and rate charged for excess consumption etc., separately
in the bills issued to the consumers. Licensees shall take steps to
resolve the disputes or doubts of the consumers on this issue in a time
bound manner, without causing hardship to the consumers.
(xiii) The Commission shall review the power situation and
adequacy/continuation of restrictions/load shedding in the second
week of May 2012. KSEB shall submit all supporting data for the
review by 14-5-2012.

The billing procedure to be followed, to charge the excess consumption for

the LT Consumers (except Public lighting, agriculture- LT V and LT-VI (D) category) is
appended as Annexure to this Circular, for information and strict compliance.

Encl: Annexure

Copy to: -
All Chief Engineers
All Deputy Chief Engineers
Director (IT)
Special officer (Revenue)
The Chief Internal Auditor, The Financial Adviser
TA to Chairman / Member (Gen) / Member (Trans) /Member (Distn.)
PA to Member (Finance), The Public Relations Officer
Sr.CA to Secretary
Fair Copy Superintendent /Library
Stock file



Lighting, Agriculture (LT-V) and LT- VI(D) categories) with effect from
26-04-2012 to 30-07-2012


(A) Domestic Category

for the period from 26-04-2012 to 30.07.2012

(a) Domestic consumers with Bi-monthly consumption less than 600 units.
When bi-monthly consumption of a consumer as on billing date is less than or
equal to 600 units, no change is required in raising the bills from prevailing

(b) Domestic Consumers with Bi-monthly consumption above 600 units.

When bi-monthly consumption of a domestic consumer as on billing date is
more than 600 units, the invoice shall be raised as follows:

(i) Let the bi-monthly consumption as on billing date is “X” units

Note: In case of meter faulty, door locked etc the consumption based
on previous six months average shall be taken as the monthly
consumption as on the date of billing.

(ii) Excess consumption over 600 units “E” =X-600 units

(iii) Multiplication factor for arriving pro- rata excess consumption as on

billing date =‘f” (from Table-1).

(iv) The pro rata excess consumption as on billing date “E1’ units

(v) Energy rate for charging excess consumption = Rs 10.00 /unit

(vi) Energy charge for excess consumption (R1) = E1 x 10.00

(vii) Energy consumption to be charged at normal tariff “E2” units

= X- E1 units.

(viii) Energy charge at normal tariff for consumption ‘E2’ units may be
arrived from “Ready Reckoner” in use = R2

(ix) Fuel surcharge for the energy usage at normal tariff “E2” units as
(as per the BO dated 16-04-2012) = R3

(x) Electricity duty from the ready reckoner for the entire consumption
‘X’ units = D

(xi) Total energy charge = R1+R2+R3+D

The details may be entered in the invoice are as follows:
(i) Excess consumption = E1 units
(ii) Consumption to be charged at normal tariff = E2 units
(iii) Energy rate for charging excess consumption = Rs 10.00 /unit
(iv) Charge for Excess consumption E1 units = R1 (Rs)
(v) Energy charges for consumption at normal tariff = R2 (Rs)
(vi) Fuel surcharge for pro-rata normal consumption = R3 (Rs)
(vii) Electricity Duty = D (Rs)

Total Energy charges = R1 + R2 + R3 + D

Note: Meter rent and other charges shall be levied extra.

(B) Billing procedure for all other bimonthly billing LT consumers (LT-II,
LT-IV, LT-VI (A), VI(B) and LT-VI (C ), LT-VII(A), LT-VII(B) and LT-VII (C)
(except Public Lighting, LT V- Agriculture and LT-VI (D) categories).

for the period from 26-04-2012 to 30.07.2012

Let ‘q’ be the monthly energy quota allowed, then excess consumption
over the quota and energy charge for the excess consumption shall be
computed as given below:

(a) When bi-monthly consumption is less than the quota of ‘2 x q’ units,

prevailing method shall be continued for raising bills. Fuel surcharge
shall be collected for the entire consumption as on billing date as per
the BO dated 16.04.2012 issued from this office.

(b) If the bi-monthly consumption is higher than the quota of ‘2 x q’, then
invoice shall be prepared as given below.

(i) Let the consumption as on billing date = X units

(ii) Excess consumption ‘E’ = X-2q

(iii) Multiplication factor for arriving the pro-rata excess consumption

over the quota as on billing date= ‘f ‘from Table-1

(iv) Pro-rata excess consumption as on billing date over the quota

‘E1’ = ‘E’ x f
(v) Energy rate for the excess consumption = Rs 10.00 /unit

(vi) Energy charge for the excess consumption ‘R1’= E1 x Rs 10.00

(vii) Consumption to bill at normal tariff as on billing date ‘E2’

= ‘X’ – ‘E1’
(viii) Energy charge at normal tariff for consumption ‘E2’ may be
computed from Ready reckoner = ‘R2’

(ix) Fuel surcharge for the energy usage at normal tariff (as per the BO
dated 16-04-2012) for ‘E2’ units = R3

(x) Electricity Duty as per the ready reckoner for entire consumption
The details may be entered in the invoice are as follows:
(i) Excess consumption = E1 units
(ii) Consumption to be charged at normal tariff = E2 units
(iii)Energy rate for charging excess consumption = Rs 10.00 /unit
(iv) Charge for Excess consumption E1 units = R1 (Rs)
(iv) Energy charges for consumption at normal tariff = R2 (Rs)
(v) Fuel surcharge for the energy usage at normal tariff = R3 (Rs)
(vi) Electricity Duty = D (Rs)

Total Energy charges = R1 + R2 + R3 + D

(i) If the consumption as on billing date is less than the quota
allowed, prevailing billing method shall be followed.
(ii) Meter faulty, door locked etc the average consumption for the last six
months shall be taken as the actual consumption as on billing date.


(Except Public Lighting, LT- Agriculture and LT-VI (D) categories).

(1) For the month of April-2012

The invoice for the month of April-2012 shall be prepared as follows:

(i) Let ‘X’ be the monthly consumption.

(ii) Let ‘q’ be the quota allowed to the LT consumers

If the monthly consumption ‘X’ is less than quota ‘q’, the

invoice shall be prepared as per the procedures followed till
date. Fuel surcharge for the entire consumption shall be
charged as per the BO dated 16-04-2012 issued from this

If the monthly consumption is higher than the quota then invoice shall be
prepared as given below.

(iii) Compute the excess consumption

(a) For LT II, LTIV, LTVI & LT VII consumers, E= ‘X’ – quota ‘q’ allowed
(b) For Domestic category, E = ‘X’ – ‘300’ units

(iv) Pro-rata excess consumption for the month of April-2012

= ‘E1’ = ‘E’ x ‘0.167’

(V) Energy rate for charging the excess consumption ‘E1’

= Rs 10.00 per unit

(vi) Electricity charge for the excess consumption
‘R1’ = E1 x 10

(vii) Energy usage at normal tariff ‘E2’ = ‘X’- ‘E1’

(viii)Energy charge for the electricity usage ‘E2’ at normal tariff = ‘R2’

(ix) Fuel surcharge for the energy usage at normal tariff (as per the BO
dated 16-04-2012) = ‘R3’

The details may be entered in the invoice are as follows:

(i) Excess consumption = E units
(ii) Consumption to be charged at normal tariff = ‘q’ units
(iii)Energy rate for charging excess consumption = Rs 10.00 /unit
(iv) Charge for Excess consumption E units = R1 (Rs)
(v) Energy charges for consumption at normal tariff = R2 (Rs)
(vi) Fuel surcharge for quota ‘q’ = R3 (Rs)
(vii) Electricity Duty = D (Rs)

Total Energy charges = R1 + R2 + R3 + D

(2) For the month of May-2012

The invoice shall be prepared for the month of May-2012 as follows:
(i) Let ‘X’ be the monthly consumption.
(ii) Let ‘q’ be the quota allowed to the LT consumers

If the monthly consumption ‘X’ is less than quota ‘q’, the

invoice shall be prepared as per the procedures followed till
date. Fuel surcharge for the entire consumption shall be
charged as per the BO and circular dated 16-04-2012 issued
from this office.
If the monthly consumption is higher than the quota of then invoice
shall be prepared as given below.

(iii) Compute the excess consumption

(a) For LT II, LTIV, LTVI & LT VII consumers,
E= ‘X’ – quota ‘q’ allowed
(b) For Domestic category
E1 = ‘X’ – ‘300’ units

(iv) Energy rate for charging the excess consumption ‘E’

= Rs 10.00 per unit
(v) Electricity charge for the excess consumption
‘R1’ = ‘E1’ x 10

(vi) Energy usage at normal tariff ‘E2’ = ‘X’- ‘E1’

(vii) Energy charge for the electricity usage ‘E2’ at normal tariff =
‘R2’ may be charged at the prevailing tariff

(viii) Fuel surcharge for the energy usage at normal tariff (as per
the BO dated 16-04-2012) = ‘R3’

The details may be entered in the invoice are as follows:

(i) Excess consumption = E units
(ii) Consumption to be charged at normal tariff = ‘q’ units
(iii) Energy rate for charging excess consumption = Rs 10.00 /unit
(iv) Charge for Excess consumption E units = R1 (Rs)
(v) Energy charges for consumption at normal tariff = R2 (Rs)
(vi) Fuel surcharge for quota ‘q’ = R3 (Rs)
(vii) Electricity Duty = D (Rs)

Total Energy charges = R1 + R2 + R3 + D


Multiplication factor for bi-monthly billed consumers for arriving pro-rata excess
consumption (from 26-04-2012 to 30-07-2012)

Date of reading Factor 'f' Date of reading Factor 'f' Date of reading Factor 'f'
26-Apr-2012 0.017 01-Jun-12 0.600 01-Jul-12 0.483
27-Apr-2012 0.033 02-Jun-12 0.600 02-Jul-12 0.467
28-Apr-2012 0.050 03-Jun-12 0.600 03-Jul-12 0.450
29-Apr-2012 0.067 04-Jun-12 0.600 04-Jul-12 0.433
30-Apr-2012 0.083 05-Jun-12 0.600 05-Jul-12 0.417
1-May-2012 0.100 06-Jun-12 0.600 06-Jul-12 0.400
2-May-2012 0.117 07-Jun-12 0.600 07-Jul-12 0.383
3-May-2012 0.133 08-Jun-12 0.600 08-Jul-12 0.367
4-May-2012 0.150 09-Jun-12 0.600 09-Jul-12 0.350
5-May-2012 0.167 10-Jun-12 0.600 10-Jul-12 0.333
6-May-2012 0.183 11-Jun-12 0.600 11-Jul-12 0.317
7-May-2012 0.200 12-Jun-12 0.600 12-Jul-12 0.300
8-May-2012 0.217 13-Jun-12 0.600 13-Jul-12 0.283
9-May-2012 0.233 14-Jun-12 0.600 14-Jul-12 0.267
10-May-2012 0.250 15-Jun-12 0.600 15-Jul-12 0.250
11-May-2012 0.267 16-Jun-12 0.600 16-Jul-12 0.233
12-May-2012 0.283 17-Jun-12 0.600 17-Jul-12 0.217
13-May-2012 0.300 18-Jun-12 0.600 18-Jul-12 0.200
14-May-2012 0.317 19-Jun-12 0.600 19-Jul-12 0.183
15-May-2012 0.333 20-Jun-12 0.600 20-Jul-12 0.167
16-May-2012 0.350 21-Jun-12 0.600 21-Jul-12 0.150
17-May-2012 0.367 22-Jun-12 0.600 22-Jul-12 0.133
18-May-2012 0.383 23-Jun-12 0.600 23-Jul-12 0.117
19-May-2012 0.400 24-Jun-12 0.600 24-Jul-12 0.100
20-May-2012 0.417 25-Jun-12 0.583 25-Jul-12 0.083
21-May-2012 0.433 26-Jun-12 0.567 26-Jul-12 0.067
22-May-2012 0.450 27-Jun-12 0.550 27-Jul-12 0.050
23-May-2012 0.467 28-Jun-12 0.533 28-Jul-12 0.033
24-May-2012 0.483 29-Jun-12 0.517 29-Jul-12 0.017
25-May-2012 0.500 30-Jun-12 0.500 30-Jul-12 0.000
26-May-2012 0.517
27-May-2012 0.533
28-May-2012 0.550
29-May-2012 0.567
30-May-2012 0.583
31-May-2012 0.600

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