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Chapter 9 Comprehension
Read chapter 9 from “animal farm” and answer the following questions:

1. What was Boxer looking forward to at the beginning of the chapter? Did he get to
realize his desire? What happened to Boxer in this chapter?
R// he was looking for a comfortable life in the pasture as a reward for his labor.
Boxer die and couldn’t to achieve his dream.

2. Which animals’ rations were not reduced? Why?

R// Dogs and pigs, because they were the leaders.

3. What techniques did the pigs use to make the animals think their lives were okay?
How did they get the animals to forget their problems?
R// With speeches of glory, the instauration of the animal farm republic and with
Moses stories.

4. In what ways were Napoleon and his family treated differently from the other
R// They received a good education, because Napoleon order to build a school only
for his children, no matters the bad economic situation of the farm.

5. Who returned to the farm after being gone for a long time? Why do you think the
pigs allowed him to stay?
R// Moses, and he stay because, with his stories animals can forgot all their bad
situation and problems.

6. What did Squealer tell the animals about Boxer’s fate? How did Squealer and
Napoleon twist the truth about Boxer in order to strengthen themselves? How did
the pigs use Boxer’s body?
R// he says that Boxer died praising the glories of Animal Farm. Squealer
denounces the false rumors that Boxer was taken to a glue factory, saying that the
hospital had simply bought the cart from a glue maker and had failed to paint
over the lettering. The animals heave a sigh of relief at this news, and when
Napoleon gives a great speech in praise of Boxer, they feel completely soothed.
Chapter 10 Comprehension Questions

1. Which animals got to retire?

R// Muriel, Bluebell, Jessie, Pincher, Jones and Boxer were death. Clover retired

and Snowball was forgotten.

2. Which animals benefited from the rebellion and which did not?

R// Benefit all animals, except Napoleon and Squealer.

3. The pigs starting walking on their hind legs in this chapter and they began carrying

whips. What do these things symbolize? Why was it important for the sheep to

learn “Four legs good, two legs better”?

R// The whips symbolize how the pigs were the masters of the farm and the

animals were their slaves. The pigs started walking on two legs, so it meant that

they were better or more advanced than the animals that walked on four legs.

4. In his toast, what was it about Animal Farm that Mr. Pilkington admired?

R// How they were able to get the animals to work so hard for so little food.

5. What happened to the name Animal Farm? Why?

R// It was changed back to Manor Farm, this change symbolized that the farm was

like it was in the beginning.

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