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New Era University Integrated School

Senior High School Department

FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City




A Partial Fulfillment for the




New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City




EMPLOYEES” prepared and submitted by EARL ANGELO CRUZ in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the Senior High School Program in “Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

(Research Project)”, has been examined and is hereby recommended for the corresponding Oral


Approved by the committee on Oral Examination with a grade of _____ on April 29, 2020.


Research Adviser

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Senior High School.


Head, English Department IS-SHS Vice Principal

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City


The researcher would like to extend his most sincere gratitude to those who extended their

help for completion and accomplishment of this study:

To the Respondents, for giving your most precious time in answering the online survey

questionnaire even during these trying times.

To the Research Adviser Prof. Ron Guina, for sharing his expertise and guidance in the

whole duration of this research.

To Myself, you really did great.

And above anyone else, most of all, to the Almighty God for His continuous help and

intervention not only while doing this research, but much more in my whole academic endeavour.


The Researcher

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City


The researcher would like to dedicate the results and findings, and the recommendations

yielded in this study, those whore are directly concerned by this research. The researcher hopes

you to find benefits in to looking at this study:

To Employees, you are the primary concern of this study. May you find your self-worth at

this and realize that you take space in this slavering world of capitalism.

To Company Owners, Supervisors, Managers, and Administrators, the

recommendations presented in tis research is very much applicable to you. Please be more

considerate to your employees because they are your machine clog that really run your business.

To Future Researchers, provide a wider knowledge on the sufferring and sacrifices of the

working class, so that the people above them, the elites, will realize that their feet is broken, and

these employees are the ones who run for their own and selfish sake.


The Researcher

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City









YEAR: 2020

Anything that contributes to workers’ factors of productivity is related to how a company

runs and directs its staffs, and how structured and unstructured practices are being implemented

and exercised in the organization. Due to the demand of employees, and their rising social impact,

the factors that affect their work performance raise concern to how they affect employees. The

dominant explanation for this was the more recognized participation of the working class to the


The researcher used a qualitative research design, and a cause-comparative approach in

getting data and information from respondents. The researcher published an online survey

questionnaire. The respondents were asked about how organizational culture and company

workplace contribute to their work performance. They were given three choices: positively, neural,

and negatively.

The results showed that organizational culture and company workplace have positive

contribution to work performance of the employees. In practicing their duty, they found relevant

effects of these aspects to their productivity and outcomes.

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City



TITLE PAGE..................................................................................................................................i

APPROVAL SHEET………………………………………………………………………….....ii




TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………………

LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………………………...vii

LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………………………………viii

Chapter I – Introduction

The Problem and Its Background………………………………………………………...1

Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………………...3


Significance of the Study………………………………………………………………...4

Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………………5

Chapter II – Review of Related Literature

Review of related Literature……………………………………………………………...5

Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………………13

Theoretical Framework…………………………………………………………………13

Chapter III – Methodology

Research Design………………………………………………………………………...14

Population and Sampling……………………………………………………………….14

Sources of Data…………………………………………………………………………15

Data Gathering Procedure………………………………………………………………15

Data Analysis…………………………………………………………………………...15

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

Chapter IV – Presentation, Interpretation, and Analysis of Data

Tables, Figures, and Interpretations…………………………………………………….16

Chapter V – Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations






Appendix A: Online Survey Questionnaire Link……………………………………….37

Appendix B: Online Survey Questionnaire……………………………………………..37

Appendix C: Researcher Profile………………………………………………………...43

List of Tables

Table 1: Dimensions of Organizational Culture…………………………………………7

Table 2: Age of Respondents…………………………………………………………...16

Table 3 Where Respondents Work……………………………………………………..17

Table 4: How Long The Respondents Been Working………………………………….18

Table 5: Awareness of Respondents to Organizational Culture………………………..19

Table 6: Awareness of Respondents to Company Workplace and Environment………20

Table 7: Friendliness, Safety, and Trust-Worthiness of the Respondents’ Company


Table 8: Non-conduciveness of Company Environments………………………………22

Table 9: Help of Management Style to Work Performance…………………………….23

Table 10: Demotivating Are the Collective Principles in Work………………………...24

Table 11: Effects and Contribution of Dimensions of Organizational Culture to

Work Performance of Employees……………………………………………25

Table 12: Effects and Contribution of Dimensions of Company Workplace to

Work Performance of Employees……………………………………………27

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

Table 13: Dissatisfaction to the Dimensions Leads to Not Being Productive………….29

Table 14: Relationship of Organizational Culture and Company Workplace………….30

List of Figures

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………….13

Figure 2: Description and Relationship of Variables…………………………………...14

Figure 3: : Effects and Contribution of Dimensions of Organizational Culture to

Work Performance of Employees…………………………………………...26

Figure 4: Effects and Contribution of Dimensions of Company Workplace to

Work Performance of Employees……………………………………………28

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City



The Problem and Its Background

The improvisation of current contexts of organizational culture and company workplace

continues to have an effect to employees’ performance. Anything that contributes to workers’

factors of productivity is related to how a company runs and directs its staffs, and how structured

and unstructured practices are being implemented and exercised in the organization. Conformity

of employees and the extension of it to their performance to organizational culture and workplace

have been observed by some scholars, however organizational excellences could be varied from

organization to organization and certain cultural traits could be source of competitive advantages

through causal ambiguity (Barney, 1991; Peters and Waterman, 1982). However, efforts to

conduct these researches in developing countries are lacking and needs more attention (Uddin et

al., 2012), and such is observed in the Philippines, and many other arising nations. On the other

side, according to Cummings and Swabb (1997), employees must be committed to meeting

organization’s objectives instead of their personal objectives, instigating the initiative of

employees to improve their work performance and productivity, despite having or not considering

the consequences of organizational culture and company workplace. According to Chien (2015),

a successful organization requires employees who are willing to do more than their usual job scope

and contribute performance that exceed goal’s expectations. In the light of these events, a cross-

sectional study among different industries and fields of work will be very beneficial to contributing

a new knowledge of how a diverse culture and workplace can affect employees’ performance.

The goal of expanding our knowledge about these subjects are motivated by the

experiences of employees. As the level of competency among industries, and with the acquisition

of new technologies, it is vital to look at how employees are catching and coping up to new trends

and how these affect their field of work and their productivity. In the research conducted by Julie

(2016), he noted that technology is changing by the day, and the attention of managers is on human

resource that are related to effect these changes for a higher performance. The monitoring activities

of managers are now based on how employees conduct their performance using technology.

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

More companies are trying to improve the culture that has been established in their

workplace. According to the article of Lepis (2017), research shows that an organization with

strong company culture results in higher employee-engagement scores. Higher engagement equals

higher productivity, less absenteeism, increased productivity, among others. With these findings

the researcher aims to look for the effectivity and application of such implications to Filipino

employees considering a number of demographic factors such as class status, the size of the

company they are working in, and the current status of the country and its societal regards.

In examining the culture of the organization and its corresponding effects to performance

of employees, it is inevitable to also recognize the factors of workplace to how staff manage to

work. Such conditions are beset to examine the satisfactory of employees to their workplace and

how compliant are the factors of workplace to staff’s performance. In the study conducted by

Pradhan and Jena (2016), they were able to capitalize on the importance of the workplace to

yielding of productive performance of employees. In this particular study however, what we define

as workplace is the physical and ergonomic arrangement of tangible objects in the room or building

where employees work in. Stallworth and Kleiner (1996) argue that increasingly an organization’s

physical layout is designed around employee needs in order to maximize productivity and

satisfaction. According to Leblebici (2012), there is a widely accepted assumption that better

workplace environment motivates employees and produces better results. The researcher found a

significant inter-relevance between company workplace and employees’ performance.

The benefit of having this study conducted is the possibility of taking a broader look on

how companies lead, run, and direct the labor of their staff through their organizational culture.

Workplace, which plays an important role on the performance of workers, is also observed, and

the effects to the later will be concluded. This research also entails a better understanding on how

employees accept, adjust, and cope up to what has been given to them by both controllable and

inevitable circumstances in front of them. Although this study does not condone the romanticizing

of precedented hardship and suffering of employees, the relevance of such situation to their work

performance is noticeable.

Generally, the goal of this study is to present valuable literature, and to yield essential

results for the betterment of all whom this research concerns. The concerns of employees should

not be taken for granted, as employees and human capital are the most important asset of an

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

organization (Guest, 2001). As to this, the researcher aims to find the causal relationship of

organizational culture and workplace to work performance of employees.

Recent studies on the factors affecting employees’ performance have been prevalent

through years (See: Khan and Jabbar, 2013; Bob, 2011; Armstrong, 2015; Shahzad et al., 2008;

Maxwell and Chukwudi, 2018, among many others). But taking these factors into consideration,

one shed area of this study is the effects of description of organizational culture and workplace to

the aforementioned materials of proponent. The conflict arises as when and how organizational

culture and workplace affect the performance of employees when at work. Based on the findings

of Julie (2016) on employee productivity and performance, the researcher upholds the belief that

his findings are affected as well by organizational culture and workplace (Maxwell and Chukwudi,


Statement of the Problem

As response to these findings and to the found the researcher was able to formulate

questions that needed to be answered at the end of the study. These questions were designed to

further help the researcher in reaching its goal in conducting the study, and to give a foundation in

bridging the research gaps discussed. The statement of the problems is as follows:

1. What are the effects of organizational culture and workplace to the factors that

affect employees’ performance?

2. How well aware are the employees of their company’s organizational culture and


3. How do structured and unstructured practices among the people of the organization

affect employees’ performance?

4. How does physical, emotional, psychological, social, and organizational aspects of

the workplace affect the efficiency and effectivity of employees and their output?

5. How are organizational culture and company workplace interrelated to each other?

The conforming of employees to the prevailing culture, practices, and norms of the

organization they work in are responsive to how they perform (Khan and Jabbar, 2013). Workplace

on the other hand also plays a vital role on how employees work (Borman and Wotowildo, 1993).

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City


The study being conducted was given by the researcher these hypotheses:

1.) Organizational culture has positive contribution to employee performance

2.) Company workplace has positive contribution to employee performance

Significance of the Study

The researcher intended to expand its purpose on benefitting the following, and propose to

extend the findings of this study to them:

First, to company owners. The purpose of this study was to help finding out how

employees are working under certain conditions, specifically under the influence of organizational

culture and workplace. Company owners and their actions respond to how managed the company

culture is. They are also in charge for setting the standard of workplace in totality.

Second, to company supervisors, managers, and administrators. As the ones who

directly lead the labor of staffs and monitor their performance, it is vital for them to see how the

determinants of organizational culture and workplace affect the factors that influence the work

performance of employees. The vitality of instilling a culture of productivity was shown in this

particular study.

Third, to employees. The quality of their labor reflects on how and where they work. Being

productive is solely not affected by any personal choices and decisions (Eby, 2006). Factors that

are not under their control influence greatly on how they work. This study was intended to feed

the knowledge on employees on in what other aspects is their performance affected.

Forth and lastly, to future researchers. May this study become a significant addition in

this field of knowledge. This study provides useful literature for further studies.

Scope and Limitations

The scope of this study is limited to employees who work for select companies in the

Philippines, ranging from accounting, engineering, government-run organizations, and others. Any

more findings that may be found beyond the limit of this research will be nevertheless presented

as it may show up a good relevance to the study of such topic. Any findings however that may be

found entitled to this research will be fully considered and be taken not for granted. The researcher

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

believes that any connectivity found that may be helpful enough for the betterment of this study

should be given attention with.

Definition of Terms

1) Organizational culture – (Needel, 2004) body of value that shapes the way employees

behave at their task; collective principles of organizational activities.

2) Workplace – (Tripathi, 2014) the work environment can be defined as the environment in

which people work that include physical setting, job profile, culture and market condition.



On Organizational Culture and Employee Performance

Organizational culture was described by Needel (2004) as body of value that shapes the

way employees behave at their task. Organizational culture is a collective principles of

organizational activities, and a product of such factors as history, product, market, technology,

type of employees and management style (Ugwulebo, 2014) Culture encompasses all aspects of

the organization (Maxwell and Chukwudi, 2018) As Goke (2015) points out, culture embraces

organizational values, norms, leadership styles, reward system etc. values are outstanding

guides to organizational actions. Every organization has a set of values, whether or not it is written.

Values guide the perspectives of the organization as well as its actions (Goke, 2015).

Maxwell and Chukwudi (2018) further described that organizational culture consists of

beliefs and values shared within the organization. It influences the worker’s degree of job

satisfaction as well as the level and quality of their performance (Agulanna and Madu, 2003).

Sharplin (1983) defined organizational culture as “the system of shared values, beliefs, and habits

within an organization that interacts with formal structure to produce behavioral norms. On another

note, Armstrong (2006) defined organizational culture as the pattern of values, norms, beliefs,

attitudes and assumptions that may not have been articulated but shape the ways in which people

behave and things get done. Spender (1990) defined it as a belief system shared by an

organization’s members. In his own definition, Schein (1983) saw organizational culture as

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

the pattern of basic assumptions that a given group has invented, discovered, or developed in

learning to cope with its problem of external adaptation and internal integration. Organization

culture is the set of values, often taken for granted, that help people in an organization, understand

which actions are considered acceptable and which are considered unacceptable (Moorhead and

Giffin, 1992). The implementation of the organizational culture required every employee to agree

and comply in full, meaningful culture imposed a strong culture (Musriha, 2013)

Frank (1990) shared that culture govern what the company stands for, how it allocates

resources, its organizational structure, the system it uses, the people it hires, the fit between jobs

and people, the result it recognizes and rewards, what it defines as problems and opportunities,

and how it deals with them. Based on the definition given, organizational culture impacts greatly

the operations of the business. In operating the business, it is inevitable to look on how employees

perform when at work (Kiisel, 2020). The culture of an organization is sometimes conceptualized

as the climate or weather of a place (Maxwell and Chukwudi, 2018) Furthermore, culture affects

not only the way managers behave within the organization but also the decisions they make about

the organization with its environment and its strategy (Lorch,1988).

Furthermore, organizational culture will give employees the freedom to practice their faith,

thus, organizational culture will make the employee feel satisfied with his work (Musriha, 2013).

He added that organizational effectiveness can be improved by creating a culture that will lead to

the achievement of organizational objectives and at the same time will satisfy employees. O'Reilly

et al. (1991) states, there is a relationship between the strength of organizational culture with the

culture of employee selection and performance, with a strong organizational culture will be able

to improve employee performance. Culture can provide power to the behavior of members of the

organization, because it can foster consistency and predictability creativity and manage problems

in the organization (Hodge et al., 2003)

Organizational culture has instigated a lot of effects to work performance of employees

and influences greatly the factors that affect them. On the other hand, identifying the dimensions

of organizational culture is vital in achieving the yielding of whether company culture cultivates

positive of negative impact on employees’ performance and productivity.

In determining the contribution of organizational culture to work performance of

employees, it is undeniable that we need to consider the factors and determinants affecting

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

organizational culture. According to the studies of Sarros et al., (2005), they postulated dimensions

of organizational culture. Although many academicians who have worked on the same field of

knowledge also posted their own dimensions of organizational culture (See: Denison and Neale,

1996; Van der Post et al., 1997; Veiga et al., 2000; and Park, 2001, among others), for the sake of

simplicity and considering the time frame, the models of Sarros et al., (2005) will be used. The

dimensions of organizational culture are as follows (Sarros et al., 2005):


Competitiveness Achievement orientation

An emphasis on quality
Being distinctive, different from others
Being competitive
Social Responsibility Being reflective
Having a good reputation
Being socially responsible
Having a clear guiding philosophy
Supportiveness Being team-oriented
Sharing information freely
Being people oriented
Innovation Being innovative
Quick to take advantage of opportunities
Risk taking
Taking individual responsibility
Emphasis on Rewards Fairness
Opportunities for professional growth
High pay for good performance
Praise for good performance
Performance Orientation Having high expectation for performance
Enthusiasm for job
Being results oriented
Being highly organized
Stability Stability
Being calm
Security employment
Low conflict
Table 1: Dimensions of Organizational Culture (Sarros et al., 2005)

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

On Company Workplace and Employee Performance

The workplace environment is the employees immediate surrounding where he performs

his work. Employees’ workplace environment is a key determinant of the quality of their work and

their level of productivity (Satyendra, 2019). According to Tripathi (2014) the work environment

can be defined as the environment in which people work that include physical setting, job profile,

culture and market condition. Work environment can be thought of simply as the environment in

which people work (Briner, 2000) as such; it is a very broad category that encompasses the

physical setting, for example: heat and equipment, characteristics of the job itself, for example,

workload and task complexity. He adds that it also encompasses broader organizational features

and even aspects of the external organizational setting such as culture, history, local labor market

conditions, industry sector, and work life balance.

Employees in many organizations are encountering with working problems related to

workplace environmental and physical factors (Nanzushi, 2015). It has been argued by Pech and

Slade (2006) that employee disengagement is increasing and it has become important to make

workplaces that positively influence workforce.

New evidence of a strong correlation between productivity, creativity and even profitability

with employee working conditions, such as: light, air, noise, health, culture, design, movement

and the quality of furniture have been established in a new report (Bean, 2017). The syndicated

research project, Wellness Together, carried out by Sapio Research, of 1000 UK based office

workers and 50 Facilities Management experts, suggests a strong link between people feeling

catered and cared for by their workplace or employers and how this impacts business performance.

The study identifies that in order to achieve true ‘wellness’ attention to every single component

that can impact mental and physical health needs to be considered, from building structures and

company cultures through to the physical furniture and fittings that employees require to work

efficiently and effectively (Hales, 2017). The study also found out that workplace conditions drive

profitability, productivity, and innovation. Researchers from Sapio (2017) also noted that having

healthy food and access to outdoor spaces result to having better performance of employees. On

the other hand, messy desks and shared spaces, hunting for stationery, unpleasant odor, and too

loud nearby offices and people contribute to the halting of employee productivity. Employees that

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

rate themselves as having low physical and mental well-being typically feel less stable to do the

things that are good for their concentration, Hale (2017) added.

Workplace environment is an important component of work life for employees as

employees spend significant part of their time at work, and it affects them in one way or

the other (Hafeez et al., 2019). Kamarulzaman et al., (2001) concluded that the employees who

are satisfied from their work environment can lead towards more positive work outcomes. They

found that working environment is essential, as in a comfortable environment employee can focus

on their job correctly, and it leads to a better employee performance, which leads to improved

organizational productivity. According to Hafeez et al. (2019), previous researchers found that

several environmental factors such as noise, color, temperature, workplace design and use of

indoor plants influence employee performance and well-being.

Based on previous researches, it can be determined that in the organization, the

working environment is significant and has a high impact on employees with different aspects

(Hafeez et al., 2019). They also concluded that however, if the organization environment is

friendly, safe, and trusted, it impacts employees positively and their performance, creativity,

productivity, commitment, and financial health drive high, which also influences the

organization augmentations. If organization environment does not attract the employees and they

have a negative perception of different workplace environment elements like absenteeism,

performance, stress-related illness, and productivity, then eventually their obligation has reduced

to a low level which in turn affects the organization productivity and augmentations (Cottini

& Ghinetti, 2012).

Naharuddin and Sadegi (2013) found in their research that the workplace environment

significantly impacts the performance of the employees. Leblebici (2012) conducted their

research on a foreign bank in Turkey and analyzed the working environment conditions in

relation to employee productivity. The researcher said workplace environment consists of

physical and behavioral environmental factors. They considered Physical components

consisting of: natural light, cleanliness, ventilation, heating/cooling facilities, comfortable

working environment, informal meeting area, office layout, working desk/ area and general and

personal storage space. Behavioral components included: creative physical environment,

distraction, social interaction and office layout in terms of ease of working. They found

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

that healthy behavioral workplace condition yields positive consequences on employees even if

physical environmental conditions are unfavorable, another finding of the study was:

behavioral components of working environment affect employee performance more

significantly than physical components (Hafeez et al., 2019) Additionally, Brill (1992) estimates

that improvements in the physical design of the workplace may result in a 5-10 percent increase

in employee productivity. Working environment is argued to impact immensely on employees’

performance either towards negative or the positive outcomes (Chandrasekar, 2001)

Haynes (2008a) argued that organization productivity can be improved 5% to 10%

by upgrading physical design of workplace, this increased organizational performance is actually

a result of enhanced employee performance. A number of researches have been conducted

on the investigation of effects of physical environment on employee participation towards

work, employee performance and loyalty towards organization (Hafeez et al., 2019) Better

outcomes and increased productivity is assumed to be the result of better workplace environment

(Bushiri, 2014)

The indoor environment has the biggest effect on productivity in relation to job stress and

job dissatisfaction (Leblebici, 2012). As suggested by Govindarajulu (2004), in the twenty-first

century, businesses are taking a more strategic approach to environmental management to enhance

their productivity through improving the performance level of the employees. Sekar (2011) argues

that the relationship between work, the workplace and the tools of work, workplace becomes an

integral part of work itself. In all of the work patterns, it was found that interaction was perceived

to be the component to have the most positive effect on productivity, and distraction was perceived

to have the most negative (Leblebici, 2012). Bushiri (2014) suggested that organizations have to

create a work environment where people enjoy what they do, feel like they have a purpose, have

pride in what they do, and can reach their potential. Williams and Priestley (1980) indicate that

because the majority of major injuries occur to non-drivers the poor design and layout of

workplaces must be seen as a causal factor.

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

On Employee Performance

Organizations need highly performing individuals in order to meet their goals, to deliver

the products and services they specialized in, and finally to achieve competitive advantage

(Sonnentag and Frese, 2001). Performance is a multicomponent concept and on the fundamental

level one can distinguish the process aspect of performance, that is, behavioral engagements from

an expected outcome (Borman and Motowidlo, 1993; Campbell et al., 1993; Roe, 1999). Low

performance and not achieving the goals might be experienced as dissatisfying or even as a

personal failure. Moreover, performance—if it is recognized by others within the organization—

is often rewarded by financial and other benefits. (Van Scotter et al., 2000). Armstrong (2006)

defines performance as the development of quantified objectives.

Performance is not only a matter of what people achieve but how they achieve (Nanzushi,

2015). Performance is defined by Sultana et al. (2012) as the achievement of specified tasks against

predetermined or identified standards of accuracy, completeness, cost and speed. High

performance is a step towards the achievement of organizational goals and tasks. Platt and Sobotka

(2010) assert that employee performance is the combined result of effort, ability and perception of

tasks. The factors that affect the level of individual performance are motivation, ability and

opportunity to participate (Armstrong, 2009). He perceives performance as a function of ability

and motivation. There are a number of factors that affect employee performance, the workplace

environment impacts most their level of motivation hence their performance (Nanzushi, 2015).

Additionally, Stup (2003) concluded that to have a standard performance, employers have to get

the employees task done on track so as to achieve the organizational goals.

Employees and their productivity are the heart of the organization. When there is no

productive and working employee, the survival of the organization is at stake. Moreover, employee

work performance poses a great influence to the company’s profitability, productivity, and

innovation. As Sinha (2001) stated, employees’ performance is depending on the willingness and

also the openness of the employees itself on doing their job. He also stated that by having this

willingness and openness of the employees in doing their job, it could increase the employees’

productivity which also leads to the performance. On the other hand, there are several factors that

being described by Stup (2003) towards the success of the employees’ performance. The factors

are such as physical work environment, equipment, meaningful work, performance expectation,

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

feedback on performance, reward for good or bad system, standard operating procedures,

knowledge, skills and attitudes.

Employee performance and productivity is of major concern in any economy worldwide

(Chebet, 2015). According to Armstrong and Murlis (2007), reward systems and recognition are

consistently acknowledged by organizations and managers as an important tool in motivating

individual employees. Reward systems are the clearest ways managers and leaders of an

organization can send a message to employees about what they consider important. A great deal

of the way people behave in an organization is influenced by the way they are measured and

rewarded (Kasser, 2002).

Bruce (2004) points out that under-management is the underlying issue in most cases of

suboptimal work performance at all levels. The undermanaged employee struggles since the

supervisor is not sufficiently engaged to provide the direction and support needed. In their study

Gupta (2010) notes that cohesion has a significant positive impact on performance. An employee

operating in an environment that has good team cohesion is likely to dedicate effort towards

realizing the expected performance levels. Performance appraisal plays a significant role in

defining an employee’s performance (Chebet, 2015)

Training facilitates the updating of skills and lead to increase commitment, wellbeing, and

sense of belonging, thus directly strengthening the organization’s competitiveness (Acton and

Golden, 2002; Karia and Ahmad, 2000; Karia, 1999).Training has the distinct role in the

achievement of an organizational goal by incorporating the interests of organization and the

workforce (Stone R J. Human Resource Management, 2002). The primary role of training is to

improve the employees’ skill for current and future duties and responsibilities (Chebet, 2015)

In examining the factors that affect employee performance, it is inevitable to look at on

how employees do their work. Employees labor to have the benefits of their own and they deserve.

Employees should not be deprived of the rights and rewards they deserved and earned. Companies

on the other hand should treasure and value the importance of having employees not just by

offering rewards and higher pay but also introducing a culture which is productive and functioning,

and provide as well a workplace that is not exhausting and ergonomically conducive enough to

have a safe and productive place of work. Organizations should be the one to protect their

employees because they are the working legs that make the company run (Kirk, 2002)

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No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

Conceptual Framework

In order to obtain informational and productive yielding, the researcher provided a

conceptual framework that will be used to come up with new knowledge:

Theoretical Framework

The study is grounded on the Two Factor Theory (Herzberg, 1986). Herzberg came to a

conclusion that the aspects of the work environment that satisfy employees are different from the

aspects that dissatisfy them. The theory points out that improving the environment in which the

job is performed motivates employees to perform better. The other theory is Weiss and

Cropanzano’s Affective Events Theory (AET) (1996) which explains the link between internal

influences and their reactions to incidents that occur in their work environment that affect

employee performance, organizational commitment and job satisfaction (Phua, 2012).

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Senior High School Department
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No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City



Research Design

The research design used for this paper was qualitative research design. Specifically, under

qualitative research, this study followed a causal-comparative design. Under this research design,

the researcher provided cause-and-effect relationship among independent and dependent variable.

In this particular study, the dependent variable is the employee performance, while the independent

variables are organizational culture and company workplace.


(obtained through literature and studies)

Organizational Culture
Employee Performance

Company Workplace
(obtained through survey)

Figure 2: Description and Relationship of Variables

Population and Sampling

The population targeted by this research was quite big. In the latest numbers of Philippine

Statistics Authority (PSA) in their Labor Force Survey for 2019, an estimate of 504, 000 private-

establishment employees in the country.

The method used to gather respondents is through the use of social media. An online survey

was published and was answered by respondents. After two days, the researcher gathered 15

respondents in the online survey. The sampling was simple random sampling where everyone in

the population had an equal chance of being a respondent. In this research, however, only those

who heeded the call for the online survey were the respondents.

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Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

Sources of Data

The researcher made an online survey. The survey was composed of questions asking for

their profile, nine (9) multiple questions, most are closed questions, and then two (2) multiple

choice grid questions, namely the dimensions of organizational culture and company workplace,

wherein the respondents had to tell if these dimensions positively, neutrally, or negatively affect

their work performance.

The dimensions aforementioned that appeared in the online survey conducted was

discussed on the review of related literature. The items were adopted and constructed in nature.

Data Gathering Procedure

Data gathering procedure was administered online. The researcher sent the online survey

form link to target respondents and it was answered also online by the respondents. The data were

automatically tallied since it was administered online. The data retrieval was also eased for the

survey was made online. There were no experimental and control strategies made.

However, data gathering procedure and its results were subjected to many weaknesses

because of the small number of respondents against the large number population.

Data Analysis

After the collection and tallying of data from the respondents, the researcher presented

them through table, graphs, and figures, and analyzed them. The researcher used a non-

complicated statistical treatment on data analysis and procedure:

𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 = × 100%
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑠

Wherein 15 is the total number of respondents.

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Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City



In this chapter, the researcher presents the results and outcome of the survey conducted.

The researcher extends these results through the use of tables and figures.

Table 2 - Age of Respondents



19-21 years old 6 40% 1

22-24 years old 4 27% 2

25-27 years old 2 13% 4

28 and above years

3 20% 3

TOTAL 15 100%

Six (6) of the respondents are in the range of 19 to 21 years old. Four (4) of the respondents

are 22 to 24 years old, accounting to 27% of the respondents. Two (2) out of all respondents are

aged 25-27 years old. Lastly, three (3) of the respondents are 28 years old or above.

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No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

Table 3 - Industry Where Respondents Work



Accounting and Audit 5 33% 1

Finance 5 33% 1

BPO 3 20% 2

Engineering and

Construction 1 7% 3

Medical 1 7% 3

TOTAL 15 100%

There were five (5) respondents who work for Accounting and Audit Firms, and Finance,

accounting for 66% of the the total number of respondents. Three (3) of the respondent work in

the business processes outsourcing (BPO) industry, which is 20% of the total number of the

respondents. There was one (1) respondent both from engineering and construction, and medical

industries, which accounts to 14% of the number of respondents combined.

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No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

Table 4 - How Long Have the Respondents Been Working



More then a year 11 74% 1

A year 2 13% 2

Months 2 13% 3

Weeks 0 0% 4

TOTAL 15 100%

The table shows majority (74%) of the respondents have a work experience for more than

a year. On the other side four (4) respondents have been working for their company for a year and

for months, both have two(2) respondents respectively, accounting to 26% of the respondents. No

respondent have worked for just weeks.

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No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

Table 5 – Awareness of Respondents to Organizational Culture




Yes 15 100% 1

No 0 0% 2

TOTAL 15 100%

The table proves the knowledge and awareness of the respondents to the organizational

culture of the company where they work in. All 15 (100%) of the respondents answered they agree

to the statement that they are aware of the company’s organizational culture.

Awareness of employees to organizational culture influences their work performance as

they base their own personal values on how the organization as a whole set theirs.

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No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

Table 6 – Awareness of Respondents to Company Workplace and Environment




Yes 15 100% 1

No 0 0% 2

TOTAL 15 100%

All fifteen (15) respondents affirmed that they are aware and knowledgeable on the

company workplace and environment where they work in.

This proved that they are valid to answer the following questions of the survey, approving

or disapproving the contribution of organizational culture and company workplace to their


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No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

Table 7 – Friendliness, Safety, and Trust-Worthiness of The Respondents’ Company





Yes 15 100% 1

No 0 0% 2

TOTAL 15 100%

The table presents that all fifteen (15) respondents are aware that their company workplace

is friendly, safe, and trusted. The safety, friendliness, and trust-worthiness of a company in terms

of its workplace mean that the company values the health and physical well-being of their

employees, so that they could perform their duties well.

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No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

Table 8 – Non-conduciveness of Company Environment




Disagree 14 93% 1

Agree 1 7% 2

TOTAL 15 100%

Almost all (14) of the respondents disagreed that their company environment is not

conducive for working. On the other hand, only one (1) respondent said that his/her company

workplace is not conducive for productive work.

According to Ranosa (2019), a conducive workplace environment provides influences

productivity. Initiatives in making and developing a more conducive workplace environment

appeal more employees that having personal and individual perks and benefits.

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No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

Table 9 – Help of Management Style on Work Performance




Agree 14 93% 1

Disagree 1 7% 2

TOTAL 15 100%

The management style of a company varies on their promulgated values. Fourteen (14) of

the respondents agree that the management style hailed in their workplace. The remaining one (1)

respondent answered a negative notion on the management style on their performance.

Management styles contribute to how the employee inputs in their work. The environment

wherein they work, especially when they are around their superiors, affect greatly to how they

work, just like what we see on the table above. The management style is also an outcome of an a

priori values by the company.

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No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

Table 10 – Demotivating of Collective Principles in Work




Disagree 14 93% 1

Agree 1 7% 2

TOTAL 15 100%

The collective principles of the company contribute greatly on the work performance of

employees, as it is part of the organizational culture. The distinction however comes as collective

principles are promulgated not by the company itself, but of its people and workers.

Fourteen (14) responded they disagree on the negative effect of these collective principles.

On the other hand, one (1) responded he or she agrees that these principles is demotivating.

As one of the values presented by the company’s workers, collective principles of

employees contributes on how they act, perform, and these affect the productivity of a certain


New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

Table 11 – Effects and Contribution of Dimensions of Organizational Culture to Work

Performance of Employees


Orientation 11 73% 4 27% 0 0%
Quality-Driven 12 80% 3 20% 0 0%
Being distinctive,
different from others 7 46.67% 7 46.67% 1 6.66%
Competitiveness 10 66.67% 4 26.67% 1 6.66%
Reflectiveness 11 73% 4 27% 0 0%
Having a good
reputation 11 73% 4 27% 0 0%
Socially responsible 13 86.67% 2 13% 0 0%
Guiding philosophy 11 73% 4 27% 0 0%
Innovativeness 12 80% 3 20% 0 0%
Quick to take
advantage of
opportunities 14 93% 1 7% 0 0%
Risk-taking 8 53% 7 47% 0 0%
Taking individual
responsibility 9 60% 6 40% 0 0%
Fairness 11 73% 4 27% 0 0%
Opportunities for
professional growth 12 80% 3 20% 0 0%
High pay for good
performance 10 66.67% 4 26.67% 1 6.66%
Praise for good
performance 10 66.67% 5 33.33% 0 0%
Having high
expectation for
performance 7 46.67% 7 46.67% 1 6.66%
Enthusiasm for job 12 80% 3 20% 0 0%
Being results driven 11 73% 4 27% 0 0%
Being highly
organized 13 86.67% 2 13.33% 0 0%
Stability 12 80% 3 20% 0 0%
Being calm 12 80% 3 20% 0 0%
Security employment 11 73% 4 27% 0 0%
Low conflict 8 53% 7 47% 0 0%
TOTAL 258 98 4
71.7% 27.2% 1.1%
MEAN 10.75 4.09 0.16

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No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

The table above confirms the positive contribution of organizational culture to work

performance of employees. The survey show that 7 out of every 10 employees are positively

affected by the existing organizational culture. The figure below shows the distribution of these


Effects and Contribution of Dimensions of Organizational Culture to Work

Performance of Employees

Low conflict 8 7 0

Security employment 11 4 0

Being calm 12 3 0

Stability 12 3 0

Being highly organized 13 2 0

Being results driven 11 4 0

Enthusiasm for job 12 3 0

Having high expectation for performance 7 7 1

Praise for good performance 10 5 0

Dimensions of Organizational Culture

High pay for good performance 10 4 1

Opportunities for professional growth 12 3 0

Fairness 11 4 0

Taking individual responsibility 9 6 0

Risk-taking 8 7 0

Quick to take advantage of opportunities 14 1 0

Innovativeness 12 3 0

Guiding philosophy 11 4 0

Socially responsible 13 2 0

Having a good reputation 11 4 0

Reflectiveness 11 4 0

Competitiveness 10 4 1

Being distinctive, different from others 7 7 1

Quality-Driven 12 3 0

Achievement Orientation 11 4 0

Positively Neutral Negatively

Figure 3: Effects and Contribution of Dimensions of Organizational Culture to Work Performance of Employees

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No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

Table 12 – Effects and Contribution of Dimensions of Company Workplace to Work

Performance of Employees


Lighting 9 60% 6 40% 0 0%
Ventilation 10 67% 5 33% 0 0%
Noise 6 40% 4 27% 5 33%
Physical Health 12 80% 3 20% 0 0%
Furniture 10 67% 5 33% 0 0%
Odor 10 67% 3 20% 2 13%
Stationary 11 73% 3 20% 1 7%
Temperature 10 67% 4 27% 1 7%
Workplace Design 11 73% 4 27% 0 %
Office Lay-out 12 80% 3 20% 0 0%
Equipment and Tools 12 80% 3 20% 0 0%
Bond with Workmates 13 87% 2 13% 0 0%
Unity among
Teammates 13 87% 2 13% 0 0%
Attitude of Higher-Ups 9 60% 4 27% 2 13%
Leniency of Higher-ups 11 73% 4 27% 0 0%
Difficulty of Tasks 8 53% 7 47% 0 0%
Severity of Workload 8 53% 6 40% 1 7%
Reward system 11 73% 4 27% 0 0%
Compliance to
Hierarchy 9 60% 5 33% 1 7%
Salary 10 67% 5 33% 0 0%
Support system among
Workmates 13 87% 2 13% 0 0%
Support system of
Higher ups 12 80% 3 20% 0 0%
TOTAL 230 87 13
MEAN 10.45 70% 3.95 26% 0.6 4%

The table above proves the relationship of dimensions of company workplace to work

performance of employees. The table shows that 7 out of 10 employees are positively affected by

their company workplace. According to the results, the contribution of workplace to employees

are very important for it positively affects their work performance.

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Senior High School Department
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No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

The figure below shows the distribution of the results from the survey. Among all of these

twenty-two (22) dimensions, support system among workmates, unity among teammates, and bond

with workmates, which all got 13 responses are the greatest factor of company workplace which

positively impacts their work performance. According to McFarlin (2019), relationship among

workmates yields to improved teamwork and collaborations, improved morale, high employee

retention rates, and most of all, improved productivity.

Contribution of Dimensions of Company Workplace to Work

Performace of Employees

Support system of Higher ups 12 3 0

Support system among Workmates 13 2 0

Salary 10 5 0

Compliance to Heirerchy 9 5 1

Reward system 11 4 0

Severity of Workload 8 6 1

Difficulty of Tasks 8 7 0
Determinants of Company Workplace

Leniency of Higher-ups 11 4 0

Attitude of Higher-Ups 9 4 2

Unity among Teammates 13 2 0

Bond with Workmates 13 2 0

Equipment and Tools 12 3 0

Office Lay-out 12 3 0

Workplace Design 11 4 0

Temperature 10 4 1

Stationary 11 3 1

Odor 10 3 2

Furniture 10 5 0

Physical Health 12 3 0

Noise 6 4 5

Ventilation 10 5 0

Lighting 9 6 0


Figure 4: Effects and Contribution of Dimensions of Company Workplace to Work Performance of Employees

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No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

Table 13 – Dissatisfaction to the Dimensions Leads to Not Being Productive




Strongly Disagree 1 7% 5

Disagree 3 20% 3

Neutral 2 13% 4

Agree 5 33% 1

Strongly Agree 4 27% 2

TOTAL 15 100%

The table above proves that the respondents agree that when they get dissatisfied to

organizational culture and company workplace, they will be not productive in terms of their work

performance. Five (5) respondents accounting to 33% of all the responses correspond that they

agree to the terms. Four (4) respondents, meanwhile, answered they strongly agree to this

statement. Three (3) respondents decided to disagree to the terms. Two (2) respondent answered

to be neutral. Meanwhile, only one (1) respondent said that they strongly disagree to the terms.

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No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

Table 14 – Relationship of Organizational Culture and Company Workplace




Strongly Disagree 2 13% 3

Disagree 0 0% 4

Neutral 4 27% 2

Agree 5 33% 1

Strongly Agree 4 27% 2

TOTAL 15 100%

The table shows that five (5) respondents accounting to 33% of all answers agreed that

organizational culture and company workplace are affecting each other. This is proven on how the

respondents answered the first questions. Four (4) responses meaning 27% of total answers are

strongly agree, and neutral as well. Two (2) respondents on the other hand strongly disagreed to

the terms. No one disagreed.

On the other note, as one of the goals and objectives of this study is how related are

organizational culture and company workplace. The tables above show that they are affecting

together, and they co-exist as on non-tangible aspect of the company.

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No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City


In this chapter, the researcher presents the summary of findings, conclusions and

recommendations in respect to the research conducted. The researcher provided valuable and

factual findings, conclusions, and applicable and practical recommendations .


This study was conducted to find out what contributes do organizational culture and

company workplace have to work performance of employees. This was because aside from

personal and individual pursuance of employees to have an excellent output at work, external and

uncontrollable factors also have great influence to their productivity and performance.

The literature discussed that organizational culture and company workplace have been a

subject of previous researches and studies. However, it showed that these two (2) aspects of work

performance have not been discussed collectively. This study is grounded to the Two Factor

Theory and Affective Events Theory (AET) by Herzberg (1986) and Weiss Cropanzano (1996),


Through an online survey questionnaire, the researcher were able to gather data from the

respondents. An online survey questionnaire composed of close-ended questions (except from the

profiling of individual respondents) and multiple choices grid questions were sent to respondents

through a link, that brought them to the survey when clicked.

The results of the online survey conducted yielded that organizational culture and

company workplace work together for the betterment of work performance of employees. The

dimensions that were given provided that they contribute positively to their productivity. It showed

that 7 out of 10 employees are positively affected by these two factors spontaneously in their work


The researcher recommended that companies and employees take action in respect to the

findings shown in this study.

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City


The results of the survey provide some of the first empirical data about the perceptions of

employees on the effect of organization culture and company workplace collectively to their work

performance. The survey obtained results and information from different kinds of employees from

different industries and companies, from different organizational culture and company workplace.

The survey data provided evidence about how respondents perceive these factors to their work


While useful, the results of the survey and its corresponding interpretations must be

viewed with caution because of the low response rate and possible response bias. More so, the

researcher only gathered fifteen (15) respondents among the big population and scope of the study.

On the other hand, a few of the questions and the respondents’ corresponding answers may be

viewed and interpreted into different angles and methods. Despite these limitations and

precautions, with the detailed and insightful literature provided by the researcher in Chapter II, the

researcher believed that this study still provided and offered valuable knowledge and new


Overall, the survey findings suggested that there are positive contributions to employees’

work performance are organizational culture and company workplace, and supported the

theoretical framework afore provided by the researcher.

At the end of this study, the research proved, through interpretation and analysis of data

obtained in the online survey conducted, that the hypotheses provided by the researcher on Chapter

I are true and proven. As the results suggested, 7 out of 10 employees are positively affected by

organizational culture and company workplace.

The researcher therefore concludes that organizational culture and company workplace

have positive contribution to work performance of employees.

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City


In this section, the researcher provides recommendations to the entities concerned in

respect to the results yielded in this research:

1.) Employees

a. Let the positive aspects and dimensions of organizational culture and company

workplace affect you;

b. Take advantage and give maximize the benefits of these dimensions and aspects;

c. Be a good influence of performance and productivity to your workmates so that

they could follow suit;

d. Help construct a healthy and productive workplace environment by being socially

participative and affect your workmates; and,

e. Be a teammate and a workmate you want to have. Let them grow through you.

2.) Company Superiors, Managers, and Administrators

a. Provide a workplace conducive enough for employees. With proper lighting, space,

and safety;

b. Instill the values that the company hails, and be their reflection in front of the

employees. Practice what you promulgate;

c. Commence workshops that could promote positive company cultures;

d. Launch activities that could build stronger bonds among all company workers; and,

e. Construct a healthy culture, in physical, social, and emotional aspects of all laborers.

3.) Future Researchers

a. Collect more respondents when dealing with a large number of population;

b. Be sensitive in stating and interpreting presented data. Show no bias towards results;

c. Be enthusiastic in the field you are researching for. Look for joy in every research;

d. Expand the knowledge of psychological and emotional effects of organizational

culture and company workplace and the connection between them;

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

e. Be cautious on your mental health while researching. Protect it so you can do more.


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APPENDIX A – Online Survey Questionnaire Link

The online survey questionnaire was posted through Google Forms. The said form is

accessible through this link:

APPENDIX B – Online Survey Questionnaire

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New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

New Era University Integrated School
Senior High School Department
FAAP ACSCU-AAI Level III Re-accredited
No. 9 Central Ave., New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines, Quezon City

APPENDIX C – Researcher’s Profile



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